#Kelly Severide tag
protectxthem · 8 months
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@jdmorganxisxsexy asked: (Stella for Kelly) "I realized I was a little harsh on you about the OFI investigations. I shouldn't have given you an ultimatum. I just get scared when you get so wrapped up in the cases and I don't hear from you." Stella leans against the door frame of the office.
"I thought I was losing you. However, I'm proud of you for using your talents to save lives. I just wanted you to consider my feelings and communicate more. That time apart was rough for me. Especially since we just got married. Missed this face like crazy." She touches his cheek and smiles.
unprompted asks/ask my muses questions | Always Accepting
Kelly looks up from his paperwork, head tilting slightly as he listens to her. "I understand, Stella. I promise it won't happen again." He moves a bit so he's facing her. He smiles a bit at her.
"I'm sorry for making you feel that way and for making you come find me and dragging me back to Chicago because I was so wrapped up in being and Arson Investigator. It was rough for me too. I missed your face like crazy too. Missed you like crazy. I was so lonely so many nights."
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realityescapee01 · 1 year
Invisible Girl
Kelly Severide x Reader (Female) | please read tags
It has been happening a while now, but Severide never really paid that much attention to it.
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When he needed it most, he gets random things on the squad table that makes his day so much better.
He just thought it was from Shay. But Shay insisted it is not. He then thought maybe his squad was playing a prank or they're just really nice and sweet. Scratch that, the squad ain't nice & sweet like this.
So maybe he has a secret admirer.
He just couldn't figure out who. He asked around the house and no one wants to snitch or the secret admirer is just very good at not being seen.
So he never really thought about it anymore, leaving it at: if they really want to, they would come out to him.
But the secret admirer doesn't have any intention of showing herself. She decided to remain as the invisible girl.
Y/N has been working in House 51 for quite a while now in the bullpen with Connie and others. She took this job up as a second job, she has a primary job as a freelance graphic designer online. Chief Boden was kind and considerate enough to let her work simultaneously. Being an orphan, living alone in a room for rent, boarding house situation.
And as time passed, a particular lieutenant caught her eyes: Kelly Severide.
The guy is good-looking and very good at his job. House 51 could rely on him on the job with confidence. Y/N has a crush on Severide for a long time now. She never told anyone, she would want it to be kept a secret. She's contented looking at Severide from the office window. And would be very delighted whenever the lieutenant would come pass her by towards Chief Boden's office.
Y/N would hear from the other firefighters if Severide is feeling down or having some problems. She sneaks to the squad table and leaves him little things. Coffee pods, small car or motorcycle things like bolts or sticker or whatnots. Perfectly sneaky and away from cctvs.
She dubbed herself invisible because she is. The firefighters have their own world and never really interacts with her. And she's very timid and quiet too. So, she doesn't stand out much. But it's okay with her. She doesn't do good with people anyway.
"Hey, Y/N, are you going later to Chief Boden's party at Molly's?" -Connie asked her.
"Uhm, yeah. But just for a little while."
"Okay, me too."
At Molly's, the firefighters and medics have their own corner, and Y/N and her workmates have their own corner too. Not that House 51 is divided by work, but it's just like highschool, they work well and feel well with each other, just that they have their own groups.
The celebration peaked when they bought out the cake for Chief. Y/N quietly drank her beer as she subtly sneaks glimpses at Severide. And she just caught him leave with a girl.
Yes, Y/N also knows Severide's reputation. He gets all the girls. There even was a running joke in squad that Severide must have slept with half of Chicago by now, to which Severide just shrugs and laughs at. He wasn't denying it, he admits, he dates and hooks up. He admits to those, because at least he never deliberately dated and cheat, or steal anyone's girlfriend or wife.
Y/N let out a sigh and finishes her beer. Severide is young, good-looking, and full of vigor. So, nothing wrong playing hard after working harder everyday he saves lives out there.
Y/N could only just pray and hope that Severide would be safe out there with all the girls he hooks up with. All those beautiful girls. Some just passing, just for a night, some became a little serious. Some just looks good for a night in bed, some looks good and awesome at what they do just like Severide.
Something Y/N thought she couldn't be. Beautiful and awesome as Severide. She is, she believes, below average on the rating scale. She's short, just at Severide's shoulder level. She's got black color eyes, black hair that is barely styled -always in a bun by a hair claw, frizzy and messy most of the time. She has brown skin, that is not smooth or even toned as she wants them to be. She's nothing like the girls Severide dated or hooked up with. All so pretty, blue or green or brown eyes. Blonde or red hair. Smooth and fair skin. Tall and thin and lean body builds.
So she had decided to keep his crush forever to herself.
She plays with her beer glass and overheard Otis entertaining Cruz with his nerd talk again. She could tell Cruz was bored. She then saw Cruz excuse himself to the restroom. That's when Otis sat beside her.
"Hey there."
"Hey, Otis." -Y/N.
"Oh, hey, you know me?"
"Oh... I'm Y/N, I work in House 51. With Connie."
"Oh, sorry, I just don't go in the office that much."
"It's okay." -Y/N smiled. Yeah, invisible girl. No one notices her. Y/N felt sad at that.
"Uhm..." Otis felt bad for not knowing, so he did what he does best, talk "Y/N, so uhm I think Cruz ain't coming back here. I bored him to death, I think. All these Star Wars talk. Have you seen Rogue One though? It really is good."
"The movie no one asked for but we never thought we needed." -Y/N.
"Y-Yeah!!! I know, right?!?" -Otis was really happy someone understands. And so he kept talking and talking. And Y/N kept the rapport going. It is good to talk about nerdy things that she likes too with someone.
"You draw? Hey, how about you do a mural here in Molly's?" -Otis was setting it up already even before Y/N could answer. "Hermann! Come here. I found a painter for our mural!"
"Oh, yeah?" -Hermann started walking over.
And so Y/N wasn't so invisible anymore. Otis and Hermann know her now. Mainly Hermann asking her favors for his kids' art projects. And Otis asking her to draw his D&D characters. Sometimes, they would invite her over with them to their table in the mess hall during early mornings for breakfast. Sometimes she would catch Severide just walk in, he would greet Otis and Hermann and in turn, also her.
And that would send Y/N over the moon. Which did not go unnoticed to Otis.
"Hermann! Come here."
"If this is about the rodeo bull machine in Molly's, I already told yo-"
"No no no! It's not that. It's Y/N."
"Okay, what about her?"
"I think she likes Severide."
"Everybody likes Severide. He's a ladies man."
And then the alarm went off. Truck, squad, and ambo was called out. It was a major accident. Severide suffered some serious wounds. Was in the OR for hours but is stable now. They're all just waiting for him to wake up.
The firefighters are going home one by one, some opting to stay a little more. Otis and Cruz were the last ones to leave. They were catching the last bus out when Otis caught a glimpse of Y/N.
Otis smiled and remembered. They were so busy and worried that he forgot about his theory of Y/N crushing on Severide.
And then he had a new theory, what if Y/N was Severide's secret admirer.
"Holy shit!!!" -Otis suddenly said in the bus.
"What the fuck, man?!? You startled me." -Cruz was woken from his nap.
"Sorry, sorry, man." -Otis was giddy and couldn't wait to discuss with Hermann.
As soon as Cruz got off the bus, Otis called up Hermann and rambled on and on.
-Otis! It's late night, we'll talk about this tomorrow, and no offense, if something's up, you're always the last to figure out; so you figuring out the identity of Severide's secret admirer, I'm not fully convinced. We need evidence.-
-I will get evidence.-
Otis could just imagine what Y/N feels right now. They knew that Severide receives small gifts time to time from someone. It's not always, not everyday, but it is always on days Severide has it really rough. And Otis could see Severide smile and feel better, even just a little bit.
Next day, House 51 was relieved of all worries because Severide woke up.
"Great news, huh?" -Otis sat with Y/N during lunch.
"Yeah." -Y/N replied.
"So, what time did you leave the hospital? Did you get to go beside Severide?"
"What?" -Y/N denied.
"Come on, I know you're the secret admirer."
"Huh? What?" -Y/N tried to laugh it off. "I did not go to the hospital, Otis. And I'm not Severide's secret admirer, what are you on?" -Y/N said while laughing and shaking her head.
"I will find out~" -Otis swore just in time as an alarm went off.
Y/N felt relieved that the topic was dropped, or postponed, but she got worried. She started to retrace her steps where he could've made the wrong move or if Otis saw her leave a small coffee pod for Severide yesterday. Or if she said something that gave her away while he was with them.
Y/N was nervous the whole time and even more when the firefighters came back. Otis kept asking her. And Y/N is not very good at lying. So she gave in.
"Aha!" -Otis called Hermann over. "I was right."
"Y-You told Hermann?!? Who else? Ohmygod!!!" -Y/N was panicking.
"No no no, just us, the 3 musketeers." -Hermann assured.
"Please, don't tell anyone else." -Y/N begged the two firefighters.
"Anyways, kid, Severide's been receiving those gifts for a long time now."
"It's been 2 years since I started leaving trinkets for him." -Y/N said.
"Damn, that ain't just a crush, you love the guy."
"Well..." -Y/N blushed.
"So, why didn't you admit when Severide was looking for you a year back?" -Otis remembered Severide questioning everyone if they saw who leaves those gifts.
"Otis, look at me." -Y/N gestured to himself.
"Okay, I'm looking."
Y/N kept gesturing to herself. From head to toe.
"And?" -Otis just doesn't understand.
Y/N gestured to her face.
"Y/N, come on!"
"Otis, come on! I'm serious. Do you think Kelly would even look at me twice? In my years here in House 51, he spoke directly to me only once. After that Molly's mural. And that's it. I'm no fit for him, Otis."
"You don't know that, Y/N. You're awesome. You're cool. A little quiet but once you open up, you're all good. I think Severide would like you very much."
"We don't have anything in common, Otis. He'd get bored."
"You love cars too. You love bikes too." -Otis, still arguing. Looking at Hermann for backup.
"Yeah, just looking at them. I drive, but not muscle cars."
"Severide would be the one driving then." -Otis smiled.
Y/N laughed a little. She imagined just for a second, driving around Chicago with Severide, in his classic muscle car or on his motorbike. "Otis, I'm sorry, but no. I will take this to my grave." and then Y/N pulled Otis by his collar. "You should take this to the grave too, Otis and Hermann."
"But Y/N-" -Otis saw how serious Y/N looked. "Okay, okay. I promise. I won't tell Severide or anyone else."
And so it went on like that. Otis and Hermann observing Y/N every time Severide is around or out. And when they're at Molly's celebrating something with the whole House 51.
And Otis tried quite a few times to get Severide and Y/N close to each other. And of course, Y/N would give him the mean look everytime. Y/N felt happy and sad at the same time. Happy because she doesn't always get to be close to Severide. Sad because Severide doesn't really notice her. Severide was always busy with his squad or with a beautiful girl he would spend the night with later.
In the course of months, Severide had some situationships and relationships, ups and downs and of course he gets some surprise trinkets.
"Y/N, just a very curious question. What do you like about Severide?" -Otis asked, on their nerd game night.
"Well, aside from he's good-looking, he's very good at what he does. You know, squad jobs, saving people, like a superhero."
"But... you know he... with girlsssssss." -Otis emphasized.
Y/N chuckled. "I know."
"That doesn't bother you?"
"At first, but I think he just falls in love really fast."
"You're very positive. You really really like Severide."
"I do."
"Then tell him."
"Otis, we've been over this."
"It's just-" -Otis let out a sigh. "I think, you and him would be a great couple. And about you thinking you're not good enough for Severide just ain't true. You gotta be more confident about yourself."
"Thank you, Otis. But we can't force Severide."
Otis never bugged Y/N about it afterwards. But he still is on the go on making Y/N and Severide sit next to each other or at the same table everytime at Molly's.
More months passed. New girls come and go. Severide had some bad days. And of course, Y/N snuck one little gift on the squad table for him.
Severide was toying with this keychain he got. A classic looking one that is a match to his classic car.
"That's cool, Severide." -Otis sat down with him.
"Yeah." -Severide was already moving his keys to the keychain.
"So, uhm, what's up?"
"I just... I thought it was going somewhere. I really tried."
Otis was kinda surprised. Severide never really talked about his relationships.
Severide then looked over to Casey and Dawson who were just walking in for the shift. The two shared a kiss before going their own ways.
Otis caught Severide sigh a little bit. It's been a while. Severide in and out of relationships for years now. He wouldn't be surprised if the lieutenant wanted to have something serious and to find someone. Like Casey did.
"You know, Severide, you could have something like what Casey and Dawson have there."
Severide looked back at Otis and let out a little chuckle.
"You just gotta look harder."
"Otis, what are you saying?"
"This." -Otis poked the keychain. "The secret admirer? Why aren't you looking for her? Years man, years she's been there for you."
"I did. No results. I can't find someone who doesn't wanna be found, Otis. Because if she did, she should've stepped forward by now."
Otis was so tempted to spill the beans. Spill the tea. Tell Severide about Y/N. But he promised. He promised and he doesn't wanna make Y/N angry.
Otis sighed "Yeah. You're right."
The alarm sounded out and they never talked about it again.
Record season is on again for the year. Connie and the others are busy getting all the incident reports organized. And new ones kept pouring in. Otis saw Connie was on leave and Y/N would be the one to distribute the report forms to the lieutenants. Otis felt excited to see another once-in-a-blue-moon interaction between Y/N and Severide.
Because at the moment, Severide is shirtless.
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"Uhm, Lieutenant? Report form." -Y/N handed the papers to Severide.
"Is Chief in already?" -Severide asked before Y/N could walk off.
"Yeah. He just walked in."
"Thanks, Y/N." -Severide said as he slid his shirt on.
Y/N left trying not to swoon over. Severide said her name. For the first time. Severide never really calls or says her name, if they do talk, he just goes straight to the topic and then leave, never saying Y/N's name. Until today.
He passed by the mess hall and saw Otis eyeing her, with a shitty grin on his face.
She threw a "shut it, Otis" side eye at him, but she still couldn't help smiling. This is a good day. Y/N will never forget how her name sounded like from Severide's mouth, a shirtless Severide too.
It went all giddy and highschool-y the whole day for Y/N. Otis hyping her up during lunch. But it wasn't always all happy after that.
More and more dangerous rescues happened. More failed relationships for Severide. Some bad days about Benny too. Putting him in a bad mood. Squad mainly receives those.
"Capp, Cruz, clean the truck! Tidy up the gears! Everything's greasy."
"Okay, lieutenant." -the two looked at each other.
Capp and Cruz passed by Otis who gave a nod of empathy. He knows very well if your lieutenant is in a mood, good lord.
-Hey, Y/N. Maybe you could help the squad out?- Otis shot her a message.
-What? How could I possibly help?!?-
-Severide is in the mood again. Maybe make him fell better?-
Y/N sighed, she knows Severide needs a pick me up. She was about to leave something for him but Capp came into work earlier than usual and was on the squad table before she could leave it.
"What's taking so long?!? Guys, finish the truck then clean the gears!!!" -Severide called out again.
The truck people are avoiding him as much as they can, they ain't gonna do solidarity with squad on this one.
It's lunch time, Casey cooked and everyone's on break, but Connie needed the lieutenant reports asap.
"I know it's still lunch but I need those reports, Y/N." -Connie
"O-Okay." -Y/N was eating her packed lunch.
She was in panic, she walked up with her packed lunch still in hand.
"Lieutenant Severide? I'm sorry, but when could we get those reports?" -Y/N
"After squad cleaned those gears." -Severide walked closer to Y/N to pass to the mess hall.
Y/N stepped out of the way. Severide looked at the food in her lunch box.
"What is that?" -Severide pointed at her food.
"Oh! Uhm..." -Y/N mentally scolded herself for forgetting that she brought her lunch with her. "It's uhm, roasted milkfish. With some onion and tomatoes."
"Is it good? I love milkfish. But never tried it like that." -Severide was genuinely curious.
"D-Do you wanna try?" -Y/N couldn't believe she's offering it.
"Yeah." -Severide took her fork and picked up a piece of the fish, onion and tomatoes included. "This is good. Where'd you buy it?" Severide took another forkful.
"I made it."
"Really? Do you think you can make me some tomorrow?" -Severide requested.
Her long time crush, as in for ages, Kelly Severide is requesting food from her. So, does the: fastest way to a man's heart is through his stomach, really true?
And he is smiling. He is smiling now.
"O-Of course! Yeah, sure sure." -Y/N nodded like crazy.
"Thanks. Do you mind?" -Severide took another piece before heading to the lunch room.
Y/N walked back to her desk, staring at her lunchbox.
After lunch, Otis messaged her again.
-What for?-
-Severide stopped being bitchy-
-Oh, good-
-What'd you do?-
-He ate my lunch-
-Wait-what, you gotta elaborate later- Otis messaged before heading out to respond to an alarm.
Squad, truck, and ambo were called out; perfect time to leave her little trinket for Severide. Y/N noticed him rubbing his shoulders. Probably, his shoulders hurt.
Y/N stepped out of their office and sneaked a kinesiology tape on the squad's table, in color blue, same as Severide's car color.
It was about an hour when squad and truck came back from a call. Squad went straight to their table. They immediately saw the tape for Severide.
"Secret admirer strikes again." -Capp grabbed the tape and tried to take some for himself.
"Hey, Capp! Put that back." -Severide shouted from the back of their truck, taking off his gears.
"Why? I need some for my knees." -Capp being stubborn.
"Because... that's mine." -Severide jogged to the table and snatched the tape from Capp, smiling. He needs it for his shoulder from a bad fall from the last day. "Cruz, help me here."
"Did you ever learn who this person is?" -Cruz asked as he helped Severide put it on.
"I asked around before. I looked but she doesn't wanna be found."
"Okay... uhm... are we still doing that drill after the gear clean up?"
"Nah. All is good now."
"Severide's secret admirer, whoever you are, you saved us!" -Capp and Cruz shouted through the firehouse.
Severide laughed out.
Y/N heard and smiled on her desk. She's glad she made Severide's day better. And also, they got that report, Connie is finally gonna stop looming over Y/N. All in all, a good day, a very good day.
Now, Y/N just gotta go stop by the grocery for Severide's fish tomorrow.
"Y/N!" -Otis caught up to her, his arm around her neck. "That kinesiology tape saved the whole house 51 firefighters today."
Y/N laughed "You're welcome. And the fish too."
"Severide saw my packed lunch, tried some and liked it. And asked for more tomorrow. And that is why I'm headed to the grocery." -Y/N said with a big smile on her face.
"Ooohhh! You go girl!" -Otis shaking her. "Hey, uhm, you could be able to do the portrait of my girlfriend for tomorrow, right?"
"Of course. Just finishing touches later."
"Thanks, you're the best." -Otis let go of Y/N, called his girl and parted ways with Y/N.
Y/N continued walking to the bus stop and saw Severide drive by.
Oh, how wonderful would it be to drive around in that car, with Severide. Y/N could only imagine.
Arriving to the grocery store, Y/N went straight to the fish section. Picked out the largest one, she knows her firefighter needs a lot for energy. And headed to the vegetable section, got the tomatoes and onion.
"On my way, Casey. Just gotta get some beer." -Severide just turned a corner and almost bumped onto Y/N.
"Hey, Y/N is that you?"
"H-Hey. Yeah." -Y/N.
"Fancy seeing you here. What do you got?" -Severide looked at her basket. "Oh, is that my request?"
"Y-Yeah." -Y/N blushed, Severide was walking beside her now.
"Nice. I got this, okay?" -Severide took the basket from her.
"W-What?" -Y/N was a little confused.
"I'm paying for it. Now, I just gotta get beer." -Severide smiled at her.
"O-Okay. Thanks."
"Hey, it's nothing. The least I could do." -Severide lightly tapped her arm with the back of his hand, coupled with a charming smile.
They walked to the beer section this time. All quiet. Y/N was nervous and sweating.
She is right here, in the grocery, with Severide carrying the basket. Y/N admits, she has that in one of her many daydreams about Severide.
They reached the beer section and Severide grabbed 2 packs of 6s.
"W-What's the occasion?" -Y/N tried a conversation. She was scared she's boring him.
"Coming over at Casey's. Watching a game." -Severide explained.
"Do you watch football?"
"Oh, I wanna say yes, but I'd be lying." -Y/N chuckled a little. She really wanted to fake it, just so she could impress Severide but she knows Severide is not stupid, she knows he will pick up on it.
Severide chuckled. "Not pretentious. I like that."
They reached the cashier and Severide kept being busy on his phone, typing and smiling. Y/N thought maybe it's a new girl. They lined up to the cashier, Y/N took a glimpse at Severide. He looked even more charming up close.
Those eyes. The color has always amazed Y/N. That smile. And that unique and cute front teeth gap. Everything looked so much charming up close.
Severide put his phone away then stretched his shoulder. "Hurts a bit. Good thing I got a tape for it a while ago."
"Oh, that's good."
"Yeah. From my secret admirer. Y/N do you happen to know who it is?"
"H-Huh? No, no. I don't." -Y/N looked down.
"You'd tell me if you know, right? Or maybe it's you?" -Severide grinned at her.
"H-Huh?!?" -Y/N panicked.
"Hahaha, I'm just joking." -Severide tapped her arm with the back of his hand again.
Y/N laughed with him, trying to masks her nervousness.
"You're with Otis, right?"
"W-What?!?" -Y/N's voice was louder than usual.
"I saw you outside the firehouse, he has his arm around you. No one else does that to you."
"N-No! No, no, no, we're not dating. We're just friends. Both being nerds of the house and he asked me a favor. To draw something for his girl."
"Oh, okay. I thought wrong then."
They were up, Severide paid for everything and they walked out the grocery. Y/N was prepped to walk towards the bus stop when Severide stopped her.
"Where are you headed?" -Severide asked as he leaned on his car, looking hot and cool at the same time.
"Oh, I live at (Y/N's place)." -Y/N said.
"Hey, that's on the way to Casey's. Come on, ride with me."
"Oh, no, I'll just take the bus."
"No way. We're headed the same direction, might as well, right?" -Severide insisted.
"Okay, then. Thanks."
Y/N walked towards Severide's car, opened the door and got in. She was glad when she saw Severide using the keychain she left the other time.
And so they drove off. The drive is not that long, but it felt like it because it was so quiet. Y/N wanted to strike a conversation but she can't think of any. And then Y/N's phone rang.
Y/N scrambled to answer it. It was Otis. Asking about the portrait. Y/N assured him it's ready tomorrow. After a few more seconds the call ended.
"Otis is a worrywart." -Y/N said, laughing a little bit.
"You like rock?" -Severide was smiling.
"Your ringtone. Metallica, huh?"
"Oh, y-yeah. I'm more into bands than pop songs."
"Nice. In that case, I can turn my radio on, huh?" -Severide turned his music on and up. He's playing his rock playlist.
And there goes their conversation. About bands, favorite songs from each. They got along pretty well. They even sang together on some lines.
Y/N suggested some other bands and some other songs.
"Oh yeah? Okay, I'll check them out." -Severide promised.
"Alright. Hey, uhm, I'm on this corner." -Y/N pointed at her house.
Y/N got off Severide's car. She said her thanks and they went on with their nights; Severide to Casey's and Y/N into her room.
Before doing anything, Y/N took a pillow and screamed into it. Y/N was so happy. Today is such a great day for her. With everything that happened with Severide.
Otis called again and Y/N shared what happened.
"Ohmygod!!! Y/N that's great! This is the beginnings of your love life with Severide!"
"Otis, let's keep our expectations in check. There is a problem though."
"What problem?"
"He thought at first we were dating. Because he saw us together a while ago."
"Sorry, we can't be friends anymore." -Y/N joked.
"Just kidding."
"Seriously, Y/N, this is good."
"Yeah, but I don't wanna have my hopes up. He was just being nice."
"Fine, fine, whatever. But you're gonna dream about this for days, huh? hahahaha!"
"Years, Otis, I'd survive on this for years."
They ended their conversation laughing. Y/N prepped the fish for tomorrow. Tomorrow, she will cook the best fish she'd ever cook in her entire life.
Tomorrow lunch time came, but squad responded to a call. So, Y/N decided to leave the food on Severide's office desk. He came back a little over lunch time. He saw the food on his desk. Severide perked up.
"Y/N! Thanks!" -Severide holding the food box paired with his charming smile as he passed by Y/N's desk on his way to the mess hall to finally have lunch.
"Yeah, you're welcome." -Y/N shyly replied.
So their interactions remain like that. Little talks, hi and hello, good mornings. Nothing really significant but Y/N is okay with it.
There were firehouse ups and downs but right now they are celebrating in Molly's. And Otis is drunk, managed to get Y/N and Severide on one table together yet again. Talking about nerdy things and Severide was just there, drinking, observing. He just couldn't relate to the stuffs they're talking about. So it was Cruz he's talking with.
Y/N needed to go to the restroom. Cruz stepped out too after getting a phone call. Leaving Otis and Severide on the table.
"So, uhm, lieutenant?"
"Found your secret admirer yet?"
"Not looking anymore."
Severide finished his beer and asked for more. "Get me another, Otis?"
"O-Okay. Yeah."
So when Y/N came back from the restroom, it was only Severide left on the table. She hesitated to go back. She just stood and paced back and forth near the restroom. They talk quite a bit now but Y/N still feels nervous to be alone with Severide.
And Hermann noticed. "Hey, Y/N. Get back to your table. You're so awkward there by the restroom."
"Hermann!" -Y/N gestured towards the table.
Y/N has never been alone with Severide so, she ain't risking it. She's scared he'll talk to her and she'll mess up.
"Kid, come on. You like him, right? Maybe try something. You never know."
"Hermann, I'm no match for him."
Otis came back to the table with a fresh set of beers. So Y/N walked back to the table too.
Few months in, Y/N and Severide became friends as well. To which, Otis is very much against.
"I told you! You can't be buddies. You can't be another 'dude', Y/N, because Severide won't see you as nothing more than just a friend. We don't want that."
"Being friends ain't bad." -Y/N said.
"What?!? You're contented???" -Otis looked to Hermann in disbelief.
"Otis, years before, I never even imagined I'd be able to talk to Severide, but here I am, friends with him now."
"You could be more! Hermann, talk her into it!" -Otis was determined.
"Y/N, kiddo, why don't you come clean to Severide?"
"I already told you. I don't think I could measure up to him."
"You never know that."
"Please, guys, I'm okay. Really. And let me remind you, you promised you'll never tell anyone else especially Severide."
Otis still wanted to argue but Hermann stopped him.
So they let it be. Everyday, they get closer to Y/N, get to know her better. And see that she would be good for Severide. If only the lieutenant would stop hooking up with random girls.
One day, Y/N was out on a Saturday, did some errands and passed by the firehouse, she saw Severide's car still parked there. She looked and saw Severide inside, sleeping on the wheel. She approached him and smelt that strong scent of liquor.
"Hey? Severide?" -Y/N knocked.
"What are you doing here? You didn't go home since yesterday huh?"
"Y-Yeah." -Severide felt that headache hit and he groaned through it.
"Are you okay?" -Y/N knew what happened. Severide's dad just died a few weeks ago.
Severide felt like throwing up and he did.
"Okay, okay, Severide." -Y/N rubbed his back while he puked. "I can drive you home, if you'd like."
"Okay, but not to mine."
"A-Alright." -Y/N promised.
She knows why, Severide shared that apartment with Stella, Stella who left him. Y/N hated it, when Severide needed her most, she left him.
Severide fished the keys from his leather jacket pocket and gave it to Y/N.
She felt nervous to drive Severide's car but she managed. Slowly but surely, she doesn't really know where to take Severide. She had messaged Otis but he hasn't replied. He also messaged Hermann.
When no one hasn't replied, Y/N decided to take Severide to her place. Severide was still a little sluggish so she has to help him get into her place.
"Sorry, I just rent a room. And it's a little crowded." -Y/N led Severide to his couch.
As soon as Severide was on the couch, he fell asleep. And that's when Otis and Hermann replied.
They went to Y/N's place and saw her taking care of him, giving him a little wipe down.
"He's never slept well for a long time since everything." -Otis.
"Yeah." -Hermann seconded.
Y/N finished cleaning up Severide. "Uhm, good for him then. Did you bring change of clothes?"
"Yup." -Otis showed her his bag.
"Good. So, change his clothes then. I'll cook something."
Otis and Hermann took coffees and waited for Severide to wake up. Had a long talk with him. About everything. No one ever checked on him lately. And he spends times like these alone most of the time, drinking 'til kingdom come.
Severide decided to crash at Otis's place for a while. They drove there after dinner.
It took a few months for Severide to get back on his feet. With the help of the whole firehouse 51. Mostly Otis, Hermann, and Y/N.
It was status quo again for them four. Severide was still of course trying to move forward, looking for someone he sees a future with. He is not getting any younger. He wanted to settle as well.
He opened up to Hermann and Otis, purposely not bringing Y/N in, he wanted it to be a just with the boys conversation.
Severide talked about what he wants, how badly he wants to have someone, and that he is scared to choose the wrong one because of how badly he wanted to have it asap.
Otis and Hermann wanted to tell Severide that there is someone who loves him, his best qualities and worst, all of him. But it is not their place to tell. Y/N should be the one to come to Severide or Severide to finally see Y/N, fall inlove and live happily ever after.
Otis and Hermann looked over at Y/N in the bullpen from where they are sitting outside with Severide. It pained them that there could possibly be two less lonely people in the world if they would just try it out.
If one would let go of his usual 'adventures' with his usual 'women'. and if one would get over her insecurities and be more confident.
Otis and Hermann weren't sure if they could stomach seeing two people -a person who is looking for true love and another one who is so ready to give it to him- not get together.
And their hands are tied. All they could do is get the two together in gatherings and whatnots and hopefully, one of them gives in and makes a move.
Otis was losing hope but one time, on their boys night watching a game, Severide asked:
"Hey, did Y/N ever said if she's seeing someone?"
Otis and Hermann perked up.
"Severide! Hey, no. No, Y/N isn't seeing someone. Right, Hermann?" -Otis nodded.
"Yeah yeah! She's very much single." -Hermann nodded vigorously.
Otis and Hermann were grabbing each other's shoulders at what's unfolding infront of them.
-+-+-+ ( complete ) +-+-+-
thank you. more on my master list here
I also have an AO3 account
a/n: this is my first Kelly Severide x Female Reader. I am currently addicted to the Chicago series (fire and med I'm watching, I'll watch pd next) Severide is fine~ And his eye color 💯. Anyways, because of watching these series, I have quite a few story ideas. Maybe some crossover of Fire and Med sometime soon.
Like the gifs used here? See source under them. Reblog, do not repost. Thank you all gif creators here ♥️
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deanstead · 2 years
"Kelly," your voice comes out as a strangled sob as you choke back tears, "please, don't leave me like this."
Bonus if you can make this happy hahaha but no pressure
guys, why is everyone so angsty HAHA. Also, this became longer than five sentences. oops. also, this is unedited. @enchantedblackrose
"Kelly," your voice comes out as a strangled sob as you choke back tears, "please, don't leave me like this."
Kelly should have already woken up and yet there he was lying in a hospital bed that he should never have been in in the first place.
All because of you.
You knew if Kelly was awake, he'd be telling you that it wasn't your fault, and you could hear his voice echoing in your brain as well. But maybe you just needed to look into his green eyes, look at his smile, actually hear his voice, before you could even start to believe it yourself.
You reached for Kelly's hand. "Don't do this, Kelly." You whispered, "Don't leave before I get to tell you that I love you too. I was scared to make myself vulnerable again, but not as terrified as I am now. Please, Kelly."
You closed your eyes, feeling the tears escape your eyes and down your cheeks.
It was slight at first, so you didn't realize it until his fingers had closed around your hand.
Your eyes flew open. "Kelly?"
There they were, his green eyes looking back at you. A small weak smile framing his features. "No takebacks, Y/N." He whispered.
You exhaled, a gentle sigh of relief, leaning forward to press a kiss to his cheek. "Never." You reassured him, just relieved he was back.
send me an ask with the first sentence of a fanfic and I’ll write the next five-ish.
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Could I see a little!kelly and cg!matt where kelly slips during a call and matt right there to help his little squirt? And is it oki if kelly is trans ftm?
Yes! Hello fellow starved-for-agere-content Chicago Fire enjoyer! I haven't been able to find anything for this fandom, so here you go! Little warnings for some strong language and discussion of ovarian cysts and throwing up. Nothing super graphic, just as a concept and how painful they can be. Little!Kelly sickfic basically.
Also praying that the rest of the Chicago Fire fandom doesn't see this and get the wrong idea because there is literally no other agere content. Wish me luck 🥲
Word Count: 1914
Summery: Kelly has an ovarian cyst rupture on him during a call, and overwhelmed by the pain, he slips. Matt and Gabby are there for him.
“Fire department, call out!”
Mother and daughter, mother and daughter, mother and daughter. Where were they? Squad had already cleared the first floor of the townhouse, and they were almost through with the second floor with no victims in sight.
“Severide! I got these rooms here!” Cruz called, ducking into the office.
“I’ll take the bedrooms!”
The fire had almost completely engulfed the house by now, flames licking at his turnout coat, and he knew Boden would be calling for an evacuation any second. Come on, come on… Then, over the radio chatter and roiling flames he heard it. A woman’s voice calling for help, weak and raspy from the room at the end of the hall.
“Hang on! I’m coming!”
The door to the bedroom was closed with fabric jammed under the gap so tightly that he had to shoulder it open. The visibility inside was almost zero, and it took him a painfully long second to locate the mother and her little girl huddled in the corner. 
He leaned into his radio, “I found the mother and daughter! Master bedroom, need an assist in here!” 
The little girl was coughing and crying, but her mother looked worse for wear, head lolling to the side and barely conscious.
He rushed forward and gathered the mother into his arms to throw her into a fireman’s carry as Cruz followed close behind for the girl. “It’s alright, we’re gonna get you guys outta here!”
His abdomen ached as he hoisted the woman over his shoulders and stood up, and he grimaced. Stupid ovarian cysts. Stupid uterus. The tell-tale throbbing had been steadily creeping up on him for days, but it had reached a peak that morning. It hurt to bend over, to squat, hell, even taking a piss got him the familiar stab in the guts that used to accompany every period before he got on testosterone. The cysts had become so rare he usually forgot about them, but not today. Today, his body wouldn’t let him forget.
Come on, Kelly. Victim to save, job to do. He grit his teeth and made his way back down the hall behind Cruz as quickly as he could. As he began to descend the staircase, the pain only got worse. Every stair sent a shock up pain through his kidneys that continued to build as he moved, and combined with the heat it made stomach begin to churn with nausea. He just needed to get outside. Then shift would be over and he could go home and curl up with a hot water bottle. Almost there.
He took one last heavy step down onto the landing, and felt something inside him go pop. 
Pain exploded through his stomach and for a moment his vision went dizzyingly white. It was a small miracle he managed to keep his footing and stop both him and the woman from going headfirst into the wall.
“Ow, fuck!” 
“Lieutenant! You alright?”
Cruz’s voice was murky beneath the sound of blood rushing in his ears and his own laboured breathing. Get out, get out, just get out of the house. Wave after wave of throbbing agony threatened to buckle his knees as he shoved past Cruz and finally made it outside. Muffled grunts of pain crawled out of his throat as he staggered through the yard, dumped the patient on the gurney, and collapsed to the sidewalk.
“Kelly! Hey, are you okay!?” Someone was talking to him. He couldn’t tell if it was Dawson or Brett, but whoever it was, they needed to stop shaking him by the shoulder before he hurled. 
Too late. Sour bile pooled in his mouth and it was all he could do to wrestle off his mask before he was lurching forward and vomiting onto the pavement. He couldn’t help the embarrassing warble of misery that slipped out, because a hot knife was being driven into his abdomen and the retching was twisting the blade. 
His vision was blurry with tears as Brett’s face came into view. Her hands were holding firmly on his shoulders and he tried to force himself to focus on the feeling. “Kelly! Hey, Kelly, look at me! What happened?”
“Fuck, ah, it’s… cyst popped on me… fuck…” He knew this feeling. The first time was practically branded into his mind, how afraid he’d been, how he had laid on the bathroom floor crying in pain for hours before Benny agreed to take him to the hospital, and how the doctor hadn’t done much more than hand him two extra-strength ibuprofen and sent him home.
Voices, sirens, hands on his back, and the clattering of equipment rushed over him like a raging river. God, everything was fuzzy.
“A cyst? Where?” Brett’s hands fretted over him, stripping off his heavy turnout gear and shucking it onto the grass. The second he was free of the extra straps and gear he doubled over, desperate for any kind of relief. 
Throb. “Agh… ovaries.” It hurt, his stomach hurt so bad. Sylvie and Gabby were paramedics, why weren’t they fixing it? Without thinking, he let out a whine. “Hurts, Sylvieee…”
Sylvie hissed through her teeth. “Okay, okay… It’s okay. Take a deep breath, hun. Can you do that for me?”
It was her child-victim voice; gentle and soft and encouraging. He should have felt embarrassed that she was talking to him like he was a little kid, but he was in pain, and his head was so fuzzy, and her voice was soothing and his mind latched onto it. He nodded.
Sylvie turned to someone behind him. “Someone grab Casey for me? Tell him we’ve got a little situation.” She opened up her bag, “Has this happened before, honey?”
She wrapped a blood pressure cuff around his arm, then checked his heart with the stethoscope. “Aw, I’m sorry. I’ve had one myself, and I bet you’re in a lot of pain, huh? What do you usually do when this happens? Do you need to go to med?”
He didn’t wanna answer any more questions. He just wanted to go home, curl up in bed with a stuffy, and never have to move ever again. But one thing he was sure of, he didn’t wanna go to the hospital. They were gonna put him in a bright room for hours and doctors were gonna poke and prod him all over. “No doctor! Don’t wanna Sylvie, please…”
“Are you sure? It looks like you’re hurting pretty bad—“
Matt knelt down beside them and Kelly almost sobbed with relief. “Hey buddy, what’s going on?” 
Sylvie filled him in, rubbing a comforting hand on his knee. “He said an ovarian cyst ruptured. It made him a little sick and I think he might’ve slipped on me. Does that sound right, Kelly?”
Was he small? He didn’t mean to be, his tummy just hurt so bad and he was so tired. Was Boden gonna be mad at him? He wasn’t supposed to be small on shift. “I…M’sorry.”
“Oh honey, don’t be sorry…” Sylvie cooed, “It’s okay. Now, do you wanna take a ride in the ambulance, or go back home with Casey? It’s your choice sweetheart.”
“Casey.” He answered immediately. “‘Wanna go home.”
Matt patted him gently on the shoulder. “Alright squirt, we can go home. We’ll see if we can hitch a ride back in Boden’s car, huh?”
Kelly whimpered in the backseat as Matt’s truck drove over another pothole. He winced. It wasn’t the first time he’d ever seen Kelly rupture a cyst, he’d had at least two back in their academy days that Matt could remember, but it never got any easier to watch. And this time Kelly was regressed and barely understood why he was in so much pain. Hopefully Gabby beat them home and got a hot water bottle going.
“Easy, buddy… We’re almost back home. Remember it’s okay if you feel sick again, that’s why Brett gave you the bag.” He was glad she had thought to give them an emesis bag from the ambulance before they left. Every time he glanced back in the rearview mirror Kelly’s face was looking more and more grey, and he really didn’t feel like scrubbing puke out of the seats tonight.
The poor kid started retching right as they pulled into the apartment parking lot. Matt quickly got out of the car and opened Kelly’s door to help him sit up so he wouldn’t choke. “Just get it out, you’ll be okay…”
Kelly made a miserable sound between gags, and Matt rubbed a hand up and down his back to comfort him as best he could. After a few minutes of nothing coming up, it seemed to be over and Kelly sagged against him.
“Caseyyyy…” He whined.
“I know, I know… We’re just gonna go inside now, alright? And Gabby’ll have a nice warm water bottle for you, and we’ll get you your stuffy, and you can take a nap. Do you think you can walk all by yourself?” 
Kelly shook his head no with the saddest look Matt had ever seen. “‘Don’t wanna walk, Casey… hurts…”
“I’m sorry buddy, we have to go inside. Here, give me your arm, big guy, I’ll help you.”
Reluctantly, Kelly slung his arm around Matt’s shoulders and allowed himself to be pulled out of the car. Matt wished he could just pick Kelly up and carry him, but he was just barely able to lift him when he was strong enough to cooperate, and right now Kelly was basically dead weight.
“You’re being so brave, Sev. Just a little further…” He soothed. There were silent tears running down Kelly’s cheeks and he was shaking hard. 
They somehow managed to make it through the front door without any falls, and Matt wasted no time laying him down on the couch where Gabby had already laid out a pillow and blanket from Kelly’s bedroom. Once he was as comfortable as he could be, Matt knelt down and gently ran his fingers through his sweaty hair. “Hey, look at me, Sev. You made it, bud. You did such a good job today, saving that woman from the fire. We’re so proud of you.” Kelly gave him a watery half-smile.
“There you are!” Gabby came around the corner with her arms full of… everything. Extra blankets, a pillow, a few small toys, and held precariously in her free hand was a sippy cup of water. She knelt down in front of the couch and dumped the pile onto the carpet, and set the cup on the coffee table. “Are those painkillers I gave you working yet?”
Kelly shrugged and curled in on himself under the blanket. “A lil’…”
“Well I have something that should help some more, then. Here’s a nice warm water bottle… And, look who I found!” Gabby made a dramatic show of revealing Kelly’s favourite stuffy, a purple gorilla from the Lincoln Park Zoo he’d named ‘Chimp’, and tucked it under his arm.
“T’ank you, Gabby…” Kelly mumbled, holding Chimp tight.
“No problem, honey.” She stood up, “I’m gonna make us some soup, okay? And you can let us know when you feel ready for supper. Why don’t you and Matt pick a movie to watch?”
Matt gave Gabby a quick peck before she left, then sat cross-legged on the floor by Kelly’s head and grabbed the remote off the table. “What do you want to watch? Your choice tonight.” 
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girlinlotsoffandoms · 6 months
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day twenty - can't breathe
notes: shoutout to each and every one of you for sticking with me as febwhump has turned into marwhump? Is that a thing? I don't know but I'm going to make it a thing.
read on AO3 or below
It was a mixture of pure adrenaline and decades of firefighter training that drove Kelly up the stairs and into the smoke box without a second thought. The moment a red flag had been raised about the oxygen tanks, Kelly put together what happened and sprang into action.
The smoke box was created to simulate the elements of a real structural fire, down to real smoke. It was dangerous to be in there without a mask, and Kelly’s eyes and lungs burned, but he had to find his last recruit. Martinez had already made it out, but Carr was still inside somewhere.
It didn’t take long for Kelly to find him but any time in the smoke box without proper equipment was dangerous. Kelly got Carr outside, got his SCBA off, and got him awake and breathing by the time the paramedics arrived. He made sure the paramedics checked on the two recruits first before they even attempted to check on him, even though Kelly was coughing and struggling to draw in a breath.
The fresh air helped but Kelly’s chest was still tight. He continued to cough and practically collapsed onto the stairs next to his recruits. Both were receiving oxygen and seemed much more with it than they had been just a few minutes ago and with Carr and Martinez doing better, the paramedics were ready to turn their focus onto Kelly.
Before they could, however, Chief Tiberg arrived and he wanted answers.
Part of Kelly felt bad for Mercer and the ass-chewing he received (on top of getting the boot from the academy) but the other part of him, the part who’s lungs were still burning, knew it was for the best.
There was another part of Kelly that was angry, not just at the situation but at himself. He looked at Carr, Martinez, Wiegan, and the other recruits, young future firefighters who trusted him to teach and prepare them, and he let them down. Kelly let them down and put them in danger by allowing Mercer to stay in the Academy. Kelly put their lives in danger because he didn’t want to make a hard decision.
Chief Tiberg made sure Carr and Martinez were okay to be released by the paramedics before releasing all the cadets for the day. Once they were gone, Kelly turned to face Chief Tiberg.
“This is my fault, Chief.” Kelly started. “I’ve had doubts about Mercer since the beginning and I should’ve booted him a long time ago.”
“You gave him a chance, Kelly. No one wants to see a legacy firefighter wash out of the Academy.” Chief Tiberg stated, clapping a hand on Kelly’s back. “Go home. I know you have a shift tomorrow. If Chief Mercer reaches out to you let me know. I’ll handle it.”
Kelly nodded and headed to his car. His lungs felt better after some breaths of fresh air but there was a familiar lingering tightness in his chest. His cough persisted as well, though it had lessened a bit as well. After all these years, Kelly could spot the signs of smoke inhalation easily. He knew that no matter how deep of a breath he took before entering the smoke box or how long he was in there, smoke was still going to invade his lungs, especially without an SCBA or other equipment. It was nothing new for Kelly and the fact that the symptoms were already lessening told him it wasn’t anything major–one less thing about this awful day to worry about.
He wouldn’t realize how wrong he was until hours later.
… … …
Stella had been concerned when Kelly came home smelling of smoke and still coughing slightly. When he told her the story of what happened, of Mercer’s involvement, and his trip into the smoke box, that worry only grew.
“You got checked out by the paramedics, right?” Stella asked.
Kelly shook his head. “I was more concerned about Carr and Martinez getting the help they needed. Besides, I wasn’t in there long.”
Stella leveled him with a disapproving look. “You and I both know it doesn’t take long.”
“I know, but I feel fine now. The coughing has stopped, my chest no longer hurts, and I’m breathing perfectly fine.” Kelly reasoned. “If I feel off at all tomorrow I’ll have Brett check me out at the station.”
“You better.” Stella scolded but if she was being honest, she’d have done the same thing as Kelly and she couldn’t necessarily be mad at him for that.
The rest of their day was filled with their normal day-off activities, but Stella kept a close eye on Kelly. She knew him like the back of her hand and could read him like a book—Kelly was fine.
That was until Kelly went to take a shower. He turned the faucet on and left the bathroom while the water warmed up. Steam had filled the room and when he stepped back inside the bathroom, Kelly’s chest tightened up and it was like he was back in the smoke box. He started coughing but those coughs quickly turned to gasping breaths as he struggled to breathe.
Luckily for Kelly, Stella had plans to join her boyfriend in the shower that night. She had been looking forward to a spicy make out session in the shower. Instead, what she found when she walked in the bathroom was her boyfriend fighting for air and his lips turning blue.
Stella quickly turned the water off, moved Kelly into the bedroom, and closed the bathroom door so the steam couldn’t reach them any longer. Stella quickly made her way back to Kelly who had precariously sat himself on the edge of their bed.
Stella dropped to her knees in front of him. “Kelly? Hey, look at me.”
“Can’t br-breathe,” Kelly gasped. This was worse than being in the smoke box or any real fire. This was his lungs and his body revolting against him, slowly suffocating him.
“I know, just stay with me, okay?” Stella begged as she grabbed her phone and dialed 911.
It didn’t take long for the ambulance to arrive. The paramedics weren’t impressed with Kelly’s oxygen stats when they first arrived and even after fifteen minutes of high-flow oxygen, his pulse ox stats were barely hitting the upper 80s.
Kelly was breathing better and contemplated denying the ambo ride to Med for a check up but a glare from Stella had him biting his tongue.
… … …
After oxygen, a chest X-ray, and four hours in the ED, Kelly and Stella arrived back at the loft. Ethan told him he was to avoid smoke and steam and he was by no means allowed to do anything but light duty for the next shift while his lungs healed. The stern lecture he’d gotten from April about not letting the paramedics on scene check him out was still ringing in his ears and he could see that Stella was upset; he had no intentions of upsetting her further.
They ate a quick dinner, silently, before moving into the bedroom to get ready for bed. Kelly stopped her before she could climb in bed.
“I’m sorry, for tonight,” Kelly said softly. “I really thought I was okay.”
Stella sighed softly and cupped Kelly’s cheeks. “I know you did. I just….I love you so much. I don’t want to lose you.”
“It’s going to take more than a little smoke to take me away from you.” Kelly promised.
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kitweewoos · 2 years
🖌 Severstead + heat
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Feels Like Summer
Kelly Severide, exhausted and burnt out from his 9-to-5 and feeling like a failure as a father, has to take a break. He rents a small cottage on the beach somewhere warm, packs up his four year old daughter, and drives down so they can spend the summer away from the rush of city life. And it's exactly what they needed. What he didn't expect was their next door neighbor, Will Halstead.
Will Halstead is tired of losing, and failing, and grieving. He fled his own wedding after kissing his best friend at his bachelor party. His father died only later, and the beach house he and Jay had grown up visiting every summer was left to him. So, he left Chicago. He left Chicago, and he didn't regret it. Jay was pissed, but Jay hadn't been anything but pissed at him since they were teenagers. Now, he works at the local cafe and bookstore in this little beach town, which thrives in the summer and survives the rest of the year, and he lives with his dog he rescued from a kill shelter, and he doesn't hate his life. Except, he does miss having someone to come home to.
Cue Kelly Severide. He's only there for the summer, and Will shouldn't get attached, but he's the cutest father, to the most perfect little girl. He watches the two of them in the sand out back of their houses in the afternoons, the little girl, Mara, is loud and excitable and whip smart. Will offers to share dinners with them, since he always makes too much, coming from a big Catholic family, and somehow that leads to Kelly and Mara bringing over cookies they'd made, and then staying to eat them together, and Will brewing coffee for the adults, and cocoa for Mara, while they watched a movie in his living room. It leads to getting ice cream together, and going swimming in the ocean, and building sandcastles, and maybe, while Mara is sleeping one night after a long day playing in the sun and sand, they might slip into the outdoor shower together for long kisses and hot touches.
At the end of summer, they have to decide what to do. Is this just a summer romance? A fling in the bright, hot sun? Does Will leave the small beach town he'd settled into? Does Kelly stay, leaving behind the fast-paced life he'd thought he'd grown tired of, for a man he could see raising his daughter with? What's next for them when the heat starts to fade and be replaced with turning leaves and the town slowing down?
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vroomvroommuppett · 1 year
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taliaaurora · 8 months
I know you loved me - Kelly Severide
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Pairing: Kelly Severide x Reader
Warning: none
A/N: English is not my first language, so I’m sorry for any mistakes. I hope you have a nice day/night and enjoy this! 💕
Want to join my tag list? Send me a message! 🦋
It felt a little strange. You couldn't remember when was the last time you had seen him or even heard someone mention his name. Yet he was here, face to face with you, after all those years.
"What are you doing here?" Severide asked. His voice brought you back to the present. By the look on his face, you could tell he was surprised. If it was a good surprise or a bad one, you couldn't tell. He’s always been really good at hiding his feelings. "I thought you had moved to Florida." 
"I-I did." You smiled, nodding your head. "Couldn't get used to the weather, though." You confessed, earning a short laugh from the firefighter. You stared at him for a few seconds, lost in your thoughts, not knowing what to say next.
“So,” Severide tilted his head to the side. “What brings you back to Chicago?”. He curiously asked. “Don’t tell me it’s because of the weather.”
You laughed, then flashed a weak smile, looking at the paperwork in your hands. “Work, actually. A new school just opened up and they got in touch with me. Apparently they heard about the work I was doing down in Florida and wanted me to be part of their team.”
“That’s great.” Severide smiled. “I’m sure you're the best person for the job. You never loved anything more than teaching.”
The way he said it made your chest hurt. Your smile instantly faded away. “Kelly…” You took a step closer, trying to keep the conversation private. “Don’t do this. You know I loved you. Right?” You gently squeezed his arm.
“I know that.” He nodded, looking away before meeting your eyes again. "I know you loved me. I just don’t understand why you didn’t love me enough to stay."
The words caught you off guard. Before you could say anything back, he softly touched your hand on his arm and wished you goodbye.
Tag list: @mrspeacem1nusone@masset-fotia@dedlund82@drakelover78@graniairish@junevoidzombie@kellykidd@unknowntoyou2205@sunflowergurl98@alexxavicry@chicago-fire-pd-med@aaliyahsinger@werewolfbanshee-love@wifey-halstead@silverose365 @ogallery21 @smoothdogsgirl @district447 @wanniiieeee@thxtmarvelchick@luckyladycreator2 @bestkaistes @sesamepancakes@cfparamedics@thatcrimeshowchick@katie007123@lxna-mikaelsxn@gwendoline @ellie24_20 @imcalled-florence
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shesmyboot · 5 months
Baby Severide - Chapter 9: Date Night
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*Gif belongs to its rightful owner, it is not mine*
Pairing: Kelly Severide x reader
Summary: You and Kelly go on your first date night after becoming parents
Words: 1569
Warnings: implied smut, doctors, mentions of sex, mention of siblings, hockey
Read on Ao3 here
Notes: So remember how I said chapter 8 was the last of Baby Severide? Well I lied because I love this fic so so so much. Thank you for your support and join the Taglist to be notified when any of my new fics are published!
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Tags: @district447 @mrspeacem1nusone @tringeorge @storiesofsvu @cfdhouse51 @skullcupcakes @whatismypurpos @carnationworld @youraveragedorkysimp @treehouse-mouse @witchywinchester99 @keabbs @marvelcharactersxreader @pensfan5871 @dhighsstuff
"So I'm cleared?" You asked, sitting up on the table.
"Yes Mrs Severide, you may now return to full workouts, sexual activity and carrying more than 20 pounds. Take it slow, if anything is painful or feels out of the ordinary, please give us a call," Dr Calhoun replied, "how does that make you feel? Mentally?"
"Honestly, a little nervous."
"What if something happens?"
"From everything that I have checked, there is no need for concern. If something happens, we're only a call away. If its after hours, head to Med and have them page me. If there's something wrong, and I don’t think there is, but if something happens, we will take care of it. There's no need to worry."
"Okay. So I'm really good to go?"
"Absolutely. My last word of advice because I've been doing this for a while and I now have two of my own, use a good lube or try it in the shower for the first few times. It makes all the difference."
You chuckled, "Thank you Doctor Calhoun, for eveything."
"If you ever decide to have more children or need a GYN, give me a call."
Dr Calhoun left the room and you collected yourself and Alexis to leave your final OB appointment for the foreseeable future. 
After arriving back at your car, you placed Alexis' carseat in the base and called Kelly. 
"Hey, how'd it go?" Kelly eagerly answered your call.
"Good, all cleared and good to go. You home from shift yet?"
"Just leaving 51. Meet you at home?”
"Sounds good, see you soon. Love you."
"Love you too."
“Kelly, you here?" You heard rustling in the bedroom.
“Yeah, hold on.”
The rustling continued.
“What are you doing?” You laughed.
“Found it,” he exited your bedroom holding a box. 
He followed you to the couch, a now sleeping baby nestled in the crook of your arm. 
“Whatcha got there?”
“Katie sent us some stuff from New York for Alexis.”
“Katie working today? We should FaceTime her to open it.”
“How long has Alexis been asleep?” 
“Almost an hour. I fed her before my appointment and she slept the whole time.”
“How lucky are we that she’s a damn good sleeper?”
“So lucky.”
He looked at the unopened USPS box on the coffee table.
“So calling Katie?”
“Let’s do it, I’ll see if Alexis wakes up when I pick her up.”
You picked Alexis up as Kelly started the FaceTime call to his sister. Alexis awoke, but was her usual calm self as soon as she opened her eyes.
“Hi Alexis!!” Katie smiled as she answered the FaceTime call.
You took Alexis’ arm in your hand and gave Katie a little wave.
“We wanted to wait to open the package until we were with you, but I guess FaceTime will have to do,” Kelly laughed.
“Actually, let’s wait to do it until I’m there.”
“How long will that be?”
“About 30 seconds,” she giggled, knocking on your apartment door.
Kelly practically ran to open the door and hug her.
“How long has it been?” He chuckled.
“Too long,” she smiled, hugging him back.
You invited Katie in and spent the rest of the day hanging out and catching up, before finally opening the package. It was filled with NYC and Manhattan-related gifts along with a white envelope on the bottom. 
“What’s in there?” You asked, curiously.
“Open it,” she smiled.
“Tickets to the Blackhawks game?” Kelly was giddy, he was so excited.
“They’re for tonight, I’ll babysit. You guys have fun,” Katie grinned.
“Katie, I- I- I don’t know what to say,” you started to tear up.
“Don’t say anything, I’m happy to do it. I’m gonna go check into my hotel and I’ll be back in time for you guys to get to the game.”
“Kelly are you ready?” You called into the bedroom while bopping Alexis.
“Yup, I’ll be right there.”
He walked out of the bedroom with his Blackhawks jersey in hand, wearing one of those undershirts you couldn’t help but fall in love with.
“You gonna carry that at the game too?” You giggled.
“Don’t want Alexis to spit up on it. Put it on when we leave,” he laughed, taking your daughter from your arms.
“Katie will be here in like 30 minutes. I gotta curl my hair and do my makeup and get changed.”
“Already found something for you to wear,” he smirked, “it’s on the bed.”
You walked in to the bedroom to find your Jonathan Toews jersey and your favourite pair of jeans on the bed.
"How did you know?" you laughed. 
"What can I say? I know you well, babe."
You changed quickly and fixed up your curls.
"Katie's here," Kelly called.
"Be right there."
Quickly, you threw on some mascara and lip gloss before going to the living room.
"You look good babe," Kelly smiled, handing Alexis off to Katie. 
You leaned over and kissed him, feeling a little more like you wanted to stay in rather than go out. 
"There's, uh, breast milk in the fridge, her schedule is on the counter. Um, Sylvie's number is on the fridge in case there's any, uh, problems," your mind distracted from the kiss, you couldn’t help but giggle.
"We'll be fine. You guys have fun," Katie smiled.
You gave Alexis a hug and a kiss on the cheek, "good night baby, mommy loves you so much."
"Good night Alexis, daddy loves you to the moon and back." 
Watching Kelly love Alexis was something that made you fall in love with him more and more. Having a stable husband with whom you shared a child with was something you dreamt of since high school.
Kelly grabbed his jersey and followed you out the door. 
Walking out of the United Center back to Kelly's car, you were exilerated, but exhasted. The Blackhawks had just snapped their 5 game losing streak, and won with a 4-0 shoutout. That was the perfect end to your first night out after becoming parents. 
"How you feeling?" Kelly asked, "you up for Molly's or are you done for the night?"
You stopped at the car, leaning into Kelly for a kiss, "What about something else?" you smiled.
"You up for that? You just got cleared today," he asked, kissing your neck. He knew you wouldn't say anything unless you were ready.
"Bassinet is finally in Alexis' room. Seems like a great time to test things out again."
"You look so good tonight baby, we'll do whatever you want," he smiled as he went back in for another kiss. 
The traffic home was a nightmare, but by the time you got to the apartment, you were ready for anything. 
"We're home," you smiled, opening the apartment door. 
Katie was asleep on the couch, but woke at the sound of your shoes coming through the door.
"How'd it go?" You asked, going to check the baby monitor.
"Been up every 3 hours since you guys left, but she just went down about a half hour ago if you guys want to get some sleep," she yawned, packing up her purse. 
“You need a ride to the hotel?” Kelly asked.
“I have an uber a few minutes away, but thank you.”
“I have another day before I’m back on shift, wanna meet up and do something tomorrow?”
“That sounds great, I’ll text you guys when I’m ready for the day.”
You and Kelly both hugged Katie before seeing her out of the apartment. You watched her get on the elevator and then locked the door behind you as you entered the apartment. 
“Shower or bed?” You laughed, pulling him closer for a kiss by the collar on his jersey.
“Whatever you want baby,” he chuckled, pulling your jersey off, “it’s your night.”
You grabbed Kelly by the hand and led him into the master en suite. The bathroom door clicked shut and Alexis started to cry.
“Shit,” you started to laugh, resting your head on his chest.
“I’ll get her, put her back down. I’ll met you in there in a few.”
Kelly left the bathroom for the nursery and you started the water. Throwing your clothes on the counter, your hand brushed by your scar. Healed up and mostly pain free, it was still a reminder of what had to be done to bring Alexis into the world. You stepped in the shower, wincing at the feel of the water being a tad too cold, and turned the temperature to more suit the steamy theme of the evening. Kelly returned, already having left his jersey in the other room. 
“How’s the baby?” You asked.
“Good, pacifier fell out of her mouth.” He mindlessly undid his jeans and removed the tank covering his chest.  He looked back towards the shower.
“Damn, you’re-“ he was almost breathless. The two of you had been intimate all throughout your pregnancy, but the morning sickness wasn’t as attractive as you naked in the shower. 
“You gonna join me?” You didn’t have to ask twice, he was gonna obey the first time. 
He finished undressing and practically leapt into the shower. With a flick of the wrist, he tipped your chin up to make eye contact with him. Backing you in the shower’s wall, he placed his other hand on the tile for support. He leaned in and the passionate kisses began shortly after. 
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protectxthem · 9 months
@jdmorganxisxsexy [x]:
"Things are good. The boys are great and finally situated. Bounced back after the fiasco with proposing to Sylvie and her saying no. Then she ran off with that Kyle guy." Matt shakes his head. "Love sucks. I think I'm gonna stay single for a while. Relationships are exhausting. Maybe I might take a page from your book and have a little fun." "But I'm back at 51. Hope it's cool to crash here for a while. Hermann offered but that's a little too chaotic for me right now." Matt makes a face at the thought of their coworker's crowded house. "How are things for you?" @protectxthem
Kelly nods with a small smile. "That's great that the boys are great and finally situated." A small frown forms on his lips when he mentions the fiasco with Sylvie saying no to Matt's proposal. A laugh escapes him and Kelly shrugs a bit. "Not so bad being single."
"That's great, fantastic to have you back. It's totally cool that you are staying here. Yeah, Hermann's place can get chaotic and you need a little quiet time." Kelly shrugs a bit again and grins. "Good, good. Just living life."
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sevcasejay1chicago · 1 year
Close Call- Kelly Severide/Matt Casey
Summary: While recovering from a concussion, you go with Matt on an alderman run. When things go sideways, Kelly comes to the rescue.
Warnings: SPOILERS FOR 05x04, vomiting, cursing.
Authors note: THANK YOU ALL FOR THE SUPPORT! I’ve been pretty sick recently, but I figured I would post given that YOU GUYS got one of MY fics to 400! I know that’s not a lot on this site, but it’s a lot to me and I am MORE than grateful for the support and love that you guys show me.
You had gone with Matt to check out the warehouse. Kelly was on shift today, but you had been recovering from a concussion and decided to just tag along with Matt to get out of the apartment. Matt didn’t fight you on your decision, seeing as it was just suppose to be a quick inspection.
When the acid tank was punctured, Matt quickly pushed you into the break room. The man on the forklift didn’t make it and the owner was suppose to make it outside to call for help. When Matt pushed you in, you tripped and hit your head on the way down. Once Matt turned around to check on you after packing the crack under the door, he realized that you were out cold.
“Shit.” Matt muttered. He quickly made his way to your head, checking your pulse before trying to wake you up. “Baby. Baby. Please open your eyes.” Matt called, rubbing your sternum to wake you up. With a sigh of relief, Matt watched as your eyes fluttered open.
You groaned and reached for your head. Your vision was slightly blurry and you were a little confused. “Matt?” You slurred. “Wha?” You were trying to get your bearings as you glanced around the room.
“Eyes up here baby.” Matt called, coming closer. “Bright light.” Matt only gave that warning before checking your pupils with the flash light on his phone. Once he was satisfied that you probably just aggravated the previous concussion, Matt pulled you off the floor and sat you on one of the tables. “You know where you are?” Matt asked, keeping one hand on you and searching for a cell signal with the other.
“We came to a warehouse.” You muttered, pulling your knees up and resting your head on them before popping up with a gasp. “Holy shit Matt. The acid.” You looked around wildly, almost like you expected to see the walls melting around you.
“I know baby, but I’m gonna get us out of here.” Matt soothed. “Just stay here for a second.” Matt said, planting a kiss on your forehead before pushing a table to the door to look out the window over it. He had his phone in his hand, also hoping to get a signal. Luckily, he got just enough to send a text to Kelly.
One thing that Kelly was now grateful for was the location app that he shared with you and Matt. As soon as the Mayday came through, Kelly had Boden put out a distress call and send practically everyone to you and Matt. When he couldn’t raise either one of you on the phone after he received the text, Kelly knew you were both in danger.
“Matt?” You whispered just loud enough to get his attention.
“Yeah sweetheart?” Matt muttered, not bothering to look at you while he continued to scavenge for anything to keep you both alive.
“I don’t feel well.” You whispered, punctuating the sentence with a cough.
Matt turned around, eyes growing wide as he noticed the fumes coming in from a vent close to the table you were sat on. “Shit. Baby, come here.” Matt rushed out, grabbing you and carrying you to the other side of the room. Matt quickly went and taped the vent shut using some masking tape he found in a locker. It wouldn’t do much, but it would buy you guys enough time for the crew to come rescue you.
You laid back on the table, curling to the side as the room spun and your stomach churned. You felt hot and lightheaded. You weren’t sure if it was due to the concussion, panic, breathing in those fumes, or all of the above.
When Matt turned back to you again, he was growing increasingly worried. You were so pale. Matt ran back to you, sitting on a chair and taking your hand in his, rubbing the back with the pad of his thumb. “Talk to me. What’s going on?” Matt asked, running a hand through your hair.
“Hot. Dizzy. Nauseous.” You explained. Short and to the point in fear of throwing up all over your boyfriend.
Matt hummed and leaned in to kiss your forehead. “Hang on for me baby.” Matt whispered, giving your hand one last squeeze before he moved to the wall next to you, spotting a pipe in the wall that led to the next room.
“Don’t plan on going anywhere.” You whispered, curling into yourself further.
Just as Matt got the pipe out of the wall, a door in the next room slammed open. “MATT!” Kelly screamed, running into the room.
Matt could just see him through the hole the pipe left. “Kelly!” Matt yelled back, drawing Kelly’s attention to the small hole. “Y/n tagged along. She’s not feeling so hot.” Matt rushed. “You gotta get her out of here.”
“I’ll get you both out.” Kelly said, making it sound like a promise that he would never break.
Matt was satisfied and made his way back over to you while Squad worked their way into the room. Matt kept you covered from the debris and made sure you stayed awake. You were extremely tired, drifting in and out of awareness.
As soon as the hole was big enough, Matt scooped you up and helped you through to Kelly’s awaiting arms. You immediately snuggled into his turnout, seeking comfort in the smell of Kelly that wafted from the coat.
“I got you hunny.” Kelly whispered, kissing the top of your head.
“Get her out of here.” Matt yelled, climbing through the hole himself. “I’m right behind you.”
Kelly didn’t wait any longer. He strode outside with you securely in his arms. He was puzzled when you scrambled to get out of his hold as soon as the sunlight hit your face.
Stumbling a few feet away, you bent over, bracing your hands on your knees, and puked violently. Kelly was quick to catch up, holding you by the waist so that you wouldn’t fall down.
“Dawson, I need you and Brett around back. Y/N is really messed up.” Kelly called through his radio. “Bring a few sick bags and some fluids.”
“Copy.” Dawson shot back a second later.
Matt came up behind you and Kelly, reaching a hesitant hand out to your back. Now that he was out and you were safe, Matt was feeling a bit sick himself.
Kelly looked over at Matt when he saw how hesitant his hand was as he reached for you. Kelly could see that Matt was pale and shaking. “Case?” Kelly called, reaching a hand out to Matt.
This seemed to snap something in Matt, who turned and doubled over to vomit on the ground to Kelly’s right. Matt groaned, trying to get himself together as he slightly staggered back into Kelly’s hip as Kelly attempted to support both you and Matt.
“What the fuck?” Dawson called, running with Brett, stretcher packed with a go bag and a few other items on it.
“I don’t know.” Kelly called. “Can you help Matt please?” He asked, practically holding your weight in one arm.
Dawson was quick to nod, switching with Kelly to hold Matt steady and rub his back while the vomiting passed. Dawson and Kelly were sure this was pure adrenaline, but they were also worried about Matt passing out. Dawson held Matt by the hips, pressing him into her side to keep him balanced while she rubbed his back in an attempt to comfort him as he heaved.
Kelly had you by both hips. He was contemplating lowering you to the ground when Brett popped up next to his shoulder.
“Here.” She called, handing Kelly a sick bag for you. “Get this under her chin and lift her onto the stretcher. We gotta get her to the ambo and get her checked out.”
Kelly nodded and took the bag. “Baby.” Kelly called. “Try to breathe for me. I’ve got a sick bag here. We gotta get you loaded up. Can you take this for me so I can pick you up?” Kelly asked, rubbing your right arm as he watched you shake and spasm with every heave.
As a reply, you reached out for the bag and sucked in a huge breath so that you could place it under your chin. Once you had it secure, you put an arm around Kelly’s neck and allowed him to lift you onto the stretcher. “Ma- hurk” you tried to call for your other boyfriend, but a heave cut you off.
Kelly shushed you, pushing your hair further away from your face. “Dawson has him.” Kelly murmured, glancing in their direction. “He’s catching his breath. He’s okay.” Kelly told you sincerely, kissing your forehead. “Let’s worry about you.”
Kelly helped Brett push you to the ambo and load you up while the rest of the crew worked on cleaning up the spill. Everyone gave their lieutenants some privacy and kept their heads in the game. Matt wasn’t far behind the stretcher, finally having caught his breath and feeling able to take a few steps without Gabbi’s help.
“She hit her head again.” Matt called out, climbing into the back of the ambo with you, Kelly, and Brett. Gabbi closed the doors and got into the drivers seat. She called Med before pulling away from the scene.
Brett did a full concussion exam and ran your vitals on the way to med. Kelly helped Matt clean up and held your hand. Somewhere along the way, you finally stopped vomiting, but you weren’t able to focus on them, which scared both of your lovers half to death.
Upon arrival, Connor and Natalie took you in with April and Maggie. The four of them did a quick work up while Will checked Matt over in the next room. Once they got you on some more fluids and some electrolytes, you finally started coming around. Matt was the first one you saw when you opened your eyes.
“Close call?” You asked, looking at the tears in his eyes.
“Too close.” Matt whispered, kissing your head.
“Never again.” Kelly whispered, drawing your attention to him, now noticing that he was clutching your hand, still in his turnouts with a tear stained face.
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firefighterbracket · 1 year
The Bracket
The bracket has been seeded and organized and built a few hours early, which means you get to see it a few hours early!
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Round one will start tomorrow, Sunday, April 2nd - also a little bit ahead of schedule. Eight polls - four from each side of the bracket - will be posted at 6am pacific and run for 24 hours, and will be considered round 1A. The other eight polls, round 1B, will be posted at 6am on Monday, April 3rd.
All polls, once posted will be tagged as #polls, as well as #round 1 for easy access.
The rules are pretty self explanatory:
Don't be rude. It's a silly tumblr poll, not a judgement of character. If there is any threats or tomfoolery in the notes, the block button exists and I'll use it.
A continuation of the first rule: don't. be. rude. For now, anon messages are turned on, and they will stay on for as long as it's reasonable. If I get hate or rude messages, that privilege will get taken away. Don't be the reason everyone else loses anonymity.
Have fun! This was created for exactly that reason, so we should all enjoy it!
Plain text match ups under the cut
One Chicago:
Stella Kidd vs Christopher Hermann (1A)
Mouch McHolland vs Wallace Boden (1B)
Kelly Severide vs Leslie Shay (1B)
Matt Casey vs Darren Ritter (1A)
Grey's Anatomy/Station 19:
Ben Warren vs Diane Lewis (1B)
Andy Herrera vs Jack Gibson (1A)
Maya Bishop vs Travis Montgomery (1A)
Victoria Hughes vs Dean Miller (1B)
Eddie Diaz vs Judd Ryder (1A)
Chimney Han vs Hen Wilson (1B)
Bobby Nash vs Ravi Pannikar (1B)
Evan Buckley vs Marjan Marwani (1A)
Ricky Matsui vs Eve Edwards (1B)
Galo Thymos vs Carlos (Zero Escape) (1A)
Fireman Sam vs Bailey Nune (1A)
Marshall (PAW Patrol) vs Smokey Bear (1B)
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Brian ‘Otis’ Zvonecek Masterlist
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Full Masterlist
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Girl Talk: Otis misinterprets your girl talk with Shay and Dawson
Third Date: After your third date with Brian, you finally decide to introduce him to your baby daughter and things couldn’t have gone more perfect
The Zoo: After introducing Brian to your baby girl, he joins the two of you on your daughters first trip to the zoo
Closing Time: 18+ Leaving your phone at Molly’s leads to a surprising turn of events
Runaway Bride: Brian can’t let you get married without telling you how he feels
Insecure: Otis feels insecure in his relationship with you every time he’s reminded that your ex boyfriend is Lieutenant Kelly Severide
It Made Me Think of You: Otis gives you a gift that made him think of you as a way to finally confess his feelings for you
Headache: Otis takes care of you when you get a headache
Dressing Room: Your shopping trip changes for the better when you bump into a rather cute firefighter in the dressing
Pool Table: You and Otis bet against each other during a game of pool
Laser Tag: Cruz gets fed up when you and Otis keep making out during laser tag
Stood Up: After getting stood up on your date, you find yourself bumping into some much better company
Morning After: You wake up next to Brian for the first time
Come to Bed: You try and get Brian to come to bed
Big Hug Mug: You accidentally break Otis’s favourite mug and his reaction was not at all what you expected it to be
First Christmas: Your first proper Christmas with Brian becomes that much more special when he asks you that one magical question
The Gala: You and Brian attend the CFD gala together where things quickly turn from boring to steamy 18+
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“Fine, you can use me as a pillow.”
“You take me so well.” 18+
“I wish you would just look at me for two seconds.”
Things you said at 1am.
“Let me know if I’m doing anything wrong, okay? I want to make you feel as good as possible.” “O-Okay.” 18+
“Okay, but I think we should do that again. For research purpose. For humanity.”
For one muse to take the other from behind. 18+
“If you don’t turn off that stupid video game and have sex with me, I’m gonna masturbate right here.” + “Show me how you pleasure yourself.” 18+
“Damn you look good on your knees.” + “You taste so good.” 18+
No one’s ever done this for me before
“Now everyone knows you’re off limits.”
“Do you want my fingers?” 18+
Sharing ice-cream
“You know, I talk to a lot of people every single day. I hear all their voices telling me all kinds of stuff; I hear it all. And the only voice I really wanna listen to is yours, you know? Even when you’re driving me crazy. So come on. Please… Just drive me crazy again?”
To take a hot bath with my muse 18+
“Aren’t you afraid of getting seen with me?”
“You’re beautiful, you know that?” + “Don’t act so shy now.” + “Stop, you’re making me blush in public.”
“My muscles are aching.” “They weren’t aching last night when we were…” “Shut up, that’s exactly the reason why they are aching right now.”
“Are you trying to get us in trouble?”
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How He’d React:
To you asking him out on a date rather than the other way round
To finding out you hadn’t seen his favourite movie/TV show
To you wearing his clothes
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Play Pretend: You ask Otis to attend your family reunion with you on one condition… that he pretends to be your boyfriend. complete - ao3 link
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Original Character (ao3):
To Hell and Back: Chicago Fire x Supernatural crossover - In which Otis comes to learn about what’s truly out there when he finds himself falling for a Winchester ongoing
One Night Stand: In which after a drunken one night stand, Otis makes it his mission to track down the woman who he can’t seem to forget. complete ✔️
City of Smoke: In which a new paramedic has a rocky start at firehouse fifty-one, but after working her way into the hearts of those in the house, she soon finds she’d worked her way into one of their hearts just a little too much. complete ✔️
A Slow Burn: In which a new truck member catches the eyes, and the heart, of fifty-one’s very own Otis. complete ✔️
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Like Otis? Apply to his tag list so you don’t miss out on his works!
Like my work? Consider buying me a coffee!
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callsign-dexter · 1 month
I have not given up or forgotten about the series or universes that I have created. I'm trying to clear out some requests I have. I have plans for a new series and several new universes.
Here are the new ones that I have coming out at some point if anyone is interested in them:
Storm Warning- Javi Riveria x Daughter!Reader with an OC
Little Birdie- Bradley Bradshaw x Daughter!Reader with an OC
Firecracker- Evan Buckley x Daughter!Reader
Little Nash- Bobby Nash x Daughter!Reader
Littlest Halstead- Jay Halstead x Daughter!Reader *Already have a request for this one and hope to get it out soon*
Lil' Severide- Kelly Severide x Daughter!Reader with an OC
Let me know if you want to be tagged!
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spncrscasey · 2 months
navigation - spncrscasey
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Requests - OPEN (i only write x fem!reader and NO SMUT)
Asks - OPEN (anons you can assign yourself emojis if you want)
for asks and requests → #sky answers
for my writing → #sky writes
for random thoughts → #sky blabs
for gifs i create → #sky gifs
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・゚゚・。・:*:・゚★。・:*:・゚☆ (click here to be added to tag lists)
Chicago Fire: Matt Casey, Kelly Severide
Criminal Minds: Spencer Reid
House M.D.: Robert Chase, James Wilson
The Rookie: Tim Bradford
last updated: august 12, 2024
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onyxsboxes · 3 months
Thank you @impalachick for the tag! It was hard to choose 5, but it was fun. 😁
Tagging if you want @alienoresimagines @bucking-mustangs-with-wings @coastiewife465 @john-cleven @sig-nifier
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