#Jessica Darling Series
acourtofquestions · 21 days
Ugh I’ve been so MIA I hate it 😭🖤 but I finally got my hands on a book last night and I can’t even
🚨KoA kinda round up🚨 from the depths of a sleep deprived forgetful quick rambling tired soul fangirling
Aedion screaming please and I take it back as Lysandra stands as Aelin in front of a war
The witch towers with the yielding which is scaring the hell out of me
Aelin reuniting with Chaol seeing him walk and that hug cause healing
And then immediately recognizing Yrene and their moment
And then her and Hasar being the queens they are
Plus Borte being Borte and just so many great characters in one shot
And I’m just so proud of Elide
And guys please for the love of gods just go to Terrasen
And then you have the cadre in all their glory and the ways she describes them which cracks me up because it’s like “stern beautiful Rowan” “glowing golden Gavriel” “Fenrys darling” “miserable bastard Lorcan” and their dynamic I just can’t even🤣 like the two of them have the sibling dynamic down to a science of “we hate each other… but okay maybe not really I guess their fine”
But then they learn about Maeve and holy shit rip my soul out and slap me with it
And then Aelin crying to Rowan which killed a little bit of my soul and healed it to hear it put into words and then killed it again and then there’s her and Fenrys and Gavriel and Rowan
“IM SO SO TIRED ROWAN”🖤 (but also why are we having this talk on an ice covered river… guys drowning is a real issue, just like scoot back into the forrest please?)
“No one would have left you like that, no one”😭 (I did spend like 10 minutes on Reddit trying to figure out what the “do you want me to tell you about it” line meant but I’m pretty sure it was stuff like that😭)
🥺”We fight”🥹
Chaol and Yrene need to talk about the baby so they can celebrate for .5 seconds cause there both being adorable again
Also like is there a new third person view cause now chapters end like “2 minutes in someone chaol never expected walks in” but then 4 chapter later the convo starts & then halfway through someone walks in… it’s not even forshadowing its like a preview?
Also are all valg princes princesses?
But like where’s my babies where’s my 13 where’s my Manon? Where’s my Dorian? We need the king and witch queen! How about my flower child who’s all dopey and in love? But also like no news is good news? I WANT AELIN NOWHERE NEAR THE KEYS WITH HER DEATH PLOT THESE DAYS MMM NO and then I thought it was the 13 when the wiverns pulled up but no it’s a witch tour greatgreatgreat greatgreatgreatgreeeeeeaaattttt
And have I mentioned I’m dead inside and this book is my world and it’s falling apart but in the beautiful perfect kinda way that feels like watching deathly hallows again but better
Also like I’m waiting for Aelin to unleash a fire storm
And it’s Rhoe’s shield🥺🥹
So idk this is where we are today
Chapter 51 here I come let’s see what Lorcan and inevitably Elide are up to and try to do some better posting catch up since the sleep deprivation is at peak productivity and let’s hope all my bbs reunite for a few scenes now and not to die or something cause is that too much to ask
And I love how he just like ✨KAPOW💥 shifts I mean minus the trauma portion but the dramatic light flash effect would make Rhys (our lil wedding crasher) proud
PS PS I still love Nox
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alientee · 7 months
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This is a 3 shot series inspired by the amazing writer @gyoongim. They did amazing with my ask and I’m in love with Alastor x Jessica rabbit .🤣
Fun fact It’s said that Jessica rabbit is also asexual!
Charlie felt defeated, she tried her hardest but there wasn’t shit she could do against that damn Adam or the council. Sera took pity on her stopping her for a moment “Charlie…… while you were not successful maybe we can come to a compromise?”
Charlie looked back up with her with hope in her eyes while Vaggie continues to glare.
“How about this we send an angel down with you, they spend a day in your hotel and we get to learn about all your progress. Maybe that will help sway the masses and myself.
Charlie instantly nodded thanking them over and over again. “So where’s the angle joining us”
“Emily has gotten her….. ah there they are”
Emily bounced forward happily introducing you
“Charlie this is y/n she’s one of the angels that actually believe In your cause!”
Sera looked down at you giving you a stern look.
“You’ll stay there for 1 day and then come right back y/n. Stay safe and good luck”
You walk into the portal with Charlie and Vaggie leading to the hotel. The demon princess didn’t stop talking about how she was going to give you a tour, show you everything they have to offer, even take you to the few nice places in hell. She started to ask you questions. She seemed really sweet and excited to get to know you. “Can I just say you look absolutely gorgeous, you’re like wow!”
You giggled. “Thank you hun I used to turn a lot of heads when I was alive. Too bad I only had eyes for one man.”
Charlie looked even more excited “ Oh my gosh tell me everything!”
You went on and on about your past, how you were a singer and a model, how you were married to a radio host. How you got married and ended up retiring to be a housewife. You stopped your story when you ended up in front of a hotel looking around shocked.
“So this is hell huh? Now tell me more about the hotel”
Charle links her arm with yours pushing the doors of the hotel open. “This is the hazbin hotel! Were we have 2 residents ready to rehabilitate and reform there life into good! It may not look like much but I garuntee you everyone here is dedicated to making there life better!”
Vaggie scoffed “not everyone”
“Okay almost everyone hehe” Charlie rubbed her neck nervously.
You look around and see the interior with a scary looking bar there were a couple of demons one looks like a spider the other a snake, two cyclops and the last one was…. a bird cat?
“Everyone this is y/n! She’s gonna be staying with us for the day to prove to heaven that demons can change!”
They all introduce themselves and the spider named angel comes up to you, looking you up and down. “ Beautiful and Busty they should’ve never sent you down here toots! Now you can give me a run for my money”
You laugh it off giving him a wink “I’m a tough lady I can handle myself. It’s nice to meet y’all”
Charlie gives you a tour of the hotel and you meet up with group once more “So what do you think y/n!”
“I think y’all have something really nice going on here”
“Thank you-“
“Charlotttttteeee~ why is there an angel in our premises didn’t I tell you the couldn’t be trusted”
You turned around at the sound at the static like voice.
“Y/N… is that you?”
Alastor still keeps his signature smile but his eyes are wide with confusion. He walks up to you pulling you into his chest. Alastor kisses both your cheeks putting his forhead against yours. “It’s me mon amor”
“Alastor!? Honey you look so different and your smile is even bigger than I remember”
“Well you know you’re not fully dressed without a smile. Y/n darling what are you doing here? Someone sweet as you doesn’t belong down here”.
You hold him close snuggling into his chest “oh Al it’s alright I’m just here to see the hotel on behalf of the council. I missed you so much ! What are you doing here honey ? I was so confused when I never met you in heaven what on earth got you down here?”
Alastor looks away sheepishly “Well about that-“
You both turn around to see everyone looking at you both in shock. After a long silence Charlie speaks up.
“So you two know eachother huh”
You looking at everyone shyly “You remember how I said I was married to a radio host”
Alastor smirked pulling his arm around your waist. “This gorgeous gal has had my heart since I first laid eyes on her” He kisses your forhead
None of them could believe it! You were Alastor’s wife?!
Vaggie moves forward while everyone else is looking at you in shock. “Hold on, wait a minute let me get this straight. You! A gorgeous, kind hearted, helpful angel…… are married to that thing?!”
Alastor squints his eyes his static going off “what are you trying to say Vaggatha”
Angel interrupts her before she could speak
“ it means she’s waaaayyyyy out of your league smiles. I mean Vaggies right, she’s hot and your….anyway, how and the hell did a dame like you end up with old freak face anyway?”
Alastor rolls his eyes “ I won her affections with my charm and manners. Something you clearly don’t have my feminine fellow”
Angel looks at him uninterested “yea I ain’t buying that. Toots why you with this stuck up prude?”
You hold alastor arm cuddling up to his side “He makes me laugh, how could I turn him down when he always put a smile on my face” you giggle softly
Everyone was still shocked by your answer none of them could really see someone like you with someone like alastor but decided to accept it (everyone accept Angel and Vaggie) Angel smirks
“Ok so I was right it definitely wasn’t for his looks”
“Well beauty isss in the eye of the beholder, I guesss he jussst got lucky”
Alastor rolls his eyes “Are you miscreants quite done”
“Now we always know why Mr fancy talk creepy voice is always smiling. Thinking about his busty wife gets him through the day haha”
“Angel dust if you wish to redeem your soul and make it into heaven I suggest you watch your mouth before I end your life.”
“Oh Al leave him be he’s just joking, now tell me why your down here”
Alastor sighs giving you his arm. You grab it not questioning it as he walks you both to the door. He doesn’t even look back at the others .
“I’m talking my wife for a walk we’ll be back shortly”
As the two of you walk out everyone stays silent until Angel speaks up. “I don’t care what any of you’s say, he was definitely not hitting that right”
As you both leave Alastor stays silent. You don’t rush him to talk, you never did. You two never fought when you were alive you always talked it out and took it one step at a time.
“You should know that I didn’t tell you this because I didn’t want to hurt you or scare you. You were the only good thing I had left after my mother. So I hope you can forgive me for keeping it from you.”
“Go on hon I’m listening”
“The bayou serial killer, that was me doll….i died getting shot in the head with a rifle, being mistaken for a deer while I was burying a body. And I may of…. ate a few people, but they were never in your food!”
You looked at him in shock but you never let go of his arms. “Oh my gosh….. that’s what you were doing out there, they never told me, just said it was a hunting accident….. I should’ve known! You would always go one these nature trips at night when ya barley had friends plus I shoulda known someone like you doesn’t like outdoor activities like that! How ya wouldn’t let me in your tool shed because it was to much “dangerous” stuff in there. How you’d come home from the radio tower early hours in the morning. I thought you were stepping out on me for a time but you still showed me all the same amount of affection so I pushed that thought out the window”
Alastor laughed a laugh track playing in the back ground “Oh daring why would I ever step out on the most beautiful woman in the world. I’d be a fool to have eyes for anyone but you”
He squeezed your hips pulling you into a hug “Do you regret marrying me, please tell the truth?”
“Oh Al of course not, even if you are a killer you were so sweet and gentle with me I’ve never felt safer than when I was with you. Your a wonderful husband I’ll never regret you honey ”
Alastor pulled you close his smile getting wider. “How about I make it up to you darling let me take you out on the town, it’s been a while and you deserve to be spoiled doll.”
“I’d love that Alastor”
You both walked down the street in silence with you both linked arm and arm as always. Until Alastor spoke up again”
“And by the way sweetheart Tu portes l'enfer hors de cette robe, j'ai raté ces courbes”
You blushed “Still a charmer I see”
Part 2 comming soon~
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writingoddess1125 · 23 days
The Jessica Rabbit Effect (Shorts)
Buggy Headcanon+story. Buggy x Reader
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This is a series of random thoughts from the Jessica Rabbit Series
Buggy likes to be the little spoon at times, so if he's had a bad day will cuddle against his darling wife and let her take care of him.
You often have to do Buggy's hair. Since its a wild mess at the best of times when he returns from see its a bit of a ritual for him to shower, get into his favorite pants and sit between your thighs as you brush out his hair.
Has bitten your Thigh- earning a playful smack of the comb
Sometimes he will sing for you- He actually has a lovely singing voice but you'll be the only one to hear it.
Surprisngly decent at cooking- Hes no chef but sure as hell can make one hell of a breakfast sandwich.
YOU are the secret Perv of the relationship, Most would assume its Buggy but its actually You.
You had been stalking your prey for the last 5 minutes, Buggy was currently going through some crates he had kept in the closet- saying something about a old hat of sorts. It was the perfect angle however-
However he was unaware of his wife slowly stepping forwards him as he bent over once more to dig deeper in the box-
Maybe right overrr..
Buggy Yelled suddenly as he felt fingers dig into the flesh of his ass as he turned and heard you cackle and quickly dash away as he gives chase.
He often returns from his sailing with gifts of whatever you like. Jewlery? More Sewing stuff? Books? Whatever you want he will snag for you.
You two secretly read raunchy novels together, Sometimes you will send him a book while he is away and he will read it at night before bed. Before sending one of his own-
Often resulting in the two of you speaking about the books in depth when together good or bad-
Buggy Takes care of you since you are more likely to burn out-
EXTRA! (Short Story)
You'd been hard at work, it seemed your business had been really taking off with now your two most demanding customers Sir Mihawk and Sir Crocodile. Who seemed to not only be picky about their fabrics but also seemed to damage their clothes constantly! You'd been busy to say the least.
Right now was no exception, You were standing in the Livingroom of yur home adding a few final buttons to a coat of Sir Crocodile, Letting your mind wonder as you worked tirelessly to have it completed before the morning-
As you worked you felt a hand touch your waist, giving a loud shrill yell as you spun around and swung-
"OW! What the hell!?" Your husbands voice sounded as you managed to whack his nose with a open palm. Buggy seemed to have just sailed in, still in his hat and coat and now rubbing his now sore nose with a frown-
"Im so sorry darling! I didnt realize it was you here let me get a pack for your nose-" You started, still coming down from the fright your husband had given you and went to flutter away to get a ice pack, However Buggy stopped you and pulled you close. Examming your face closely and frowning.
"Forget it- What are you doing up so late anyway? You should still be asleep.. You look tired-"
He grumbled, catching your look of confusion.
"Early? Its only- Um" You look to the large clock and blink in surprise at seeing the time. 1:37am!?
"O-Oh i guess I lost track of time an-"
"Did you eat dinner!?" Buggy cut you off again seeing your little work table and spotting only half finished tea and almost a finished pastry, most likely from the morning before- You bit your lip in embarrassment not even having the voice to say anything at being caught.
With a etched frown Buggy suddenly hoisted you up to his shoulder causing a loud yelp to leave you.
"Buggy!" You yell as you are carried like a sack to your shared master bedroom, red faced from the action.
"Buggy I still have to finish Crocodiles Coat an- EEP!"
A full palmed smack hit your behind from, Buggy- Cutting off your tirade as you felt your brain short circuit for a moment. Buggy walked into the master bathroom and set you on the counter, grumbling to himself as he started up a bath and went to your bedroom to start grabbing clothes.
"Buggy Boo-"
You started again but his hand floated to you and placed a finger to your lips.
"Id start undressing if I were you! Cause If I do it I may get handsy!"
Buggy called out from the bedroom as he grabbed more clothes. His free floating hand making a grabbing motion to your chest as if to give warning- You couldn't help but let a laugh out at this as you pushed his hand away playfully and slid off the countertop and getting undressed.
Setting your clothes in the hamper as Buggy came back in the bathroom with fresh PJs and already in his boxers only. He eyes looking over your figure in desire, Making you blush of course. Setting the clothes down Buggy removed his Boxers with dramatic flare of course and climbed in the water first, turning it off in the process as his other hand detached and guided you in with care. You leaning back against Buggy's chest and sighing in delight at the hot water. The stress already melting away as the two of you sat and soaked.
After a little while the two of you began to wash up, Buggy putting your hair up as the comforting silence and occasional splash of water from rinsing could be heard.
After the two of you smelled like sweet apple soap and the hot water had cooled to warm the both of you got out. Buggy taking the time to dry you off with a big fluffy towel while you braided his hair so it wouldn't tangle.
Getting dressed you walked into the bedroom and plopped onto the bed, starting to finally feel tired as Buggy laid next to you. His hands however leaving the room-
"Better?" Buggy asked as he looked at you, you leaning over and placing a soft kiss on his lips.
"Much, Thank you darling" You smile, just to glance over and see his hands returning with a series of items half hazard. A box of crackers, some cured meat, a few apples and some random half eaten cheese blocks. Paired with a knife of course you assume from his belt.
"Dinner of champions!" Buggy boasted, cracking open the wine bottle and handing it to you, rolling your eyes playfully as you took a sip.
The two of you seated on your marital bed, drinking straight from a wine bottle and eating the simple meal, chatting away about random topics.
"So you think the treasure is further south?" You ask, Buggy nodding as he took another bit of cheese and crackers in his mouth as he spoke with his mouth full cutting some meat for you and passing it over. "I 'Hink Cap Jo'n hit it und'er som' seri's of i'slands sout-" (I think Capt John hid it under some series of islands south).
"A Yellow VELVET Shirt!?" Buggy said dramatically making you laugh as you took some apple into your mouth and nodded. Buggy face scrunching up in disgust. "Come On, I'm a clown and I think that's tacky! Even for Crocodile!" You start to laugh as buggy passes the now half empty bottle to you.
Laughter and Chatter filled the bedroom till around 3am, when Buggy set the leftovers of the impromptu meal on the nightstand, the empty wine bottle on the floor and cuddled you close. Pressing you against his neck as you two felt exhaustion take you.
"Your not working for the next few days.. Gonna Burn Out-" Buggy mumbled as he felt your breath even out and cuddle closer to him. You nod "Fine.. But same goes to you" You yawn, Buggy patting your arm in agreement.
"Deal.. Now sleep" He grumbled closing his eyes.
"I love you Bugs"
"I love you More.."
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Things Learned and Unlearned Ch. 3
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Series Summary: Y/N has spent her life trying to outrun her mother's reputation. When she meets the rich and successful playboy, Dean Winchester, how quickly can he get her to stop running?
Pairings/Characters: Dean Winchester x Y/N, Sam Winchester, Jessica Winchester, Lucy Winchester (OC)
Warnings: Each chapter will have it's own warnings, but there will be smut, seduction, virgin!reader, playboy!dean, Edwardian era BS attitudes surrounding sex and women. (Technically it's set in 1900 and the Edwardian era started in 1901, but you get it.) Angst, Fluff, all the good stuff that regularly pops up in my series. 😁
Chapter Warnings: Nothing major. Dirty thoughts, bit of dirty talk. More lusting. 😁
Word Count: 2,064
A/N: Here's Ch. 3. This one's a bit shorter, but I hope you enjoy it just the same! ❤️
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"Miss Y/N!" The frustrated voice of little Lucy Winchester called Y/N back to the present.
"I'm sorry, Lucy, my mind was off on a wander. What do you need?"
"I said my laces are untied." Lucy said, lifting her little foot and plunking it into Y/N's lap. "Where was your mind wandering?"
Y/N's face went red and she knew she could never truthfully tell this darling, innocent little girl that her thoughts had been completely occupied with a pair of burning green eyes and a wicked mouth.
"I was hoping that you might go gather as many daisies as you possibly could for me. There's a big patch of them just at the bottom of the hill, see?"
Lucy nodded and ran off, her chubby little legs churning. Y/N worried for a minute that she'd end up going head over heels down the little hill. But she managed to stay upright and settle herself in the patch of daisies to start collecting.
Y/N had to shake her head. She had been reliving the previous night over and over again. Every touch, every press of Dean's lips against hers had been streaming through her mind without ceasing. Her dreams had been filled with his strong, nimble fingers running themselves over her body and his mouth, warm and wet, following the trail. She had woken with a gasp, her body sweaty and shaking. She didn't even try to go back to sleep. She was too jittery and tense, like there was an itch she couldn't scratch.
She'd been restless all day and she'd finally suggested to Lucy that they come outside and get some fresh air. It wasn't helping her very much.
She bowed out of supper that night. There was no way she would be able to sit across the table from Dean and still manage to eat anything. Sophie was kind enough to bring a tray to her bedroom, but Y/N simply didn't have the appetite.
She had come to a decision and she was desperate for midnight to come.
At the last chime of the grandfather clock in the hall, Y/N checked on Lucy before slipping out of the nursery and heading down the stairs to reach the guest bedroom where Dean was staying.
She was grateful that Jessica and Sam slept in a suite on the opposite side of the house upstairs. They were unlikely to hear her. She'd already decided that if they happened to catch her, she would tell them she couldn't sleep and had gone to the library for a book.
But she met no one as she approached Dean's door. She looked around furtively in the dark, making sure no one was watching. She stood for a moment more, considering turning around and running right back to her room. But instead she knocked almost silently on the door.
It opened and she dashed inside without even looking at Dean. She got to the middle of the spacious room and stopped. She heard the door click behind her and turned around to see Dean leaning against it. He turned the key in the lock and she swallowed hard.
He wore black pants with the suspenders hanging at his hips and a white short sleeved undershirt that hugged tight to his broad shoulders, and showed Y/N the thick, ropey muscles in his arms. His hair was tousled and a little damp as though he'd just washed it. He wore his crooked smile and his eyes bore into her from across the room. They were so dark a green they looked like jade. He had his arms folded across his chest as he leaned against the door and Y/N knew that she would picture him like this, always.
"I didn't think you'd come." He said, his voice a low, quiet rumble. He pushed away from the door and came to where she stood, frozen in place.
He studied her for a minute, his head cocked slightly to the side before stepping away abruptly. "You need alcohol."
He crossed over to his dresser; on top, a few decanters of different colored liquids sparkled in the candlelight.
Y/N shook her head. "I don't drink."
He poured something golden into a glass and brought it to her. "Well, it's a night for firsts." He said, smiling slowly as he handed her the glass.
Y/N swallowed hard before taking a sip of the drink. She promptly broke into a fit of coughing. The alcohol felt like swallowing fire. After the coughing ceased however, Y/N could feel a steadying kind of warmth spreading through her stomach and she took another sip, gasping as it burned its way down her throat.
She gave the remainder back to Dean and turned away from him, moving to sit on the window seat that faced his bed as well as the door beyond it. She tried to ignore the bed and focus on the door.
Dean set the glass back down and walked toward her again. She held up a hand and he stopped about two feet away from her. She took a deep breath.
"I've come here because I have a favor to ask."
He crossed his arms again and stared down at her. "I thought you were here because I won the bet."
"That's right." Y/N said, her breath hitched in her throat. "I lost and you requested that I come here tonight at midnight. So, I am here, and my debt is paid."
She chanced a look at him. He stared at her for a moment, his expression unreadable. Then suddenly, he chuckled. "You're right. I'll have to make sure my next request is very…detailed."
His expression made her shiver and her body screamed at her to ask him for his next request. So she spoke quickly before her wantonness could win over her better nature.
"So, my favor is this, if I tell you that you've won, will you stop trying to seduce me?"
Dean looked surprised and took a moment before answering her with a question. "What do you mean, 'if you tell me I've won'?"
Y/N looked down at her twisted hands in her lap. "I mean that you're doing this as a game, yes? Doing it to see if you can win over the proper little spinster, if you can convince me to abandon my morals and give into hedonism with you? Isn't that what you want?"
In spite of her stomach twisting itself into knots she held Dean's penetrating gaze. She watched surprise and then anger creep into his expression.
"No, not really." He said, his voice low and somewhat intimidating.
Y/N gave him a disbelieving look, her voice scornful. "Oh, really? Then what exactly do you want."
He strode up to her and tipped up her chin with his forefinger. He spoke slowly, but without hesitation. "Actually, what I want, is to pull off these clothes that hide you from me, toss you onto my bed and touch, kiss and lick every inch of your soft, yielding flesh until I have you calling out my name and begging for a release only I can give you."
Y/N's breath came quick and fast, and she couldn't slow it down; her heart beat so fast she could hear her blood rushing in her ears. Her skin was flushed and covered in gooseflesh, and her stomach tightened in a way that made her long to acquiesce to every word he just said.
His eyes were now a deep forest green and they bore into hers for a moment more before he shrugged and moved back to lean against one of his bedposts. "You wanted details."
Y/N shook her head and brought her hands, which were like ice, to her cheeks to cool the fiery blush that she now wore.
"Please." She said, aware that she sounded as if she was begging, and maybe she was. "I have nothing."
She raised her eyes back to his, hoping to make him understand.
"I am nearly twenty six years old. I am very firmly on the shelf, I know, well past marriageable age. But there is this ridiculous part of me that can't stop hoping."
She sighed and looked back down at her lap. "I want a home of my own, children that are mine to raise, and a husband who is kind and compatible. But in addition to my spinsterhood, I would come into any marriage with absolutely nothing to offer. I have no status, no money, no dowry of any kind, no good name, no position in society. I have nothing to offer a future husband except…" She paused and blushed harder. "…my…virtue. All I have to give him is my chastity. It's all I have left."
She looked back into his eyes, wanting him to understand the truth in her words. "But you want me to throw that away on someone who will be gone in less than a week. You will forget me in a day, and I will live with the consequences of this one night for the rest of mine. So…"
She paused again and took a deep breath. "So, I came here tonight to tell you that you have won. You have made me dream about you, fantasize about you. You've made me long to kiss you, you've made me understand just what a kiss should be. My skin is always on fire and longing to feel your touch."
Y/N looked into Dean's clear, warm gaze and admitted, "I want you, Dean. I want you to do all the things you just mentioned, and a million more things that are only half-formed in my mind. So you win. And now I'm asking you to please respect my wishes and stop. Pass these last few days with your family and allow me to go about my life."
Dean was silent for a long time, head cocked and staring into her. Y/N held his gaze as long as she could before the intensity was too much and she turned her head away.
Dean came and sat beside her on the window seat and she jumped up and bolted away from him, out of instinct, out of self-preservation.
Dean looked hurt. "Do you really think I'm going to attack you, or molest you in some way?"
She shook her head fiercely. "No! Not in the slightest. If that was the kind of man you were, you've had plenty of opportunities before tonight." She shook her head again, "No, Dean. I am afraid of myself when you're so close. I'm afraid I'll attack you."
Dean gave a small smile. "You can't possibly believe what you're saying. You can't possibly think that your virginity is all you have to offer some unknown future husband."
Y/N merely shrugged.
Dean stood up and moved a step toward her. Y/N took two steps backwards towards the door.
He sighed and shoved his hands into his pockets. "Fine, Y/N. If you don't want to be pursued, I won't pursue you. I'll leave you alone, you have my word. But I want you to remember something long after I'm gone from here."
He walked forward a few more steps and Y/N backed herself up against the door. He reached her and caught her chin in his thumb and forefinger, forcing her to look at him. The perfect planes and angles of his face were set into an expression of intensity.
"You have so much more to offer. You are extraordinarily beautiful. You are witty and warm. You have a kind and compassionate heart. You deserve something more than a compatible husband and a cottage somewhere. You deserve more than mere contentment."
He paused and brushed his thumb lightly across her bottom lip. "You deserve passion and romance. You deserve joy and excitement, adventure and enrichment. You should live in luxury, and have a life that fulfills you. I wish all of those things for you and more."
He leaned down and pressed an all too brief kiss to Y/N's lips, before reaching around her to turn the key and open the door for her.
She ran out and up the stairs before she could wrap her arms around his neck and beg him to grant all of those wishes for her.
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Jensen RPF and Any/All Characters:
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Dean Fics Only:
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madlittlecriminal · 8 months
[01] Secret Ingredient⥓ Mafia!Miguel O'Hara × Female!Baker!Reader
Warnings: mention of Dana (this is not comic accurate), talks of gold digging, talks of missing breakfast (miguel), mention of killing
series masterlist | miguel o'hara masterlist
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Your day was pretty slow. The only customers you had throughout the day were for cake testing or birthday cakes. Either way, you reached your goal and were satisfied with the work for the day.
At least, when it comes to the outside world as it was now 10:43pm and you were waiting for the ovens to cool down as you cleaned your kitchen. After washing the dishes and mopping the floors, you took off your apron, putting it on the hook in the kitchen before wiping your face. You cleaned off your chalkboard and double checked the ovens before closing them and grabbing your things along with your dessert box for the club workers across the street after locking your bakery up.
Little did you know when you entered, he was there in the VIP section.
His whiskey went down the wrong pipe, causing him to choke after spitting the drink out.
Obviously, not one of his best moments, but he was thankful he removed the carpet because it would be one hell of a mess he'd have to clean up.
"Everything alright, boss?" Lyla asked, tilting her head to the side and adjusting her heart shaped glasses.
Miguel gave her a nod, but his eyes were glued onto you as you smiled at the bartender, denied a drink and made your way out.
"Oh..." Lyla teased as she poked Miguel's shoulder. "Someone has his eyes on the baker from across the street. I don't blame you, she's gorgeous." She giggled and rested her elbows on her knees as she leaned forward. "Also, this will probably be the first time I see you with a woman."
"No, you've seen me in a relationship before."
"She does not count! I didn't like her." Lyla crossed her arms and rolled her eyes.
"And why not?" He furrowed his brows as he looked at his right hand and best friend.
"She was ignorant and a gold digger."
"She was not."
"The fact that she wanted her name plastered on this club, which is your popular club by the way, is enough to prove she's a gold digger. Remind me how the relationship ended."
Miguel sighed, knowing Lyla was right. "She broke up with me because I refused to give her some of my profits from my businesses."
"Exactly. However, the darling from across the street has her own business so she's making her own money. Plus, she's a baker! I saw you munching on her conchas after the meeting this morning. When did you even get it?"
"It was almost lunch time, and I haven't eaten all day. After you left the club, I came by and reimbursed everyone. I ate them and then told Jessica to get a new register for the club."
"Now, why would you tell her to do it knowing she's going to pop her baby out pretty soon?" Lyla crossed her arms.
"She picked it out and Noir helped carry it for her." He explained, gaining a nod from Lyla.
"Good, but now I need to know. How suave were you with the baker?" She tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear, the romantic in her making an entrance.
"If stuttering and hardly saying a word until telling her to keep the change and that I didn't need a receipt was suave, then I guess I did pretty well." He leaned back against the navy velvet couch, groaning to himself as he realized his mistake.
"Hold on. The man that can make a deal as if were as easy as making a bowl of cereal, can..." she lowered her voice before continuing, "kill a man without flinching, couldn't speak to her?" She glared at him in confusion.
"Miguel, you spoke to Dana without an issue."
"Well, this one is different!" He rubbed his temples. "No sé qué es, pero sé que ella es diferente en comparación a Dana." (I don't know what it is, but I know she's different compared to Dana.)
Lyla smirked. "You got bit by a huge love bug, Mig. Now, would you say it's love at first sight or are you just attracted to her?"
"I'm very attracted to her, but I want to get to know her first before I declare if it's love." He explained before running his fingers through his hair. "I just don't know how that'll happen if I can't get one word out that isn't rushed or broken from a stutter."
"Just one question. Didn't you say you wanted to expand your businesses?" Lyla asked, tilting her head to the side, a strand of her hair falling in front of her heart shaped glasses.
"And didn't you say you were interested in 'Love Language' because they made money compared to other bakeries near you or any other business?"
"What are you saying?"
"I'm just saying, I thought you were glad Dana ended things because you don't mix business with pleasure." She shrugged, causing Miguel to pinch the bridge of his nose.
"Ya dígame, Lyla. What's your point?!"
"Do me a favor and look across the street and tell me the name of the bakery."
Miguel rolled his eyes before peaking his head out of the VIP area towards the glass doors of his club. The streetlights illuminated the burgundy letters on the cream background of the dome shaped window awning.
"Mierda." He cursed under his breath, seeing the title of your bakery was the one he wanted to invest in or create a partnership with.
"Hey guys! You have to try these jelly doughnuts!" Miles called out to two of them.
Lyla got up and patted Miguel's shoulder. "Sorry big guy, but it's one or the other...unless you want both. Then again, it's her choice too. Good luck."
Miguel was convinced it was the unluckiest day he's ever had in his whole life. He wasn't sure if he could pick, but he also knew it was all up to you.
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esmedelacroix · 7 months
"I hate the way you're always right,"
husband!miguel x f!reader ♡
10 Things I Hate About You ← mini-series masterlist
"It even makes me rhyme," ← previous part
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Sometimes you get bored and find yourself wandering around Spider Society looking for someone to bother. You were usually in Miguel's office hanging around while he worked. But he was on a mission with a new recruit. You couldn’t wait to meet her. Maybe she'd join the Spider Society book club you started. It was basically self-promo because they usually read the books that you write.
You were sitting in the cafeteria with Hobie and Gwen. They were practically your children. You all ate lunch together and talked about random gossip. "Have you met the new girl?" Hobie randomly interjected.
"No, I think I'll meet her when she comes back with Miguel," you replied.
"You're going to hate her," Gwen smirked.
You were surprised by her comment because she knew best that it was hard for you to hate someone. People annoyed you sometimes but you never really hated anyone very easily.
"How could you be so sure? You know I'm not a very hateful person," you interrogated.
"Well, I think you'll understand exactly what we're talking about within about 30 seconds of meeting her," Hobie replied smugly.
"Just because you guys don't like her, doesn't mean I won't. I'll even invite her to dinner," you claimed. That made Hobie laugh out loud.
"Sure sure," he sighed as he let out another chuckle.
Just then Miguel walked in with a girl. "Oh here she is," Gwen said in a sarcastically enthusiastic voice.
The moment she saw you she clung onto Miguel's arm. "Who's she? I don't think she's supposed to be here, she doesn't look like any kind of spider woman," she complained.
In response, Miguel pulled his arm away from her and walked towards you. "Uh, no need to fret Justine, this is my wife," he said before giving you a quick kiss.
"Oh, cool," she said, looking you up and down.
"Hey Hobie, I thought you said this was the new girl, this woman looks well over 40," you quipped. Gwen laughed out loud again at that. You saw Miguel crack up and try to hide his smile with his hand out of the corner of your eye.
Jessica or whatever her name was got embarrassed and excused herself shortly after. Was it necessary to say that? No, absolutely not. Did you say it anyway? Hell yeah.
"What happened to inviting her to dinner?" Hobie asked. earning an eyebrow raised from Miguel.
"She said she did think she would hate Justine and she would even invite her to dinner," Gwen explained.
"Please don't invite her over" Miguel begged as you rested your head on Miguel's shoulder.
"You won't have to worry about that," you replied.
. . .
The drive back home was quiet. Music was playing on the radio, but you were silent. Staring out the window overthinking about the new girl. Why was she clinging to him like that? Why do I feel this way? You thought to yourself.
"There's no need to be jealous over Justine," Miguel stated as he turned the music down so the two of you could talk.
Jealous? Am I jealous? You asked yourself. "I'm not jealous, I just didn't like the way she was touching you, and talking to you, and looking at you, it pissed me off," you said.
"That's jealousy, my dear," Miguel hummed back.
"Is not," you responded, knowing he was right. I mean when is he not, right?
"Is too," he responded, you could hear the laughter in his voice.
"Okay fine, I'm jealous of her Miguel, she's so young and pretty and I'm not that," you sighed.
"Yeah, you're mine, and prettier," he assured.
"You're just saying that dude," you responded with a playful eye roll. You had made it a habit to call him "dude" or "bro" whenever you were upset.
"Don't dude me, I'm serious darling," he started. He parked in the garage, took off his seat belt, and turned to you.
"You're the only one for me," he whispered looking into your eyes and brushing a wisp of your stray hair behind your ear. With that wisp of hair, he brushed away all of your insecurities with his words instead of his hand.
. . .
next part → "I hate it when you lie"
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taglist: @lilscast @lazyjellyfish300 @safixiovi @saaaaaaaaaaaamiiiiiiiiiiira @aktenati @straw-berry-ghoul @vera4luv
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imtryingbuck · 3 months
The Locket
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x OFC!Theo
Summary: Bucky has to marry a woman who surprises him more and more as their story goes along.
Word count: 1,755
Warnings: angst. swearing. fluff. mentions of death. mentions of cheating (George and some woman) killing of men but it’s okay they deserve it.
Masterlist   Series Masterlist
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A week had passed since Bucky had taken the life of the three scumbags who shot Theo, Dot and Eliza being killed. It had been a busy week.
Michael’s daughters and son had shown up to Bucky’s and Theo’s house demanding that they put them up - said that they had nowhere else to live now, as if they didn’t have mansions of their own - they got mad at hearing that Bucky and Theo had been given all of Michael’s businesses and they started demanding Bucky to hand it over to Brandon. Bucky just sat there looking at them with a bored expression on his face, Theo tried making herself smaller the second they stormed into their home. They accused Matt of being a traitor by standing by the man who killed their mom but he just shrugged his shoulders. The second they started verbally assaulting Theo, Bucky and the rest of them pulled their guns out on them and told them that they best leave.
The next day Winnie rang Bucky and told him that she was finally leaving George, that she couldn’t do it anymore - being married to him and being humiliated by him anymore. Bucky went and picked her up from their family home and brought her back to his, when Winnie laid eyes on Theo she gave her a massive hug.
“You are just like your mom, you know? She was so beautiful, so sweet and kind.” Winnie says as she twirls a strand of Theo’s hair in her finger.
“Y-you knew my mom?”
“Knew her? Darling girl she was my best friend. Come and I’ll tell you all about her.” Taking her hand in hers she leads them into the living room, Bucky trailing in behind them.
“We met when we were seven, her and her parents had just moved to town and of course I wanted to be friends with the new girl, I instantly made her my best friend.” Winnie chuckles at the memory. “She was so beautiful, she had a laugh that was so infectious, she made all the men fall for her just by giving them a smile. She was talented too, drawing and painting, your mom wanted to be an artist! She also told me ‘Winn, when I become the most famous artist in the world I want you to be by my side, we’ll be rich together!’” Winnie chuckles.
“Did-did she? Ever become a famous artist I mean?”
“Sadly no, her parents, your grandparents may God rest their souls were horrible people, they didn’t believe in her and… well she gave up trying to pursue a career in the art world. She was a waitress and sometimes she would sell her artwork, one guy paid eight thousand for one!”
“Who was it?”
“I don’t know, neither did your mom but he gave her a check for the amount.” Wrapping her hands around Theo’s. “Your mom gave the money to charity, she said she didn’t need it and those people did. She was always like that, giving money to those in need.”
Theo smiled sadly at hearing all about the woman who she didn’t remember, hearing that she was the best artist in world - Winnie’s words not hers - brought her mind to her own artwork, her eyes went to one of her pieces that Bucky had hung on the wall. 
“Can I ask you something?”
“Of course my dear.”
“The night of the dinner, Eliza said that you hated her because of Matt, why?”
“Ah that. I found out that George was having an affair with her, then a few months later she announced she was pregnant, she tried to pass it off as Michael’s baby but we all knew the truth. George was so convinced he was the dad but when Matt was born it was very clear that he wasn’t, a DNA test was done and it showed that Matt was neither George’s or Michael’s. Eliza had it in her head that I hated her, I didn’t and still don’t, she was just one of the many women he had.”
“Did you know that Jessica was sleeping with Michael?” Bucky asked his mom.
“Not at first, I knew she had a boyfriend but she never told me who it was that was until she found out she was pregnant.“
“Did she love him?” Theo then asked.
“She did but so did he, I saw it in his eyes whenever he would look at her.” Winnie’s hand went back to Theo’s hair, pushing a strand behind her ear. “But your mom loved you more than anything including Michael. She’d be so proud of you, and I know she’d want to be here right now.”
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Several hours after that conversation there was a knock at the door, it was the police. They informed Winnie that her husband had been shot and killed, according to the police George was cheating with a married woman and the husband walked in, and shot George. Winnie wanted to laugh - the same as Bucky but they both had to act shocked.
Three days later they were burying him. Winnie wanted it done fast.
So there they were standing by the grave watching as the coffin was lowered into the ground. No one cried. No one wanted to speak. No flowers were put down. They all just gave a single nod to the grave and walked off.
It was truly sad, sad that no one even cared that he was no longer alive.
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“Wanda where’s Theo?” Bucky asked as he came back from dropping his mom off at the airport, she was going to visit her sister.
“In studio.“
Walking up the stairs Bucky ran into their room and grabbed two things before making his way to her art room. Knocking on the door he opened it, his lips instantly curled up in a huge smile, Theo stood there in denim dungarees that were covered in dried paint - somehow she even had a splotch of blue paint on her back. Her hair was up in a messy bun a few strands covering her face as the brush glided across the canvas.
“Hi pretty girl.”
“Hi Bucky.”
“What are you painting today?” He moves to stand behind her his arms wrapping around her waist as he pulls her closer to him.
“Outside, it’s not finished yet and I messed up on the tree look.”
“It already looks amazing, I’m thinking we hang this in the hallway? And you have messed up the tree.” He grins when her head rests against his as he rests his head on her shoulder.
“We don’t have to do that.”
“I know but I love seeing them around the house.”
“They aren’t even good Bucky.”
“Hey! Don’t say that, baby they’re amazing.”
“If you say so.”
“I do say so.”
“What do you want anyway?”
“Who said I want anything? Can’t I just come and see my beautiful girl?”
“Cheeky. But I do have something to say to you though.” He spins her around in his arms and presses a kiss to her lips. “The list is completed.”
Theo frowns and shakes her head. Not because she didn’t understand what he meant but because she didn’t agree with it. The list that Dot had given to him containing all the names of the people who had hurt her, Bucky and his men was finding them and killing them. That included the husbands of Michael’s daughters. Bucky had finally got the last one.
“I told you to leave it Buck.”
“And I told you, no.” He smiled at her. “They had it coming baby.”
“They were-“
“Bad people Theo, horrible people. They deserved everything that happened to them.”
She knew herself that they had it coming but that didn’t mean she agreed to it. She was safe now and she knew that Bucky would never hurt her or let his men hurt her either. “I know.”
“You’re not mad at me are you?”
“No.” She chuckled. “I’m not mad at you.”
“Good.” Bucky winks before he kisses her. “I have something for you.”
“Yep, close your eyes pretty girl.” She does as he says and he can’t stop himself for giving her a quick kiss. “Open.”
A soft gasp falls from her lips at seeing the necklace dangling from his fingers. “That’s beautiful.”
“It’s yours. Open it up.”
“Mine?” But doing as he says Theo opens up the locket a smile coming to her lips seeing a picture of her mom.
“That’s you.” He points to the baby in the locket.
“Me? How? I was never allowed in the family photos.”
“I guess your mom took it? Michael gave it me when he gave me the photo, I know that I should have given it you that day but I wanted to do something, I’m sorry.”
“Why are you sorry?”
“For keeping it from you.”
“I have it now.”
“Do you want me to put it on for you?” Theo nods and turns around, a huge smile on her face as the cold chain touches her neck. “There. Beautiful.”
“Thank you Bucky, for everything.” She mouths the words of the locket, a small smile on her lips.
“Theo I love you, you know that don’t you?”
“I do, and I love you too.”
“I-I want to do things right.” He pulls out a small box out of his pocket and gets down on one knee. “I know we’re already married but Theodora, I love you more than anything in this world, will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?”
A soft giggle falls from her lips as she nods. “Yes I’ll marry you Bucky.”
Bucky slid the ring onto her finger and jumps up to kiss her. He tried to convey all his feelings into a single yet passionate kiss. He really wanted her to know how much he was in love with her because he was, he was so madly in love with her sometimes it scared him.
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A little celebration was held at the mansion for the married couple that were now engaged, Bucky couldn’t stop smiling for the rest of the night. Theo kept fiddling with the ring and the necklace.
Later that night Bucky carried Theo into their room, throwing her onto the bed making her giggle as she bounced a few times, he was quick to undress the both of them and take her apart in best way.
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Tags: @sapphirebarnes @bellabarnes1378 @unaxv @skulliecadaver-blog @mrsnikstan @sebastians-love @pattiemac1 @julvrs @undf-stuff @violetwinterwidow01 @cjand10 @angrykitsune01 @drdbnkl2008
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dearest-painter · 1 year
I didn’t do anything wrong! PT.2
Summary: Y/N was just living their best life or as best as it can get as spider-man/women. Y/N misses their old friends but understands that they must be busy but once they go to a place that is filled with people wanting them as their child but also to write their story they get pissed off
TW/CW:Yandere behavior, unhealthy behavior, unhealthy relationship,abusive behavior,abusive relationship,Reader is Miles morals,Reader is tired and trying their best,very out of character characters,this is a series,Reader needs therapy,Reader will be forced into the spider society,I fuck up the movie a lot just so I can make this a bit more sense,Reader is forced to visit Spider society and be away from their actual family,Reader is paranoid and worried all the time now,this doesn’t completely go with the plot as it’ll be a bit different,Reader is mentioned to have selfed harmed because I wanna represent that more as I wanna show that everyone has had tough times even in wrong ways as I’ve selfed harmed in the past so this does mean a lot to me,Reader is basically forced to be around people they don’t want to be around,lots of this comes from me and @ablobwhowrites conversation about this AU, like the blob Bird and a future romantic relationship, I added the fact Reader plays soccer and was 6 years old to make Miguel feel bad, I want ANGST, people might be out of character,tell me if I need to add more
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You and Jessica finally went to the cafeteria area, you held her hand breathing very anxiously…everyone is scaring you. You don’t even trust Jessica your just pretend you do for your own safety! “Mrs.Drew I’m not hungry anymore, we can go back” “Look Y/N I know your scared but you need to eat so let’s go” “Please Mrs.Drew! I can eat later! Please!” Jessica sighed, she knew you were on the verge of crying but you were hungry and her child so she can’t let you go hungry.
She kept walking while holding your hand, no amount of pleading stopped her. Luckily..no one was there which calmed you a bit but you were still scared. She quickly got you food then sent you off to Therapist Spider-Man to hide. Knocking on his door you carefully went in, he looked up and wasn’t surprised to see you. “Jessica told me you’d be here. You can hide anywhere..don’t worry I won’t tell the others.” You nodded your head as you hid in a spot. You were eating but you still had tears in your eyes…why won’t they let you go home!? Why can’t you see your parents!?
Soon you finished your food and decided to take a nap, therapist spider-man seemed like a chill guy…maybe he can help you. You closed your eyes to tired to notice you were crying again as you drifted off. Therapist Spider-man sighed as he walked over to you and covered you with a dark colored blanket but also wiped your tears, he felt bad for you and knew you wanted to go home…he knows that feeling all to well. He sighed as he went back to his desk mumbling. “I should help that kid…their parents is what they need…not this fucking place or people, they need their real family….” That’s what he finally decided, to help you.
Miguel was pissed as no one could find you or Jessica until now as she was pulling up. “Did you find them!?” “No, I looked everywhere” Miguel could tell she was hiding something from him, if she was hiding where you were out he was going to be extra pissed. How dare she hide HIS child! He didn’t mean to body you when he first met you and he wants to apologize! “Jessica, tell me the damn truth…DID. YOU. FIND. THEM!?” Jessica has never seen Miguel so pissed and he wants to know where her darling child is kinda pisses her off! “I didn’t!” “If I find out your lying I’m going to make your life a living hell!”
Miguel let a annoyed yell as he kept looking for you, he needed to apologize to you. He needed to show that he’s a good dad, he needed his family back together. He met you before…he accidentally time traveled to when you were 6 which was Gabriella’s age. You were the sweetest thing, even showed him your bird that was basically a blob that you found at the laundry place.
He was crouching to your height. “Here you go mister! Your my friend now so have this sticker!” You or 6 year old you placed a cartoon spider sticker on his suit giggling, he smiled a bit. He felt so bad for harming you now that he sees the true you…you were wearing soccer gear that matched Gabriella’s own soccer team so that must mean that her old team exists here. “You play soccer?” “Mhm! Mama and Papa say I’m the best! I like being the goalie because I get to kick the ball away!” “Yeah, goalie seems like the best spot. Do you go out and kick the ball or are you just a goalie?” “I go out and kick the ball sometimes! I’m not that good at protecting the ball but Mama says it’s okay!” He ruffled your hair making you giggle even more…it sounded so cute. “Your mama’s right, your still learning and it’s okay” “Y/N! COME ON! WE GOTTA GO!”
“OKAY MAMA! Bye mister! I have to go to my soccer game! Have a nice day!” Six year old you waved goodbye as you ran towards your mother, Miguel watched. He felt empty again…he needed you as his child. He was a better dad by far, it was obvious your parents didn’t teach you stranger danger if you were so willing to talk to him! Miguel shook his head out of the flashback…he remembers why he’s looking for guy again, to be the dad you need.
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winniethewife · 9 months
Every single thing to come has turned into ashes (Leto Atreides x reader)
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Warning: Sad, Angst, Pregnancy, canon character death
Words: 541
She knew she was Second fiddle to Lady Jessica. Its wasn’t something she even questioned, But when The Duke left Caladan promising that once things were settled he’d send for her, She knew somewhere deep inside she wouldn’t see him again. She stares out on the water as she recovers from the news. Her Lover was gone, he was murdered. She thought she had cried every tear she had to give when they had told her. As she started back home she was thinking of the last time he lay in her bed.
“It will be alright. I will see you very soon.” He had said with such confidence, his hand had caressed her face as He lay beside her.
“Please…since you must go, say Goodbye. Just this once.” She had pleaded. He Shook his head and pressed a kiss to her lips once more. For the last time. But when he left, he hadn’t said a thing.
As she entered the empty halls of the castle of Atreides she looks around, She couldn’t find any more tears to cry, the lack of any personal items in the halls were a brutal reminder of what had happened.
“You were more than just a short time… you were a legend, something no one will ever surpass.” She said softly as if speaking to the empty halls was like talking to him. She made her way to her quarters, sitting at the end of her bed as she does so she touches her abdomen. Days after finding out what had happened to Leto, She had found out she was with child, his child, that’s when she found out she had plenty more tears left to cry. She sighed and looks up.
“I've got a lot to live without…Without you. What would you think my lord…my love. You’re never gonna meet your daughter. That kills me every day.” She doesn’t know why she thinks talking to air makes it so he would hear her. But she hopes to the gods that he hears her.
“Did some force take you because I didn't pray? Is this a punishment for some transgression I don’t know? Am I meant to pay for falling in love with a man who was never mine? Shall I spend the rest of my days wondering what could've been? What would've been if things had been different?” She doesn’t know who she’s asking now. She hold her head in her hands as she feels the grief, the endless possibility that lay ahead. She knew she and her child were in danger. If anyone knew she carried the last of the Atredies line, she would be dead for sure. After some deep breaths she held her pendant in her hand, one of the few gifts she ever received from the Duke. Looking down at the green gem His words echo in her head.
“You will never hear me say Goodbye, My darling, Goodbye is too final for us, I Don’t want our story to end. There will be no Goodbye’s.” If she closes her eyes she can see the care on his face as he had said that. Now all she wished was that there was at least one, the one that mattered.
Series Masterlist
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zagreuses-toast · 9 months
My Vetinari Playlist. Some songs are very specific others are entirely vibes based, also a lot of girlboss songs because those fit his approach to being a Tyrant the best somehow. Like Vimes he would vehemently hate some of these songs, I have added them nonetheless. Reasoning/guide to the songs under the cut.
Politics and The City, always the City. I think a lot about Vimes' internal monologue from Night Watch about the city's supply chain and Vetinari being the only ruler of the city to really worry about it's function :
Hymn to the Breaking Strain by Secular Solstice (because the Leslie fish version isn't available on Spotify. Vetinari isn't an engineer but he appreciates their value and danger)
All Along The Watchtower by Bear Mcreary (Vimes gets the Jimi Hendrix, Vetinari gets the version from BSG, which is ominous and was used to unveil a conspiracy)
& by Tally Hall
How Now Dark Cloud by TMBG
I Am Alone by TMBG
Darling The Dose by TMBG
His Kiss The Riot from Hades Town (I also imagine if Vetinari sang his voice would be a baritone of this caliber)
The Body Is A Blade by Japanese Breakfast
Stone Cold Coup D'etat
Eleanor Rigby by the Beatles
Ballad of a Politician by Regina Spektor
Everybody Wants to Rule The World by Tears for Fears (cover by NSP)
She's Always A Woman by Billy Joel
The Circle by Secular Solstice (this is actually a carrot song, but there's a reason Carrot and Vetinari get along)
Gun Song from Assassins (I am always thinking about men at arms and the Gonne)
This is where I would normally put the characters love interest songs but Vetinari's one true love is The Bit:
Hate the Villanelle by TMBG
Poisoning Pigeons in the Park & Pollution by Tom Lerher
Rest Employed by The Stupendium
I Palindrome I by TMBG
Party Dog by Tom Cardy (dog things AND city-state politics)
The World's Address by TMBG
Havelock "do I need a button that says Tyrant" Vetinari and his commitment to the Villain bit:
Villain by Stella Jang
Red Right Hand by Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
Villain by K/DA
Feeling Good by Nina Simone cover by Micheal Bublé (Bond villain sounding song but the lyrics are just enjoying normal nice stuff, exactly Vetinari's thing)
Enemy by Imagine Dragons
Bitch Better Have My Money by Rihanna (soundtrack to drumknott getting out the Tax Ledger)
I'm Alive from Next To Normal
No one Knows My Plan by TMBG
Be Prepared from The Lion King (did you think I wouldn't include a real Disney villain song, besides it's JEREMY IRONS aka Vetinari from the Color of Magic tv series)
Vetinari's nihilism and humanism, the roiling sea of evil and the moral imperative to be better than the gods:
Things Are Not What They Appear by The Gothic Archies
Last Wave by TMBG
This Too Shall Pass by Danny Schmidt
They're Only Human from the Death Note musical (hear me out, it's a conversation between Vetinari and Margolotta, you decide who's who)
Let's Get This Over With by TMBG
Cruel to be Cruel by Jessica Law
Living Thing by Electric Light Orchestra (Vetinari and his difficulty getting rid of one of a kind things, I think about leonard of quirm a lot)
Mad World by Gary Jules and Micheal Andrews
I Like Fun by TMBG (entirely for the "my excellence at parkour may be unexpected at the age of 58" also the clock thing)
A Good Song Never Dies by Saint Motel (local patrician haunted by a little goblin girl's music forever)
Little Lion Man by Mumford & Sons (Vetinari and Vimes song, ruining his life/the watch, being part of fixing it, constantly pushing him, occasionally pushing too hard)
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onlyancunin · 4 months
5 comfort characters
@judasiskariot tagged me and for that I thank you, darling! 🖤
It's gonna be a doozy so unless someone's really interested, feel free to skip. And yes, all my "comfort characters" have themes of trauma and revenge.
Astarion Ancunin - I think my url might've given it away; his story resonates with me in terms of struggling with intimacy post sa and experiencing the isolating loneliness that comes along with trauma incomprehensible for others. And also the world is a vile place and I say let it burnnn, baby! I must say I really had to think long and hard about the rest, but judging by what I like to come back to when in stress:
Dean Winchester - resonating with the trauma and/or complicated feelings coming from being the older sibling that's supposed to "save" the younger one, despite being unable to. And having a thing for drinking and/or isolating myself when the troubles hit. Also my 11 yo cat is literally called Cas lmao, he's equal part apex predator and fluffy dum dum, just like the original.
V from "V for Vendetta" - I wish I could spend my life meticulously plotting and flawlessly executing a plan of elaborate revenge on my past abusers. I feel like that would give me the kick, lol. This + the "inch of ourselves" quote was literally a theme for my therapy for years, while I was looking for my own identity panicking I've been destroyed to the last: "Our integrity sells for so little, but it is all that we really have. It is the very last inch of us. But within that inch, we are free… An inch; it is small, and it is fragile, and it is the only thing in the world worth having. We must never lose it or give it away; we must never let them take it from us.”
Lisbeth Salander (Millennium book series, "Girl with the dragon tattoo") - a woman who single-handedly made me dream of working remotely in IT and living independently. And of course one day I'll make my abuser pay the exact same way she did - and I already have the tattoo needle, eyyy! Proud to say after years and years I finally get to live in a single-bedroom studio place and spend my days developing code, even if just in a junior position for now. The next step is to live somewhere with palm trees, just like she did in the books. After the fucker gets his tat, of course. Bonus points for being neurodivergent and blatantly unapologetic about it. And getting her heart crushed because no matter how big the gesture, most will mostly pick the "normal" over the freak.
Jessica Jones - a little similar to Lisbeth, but with Marvel twist and way more psychotic opponent. I've just started watching his series recently and it's ripping my soul in hundreds of directions, even evoking a bit of my Stokholm Syndrome. And to have such strength as a woman! Makes me wonder what kind of use I'd actually make of it, given the chance. Would I actually go the hero route? The vigilante? Or just amuse myself with continuous torture of those who wronged me?
Who would've known, out of the whole bunch, Astarion seems like the most cheerful character lmao.
I'd like to no-pressure tag: @treshmind, @thedomesticanthropologist, @night-orchids, @thatdangeroussmile
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writingoddess1125 · 10 months
Back to Masterlist <-
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You Take Care of Their Hair
You get High with Them
Zoro,Luffy,Corazon Child Series
Crocodile, Law, Sanji Child Series Pt. 2
You Take their Hat
You Cook for Them Even though You such at It
How Strong the Old Man Gene's Are
They Lay on your chest
You give them a Massage
You give them Facemask
Drunk + Spiked
The Moment they fell in love with you
Just a Peak
You Die at Birth
Weird Relationship Milestones
Useless Skills
Unique Kinks
You Accidently send them a Nude Pic
How They Say They Love You
How they lose their Virginity
Secret perverted things the Old Men do to their S/O
Buggy The Clown
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Buggy One Shots
I'm your Biggest Fan (Completed)
Pt. 1
Pt. 2
Jessica Rabbit Effect Series Masterlist
My Heart Breaks (Completed)
Pt. 1
Pt. 2
Theater Brat (Completed)
Theater Brat
Theater Bart Pt. 2
Theater Brat Pt. 3
Fell In Love Alone (Ongoing)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Roronoa Zoro
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Favorite Bartender
N$FW Alphabet
New Parent Zoro
Among the Red Lights
Dancing With Swords (Ongoing)
Part 1
Luffy D. Monkey
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Luffy realizing he's in love with you
Warm Mornings
Thunder Buddies
Luffy and his Child
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Moral Support
Friend Like Me
A Girl to Love
Part 1
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Bar Adventure
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My Shooting Star
One Sided
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Morticia and Gomez Effect Series Masterlist
Call Me Sir
Only Us
NSFW Alphabet
Tag Youre It
My heart lies with you
Fight for pleasure
Look up Darling~
Daddy Mihawk
How and Why?
Mihawk with his S/O
Love under the Stars
Its Done
Pt. 1
Pt. 2
Pt. 3
Young Love
Part 1
Part 2
So Annoying
Trafalgar Law
In Another Life
Capitan Kuro X Reader
Alvida X Reader
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dangerously-human · 2 months
And! Last one! The Jessica sibling campaign fic!
Oh, I am having SO much fun with this one! The premise of this fic, which will be the opener to the My Brother's Keeper series, is that Jessica really wants a baby brother and has kicked off this whole intense campaign to convince her parents to give her one. It's a lot of mini Jess cuteness and also sickeningly sweet Donald/Celia.
“Jessica has been asking for a baby brother again.” “Oh, it’s a brother now, is it? She’s decided against a sister?” “Keeping her options open, I think, though she’s stated a firm preference. This time she promised to help with feeding him and taking him for walks; I think one of her school friends has been campaigning for a puppy.” Celia barely suppressed a grin. “And how often did you tell her baby brothers need to be walked?” “Listen, love, all I’m saying is if our second is anywhere near as rambunctious as you were in comparison to John, one of those toddler leashes might not be amiss.” “Oh?” Celia raised an eyebrow. “And who says we’re having a second?” “Jessica, darling, do keep up.”
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bellaxgiornata · 1 year
Falling For the Devil [Part seventy-seven: "The Very Frustrating Day"]
Pairing: Matt Murdock x Fem!Reader
Summary: Katy and you run into Jessica Manning while covering a story.
Or Jessica says some cruel things that leave you once again questioning your relationship with Matt.
[Series of one-shots about Reader meeting, falling for, and dating Matt Murdock.]
Warnings: 18+ for this series; contains humor, fluff, romance, angst, smut (like...a lot of it later in the series), language, some violence
Word Count: 4.2k
a/n: This is a bit of a light angst, emotional hurt/comfort installment! You can find the entire list of installments for this series on tumblr here. And if you're enjoying the series, I always love feedback!
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Walking beside Katy, the two of you began to make your way towards the taped off police line and back towards the office. There was a gathering of onlookers starting to surround the area now, the lights of the police cars in the street flashing in the late afternoon sun.
“Thanks for letting me tag along on this story,” you told Katy, tucking your notepad and pen back into your purse.
“No problem,” she answered. “I’m just glad Ellison doesn’t have you on such a tight leash anymore. You were pushing yourself pretty hard there for a while.”
Readjusting your purse strap, you shot her a look. “I wasn’t that bad, was I?” you asked her skeptically.
Katy came to a halt beside you and you abruptly turned, barely stepping out of the way of a police officer who was yelling at someone for trying to cross the tape. Katy’s eyes had grown wide in disbelief at your question before she nodded at you.
“You had some days where you actually dozed off at your desk,” she told you. “Because you’d been out chasing stories late at night. And your boyfriend was telling me you hadn’t been sleeping well, either.”
“Wait, hold on,” you said, holding up a hand as your eyes narrowed at her. “When the hell were you and Matt talking about me?”
Her eyebrows rose high on her forehead. “That weird string of homicides I was covering recently? You remember that?” When you nodded she continued. “Yeah, your boy popped up a few times to uh, help me out . You know,” she said, her eyes darting around as she dropped her voice, “dressed in his formal attire?”
You rolled your eyes at her wording. “So you both thought it would be fun to discuss me while I wasn’t there?” you asked.
“No,” Katy said, shaking her head. “It wasn’t like that. Your man seemed worried about you. Was asking about your assignments. Wondering if there was something that could be done to convince Ellison to throw you something bigger than those fluff pieces.”
“He–he was asking you about that?” you asked.
“Yeah,” she said. “He said you were going nonstop and he was worried you were burning yourself out. Said you were often out running around and–”
“Oh wow,” a voice called out.
Katy’s face instantly fell at the interruption. Your own body felt like it had deflated at the sound of that voice. Turning in the direction the voice had come from, you spotted none other than New York City’s darling reporter, Jessica Manning. She was the star reporter of the most popular local news station for the city–and she was also your's and Katy's news archnemesis. 
Jessica was standing there looking smug in her tall heels, tight pencil skirt, and almost too-revealing blouse. One perfect dark brow was raised high on her forehead as she took in the sight of you and Katy before her with a look that only amounted to disdain. Her blue eyes seemed extra soulless today–probably because it had been a few months since you’d had the misfortune of running into her and enduring her rude comments.
“I’m honestly surprised your little paper bothered to send anyone out here,” Jessica continued, crossing her arms over her chest. “I’ll have already covered the story before either of you make it back to your quaint office.” Her dark red lips curled into a tight smile. “You really shouldn’t even bother covering the robbery, girls. I’ve got this one. Go relax and have a drink or something.”
She shot you both a condescending wink and you fought the urge to roll your eyes.  Her very presence made you want to vomit. You hated this whole weird competition thing she always tried to start whenever you ran into her. Despite Matt claiming she had been jealous of you at that award ceremony, you couldn't possibly believe that was remotely true. 
"Except everyone will be coming to The Bulletin for an intelligent, in-depth look at the story tomorrow morning," Katy shot back. "Not the two minutes of hair twirling and fake laughing you'll be doing shortly."
Jessica's brows lowered on her forehead, a dark look crossing her pretty face. "Your little newspaper is on its last legs," she snarled. "It's only a matter of time before you're both as irrelevant as the printed paper you write for."
"Afraid you can't handle the competition?" you asked.
Jessica barked out a laugh, the abrupt sound startling you. She shook her head, popping a hip out. 
"Competition from Hell’s Kitchen’s number one journalist?" she sneered. "The one writing about every charity, fundraiser, and library event? The one covering the closure of a beloved bakery ? Yeah," she said sarcastically, "I'm very afraid of the competition from you ."
You bit your tongue, desperately wishing you had something to snap back at her with. But you didn't. Because you had been covering a bunch of ridiculous fluff pieces lately and it had been utterly embarrassing, especially after the award you'd just won. 
"That's what I thought," Jessica said, an unfriendly smile spreading along her lips. "How's your boyfriend by the way?" she asked next, a faux look of concern on her face. "He is still your boyfriend, isn't he? Or did he finally realize he could do better than you?"
You stood there silent and stunned, too taken off guard by her personal jab for a witty retort. And she had yet again touched a nerve that was beginning to draw forth feelings you didn’t want to experience in front of Jessica Manning. Katy threw a hand on your shoulder when you remained speechless, quickly opening her own mouth. 
"You're just jealous you can't land someone of his caliber, Manning," Katy spat.
Jessica rolled her eyes dramatically. "Please," she said with a wave of her hand. "He's not that successful of a lawyer to begin with. And he's not even that hot." Her eyes landed on you as she shot you a sly smile. "If I wanted to fuck him, I'd fuck him. And he would happily oblige, rest assured. Bet it would be a welcome change for him from someone so clearly vanilla over here."
Your blood felt like it was boiling as your hands balled into fists at your sides. Internally you told yourself that it was bullshit, Matt would never sleep with Jessica. But then you couldn't help but remember the string of confident, attractive women that came before you. Recognizing that she'd struck a nerve, she leaned in towards you and dug in further.
"And I guarantee you if he wasn't blind, he wouldn't be with you," she said. "Because really, you're nothing special. You don't know how to command the attention of a room, and apparently you've already passed your prime in your career just like that."
She snapped her perfectly manicured fingers in your face and you flinched. Rising back up to her intimidating height, she smirked back at you. 
Tears were burning behind your eyes at her words; you'd never wondered that before, never thought about if Matt wasn’t blind. Would he still want you if he could see you? If he could see the successful, beautiful, outgoing, confident women that were still occasionally flirting with him, would he still choose you ?
"Ms. Manning?" 
Jessica plastered a friendly smile onto her face before she turned on her heels towards the camera operator who had called out to her.
"We're ready over here for your segment," the man informed her. "We go live in two minutes."
"Perfect!" Jessica chirped. 
She turned and shot you and Katy a less friendly smile over her shoulder. Your nails dug into your palms as you refrained from hitting her exactly as Matt had taught you. He wouldn't be too thrilled to learn you were punching reporters. Ellison probably wouldn't be either. 
"It's been lovely, girls," she cooed condescendingly, "but I have real work to do now."
She sauntered off, her hips obnoxiously moving from side to side in a clearly exaggerated manner. You wanted to cry and rip her fake lashes out.
"Should we ruin her segment?" Katy whispered beside you. "Throw eggs at her? Maybe douse her in pickle juice?"
"We'd get fired, Katy," you grumbled, glaring at Jessica’s retreating back.
“It’d be worth it,” Katy muttered.
You sighed, turning away from Jessica as she stood in front of the cameras and primped her hair. Making your way back towards the police tape, your mind was now stuck on one thought: Would Matt still want you if he wasn’t blind? 
The more you thought about it, the more you began to tell yourself there was no way. It’s not that you were unattractive by any means, but you certainly weren’t any of the women you’d so often watched flirt with him–you were not nearly as secure and outgoing as any of them. And Matt, well, attractive was genuinely an understatement. The man was beautiful and smart and had a big heart, even if he did have some issues of his own because of his childhood–but really, who didn’t? There was no way–
“Hey, you know what she said was bullshit, right?” Katy asked, breaking through your thoughts.
Startled by her voice, you turned to look at your friend beside you. One of her dark brows had risen onto her forehead as she shot you a concerned look.
“The shit she was saying about Matt not being with you if he could see you,” Katy clarified. “It’s bullshit. You seem oddly quiet, like you’re sitting there mulling it over in your overactive mind. I know that look on your face–the one with the wrinkled forehead,” she said, gesturing at your face, “and your scrunched nose. You’re letting her get into your head.”
Your attention shifted to the sidewalk as you walked, shrugging a shoulder. “I mean, she’s probably right,” you mumbled. 
Katy gasped loudly, roughly swatting your arm. “You take that back!” she exclaimed. “Jessica Manning is never right! We–” she said, rapidly gesturing a hand between the pair of you, “–don’t say shit like that.”
A small grin slid its way onto your mouth. “Alright, alright,” you said. “Jessica Manning is not right,” you told Katy.
“Good,” Katy said firmly. “We don’t say that sort of filth at The Bulletin.”
You laughed lightly, but though you were smiling as the pair of you made your way back to the office, you still couldn’t help but to wonder if Jessica was right.
Curled up on your couch under your blanket, you were mindlessly binging a few episodes of House Hunters before you planned to get ready for bed. You’d unfortunately spent most of the evening further spiraling the more you’d thought about Jessica’s jabs. By the time you’d finished eating dinner, you’d already cried and convinced yourself you were an idiot for thinking you’d ever catch Matt’s attention if he could really see all of you, not just your personality. And that quickly had you questioning your entire relationship even if you knew that was ridiculous. 
Three gentle knocks came from your window and your attention shifted from the television to Matt dressed as Daredevil crouching down on your fire escape. He sent you a little wave behind the glass as he smiled at you.
“It’s unlocked,” you said, not really feeling like moving.
Matt reached a hand out, sliding your window up. The smell of the city along with the sounds of traffic and faint yelling filled your apartment as Matt climbed in through the opening. He was soon closing it after himself as you further curled into yourself on the couch, feeling something heavy settling in the pit of your stomach now that Matt was here.
“Hey, sweetheart,” Matt greeted you, turning around.
He pulled the helmet from his head, running a gloved hand through his messed hair as he always did when he first showed up. Across the room, he was smiling at you, though you watched as the smile soon faded. His head tilted to the side, his eyes narrowing as he clearly began to analyze you on the couch. You tugged the blanket up past your chin as if that would somehow hide you from his Fancy Devil senses.
“What’s wrong?” he asked, making his way towards you.
“Nothing,” you answered automatically.
 He hesitated for the smallest of moments before he set his helmet down on the coffee table. You winced, realizing he knew you’d just lied.
“You want to try that again?” he asked curiously. “Because I think we both know that’s not true.”
“I just–just had a shitty day,” you mumbled, your attention focusing on the television behind him.
Out of your peripheral, you watched as his face turned away from you. Towards your chest. Because he was listening to your heartbeat to see if you’d lied again. You scoffed, tugging the blanket below your mouth to speak.
“That’s not fair, Matt,” you pointed out. 
“What?” he asked.
Pushing yourself upright on the couch, you pulled your knees up to your chest under the blanket. You gestured a hand at him. “That. Right there. The analyzing me with your senses thing,” you said.
His eyes narrowed further as he stood on the opposite side of your coffee table, his head even further canted to the side now as his hands flew onto his hips. “You mean…being myself?” he questioned slowly.
“I’m having a shitty day,” you repeated. “That should be enough. I don’t need to be–” you waved a hand frantically at him as you searched for a word, “–Daredeviled or whatever.”
He pulled a face at you, looking even more confused now. Shifting on his feet, he closed his eyes for a moment before shaking his head and blowing out a rough breath. When he opened his eyes again, his sightless gaze was focused around your face.
“Okay, let’s try this again,” he said calmly. “You’re clearly upset about something and I’m just trying to find out what it is so I can help.”
“You can’t help,” you blurted, dying to drop this already.
Matt nodded slowly, hands still resting along his hips. You saw his tongue nervously dart out between his lips before he spoke again.
“So this has nothing to do with me?” he asked carefully.
You opened your mouth, about to tell him no, but stopped. Obviously that was a lie and he would know it. But saying nothing would also obviously answer his question as well. Your shoulders dropped in defeat as Matt’s brows rose up onto his forehead.
“Okay, so it is about me,” he said nervously. “What–what did I do, sweetheart?”
“It’s not you!” you shot back.
Because technically, it was stupid Jessica Manning.
Matt frowned, one of his hands rising up to rub across his mouth for a moment. And then he was making his way around the coffee table, sitting down beside you on the couch still dressed in his full Daredevil suit sans helmet.
“Sweetheart, do you remember how a few weeks ago you were the one who initiated a pinky promise between us?” he asked softly.
You slumped back into the couch, your eyes dropping down onto your blanket. “Yes,” you mumbled.
“And you said we’d use our grown up words and work on our problems together ?” he pressed.
Inhaling a deep breath, your fingers began anxiously fiddling with a loose string on the blanket. You blew out the breath before nodding your head, muttering a quieter ‘yes’ in response.
“Okay, well, right now is one of those times we need to do that,” Matt said, shifting on the couch so he could face you. “You don’t want to break a pinky promise with the Devil, do you?” he joked.
Turning a little on the couch, you shot him a curious look. “Why, what happens if I do?” you questioned.
He grinned mischievously back at you. “Not anything you’d enjoy,” he said, shooting you a wink.
“You’re sending me mixed signals with that,” you deadpanned.
He chuckled, shaking his head. “Not the point. The point is, something is bothering you and it has to do with me. So, tell me,” he urged.
Immediately your attention returned to the loose string in the blanket, feeling yourself shrink into yourself on the couch again. You were going to sound like an idiot in front of Matt yet again with this one.
“You can tell me anything, sweetheart,” Matt promised.
“I ran into Jessica Manning today,” you began quietly. “Katy and I were covering that armed robbery– after police had already handled it,” you added quickly, hearing the inhale of him about to most likely chastise you. “Anyway, she was there. And she said some…shitty things to me.”
“About what?” he asked gently.
Chewing your lip, your attention focused anywhere but on Matt as you wrapped your arms around your blanketed legs, drawing them in further to your body. Your chin came down to rest atop your knees. 
“That I was passed my career success already, writing bullshit fluff pieces,” you admitted. “Which she’s not wrong. As a journalist who just won a prestigious award, it…was embarrassing to be covering all of those pieces for months .”
“There was a reason,” Matt whispered.
“Doesn’t matter,” you countered, nails picking at the string on the blanket. “No one else knows that. I just look like a shit journalist.”
“You are not a shit journalist,” he told you firmly. “And you’re getting back onto other stories now. It won’t be long before you’re reminding everyone how amazing you are.”
Silence fell over your apartment immediately after his words. You really didn’t want to admit the other things she’d said, especially not to Matt. Especially because part of you believed her to be right.
“But that’s not all she said to you,” Matt pointed out after a bit. 
“No,” you whispered.
“Talk to me, sweetheart,” he urged. "Tell me what's going on in that pretty little overthinking head of yours."
You winced, your eyelids slowly falling closed as you turned again, burying your face into your blanketed legs. You didn’t want to look at his face with what you were going to tell him next.
“She said you wouldn’t be with me if you weren’t blind,” you admitted, voice muffled against the blanket.
There was another moment of silence that fell over your apartment. It felt long and drawn out as your sentence hung in the air between the two of you. The pit in your stomach suddenly felt heavier in the quiet.
“And you believed her?” Matt finally whispered.
Your head rose up from where you’d buried it against your legs when you caught the tinge of hurt in Matt’s tone. Glancing over your shoulder at him beside you, you saw his face was tightened up with emotion, pain evident in his eyes despite the dim light of your living room. He looked hurt– genuinely hurt–and your brows furrowed at the sight. 
"I mean I'm–I'm not like the other women you've, you know, been with before," you muttered nervously. "Or the ones who openly flirt with you. I'm just–" you shrugged awkwardly, "–nervous, embarrassing, overthinking me. And if you could actually see me in comparison to all of them there's no way you'd be with me, Matt. Let's be real here."
Matt's face somehow fell even further at your words, his eyes beginning to water as if you'd truly upset him. He whispered your name softly, shaking his head.
"Sweetheart," he said, voice breaking on the word, "how could you believe that? I love you. You ." 
His gloved hand reached out, his fingers tenderly grabbing your chin and turning your face more towards him. A single tear managed to slip out of the corner of his eye, your own zeroing in on it. Instantly you felt horrible for making him cry.
"I love you," he repeated earnestly. "I don't care what you look like because I know you're beautiful. Inside and out. And I don't give a shit about any of those other women," he continued. "I've never met anyone like you before. Never . And I'm not stupid enough to think I ever would again." 
His hand released your chin, moving to cradle your cheek instead, his gloved thumb stroking your skin. Your pulse sped up in your chest as he stared back at you with so much emotion written so plainly across his face that you almost wanted to cry yourself. 
"I only want you," he continued. "And it's not because I'm blind. Though I can assure you I've heard you turn heads before, sweetheart. Increase heart rates besides my own. I have definitely overheard men making comments about you," he admitted, pausing to grit his teeth before he shook his head, continuing on. "But that's not what's important to me. I care about this," he told you, his hand leaving your cheek to rest over your heart. "And this," he added gently, his hand raising before he tapped two fingers against your temple. "Everything else fades with time."
His hand slid down to cradle your face again, a warm, loving smile on his mouth directed solely at you. Your own lips quivered as they slowly pulled up into a smile at Matt. 
"Better?" he asked. "Or was there more?"
Swallowing hard, you remembered her jab about you in the bedroom. Your smile briefly faltered at the memory. 
"What else did she say?" he asked knowingly.
Eyes dropping down to the couch cushion, you awkwardly chewed your bottom lip. "She uh, she said I was vanilla," you muttered.
"What?" Matt questioned.
"In the bedroom," you clarified awkwardly. "That I was vanilla in the bedroom."
Matt's shoulders began shaking, the movement catching your attention. Your eyes quickly darted up at him beside you. He was biting his bottom lip, clearly trying to fight back a laugh as his shoulders shook silently with amusement. 
"I'm sorry," he said quickly, shaking his head. "I’m not laughing at you. I just think it's ridiculous because, sweetheart, you are far from vanilla in the bedroom."
He shot you a cheeky wink and your cheeks instantly flamed. Shortly after, he was scooting his way towards you on the couch before pulling you into his body, wrapping you in his comforting embrace. Instinctively your own hands flew up, snaking their way around Matt’s waist and up his back. You rested your head along his armored chest, your eyes closing as you inhaled that familiar scent of sweat, the city, and his suit.
“I’m sorry,” you whispered. “I knew it was stupid but she just…gets in my head somehow.”
“It’s alright,” he murmured. He turned, his soft lips placing a kiss to your temple as he held you, his hands soothingly rubbing along your back. “That’s why it’s good you talk to me when something is bothering you. So we can fix whatever it is together,” he said into your hair. “Right?”
You smiled, squeezing him tighter with your own arms. “Right,” you agreed.
“Is it alright if I greet you how I wanted to initially now?” he asked.
“And how was that?” you questioned back.
Matt broke away from you just a bit and you copied him, your arms still lightly holding onto his waist as you curiously looked up at him. One of his hands came up and gingerly pushed some hair off of your face. He smiled at you before gradually closing the distance, pressing his lips tenderly to yours. Your eyelids fluttered shut, that heavy sinking feeling that had settled in your gut for the past few hours transforming into something weightless, like hundreds of nervous butterflies flapping in your stomach as you kissed him back. After a moment he placed one last peck to your mouth before he leaned back, the smile still on his mouth.
“I missed you today, sweetheart,” he said.
“I missed you, too,” you whispered.
He leaned forward, placing a kiss to your forehead that had your lips curling into an even bigger smile before he rose from the couch. Your eyes followed his movements as he skirted around the coffee table. 
“I’m going to change out of this uncomfortable thing,” Matt told you, “and I’m hoping that when I come back, there’s room for me to snuggle up with you before bed on that couch.”
“Of course there’s room,” you replied.
Shooting you a grin and a wink, he turned and made his way towards your hallway. The moment he was almost out of sight, you called out to him. Matt instantly appeared just within sight again, his brows raised in a silent question as he gazed towards the couch.
“I love you,” you told him.
That tender, fond look of love he often sent you was quickly settling onto his face. “I love you, too,” he said. “And I’m going to be back in a few minutes to collect on those cuddles, sweetheart.”
You giggled, watching as the smile grew on his face before he continued back to your bedroom to change. As you settled back onto the couch more comfortably, you internally cursed Jessica Manning for ever having the ability to cause you to doubt Matt, and you vowed you’d never believe her words again.
Maybe she really was just jealous of you.
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Tentative list for best horror and thriller girls:
1. Maria from Mad Father
2. Reiko Mikami from Another
3. Bridget, from the webtoon Nonesuch,
4. Ha-Im, from webtoon Never-ending Darling.
5. Riot Maidstone (from Hello From The Hallowoods),
6. Martha from Ravenous 1999
7. Grace, from Ready or Not (2019).
8. Regan Abbott (A Quiet Place)
9. Ava (Ex Machina)
10. Beatrice (Over the Garden Wall)
11. Jennifer from Jennifer’s Body
12. Rozy from the guy upstairs
13. Rachel (Rachel Rising comic book series)
14. Amanda Young, SAW,
15. Wendy Torrance, “The Shining” movie
16. Pannochka - Viy
17. Blind Mag (Repo! The Genetic Opera)
18. Sasha from the magnus archives
19. Mina Harker (Dracula
20. Lex Foster from Black Friday.
21. Charlotte from Hello Charlotte!
22. Carrie White, Carrie
23. Scarlet, I’m the Grim Reaper
24. So Jung-hwa, Strangers from Hell
25. Dana Scully, The X Files
26. Akane Tsunemori, Psycho Pass
27. Mima Kirigoe, Perfect Blue
28. Nina Fortner, Monster
29. Eva Heinemann, Monster
30. Edith Cushing, Crimson Peak
31. Lucille Sharpe, Crimson Peak
32. Ellen Ripley, Alien
33. Clarice Starling, Silence of the Lambs
34. Lisa Reisert, Red Eye
35. Laurie Strode, Halloween
36. Kayo Hinazuki, Erased
37. Hondomachi, ID Invaded
38. Yonaka Kurai, Mogeko Castle
39. Ib, IB
40. Re-L Mayer, Ergo Proxy
41. Kyun Yoon, Bastard
42. Jisu, Sweet Home
43. Lauren Sinclair, Purple Hyacinth
44. Nita, Market of Monsters series
45. Rose the Hat from Doctor Sleep (2019 movie and Stephen King book)
46. Sidney Prescott from the original Scream movies,
47. Jade Daniels, Indian Lake Trilogy/My Heart is a chainsaw by Stephen Graham Jones
48. Villanelle, killing eve
49. Harrow from gideon the ninth/Locked Tomb
50. Maggie, Everything is Fine
51. Chaerin Eun, Surviving Romance
52. Finn, I’m Dating a Psychopath
53. Rayne Liebert, Homesick
54. Ha-im Yun, Never Ending Darling
55. Ashlyn Banner, School Bus Graveyard
56. Chae-ah Han, Trapped
57. Jeongmin Choi, Dreaming Freedom
58. Frankie, Stagtown
59. India Stoker, Stoker
60. Nam-ra, All of Us Are Dead
61. Ji-woo, My Name
62. Nanno, Girl From Nowhere
63. Emerald, Nope
64. Jessica Jones
65. Susy, Wait Until Dark
66. Margot, The Menu
67. Vera, Just Like Home
68. Rosemary, Rosemary’s Baby
69. Gertrude Robinson, The Magnus Archives
70. Alex, Oxenfree
71. Margaret Lanternman/The Log Lady, Twin Peaks,
72. Audrey Horne, Twin Peaks,
73. Su-an, Train to Busan
74. Ji-a, Tale of the Nine Tailed
75. Cha Ji-won, Flower of Evil
76. Coraline
77. Helen Lyle, Candyman
78. Nancy, Nightmare on Elm Street
79. Mrs. De Winter, Rebecca
80. Mrs. Danvers, Rebecca
81. Shiki Ryougi, Garden of Sinners
82. Kirsty Cotton, Hellraiser
83. Pearl, Pearl
84. Take-ju, Thirst
85. Suzy Bannion, Suspiria
86. Lain, Serial Experiments Lain
87. Asami Yamazaki, Audition
88. Naru, Prey
89. Eli, Let the Right One In
90. The Girl, A Girl walks home alone at night
91. Cecilia, Immaculate
92. Evie Alexander, The Invitation
93. Maren, Bones and All
94. Michelle, 10 Cloverfield Lane
95. Thomasin, The VVitch
96. Emma, None Shall Sleep
97. Contestanta, A Dowry of Blood
98. Brigid O’Shaughnessy, Maltese Falcon
99. Sandra Voyter, Anatomy of a Fall
100. Lisa, Rear Window
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rebeccalouisaferguson · 8 months
“I look for the simple relationship dramas of just going to the loo while somebody is brushing their teeth. It’s just a fucking shot and it’s just real. I want that,” says Swedish-born actor, Rebecca Ferguson. And although she wants a skin-and-bones realism when it comes to the films she makes, she is certainly a darling of the movie theater spectacle. In other words, Ferguson graces some of the most grand and big budget films known to earth-dwellers, that of the Mission Impossible series, where she stars alongside none other than Tom Cruise, or her effortless depth as Lady Jessica in Dune and the forthcoming Part Two, as well as helming post-apocalyptic Apple TV+ series Silo, which is slated for a second season, and these are just to name a few.
Ferguson speaks further regarding her process when it comes to choosing a project to work on, “I read a script and I like a script, and I like a character, and I like the director, and I like the ensemble.” But then she pauses, light from the street moving across her face, “But, honestly, I do get sick and tired of playing powerful women. Or being asked that question: ‘You like playing powerful women, don’t you?’ I think [to myself], ‘Ugh, no, I just like playing people with thoughts and actions and reactions.’ And I think why I’m loving these films and series (Dune, Mission Impossible, Silo), is because it’s an uncontrolled environment. I like an environment that takes you into something unsettling, taking control of you and you have to adapt.”
Ferguson has adapted, ladies and gentlemen. Considering her lengthy résumé, it’s as if she has punched a winning artistic lottery ticket. Additionally, her experience has now allowed her to be of service, which the star is grateful for and does not take for granted. “It’s quite nice,” she says, speaking of her chops offering virtues, “because we have new characters in season two of Silo, and they are nervous, and a bit younger, and it’s nice to nurture and care for them on set. Like, I don’t like flying, I’m claustrophobic, but if I fly with someone who’s terrified, I’m super cool. I think that happens on set as well. You can kind of pretend you’ve got your shit together.”
Pretending or not, Ferguson is interested in humanity, meaning, she is interested in people that care for one another, not just treating artists and the like as if they are capitalistic puzzle pieces. “I feel similar to Denis Villeneuve (the director of Dune) in the way I run a set. When I say ‘me,’ I mean that I’m the lead of it and I produce it, and I am part of the collaboration and safety—” note, Ferguson is an executive producer on Silo— “and to be a part of the bigger picture is really important for me. To feel connected because we’re people. And I do well with people who are character actors and quite self-obsessed. It’s interesting, I love drama and I think it’s fun as long as its kind, but I want a really good set. I want a happy set where everyone feels heard and seen.” She continues eloquently, “I think acting is so delicate and individual. But if you feel safe then the humanity of holding space for each other [can happen], so then you feel safe to explore. Also, when you get older...” Ferguson pauses, and a wry smile appears, “I want to have fun, man. I want to really come to work and enjoy it.”
Considering the milestone 25th anniversary issue at hand, we can’t help but ask if Ferguson would share some of her own career and personal-life highlights. She says that she likes to keep certain aspects of her personal life private, however, her work milestones seem to reflect that the lessons on set feed into the way she is off set. “Career wise, I was going to say it was quite recent, oddly enough,” Ferguson recounts, “I remember on The White Queen (a BBC One television series of which Ferguson was the lead), I was sitting with Max Irons on the thrones, I was playing the Queen of England, as a Swede, trying to elongate my vowels, and I looked out over all the people on set, and said to [Irons], ‘This is about us! We’re here! This is huge for me!’ We laughed, and it was not like, ‘I had made it.’ It was more of this feeling of: ‘I can’t believe I’m allowed to do this.’ I get back to that moment often because that moment taught me to now and then just stop and look at what I’ve done, and look at where I am because I keep on just going. It’s go and go and go, and project after project, and boom boom boom, and I don’t stop to just go, ‘Wow, I’ve done really well. I’m so lucky!’”
We pause and take in the silver lining of the artistic battle. The agony and the ecstasy therein. How the go go go can feel so good whilst simultaneously feeling overwhelming. It is wonderful to witness a star like Ferguson recounting not the money made or the awards won as milestones, but the experiences had, and the resultant upward spiritual shifts of her life. She goes on and let’s us in a bit closer, and we gladly listen: “The other time was the realization that I don’t give two fucks to say what I want on set. That is the most powerful moment for me. It was less than six years ago. I had something in my mind but I didn’t do [what I needed to do for myself]. I was terrified, and I felt really unfairly treated by an actor I was working with. I remember leaving that set thinking I have disliked this entire shoot, and I couldn’t stand that for myself. I thought, ‘I don’t want to do this if this is what it’s like,’ because I’m far too fragile, but the next film I did after that was amazing. I wonder if that was a transition for me, of being able to say: I don’t like this. Self-worth...”
And she lets that one fade away. We know what she means. Anyone with a pulse knows what she means. Self-worth and its multifaceted teachings. How self-worth allows us to be strong and steady and available. After all, what is the point of it all if we can’t help those that come after us? Ferguson laughs, “I remember saying to Tom Cruise once—and we were in a helicopter traveling to set, obviously—‘You know your life is really fucked up, buddy.’ And he was like, ‘What?’ I said, ‘You travel in a helicopter to work... and I’m just going to leave it right there.’ He was quiet, and said, ‘Yeah, I know. But you know what? My experience is through you.’ And I loved that he said that. I thought, ‘I guess that’s what I feel with the younger people on set now,’ I get so much from them. One of them said [to me recently], ‘I’m really nervous,’ as it was a huge set, and I thought ‘It is a huge set,’ I walk on appreciating it and loving it, but I’m also very comfortable, but the young ones walk backwards whilst walking forward, and they look for me to help them.”
This all must be why Rebecca Ferguson continues to shine in some of the grandest roles and grandest productions. Not just because she can act her ass off or that her face is something Botticelli would weep over, but because of her remembrance of humanity. We get so much of entertainment backwards—we think it’s this parade of opening weekend decadence and red carpet façade, but it’s really this assemblage of hearts and minds aching to do good, aching to build community through magic. “We move on so quickly in life,” Ferguson says, as we nearly conclude, “We just had a moment now where I could have stayed at work for an extra hour and it would have helped them, but I also stood there going, ‘I’ve promised my daughter I would be home, and I’m actually just going to stick to that promise.’ I felt bad for leaving, as I would like to help them more, but to be able to stand there in myself and go: No, these are the moments in life that mean everything.”
The moments. The delicate balance. The balance between on-screen queen and at-home mother. The virtues collide betwixt the personal and the professional. The magic and the simple. Sometimes blurring the lines. And blurred or not, always keeping the silver-smithed love intact. 
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