klaineccfanficlibrary · 3 months
Falling For You
Author: @bitbybitwrites
Rating: T
Status: Completed in April 2024
Word Count: 26,089
Summary: For the Klaine Secret Santa 2023 Gift Exchange and was paired up to write something for the lovely and talented @mynonah.
You gave me a fantastic assortment of things to choose for prompts. It was challenging at first to decide which combination of them for your story!
I may have taken some liberties with how the medical profession actually works and how hospitals are run just for this fic. My apologies if some things aren't factually correct.
Tropes/Genre: kid!fic, florist!Kurt, Doctor!Blaine, meet cute, AU, NYC!Klaine
Lynne's review: This story is truly special. I really enjoyed it. Any story with a beautiful scene between Blaine and Burt wins in my book.
Read at: AO3
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ae-azile · 4 months
Working Title: The Non-Newtonian Newborn (Or How Kim Theerapanyakul Became a Virgin Father and Got the Guy of his Dreams)
Kim’s fans can be a little…intense. Ever since Why Don't You Stay was released, Kim's fame has continued to rise, but so have the inappropriate comments and flirtations, number of stalkers, and the number of strange gifts. And none of those things matter when Chay has yet to say more than a few words to him. He doesn't want any of the excess attention, propositions for sex, or gifts unless it comes from Chay.
He's so pathetic. He doesn't know why people leave him gifts in front of his apartment building. But none of those compare to the confusion he feels when he finds a newborn baby outside his front door. It's the strangest “gift” he has ever received and it's one he has to contact the police over.
And again.
And again.
When the baby appears at the foot of his bed out of thin air, Kim figures he may need help that no cop can offer. But until he can find the kind of help he needs to get this baby out of his life, he is moving back to the compound for the first time since he was seventeen. He hates the thought of it, but he's not staying in his apartment with a cursed baby. At least Khun and Kinn are at the compound, as well as guards who can tend to this thing so Kim doesn't have to.
As for Chay’s presence? It's a big building. If Chay truly doesn't want to see him, Kim will stay out of his way, deal with this problem, and Chay will be none the wiser.
Pairings: KimChay, side Armkhun, side KinnPorsche, side VegasPete+Macau
Rating: M
Warnings: forced parenthood, stalking
Key Tags: Magical/Cursed babies, crack treated seriously, KimChay reconciliation, KimChay as co-parents, friends to crushes to enemies to co-parents to lovers.
Fic Preview Below Cut:
Kim can fully admit he once loved the attention he received from his music career, at least for the most part. The obvious lust some fans had for him could be a source of discomfort. Regardless of the charisma and occasional flirtatious disposition he would exude on stage, that wasn't really Kim. That was WIK.
After his fall out with Chay, it's harder to be WIK, which is a shame. His catapulting fame expects him to be WIK more than ever. However, “Kim” and “WIK” are no longer two sides of the same coin, not like Kim thought they once were. Kim and WIK are two very different people. Every day, it's gets harder and harder to be WIK, especially when both Kim and WIK remember what Kim had done.
He had been so fucking stupid. Why couldn't have he just asked Chay to talk privately when Chay confronted him outside the compound? Expressed why he did what he did? Done anything but admit his wrongs in the worst possible way, leave Chay a crying mess in front of the compound, and fuck up his own heart in the scheme of things? Despite Chay meeting him as WIK, Kim had felt like he could be himself around Chay - or at least the version of himself that Kim strived to be. Chay brought out a side that Kim could actually tolerate, one that wasn't forced. It was a side that felt affection, kindness, and hope, and it had been so easy to be and feel that way when he wasn’t reminded of why he was tutoring Chay in the first place.
He ruined everything. He may be more successful than ever, but he ruined everything.
“Khun K…Wik,” Clyde says, his voice coming out in a grunt as he holds a woman in a hold from behind, “You have another unwanted vis-”
Kim lets out a sigh and walks over to the woman, bending down slightly to make eye contact with her.
He hates eye contact.
“Thank you for your continued support,” Kim tells her as she struggles in Clyde’s arms, “But this is my home and I need to maintain boundaries for my continued safety-”
“I LOVE YOU, P’WIK!” the woman screeches in his face, trying to drop herself down to the floor. When she succeeds to an extent, she begins kicking at his ankles. Does she expect sudden love and devotion from him if she kicks his ankles?
“I am giving you a chance to go home without further action taken,” Kim tells her calmly, taking one step back, “Leave. Now.”
The woman’s breath is heaving as her kicking legs gradually come to a halt. She looks up at him with tear filled, adoring eyes and lets out a cry.
“I will show you we are soulmates, P’Wik. I swear I will.”
“Again, thank you for your continued support. Go home.”
The woman slowly gets to her feet and promptly launches herself at him. Kim really does not want to fight her. That isn't what he wants as he stands stiffly in her hold. But when she yanks at his hair and gets several stray fingers caught in between her fingers, Kim gives Clyde a nod and she is promptly tased.
“It's the third time she had come by this week,” Clyde says as she lies there in a daze, “She came in telling me you were meant to be together and that you were thinking of proposing soon.”
“What is her name again?” Kim asks, glancing down at her.
“Hom Thepnakorn. I suggest if you don't want to contact your father and have her taken care of the way he would insist on, then you should get a restraining order.”
One is brutal, but swift and can be swept under the rug. The other is a process that will likely attract some level of media attention.
But when Kim looks down at her, it's clear this woman is sick. Not evil, not a murderer. Sick and in need of help.
“Call the police, mention my father’s name if needed,” Kim says to Clyde, “Tell them that a woman who is in need of psychiatric support is at our address. Any other incidents today?”
Clyde lets out a sigh, puts on some gloves, and starts bringing up things from behind the desk, “You have been left three bouquets of flowers, two bras, four pairs of underwear, a jockstrap, a pizza in the shape of a heart, and a very large egg.”
Kim jerks his head back at the sight as Clyde opens the box, “A very large egg?”
Clyde nods Hom, who is still on the floor, “She wanted to give it to you. It doesn't seem to be a bomb.”
Kim looks down at the egg, then picks it up out of the case.
“Khun Wik, we don't know what substances could be on it.”
“Why would you give me an egg?” Kim says, looking down at it. It's green. It's also glowing.
“Will this blow me up?”
Hom blinks, then shakes her head, “Never, P’Wik. You are my soulmate. I would never hurt you or anyone you care about.”
“Hm,” Kim acknowledges, then promptly lets the egg fall to the ground. Clyde lets out shout and takes cover, all while Kim looks down in fascination at the swirling orange, green, purple, and white substance. It swirls around Kim’s feet, never mixing in color, yet is rapidly swirling around him.
“What is this?” Kim asks more directly, entranced and confused by the sight.
He had dropped it in hopes of breaking the woman’s heart. When he broke Chay’s heart, Chay pretty much blocked Kim out of his life. It's Kim's biggest regret and the rare dinners Kim has to go to that Chay also attends are a source of intense pain, but also the one thing Kim looks forwards to. It's pathetic. Kim had thought this woman might banish him out of her life for doing the same. At least it would be wanted.
But that doesn't seem to be the case. Instead of screaming or crying with heartbreak and disappointment, the woman squeals with delight, kicking her feet against the floor as if she is the happiest woman on earth. She crawls over just far enough to release the stray hairs from her fingertips, letting them fall into the swirling circle. Kim can't help but be disturbed by the happy and satisfied glint in her eye, all while Clyde takes on the task of calling the police for the assistance of removing a mentally ill woman. As they wait, the woman just stays on the ground while she watches the swirling liquid with fascination. When Kim tries to step out of the circle that has formed around him, it follows and forms a circle around him once more.
“It's pink!” She shouts, pointing at the circle, “That's exactly what I wanted!”
Kim glances down at the liquid in absolute confusion. If anything, those colors should have mixed into a murky brown or gray. But sure enough, the circle around him is light yet vibrant pastel pink. It only stops and disappears through the floor seconds before the cops arrive.
“You’ll love me soon, P’Wik,” the woman says, smiling brightly as two cops pick her up off the floor, handcuff her, and escort her through the door, “I promise. We will be tied together forever. We’re soulmates, I know it-”
“Come on, ma’am,” one of the cops say, “To the car. You are lucky this man isn't taking further action against you-”
���I LOVE YOU, P’WIK!!!”
Kim makes sure he says nothing in return, focusing on giving his statement on what happened before addressing Clyde directly.
“I'm sorry for the added stress that my…admirers have caused you recently-”
“Khun Kim, with all do respect, she and several others who have stopped by the building are stalkers.”
Kim clears his throat, “I feel like that's a bit harsh-”
“If I may speak out of turn again, it really isn't.”
That's probably fair. On top of that, Clyde is mostly dealing with these visitors independently. Prior to the release of his new album, Kim saw no need to have excess security for the building. Logically, he knows he should have it, considering his job, as well as when he is reminded of whose son he is. But having guards on every corner reminds him of a childhood he didn't want. He sometimes fantasizes of a childhood where his mother lived past Kim's ninth birthday, one where Kinn could pursue music like Kim has, and one where Khun could have stayed popular, charismatic, academically gifted, and safe.
Pa never makes the cut for these fantasies, and they never take place at the compound. The family home Kim often dreams up strangely looks like the one Chay grew up in.
“I will hire a few more guards,” Kim says quietly. He hates the idea of it, but Clyde has been his doorman for a long time, and an employee of his family’s even longer. He was Ma’s guard, so when Kim was required to have at least one guard as a staff in this building, he chose him. He doesn't want him to leave, nor does he want him to get hurt.
“I apologize for the chaos and stress people have brought you,” Kim continues, “I know you didn't sign up for this when you first started here-”
“I signed up to protect you, Khun Kim, which is why I am concerned about the influx of these behaviors coming from various people,” Clyde says, then points at the floor, “We don't even know what that liquid was! I could be a health hazard! It swirled around you, changed colors, then got absorbed by the floorboards! If I thought I was seeing things!”
“It was probably just some…non-newtonian fluid.”
“Lava is a non-newtonian fluid, so is blood. Both can be harmful.”
“And some aren't,” Kim says, “Like ketchup.”
“That was NOT ketchup-”
“I’ve had a long day,” Kim says, walking towards the elevator, “I’ll look into more guards. Make sure the doors are locked tonight before your shift is over. Unless the are a tenant, make sure Red knows not to let anyone in.”
Clyde breathes out, “...Yes, Khun Kim. But if I may make one suggestion.”
Since the elevator hasn't arrived yet, Kim nods his head.
“Go on.”
“Stay at the compound for a while. It's safer there, and you will have more people who can come to your aid if something like this would happen again. Your address has clearly been leaked, and it has been attracting people you frankly don't want to attract. Even if they figure out you are staying with your family, it will be so much safer and you will likely avoid running into any of these stalkers at all-”
“Khun Kim-”
“I said no,” Kim says, his voice more stern, “This will pass, Clyde. No one has come here with weapons. The most this woman did was lightly kick at my ankles and pull a few strands of my hair. That's it. I will get you more support staff, and I will even let you take some time off if that's what you need. But I am not moving back there. Ever.”
He could swear that Clyde is grumbling under his breath and rolling his eyes, but Kim isn’t going to call him out on it. He has a right to be frustrated. Kim understands the current situation is annoying.
But it still won't make Kim budge. He doesn't want to be around Pa, and Chay doesn't want to be around him. So he sticks to his decision, gets inside the elevator when it dings, goes to the top floor, and plans for a relaxing night.
It's easier said than done. It's hard to relax during any downtime he has. Silence brings on thinking, and thinking brings on obsessing over Chay. It has been about nine months since everything happened with Tawan. Nine months since Chay figured out who Kim really was.
It fucking hurts. Nine months later, and it still fucking hurts.
When the memories and regrets get to him this much, he has a habit of skipping dinner. He knows it isn't good for him, and he will sometimes find ways to climb his way out of this habit by cooking for himself. But last time he did that, he he squirted a smiley face on his plate with Sriracha sauce and it was a downward emotional spiral from there.
He chooses not to eat tonight, although maybe he should have. By the time he is ready for bed and brushing his teeth, a bout of sudden nausea hits him so intensely that it has him diving in front of the toilet to heave up the little he ate for lunch. It's painful, confusing, and frustrating. He never throws up.
He wonders if he is getting sick. Maybe it's stress from the stalker. Maybe the swirling, non-newtonian fluid omitted some sort of poisonous gas and now he's suffering the consequences.
He's probably overthinking it. Soon enough, he feels better. Slightly sore, but better. He's fine.
And even if he's not, so be it.
However, he can't help but worry slightly when he wakes up just as the sun is rising, feeling queasy again. He tries to push off the nausea for as long as he can until it becomes unbearable and he find himself throwing up in the toilet once more, spitting up a mixture of water and yellow bile.
He ends up not going into the studio. He usually would, but he doesn't have any pressing matters to attend to or any rehearsals scheduled. In fact, his people have been hinting to take advantage of the downtime. They think he has been stressed, and they say that his stress in particular is contagious.
So Kim will stay home today. He wouldn't want his employees and colleagues to catch this bug, or whatever stressful aura he has been giving off.
But when he hears something on the other side of the door, he wonders if he should have gone after all. It sounds like a cat. Maybe it belongs to one of his neighbors. That's the last thing Kim needs to do right now, call around and ask his neighbors who is missing a cat.
Regardless, he gets up and checks anyway. He likes cats, and one feeling stressed out by accidentally finding itself on the top floor isn't something Kim wants until he opens the door, takes in what it actually is, and wishes it were a cat instead.
“Why?” is all Kim asks, staring down at the baby, who is loosely swaddled in a pastel pink blanket, “Seriously. Who are you and why are you here?”
The baby gurgles happily and brings their arms out of the blanket, lifting them upwards. If Kim didn't know any better, he would assume the baby wants to be picked up. But this baby doesn't know him and Kim doesn't know this baby.
“No,” Kim says, then immediately shuts the door, leaving the baby in the hall. He can only keep up with that for about ten seconds before opening the door again, stepping out into the hallway, and begrudgingly lowering himself to the ground. As he looks at the baby, he feels extreme reluctance before reaching over to feel around their blanket.
“Who left you here?” Kim mutters to himself, looking for some kind of clue, “Do you have a tag or anything?
The baby just gurgles happily and lifts their arms again. Kim practically jumps out of his skin when the baby grabs a hold of his pointer finger and just…keeps holding it.
“I need that back,” Kim says stiffly, but lets them hold his finger until they let go on their own accord. Once they do, he calls down to the front desk.
“Have we had any visitors yet today?” Kim asks as soon as Clyde answers the phone.
“No, Khun Kim. It has been quiet so far.”
“I need you to go through the security footage and check,” Kim says, giving the baby a wary glance, “Someone left something outside my door.”
“Look at the live feed and see for yourself.”
Kim waits silently as Clyde clicks whatever he needs to click to view Kim’s hallway camera feed. As soon as he does, Clyde clears his throat.
“Is that a baby, Khun Kim?”
“A living and breathing baby.”
Kim shifts over to peer at the baby’s face, “Seems to be.”
“...I see. I will rewind the footage, see when they were left by your door, and then call the authorities. If you would like to bring them down, they can just pick the baby up out front.”
Kim really doesn't want to pick this baby up. But he would rather not invite people he doesn't know up to his floor, so he supposes he will suck it up and do it.
“You didn't take any breaks that would have left the front desk unoccupied?” Kim asks, holding the cellphone in the crook of his neck as he hesitantly and carefully lifts the baby into his arms.
“Of course not. Not with what happened yesterday.”
“What about our tenants? Are there any new parents?”
“No, Khun Kim. I am just as confused by this as you are. But I will make sure the child is handed over to the proper channels swiftly.”
“Good,” Kim mutters, staring down at the baby as he hangs up the phone. When he steps into the elevator, he sees the hint of a white piece of paper, nestled between the pink fabric and the baby’s stomach. Kim reaches in to grab it, then unfolds it with one hand.
Meet our beautiful love child.
You are my soulmate, P’Wik.
This proves it.
May our baby girl tie us together forever.
Love, Hom.
Only a part of Kim takes in the fact the letter is written in blood.
…This morning is stupid. All he wanted was a sick day.
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the-cookie-of-doom · 11 months
My entire day is just. Studying child development. And I don't like it (it's complicated) but it's making me really want to write a kid!fic?
Look, watching that one episode of Ingredients Did Something To Me, okay??
After some youthful indiscretions when he's a teenager, Kim get's a girl pregnant. Korn finds out and makes the problem go away. Kim might not find out at all, until years later, when the girl - now a woman - presents him with a toddler and tells him it's his. And Kim is shocked to hell, but if nothing else, he's loyal to his family, and holy shit this child is his family.
Or maybe Korn deals with the problem in a different way. He's not averse to raising bodyguards, Kim says as much himself. He could easily take care of the mother (either paying her off, attic-wifing her, or killing her), with the intention of raising his grandson to be the next heir after Kinn. He knows the chances of getting a child out of Kinn are slim to none. Now he won't have to worry about that. He has a grandchild that he can raise in his own image, in secret.
This is going to get long so I'm going to continue under a cut
However it happens, Kim eventually finds out, and like hell he's going to let anyone keep him from his child. It will take him a while to get used to the idea, to lean into fatherhood, but he's not going to let his own father raise his child to be a killer. Kim sees a chance to break his generational trauma and he takes it with both hands and runs.
Kim has no idea how to be a father. He didn't have a good role model. He know show he's raised, and he knows he won't be the same, so he just. Tries to do the opposite of whatever he went through as a kid. (He's probably the overly-permissive type, but that won't be a problem until later.)
Kim also doesn't have time to be a father. He's in his last year of university, he has a career to manage. Korn of course offers to help - with Kinn running the family now, he can play the part of doting grandpa, but Kim refuses. Hires a nanny (maybe the one that took care of him as a child, the only one he trusts with his own) to help him figure this all out.
The official story, as far as WiK goes, to protect his clean image, is that the toddler is his baby brother. WiK is seen as the sweet, doting older brother when they're seen in public together (which he tries to make sure isn't often, but he's not going to raise his kid in a box, fuck that). It melts the hearts of all his fans, and no one knows he was a teen parent, a terrible role model, someone to scorn.
At some point in their interactions, Kim lets it slip that he has two brothers, and Chay is confused. He knows about the toddler, but Kim mentioned two older brothers? So doesn't that mean he has three?
Eventually Kim introduces Chay to his kid, and Chay isn't stupid. He was raised by his own brother, he knows what that looks like, and it's not what he sees now. His suspicions are confirmed the first time Kim lets him into his apartment. He tries to hide all of the baby things, but Chay snoops a little bit. Finds a child's room behind a door that should have been locked. He confronts Kim, very gently, with the truth. He doesn't judge. He sad that Kim feels the need to hide, even from him, but he understands.
He also thinks the image of Kim with his son is so much cuter than the idea of him with a baby brother.
Kim lets himself be a little reckless, lets Chay spend more time with him and his son, and it hurts how easily Chay takes to him. Like they're a little family of their own. But it's not real.
The first time Kim lets - no, specifically asks - Chay to babysit, because he has no one else, his nanny is sick, and there's no one else he trusts with his son (which is a shock for both of them on it's own), leads to a dramatic shift in their relationship. Kim can't keep pretending this is just a friendship of convenience. He trusts Chay, maybe more than he should, but he can't deny it.
It's going to make the breakup so much harder, because his son is old enough to love Chay, to miss him, to ask where he is when he stops coming over, and Kim doesn't have a good enough answer. Is barely holding himself together, without the added pain of consoling his heartbroken child, crying for Chay to come home while Kim has to keep himself from doing the same.
TBH, the kid is probably how they reconcile. Next time SomethingTM happens and Kim doesn't have anyone to watch him, his first instinct is to call Chay. But he's not allowed to do that anymore. So he drops the boy off with Uncle Tankhun (and is barely able to make him leave that horrible house with his child inside, but Khun is fierce, he'll protect him) and at some point Chay comes to see Khun, and finds him playing with the kid who missed Chay so much, and he knows he should leave, but when he tries the kid cries until he throws up (it's gross, but it's also sweet, but it's also so, so heartbreaking) and Chay just. Can't. Kim might hate him for it, but he can't break that little baby's heart all over again.
After, both Tankhun and the kid demand regular visits. (Khun knows exactly what he's doing. Yeah he loves his nephew, the kid is in that excited dress-up stage and lets Khun treat him like a little doll, but he also thinks Kim is an idiot and needs to start talking to Chay again, and if this is what happens, then so be it).
Little kiddo excited tells Chay about anything and everything, and then does the same to Kim, telling him about his day, all the fun things he did with Uncle Khun and Uncle Chay, and. It hurts. Kim was not at all prepared for how much it hurts.
It continues this way for a while, with the kid an unintentional carrier pigeon between Kim and Chay, sharing aspects of their lives to each other. They never cross paths because Chay always makes sure he's not there when Kim drops him off or picks him up.
Until one day he is. Kim was late (his latest mission was particularly bloody, he had to take extra time to get himself cleaned up and put back together, he won't let his son be exposed to this part of his life) and his son is inconsolable. Chay is trying his best. Just got him to sleep in his lap when Kim finally drags himself, looking fierce until his eyes fall on his son in the arms of the man he loves, and he softens, and Chay sees it, and. They really need to talk.
But kiddo is still sleeping, and Kim doesn't want to wake him up just yet, so he just. Sits down. Looking at him because he can't look at Chay, and Chay tells him how worried kiddo was (doesn't say how worried he was, too), and how he's been fussy all night. Kim lets it slip how much kiddo missed Chay/looks forward to seeing him now (doesn't say how much he missed Chay, and always hopes for a glimpse of him, always disappointed when he isn't there)
They have a lot to work through, but it's impossible to fight with the kiddo sleeping in Chay's lap, so they're forced to be adults about it. Talking quietly, with Kim admitting to things he never thought he'd be able to say out loud. Does say how much he missed Chay, and how he never should have left Chay alone, and how he never should have let Chay think he never loved him, because he did, so much he saw a future with Chay that scared him, and he ran, because he couldn't bear it if Chay left him first, better to break his own heart
Chay forgives him. They don't get together immediately because forgiveness isn't the same as acceptance, and they still have things they need to work through. But he stops avoiding Kim, and sometimes Kim calls him instead of Khun when he needs an impromptu baby sitter, and slowly, that little family that Kim never let himself dream about starts to take form in front of his eyes, and he wonders how he could have ever let himself run away from this.
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anon-e-miss · 1 year
More Barbarian AU
“Y’re alright,” Ricochet said, taking Barricade by the arm and guiding him down the hall. “Don’t know what the dumb aft was thinkin’ bringin’ ya here like some kinda prize. If he’d known what was good for ‘m he woulda been on a chip to Kaon.”
“What was that about?” Barricade asked. He was rather calm for a mech that had just watched another get beaten to death; that did not mean he was not likely to be terrified.
“Road Handler, the creep that bought ya betrayed Jazz, betrayed our clan,” Ricochet explained. “He said nothin’ when a mutual friend was bridenapped. A coward ‘n a fool. He outta known Jazz would scrap’m.”
“You didn’t save your friend,” Barricade guessed. “Given his reaction.”
“No,” Ricochet replied. “He died from complications givin’ emergence to my brother’s creations.”
“I’m sorry to hear that,” Barricade said. Ricochet nodded.
“Y’re brother sold ya?” He asked.
“I didn’t manage to find blackmail on him like the last one,” Barricade replied. “He got rid of me before I could.”
“Blackmail?” Ricochet asked.
“I’m receptive,” Barricade explained. “I’m supposed to be a good little brooder. At my age, I should have had two at least by now but I never fancied that life. My progenitor never found a mech who could handle me and when he died I blackmailed my oldest brother so he would leave me to live how I wanted.”
“What’d ya blackmail ‘m wit?” Ricochet asked.
“He liked getting fragged,” Barricade said. “He had this femme bodyguard and I caught them in berth together with her fragging him and slagtalking him like he was a cheap buymecha. If I’d let that out, his reputation would have been destroyed. He would have had to go into exile for the shame of it.”
“Cause he liked gettin’ spiked?” Ricochet asked, aghast.
“Praxus has rules,” Barricade explained. “Receptives get fragged and contributives frag. Sure lots of mecha switch things up but he was a senator. The scandal would have ruined him.”
“That’s… rough,” Ricochet said.
“Don’t feel sorry for him,” Barricade retorted. “He was a disgusting piece of scrap.”
Ricochet was not sure what to think of the mech walking with him. Blackmailing his brother with his sexuality was pretty horrific, but so was being traded or sold to be a broodcarrier. He thought a bit about what Ori had told him of Jazz’s wet nurse, of the hollowness of his optics from the torture of that life. Barricade was far from hollow; he was full of fire. If his own brother had sold him, there was no sending him back to his kin. That begged the question what to do with the mech? Jazz wanted nothing to do with him and was in no state to be responsible for another mechanism’s life. Given the lengths Barricade had gone through not to end up a broodcarrier, he was not going to be keen to be matched off with some friendly clansmecha. It would not be the same, Polyhexians had far more honour that Praxians and their receptive mechanisms were free to do as they pleased but it would also not be the same, because Barricade was Praxian and no clan would take him along for the sake of it.
“Ori, got some work for ya,” Ricochet called as he walked into the rooms his procreators had claimed, not far from the harem.
“What’ve ya done?” Punch asked, out of side. He turned the corner and saw Ricochet with Barricade. Ricochet held up Barricade’s wrist to show his originator the bangles that had been welded around his wrists. “Now how’d ya come to be in Darkmount?”
“My brother sold me,” Barricade replied. “Some mech designated Road Handler bought me and tried to give me to your Warlord as a present.”
“Rico?” Punch asked.
“Jazz beat’m to a pulp,” Ricochet replied. “Real, real dead that one.”
“Can’t say ‘m sorry,” Punch replied. “After all the time he spent in my camp as a ward, his betrayal hurt the most.”
“His clan might have a snit,” Ricochet said.
“Not if they’re smart,” Punch replied. “Come on o’er. I should have cutters narrow ‘nough to snip those off without nickin’ ya.”
It was quick work, once Ori found the right cutters, and Barricade rubbed his wrists, sighing with relief to have the bangles off. Ori ordered tisane and a tray of fuel, figuring Barricade had not fuelled in a while. Ricochet might have left them to chat but he had said he would see to Barricade and so he kept to his glyph and he fuelled with them as Ori asked his questions and they all got a better understanding on how the Praxian caravans operated. Barricade had worked behind the scenes for his oldest brother and had learned a great deal about the inner workings of the operations, despite never going on one.
“There’s room in the harem,” Punch declared when Ricochet asked where thy ought to put Barricade. “Could be good for Prowl to have another Praxian for company.”
“Prowl is not going to want me anywhere near him,” Barricade interjected.
“Why not?” Punch asked.
“Because my older brother is the one that brought his breeding rights,” Barricade replied. “He’s not going to want his rapist’s kin around him or his creations.”
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the-redhead-in-a-dress · 11 months
honestly can't stop thinking of babygirl *but like literal little girl* La'an needing to be looked after by Una (with a lot of help from Chris) and all the different shenanigans that would go on on the Enterprise with little La'an
The tantrums - Una's very no nonsense, but La'an is very stubborn, Chris often has to be the mediator.
The cuddles - nobody expected La'an to be a cuddly kid but she will not get out of Una's arms (or Chris' if Una isn't around)
Erica taking a picture of La'an sat on Chris' lap on the captain's chair and Chris literally treasuring that photo.
La'an kissing Chris good night in front of the rest of the crew and they all good naturally ribbing him for how much little La'an likes him
Sleepy La'an playing with Chris' hair
Chris making cookies with sous-chef La'an in his kitchen
La'an falling over and making Chris kiss her boo boo better
Una chastising Chris for letting her babygirl get hurt
Una going absolutely Mama Bear when she finds out La'an is still missing 3 hours after starting a game of hide and seek with some Ensigns. Uhura eventually finds her passed out in a Jeffries Tube.
La'an sleepily saying 'goodnight Mommy' as Una puts her to bed and Una finding herself in tears
Chris helping little La'an make Una a Mother's Day card and Chris getting Una a necklace with La'an's name on it for La'an to give her
La'an nonchalantly letting slip to Erica that Una and Chris slept with her in bed last night and fueling Enterprise wide gossip on the Captain's relationship with Number One. A red-faced Number One has to specify they were not a couple (Erica coughs loudly "yet")
Erica scheming with little La'an to get Chris and Una together
Christine babysitting La'an whilst Una and Chris go on a date "work" - lots of glitter is involved, leading to Number One banning any and all glitter from the entire ship.
Chris and Una talking about how they'd never wanted kids, but little La'an might have changed their stances on the matter. Both admit they're glad they got to do this (look after/co-parent La'an) together
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I am Kind not Complacent Chpt 5
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Hello! Here is Chpt 5! warnings: some mention of overstimulation and comfort through panic attack.
Chpt 5: 3K
Heimdall x fem!reader (they're both kids rn)
multi chapter
hope you enjoy it! and thank you to @engardeitsme as usualllll love you buddy, thank you for your support!
thank you to @lunaryasha, @nokolla as well for reading!💜💜💜
A/N: also sorry for the typos it's very late lol
“Is there a single thought going on in your head?”
Heimdall had asked the question at least three times now and the girl was starting to lose her patience, twiddling her thumbs as Heimdall glared at her. The discomfort of letting the boy try to have free range of her mind made her uncomfortable, no matter how many times they had done it now. And his lack of empathy, taking her time, running through her head, only to blame her? He really was a weasel. 
“Certainly,” she spoke stiffly, breathing through her nose. “I’m just not focusing on any particular thought. Which is the point of the exercise in case you forgot.” She watched as his eyes squinted and snorted, poking at his furrowed brows.” also, I don’t think you’re supposed to make it this obvious that you are running through people’s heads.” Heimdall’s cheeks flushed in embarrassment as he batted the girl’s hand away. 
“I’m working on it, ok?” He muttered, trying to relax his features as he continued to pick through her thoughts. It was a jumbled mess of things, like muttering getting louder and quieter, with just a few words popping out at him. He could tell she was getting frustrated with him, an angry rumbling in the undertow of her musings. Nothing to give him coherent information. It didn’t help that anything he was able to grab onto was interrupted by the thoughts of people all the way on the other side of the lodge. One moment, he could hear Yn’s thoughts start to get louder, and the next it was some trivial rubbish of a maid doing chores, or the fighters sparing outside, horses in the stable, or his damn brother, Thor, snoring. Heimdall growled and threw his head back, rubbing his temples with his palms.
“It’s still too loud!” the girl sighed at this, pulling a leg up to her chest while the other dangled over her chair.
“We’ve already moved three times, Weasel. I think this is as quiet as it’s going to get for us.”
“I know, which is why I feel even more pissed off!” he bolted from his seat, pacing around the room. “We’ve been at this for weeks and all I can hear is gibberish and your surface-level musings! It’s ridiculous. Do you have ‘any’ thoughts in that walnut you call a brain?!” the girl frowned, turning her head away. In the thoughts that thrummed threw her into Heimdall's ears he only heard: ‘...I…..Heimdall……idiot….’
“Excuse me?” he frowned, turning to her. She looked at him confused.
“All I heard was my name and the word idiot!” the girl raised a brow, knowing she had more to her thought. She was tired of being treated like an idiot. Still, she decided to smirk and held her hands up in defeat.
“Well look at that, it seems I do have some thoughts in this walnut.” she snorted as the boy crossed his arms, trying to hear more insults.
“Also, I don't know if it’s occurred to you,” she leaned back in her chair, “ but I’m not enjoying you clumsily poking around my head either for weeks on end. So forgive me for trying to keep some things private.”
They indeed had been meeting for weeks now, after supper in Heimdall’s room. Only to migrate through different parts of the lodge when it got too loud for him to concentrate. The first few lessons had gone well, but the two thought this was merely due to Yn concentrating on a single thought for Heimdall to listen to. This obviously would not be the case when he had to find out information from people against their will, so the girl suggested they move on to Heimdall trying to read her free-roaming thoughts. This proved to be much more difficult and only seemed to get worse the more he strained to listen, instead being overflowed with noises and thoughts far from where they were. The girl also didn’t enjoy the next level of mind reading, flushing when Heimdall would point out thoughts she didn’t even know she had. It was all very invasive. 
“We are getting nowhere,” Heimdall growled under his breath, flopping back into his chair across from the girl. He sighed and looked up at her, arms crossed. “Why is it that I can hear you perfectly fine sometimes and the next, there is nothing but mumbling?” the girl relaxed her shoulders, sensing the boy’s frustration.
“Well,” she started, her hands folding over her raised leg, “I want to try to hide things in those moments. I don’t like having you up here,” she pointed to the space between her brows, “but if I focus on what I want you to hear, you seem to have an easier time with it.” Heimdall sighed, rubbing his face in frustration. 
“I need to be able to look at everything no matter if you want it hidden or not.” The girl frowned, not liking the idea of the boy with that kind of power. She sighed, however, remembering their agreement.
“Do you think you may be siking yourself out?” he just looked at her, a confused pull at his brows. She continued, standing up to pace as she spoke, “What I mean is, when it’s based on instinct like the first time we fought, or when you could hear me on the wall…it was like a survival instinct. You knew automatically what to do.”
“I guess,” he frowned, crossing his arms, “but it’s not completely quiet, it’s just a mess. Like thousands of people talking over each other. And I can’t tell what’s your thoughts, other’s thoughts, or outside actions. But when I concentrate I get closer to honing in on just your sounds.” the girl nodded in agreement, a hand on her chin as she stopped in front of the window, the afternoon breeze flowing through and the sunset light shining over the horizon, covered by the wall. She hummed as she got an idea, and because it was louder than the rest, Heimdall could catch wind of some of it. “What about the wall?” He asked, looking at her over the back of his chair. She smiled and turned to him, and his face fell as he heard the rest of the plan racing through his head.
“Oh, no. No no no. we are not going back out there. The All-Father is already suspicious.”
“We’ll go in the dead of night!” she said with an excited smile, getting closer to him.
“You’re crazy!”
“Does anything come out of your mouth except insults?” she huffed, hands on her hips.
“ For you?” he asked with a sarcastic smirk, “Never.” she ignored the boy, grabbing her things. 
“It’ll be an experiment.”
“I’m not an experiment.”
“Are you sure about that?”
He huffed. Though he couldn’t hear what she was thinking, he could tell her thoughts were running a mile a minute. And he didn’t like her tone.
“I’m not going.” he stood firm, and though he didn’t show it on his face, Yn had started to be able to tell when he was growing anxious. And right now, he stunk of nerves. The girl sighed, slowing her movements, and faced Heimdall. 
“Fine then. We don’t have to go,” she reassured him and felt the tension ease slightly. She smiled, “We’ll stop for today.”
He hated her ability to ease him. And that no matter how much he tried to control his emotions, he couldn’t resist the calm she gave him. He knew it was from her powers, and it terrified him. He should not be able to be so easily influenced. He reasoned to himself, that he was building a tolerance to her powers, and soon it wouldn’t work on him. She was just a stepping stone. That’s all this was.
With a wave of her hand, she was out of the room, spouting about how he could knock when he couldn’t sleep before shutting the door. Like he would ever in a million years, go crawling-
There Heimdall stood. Ridged in front of Yn’s door. Cold sweat beaded at his temple, and he held in sobs, biting his lip till it threatened to bleed. His hands gripped at the bottom of his shirt and he trembled in front of the girl’s door. He hated it. Hated waking up to the sound of phantoms in his head, endless mumblings rattling through his mind like an echoing hall. He hated not being able to quiet them, the power they had over him. He hated the fear that seeped into his bones from the sounds in his head, and the consequences of being caught for being unable to deal with them on his own.
But most of all, he hated that what he had found was finally able to quiet his mind was snoring softly on the other side of the door in front of him, without a care in the world. That he was supposed to be learning information on this girl, and nothing more. He was the god of foresight. A gift bestowed on him. And he was using this girl, a stranger, a possible enemy, to calm himself. And she let him. It all made his stomach twist in ways he didn’t know were possible. 
Still, despite how he wanted to run back to his room. Simply will the sounds to stop. To be able to understand the girl’s intentions and report them to the All-Father so she could finally be out of his hair. Despite all of it:
There he stood, trembling, willing his voice to whimper just a bit quieter. She left the door unlocked. She had started doing so so he wouldn’t have to knock and make extra noise. Her kindness frustrated him. He had never experienced anything like it before. He thought it must have meant she wanted something from him, and he would die before he gave it to her. 
Heimdall’s fist wrapped around the door handle, and he swallowed as he twisted, pushing the door open. Yn stirred, waking to the sound of her door opening. She rubbed her eyes and watched as the boy slowly walked in, shutting the door as quietly as possible behind him before collapsing to the floor, letting his sobs rasp out of him, biting his arm to stay quiet. Without a second thought, Yn’s voice filled the room with soft music, and she quickly got out of bed, her little feet padding over with a blanket in tow, falling to her knees in front of him and pulling his head to rest against hers. 
He hated how his chest already felt lighter. How warm she felt against his cold sweaty head. How she paid no mind to his heaving and trembling, ignoring what he knew she thought was a pathetic display. No matter how many times she would reassure him, he told himself he knew she looked down on him. It felt disgusting. And over everything else, he hated that she made him feel at peace. 
They stayed like that, a crumpled mess on the floor, as Yn’s voice thrummed through Heimdall’s chest and calmed his heartbeat, quieted his sobs, and ceased his trembling. Her hands rested on his shoulders, and when she felt them start to still, she pulled away, the song still chiming from her mind into his. She took the boy's hands, easing him to stand, and brought him to her bed.
“Here, sit down, okay?” She sat on the bed, her back against the wall, and pulled him to the spot next to her. He was too weak to protest, leaning his head back against the wall once he was sat, and just took in the song and silence. No matter how many times he came to the girl’s room, the relief he felt was still overwhelming in its own way. They stayed like that for a while, just like they do every night he came to her room. Sometimes she would read, her voice soothing him back to sleep. Sometimes she talked about what she learned with Mimir, not expecting any answer as Heimdall let her silly little thoughts be the only mumbling he could hear. But for some reason, tonight, as she spoke just above a whisper for him, trailing off about her home and how she would crawl up into the trees to sleep there when she had a nightmare, he responded.
“Why did you crawl into the trees?” He asked, his voice raspy for strangling down his tears. He felt Yn stiffen for a moment, then shift to look at him. He didn’t look back, leaving her to sit in his question for a moment before she smiled, looking away from him again.
“Because I was afraid of getting eaten. Do you know what a drekki is?” Heimdall barely nodded, peering to look at her. 
“Big lizard… lots of teeth…”
 “Well,” she started, “I had this nightmare all the time, of a drekki swallowing me up while I slept, and staying alive in its belly.” 
“That’s disgusting” Heimdall’s nose crinkled, feeling a shiver go down his spine. The girl giggled and nodded in agreement.
“I know. So I would sleep in the trees and tell myself an aching back was better than living in a drekki. Even here, I still get nightmares sometimes, and I want to sleep on the roof!” she smiled sheepishly, and Heimdall felt a small lopsided smirk pull at the side of his cheek despite his best efforts. Perhaps worst of all, he found himself caring less and less. Letting himself continue to ask questions, and even started to answer some of hers.
“Why do you not tell anyone about this?” She spoke softly, turning to look at him.
“Because I’m a god,” He didn’t hesitate at the question, answering as though it were simply a fact of life. “I am the Scion of the Aesir, given the gift of foresight by the All-Father.” a look of pride shined in his pink eyes, but it soon left as he looked at the clock ticking on Yn’s bedside table. “... If I cannot handle this gift,... I am unworthy. I am a failure.” he turned to look at the girl desperately. “ no one can know. You especially. You make me weak.”
“Resting is not weakness.” Heimdall frowned, shaking his head at her.
“I’m meant to be a soldier.”
“You’re a kid, Heimdall. We both are.”
He snorted, turning away from her.
“You don’t get it.” he mumbled, “you don’t have a home to protect, or a family to make proud.” 
There was silence, the music had stopped, and Heimdall heard the rising speed and weight of the girl’s heart pounding against her ribs. He turned to her again, seeing her face contort, her breathing got uneven and she curled a bit into herself. Despite this, however, she turned at Heimdall, a sad smile tugging at her cheeks. 
“That was pretty messed up, Weasel.” her voice cracked slightly, and she turned to look away, stifling a sniffle and whipping a tear from under her eye. Heimdall felt an ache twist in his chest. He felt guilty, without her powers to influence her. 
“I’m sorry,” he spoke without thinking. She scoffed.
“No, it’s fine. But so were are both clear, I did have a home, and a family” Her voice grew cold and it made the boy want to shiver like she breathed ice in his face. “I watched it all burn to the ground.” her voice didn’t waver, but her hands shook. “And then I picked up the pieces and made myself something I could live with. Now I’m here. Away from everything I know and no one in Vanaheim will even mourn me. Because everyone who knew me is dead.” her voice rattled like dice at the end, and she stifled a sob, turning away from him. 
 “ I didn’t-” his voice was faster than his thoughts, “I didn’t mean to make you upset. I was just-” he tripped over his tongue, “ I didn’t mean to hurt you, I am sorry.” his own voice was weak and he was unsure why, “ I just-” he breathed out, “I hate it.”
She turned to look at him, tears silently trickling down her face. It was only fair he comforted her in return. That’s what he told himself as he dabbed them away with his sleeve.
“You hate what?” she asked in a cracked whisper, not pulling away from him. He swallowed before admitting for the first time both aloud and to himself:
“I hate the weight of it…I wish I was alone…I wish,” his voice trailed off. And though he didn’t finish his thought, Yn somehow knew what he meant, and sighed, sniffling quietly. He swallowed, looking down at his knees, “I didn’t know that’s what happened…”
“ No, you don’t…” she mumbled, shaking her head. “ because being alone for years is not worth the peace of solitude. I promise it’s not.” she glared at him weakly, “and maybe you should have read a little deeper before trying to use my past as ammunition.” Heimdall frowned, placing a careful hand on the girl’s shoulder. 
“I really am sorry…” He spoke, fully aware of his words this time. Yn sniffled and looked at him for a moment before she smiled, weakly.
“I’ll think about accepting it. You sound honest enough.” she teased and he couldn’t stop his smile. “Hey,” she nudged him, “you’re being nice. Without me.” she shrugged, “Sort of.” he chuckled slightly and nodded.
“ I guess I want to be a little bit nicer to you…” he shrugged back, “sort of.”
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piqtescue · 10 months
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not as well done as my usual moodboards, but here's a quick one for another chapter of my ongoing series on ao3 that i need a link for lol
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iqueenlost · 1 year
Kid!Andrew making mischief because the last year of college sucks and I'm stuck on my two other projects.
Andrew glared at the kitchen cabinet with all the intensity his five-year-old body could muster. He knew Bee kept the cookies in there. He had observed her for a long time after the adoption was complete. And after seven months, it didn’t look like she would send him back. This meant he could relax and do what he had planned for a long time.
Bee didn’t have many rules, but she had especially forbidden Andrew from eating snacks–especially sweets–right before dinner, which would be in about one hour.
Andrew glanced at the door of Bee's office, where she was having a session with one of her patients, to make sure it was still closed before putting his plan into action. It was. After confirming, he pushed the now-empty toy box into the chair and climbed over it.
The box shook unsteadily, but Andrew feared nothing as he strained his little body and reached for the cabinet door. 
Bee was a short woman and put her groceries on the lower shelves. Andrew was glad she did so as he closed his fingers around his prize. He tasted the sweetness of the chocolate chips in his mouth before he even opened the jar. Satisfied with the execution of his plan, he tossed a cookie in his mouth.
About half an hour later, Bee found him fast asleep on the couch, eyes closed and sticky fingers stained with melted chocolate. He did not bother to hide the evidence, and the finished jar was placed on the floor beside the couch.
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wildshadowtamer · 2 years
kid!jon fic concept: mix it with those aus where jon is suddenly inflicted with all of his s5 scars/wounds. so, jon gets sent back in time- preferably without his memories- and is just going about his day as an 8 year old, when he just drops to the ground coated in blood with injuries on every part of him, screaming his lungs out from pain. no doubt the beholding would lose its shit trying to get elias to find his special little archive, and god knows how grandma sims would react.
but my question is, how would the doctors react? the police? how the hell do you explain those injuries suddenly appearing on an 8 year old? maybe thats how elias gets custody of jon in this au
please someone let me know if this exists as a fic
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klaineccfanficlibrary · 2 months
i'm looking for a kid!klaine fanfic. I think they're neighbours, and I know that Elizabeth is alive, because at some point, she gets sick and dies and Burt and Kurt stay with family, but when they come back, they find Blaine sleeping in front of their door. His family is neglectful, but I can't remember if they are completely abusive. I think I remember him getting locked out of his house a couple of times
Hello - try our kid|!fic tag, as there are a few which have some of the details you ask for, but are not exact. Perhaps the fandom can recommnd.
How about this one? ~Jen
For as Long as You’re With Me (Or Until My Mama Picks Me Up) by notyourdaydream
When Kurt was seven, his mom was late picking him up from school. But maybe that would turn out to be a good thing.
A love story spanning from the age of seven to twenty-two.
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ae-azile · 4 months
Chapter 2 of The Non-Newtonian Newborn (Or How Kim Theerapanyakul Became a Virgin Father and Got the Guy of his Dreams) is up now!
Story Summary:
Kim’s fans can be a little…intense. Ever since Why Don't You Stay was released, Kim's fame has continued to rise, but so have the inappropriate comments and flirtations, number of stalkers, and the number of strange gifts. None of those things matter when Chay has yet to say more than a few words to him.
He's so pathetic. He doesn't know why people leave him gifts in front of his apartment building. But none of those compare to the confusion he feels when he finds a newborn baby outside his front door. It's the strangest “gift” he has ever received and it's one he has to contact the police over.
And again.
When the baby appears at the foot of his bed out of thin air, Kim figures he may need help that no cop can offer. But until he can find the kind of help he needs to get this baby out of his life, he is moving back to the compound for the first time in years. He hates the thought of it, but he's not staying in his apartment with a cursed baby. At least he will have other people who can care for this thing so he doesn't have to.
As for Chay's presence? It's a big building. Maybe Kim can avoid him.
Chapter 2 Summary:
As Kim comes to terms with his own special ability, he realizes he needs to make some decisions.
Meanwhile, Chay needs to talk to Kim.
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the-cookie-of-doom · 11 months
“I’ve made a lot of mistakes,” he says, and trails off. He doesn’t know where to go from here. Chay’s hand creeps across the floor and into his own. His touch isn’t electric. It doesn’t burn. It doesn’t make Kim nervous the way it used to. But it is warm. That warmth seeps into his cold skin, grounds him, gives him something to hold onto. Something real. “Do you think you could forgive me?” he asks. 
“I forgave you a long time ago, Kim.” He squeezes Kim’s hand, but there’s something in his voice, a kind of caution that was never there before. 
“I don’t know who you are. Not really.”
“You know me better than anyone else,” Kim tries, but Chay stops him. 
“I know what you wanted me to know. But, Kim—everything between us was built on lies.” Chay’s voice is gentle, even as it cuts, twist, twist, twisting that knife, that Kim drove into his own chest. “I still don’t know how much of what we had was real, and how much was you…”
“Using you for information,” Kim finishes. 
Kim doesn’t have an answer for him. Chay doesn’t ask for one. Maybe that’s worse, because Kim should know, shouldn’t he? But he doesn’t. Everything happened so quickly, he was trying to keep his attention on so many things, he doesn’t know when he truly started loving Chay. It came upon him so seamlessly, like something that was always meant to be there, finally settling into place. He didn’t wake up one day and realize he was in love. Rather, he looked at Chay, carefree and beautiful, fitting so perfectly into his life, and realized he’s been in love. 
“I need something real,” Chay says. “No more lies, no secrets, no manipulation. Just you. Raw and unfiltered. The most honest version of yourself, even the parts you don’t want anyone to see.” 
Kim breathes, in out, very carefully. “Okay.”
“Okay?” Kim nods. Chay squeezes his hand again, laces their fingers together, asks, “Are you already lying to me?”
Kim’s mouth splits into a broken smile. He looks at their joined hands. “I hope not.” He breathes again, and blinks three times before he says, “I want to try again. Do you think we can start over?”
“It won’t be like it was before.” 
“That’s okay. It wasn’t real, and I… I want something real, too.” Something that isn’t built on deception. He wants to be able to look at Chay and know the exact moment where they fell in love. 
Chay smiles at him, so beautiful that it hurts. He’s missed that smile.
Kim takes a deep breath, sighs, and lays himself bare. 
“My name is Kimhan Theerapanyakul, but I go by WiK for my music career. It’s my name flipped around, I came up with it when I was fifteen, and thought it was clever. I have two older brothers. The oldest, Khun, is crazy, but he was more of a father to me than my own ever was. The other, Kinn, heads the most powerful branch of the mafia in Thailand. I try to stay out of their business, but I can’t escape it entirely. I don’t want to.” He shuffles closer, until he and Chay are shoulder to shoulder, and strokes Kay’s hair. Chay doesn’t let go of his hand. “This is my son, Kay. He was born when I was eighteen, but I didn’t know about him until a year ago. I’m still learning how to be a father.”  
Chay drops his head on Kim’s shoulder. “It’s nice to meet you, Kim.” Whispers, “You too, Kay.” 
“Between growing up in the mafia, and my career, I never learned how to get close to people, or let anyone close to me. It’s something I’m working on. But if all of that doesn’t scare you off… Can I take you on a date sometime?” Kim continues, smiling at the way his heart speeds up in his chest, rattling with schoolboy nerves, as if he doesn’t already know the answer. 
“I’m not scared,” Chay says, and he’s smiling too, Kim can hear it in his voice. “I have to warn you, though, my brother can be really overprotective, and he’s part of the mafia, too.”
“We should introduce him to Kinn, then, I’m sure they’ll have a lot in common.” 
Chay giggles. He can’t keep it quiet, this time, and Kay wakes up. Chay passes him into Kim’s waiting arms, and doesn’t move from where he’s leaning into Kim’s side. Takes Kim’s hand back in his own as soon as Kim gets Kay settled against his chest. 
His body is warm, and his edges aren’t so jagged as Kim thought, and they slot together with ease. Two pieces that, once they’re turned the right way, were always meant to fit together
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Help with finding a fic
I'll just put bullet points and hope someone knows what it is, where it's posted, and by who or if it's since been deleted for whatever reason.
Sailor Moon AU (obviously) but I can't remember if they used the proper Japanese names or the English dubbed ones
Tux and Moon have had sex/made love without protection at least once cause
while Mamoru was in America for school Usagi was preg with ChibiUsa and has since raised her 'alone' (that is, without her parents' support or help since, ya know, Teen preg stigma and it being Japan and Usagi not wanting to abort and all that, while the other senshi have picked up their slack) for however many years (I think it's ten, but I could be wrong) has passed with Mamoru (the narrative being third person POV is following him in the first chap) moving back to Japan while being wholly unaware the child is his cause
Identity reveals haven't happened
Usagi and Mamoru 'reunite' while Usagi is working at the Crown with ChibiUsa coloring at the counter
As said, I don't know whether it's been deleted for whatever reason or if it's still on the site I found it when last I read it (it's been years so can't remember which one) or since been abandoned or finished by this point.
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innytoes · 1 year
Chapters: 24/? Fandom: Leverage Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Alec Hardison/Parker/Eliot Spencer Characters: Parker (Leverage), Alec Hardison, Eliot Spencer (Leverage), Original Characters, Sophie Devereaux (Leverage), Nathan Ford Additional Tags: POV Outsider, Kid Fic, Found Family, Post-Canon, Original Non-Binary Character - Freeform, dumpster raccoons, Evil CEOs, stabby the roomba - Freeform, thrift stores, Fluff, Surprise Knives, the end of con Gloat, Resting Intern Face, the Leverage alternate revenue stream, Christmas, Transphobia, terrible but great christmas gifts, Old Nate The Painting, Racism, the fanfic equivalent of one of those shopping montages, Scrapbooks, the Leverage group chat, Stabbing, Eliot Spencer’s Totally Innocent-Looking But Very Distinctive Tactical Weapon Placement, some mild kidnapping, Thanksgiving, Voting Summary:
In which Jamie meets some criminals, kind of gets adopted, and decides life as a vigilante criminal is pretty good.
Chapter 24 is up! Did it take me an entire year to update this fic? Yes, shut up, time is meaningless. Thank you for all the nice people who have been commenting without being pushy.
In which Jamie learns what a Hurley is, Hardison has a fax machine so people can send him drunken faxes at two in the morning, and Hurley points out some interesting similarities between them.
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avinryd · 1 year
Prince's Bastard
Author: AvinRyd, Sitical Fandom: Captive Prince Rating: G Pairing: N/A Chapters: 16 Word Count: ~41K (subject to change, extra chapter WIP)
Tasha is on a quest—a quest to find her father, the Akielon noble who sired her at a coupling fire and then returned, only to steal away her mother and twin brother and leave her behind. He left her with two things: an emerald carved with the crest of a lion and starburst, and the words, “Find me at Marlas, if you wish.”
Now a runaway from her own clan, Tasha must travel across the New Artesian Empire to seek a family she’s never known with only a supremely arrogant, mysterious, blue-eyed translator for company. Faces both familiar and new greet them on their way to the capitol, as well as seeds of unrest in the empire. And when they arrive at the capitol it’s not just Tasha’s secrets that are about to come to light…
Read on AO3: read in full
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hoffmans-hoffman · 2 years
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Elrond's little one
1 of ?
Alt title: Boromir is trying his best to babysit
Alt title: Boromir is big brother and he's trying not to cry
Elrond ft M!Reader as his son
Description: Elrond goes Papa mode on Boromir, who should definitely know better
Tw: None
"Well aren't you a little one, the ears say Elf but the height says Hobbit" Boromir teases You as he ruffles Your hair with a grin. You knew Boromir, his visits were anything but consistent. Lindir would have to remind You to bow to the Prince of Gondor "Where's your father?" He lowers himself to Your tiny stature, now eye level with the Prince of Gondor You giggled "Where is he (Y/n)?" Boromir asks again "I'll never tell you" "Ahhh I see, well okay then" he lowers his head and starts to fake cry "No, No, Boromir don't do that!" You whine pushing his head up but his hair covers his face "Don't cry, don't cry" You say quickly before hugging his arm tightly "Thanks for the hug" Boromir picks You up and You crawl Your way to his shoulders "Will I be this tall one day?" "Taller than me? Bah" Boromir was making sure the coast was clear before continuing to walk out of Rivendell with You comfortably on his shoulders.
"So...do you have a nice Princess back in Gondor?" You ask tugging on the left side of Boromir's hair making him turn "Ah haha..." "Or does your stinky guard follow you too much" That one sentence made Boromir go silent quickly "Oooo! You like him!" You snicker feeling Boromir shift "So are you going to grow your hair as long as your Father's?" He changed the subject "Yes! Because I'm going to be wise just like him or even more wise!" You grin and then heard an all too familiar sentence "What are you two doing?" It was your father at this moment You were practically eye level with him and that scared, Your father had never yelled at You but You were not ready to break that streak "LordElrond" Boromir blurt out, his sentence blended as he put You down and as if Boromir had you against Your will, You bolted to Elrond's side wrapping your arms around his arm as You did a small smile appeared for a few seconds but once he looked back at Boromir it was gone...
"You know better than to take him out here without guards" Elrond's voice was firm but calm "I know but, I just" Boromir couldn't seem to make a full sentence "I tell you every time you visit, do not take (Y/n) past the gates he isn't old enough yet and you still do not listen" Elrond put his free hand in his hip "Boromir, I trusted you with something very dear to me and once again...you failed...again" it hurt Your father to say these words to Boromir as words are so powerful they can become wounds "I'm sorry Lord Elrond" Boromir lowers his head "Wayland and I will leave next morning" he murmurs sniffling a little "No!" You tugged at Your father's arm "That's not fair! He didn't do anything wrong! He's my brother!" Your words made Elrond look You dead in the eyes and kneel to Your height "(Y/n)...I know it's difficult but if he can't follow the rules I lay out he has to go home" his tone was softer with You but still firm "He'll come to visit once again you will see him again, right" Elrond's head snapped to Boromir, who looked up quick and nodded even quicker "See" "But...I...but" "There's no buts (Y/n)" Elrond looks back at You "He'll be back before you know it" "Promise" "(Y/n)..." "Lindir says a promise isn't a promise unless you say it out loud" You whisper looking down "I promise that Boromir, Son of Denethor can come back and with supervision watch over you while I have my meetings" Elrond smiles "Now go back inside" he stood up and You ran back in as Boromir now stood next to Elrond
"No one got hurt" "That's not the point" Elrond normally man of little violence in his old age smacked the back of Boromir's head "Ow, What was that for?" "You'll understand when you have a child"
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