#KC will add some like salt and pepper
socksandbuttons · 6 months
Bestie you know me well enough- KISSES BLOODMOON RFHARHZGRGARH HEYYY
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Bean KC with a knife.
He's standing on a stool i promise.
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cvp1dsasha · 5 months
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hi feathers! here is a list of what i eat when i cr@ve high c@l food.
it worked until now and i haven't had any binges since i r31@ps3d!!
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-apples (~55 kc@ls /100g)
*what i usually do to make them tastier is that i cut them in reaaaaally small cubes, put them in a bowl, microwave for a minute and a half and that's it! you can even add vanilla extract or some 0kc@l sweetener if you have some, definitely top tier!!*
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-sugar free chewing gum (~2 kc@ls /piece)
*classic, but love love love it!! i always have some on me to go to school and... pretty much everywhere! they supress hung3r and keep me grounded and focused (because of my mental disorders) so yeah!*
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-black coffee (~2 kc@ls /100ml)
*not everyone may like it, but i personally do. it's an 4pp3t!t3 supressant, it works pretty well!*
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-carrots (41 kc@ls /100g)
*same here, not everyone pay like them, especially for their texture. but you can't mash them and make a purée (it's the french word but i think it's called the same in english...), you can cut them in sticks, in dices... and my favorite way : grated carrots !!!*
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-boiled eggs // without the yolk // (52 kc@ls /100g)
*i personally am severly afraid of egg yolks, and the white is super low c@l. a FULL medium sized egg is about 32g, so it's suuuuuper low c@l!!!*
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-lettuce (15 kc@ls /100g)
*OMG i LOVE LOVE LOVE LETTUCE!!! so low c@l, so f!ll1ng, nice texture and you can combine it with lots of low c@ls toppingsnas well! (ex : boiled egg whites yum)*
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-tea (~4 kc@ls /100ml)
*i've been obsessed with tea for a few years now... what can i even say about it? it changes from water, since only drink coffee, tea and water.... yeah.*
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-cucumbers (15 kc@ls /100g)
*i realllyyyyy like cucumbers. they're low c@l and very filling as well, plus i really like the texture of it. in a bowl, cut in small dices, it's perfect! you can even add a bit of salt and/or pepper with it.*
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thank you guys for reading this, i hope you have an amazing morning evening or night wherever you are !!
love from France <3
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missroserose · 4 years
coronavirus meme
Cross-posted from Dreamwidth.  Feel free to answer the questions yourself!  I’d love to hear how you’re doing, and what better time to make something go viral...?
1. Are you an essential worker? Nope.  I have Opinions on who is and isn't classified as essential and how much they're (not) being compensated for their risks, but ultimately there's not much I can do about that, other than tip generously when I do things like order delivery.  Regardless, massage is pretty low on the list of essential services, so I was laid off two weeks into quarantine. 2. How many drinks have you had since the quarantine started? Recently a friend asked what I'd been doing to cope, and the snarky-but-uncomfortably-truthful answer that immediately came to mind was "drinking".  So I'll let y'all draw your own conclusions. 3. If you have kids, are they driving you nuts? No kids.   4. What new hobby have you taken up during this? Other than curling in an anxiety ball and constantly refreshing news and social media?  Um.  Well, I saw a post on Pillowfort about a local papercrafting store that was doing $50 grab bag orders where they'd stuff a box full of supplies and send them to you.  Figuring now might not be a bad time to get back into papercrafting, I went ahead and ordered one; it came with a rather nice A5-size planner and a number of stickers/inserts/what have you.  I've started browsing through the Instagram planner community and am working on a plan (hah!) to start my own account/YouTube channel...I figure, since creative work is all I can really do right now and my biggest trouble with consistently finishing creative work is the lack of structure, maybe this'll help me get my butt in gear?  Or it'll become another project that disappears off the radar.  But hey, at least it'll give me something to focus on in the interim. I'm pinkpunkplanner on Instagram, if anyone wants to follow along. I've also been cooking more.  It's never been my favorite hobby but it's become weirdly calming. 5. How many grocery runs have you done? Two.  So far we've stuck entirely to Trader Joe's, since that's where our cat food comes from and we've been able to get everything else we need there.  I suspect a Costco trip is upcoming, however. 6. What are you spending your stimulus check on? Already dumped it onto our credit card, where it nicely made up for my lost income this month.  We'll see if the Illinois unemployment office ever gets back to me about my claim. 7. Do you have any special occasions that you will miss during this quarantine? Nothing that immediately comes to mind, so long as my family all stays healthy.  I'm going to be rather upset if my mother or grandmother fall sick, though, given that I skipped visiting Alaska last year for financial/time reasons and indeed had plans to visit in April but...well. 8. Are you keeping your housework done? Ish? Enough to be functional, nowhere near what my mother would approve of. 9. What movie have you watched during this quarantine? Several, in fact.  I saw The Birdcage and Her for the first time, both of which I suspect are going to become favorites.  Jojo Rabbit I was slightly disappointed by; it was cute but didn't feel quite as narratively coherent as some of Waititi's other work.  The new version of Emma was absolutely sumptuous.  Brian and KC suggested your name. one night, which was stunningly beautiful.  I've watched both Ladyhawke and Portrait of a Lady on Fire with friends via voice chat; the former is a perennial favorite and the latter also beautiful in a very minimalist way.  Probably some others I've forgotten. 10. What are you streaming with? iTunes, Netflix, and Hulu, possibly with a little Amazon Prime and Crunchyroll mixed in. 11. 9 months from now is there any chance of you having a baby? A miniscule one, I suppose. 12. What's your go-to quarantine meal? I've made this roasted-root-vegetables-and-chickpeas dish a few times.  If you don't have a NYT subscription, it's really simple:  Take a pound and a half of root vegetables (I use sweet potatoes and carrots), chop into pieces of roughly equal thickness, pour onto a sheet pan, season with salt, pepper, thyme if you have it, add enough olive oil to coat generously.  Stir together.  Roast for 30 minutes at 350.  While they roast, open a can of chickpeas, drain and rinse, toss with olive oil and whatever spice mixture that you've had sitting in the back of the cupboard intending to use (I have an Indian-flavored one that's been excellent).  Add to the pan with the vegetables, give everything a stir, raise oven temperature to 425 and roast another 15 minutes.  Mix together some yogurt (2/3 cup seems about right), salt, fresh garlic, and any seasonings you feel like adding; when the vegetables come out, serve them in dishes with yogurt sauce dolloped on top.  Delicious, warm, filling, and reasonably healthy. 13. Is this whole situation making you paranoid? The problem with not knowing the extent of the threat is that we can't really know the line where anxiety becomes paranoia.  This may be directly contributing to my current mental health state. 14. Has your internet gone out on you during this time? No, thankfully.  RCN's been sending out regular updates about the upgrades they've been implementing, and I've seen solid evidence (trucks with workers, improved physical infrastructure) that this is the case.  One building down the street from us has two junction boxes, one labeled "RCN" and the other "Comcast".  The RCN one is neatly wired with everything aligned and secured and all superfluous cabling removed.  The Comcast one...well, I'll let Adam speak for me on that one. 15. What month do you predict this all ends? See above re: uncertainty.  One of the things giving me anxiety is the sheer fucking hubris of the people in power making noises about "acceptable losses" in reopening the economy before we have anything like a robust testing/contact tracing/protection system in place.  Does the economy exist to serve humanity, or do humans exist to be ground up in the machine of economic progress?  I suspect we're quickly learning where the bulk of the USA lands on that spectrum. 16. First thing you’re gonna do when you get off quarantine? It probably says a lot about my current mental state that I can't really picture it.  But "make arrangements to go visit my family" is likely high on the list.  "Spend some quality time with my boyfriend" is also up there, assuming we're still together. 17. Where do you wish you were right now? Somewhere in 2021 or 2022, so I could get the uncertainty out of the way, take stock of the situation, begin the grieving process, and work on putting my new life together. 18. What free-from-quarantine activity are you missing the most? Looking at other people as potential friends and loved ones instead of potential vectors. 19. Have you run out of toilet paper and hand sanitizer? Funny story—I signed up for a subscription about a year and a half ago from Who Gives A Crap, and in order to get the best price I just got the largest (48-roll) box and, when they email me about the next installment, I delay until we need it.  So our latest box came in...at the start of March. As for hand sanitizer, I barely use it (I prefer hand washing, it's less drying if you have good soap), so the stuff we have will probably last for months. 20. Do you have enough food to last a month? Probably, although the cats would be pretty skinny.
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Well if I had clogged sinuses, I don’t have them anymore. My sister and nephew bought me a propane tank today. This may not sound terribly impressive for a quarantine gift but trust me I’m headed somewhere delicious with it.
We had three packages of boneless pork chops sitting in the fridge thawing out since yesterday, so I took two plastic bowls and raided the spice cabinet. Lowery’s seasoning salt, crushed red pepper, parsley flakes minced onion, garlic powder, dried basil leaves, and just a dash of southwest chipotle seasoning. Mixed all of those together into one of the bowls
Then I took a bottle of KC Masterpiece Barbecue Sauce, a bottle of honey, a tablespoon of chipotle mayo, couple dashes of worchestershire sauce and a couple dashes of soy sauce, and gently whisked them together over a medium heat.
Stay with me on this because I’m about to make some mouthwatering magic here. I went out and fired up my new grill with my new propane tank, (it’s a large dual fuel grill, the left side is propane, the right side is charcoal) then I came back inside and opened up all three packages of chops. I proceeded to dry rub my seasoning blend all over each side of each and every chop so that they would, when grilled provide a beautiful crust and really add to the flavor.
So I sear each side of the chops, to seal in the moisture, then I take my little brush and begin to apply a lovely glaze to the seared chops of the honey barbecue sauce I whisked up. Turn and repeat, etc.
When I pulled them off the grill, and took them inside, they smelled heavenly. Each bite was juicy and exploded with flavor, the honey barbecue glaze gave you sweet and tangy flavor and then... creeping up on your tastebuds like DDP with the Diamond Cutter, our of nowhere. There comes the heat of the spices. It wasn’t a slap you in the face spicy, it was a quiet slowly making its presence known before you fully realize it’s even there.
Mmm damn that was tasty if I do say so myself.
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whereisfootball · 7 years
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2018 MLS Kit Branding Reimagined
The 2018 Major League Soccer season is nearly underway. It’s been a long offseason and we’re hyped to have it back.
Our friends Tap In have a lot of new, exciting MLS content coming this year on their guide, and in celebration of that, we decided to partner on a fun little project.
In a bid to add a little more personality to what is largely bland, impersonal sponsorship real estate on each kit, we reimagined every team’s jersey with something new in the middle of it. Some of these are local companies, others are prospective partners who have some fun link to the team, and others will probably just be arcane jokes that won’t land.
Nevertheless, we thought this was a fun way to bring a few of our favorite things together: Friendship, Photoshop & American soccer.
Please enjoy.
Atlanta United — Waffle House
An iconic southern restaurant with its roots in Atlanta, Waffle House is open 24/7, 365—and it’s the best. As Waffle House FC will tell you, this is a perfect sponsor for a team that’s tasty on and off the pitch. Their supporters never waver, refusing to shut off for even a single second when they pack the Mercedes-Benz Stadium. They aren’t afraid to do things their own way—which, yes, can sometimes get a bit messy ... but most of the time it’s spot on.
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Chicago Fire — Portillo’s
Sorry, it’s important we let you know now that this is probably going to be a food-heavy list as we’re rather fond of eating.
Portillo’s is a Chicago institution known for its hot dogs, Italian beef sandwiches, and an extremely healthy, 100% good for any diet cheese sauce.
While the Fire aren’t yet a Chicago institution themselves, we hope one day pictures of Bob Bradley, Hristo Stoichkov & Ante Razov will line the walls of a Portillo’s near you.
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Colorado Rapids — Coors
The beer with mountains on the can that turn from white to blue when it’s cold enough to drink...
The beer that you knew and loved so well from ages 21-24...
The beer brewed with spring water from the very same Rocky range you can spot from the Colorado Rapids’ 18,000-seat soccer specific stadium...
Headquartered in Golden, Colorado and responsible for some of the best nights of your life, we give you Coors on a Rapids jersey...
“Like if Chelsea’s 1994 kit did a gap year in America.”
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Columbus Crew — Wendy’s
As the red-headed stepchild of MLS, this one kind of feels right. And the disappearance of the club would be just as sad as when Wendy’s (founded in Columbus) got rid of their spicy chicken nuggets.
(Note: The actual kit is pretty great and it’s honestly insulting that we did anything to it. We’re sorry.)
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DC United — Geico
The Chevy Chase, Maryland-based Geico gecko had some good years there. We all liked him for a while. It was a good bit. But it got stale right around the time Freddy Adu left town. Since then, DC United and the gecko have struggled mightily to find consistent form. Here’s hoping they both find success this year from a new approach.
(And, hey, while we’re here: All the best to you, Freddy.)
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FC Dallas — Dr. Pepper
Everyone’s second team, Dr. Pepper, is a lifestyle in Texas. A Lone Star State-staple that pulls a talented 23-flavor squad from all-over—here’s to you Waco and Dublin— Dr. Pepper is an underrated, over-performing outfit with immense local significance … just like their imagined partner in Dallas.
A lot more to be proud of than their trophy cabinet will tell you.
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Houston Dynamo — Swishahouse
As Mike Jones, noted soccer superfan, Swishahouse OG, and Everyone’s Favorite Rapper from 2005, once said:
Let ‘em know: Houston Dynamo.
Good enough for us.
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LA Galaxy — SpaceX
Space. Galaxy. You get it.
Headquartered a stone’s throw from the LA Galaxy’s stadium in Carson is SpaceX, Elon Musk’s influential private “outer space things” company as it’s scientifically known.
Much like MLS’s most famous and successful franchise, SpaceX is a trailblazer famous for its glamour and willingness to break the mold. This isn’t to say it’s always smooth sailing—for either—but at the end of the day they’re both respected for their vision and performance.
This crossover is too perfect and it’s something that we’ve seen terrific mockups of in the past (though we wish we knew who to credit!). Also worth a shout is this awesome piece from LA Galaxy Confidential, which mentions Tesla as a fun potential partner. 
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LAFC — The Boring Company
If the Galaxy is SpaceX, LAFC is The Boring Company.
Elon Musk’s newest endeavor is going to revolutionize Los Angeles by … making tunnels for cars? Oh, and by creating giant vehicles that can travel those tunnels and move lots of people at once … like a train. Hmm. The Boring Company seems like a well-backed but ordinary idea that lacks direction and distinction, with a lot of hype for reasons no one can really explain.
To be blunt, we haven’t really seen much to this point.
The Galaxy have sent a Tesla up into space and revolutionized how we build rockets... but LAFC have so far just made a bunch of flamethrowers and sold out their entire stock. So, we’ll see.
For now, all we’re really sure about is how much better their kit would have looked if they hadn’t put their sponsor in red.
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Minnesota United — Prince. Duh.
You can have a Dirty Mind or even be a little Delirious, but you’ll still end up right back here with no Controversy. You can wear it in a Little Red Corvette, in a Purple Rain, When Doves Cry or even put it on Bambi. With this kit, you’ll be a Sexy MF.
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Montreal Impact — Cirque du Soleil
What’s wilder than benching Didier Drogba because you’re better without him? One person doing acrobatics on the head of another person while a third person flies through the air holding fire. In French.
Born and headquartered in Quebec, Cirque du Soleil is now the largest theatrical producer in the world. The Impact aren’t even the kings of Canada yet, let alone MLS, but this could be the year they flip their way to the top. Holding fire. In French.
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New England Revolution — Sperry’s
Put those Sperry’s on to look the part and take your dad’s boat out on the water. You’ll be as close to Boston as Gillette Stadium and the deck of your boat will probably be as soft as the turf too.
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NYCFC — Sbarro.
The Michael-Scott-approved best pizza in New York. The only logical choice.
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Sorry, sorry. We’re kidding. Don’t go to Sbarro.
...Let’s try that again...
NYCFC — WeWork.
Much like City Football Group, WeWork is trying to change a model.
For CFG, it’s football clubs. For WeWork, it’s the office space game. WeWork started in New York, born out of an inability to find affordable and available office space in the city—a problem NYCFC knows rather well—and now has an operation that spans across the globe.
Like CFG, it might not be your cup of tea, but it certainly works for a lot of people in NYC and has offered plenty of enterprising young professionals a place to grind. #JackHarrison
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New York Red Bulls — Become the MetroStars again.
#Metros4Ever. That is all.
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Orlando City — Publix
This one is a no-brainer.
Publix is an employee-owned supermarket chain that serves up some truly delicious food and has fans almost as fanatical as those found on The Wall in Orlando.
Floridians are vocally, passionately, sometimes a bit frighteningly #TeamPublix—and the same can be true for the way purple-clad City supporters get behind their squad.
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Philadelphia Union — Wawa
If you know, you know. In their words:
“Wawa is your all day, every day stop for fresh, built-to-order foods, beverages, coffee, fuel services, and surcharge-free ATMs. The stores offer a large fresh food service selection, including Wawa brands such as built-to-order hoagies, freshly brewed coffee, hot breakfast sandwiches, built-to-order specialty beverages, and an assortment of soups, sides and snacks.”
Wawa 4 ever. #SheetzOUT
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Portland Timbers — Powell’s
Powell’s City of Books is (supposedly) the largest independent new and used bookstore in the world. It is ginormous and fantastic and you should go if you’re ever in Portland.
We don’t know of any football clubs sponsored by book stores, but if there was ever going to be one, it would play in the Rose City.
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Real Salt Lake — High West
Tucked away in a state known primarily for its gorgeous vistas and as the home of the Mormon religion is a really wonderful distillery that will knock your socks off. It also comes with that beautiful mountain view, not unlike Rio Tinto Stadium.
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San Jose Earthquakes — Yahoo!
Nothing says cool like needing an exclamation point at the end of your name. Kind of like building a brand new stadium and needing to tell people that you have a really long bar.
As the kit sponsor of the Quakes during their two title runs, we think it’s time for Yahoo! to make a return. (Not sure anyone will use it, though.)
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Seattle Sounders — Starbucks
Sorry, we’re those guys. Seattle gave the world Starbucks and we needed to see what that logo would look like on these new kits. 
Plus, much like Starbucks invented coffee, the Sounders invented American soccer.
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Sporting Kansas City — Hallmark
A proudly Kansas City company that is all about good vibes, with extensive Wizard of Oz involvement over the years.
That sounds a lot like Sporting KC to us—a team that needed a rough start in order to find its way. Much the same, Hallmark probably would have never become what it is today without extensive setbacks in its early years.
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Toronto FC — Tim Hortons
Timbits and trophies: That’s what Toronto does. Nowadays, anyway.
We only had three Canadian teams to give the Tim Hortons love to, so we figured the toast of MLS deserves the world’s most lovely quick-service cafe and bake shop.
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Vancouver Whitecaps — Lululemon
Set on the water, with an amazing mountain view, you couldn’t say a bad word about how great Vancouver looks. It’s straight-up cool. And local company Lululemon makes activewear that looks similarly awesome. We are officially here for MLS yoga wear.
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This post was a collaboration between Where Is Football and Tap In Guide. Check out their stuff—it’s awesome.
A special thanks to Tap In’s graphic designer Mike Arney for helping bring our ideas to life, and to our buddy Ryan Rosenblatt for developing those ideas with us.
As always, you can follow us on Instagram @whereisfootball.
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erickanobble · 4 years
Recipes to try while social distancing
Feeling stir-crazy at home? Now is the perfect time to try out some new recipes. If you’re tired of making the same old mac n’ cheese, here’s some tried-and-true recipes that can help you shake up your meals and make your stomach (and heart) happy.
If you want comfort food and amazing leftovers…
My mom created this recipe when I was in high school, and it has been a staple in my recipe book ever since. It is 9×13 inches of delicious, and (although not the healthiest), it is fool-proof and reheats in the microwave beautifully.
BBQ Potato Casserole
1-lb. ground beef
Your favorite BBQ sauce (I like KC Masterpiece)
2-lb. package frozen shredded hashbrown potatoes
1/2 c. melted butter
1 can of cream of chicken soup
8 oz. sour cream
2 c. shredded sharp cheddar cheese
Garlic powder
Nature’s Seasoning
Plain potato chips (I like to use Ruffles)
1.  Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
2.  Brown the ground beef and drain grease; place in a 9×13 pan.
3.  Add BBQ sauce and mix until meat is covered (I use about ¾ an 18 oz. jar of sauce). Spread out mixture to cover bottom of the pan.
5.  In a large bowl, put in hashbrowns (make sure you break them up to make stirring easier), melted butter, soup, sour cream and cheddar cheese, then mix well.
6.  Add 1 tsp. Nature’s Seasoning (½ tsp. of salt and ½ tsp. of pepper) and ½ tsp. of garlic powder, then stir.
7.  Place potato mixture on top of BBQ meat.
8.  Crush up potato chips into small pieces and cover the top of the potatoes. (If I know I am making this for myself and want lots of leftovers, sometimes I will skip this step. The chips add a good crunch, but they don’t reheat as well as the rest of the casserole.)
9.  Bake for 35-40 minutes, until bubbly and edges are brown.
If you’re looking for something a little healthier but still quick and easy…
A little twist on a sloppy joe! If you like sweet potatoes, my roommate dices and bakes sweet potatoes until they’re almost crunchy. If you’re like me and don’t care for sweet potatoes, feel free to basically put the topping on anything (bonus points if it’s a veggie!) Try this healthy sloppy joe recipe from the Real Food with Jessica blog.
If you’re looking for something sweet that isn’t candy…
Supposedly this was passed down from my dad’s college roommate’s cousin’s grandma (or something like that), but it’s my favorite dessert in the world. Basically a marriage of pie and brownie that is easy-to-make but turns out every time. Thank me later.
Fudge Pie
2 squares (1 oz. each) unsweetened chocolate
½ c. butter or margarine
2 eggs, well-beaten
1 c. sugar
¼ c. all-purpose flour
½ tsp. vanilla extract
1 pie crust (I use refrigerated Pillsbury crust (shhh), but use your favorite kind/recipe.)
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Place pie crust into an 8-inch pie shell.
Melt chocolate and butter together in a saucepan.
In a medium bowl, combine eggs, sugar and flour, then add chocolate mixture and vanilla extract.
Pour mixture into pie shell and bake for 20-25 minutes. Check the middle with a toothpick; it should remove clean.
Serve with vanilla ice cream, or if you’re feeling really adventurous, I like to beat together 1 c. heavy whipping cream, 2 tbsp. powdered sugar and 1 tsp. of vanilla, and make my own whipped cream!
And last (but not least) if you’re looking for a challenge…
This recipe is the definition of a labor of love, but, man, is it worth it. If you’re a seafood-lover, I like to add shrimp and/or crawfish to the original recipe. It makes enough to feed an army, but the leftovers reheat on the stove. Serve over rice…yum. Try Emeril Lagasse’s Gumbo YaYa.
I hope you found something new to try! Social distancing is hard. For me, one “bright side” I’ve found is that quarantine has given me the time to cook some of the recipes I don’t have time to make otherwise. I encourage you to take this time to enjoy the hobbies (food-related or not) that often get overshadowed by dental school. Happy cooking!
~Brianne Schmiegelow, Missouri-Kansas City ’21, ASDA Contributing Editor
from Dental https://www.asdablog.com/recipes-to-try-while-social-distancing/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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rickymanguson · 4 years
Recipes to try while social distancing
Feeling stir-crazy at home? Now is the perfect time to try out some new recipes. If you’re tired of making the same old mac n’ cheese, here’s some tried-and-true recipes that can help you shake up your meals and make your stomach (and heart) happy.
If you want comfort food and amazing leftovers…
My mom created this recipe when I was in high school, and it has been a staple in my recipe book ever since. It is 9×13 inches of delicious, and (although not the healthiest), it is fool-proof and reheats in the microwave beautifully.
BBQ Potato Casserole
1-lb. ground beef
Your favorite BBQ sauce (I like KC Masterpiece)
2-lb. package frozen shredded hashbrown potatoes
1/2 c. melted butter
1 can of cream of chicken soup
8 oz. sour cream
2 c. shredded sharp cheddar cheese
Garlic powder
Nature’s Seasoning
Plain potato chips (I like to use Ruffles)
1.  Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
2.  Brown the ground beef and drain grease; place in a 9×13 pan.
3.  Add BBQ sauce and mix until meat is covered (I use about ¾ an 18 oz. jar of sauce). Spread out mixture to cover bottom of the pan.
5.  In a large bowl, put in hashbrowns (make sure you break them up to make stirring easier), melted butter, soup, sour cream and cheddar cheese, then mix well.
6.  Add 1 tsp. Nature’s Seasoning (½ tsp. of salt and ½ tsp. of pepper) and ½ tsp. of garlic powder, then stir.
7.  Place potato mixture on top of BBQ meat.
8.  Crush up potato chips into small pieces and cover the top of the potatoes. (If I know I am making this for myself and want lots of leftovers, sometimes I will skip this step. The chips add a good crunch, but they don’t reheat as well as the rest of the casserole.)
9.  Bake for 35-40 minutes, until bubbly and edges are brown.
If you’re looking for something a little healthier but still quick and easy…
A little twist on a sloppy joe! If you like sweet potatoes, my roommate dices and bakes sweet potatoes until they’re almost crunchy. If you’re like me and don’t care for sweet potatoes, feel free to basically put the topping on anything (bonus points if it’s a veggie!) Try this healthy sloppy joe recipe from the Real Food with Jessica blog.
If you’re looking for something sweet that isn’t candy…
Supposedly this was passed down from my dad’s college roommate’s cousin’s grandma (or something like that), but it’s my favorite dessert in the world. Basically a marriage of pie and brownie that is easy-to-make but turns out every time. Thank me later.
Fudge Pie
2 squares (1 oz. each) unsweetened chocolate
½ c. butter or margarine
2 eggs, well-beaten
1 c. sugar
¼ c. all-purpose flour
½ tsp. vanilla extract
1 pie crust (I use refrigerated Pillsbury crust (shhh), but use your favorite kind/recipe.)
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Place pie crust into an 8-inch pie shell.
Melt chocolate and butter together in a saucepan.
In a medium bowl, combine eggs, sugar and flour, then add chocolate mixture and vanilla extract.
Pour mixture into pie shell and bake for 20-25 minutes. Check the middle with a toothpick; it should remove clean.
Serve with vanilla ice cream, or if you’re feeling really adventurous, I like to beat together 1 c. heavy whipping cream, 2 tbsp. powdered sugar and 1 tsp. of vanilla, and make my own whipped cream!
And last (but not least) if you’re looking for a challenge…
This recipe is the definition of a labor of love, but, man, is it worth it. If you’re a seafood-lover, I like to add shrimp and/or crawfish to the original recipe. It makes enough to feed an army, but the leftovers reheat on the stove. Serve over rice…yum. Try Emeril Lagasse’s Gumbo YaYa.
I hope you found something new to try! Social distancing is hard. For me, one “bright side” I’ve found is that quarantine has given me the time to cook some of the recipes I don’t have time to make otherwise. I encourage you to take this time to enjoy the hobbies (food-related or not) that often get overshadowed by dental school. Happy cooking!
~Brianne Schmiegelow, Missouri-Kansas City ’21, ASDA Contributing Editor
from Dental Tips https://www.asdablog.com/recipes-to-try-while-social-distancing/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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Steak tacos with salsa verde
For the salsa verde
6 tomatillos, husks peeled
4 garlic cloves, smashed
2 jalapeno chili’s, chunked
½ yellow onion, coarsely chopped
1/2 cup water
1 tablespoon kosher salt
1/2 large bunch of cilantro, stems and leaves coarsely chopped
For the steak
1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
1 teaspoon kosher salt
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
8 limes, halved
2 pounds KC Strip or Skirt steak, 3/4 to 1 inch thick
For the tacos
16 corn tortillas, heated in the skillet or microwave
Diced white onion
Chopped fresh cilantro leaves
For the salsa verde: in a medium sauce pot, bring the water to a boil and add the tomatillos, onion, garlic, and jalapenos all at once. Cook till vegetables are soft, 3-5 minutes.
Put the cooked vegetables in the blender with water, and salt and blend until smooth. Add the cilantro and blend again.
For the steak: Combine the seasonings in a small bowl. Squeeze the limes over the meat evenly, using all their juices. Then rub the lime halves over the meat to get the pulp over it. Sprinkle the seasoning mix over both sides.
Heat a grill to medium-high. Grill the steak to your liking; we like it medium-well. Remove, let rest 5 minutes, and then slice it across the grain in angled strips. Using 2 tortillas per taco, pile in some meat, onion, and cilantro and top with salsa verde.
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from FOX 4 Kansas City WDAF-TV | News, Weather, Sports https://fox4kc.com/2019/10/11/steak-tacos-with-salsa-verde/
from Kansas City Happenings https://kansascityhappenings.wordpress.com/2019/10/11/steak-tacos-with-salsa-verde/
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Looking To Eat Healthy? We Asked 12 Dietitians To Tell Us What They Eat For Lunch
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Food & Recipes if you're looking for healthy lunch ideas, these nutritionists have got you covered. Make It Better 2018-06-22 Packing a healthy and well-balanced lunch can help you avoid those notorious afternoon energy slumps. But it’s easy to fall into a lunch-time rut with the same boring salads or sandwiches on regular rotation. For some inspiration, we turned to registered dietitians to find out exactly what they eat for lunch. These 12 lunches pack a serious nutritional punch — add them to your rotation and say goodbye to boring, unhealthy lunches forever. Bonus: You’ll find yourself not only feeling better but also logging far more productive afternoons!
1. Chickpea Salad Wraps
Chickpea salad wraps packed with plant-based protein and fiber are a go-to lunch for The Nutrition Twins Lyssie Lakatos, RDN, CDN, CFT and TammyLakatos Shames, RDN, CDN, CFT, authors of “The Nutrition Twins’ Veggie Cure.” Like all pulses, chickpeas have been shown to regulate blood sugar and insulin, reduce belly fat, and rev your metabolism so you burn more calories, the pair explains. The collards and spinach are loaded with phytonutrients, vitamins A and C, and calcium. The Nutrition Twins say they enjoy 1 1/2 servings for only 330 calories, but 18 grams of protein and 16 grams of fiber. They’ll also add in a serving of Greek yogurt and a few berries to boost the protein and antioxidants in their meals even more. How to make it: Get the recipe here.
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Nutrition Twins
2. Shrimp Scampi With Zucchini Noodles
Swapping out starchy noodles for zucchini ribbons (aka zoodles!) can help you avoid a blood sugar spike-and-crash caused by carb-heavy foods, explains Catherine Metzgar, Ph.D and R.D. on the clinical team at Virta Health, a type 2 diabetes reversal clinic. “Zoodles take on the flavor of whatever sauce you choose to make,” says Metzgar, who is an expert in nutritional biochemistry based out of San Francisco. The veggies provide fiber and important nutrients like magnesium, potassium, and vitamin C. “The lean protein from the shrimp also helps me meet one of my seafood servings for the week,” she says. “Fat is also a key ingredient here — it helps keep me full, so I won’t need an afternoon snack.” How to make it: Metzgar uses a simple sauce of olive oil, salt, pepper, and parmesan cheese for the meal’s base. She says she either grills or sautes the shrimp in garlic and butter before finishing it with a squeeze of lemon. Her lunch is leftovers from the night before, so she’s added a bit of butter before re-heating. Her pro tip: Finish with some red pepper flakes and another squeeze of lemon.
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Courtesy Catherine Metzgar
3. Tuna Avocado Lettuce Wraps
Skip the bread or tortilla and use fresh greens like Boston lettuce wraps as the vessel to hold your wrap together, suggests Meghan Sedivy, R.D. with Fresh Thyme Farmers Market in Downers Grove, Illinois. “The avocado makes a great swap for a traditional tuna salad by incorporating healthy fat and adds veggies with diced pepper, onion, and celery,” Sedivy says. The tuna, she explains, acts as a great lunch-time protein to keep you full all afternoon long. For a heartier lunch, pair the wraps with quinoa or a sweet potato. How to make it: The recipe serves four and can be made in 15 minutes. Ingredients: 2 (5 ounce) cans albacore tuna in water, drained and chopped 1 avocado, peeled, seeded, and chopped 1/2 cup chopped red bell pepper 1⁄4 medium red onion, thinly sliced 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice 1 teaspoon minced garlic 1/2 teaspoon freshly cracked black pepper 4 butterhead lettuce leaves Directions: 1. In a large bowl, combine tuna, avocado, bell pepper, onion, lemon juice, garlic, and black pepper. 2. Spoon mixture into lettuce leaves and wrap.
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Courtesy Meghan Sedivy
4. Avocado Sea Toast
Avocado toast isn’t just for breakfast, says Kerry Clifford, R.D., also with Fresh Thyme Farmers Market in Downers Grove. This open-face sandwich includes avocado, smoked salmon, and a sprinkle of dill on top of a slice of sourdough bread. “This lunch is a great source of protein and healthy fat to keep you full and energized throughout a busy day,” she says. “The toast combinations are endless, so get creative.” The recipe serves four and can be made in 15 minutes. (Hint, hint: Bring some for your co-workers and be the office hero). Of course, if your break room doesn’t have a toaster, you can eat this as an open-faced sandwich or save it for a Saturday lunch. How to make it: Ingredients: 4 (1/2-inch-thick) slices sourdough bread 2 ripe avocados, seeded and peeled 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice 1/8 teaspoon Fresh Thyme fine sea salt 1/8 teaspoon freshly cracked black pepper 4 ounces sliced smoked salmon 2 seaweed crisps, coarsely crumbled 1 tablespoon chopped fresh dill Directions: 1. Toast bread in toaster. 2. In a small bowl, mash avocados, lemon juice, salt, and pepper with a fork. 3. Spread avocado mixture on toasts. 4. Top with slices of smoked salmon and seaweed crumbles, and sprinkle with dill.
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Courtesy Kerry Clifford
5. Stir-Fried Rice With Shrimp
Julie Upton, M.S., R.D. and co-founder of Appetite for Health, says she usually takes dinner leftovers and turns them into healthy lunches without following the script of a recipe. One of her favorites is an Instant Pot veggie stir-fried rice with shrimp that she tosses together. “I have a cup of fresh fruit, water, and, because this lunch is right after a workout, I’m also eating a Rachel Pauls Foods Happy Bar, which is made to be easy on your GI tract,” Upton says. She says her lunch registers at about 450 calories and provides fruit, produce, lean protein, and plenty of fiber to keep her satisfied. For those who prefer following a recipe, check out this spicy shrimp fried rice dish from Skinnytaste for inspiration.
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Courtesy Julie Upton
6. High-Fiber Salad
This high-fiber salad spiked with grains and courtesy of Lisa Bruno, a New Jersey-based registered dietitian, is far from boring. “It combines the best of everything — greens, lean plant-based protein, plus a grain, which makes the plant-based protein complete and adds fiber,” she says. Plus, a salad allows you to eat mindfully. “You cannot shovel it down, like you can a sandwich,” Bruno says. “It helps to keep you aware and connected to your meal.” How to make it: Combine the following ingredients 2 to 3 cups baby spinach 1/2 cup chopped cabbage 1/4 cup lentils 1/4 cup brown rice or farro 1/2 chopped cucumber 8 baby tomatoes 1/2 of EVOO Juce of half of a fresh squeezed lemon Balsamic vinegar to taste
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Courtesy Lisa Bruno
7. Rainbow Salad
Taste the rainbow with this bright and flavorful salad courtesy of Rebecca Elbaum, a registered dietitian in New York City. “I love a big salad with all food groups for lunch,” she says. “I especially focus on grains and protein; this combination helps to keep me full for the rest of the work day.” How to make it: Elbaum starts with a base of kale or spinach and then add any vegetables. Next, she adds beans, tofu, chicken, or fish, and a grain like quinoa, brown rice, or sweet potato. She tops off the salad with a healthy fat like avocado or nuts.
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Courtesy Rebecca Elbaum
8. Southwestern Black Bean and Quinoa Quiche Cups (and Chocolate, Too!)
KC Wright, a New Hampshire-based R.D., bakes a batch of these protein-packed quiche cups on the weekend and stashes them in the refrigerator or freezer so she’s got a quick, go-to lunch throughout the week. “These cups are a triple pack of protein with the eggs, beans, and quinoa, which keeps me on task through my day,” she says. “And their savory, cheesy flavor is satiating.” She also adds sliced veggies and 1/4 cup or 1/3 cup of baba ganoush to her lunch. (She also preps the baba ganoush over the weekend). “The veggies have lots of crunch power and insoluble fiber while the eggplant dip is a great source of soluble fiber — both fibers are filling and boost intestinal health and reduce blood cholesterol respectively,” she says. She also likes to enjoy a cup of Siggi’s Icelandic yogurt; the Mixed Berry and Acai is her go-to flavor. The yogurt is a good source of calcium and vitamin D and contains more protein and less sugar than most yogurts, she says. “For dessert, I enjoy an ounce of good dark chocolate, minimum 70 percent cacao content,” Wright says. “Aside from providing some good antioxidants, it’s just good for my soul.” How to make it: Get the recipe here.
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Courtesy KC Wright
9. Salad With Chicken Sausage
Sharon Lehman, a registered dietitian based near Philadelphia, says her typical lunch is a large salad topped with a protein, like chicken sausage. Her favorite is from Trader Joe’s. “I focus on fiber and protein at each meal to keep me full longer,” she says. Also, since there’s a warm, cooked element with the sausage, she says she feels more satisfied and like she’s had a proper meal. She also treats herself to a piece of dark chocolate after lunch. How to make it: Start with a bed of spinach. Top the spinach with chopped cucumber, tomatoes, and add sautéed bell peppers, red onion, and sliced chicken sausage. “I drizzle my veggies with balsamic vinegar and extra virgin olive oil for an all natural salad dressing and a bit of heart-healthy fat from the olive oil,” Lehman says.
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Courtesy Sharon Lehman
10. Collard Wraps
Collard greens stuffed with protein and veggies wrapped up are an easy-to-make lunchtime hit for Chelsey Amer, M.S., RDN and virtual dietitian and creator of CitNutritionally.com. She stuffs the collard greens with whatever leftover protein she has on hand, which could be shrimp, tofu, or hummus and then loads it up with veggies. “This combo keeps me full, without weighing me down, plus it’s a great way to use up leftovers,” Amer says. How to make it: Find the recipe and inspiration here.
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11. Beauty Bowls
Never make a so-so salad again. Barbie Boules, Chicago-based registered dietitian, says she makes “Beauty Bowls” throughout the week. She sets aside time to meal prep healthy ingredients, separating them into containers with lids so she has a nice mix of carbs, proteins, and fats at her fingertips every day. “Healthy eating is all about variety,” Boules says. With her beauty bowl matrix, she provides a wide variety of suggestions across categories like fruits, veggies, starches, proteins, fats, and dressings so you can create an endless amount of bowl combinations. How to make it: Get Beauty Bowl inspiration here.
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12. Caprese Salad With An Egg
Gia Diakakis, R.D. — a pediatric dietitian with Chicago-based Feed to Succeed — gives her Caprese salad an extra punch of protein with a soft-boiled egg. “If you have the ingredients, it’s super fast and nutritious,” she says. “You have a combination of vegetables — yes, I know tomatoes are technically a fruit — calcium, healthy fats, and great protein.” How to make it: Ingredients: 1 sliced tomato 1 fresh mozzarella ball (about one cup), sliced About 7 fresh basil leaves Salt Olive oil Balsamic reduction glaze Directions: 1. Layer the tomato slices with basil leaves and a slice of fresh mozzarella. 2. Sprinkle salt. 3. Drizzle with olive oil and balsamic reduction glaze. 4. Place soft boiled egg on top.
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Courtesy Gia DiakakisWritten by Brittany Anas for Make It Better. More From Make It Better: Previous post The craziest sea creatures you won't believe are real Next post New Zealand's prime minister makes history by taking maternity leave Read the full article
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picturingjuj · 7 years
We're having a heat wave, a tropical heat wave...
Happy Solstice peeps! It's officially summer here in KC and man, oh, man, does it feel like it. I think Mother Nature must have been over excited because based on the heat and humidity we've been having she jumped in with both feet. The bad thing about being cooped up in the A/C is I've been spending a lot of time at the computer. The good thing about being cooped up in the A/C is I've been spending a lot of time at the computer, haha! Consequently tho, I have some fun stuff to share with you, including not one, but two free sets of wallpapers for desktop and mobile. So! Ready, set, here we go with 
1. EATING my weight in Ramen Salad. Have you ever tried it? It's flipping delicious! It's cold, and crunchy, and chewy, and sweet, and spicy - all the things you want in a summer salad. I've been making a version based on this recipe on the Lettuce Eat Veggies blog (cutest blog name ever) but with a few riffs to make it my own. I don't use agave nectar because it's basically HFC in disguise so I substitute maple, or honey, or date syrup (which is literally just dates you can pour and is awesome because it's full of vitamins and minerals) and I only use about half of the sweet her recipe calls for, maybe less. I also use half the oil because I hate when the oil overpowers the vinegar and I use grape seed oil which has a really nice neutral flavor and is rich in antioxidants. Then I add a clove of crushed garlic and a nice size nub of grated ginger. I skip the salt because I think the soy sauce (I use gluten free tamari) adds plenty, and the pepper but I do add a pinch of crushed red pepper flakes and a dash of sriracha. I don't bother measuring the veggies - I just throw things in a bowl until the ratios look right but if you're the kind of person who is more comfortable following a recipe I'm sure the amounts Jamie gives are perfect. I like to use broccoli slaw instead of cabbage because, hello! Yum! but seriously, any cruciferous veggie would work. I buy super tasty ramen noodles from Lotus Foods made from organic millet and brown rice (Target and Whole Foods both carry them) that toast up nicely and don't require any frustration over what to do with that useless spice package, and I top the whole thing with a generous amount of chopped cilantro. It is SO good. I've been eating it as a main dish (because who wants to cook when it's this hot? Ick!) but it would be great as a side for something off the grill and would make an awesome dish for a pot luck (Fourth of July picnic anyone?) And do please let me know if you try it. I'm curious to know if I'm the only one who is addicted.
2. SPINNING Purple Rain pretty much non-stop. If you're a Prince fan you may love this article over at Red Bull Music Academy Daily with Prince's engineer, collaborator, and confidante Susan Rogers as much as I do. Be sure to allow time to watch the embedded music videos along the way. And if you're a super fan be sure to check out this 2+ hour long lecture Rogers' gave in Montreal in 2016.
3. CRUSHING ON this quote by Danielle Evans: "As creatives, we can raise someone else's equity through our skills; this is a gift and a privilege. With a little research, harmonizing with another voice broadens our visual song." Spread the love peeps.
4. LISTENING TO episode 10 of the ICONOCLAST OF THINGS podcast: Breaking Rocks In The Hot Sun, Part 1. If you haven't heard the first nine episodes you owe it to yourself to get caught up.
5. MAKING free Rise and Shine wallpapers for desktop and mobile! 1024 x 768  1600 x 1200 1920 x 1200 MOBILE
6. MOURNING the loss of 10 pounds of frozen bananas when our electricity went out in a storm the other night. I feel grateful we didn't lose a whole lot more than that. Not sure what to keep and what to throw out if your fridge goes without power for an extended period of time? Here's a link to the guide from foodsaftey.gov. Not sure what to do with 10 pounds of frozen bananas? You can never go wrong with nice cream.
7. DREAMING of a trip to Joshua Tree to see Monument House. It reminds me of a Charles Sheeler painting, and I'd like to spend about a year photographing it in every kind of light. Any grant writers want to contribute to the cause?
8. INCESSANTLY GOOGLING piñata cartoons and LMAO. 
9. BINGE WATCHING season two of Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt. Ellie Kemper and Tituss Burgess are flipping hilarious.
And finally:
10. GIVING AWAY free I Heart Confetti wallpapers for desktop and mobile. 1024 x 768 1600 x 1200 1920 x 1200 MOBILE
That's it my lovelies. Hope you all are having a terrific week, and if not, maybe something here made it a little better. Until next time, Juj
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KC firefighter shows off cooking skills on the Food Network
KANSAS CITY, Mo. — A metro firefighter is heating things up in the kitchen. But it’s no longer just at home or his firehouse. He’s gone national!
FOX4’s Melissa Stern caught up with him and the other firefighters at Station 38 in Kansas City, Missouri, today.
“I love to eat, and everything revolves around food,” says Dung Pham, a firefighter with the Kansas City, Mo. Fire Department.
Dung Pham has been a firefighter for 20 years. He says any occasion, happy or sad, there`s always food and he loves making it, especially dishes inspired by his Vietnamese background.
“I`m a perfectionist when it comes to food. Everything has to be exactly right for me,” Pham says.
Pham was featured on an episode of ‘Guy’s Grocery Games’ on the Food Network Sunday night.
He spent five days in Santa Rosa, California, filming last October.
Firefighters across the U.S. applied to be on the episode. When the show narrowed it down to four, Pham was one of them.
“Seeing one of our own guys up there, a guy you come to work every third day with, we`re like family here, so it was a pretty proud moment for us to see him up there,” says John Castaneda, a firefighter who works with Pham.
Pham’s co-workers at the firehouse say many firefighters are great cooks. But in this house, Pham is their go-to chef.
“He cooks anything. You name it, he will cook it up. He does some great Brazilian steak sandwiches. The chicken spiedini he makes on Sundays is amazing,” Castaneda adds.
Pham may be in charge in the kitchen, but he says he has plenty of sous chefs on hand.
“Everybody helps with the chopping, with the cleaning, everything, and here I am like Gordon Ramsey in a way,” adds Pham. “Whatever these guys want, I can whip it up!”
The firefighters and Pham’s wife encouraged him to apply for the show.
Although he didn’t win the $20,000, he says he was proud to represent Kansas City and KCFD.
“I will always cook, I will always cook. If I don`t cook for the guys, I`m gonna get beat!” says Pham with a laugh.
Here is one of his popular recipes. It’s the one he cooked on the show.
Pham’s Banh Mi grilled pork sandwich
Banh Mi Vietnamese grilled pork sandwiches recipe
Makes 4 to 6 servings
One to two pounds of pork tenderloin, slice into one-inch slice, pound out flat, sprinkle with salt and pepper on both sides, put into a medium size bowl, and set aside.
Marinade for the pork: Put 2 cups of olive oil in a blender with 3 cloves of garlic, 1 bunch of green onions, 2 tablespoons of soy sauce (Maggie’s seasoning sauce recommended), 1 tablespoon of brown sugar. Blend on medium speed.
Let the pork tenderloin soak in the marinade at room temperature for half an hour before grilling.
Recipe for pickled carrots and onions: 1 pound of julienne sliced carrots, 1 small onion thinly sliced, 1 cup of white vinegar, 1/3 cup of sugar, 1 bunch of roughly chopped cilantro, mixed all together in a bowl and set aside.
Grill the pork at medium heat. It takes about only about 5 minutes because it’s thinly sliced.
1 long loaf of French baguette bread, put in the oven at 350 for 5 minutes or until nice and crispy around the edges.
Slice the bread in half the long way. Lay out the pork on the bread and garnish it with the pickled carrots, and a little dash of the soy sauce if needed and some sriracha hot sauce if you want to kick it up another notch.
from FOX 4 Kansas City WDAF-TV | News, Weather, Sports http://fox4kc.com/2018/03/19/kc-firefighter-shows-off-cooking-skills-on-the-food-network/
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from Kansas City Happenings https://kansascityhappenings.wordpress.com/2018/03/19/kc-firefighter-shows-off-cooking-skills-on-the-food-network/
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