#Just block these antisemites don't interact
Some antisemite barely keeping the mask on/ someone absorbed in their propaganda being pipeline into neonazi shit without realising : "I'm not antisemitic look here's a link to a blog proving he's a Zionist! "
Person In the link :
"this guy is spreading Zionist propaganda and says that Palestinians are Arab colonialists and says to put 'support Israel in your bio
I'm not calling him a Zionist though , also don't trust Jewish people when they talk about antisemitism because that's how the Zionists get you with their propaganda you can't trust Jewish people talking about antisemitism because of the existence of people who say its antisemitic to not support Israels crimes against Palestine "
The screenshots:
don't show that just a collection of Jewish people talking about " wow people are using the I/P" war"as an excuse to be antisemitic and goym are eagerly jumping in and claiming Jewish people are Zionists as an excuse for their antisemitic shit "
Like you're not immune to antisemitic propaganda, nor islamophobic propaganda claiming that Jewish and Palestinians have no mutual goals and are all hivemind enemies of each other and that no Jewish Palestinians exist and that no Jewish non Palestinians have empathy or care for the Palestinian people when a lot of the loudest longest advocates against the apartheid have been Jewish people
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"the reason Zionists have gotten as far as they have is that they can use antisemitism as a defence" is pretty antisemitic and erasing the christofacists who want their prophecy to be fulfilled by Palestine being eliminated and are a much larger more powerful majority the world over than Jewish people
"focusing on Jewish suffering alone" is also blatantly false but antisemites never let the truth get in the way of their lies
"Calling out antisemitism is bad and means you support genocide" as the use of these screenshots the op has taken as "evidence of Zionist propaganda" suggest sure is a choice
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I mean yeah "pro Israel" looks sus if you divorce it from "it is a call and a reminder that Jews will always survive" context like you can not like the tone but I fail to see"pro Bibi we love genocide" in a message that's basically "hey a bunch of people in the only Jewish country were murdered and taken hostage and we can condemn that and mourn for those lost while also condemning the apartied and genocide of Palestine and mourning for those lost..... but antisemites are using this as an excuse to celebrate and call for all Jewish people in Israel to be genocided and many people seem to be throwing aside their leftism to join in where they see antisemitism as justified"
Like this isn't a sports team thing this is people's lives and families and there very much are antisemites who talk about "abolishing Israel" when what they mean is "kill all the Jewish people in Israel to keep all the Jewish people in the world in line because we've brought into antisemitic conspiracy theories about Jewish people having all the power and riches and controlling the media"
And you need to realise that and not treat this like it's a freaking soortsball "good team versus the evil jew-i mean ((Zionists))"
Like the OP is literally called fiteclub and seems to behave as if tumblr is a place for "fighting"\ harassment and takes glee in it which is why I had the OP blocked for a while because I got sick of seeing the constant harassing replies to @transmascpetewentz whenever he posted anything...like harassing people on Tumblr isn't activism and doesn't save lives let alone justifying harassment campaigns where people are being told to suicide and people are saying "this specific individual needs to be ended for the good of trans unity uwu but trust me I'm totes against transphobic dogpiles and hate campaigns based on misinfo" it's hypocritical as fuck and the antisemitism and transphobia are transparent as fuck
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jewishbarbies · 2 years
not surprised that the relatively unproblematic green brother is the atheist one
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embras-grace · 7 months
Aaaah 3 more cowardly antisemitic people blocked. They just can't resist the "I am Jewish -- I don't want politics on this blog" statement.
Moths to a flame, bringing blissful silence as their IPs are gone forever from my presence.
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queer-geordie-nerd · 3 months
I really hesitated about whether I should write this or not and I'm still unsure, tbh, because this really, really isn't about me and as a goy, I know I have the enormous privilege of being able to, if I so chose, to be quiet and go back to my normal, unperturbed life.
In the months that I've taken a vocal position on my blog - condemned antisemitism, both overt and less so, and advocated my support for the Jewish community, both in Israel and in diaspora, I have had appalling amounts of hate mail, I have had people and fandom blogs I enjoyed interacting with unfollow and block me, and I've seen people I had a great deal of respect for enthusiastically support rape and terrorism as "resistance" while completely believing they have the moral high ground and I'm some evil genocide supporter who should kill myself.
And I don't regret for one second the stance I've taken, because I feel to not have done so would have gone against everything I believe to be right, but sometimes I just feel so very sad about it all, that talking about and advocating for people facing horrific persecution is somehow so deeply unpopular that warrants such reactions. I feel like I've lost so much of the joy that I had being in certain fandom spaces and I've definitely lost faith in a lot of people.
And absolutely none of this even comes anywhere close to the daily betrayals and terror that Jewish people around the world are facing every single day and I feel like even saying any of this is taking up space that I shouldn't be, but I'm just so sad.
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daughter-of-sapph0 · 1 year
one thing about tumblr that I don't see anyone talk about even with all the discussion about horrible changes is what happens when someone blocks you.
how it used to be is that you could still go to their profile, and would be able to report them or block them back. but you couldn't see any of their posts. and if one of their posts did happen to show up on your dash through reblogs, you couldn't like or reblog it. of course, it wouldn't tell you any of this. it would just give an error message or load indefinitely pretending like something was happening, rather than just saying "hey this person has you blocked, so you can't interact with them"
now it's a lot worse. idk when it was, but some change made it so now you can't even click on their blog at all.
now you might say "what's the big deal? why would anyone even want to go to a blog that had you blocked if you already couldn't see any of their posts in the first place?" and while true, there was at least something you could do on that blank blog. blocking them back and reporting them.
here's how it worked in the past. if someone sent me a rude message or tagged me in a dumb post and then blocked me, I could simply go to their blog (which would be blank for me) and block and report them.
now, if somone does that, I cannot click on their blog. in fact, because I can't block or report them, they can keep sending me horrible things, or even do the same to others without any fear of consequences. in order to actually be free of them, I'd have to go onto the desktop dashboard which a lot of people don't use, go to blog settings, scroll all the way down to blocked accounts, and manually type in their url exactly and add them to my list of blocked accounts.
and also, there is no way to report them. if someone is being racist or antisemitic or homophobic, and they have you blocked, you cannot report them at all.
I'm not going to say that this change was made by the sympathizers on staff specifically to protect terfs and white supremacists who spend all their time harassing and stalking and abusing people online while making it harder for their victims to protect themselves or even make those people face any consequences for their actions at all...
but the fact that this change happened around the same time as the whole "scorched earth / partyjockers" situation where staff entirely disintegrated a post and all it's reblogs because op said that one of the people on staff was a hairy potty fan, it's a bit too suspicious for me to call it a coincidental change.
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jewish people online:
yeah we have to block and report people constantly because they post misinformation, harass us, send death threats, doxx us, send sexual harassment threats, go after our friends, and generally destroy our mental health. there's not really any super well known lists of people to block and report because ever jew has a different threshold of what they can handle seeing and want to see. some people do share information especially about particularly violent people to keep others safe. we'd really like it if more people spoke up about antisemitism but at the very least just leave us alone and fact check things
antizionists anti-israel (totally just the government) anti jewish people:
we've curated a huge list of celebrities and influencers for you to block because they haven't talked about our special cause (palestine) yet! we do not encourage you to make critical decisions about who you're blocking and why and instead we want you to just block every single person who doesn't talk about palestine. no we don't care that a lot of celebrities accounts aren't even controlled by them and are instead accessed mostly by members of their staff. its just common knowledge that the best form of activism is getting mad at famous people! then people look at those people and realize how bad they are -- wait what do you mean?? we're exposing these celebrities to more people and some of those people actually agree with them?? they could even gain support? or even if they lose followers they might have a smaller audience that's more interactive?? no no wait that can't be right. also when people post things without checking for misinformation because they fear losing support or even income it can actually harm palestinians?? because the aid is probably going to hamas instead? wait how is that bad hamas are our freedom fighters!! anyway ugh all this is making my head hurt those (((zionists))) are controlling the media
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wearenotjustnumbers2 · 11 months
If you're a zionist and your first reaction when seeing dead children is "*laughing emoji* and writing essays about how it's actually justified that Israel does this because they're Palestinians and death to all Muslims right? But if somebody calls israel out on their terroristic crimes then they're all antisemitic and want all jews gone"
Then stay away from my blog. Share your hatred and propaganda and celebrate our people's death as much as you want on your own space. Don't come into a video showing the memory of dead Palestinian children and laugh and mock them. I don't want to deal with your racism and cruelty.
I'm not even gonna argue. You look so brainwashed. Israel government has literally created a homicidal death cult. You can't use the victim card anymore because the world has seen your crimes live. You can't get away with your lies and false accusations bc we all know the truth.
So please, stay away from my account. Keep interacting with other zionists and do whatever you want there.
I didn't want to have to make this post. I disabled the ability to receive Anonymous asks and guess what? The Islamophobia chants and racist hateful asks are gone! I also ask everybody if you see someone like that reblog any of my posts just block them you can't argue with someone who can't think for themselves. They are literally brainwashed.
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updatingranboo · 1 year
Ranboo’s boundaries
Since I know some people really like to have a specific thread of boundaries, I thought I'd throw some together for Ranboo just for quick reference!
Ranboo's boundaries are not on a rule by rule basis, they prefer people use common sense. This list is not exhaustive.
Ranboo’s overall ask is to be kind! When you are interacting with people inside and out of the community, be kind first. Be good people and be respectful.
Don't do anything that would hurt Ranboo or anyone else in the community. That means no racism, antisemitism, ableism, homophobia/transphobia, sexism, general bigotry etc.!
If there’s something that ranboo has done that makes you uncomfortable, please call it out. Ranboo encourages being corrected and wants to know when he’s made mistakes. He is a human and he WILL make mistakes. They will always apologize and try to do better.
Ranboo is an adult and can speak for himself. if he has an issue with the way something is being done in the community, he will speak on it. especially when it comes to fanart, don’t harass artists on the specific ways they draw ranboo. If they’d had a problem with it previously they would have said something.
Again, Ranboo is an adult. You don’t have to baby them. He can swear and drink and stay up late like any other adult can. He knows how to take care of himself.
Ranboo also doesn’t need to be defended. People are allowed to not like him, and trying to fight people who don’t like him is unhealthy, pointless, and paints the community in a bad light. Uplift the good instead!
If someone is being weird or makes a mistake, don’t dogpile them. Politely correct them, and if they continue to push things block and move on.
Don’t mention Ranboo in places they aren’t relevant. Don’t chat hop to ask their friends about him, DM his friends to try to get in contact with them, just in general don’t view his friends as extensions of him. They are all incredibly talented people and doing that just hurts Ranboo and his friends because it makes them not want to make content together!
Ranboo is fine with all compliments as long as they aren’t explicit. they are fine with all gendered terms. He uses he/they pronouns and is nonbinary and gay. They aren’t okay with shipping.
Ranboo is strictly against AI content, including AI generated art and voice covers. Support artists!!
If you are intentionally going against these restrictions it will result in a ban in chat, which means a ban from watching all streams, as well as crossbans to all of their friends chats. Ranboo doesn’t ban on genuine mistakes, but if it’s repeated behavior their mods have full authority issuing bans.
Again, be kind. If you are kind, patient, and respectful, and you listen to criticism and try to be the best person you can be you are doing everything right! Happy boobing ❤️
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night-raven-tattler · 6 months
Silence = neutrality/complicity, and I don't want to be silent.
Recently some people have been calling out a certain creator from the twst x reader side of the fandom that has been spreading zionist posts, dangerous sentiments and a heavy load of misinformation. The creator is @/marilynfuse and I am only sharing their blog name for everyone to block and report all of their platforms. Do NOT engage with this person, and do NOT harass this person. It's clear they don't listen to whatever you say and they thrive off of your attention. Do not give them that satisfaction, just report and move on. Their blog is still active despite not showing up when looked up.
I am a writer, but before that I am a person who does not endorse any kind of hatred or neutrality in the face of injustice. With that being said, I want no type of queerphobe, racist, islamophobe, antisemite, zionist, supporter of apartheid, denier or shamer interacting with my blog.
To be perfectly clear: Palestine, Congo, Sudan, Yemen, Syria, Haiti deserve to be free.
My goal is to invite everyone on any side to do their own research and see with their own eyes who they need to support, without thinking about the misinformation that has been going around for so long. Try to see beyond the propaganda and wake up to the reality we're facing.
I am gonna do what I think is best and share some sources I've found useful for Palestine (source 1, source 2, source 3), Congo (source 1, source 2), Sudan (source 1, source 2), Yemen (source 1, source 2), Syria (source 1, source 2) and Haiti (source 1). I'm trying to be as objective as I can be, but keep in mind being objective =/= being neutral. Being neutral leaves enough space for people to perpetuate misinformation, which is something I'm not going to do.
Educate yourselves. Talk about the people in need. Don't stay silent until the genocide and the wars stop and stay loud enough that people can still hear you even after you're pushed off the stage. If you want to educate other people, share resources and correct them, and don't engage with people who don't see reason. Block, report, use that energy and anger on sharing more resources to the people who are open to change.
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"Silenced" How?
By sending them rape and death threats?
by telling them to kill themselves and tagging them?
by making posts saying that they need to be "ended" and threatening to doxx them?
By lying about them and calling them a predator?
Because that's the behaviour I've seen and it isn't justified.
You can't hide your antisemitism and transphobia behind "I'm doing this for trans women and Palestinians who ofc are a hive mind and are helped by harassing and threatening Jewish people and transmascs using bigotry that leads to deaths in their communities I'm one of the good ones"
Edit so apparently they have a history of antisemitism in some goat game community and were banned as a result for that and being anti ace and anti "mogai" and doing the bi vs pan Discourse all of which are known terf pipelines and seems to be trying to combat the criticisms of the harm by attacking transmascs and calling it advocating for trans women... Idk ritz it just seems like you want an excuse to harass trans people and Jewish people while pretending to be the victim
(dont interact just block)
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jewish-vents · 2 months
when my ex-mutuals ask why i blocked them after expressing their antizionism and spreading hate and misinformation i just tell them i don't interact with antisemites 🤷‍♀️ i'm not mincing my words anymore. i don't care if we've been friends for years. if you don't believe in my right to live then you were never really my friend.
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evilwickedme · 11 months
1. Ugh y'all are annoying stop interacting with this post there's a reason it's unrebloggable
2. Zionism is not inherently violent.
3. I don't think Israel is a colonial project, and in fact many elements of its existence are actually decolonization. Disagreeing with the mere fact of Israel's existence while calling for a Palestinian country is inherently self contradictory and a bigoted position to have. This does not mean that you cannot advocate for Palestinian self determination. It just means Jews also deserve the same exact thing.
4. I don't think that going back to 67 borders is right, because the idea of splitting Jerusalem in half and preventing Jews from accessing the western wall - and, in fact, to this day preventing us from accessing har haba'it - has always been abhorrent.
5. Jews are indigenous to the land of Israel, and always have been.
6. Zionism is a natural result of 2000 years of praying to return to Israel, actually
7. Antizionism is, extremely often, especially when espoused by non Jews but not exclusively, and not excluding POC, antisemitic as fuck
8. Zionists are also allowed to defend themselves against antisemitism. I don't have to prove myself as being a "good Jew" in order to not be targeted
9. People who didn't even mention 7/10 but are talking about Gaza are fucking hypocrites. You don't get to choose which innocents are okay to kill
If you want to argue these facts, argue with the wall, or fucking block me.
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aludraslytherin · 4 months
If you support, condone, accept, defend Isreal in any shape or form, you are brainwashed, lacking several braincells, dead to me, inhuman, and disgusting.
If you support, condone, accept, defend Isreal in any shape or form, block me, unfollow me, don't interact with me, I don't want to hear it, you are just wrong, you are in the wrong side of history, and NO it is not because I am "aNtiSeMiTiC", I am just a human with basic empathy and the right sense of justice.
I am antizionist, not antisemitic.
How heartless do you have to be to think that bombing, killing, murdering, raping, burning, starving people, chilrdren, babies, women, men, is okay? How can you accept the excuse of "it wasn't on purpose"???
You all got soooo worked up about a fake news of Israli babies being decapetated, but when a Palestinian father is running away from a bombing with his HEADLESS BABY???? You don't think for one second????
And how DARE YOU blocking humanitarian aid?
I sincerly hope you will be haunted by this your entire life.
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my-unorthodox-life · 10 days
okay can i vent for a minute? get real personal with all y'all?
i've been a tumblr user since i got my first tablet at age 12, over a decade of having at least one active blog (usually more) so it's safe to say i've both gotten my fair share of hate and found ways of using this app to benefit me and keep me detached from this hate
currently i have 4 active blogs, my main where i do the typical reblogging and updates on my fanfics, this one where i post like a proper blog and reblog jewish things that matter to me, my mental health recovery blog where i talk about my eating disorder and ptsd, and my adult one where i reblog fun sexy stuff and chat about the struggles of dating as sex positive people with trauma.
all very important to me and all have various levels of anonymity when it comes to knowing about me as a person. some have my name, some a nickname, one just my age. plus various tidbits so people know what to expect from my posts and what we can chat about, basic blog rules essentially
in the past few months as antisemitism has gotten more and more common place i of course get more anon hate, i don't turn of inboxes since i do get nice stuff from time to time, and that's kind of the territory of running a blog (i had a trans rights one in the age of kalvin garrah, i think i'll live)
out of those four blogs the one that gets the most antisemitic messages, i mean full paragraphs of truly vile ramblings that read like a nazi fever dream, is the one for my mental health recovery. a blog that i block all but mutuals on, meaning either a stranger or someone i've interacted with is sending these messages
i've started replying to them, cause i feel if they want to be mean and make a fool of themselves i might as well let everyone see (poor guy keeps sending me weird reviews of "my" wattpad fics. i've never had a wattpad account but this doesn't seem to stop him), but what gets me is that blog has the least personal information on it. no name or nickname, no hobbies or interests listed, nothing about what i do for work beyond "pet care", and the only mention of my religion or politics was one post that joking about how my mental health often gets worse around the high holy days (very demure, very mindful)
and yet that's the blog that gets straight up death threats, not even disguised as anything else, just straight up calling me a pig who deserves to burn. not the personal blog where i've posted about israel and palestine, or about dating while religious, or hell even this one that might as well be a "i'm a sensitive jewish minded person! thoughts?" blog.
no the one blog that people feel safe harassing is the nondescript recovery and relapse blog. that's where people feel comfortable.
and it makes me sad, not because of what was said, but because it *was* said. that there's people out there comfortable enough in their bigotry to go up to someone and spew vile hate like it's nothing, but only of course if they can't put a name or face to the person they're talking to
what this reminds me of is when i was in high school i had an art teacher who didn't stand for antisemitic jokes, and there were a lot in my school. one day a kid just asked him "Mr.Dexter, are you a jew?" and his response really stuck with me. he said "It doesn't matter, maybe I am, maybe I used to be, maybe my wife is. But you shouldn't not say mean things just because you don't want to get in trouble, you shouldn't say them because you know it's wrong. If you didn't know, you wouldn't ask."
and i think that really sums up all these trolls i've seen running through jewish blogs or even ones that casually mention it, they know it's wrong but the aren't saying it to a jewish face, they're just saying it to the idea of judaism
these people wouldn't walk up to you on the street and look you up and down and say half of what they feel comfortable typing, but here where they can not only hide their face, but seek out a target that has hidden their own they've found a way to give themselves free reign to say and do whatever they want. to them it's not a person on the other side of the screen, it's the strawman caricature of a jewish person, out here just for them to yell at to get whatever anger they have out of their system
of course there are some people who would say truly despicable things to a random person on the street, but cmon is that person really on tumblr hunting through buzz words to send hate?
anyways i know the compassionate thing to do would be to pray for them to heal what's hurting them so bad, but yanno what, they can suffer a bit first
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xclowniex · 2 months
About your last post,
I agree with you the hypocrisy in left spaces is so disgusting.
While the far right is disgustingly bad at least they honest about their hateful ways so I can stay away and not interact and block.
The far left will try to gaslight you into thinking that they don’t hate you but than spew and do the most antisemitic things and when you bring it up to them they try to band backwards to justify what they did and gaslight you again.
It’s the hypocrisy
The same thing with Taylor swift concert, the same people that cheered on the 2 music festivals massacres on Oct 7
(yes, we need to remember that while small there was another music festival the same time as The Nova and they were close to each other)
are now outraged about the fact that a terror organization tried to target them.
(Which I’m glad it didn’t, I’m glad it didn’t happened and the police captured them before their plan was set in motion. I’m not here to celebrate deaths I’m sick of violence)
I can’t stand the hypocrisy of it I’m so sick of it.
this is what Israelis and Jews means when they say that trying to globalize the intifada is a bad thing; that encouraging such violence acts is not good.
I’m sorry this is so messy I can’t seems to put my thoughts into words and it’s all came into jumbled mess.
nah its not messy ur alg.
yessss 100%. Its crazy how people are thinking that violence is the answer. I feel like a lot of people wanting to "globalize the intifada" just don't understand A) how killing people is bad full stop and B) it will harm a lot more people than they want.
Like what do these people think will happen? Are they only going to globalize the intifada against "zionist" institutions? Because if so I gurantee you and veeryone that synagouges will be targeted. If it's a general anti western civilisation thing, cool a lot of people are going to be royaly screwed over. Imagine all the people whose work will be disrupted, which means they might not be able to make rent, pay bill. buy food, buy medication that they need. How the wreckage will make shit inaccessable to disabled folk. How it is going to affect hospitals with a huge surge of patients.
And like, it could very well happen. You have a group of people calling themselves the Hinds Hall militants. Which is also weird because I thought these people were anti military and then are now trying to create their own military, which is again, leftist hypocracy.
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spacelazarwolf · 1 year
I thought that I noticed some hypocrisy and contradiction in your posts but I'm not sure so i would appreciate it if you can clarify things for me bc I don't want to assume the worst. I'm just confused
So basically I feel like you are overly harsh on Christians while being very permissive to (religious) Jews. You act like even progressive Christians are super problematic and not allowed to reblog your posts and wtv, but then you turn around and say that all religious Jews are valid and should be accepted, including conservative and orthodox branches (forgive my ignorance if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure those are the ones that are very conservative and bigoted). So basically what I'm trying to say is that you seem to put conservative Jews on a higher level than progressive Christians which doesn't make sense to me.
I understand that conservative Christian, progressive Christians and anyone raised Christian pretty much has antisemitism that they have to work through. (I'm an ex Christian goyim atheist and your blog has really made me reconstruct some things which im grateful for btw!) But at the same time, antisemitism is only one bad thing that you can be.
So like to summarize I feel like antisemitism from progressive Christians is enough to make you tell them to dni but other kinds of bigotry like homophobia, transphobia, sexism etc from conservative Jews doesn't stop you from saying their religious is totally fine and acceptable.
Again, this is not an accusation, but more of a question. (Even though I probably phrased it like an attack in sorry!) I don't really know if I analyzed the situation correctly and I would really just want to have a chill interaction with you instead of a heated argument. If you could please explain how exactly you view this issue i would very grateful but you are under no obligation! If you don't feel like explaining yourself to a complete stranger, you are free to just ignore this. Have a meaningful Yom Kippur!
(sorry for the rambling post lol)
i made the mistake of absentmindedly opening the tumblr app on my walk to synagogue and i did not think i could be surprised by gentile fuckery anymore but this has left me pretty speechless. the audacity to send this on yom kippur is. wow. i regret not locking my phone away for 25 hours because fucking YIKES. please come off anon so i can block you because i do not want you interacting with me or any of my content.
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