dutchjan · 1 year
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July 23, 2023
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liya4kar · 6 months
Double Vision
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AU Masterpost
So I might have forgotten to say it, but in this AU, time doesn't just stop after 2003 Donny, 2012 Mikey, and Rise Raph get mentally linked. After getting their mental connection, they continue to live their lives and the adventures that come in the episodes.
So while Raph does get a bit of rest after the movie, 2003 Donny follows the 2003 third season, and 2012 Mikey jumps straight into the 2012 fourth season.
And what happens during those seasons I wonder-
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cottage-fr0g · 3 months
You ever think about the fact that Rayman has a killcount?
It’s not a big killcount but still
oh definitely. in a funny way all protags have a kill count. (chris pratt va) stompin… koopas.
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tomorrowusa · 2 years
Investigators have found that Vladimir Putin was largely responsible for supplying the missile system which shot down Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 in eastern Ukraine in 2014. The attack killed 298 passengers and crew – many of them Dutch citizens.
Russia has always denied any involvement in the downing of the flight over eastern Ukraine on July 17, 2014, and refused to cooperate with the international investigation.
Dutch prosecutors said that "there are strong indications that the Russian president decided on supplying" a Buk missile system — the weapon that downed MH17 — to Ukrainian separatists.
The war in Ukraine began in 2014 with Putin’s illegal seizure of Crimea and the insurgency by Russian-backed separatists in Luhansk and Donetsk. The invasion a year ago was simply a massive escalation of the war.
As well as the criminal trial that was held in the Netherlands, the Dutch and Ukrainian governments are suing Russia at the European Court of Human Rights over its alleged role in the downing of MH17.
The findings revealed Wednesday will likely strengthen the case at the human rights court and could also be used by prosecutors at the International Criminal Court who are investigating possible war crimes in Ukraine dating back to the start of the separatist conflict.
Putin has been a war criminal for eight years longer than people generally assume.
This news regarding ML17 reminded me of the excellent book Greetings from Novorossiya: Eyewitness to the War in Ukraine by Polish journalist Paweł Pieniążek. Pieniążek, who was 25 at the time, covered Ukraine in 2014 – including the shootdown of ML17. His understated and personal style make this an excellent read. His fluency in Ukrainian and Russian gave him the access and understanding of the conflict which monolingual Anglophones lacked. Anybody who read this book before 2022 would have been less surprised by developments over the past 12 months.
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keebwee · 2 years
writing is so very fun
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theanonymousninja247 · 2 months
This is a little somethin somethin inspired after this post by @mrabubu. Happy Really Late Birthday?
ANyHoO please listen to this song to set the mood
”So that's what I want to give them, as many forms of softness as I can.
Because everyone should have a little softness in their lives.
Including you, anon-chan.
And even if it has to be secret, even if it's just between you and four walls, I hope you do find some time to be soft.” ~ @luckycharms1701
Cookies and Cream Rating: 16+ and up please 🙏🏼
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One of the things you don’t think you would ever get used to about living in these underground bunkers was just how cold it could get.
A constant temp of 50 something degrees in the summer. Or well…what used to be called summer. With the Kraang invasion and what not, the stupid aliens messed with your seasons in their attempt to make the Earth atmosphere more like their heralded “Dimension X.”
It wasn’t the only thing the stupid pink buggers had messed with besides the obvious glaring fact that they were attempting mass Earthen genocide and planetary colonization and what not.
No, the Kraang had a nasty habit of being unfairly unpredictable. Which made sense because they were, you know, aLiEnS. Aliens who had no need of following humans preferred sense of having at least SOME semblance of structure. 
That unpredictability was causing its fair share of grief across the entire Resistance. Aliens, you had decided, had certainly lost their “awe factor”  the minute they started to decimate the planet and permanently engrain “Raph Chasms” on every single face you passed.
A heavy disgruntled sigh escaped you at that thought, one face in particular coming to your concerned mind. A face who’s brow was often furrowed with the weight of said Kraang unpredictability.
One face that you had not seen all day even though he had promised to come to bed earlier just once he had finished planning for an upcoming Kraag ambush he was leading. 
He had promised you that. 7. Hours. Ago. 
You hated that that had become his norm of late. Granted, you knew that he had always struggled with insomnia, but usually if you smiled at him just right and caught him sitting down, you could get him to snuggle in close and at least take a nap. 
Now though? You weren’t sure the last time you had even seen him with his eyes closed for more than a minute or two. It was almost to the point that his sleep hours were rivaling Donnie’s due to how miniscule and spaced out they were. It was starting to worry you. Even more so than usual. 
You let out a soft hum of thought at that and shifted your feet in the direction of where you had left him last. Looks like desperate times really did call for desperate measures.
So with a plan of action once again set into play, you just shook your head wearily, tightened the worn blanket around your shoulders as your shield against the chilly bunker air, and marched off to find your stubbornly still awake man.  
After wandering the ever puzzling interlocking halls and bunkers, you finally found him exactly where you had left him: stone faced with that ever deepening Raph Chasm on his brow with his gaze hyper-focused on the paperwork laid out in a heap in front of him.
His hand anxiously rubbed his chin, one that you had absently noticed that he had grown into rather nicely through out the years. While he forever seemed to face each day with his “devil may care” kind of attitude, you could see the way his eyes constantly flicked around. His movements only emphasizing the fact as he seemed more…agitated than usual, lacking that oh so signature lithe agility that always seemed to accompany him. 
You stepped up to the doorway frame, a small frown pursing your lips as you watched him mutter to himself, pacing around the table in thought as though his nerves would never let him settle. Resting your shoulder against the frame of the doorway as a support, you wrapped the blanket more snugly around your shoulders, pulling the fabric in a slowly tightening fist as you watched Leo with an ever deepening “Raph Chasm” of your own. 
Ever vigilante, always watching, ever the ninja lying in wait. It was only in these small private moments when you could see the facade of bravado fall and the religiously clandestine truth finally rise to the surface. 
It was a truth. A statement of unchanging fact that was never to be eroded with time.
Leo never settled.
He really was never one to stay still. A line used from an old videogame you used to play, would often come to mind when you watched him pace like this: “The Endless Spirit of Timeless Unrest” or however it went.
Part of you wondered if this…ansgty unrest… was because he genuinely cared for these missions. Or if it was more of some desperate attempt to try and redeem himself for what he considered was his unforgivable sin.
Yes, Leo never settled. 
Well…at least until now. 
You smirked softly at that thought and adjusted in the doorway, taking a step forward as you softly called out.
Hm. Nothing.
Still nada. He had moved at least, this time his hands coming to brace either side of the table as he all but hunched over the strategy plans like some geriatric gargoyle. 
“Leonardo Hamato.”
Interesting. Even the full name had no response. Leo must really have been in the zone if not even the full seven syllables could grasp his attention. This was more serious than you thought. Looks like it was time to pull out the big guns.
“Oh Husband~...”
Leo’s head shot up at the gentle croon of your voice with a speed that you could have sworn would have popped a blood vessel, his eyes immediately zoning in on you in the doorway.
He snapped to attention, immediately stretching to his full height as his body went tense at the perceived danger at the sound of your voice. Your eyes immediately followed the movement, watching as the body of intimidation, the weapon of the “Greatest Ninja in the World” literally rose in front of you.
You would never breathe a word of it, never in a million years, but such a look directed at you from Leo always made you feel like a chicken being circled by a fox.
Something of a dance of death, a toying tease as you awaited with baited breath for the inevitable strike. It was only for a moment, it was always only just for a moment, but it admittedly would make you freeze, have your stomach clenching, at the intense look in his eye.
You knew Leo would never hurt you. Well, at least not until recognition flicked across his gaze. 
He just stared at you with that ever impenetrable gaze before shifting into his more familiar dastardly delicious, one sided, smirk that forever seemed plastered onto his face. Except this time, the smirk was a little bit more sheepish, looking the picture of a naughty child with their hand stuck in the proverbial cookie jar. 
Leo was caught. You knew it. He knew it. And he knew that now you were here, there was no chance of getting out of it. 
So Leo did what Leo always does, turned on that signature “Face Man Charm”  to try and slip out of trouble. In a voice that just happened to be a little bit lower and perchance a hint more sensual than normal, Leo all but purred out, ”Oh hey~ Didn’t see you there. What’s up?”
Your eyebrow quirked up at the sound of the attempted burr in his voice, and you couldn’t help but shake your head with an amused roll of your eyes. Keeping the blanket wrapped snugly around your shoulders, you pushed yourself off from the door frame and sauntered forward till you reached Leo’s side. Placing one hand on your hip, you looked up at him with a soft smirk and quipped off a dry reply, “Obviously. What’s up is you apparently. Do you have any idea how late it is?”
Leo blinked owlishly at you for a moment before he let out a very confident, “Uhhhhh…n-no?” 
The flat look you shot at him at his very convincing reply, had him wincing slightly. Your arms came up to fold exasperatedly around you with a small cock of your hip. Leo’s eyes flicked to your body with the motion, and he wouldn't meet your eye, choosing to instead shoot you another sheepish smile and nervously rub the back of his neck. When he saw that you were not having it, Leo’s smile dropped, and he held both of his hands up placating with a heavy sigh.
“Look, you don’t even need to say anything. I know. I know I promised, I’m sorry Love, but I just really need to have this all hammered out before-”
“Abepbep, let me stop you right there, Cowboy.”  
You didn’t even let Leo finish before you raised a hand to cut him off, pressing your fingers against his lips. The motion obviously surprised Leo, all with the face touching, being a red-eared-slider and what not, effectively shutting him up for the time being. You tried to bite back a smirk at the thought of using Leo’s own biological behaviors against him to assert dominance in the moment, but hey, desperate times called for desperate measures and whatever. 
You looked up at him and slowly shook your head, letting out a sad chuckle as you reached out to gently slide your hand over his cheek, down his arm until you could finally capture his hand. Maintaining eye contact with him, you slowly curled his hand into a fist and held it snugly over yours. Slowly raising it up so you could press a soft kiss to the back of his knuckles, murmuring softly into the cool skin.
“Boy, you are just as bad as Donnie. I figured if you weren’t coming to bed, I’d just bring bed to you instead.”
Now Leo was never one to lose his cool; it was something he was actually rather proud of, keeping his head in the heat of the moment and what not. But there was something about the way that you looked up at him, holding and kissing his hand like that, that got him feeling some kind of way.  
He tried to resist, he really did, but admittedly he was getting kind of tired and he maaaaay or may not be somewhat distracted by the way the blanket looked so invitingly wrapped around you and how his loose shirt was beginning to slip, showing off the delicate and smooth curve of your shoulder.
Leo cleared his throat and quickly turned his head, a muscle thumping in his jaw as he tried to hide the sudden warmth that was heating up his cheeks. He stammered out, his voice soft and apologetic as he lowered his hand with yours.
 “Look, Love, I-I can’t…”
At hearing Leo’s quiet and hesitant denial, your heart sank, and suddenly the bunker just felt that much colder. He really was serious about this, and you didn’t think anything you could say or do in the moment would change his mind. 
You continued to look up at him searchingly, his hand still being held tightly with yours as you watched with growing worry at the way his eyes creased on the side, at the hollowness found there and the furrow further deepening on his brow.
Sure, he wasn’t going to change his mind, but that didn’t mean you were going to let him keep standing on duty like this. Not if you, as a good wife, had anything to say about it. 
Shaking your head with a small huff, you reached up with your one free hand to adjust the slipping blanket, not wanting to let go of Leo with the other now that you had his attention, and took a step back tugging Leo along.
“Oh very well, you can still work, but at least come sit down. It’ll help you get a new angle at least.”
Leo stumbled slightly with the tug, blinking in surprise that you had even gotten him to move. He must have been more tired than the both of you had previously thought. But he just fondly rolled his eyes with a small sigh of his own, reaching behind him to swiftly grab his papers before you dragged him off to who knows where.
“Goodness! So bossy.”
Leo all but chortled to which you respond with a dry chuckle, playfully shooing Leo backwards until his legs hit the back of a couch that had been left in the corner of the room. Without giving him a chance to recalibrate, you all but shove him down onto said couch, and plopped down next to him to prevent any chance of escape. To further ensure your snare, you unwrapped the blanket and gently shifted it until it was resting on top of the both of y’all, effectively nestling y’all under the fabric together. 
You chuckled with a shake of you head as you pulled your legs up onto the couch and turned so you could nestle into Leo’s side with a soft smirk, gently slapping his plastron.
“Maybe, just a little but that's because your stubborn arse won't listen to anything else. Now be a good husband and put your arm around me.”
It was turn for Leo’s eyebrow ridge to raise at the slight demand, and he just chuckled softly, obliging you as he lowered his arm around your shoulders to pull you close to his plastron.
“Yes Mrs. Hamatoooo.” 
You rolled your eyes at the slight whine in his tone with a soft huff and squirmed a little to get more comfortable. To do so, and to just cover all your bases in making sure Leo was NOT going anywhere, you lazily threw your arm over Leo’s waist and snuggled in close. You nuzzled your nose against his plastron with a soft mutter as sleep began to already encroach on the corners of your mind now that you were next to him.
“Well someone has to keep you humble.”
Leo looked down at you in surprise as you wrapped your arm around him, that all too familiar heat beginning to crawl up his cheeks. You really were a little Mrs. Feisty Pants weren't you? Not that he minded or anything. It was honestly one of the things he adored about you, being able to call him out like that and doing so in such a way that always made him feel like a million bucks. Still, he didn’t think he’d ever get used to you actively and consistently reaching out for him like this.
He couldn’t hold back the soft smirk that inched across his face as he saw the sleepy expression cross yours and before he had even realized he had even done it, found himself leaning down to press a soft kiss to your forehead.
“Good, I’d miss it if you ever stopped.”
You let out a small snicker at that, your nose wrinkling at the brush of his lips against your crown and reached up to cover Leo’s face with your hand, playfully pushing him away.
“Shhhhh shhh baby, it’s sleepy time.”
Leo chuckled at your pet name, and you could feel more than hear the rumble against you ear as you all but lean up against his chest. He slowly rubbed a palm up and down your blanket covered arm before leaning to press another absentminded kiss with a soft mumble.
“Naw, it’s time for you to get some sleep, Love. I still have some work to do.”
You let out a small grunt at that, your face scrunching in a small pout as you instinctively tightened your arm around his waist, your hand coming to mirror his as it slowly stroked up and down the side scutes of his plastron.
“Fiiiiiine…just…don’t stay up too late, mkay?”
Leo’s smirked softened at the obvious worry and displeasure in your tone and the feeling of affectionate tenderness grew as he watched your eyelashes flutter against your cheeks as you vainly tried to stay up. His hand continued its slow trek against your arm, and his voice dropped into a sacred whisper, not wanting you to stay up any more than you have to.
“Don’t worry Love, I won't.”
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So back to work Leo went. Er…at least tried to. There was just one teeny tiiiiiny itsy bitsy wee little factor that was preventing him from doing so. 
Work. Was not working.
Leo’s brain could be described to something akin to an egg on the summer concrete the way it felt so fried. Nothing was clicking. Even the “new angle” as you so called it, was not helping in the slightest. Shell, he’d be staring at this page for so long that the words had started to swim like little black fish between his eyes. 
A hand came up to slowly drag down the length of Leo’s face accompanied with a most exhausted sigh. Yeah, he wasn’t getting anywhere with this tonight.
As if to emphasize said point, like the Universe itself was trying to grab his attention, Leo’s tympanum was caught by the subtle sound that had begun to escape from your parted lips as you all but lounged against his plastron. Leo blinked in surprise at the feeling of the heavy -laded breath that brushed across his chest before his lips curled up into a soft smirk at said sound. 
A sound that could only be described as a snore. Just a light little thing, more of a exhale of air than an actual sound. But it was the fact that you only snored when you were completely out of it.
Leo chuckled softly at the thought as he placed his paperwork onto the ground next to the couch and with his now free hand, curling a knuckle to gently knock your chin up so as to prevent you from drooling against him. It wouldn't be the first time.
Your face instantly scrunched up into a small frown at the displeasure of having something touch you in your sleep, and you instinctively raised a hand to swat against the unseen foe. Letting out a disgruntled little mumble, you shifted against Leo’s side, curling into him as if to try to hide your face against the intrusion. 
Leo’s smirk softened with fond amusement at your decidedly very grumpy face. You were always just so expressive, even in sleep, and he would never tire from trying to memorize each and every face that you would make. Even if he had to be a little turd at times to do so.
Still, you must have not minded, not really, not if you had continued to stick around like you did. Even going as far to marry this poor sap of a turtle he’d become.
He didn’t understand it, and he supposed that he never really would. Understand the fact that you could drop all walls and just fall asleep so quickly next to him without even a second thought. Mikey had said something in passing once that people only fell asleep in places where they felt safe or secure. And Leo, for the life of him, couldn’t fathom what he had done that made you feel safe enough to do so around him. 
Acting on pure instinct, Leo couldn’t help but reach up from where his hand had rested against your jaw to instead lightly trace between your brows, trying to ease the tension that had formed there with a gentle massage of his thumb. Watching with satisfaction at how with each stroke across your brow and cheek line, your eyelashes fluttered and you all but further slumped into his hand, the tension leaving you with a soft sigh.  
While your brow smoothed, Leo’s own brow furrowed, and his hand went still while cupping your cheek.
How on earth could you feel safe? How could you still reach out for him, still care about him, after everything he had done?
He was the reason that the entire world was in this mess, the reason behind every “Raph Chasm” on the faces of the people who passed by, and why you couldn’t sleep soundly anymore unless he was there. 
You and his brothers had told him repeatedly that what had happened wasn’t his fault, that there were more pieces at play then he could have ever handled. Despite all the reassurances, all the never ending support and dedication, it was in these still quiet moments, Leo found himself being haunted by the shadows of his own consuming demons. 
This was his fault.
All of this was his fault. 
And yet despite this, despite all the destruction and heartache his stupid stupid pride and self ego had caused, you still wanted him. You still could stand to even be in his presence, to still care and call him friend.
Enough so that you had…you wanted…you asked if he wanted…would be willing to create a future with you.
Leo’s breath hitched softly at the thought as he looked down at you, curled up so tightly against him, sleeping peacefully at his side like everything was right in the world now that you were close to him.
The realization that THAT is what you felt about him made his hand begin to tremble slightly against your skin. 
Not wanting the chance of his shaky hand to disturb your slumber, Leo quickly slid his hand from your face, back to cup your shoulder instead, thoughts of any previous failures or work fading away the instant he could feel the warmth of your body through the blanket underneath his hand, grounding him instantly into the present.
Feeling that warmth, that comforting and grounding weight, Leo suddenly decided that while you were close sitting by his side like this, you weren’t close enough.
He wanted more, wanted more of you. 
Moving ever so carefully, only as a well seasoned ninja could, Leo gently wrapped both of his arms around the back of your shoulders as he slowly fell backwards onto the couch, pulling you in tow until you were resting on top of him, laying flush upon his plastron.
The sudden shift of positions had you stirring from sleep, causing you to let out a soft questioning hum as your head blearily raised from Leo’s chest. 
Leo acted instinctively not wanting you to awake and to possibly see the unbidden moisture that had begun to form in his eyes, his hand coming up to cradle the back of your head and gently push it back down to strategically rest against above his heart. 
“Shhh shh, it's just me Love, just me. I’m finally going to get some sleep now. You ok with being my weighted blanket for a little bit eh?” 
Not waiting or really wanting a response, Leo’s hand came up to gently card his fingers through your hair in long smooth strokes, hoping to soothe you back into sleep. He watched with satisfaction as your eyes began to flutter close again and you let out a soft appreciative hum, resting more heavily against him into his hand. He couldn’t help but smirk softly at the feeling. Everybody had their happy spots, he supposed.
Leo could understand why. He knew that you tried your very best to take care of you tresses as best as one could during an alien invasion. But what he didn’t know was what woman magic you wielded here during the apocalypse that still made your hair silky smooth as it was. It was so soft. You were so soft.
His hand absentmindedly ran over the curve of your back and shoulders, always amazed at the slight give of your skin against the pressure of his hand. It made him think of how you were always giving, in every way you could. To him, to the rest of the Resistance, to every single soul who had the privilege of coming into contact with you. Such softness and warmth couldn’t be contained, to the point that it was engraved upon every inch of your delicate frame. 
Being a good-for-nothing ninja turtle, who was created literally to be a weapon, a tool, Leo didnt think he'd ever get the opportunity to be soft with someone with someone like this. Have the chance to take comfort in someone else’s body and presence, or have someone take comfort in the likes of him.
And yet here you were, resting on top of him, locked within the protection of his arms, sleeping as soundly as a babe. 
It surprised him even in the beginning of y’alls relationship. It still surprised him to this day because Leo, didn’t think he deserved anything good. Not ever again.
Leo looked down at you. If it were not for the heat and the comforting weight of you on top of him, he was pretty sure that he was dreaming. But for once, it wasn't a dream. Wasn't just a passing wish. No, you were here. You were really here. And that was all that mattered. 
Cradling you closer with one arm wrapping around your shoulders, Leo pulled you protectively flush up against his plastron. His other hand coming to gently dig his fingers through your hair at the back of your head, cradling you close enough that he could press a soft kiss to the top of your head.
His lips lingering over your skin as he absentmindedly peppered slow kisses on your crown and hair at random intervals whenever the affectionate urge hit, indulging in the tenderness that only comes out in these small moments.
Leo would fight any number of Kraang, plan as many ambushes as needed, and take any and every single chance if it meant he could keep you close like this.
Maybe, just maybe. For this one moment, he could let go. Leo could believe in good things again, he could believe in life, settle down and just appreciate this little tender moment with you.
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Special thanks to my Beloved L’appel du Vide and @anobodyinabog for being my beta readers!
As well as a shout out to @firefly-graphics for the beautiful dividers!
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risewriter · 1 year
ROTTMNT: Traffic
Raph: You sure you got this, Case?
Casey Jr: I survived a Kraag apocalypse. I think I'll be fine.
Raph: Well.. ok.
Casey Jr: *Marches confidently into high traffic*
Raph: CASEY! *Pulls him back as a car violently honks at him*
Casey Jr: What was that?!
Raph: A car! You gotta wait for the sign to be green, dude!
Casey Jr: *Mumbles* At least the Kraang would warn me before they ran me over..
Raph: They would warn ya before attacking you?
Casey Jr: Well, no. I think threatening to kill me would be more accurate.
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polldermodel · 4 months
Wat doe jij met de tags/labels in de kraag van je kleding?
ik knip ze eruit omdat ze kriebelen / altijd omhoog staan
ik knip ze eruit omdat ik de maat/andere info niet wil zien
ik gebruik ze om t kledingstuk aan op te hangen
niks, ik negeer ze
ik raak gefrustreerd dat tweedehands kleding altijd uitgeknipte labels heeft zodat je niet kunt zien wat de maat is en stuur daarom een poll in naar een tumblr blog
ik maak mijn eigen kleding / ben nudist / overige nuances
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hullott · 2 years
De Blue Masked Lovebird is de bekendste kleurmutatie van de Masked Lovebird en deze variëteit komt zowel in het wild als in gevangenschap van nature voor. Het is erg aantrekkelijk met een zwarte kop, een blauw lichaam en een witte kraag rond de nek en op de bovenborst.
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taeminno · 3 months
Pink Ribbon T-Shirt Refuse to Sink
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Pink Ribbon T-Shirt Refuse to Sink Op zoek naar een trendy t-shirt met een leuke tekst of slogan? Hoe leuk is dit T-Shirt met Refuse to Sink opdruk? Combineer deze T-Shirt met je favoriete broek en je bent ready to go! Wij hebben dit shirt speciaal ontworpen en zal ook speciaal voor jouw bedrukt worden. Elk shirt is daarmee uniek. T-shirt is van 100% biologisch gekamd katoen en heeft een perfecte pasvorm en voelt zeer zacht aan. Comfortabele lengte voor een vlotte retaillook Dit shirtje valt naar maat. Zijnaden voor een optimale pasvorm en silhouette Met vlotte aansluitende pasvorm kunt u met dit T-shirt zowel casual als chic gekleed gaan De kraag van fijne rib zorgt voor een modern en trendy accent De hals- en schoudernaden zijn afgewerkt met een zachte bies voor een langdurig draagcomfort Met minimalistische stijl en details komt dit veelzijdige T-shirt aan alle verwachtingen tegemoet.
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midnightcreator12 · 8 months
And We'll Keep Marching On Chapter 1 - Invasion of New York
The Hamato Clan was in tatters. The Kraang had mounted a successful invasion of New York, Master Splinter was missing, April's dad had been mutated again- Leo had been unconscious since he'd been thrown through the O'Neil apartment window. They were broken and unsure of what to do besides run to April's farmhouse upstate to lick their wounds and figure out what to do. However, they encounter two very unexpected guests upon arriving at the farmhouse.
AO3 Link
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The weather had been shifting the last few days, the cool breezes and crisp air of fall were slowly morphing into the dark, dreary overcast of New York winters, complete with some minor snowfall but nothing substantial enough to make drifts.
If there would be any this year.
Because the sky had opened up and unleashed a full-scale Kraang, triangular portals were popping up on almost every street, letting hundreds of Kraang-Droids march through the city, silvery ships hovering over the buildings, sending citizens scattering and panicking.
Everything was pure chaos, so much so that no one even glanced at the mutant turtle sneaking through the alleyways.
And Leo couldn’t even feel a little elation about walking around in daylight, because his brothers and Sensei were scattered, their home compromised and every time Leo turned, there was another pink-eyed robot that he needed to take down in order to keep moving.
The droids weren’t difficult to subdue, but the seer number was starting to wear on him and they made his progress much, much slower. Not just because he had to stop to fight them, but also because he had to change his path.
He knew April’s apartment wasn’t the best place to mark as the meet point, but it was the only place they could regroup with some form of safety and supplies. And, even if they probably wouldn’t be able to stay there long, he would not lose precious seconds by accidentally tipping off the Kraang that that was where they were meeting.
But he was starting to get tired and he’d done a full circle around April’s neighborhood.
His brothers had probably all gotten there by now and them waiting on him would put them in danger.
He couldn’t afford to keep circling anymore.
He peeked around a corner, jerking back into hiding when he saw two women running in his direction, a platoon of Kraag chasing them. Instinct itched in the back of his mind to intervene, ninja in and out, and leave the humans wondering about the sudden stroke of luck.
But he forced that first instinct down. He had already wasted time shaking the last group of Kraang on his shell, he didn’t have time to lose to another one.
He had to meet up with his family, make sure they were all safe and get everyone out of the city as quickly as possible.
So he hung back, hunkered down in the measly shadows and let the two humans run past him, waiting until the Kraang-Doids were well down the street before daring to move again.
He slowly stood, creeping his way into the light as he scanned for any more people or aliens-.
Something made a click behind him. His senses screamed. Danger. 
Leo spun, katana flashing out of its sheath just in time to deflect a morning-star wielding Foot-Bot.
The machine trilled, starting to advance again but was quickly cut down with two powerful slashes.
“Shredder,” Leo breathed, head whipping in all directions. 
He caught a flash of black and red in the corner of his eye, heard an almost silent click from above. He lept back, swinging out his other blade as arrows struck the pavement where he’d been moments before.
His gaze shot up, second eyelids sliding shut on instinct as he scanned for the threat.
Three Foot-Bot’s stood on top of an apartment building, nocking another round of arrows. Leo spun and started running in the opposite direction of April’s apartment.
He could not risk the Foot finding out they were vulnerable. It was bad enough they’d caught him topside alone, no way could he lead them back to April’s apartment.
More arrows zipped by Leo, most hitting the ground but he was forced to pivot while moving and deflect a few, one even managing to bounce off his shell. Leo hissed at the unpleasant feeling but kept moving, eyes looking for something to help him shake his newest tail.
He vaulted himself over a wooden fence and into another alleyway, dropping low and staying close to the building until he reached the other end of the passage. He tipped his head, listening for any clicks or trills from the bots and scanning the rooftops before venturing into the open once again.
He kept a shoulder to the building, kept at least one side protected as he jogged down the sidewalk. He slowed as he reached the corner, scanning the street and he turned, putting his carapace to the wall and katanas at the ready.
There was a scuff of feet on pavement.
His head snapped to the side, just as two Foot-Bots lept from the shadows, throwing shurikens at Leo. He bared his teeth, zipping forward and deflecting the deadly projectiles until he was close enough to slash both Bot’s heads off their bodies.
The mechanical ninja fell to the ground, sputtering sparks as their eyes flickered out. Leo kept moving, still scanning for somewhere he could hunker down until the Foot moved on.
He spotted a tall wooden fence, covered almost completely in graffiti. A crane peeked out from behind the barrier and a few remnants of construction tape clung to a few stakes.
It would do for now.
Leo sheathed his blades, circling the fence until he found a section that slid open. He kept low, scanning his surroundings, only stopping when he had a corner to press his shell into.
He pulled out his T-Phone, frowning at the flashing notifications.
Forty-seven missed calls from Mikey, thirteen unread texts from Donnie, thirty-two unread messages in the family group chat.
They were all still alive, a few of the notifications were from mere minutes ago. They must have made it to April’s apartment. Leo felt his breath come a little easier at the thought.
Something thumped into the fence.
Leo quickly stowed his phone, edging forward to peer around a corner. Foot-Bots were skittering along the construction site walls, heads snapping back and forth stiffly as they looked for him.
Two dropped to the ground, swiftly moving towards Leo’s location. His jaw tightened as he moved back. He’d been hoping the bots would pass the site entirely, thinking that Leo would keep moving.
Now he had to fight his way back out.
Leo inhaled, pulling his katanas back out before climbing up the wall. He crouched at the top, watching the Foot-Bots as they rounded the corner, scanning where he’d been. He waited until both passed under him before dropping, weapons singing as they sliced through the bots, both dropping to the ground in pieces.
There was a shrill whistle from the right. Leo dropped into a crouch, weapon at the ready as he moved towards the bot sounding the alarm.
No avoiding the fight now.
Leo heard the shuriken before he saw them, years of ingrained training causing him to drop into a roll, dodging the projectiles. He sprung up again, white eyes snapping upward to face the Foot-Bots clinging to a tower of scaffolding. 
They all leaped as one, trying to swarm Leo. He feigned back, letting the first bot land in front of him before cleaving through its arm and then torso. He sidestepped, letting a scythe slide down his blade before bringing the other katana up and through the bot's neck. The third barely had time to recover from its landing before Leo had plunged both katanas up through its body. He sprung upwards, kicking a bot that had been crouched on top of a low wall, pivoting as he descended to face the main yard of the site.
More Foot-Bot ran from the shadows, weaponized limbs glinting dangerously as they advanced on Leo. He bared his teeth, letting them come to him and cleaving them down one by one. He fell into a rhythm, step left, right, slice, cleave, jump, kick, spin, step back, feint forward, slash up.
He knew these movements as well as he knew how to breathe.
But each downed bot didn’t seem to even make a dent in their numbers.
And Leo couldn’t go on forever.
Even if it was light, the snow was still cold, it sapped his strength just as much as the physical labor of fighting did. Leo tried to hold his ground, keep his defenses tight. But he was already tired even before this fight.
He bit down a yelp of pain as a blade nicked his arm. He pushed the owner of it back, using the space to cut through the bot before turning to the next. The bots seemed to sense him wavering and started moving in faster. Leo planted his feet, spinning and slicing and kicking to try and keep the mob at bay. But hits still slipped by him. Another blade cut his leg, a nunchuck smacked his chest, a morning star scraped painfully over his carapace.
And with every hit, it was harder and harder for Leo to keep calm, each strike that managed to slip through making his heart pound harder and faster.
Leo let out a yell, stabbing into a bot close to him. He spun, throwing one katana so that it impaled another enemy. He bared his teeth in a snarl and cleaved through two bots at once. Kick, slash, punch, dodge, ignore the particularly deep cut on his thigh. The bruise forming on his shoulder-
Leo huffed as the last bot finally went down, limbs trembling from exhaustion and cold but still holding himself upright. He moved to reclaim the katana he’d thrown-
Danger. Move.
Leo rolled forward, snatching up his blade and twisting, slicing through several arrows that had been whistling towards his back. He looked up, searching for where the archers were posted.
His heart almost stopped, blood chilling even more.
Even from the distance, Leo recognized the armored silhouette on the rooftop, surrounded by Foot archers. Shredder’s form almost blotted out the sun, shadow seeming to drape over the construction site and Leo.
He raised a gauntlet, right at Leo, and the archers pulled back another round of arrows.
Leo swallowed hard but raised his blades.
Dozens of arrows streaked through the air, all aimed right at Leo. He moved back, twisting and tumbling, slicing any arrows that got too close.
But a few got past his weapons, grazing his skin and leaving more cuts. The falling snow stung on the open wounds and Leo was sure a few were sluggishly bleeding.
But he couldn’t divert any attention to that, because another wave of arrows was coming towards him. He dove behind a fence, letting it take the brunt of the attack. He moved along the wooden shield, taking a moment to catch his breath-
Something clicked to his side and his arm shot up to block.
His eyes widened in horror when a chain twisted itself around his wrist. He moved to pull it off but it when taut before he could and pulled. Hard. 
Leo yelled as the heavy links all but crushed his wrist, causing him to drop his katana. He yelped again as he was dragged across the pavement, arm burning in agony as it was stretched and used to dangle him against a fence like a turtle-shaped pinata.
His breath came in small gasps as he squirmed, trying to dislodge the chain enough to slip free. Another Foot-Bot slammed to the ground next to him, rising slowly as it moved towards him.
Leo snarled, deep and inhuman, as he threw his remaining katana at the oncoming attack. It hit true, right between the bots eyes.
Leo turned back to the chain, now free hand shakily reaching up to free himself. He gave a small yip of surprise as a ninjato slammed through the wall behind him, scraping loudly over his lower carapace. It withdrew but another punched through a second later, grazing Leo’s plastron this time.
He gasped but kept reaching upwards, tingling fingers finally hooking in the chain-
The wall exploded behind him, sending Leo tumbling, scales gaining more road rash as he struggled to correct his balance and get upright. He managed to gain his feet but a Foot-Bot was waiting for him. He brought both arms up to shield his face, grunting at the heavy hits that forced him backward. Leo shook his head, slipping to the side so he could slam an open palm into the bots chin and sweep its legs out from under it. He spun, managing to block the next attack and counter, sending the bot flying and smashing against the ground.
He turned again, only to howl in pain as a steel foot collided with his snout, sending him reeling back as blood burst from his nose and down his jaw. He shook the dizziness away,  wiped the blood from his face as he gasped through his mouth, only to get kicked again before he could refocus. The second hit sent him into a surface that buckled and splintered to pieces under him. Bits of wood dug painfully into his limbs as Leo tumbled down a small incline and onto a wooden catwalk. 
He coughed, blood flying from his mouth and staining the wood under him. He rose shakily, vision wavering and doubling. When it cleared, he was surrounded, bots closing in quickly. He stepped back, eyes darting around in a panic before he spotted the glint of his katana, the one he’d dropped when the chain had gotten him.
He dove for it, pushing down a wave of vertigo as he rolled and sprung up to face the homecoming mob. He was breathing harder now, each puff of air billowing out in a thick cloud as snowflakes melted and steamed against his heated scales.
He fought more fervently now, forging the form and precision in favor of mowing down as many bots as quickly as possible, his mind filling with a mantra of take them down, take them down, take them down or you’ll die-
He was yelling with each hit, his panic building so much that it had to manifest itself verbally. His yells were angry and raspy, almost feral as he leaped to a higher catwalk and carved his way through the bots trying to box him in.
I’m not dying here, I’m not dying here, I will not FAIL!
He bellowed as he impaled a bot against a fence, pinning it like a fly before pulling the hidden tanto blade from the katana hilt, spinning around to savagely jab it into another Foot-Bot. The blade was too small to disable it, so Leo followed the stabs with a spinning kick, sending the bot flying down a steep incline and splashing down into a pool at the bottom.
Leo looked around at the piles of scrap left, chest heaving as his lungs tried to pull in more air. He took the moment to pause, to try and state his burning lungs and pounding heart, try to let some of the shaking leave his limbs-
Cruel, metal fingers dug into his leg.
Leo yelped, tried to twist and kick his attacker, a Foot Bot that he’d cut across the waist. But the move only gave the bot the leverage it needed to fully throw him off balance.
Leo yelled as he tumbled down, jaw snapping shut painfully on his tongue. Unforgiving gravel scraped and cut at his already battered body as he tumbled down. The gravel gave him no traction and his arms barely had any strength left, letting him roll all the way to the bottom of the hole.
Hitting the water stunned him, his mind whiting out as his entire body ceased to function for a few seconds.
And then he blinked and the icy water started to burn. It bit at his wounds and invaded his airways, pressing in on all sides and trying to keep Leo down. He wasn’t sure where he got the energy, but he managed to make his limbs move, managed to tread the water until he broke the surface with a gasp and coughing. Blood mixed with water down his body as he scrabbled to a tiny strip of wood, a man-made dock of sorts that he managed to drag himself onto, heaving and coughing. Steam rose off his skin, puffed out of his mouth, as he slowly tried to regain his breath.
Someone was watching him.
Leo’s gaze shot up to see Shredder, much, much closer than he’d been before, standing at the top of the hole, Razar, Fishface and Tiger Claw standing with him. The force that had helped Leo swim out of the water flooded his system again as he climbed to shaky feet, shivering and hurting and weaponless but refusing to lay down and give up.
He raised his fists, no stance or fanfare, just both arms up and ready to fight as he bared his teeth in challenge, each breath puffing between his teeth in a cloud of steam.
Shredder seemed almost board by the display, merely watching Leo for a few moments.
Then he spoke, “Finish him.”
The simple command had all three Foot Clan mutants moving, leaping down the hole towards Leo.
He brought his arms up more, just time time to catch a punch from Tiger Claw. Leo’s legs buckled and he stumbled back, gasping as the hit sent pins and needles up his arms. Razar happily took advantage of Leo’s weakness, massive hand reaching down to close around Leo’s neck and squeezing before he threw him. Leo hit the ground like a ragdoll, unable to do much but try to protect his head. He started to pick himself up but FishFace was on top of him, metal foot slamming into his neck. Leo choked, throat burning as he tried to roll away from the attack. Tiger Claw was waiting, snarling as he brought his heel down on Leo’s knee.
Leo would have howled in pain if his throat hadn’t felt so raw. He managed a punched-out wheeze as he felt something shift in his knee and send a new wave of burning fire up his leg.
Razar advanced again, claws raining down on Leo, slicing open his arms, one claw managing to cut his cheek.
I’m gonna die, I’m gonna die here, I don’t want to DIE!
Leo felt something rumble in his chest, a buried animal instinct that was clawing its way to the surface. Leo opened a swollen eye, bearing his teeth at the mechanical foot that was moving to strike him again. He twisted, ignoring how the move made his entire body scream as he reached up and dug his claws into Fishfaces’s breathing tubes.
The fish mutant screeched in surprise as Leo used him to climb to his feet, mustering the strength to drag him down and fling him towards the incline and into the water. Razar moved to claw at Leo’s back but the turtle snarled, ducking under the hit and scrabbling up Razar’s back. He clawed at Razar’s face and ears, blood roaring as he snarled and hissed. Razar managed to get ahold of him, tried to throw him into a protruding covert but Leo managed to catch himself on the edge of the pipe. He launched himself back at Razar, an inhuman screech ripping from his thoart as he kicked Razar in the jaw and sent both of them to the ground.
Leo screamed again, the sound garbled and choking through his damaged throat but he forced himself to his feet so he could meet Tiger Claws attack halfway. He dropped under a punch, rolling and using both feet to kick Tiger Claw square in the chest and send him flying back.
He watched, white eyes scanning to make sure both enemies were staying down.
Leo gasped and heaved, body protesting everything he’d just done very loudly and angrily. His limbs burned, he could taste blood in his mouth, every inch of him was a mass of open wounds and painful bruising. But he still managed to get to his feet, shaking and gasping, blood and cold water running down his skin in rivets.
He lifted his head when he heard a shift, bareing his teeth when he saw Tiger Claw was moving again. The older mutant sat up, leveling Leo with a glare…then smiled as his eyes flicked to Leo’s shoulder.
Leo spun, hissing when he was met by a metal chest plate and scared eyes glaring down at him. He lifted his hands, tried to protect himself-
Too slow.
Leo screamed as twin blades cleaved down his shoulder, burning down into the top of his plastron before painfully scraping the rest of the way across. He stumbled back, the new wound searing itself into his every thought. His vision blurred, then doubled, tripled, started to fade as his legs finally refused to hold him upright anymore.
Wood and gravel pressed into Leo’s cheek but he barely felt it. The world was fading into inky black as all he could focus on was the pain that had engulfed him whole. A tiny whimper slipped out as he tried to curl up and pull into his shell. But he’d pushed himself too far, his body refusing to listen anymore.
Leo didn’t hear the words above his head, or feel the vibrations of his enemies coming closer. 
But he felt his phone buzz in his belt. As consciousness left him, he whimpered again, wishing he could have seen his brothers one last time before the end, that they could be here to hold him and comfort him.
But they weren’t. As Leo’s world faded more and more, he wanted to start crying for his brothers.
I don’t want to die.
Was I going to do more One-Shots before posting this? Yes. Did I get over-excited about it and didn't want to wait anymore? Also yes.
Sidenote, funny I start again with Leo getting the snot beat outta him.
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west-brooke · 2 years
Just read the new chapter and I'm curious
When the bros rescue donnie do they have to be careful when they take the kraag stuff off of him? I mean donnie did almost die when the system got reset so?????????
Well, that's the fun part to think about, isn't it?
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hamatos-talk · 7 months
Donnie hey. It's not your fault, it wasn't your fault. None of it was, you don't deserve any of this, you never did. Hell like you brought back your brothers! Look how amazing that is! what happened was horrible but don't you dare sit there and blame yourself for the monstrosity that happened, you are not kraag, you did not ruin the world.
I should've... Done more... I had amor that I made her... I should've just given it to her, not... Not keep it...
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The boys half believed That Raphael could have beaten the Kraang because in their eyes Raphael was still invincible.  a bit anxious about them to be sure. but pretty much invincible. He seems to be radiating confidence. But that could have been the delusions That the Kraags here are not helping-”
“They should have known.They really should have known. They should have stopped him.”
Aka all that delusional Arc build up peeping its head to cry out “consequences! ANGST!”
Them seeing the very tiny smaller than Mikey. Version of their bro. no is their dear brother. 
The Krang invasion is a catalyst for a lot. It happens close to when Raph reveals the switching, so there's already the element of him chasing that high (and starting to build up courage to tell the rise bros, which was probably somewhat noticable)
And then something happens that he believes that the switching helps him prevent any true tragedy, and he's wrong. By a lot. And then he tells his bros about the switching and from their POV he's become Different. They wonder when their unbreakable Big Bro became so desperate, and how that their brother's always optimistic "we'll beat this, there's no way we fail" view was so strong it was dangerous to his life.
(I hope this makes sense, my brain has not been working with me today)
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cerriddwenluna · 1 year
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Het is Zes Zinnen Zondag!
Ik was eerst niet van plan om iets te posten, maar toen herinnerde @jayne89 me er aan dat ik nog een fic in mijn map had die ik was vergeten te publiceren (oeps! 😅).
@justasmallbloginabigklainefandom tagged me getrouw iedere week, dus ter ere van 'Spreek Je Eigen Taal Dag' (Speak Your Own Language Day) heb ik een stukje van mijn nieuwe fic vertaald 🥳
Hij haalde het uit de doos en hield het omhoog. "Wauw... Jij hebt dit gemaakt? Dit is fantastisch! Oh mijn god, kijk dit nou. Het heeft zelfs een jaren '70 kraag enzo. Hoe heb je dit gemaakt?" vroeg hij versteld.
Ik ben nog steeds op zoek naar een titel, en Kay is bijna klaar met het tweede deel van deze samenwerking, dus het zal niet lang duren voordat het wordt gepubliceerd! ♡
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kozzii99 · 2 years
I just finished the ROTTMMT movie..
I don't think anyone can ever truely understand how much my heart hurt.. watching Mikey sacrifice himself to get Casey into the past enough so that he ended up dying- or just- Leo almost forever spending his rest of his life with that even Kraag dude..
I love these guys so much- Hyper fixated on them so much that I can't even think straight- the movie was amazing, and I can't express that enough. But the events that happened have me crying even now.
I NEVER cry at a movie. But I just cried so hard-
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