longliveblackness · 5 months
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In 1976 the township of Soweto situated in the city of Johannesburg saw a massive uprising whereby thousands of South African students took to the streets to protest against a language rule introduced by the white-minority rule. During the devastating uprising hundreds were killed in the police response but the events would profoundly change the country's social and political landscape.
The the very touching picture of a lifeless 13 year old boy named Hector Pieterson, who had just been shot by the police during the protests was a massive game changer for how the people felt towards apartheid world wide.
The 1976 uprising came after the white dominated South African government decided that black schools could only teach in a language called Afrikaans and English in a 50-50 mix of the languages of instruction within schools. This news had not gone down well with black people as Afrikaans was the language used by the government and many white people within South Africa, for this reason Afrikaans was seen as the language of the oppressor by many black South Africans. What made the new law of even worse was the fact that, while black schools had to provide instruction in both Afrikaans and English as languages, white South African students learned other subjects in their home language.
On June 16th at 7AM thousands of schoolchildren started to protest against the new law, singing songs and waving signs. At first police used gas to try and calm things down, but then started firing guns. The children protesting threw stones back at the police and by then protest had turned into a riot which lasted three days as adults joined in to show their frustration against the language rule change as well as the apartheid movement. By the end of a violent few days of protests, the South African government claimed that 95 people, some of them children, had been killed but in actual fact more than 700 people died during the uprising.
The bloody uprising and the way it was dealt with had brought the massive racial problems in South Africa to the world's attention. Some countries introduced sanctions against South Africa.
En 1976, el municipio de Soweto, situado en la ciudad de Johannesburgo, fue testigo de una rebelión masiva en la cual miles de estudiantes sudafricanos salieron a las calles para protestar contra una regla lingüística introducida por la minoría blanca. Durante la devastadora rebelión cientos de personas murieron a causa de la respuesta policial, pero los acontecimientos cambiarían profundamente el panorama social y político del país.
Una muy conmovedora imagen de un niño sin vida llamado Hector Pieterson, de trece años de edad y quien acababa de recibir un disparo por parte de la policía durante las protestas, fue lo que causó un enorme cambio en la forma en la que se sentía el resto del mundo hacia la segregación racial.
La rebelión de 1976 se produjo después de que el gobierno sudafricano dominado por las personas blancas decidiera que las escuelas negras sólo podían enseñar en un idioma llamado afrikáans e inglés. Esta noticia no fue bien recibida por las personas negras, ya que el afrikáans era el idioma utilizado por el gobierno y muchas personas blancas en Sudáfrica. Por esta razón muchos sudafricanos negros veían el afrikáans como el idioma del opresor. Lo que hizo que la nueva ley fuera aún peor fue el hecho de que, mientras las escuelas negras tenían que impartir lecciones tanto en afrikáans como en inglés, los estudiantes blancos sudafricanos aprendían otras materias en su lengua materna.
El 16 de junio a las siete de la mañana, miles de estudiantes comenzaron a protestar contra la nueva ley, cantando canciones y agitando carteles. Al principio, la policía utilizó gas para intentar calmar la situación, pero luego empezó a disparar. Los niños que protestaban arrojaron piedras a la policía y para entonces la protesta se había convertido en un motín que duró tres días a medida que los adultos se unían para mostrar su frustración contra el cambio de la norma lingüística y la segregación racial. Después de unos días de protestas violentas, el gobierno sudafricano afirmó que 95 personas, algunos de ellos niños, habían sido asesinadas, pero en realidad más de 700 personas murieron durante la rebelión.
La rebelión sangrienta y la forma en la que fue tratada, hizo que el mundo le prestara atención a los enormes problemas raciales en Sudáfrica. Algunos países introdujeron sanciones contra Sudáfrica.
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ivys-garden · 1 year
I don't really like crossover ships, but I'm just putting it out there that I think these two would be a cute couple.
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cloudgirlsinfo · 1 year
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goldpilot22 · 2 years
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I saw this post and immediately had to draw this
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emilyperkins · 1 year
i miss johana
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voukkake · 5 months
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Morpheus + alcohol = The obligation to kiss Hob Gadling till exhaustion
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natural-ass · 3 days
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brainbugz · 10 months
thinking about johanna sm. you haven't ridden the woffs since you were young, but suddenly it comes back to you the second you do it, isn't that weird? you love your mother just as much as you resent her. these trees are the same as your drawings, that lake, that island, have you been here before? you don't remember this. you're playing tunes you don't even know how to play. i met you, the thing that can't be labelled says, i tried to eat you as a child. you don't remember this. your daughter almost died the same way you almost died and you clawed through the dirt to save her the way your mother did for you. what else don't you remember?
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contremineur · 2 months
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Johana Trayanova, Fragile 003 (polaroid, 2022)
from here
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namedvesta · 2 months
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Le Grand Bleu, 1988.
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fuegoesquivo · 1 month
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Camilita Johana
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doortotomorrow · 2 years
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JENNA COLEMAN EDITS - Johanna Constantine
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oswanily · 27 days
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This is 30-years-old Johana Canseco. She is an childless widow and her family is originated from Spain.
But I should call her Johana Lechesne, really, because she is also Landry's new wife. She needed someone to take care of her and her younger sister, and Landry needed help with his young children, so they got married soon after meeting.
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cloudgirlsinfo · 1 year
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cliffburton · 2 years
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jasmin saarela (jess and the ancient ones/jess by the lake)
virgina monti (psychedelic witchcraft/dead witches)
farida lemouchi (the devil's blood/molasses/gott)
johana sadonis (lucifer)
jinx dawson (coven/the equalizers)
laura dolan (electric citizen)
rosalie cunningham (purson/solo)
sol fraktal (solo)
alia o'brien (blood ceremony)
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Johana Tablada, Cuban Deputy Director General for the United States at MINREX:
There is no such thing as the Havana syndrome; it does not exist, it is not registered in any disease registry, and it has really been the Washington syndrome from the beginning.
The program on CBS, a powerful network in the United States, is unsustainable and inexplicable; today it is presented again, not as a journalistic investigation, but as a political operation, as a propaganda operation.
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