#Joey can't read the room
seroothincs · 2 years
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Am I the only one that is completely invested in these four characters so much so that I created personal headcanons for them and even build up backstories? Am I the only one?!
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halfusek · 2 months
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Something inky this way comes! The Ink Demonth emerges once again!
The Ink Demonth is a 31-day event dedicated to the game Bendy and the Ink Machine (and other games associated with the Bendy universe). It’s based on daily themes. As long as your creation involves elements from the game along with any interpretation of the respective day’s theme – it counts!
You don’t have to create something for each day, make as many creations as you’d like. However, if you manage to do all 31 of them, you can submit a form to receive a little gift (drawing request)! In the form, you will have to provide a link to each of your posted event submissions (it doesn’t have to be Tumblr, just a site that’s publically accessible!).
Here is the link to the form (it will be opened from September 1st to September 30th 2024):
Tag your creations with #The Ink Demonth and #Bendy and the Ink Machine. It’s important if you want to have your entry reblogged by me, which I’m going to do to everything I’ll see in this tag. (So don’t @ me, just tag it with the event’s tag and the game’s name. It’s possible that your post may not show up in the tags, if you notice that I’m not reblogging your entries for a longer while, feel free to DM them directly to me on Tumblr. My focus will be mainly on Tumblr, I may interact with posts on other sites but it is going to be with whatever I run into, as this event is Tumblr-focused. Feel free to post on other sites too, though!)
(And, though I think it goes without saying, if I notice a post containing something I consider harmful content, I will not reblog it and will warn the creator of such content that, depending on the case, they cannot continue to take part in the event with content like this or perhaps even not at all.)
Remember to tag only the finished entries, so the tag isn’t clogged with WIPs!
You can create whatever you’d like! Draw a picture! Write a fic! Do a video edit! Take a cosplay photo! Anything you can come up with that is a creative interpretation of that day’s theme!
(Don’t try to „cheat the system”, though – don’t submit a, let’s say, straight line for each day, I will notice this kind of spam and remember: spamming is a terrible sin. You can make an entry that covers a few themes but as long as you don’t create 31 things, the gift will not be granted to you.)
The event starts on the 1st of August and ends on the 31st. Although, don’t worry if you’re too busy in August, late entries are always welcome! (…for reblogging, as for drawing gifts I’m going to give all of you an extra month, so if you’re aiming for that, the end of September is your deadline.)
Why in August? I figured that since August is the month on Joey’s calendar in his apartment and August is the month during which BatIM takes place, it should be the one! 
Please, make sure to tag appropriate trigger/content warnings!
Thank you for taking your time to read this. Reblogs are appreciated in order to get the word out.
Have fun everyone! 💛🖤
The themes this year have been thought out with the contribution of @sillyarchliker @insane-control-room @nayialovecat @skxllbxnny @doodle17 @ashciz @twinscovercorner @yellowmellow182 @lil-artist-blog-fandoms-ocs @a-vast-horizon @archer-kacey and from Twitter whom I can't tag here @AnaXisca @Josie57943943 @SirKeophimanh @BeyzaTheArtis @MadHatterison1 @GammaRoomba20
Thank you all for the theme suggestions! <3
You can view this year's themes in text under the cut~
The End
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elly-grace · 4 months
Take me to paradise
Pairing: Joe Burrow x reader
Warning: terrible attempt at writing smut, pregnancy
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Thank you @funnyjb for proof reading and the request!
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The morning sun shone into the windows of the bungalow where you and Joe were staying. Yesterday was the day you finally married the love of your life. Joe and you caught a flight late last night so you could spend as much time as you could in the Bahamas.
You were excited to have Joe all to yourself, he had been a hard man to get alone recently. You roll over to face your husband, you just admire him for a few minutes before finally deciding to wake him up with a kiss.
“Well that may be the best way to be woken up.” His morning voice was extremely sexy. You knew Joe planned something for the day, but a quickie wouldn’t hurt would it? As if Joe knew what you were thinking he flipped you over so he was on top of you.
“What is my beautiful wife thinking about?”
“Just how sexy you look and sound in the morning.”
That was enough for him to start to lean down and kiss you. His lips suddenly found their way to your neck, then collar bone, then your stomach. Then he stopped and looked at you with a devilish grin.
“It’s time to get ready, we have stuff to do.”
“Joey, you can’t just make me wet then not do anything about it!” you whined out, feeling incredibly frustrated that he would do that to you. But he didn’t budge, he just kept that stupid grin on his face.
“Later baby, I promise.” he said, his eyes turning a darker shade of blue. Then you had an idea, you waited till he walked away then started to touch yourself moaning loudly. It didn’t feel as good as you were making it sound but you wanted to get his attention. When he heard you moaning he dropped what he was doing and made his way back to the room.
“Were you touching yourself?”
You look at him innocently.
“I’m not sure what you mean.”
“Don’t lie to me, you know exactly what I mean.” You could see the lust in Joe's eyes.
“So what if I was? You weren’t going to take care of it.”
That was it, he had enough of you teasing him. He pinned you to the bed and started to create friction between the two of you.
“Oh I will take care of it baby”
The tension between the two of you only grew. Joe’s look was primal, looking at you like you were his prey. The two of you had had sex plenty of times, but never once did he give you the look he was giving you now. The feeling in your stomach only gets stronger as things progress.
“Joe” you breathed out.
“Please what?”
“Please, make me yours.”
“You already belong to me”
The next day
The next morning Joe woke up before you, he walked out of your room and into the kitchen to make you breakfast. The two of you stayed in bed all day, between your rendezvous and just enjoying each other's company. Joe knew you would be sore after the day you guys had. When he finished making breakfast, he comes back into the room with your breakfast and wakes you with a kiss. You stir awake feeling his lips on yours.
“Good morning baby, I made breakfast.” he said then placed the plate on the bed in front of you he made pancakes. You smiled at him.
“Good morning Joey. Aww my favorite, thank you!”
Joe stole a pancake from your plate and started eating it. The two of you enjoyed breakfast together. You were loving having your husband to yourself, with no one else around. As the two of you finish breakfast you guys decided on going to the beach today.
You went into the bathroom to start getting ready, you had packed three swimsuits but couldn’t decide which one.
“What's wrong baby?”
“Nothing, I can't decide which swimsuit to wear”
You show him the three swimsuits hanging up.
“Okay baby, let me take a look.”
He looks behind you at the Swimsuits he sees a beautiful orange ruffled off the shoulder top. He points to it, “wear this top with black bottoms.”
“Joe I’m not going to a bengals game. We're on our honeymoon.”
“Just please wear it” he pleaded with you and you gave up.
The two of you finished getting ready then headed to the beach which was private due to being attached to your bungalow.
You look up at Joe who is looking at you, you both smile at each other.
“LAST ONE TO THE WATER IS A ROTTEN EGG!” Joe screamed as he ran to the water. You laughed at your husband's behavior, but didn’t run to the water like he thought you would. Then you see him come out of the water and run back to you.
“Were on our honeymoon, lets have some fun Y/N”
“I’m good here where I can stay dry, plus I think we had plenty of fun yesterday.”
“Not that kind of fun.” he said then picked you up.
You yelled, smacking him in an attempt to get him to drop you. Your attempts were futile, your husband threw you into the water then got in himself. He had a smirk on his face, and started laughing when he saw your face. He thought you looked adorable when angry and you for sure were angry right now. Joe knew you wanted to tan but now you were in the water.
“It’s not funny.”
“Admit it, it kinda is. You thought you would stay dry while at the beach.”
You started to laugh with him.
“I love you so much Joey”
“I love you too.”
Your honeymoon continued to go great until the 5th day. You were violently ill, you kept throwing up. You wanted to cry but you didn’t have the energy for it. You didn’t feel like getting out of bed, didn’t feel like eating and Joe was extremely worried. Yet Joe came and offered to make you soup every hour, he was trying to give you space, not that he didn’t want to be there for you. It was because he couldn’t do anything to help you feel better which broke him.
Then it hit you, you were late, maybe your period was finally coming and just making you sick. But when you went to the bathroom and you still hadn’t had your period you go in your toiletry bag and grab a pregnancy test. You and Joe weren't planning on having kids this soon but if it happens it happens. You only had packed some because your mom told you it happens more than you'd think where the newlyweds get pregnant on the honeymoon.
You waited ten minutes and then gasped, when you looked at the test. Tears start streaming down your face, you were excited to start a family with Joe even if it wasn’t planned.
Joe ran into the bathroom and saw the test in your hand and the tears streaming down your face. Taking large steps towards you he hugs you and looks at the test, then the tears brim his eyes.
“You're pregnant?”
You nodded.
“I know, we planned on waiting a year or two.”
“You're pregnant!” he spoke excitedly and picked you up and spun you around
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zeondraws · 20 days
I poked a few questions at Secret Mode on their discord server and got an answer back today. Right after I came home and I can't stress how happy I got reading it.
I'll try to show my the questions and the answers together, so that people on tumblr have enough context what I asked about. Figured you guys might enjoy.
"Does Muir play the Bagpipe?" - Personally (others might disagree), I could definitely see Muir play the bagpipe (especially if he can annoy Innes with it!) but what would most likely happen is that he would bring something small that is allowed in his baggage like an harmonica.
"Something I noticed is that McLeary's name seems to be an innuendo to MacReady from The Thing, which made me wonder: Were names chosen at random or did they serve a specific purpose? Another person I know noticed Muir means "sea" while Innes means "island"." - I think the short answer is yes names have meaning and none of them were picked at random! But our philosophy is to let people draw their own conclusion as we don't want to make things "official" by giving our reasons! (we love to read/see people create their own theories so feel free to share them!)
"One small thing me and other people wondered, ingame we found a schedule for the shifts. A bunch of the crewmates seem to be listed on it, like "Derek M."? and "Joey I." Where we wondered if those were the first names of Muir and Innes?" - To my knowledge Muir and Innes have always existed in the game and can be found listed on that schedule I think although it might be hidden. Derek and Joey might be in the background without lines. - Innes' first name is Terry and Muir's name is Ewan.
"Another mini question I had was, is it possible to know who lived in the room 121? I could never find any indications thus far." - 121 was meant to be Innes and Muir's room...Innes is the one who likes reading. Seeing how much fans love them I wish we'd set dressed it more with clues about them.
"And my last goofy question is, when Muir basically yeets Innes across the deck, he is still animated when he lands inbetween the containers (I'm using a mod to look around the level a bit more). Did that have a specific reason? Did Muir just threw him across the deck or did he want to carry him?" - For Innes being animated for a bit longer, the simple answer is that our lead animator always plan to show a tiny bit more than what is shown because you never know if an angle might change...
With this I am finally able to somewhat complete my picture of the crewmate rooms. Thank you so much! I am learning so much about this game and how the developers approach the lore. I've never really been in such a community before so this is all very new for me. But a very positive experience (Since I feel extremely awkward asking questions, where I never know if I sound pushy/annoying, so I am often extremely nervous).
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But this also means I have another detail to add for my video- Ooohhhh!
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starrystevie · 1 year
based on this post because i couldn't read it and not picture it as anything but steddie
the house is quiet. it's steve's favorite time of the day when everything feels still, comfortable and warm, like a cozy cocoon that his family has built around themselves. daisy is curled up at his side like a personal heater, her head resting peacefully on steve's stomach as they snuggle in bed. he knows eddie will come in after finishing up the kids' bedtime story and yell at him for letting the dog on the bed, but steve knows he'll get away with it once they both turn puppy dog eyes on him. he always does.
steve's just about to put his bookmark in between the pages of his book and turn off the bedside light for the night when there is what can only be explained as a commotion on the other side of the house. it startles both steve and daisy, her big head perking up immediately, cocked to the side as she tries to place the sound before jumping off onto to the floor. steve follows quickly and is standing fast enough that his vision goes a bit blurry.
he hasn't had this fear in a long time. he hasn't felt the need to reach for the bat under his bed in years. his heart starts to beat a tick faster, but then he hears it.
they're laughing.
both he and daisy make their way down the hallway to the kids room where streams of multicolored light spills out over the hardwood from the mini disco ball josephine just had to have. he doesn't even make it halfway to their room when he hears just what they're all laughing about.
"dad, do the voices! you always do the voices!"
by the time steve is leaning against the open doorway, he sees it: his home. it's his kids, josephine and winnie, sitting up excitedly in their beds. winnie's damn near falling out of her bed as she tries to sneak peeks at the pages of their bedtime story. and it's eddie, salt and pepper hair piled on top of his head with glasses almost falling off his nose as he reaches his hands up to imitate some sort of soldier or king or something steve can't figure out.
eddie's yelling some speech with a big boisterous voice, the girls are shrieking with smiles wide enough to split their faces, and steve can't do anything other than take it all in. daisy pushes past him and goes to jump on joey's bed, kissing her into another laughing fit.
"my king!" eddie says once he's spotted steve, bending to one knee with a closed fist over his heart. josephine pulls herself up to her knees on her bed to copy her dad and winnie, who will do anything her big sister does, follows suit. "to what do we owe this most wonderful pleasure?"
eddie's smiling this mischievous grin, his eyes twinkling like the stars the girls stuck to the walls, and steve feels that familiar tug in his heart that always seems to come around when he thinks about how damn lucky he is. he playfully rolls his eyes in opposition of how much love he feels and hurries across the room to press a quick kiss to the top of his head.
"at ease," steve murmurs, his voice a little flat. he's not as good at the fantasy voices as eddie is. "just had to come see what all the ruckus was about."
eddie scrunches his nose, standing back up and pressing a kiss of his own to steve's cheek. he can hear the girls behind them faking a gag, winnie's tiny elongated 'ewwwww' barely audible over how loud joey's acting is. when he gets a good look at them, josephine has found a way to lay across her bed to play dead and it forces a giggle out of winnie.
"why do you guys have to be so gross all the time?" josephine says, picking her head up only to drop it back down, eyes closed and tongue sticking out.
"to annoy you, obviously." steve's response it dry enough to have eddie chuckling at his side. "how much longer do you have?"
steve nods to the book and eddie looks down at where his finger is holding place. he scans over the pages, eyes growing larger when he realizes just how far away the end of the chapter is. he pulls the hand painted bookmark off of the girls' bedside table and sets the book down despite the groans it gets him in return.
"looks like we're done for the night, fair maidens."
"do we really have to be done, dad?" winnie's trying her hardest to get eddie to pick the book back up. her lip is pouted and her big brown eyes are wide enough that even steve almost caves to the 4 year old, but eddie's shaking his head and tucking her in instead.
"just for tonight, nugget," he whispers against the side of her head as he presses a kiss to her temple.
"but daaaaad-" josephine starts, fighting against steve as he tries to pull the blanket up to her chin.
"nope, no buts, joey girl. it's a school night anyway. you guys can read more tomorrow night."
with the girls grumbling, the two dads trade off kissing them each good night and steve flicks off the bedside lamp to leave only the disco ball flickering rainbow colors over the room. daisy curls up next to josephine who promptly picks up her covers to settle over them both.
when the door clicks shut, eddie lets an arm loop around steve's waist, bringing him in for a soft kiss. they pull away with a smile, crow-footed eyes crinkling in the low hallway light.
"sorry that we got too loud." eddie looks sheepish in that endearing way that he knows will get him of the hook, but steve just shakes his head before reaching his hand up to pick the reading glasses off his husband's face.
"no need to be sorry. you know i love seeing them that happy."
when they turn off the light for the night, tangled around each other before flopping onto their sides of the bed, steve breathes in deep. he gives his husband a kiss goodnight and doesn't think about the bat under his bed. instead, he thinks about his family, winnie's big brown eyes and josephine's toothy grin and eddie's hand forever in his own, comfortable and warm in the home they built around each other.
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joeys-babe · 9 months
Joey B Blurbs: Wonderful Christmastime
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Summary: Christmas morning with Tyson and Miles, along with some Joe teasing!
Warnings: None, fluff
Pairing: Joe Burrow x reader
Imagine universe: Into The Mystic
*December 25th, 2023 - Christmas Day!*
Was being woken up at six in the morning ideal? No.
But… when it's by your twin boy’s smiling faces you can't be mad.
Joe hopped out of bed faster than I'd ever seen and barely had both legs in his PJ pants before he ran out of the room. The twins excitedly grabbed at his hands and pulled him down the hallway.
Yes, Joe insisted on sleeping in his usual nighttime uniform, his boxers, and promised to put our matching family PJs on in the morning.
I was slower getting up, which is expected when you're pregnant.
When I did get up, though, I went straight to the closet to put a bra on. After, I brushed my hair and teeth, then went downstairs.
“There she is.” - Joe grinned
“Don’t move any presents yet, we need to take a family picture.” - you
“What.” - Joe
“Babe, don't act surprised.” - you
“I have to go put a shirt on first and fix my hair then.” - Joe
He started for the stairs in a half-jog manner, but I called for him before he got to them.
“Put your shirt on then come down here, I'll move your hair around till you like it.” - you
“Babe.” - Joe
“Joe, I'm not waiting thirty minutes. Neither are they.” - you pointed to the boys who were patiently sitting down in front of the tree
Joe listened, surprisingly, and came down the stairs buttoning his shirt up before walking up to me.
I got on my tiptoes to reach his head and did my best to comb his bedhead with my fingers.
“Hurry up!” - Tyson
“We don't talk to Mommy and Daddy like that, okay Ty?” - Joe
“Almost done, buddy.” - you
“Are you talking to me or him?” - Joe
“Both?” - you laughed
It only took a couple more moments for Joe’s hair to fall in the way he liked it.
“There.” - you kissed his cheek
I got my phone set up and used the camera timer on my Apple Watch to get some pics.
We had just taken a few family ones and a couple of just the twins because I was sure Joe wouldn't want to be a part of a couple picture.
“Wanna get one of me kissing your cheek, and you like holding my face?” - Joe
“What?! Are you joking… or high?” - you
“No.” - Joe laughed
“Uhm sure…” - you
Joe and I took the picture, and afterward, he said something that surprised me.
“You should make that the cover of your post later. I think it looks cute.” - Joe
“Joe what? Who are you and what have you done with my husband?” - you
“He’s still here, just wanting to show more of my affectionate side.” - Joe
I grinned and leaned in to kiss him. It only lasted a few seconds because of the interruption of my PJ pants being yanked on by the little hands below us.
An hour later, stockings and presents had been opened.
We had finished eating breakfast, and Joe immediately walked back into the living after grabbing a trash bag.
I sat a few feet away, watching him from the kitchen, and internally giggling as he stacked boxes and threw the old wrapping paper into the trash bag.
“You are such a dad, Joe.” - you laughed
“Well, hopefully, because I am one.” - Joe
“No, I meant you applying to most of the dad stereotypes.” - you
“Gotta do what you gotta do.” - Joe shrugged
A few moments went by as I scrolled through the comments on my Instagram post.
A few of Joe’s teammates had commented, and I couldn't help but laugh out loud at what they had said.
“Whatcha laughing at?” - Joe placed his hands on your shoulders and looked over them
“Shit! How'd you get over here so fast without making a sound?!” - you
“I’m sneaky, baby.” - Joe smirked
Playfully rolling my eyes before continuing to read the comments, Joe repeated his original question.
“Whatcha laughing at?” - Joe
“The guys’ comments on my IG post.” - you
“What’d they say??” - Joe
“They're just talking about your jammies and you kissing my cheek.” - you laughed
“Specifics, please?” - Joe
I handed my phone to him and intently watched his face to see any change in expression.
There weren't any necessarily negative comments, but the ones the boys left were kind of poking fun at Joe in a playful way.
For example;
sam_hubbard_: where‘s my pj set?
nbsmallerbear: nice jammies
lahjay10_: sheisty gettin' spicy? 💋
That's just to name a few since they were all pretty much like that.
I continued watching Joe’s face as his thumb scrolled, but nothing ever changed till he handed me my phone back.
Joe rolled his eyes with a laugh as he placed my phone back into my hand.
“Are you not annoyed?” - you
“No, why would I?” - Joe
“I don't know, I just thought you'd regret posting the pictures you were in.” - you
He reached down and ran one of his thumbs over my cheek.
“I don't regret a thing, wanna know why?” - Joe
“Why?” - you
“I knew it made you happy, and that is all I care about.” - Joe
I puckered my lips, signaling I wanted a kiss, and Joe happily obliged.
“Merry Christmas, Joey. I love you.” - you
“Merry Christmas, Mama. I love you too.” - Joe
People say that money can buy happiness, but I think that the original idea was the right idea. Because nothing that money can buy, or be wrapped and put under the tree, can be equal to the feeling of having a full heart. All because of a loving husband, and our growing family.
Authors note: Guys it's LATE. Seriously I need to go to bed.
Request for this fic; (kinda 😭)
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Hope you enjoyed! 💕
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tangerinesgirl · 4 months
Can I request Frank fingering reader for the first time?
Time is Money
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Fem!Reader x Adam "Frank" Barrett (Abigail)
Rating: 18+, NSFW, explicit
Word count: 1.1k
Summary: You and Frank hate each other, you'll do anything to prove him wrong.
Warnings: virgin reader, AFAB reader, asphyxiation, money for sex, enemies to lovers-ish?, humiliation kink, public sex
Notes: use of Y/N as well as specific female body parts mentioned. You can kind of tell I started with the action and panic built/got bored with the conversation before, so don't focus too much on the plot! Enjoy!
The crew are getting rowdy in the main living room. You decide to go to the bar area in the next room for some peace and quiet. Unfortunately for you, Frank already had the same idea, sat in the corner nursing his whiskey. Although a good leader, his personality rubs you the wrong way. You've clashed the whole evening. Frank is so full of himself and you hate it. You decide to confront him, maybe the night will go smoother with everything off your chest.
You sit on the stool next to Frank, he rolls his eyes. "Look, I've seen the way you've been looking at me, but we can't get personal and I'm not interested".
"Don't flatter yourself, I couldn't be less attracted to you right now."
"Sure kid."
"You walk around with a strut in your step like you own the fucking world, but in reality there's nothing there. Humility asshole, look it up."
"Nothing there, huh?"
"You're all talk and no action. Your Lambert's little bitch and daren't break his precious rules."
"Ah so you do want me? ...You couldn't handle me."
"There we go again, big dick energy, but no action."
Frank pauses a moment to look at you, like he's debating whether he's into you or not, weighing up his next options. You both have to admit, the arguing is hot, maybe you both have pent up sexual energy from the evening and need to get it out of your system. You both clearly have energy, even if you hate each other's guts. Frank loves an opportunity to be proven right, and you love an opportunity to prove him wrong.
"Alright", Frank pulls out his wallet and slides a note across the table, "crisp one hundred says I can make you cum in two minutes".
"Why not make it interesting", you dip into your bra, pulling out two notes, "two hundred says you can't do it in one".
Frank chuckles slightly, "I could probably make you cum with just the sound of my voice, since you've never actually felt the touch of a man".
You freeze, how did he know? Your stomach flips and you turn pale. Frank notices, "Joey's not the only one who can read people".
"Stay the fuck out of my head. Bet's off", you reach to grab the money but Frank grabs your wrist.
He pulls the chain around his neck and drops it on the table, "nine karat, solid gold, worth at least a grand".
You hesitate, weighing up your options. Frank has an advantage, you can't help but find his boldness very attractive, as well as him physically. But you know exactly what gets you off, Frank doesn't. You've definitely lasted longer than a minute on your own before.
"One minute?", you want to reiterate, to make things clear.
"One minute", Frank confirms.
You chew the inside of your mouth, debating. That's a lot of money... It'll only cost you your dignity. Frank raises an eyebrow, waiting for your answer.
"I guess we have a deal", you sit back down. Frank removes his glasses and his watch, placing them on the table.
"Wait, we doing this here? The crew are literally in the other room", you look over your shoulder. You can see Sammy and Peter playing drinking games through the serving hatch, albeit loudly.
Frank follows your gaze, "Well, we'll just have to be quiet then. When the second hand reaches twelve, we'll start."
You look at the watch, this all feels so weird, a knot forms in your stomach. You can't believe you've given away your virginity for $1k. You feel dirty, but you're determined to wipe the smirk of Frank's face.
Frank notices your unease, "You can always back out".
"Aw, what's the matter? Not as confident now, Frank?"
Frank gets up from his bar stool and slowly walks behind you. Your gaze follows him briefly, and then back to the watch. Frank's lips ghost around your left ear, notes of whiskey playing on his breath, "3...2...1..."
The second hand strikes the hour and Frank's hands are immediately on your inner thigh, trailing upwards towards your underwear. "Already so wet for me and I've barely touched you". Your heart sinks knowing your body has betrayed you and given Frank leverage. He moves your underwear to one side and starts playing with your clit.
Meanwhile, his other hand is tracing over your jawline, trailing down your chest, into your bra. He rolls your nipple between his fingers while he plays with your clit. You try not to moan to give him the satisfaction. Frank notices your eyes rolling to the back of your head in pleasure. He looks you up and down, admiring his handiwork. He breathes heavily in your ear, whispering, "That's it. Good girl. You're taking me so well". You can feel his erection growing through his pants on your back. He starts to rub himself on you, moaning into your ear, "Look what you do to me".
He studies your face, looking for a reaction. You look over to the watch. 20 seconds gone. Frank inserts two of his fingers into your pussy, stretching you out. "Fuck. You're so tight." His head buries into the crook of your neck as he fingers deep inside of you. He kisses and playfully nibbles at your neck, trying to find a soft spot he can abuse. He notices your eyebrows furrow in concentration as he bites on your neck. "Don't fight me, Y/N. Let it happen. I want you to come undone for me. I want to watch you cum".
He continues to push his fingers into you, playing with your clit, the bar stool covered in your wetness. 40 seconds. Frank's other hand grabs your neck roughly. Your breath hitches in your throat from surprise. Frank's head touching the side of your cheek, his stubble prickling your supple skin. He kisses the side of your lips.
"That's it, Y/N. Cum for me". He squeezes the sides of your neck. He tilts your head down so you can see his fingers spreading you open. Your fists clench trying to hold back your orgasm. You look at the watch. 50 seconds.
"Yes...look at you, so desperate for me you don't care who's next door and could walk in, giving me your virginity... Dirty whore", he moans as he continues to grind into you from behind, his last attempt to send you over the edge.
"Shit", you mumble under your breath, how did Frank know you have a humiliation kink? Your hand grips the table, your fingers digging into the solid wood as you cum, hard, to Frank's words. You cum so violently that you squirt all over Frank's fingers and your underwear. Frank notices, you can feel the smirk forming on his face.
As you come back to reality, Frank removes his fingers and wipes them on your dress. He walks back over to his seat, grabbing the money off the table and putting his watch back on. He downs the dregs of his whiskey and leaves the room.
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autisticrosewilson · 6 months
Childhood friend queer platonic autistic Jayrose is so fucking important to me. Because like, Jason had to learn to be self sufficient from a young age and he's been consistently been parentified by the adults who he was supposed to be able to rely on most during his most formative years. And Rose was taught how to stand up for herself, she learned that she had to be self serving to survive by Slade and the conditions her mom's death forced her into.
So now fast forward and they're both on the teen Titans due to their older brothers who they have complicated relationships with. And Rose doesn't speak English very well yet and the buzz of the city puts all of her weird new senses on overdrive and suddenly she's seeing things happen before they happen. And Jason is too small for his age and doc says he probably won't get much bigger but he's Robin and Robin has to be strong. So he fights like he did on the streets, like this could be his next meal or not, because maybe it is. What is he without Robin?
They both keep to themselves at first. Rose hides in her room or behind Joey, because she doesn't really understand American sign language yet, but his touch is always gentle and she's good at seeing what other people miss. Used to analyzing the small changes in peoples stance and face, never quite able to trust peoples words. And Jason hides away in the small book nook in the tower or the training room and he tries to be as small as he can when not on missions. He's always been good at being unnoticed.
But maybe one night Rose gets a vision, one of the bad ones that make her head ache and her eyes burn. And Jason is in the kitchen, woken up from another nightmare about phantom hands and lifeless eyes. And Rose sees the boy everyone else leaves alone, the one who reads the books with the complicated words and moves like a ghost.
And Jason turns and sees the girl with the ceaseless eyes and stiff words, he can't help remembering the stories of changelings when he looks at her. And they freeze, but then the timer for the cinnamon rolls he stress baking goes off. And so they sit there, in the Titans kitchen with cinnamon rolls and iced tea and they tell each other their names. They both sleep a little lighter that night.
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melliotwrites · 3 months
Seeking actors for a concert of songs from GHOST STORY, a new musical!
VIDEO AUDITIONS are open 'til 6/21!
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Two love stories between Chinese American and Polish American men haunt the same ranch house, one century apart. 
Rehearsals will be in Butte, Montana this July, with a performance July 20th. We're looking for actors who will (or can) be within commuting distance of Butte this July!
Paid (and we may be able to reimburse small travel expenses, e.g. gas)
No previous experience required!
ANTHONY TIAN: A cis male Chinese-American immigrant in 2022, recently engaged to JOEY. Late 20s. East Asian.
JOEY PULASKI: A trans man of Polish descent in 2022, recently engaged to ANTHONY. Early 30s. White.
HAOWEN “HAO” YANG: A transmasculine Chinese immigrant in 1882. A ranch hand who is sharing a room with JÓZEF. East Asian.
JÓZEF PULASKI: A cis male Polish immigrant in 1882. A ranch hand sharing a room with HAO. JOEY’s great-grandfather. White.
Video auditions are due End of Day (11:59 PM MDT) on Friday, June 21st. Read more info and send in an audition here!
Even if you can't audition, please help us spread the word!
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winchestergirl2 · 4 months
May Reading Rec List
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To show some love and appreciation to all the amazing writers here on tumblr, here are all the fantastic fics I've read this month. 💖
Many of these fics and blogs are 18+ only, and NSFW please heed the author's individual fic warnings and requests regarding no minors. I am not responsible for your media consumption.
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Reading Recs Masterlist
Dean Winchester
Darken (Masterlist) @impala-dreamer
Authors Summary: ~You woke up in a trashed motel room covered in someone else’s blood and no memories of the past week.~
Without Her @foreverwayward
Authors Summary: Dean mourns the loss of the love of his life.
Tattooed @coffee-obsessed-writer
Authors Summary: Dean takes you to get ink
Sam Winchester
Lean On @winchester-fantasies
Authors Summary: Sam finds you years later after leaving you for Ruby. Set early in season 5. Inspired by the song “Lean On” by Major Lazer & DJ Snake.
Carry Me @welikeimagines-andfandoms
Authors Summary: Fun fluffy Drabble with the moose
You Lost Me @tattooed-on-my-wayward-soul
Authors Summary: Sam chose Ruby over the reader, now Ruby is gone and the reader and Sam are no longer together but Sam still loves her. The three go to watch the Supernatural play and Sam’s see what he really did to the reader.
Sam and Dean Winchester
Sleeping Arrangements @jinkieswouldyoulookatthis
Authors Summary: Imagine sharing a bed with Sam and Dean.  No smut, but oh how we wish…
Dawson's Creek
CJ Braxton
One Exception @zepskies
Authors Summary: Joey has invited you to a party at Pacey’s apartment, and CJ has agreed to go, despite the contentious history between him and your new friends. He doesn’t want to be the reason you miss out on a good thing, but it also means he’ll have to hide his apprehension (and his alcoholism).  
Russell Shaw
So Close @thebiggerbear
Authors Summary: You meet Colter and Russell at the morgue to help them gain access. Had you known how this was really going to go, you might have pushed Colter's call to voicemail.
Close Enough @thebiggerbear
Authors Summary: When you'd met the Shaws at the morgue the day before, you thought that had been the end of it and you wouldn't need to see one Shaw brother in particular again. Little did you know that Colter was about to once again ask for your help and not only would you be forced to see Russell again but things were about to change drastically for the both of you.
Waiting For The Real Thing @rizlowwritessortof
Authors Summary: You can't serve in the same unit with somebody without getting pretty close. She managed to survive around him until a couple of years ago. And when she hears about their brother-in-arms troubles, she heads that way to help out. Of course, Russ beat her to it. And now she just can't make herself leave without seeing him.
A Line And A Half @zepskies
Authors Summary: When Dory’s eldest brother comes to visit her at Wyoming University, you don’t know quite what to make of Russell Shaw. But he knows exactly what he wants to make of you.
Cordell Walker
Moonlight Whiskey @idreamofplaid
Authors Summary: Cordell plans a romantic night for the reader that brings back memories from decades ago.
Ten Inch Hero
Boaz Priestly
When Broken Is Easily Fixed @deanbrainrotwritings
Authors Summary: priestly broke up with tish (yes!) uh, i mean… you watch him be pathetic and sad with his big wet green eyes.
Big Sky
Beau Arlen
Untitled drabble @anklesoverackles
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joeybluvs · 9 months
Lover: Chapter II
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Authors Note: Hi guys this is chapter two to Lover if you didn't already go read the first part if you want 💗.
Warnings: fluff, LSU Joe, Smut, Spitting into mouth, I can't think of anything else.
Word Count: 1.9k
The Next Morning:
Joe wakes up the next morning, he checks his phone and receives a text from you.
He reads the text, good morning Joe...face time?, the text reads.
Joe's heart skips a beat as he sees your message, good morning , he text back with a grin on his face, face time sounds great, he text you before he taps the face time call button and awaits your answer, his excitement growing to see you with each passing second.
You answer, when you answer you are in your small bathroom in your dorm room curling your hair. "Heyyy", you say with excitement.
"Hey", he says with a warm smile. "You look beautiful this morning", he takes in the sight of you curling your hair, his gaze lingering on your beautiful face.
"You don't look half bad yourself", you say with a smile.
He laughs slightly, running his hand through his hair. "So, what are your plans for today."
"Hold that thought do you mind giving an opinion on an outfit." you smile.
"Sure," he says with a grin. "I'd be happy to help". He waits patiently as you go through your outfit choices, offering suggestions and compliments when prompted.
"So I was thinking either this blue flowy crop top with light blue ripped jeans or this orange crop top and dark blue ripped jeans".
"I think both outfits would look amazing on you, but since I have to choose...I think the blue crop top and the light blue jeans they just seem to compliment your hair better." He says with a big smile on his face.
"Aw thank you so much for helping Joey." you say.
"No problem," he says with a smile.
"What time is your practice at today," you say.
"Practice starts at 2 PM...I could pick you up after if you would like."
"How about you pick me up after practice and then we could go on our first date," you say with a smile.
"That sounds perfect," he says with a grin. "I'll see you after practice then." He gives you one last smile before hanging up the phone and heading to start getting ready himself.
After practice
As the practice draws to a close and he showers, Joe's heart beats just slightly faster with anticipation due to the excitement of going on a date with you.
He gets into his car and gets a text from you that reads, I am at this restaurant downtown i'll send you the location if you wanna meet here.
Sure, he replies.
He gets the location and text you that he will be there shortly.
15 minutes later
Joe arrives at the restaurant. He steps out of his car and fixes his shirt before stepping into the restaurant. He scans the restaurant searching for her familiar face.
You see him looking for you and do a small wave at him trying to catch his attention.
Spotting you waving at him, he walks confidently over to the table trying not to let his nerves show. As he approaches he says. "You look beautiful."
"Aw, thank you." you say blushing.
"So Joe...I was wondering if this date goes well if maybe you would like to be my boyfriend.' You pause before continuing. "I know it is a little soon but you seem really sweet Joe."
Joe's heart skips a beat at her question and he looks into her eyes searching for any signs of hesitation or doubt. Finding none, he smiles and leans in a bit closer to you. "We could give it a try I would love to be able to call you my girlfriend." He says with a smile on his face.
"You're beautiful," Joe whispers softly.
"Joe...you are so sweet," You say back to him.
"I'm just being honest," he replies with a smile. "I mean every word I say to you," He gently rubs her hand which is sitting on the table.
You guys finish up diner doing typical first date things like learning more about each other.
After Diner
"So do you maybe wanna meet up at my dorm. My roommate still hasn't gotten here yet so it is only me currently," You say.
"Of course," Joe respondes with a smile. "I'd like that very much." He takes her hand in his and squeezes it lightly as they head out of the restaurant and head to their respective cars.
"Alright bye be careful, just follow me okay," You say getting in her car.
At her dorm
They both enter your dorm "You can spend the night if you want since my roommate isn't here yet," You say with a soft smile.
The offer catches him off guard but in a good way. His heart pounds in excitement at the possibility of spending the night together. "That would be great," he manages to say, trying to calm his nerves. "Thank you."
"No problem," You say in response.
As they settle into the room, their connection growing stronger with every passing moment. They talk about their day, share laughs and secrets, and eventually find themselves lost in each other's eyes once more. (Authors note: sorry that was probably cringey)
"Is it alright if I kiss you," You say softly.
He nods yes and you lean in and start kissing him which quickly turns into a make out session.
As they tangle together in a heated embrace, Joe can feel himself losing control. His heart beats rapidly against his chest, every fiber of his being yearning for more. He deepens the kiss, losing himself in the sensation of her lips against his own.
As the passionate kiss intensifies, Joe's mind drifts back to the previous night. The memory of your moans and gasps echo in his ears, fueling his desire even further.
Feeling your body pressed against his, Joe's hands wander up her back and into your hair. He pulls away slightly to catch his breath but doesn't break their connection. His eyes search yours for any sign of hesitation or doubt before he leans in once more, hungry for more.
"I can tell you want something more Joe," You say smirking.
Joe's heart skips a beat at her words. "You have no idea," he whispers back, his voice barely above a whisper. He deepens their kiss once more, his tongue dancing with hers in a slow, sensual rhythm that sends shivers down his spine.
"Tell me what you want," You say seductively.
Breaking the kiss, Joe looks deeply into her eyes. His heart is pounding in his chest, and he can feel his blood pulsing through his veins. "I want you," he says softly, his voice filled with raw emotion. "I want you so fucking bad."
Hearing his confession, yourr eyes widen slightly before you lean in and kisses him again. This time, it's different—more intense than before. Their tongues dance together as they explore each other's mouths with newfound passion and desire.
"Do you wanna have sex?" You ask seductively.
As their kiss breaks once more, Joe looks deeply into her eyes. "Yes," he whispers back, his voice trembling slightly with anticipation. "I want to make love to you."
You both quickly strip down to being naked.
His heart is racing now, and he can feel himself growing hard with anticipation. He reaches out to touch you, running his fingers lightly over your stomach before trailing lower down her body.
You let out a low moan at his touch.
Feeling you moan beneath his touch, Joe's control begins to slip further. He kisses you deeply again, your tongues tangling together in a heated dance as he continues his exploration. His hands slide up her thighs, feeling the smooth skin beneath his fingertips.
"I can't wait any longer Joe." You say softly.
With one final look into her eyes, Joe gives in to the passion that's been building between you guys. He slides inside of you, feeling your tightness engulf him.
"Oh fuck," you moan so loudly that your neighbors could probably hear you but you don't care.
As he begins to move inside you, Joe's world narrows down to the feeling of their bodies connecting. He groans softly against yourr lips, his eyes closed tightly as he tries to maintain control.
With each thrust, Joe hits a new spot inside you that sends shivers down his spine. He picks up the pace, losing himself in the rhythm of their lovemaking. His hands move to grasp your hips tightly, pulling you closer as he drives deeper into you.
As yourr bodies collide, Joe's breathing becomes ragged. He can feel the heat building between them, and he knows you guys are getting close. With one final push, he buries himself inside her, feeling her walls clench around him.
"Faster," you moan loudly.
Feeling the urgency in your voice, Joe picks up the pace even more. His movements become erratic as he tries to find that perfect spot inside you again and again. Sweat begins to bead on his forehead as he loses himself in their passionate union once more.
You stick out your tongue insinuating that you want him to spit in your mouth.
His eyes widen slightly at this unexpected request but without hesitation, he complies, spitting into your mouth. It's messy and taboo, but he can feel the desire burning in both of them, and he can't resist giving in to it.
You swallow his spit while looking into his eyes.
"I am gonna cum Joe!" You moan loudly.
Joe's thrusts become even faster and deeper. He wants to feel your orgasm as much as he wants to releaseas well. "Cum for me," he groans, his voice hoarse with desire.
You release around his cock "Are you close, if you are let me suck you I want to taste your cum." You say breathlessly.
Feeling your walls tighten around him, Joe knows he's close. "Yes," he pants, his body trembling with the effort to hold back. He pulls out of her and you get on your knees and starts taking him in your mouth.
"Come on Joe cum in my mouth." You say between sucks.
Joe's hips buck as he releases inside your mouth, filling it with his hot seed. The sensation of yourr warmth and the suction around his cock send him spiraling into bliss. "Fuck, that feels good,"
You swallow every last drop of his cum while starting into his eyes.
As he feels his climax begin to subside, Joe looks down at you with a mix of pride and satisfaction. You both collapse onto the, their sweaty bodies pressed together as they catch their breath.
You kiss his forehead sweetly.
"That was...damn," he pants, a slight blush creeping onto his cheeks. He nuzzles his face against yours, their hearts still pounding in unison.
You kiss him on the lips. "You are amazing Joe." You say smiling.
Joe blushes even deeper at her praise, his heart swelling with love. He returns the kiss, his mouth warm and tender against hers. They lie there in each other's arms, basking in the afterglow of their shared passion.
"So are you staying overnight." You ask softly.
"If that's alright with you," he murmurs sleepily against your skin. He nuzzles closer, already feeling the comfort of your embrace seeping into his bones.
"Oh it is definitely alright." You say as you move to lay onto his chest.
Smiling softly, Joe drifts off to sleep with your warmth surrounding him.
Authors note: I am sorry if this is bad (which it probably is) I wrote this at like 3 in the morning but I hope you like it 🥰🥰
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joesheistyy · 2 years
I had a request for some smut so here you go <3 I haven't written smut since probably 2016 or some shit so this very well may be cringe
Warning!!! Smut ahead!!
also I swear I had a better pic of him on one knee but I can't find it for the life of me
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Joe had planned an amazing trip for the two of you. It had been a while since you two had been on vacation, especially since life had been so hectic since football season.
The two of you spent the week in Malibu with a house on a private beach. It was the best vacation anyone could ask for. Good food, gorgeous beach, and Joe’s company.
Most of your time was spent down on the beach tanning or in the water throwing a frisbee with Joe. He loved when you’d play games with him, but especially when you’d casually throw things with him. You sucked, but he didn’t care. You tried and that’s all that mattered.
The last few days of the trip approached, and Joe seemed to act a little more nervous as each day progressed. You didn’t think much of it considering the two of you are very routine oriented and a consecutive amount of days out of that routine would stress either of you out.
You were reading a book on the screened in porch when Joe came to join you.
“Hi baby, watchu doin?” He asked, leaning down to kiss you, then sit down next to you.
“Readin” you replied, closing the book on your finger to hold your place.
“How would you feel about dinner on the beach tonight?” He asked, raising his eyebrows in a cute manner.
“I think that would be really cute! Almost something out of my dreams,” you smiled as you set your bookmark to save your place. You looked over to Joe, seeing his blue eyes glisten in the evening light.
“Great, be ready by 7, I’ve got things to do!” Joe exclaimed with a giddy little wiggle. He loved to plan dates for you so this wasn’t out of the blue.
You headed up to the room to get changed after another 15 minutes on the porch. Joe was nowhere to be found, but this was the type of stuff he loved to do.
You put on your favorite white sundress and began to do your makeup. You had a feeling something like a proposal might happen, the timing was perfect and all the pieces started to click together in your mind like a puzzle. You became giddy, so excited that time couldn’t go by any faster.
The idea of a proposal made you want to get your hair and makeup perfect. You did light and delicate makeup and curled your hair to form soft waves. You were giddy looking at yourself in the mirror, all aspects of the outfit put together.
"Y/n, where are you?" Joe called out from the downstairs of the house.
"Bathroom, I'm on my way down now!" You replied back in a voice loud enough to reach the downstairs of the house.
You made your way downstairs, meeting Joe in the living room. He looked so hot in his khaki shorts and light blue button down. His hair was fluffy and swoopy.
"You look gorgeous babe," he said, pulling you into a hug. You could sense that he was nervous but he didn't want to show it.
"And you look so handsome," you said, getting up on your tiptoes to leave a kiss on his chin.
"Let's go, I'm so excited to show you what I've planned," Joe leads you out the back door toward your private beach.
Your jaw drops at the sight of a candle lit picnic dinner by the ocean.
You follow Joe down the beach, trying to hide your excitement. The more you noticed, the more you expected to get engaged. One you saw the expensive bottle of champagne, you had a feeling of what was about to go down.
Joe stops just before the beach blanket he had laid out, wrapping his arm around your back as you both look off into the ocean.
"This is gorgeous, Joey. What a great surprise," You gushed, smiling up at him.
"Turn around babe, I have another surprise for you," you followed his orders, turning around like he said to.
"Y/n, turn back around," he said with wavering in his voice.
When you turn around, Joe is down on one knee with a gorgeous diamond ring in a velvet blue box. Your hands shot up to cover your mouth in shock, tears immediately filling your eyes.
"Y/n, I love you so much, and all I want is you, for the rest of my life. I want to carry on this life with you and only you. Will you marry me?" Joe asked with tears in his own eyes.
"Yes, yes, yes!!" You cheered and leaned down to hug him while he was still on his knee. When he stood up, he slid the gorgeous ring on your finger, you staring at it in awe. He did damn good with his ring designing.
"Oh my god Joey I love you so much," you cried into his shoulder as he picked you up and spun you around. Upon setting you down, your lips crashed together, your arms snaking around his neck and his staying around your waist.
"I love you, y/n, and I can't wait to marry you," He whispered and kissed you again.
"I just hope you got a photographer for this moment," you laughed at him, he smiled knowing that was the biggest factor for your engagement.
"I did, babe. Don't worry," he reassured you, pointing to the balcony of the house you were staying in.
"Let's open this baby," Joe cheered, reaching down for the Champagne bottle.
You both put your hands around it, popping the cork toward the house. You were one to keep champagne corks.
The photographer continued to take pictures as you two ate your dinner in the candlelight.
Upon dinner being finished, you crawled over to Joe's arms, sitting between his legs and playing with his fingers. You two carried on sweet conversation about how excited you both were. It was your dream engagement and you were both so excited to spend the rest of your lives together.
After the sun had set and the moon lit the ocean, you two headed inside, in a romantic trance.
Joe picked you up and carried you into the house bridal style. He joked that he had to get his practice in.
He carried you up to the bedroom where you found a new pair of cozy pajamas that said wifey. You smiled, grabbing them and taking them to the bathroom to get ready for bed.
After you were ready for bed, you found Joe laying in the bed in just his boxers. That sight was so attractive, even though you had been seeing that all week. Something about being engaged lit a fire in the pit of your stomach.
You climbed on top of Joe, straddling over his crotch. He smiled at you, wrapping his hands around your waist. You leaned down to kiss him, hands feeling up and down his chest. You felt him grow in his pants, ready for action.
After making out for what felt like an hour, Joe began to pull your top off. He sucked at your tits, leaving hickies in spots that wouldn’t be seen in a bikini. You moaned into his touch, enjoying every moment.
“Turn over baby,” he whispered, flipping you onto your back. He took his boxers off, exposing his large erection. He pulled off your sleep shorts and panties, leaving you exposed to the world.
“You ready?” He asked, whispering into your ear. You nodded in response.
You let out a soft moan as he teased your entrance with his tip. His lips exploring your neck and collarbone. His breath fanned over your body as he tried to restrain himself from absolutely destroying you.
“Joey stop teasing, I need you,” you moaned as you pulled him closer, directing his erection to your entrance, eager to feel him inside you.
“Wanted to take it slow but I guess that’s not the case,” he mumbled seductively with a chuckle. You smiled in response as he held his rhythm. You were eating up the pillow princess time.
Once you had settled to his large size, he began to make a steady rhythm, causing your body to seize up in all the right ways.
“Mmm baby so good,” you moaned into his ear, sucking on his earlobe.
“I love you baby,” he panted out as his strokes quickened, approaching his climax.
You directed his hand toward your clit, needing more stimulation to quicken your orgasm. Joe obliged, using his thumb and pointer finger to dance over your clit, causing the pit inside of your stomach to grow.
You could see that Joe was about to unfold. Normally, you didn’t like him finishing inside you, but this was different. You were engaged now, and hell, he can afford a PlanB.
Your body tensed up as you felt that familiar pit in your stomach, approaching your orgasm. Joe kept thrusting and his pace quickened.
You both unleashed your orgasms, ones that had built up for a while. Joe let loose inside of you, making sure to lean down into your hear and repeat how much he loved you over and over.
After you both rode out your highs, Joe laid back down next to you, pulling you close. Your breathing patterns resulted back to normal, and you both smiled in contentment.
"I love you so much, future Mrs. Burrow," he smiled and kissed you once again.
"I love you so much more, future Mr. Burrow, husband of y/n Burrow," you kissed him again.
After a short bit of post-sex snuggles, you both put your clothes back on and got back in bed, ready for sleep. Being in the sun all day was exhausting enough as is, but all the events from the day wore the both of you out.
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hellfiremunsonn · 1 year
Desperate. Joseph Quinn x Reader
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Summary: Attending the premier of Josephs new film Hoard, you get a little needy seeing him in his element, so you take matters into your own hands... literally.
Warnings: fem!reader, reader has a vagina, established relationship, Josephs a bit dom, praise, pet names (baby, babe, dove, little thing) swearing, dirty talk I guess? suggestive. (IF THERES ANYTHING I MISSED LET ME KNOW)
AN: apparently I'm still capable of writing! Who knew! Hope you guys like it. NOT PROOF READ
Wordcount: 1k
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You were antsy, but you always were when you attended these premier with Joe. No matter how big or small, your nerves were always amped up to 100 and although Joe claimed to be as nervous as you, you could never tell with how perfectly he handled it all. 
Smiles and laughs, cracking jokes, the man could have everyone swooning over him in the matter of seconds. It came so effortlessly to him, and it was an honour to watch. 
Your hand clung tightly to the back of his black button up, posing for pictures with him, smiling towards the many shouting photographers with their flashing cameras. Josephs hand firm on your hip, a grounding sentiment to help with the nerves. 
When you stepped away so Joseph and his costars could get photographed together you felt your heart squeeze watching them all together. You also wanted to bite Joseph for how goddamn good he looked. With that stupid watch you helped pick out, snug on his wrist. You didn't know why it was such a turn on, but it was, and later when he was taking pictures with Laura Lightfoot Leon, while wearing that cream coloured jumper, with his curly hair and goofy smile, you thought you might explode if you didn't have him soon. 
Joseph can tell something is up, he's watching you shift your weight from foot to foot, legs crossing over each other but he can't decipher what's got you so fidgety. When he finishes taking pictures he saunters back over to you, sliding his sunglasses up onto his head, a lazy smile on his face and you had to fight the urge moan at the sight of him. Hands going straight for your waist, you step up only slightly to wrap your arms around his neck, letting him pull you closer. 
"Sun getting to you?" He asks, one hand coming up to your cheek, thumb resting on the apple of it, feeling its warmth under it. 
You shake your head. "No, why?" You ask tilting your head. 
"You look a little flushed, maybe we should get you inside" he smiles, one arm still wrapped around your waist. Your cheeks burn hotter, was it obvious to anyone else how badly you craved him?
Making your way into the air conditioned venue he walked you down a long hallway away from so many people, with the nod of a security guard who allowed you both to pass. "There's a green room over here, we can have a moment to ourselves for a bit, without all the chaos" 
Although the sentiment was nice, and you loved that he wanted to have a soft moment with you but you couldn't wait any longer. Rounding the corner you tugged on his hand pulling him a little harshly until you were both out of view from any potential onlookers. Your hands are trembling when they reach his belt, trying to get it off quickly. "Babe, baby, woah-" he sounds like he's going to stop you but his hands don't move from where they rest on either side of your ribcage. 
You're about to complain about the belt buckle when it slips free, and you rush to pop the button and pull the zipper down just enough to slide your hand past the two layers separating you from his cock. He groans softly when your hand brushes against his already hardening length, the soft tuff of his pubes tickling your skin as you begin to palm him. 
"I'm so horny Joey" you babble, leaning your head forward so it rests against his chest, watching your hand disappear into his pants. "Need you" you mumble, looking back up at him with desperate eyes. "Need you so bad"
"Fuck" he says through gritted teeth, pulling your face towards him with a firm hand on the back of your neck so he can kiss you. It's messy and clumsy, and you can't control the needy moan that slips from you when you feel his tongue touch yours. You grip him a little harder in your hand, feeling him stiffen more with each desperate stroke. 
"Baby I can't fuck you in a- fuuuuck" his words are cut off by another firm squeeze. "I can't fuck you in a hallway" he says a bit quieter glancing down each end of the hall.
"Then don't fuck me" you say, removing your hand from him, only to reach up under the skirt of your dress to pull off your soaked panties, shoving them into the front pocket of his pants. "Just touch me, please, anything" you beg bringing his hand between your legs, your intertwined fingers dancing along your slick folds together. 
"Holy shit" he mumbles in disbelief. Your knees start to buckle the second he makes contact with your clit, your hand falling away to hold onto his bicep to keep yourself up. "Baby" he coos, rubbing you slowly, your slick covering his fingers. He removes his hand from you slowly and you whine, instantly reaching down to redirect his hand but he stops you. 
"Gimme a second my love, I've got something better, come here" he pulls you closer, wet fingers digging into the plush of your thighs where he hitches it up against his hip. He takes both of your hands and pulls them up to his shoulders. "Hold onto me" he instructs before taking his cock in his hand, pushing his pants down just enough to get it out. Swiping it against your entrance you hum, head tilting back exposing your neck to him where he places a few small kisses.
"You're fucking filthy you know that?" he pushes slightly, not enough to slip in but enough to have your mind going fuzzy. "Needy little thing, in the middle of a premier, you're so desperate for cock that you're willing to get caught for it huh?" he teases, but you shake your head no, holding onto his shoulders a little harder when you feel him push just a bit more. 
"No?" He questions. "Oh so you're not desperate for cock?"
"Jus' yours" you mumble. "Only yours" your eyes meet his and Joseph swears he could cum from that look alone. 
His smile is almost sinister when he looks at you but you can still see the love there. "Thats a good fucking answer" he praises while finally pushing himself entirely into you. 
"Oh-Ohmygod" You whimper, shoving your face into his neck, fingers clutching at any piece of him you can touch. He tugs you closer somehow, while his hips pull back every so slightly only to shove himself right back in. His thrusts are slow but deep, making your lower abdomen ache with how full he's making you feel. The one leg that you're balanced on is trembling with how hard you're trying to keep yourself steady, the six inch heels no longer a good idea. "M'gunna have to carry you out of here aren't I?" Joseph laughs, his breath fanning across the side of your temple. 
You try to reply but the words are stuck in your throat, only small 'uh' noises able to escape. "Quite down dove, you wanna cum before we get caught yeah?" 
"Please" You whisper, head tilting back once more, mouth hung open. His pace quickens only a little, but he somehow manages to hit that sweet spot even deeper over and over. "Fucking christ" your hand moves to your stomach. "You're so d-deep"
"Just how my baby likes it huh?" his hand reaches down to toy with your clit, not much needed other than some pressure with how good he's fucking you. "I'm so close baby, want you to cum first, can you do that for me?"
Your eyes are shut tight, but you manage to nod. Your climax sparking in your stomach begging to burst. "Close" you whimper and he pulls your head back into his neck while he continues to fuck up into you. Your whole body starts shaking before your orgasm fully hits you, and you have to bite down on the collar of his shirt to help keep you quiet. You sound like your crying, sobbing into him but Joseph knows better than to stop whatever hes doing when he's got you sounding like this. "That's it, fuck baby you're so good to me" he rushes, his own orgasm coming to a hilt fast. "F-fuck, I'm gunna cum"
"Yes, yes, please, I need you to cum in me" you whisper into the dampness of his neck where your mouth has been stationed. 
"Fuck fuck fuck fuck-" He almost growls, holding back as much noise as he can as he feels himself spill into you, the way your cunt clenches around him perfectly, milking every ounce until you're both a panting mess. Only when Joseph is able to come back into himself, he lowers your leg, slipping out of you slowly while you quickly cross your legs tightly. You wobbly, barely able to keep yourself straight. 
"You okay?" he asks, brushing the hair from your face, holding your flushed cheeks in his hands. Only this time he knows why they're flushed.
"So good" you purr, leaning into him for a short moment before he's pulling away from you and buttoning up his pants. 
You pout at the lack of contact but then he's kneeling in front of you while helping you step out of your heels, your feet seeking sweet relief on the cold marble floor. "The night is pretty much over, what do you say we get you back to the hotel and until a bath?"
"I'd like that" you say fondly, wrapping your arms back around his neck. He kisses you softly, and you can feel the love he has for you being poured into it. "Can you fuck me again when we get there?"
"Jesus Christ woman" he laughs loudly, picking up your heels and letting them dangle on his two fingers before taking your hand into his free one. "Maybe if you can make it to the car without my cum dripping down your legs" he says lowly, pressing a quick kiss to your temple. 
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𝚂𝚘𝚏𝚝 𝚂𝚙𝚘𝚝 - 𝙵𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚔/𝙰𝚍𝚊𝚖 𝙱𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚎𝚝
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Warnings: derogatory terms towards reader ,mention of abuse, mention of eating disorder, descriptions of gore, panic attack, character death (not frank or reader) Word count: 12.4k (nervous laughing) Genre: fluff + angst Summary: Frank clearly devleops a soft spot for one of the other members of the crew, getting quite protective over her at times Pairings: plussize!reader x frank A/n: I don't care what anyone says, I think that Frank is secretly a softy and would get protective of someone he likes (especially if the pairing is "Tough guy frank x sweet adorable girl")
Proof read?: haha your funny.
taglist : @bizarrescribblez @creelmalfoylaufeyson69 @fizzyfazzy420 @lilyevans1 @endofradio
"For those of you who don't know, I go by Lambert, you all came highly recomended and so far those recomendations are paying off. You know the rules. No real names. No backstories. And keep the grab-ass to a minimum. It is a 24 hour job, and the hard part is already over, now you babysit. But the only one that sees the girl is this one." He points to the dark haired woman in a trench coat. "So she only hears one voice. The rest of you, get comfortable. Questions?"
The dark haired woman speaks up. "Yeah, whose the girl?" Lambert replies quickly. "You don't need to know her name." The dark haired woman keeps pushing. "I don't care about her name,....whose kid is she?" Suddenly a third voice pops up behind you. "The fucks that matter to you?" It's the man with the glasses, the man who you feel like has been staring at you all evening. "A very wealthy man who's about to be 50 million dollars poorer." The dark haired woman accepts the answer. "Look, your safe here, and to be completely certain you can't be tracked, i'm going to collect your cellphones." Lambert goes to each one of you, collecting your phones, the blonde haired hacker refuses slightly before Lambert snatches her phone from her hands.
"Keep the doors locked, and the girl isolated. Is there anything else i can do for you before i leave you to it?" Now the larger man speaks up. "Uh how come we can't use our real names?" He speaks up again from behind you. "So if any of you fucks get caught you can't rat out the others." The driver and same large man mumble something to each other. "You want names? Fine. Frank." Lambert points at him. "Dean." Lambert points at the driver. "Sammy." Lambert points at the blonde woman. "Peter." Lambert points at the larger man. "Joey." Lambert points at the dark haired woman. "Kyla." Lambert points at you. Lambert goes to give the last man a name before he speaks up. "Damn, this man got his finger of the pulse of pop culture." Lambert rolls his eyes. "And your Don fucking Rickles, happy?" Rickles shrugs. "Not really." Dean mumbles again. "There's clean bedding and lit fires in the rooms. Kitchens fully stoked ,as is the bar. So, i'll see you in 24 hours my lovely pack of rats." And with that Lambert leaves shutting the door behind him and leaving the rest of you to go explore.
About 30 minutes after Lambert had left, and you had all found individual rooms to settle in, the crew acculumated in the bar. You sat on the edge of the pool table sipping a glass of rum watching the fire blaze. Joey was sat in an armchair not too far from you next to the fire. Sammy, Peter, Rickles and Frank were around the bar sipping thier drinks and chatting. And then there was Dean, who had somehow found a bike and was riding round the room like a child. You were deep in thought when Rickles suddenly spoke, catching your attention. "Come have a drink with us Joey?" She shook her head. "Gotta check on the kid soon. Maybe after." Dean stopped dead in front of you, looking at Joey. "Party pooper." You gave Dean a light smack on the arm. "Don't be a dick." He smacked his lips and carried on riding round the room.
"Hey, who do you guys think this girl's father is anyways?" You looked over at Peter who was now pouring a drink. Everyone started sharing their ideas, Joey suggesting it was "America's dad, Tom Hanks." After everyone gave a small chuckle, their gazes turned to you. "What about you Kyla?" You looked from swirling the dark liquid in your glass to feel Frank's gaze burning holes into you, unlike the rest who were actually just looking at you intrest. "Uh, bussines owner i guess?" Dean scoffed. "Your so boooooooooring." You pulled a digusted face and flipped him off.
He rolled his eyes and screeched up to Joey who had a small paper bag of candy in her hand that she quietly picked from. "Lemme get a piece of that candy." Joey glanced up at him with a small smile. "Get your own." Dean lightly raised his eyebrows. "Fuck you too,....you grew up with a bunch of brothers and sisters and shit......i'm like an expert at reading people. Joey raised her eyebrows. "Oh really?" Dean nodded. "You like a nanny or a babysitter." Dean then went on to describe each of the crew members in his little visions, describing you as someone neglected as a kid ,someone who wasn't taught how to take care of their body. "Wow, you might be the least perceptive person i've ever met." Dean looked at you puzzled before Joey joined in. "She's right, you got literally nothing anywhere close, about anyone."
You gave a small chuckle going back to your drink before Frank stepped foward and right next to you as he looked through his wallet before slamming a 100 bill on the edge of the pool table next to you. "Crisp 100 dollar bill you can tell me one true thing about me." Everyone went quiet before Joey passed. Frank gave a small chuckle before going back to his drink. You were about to sip your drink when Joey got up and stood where frank had just been. "You used to be a cop." She snatched the money from the table. You tilted your head. "Did he arrest you or something?" Sammy said from her spot at the bar. "No, it's the stance, the walk, the shoes, not to mention the standard issue glock, the shoulder holster and he used police hand signals back at the house." You rasied and eye brow and started listening more intently. "Not a street cop, no, too smart, you need to be in control." For some reason that little point sent a small shiver up your spine. "So i'm gonna say a detective, homicide or vice? And he tries to hide it but he's from Queens."
Peter chuckled and gave a small clap, before pulling out his own 100 dollar bill. "Hey, uh you do me too?" Joey looked at the muscular man before taking the money. "I almost feel bad taking this.....'cause you've basically got a fucking neon sign above your head that reads muscle." Peter continued smiling and flexed his muscles making you cringe and look away. "Quebec right? You got bullied in school, probably by dad too, so when you got bigger than everyone else, you turned the tables. Made it into a career." Peter's smile faded slightly as joey turned to Sammy who was now holding up a 20. "Wow, a 20? That's cheap considering you come form money." Sammy excitedly nodded. "It's true." Joey tilted her head slightly. "Which means your only in on this for the thrill, you don't get your hands dirty, you use a keyboard instead of a gun and tell yourself that makes whats you do not as bad,..... good luck when the illusion wears off." Sammy nodded again. "Very good."
She handed the 20 to Joey who now walked over to you and Rickles. She looked at Rickles first. "No money." Joey nodded slightly. "Then i'll leave it at 'semper fi', and you?" Joey leaned on the pool table next to you. To which you reached into your shirt and pulled out a 50, holding infront of her with you pointer and middle finger silently. Joey looked down at the note and started. "Mom wanted to put you in pageants as a kid, so limited you diet to leaves and water, but once you got away from her, you overate out of spite, now it's become a habit you can't stop, and you can't forgive yourself for it." You looked at the floor avoiding everyones eyes as an awkward silence filled the room.
Joey stepped back to the arm chair when Dean broke the silence. "Ay you forgot about me?" Joey cut him off. "You dont want me to do you." Dean looked at her slightly offended. "Aw, c'mon this is fun!" Joey looked at him and sighed. "Your not a professional." Now Dean really looked offended. "I'm the best motherfuckin wheelman in this town-" Joey cut him off. "I didn't say you weren't good, i said your not a professional. You've got.....loose wiring. Probably a sociopath." Joey walked to the door, ready to go check on the girl when Frank stopped her. "And you....are a junkie." Joey stopped in her tracks and everyone including you looking at Frank who was once again stood right next to you, but now had his hand mere inches from your thigh.
"Cop knows a junkie, you and your little candy affectation, long sleeves, why you don't wanna have a drink with us." Franks waltzed over to Joey who had now turned round to face him, as he removed his glasses and pulled out a small black clothe. "You in recovery or something? How many days you got? We gotta be worried about you?" You heard Joey's voice catch in her throat. "N-no." Frank leaned a bit closer to her. "No?....Don't ever fuck with me, i will know." Joey's posture stiffened up again. "I'm gonna go check on the girl." With that, Joey made her quick leave, Frank turned round and shrugged to the rest of you.
Sammy ,Peter and Dean started chatting by the bar, Rickles played pool by himself. You got up off the pool table and headed over to a group of leather seats surronding a glass table. You sat down with your back to rest of them and reached into your pocket, pulling out a silver ipod and some black earphones. You placed an earbud in and pressed play. You sighed and slumped down in the chair before feeling a smalltap on your shoulder. When you glanced over your shoulder you saw the surprisingly kind looking face of frank, smiling down at you with a half filled whiskey glass in his hand. You smiled back and sat up, patting the arm rest for him to sit.
"Hey you've been pretty quiet all night, somethin' bothering you?" You hesitated before nodding. "Just a bit nervous, never done something this big before." Frank nodded sipping his drink. "You'll be fine, we aint getting fucking caught, and even if we are, ill make sure non of those fuckers rat you out." You smiled slightly at him. "Frank are you saying you like me?" He flashed you a grin putting his glass down and shifting closer to you. "Im saying i like you back sweetheart." Your eyes narrowed looking up at him before he gave a small chuckle. "You think i havent noticed you stealing glances at me all night, or that i havent seen how your breathing picks up when i-" He suddenly placed his hand by your thigh, closer than he did earlier ,smirking as your breathing once again picked up. "Do that." You felt your cheeks heat up as he stood up, turning to walk away. "So shall i pretend you havent been staring daggers into me all night either?" Frank stopped and smirked and looked over his shoulder at you. "You could do, or your could acknowledge that ive been staring you because of that cute personality and thick hips, let it boost that deflated ego of yours."
As Frank made his way back over to the bar, you turned back around to face the glass table, smiling to yourself at the fact that Frank was being a genuinly thoughtful and sweet man to you. He had noticed that you had some, well quite a few insecurities, and instead of ignoring and feeding them, he gave them positive attention. You kept replaying his expressions and words in your head, so when Joey walked back into the room and sat next to Frank at the bar, you didn't notice her. Howver you did notice whne Frank suddenly got up and walked out the room. You frowned and went over to joey. "Hey whats up with Frank?" Joey shrugged. "God knows with him." You hummed in agreement before pouring another drink and sitting on the pool table again.
Rickles came over and you got chatting to him, when Frank suddenly came back into the room, grabbed his leather trench coat and started heading to the door. Joey got up from her seat following him, as did you. "Im out, cut my share how you want but im not fucking staying here." You and joey kept following and questioning Frank ,till he stopped just before the entrance, turned round and snapped at you both. "What's going on is that we are fucked. That little girl is kristoff lazar's daughter." The rest of the crew started to come into the lobby right as he said that, however whereas other people started to turn pale, you were with Sammy. "Whos kristoff lazar?" Frank turned o look at her dumbfounded. "Who's Lazar?" Dean walked over nonchalantly. "Bro thats a urban legend man calm down." Frank turned to the joint smoker ready to strangle him. "No dude, he is not a fucking urban legend. He is very fucking real believe me. Nobody even knows how big his fucking empire is." Frank started pacing and running his hand through his hair whilst your turned to Rickles like a confused puppy and asked about lazar, to which you got an explanation which made your blood run cold.
"Is Lambert fucking insane? He just put a death mark on all of us, including himself." You started to fiddle with your fingers, feeling your breathing get tight. "What if we just like.... yknow, give her back? And say sorry?" You turned to Sammy. "Sammy i dont think thats how kidnapping from someone dangerous works." Frank shook his head turning round. "Oh yeah, heres your daughter 'Mr fucking Antichrist' really sorry, hope she's not too traumatised. Lets play a round of golf sometime." Sammy narrowed her eyes at frank then promtly flipped him off. "This isnt the time for sarcasm ok?" Frank looked down at his feet and sighed. Suddenly joeys eyes lit up. "Lets just leave. We leave her with some food, make an anonymous phonecall, get the fuck out of dodge. It's not like shes seen our faces?" Everyone started nodding in agreement before Frank interupted her. "Uh actually she has, thanks to you." Joey raised an eyebrow. "I was supposed to be the only one in and out of the room, and i wore my mask." Joey crossed her arms as Frank walked over to her and looked down at her. "Well I didn't! So i walk in there and see Billy fucking Elliot's cute little peepers memorising my fucking face!"
Everyone else's eyes turned to joey accusing and blaming her. "And it's not even like the rest of us could leave since joey told her everything about us." Frank held his jaw shaking his head. "You ust had to do your little magic trick." The air grew tense, so tense you could phsically feel it. "So if leave her we dont get none of that kidanpping money? I kinda need that money right now." Dean raised a good point. "How much do you trust lambet?" Frank glanced back at joey. "I trust him enough, but that doesn't make it worth the risk though."
"If 7 million per person isnt worth the risk then what is?" You leaned against the book case watching frank as he took off his glasses and held his head. "Alright he wouldn't of had us kidanp this kid unless he thought we could pull it off. Maybe we all just pretend like we don't know who her father is, and with the money we are making from this we just disappear forever, hmm? Start a new life, and i never have to see any of you fucks again." Although you knew Frank was grouping all the rest of you together and he was clearly stressed, the feeling of never getting to see him again hurt you. "Everyone stay alert. Any threat is gonna come from outside, so we set a perimeter and we hold it. Rickles takes first watch in the crows nest. Joey, secure the interior, look for anyways in or out. What is it like, 22 more hours? 22 hours,... fuck." With that everyone split off, leaving you in the lobby.
You continplated going against the plan and walking out, the door was right behind you, the girl hadnt seen your face, the information joey had given about you wouldnt help track you, you could vanish. However there was something that kept your feet firmly in place, you knew exactly what that thing was aswell. You knew it started with F and ended in k. So instead of wlking out the door, you headed to the far corner of the house where you had found a room to settle in. You reached into your pocket to pull out your ipod again when you heard faint loud noises. They sounded like Dean, they sounded like him....screaming. Although your heart told you to stay put, your legs were up and moving to the source of the sound. You made your way through the halls quietly when you made it to the kitchen, but it was dead quiet, yet you swore this was where the sound came from.
You grabbed a large kitchen knife to arm yourself and started looking around, on the opposite side of the kitchen was a door, you pushed it open slowly. "Hello? Dean are you in here?" You walked through the door and looked round the dark room, it seemed to just be an old storage room and the lowest stop of an elavator that most likely didnt work. After deciding there was nothing in there, you headed back to the kitchen but gasped when you got to the door as dean was now sat in a chair with his back to you. "Dean i know your a dick but is this really the best tim-" As you scolded him you walked over and gave him a shove before freezing as his head rolled straight off of his shoulders. You stared down at it for a moment before letting out a blood curdling scream. You dropped the knife and backed up to the sink shaking as your chest grew tight. Moments later Frank ran into the room holding his gun. He looked down at Dean's head, the up at you, to see you bent over the sink gagging and throwing up the alcohol you had earlier. Frank made his way over to you and held your hair back whilst giving you soft and sympathetic words. Once you stopped throwing up, you looked up at him with teary eyes, to which Frank's face softened before he pulled you into him ,rubbing your back and hushing you.
As you buried your face in Frank's chest, the rest of the crew rushed in, all of them pulling disgusted face and cursing under their breath. "The fuck happened?" Joey looked at you as you pulled away from Frank sniffling. "I heard screaming, looked round, saw him in the chair and when i touched him,....that happened." Joey looked at the bod before narrowing her eyes. "Be honest what does that looked like to you?"
"It looked like a fucking wild animal ripped him apart." Joey gave a subtle nod of her head at frank who started pacing. "No, no no, I'm not fu-, we're not fucking going there." You started to fiddle with your fingers again as sammy came over and wrapped her arm round you. "Why are you all acting so weird?" Joey sighed and leant on the table. "There's stories, about lazar's hitman."
"Can we not do this? Please?" Seeing Frank this worried most definatly didn't comfort you one bit. "Valdez." You rested your head on Sammy's shoulder as Rickles started. "I heard a story once, 3 of Lazar's top guys got pinched a few years ago, FBI flipped 'em. The night before the trial were all hauled up on the top floor of a hotel. A dozen agents in the next room, and two in the door. The next morning FBI goes into the room. All they bodies were ripped apart. Limbs, and organs missing. Decapitations. Thats his signature, Valdez, he's a fucking animal. And there was no way in or out or that room aside from the front door and the 23rd story window. So how'd he do it?"
"Bullshit." Sammy piped up before Frank shut her down. "It's not fucking bullshit. It's not the first time i heard that story." You ran your fingers through your hair nervously. "We should probably check on the girl. You nodded and all made your way up to Abigail's room. Once up there, Frank and Joey went towards the door and creaked it open to check if the young girl was still there and alive. You, Rickles, Peter and Sammy stayed a little bit further back when Peter started talking about splitting Dean's share to which Sammy scolded him for. "You welcome to my share Pete, you could be the richest headless man in america." Right as Frank and Joey came back over, Rickles started heading back downstairs. Like before with Frank, everyone followed, only to see that when Rickles opened the front door, there was a metal gate covering the exit. Rickles tried ramming but it was no use. Then peter tried, again, no use, you were all trapped. Trapped in the house with the same monster that killed dean, yet you had no clue where, or worse, who Valdez was.
Before anyone could say something ,suddenly wodden shutters began to rise and cover all exits. Now you really were trapped. Rickles picked up a wooden chair and flung it at one of the covered windows only for the chair to fall to bits on impact. Rickles panted before his eyes widened and he took off upstairs again. "If this is Valdez, maybe he checked on the girl and left her there to throw us off." Joey nodded before heading upstairs to go check on abgail. The rest of you headed to the bar area and tried to distract yourselves. Although however hard you tried, all you could think about was Valdez ripping you to bits, or draining you of your blood till you were as pale as a ghost.
You quickly got up and headed to the bathroom, locking yourself in it without warning. The others watched and heard the lock, it was clear you werent just using the bathroom. Peter shook it off and started talking to sammy as Frank stared at the door before getting up and going over to it. He pressed his ear to the door and heard you hyperventlating through broken sobs. He gave a small knock on the door. "Kyla? It's frank, can you let me in?" You sniffled before slowly turning the lock on the door. The door pushed open and you saw Frank look down at you with a worried and sympathetic look in his eyes before he clicked the door shut. You looked into his for a second before turning away from, embarassed by your current state. "Hey, hey look at me. Please?" His voice was soft and reassuring, you slowly turned back around and looked up at him. Frank crouched down slightly to come to your level and held your hands.
"Listen sweetheart, im not gonna let anything hurt you, alright? Not Valdez, not any of those other schmucks. Nothing is gonna hurt you while im around, ok?" You nodded and squeezed his hands. "I-i just don't wanna die, not here, not like this, any other way than like this, i mean its not like i have much to go back to, but still, i cant die not ye-" your sentence was suddenly cut off at the feeling of Frank's soft lips crashing agaisnt yours. Although this stunned you, you didn't pull away or push him off you. Instead you wrapped your arms round him and hummed softly into the kiss. After a few seconds, you both pulled away, your face now noticably redder, and Franks with a cute grin spread across his lips. You just looked into each others eyes for a good 30 seconds, Frank's were full of admiration and perhaps lust, before his hands snaked round your waist, pulling you against him. He leant down, the faint remains of whiskey still evident on his breath as he whispered in your ear. "How about, after me and you get out of this fuckin' hellhole, we get to know each other a bit better maybe properly grab some drinks,......or try out each others beds." You bit your lips slightly before the feeling of Frank's hands sliding down your back, over you ass and grasping the back of your thighs sent a shiver down your spine.
He lifted you up and placed you on the batheroom counter carfully as you admired the soft yet attractive look on his face. "I-i'd like that quite alot." Soon enough Frank's hands moved from your thighs and used his thumbs to wipe away the tears that remained on your cheeks as he held your face. "Atta girl." He smiled and winked cutely before lifting you off the counter. "Now if you wouldnt mind i do actually need a piss after the drinks earlier so." He gestured towards the door and you nodded leaving the bathroom, blowing him a kiss as you did."
After hearing the lock again, you turned round to see Sammy stood behind you smirking with her arms folded over her chest. "Kyla, have you Frank got a little thing going by any chance?" You went slightly pale, went to say something but sammy cut you off. "Actually don't answer i already know the answer, not like you two were hiding it when he walked away from you smriking in here earlier, or when we came to see you after you screamed, you were so cuddled up to him!" You let a small smile creep onto your lips at how Sammy was adoring you and Frank together. "Mhm, like how youve been flirting and giggling with Peter all night?" Suddenly Sammy went pale herself before you looked over her shoulder to see and slightly stunned Peter looking at the two of you. "Sammy has been flirting with me?" You smiled at how cutely naive Peter was and how red Sammy had gone.
Sammy came up with an excuse to leave the room and headed into the main lobby. You got chatting with Peter before suddenly Sammy was being ushered back into the room at gunpoint by joey. Peter looked at the scene concerned. "Don't point that at, Sammy Joey." Joey briefly pointed her gun at Peter then at youas a warning. "Where. The fuck. Is frank?" You reluctantly pointed at the bathroom door. Almost on que, said door opened with Frank coming out the bathroom mumbling to himself before he looked up and widened his eyes slightly, putting his hands the air. "H-hey Joey, what's going on?" Joey kept her glare firmly on Frank. "Why'd you do it?" Frank tilted his head, confused. "Do what?" You glanced between Joey and Frank nervously. Frank had literally just swore you wouldn't get hurt, that he'd protect you, how could he do if he was dead? "Bring us here to kill us."
You, Sammy and Peter all looked at Frank in surprise at the accusation, Frank narrowed his eyes and poked the inside of his cheek with his tounge. "Don't do it Peter." All of you looked at Peter who was still just stood there, before turning back around to see Frank had pulled out his gun, which was now pointed at Joey. "I don't know what the fuck your talking about but you don't sound very calm right now little miss paranoid, so forgive the precaution. You guys know what the fuck she's talking about?" You and Sammy shook your heads, peter tried to give more of an answer. "I think she thinks you brought us here to kill us." You sighedpinching the bridge of your nose. "Wow. Fantastic insight Peter. Care to share whats on your mind Joey?" Joey tightened her grip on her gun. "You're Valdez." Frank looked rather offended at this. "You told the girl. You killed dean. and you just killed Rickles."
"I didn't tell that girl shit-"
"Wow you got a lot going on up there junkie, but your brains not quite putting together huh? You let a little girl get inside your head? Your not as smart as you think you are. But the girl, she's fucking inspired, turning us agaisnt each other like this." Joey's eyes narrowed. "I believe her." Frank sighed before glancing at Peter. "I hate to say it but i think well have to get rough with her." Peter sighed before putting his glass down. "I'll do it." Joey tensed up before glancing at Peter who was heading for the door. "Dont take another fucking step Peter."
"Is just my job Joey."
"Look i just wanna get to the bottom of this. Yknow my team is dropping like flies, and well, our guest has besmirched my good name, and i take that very personally yknow?" Frank gave a small nod and Peter took off running. Joey sighed taking one last look at Frank before running after peter. Frank joined the line and started following Joey with his gun still raised. You and Sammy looked at each other before also following. By the time you both got there, Joey had her gun pointed at Peter, Frank had his gun pointed at her and Abigail was sat on the bed, frantically asking Joey questions about what was going on. You watched as the three of them started arguing before Sammy gave your shoulder and tap. You looked at her then where she was looking.
Abigail, now not looking so innocent or frightened, cracked her hands and slid them out of the cuffs with ease before standing up on the bed. "Guuuuuuys!" The other three turned their heads to abigail right as she bowed down, covering her face with her arms. "What the fuck, how the fuck did she get outta those cuffs?" Before anyone could say another thing, Abigail dropped her arms and screamed, revealing that she was a vampire, and most likely valdez. Curses filled the air before the little monster pounced onto Peter's back and raised her head back to bige him. Just before she could however, Frank shot her in the head. She dropped to the ground and Peter rushed over away from the corpse. Well so you though, because mere seconds later, Abigail sat up and wiped the blood from her forehead, revealing no wound.
Sammy and Peter quickly left the room, Joey and Frank started shooting at Abigail but you just froze. Right as Joey and Frank backed up to the door, Abigail turned her gaze to you. She started charging at you before Frank's strong grip on your arm pulled you behind him, allowing him to shoot one more shot at abigail before slamming and locking the door. Frank backed up, keeping you behind him before the rest of you rushed down to the lobby where peter and sammy were catching their breath. "We kidnapped a fucking vampire!"
"Someone has been messing with us since we got here right? Its gotta be uh, uh some kind of trick." Joey turned round looking at him. "You know anyone who could pull off a trick like that?" Sammy held her head. "I feel sick."
"At least Valdez isn't here?"
"The fucking girl is Valdez Peter." Peter looked at Frank confused. "I thought her name was Abigail?" Frank just sighed mumbling his fustrations, when suddenly the banging from Abigail's room stopped. You looked up and round. "Now what the fuck do we do?" You said rubbing your arm. "Well what do we know about vampires?"
"What are we talking about like an anne rice, or trueblood, twilight, very different kinds of vampires?" Joey then started listing all the basics about vampires, soon Sammy and Frank Joined in, all while Peter stood aside telling the rest of you to "Shut up!" But when he said it one too many times, Frank walked over and wrapped his hand round peter's neck. Although you knew this was not the time, all you could imagine was Frank's hand your neck. Thankfully the red on your face could be easily mistaken for being oit of breath from the running. "Hey dum dum, we got a real fucking situation here. So i dont give a shit what you think. Either your helping us, or your 270 pounds of dead weight. Which is it?" Peter looked down at Frank and with what air he had, confirmed he would be helping. He then grasped Frank's wrist and forefully removed his hand from his neck. "Just don't do that again."
Despite the fact that Frank had a man that easily could beat him up, towering over him, he still maintained control. "There's pool cues in the games room, go sharpen 'em into stakes." Peter nodded slowly before walkin g off to the game room as instructed. Frank then gestured to sammy with his gun. "You, go check the kitchen for garlic." Sammy raised an eyebrow. "Alone?"
"Yes alone!" Sammy threw her hands up before heading of to the kitchen. "Ill go see if i can find anything." Joey went off to look, leaving you and frank. He let out a big sigh and swept his hair back before looking at you. You had a small cheeky grin plastered across your lips. "What? What's so funny? Hmm?" The sight of your little smirk did put a small smile on Franks face aswell. "I know Peter said he doesnt want you putting your hand round his neck." You went over and tugged on his jacket to bring him down so that you could whisper in his ear. "But, I'd happily let you put it round mine." You took a step back to see Frank trying to hold backa smile. "Oh is that so princess?" You nodded before letting out a small gasp when he gave your ass a smack. You giggled and were about give his lips a peck when Sammy burst into the room, mesh bag in hand.
"Got 'em!" You took one look in the bag and covered your mouth with your fingers to conceal a giggle. "Sammy, those are fucking onions." Sammy, looked at the bag and furrowed her brows. "Well i dont cook, i dont know." Peter walked back in, pool cues in hand. Uoey walked back in, empty handed. "Right, lets go kill us a fuckiing vampire." Frank started heading towards the kitchen before Joey stopped him. "I'm staying here." You all looked at her dumbfounded, before Frank asked what you were all thinking. "And why the fuck not?"
"You said it yourself, this girl is smart. shes been manipulating us from the start. We dont know if any of this stuff is gonna work, and even if it does, killing her would be the stupidest thing we could do." Frank sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. He did no have the energy nor the paitence to argure right now. "Fine. Whatever, go put your feet up." Frank was about to start walking again when he looked at you. "Hey sweetheart, how about you stay down here with Joey for ,e? It's safer here than making you come with us ok?" You nodded and stepped over to Joey. "You two on me. Fucking onions." Frank led Sammy and Peter to the ktchen as Joey brought you to the game room where her bag was.
You got sat down, as did joey as she checked her guns ammo. You started to fiddle with your fingers nervously when you both looked up, hearing swan lake playing faintly from above you. "That cant be good in any way." Joey shook her head before rootingf through her bag. You glanced over at her. "You got some special anti vampire antidote in there or something?" She then pulled out the second anaesthetic syringe smiling. "Something like that."
After a few minutes you heard the others coming back down, and it didnt sound good, Frank was yelling ever curse under the sun and Sammy and Peter werw whimpering in pain. You and Joey headed to the bottom of the stairs to see Frank with a makeshift stake through his right thigh, Peter had a bloody chest and Sammy just look very out of breath. You quickly helped Frank into a chair and held his hand. He managed to stop cursing for a moment, well kind of. "I swear if you fucking say i told you so." He aggressivly pointed at Joey who rolled her eyes and walked over and grasped the end of the stake. She went to pull it out, before you shoved her away. "Have a fucking heart Joey. Just go Check on Peter." She looked surpised at your sudden asertivness but did so as you turned to frank who had his head tipped back trying not to cry and he groaned in pain and cursed some more.
You got him to look into your eyes as you gripped the stake. "Frank, count down from 3 for me ok?" He nodded and got to 2 before you quickly ripped the stake out. Frank keeled over, once again cursing as you reached in Joey's bag beside you and pulled out enough gauze pads and bandages to help the wound. Once you wrapped the wound, you stood up, pulling Frank's head forward so her forehead rested on your chest as you kissed the top of his head. His arms wrapped round your waist, pulling you closer to him as you stroked his hair. You smiled down at him before Sammy cleared her throat. "You two done cuddle fucking so we can go through the new plan." You raised an eyebrow before Frank flipped them off.
Joey explained that you would all split up lookin g for Abigail and whoever found her, would alert Joey who would jab Abigail with the syringe. You disscussed who was going where before starting the hunt. For the 15 minutes there was nothing. However Sammy started cutting out but you still make out her screaming about bodies in the pool. Joey started rushing towards the pool when Peter started screaming about the "Vampire on his ass." Wonderful.
Once You and Joey checked on Sammy, who now stunk to high heaven, you all headed to the east stairs where you saw Peter laid omn the ground anmd Abigail stood on Frank, choking and taunting him. Your blood ran cold and before you knew it, you were dragging the little vampire off of Frank. She somehow managed to knock the syringe out Joeys hand and behind a gate as she flailed around in your arms. Unfortunatly she managed to get the upper hand and kicked you backwards onto frank as sammy grabbed her from behind. You sat up with Frank in time to see Abigail sink her teeth into Sammy's arm. As a result, Sammy shoved Abigail towards you and frank. He quickly pushed you away from him, letting abigail grab his ankle at start to fly, dragging him with her.
You got up to stop her, but Peter came out of nowhere and tackled the girl to the floor, holding her under him as you pulled Frank back towards the stairs, before he pulled you behind him panting. By now you were all screaming at Joey to get the syringe before she finally grabbed it and rushed over, sticking it into Abigails arm. Abigail started screaming and cursing at all of you before she finally went down. You all sat back panting before Peter raised a good point. "What do we do with her now? She wont stay like that forever and clearly the cuffs are no good." You thought for second. "I've got it, next to the kitchen is a storage room and a dead elevator, we could lock her in that." Joey nodded as Peter picked up abigail and carried her down to the elevator.
Once Abigail was layed in the dead elevator with the gate sercuely locked, you and Frank headed into the kitchen and sat at the table whilst Peter stayed with Sammy and Joey as Joey bandaged up the bite mark on Sammy's arm. You were bouncing your leg whilst deep in thought when Frank's hand gently layed on shaking thigh, catching your attention. "You alright sweetheart?" His worried eyes met yours, before you smiled softly placing your hand on his. "Just thinking dear, you can relax a bit, im not made of glass and i can defend myself." He smiled slightly and kissed the back of your hand.
Before either of you could say another thing, Joey called you over to the elevator as Abigail was once again awake. She rattled the bars of the gate, pretending to plead with you all before shut it down and Abigail went back to her demonic self. "Your really good at pretending to bne a little girl." Abigail gave a small curtsey. "Thank you, had a few centuries of experience."
"Tell us how to get out of here, and we'll let you go." You looked at Joey slightly concerned on whether she was serious or not. Abigail smiled and shook her head before Sammy came storming foward, having to be held back by you and Joey. "Hey! What's gonna happen to me?"Abigail shurgged. "Am i gonna turn into a vampire?!" Abigail thought for a seond. "Maybe?" Sammy looked between her and Joey for a second before pacing back and throwing her hands up. "Oh my god! She said maybe!" Peter stood back and tried to comfort the ditressed blonde. "Listen, little lady, or ma'am, whatever. We're very sorry, ok? We didnt know who you were, we thought you were just some fucking regular 12 year old girl."
"You were gonna beat me and torture me, when you thought i was just a regular 12 year old girl?" Frank was about yo contiue before you stepped foward. "Yeah and we still have good reason to, so i suggest you shut your spiky little mouth sweetheart." Abigail raised her eyebrows at you. "So you do speak, i thought all mouth did was eat." You narrowed your eyes, not taking the comment to heart. "Listen here you little brat, as soon as i get my hands on you, im gonna drive 100 stakes through that rotten little heart of yours-" Frank pulled you back. "Alright that's enough Kyla, Abigail, look. Like i say, we're very sorry, we would never of taken you if we knew who your father was."
"You did work for him didnt you?" All eyes turned to Frank. "Havent you wondered why i brought you all here?"
"You brought us here?" Abigail held her forehead cursing under her breath. "There was never any money, i planned all of this. Lambert works for me." You and Frank let out a sigh of disapointment. "What are you talking about?" Abigail turned to Sammy. "Don't you know, Jessie?" Your eyes flicked between Abigail and Sammy. "What did you just call me?" Abigail chuckled before continuing. "Jessica Hurney.You started your career siphoning money from your affluent parents’ bank accounts. Hedge funds came next,then private offshore accounts,and eventually, much bigger fish. One in particular." Sammy went slightly pale before clearing her throat. "I can give it back." Abigail pretty much ignored her as she turned to Peter.
"Terrence Lacroix. Muscle for the Montreal Broussard family. Did it bore you, snapping necks for pay? Enduring endless taunts from your colleagues about your stunted intellect? Is that why you stole from your crew, who just happened to be a tiny subsidiary of our empire? How long did the money last, you weak, disloyal inebriate?" Peter stayed quiet as Abigail now turned to Frank.
"Former Detective Adam Barrett. You thought you could infiltrate our New York arm under deep cover. But you liked the life a little too much, didn’t you? The power you had when you were free of rules and regulations. It became an addiction. How empty did you feel when you finally arrested our three lieutenants you’d worked so hard to get close to? And how empty did you feel after I ripped up their bodies in the hotel penthouse because of you? You changed your name, you left town, and you never saw your family again. But it wasn’t for their safety, was it, Detective Barrett?" Your blood ran cold as Abigail mentioned he had a family, that he left, he wouldnt do that to you right? Right?
"We have the tragic Ana Lucia Cruz. Former Army medic drummed out of service for shooting up Uncle Sam’s morphine. You tried to take care of your son, before abandoning him to his fuckup of a father. You became an underground doctor for some very shady people. But one day, you were just too high to do your job, and instead of removing a bullet, you nicked an artery, and someone very important to my father’s business bled out. But you and Detective Barrett have something in common. You never went back for your son."
"Shut the fuck up!" Joey's words fell on deaf ears to you as Abigail turned to you smirking. "Finally, we have the pathetic, seemingly innocent, Y/n, Y/m/n, Y/l/n. The woman who not only allowed, but watched as her mother was murdered. You played the victim when the police arrived, and managed to walk away with 20 grand as inheritance. And that grew into a habit didn't it? You learned by acting differently around different people, you could get whatever your greedy heart desired didn't you? But little did you know, before you were even born, your mother had part of my fathers top advisers, how do you think she afforded to give you your luxury childhood hmm?" You now had tears threatening to spill from your rage filled eyes as you glared at Abigail.
"That woman was evil, she didn't care about me in the slightest, she deserved every second of it!" Frank pulled you towards him and rubbed your back. "And what do you tell yourself huh? That you wanna be your daddy's little errand girl? No, he did lose intrest in you, that wasn't a lie. How many of your fathers enemies do you think your gonna have to kill, until he loves you again?" Abigail's smirk dropped and she stayed quiet. "If this is about revenge, why didnt you just kill us? Why did you bring us here?"
"Because it isn't. This is just a game to her."
"Bullshit, she was screaming at the house, and dad triggered the alarm."
Joey tilted her head. "That wasnt even her father. That wasnt Lazar. And for what? Because your fucking bored? For your fucking entertainment?"
"What can i say? I like to play with my food. Your the same as all the other meat sacks ive brought here over the years, nothing different about any of you, nothing special. Just something to help me pass the time." Joey narrowed her eyes. "Quick question, whos in a cage right now?" Abigail's smile faltered for a second. "If you let me out, ill let two of you live." Peter looked at the rest of you for a second before looking back at abigial. "Which two?" You quickly turned to hum. "Peter what the fuck?"
"It's a surprise." Frank pulled his gun out. "Fuck this, lets just kill her now." Abigail smiled evily at him. "You tried that Frank, if you would like to open this door and try again, please do." You rolled your eyes. "God she's annoying."
"My offer just expired. Now i'll only let one of you live, whoever lets me out." Your eyes glanced over at Peter who had tensed up before he pulled his gun out and pointed it at Joey who did the same thing, pointing it at Peter. "She's fucking lying moron, you touch that door your as dead as the rest of us." Peter nodded his head to the side. "Maybe it's worth a try." You clenched your fists nervously as Joey tied to talk him out of it. "We have her Peter, that's why we did this, so we could trade her for our lives."
"That will never happen, Joey was right, no matter how many of you i kill, my father doesnt love me and hes not gonna trade anything for me. So go on Peter, let me out." Peter looked at the lock of the door for second then back up at joey. "Peter if you touch that door i will shoot you." Despite the warnings both Joey and Frank had given him , Peter still slowly reached for the lock before Joey aimed her gun lower and shot Peter in the hip. He yelled out in pain as you removed his gun from his hand. "Cmon, let me go patch you up, Frank, Kyla, help me out, Sammy watch her." Sammy snorted before shaking her head. "Fuck that shit." Joey was about to arugue before Sammy spoke again. "I'm not staying down here with that, fuck that shit joey." Joey sighed before glancing at Frank, he nodded as you and her helped Peter out of the room and to where her bag was.
Frank sat down groaning and took off his glasses to pinch his nose. By now his head had started throbbing from the extensive stress and blood loss. "The offer still stands Frank. Open the door and ill let you keep all your blood." Frank chuckled lightly and looked at her with an 'oh really' face. "Organs too." Frank looked down at his lap shaking his head. "Im serious. You could be useful to us."
"Why don't you, tell me, how to get the fuck outta here,... and ill consider it." Abigail raised an eyebrow at him. "If i told you, you'd just leave me here. You first." Frank put his glasses back on and gestured with the stake in his hand. "You know what? My offer just expired. Have fun spending eternity in a fucking elevator." He started walking away when Abigail piped up. "Wait. Ill tell you. But you have to let me out immediatly after i do." Frank stopped and slowly turned back around. "Alright, fine. It's a deal."
"There's a secret door in the library, the bookshelf on ghe right wall, and then there were none." Frank smiled and hummed. "Very good, thanks." Abigail tilted her head. "Wait, a deals a deal." Frank spun on his heels. "Oh right, the deal. Aint i a silly billy?" Abigail gave a fake smile as he walked over and held the key. He half turned the key before turning it back again, taking it out and letting it drop onto the floor. "Still guilable at your age? You fucking freak." He chuckled looking down at the bloody girl before she start giggling manically. "What's so fucking funny?" Abigails face turned dead for second before she shoved the door off it's hinges, sending it and Frank flying back.
You and Joey both heard the bang and looked at each other before both running down to the room. By the time you got there, Abigail was stood over Frank. She looked up at you both before smiling and kneeling down on Frank, grabbing his collar. Joey quickly grabbed Frank's stake off the floor and busted open some wooden boards. Daylight shone threw the cracks and right as Abigail reared back her head to bite into Frank's neck, the light hit her arm, causing it to explode. She screamed out in agony and crawled backwards away from the light. You quickly ran over and helped Frank to his feet, his face now covered in blood. You all bolted out the room, the last thing you saw was the bone in Abigail's arm starting to heal and regrow. You all ran up to Sammy and Peter, and frantically told them to follow you to the library.
Once everyone made it there, you slammed the doors shut and put a chair under the handles. Joey and Peter were stood in the sunlight catching their breaths but Sammy stood just out of it. She slowly put her finger into the light, and when nothing happened, she smiled and stepped into the sunlight, practically bathing in it happily. "Looking for some light reading Frank?" When you looked over Frank was intently looking at the titles of the books on she shelf. "Shut the fuck up." Suddenly his finger stopped on the spine of one book. He looked over at the rest of you smirking. "And then there were none." He pulled the book down, expecting something to happen, but when nothing did happen, he started angrily cursing and knocking all the books off their shelves before limping over and throwing his stake onto the gorund as he sat down on the steps holding his head.
"You good?" Frank removed his glasses and wiped some blood from his face. "So what the fuck now?" Frank looked up at Joey panting. "She was already healing, you and Kyla saw it aswell. Keep an eye on the door, stay in the light." You all watched as Joey started looking round the library. First she looked up the fire place, then headed to a wall by the door. She knocked on it and pressed her ear against it, before back to you all. "Grab something, we can break through this wall." You tilted your head before stepping towards her. "Look Joey, we dont even know what's behind that wall, it could quite literally just be a hole in the wall they boarded up, its not worth wasting our energy on. If you want to try and break into the wall, go ahead, but i don't think any of us have the energy to spair at the moment." Joey looked over your shoulder to see Sammy, Peter and Frank all giving her the same expression, an expression that agreed with you. She crouched down and picked up a fire poker before coming back up to your level, noses almost touching before she spat out a "Fine".
You sighed as she headed back over to the wall and started beating at it. You layed on the top step with you head in Frank's lap, if you were most liekly gonna die in the next 24 hours, you might as well enjoy what time you had left. Frank's, thankfully not bloody, hand soon found hair and stroked it soothingly. Neither Peter nor Sammy seemed fazed by you and Frank, by now it seemed normal to them. You started getting lost in thought when Peter's voice broke you from your thoughts. "Kyla, what did Abigail mean about you watching your mother die?" You turned you head to the side to look at Peter. "What's it matter, the story will die with me in the next 24 hours anyways?" Frank's hand stopped in your hair for a moment. "Well if you are gonna die, you might as well share the story one last time sweetheart." You looked up at Frank who was smiling down at you.
You thought about it for a second before sighing. “Honestly she deserved every second of it. She made my childhood, my life a living hell. She genuinely thought that if she bought me all the expensive toys, dresses, material shit, she thought that it all made up for the fact that she starved and endangered me, just so that I was pretty. Y'know as i got older, i started realizing what she was doing, we argued about it more and more. Then one night, the week after my 17th birthday, we were giving each other the silent treatment after another fucking argument, I was sat on the floor watching some movie, she was sat in her chair, probably texting some younger guy to hook up with and there was this, client. She had severely pissed him off and he snuck into the house,and he….he stabbed her 18 times, right in front of me, all while she screamed for me to stop him. A-and I just sat there, and I watched, smiling. The police arrived about 10 minutes later and I acted like I didn't see it happen, got away with my inheritance and went on with my life, like nothing had happened. But the thing was, i feel like, like if that fucking derranged guy didn't kill her that night, i feel like, i-i wasnt far off of doing it myself."
Your voice cracked a couple times before you shook away any regret for what you had just said. "Shit. Didn't expect that from you." Your eyes moved up at met the surpirsed gaze of Sammy. "How long ago was it? You sat up and leaned agaisnt Frank who wrapped his arm round you. "7 years ago now." You held Frank's hand when you heard Joey grunt loudly and throw the firepoker onto the ground. She walked over, sat by your feet , reached into her pocket and pulled out her paper candy bag. However when she dug her fingers into, there was no more candy left. Joey scrunched up the bag in her hand and rested her head on her hand. "Aw you ran outta candy?" Sammy looked at Joey before getting up and walking over, taking a seat next to her. "Im scared."
Joey looked at the blonde before offering her smile and rubbing her arm. "Was that true, what she said about your son?" Joey looked down before nodding. "But i got clean. I was gonna go back for him, that was-, is the plan." Sammy nodded. "That's good, how often do you get to talk to him?"
"I try calling him, i just, i can't do it. That's why i took this job. With that money i can, start over yknow? Reset."
"Boohoo. Fucking bullshit. It's not about the money, the moneyys an excuse. You didn't go back for your kid because you scared youll be a piece of shit mother. God everyones gotta be a fucking victim nowadays. Aww 'i left because i was on drugs. I was on drugs because i got hurt.' Own your fucking shit and go be mother to that kid." Sammy and Joey looked at him almost in shock. "Oh im sorry, did i hit a fucking nerve?" You gave him a smack and shook your head when he looked at you confused. "Honestly Joey, for what it's worth, i think youll make a great mother, you cant be any worse than mine was alright?" Joey smiled at you and gave a subtle thank you.
Suddenly Sammy's eyes widened before stood up. "Reset. I don't need to hack the locks i just need a power source. And if i have the power source we can just, short it." Frank scoffed. "What so you'll just unplug the house?" Sammy nodded before Joey got up. "Ok we search the house. 2 teams. And we don't stop till we find it." You got up, a sense of hope rushing through you. "Well who's going with twilight here?" Peter got up holding a reflective silver tray. "Ill go with her, i uh, saw your reflection in this earlier." Sammy smiled and took the tray from Peter's hand, using it as a mirror. "Oh my god im filthy!" Peter chuckled and she dropped the tray as they began to walk off. You, Joey and Frank looked at each other before getting up and going to look yourselves.
You all started looking round an old decreped room of the house that hadnt been touched already during your stay. Although he knew you probably didnt need it, Frank still stayed close to you. You pulled some vines off of a wall with your torch in your mouth but found nothing. Joey split off down a near by corridor to expand the search whilst Frank helped you continue to search the large room you were in. You glanced over at Frank and smiled to yourself. "Yknow something?" He turned to look at you, blinding you with his torch for a second before lowering it. "Yeah?" Yousat down on the base of a statue looking up at him. "I always used to dream of dating a cop." Frank chuckled before shaking his head. "Look sweetheart, i know i used to be, but im nowhere close to being a cop anymore. I left that life behind me."
"Like how you left your family?" His eyes suddenly shot up to see yours were no longer happy, but filled with disapointment and maybe even fear. Frank shook his head and was about to explain himself but you just held your hand up before pushing yourself to your feet and walking over to him. "Frank? Be honest, are you gonna do that to me?" Frank quickly shook his head and held your face between his hands. "Listen, my ex wife and kid, they didnt want me around, they didnt love me, they practically threw me away so i them away with my old life, but you, you're nothing like that. I'd rather burn alive then leave you. You're so beautiful and so sweet, and i promise, i will never. Ever leave you, ok?" You gave a small nod before he leaned down and planted a loving kiss on your lips."
You smiled and were about to throw your arms around him before Sammy's voice came over the comms. "She's on the east side!" Frank immediatly took your hand and started running towards the area where Sammy and Peter had gone. He accidentaly bumbed into Joey, giving the three of you a quick scare before continuing to make your way over. You managed to get there quickly, and stopped at the doorway of the long room. It was a long thin room with overgrowth coverinng most of the walls. Along one wall of the room were windows covered mostly by boards, allowing sunlight to shine through and bounce off of the few marble statues dotted round the room. And there at the other end of the room, was Sammy, knelt down infront of Peter's bloody body. From what you could see, he had a chunk of his throat ripped out and bloody spilling out of the open wound.
Sammy started to charge at you before Joey quicjly grabbed the silver tray from the floor and held it above her head, angling it in the sun so that the light hit the reflective surface and bounced off straight onto Sammy. Her body immediatly exploded, sending a gallon of blood and guts splattering onto the three of you. Thankfully you and Frank had raised your arms, and Joey still held the tray, so not much blood got on your faces. However it still drenched your hair and clothes. You all slowly lowered your face shields slowly, shock and horror plastered on your faces. Joey dropped the tray and stumbled back slightly as Frank removed his glasses and looked round. You cursed under your breath and leant agaisnt a pillar. "That was fucking,... woah." All three of you just kind of stood there for a few seconds, too shocked to know what to do next. "Now what do we do about the real fucking problem?" Almost on que, a small creaking turned all your attentions to a bookcase that had swung open to reveal a secret passage.
"Oh no, oh no. He's dead, she got him, oh noo." Immediatly you could tell something was off with Sammy, she sounded far too sarcastic as she 'grieved' over Peter. "What happened?" Sammy quickly shushed joey. "Shes still in here." Joey glanced at you with a suspicious and worried look on her face. "Come over here Sammy." The blonde stayed together quiet for a second. "Fine." She slowly rose to her feet and turned around, revealing the bottom half of her face covered in blood and her teeth now jagged and pointy like Abigail's. "Run." Joey took off running, you grabbed Frank's hand and followed closely behind her, heading back to the library. Sammy, or rather, Abigail let out a screech and charged after you. You managed to get to the library, Sammy close behind when Joey pulled you and Frank over into the sunlight. Frank shoved you behind him and Joey protectively as Sammy entered the room. Sammy stopped by the door and looked round. "I always hated this room, my father turned me in here. Alot of painful memories." She continued to look up and round as if she was reminiscing before turning her gaze back to the three of you. "But it's never too late to make new ones."
"Well, thats uh-"
"A trap?"
You nodded staring at the door as Frank put his glasses back on. "But what the fuck else are we gonna do?" Joey pulled out her gun and you swapped yours with Frank for the last stake, before you all cautiously made you way over and into the hallway. The first part of the hallway looked like the inside of a thick wall with wooden supports along the walls and a few lit laterns providing as little light possible. The three of you then turned a corner to see a more house like set of walls. They were a faded grey colour, with chunks of paint missing and peeling. You stalked your way to the end of the corridor where a tiled room, most likely storage, was open on your left. You all looked into the room to see a shut door, behind which you could hear muffled speaking. However this sound didnt sound like actual people having a conversation. Instead it sounded like a video being played.
As you inched closer to the door, you realised the sound was Frank, but from earlier when he called Joey a junkie. The three of you looked at each other before Joey yanked the door open, allowing Frank to step in. As soon as he did, he started charging foward, followed by you and Joey. There, infront of monitors playing the nights events, was Lambert, he was facing away from you, but not for long. Once Frank was in stranggling distance, Lambert spun round and snarled at the three of you, showing off his set of jagged teeth aswell. Frank stumbled back, holding his arm over your stomach to keep you back aswell. "Oh fuck! Your one of them, hes one of them!"
"Abigail turned me two years ago. She found out i helped you in new york. She came for me and threatened my family, Now all i do is bring her father's enemies here, so that she can play her little hunting game. But i am done." Frank's eyes quickly glanced at your frightened face before looking back at Lambert. "What's your fucking point?"
"No shit Frank." Joey held her gun pointed straight at Lambert as you watched on wide-eyed. "What the fuck is happening motherfucker?!" Lambert smirked. "I brought you here to offer you a deal." You pushed Frank's arm down and stepped foward. "We aren't taking any fucking deals." Joey stepped foward aswell. "Especially not from you, you bastar-" Before she could finish her sentence, both you amd Joey had Lambert holding you against the wall by the neck. "I wasn't talking to you two. I'm surprised the fat one made it this long." Both of you started to paw desperatly at Lambert's wrist, not that it was any use. He turned to Frank who looked into Lambert's eyes before a wave of realisation hit him and he lowered his gun. "You fucking set me up?"
"Fuck it. Bite me." You turned your eyes away from Frank, still pawing at Lambert's wrists. Lambert chuckled as Frank smirked at him before slamming you and Joey against the wall, rendering you both on the verge between conciousness and unconciousness. Lambert threw you both on the floor behind him and walked over to Frank before sinking his teeth into Frank's neck. Frank let out a tring of curses as he backed up into the wall and slid down it. Lambert bit his own am before holding over Frank and letting his blood drip into his mouth. By now Joey was starting to come to and quietly crawled over to you. As she gently shook you to try and make you come to, Frank began to gag before spewing up god knows how much blood. He did so for a solid 10 seconds before his head dropped down groggily.
"You can die here. Or you can help me kill Abigail. Help me take her, and you can have anything you fucking want. But you'll need a little upgrade." You let out a small plead. "Im not gonna become a fucking puppet like sammy, fuck no." Lambert smiled and shook his head. "No. You'd be just like me. You get the complete treatment. Total autonomy." Franks eyes glanced back at you and Joey again. "Ive told Lazar theres a problem, he's on his way. We'll kill the girl. We'll kill her father. And we'll take over the whole fucking thing." You let out another pathetic plead for Frank before your heart dropped.
By now, you had slowly come to, only to look over and see Frank, in not the best shape, you let out a small whimper. To make matters worse, Lambert turned round to see you amd Joey looking up at him like frightened puppies. "Oh, your still with us? The big ones are always the stubborn ones. Frank, meet your first victims." Lambert look down at you both with an evil smirk as Frank's bloody self stood up behind him. You and Joey both crawled back slightly before the tip of the stake suddenly burst through Lambert's chest, causing him to yell in pain before exploding, just like Sammy did. His blood covered both you and joey, making you flinch and tense up.
You wiped your eyes and looked up to Frank, practically drenched in blood, now also with the vampire teeth you had seen one too many times in the last 24 hours. He chuckled looking down at the puddle of blood that used to be Lambert. "That's for setting me up and speaking to her like that you, you backstabbing prick." Frank slowly looked up grinning at you and joey, as he removed his glasses. His blue eyes seemed to shine through the blood covering his face, maybe signifying there was still some softness in him. "Oh yeah, i feel fucking great." Joey crawled infront of you slightly and picked up the stake from the ground infront of her, holding it out shakily.
Frank was about to say something when a soft humming caught all your attention. Your heads turned to the doo where Abigail was now stood. "So you found Lambert. Did he try and convince you to take it all before you killed him?" Abigail started giggling and Frank smiled tilting his head. "Our game ends here, ive made sure of that." Abigail charged towards Frank but before she could touch him, he grabbed the stake from Joey's hand and stuck in dead in the centre of Abigail's chest. Another explosion of blood. Frank turned back to you and Joey, grinning and chuckling as he looked down at your shaking frames. Frank tilted his head, still grinning before he crouched down to your level, looking right at Joey.
"Listen to me very carefully Joey, you're gonna leave, get yourself cleaned up and go to your kid. You're gonna go live your life with him, and you're gonna forget this night ever happened. But, if I find you telling anyone whatsoever, I will personally ensure that your head is torn from your shoulders, am I understood?" Joey nodded quickly and slowly rose to her feet. You also rose to your feet, but frank looked at you and chuckled evily. "Oh no sweetheart, you aren't going anyway, I said Joey could go, not you." You turned pale immediately thinking frank was gonna make you his puppet or just eat you.
"Joey please don't me leave me here." Tears welled in your eyes as you pleaded for Joey to help you. Joey did stop by the door before Frank gave her a final warning. "Joey I suggest you leave us before I change my mind about letting you off so easy." You shook your head as tears spilled but Joey simply mouthed sorry and took off. You squeezed your eyes shut and prepared to feel fangs dig into your neck.
However, when you felt nothing, you slowly opened your eyes to see frank looking, just unimpressed? “Darling, you think I've kept you to torture? After the night we've Spent together I thought you'd know better than that.” You simply stared at him before realizing he was serious. Frank just wanted you to stay with him, as his. Relief flooded over you before you felt Frank’s soft, but bloody lips pressed against yours. You wrapped your arm around him and hummed before he pulled back. “Shall We maybe go get cleaned up then?” Frank's sweet smile appeared as he held his hand out. His teeth didn't appear jagged or monster-like as he did, they were his normal pearly whites.
Slowly you took his hand before he guided you out of the room and back into the library, the sun had gone back down so Frank could walk around Care free as he led you to the room he had set up in, which thankfully had a shower. And as you walked, you realized that maybe, just maybe, living with an upgraded version of the man that fell for you on a kidnapping mission, wouldn't be so bad after all?
*sighs* fucking finally.
I do plan to do a part 2 of this where they can finally fuck. However ,if yall are intrested, I will also write an alternate ending for all you angst obsessed peeps where frank does end up evil evil and dying like the original film.
I really hope this is ok, I've never written anything this long before so you can imagine this has took quite the time to write. I would really appreciate reblogs, likes and comments on this fic as my back is blown from sitting in the middle of my bed and my brain is sufficiently fucked and won't be writing anything for the next few months :)
Anyway that's all from me for now lovelys!
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joeys-babe · 6 months
Joey B Blurbs: Blank Space
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Summary: You prank Joe by texting him the lyrics of Blank Space by Taylor Swift while he's out with the guys.
Warnings: Unserious/funny, pranks!
Pairing: Joe Burrow x reader
Imagine Universe: Into the Mystic
A/N: Part 3 of blurb night!
No particular date for this blurb!
Joe had just left to go hang out with the guys at Sam’s house - something about welcoming some of the newly signed players.
I was home alone. Robin and Jimmy had picked up Miles and Tyson this morning to have a little grandparents' day with them, so it was just me.
The house was clean, and Joe and I had started packing to move, but according to him, I wasn’t allowed to do anything without his assistance.
There was no way Joe was at Sam’s yet, so I decided to give him a call.
“Hey, baby. Is everything okay? I just left.” - Joe
“Hi, yes, and I know. I'm just super bored.” - you
“I can turn around and take you with me. Jess will be there obviously, maybe you guys can hang out while we’re there. We’ll probably be in the basement.” - Joe
“You’d do that?” - you
The smile must have been evident in my tone because Joe laughed a little before answering.
“Would I offer if I wouldn't?” - Joe
“No.” - you giggled
“I'll see you in a bit, Mama.” - Joe
“Okay, Joey. I love you.” - you
“I love you too. And baby?” - Joe
“Yeah?” - you
“I turned around as soon as you called.” - Joe 
I held onto Joe’s hand as we walked up to Sam’s door, and when Sam opened it, he was surprised to see me there. 
“Oh hey, y/n!” - Sam
“Hey!” - you
“The boys are with my folks, and I didn't want her to be home all by herself.” - Joe explained
Silently squeezing Joe’s hand to thank him for not telling Sam that I’m a hormonal pregnant woman who's so needy she can't be away from her husband, he squeezed back.
Joe led me into the familiar house, and I immediately saw Jess standing in the kitchen by herself.
“See ya later.” - you
“Wait, don't sneak off yet. I wanna introduce you to some people.” - Joe
He directed me to the basement where we would make our rounds, Joe proudly introducing me as his wife over and over again.
“Bye, baby.” - you
“Bye, text me if you need me.” - Joe
“I will.” - you
Joe leaned down and gave me a quick peck before I made my way over to the stairs.
After finding Jess, she thanked me for coming, and we found ourselves deep in conversation.
“Wait so you just do it randomly?” - Jess
“Yup. I'll just feel like pranking him, and then I just find one to do.” - you
“Just like that?” - Jess
“Just like that.” - you
Jess laughed as she scrolled through my saved TikTok pranks.
“You should do one on him right now.” - Jess
“Ooo okay. Which one?” - you
After careful consideration of a few different pranks, Jess and I decided on one that would be easiest for us to do. It was a text prank.
Nice to meet you, where you been?
Uhm, in the same house that you're in…?
I could show you incredible things.
You do all the time, baby. 😊
Magic, madness, heaven, sin.
Sounds poetic.
Saw you there and I thought “OMG look at that face.”
Wait when? I'm confused.
You look like my next mistake.
I hope I'm not a mistake.
Love’s a game, wanna play?
We're professionals at that game when it comes to each other, Mama.
New money, suit and tie.
Is that what you want me to get with my extension???
I can read you like a magazine.
I know lol.
Ain't it funny? Rumors fly.
What rumors? Is it bad?
And I know you heard about me.
Heard what?
So hey, let's be friends.
We are already. You're my best friend and lover.
I'm dying to see how this one ends.
I hope it doesn't end, we’re forever.
Grab your passport and my hand.
Woah woah, where are we going that I’ll need a passport??
I can make the bad guys good for a weekend.
What the hell? I'm so lost. I'll be upstairs in a second.
Jess and I cackled as we typed and sent each message, soon Joe was striding into the dimmed living room with a confused look on his face.
“The hell was that?” - Joe
“A prank. It was song lyrics.” - you laughed
“It was my idea, so don't get mad at y/n.” - Jess
“Oh, I wasn't going to.” - Joe
“He can't get mad at me.” - you grinned
Joe jokingly rolled his eyes before plopping down next to me on the couch.
“What are you doing?” - you
“I’m already up here, might as well hang out with you for a bit.” - Joe
Jess smiled at me when Joe cuddled closer to me.
“I feel like I'm third wheeling in my partner’s house.” - Jess
“It's not my fault I'm better than Sam.” - Joe
“Joseph.” - you shoved him
“Am I lying?!” - Joe
Authors note: Next fic is at 8:15!!!
(I lost the request for this, but it was around the lines of “texting Joe the lyrics of Blank Space by Taylor Swift to see what he’d do”)
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lovejosephquinn · 2 years
Lana... how about getting handsy (or mouthy 😏) with Joey under the signing table at a con... or like maybe in a back room? He's been busy doing his thing all day and you just CANNOT wait until back at the hotel. Thots?
Living for this and have been since 2am this morning when I was up punching walls from content, dreaming about where to go with this, I'M READY.
This one is dedicated to @munsonsgirl71 (thank you for this delicious req) and to one of my main bby's @joejoequinnquinn just because 👀
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Everyone was clueless as to why Joe was late to begin autographs at the Fan Expo. He'd asked for 10 more minutes of privacy with you to the staff before you had to go away for a little whilst he worked. With nothing but a smile and a brief nod looking back, they closed the curtain behind them that sheltered him to have his little moment with you. You sat in the chair facing to the side so that you could get a proper look at your man, his eyes bore into yours longingly, purely from a text he'd sent literally all of an hour ago to you before he began the photo op's which read:
'Can't wait to get my hands on you later, baby.'
You needed no other information, it kept you going in the unspoken promise shown on your phone yet the heat between your legs was fighting not to have his hands all over you right there and then. He moved in to give you a sweet kiss, one that screamed that he'd missed you when he only saw you a couple of hours ago, it didn't matter how many times you'd felt his mouth move onto yours, every move Joe made on you was like the first.
Watching his eyes sparkle the way they did when he fluttered them open to just take you in for a second, you bit down on your lip and moved round to sit on the chair properly, proceeding to look down under the table, watching the space and the way Joe's legs were spread, his leg twitching uncontrollably.
"You alright babe?" You giggled, resting your hand onto his thigh to stop it moving.
"Just a little nervous, it doesn't matter if I've done this quite a few times now, I'm still anxious about it." An imaginary light bulb pinged at the top of your head, you always knew how to relax him but you also knew how to rile him up, there were no two ways about it. You slipped underneath the table, kneeling between his legs as he watched downward to find your hands busy, unbuttoning his trousers, pulling at his zipper in an overly eager manner. "What're you doing Y/N, what if we get caught?"
You smirked at him. "There's a black cloth in between me and the space of that curtain Joe, I'm going to give you a reason to relax. You've just got to be quiet." The noise echoing in the building told you that if he did slip a few whimpers, it wouldn't be such a bad thing, nobody would hear the delicious sounds that were reserved just for you. Joe adhered to your reply, pushing himself up so that you could move them, releasing his already solid erection in one swift motion.
"Baby, you're so fucking naughty." Joe purred as he watched you take his cock into your mouth, taking nothing but the tip which throbbed onto your tongue, his entire body quivered under your touch as he gripped the side of his chair, his lips parting when your muscle stroked the spot just between his length and head.
"And you taste so fucking good." You groaned.
You kept taking inch by inch in, sucking harshly against him, weak groans falling from his lips making you look up through the little slit where you could just see his head tipping back. You quickened the process, wrapping your fist around the thickness just to the base and jerked along with your mouth's movement, twisting your wrist in a motion you knew drove him insane.
"Fuck yes, choke on my cock." Joe was putty in your hands, figuratively speaking. You removed your hand and pushed yourself as far as you could go, earning a stifled choke from both you and his throat when his tip touched the back of your tonsils. Tears begging to escape when you repeated the process a few times, your hand now cupped against his balls, squeezing lightly to bring him close to the edge. The excitement and adrenaline of possibly being able to get caught was too much, you almost did when Joe saw the curtain move. You noticed him squirm and tap onto your head when a member of staff poked their head through the curtain. You continued to suck slowly, edging him to let them know he was going to be a little longer.
"Are you almost- Oh has she gone? We didn't see her leave." They said.
"Yeah just a little longer please, need a drink and a quick smoke if you don't mind, nerves and all that jazz." Joe flashed a unconvincing and tight smile, hoping they'd not see the way his lip was practically drawing blood from keeping the moan that longed to seep out of him.
"No problem!" They grinned. "I'll let everyone know you'll be another 10, they'll wait." Joe nodded like he'd just got whip lash, flashing a flustered grin, the hitch of his breath making his lips part when you danced your tongue around his tip, fucking your hand against his length.
"OooooKAY." Joe yelped.
They flashed the curtain shut and Joe relaxed instantly, the moan that he'd held in crashed out in a low, gravelly tone. "You're such a slut, I'm going to fuck you so hard later for doing this, you're not going to stop me when you've had enough either, I'll keep going." The vibration of your moan from his threat had him leaking more than he'd ever done. "Suck more, I want you to fucking go for it love."
You did as he requested, saliva dribbling down your chin as you used his cock, sucking as hard and fast as you could, squeezing onto his balls tighter, teeth grazing against his shaft lightly. Solid whimpers were heard clearly by you when Joe bucked his hips into your mouth, thrusting forward to give you every inch, he saw his end after you completely deepthroated him, your tongue able to touch at his ball sack when he spewed his seed down your throat, his toes curling and his head launching backwards; maybe letting out a louder, borderline pornographic noise than he'd intended to.
"Yes, yes, yes. Take my cum you cockhungry slut." Joe breathed out the almost angry words which sung to you like a beautiful melody.
You slipped back up from underneath the table, wiping the back of your hand over your lips. Joe had no time to clean up the wetness you'd created all over his cock so he lifted back to readjust himself, zipping up and buttoning his trousers back, his body still shuddering from the sensitive shocks that his softening cock was presenting.
"You'll be the death of me my darling. But you've really got to go now because they think, well I hope they think that you already have gone." You gave him a brief kiss, allowing him to taste himself on your lips, slowly and softly pulling away, he shook at his head at you, gulping his spit down. He felt fucking lucky.
"How are you going to get out of here unnoticed?" Joe laughed worriedly.
You moved over to the right side of the curtain since it was the most quiet and pointed to the opening where you could crawl right underneath. "I'll see you after gorgeous." Joe mouthed an I love you and shortly after you disappeared stealthily, it helped you were small so you could escape like a little mouse.
You moved outside to twiddle your thumbs for a bit after you'd been sat in a little room for an hour with a drink and some snacks that were offered to you by some of the staff members, relaxing and patiently waiting for him to finish up. Hearing loud excitement and applause when Joe was leaving the building, eyeing at the side of the glass doors that he was walking to, people filming him as he blew kisses directly at his fans, smiling away; his work done for the day.
You leaned against the brick wall when he moved through the exit, giving him the most innocent and content look at his side profile, his face beamed from the little memory of his meet and greet. "Have fun?" You grinned, catching him in his thoughts.
Joe noticed your voice before he saw you, moving his head in the direction where it came from and happily sauntered over to you, dropping the bag he had in his hand and wrapping his arms around you, his fingers soothing the small of your back as he whispered "Yes but I missed you after that little escape."
You reciprocated the embrace, your hands moving down to cop a feel of his ass, making him move back but not completely out of your grasp as you gave it a light squeeze.
"I believe it was me that said I couldn't wait to get my hands on you." Joe winked at you and you melted, it didn't matter who he was to you, he had a way of looking at you so intensively that you couldn't help but give into him, his warm eyes and simply beautiful grin did it for you, made you fall in love with your man over and over again, not just love pure lust filled your heat, excited for what was to come, you knew he'd fulfil his promise. His hands came down cupping at your ass, tapping it lightly, joining the way yours were still grasping at his.
"Actions speak louder than-"
He pushed you up against the brick wall, coming in and kissing you hot, his tongue writhing around yours, his bulge beginning to painfully ache against his clothing which pressed into you. He'd proved his point. He moved back to take a look at you from head to toe, huffing a sigh. "Can't wait to see how sticky those panties are from what you did earlier. I already know you're soaking."
Your thighs clenched together knowing he was very much right. Taking a hold of your hand, you walked down the little hidden lane to a car that was waiting to take you back to the hotel. Just as you were about to get in, he opened the door slight before moving down to whisper in your ear, not being to help himself acting on the words he'd already said. "I'm going to fucking rail your cunt till you scream for me baby, you're in for it."
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