#Jimmy Jay
guessimdumb · 1 year
Jimmy Jay - Run Wild (While You're Young) (1959)
Unfortunately my 17 year old seems to have taken this advice a bit too literally.
The things that satisfy me lord is, high on the shelf  
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iheartliquor · 2 years
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newwavesylviaplath · 6 months
evan peters i will always be waiting for you with open arms. and open legs. and an open mouth.
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am3ricanh0rrorwh0re · 3 months
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gotta give him that HAWK TUAH-
that gawk gawk 3000
take him down to suck city (i’m so sorry yall)
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citruslllad · 10 months
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shhh… they’re eeping
(brighter version + closeups under cut)
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madebyteenagefury · 8 months
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horsejackbowman · 1 month
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If there’s one thing i love, it’s breaking bad and all associated media. if there’s one other thing i love, it’s webcomic What Happens Next by @maximumgraves
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weyounthevorta · 6 months
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Spend that $10 wisely
$10 Tier
- Shran (Star Trek Enterprise)
- Anton Mordrid (Doctor Mordrid)
- Harriman Gray (Babylon 5)
- Crawford Tillinghast (From Beyond)
$5 Tier
- Weyoun (Deep Space Nine)
- Milton Dammers (Frighteners)
- Herbert West (Reanimator)
- Chaz (Dead Man Walking)
$3 Tier
- Dinosaur Bob (Love and a .45)
- Jimmy Wilkins (Hunter)
- Doc Haggis (Lurking Fear)
- Andrew Paris (Phantom Empire)
$2 Tier
- Sheperd Lambrick (Would You Rather)
- D-Day (Fortress)
- John Reilly (Castle Freak)
- Jay Brooks (I Still Know What You Did Last Summer)
$1 Tier
- Brunt, FCA (Deep Space Nine)
- Lonnie Hawks (Death Falls)
- Penk (Star Trek Voyager)
- Father Jonathan (Evil Clergyman)
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void-detective · 2 months
Worth More ☝️
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Author note: I've been meaning to write these two for awhile actually just never had the push till now. So anon, this is for you! Also I will not even try to replicate how Jey talks (don't know if it would come off wrong). This is for all my samijey lovers, I see the appeal and I'm here for it! Also sorry for any grammar mistakes!
Word count: 2,637
Warning: mild/reference to Kevin and Sami, comfort, confessions, first kiss, and family drama
Summery: After being reunited with Jey thanks to the Judgement Day, Sami begins to contemplate some very glaring problems with his friendship with Jey. And without Kevin around he has a lot less people he's close to for comfort after losing to Bron Breakker.
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Sami has always been a loyal man no matter the person, whether it be returning the favor to Dragunov or going out of his way to help former allies or people he aligned himself with. This was especially the case for Kevin Owens and now Jey Uso. He could recall the Bloodline days like yesterday, a distant painful memory of what was.
He could remember how hard and long it had taken to form a trustworthy spot within the faction as an outsider. Especially when it came to Jey who was the only one (aside from Roman secretly) who had refused to accept him as part of the group. His twin brother was chill and easy to chat with but Jey was always so closed off and stoic as his baby brother like he was afraid of letting anyone but family in.
What had begun as Sami wanting to be part of something to connect to people in a way that he hadn't been able to do since Kevin began doing other ventures, then it all began to bleed into the truth of the dynamic. The verbal abuse, the manipulation, and the ego of the Tribal Chief. The chained leashes of everyone in the Bloodline to be kept in line by the ever dominant force that was Roman Reigns. It was like a minefield. Anything, even something as small as a hint of attitude or questioning could get you tipping on the edge of the Chief’s wrath.
Everyone was on edge even with the laughs and good times shared between the group because of the ever lingering threat of the Tribal Chief’s temper and pushing your luck. If he even sensed you were becoming too comfortable within the family he was pushing the boundaries ensuring his own power stayed.
What was worse was Sami felt stuck at the time from fear of his wrath and not wanting to lose that meaningful connection he had created within the Bloodline. It was a cycle of manipulation and guilt that even for someone like the Canadian, it felt to hard to push back from. What he feared more for though was losing Jey.
Jey had become a close friend once the heat had settled and he had accepted him as part of the faction, even becoming closer to him then his older twin Jimmy.
What had started as a friendly companionship started to drop down beyond casual touches and lingering glances. It was something he knew well from his relationship and former partnership with his best friend Kevin. The line between his platonic feelings began to step over to a dangerous sentiment of love.
However these newfound feelings were teetering on the edge of danger with the dynamics of the Bloodline not only because he was an outsider but because Roman was fiercely protective of his family. Or that's how he painted the picture but he knew better than to believe the manipulation played by him now that he had begun to see his true colors.
Roman was power hungry and willing to treat his family with calculated gaslighting and deceit. Everything was subtle but it sent the message of who held the reigns (pun unintentional) and the atmosphere started to feel suffocating for Zayn and Jey.
Even with Romans abusive ways, Zayn kept his friendship with Jey closely knitted like something he was needed to protect at all costs. It went between keeping Jey in line the more he began to snap back in frustration at Roman and being the other man's rock. And in return the younger twin had reciprocated those protective gestures especially during the interrogation between him and the Bloodline where Sami nearly got struck by a Samoan spike.
Following Tribal Court he had snuck into SmackDown to give his thanks to him for the save and during their brief exchange he had thrown in a playful but sincere ‘I love you’ towards Jey. At the time it had been platonic but then he heard the Samoan return the sentiment back. God if he wasn't already smiling like an idiot he felt his heart do a leap and grinned knowingly when he caught Jey's subtle reaction to his own slip up.
Though come Royal Rumble of 2023, it had all culminated into a full circle.
Years and months of abuse and manipulation from Reigns had pushed Sami to do the one thing no one else in the Bloodline wanted to do. Defy the Tribal Chief.
In the heat of the moment Sami had been pushed and pushed till he could no longer take the bullying or the sight of his best friend motionlessly cuffed at the mercy of this tyrant. In his emotional outburst he had snapped and within the moment Roman turned his back..he had swung on him.
The attacks from the Bloodline still lingered like an irreversible trauma to his psyche but one thing engraved in his mind was that Jey refused to indulge or even look at the vicious beating of Sami. Should the Canadian have felt angered by the lack of help? Maybe in other people's eyes, but in his own eyes he had pushed a domino effect in hopes of breaking his friend out of the abuse of the family dynamic.
Each attack from everyone had felt like a knife to the heart from the brainwashing and hold over the Head of the Table had over everyone in his family. But in the end he knew making himself an enemy of the Bloodline was what was best to push Jey to start breaking away from his cousin.
To protect two men who meant the absolute world to him.
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After his fallout with the Bloodline his interactions with Jey had become less frequent aside from sparse backstage moments but what he was more happy about was watching his friend gain such a cult following. It filled him with joy watching how much the fans had grown to love him and how Jey had come into his own since the days of the Bloodline.
With Jey on the same brand as him there were more chances to get time to make sure the other man was doing fine. It still worried Sami that Jey was still catching his footing as a singles competitor now without the backing of his family in his corner. He tried to give comfort in small gestures of reassuring words and keeping other people on SmackDown from being upset due to the past Bloodline association.
Not to mention his best friend Kevin wasn't entirely fond of Jey sticking around which he could understand considering his and Sami's past with the Bloodline. But as always he played peacemaker making sure Kevin didn't get aggressive with Jey being around. His friend could be unpredictable and it wasn't easy to regain his trust (as ironic as it sounds).
However things between them were complicated and got even more so when Kevin ended up being traded to Raw while Sami was left without his best friend in his corner. And to top it all off he had to watch Jey tag team with Cody like they were buddy buddy in the way Sami had been with the other man. Internally he was seething, struggling with his feelings and the sight of someone else being so close and friendly with Jey when he had tried so hard to get him to be his friend.
..Wait as he,,jealous?
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July 19, 2024, SmackDown
During one of his interviews Sami had paused among hearing a commotion somewhere backstage and began to move off to the sound of the problem hoping Bron hadn't gone after someone again. No wait..he recognized that gear.
Sami quickened his pace and discarded the championship with no second thought as he after the Judgement Day who were attacking Jey. His motions were quick in driving them off as he went after JD, quickly slamming the other man into the table out of anger before Carlito moved to tug his team mate from the Canadian.
Once they were out of sight he turned towards Jey placing a hand on his arm and his other on his chest as he steadied him. “You alright, uce?” Zayn questioned the familiar term slipping like it used to back in their Bloodline days.
“Yeet.” Was all he managed to get out the other man but with his frustrated motion over his head, he could tell Jey was far from alright.
Oh they were going after Judgment Day for this.
And they made good on their team up even without being a tag team officially they had an undeniable chemistry that went beyond a casual pairing up. They worked well off each other like a well oiled team and made good work of the Judgment Day within minutes.
Once the bell rang Zayn was quick to slide into the ring as he got in his knees checking on Jey still laying on the canvas. He felt Jey grabbing at his back as he held him and carefully helped him up with a hand casually brushing his waist as they stood. He leaned heavily into the other man's body feeling disoriented and old feelings resurface as Jey held him close to himself.
It felt like the first real win in the weeks of his friends and allies constantly getting wrecked by a certain hot tempered wrestler.
As soon as the thought came and his guard slipped he turned right into a spear by Bron who had seized both men being distracted to attack Zayn yet again. While Bron slid out the ring he noticed Jey quickly moving to his side sending the other man a look they made Sami's heart race.
August 5, Monday after SummerSlam
The loss of his Intercontinental Championship still stung like a loss he hadn't felt in a long time. It made him feel a sense of failure even if he had already asked for a rematch. He was frustrated with his own inability and couldn't shake the loss from his mind.
That was till Jey came over.
Each word of encouragement and Jey pressing to boost his confidence like how he had done for him so many times within the Bloodline and after he had broken away from them. The conviction and belief in Jey’s voice made Sami light up and their usual banter came as natural as ever.
“Me and you? We got some unfinished business with the Judgement Day Uce, you can be a double champ man.” Jey kept poking him and grinned like an idiot as he gave Sami a knowing look. Oh. Did he remember the frustration he had when he was with Cody as tag team champs?
The thought brought a small smile to Sami's face almost subconsciously.
“Yeah, you like that huh?” The Samoan asked with a knowing look and chuckled lowly almost husky with a teasing undertone.
The tone and way Jey put that had went straight to Sami’s core and he swallowed, composing himself with a firm nod. Their familiar handshake followed after the banter as they chuckled among each other.
“God, I missed you.” Sami admitted with a softer tone and gingerly touched his friend's arm with a warm smile. “Thank you Jey.” He wasn't sure what he'd do without Jey by his side now that Kevin wasn't around as much with different brands and Randy.
“No problem, uce just returning the favor if you know what I mean.” Jey playfully hit him in the chest with the back of his hand as he chuckled out in amusement but his tone held a level of sincerity that made his heart flutter.
The quiet that followed wasn't awkward but more so soaking in the familiar presence of each other after so long of being apart.
“So..” Zayn began slowly as he moved himself back and forth on his heels, turning his gaze back to Jey who quirked a brow in curiosity. “You want to go to Waffle House after this?” He grinned widely as he nudged him in the arm with his own.
“You asking me out on a date, man?”
“What? No i- I was just saying-”
Sami's embarrassed sputtering and attempts to back pedal were met with a loud laugh by the other man who rolled his eyes. His face felt so hot and his heart drummed like he had been asked the most embarrassing thing in his life.
“C’mon Remi don't be coy with me, man. I see the way you look at me I ain't blind y'know?” Jey teased good heartily and stepped closer to him with furrowed brows. “My only question is if you're gonna keep running from it.”
The clear challenge from Jey had Sami staring, feeling like he was gaping at him like a fish out of water. He had been so sure his feelings for Jey were subtle and passing friendly not enough to arouse any suspicion, but here he was stuck with the truth. Jey knew. And worse of all he was stuck in place feeling like his whole world was reeling.
Jey moved till he was right in front of him and grabbed his chin gently making him tilt his gaze back towards him. “Tell me the truth man, I know you well enough by now don't I?” He scoffed with a frustrated look as he squeezed his chin giving him an expectant look.
Sami felt a blush dusting his cheeks as he blinked trying to register the touch and words in a jumble of emotions. He paused feeling his heart pounding in his ears and his old emotions flooding back like a dam about to break under the pressure. Fuck it.
Without thinking twice about the consequences he reached out gently pulling his hand off his hand down and moved his own hands to cup his cheeks. He watched the puzzled look pass into surprise as Jey caught onto the move but made no move to try and stop him from what he was about to do. That gave him the push he needed to close the distance between the two of them.
The kiss was tentative to test the waters but became more passionate the longer they were locked in the moment. Sami could feel Jey relaxing into the kiss and slowly reciprocating the affection with his own need matching his. The pent up feelings and months of pining, pretending they were nothing beyond friends felt just as painful as Jimmy's betrayal to him. Eventually he placed his hands on Sami's hips pulling him flush against his own body while his free fingers threaded through curly ginger locks.
Sami felt Jey shiver upon skin to skin contact when he flipped a hand under his shirt and he reached up gently, slipping the ‘Yeet’ glasses off the other man's head. He slipped them folded in his pocket and reluctantly parted as they breathed heavily, staring at each other. His heart racing from his own bold move and the fact his affection had gotten reciprocated.
“What? You think I wouldn't feel the same? I thought you knew me better than that, Uce. Plus I will take that Waffle House offer.” Jey gently untangled his fingers out Sami's locks and patted his chest with a cheerful grin. “You're paying though man.”
Zayn let out a genuine chuckle feeling his heart swell as he grinned with him feeling excitement wash over him like a pleasant sensation. He reached up and put on the Yeet glasses doing the motion with his arms which got a laugh and playful shove from Jey.
“Shut up you idiot.” Jey shook his head wrapping an arm around Sami's shoulders and pulled the other man along with him to leave the arena.
It was the best date he had in years.
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yepthisiskay · 8 months
If I had a nickel for everytime my favorite character was played by Jeremy Jordan I’d have 14 nickels which isn’t a lot it’s just weird it happened 14 times.
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yoinkschief · 3 months
HAPPY BIRTHDAY @thetomska !!
And me too or whatever I guess it's also my birthday too
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Also if you're wondering why we're the same height it's cause I'm standing on a box. Canon.
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newyorkthegoldenage · 3 months
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Parade celebrating the return of Charles Lindbergh from France,, June 13, 1927.
When Charles Lindbergh flew to New York from Washington on Monday, June 13, some three weeks after he left Roosevelt Field and soared into history, he was accompanied by an honor guard of 21 Army planes ...
All was deafening bedlam. Boats whistled in the harbor, auto horns blared, nearly 4 million people screamed welcome from the streets and building tops as Lindbergh’s motorcade inched through a blinding confetti snowstorm, from the Battery up lower Broadway to City Hall Plaza
“You can hear the heartbeats of 6 million people,” said Mayor Jimmy Walker, pinning a medal on Lindbergh’s chest. “And the story they tell is one of pride and one of admiration. As you went over the ocean, you inscribed on the heavens themselves a beautiful rainbow of hope and courage and confidence in mankind. Col. Lindbergh, New York City is yours. I don’t give it to you. You won it.”
Up Fourth Ave. to the old Washington Arch. On to Madison Square for wreath-laying ceremonies at the Eternal Light. Up Fifth Ave. to the Sheep Meadow, where Gov. Al Smith waited to present still more awards. Down and down and down the confetti came, all through the afternoon and into the evening.
“You’ll have to provide us with another street-cleaning department,” Walker suggested.
Lindbergh, not long on patience with this kind of clamor, smiled grimly throughout. That night he ducked out on several more scheduled ceremonies, leaving an embarrassed [Grover] Whalen [the city's Official Greeter, who had organized the celebrations] to grope for explanations and apologies. A few days later, he was gone.
Photo: NY Daily News Text: Jay Maeder for the Daily News
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newwavesylviaplath · 6 months
yall ever just
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your-ne1ghbor · 3 months
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those-who-stay · 10 days
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nick blankenburg & jimmy lambert out in ann arbor, winter 2022
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