#Knockout is the best babysitter
in1-nutshell · 6 months
hi again!
I wanted to know if you could do the single parent buddy again but in the Tfp universe? One with the autobots ( Optimus, Ratchet, bumblebee and Ultra magnus) and another with the decepticons ( Starscream, knockout, Breakdown and Megatron)
Thanks! And please let me know if I'm requesting to much, I don't want to be a nuisance.
Okay so I will be treating this as two requests. This one will have the Autobots portion. The next part will have the Cons.
The max character per request is 5. If you want other characters done, you will have to do another request. You can look on the GUIDELINES for an clarification.
Hope you enjoy!
Bot Buddy the single parent with Optimus Prime, Ratchet, Bumblebee, and Ultra Magnus
SFW, Platonic, Cybertronain reader
Optimus Prime
One of the best sparkling soothers on the team.
If the little sparkling is ever fussy or in need of a nap, Optimus is one of the best candidates to put them to sleep.
The Prime has deep respect for Buddy.
Not only do they do field work and help out wherever the team needs it. But they are also raising a sparkling.
Optimus does try and keep most of Buddy’s duties on the base, keeping them and their sparkling together.
If he sees Buddy having a slow day, looking particularly tired and exhausted, he’ll offer to watch the sparkling while they take a nap.
“Optimus, sir. This isn’t necessary. I can take care of them.”--Buddy
Optimus takes the sparkling from their hold and gently places a servo on their shoulder.
“You are doing an admirable job in caring for them Buddy. But you must also take care of yourself. Your sparkling will be safe with the team. Please, go and rest.”--Optimus
While Buddy is taking their nap, Optimus will most likely put the little one to sleep and gently rock them.
If they are awake, he will tell them stories and let them sit on his lap while he does work on the main computer.
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Ratchet is one of Buddy’s biggest supporters in staying at the base.
He knew too many sparkling’s go on to become orphans in the face of war, he refuses to have history repeat itself again.
Buddy and the sparklings health are one of his main priorities.
Primus help Buddy if he finds them sneaking their rations back.
If he sees Buddy having a slow day, he will make sure they get some rest.
“Ratchet, give me back my sparkling.”--Buddy
Until you get your necessary hours of recharge then.”--Ratchet
“Are you using my sparkling to try and get me to get more sleep?”--Buddy
“Yes. Now shoo!”--Ratchet
Ratchet is a big softy for the sparkling and another one of the best babysitters on the team.
He’ll bring out the sparkling sling so he can work better and keep an optic out for them.
The sparkling usually sleeps when they are with Ratchet, it’s rare to see them awake with him while Buddy is asleep.
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Honestly, Bumblebee probably sees Buddy as another parental figure and the sparkling as his sibling.
He is extra cautious one field work when Buddy is with him. They have a sparkling to look after, there is no way he is letting them get in the crossfire.
He likes to tire out the sparkling before it’s time for them to recharge, it benefits everyone in the end.
If he sees Buddy having a slow day, he’ll gently coax Buddy into their habsuite and promising to take care of the sparkling.
“Are you sure about this? You know they can be a bit of a handful.”--Buddy
“Beep boop bep bep bop bep (Buddy, right now you need sleep. They’ll be fine you have my word.)”--Bumblebee
“All right Bee, see you in a couple of minutes.”--Buddy
“Beep boop (A couple of hours you mean.)”--Bumblebee
Bumblebee usually gets the kids in on helping keep the sparkling entertained the entire time Buddy is napping.
Whenever the sparkling decides to recharge a bit, Bee has a playlist of soothing lullabies at the ready to speed up the process.
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Ultra Magnus
To everyone’s surprise, Ultra Magnus is the best bot to getting the sparkling to sleep. Even outdoing Prime on how efficient he is.
Magnus doesn’t know why.
Magnus knows Buddy has a lot on their plate as everyone does, but he is a bit more lenient with them.
Afterall he couldn’t imagine raising a sparkling amid an ongoing war and still have time to help around the base.
If he sees Buddy having a slow day, he makes sure his goal is met with sufficient speed.
Magnus walks by Buddy trying to rock the sparkling in their arms.
He plucks the sparkling from their arms and continues his way.
“Get some rest soldier.”--Magnus
Buddy is still trying to comprehend what just happened.
“That’s an order.”--Magnus
Buddy shrugs, too tired to care, and walks back to their habsuite to take a nap.
Now because the sparkling falls asleep fast with him, Magnus already has a sparkling sling ready.
In the rare chances that the sparkling is still awake, he might go over some of his favorite protocols and the Autobot code.
Wheeljack has tried to stop Magnus from having the sparkling listen to it.
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tfp-enthusiast · 1 year
OMGG LOVW YOUR WRITING!! If you're not too busy and this sparks creativity, could I request a TFP reaction with (Knockout, Shockwave, Soundwave and Megatron+ whoever more you'd like!) a cybertronian!reader who recently joined the decepticons (after being in space for so long) and is extremely excited about finally belonging to a cause and kinda follows them around impressed/intrigued by them?
Cons X Child!Bot!Reader
[Thank you! :3]
[ I adjusted it a bit, hope you don't mind, cause I just wanted to make a one shot of a sparkling with the con's.]
[You're not really a Sparkling but rather a young teenager. Your younger than Bee and Smokescreen.]
[Maybe also the bot's too if I find the time/if you want to.]
[I made a small one shot if you could call it that to explain Reader's story]
When the war had begun you where just a small Sparkling who didn't know what was going on. You Sire/Carrier tried their best to keep you as innocent as possible, they didn't want you to know what happened outside.
But they knew deep down that this won't work forever.
When you learned about the war when your Sire/Carrier had to fight. But because you shouldn't seen your family die/see what happened to your planet and they hoped that there was a way that you can live a mostly normal live. So they decided it would be best to put you in a stasis pod and pray that you will wake up to a better time and place.
When he was told there was a Pod that crashed onto earth without any sings which cause it belonged to he was interested
He soon got called into the medbay, which was normally after opening a stasis pod nothing out of the norm, but what he saw surprised him
A sparkling, well not exactly but you still where very young
Makes him kinda sad for a nano klik before greeting you in a way he did with every bot
Because you where still very young you where under watch every time you left your berth
At first he just shoved you towards Starscream but he tried to use you against Megatron so he decided to watch out for you himself
Most times at least, Soundwave looked after you when Megatron couldn't
He grew fond of you rather quickly
It was nice to have someone he knew wouldn't betray him or give him even more trouble/work
You are his child now and you are happy about it
He heard a stasis pod crashed down on this giant dirt pile and got sent to investigate it
Secretly hoped it's not someone like Airachnid
When he, and five Vehicons, opened the pod they expected everything
Everything except you: a child, an pure and innocent child
He knew he will probably be your babysitter but it didn't bother him as much as most might expect
He still acted annoyed and tried to 'get rid' of you but he secretly cared for you, you where probably the most innocent of all Bots in the universe and he knew he couldn't be mad/annoyed at you cause you don't even knew what is going on
You don't even have a gun for Primus sake!
Congratulations! You have unlocked 'training' with Starscream
He literally only teached you how to fire a gun, which is almost the same as his, and how flying 'is the best choice you can make' and that should always run from danger
Lesson finished?
He just wants to be close to you as much as possible cause of his fear of being abandoned
He will be by your side almost always, he still has stuff to do and doesn't want to get beaten up by Megatron in front of you
He didn't even realize there was a new bot on board tbh
You where sent to him one day because Megatron wanted to know where you could be useful and Shockwave should look if the stasis damaged you because your way younger than everybot that used the stasis pods
You, being the small child you where, where very interested in Shockwave, cuz he only has one eye instead of a face, and what his projects where about
He only let you see the harmless projects
Even he knew you where too young and innocent to see him experiment on some bot
You actually helped a lot in his lab, you brought equipment and walked trough the ship for him so you could still move enough and he could keep working
He was the first to know about you actually
The moment he saw you he became your dad and Lazerbeak your sibling
Soundwave teached you almost everything he knows and you even learned to use a groundbridge
He is almost always with you but if you go to recharge or he goes on a mission he deems as too dangerous for you, almost always, he will have Lazerbeak watch you/distract you
You remind him of his cassettes back on cybertron
He often uses emoticons for you because it helps you a lot and you like the colors
Oh god
I'm sure every kid no matter the species loves dragons and dinos
The moment you walked onto the landing deck, because you should learn the layout of the Nemesis while Megatron thought about how you could be useful, and you saw Predaking in his beast mode you lost it and ran towards him
While Predaking didn't even know about what a Sparkling is and then he sees this small being run towards him and start babbeling about how cool and beautiful he is
When he transforms for the first time and you see him on the ship you will be pulled into a bone crushing hug by him
You will be showered in compliments and praises every cycle from now on
And you will be treated like the price/princess you are by him
Best bodyguard by the way
He heard of a stasis pod landing on earth, more like crashing, but he didn't really have time to listen too much
He already knew that if the bot was a Con then they will be sent to him to have a check up
But what he didn't knew was that you where a literal child
You where even younger than Bumblebee which means a lot considering that he is one of the youngest bots in this solar system
He is very careful with you while doing the check up because he actually never had such a young bot before him (well yes but that was eons ago and long forgotten)
He definitely gets a little sad that someone this age goes to war because when he thinks of the time he was your age he remembers how he would race around all day and have a great time
Will, no matter your vehicle mode, race with you around the globe when you have a car then you will be everywhere he goes, if he deems the situation dangerous he will hide you or flee with you, if it's a plane then you will be with him often cruising through deserts with him cheering you on
Of course he will teach you how to buff especially so you can do it together, maybe even buff each other and talk about your day
Breakdown was probably sent to look who was inside that little stasis pod of yours
He expected a small bot because of the size of the pod but he didn't expect you
The moment he is sure you aren't just small but almost still a Sparkling, he doesn't really care how old you are the age gap is still massive, he goes full on mama bear mode
No matter where you are, you will have him behind you because he knows that some of the crew are just straight up toxic
He loves to carry you! He can carry you with one servo and still move normally
He just tries to get you have a relatively 'normal' childhood because his was way more fun and he wants you to have that too
Dreadwing is a very polite Con, as we all know, and when he heard there was a new Bot joining their ranks he decided to introduce himself
He literally didn't see you at first and had a really confused look for a few nanokliks before seeing you
When he finally sees you with your kind smile and holding your servo out for him he has shock written all over his faceplates
He actually asked Megatron himself if he could be your 'guardian'
He himself didn't even exactly know why but he did
He is almost like a brother for you
When he finds out that your Sire/Carrier is most likely already dead he becomes really depressed, as someone who values family over everything he is very empathetic when he learns you don't have one anymore
You often go on little trips outside of the ship together because he wants you to learn about the planet you're currently on and knows it's probably better for you if you get out of the Nemesis
He knows it's not the best place for someone of your age but still tries to make it appealing for you
When he walks trough the halls of the Nemesis towards the bridge and gets greeted by you, a small and innocent young bot, he is visible confused
He can't even recall the last time he saw someone of your age
You found the way he talks interesting and when you saw him you would try to talk with him and walk by him
He drows fond of you very soon because you where so interested in him
The more time he spends with you the more your dynamic remembers him of his brother, Dreadwing, because he talks to you like his brother always would
He tries to get you to talk about your past live and what happened before you landed here
He tries his best to search for any bot in the Cons databank that could resemble your Sire/Carrier because he wants you to at least know what happened to them, if there dead, alive or just so you can see them in some form again
She probably found you after she left the Cons once again but before she found the Insecticon hive
At first she thought you could be a possible source of information or at least energon but as soon she sees you she forgets about that
Her mind went from 'Awh scrap, just a Sparkling/young bot' to 'Wait a minute a what?Is this real?' and in the end she just went "You are now mine"
She may be a little cruel but over time she decides that you wont ever be separated from her
You are taken with her on every single trip outside of her little base and there is no discussing about it
She also doesn't think that cutting open another Bot in front of you is such a big thing but she at least makes it a little less bloody and brutal
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catcake24 · 4 months
Through the power of dimensional travel, I WILL make both KOBD and Breakbee coexist.
Here’s my idea (not sure if I’m going to write it as a fanfic, but I like it enough to share):
During a space/groundbridge incident, TFP Knockout and Breakdown from another dimension are pulled into Earthspark. They soon flee after seeing the sight of so many Autobots
Eventually though, the Maltos + Megatron (since they are “Decepticons”, they think they might listen to Megatron) track them down and explain they just want to send them home. But surprise… it turns out Knockout and Breakdown actually really like the ES dimension even more than their own.
They were already on the run from the Decepticons in their own world after Breakdown nearly died, they both already like earth and don’t mind staying, and they find the idea of being able to actually make a life outside of war appealing. Since medics are desperately needed, even with the few remaining still working, they are allowed to stay in Witwicky and even give medical help with the kids when needed.
they are their usual selves with everyone else, but when they hear about the Terrans they go absolutely soft. They’re the rich aunties now, and will not be hearing otherwise (this includes Mo and Robby too, once they find out they’re family.)
They get along with Alex and Dot well, since they genuinely care for the kids and just want a life outside of war. (Breakdown admits they did awful things at some point, expecting the humans to recoil, but Dot says “My best friend is Megatron, I know many Cons who made mistakes. But everyone deserves their second chance.”)
Knockout notices ES Bee has been looking at him weird, sees ES Breakdown and Bee together for five minutes, and goes “I’m gonna set them up”. This breakdown deserves a happy relationship too, and Knockout can see how close ES Breakdown is with Bee since he’s already married his own Breakdown, so he ends up giving bee the perfect advice to finally confess. Or he messes with him, 50/50 really.
TFP Breakdown is the best babysitter when Bee is away, since he actually knows how to handle younglings very well. ES Breakdown sees this as competition for HIS Bee, and there’s a lot of silly shenanigans around it until TFP BD goes “pfft, I already got a conjunx, and I’m already with someone wayyy above your Bee”
This is how the Terrans learn what a conjunx is, and react the same way most kids do to learning what marriage is (curious but also going “ew! Kissing!”)
Knockout isn’t a great babysitter because he spoils the kids rotten. He needs Breakdown supervision at least so the kids don’t gain an extra pound from sweets lol
Knockout and Breakdown stay in Witwicky because it’s a nice change of scenery, and because they need to be under the supervision of Autobots until they can be fully trusted. They do sneak off for dates sometimes, but over time the bots just get used to it
At some point TFP KOBD and Breakbee go on a double date on a racing track. ES Breakdown is horrified to learn his alternate is slow as fuck. Luckily Knockout can match them for speed, and have a good time with TFP Breakdown on the sidelines offering coolant to the racers (and kisses for good luck for his Conjunx).
Basically this is a wish fulfillment au where Knockout and Breakdown can live happily while in the more wholesome Earthspark universe (until the horrors come for the Terrans again)
Feel free to add extra ideas for this AU :3
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Which Megatron do you think would be the best mom? I'm leaning towards Earthspark. I'm sad to admit that I don't think my fav, tfp, would make a good mom. I feel like he'd either be very overbearing or extremely distant.
Hmmmm that's a good question. Earthspark Megatron definitely has the most in-youe-face canon evidence saying he'd be a good parent. He's already a (grand)parental figure to the terrans, and he's doing pretty good with him. He'd definitely be a doting carrier to his own newborn sparkling
However! Don't be too quick to write of Aligned Megatron. I genuinely think anyone can be a good parent if they're willing to work hard at it and recognize that their children are individual people with people needs. And Megatron, for all his flaws, doesn't do anything half-assed. He'd definitely be a very busy parent, seeing as he's got an entire army to command, but I don't think he'd be constantly distant and pushing them away. I mean, he made the choice to carry them to term and bring them into the world (assuming it wasn't a stealth pregnancy or smthn, which could be a very interesting topic to explore 🤔). He'd do his best for them, and while I do think he'd initially struggle to balance his time spent with them and his time spent lording over the decepticons, I think he'd find a rhythm that worked for them. He's too stubborn not to
In public he'd likely be a very cold parent, but behind closed doors he's able to more freely express the love he feels for them. TFP does a great job of making him seem just. Irredeemably evil all the time, someone that doesn't experience positive emotions, but that's simply not the case. He's every bit as capable of love and happiness as every other cybertronian. Just because we aren't shown that doesn't make it any less true. Think about it, every time Megatron is on screen, it's when he's in full warlord mode. Everyone else gets individual depth, scenes wherein they're more than just a soldier or medic. Like Knockout enjoying his racing hobbies, Starscream being an adept scientist, Bulkhead working with construction. Not Megatron. We only ever see him fighting and giving orders and having to be perfectly present in the war effort, but realistically that's not how he spends every waking hour of every single day. I do think, when he's alone with his sparkling, he could be tender with them, give them the affection and love and guidance they need to grow up healthy.
Would he be a perfect parent? No. Such a thing doesn't exist. But I don't think he'd be terrible or abusive, either.
I'm actually kinda leaning toward animated Megatron. While yes, earthspark Megatron is very nice, he's also still got a lot of issues he's working through, and I don't think him working with GHOST--of his own free will or not--would be very healthy for his child. I don't think, given he's constantly rounding up the "bad decepticons" he'd be an optimal role model. With the terrans, he's not their primary caregiver. People can make great babysitters but not great parents, yk? He's in an unstable place rn, constantly butting heads with Optimus, unhappy with his current position in life, and I don't think he's in a proper mental state to consistently be caring for a needy baby. Maybe after GHOST is dealt with and the imprisonment of decepticons stops, but not right now.
TFA Megatron, on the other hand, has his shit together. Though they live in exile he's still got a good handle on the decepticons, and they're surviving well. He's all not quite as prideful and stubborn as previous Megatron's--my favorite way that's demonstrated is with the Supremes at the end of season 3. When it's pointed out to him that he isn't actually the ideal candidate, that there could be disastrous infighting and they might not obey him, he doesn't get angry. That's a fair, accurate critique of his character, and he gracefully takes it in stride. He then pivots to someone else who's a better fit, prioritizing their success over his own hubris. Most other Megatron's would get mad and blow up and let it cloud their judgement, but not him. He's also demonstrated to be an incredibly patient person, able to play the long game and focus on the outcome even if the means aren't as quick as he'd like them to be. He knows when to draw back, he makes good choices, and he's generally a pretty calm person, all things considered. I actually think, if Sumdaac's bitch ass hadn't stolen his embryo and they had been allowed to develop and be born properly, he would be a pretty great mother
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elfdragon12 · 1 year
Knockout holding lil Windblade: Soundwave, this is my new daughter and I need some help looking after her, Breakdown is with the Stunticons and the med bay is full so since you are free-
Soundwave seeing this cute sparkling: ON IT.
Cue, Windblade has the best day with babysitter Soundwave.
Soundwave stepping up to sparkling duty:
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kittydemon9000 · 4 years
Ever since "The Accident” a few months ago, Oppy had been acting....strange. He would arrive back from work, take a nap for a while in the apartment, and then at 7 o’clock sharp, leave the apartment with Bumblebee carrying a case filled with things. The two would then arrive home at 3:30 AM, go to bed at 4 AM, then wake up later. Bumblebee would sleep until 9-10 AM and Oppy would go to work with Bulkhead at 8. Every. Single. Day.
Now, Nightlight may be a 2nd grader, but she’s a surprisingly capable 2nd grader. And she knew that adults didn’t usually take naps. She had tried sneaking a peek at Oppy’s bag, but all she found was some lipstick and glitter before she was caught. 
Right now, it was Saturday, and Nightlight was sitting by the coffee table drawing a plan the apartment in crayon. Only Bulkhead and Optimus were home, but they were getting ready to leave soon. Bumblebee never came home last night, but when she asked Optimus said that Bee was with a friend, before muttering about someone named “Blitzwing.” 
Someone knocked on the door and Optimus practically sprinted to open it. Standing on the other side was a mech about Oppy’s size in a red shirt and jeans. His face was white and he had pointy, elf-like audials.
“Knockout.” Optimus said, the relief clear in his voice. “I can’t thank you enough for coming.”
The mech, Knockout, walked into the apartment.
“Well, it was the least I could do. Now, where’s the little one?”
“Over here.” Optimus led Knockout over to Nightlight. “Nightlight, this is Knockout. Knockout, Nightlight.” he introduced. Nightlight looked up from her drawing at the strange mech. Optimus knelt down to her.
“Sweetie, Knockout’s going to be watching you today, alright?” he informed. Ratchet had to take an early morning shift and couldn't watch her, and Bumblebee was....*ahem* busy at the moment.
Nightlight shuffled her feet nervously before nodding. She didn’t take too well to strangers, but it was either Knockout or nobody, and Optimus would rather not leave an seven year old in the apartment alone for several hours.
Optimus smiled. “Don’t worry, me and Bulkhead won’t be gone for too long.”
“Optimus, it’s time to go.” Bulkhead interrupted. Optimus gave Nightlight a quick kiss on the forehead before running to the door. “Emergency contacts are on the fridge, and Nightlight can tell you what food she likes. Oh! And-”
“Optimus, I can handle her. Now shoo, you have to get to work.” Knockout said. Optimus made a reluctant face before closing the door.
Knockout turned to Nightlight, seeing that she had resumed coloring. He leaned over her shoulder, before making a small “hm” noise.
“So what are you drawing, Nightlight?” Knockout asked. Nightlight looked up for a second.
“Nothing~” she said, in that “I’m doing something I shouldn’t” tone that many kids used when they were caught.
“I know a plan when I see one. So why don’t you tell me?” Knockout said, sitting on the floor next to Nightlight. She looked around the room, almost as if someone was hiding and listening in.
“You can’t tell anyone, okay.” she started. She held out her littlest finger  “Pinky swear it!”
Knockout chuckled and hooked his pinky around hers. “I pinky swear.”
She suddenly brightened and stood up. “Follow me!” she grabbed his hand and started pulling him in the direction of the hallway.
It was a surprisingly big apartment. Not huge, but large enough to house three men and a child. Nightlight led Knockout to a small bedroom with purple walls and tiny butterflies hanging from the ceiling. A small bed was tucked in the corner, and in the middle of the room was a green rug, contrasting the purple walls.
Almost every wall was covered in shelves which each had tiny trinkets and shiny things. One shelf had a glass case with dirt and a tiny cave.
Knockout went closer to it, peering into the glass. He jerked back suddenly and almost fell over when its resident jumped out.
Inside the tiny terrarium was a tarantula, but it was....purple?
“Bit, don’t be mean.” Nightlight scolded, having noticed Knockout’s reaction. The purple tarantula let out a hiss, before crawling back into it’s little cave.
“Sorry, Bit doesn’t really like strange people.” Nightlight apologized. She grabbed Knockout’s hand and pulled him over to a spot near one of the walls. It was one of the only spots of wall that didn’t have shelves or drawings.
She dug her hands into the floor board and it popped right off. The wall suddenly swung open like a door, revealing a little room. Nightlight crawled inside, but soon emerged with a cork board and a blue stick.
“So,” she started, leaning the cork board against the wall so its contents were visible. It was covered in drawings and yarn, but surprisingly no writing.....well, maybe not that surprising. She was, after all, seven.
“Every night, for the last couple of months, Oppy has been doing something at night, and I’m trying to figure out what.”
Knockout sat down and listen as she explained everything from the late night trips with Bumblebee, the lipstick and glitter, the naps. Everything. While Knockout was just sitting there, debating whether to be disappointed at Optimus for how easily he was figured out, or impressed that a seven year old was able to compile this much evidence
“So what do you think?” Nightlight finished, finally turning back to Knockout.
“Well....I’m impressed.” he started. She glowed at the praise. One thing was obvious though, he had to get her off Optimus's trail, fast. At the rate she was figuring stuff out, she’d uncover the truth in no time.
“Although, I can tell you what Optimus does at night.” She looked at him with shock.
“You can!” she exclaimed. He gave her a smile.
“Yes, I can.”
When Optimus came home, he was pleasantly surprised by what he saw. Well, at first he was panicking. Knockout and Nightlight weren’t in the living room or the kitchen. In Nightlight’s room, the two were having a tea party with Bit and a spider plush named Queen Blackarachnia that had been with Nightlight since she was born.
“Prince Knockout, pass the cupcakes please.” she requested.
“Of course, Princess Nightlight-” he let out a dramatic gasp. “Oh no! Queen Blackarachnia seems to have eaten them all!”
She let out a giggle. “I know it was you, Knockout.” He gave a look of dramatic offense.
“Princess Nightlight, how could you accuse me of such a horrendous misdeed.”
“It seems like you too are having fun.” Optimus chuckled from the doorway. Nightlight snapped her helm up and beamed.
“Oppy!” she ran up to his and hugged his leg. 
“Hello, Nightlight.” he greeted, kneeling down to hug here. “So, did you like Knockout?”
“Yeah!” she exclaimed, nodding rapidly. “He’s so much fun! We baked cupcakes, too.”
“Really?” Optimus looked at Knockout. He knew the mech well enough to know he hated getting dirty. “Well, it’s time for Knockout to got home. He has to go to work in a bit.”
“Don't you mean both of you have to go to work.” she pointed out. Optimus froze.
“Uh, what do you mean, sweetie?” he asked. Was his secret out?
“Yeah, Knockout told me you both worked at a restaurant together at night. And there’s a karaoke machine and dance area that you sing at a lot.” Optimus let out a sigh of relief. It wasn’t the entire truth, but at least now she wouldn’t question it.
“You’re right, silly me.” he chuckled. “Now, you clean up. I’m going to show Knockout out.”
“Okay Oppy!” she said, gathering all the tea set stuff. Optimus led Knockout to the door, but before he left...
“I can’t thank you enough. If she found out...” Optimus trailed off.
“It’s fine.” he looked back at the hallway. “She was actually really close to figuring it out. She had a plan and everything to tail you.”
Optimus didn’t even try to stop the horror that spread to his face. 
“Don’t worry. She’s now convinced that we work at a restaurant and you do the entertainment.” He gave a smirk. “Which isn’t exactly a lie.”
Optimus blushed a little. Even after 3 months, he would still get a little flustered whenever anyone brought it up.
“Well, anything else?” he asked.
“Well....yes, but I can’t tell you.”
“What?!? Why not?” Optimus asked. Knockout gave him a feigned innocent look.
“I pinky promised.”
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For @pastelpaperplanes​. Now you know why I was wondering if Op trusted KO
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ddejavvu · 3 years
I'm sorry to say that my 1K celebration has come to an end! However, I've managed to come super close to hitting 1.2K in the week that I've been celebrating 1K, which is amazing! Thank you all so much, I'll be working on leftover celebration asks (from 700 and 1K) and I'll try to give you a brief lil layout of my next fics coming out (hopefully in the order that they'll come out)!
All readers/couples are 18+ and consenting. All fics are 18+, but a clean version of A Real Knockout will be posted so that minors may also read.
1.) Guilty as Charged: Attorney!Peter has been assigned a lot of losing cases lately, and he needs to take out his frustration on something. Or someone.
2.) Pick Me Up?: Remus has promised you that, whatever ungodly hour you call him at, he’ll always be willing to pick up his best friend’s daughter if you need him. You happen to take him up on this offer after a particularly messy party, but your parents are out of town, and neither of you want to sleep alone.
3.) The Babysitters' Club: Your parents are too overprotective to let their 18 year old daughter stay home alone while they go on a date. They'll only be gone for a few hours, but that's plenty of time for the babysitter that they hired to turn your life upside-down.
4.) A Real Knockout: Working in a grimy bar has many downsides, including the semi-illegal fighting ring that frequents your establishment. While the blood-stained floors and missing teeth scattered under tables and behind doors are the worst parts of your week, a rookie fighter that's indoctrinated into the league may just be the highlight.
5.) For your Viewing Pleasure: The marauders have a little party planned for their fellow seventh-years, and you aren't aware that you're the main event.
please please please let me know what you think of these! I’m excited to hear your thoughts :D <33
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Tfp bots meeting the G1 bots crossover
In the first encounter, G1 OP killed TFP Megatron by using G1 Megatron gun alter mode without his permission... And TFP OP knowledge of the plan.
G1 Soundwave proved to be superior that TFP Soundwave by showing that he still has children >:)
G1 and TFP Starscream became "friends". Now planning to take the Decepticons as the new leaders.
TFP Bulkhead and Whelljack cry it and hug it G1 Seaspray... For reasons.
TFP Bulkhead became friends with the G1 Dinobots.
TFP Arcee, G1 Prowl, G1 Jazz, and G1 Mirage are the team's babysitters now >:(
TFP Ratchet no longer feels useless thanks to G1 Red Alert and G1 Ratchet.
TFP Bee and G1 Bee fight constantly trying to prove who has the best dad. It ends with G1 OP as victorious.
TFP and G1 Shockwave have a LOGIC RAP BATTLE suggested by G1 Soundwave
The G1 Aerialbots became TFP Bee big brothers.
TFP Knockout flirts with every bot he encounters, especially with G1 Red Alert. TFP Breakdown will smash with his harmer any of those unlucky bots.
But in the background, other G1 bots ask TFP Optimus what happen to their TFP contra parts... And with G1 Elita-1 :,)
In short, everything is confusing to everyone.
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calciopics · 3 years
Kylian Mbappé is Born to Run
The France forward grew up in the suburbs of Paris, steeped in the culture of football. At 22, the World Cup-winner is already a global superstar, and only now entering his prime. Will Euro 2020 be the moment when he overtakes Messi and Ronaldo to become recognised as the best player on the planet?
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Kylian Mbappé was 18 when he walked into the changing room of the French national team. “It’s very difficult,” he recalls, “because great players don’t want to give you their place. That’s what makes them great players. They especially don’t want to give you their place if you arrive with the label of ‘Future Great Player’.” Within a year, Mbappé and France had won the World Cup in Moscow.
Three years on, we are talking in a room of his mansion in the leafy, old-money streets of Neuilly, just outside Paris. It isn’t even his home; he bought it to house his foundation, which offers after-school activities to rich and poor children alike. In conversation, Mbappé resembles a veteran TV presenter more than a young footballer. He makes short speeches in complete sentences, as precise in his footing as he is on the field. He sits as straight-backed as he runs. His expressive face keeps breaking into smiles: he likes talking, and is almost unburdened by the usual footballer’s fear of saying the wrong thing.
His burly father Wilfried sits beside us, but only once during the interview will he feel impelled to intervene. Meeting Mbappé, you come to understand how he hit football seemingly already fully formed. At 22, he has achieved more than most great players ever do. Can he take one more step and become the world’s best footballer?
His story starts 10 miles and a universe away from where we’re sitting today. His hometown, Bondy, is a multicultural suburb just northeast of Paris that looks as if someone plonked a Soviet town on top of an ancient French village. The old church is surrounded by fast-food joints and fading 1960s’ apartment blocks, one of them now adorned with a giant mural of Mbappé.
His parents grew up in Bondy: Wilfried, of Cameroonian origin, and Mbappé’s mother Fayza, of Algerian descent. Mixed marriages are common in the Parisian suburbs, the banlieues, but the couple did have to defy some local disapproval.
If a wannabe footballer had to choose the ideal place on earth to grow up, it might have been the Mbappé home in Bondy. Mbappé’s father and uncle were both football coaches, and Fayza, who ran after-school activities, played handball in the French first division. His parents had adopted an older boy, Jirès Kembo Ekoko, who went on to make a long career as a journeyman professional footballer. “I didn’t bring a new passion into the family,” Mbappé says with understatement.
He grew up practically inside the local football club, AS Bondy. “In the Parisian suburbs there are football fields everywhere,” he enthuses. “People here live for football. I was born with the sports ground facing my window.” It’s no wonder, he adds, that Paris’s suburbs are perhaps the deepest talent pool in global football, producing players such as Paul Pogba, Blaise Matuidi, N’Golo Kanté and Riyad Mahrez.
As a non-white kid from the suburbs, did Mbappé always feel accepted as French before he became a French icon? “I’ve always felt French. I don’t renounce my origins, because they are part of who I am, but I’ve made my whole life in France, and never at any moment was I made to feel I wasn’t at home here.” In the banlieues, he says, “We have a love of France because France has given to us and we try to give back to it.”
Mbappé’s parents made him take school seriously, and he was also a not-very-talented flautist at Bondy’s conservatory, but football came first. At AS Bondy, he says, “My father was my coach for 10 years. He helped construct the style of player I wanted to become. But I never felt the pressure of, ‘You have to become a footballer.’ Above all, it was a passion.”
Tagging along with his dad and uncle on their coaching jobs, the child acquired an unusual gift: he became a footballer who thinks like a coach. “Very young, I was always in the changing rooms, listening to the tactical talks and the different points of view, because football is made up of different viewpoints. I learned to have this tolerance, and I think it helped me, because being a coach is putting yourself in somebody else’s place. I think I have the gift of doing that. It helps in football, because if you’re a player, generally you think about yourself, about your own career. I can see, for instance, when something in a game is frustrating a team-mate. I can put him at ease.”
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When you’re in the World Cup final, you’re convinced you’re going to win. You walk onto the field, the trophy is there, and you tell yourself it is impossible the other team will take it
Mbappé turned out to be that perfect sporting combination: a natural who is coachable. “He assimilates advice quickly. You ask him something once, and the second time he does it,” Antonio Riccardi, his former youth coach at AS Bondy, told me. Even as a child, Mbappé was an efficient footballer: decisive, never just decorative.
By adolescence, he was being courted by the big European clubs, which all keep close tabs on the Paris region. He visited Chelsea, and celebrated his 14th birthday at Real Madrid, which cannily found him the perfect babysitter: the club’s then assistant coach Zinedine Zidane, the greatest French footballer. When Zidane offered Mbappé a lift in his fabulous car, the overawed child offered to take his shoes off first.
The Mbappés sifted the countless offers and chose Monaco, where the route to the first team looked shortest. Mbappé arrived there, he says, “with my [footballing] baggage well filled.”
Kids in performance-sports families learn that they never arrive. Each step up is just another learning opportunity. In Monaco’s first team, the teenaged Mbappé encountered the veteran Colombian striker Radamel Falcao, freshly returned from unhappy loan spells with Manchester United and Chelsea.
“He was a star,” says Mbappé, “but he had a desire to transmit. He was like a teacher to me. He’s someone who always wants to score, but he left me the space to express myself. He’s very cool in front of goal, calm in his game, and he transmitted this serenity that I didn’t have, because I was young, excited and wanted to go at 2,000 kilometres an hour.”
The kid who didn’t yet have a driving licence scored 15 league goals in his first professional season to help Monaco win the French title in 2017. He added six more in the Champions League knockout rounds. He also passed his baccalauréat, France’s equivalent of A-levels.
Mbappé marvelled at the tension on the faces of other professionals, because he didn’t feel it himself. Everything came easily to him, without great sacrifice, he has said. When I ask about stress in a profession of hypercompetitive men, he shrugs: “Daily life is easy.”
His vertical ascent didn’t surprise him; it just happened a bit quicker than he’d expected. But others were stunned. Here was something new: an 18-year-old complete forward. Built like an Olympic sprinter, Mbappé ran upright, looking around him. He could dribble, cross and shoot. He was more advanced than Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo had been at 18.
How does he describe his style? “The modern attacker who can play anywhere,” he replies. He explains that forwards used to be specialists: “There’d be a number nine, or number 11, or number seven.” Mbappé, though, is the all-in-one. “I think my CV can speak for me. I’ve played alone up front, I’ve played on the left and the right. In all humility, I don’t think it’s given to everyone to change position like that every year and keep a certain standard of performance at the highest level. That didn’t fall from heaven. If I speak of the baggage given me in my teens, it’s all there.”
In one regard he has always been unequalled: the counterattack at speed. He says, “I’ve managed to work on my weak points but above all to perfect my strong points, because I was always told that it’s through your strong points that you’ll exist.”
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In March 2017, Mbappé became the youngest player in 62 years to debut for France. Five months later, his hometown club Paris Saint-Germain agreed to sign him for a fee of £166m. He drew on his childhood experiences to navigate two alpha-male changing-rooms. At PSG, his good English and Spanish helped him deal with foreign team-mates. With Les Bleus, France’s assistant coach Guy Stéphan told Mbappé’s biographer Arnaud Hermant: “He knows the codes of the changing room. At table or in the bus, he doesn’t just sit somewhere randomly. For a youngster, he isn’t timid or introverted. He expresses himself.”
By summer 2018, picked for the World Cup in Russia, Mbappé was comfortable enough to claim the blue number 10 shirt — previously worn by Zidane and Michel Platini — and to say in public that he was gunning for the trophy.
“I went to play the matches calmly like I always have. I didn’t want to change just because it was the World Cup,” he says. “We were lucky to have a young squad. We were totally carefree, just a band of mates.”
Hang on, surely a football team isn’t really a band of mates? “No,” he acknowledges. “Just like the baker doesn’t get on with all bakers. You don’t have to eat with your team-mates every evening to win.”
In the World Cup round of 16, his two goals and a 37kmph gallop through Argentina’s defence made his global name. The night before the final against Croatia, he admits, “I was a bit stressed. I didn’t manage to sleep much. But the nearer the match came, the less stressed I was.” Before kick-off he was joking in the changing room. Stéphan recalls: “He experienced the final as if it were a PSG-Dijon game.”
Mbappé says, “When you’re in the World Cup final, you’re convinced that you’re going to win. Even the Croats were convinced they were going to win. You walk onto the field and the trophy is there, between the two teams, and you tell yourself it’s impossible that the other team will take it. That’s why there’s such disappointment afterwards if you don’t win.”
Half of Bondy gathered in front of a giant screen to cheer on the commune’s own “Kylian national”. Scoring in France’s 4–2 victory, he seemed to have reached his career apogee aged 19. He didn’t see it like that. Interviewed the night of the final, he described winning the World Cup as “already good” but only a start.
The next day, as the Bleus’ bus edged along a packed, ecstatic Champs-Élysées, writes Hermant, the ice-cold kid mused to the French Football Federation’s president Noël Le Graët: “Was all this really necessary?”
Mbappé explains now: “For me, it wasn’t an outcome, a finality. I don’t think of that trophy now at all. I don’t look at pictures of the World Cup before going to sleep. Honestly, it’s people on the street who come up and say, ‘You’re world champion, merci, merci.’”
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He understood that his early triumph had upset football’s all-important hierarchies. Returning to PSG, he immediately reassured Paris’s Brazilian star Neymar: “I’m not going to walk on your flowerbeds. I’ll be a candidate for the Ballon d’Or [the award for world’s best footballer] this year because you won’t be, but I promise I don’t want to take your place.”
Soon after, he took the World Cup trophy to Bondy, where thousands came out to greet him. “It was a way to say, ‘Thank you.’ I’ve never forgotten which soup I have eaten. So it was important for me to return there after my first World Cup and first international title.” (Note that word, “first”.)
France’s coach, Didier Deschamps, recalls falling into “physical and moral apathy” the season after he lifted the World Cup as a player in 1998. Did Mbappé experience a hangover? He grins: “I finished as best player in the league, highest scorer, best young player, I was chosen in the team of the season, and we won the league.”
Winning the World Cup made Mbappé a national hero. Does he consider himself a star? “I think so. If your face is everywhere in the city, everywhere in the world, that’s for sure. Being a star is a status, but it doesn’t make me a better person than others.”
He lives like a luxury prisoner, who cannot leave home without being mobbed. “It takes an organisation just to go out,” he says. He has joked that when his future children ask him about his youthful adventures, he won’t have any.
“A fan gives you enormous love,” says Mbappé carefully, “but sometimes maybe an excess of love, and he might not respect your intimacy. We give our lives to the people, because we give them pleasure every three days, and we give them our time. It’s impossible to hope for a normal life, but just a little respect for one’s private life isn’t too much to ask for, I think.”
As a young man of non-white origins, he has a particular vulnerability with the French public, one-third of whom voted for the far-right candidate Marine Le Pen in the run-off of the presidential elections in 2017. Even so, he has begun to speak out against police violence.
“I took time to start talking about it, because I wasn’t ready,” he admits. “I had a lot of things to digest: my change of status, my new life. But I have always opposed all types of violence.”
When I note that French police violence is disproportionately directed against people of non-white origins from suburbs like Bondy, his father stirs from his silence: “We’re not answering that. You’re orienting it as if the violence were only against people from the banlieues, which is false.”
In high-level football, nobody will make a place for you. Ego, self-love, isn’t just the caprice of stars. It’s also the will to give the best of yourself
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French fans like their stars humble. Mbappé has explained “the French mentality” to Neymar, who favours a bling-bling, poker-playing party lifestyle. Mbappé says, “In Brazil, they are more festive, in France more serious. Here it’s not considered good to display your passions. People will think he’s neglecting PSG because he plays poker. I think he has begun to understand that. At first it was hard for him because he experienced it as an affront. When he arrived, they put his face on the Eiffel Tower, and six months later they’re asking him why he’s playing poker. In France, people know what you have but they don’t want to see it. They just want to see you playing football, smiling.”
But Mbappé believes humility isn’t enough. He thinks great footballers need big egos. “In high-level football, nobody will make a place for you or tell you that you’re capable of things. It’s up to you to persuade yourself that you are. Ego, self-love, isn’t just a caprice of stars. It’s also the will to surpass yourself, to give the best of yourself.” Every time he walks onto the field, he says, he tells himself, “I’m the best.”
In truth, he knows he isn’t the best — Messi and Ronaldo are better. “It’s not only me who knows that,” he laughs. “Everyone knows it. If you tell yourself that you’ll do better than them, it’s beyond ego or determination — it’s lack of awareness. Those players are incomparable. They have broken all laws of statistics. They have had 10 extraordinary years, 15.”
Still, he admits: “You do always compare yourself with the best in your sport, just as the baker compares himself with the best bakers around him. Who makes the best croissant, the best pain au chocolat? I watch matches of other great players to see what they’re doing. ‘I know how to do this, but can the other guy do it too?’ I think other players watch me, too. I think that pushes players to raise their game, just as Messi was good for Ronaldo and Ronaldo was good for Messi.”
Does Mbappé compare himself with the other great forward of his generation, Borussia Dortmund’s Norwegian Erling Braut Haaland? Mbappé’s reply sounds a touch patronising: “It’s his second year, we’re getting to know him. It’s the start for him. I’m happy for him, for what he’s doing.”
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The more you become an important person, the more duties you have. I’m no longer the little kid. I’m Kylian Mbappé
In this elite individual competition, the top spot may be coming free. Messi (34 this month) and Ronaldo (36) are “nearer the end than the beginning”, acknowledges Mbappé. In February, his hat-trick helped PSG thrash Messi’s Barcelona 1–4 at the Camp Nou. “The best match of my career,” Mbappé says, “because it was complete. I helped my team both offensively and defensively, and I succeeded in the creation and finishing of my moves, in one-against-ones. I won 90 per cent of my duels, if that stat is correct. All match, I never had a moment when I felt extinguished.” He then scored two at Bayern Munich, before PSG fell to Manchester City.
Some opposing teams now rearrange their entire tactical systems to combat the Mbappé counterattack. “There are quite a few anti-Kylian plans every match,” he says. “It means I’ve been recognised as a great player. It requires you to have multiple strings to your bow. I like that, because I adore challenges.”
Surely he’s now too big a player for the French league? He umms and aws: “France isn’t the best championship in the world, but it’s my responsibility, as a flagship player, to help the league grow.” Yet he may well leave this summer, to Real Madrid or England. The decision, perhaps the biggest he’ll face in his career, will be made inside his family. Almost uniquely for a star footballer, Mbappé doesn’t have an agent, just lawyers.
At 22, he considers himself an experienced footballer. He says he and Neymar “are now the two natural leaders” of PSG. When he kicks off the delayed Euro 2020 with France in June, it will be with more responsibility than at the World Cup. “The more you become an important personality, the more duties you have. I’m no longer the little kid. I’m Kylian Mbappé.”
Kylian Mbappé’s prime may have already arrived. Fast strikers usually peak between 20 and 24. A Euro and a World Cup within 18 months, while France’s generation of 2018 remains almost intact, may be his best chance to make football history. What are his career ambitions? That smile again: “To win everything.” (Esquire Magazine)
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ragingbookdragon · 4 years
More Heart-Racing Than Hurricanes
Vasco x De Sardet
Word Count: 2.2K Warnings: Explicit Language, Mature Themes, Drinking
Author’s Note: Who else got pissed that we didn’t get a group celebration or anything in the game? Just me? Oh well. Enjoy! -Thorne
           He’d never seen De Sardet intoxicated, not on the Seahorse when they were crossing, nor at the massive party they had when they’d arrived on Teer Fradee. Hell, even when they’d gone to the taverns and ordered a few rounds, the Legate managed to keep up with Kurt, and still retain enough capability to have a sober conversation with Petrus about court politics. De Sardet could apparently hold his liquor with the best of ‘em, and Vasco was determined to see just what the man’s limit was. Question was, how was he going to do it? Luckily enough, Vasco gaining Cabral’s loyalty back was the perfect opportunity to invite everyone out for drinks.
           “Cheers!” De Sardet beamed, raising his whiskey glass. “To our very own Captain Vasco! A good man, a damned good sailor, and now more Naut than ever!”
           The said captain couldn’t help the bubbling in his chest as the group raised their tankards and wine glasses, all directing grins and congratulations his way. Especially De Sardet. The twinkle in the Legate’s eyes made Vasco’s heart beat a little faster every time he remembered just how close they’d been getting.
           Vasco pulled his tricorn down a bit to hide the slight embarrassment he felt and smiled at them. “Thank you. All of you.” He glanced at De Sardet and gave him a bashful grin. “Especially you, De Sardet. I wouldn’t have been able to do this without your help.”
           The man let out a snort as he set his whiskey glass down. “Sure you could’ve.” He uncorked the alcohol and poured another round for himself and Kurt. “Not as stylishly though.”
           “You just can’t help but pat yourself on the back every chance you get, huh De Sardet?” Vasco teased and the Legate shrugged, looping an arm around Kurt’s shoulders.
           “Well, my dearest Master-At-Arms stopped flattering me the second day he met me, so I have to do it myself.” De Sardet gestured to himself before knocking back the burning liquid. “Someone’s gotta appreciate all this, and none of you are doing it.”
           Aphra huffed a laugh, readjusting her seating so she could place her boots on the table—an action that made Petrus frown.
           “That’s because your head’s already too big, De Sardet. Any bigger and it’s liable to explode,” she ribbed, all of them breaking into laughter when the man placed a hand to his chest in mock hurt.
           “Me? Have a big head? Oh, perish the thought! I’m as humble as humble pie.”
           “More like pretentious pie, Green Blood,” Kurt cracked, chuckling when he pouted.
           De Sardet groaned and leaned over, all but collapsing onto Vasco and whined, “Do you see how our loving friends treat me, Vasco? Like I’m a prickly cactus they don’t want to be around,” he bemoaned and the Naut merely gazed in amusement at him.
           “Well,” Vasco drawled out. “You’ve certainly got the prick part right.”
           At that, De Sardet sat up straight, jaw dropped as pure, unbridled shock spread across his face. The table exploded around them, and even Vasco was practically giggling.
           “I can’t believe that you’ve thrown your lot in with them!” De Sardet exclaimed, the wooden seat beneath him scratching the cobblestone floor as he stood up. “Bartender!” he yelled. “I need a bottle of brandy! My companions have left me a ruined man!”
           De Sardet swiped the bottle from the counter, replacing it just as quickly with a pouchful of clinking, golden coins. “I’m now going to drink my sorrows away. If I don’t make it back to the bar, assume I’ve achieved my plans and lay two tokens upon mine eyes for the ferryman.”
           The bartender rolled his eyes, but a laugh escaped him all the same, and when the Legate slunk back into his seat, Petrus said, “All the same, still a remarkable young man, child.” His eyes took on a humorous tone as he quipped, “But you’ve grown into quite the dramatics in that time.”
           Moaning, De Sardet uncorked the bottle and took a swig. “Tonight, is supposed to be the celebration of Vasco’s completion of earning Cabral’s loyalty back.” He sent a rather withering glare at the group, though his voice held no heat. “So why have we decided to turn this into a ‘Let’s see who can tear De Sardet a new one’ competition?”
           They broke into laughter once more and De Sardet passed Vasco the bottle. The Naut reached out to took it, fingers brushing against the Legate’s, and he fought hard to ignore how his heart skipped a beat. But when De Sardet didn’t let go of the bottle, Vasco arched an eyebrow at him.
           “Congratulations Vasco,” De Sardet murmured, eyes narrowing fondly, a twinge of sadness in them as well. “I’m really proud of what you’ve accomplished.”
           Vasco gave him a tight smile, hoping the tension wasn’t on his face. “Thank you De Sardet. It means a lot.”
           He merely winked in return, letting the bottle go to watch the captain take his own swig. After the third, De Sardet reached over and snatched it back.
           “Alright, that’s my bottle. Go get your own to drown your sorrows in,” he griped, nursing the bottle to his chest. Vasco simply huffed and took the bottle of whiskey beside him.
           Three hours of nonstop drinking and eventual drunken carousing eventually meant that the group had to leave. Which in their defense, Kurt wouldn’t stop getting into bitchfits with other mercenaries—of course it wasn’t necessarily over Kurt’s ability, there was no question about that, more so it was over his job as a so called, ‘glorified babysitter’. After the fifth knockout, the bartender made them leave.
           Petrus seemed to be the only one who wasn’t absolutely hammered and offered to see both Aphra and Síora off safely to their rooms and Kurt mentioned something about checking in with Manfred. Which left Vasco and De Sardet, who was neither drunk nor seemed to be in any form other than his normal one.
           They took a leisurely pace back towards the residence, a calming quietness between them. Of course, Vasco was irked with himself as he’d not been able to make De Sardet drink enough to see the man buzzed. He really seemed to have no limit when it came to alcohol consumption. Perhaps he’d try the undiluted liquor the Nauts made. Maybe that would actually do something? Maybe it would—
           “Are you constipated or something?”
           The question was so out of the blue that Vasco completely halted in his steps, craning his neck to look up at the Legate next to him who wore a curious expression.
           “I—beg your pardon?” Vasco puzzled and De Sardet nodded at him.
           “Your face.”
           “What about my face?” the Naut muttered, unconsciously brushing against the new tattoos he’d received the day or so before.
           “You’re making the same face that you did when I called your vessel a boat.” He made the said face and De Sardet grinned, waggling a finger at him. “Yeah, that one right there. I was wondering if you were constipated because you look upset.”
           Vasco blinked at him, simply staring for a moment before letting out a heavy sigh. “I don’t even know where to start on that, De Sardet.”
           “Well, I mean I’d go for a yes or a no on the constipa—”
           “I’m not constipated!” Vasco snapped, feeling flustered when the Legate smirked at him.
           “Oh? So, you’re upset about something then?” He knocked his shoulder against Vasco’s. “Wanna talk about it?”
           They started on their way again, coming down the stairs that led into the main square.
           “It’s not that I’m upset,” Vasco murmured. “It’s just…”
           De Sardet stopped. “It’s just?”
           To hell with it. “Do you ever get drunk, De Sardet? Because I watched you put enough liquor away to make even the most seasoned drinker look like a beginner.”
           The Legate’s face pulled in confusion and he questioned, “Wait. You’re telling me the reason you look upset is because you can’t figure out why I’m not drunk? Really?”
           Vasco’s neck sunk into his shoulder sand he muttered, “Well when you put it that way, it seems foolish.”
           “Hardly,” De Sardet chuckled, making his way up the wooden ramp of the statue to sit against the base. Vasco followed, stopping just in front of him.
           “I won’t say it takes much to get me drunk,” he admitted, making the Naut scoff in disbelief.
           “You’re joking. I watched you down two bottles of straight brandy and whiskey, and then more than a few tankards with Kurt. If that’s not much, I don’t know what is.”
           De Sardet waved him down and Vasco sat next to him, their shoulders brushing together.
           “Honestly, as a magic user, it’s quite hard for me to actually get intoxicated,” he explained, then held up a finger. “Now, if I were to drink undiluted alcohol, that might be another story.”
           His wrist and hand shimmered with a flow of black and silvery magic, and Vasco could feel the pulsing through his own body.
           “Truth be told, I don’t actually allow myself to become intoxicated outside of my own home.”
           “Why not?” Vasco asked, genuinely intrigued.
           De Sardet turned his face to the Naut and replied, “There are threats everywhere, especially at night. Never know when those threats might come at you after a night of drinking.”
           He reclined his head, eyes cast up to the stars. “I choose to be the one who remains sober so that I can stop a problem before it happens.” He tipped his head slightly. “I wouldn’t want anything to happen to any of you because I wasn’t of a mind to protect you all.”
           Suddenly Vasco felt a bit foolish and he looked at his hands to avoid looking at De Sardet.
           “Oh,” he simply murmured. “And here I thought that you were just impervious to alcohol.”
           De Sardet chuckled lowly, turning his eyes back to Vasco. “Is that why you kept pushing drinks at me? Hoping that you’d see me in rare form?”
           “Aye,” the Naut admitted and the Legate shrugged.
           “I guess I could’ve let go for the night, but old habits are hard.”
           Vasco turned his head, now facing De Sardet. “What are you like when you’re drunk?”
           “Pfft,” he snorted. “Obnoxious and flirtatious.”
           “Oh ho? So just like when you’re sober?”
           De Sardet cocked a brow, looking rather amused with himself. “I’m going to outright ignore the agreement of being obnoxious in favor of the latter.” He placed his elbow on the base of the statue and leaned forward, enough that they were almost nose to nose.
           “You think I’m flirtatious?” he purred and if there was ever a face of exasperation come alive, it was on Vasco’s face.
           “Me and everyone who’s ever met you.”
           “Ouch,” De Sardet grinned. “And here I thought you liked my flirtations.”
           “I never said I didn’t,” Vasco countered coolly, despite the fluttering in his chest.
           One of the Legate’s finger’s twitched, brushing a piece of stray hair from the Naut’s face. “Something tells me that you like being in the middle of storms, Vasco.”
           “Depends on the type.”
           “Hmm…I’m thinking something much more heart racing than hurricanes.”
           Vasco’s arched a brow, though a smile tugged at his lips. “Oh? And what could possibly be more heart racing than twenty-foot waves crashing into the deck of your ship? Death at every turn, certain with even one misstep? Is there something more exhilarating than that?”
           De Sardet hand shifted, gently, but firmly taking Vasco’s chin in his hand. He smirked when the Naut’s breath caught. His thumb traced along the raised lines along Vasco’s skin.
           “I can think of a few things,” he purred. “Though if we tried them here, we’d get in a great deal of trouble.” Brushing against the bottom of the Naut’s lip, he hinted, “Perhaps we should try them some place where we’ve more privacy?”
           Vasco’s tongue felt so heavy and like he’d swallowed cotton, he swallowed thickly, stuttering, “I—I—”
           Nothing seemed to come out and as tongue-tied as he was, he knew he wouldn’t manage anything either.
           Which is why when De Sardet’s face shifted into a look of seriousness and his hand started to shift, Vasco’s own reached up, catching it in a firm grasp.
           “I’m not saying no,” he blurted out. “I just—” Vasco took a deep breath. “I’m buzzed myself. And if we do this, I don’t want to be—I want to remember the night,” he finally decided and De Sardet nodded.
           “I understand,” he smiled before taking a deep breath. “That being said, I do think it’s high time we both found our way to our respective bedrooms.” De Sardet clambered to his feet, extending a hand to Vasco, who took it. “We do have a long day tomorrow.”
           “God De Sardet,” Vasco started. “Please don’t tell me you’re going to march us halfway across the island.”
           De Sardet chuckled. “Not halfway.”
           “Thank God. I was afraid I’d be hungover—”
           “Just a quarter.”
           “Oh, fuck you.”
           “You’d like that, wouldn’t you, Vasco?”
           “You are incorrigible. Incorrigible and terrible.”
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bots-and-cons · 5 years
Knockout and s/o’s suicide
Suicide doesn't end the pain, it just moves it to someone else. Aaaaangst for me, cause I felt like shit and needed to vent. (Maybe it wasn’t suicide maybe it was murder...)
Warnings: Themes of suicide and depression.
Knockout still remembered the first time he ever saw you. You were brought to the ship because you were friends with the autobots, and could be used as a hostage. Little did he know, that you would turn his world upside down. In the best and the worst way possible.
Knockout was assigned as you guardian, or as he liked to call it, your babysitter. The two of you got along pretty much immediately, even if you were a bit on guard against the decepticons. Knockout made you laugh, a lot, and one day he realized he found himself enamored with that laugh. And then with your smile, and the way you would touch his servo when you talked to him about things you were excited about.
He noticed himself listening and talking with you for hours on end, or just enjoying the silence and your company. He noticed himself slowly falling for you, for a human of all creatures. But little did he know that love would cost him dearly. 
When Knockout lost Breakdown, he was in shambles, but you helped him work through it. You were the only thing that got him through his grief. Even if he seemed like he didn't care, like it didn't affect him, you knew differently, you always knew. You understood him better than anyone.
But all good things must come to an end, right? So would this, him and you, or more accurately you, would meet your end. 
It came unexpectedly, as death always does, especially for someone so young. Knockout found you, hidden in one of the darker corners of the room where you had crawled to breath your last breath. There was so much blood, more than he had ever seen before. He tried to shake you awake, but you were limp and didn’t react. He checked for a pulse, but couldn’t find one.
Knockout gently lifted you with both his hands so you were laying on them. You were so cold in his arms. As his servos stained with your lifeblood, a lonely, desperate sob escaped his lips.
There was no note, no explanation. Just the scent of blood in the air and Knockout, alone and sobbing in the corner of an an empty habsuite, cradling himself and rocking back and forth.
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torentialtribute · 6 years
Sergio Aguero targets silverware over individual acclaim Man City this season
& # 39; I'm happy for the hat-trick and to break records … but what counts, is winning trophies & # 39 ;, Sergio Aguero focuses on silverware over individual cheers in Man City this season
Sergio Aguero scored a hat trick in Manchester City with thumping Chelsea 6-0
The triple was a record equal to eleventh in the Premier League for the Argentine
Andy Hampson, Press Association Sports
Published: 12:51 GMT, 11 February 2019 | Updated: 15:22 GMT, 11 February 2019
Sergio Aguero The indestructible record scorekeeper of Manchester City was closest to his blistering on Sunday as he took
The highs was his eleventh in the Premier League equal to the record of Alan Shearer, his second in three matches and his 15th in Stadskleuren
Sergio Aguero focuses on team silver above personal obeisances in Manchester City Aguero scored a hat-trick last Sunday when Manchester City drilled 6-0 in the league against Chelsea
It also saw him become the leading goal-scorer in the league of the city with 160 goals , extending his overall score for the club to 222 in the process.
In spite of all praise, the Argentine says it is trophies and this emphatic victory led to quadrupling of the city back to the top of the Premier League
& # 39; I try to keep those good memories, and special thanks. to my teammates to help me, but the most important thing is winning.
& # 39; I always try to play my game and help the team as good as possible.
& # 39; What's important to me is to finish the season in the best way and win trophies. & # 39;
Raheem Sterling opened the score after four minutes, Aguero added a quickfire double and Ilkay Gundogan also entered the scoring form. Aguero completed his hat-trick from the penalty spot after the break and ended the route flight late.
Aguero's afternoon could have been even more profitable because he missed a babysitter in the early stages and later headed against the bar
City now turned their attention to knockout football with matches against Newport in the FA Cup, Schalke in the Champions League and Chelsea again in the Carabao Cup final before being the next in league action. ] They are recovered first from Liverpool on goal difference. Their lead is a slender one, and they have played more of a game, but the way of their last victory, which improved their goal balance over the Reds, was a powerful message.
Eric Aguero (1928-90) Eric Aguero (1928-90) Tommy Johnson (1919-30) Joe Hayes (1953-65) 158 goals Billy Meredith (1894-1906 & 1921-24 ) 146 targets
142 goals
Aguero said: & # 39; We had a good game.
& # 39; We had great games against United, Liverpool and Arsenal, but I think it was a very nice match and an even more important result. & # 39;
Aguero thought about his remarkable miss for an open goal of two yards, which took place when the score was 1-0: Sometimes those things happen, but the irritation lasted five seconds. ] & # 39; Then I have to continue, think about the team and try to score goals. Fortunately, I succeeded in the next piece. & # 39;
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freebetalerts-blog · 6 years
Bookies' predictions for Solskjaer's stint as United manager
(New post on FreeBetAlerts.com) - https://freebetalerts.com/2018/12/20/bookies-predictions-for-solskjaers-stint-as-united-manager/ #Football, #SportNews, #Tips
Bookies' predictions for Solskjaer's stint as United manager Please share.
Bookmakers have priced up the potential fortunes of Manchester United this season.Following Jose Mourinho’s sacking by Manchester United, club legend Ole Gunnar Solskjaer has been unveiled as the caretaker boss at Old Trafford until the end of the season.
Bookmakers have priced up some possible outcomes of the baby-faced assassin’s loan spell from Norwegian club Molde.
Though there are doubts over Solskjaer’s managerial credentials, there is every possibility that the usual ‘new manager bounce’ will come into play at United. He’s priced at 9/2 to win his first five competitive matches in charge, implying an 18% chance.
For those that have an even rosier view of the caretaker manager’s potential, United are priced at 13/2 to win a trophy by the end of the season. In layman’s terms that equates to a slim 13% chance of silverware.
Through to the knockout stages of the Champions League but up against PSG, European silverware is unlikely to be within reach. With a third round fixture against Reading in January, the FA Cup could be the best hope.
The Premier League title is almost certainly long gone, with the Red Devils already nineteen points behind leaders Liverpool in sixth. Bookies have them at 9/1 to finish in the top four. Currently trailing fourth place Chelsea by eleven points, bookies unsurprisingly see that as a slim 10% chance.
In the event that the gamble proves not to pay off for the United board and the remaining wheels come off at the Theatre of Dreams, bookies have priced them at 33/1 to finish in the bottom half of the Premier League. Backing Solskjaer to steady the ship, they’re implying less than a 3% chance they finish below tenth.
. spokesperson George Elek: “There aren’t many people who can argue against the decision to relieve Mourinho of his duties, but the fact remains that Solskjaer is merely a babysitter at Old Trafford before the main man comes in. The 33/1 about a bottom half finish will likely prove popular with those doubting the Norwegian’s credentials for the job.”
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A Wolf’s Compassion
Hello I am Shane Daniels, I have wolf’s blood. I don’t really come from a pack, so I’m not really sure what or why I am the way I am, but my family said I could be something called a Vaugre. They aren’t wolves so their knowledge on the subject is limited, but they said it’s something like a werewolf or one of those native american shifters. Every once in awhile I get a little more wolfish than the average kid, but mostly I’m just like everyone else, or maybe I’d like to be. I don’t have many friends, but the ones I do have are pretty awesome. I’m thirteen, my hair gets pretty wild sometimes but mostly I keep it short...ish. My skins pretty dark so although I don’t really remember them I’m guessing my bio-parents were too...maybe.  I guess I’m of average height for my age, whatever that means, and though I don’t mean to my eyes are typically gold in color, though if I concentrate I can sort of make them look honey colored or something. Most people don’t pay attention to them for too long, partly because something in me sort of forces their attention away but I also read somewhere that if people find something that’s too traumatic or causes too much stress, even if mundane, they’ll sort of just edit it out of their brains or something. I mean I know the eyes are disconcerting, but if anyone actually told me they could see a little too much of an inner animal in them I might wear glasses or something. So far, the number of complaints were few in number, which unfortunately was likely to do with fear, but there is a type of hierarchy to these things, rabbits eat the leaves larger rabbits with sharper teeth and better ability to hide eat the littler rabbits, then hawks or something eat them and so on and so forth until god eats everyone or something and poops out paradise.
My adopted mother, is an Enchantress, which means that even by conventional human standards she’d be pretty, but with the veil of her aura unsuppressed she’s more or less gorgeous. I’d say super model pretty but that’d be slightly misleading, you’d have to embrace somewhat murky or occasionally frowned upon ideas about pheromones, bestial adaptation around belief, sexy math, and something like hypnosis. From what she told me her people aren’t unlike the Sirens, or mermaids of old, though they typically don’t attract waywards sailors to their doom, not that they couldn’t. Enchanters draw a lot of power from their voices, and besides having an unusual capacity to comprehend languages, they are great singers and can more or less work miracles simply by speaking strongly or powerfully. With this said, you should sort of understand why saying they’re simply really pretty is a dangerous underestimation, most people would probably see them as something close, but just variant enough to the ideal of the perfect sexual or love companion. Someone that would in a manner of speaking improve their legacy and their present by impossible strides. Almost like those pictures of angels or roman gods, who don’t always match contemporary ideals of what is attractive but who meld seamlessly into the style of the picture. Oh the first cavemen who chanced on their pleasing curves and soft flesh must of died, gone to heaven, and clawed his way back to earth because they were that much better.
My adopted mother’s name is Esme, Esmeralda Daniels if you want the whole thing. She has red hair a bit on the short side, it sort of stops around her ears, most people say its charming. She’s a bio-engineer, and works at one of the most prestiges facilities in the city, but more relevantly, in the country at least that’s what other people tell me. She has freckles and green eyes which are nearly as startling as my own, though most people are attracted by hers rather than repelled.
My mom is busy more often than she’d like to be though I will say even a couple of hours with her is pretty worthwhile, she always has the best stories and games. Still I suppose you could say she has cash to burn, so she spares not expenses when it comes to the safety of those she cares about. So our household has something like a bodyguard, or kill-maid, or something. Her name is Rachel, and she has dark skin, and hair of a similar coloring. She looks like she could pass for native american or south american or something, but mom said something about her being from one of the pacific islands or something. Rachel is one of The Hunters, a race or order or band or whatever of supernaturally skilled trackers and enders of quarry both mundane and otherworldly. Generally speaking their excellent martial artists, but their true extraordinary-ness lies in their miraculous capacity for tracking, trap making, and manipulation of people and circumstances to end their targets. They rarely settle and are seldom far from others of their kind unless on a pilgrimage or responding to some natural, or unnatural disaster. With this said, it was strange that Rachel had agreed to settle for babysitting on an Enchantresses payroll, but when I pressed Esme about it, she said that Rachel owed her. It’s weird that Rachel owed her but she was the one getting paid, but the supernatural rarely makes conventional sense.
I’ve only really seen Rachel’s hunter, gene, aura, magic, call it what you want, activate a couple of times, but it was always pretty dazzling and vaguely terrifying. She sort of ignites and these markings sort of flash around her and the space near her like some type of armor, except the markings look alive, like souls or something. Rachels always very fast, very strong, and very smart, but something about her hunter’s, or huntress’s activation just pushes that from the interesting into the almost impossible. You know how when you’re playing skeeball at an arcade or something, and you keep almost hitting the hundred pointer but it just keeps rolling away. Well it’s that extra nudge of biomechanical harmony that is the difference between you going home with a measly tail of tickets and a whole damn roll of them. Rachel’s activation was sort of like that, maybe she was just a tad stronger, a tad faster, a tad smarter, but it was that extra push, paired with an ability to shut out all the nonsense of the world to really harmonize those abilities as if they were more important than breathing which sort of accelerated her into almost unstoppable goddess of the hunt mode. To really bring it home, it’s like her critical chance and critical damage modifiers were maxed temporarily but effectively maxxed out.
I’ll admit, being what many might call a pseudo animal, I was a little on edge when my mother explained that my babysitter was actually an otherworldly beast killer. She explained that although some hunters killed supernatural creatures indiscriminately there were also those who only culled the evil or too dangerous or too stupid to be allowed to live. Rachel was of the latter variety, mostly. The important part of that conversation was that she avoided the harm of children whenever possible. There was some tension between us at first, with Rachel being, rigid, generally abrasive, and vaguely condescending, and me being, a little more often than usual I might add, a wolf. Eventually, after both of our non human internal defense systems found a means to communicate without threat of death, we became pretty good friends; as things were, hunter’s need to burn off energy nearly as much as vaugre do, and Rachel and I love going for runs. Rachel’s pretty attractive, I mean not your conventional knockout, but she was fit, and capable, and it was hard not to find a certain appeal after watching those tender almost perfect loping strides of hers. Seeing all that muscle and dark flesh gyrating at inhuman harmonies, ay dios mio.
I have a sorta sister, sorta because she’s Esme’s daughter which makes her my adopted sister, but also because she’s a major bitch. I mean I like her, enough to preserve her existence, and I know that if I kill her I should make it look like an accident, so that others don’t have to suffer more, she’d appreciate that in her twilight years of the afterlife. Diana, is an enchantress like Esme, but although they share the same powers and skills, my sorta sister does not have the savy or experience her mother to know how or why to utilize them to their fullest potential. So mostly she just wastes them on getting compliments from boys or making them give her stuff. She’s attractive, as in otherworldly did we just stumble on eve herself attractive, but that’s sort of par for the course for enchantresses who were coming into their abilities. Diana is fifteen but I’m pretty sure she could convince most of the men in the city  to abandoned their wives or at least forget them for a while. She wouldn’t even need her voice to do it, her presence was typically enough to give most people pause. She wasn’t a couch potato, but she didn’t exactly enjoy Rachel and I’s somewhat extreme regimen for outdoor jogging, she preferred hiking, which required a little more vigilance and caution, but most importantly slow and steady trekking. She wears glasses but I have no idea if she actually needs them or just think they make her look cute or something. She has electric blue eyes, long dark hair which is more straight than not, and a viking woman’s disposition about nearly everything. Her and Esme don’t always get along, well rarely if ever get along, but it wasn’t always like that. In wolf packs as the pups come of age there is sort of a natural bio-social event which takes place; the more mature wolves sort of have to rearrange the structure slightly to make room for the pups without coddling them or ignoring their superiority if the latter is the case. What was happening with Esme and Diana did not seem entirely different, though I suppose you could say it was just all about growing up or mothers and daughters or some other less awesome example. Diana had a bad habit of blaming me for the growing schism between her and her mother, and I used to argue with her about it, but she’s pretty good at avoiding responsibility and hurting a person with the conventional or invisible things. So now I just go quiet, and a break or rearrange her stuff when she’s not looking. 
Diana and I used to go to the same school but now she goes to high-school. I suppose Esme will send me with her after I graduate from middle school, which will happen at the end of the year, but to be honest, I’m not entirely chipper about having to deal with older, grosser, more emotionally unstable versions of the kids I already know. I don’t mind my current classmates but there’s definitely a distance between most of us. Humans always seem to tune into the least helpful frequencies when around an other-wordly creature even if they don’t know they’re around one. Either they put themselves in unnecessary danger, or the ones who would most likely help them in vaguely compromising positions. In short most have very weak or non existent defenses. My inner wolf has trouble tolerating inefficient use of energy, and general stupidity, to dangerous “I might start clawing people in the face” levels of intensity. So not surprisingly I have to be careful about the type of people I surround myself with. 
As things are my core friend group consists of Chris, Bethany, and Edward. Chris and Bethany are twins and though people say boy and girl twins aren’t supposed to look the same these two look pretty similar, which was probably why Chris always cuts his hair short and Bethany tends to keep hers long. They have brown hair which occasionally looks like autumn leaves, and startling blue eyes like a glacier glowing in the moonlight, or arctic fires. They both wore glasses, Bethany’s were squared but Chris’s typically were circular, and their fashion sense was almost perversely similar. They said they didn’t mean to, and at first you started to doubt it, but then they’d reach for a door at the same time, or start finishing eachother’s sentences, or start juggling objects with one another without out speaking or looking at one another. It makes me less surprised at the suspicion people regarded twins with during the early stages of man’s civilization; they were some creepy bastards. Chris and Bethany are wizards, which means they do spells and stuff. The difference from witches, in general, being that most of their spells do not require the life energy of other creatures. They tried to explain it to me before but I’ll admit it’s hard to keep track of, their magic  is more phantom like than a witch. Put another way “Wizards are more like dead people” they explained to me. It was a little wierd but that made it make a little more sense, wolves’ from what I could feel and had been told, weren’t unlike dead people themselves.  
Edward is a Champion, and no that doesn’t mean people give him medals for being a unique snowflake. Champions as I’ve come to understand them, are sort of like knights but with more magical origins. Like with enchantresses and beauty Champions radiate competence, strength, inspiration to their friends, and fear to their enemies. Remember how I said hunters have this wierd activation armor thing, well I’ve seen something similar on Edward, except it’s almost always there, he just hides it a little. It’s like this golden cloak or suit of mail. If you touch him the wrong way it sort of zaps you, and even if it doesn’t down right repel you it makes his skin feel about as hard as stone, not unlike my skin when my wolf is raging or the moon is full. Edward has wild red hair which runs on the shaggy side down to his shoulders. His eyes are blue but more like the morning sky than the twins’. He hides how much he likes to really cut loose and play, his parents are all about discipline and nobility, but whenever there's a good game of kickball or a playground brawl brewing he’s all but bounding towards it.
My friends’ parents are otherworldly like them but that doesn’t mean they’re best buds with Esme or each other. They all sort of know one another but the bridging of boundaries isn’t always so easy for adults, too much learned hate and survivalist’s reservation. Oh well, if we were all exactly like the ones who raised us, things probably wouldn’t change.
Speaking of change we got a new classmate, her name is Hannah. She’s wolf blooded like me. I knew something was off about her when she walked into the classroom I just couldn’t tell what it was. Then I sniffed her, and I knew almost instantaneously.
“You don’t know what you’re talking about.” Hannah said to me.
“I do too, you smell like wolf, like me but different, girly and like you-ish or something.” I told her.
“Look I came here to stay away from trouble, my aunt doesn’t want me hanging out with dangerous people and other wolves are dangerous.” Hannah said.
“So you admit it. Well, you won’t have to worry about that too much, not too many wolves around here, so far I was the only one as far as I know, until you showed up.” I said.
“Well fine, leave me alone then.” Hannah said.
“What, no that’s dumb, there’s safety in numbers.” I said
“Didn’t you just here me, i’m not supposed to be around other wolves.” Hannah said.
“Yeah but I’ve never been in a pack or seen another...well my mom calls them Vaugre. So I’m sort of just like a really wierd special person. Your aunt didn’t say anything about hanging out with them right?” I said.
“Vaugre? If heard aunty use that term before, umm… I guess you have a point. We should spit on it.” Hannah said. She spit into her hand and held it out for him.
“Mom says witches use spit and stuff for magic.” I said.
“I’m not a witch and neither is my aunty. We could arm wrestle instead, I’ll use my other hand.” Hannah said. I thought about it for a second and spit into my hand, clasping her’s tight.
“Nah, this is fine. Want to hang out with us at recess.” I said nodding to my friends.
“Yeah that sounds fun.”  Hannah said.
Hannah is blonde, with long curly hair like a horses mane or something. She is shrewd and inquisitive though not in a bad way, just in like a very thorough pointed way. She must get that from her aunt, who is a new detective in the city. She has freckles and blue eyes that get even brighter and bluer the closer her wolf is to the surface. Her body always seems to be hot like mine, something about our metabolism or how our blood boils or something. We aren’t as bad as Chris and Bethany but for one reason or another we’re pretty in tune with each other’s feelings and actions. She said it had something to do with our wolves and the need for pack, and that makes sense. In short sometimes we’re like two peas in a pod, a great team, and other times we’re nearly about to kill each other, more or less arguing about who came up with an Idea first, or who did more work than the other. Still that’s pretty fun too, she really knows how to wrestle. I try not to be too rough with Chris because his body’s not as durable as mine, Edward is interesting to fight, but something’s off about how my wolf gets when our jostling too and fro gets a little too deadly. Wrestling with Hannah seems just right, our wolves know just how to bite or scratch or pin the other, they get to run freely as beasts. I’m not sure if other kids find her pretty, but to me she always seems too wolfish to limit to more human definitions of appeal. Sometimes she looks like a scion of wildness, or temptation in the form of divine art; my attraction almost magnetic. Other times she looked like a hell beast coming for my soul, though even then I felt a certain heated stirring in my stomach which made me kind of want to lick her face or something.
Having another wolf around made me a bit bold, and so I decided to convince her into going to talk to a vampire. Alysha Shabazz, was one of the local baddies in the neighborhood. Most people of the otherworld were questionable to say the least when it came to their inhuman activities, but many adhered to certain ideas of heroism, lesser badness, or some type of grey straddling. Alysha Shabazz was more or less an evil woman. I rarely saw her as most people tried to stay out of her way, lest they become her next meal, and she didn’t seem to have much interest in the city folk. She seemed to be of indian descent, eastern hemisphere, and most of her beautiful cinnamon skin and luscious curves were wrapped up in scarves and fabrics. Her hair was supposedly very long and pleasing to the eye but I’d only seen it once, tied in a braid down her back. She’d been stalking some human couple that night. Most people wouldn’t have noticed her, but my inner wolf had a way of spotting other predators. We didn’t see her make the kill, or if she fed on them at all, but we also didn’t get in her way. Law of the jungle, stay smart, stay strong, and you survive long enough to change what you need to. Getting in the way of a blood lusting vampire was not smart. She did give me cookies once, and like pet me around the ears, once as a human the other time when I was more wolfish. Most people mistake me for a dog or like a savage looking boy when the inner beast is a little more outer but Alysha seemed to have no trouble spotting the difference. She even called me by name though it was low enough to escape human detection. She seemed sweet, and dangerous. Most people left her alone because, one, she kept worser baddies at bay, and two fighting a powerful vampire tended to be a quick path to a painful slow death.
Anyway Hannah was slow to get on board, but I could see her wolf having trouble letting me go on my own, and her slippery slide into rebelliousness seemed to be igniting into a very endearing set of habits. Long story short, we sort of broke into Alysha’s house. We were pretty careful about it, Hannah’s very good at picking locks and I made sure no one saw us go in. We snooped around, well sniffed and listened around. It was simple but cozy as far as houses go, and there was a lot of carpet which does wonders for our paws, not that we wolfed out their, it was just interesting to note. We did spend a couple of moments rolling around on the rugs though, it was just so comfortable and it scratched all the right places, but our arrogance got the better of us, because that was when the despicable Alysha descended upon us. Well it was more like she opened the door, groceries in hand to two neighborhood delinquents. That was it, I thought to myself, this...is the end. Then she made us dinner and soup and told us stories and jokes and stuff, she’s a very nice lady and I’m not just saying that because the upper folds of her dress kept sliding apart so certain lucious rounded fleshy parts became more visible...or because her food was gourmet status. Hannah told me she was worried Alysha might have put her blood in it or something, but I didn’t care it would have been the most delicious blood i’d ever tasted. Apparently Alysha had been a member of the local clan of Enchantresses, but like way way back in the day, like a couple of centuries ago. Which means she like knew Esme’s ancestors or something. She like fell in love with some weird dude, or needed to save her sister or something and so she became a vampire to be with him...or to be powerful enough to like help someone or something. It was all very riveting when she told us, I just can’t remember word for word, some tales are like that. Anyway her Enchantress abilities didn’t leave her like some people in her clan said they would, though they were altered slightly. She gave me a kiss on the head before rubbing my hair and giving me a hug. She gave Hannah a strong handshake and a salute and sent us both on our way. It was awesome.    
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