#Keren Iados
“Is That So?”
K! So, this is the thing I was writing a while ago and forgot to post. Keren is drunk (what a surprise), and I just wanted to intro one of my other lovely OCs. If they had met while sober, this may have gone differently. But...that’s how it is. If you have questions (bc I’m great at not introducing OCs before I use them), ask away! 
Also, this a prompt from somewhere, I didn’t write it down, but thank you to the person who wrote it!
Keren was drunk. Again. He was slumped over a table in the corner of an establishment called the Bird Cage, one of the most well known alcohol dens in Chromeckothaun. The ground floor was covered with people crammed into tables and onto the dancefloor, swaying and jumping to electric swing music played by a group of avian automatons. The second floor (where Keren sat) was more subdued, with only a dozen people sitting at various tables. The room was lit by low red and orange lights, giving the room and the people within soft shadows. Music drifted up from the first floor, coming over the edge of the balcony and filling the air with dampened noise.
Keren pushed himself back from the table and stood. The shadowy room swayed in front of his eyes, the red and orange lights blinking and streaking in his vision. He took a step forward and stumbled over his tail, which had been curled around the leg of his chair. The half dozen glasses on the table rattled and clinked against each other, one falling over and rolling in aimless circles. Keren took another step and this time succeeded in disengaging himself with the table. He took another, more confident, step towards the bar, followed by another. He stumbled again, but caught himself and kept going. He wove between the few tables in his way, avoiding them just as much as he stumbled into them.
Finally, he made it to the bar and sat down on a stool, laying down on the bartop and humming as the cool copper came into contact with his cheek. He smiled languidly and shifted his unfocused gaze from empty space to the blurry figure who occupied the stool. The blur had dark skin, golden spikes that Keren took to be horns nestled in a long mass of blonde curls, and a glittering white smile that was visible over the rim of the cup that the figure held in a hand adorned with metal. Keren’s eyes focused and he stared at the figure, marvelling half aloud at the figure’s features.
The figure purred and quietly drummed the hand not holding the glass on the bartop, metal claws clinking against the copper. “You are quite charming, little demon. But alas, your honeyed words will get you nowhere.”
Keren picked his head up off of the bar and sat up straighter, blinking a few times to clear his vision. As the figure’s face clarified, Keren tried to keep his loose, cocky smile in place, but it faltered as he took in the figure in full detail. The blonde hair fell to the small of the figure’s back, catching the scattered light from around the room and looking more like a wavy golden cape than anything else. It was tucked behind one pointed ear, the rest fanning over thin shoulders to cascade down a simple black shirt and pants that hugged the figure’s body. The golden spikes nestled in the curls were indeed twisted golden horns, though whether they were natural or not was indistinguishable to Keren’s intoxicated eyes. Wine-red eyes met Keren’s golden ones, and Keren felt a blush creep across his two-toned skin. The figure smiled, perfect lips drawing back to reveal pointed, pearly canines that denoted something Keren couldn’t quite put his finger on.
Keren cleared his throat and spoke after making sure his signature self-important smirk was in place. “Is that so?” He leaned forward into the figure’s space, catching a whiff of some kind of earthy perfume that made his head spin. His thoughts were sluggish, but put together enough for a small corner of his brain to speak up.“ Are you sure this is a good idea? You don’t know what you’re getting yourself into.” But Keren was quite adept at ignoring what little logic he possessed, especially while inebriated.
The figure inclined his head once while smiling into his glass before setting it on the table. He put his hand out, golden ornamental claws glinting in the warm light. Keren hopped off of his stool, managing to maintain enough grace to look fluid, even in his drunken state. He bowed low over the figure’s hand, all the while looking up into the amused gaze that was directed down at him. “Keren Iados, paladin of the first ring of Hell and soon to be the one to sweep you off your feet.” He kissed the figure’s hand and straightened, winking before sitting down again.
The figure let out a tittering laugh, light and musical. He leaned back against the bar, legs crossed and filigreed nails still quietly drumming on the table top. “I am Auxerre Nightwing, the sole vampire lord of this city, the owner of this establishment, and...your most pleasant nightmare,” the figure finished with a sultry smile. With that, Auxerre stood and stepped in between Keren’s knees where they rested spread comfortably on the barstool. He wrapped his arm loosely around Keren’s neck, leaning back against the bar with only some of his weight on Keren’s thigh.
Keren felt his face heating up, and he knew that even through his red and black skin that the flush would show. He tilted his head to the side, breath stuttering as he tried to think of a smooth remark. “I thought you said that my words wouldn’t get me anywhere? But it seems to me that you have been won by my masculine charms.” He tossed his head and offered the man on his lap a suave smile.
Auxerre clicked his tongue, chuckling softly. He leaned in and kissed Keren on the cheek, once against wreathing him in a subtle but intoxicating scent that made his cheeks flush and want to inexplicably pull Auxerre closer. He smelled of...well worn leather, rain in the forest, and just a hint of something spicy.
Only then did the full weight of what Auxerre had said settle on Keren. He gulped quietly and tilted his head farther to the side, knowing that the low red lights would glint off of the triple sets of small horns set on his forehead, flicker across the gold and silver tattoos that covered his arms and neck, and highlight the long blonde lashes that surrounded his golden, pupil-less eyes.
“What brings the master of such a fine establishment out and into the company of one such as myself?” As he spoke, he wrapped his right arm gently around Auxerre’s back, resting it on the bartop and just barely letting his black, manicured claws catch the fabric of Auxerre’s robe, finally giving in to the urge that screamed to pull vampire closer. Keren knew that he was most likely in danger; vampire lords didn’t choose to dally with just anyone. But Keren was still drunk, and the wine he had ingested made him even more bold than he otherwise would have been, drowning out the tiny voice of reason that forever was doomed to lose to his impulses.
“Well, little demon: to put it simply, you intrigue me. In this shining city, not many are so bold as you. Not many approach the roosting vampire of this house of pleasures, much less lavish so many words and praises upon him with one very singular intention in mind.” Once again, Auxerre’s lips spread to reveal his perfect teeth formed into in a smile that brought a blush to Keren’s face, no matter how experienced with the art of seduction he was.
Keren was just about to offer the vampire-lord a drink when Auxerre’s face changed, becoming serious and concentrated, but somehow only enhancing his feminine but chiseled features.
Auxerre nodded once, eyes locked on some distant point, before standing gracefully and spinning around slowly to face Keren. Auxerre’s face still held the self-assured but charming smile it had before, but Keren could see the tiny cracks where worry shown through. Despite his drunken state and his extremely limited attachment to the man, he felt his heart clench at the sight. “What’s on your mind, doll? I didn’t see you talking to anyone, but something changed. I swear, by the holy fires of Zariel that-”
Before he could finish, Auxerre put a soft finger to his lips. “I appreciate the offer, little demon, but I assure you I am quite capable of taking care of this...nuisance on my own. I am so sorry to interrupt our encounter, as I can see it is leading somewhere quite promising. But alas, I will have to resume this another time. Return tomorrow, and I will assure that we are able to converse uninterrupted.” With a smile bordering on a smirk as Auxerre saw Keren nearly drool at the offer that had been laid out, he leaned forward to brush his lips against Keren’s, before turning and moving gracefully towards the staircase to the first floor, hips swinging slightly.
As as Auxerre disappeared into the low, warm light, Keren licked his lips unconsciously, still feeling the feather-light kiss Auxerre had given him. It tingled in the most pleasant way, almost gone but still lingering. He wanted more, and he was more than eager to see what would transpire the next night.
With a satisfied smirk, confident that the night had gone well due to his indelible charm, Keren ordered another glass of wine and retreated to his corner of the room, settling in again to listen to the music and search for some fresh company.
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honorbound13 · 6 years
“Just A Barbarian”
Random NPC: He’s just a barbarian. *points to 6 foot goliath covered in armor and furs and weapons*
Keren: *shakes his head* He’s not a barbarian, he knows the secrets of the universe. THAT’S our barbarian. *group parts so you can see a 2 foot tall kobold stabbing at the air with a knife and muttering*
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17, 31, 36 for the uncommon OCs questions (a few days late haha...)
17. Are they easily embarrassed?
Ok, all of these will be about my main OC for the moment, Keren Iados. Keren is a peacock: he thrives on attention, positive or negative. He can bend any situation in his favor, and he has no qualms about doing or saying something outrageous. And he has such an…interesting reputation already, he doesn’t really care about being in a situation that might make him the talk of the town for a while. Honestly, he’d be happy with that.
31. Who are they the most glad to have met?
Keren has been married before. He still wears the ring to this day, no matter who he’s in bed with. However, in a sick twist of friendship-turned-murderous-rivalry, Keren’s now nemesis killed Keren’s husband, and in return Keren did the same. Keren thanks the gods every day that he met his husband (I haven’t found the perfect name for him yet, but we’ll get there), no matter how short a time they were together. That doesn’t stop Keren from wanting to tear the world apart to get him back. 
36. Do they actively seek romance, or do they wait for it to fall into their lap? 
Keren can make even his worst enemy think that they’re in love with him. He has a silver tongue and an undeniable confidence that most people find insanely attractive, and he’s well aware of that. He flirts with anyone who he could get something from, anyone he takes a shining to, and anyone he trusts. But romance? Keren Iados loved once, and his heart died with his husband. 
Thank you so much for the ask! No worries about it being a few days late. :) 
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The Egg
It was a beautiful spring day, and Keren and Makomar were taking a walk in the woods located on the outside of Craedenhelm. Oakridge Forest had a deceivingly sunny and innocent feel: birds were always chirping, and a number of small animals were always running across the various dirt paths. But behind the beautiful scenery and cheery atmosphere, a slew of darker things lurked. One never knew what to expect in Oakridge Forest. And for that reason, Makomar was less than thrilled when Keren stumbled across an egg. The egg was covered in an array of silver scales which reflected back the light, giving the egg a rainbow effect in the bright sunlight.
Currently, Keren sat on the ground with his back to a towering oak which offered pleasant shade from the noonday sun. The egg sat in his palms, cradled against his chest like a treasure, or a child.
“Keren, you can’t keep the egg. Gods know what could be in there!” Makomar’s voice was edged with concern and frustration. Keren laughed and ran his clawed index finger over a scale on the egg.
“Why, of course we can, darling. There is nothing in this blasted egg tat will pose any danger to you; I simply won’t abide it.” Keren gave Makomar with his signature winning smile and continued to examine the skull-sized egg.
Makomar rolled his eyes and shook his head before responding. “It’s obviously not me I’m worried about, I’m, worried about you. I can protect myself perfectly well, but you…” he said, gesturing to his own leather armor and abundant weaponry, and then to Keren in his linen and gold robe. “That egg may cause you some problems, and I’m not going to let that happen.” Makomar crossed his arms over and his chest and puffed himself up.
Before Makomar could blink, his back pas pressed to the oak that Keren had been resting under and the wind was knocked from his lungs. Keren stood pressed to Makomar’s chest with a knife casually held against his throat. Keren gave him a sickly sweet smile and stepped back before sitting back down lazily in the grass and clutching the egg to his chest again, seemingly ignoring Makomar. Makomar was still realizing what had happened, shocked at how fast Keren had reacted. He smiled ruefully and rubbed the back of his head where it had knocked against the tree before turning his smile on Keren, marvelling at the way the sun glinted off of Keren’s various earrings and tattoos, the way it threw shadows over his two-toned skin.
Just as he was about to walk over and sit with Keren, the egg began to shake and fracture. The first crack echoed through the forest and made multiple birds nesting in the surrounding trees take flight away from the sound. The shell started to shake, and Keren dropped it with a yelp he would later deny. He crouched over it and watched with rapt attention as the shell unfolded like a flower and exposed...a tiny dragon the size of Makomar’s pinkie. It was covered with iridescent silver scales that showed peaks of black skin in between. Keren squealed and picked up the tiny thing in his hands, cuddling it to his chest and muttering nonsense to it in a baby voice.
Makomar froze while the egg cracked, keeping his eyes on the dragon. He slowly walked to Keren’s side, careful to not startle the dragon. Once he was within a few feet of the dragon (and Keren), he leapt at Keren, aiming to knock the tiny dragon from his grasp. Keren easily moved to the side so that Makomar sprawled in the dirt over Keren’s legs. Makomar looked up to meet Keren’s shining eyes.
“Can we keep him? Please?”
|Damn, this is my first original writing post. I’m hella nervous about all of 5 people seeing it, but uh. Here you go! My grammar sucks, I’m sorry, someone teach me how to use commas. If you need backstory, just look up Keren Iados on my blog to find information about him, and if anyone cares, I can post some things about the world this takes place in and some of the other characters (should probably do something about Makomar at least). That’s it for now, lmk if you wanna be tagged if I ever post anything original. Thanks for reading!|
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honorbound13 · 6 years
Making OCs
OC #26: Maybe I have too many? I could spend time developing my other OCs that I’ve had for years, instead of working on the ones I created tonight at 2 am.
OC #27: One more can’t hurt, right?
Bonus : Two Weeks Later
OC #29: I thought I had 20?? Did they multiply??? *forgets the 4 OCs i created at 2 am a few weeks ago*
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honorbound13 · 6 years
OC #1 Part 1 : Keren Iados
Probably my most developed OC is named Keren Iados. He is based on the tiefling race from D&D, which mean’s he is half demon/devil and half human. He’s a very...eccentric and interesting character, and I love him to pieces. 
He has mottled black and red skin, solid black eyes and a lot of jewelry and tattoos. He has 3 piercings in his left eyebrow, 2 gold and 1 silver. He has blonde hair, which is long in the front and shaved on the back and sides (kinda like the meet me at McDonald’s haircut). He has various gold and silver tattoos all over his body, centralized on his back, neck, arms and chest. It’s a lot of suns and moons and stars and things. 
He’s about 5′8″, 26 years old and about 170 pounds, and he has an endomorph body, so he’s a chubby boi, but he’s also muscular af because he’s a paladin and a monster hunter. He’s like the most body positive person in the world, he just thinks everyone’s body is beautiful as long as you’re healthy or on your way to being. He’s rather chubby around the stomach and thighs, but he just says it’s better for hugging and cuddling. And luring people into a false sense of security.
He’s a tiefling, so that mean’s he has various devil-like physical qualities. He has 3 sets of horns on his temples, going from smallest closest to the middle of his head and the largest on the outside. They have various gold and silver bands on them (have you noticed a pattern?). He also has very sharp canines and a devil’s tail with a heart-shaped end.
He’s usually covered in armor and weapons. He tends to wear gold and silver half plate mail (so a chestplate, bracers and greaves), a black shirt, brown pants and various gold and silver bracelets. (He’s extra af, yes, leave him alone. He’s a smol gay boy who likes shiny things.) He doesn’t have any shoes because he has goat hooves for feet! And then he has 7 swords and daggers strapped to various parts of his body: a greatsword and 2 longswords on his back underneath his shield that he carries around, 2 shortswords on his hips and then 2 daggers strapped to his thighs. (No this isn’t too much, it’s just right.)
K so I think I’ll do personality and backstory in the next part if anyone cares enough. Tbh I’ll do it anyways but ya know. Hope you like it, hope it wasn’t too shit! Tl.dr to go back and review it, but I hope I didn’t fuck up on anything. Yaaay, my fav smol gay stabby boy.
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honorbound13 · 6 years
OC #1 Part 2: Keren
Personality Trait:
I'm sure my god has chosen me for a greater destiny.
Insurrection. The faith of my old country is corrupt and must be brought down by the new order (Chaotic).
Protect the innocent.  
I always believe what I’m doing is right and for the right reasons.
Peace. You fight so future generations won’t have to.
Lust. You can’t resist an attractive face and a pleasant smile.
Keren is normally very stuck up but when fighting for what he believes in or discussing it he becomes heroic and passionate. Around the house and camp, Keren will clean up and make food and over-manage everyone, protecting them and fighting so they don’t have to in battle, healing them before himself afterwards, even though he seems self centered and stuck up. He always comes off as self-centered and bossy, but he has everyone’s best interests at heart, and tries his best to follow the teachings of his god and be the savior of the world. And himself.
Keren is a Zariel tiefling from the Nine Hells, a heretic who has reshaped Zariel’s teachings, using the martial talents taught and honed in battles for the betterment of all, instead of just for himself. However, after an encounter with another tiefling from his past, who showed their prowess in battle and how followed the unaltered teachings of Zariel, Keren began to be swayed into taking power for himself once again, and began to follow the path of a Blood Hunter, newly convinced this may be the best path to redemption for all. He is currently in an internal battle between a hunger for power and a instinctive protection of all that he meets, and is prone to fits of forceful rage or extreme kindness.
One parent was a human and one was a devil, but my mother (the human) was captured by another Lord of Hell when I was a child, and we have never seen her since. I was born among the devils and demons of the first Ring of Hell, Avernus. I am the youngest of 4 siblings. We lived in a large house, and I was generally loved by everyone I was around. I became a paladin to combat the general despair and pain in Hell, much to the disappointment of my family and the orthodox followers of Zariel from Avernus. However, after meeting my rival from childhood on my travels, who follows Zariel’s teachings without distortion and has risen in the ranks and is even respected in the lower levels of Hell that have more power and standing, I began to question my path and drift more towards a less...selfless version of paladin-hood. During my travels I also met someone special and got married and was ready to settle down and have a nice life, but the rival from my childhood murdered my lover and I in turn murdered someone close to them. I realized that through my ways in using violence only as a last resort I wasn’t able to protect those that I loved...so I slowly drift back towards violence and bloodshed, inherently following in the footsteps of Zariel and becoming what I hate.
As you can tell, Keren was originally a D&D character, so he has a lot of lore and setup based on that, so uh. Sorry? Anyway, here. (IK no one asked for this buuuut u know. I wanted to do it)
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honorbound13 · 6 years
just gonna check again, even tho im prly going to do it: does anyone want to hear Keren’s personality and backstory and shit?
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I’ve jumped on board a question-for-question game in our little community to exchange OC facts, and I’m dragging you with me (if you want to join, ofc). Are there any OCs on your mind for your WIP world? Who is your favorite? Why?
Thank you so much for including me! Holy crap, I have so many OCs. I think I have about 40 OCs in progress or completed for my WIP world. I have quite a few favorites, but I think my favorite right now is probably Keren Iados, the one that I’ve done 2 huge paragraphs on. He was my first full OC I made, and I’ve recently gone back and developed his character and personality a lot more, so I’m falling in love with him all over again. In short, he’s a gay af red/black tiefling (D&D race, bc he was originally supposed to be a D&D character) with an asshole-ish personality that secretly cares about everyone WAY too much. He’s had a lot of bad stuff/sad stuff happen, maybe I’ll write about it if someone cares enough or I ever get around to it.
Thank you again for asking me!
I have no idea if I’m supposed to ask you anything, but if I am: Who’s your favorite OC, out of any of your WIPs, and why?
Thank you @cogesque
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