#Knight Terrors Wonder Woman no.1
nfcomics · 9 months
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KNIGHT TERRORS WONDER WOMAN no.1 (of 2) • cover art • Jae Lee [July 2023]
THE JUSTICE LEAGUE DARK AGAINST NIGHTMARES COME TO LIFE! After investigating an alarming intrusion at the now-defunct Hall of Justice, Wonder Woman and her unexpected new ally, Detective Chimp, suddenly find themselves in a world where their worst nightmares come to life. Who could possibly defeat these things that go bump in the night? The Justice League Dark! The Amazon Princess reunites with her old team to save the world from a sweet dream turned into a beautiful nightmare! Plus, Queen Nubia finds herself trapped in the Well of Souls!
(W) Josie Campbell, Stephanie Williams (A) Juan Ferreyra, Meghan Hetrick (CA) Jae Lee
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dispatchdcu · 11 months
Knight Terrors: Wonder Woman #1 Preview
Knight Terrors: Wonder Woman #1 Preview #knightterrors #knightterrorswonderwoman #wonderwoman #DCEU #dccomics #comics #comicbooks #news #dcu #dcuuniverse #art #info #NCBD #amazon #comicbooknews #previews #reviews
Knight Terrors: Wonder Woman #1 Preview: After investigating an alarming intrusion at the now-defunct Hall of Justice, Wonder Woman and her unexpected new ally, Detective Chimp, suddenly find themselves in a world where their worst nightmares come to life. Who could possibly defeat these things that go bump in the night? The Justice League Dark! The Amazon Princess reunites with her old team to…
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dirtyvulture · 7 months
Darkest Knight - Part 2
Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Mutant!Reader
18+ only, read at your own risk
Summary: You meet a pretty woman in a bar...
Word count: 4954
AN: Click here for Part 1!
Thanks to everyone who read and interacted with Part 1. Things get a little wild in this one...
“I should have never come here,” Natasha cries. “You don’t deserve this, after everything you’ve done for me–”
“I can help you,” you insist. “Please, Nat. Just tell me who they are–”
She looks up at you, and even in the darkness the fear in her eyes is unmissable.
“The Red Room.”
The words send physical shivers down your spine. They weren’t ones you had expected to ever hear again, and you were shocked that this woman knew of its existence, let alone escaped. Now, you can fully sympathize with and understand her fear.
“Put your shoes on. We’ll go out the back door. Hurry.” You speak in short but commanding sentences, directing Natasha into the kitchen. The pounding on the door escalates to heavy, inconsistent thuds, and you know the “officers” are using their battering ram now. Luckily, you had assembled this cabin yourself, board by board, with the door built of solid oak, so that would buy you some precious time.
You stop at the freezer to grab a plastic bag that Natasha doesn’t even look at. She’s staring at the back door, practically shaking with fear, and anger fills you so suddenly you can’t see. But you can’t slip into one of your rages now, not with Natasha being in such close proximity and having no idea what you’re actually capable of. If she knew who you really were, what you were, she’d run happily into the Red Room goons’ arms and beg them to take her away from you. 
On the other side of the back door, you hear the crunch of boots on fresh snow, the anxious heartbeats, and the pump of a shotgun.
You don’t have any time to warn Natasha before you jump in front of her, shielding her body with yours just in time as a round of buckshot blasts through the door into your chest. The pain is like an explosion that takes your breath away, but luckily darkness engulfs you before it becomes overbearing.
Natasha screams when your weight falls back into her. You are ridiculously, unexpectedly heavy, almost pinning her down, but she manages to scramble back in time, leaving you to thud onto the floor. She stares at your body in shock, where lead pellets are buried in your chest, blood seeping out to soak your layers of shirts. Natasha instinctively gravitates for you, trying to find an area to apply pressure so she can slow the bleeding. 
“Y/N, Y/N,” she whimpers, ignoring the fist punching through the weakened door and opening the lock from the outside. 
“Hey, I found her!”
“And you took out the other one!”
“Natalia…” someone says in a mocking voice. “Natalia, come home to us…”
Natasha’s head snaps up and adrenaline fills her veins as she blindly launches herself at the soldier who killed you. She tears the shotgun out of his hands and clubs him on the head with it, knocking him down and smashing the butt into his helmet’s face shield until it cracks. She hasn’t felt fury like this in a while, putting her in an almost euphoric state, but her focus is a concentrated pinpoint, and she doesn’t see the second soldier behind her pointing a gun at her head.
Natasha ducks, wondering if someone let a large animal into your home. She catches a flash of silver as the muzzle of the soldier’s gun falls harmlessly to the floor as if sliced right off. You’re back on your feet all of a sudden, teeth bared in a ferocious snarl, three silver, knife-like claws protruding from your knuckles. You slash at the soldier, tearing through his body armor effortlessly and puncturing his heart. He crumples next to his partner, who’s shaking in complete terror while crawling away from you.
“Don’t look, Nat,” you growl and she turns away, flinching when she hears the man’s cut off scream. She jumps when you grab her shoulder, afraid that she’ll find herself on the other end of your knives, but you shake her gently. When she looks at you, your knives are gone and so are the buckshot holes in your chest. 
“How are you–What did you–” Natasha stammers.
“It’s okay,” you say, taking a step back from her when you sense her overwhelming levels of stress. “I’ll take care of you. I promise.”
Natasha slips her hand into her pocket, where your stolen pocket knife is. It would be like trying to fight you off with a toothpick, but Natasha Romanoff wasn’t one to go down without a fight.
“Nat, please. We can get away on my motorcycle. Come on.”
You’ve made no move to hurt her, keeping your hands where she can see them. Even though you had turned the Red Room soldiers into shish kabobs, you hadn’t let them suffer, taking them down with deadly accuracy and efficiency. Deep down, Natasha knows she can trust you, but her body is having a very resistant physical reaction to going with you. After all, anyone’s natural instinct would be to run very fast and far from away from a person who literally came back from the dead and mowed down two grown men with knives built into their arms. 
“Nat?” you prompt a final time, not sure what you’re going to do if she refuses to go with you. 
“Okay,” she says, wringing her hands together frantically. “I trust you.” 
It means more than you can explain that she’s put her faith in you and you lead her out of the bloodied kitchen. You race to the shed, where you tear off the padlock with your bare hands. There’s only one helmet, which you clasp around Natasha’s head. You throw one leg over the seat of your motorcycle and it sinks considerably under your weight. Natasha slides on behind you, wrapping her arms around your muscular torso, unable to resist the waves of body heat coming off of you.
She hardly notices the blistering wind as you take off into the forest, somehow finding your way around trees and rocks despite keeping the headlights off. Her fingers are clenched, almost frozen, to the plastic bag you had made such an effort to retrieve from the freezer. She has no interest in its contents now, clinging to you desperately and closing her eyes, hoping that when she opens them she’ll wake up from this nightmare.
You eventually turn the motorcycle onto a road and careen on. 
*********************************************************************** It’s probably not the wisest idea to stop at a motel, but you’re certain Natasha is still exhausted from the long night that’s not over, and you need some time to collect yourself. You park your motorcycle in the dirt lot and shake Natasha awake.
“We’ll stay here for a few hours, then keep moving,” you say, gently prying the plastic bag from her. Her hands are freezing and you feel awful for not taking care of her better. 
“But the men…they could catch up–”
“You need to get proper rest,” you interrupt. You’re not sure how many hours she had been awake before she met you at the bar, and while she’d already been looking better after dinner, you didn’t want to push her.
“This is too dangerous–” Natasha protests.
“They know you’re with me,” you say, and this quiets her. “So they’ll need to come up with a new plan if they want you.” You untwist the plastic bag, pulling out a soggy wad of cash. Her eyes grow wide. “This should keep us covered for a few days.” Then, you notice the rusty red splotches of dried blood splattered across your shirt. If you walk up to the front desk like this, the manager would call the cops. “Uh…shit.”
“Here.” Natasha takes her jacket off, despite your protests for her to keep it on, and she wraps the sleeves around your shoulders, carefully draping them in a way that hides the blood splatter. She fights back a visible shiver. “Much better.”
“Thanks. Let’s go quick,” you say, herding her into the tiny front office that barely fits the two of you side-by-side. “Two rooms,” you tell the pimply boy behind the dusty desk who smells like energy drinks and weed. 
“Huh?” he responds, blinking slowly at you.
“Two rooms. Please,” you say through your teeth, pulling out a few bills to show your commitment.
A long pause as you stare each other down.
“Uh, yeah we don’t have two rooms,” the boy says. “Just one–”
“That’s fine, then,” Natasha intervenes, as you can consider hefting the kid over your shoulder and dragging him out to the dumpster around the corner. “We’ll take whatever you have left.”
You reluctantly hand over the deposit and he disappears into the back room to find the keys. Mumbling under your breath about the lack of hiring standards, you rub absently at your chest and Natasha looks at you in concern.
“You okay?” she whispers.
“Yeah.” You drop your hand back to your side. “Probably gonna cough up some buckshot later, to be honest.”
Natasha doesn’t know if she should laugh or leave. “How did you…” she trails off, searching for the right words.
“Heal so fast?” you supply. “Always have. I was literally just…born that way.”
“And the…” Natasha gestures to her own hands and forearms. 
“Claws?” you finish. “Been with me since the beginning, too.” Your answers are vague, almost useless in the new number of questions they spark, but Natasha knows now is not the time. The boy finally returns with a key hooked to rabbit’s foot, which you accept with a very judgemental scowl, but are very glad to finally be on your way to some privacy for the night.
Natasha startles awake, trying to piece together the traumatic memories of the past eight hours into a coherent storyline. She’s alone in the motel room, her anxiety skyrocketing at the thought that you might have ditched her, when the door creaks open and you step back in. You’re wearing new clothes and holding a crumpled white bag stained with grease. 
“Did you sleep okay?” you grunt, tossing the bag onto the bed by her feet. “I got you some breakfast. It’s probably shit, but everything else nearby is closed.”
“Thanks.” Natasha reaches for the bag, despite having almost no appetite. She takes out one of the sandwiches, but can’t bring herself to take a bite. “Y/N, I think we need to get moving again. We’ve hung around for too long–”
“Eat your damn sandwich, then we’ll leave,” you gruff, and it’s almost endearing to Natasha how grumpy and thoughtful you can be at the same time. “But you know, we can’t keep running forever.”
“We can run far enough,” she insists. You don’t respond and Natasha realizes you’re waiting for her to take a bite of her egg and sausage sandwich. Fighting back a smile of amusement, she nibbles off the edge of the dry muffin and you nod in satisfaction. 
“Look Nat, I want to help you. You know that, right? But I’m…familiar…with these Red Room goons and–” Her eyebrows shoot up as she keeps chewing. “That’s another story for another day.”
“Did you escape from them, too?” Natasha asks, her eyes wide. 
“Well, not exactly. But I know who they are. What they are. And what they do to women like you.”
Natasha tenses suddenly, sensing judgment from you. She’s ready to defend herself, that she didn’t let them break her or keep her hostage, when you add, “They should be burned to the ground. Just a bunch of psychopathic perverts.” She laughs out loud, startling you because you weren’t even trying to make a joke, but you let out a snort. 
“But they’re a damn smart bunch of perverts,” you continue. “And you know we can’t take them alone. I have some old friends that can help us. I’ll take you to them.”
“More old friends? Like the one who’s clothes I’m wearing?” Natasha says, wanting to join in on the lighter mood, but she immediately regrets so when she sees the sadness cloud your face.
“Not like that,” you murmur. “She would’ve helped us, though. But she’s gone now, so…”
Natasha doesn’t know what to say, guilt gnawing at her stomach for making such an unnecessary joke.
“They’re in New York. It’s been a while since I last saw them, but I’m sure they wouldn’t mind us stopping by,” you say to break the silence. “They’d help us without question.”
“Even against…the Red Room?”
“They’d have those Red Room schmucks for breakfast,” you chortle, the mood lightening once more. The knot in Natasha’s stomach loosens, and she takes another bite of the sandwich. “But it’s gonna take us a while to get there. And we’ll probably need a car…”
“I’ll handle it,” Natasha volunteers.
You look at her with a raised eyebrow, challenging but curious. “Okay. We’ll go when you’re done eating.”
While you clear out the motel room of all your tracks, Natasha triumphantly returns with the keys to a large blue Ram truck. You’re sad to leave your motorcycle behind, but it’s served you well, so you take it for one final ride to a strip mall, Natasha following in her menacing blue truck. You park in a shaded corner, saying good-bye with a caress to the faded leather seat, then join Natasha in the truck. 
With good weather and little traffic, the drive would take about 40 hours. And even though you’d be able to make the entire drive yourself with minimal stops, Natasha won’t let you. It’s a long first day, stopping for more junk food and bathroom breaks. You buy a phone from a gas station to text your contact in Westchester, and in the few responses you share, they seem eager for your arrival despite your circumstances. 
Another night is spent at a shoddy motel, and this time you don’t automatically ask for separate rooms. Natasha seems comfortable in your presence–tolerant, at the very least–and you’re starting to enjoy her company too. She keeps to herself for the most part and even though you can feel her studying you sometimes, she doesn’t ask anything inappropriate. She also tries to take care of you, though you think of yourself as the last person who needs it, but it’s cute how she picks up on your favorite gas station snacks (the jerky and Snickers bars) and buys you extra packets behind your back, and she offers to drive almost every time the two of you get back into the truck.
So on the third and final day of your trip, when Natasha begs to make a stop at a mall in Ohio, you agree, mostly because you know how happy it will make her. While the mall itself is disappointingly unimpressive, Natasha has the biggest smile as she drags you around under the pretense that she wants to find some clothing that wasn’t bought from a gas station, but she tries to browse every store, commenting which retailers have taken the old spots of familiar locations from her childhood. 
“Try this one on,” Natasha says, thrusting yet another checkered flannel shirt at you.
“They all look the same,” you grumble, feeling that you may be colorblind because you can’t tell what’s different about the prior three she’s made you try. 
“No, this one goes better with your eyes,” she says, her cheeks suddenly turning red when she realizes what she’s said.
You grin at her. “Then I’ll buy this one.”
You proudly wear the shirt out of the store, sneaking a glance to see Natasha’s expression and she does seem even more excited than when you first arrived at the mall. For lunch, you stop in the food court, and while you’re wolfing down a triple-patty burger with frightening intensity, Natasha suddenly reaches across the table and grabs your hand.
“What?” You stop mid-bite.
“Behind you,” she hisses.
Wiping grease off your chin, you drop your shoulder and turn your head subtly. But you know immediately who Natasha’s referring to. A woman with long black hair tied into an immaculate ponytail, not a single stray hair flying about, wearing a black overcoat and gloves, strides towards the food court with purposeful, powerful steps. You recognize her posture, her outfit, and the cold, emotionless expression on her face. 
“Holy shit,” you mumble. “They sent a Widow after us.” 
“We have to go!” Natasha tries yanking up but she isn’t strong enough. “How do you think she found us?”
“They’ve probably been tracking us the whole time,” you say, sad to leave the remainder of your meal. “They were just waiting for the right time to strike.” It’s hard to walk fast without making it obvious that you’re running from someone. You offer Natasha your hand and she takes it without hesitation. You drag her along a little, urging her without words. “It’ll be fine, Nat. We’ll take care of her and keep moving.”
“We shouldn’t have stopped here. This was all my stupid idea,” she says. 
“It wasn’t a stupid idea. I liked it.”
If the two of you weren’t running from a Widow, Natasha would have stopped and hugged you. Although she hasn’t known you for more than four days, she feels completely safe with you and has a deep admiration for you. You’ve never prodded about her past, you’ve never judged from where she came from. While you’re not such an open book yourself, Natasha can see how much you’ve relaxed around her from your first meeting. She likes your calmness, your willingness to drop literally everything in your life for her, with no expectation of anything in return. She’s never met someone like you before but hopes that you’ll let her stay around even after this mess is cleaned up. 
“Go this way,” you say, nudging Natasha into a maintenance corridor, having seen a sign for roof access on one of the walls. At least you could take care of the Widow without worrying about innocent casualties–assuming there weren’t more hiding up there. “Take the stairs,” you instruct Natasha, pushing her into the stairwell.
“I hope you don’t expect me to jump from the roof,” she replies.
“Well, if we have to, I’ll jump first and catch you,” you quip, but there is no time for her to linger on your comment. She dashes up the three flights of stairs with lightning speed, while you lumber up behind her.
“The door’s locked,” she says, stopping in her tracks.
“Move.” Your middle claw rips out of your hand and you slide it between the jamb and wall to cut the lock. Throwing your weight against the door, it pops open easily and you stumble out into the unusually bright outside. “Let’s go.”
“Just hide somewhere and wait.”
Natasha is skeptical of your plans, not wanting to be caught in a dead end with another Widow, but she hurries towards an air conditioning unit. When she turns around, she sees you’re not following her and are facing the roof access door, your claws sliding out as the Widow makes her appearance, now wearing a gas mask.
“Y/N!” Natasha screams with no other way to stop you.
The Widow tosses a metal canister that immediately releases a thick, white fog. It hides the Widow and worse, burns your eyes until they water and destroys your sense of smell with a piercing, peppery odor.
“Shit.” You drop onto your belly, searching for a breathable pocket of air. You hear another canister clang to the ground, spreading the white fog farther and farther. As you crawl to where you think Natasha is taking cover, the unmistakable pops of gunfire ring through your skull. 
Your sense of sight, smell, and now sound are completely unreliable and fear ices your veins as you think about Natasha’s safety. But she’s also a Widow herself, so you’ll have to trust that she can handle herself while you figure out the way to her. You force yourself up, wiping snot on the sleeves of your new flannel and hunkering down, focusing hard to feel the vibrations of movement on the roof. You pivot left, inching forward cautiously. The faint click of a rifle trigger alerts you and you lash out with your claws, slicing uselessly through the fog. But it was nothing but a ruse, as the Widow comes up behind you and stabs you in the neck with a pronged instrument that sends hundreds of volts of electricity through your body. Your muscles seize and you collapse to the ground, seizing uncontrollably.
You’re pretty sure you’ve bitten your tongue off as blood fills your mouth and you start choking, unable to roll to your side to cough it out. The Widow points the muzzle of her at your face, pressing the cold metal tip to your forehead. You bare your teeth in a vicious snarl, wishing you could will control back into your body to slash her throat out.
“Good night, mutt,” the Widow says. 
Natasha tucks her mouth and nose into her elbow, charging into the fog while wielding the tiny pocket knife she stole from your apartment. She tackles the Widow with her full bodyweight, puncturing the blade through her vest deep enough that the Widow screams, dropping her gun.  Knocking off the Widow’s mask and pulling her into a tight headlock, Natasha squeezes her arms as tight as she can, counting the number of seconds it takes before the assassin finally stops struggling and slumps to the ground. With watering eyes from the gas, Natasha strips the Widow of her equipment, despite knowing that at her peak, her bare hands would be deadly enough weapons. The gas starts to spread further and further and Natasha can finally see your convulsing body. 
She runs over to you, tentatively yanking the taser out of your neck. You take a huge breath of air, rolling to your side and coughing hard. 
“Thanks,” you mutter as your tongue grows back. Shakily you get to your feet, touching the side of your neck and feeling the jagged openings left by the taser slowly closing. “Where is she? I’m gonna–”
“No. Let’s go,” Natasha intervenes, grabbing onto a handful of your shirt to stop you, like you’re a dog on a leash. You push her away, stomping over to where the Widow is lying motionless. Your claws pop out. She won’t feel anything. 
“Y/N, STOP!” Natasha yells and you freeze, turning to glare at her. 
“They sent her to kill us,” you seethe.
“But she’s not herself,” Natasha begs. “She’s being controlled. You know that. Please don’t kill her. She was just…She was just following orders.”
You clench your fist, the muscles in your forearm rippling as you retract your claws. Natasha gulps and takes a visible step back from you. She’s never seen such rage in your features before, not that it would be unwarranted, but it almost seems like you’re on the verge of completely losing control. Your expression twitches when you smell the fear rolling off Natasha in waves. She’s not afraid of the Widow anymore. She’s afraid of you. 
“Fine. Sorry,” you grunt, backing up. You want to put your claws down your throat for scaring her like this. Your whole life you had fought to convince everyone that you were more than the animal you were born to be. It always felt like a losing battle. 
“No, I’m sorry,” Natasha says. “I said something that upset you.”
“Is that mine?” You’re suddenly distracted by the sight of a small knife poking out of the Widow’s side.
“Uh…” Natasha glances at you sheepishly. “I thought it would come in handy eventually.”
“Hmm.” You don’t dwell on it though, having other things to worry about. “Let’s just get the hell out of here.”
The parking lot is a jumbled mess as people hurry to leave as emergency vehicles enter the premises. You keep your head down, hoping you’re moving fast enough for no one to notice the few stains of blood on your collar. Natasha races to keep pace with you. She’s barely able to jump into the truck in time before you have it in drive, speeding out of the parking lot. 
“Thank you,” Natasha finally whispers as you merge onto the highway.
“For what?” you grunt, your knuckles clenched tightly around the steering wheel.
“For not killing her.”
You make another grunting noise.
“You know she doesn’t deserve that.”
“It’s not about what she deserves,” you snarl. “She was there to kill me and take you back to the Red Room. Which she failed to do. So if anything, the Red Room will probably kill her–”
“They wouldn’t do that,” Natasha interjects. “The Widows are huge investments. That’s why they want me alive.”
“Well, they don’t really seem to care if you get in their crosshairs of trying to kill me.” You don’t like how your words come out, but it’s too late to take them back now. You know none of this is Natasha’s fault–you were the one who willingly came to her aid, who insisted on driving her across the country, who offered your own friends to help. 
“You don’t deserve this either.” Natasha’s voice drops. She sounds small, and when you side-eye her, she’s curled up in her seat in a way that makes her look small too. You frown. “You were just trying to be a decent person, and now you’ve had your life threatened several times, you had to leave your home, you’re being chased across the country–”
“Stop it,” you interrupt. “If this is the consequences of my actions, then so be it. I’d do it again a thousand times for you. Because you’re worth it.”
“I am?” Natasha looks at you in disbelief, partially because this is the most emotional she’s ever heard you and partially because she wonders if this is you admitting you have feelings for her.
“Yes,” you confirm, giving her a slight smirk before focusing on the road. 
The final stretch of the drive is rough, but you make it. It’s nighttime now and exhaustion weighs on your shoulders from the entire day’s events. You shake Natasha awake as you park on the driveway.
“We’re here,” you say, cutting the lights and turning off the engine. Natasha gets out of the car, gaping at the enormous mansion you’ve stopped in front of. As you walk with her up to the front door, she stops to read the plaque.
“‘Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters,’” she says. “Hang on, this place is a school? Why would you bring us here? You’re putting children in danger, Y/N–”
“Hold on,” you cut her off. “The kids and staff here? They’re just like me.”
“Just like you? Meaning–” Before Natasha can finish her sentence, the front doors swing open and a woman with spiky gray hair appears, throwing herself at you.
“Y/N!” she cries.
“Hey, Ororo,” you mumble, returning her hug with a little less passion. “Sorry to arrive so late. Ran into a little trouble earlier…”
“You made it safely and that’s all that matters.” She pats your shoulders affectionately. “Hi there. I’m Ororo,” the woman introduces herself to Natasha, awkwardly standing off to your side. “But the kids around here call me Storm.”
“I’m Natasha.”
“Please, come in. It’s freezing and I know you’ve both been on the road for days,” Ororo invites. “Your room is all prepped, Y/N.”
You hadn’t even thought to ask her for another guest room, but you have a feeling Natasha won’t mind sharing again. You gesture for her to enter the mansion first. She seems in awe, and a little overwhelmed, that this building had been converted into a boarding school. Maybe later you’ll take her to the basements to show her the other half of the school. 
A man wearing ruby sunglasses despite the midnight hour stands at the bottom of the staircase, a beautiful red-headed woman by his side.
“Jean,” you breathe, almost frozen in her presence.
“Hi, Y/N,” Jean says in a sultry voice that makes your heart beat embarrassingly faster. Natasha feels a prick of jealousy when she sees the way you’re looking at this new woman. 
“Y/N!” the man barks.
“Good to see you too, Scott,” you add, not noticing the way Natasha moves closer to you, almost brushing against your arm. “This is Nat. She’s been traveling with me for the past few days, and–”
“You’re the one who escaped the Red Room,” Scott says, and Natasha cringes.
“Yeah, she is,” you answer, annoyed by his tone of voice.
“And how do we know that we can trust her?” Scott asks.
“Because I trust her.”
There’s a pause while Scott accepts this answer. 
“I just finished heating dinner up for you two. It’s in the kitchen,” Ororo interrupts. She’s the only one thrilled to host guests, you think. 
“Thanks, Ro,” you say.
“Well now that you’re back, Y/N, we actually need a substitute P.E. teacher tomorrow morning,” Scott teases, his arm going around Jean’s waist. “How about filling in, for old time’s sake?”
You raise your arm, extending the middle claw only. Everyone howls in laughter.
“Put that away,” Ororo chastises. “Come and eat now, before the food goes cold.”
You and Natasha start walking after her, but you stop when you hear the whir of wheels, an older bald man zipping up to you in a wheelchair. 
“Professor,” you greet, for the first time taking the initiative to hug, leaning down to embrace him. “Thanks for helping us out. We really appreciate it.”
The man smiles, a twinkle in his eye. “Of course. Welcome back, Y/N.”
AN: Click here for Part 3!
Hopefully, going to the X-Men was a wise decision on R's part...
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why-i-love-comics · 11 months
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Knight Terrors: Wonder Woman #1 (2023)
written by Josie Campbell art by Juan Ferreyra
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sporkberries · 1 year
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Jason + Tim Team up comic announced!
Dick Grayson isn’t the only Robin stuck in the Nightmare Realm. Written by Kenny Porter (The Flash: The Fastest Man Alive) with art by Miguel Mendonça (Wonder Woman), Jason Todd and Tim Drake must fight against their own worst fears and each other as they’re forced to relive the darkest moments of their lives in Knight Terrors: Robin #1. This issue will be available on July 11 with a main cover by Ivan Reis, open-to-order variants by James Stokoe and Liam Sharp, a 1:25 variant by Sam Wolfe Connelly, a 1:50 variant by Jorge Corona, and a Midnight variant by Dustin Nguyen.
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smashpages · 11 months
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Knight Terrors: Wonder Woman #1 (DC, July 2023) cover by Jae Lee
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robin-the-robo · 2 months
Okay so @steriafluff asked me for Red Hood recommendations and I apparently have a lot of those, so...
Do keep in mind that these are very much My Opinions, but this is what I think is worth reading if you're getting into Jason Todd/Red Hood and don't wanna end up reading the... Really Weird Stuff.
So I think everyone should start by reading Batman 1940 from issue #408 to #429, which ends with Death in The Family, to see what Jason was like as a kid and as Robin (an absolute delight).
Then obviously you gotta read Batman: Under the Red Hood, (and deal with a 19 y/o being drawn like he's 40. Yeah.) but I would also recommend Red Hood: Lost Days, which basically covers what happens between the Lazarus Pit and Under the Red Hood.
Then we have... Red Hood and the Outlaws (2011). Look. I'll be honest. The """characterization""" for Starfire in that comic is painfully sexist. It has its moments and we somehow managed to pull a pretty cool friend group (and/or polycule if you wanna interpret it that way) out of it, but I would never blame you for skipping it. Red Hood/Arsenal, which covers the time after the original Outlaws broke up, is pretty decent tho.
Red Hood and the Outlaws: Rebirth (2016), on the other hand, I think is cooler than people give it credit. I like that they're a play on the DC trinity (Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman) but as antiheroes. The plot goes in some weird directions from time to time, but the characters keep their personalities all the way through it and I think it's just really fun. Tbh the worst thing about it is that they ended it.
Now I'm gonna give you a few wildcard picks that you're either gonna love or hate, but I think there's something cool in each of them:
Batman: Urban Legends, from issue #1 to #6. Look, it's got Bruce and Jason struggling to cooperate, they're realistically tense but ultimately on the same side, I wrote a whole fanfic about how delightful Jason's interaction with a kid he saves in this comic is, so yeah.
Batman: Three Jokers. This one is quite dark and potentially triggering I think, so be careful. It also has a little bit of Barbara x Jason which No Thank You, but the art is GREAT and it has some banger moments in there. Read at your own peril.
Robins (2021). It's got ups and downs, not perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but if you want to see all five Robins interact it's a pretty interesting read.
Knight Terrors: Robin. Hey do you want Tim and Jason interacting and being brothers and actually talking through some of their personal issues while battling their own nightmares? If yes, then you'll enjoy this. A lil bit on the nose but good nonetheless.
And then finally we have Red Hood: The Hill, the new RH comic currently ongoing. We only have a couple of issues out yet so it's a bit early to judge its quality. Atm i agree with someone here on Tumblr who said that it feels like it's more about the new characters than about Jason himself, but maybe that'll change later on. We'll see.
So yeah these aren't all the comics I've read about him, but they are the ones that get his characterization right, or better than the rest at least. Hope this helps some new (or simply confused, which is very fair) fans out there.
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mysticconstantine · 9 months
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》 John appearing in Knight Terrors: Wonder Woman #1 (2023- )
Writer - Josie Campbell
Penciler/Inker/Colorist - Juan Ferreyra
Letters - Pat Brosseau
Editors - Brittany Holzherr, Paul Kaminski, Chris Rosa
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evilhorse · 5 months
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(Knight Terrors: Wonder Woman #1)
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nfcomics · 10 months
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KNIGHT TERRORS WONDER WOMAN no.1 (of 2) • cover art • JAE LEE [July 2023]
THE JUSTICE LEAGUE DARK AGAINST NIGHTMARES COME TO LIFE! After investigating an alarming intrusion at the now-defunct Hall of Justice, Wonder Woman and her unexpected new ally, Detective Chimp, suddenly find themselves in a world where their worst nightmares come to life. Who could possibly defeat these things that go bump in the night? The Justice League Dark! The Amazon Princess reunites with her old team to save the world from a sweet dream turned into a beautiful nightmare! Plus, Queen Nubia finds herself trapped in the Well of Souls!
(W) Josie Campbell, Stephanie Williams (A) Juan Ferreyra, Meghan Hetrick (CA) Jae Lee
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dispatchdcu · 11 months
Knight Terrors: First Blood #1 Review
Knight Terrors: First Blood #1 Review #knightterrors #knightterrorsfirstblood #firstblood #DCEU #dccomics #comics #comicbooks #news #dcu #dcuuniverse #art #info #NCBD #amazon #comicbooknews #previews #reviews
Writer: Joshua Williamson Art: Howard Porter Colors: Brad Anderson Letters: Troy Peteri Publisher:  DC Comics Price: $5.99 Release Date: July 4th, 2023 A new villain emerges in Knight Terrors: First Blood #1, and you’re immediately shown how powerful they are when they take out one of the Justice League’s most powerful adversaries in the first three pages!   Who is this villain and how does he…
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dailydccomics · 11 months
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Nubia in Knight Terrors: Wonder Woman #1
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why-i-love-comics · 11 months
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Knight Terrors: Wonder Woman #1 (2023)
written by Josie Campbell art by Juan Ferreyra
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aboutzatanna · 1 year
YES! FINALLY! A Zatanna story that doesn't feature Constantine or Batman and has her teaming up with different characters!
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"Most of the world is trapped in the Nightmare Realm. One of the few still awake is Zatanna, who must defend her unconscious allies Wonder Woman and Detective Chimp from Insomnia's Sleepless Knights-led by their horrifying Sleepless Queen! But the outnumbered Zatanna can't do it alone. She uses her magic to summon any champion that is still awake, which puts her in an unlikely team-up with one of the world's strangest superheroes: the Unstoppable Doom Patrol's Robotman! Knight Terrors: Zatanna #1 will be available on July 11 featuring a story by Dennis Culver (Unstoppable Doom Patrol) and art and main cover by David Baldeon (Harley Quinn), open-to-order variants by Kendrick Lim and Mico Suayan, a 1:25 variant by Riley Rossmo, a 1:50 variant by Suayan, and a Midnight variant by Dustin Nguyen."
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disneytva · 2 years
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Dynamite’s Darkwing Duck Unveils Team Behind The Comic Alongside Amazing Comic Cover Artists And Sneak Preview.
The Seth Rogen Disney+ Darkwing Duck Reboot still won’t hit our screens sooner according to og creator and creative consultant of the reboot Tad Stones as is still happening but is still early on development.
However the terror that flaps at night will fly again on a new series of comics by Dynamite and they unveiled not only the team behind the comic but also a preview and an amazing set of comic covers.
The Series of comics by Dynamite will debut on January 4 2023,the team consist of Amanda Deibert as writter with Carlo Cid Lauro as Artist and Jeff Eckleberry as letters.
Amanda Deibert had a background in television, animation, and comics, including Netflix’s He-Man and the Masters of the Universe, Wonder Woman, Star Wars, Warner Bros Animation’s DC Super Hero Girls etc..
“Darkwing Duck was huge when I was a kid, and I am thrilled to help introduce the fun, humor, and action-packed mystery to a new generation!” said Deibert. “Let’s get Dangerous!”
Editor Nate Cosby added, "Fans of the original TV series are in for a total treat, because Amanda and Carlo are conjuring up a hilarious, thrill-filled adventure series that’s directly connected with the classic feel of the show, but 100% accessible for new readers!"
David Nakayama's cover shows the titular Darkwing Duck, also known as Drake Mallard, standing atop a gargoyle while dressed for a night of superhero antics. Mirka Andolfo's cover, meanwhile, sees Drake embracing his inner Dark Knight with a very Batman-like pose. Artwork from Lesley "Leirix" Li shows Darkwing Duck utilizing his grappling hook, while additional covers come from Trish Forstner (My Little Pony, Transformers), Jacob Edgar (Death to the Army of Darkness), Lauro and George Kambadais (Dark Crisis: The Deadly Green).
Dynamite also revealed plans to reprint a number of past Darkwing Duck facsimile editions and graphic novels. "The hard-to-find 1991 limited series released by Disney Comics with contributions by John Blair Moore and others will soon be accessible again to fans and collectors of classic Disney comics," the publisher said at the time.
Darkwing Duck #1 - F.O.W.L Play
February 2023
Amanda Deibert
Carlo Cid Lauro
Nate Cosby
Jeff Eckleberry
The first story, subtitled “F.O.W.L. Play” kicks off a showdown between Darkwing and his dastardly arch nemesis Megavolt. He’s taken out everyone’s phones, which is a pretty cataclysmic outcome for the citizens of St. Canard. Alongside his ally Launchpad McQuack and some unexpected help from Gosalyn, the squad will take on Megavolt. But the latest escapade makes Mallard question the entire superhero business and consider retiring. How long can he go without meting out justice?”
“He is the terror that flaps in the night… He is the ferocious fowl who plucks the evil eye from the face of foul play. He is Darkwing Duck! By night he vigilantly defends his city of St. Canard from the dastardly, devilish demons who would wage wanton war with his trademark costume and gadgets, and lurks through the shadows, striking fear in the heart of the criminal underworld. By day he’s known as the mild-mannered Drake Mallard, father to his adorable adopted daughter Gosalyn. Can Darkwing successfully juggle his two separate lives, all while looking incredibly cool and impossibly handsome? Readers will have to tune in on January 4 to find out!
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smashpages · 11 months
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Knight Terrors: Wonder Woman #1 (DC, July 2023) cover by Tony Harris
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