#Job Bidding
hargo-news · 4 months
Isi Dua Jabatan Eselon II yang Kosong, Pemkab Gorontalo Segera Gelar Job Bidding
Hargo.co.id, GORONTALO – Pemerintah Kabupaten Gorontalo akan menggelar job bidding, guna mengisi dua jabatan eselon II yang kosong, yakni Dinas Ketahanan Pangan dan Kepala Satuan Polisi Pamong Praja (Satpol PP). “Saat ini pemerintah daerah mengalami dua kekosongan jabatan, yakni Kadis Ketahanan Pangan, dimana Kadis Ketahanan Pangan sudah menjadi Kadis Perikanan yakni Gusti Tomayahu yang baru saja…
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bidhub · 11 months
Find the Best Job Bidding Sites in the USA on BidHub Discover top job bidding sites in the USA on BidHub. Our user-friendly platform connects job seekers with a wide range of opportunities from reputable employers. Whether you're searching for full-time, part-time, or freelance positions, BidHub simplifies the job search process. Explore various industries, submit bids, and secure rewarding projects. Join our community of professionals and take your career to new heights. Visit bidhub.com now and find your next job opportunity with ease.
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becca-e-barnes · 1 year
I reallyyyy want to talk about how much fun it would be to jerk a really submissive Bucky off with a pair of soaked panties 🙈
I feel like submissive Bucky is so vocal too and I love that thought. He trusts you completely with his body and he's not ashamed to make as much noise as he wants to.
He knows what his little whines and moans do to you. You get off on his desperation and he absolutely knows it. You can't help but melt when he looks up at you from his knees, his eyes wide and expectant, whispering "please, mommy" when all he wants is permission to kiss from your ankle to your knee.
He's learned that being well mannered is the only way to get what he wants so you don't mind rewarding his good behaviour. His plump lips begin to trail eagerly from the ankle strap of your heel, up the side of your calf until he reaches the joint at your knee. Your fingers tangle in his hair, warning him not to go any further and the groan he elicits is heavenly.
"Please let me kiss you." He practically sounds like he's panting. Frustration has settled into his features, his eyes trained on the cherry red lace that shields your sex from his hungry gaze.
He knows you're already wet and he knows that if he's just able to kiss a little bit higher, your self control might waver enough that you'll allow him to lap up your arousal and that's really all he's dreaming of.
"You're so selfless, aren't you?" Your sarcasm isn't lost on him. He wants to taste you because he wants to taste you, not so much for your pleasure. "No, let's try something different."
You slip your panties down your legs but he's smart enough to know you aren't going to give him exactly what he wants.
You kneel down beside him, lining your hand with the slick lace before wrapping your fingers around his stiff cock that's been begging for attention for far too long now.
"O-oh my God." The first stroke of your hand makes him crumble. Despite being slick, the lace offers so much friction and he's far too sensitive for that.
Your hand pumps quickly, watching his face while he begins to slip. "Good boy, that's it. Take it. Fuck, you're so pretty, do you know that? You're doing so well for me."
" 's too much. Please. Don't stop." His head falls forwards onto your shoulder, groaning pathetically into the crook of your neck.
"Do you want to cum, sweetheart? Are you going to be a filthy slut and cum in my panties? Do you even realise how fucked up that is?" Your soft voice makes him melt up until your hand on his cock speeds up.
"Y-yes. Oh God yes, please let me cum." He didn't think it'd be this easy but when you give him permission, he knows to take the opportunity while he's getting it.
In just a few more minutes, his thighs are trembling as he shoots a thick load into the already saturated lace lining your hand. The release of each gush of his seed feels more euphoric than the last and he's whining pathetically, up until he's fucked himself empty into your fist.
"Good boy." You whisper, kissing his damp forehead while he catches his breath. "I'm so proud of you."
You unfold the lace, admiring just how much of his cum he's managed to splatter over just your underwear. "Now. I want you to put these on and wait in the bedroom."
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autism-alley · 4 months
Honestly another thing that annoys me about Gabe's death in the show is that the downplayed nature of the abuse makes his fate, for lack of a better word, inappropriate. Gabe being an explicitly physically and emotionally abusive bastard was what warranted him dying in the book. Yes, he is still financially abusive in the show, but he's more of a pathetic slob than a monster. Contemptable, sure, but hardly worth killing. At best, his death is a tasteless gag. At worst, it's disproportionate retribution.
fr like. after the first episode i was like well what the hell are they gonna do at the end of the series? from episode one it was always gonna be either don’t kill off the loser and commit to erasing a woman and her child’s story of surviving abuse, or do kill off the loser and have it be a completely unjustified killing (not only bc of the reduced abuse but bc they outright state sally divorced him!! book sally had no other alternative divorce financially was Not on the table!!). he might have been killed by his own hand in-universe, but the writers made that call, purposefully, to condemn his actions so severely they warrant death. i’ve seen people who don’t even believe his death was warranted in the books just out of the principle all killing is wrong—my opinion is firstly it’s fiction but secondly it sends a pretty clear fucking message that you don’t get to be an abusive fuck and walk away scott-free. self-defense and justice have a right to serve consequences, and sometimes those consequences are your wife with righteous blood lust and a desperate need for education funds
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littleeliza-lotte · 1 year
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venndaai · 3 months
the "agree to do a cringe thing for money" episodes of game changer are the most unrelatable the dropout cast has ever been. i would do any of these things for $20
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ziskeyt · 29 days
i did not sleep last night and i have no idea why. the upside to this is i was planning on going into the office today, but cause i didn't sleep i decided that would be a terrible idea -- forgetting I was already informed I shouldn't come in to the office today because they were doing a fire drill. so that worked out?? lol. however, i am very tired a lot.
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welcometogrouchland · 1 month
Clocking in for another shift at the wasting my life away factory
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isa-ah · 8 months
when uve laid in bed waiting to fall asleep so long u realize ur twenty minutes into an imaginary diatribe to apologize to an old coworker thru ur steam friends list that u haven't spoken to in 8 years over a single vaguely faux paus interaction you had that youve never forgotten
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quietwingsinthesky · 1 year
Thinking about what if Supernatural pulled from mythology and every time they bound Death for whatever task, no one on Earth could die.
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stealsh0e · 2 years
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I have so many new inside job ocs I wanna show you GUYSS but im starting with these guys!! Also sorry for the awkwrd formatting my phones busted and IDK how desktop tumblr rlly works LMAO.
Special Agent Tortoise (He/Him) and Vita (She/They) descriptions below:
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First we have special Agent "Tortoise", real name classified but he is an individual from 13th century Scotland who ended up making some deals with rather...unsavoury individuals of both human and inhuman origin, most of which he was unable to repay, and thus they sealed him away in an amulet and made those he held dearest pay his debts. Since then he has been encased, mostly forgotten to time and forced to reflect on his former life. The amulet has the power of possesion, but only with dead bodies, and he now enters the 21st century in his 5th.
After a good few years of familiarising himself with the world, he was approached by the US government after gaining wind that he had claimed a host, wanting to utilise his many abilities for their own cause. After striking a deal, he agreed and has worked with them for many years, though it hasn't been pleasant or easy for either side. Now he has been placed on--as he puts it--baby sitting duty to keep a close eye on the President and act as a middle man between Cognito and the deeper side of the US Government. Tortoise knows Glenn and Orca, as he and Glenn served in the same regiment and then years later he would become Orca's mentor before she left to join Cognito. "Tortoise and Glenn do not get along" is an understatement, and often you have to yell at them both to put their guns down when an argument gets too heated.
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Vita is part of a group of Eldritch beings who have come to Earth and intergrated themselves into society through the means of porclain bodies. These bodies are a mixture of puppetry and bisque dolls, moved around and maniulated freely by their true forms within. Sent here on a scouting mission, Vita found herself curious about humans more than intended, and enjoys her mission despite knowing the fact that they may one day have to leave Earth. Vita was approached by the Robes, with the promise of showing them "human life as intended", and present day remains an ally of theirs.
Presently, they are placed as a less obvious bodyguard for the president. Her duty to her fellow eldritch beings outweighs her alliance to Cognito, so taking on this relatively small task was of no hidnernace to her. They know Otto, much more than Otto would like to admit honestly. Vita knows Otto's father, a being who would very much like to know where his child has been for the past millenia. Other than Otto, Vita does not interact with anyone at Cognito much, much prefering to observe and ask questions when it suits them.
In regards to each other, Vita and Tortoise do butt head. Vita is one to ask many questions, and Tortoise is very secretitve due to feeling shameful about his muddy past. Though they do balance each other out, which is why they were made partners on this assignment, with Tortoise being the brains (used loosely he's not always a genius) and Vita being the brawn (she has a 50/50 success rate on actually catching the bad guy, struggles with noticing subtletises in human emotions).
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paeinovis · 1 year
Like okay. You're picking fights with the #1 bringer of people (and their money) into the state and provider of jobs, you're threatening all the gays and trans ppl and drag queens and Chinese ppl and immigrants as a whole and Black people and anyone who isn't You like Bitch WHO do you have left what money do you have left you stupid cunt !!!
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supercantaloupe · 1 year
looking back at some of the art i did in high school. i am still so proud of what i made back then some of it was genuinely really good. i'm also a leetle bit pissed thinking abt the fact that i have yet to actually successfully monetize a single one of my creative endeavors
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wistfulvulpine · 1 year
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"I didn't learn magic by choice...still, I consider myself fortunate to have the ability."
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respectissexy · 1 year
The Crown of Candy dropout auction was my superbowl and now they are auctioning off the maxis??? Let's gooooo lmao.
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