#Jo Heon
billornot · 5 months
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catrlarbeno · 6 months
Jiyong has three boyfriends and one girlfriend. Teach me your ways bisexual king 🙏
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myanmardoesnotexist · 4 months
Kang Ok from Vigilante is my favorite character (aside from Jiyong of course) cause he’s just so baby girl. He’s obsessed with Jiyong (relatable) and absolutly unhinged and unwavering in his support. I kind of though when he first was introduced there would be conflict between his ways if justice and Jiyong’s, but no he’s like ‘oh I’m doing it wrong? Well, you’re the boss babe’ and just completely does whatever Jiyong tells him. I also thought there would be conflict when Jiyong started to work with Jo Heon (beacause Kang Ok clearly does not like him) but nope, instead he was like ‘oh we trust him now? Well I know I said I’d kill him for you but since you said he’s good now I’ll do whatever you say!’ And I just love that energy. Unhinged and hopelessly devoted is my favorite kind of character
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toastinthegrass · 5 months
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Fic: I Can't Walk Away
A/N: I have no excuses for this one :> Tagging @dangermousie @kingsandbastardz
Pairing: Kim Jiyong x Jo Heon
"You don't have to do this."
Jo Heon merely tilts his head, the corners of his lips twitching with amusement that after all they've done together; of all the things they've done to each other, the ways they've seen each other broken, bleeding, and bruised; even after the ways Jo Heon has marked this man as his own and have his marks carved onto his skin in turn, this is the one thing that gets the tips of Kim Jiyong's ears turning a pretty pink and his cheeks flushing.
The back of Jo Heon's teeth itches for a bite.
Wringing out the hand towel in the bath water, Jo Heon adjusts himself where he is sitting at the lip of the tub. Running the cloth over the base of Jiyong's skull, he digs his thumb down into the tense muscle, minding which press has Jiyong's breath stuttering, eyes blinking a little slower and exhaling thickly, and which one has him hissing in pain.
He dips his touch to the knobs of Jiyong's spine that jut out under his skin. Here, he steals a moment of gentleness.
Following that line, he runs the hand towel down, half tracing his path through the blooms of fresh bruises against old ones, letting only the sound of their breathing in the echoing quiet of Jiyong's bathroom be the thing that marks the passing of time in here.
"Lean back."
Jiyong obediently goes. Dark eyes watching him through the fan of his lashes. Jo Heon swallows and watches the way that heavy gaze follows the movement of his Adam's apple with that of his own.
He's beautiful, Jiyong is. Even like this, all scraped and bruised up from his most recent weekend escapade. In a different life, in a softer life, Jo Heon thinks Jiyong could have been more than just a man who burns with a conviction that could one day get him killed.
He hopes that in that other life, Jiyong would have grown up loved and cosseted. He would have friends that he could hang out and do normal things on Sundays together with. He could probably have a girl that he liked enough to share a life with someday. Or perhaps it would be a guy. Jo Heon wouldn't know. Jiyong and him... Falling into this thing they have seemed like a natural progression of everything that has come before. Talking about things like that just isn't them.
A touch wraps itself around his wrist and Jo Heon is carefully brought back to the here and now where Jiyong is watching him with a split lip and a chest that is waiting for his touch.
Jo Heon leans in. Running the cloth over Jiyong's pecs, lingering over his nipples just to hear him sucking in a sharp breath. The pretty blush spreads down his neck and over his chest and Jo Heon thinks Jiyong's had about enough of sitting around in cooling bath water.
Moving away to grab the fluffy towel with the pink flowers that Jo Heon had bought as a joke last summer, but has now taken a place in the laundry rotation, he shakes it out. Reaching down, with an infinite amount of care he keeps hidden on the weekdays, he shifts to carry Jiyong out of the bath, wrapping him up once he has him all dried out.
Jiyong for his grace, takes being princess carried in the arms of his part-time lover with nothing but a tilt of his face into Jo Heon's shoulder. He'll need to change out of his wet clothes, but it's a small matter.
In the face of laying Jiyong down on his too-small bed, moving to grab the sweater and sweatpants he had laid out, Jo Heon only feels a sense of contentment to care for him.
The touch on his wrist returns. "Don't go." It's a quiet demand wrapped in a spoken plea. And with Jiyong's eyes sparkling in the warm glow of the table lamp, who was Jo Heon to deny anything he wanted of him?
"Okay," Jo Heon replies, curling his hand into Jiyong's. "Okay," He says again when Jiyong kicks the damp towel off the bed in favour of tugging Jo Heon to press onto his bath-warmed skin.
"Okay," He surrenders into the perfect press of their lips and the way Jiyong's hands feel like anchor weights where they caress and cup at his cheeks. He shifts away only to shuck off his shirt and unbuckle his pants.
Through this, Jiyong watches him with shadowed eyes that are heavy with the familiar shade of his desire. And when he's just as naked as Jiyong and crawling back to him, Jo Heon gives his idle thoughts one last run.
As Jiyong spreads his legs to hook over his sides, welcoming him into the safe harbour of his hips and the sweetness of his lips, Jo Heon thinks of that other life.
Maybe in that life, they'd never meet. They'd exist in different worlds. Two people who will remain strangers. Living and dying unknowing and uncaring of the other. Maybe that would be best.
In that life, Jo Heon hopes Jiyong smiles more.
For this one, Jo Heon will hold him tight and catch him when he falls.
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dramafantiny · 6 months
Kim Ji-Yong| Outlaw (1x08) Feat. Jo Heon
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kawaikith · 2 months
☾ my views on vigilante.
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Just finished vigilante, and oh! What a thrilling ride!
Loved the drama from the beginning till the end.
Although, i didn’t understand half of the things, i’ll still give it a 10/10 ⭐
Really good thriller drama.
The ending, where miryeo decides to make seonwook the vigilante, what a genius move, she really knows what game she’s playing.
Also, the last fight where they all decide to kill each other, but they pull the “everyone is a vigilante” card 😂 whoever thought that, I love you, you’re fucking clever.
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prncssguya · 6 months
no idea if they’re going to do a season two but ending it with kim jiyong not saluting and pledging to uphold the law as a police officer while looking at the camera with that rageful emotionless face, cinema
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weak-hero · 6 months
we do need s2 'cause we never got to know the real reason why Gang Ok seeked 'vigilante' out in the first place; we know he wanted to utilize vigilante for his own gain - to take out all powerful 'chairman' of his company - to go after the real big fish amongst corrupt officials - but writers never explained what was it behind his motivation; in the end, vigilante turning out to be a pretty boy (smart one too) was just a big fucking bonus for Gang Ok's crazy ass i-
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leedongwook · 1 year
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"I think you missspelled your name. Aren’t you Seok Jae Bum, not Seok Jae Jun?”
Revenge of others 3인칭 복수 (2022) // Episode 11
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billornot · 5 months
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k-star-holic · 1 year
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"Delivery man" Song Seung-heon, Acting 'Nojam' 20s
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korelist · 11 months
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UYARI : Yazılar genel olarak spoiler içerebilir. İçermeyedebilir.
İmdb puanı : 7,9 Benim puanım: 6
Drama: Black
Hangul: 블랙
Director: Kim Hong-Sun
Writer: Choi Ran
Date: 2017
Language: Korean
Country: South Korea
Cast: Song Seung-Heon, Go Ara, Lee El, Jo Jae-Yun
Fanatiklerinin çok olduğu ama benim asla içine giremediğim bir diziydi. Kang Ha-Ram(Go Ara) tek başına yaşayan bir kızdır. Babasını küçük yaşta kaybetmiş, annesi başka bir adamla evlenmiştir. Gece gündüz güneş gözlüklerini çıkarmaz. Bunun nedeni ise ölmek üzere olan insanların yanlarında bir karartı görmektedir. Eğer bu karartıya dokunursa da karşısındaki kişinin nasıl öleceğini görür. Güneş gözlüğünün camı karartıları görmesini engellediği için sürekli onunla gezmektedir. Babasının da öleceğini gördüğü halde engelleyemediği için vicdan azabı ile yaşamaktadır.
Bu sırada aslında kızımızın gördüğü karartılar, vadesi dolan insanları öbür dünyaya götürmeye gelmiş olan Azraillerdir. Black (Song Seung-Heon); nam-ı diğer Azrail 444 ise en iyi olarak bilinir. Bir görev sırasında ortağı dünyaya gidip geri dönmez. Black’de onu bulmak için dünyaya gelir.
Dedektif Mu-Gang(Song Seung-Heon), bir seri olaylar sonrasında kafasından vurulmuş hastanede yaşam mücadelesi vermektedir. Dedektifin kafasından vurulmasının nedeni ise bir şekilde Ha-Ram’a ve onun yeteneğine bağlanmaktadır. Azrail 444 ortağını arayabilmek için ölümü gerçekleşen dedektif Mu-Gang’ın içine girer. Ancak bu şekilde dedektifin hayatına da dahil olmak zorun kalır.
Bütün karakterler, olaylar, hikayeler bir şekilde birbirlerinin kuyruklarına bastığı için bağlantılar bölümler ilerledikçe ortaya çıkıyor. Ama bence dizinin en büyük problemi timeline’dı. Birinci bölüm şahane bir giriş yaptı. İkinci bölümü ise “biz ne yaşıyoruz” diye izledim. 3.bölüme gelince 2.bölümde ne yaşadığımızı anladım. 4. Bölüm tekrar biz ne yaşıyoruza geri döndük. 5.bölümde yine 4.bölümü anladık… şekilden bir ilerleyiş söz konusu.
Bir süre sonra bu işleyişin can sıkmaya başladığını da söylemeliyim. Bitmek bilmez bir döngü içerisinde upuzun bölümler izliyorsunuz. Ne izlediğinizi anlamadan o kadar uzun bir şey izlemek gerçekten bir süre sonra işkenceye dönüşüyor. Ve bunun üzerine dizi ağzıyla kuş tutsa dahi beni içine çekmeyi başaramadı. Ters köşeler, karışık kurgular, ince düşünüşmüş detaylar… Hiçbiri bu sıkıcılığı kurtaramadı. Bir dönem “Dark” dizisini elinde kağıt kalem şablon çıkararak izleyen bir kesim vardı. Senarist tıpkı onun gibi dedektif kimliğine bürünüp dava çözmenizi beklemiş. Sırf bitsin diye izledim, ne yalan söyleyeyim.
Sonuç olarak ben diziyi 10 bölüm anlamadan izledim. İnatla bu kadar uzun süre anlamadan bir şey izlememe rağmen de sonuna kadar bitirdim. Benim için tam bir eziyetti. Bu kadar anlamadan izleyince de yaratılan gizem, ilmek ilmek işlenen kurgu benim gözümde çöp oldu. Ama en başta belirttiğim gibi ilginç bir şekilde çok seven büyük bir kitlesi var. Bu algoritmayı bilerek sakin sakin izleyebilecek varsa sevebilir.
Raven Melus
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junkobato · 8 months
Upcoming Kdrama October 2023 💖
6/10: the perfect deal with Yoo Seung Ho, Kim Dong Hwi. 8 episodes; thriller, crime. Trailer
7/10: strong girl nam soon with Lee Yu Mi, Ong Seung Wu, Byun Woo Seok. 16 episodes; supernatural, action, rom-com. Trailer
11/10: a good day to be a dog with Cha Eun Woo, Park Gyu Young, Lee Hyun Woo. 14 episodes; fantasy, rom-com. Trailer
13/10: my dearest part 2 with Nam Goong Min, Ahn Eun Jin, Lee Hak Joo. 10 episodes; historical, romance.
14/10: evilive with Shin Ha Kyun, Kim Young Kwang, Shin Jae Ha. 10 episodes; thriller, mystery. Trailer
20/10: doona! with Bae Suzy, Yang Se Jong, Park Se Wan, Lee Jin Wook. 9 episodes; rom-com. Trailer
23/10: high cookie with Nam Ji Hyun, Jung Da Bin, Choi Hyun Wook. 20 episodes; fantasy, mystery, thriller. Trailer
28/10: castaway diva with Park Eun Bin, Chae Jong Hyeop, Cha Hak Yeon, Kim Joo Heon. 12 episodes; music, rom-com. Trailer
30/10: the matchmakers with Ro Woon, Jo Yi Hyun. 16 episodes; historical, rom-com. Trailer
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If only I had the time to watch all these shows... 😮‍💨
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Fic: You did some bad things, but I'm the worst of them
Pairing: Kim Jiyong x Jo Heon
Tags: Undercover AU
@dangermousie @kingsandbastardz <3
The pulse of the club music thrums deep within his sternum. It's an organised chaos of lights, colours, and bodies on the dance floor. It's beautiful in its own way. Jiyong sucks in a deep breath the second he feels Jo Heon pull his attention back to the path their cutting through the club floor to the VIP section.
The hand at the small of his waist dips over the curve of his ass and that's where it stays for the scant minute it takes them to navigate their way to their booth on the mezzanine.
"Lean into me."
Jiyong turns himself into Jo Heon's waiting embrace. Arching his face into the side of his neck, playing up the pretence of a spoiled boy toy with a small nip to the man's skin. The fucker barely even flinches.
Instead, he finds the hand on his ass squeezing, burning a hiss out of him. "Be good," Jo Heon says, brushing his lips to the side of his face. "Baby."
The server waiting on them bows after Jo Heon rattles off an order for the both of them. Jiyong waits until the heavy velvet drapes are pulled close to twist away, but he doesn't get far. Not when Jo Heon is dragging him back close by the hip.
A warning grip has him huffing exasperatedly. "No one is watching us right now."
"You must always assume that someone is watching. At all times," Jo Heon calmly states, tugging him to straddle his lap like he weighs absolutely nothing. "That way, no one can ever get the better of you."
Jiyong doesn't know if that's a lesson or a warning, but he settles in his lap anyways. Letting heavy hands pin him in place, not fighting back when he feels himself being lifted and pressed up against the railing. His breath catches. He reaches out to dig his fingers into the meat of Jo Heon's stupidly solid shoulders as the man holds him in a way that leaves nothing to the imagination of the revellers below.
Jo Heon chuckles. Lips to the corner of Jiyong's own. On an inhale, Jiyong can taste the headiness of the cologne on his tongue. On the exhale, he can feel the way his mind fuzzes out when Jo Heon absolutely does not release him when the server comes back to deliver their order.
If anything, the bastard bullies his hips between Jiyong's. Shameless about the way he is playing the part of a patron with deep pockets and a stolen heart caught in the wiles of a pretty face. Jo Heon tilts his face, sliding their hungry mouths against each other. Jiyong is caught by the way the man kisses.
He's expected a ravishing. He receives the gentlest of licks against his own tongue and the softest sigh on his lips.
"Is this also because someone is watching?" Jiyong asks a little breathlessly when they part for air.
Jo Heon doesn't answer. Smirking a little while he's digging his thumb into the meat of his thighs. His big hands dip, pressing onto the front of his slacks, cupping right over his bulge.
Jiyong eyes up the server who is sneaking glances their way, then spies the blink of red in the corner of the ceiling.
Making an impulsive decision, he rolls his hips, sucking a sharp hiss of air when the older man merely laughs. A clear thread of delight in the timbre of his voice that swallows up Jiyong's own giggle.
He meets Jo Heon's gaze and cocks his head.
The server leaves then, quietly melting into the shadows of the club and the sounds of the crowd cheering as the music changes up.
And still, Jo Heon doesn't let up.
Pressing the mouths close again in a mimicry of a kiss, Jiyong cannot help the sudden starburst of disappointment that blooms in him when Jo Heon doesn't immediately kiss back. And in the next second, he feels his heart race at the implication of it all.
It's heady. Hard to shake.
Made especially difficult when Jo Heon tightens his hold, buckling Jiyong's knees where they are pressed to his sides. "Bastard..."
"Now, now baby boy," Jo Heon drawls. "That's no way to be talking to your husband, now is it?"
"I wasn't aware we were even married."
Jiyong scoffs, moving to push back a little when Jo Heon takes his left hand. Singling out his ring finger, he hums, wrapping his lips around it. Dark eyes hold his gaze as the music begins to crescendo around them. With a small smirk, Jo Heon sucks his finger into his mouth, sinking his teeth to the base.
It stings. But not in the way Jiyong thought it would. There's a frisson of an unnameable thing that blooms deep in his core, fanned into an inferno by the way he can feel Jo Heon's tongue soothing his bite when he releases him from the warm and wet heat.
"I'll get you a proper ring later. Only the best for my baby boy," Jo Heon promises. In the flashing lights, Jiyong sees the glisten of spit on his lips. Before he dwells on it, Jo Heon has brought his hand down to Jiyong's crotch. Thumbnail flicking at the zip, it's a little too close to where he wants it to be. "Unless you'd rather I put a ring on this pretty thing instead."
The implication sends the inferno into his very veins.
"If you two could pump some blood into your upstairs brains instead of your downstairs brain, that would be much appreciated." Gangok's voice testily crackles over their earpieces. When Jo Heon doesn't immediately let Jiyong go, opting instead to pull him to his chest in a show of strength that steals Jiyong's breath, Gangok huffs. "Jo Heon, I'll pay for a room at the nearest 5-star hotel to break the bed in if you could just focus on the task."
That gets a slow sigh. "Alright. But that room better not be bugged."
"Boo. You're no fun!"
Jiyong shakes his head at that, laughing only a little when Jo Heon turns him around. He lets his body go sweet and pliant in his arms, finding it scarily easy to melt against the strong body holding him up.
"Eyes up, baby," Jo Heon growls against his jaw. "It's show time."
Sighing a little, he flits his gaze over to where their target is. Jiyong pulls his wits around him and prays that the bulge in his pants isn't too visible.
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kkurades · 2 years
sasha’s main masterlist !!
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☆ ALICE IN BORDERLAND !! arisu, chishiya, kuina, usagi, ann, niragi, last boss, aguni, lisa, mira, heiya, karube
☆ ALL OF US ARE DEAD !! nam-ra, gyeong-su, ha-ri, wu-jin, min-jae, u-sin, cheong-san, na-yeon, su-hyeok, on-jo, joon-yeung, mi-jin, jae-ik, dae-su, gwi-nam
☆ JUJUTSU KAISEN !! choso, nanami, maki, megumi, nobara, noritoshi, sukuna, gojo, geto, inumaki, yuji, yuta
☆ BUNGOU STRAY DOGS !! dazai, kunikuda, fukizawa, ranpo, chuuya, akutagawa, poe, fyodor, nikolai, sigma, jōno, tetchō
☆ MY NAME !! mujin, gangjae, pildo, taeju, jiwoo
☆ SWEET HOME !! hyun-soo, eun-hyuk, eun-yoo, sang-wook, ji-soo, sung-cheol, jae-heon
☆ THE UNCANNY COUNTER !! so mun, do ha-na, shin hyuk-u, oh jeong-gu
☆ BLACK KNIGHT !! 5-8, yoon sa-wol, 4-1, seol-ah
☆ D.P. !! han ho-yeol, an yun-ho
☆ TWILIGHT !! embry call, seth clearwater, leah clearwater, paul lahote, quil ateara
☆ KPOP!! bts, stray kids, enhypen, txt, seventeen, p1harmony, ateez, aespa, blackpink, le sserafim, new jeans, itzy, (g)i-dle, twice, ive
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