#Kyojuro x black female reader
ripperdoc-is-daddy · 2 years
Finally done editing the three things I plan to put out this upcoming week Monday- Little Fish pt 3 Tuesday-Cyberpychosis MHA/Cyberpunk Mashup Wednesday- Ohagi n Chill pt 5. It took me a while to be satisfied with this one and I apologize for the delay. But it is blocked in and scheduled so no more rewrites! <3 I thank y'all for your patience and I hope you like this weeks offerings! <3
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auraee · 2 years
I’m definitely—at some point— going to write a fun little story where You/the reader and Kyo go snow sledding (he’s never been, nor has the reader but regardless.) Whilst on this little adventure, you two have a near death experience but you’re both too enthralled in the thrill from the speed and launching off of hills to notice. 😭
It’s one of those terrifyingly fun experiences😭
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msneedful-ispleaseful · 8 months
Sugar!Daddy! Nanami!
(owe y'all five stories- my bad)
Sugar!Daddy!Nanami who takes you to lux brand stores and buys you all the shoes, jewels, dresses, lingerie and anything else you want. The only rule being you have to show him everything you buy.
Sugar!Daddy!Nanami who always reassures you no one's gonna question him coming in with you, watching you slip in and out of tight fitting dresses, feeling his bulge grow with each one.
Sugar!Daddy!Nanami who you love to tease, slowly sliding off clothes, swaying your hips and bending lower then needed, fat pussy lips poking out from between your thighs as you hear low growls from him.
Sugar!Daddy!Nanami who pins you to the wall, back arched legs apart and dripping pussy on display for his tongue to have an onslaught of slurping your juices up with a torturing rhythm, three flicks to your puffy clit in figure 8's before moving to suck at your entrance.
Sugar!Daddy!Nanami who eats you out in there dressing rooms like it's his birth right, him pausing every now and then to make you switch dresses, testing the the easy access of each dress and tossing the ones that give to much struggle, him wanting to to ensure he can have access to his sugar baby's cunt at all times.
Sugar!Daddy!Nanami who eats and eats yet stops and stops making you change into new skirts and dresses in shaky legs,
Sugar!Daddy!Nanami who does this every time and usually each one, you never get to finish from his torturing methods of discipline.
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chrollohearttags · 11 months
commissions corner • on the menu
working food service isn’t always easy, less known, managing an entire restaurant. But when the new delivery man assigned to your store starts frequenting..you feel a newfound love for your workplace. Especially when an unexpected storm traps you two together one night. Leaving you guys to get acquainted and keep each other entertained.
content warning: black!fem reader, delivery man!rengoku, fluff and banter, humor, alcohol use, office sex, thunderstorms and hurricane mentions, sexual tension b/w reader and Kyo, squirting, intense kissing, praise kink, oral sex (m and f receiving), backshots, nipple play, cumshot, back scratching
word count: 8.4K
📝: this is a commission from @tranzpurent and I cannot thank them enough for allowing and trusting me to write this piece. Thank you so much for your patience and support. I hope it was well worth the wait. I had a lot of fun writing for my love Rengoku.
“Number 52! Order’s ready!” “Guys, check those fryers and get that shake to drive thru. Thanks!”
all commands and commentary that (y/n) found yourself spouting off only a few hours into your shift. Things that were all in a day’s work for a busy manager at a bustling fast food chain. Ensuring that not only were status quos met but the needs of both customers and employees alike done the same. Admittedly, it was both a physically and mentally taxing position but one you performed exceptionally well..so much so, that you were overseeing an entire store by yourself after only a year of getting hired. Your tenacity and strong work ethic were something not only to be admired but studied as well. Even so, the job has drained you a great deal and it was hard to keep it together. So much on your plate with seemingly little time to accomplish it. Finding yourself oftentimes overwhelmed and even contemplating quitting..
that was until he came along!
the man with a boisterous laugh and a burly chest..muscular and stocky with vibrant, reddish blonde hair. His eyes dark yet gleaming with joy at all times. And a smile that could light an entire city block if need be..his name?
“Good morning crew! How are we doing?”
Kyojuro Rengoku, the new delivery man for your store and quite frankly, the highlight to your very hectic days. Always coming in with that same bubbly, boisterous personality. It could be the most insane shift with customers coming in by the droves, being difficult and by the time he left, everyone would be in a much better mood. Laughing and in much higher spirits, and today was no different..it had been quite busy for the morning rush and you typically didn’t work today but your shift manager had fallen ill with the flu so you decided to come fill in. And you were glad that you had because the first thing he did once he made it over the corridor of the entrance with his dolly and stack of boxes; filled to the brim with buns, lettuce and all the other ingredients you went through in a day, was greet you. “And good morning to you as well, miss (Y/N). You’re not usually here on Wednesdays. What happened?” To which you’d proceed to explain away as you mixed up a drink from behind the counter. You most certainly applied the servitude leadership approach and that’s why he respected you so much. Rather than just barking orders or micromanaging, you were right beside your crew, ensuring that things remained in order. It was something about a hard working woman that he found very attractive. It wasn’t a fact that he tried to hide either. Everyone who worked there could tell that this man was feeling you heavily..but for the sake of professionalism, you’d ignore it!
“I see, well it’s always a good day when I get to see that gorgeous face so I’m not mad about it.” Chewing faintly on his gum as he smiled at you with those perfectly straight pearly whites. Retrieving his iPad from underneath his arm, he’d hold it out for you to complete the confirmation and sign over for your inventory. Instantly becoming flustered but playing it off. “Kyo, you’re too kind, my dear. Thanks for the delivery, I definitely needed this..” handing him the tablet back before playfully pinching his cheek. Which made the lovely driver flush red. It was so blatantly obvious just how smitten this man was. He truly adored seeing you when the chance arose! For now, he had to depart and finish up his other duties for the day but you were certain that you’d be running into him yet again. Little did you know just how correct you were…it was as you were watching him leave, waving goodbye did you turn and notice that your entire crew was staring and snickering. “Ooh, Miss (Y/N). Look at you.” One of your employees blurted out, causing the entire staff to burst into laughter. They thought it was so cute to see their stoic manager acting like a crushing schoolgirl. Nonetheless, you’d usher them back to work and to mind their own business!
“You all are so nosy! Since everybody’s got so much time on their hands, let’s knock out some of these cleaning tasks before the lunch rush.” Earning a collective groan from the entire crew. But they knew better than to disagree with you. That was a wrath none of them wanted to face. But as fate would have it, you guys would be crossing paths yet again in a very unexpected way…
the rather hectic workday continued on as per usual..your store seeing record profits during the lunch and dinner rushes; all directly due in part to some new menu item that was added and your team’s efficiency. Evening had fell cast over the city, along with dark clouds and scary thunder. It was cause for concern, that was for sure..truth be told, you didn’t know if you should keep operations going for the night or call it quits early. Those were the decisions you had to make as a manager sometimes. That was the beauty of being in charge. You had already gone back home during a short break to grab some food and a change of clothing; putting on something a tad bit more casual than your uniform.
“Oh wow, did you hear that?!”
“Yeah, that doesn’t sound good..”
but your mind would become all but made up for you when everyone’s phones in the vicinity began buzzing with severe weather alerts. And the store television flashed with a breaking news warning and the meteorologist casting a report on how severe the storm was and what to expect as the nighttime grew near. There were talks of possible tornadoes, flooding, lightning and all things akin to a hurricane. It was insane. Being the type of leader that you were as the lobby and drive thru both had become desolate, you’d turn to your subordinates and make the call:
“Well, you guys heard the man. I doubt anyone’s gonna be out in this weather so let’s go ahead and call it a night. I don’t want any of you being trapped here and can’t get home. Before it gets too crazy, go ahead and shut things down, get to your vehicles…if anyone needs a ride, go ahead and make arrangements now. If not, I’ll be happy to take you.”
as determined and strong willed as you could be, the one thing you never played about was your staff. They meant the world to you and in instances like these, you’d go up to bat against corporate themselves to protect and keep them safe. Never in a million years would money or profit goals come before your people. There was obviously something terribly dangerous looming in the skies and the last thing any of them needed was to be stuck behind a register or on a grill instead of home with their families, who’d probably be worried sick the entire time. Not something you’d ever want them to have to deal with. Either way, they were incredibly grateful that you’d be so generous and compassionate of your team. “Thank you, Ms. (L/N)!” “Yeah, you’re amazing.” But there was no gratitude needed. Those burgers and this store would be just fine without being open give or take a few hours. Those greedy jerks sitting up at the top brass would most certainly survive. You’d even take it out of your own pay if it became that big of an issue but even so, they didn’t hesitate to start making preparations; switching the illuminated ‘open’ sign to a dull dark and flipping the one on the door to close. They’d begin wiping down tables and breaking apart important machines to clean them properly because if it was as nasty as they claimed it would be, who knew how long operations would be ceased. It wasn’t uncommon during the peak storm season to lose three or four days of business because the streets were so flooded with ten inches of water or power was out for an entire block. In the event of that happening and because you were giving them an early release, they’d sanitize that store top to bottom, leaving you without one single complaint or issue. Giving everything one final walkthrough after about an hour of nonstop work to get things in order, you’d find them all lined up at the door like a gaggle of kids on the last day of school.
“Alright, things look good. Go ahead and get home. I’ll text the work group chat in a bit to make sure everyone’s made it.” Filling your team with warmth because they didn’t know too many managers, if any with such a kind heart and concern for her people. Most of these bosses were absolute nightmares to work for, and yet, you were always so sweet to them. Even when you were fussing or putting up the facade that you were angry. They always knew better. “What about you, miss (y/n)? Are you leaving soon? We could wait with you.” One of your most trusted employees would utter and the others followed suit. But there was no need for that. You’d be in tow right behind them. “Nah, I’m good. I gotta shoot these people a couple of emails and do some number crunching so that they don’t get all fussy in case we can’t open for a few days. I’ll be fine. I’ll be right behind you guys. Promise.” They knew you were a strong willed woman so they tried no to worry so much. But little did you or anyone else know that you wouldn’t be alone for long. As an unexpected guest would find themselves stumbling up to the doors of the fast food restaurant..
“Drive safe everyone. Have a good night.” Earning you a collective wave and thanks from your close knit work family.
once everyone had dispersed from the parking lot and left you by your lonesome, you’d do exactly as promised and retreat towards the back area of the restaurant where your office resided. A little past the kitchen area and through two double doors until you were in the solitary confines of your work space. Faint glimmers of lightning caught in your peripheral view as you passed the windows. Finally, you’d settle into your seat behind the computer screen and begin typing away. Working right through the storm and any other other distractions. You’d type away at your keyboard, drumming up some of the aforementioned emails and looking over profits for the past few days. Managers were always required to report said numbers to the higher brass just to make certain that they were meeting the status quo expected of the store. Granted, you guys always surpassed your set goal so it shouldn’t have been an issue if you needed to close down for a few days because of the weather. As you composed note after note, alternating between the screen and the papers sitting next to you, you couldn’t help but to notice that it was beginning to pick up outside. That heavy rain beating against the roof and exterior of the weathered building. It wasn’t the first nor last time you’d be sure to experience a natural disaster whilst working here. Either way, you were thankful to not be in the midst of the torrential downpour. Sitting cozy in the office as you typed away and nursed a cup of coffee. However, you’d soon realize that someone wasn’t so lucky. Someone you knew quite well….in a split second, for no reason other than mere coincidence, you’d find yourself looking up to take a peek at the security feed on the flat screen monitor next to the other one. It was then that you’d spot something..or someone rather through the rain littered lens. Initially, you began to freak out a bit, wondering if someone was attempting to rob you guys after hours. Which was incredibly dumb because their security system was top of the line. Any intruders would be dealt with accordingly. But that wasn’t the case here. Instead, you’d get up from your seat and begin trekking towards the front of the store because honestly, you’d recognize that face anywhere. The second you made it to the entrance way, you’d take the key in your hand and twist the lock open before greeting them:
“Kyojuro?! What’re you doing here?”
you were absolutely bewildered as to why your delivery driver was standing in front of your store at this time of night and in the middle of such a nasty storm nonetheless. It was far too dangerous for him to be out here. But he had a reasonable explanation for the surprise ‘visit’. But first, you’d close the door behind the both of you and try to get him some warmth. “We might have a couple towels or an old outfit back here in the back. Come on.” Immediately switching into a motherly mode, as you had done several times for your staff. It wasn’t uncommon for one of your employees to fall sick or even have an accident and to avoid them being embarrassed or having to go into a store for a change of clothes, you’d keep extra outfits, cloth, towels and first aid items in case something happened. You’d then send them home for some much needed rest. It seems like they’d come in handy today! Whisking the fiery haired, wide eyed Kyo towards the back, where you guys’ makeshift locker room resided and let him get himself cleaned up from the drenched garments he was wearing. But as fate would have it, out of this rain would come a sliver of sunshine..in the way you least expected…
page break
“Thank you again, miss (L/N). I really appreciate you letting me come in. And for all of this. I won’t get you in any trouble, will I?” a question you’d answer with only a snort as you walked towards him with a warm cup of coffee and another blanket. He had managed to find a decent pair of sweats and a t-shirt after rummaging through the locker that housed it all. A towel drying his soaked hair and some new, unopened socks to warm his feet. He truly couldn’t believe how well prepared you were! But even more so that you were willing to help him despite it possibly being a violation.
“Please. If they have a problem with me helping someone in need, they can have this damn job. Besides, we’re in a category three hurricane warning. We have full permission to use this as a safe haven if anyone needs it. Don’t you worry that handsome little head of yours. It’s all good.” In lieu of your hospitality, you’d also offer him some food; some salads and extra meals that would possibly have to be thrown out anyways but if you were crafty enough, you could sneak it to him. As he got settled into somewhat comfortability, you’d join him for a seat back at your desk as he sat on the couch and ask him what was going on. It was then that he’d confess the reason behind him being here so late. He’d go on to explain that he was finishing up the last of his deliveries for the evening when he got an alert for the weather. It had been raining on and off with the skies remaining dark but he didn’t think too much of it. His boss added another three drops on his route at the last minute and he wasn’t the type to decline so he went ahead despite the warning. It was at his last location that the rain would start to become insanely heavy. As he’s coming down the almost desolate highway, he hears a very rough sound and feels the turbulence. It’s then that he discovers that his back tire is almost blown out. So by nothing other than pure coincidence and his angels working overtime, he found his way into the parking lot of the fast food chain and waited for help. However, the vehicle service company said they couldn’t make it out due to the harsh conditions. Had it not been for you, he’d been stuck waiting in the rain inside of that van. Hearing that broke your heart and filled you with rage.
“Is he crazy?! Sending you on an extra delivery during this? I swear that man pisses me off sometimes. Well I’m just glad you’re safe, Kyo. Seriously. That could’ve been awful had it popped while you were driving.”
“I’m saying. I’m glad you were here..I don’t know what I would’ve done without your help. By the way, this coffee is amazing..best one I’ve ever had.” earning him a warm smile in return as you smashed away at your keys. “Thank you, glad you like it..” and the caffeinated beverage wasn’t the only thing. However, the two of you talked; engaging in idle chit chat and just making conversation. He’d keep you awake and on task as you sifted through emails and exchanged messages with your higher ups. Ensuring that you had made well over expected profits and that you were playing it by ear in terms of when your resume operations. Things were going good…“I swear, your employees don’t know how lucky they are to have a boss like you. Mine’s a nice guy, real kind but sometimes, he overestimates things and it leaves us in a jam. I’m just blessed you were here.”
but your heartfelt moment was short lived when suddenly, a loud roar of thunder and lightning cracked across the sky and the power suddenly blanked! Leaving both you and him in the dark. “Kyo?” “Right here, miss (L/N). You okay?” Shouting out, followed by the flicker of your phone light. You spotted him shortly after, hoisting the light up around the office to see if there were any breakers or generators, possibly even a candle if need be. He was sort of an all around handyman, skilled in various different trades including electrical work, mechanics and more. You were happy it was someone like him stuck with you. But you’d soon learn that not even the best of skills would help this predicament..
“Got a knife or screwdriver?” His intention was to pry the metal box attached to the wall open and try to flip the switches but to no avail..nothing. It seemed that the power had surged for the entire city and lord only knew how long that would take to remedy and with the sounds of thunder growing louder by the second, it was best that he didn’t try to play electrician and instead, wait it out. For now, the two of you were trapped and there was no way to really leave at the moment. Sure, the two of you could take your car but you wouldn’t be surprised if the streets weren’t already flooded with at least two feet of fallen water. Just then, only forty five minutes after they had departed, your staff was blowing up the group chat; chiming in to let you know that they were all safe. Of course, they wanted the same response for their lovely manager. However, you couldn’t lie to them and say that you too were in the comfort of your own home. Rather: “had some more paperwork to finish. But I’ll be heading out soon. Don’t worry, I’m not alone though.” Which would either cause much needed relief or extreme panic. But you assured them all that you were more than fine. Even with power out everywhere. They accepted the answer and just asked that you kept them posted. If need be, they’d come looking and you certainly didn’t put it past them. With Kyojuro there, you were certain there was no need to feel anything less than protected. You just knew they’d never let you hear the end of it you confessed who was by your so you’d implore them all to preserve their batteries and stop pestering you..bidding them a goodnight for now.
“They must really care about you. Sound like good kids.” and that was an understatement! “Yeah, they’re a pain in the ass sometimes but I couldn’t live without any of them. They make this job worth it, that’s for sure.” (Y/N) was like a big sister and anyone making you uncomfortable or potentially hurting you was an enemy. It wasn’t uncommon for some prick of a customer to come starting shit and one of your male subordinates stepping in to handle it. They didn’t play about you in the slightest but they certainly were not alone. It was obvious that there was a bit of a bright side to this whole situation, especially for Kyo. Being granted the alone time he’d always so desperately craved with the beautiful manager. He had been far too afraid to ask for months now. Regardless of his boisterous, bold personality, he lacked any confidence when it came to the women he liked. The first time he saw you, he was a stumbling mess. This absolute vision of beauty smiling at him from behind the counter. It was a miracle that he was holding it together right now. Even after all this time. Watching you sway in that sundress you had changed into was a problem in itself. The thoughts crossing his mind were unbecoming of his normal demeanor.
“Looks like we’re gonna be trapped here for a while, huh?”
suddenly, he’d begin to shuffle in his seat, clearing his throat as he tried not to daydream and think about what was really on his mind. “Y-yeah! I’m sure you’d rather be anywhere besides stuck here with me though.” But he couldn’t have been further from the truth. You were happy to have someone like him..you lived alone and don’t have many friends in this city so had you made it home, you would’ve been holed up in your bedroom, curled under a blanket all by yourself. Shuffling over to the locker in the corner, you’d simply chuckle and retrieve something that had been housed there for almost a year. And what better time than to break it out now?!
“It’s not so bad..especially when you have provisions.” It was then that he lit up. A bottle of 1974 Sauvignon, gifted to you by corporate after winning Manager of the Year. You had been saving it for a special occasion and soon, the two of you would be riding out this storm in more ways than one..
“No! And he drove through it?! What the hell is his problem?”
“You tell me. I swear Uzui has done some things that could’ve gotten us killed, less known, fired. It’s a miracle I survived my route with him. And he says I’m the crazy one.”
only minutes after popping that cork out and finding some leftover cups from the drive thru, you and Kyojuro poured up two hefty glasses of the sweet wine and nursed sips between your conversation. Topics that ranged from how your daily routine here at the restaurant to how his deranged coworkers and friends have talked him into pulling dumb stunts while on the job. Needless to say, the two of you led very interesting work lives and as exciting as they may have been, you knew little of each other’s personal affairs. Which in hindsight, was no big deal. As you had never really interacted outside of here but he wanted to know more about the woman who ran this place better than any ship captain could. You told him how you moved to this area a couple years ago after college. Ended up being hired as the manager here and had been ever since. You didn’t have any kids or long term partners. Family was a couple hours away and you didn’t have a lot of friends here. For the most part, you’d just work, go home and repeat the cycle. Going to the grocery store or out for the occasional drink but that was it. “Not very interesting, I know..but I’m a homebody so I don’t mind it too much…” confessing as you took another swig of your drink. Even after hearing your rather mundane story, he was still perked up and all smiles listening to you talk. He didn’t care, he still found it interesting..still found you just as fascinating and most certainly couldn’t understand how a beautiful girl like you didn’t have anyone in your life, ready to snatch you up. “What about you? I’m sure a guy like you is always having fun. Probably got a ton of girls on your line too..” side eyeing as if you were fishing for the appropriate answer. But of course, he’d cop the plea and claim that he too didn’t socialize much. His main niche was going out and trying different restaurants but he’d mostly do it alone, as his best friend was busy with women a lot of the time. Saying that it was Uzui who was the true ladies man. He had been here his entire life and maybe only had one girlfriend and one or two hookups on his end. Kyojuro’s true problem was his confidence. He honestly didn’t believe that he was as attractive as he was. Which blew your mind because he was so handsome! Muscular, stocky build, gorgeous smile and he was so cute..
“I usually just end up getting stuck with the girl he doesn’t want and she’ll be nice but not really my type, y’know?”
“Really? Then what is your type?”
it was then that things would find themselves truly intensifying, as you asked him the one question that would surely send the twenty five year old driver into a tailspin. Flushing red all around his face, he’d begin to stumble over his words..glancing down at the floor before answering. “Well uh—the thing is..” he couldn’t find the strength to admit that you were his type. You were the only woman in this godforsaken city that he’d had eyes for. He wanted you so badly, he could taste it and if he admitted that, he had no idea how you’d respond. But if he were ever going to get his chance..now, while you two were all alone with no distractions..he’d come clean! Downing the remainder of that liquid courage, Kyojuro took a giant gulp before turning to you and uttering:
“M-my type…is you, Miss (y/n).” And at that exact moment, your eyes went wide as two half dollars..making you audibly gasp. You honestly couldn’t believe it. Your staff had been saying for months that you were the sole object of his affection but you paid them no mind. The signs were there though and you chose to ignore them. However, neither of you could run from the truth now. He was going to lay it all out and whatever the consequences were that followed, then he’d deal with it but he had to let you know exactly how he felt about you. Scooting closer, he’d place a hand on your thigh and stare you dead into your eyes. He couldn’t be scared anymore. He remembered all of the pep talks his friends gave him about showing a woman he wasn’t afraid. Regardless of how intimidated he was..he had to lay it all out. “I’ve been stuck on you since the day we first met..you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on. The way you run this place with so much compassion and care. You even took me in here, knowing it could get you in serious trouble. The way you treat everybody with respect. Even when you’re mad, you never degrade your staff and you’re always looking out for everyone else. You always look so gorgeous, whether it’s in that uniform or like now…you’re so perfect and I know, I don’t stand a snowball’s chance in hell with a woman like you but I just know I’d treat you right if you let—
it was in the midst of his tangent that you found yourself unable to take it. Never had a man spoken about you in such a way and you couldn’t let him think for another second that he didn’t deserve you. So as he rambled on, you’d cusp Kyo’s chin and pull him towards you in a deep, searing kiss. Shoving your tongue into his mouth and all..cupping the sides of his face as you made out. Moaning against his lips and all. It wasn’t until he was practically on top of you did it come to a halt. “Miss (y/n)…”
But you were in no mood to talk. You wanted him. You wanted him to prove right then and there, just how badly he wanted you! After that, it was obvious how both of you felt. There was no need for a lot of words to be exchanged. Your body languages told it all..the tension surging through both of you had reached its boiling point and you couldn’t take it. So the two of you would lie right there on that couch together, arms cradled around his back and legs parted as they coiled his waist. Things were getting hot and heavy; the storm served as a perfect background to this moment and before long, the two of you were working each other out of your clothes. Whether this was a direct result of the liquor or just the desire that had been burning for months, you didn’t want it to stop and rather, fanned the flames! Running your hand up that chiseled back, raising the hem of that shirt, you’d press your hands to his bare skin..soaking him in. It had been quite a while since you had physical contact with someone like this. Your ex was sort of a bore so you hoped that he wouldn’t disappoint. So far, you seem not to have that problem. Smacking your lips together; sensual, slow pecks being exchanged..trails of saliva pooling from each of your mouths as your tongues danced and twirled around. When your eyes finally met, they were sated with lust. Practically pooling over and it was obvious what both of you wanted.
“You’re so gorgeous..I just can’t—I knew you were so damn fine under that uniform.”
the words spilling from your mouths along with sharp breaths. There was no question of how either of you felt..it was written all over your faces and embedded in your body language. Without so much as a second thought, you’d begin to strip each other of your clothing; your fingertips raising the hem of his borrowed t-shirt and his sliding the top of your strapless sundress down..allowing it to pool and ruffle around your tummy. Your perfectly round, supple tits spilling out and eliciting pure excitement on Kyo’s face. A living, breathing goddess right here underneath him? He couldn’t even fathom the thought of that. But as he snapped back into reality, he’d make his next move..honing in on your delectable breasts and massaging those erect nipples between his thumbs. “Do you know how long I’ve wanted you?…sometimes, I wondered if you’d even notice me..” confessing as he bent down to gently flick his tongue around those puffy, brown buds. Suckling at them amid his speech. He’d go on to dote on your entire being..saying how beautiful you were, how sexy that body was and what he wanted to do; running his hands along the curvature of your hips. The warmth of his breath and bodily fluids coating your areolae and little did he know it was all turning you on. “But I swear I’ll make sure you never forget when I’m done.” However, he’d soon make it his mission to find out just how much when that free hand snaked upward to the inner corner of your right thigh before parting it from your left and he’d tease around that sopping cunt. Shocked that there was no trace of any panties but pleased about it nonetheless. Whilst still tending to your ample tits, he’d start to rub on that juicy little slit. Starting from the mound until he parted those plump lips and made contact with your clit, which was sensitive to the touch.
“Sundress…no panties on…it’s like you know my weakness.”
“Well you have it now…show me you know what to do with me. We have all night.”
and with that declaration, he still wasted no time in proving himself to be a formidable lover for his longtime crush. He wanted to be certain that from this point forward, you’d think of him at every opportunity..that he’d be on your mind the way you resided on his. Dreaming of the moments you could be reunited again. He wanted you to imagine doing all those dirty things in his absence until he could bring them to fruition once more. Alas, he’d begin to shuffle downward..reluctantly detaching his lips from your breasts before placing soft kisses across the lower part of your belly. That freshly waxed mound was laden with slick, as was your slit but he had plans to get it all much wetter than that. Those few fingers that had been lying dormant there, he’d suddenly moved inside of that tight entrance, which had been spasming on nothing more than air, waiting to be filled. Now having adjusted himself flat on to the couch, legs propped on the arm, Kyojuro would begin to eat you out. Nose stuffed deep between the folds of that cunt, throbbing as he flicked his tongue around and fucked you with his fingers. The divine sweetness of your nectar had him reeling..hooked on that scent and flavor only a few minutes in. He couldn’t stop drinking it even if he tried. You’d find yourself clawing at the leather cushions before eventually tangling your fingers through his hair and bucking yourself against his tongue. Lapping up those juices as they fell and slathered his chin. Covering the corners of his mouth and setting freshly on his taste buds..he couldn’t get enough and when you began to cream on those digits, he was practically feral.
“Ahh! Fuck…Kyo..you’re gonna make me come, baby! Don’t stop, please..”
never in his life had he heard a woman utter those words so sweetly. Begging him to please you and he was happy to serve. He derived his pleasure from seeing you obtain yours..so much so, that when you neared your peak, he’d reach down and start stroking himself to the sounds of your moans. All he could drum up were muffled grunts and sloppy lapping noises but you were using him as you saw fit and he would let you ride that face until you reached bliss. “Are you going to come, sweetheart? For me?” Just then, those light hazel eyes met your gaze and he’d smirk before spitting down onto those folds and sucking your clit as if it were the sweetest piece of candy he’d ever tasted. At the moment, you could do nothing more than gasp and let out loud cries, gasping for air and grasping for stability. No man had ever eaten your pussy like this..and you were certain they would never come close!
“Then come in my mouth..don’t hold back either.”
just then, you’d feel that impending pressure that had swelled in the out of your stomach come billowing out after he pressed a hand to your stomach and pumped those fingers. “Oh God!” You’d begin to shake and tremble, flailing around on that sofa as you flooded his mouth with your squirt. Having been the first time he’d ever made a woman do that, he was excited..he couldn’t believe you’d made such a mess! “Damn! Are you okay?” he’d blurt out, only to be pulled into yet another burning kiss by you, as you were now hooked on him!
“Fuck me…”
“Don’t have to tell me twice..”
uttering the two words through breathy moans. It was obvious that you were not much in the way of waiting and he had no plans to keep you in that state. So in swift fashion, Kyo readjusted the both of you, pinning your legs back and spreading them wide open. Those thick thighs being met with the soft kneading of his palms and a string of his spit onto your folds. After that, he’d start to ease that shaft across them, sweet talking and guiding you through it. And in a matter of moments…
“Oh shit.” Collectively escaped your mouths when he slid in. The reaction hit the two of you at the same time. It was a sensation unlike any he had ever felt before; he wasn’t a virgin by any means but being with you made him feel like it was his first time. Wet, warm and so damn tight..he couldn’t take it. In fact, he’d have to place a hand to the arm of the couch behind you just to gather his bearings. In return, you’d wrap your legs around his waist and allow him to press his entire body weight against your frame. He wasn’t to be undone though..that thick length had you clawing at his arm without so much as a single thrust. You couldn’t wait for him to stretch you out.. “…are you okay? Can I start moving?” To which you’d respond with a nod and beg for him to go; as you couldn’t take him sitting still any longer. With limbs and bodies intertwined, Kyo began to buck his hips forward and fuck you the way you deserved. The way he had so long craved to do..dreaming of the two of you being together, coming home after a long day’s work. Both of you spent but somehow, he’d find the strength to run you a warm bath, give you a massage and then make passionate love to you underneath flickering candlelight. Although it wasn’t that exact situation, this was more than enough for him. Especially when he’d begin to speed up and you’d dig your nails into his back, begging for more. “You feel so good, miss (y/n). Oh God, you’re perfect. Everything about you is..” as he’d continue feeding you those deep strokes, you’d begin to cream all over his shaft, making a mess of him and the couch. But it wasn’t just the movements that had you so aroused. It was the intense stare..the way he spoke life into you; telling you how pretty you were and how amazing you felt. How blessed he was to have the opportunity to be with you….all of it was so affirming and such a turn on. It was the sensual kisses that had your tongues intertwined and pressed deep within your mouths. You had never felt so safe during sex. Despite the ironic circumstances. Clawing your nails into his back, (y/n) coiled a hand around the back of his neck and mumbled into his ear.
“Don’t stop, Kyo. Please, baby. Keep going..”
“I’ll do whatever you want, sweetheart…’is y—your dick now. All yours..”
something about hearing those words reassured you. You knew he wasn’t bluffing about his feelings. That he truly did want you. Eventually, those thrusts increased to a speed where he was hitting your exact spot; breaking through those sensitive bundles of nerves. Unable to keep your legs parted, Kyo took the liberty of pinning them backwards for himself and folding you up. “That’s it..right there! You’re hitting my fucking spot….fucking this pussy s’ good!” When you’d release that loud cry and then proceed to rub on your clit, you could feel him twitching inside of you. That’s when he’d really get into it; doubling over you with the rhythm of his hips swaying in a fluid motion. You’d press at his abs but he’d gently swipe them out of the way, really getting into it. It was insane how intense it was! He was like a man on a mission..a mission to prove he was the only one you needed. Leaving you to pose the question: “Oh my—shit! Why are you fucking me like this? Oh my God!” With that sundress pulled up around your waist, he’d shuffle it to expose the bottom half of your stomach and the bulging in the pit of it. Something about putting it in your stomach on the first try was so satisfying to him. “You take me so good, baby. You take this dick so nice, I can’t help but want to give you all of it.” Marking your forehead with a kiss as he brushed your hairline with his palm. Afraid that if he looked you in the eye, he’d bust right then and there. Instead, he’d toss his head back and keep going. Swirling his thumb over your sensitive bud until eventually, you’d find yourself profusely shaking and clawing at him. Tapping out essentially…because as he realized it, you were only mere seconds from climaxing! “Right there, right there!” Repeating the words in a rapid cadence as he pounded your pussy. “Come for me, beautiful! Let it go, let me have it, please.” And on that declaration, you’d allow your body to go limp and every bit of your juices to spray his impeccable, chiseled abs. You’d wet him up and needless to say, he wasn’t going anywhere after that display of waterworks! Making a woman squirt and at that caliber, he couldn’t believe it. Still pulsating as you spasmed on air, you wanted your turn to please him. So as your legs wobbled uncontrollably, he’d tap that cock against your folds to drum out the remainder and smack the back of your thighs to quell you. “Fuck..that was beautiful.” But you were determined to evoke the same reaction from him. Glaring at him with your lip tucked between your teeth, you’d reach to rub on him. “Something you want, miss (y/n)? What’s on your mind?” And you’d make it very obvious..
“Let me suck that dick..clean you off a little.” Revealing with your palm gently clutching his shaft..he was sensitive so you’d probably make him come with only a few gentle licks but you still wanted to return the favor for all of the pleasure he had given you. Helping you onto the floor, he’d sprawl his legs out and allow you to move in between his legs. He didn’t need to tell you what to do or guide you along. Instead, he’d stretch his arms out to the back of the couch and let you do your thing. Placing your hands onto his thighs, you’d flick your tongue up and down his tip, popping it in and out of your mouth. Soon, you’d have the entirety of his cock drenched in your saliva. Along with your pretty face; not giving a damn how sloppy you got. Kyo had, beyond the shadow of a doubt, never felt this good before in his life. The way you so delicately sucked and slurped on his shaft…looking into his eyes as you did so. Cradling his balls into your palms and gently squeezing for a little more sensation. He could barely contain himself! It certainly didn’t help matters any when you began to shake your ass while doing so..barely peeking out from underneath that hem. Fortunately, you’d help him reach his peak soon enough when you began jerking him off and engulfing his sack with your entire mouth. Alternating between the two; deep throating him one moment and massaging him the next. You could tell just by the way he twitched in the back of your throat that he was close. And if that wasn’t sufficient enough, his grunts and sharp breathing signified it all.
“Gonna come—fuck!” You didn’t say a word, only proceeding to suck him dry and before long, he had spurted all over your face and tits..coating both in the warm pearlescent cream. He couldn’t believe that he had released or had that much housed inside of him. It had been quite a while since he’d been with anyone so he really couldn’t help himself. But before he could apologize for defiling your features , he’d see a smile creep across your face. Even licking the remnants of him from your lips. “Tastes good.” And he knew from that moment on, he’d never find another woman quite like you! “Come here.” Pulling you up with a hand coiling your throat, your lips would connect for yet another kiss and deeply at that. You both still had a little left in the tank, even after going hot and heavy for a while now. But he had to see that ass in action…and he could tell that you were still hungry for more. Which may have been due in part to the alcohol in your system..wine tended to have that effect. So he’d promptly get you back onto the couch where he positioned you on all fours, putting that ass straight in the air with your back arched. Still stroking that sensitive member, Kyojuro made a wild request of you and you’d happily oblige. “Put your ass in my face, baby. Bounce it for me.” You knew he was quirky and strange sometimes but a freak too? You were going to have to keep him around. But even so, you’d allow him to bury both his tongue and face in between your backside as you clapped those cheeks against him. Releasing a loud gasp and whimper when you felt that tongue delving between your folds again and momentarily around your puckering hole. “Mmmphm! Fuck..that feels so good.” You couldn’t tell if it were the liquor or just how he got down, but either way, you were two seconds from falling in love. Giving you two heavy handed slaps on your bottom, he’d retract and instantly tug you back by the waist as he eased back in. Squelching noises arising throughout the room, soon followed by the sounds of clapping flesh. He didn’t even bother to take things slow. You were acclimated to his shape and it was obvious you were far past the point of not knowing each other's bodies. At the risk of not wanting to mess with your hair, he’d opt for your throat instead and begin to drill you from behind. Fingers clutched around that esophagus as you begged for more. “Fuck me, Kyo! Keep fucking me just like that!..” “Yeah? Like that, baby?” Both of your teeth gritted in pure ecstasy. In and out of that now sore cunt at rapid speed, you’d begin to feel him press into the pit of your stomach..leaving you completely unraveled. Tapping on the couch arm, you’d end up collapsing flat onto the sofa, where he’d resume the rest of those backshots with a hand placed into the small of your back and in a plank-like position. This man was going to be the death of you! But it would seem that he too was on his last leg and not before long, you’d hear the sound of him inhaling. He was reaching his limit as were you so you’d make the decision to come together. “Same time, okay?” “Okay!” Reaching that consensus, he’d desperately count down from three and when he reached the final number, it was as if something inside of you both just cracked…that final orgasm hitting you both like a freight train. For a moment, you couldn’t hear or see a thing. Just pure silence and blackness before coming back to. Pulling out just in the nick of time, he’d splatter your back with his last nut. Completely spent and worn out, (y/n) and Kyo fell lazily into one another’s arms and into more intimate kissing. You could stare into those eyes forever and he felt the same. The realization of what had transpired sank in and the two of you just began laughing.
“You know, you really are something else, miss (y/n)..” “I could say the same for you, Mr. Kyo.” Knowing that if anyone were to catch you right now, it might result in a bit of trouble. But as the storm raged outside and the power still hadn’t returned, it was apparent that wasn’t going to happen any time soon. So instead, you’d lie in each other's arms and try to come down from those highs. He’d gently and lovingly stroke your face, as if you were the most beautiful thing he’d ever spotted. “You know, I gotta be honest…I didn’t think you’d like me, miss (y/n). Girls like you? Way out of my league. To which you’d merely giggle and place another kiss atop his cheek. This man had no idea just how attractive he was. “You should have more faith in yourself, Kyo. Because you just so happen to be my type too, sweetheart.” Bopping the tip of his nose, which made him light up with excitement. It was safe to say that he’d be making many more stops at this old fast food joint. Whether it was work related or other, he’d be up for whatever was being served.
as long as you were on the menu.
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killabratzzcherri · 2 years
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: ̗̀➛𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐓𝐞𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬* ˚ ✦
┊┊❁ཻུ۪۪♡ ͎. 。˚ — even someone as strong and cheerful as rengoku needs someone to help keep him grounded. [ inc. a short drabble, mild angst, kyojuro rengoku, mean reader, i’m not kidding she’s really mean in this but only during sex, reader is black, racism? don’t know her, established relationship, rough sex, handjob, humiliation, degradation, reader slaps him once in the beginning, sub!rengoku, dom!reader ]
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From first glance, people always thought you and Rengoku were a unusual couple. From his bright and caring nature to your dark and quiet one. However, you complimented each other nicely and one could see that your supposed condescending look was just you default expression. Even though Rengoku tried to keep you from the demon slayer world, you were known to not be trifled with. Not because you were dating Rengoku, but because you had quite the mean streak. From verbal to physical, you always tore people who tested your patience a new one.
So you were by no means weak, you were even approved by Uzui. To which you promptly glared at him for, because you didn’t want or need his approval, which made you gain the approval of Sanemi.
You both loved each other, and were quite the power couple, but even Rengoku could reach his limits at times.
It was after a particularly rough mission that had him down. You were waiting for him to return home after days of being gone. You were fine with this as you knew is was apart of his job and that he was saving lives. You were in the living room and reading one of your favorite books when you heard the sliding door open. You went to go and excitedly greet him, well as excited as your face would allow to show, at him the door. You expected to see his usual smiling face; however, what awaited you was a man who looked so broken.
Concerned for his well-being, you rushed towards him. His eyes looked distant and dull, very different from the man you fell in love with. You held his head in your hands and questioned, “my love, what is wrong? Are you okay?” you looked over his body, checking for any visible wounds. When you were sure that he was physically okay, you looked back at his face and studied his expression. From his sullen expression and clenched jaw, you knew that he was that his most recent mission left him mentally hurt.
“I fucked up the mission. There was this mother and daughter, if I had just acted quicker then I would’ve been able to save the mother. She protected her daughter from the demon and acted as a human shield. The girls screams were so haunting Y/n. She was screaming for her mom to wake up and I couldn’t do anything,” Rengoku lamented.
You ran your fingers through his hair, “it is not your fault love, an important part of being a demon slayer is knowing that you can not save everyone. It is a sad truth,” you tried to comfort. He instead removed himself from your hold and angrily removed his sandals.
“Kyojuro.” You tried to reach for him again but he brushed you off, “I am trying to help you-”.
“I do not want your pity,” he interrupted in a fit of frustration. Your eyes narrowed at him, not liking his new attitude towards you. He made his way to the bedroom in powerful strides, you followed closely behind him. You caught up to him and blocked his path into the bedroom. Sending a stern glare at him, “then what is it that you want?” you asked. Rengoku rarely got this upset and you genuinely didn’t know how to help him.
The look he gave you was one full of sadness and shame, it hurt your heart to see him in such a state. “I am ashamed of myself,” Rengoku replied. He stepped closer to your form, really showing the size difference between you two. “I want you to make me feel it.”
You understood. You took a deep breath and nodded your head, “alright, go wait in the bedroom, and I’ll be there in a minute,” you said before moving from the path into the room.
Rengoku walked passed you without another word and disappeared into your guys room. You took a moment to clean up. Putting your book back on the bookshelf, and got a drink of water. You stopped in the hallway to look in the decorative mirror, pulling your hair into a ponytail. You’d need it out of the way.
You entered your shared bedroom and found Rengoku pacing the foot of the futon, face scrunched in a disgruntled expression. You moved to stand in front of him. “You’ll tell me if it’s too much, right?” you asked.
“Yes,” Rengoku replied quickly. You stayed quiet, letting him sit in his irrigation. “You are sure-”
“Yes, Y/n, I am-”
A harsh slap hit across his face in a quick fashion. You slapped him hard enough to make his head turn, you flexed your hand to relieve the stinging, watching Rengoku’s eyes go wide from the sudden hit and your seemingly uncaring expression. Rengoku is bigger and stronger than you by a long-shot, but if you had the element of surprise he was easy to throw and hit around in these situations.
“I will ask again. Are you sure this is what you want?”
“Yes,” Rengoku muttered out. “Good,” you turned on your heel before sitting and rested on the mattress beside him. “Strip.”
Rengoku hurriedly stripped himself bare. Everything on full view, especially his standing erection. You on the other hand, loosened the ribbon that held your kimono together and let it fall down your shoulders. Exposing your cleavage and broadening the view of your legs. If Rengoku wanted to do it this way, he’d have to wait before he got to see your body.
“Lie on your back,” you instructed, climbing over top of him when he did. You could feel Rengoku’s erection against your thigh. “You’re hard already? You just got home so that means you have been thinking about this since your journey home,” Rengoku turned his head, trying to hide his reddening face in the pillow. You grabbed his chin roughly and forced him to look at you.
“Who gave you permission to look away? You have been very bad recently, why should I reward you with the privilege to fuck me?” you rolled your hips, rubbing against his throbbing cock. He whined in response, bucking his hips to gain more friction. The action making you sneer at him.
“Fucking pathetic. In the end you are nothing more than a filthy animal in heat,” you reached down and grabbed his cock, giving it a firm squeeze. He gasped at the feeling and rut into your hand. You moved at a slow pace, using his precum as lube and moving your hand in a circular up and down motion. Purposely moving in an agonizing pace, and every time he would move his hips and make you move faster, you would give him a tight squeeze and move even slower. Tears gathered in the corner of his eyes, silently begging for you to let him cum as he could feel he was finally close.
You’ve been married to Rengoku for years now, so you’ve had plenty of times to know the signs of when he is about to cum. Just as he was on the brink of climax, you stopped your movements. He looked at you with such want that a sense of adrenaline rushed through you. He let out a heavy whimper of your name that has your cunt throbbing.
“Are you really that desperate?” Rengoku’s eyes snapped back into focus. He opened his mouth to protest, but you chose that moment to give the final squeeze on his balls mercilessly. The only sound that left his throat was a loud moan as semen spurt out of his cock and his hips spasmed.
During all this, you simply smiled. A cold, cruel, and condescending smile. “Pathetic.”
“Please,” Rengoku whined, just coming down from his high, his voice so much breathier and weak than the last time he spoke. “Please fuck me.” You gave in after taking in the beautiful image of a messed up man. Rengoku had no business looking as good as he did begging. However, you still wanted to mess with him a little.
You both have only been at this for 10 minutes and he’s already fallen under, looking wrecked and ruined. This whole set up is mostly your thing, not Rengoku’s. The humiliation, the roughness. But that didn’t mean he didn’t enjoy it. Matter of fact, Rengoku was quick to accept it, it wasn’t like you couldn’t get off to regular sex, it was just a good stress reliever for both of you.
You sat up straight and took a moment to admire the man under you. You ran your hands along his tainted torso, tracing the bruises on his pecs and stomach. Trying to distinguish which ones were made by your mouth the last time y’all did this or from his recent battle. The faded bite marks you knew were your doing.
You leaned down and pressed your upper body against his, arching your back and aligning his already hard cock with your wet cunt. You buried your face in the crook of his neck, inhaling his musky scent. Licking and grazing your teeth along his neck, your close hot breath sent shivers down his spine and to his cock. You chuckled at his reaction.
“You like that, don’t you?” you asked. Rengoku didn’t speak, but the answer was clear from his pulsating cock throbbing against you, and his unfocused eyes. “You do like it.” You leaned down to whisper in his ear. “You’re actually enjoying this. That’s pretty fucked up, Kyojuro.” Rengoku groaned. You laughed again at his disability to form a coherent sentence.
After placing a final kiss on his neck, you moved up to look at him face-to-face and once again wrapped your hand around his throat. His eyes widened at the action as you squeezed just a little harder than the first time. “You want me to fuck you right?” he nodded weakly, his airflow slightly restricted.
“Well here’s what I want. I want to hear you scream,” you dragged out, slowly caressing his chest and talking as if it any normal conversation. “I want you to cry, sob, and beg for me to stop.”
At the end of your words, you sat up straight once more, removing your hand from his throat, and positioned his cock at your entrance. Rengoku’s eyes widened again as he tried to stop you. You had not prepared yourself to take his cock yet and you knew he was sensitive to your warm, tight walls.
“Y/n…” He pleads, hands trying to grip your waist to stop you from entering. “Y/n… please don’t! Yo-you’re to fuckin.. hng-” Tears streaming down his face, eyes wide and pleading. “You are to tight!”
“I don’t recall asking for your opinion Kyojuro. I am giving you what you wanted and you will take what I give you. Besides, look how hard you are, your cock is begging for me, and you mean to tell me I won’t fit?” The horrible mocking tone of your voice makes him whine.
Rengoku looks at your thighs split open wide around his hips so you can rub the length of his cock through your slit. You drag the fat head from your clenching hole to your clit, the sensation running through your veins. “I am gonna make it fit sweetheart, gonna force your filthy dick into me and you are gonna fill me up.”
“Is too tight!” He wails, blinking back more tears. “‘to tight, Y/n. It won’t fit.”
You snarl, “it is not too tight, you’ve fucked it before, haven’t you? Fucked yourself stupid from my cunt until you have creamed all over it like a dog in heat. It is not to tight–” You thrust your hips backwards, finally getting his cock to enter you and bottom out. “There you go~ see, it wasn’t that hard.” You cooed, trying to hide your own pleasure this brought you, even if it was painful to force him inside you without prep.
The pleasure was to great as he came the moment you bottom out. You could feel his hot seed fill your cunt and the feeling almost made you double over. Instead, you dug your nails into the skin of his thighs and glared down at him. “Fucking hell, are you that pathetic to cum just from entering me? Disgusting,” you spat.
More tears flowed down his face from your harsh words and the overwhelming sensation coursing through his body. Leaning over, you lick the tears from his cheeks, "Stupid fucking dog, can't even take me without crying about it."
You grab him by the hair and pull him to an upright position, he groaned from the pain as you rolled your hips, getting yourself ready. From the start, you set a rough and fast pace, bouncing on his cock vigorously. His vision going black with every bounce, he tried to thrust into you but you dug your nails into him with a sharp glare. He was mesmerized by the way your breasts spilled out of your kimono and bounced with your body, it was frustrating for him not to be able to touch you. He loved that even if you said all those mean things about him, your face still contorted with pleasure from riding him and the quiet little moans that you let out.
Rengoku was brought out of his dazed state when your hand comes back around his neck, your other harshly rubbing at your slick and swollen clit. Still continuing with your rough pace, your starting to reach your climax and was focused on attaining that bliss. When he tries to twist away, the sensation almost too much for him to handle, you tighten your grip around his neck to make him stop moving.
“Stop fucking squirming you worm, take what I give you and stop acting like a fucking bitch about,” you growl in his ear before biting down on his shoulder and drawing blood. The spike of pain sends him hurtling off the edge, spasming in your tight grip as he whimpers your name over and over, the orgasm stronger than any he can remember. You could feel his hot semen spurt into your cunt, the final piece that helped you attain your climax. The pleasure making you arch your body into his and unconsciously flex your fingers around his throat.
You both sat there for a minute, a small show of mercy as you allow him to come down from his high. Slowly lifting yourself of his cock, the feeling of emptiness as his cum spilled out of your cunt nagged you to put him back inside you. To forget this whole charade and ride him til you were stupid. But now was not the time and you had a husband to comfort.
You moved to lay beside him and looked at his disheveled form. While you know you should be moving to help him, you wanted to take a moment and really admire your work. From his sweaty body that made his hair stick to his face to his unfocused eyes that showed he was still stuck in that submissive state.
Your favorite thing to admire was the artwork you created on his body, the rising bruise around his neck, the already formed ones around his torso and pelvis. Others would frown upon this whether they knew it was consensual, they either thought that the woman should be in that position or that you were an abusive woman. But it was neither and you both loved to admire the work you did on his body and it wasn’t like he didn’t give you some of your very own to look at, seeing as he could be equally as rough as you if the situation arises.
The moment was cut short when you noticed Rengoku shaking, letting out a choked sob. A quiet “shit” slipped out of your mouth as quickly took a piece of his uniform and cleaned you both up, it was fine since you would have to wash his uniform anyways. You were also mindful of his bruised and sore body along with his sensitive cock. After quickly doing that, you climbed back into bed with him. He was full on crying now, letting out loud sobs that broke your heart with every cry.
“I’m sorry, was I to rough? I didn’t mean to hurt you so much” You apologized.
Rengoku shook his head as he sniffles, “no no, it was good, wonderful even” he assured.
You looked at him with sad and sympathetic eyes, you hated that your strong husband could be reduced to this sobbing and broken mess that was totally different from his regular demeanor. This only made you hate demons more as they were the sole cause for your husband’s sadness. You also didn’t like that he had to put up a front with the other demon slayers as this strong man who was also smiling in the face of danger. When I’m reality, he was just as scared as the next guy.
“Do you want me to get you water or anything?” You asked. Rengoku shook his head, “no, just… stay with me, please?” he asked as if there was even a possibility that you would leave him.
“Of course,” you replied. You embraced him in comforting hug, placing his head near your chest and kissed to top of his head. “I love you” you said.
“I love you too”
The rest of the night flowed by as you comforted Rengoku as he cried into your chest, mourning the loss of the little girls mother and others he failed to save. He fell asleep to the nice sensation of your fingers running through his hair as you whispered your true thoughts about him. About how wonderful a person he was, how powerful and amazing he was, how smart he was, about how much you loved him and meant the world to you, that if he put his mind to something he could do it, how today was a minor setback in the big picture of saving humanity from demons.
It was only when you heard a soft snore that you finally let silent tears stream down your eyes. Feeling Rengoku’s sadness as your own. Despite your tears, you smiled and closed your eyes, following your husband into the dream world. Happy that you were able to provide him some type of solace.
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sunshineman2-0 · 2 years
Art Teacher! Reader x Math Teacher! Sanemi Shinazugawa (X Science Teacher! Kyojuro Rengoku)
Tw: Shinjuro being a jerk, more of Shinjuro being that of a black father (personal experience thank you, o its pretty accurate), cursing, me being a lame ass... (you'll see what I mean...)
Reader is black female
Modern AU
Uh... this is turning into a Sanemi x Reader x Kyojuro thing... You know who you are... But thank you for that comment
Any flashback, or P.O.V changes are obvious (to me at least), but if not let me know and I'll fix it so it is...
Chapter 3: Baby Steps... Or Quantam Leaps
Sanemi stood in his kitchen, rubbing his eyes, pressing thr button on the electric kettle... Just boiling water for his peach tea... Genya was eating cereal, eyeballing the box. Avoiding eye contact with his older brother... Some rumors had been going around the school for the past few weeks.
"Are you dating her?"
Genya blurted out, cringing at the look his brother gave him. The younger Shinazugawa could always bare his brothers looks, but certian subjects required him to only do what he just did... Which was just to say what was on his mind. Sanemi was quiet... But still wore a look of "You got some damn nerve", though he didn't say it...
Genya looked at Sanemi. Who had suddenly gotten all interested in his electronic kettle.
"You can't lie, and I've heard all the rumors... All of the other teachers thought that Rengo-"
A glass shattered, and a low growl emanated from by the sink... Genya closed his eyes, trying to ignore the irritation flowing off his brother...
"Who did you hear that from?"
"Just some of the other students... They..."
Wiping down the counter and cleaning up the class, Sanemi rinsed his hand and wiped it, turning to his brother.
"She and I... We aren't dating..."
You sighed, poking your sandwich, then looking up at the cafeteria. None of the rowdy children where at this lunch period. Kyojuro sat next to you, alert as usual. You blinked at him, how does he keep that smile on his face? The pair of you shared this lunch block, the pair of teachers that were in charge, often switching every week. Apparently you were staring at him, he frowned a bit as he looked at you.
"Miss (L/N)? Are you not hungry?"
He was always kind enough to let you eat first. You huffed and shook your head,
"Not really... Tell me. What are you and Mr Uzui up to?"
Kyojuro laughed, hard. It made you pout at him and take a bite out of your sandwich.
"Tengen and I aren't up to anything!"
You'd been at the school a few weeks, not alot of the other teachers were easy to read... But Kyojuro wore his heart on his sleeve. And now he was sweating. Given the man was a fucking furnace, but he never, ever sweated like this.
He smiled broader, if possible.
"Rengoku, talk."
He was shaking like a leaf in the wind.
"Kyojuro Rengoku. If you don't talk I know your little brother, Senjuro will."
The sweet boy seemed to have a soft spot for the newest art Teacher. He was always staying late and trying to help her out. Kyojuro frowned at whatever thought was going on in that empty head of his. You huffed again and pinched his arm.
Kyojuro let out a whimper, and rubbed his arm. It didn't hurt, he had too much muscle for it to hurt, but it did get his attention back to you.
"Are you gonna talk?"
He shook his head at you, as the bell for the next block started. Standing up and making a bee-line for the double doors, Kyojuro was gone before you could pester him more. You wrapped up the left over sandwich and helped herd the children back to their classes. After shutting your door, you took a look at your class. Senjuro was going to be in the next period. You nodded, starting the lesson for the day.
Senjuro stepped into your classroom bright-eyed and happy to see you! Art was one of his favorite subjects! Well aside from Japanese and English. He wanted to be a teacher after all. A future scholar. He set his books and other supplies down, when you approached him, he gave you a sweet, innocent smile. But you had this look of determination on your face... And it made him a little nervous.
"Senjuro. Do you know what your brother and Mr Uzui are planning?"
Senjuro frowned at this... He remembered Kyojuro and his father talking about you...
"Ah, I dont know if Mr Uzui is planning anything with my brother but he and Father were speaking last night. Something about you..."
Kyojuro sat next to Shinjuro, who wasn't drunk... yet.
"What boy?"
"Did you have any competition when you wanted to court my mother?"
Shinjuro blinked and shook his head.
"Nope. I wasn't always like I am now... But when it came to your mother... She... I was..."
He grew quiet for a moment, then fixed his eldest son with a squint,
"Why are you askin? You got someone you like?"
He never figured his son, to be attracted- well at least not to women. He didn't have a problem with it... And it seemed like he spent all his time with that flashy man... What's his name? Didn't matter, Shinjuro was more concerned with who his son was interested in...
".... She's... She's the new art teacher..."
She? SHE? OK!
Shinjuro set his sake aside and smiled. It was the first time he'd seen Kyojuro nervous.
Not when he graduated, and didn't know what to do.
Not when he left the country, to go backpacking with that flashy man.
Not when he returned home, and went back to collage, graduated from that, became a teacher, had to break up a school fight his first day, and got clocked because of the fight.
This... This was different. Shinjuro crossed his arms. Prompting his eldest son to talk about her. Kyojuro licked his lips... Hesitant to have this kind of talk, for once, with his father...
"She... I..."
Kyojuro's eyes met his father's.
"She sets my heart ablaze."
Senjuro shook his head.
"But I was too drozy to remember, I'm sorry, Miss (L/N)."
You patted the boy in the head. Sighing, of course Senjuro wouldn't give out his brother... But it wasn't his fault, school was coming to the middle of the year and everyone including the teachers, were ready for the break coming up... As the other students poured in, Sanemi followed the last student inside. He took a seat towards the back, giving every student a glare. Then looked at you, waving his hand and crossing his arms.
You nodded at him, choosing to ignore his presence for now, you started to write.
"I hope everyone remembers the last class. Because now we'll be studying a little bit of Modern Art."
Pulling down the projector and booting up your computer, you started to show different examples of Modern Art, asking the class which artist had photographed, or painted each work.
This continued for the next ten minutes. After closing it down, you asked every to open their books, finishing reading the current section on Van Gogh. Once you started to take out some supplies for them to begin painting with, Sanemi stood up and started to help you pass things out...
It was odd, but most welcome, as the students started to finish the reading portion. You gave the math teacher a small thank you smile, which he didn't return, but he nodded instead to you. Every so often he'd pass by you, bumping into you with his shoulder. It was a soft lil bump, and he ment no harm...
This was Tengen's fucking idea... Sanemi wanted to slap himself in the face...
"Listen to me!" He said, "Its a good idea!"
Ugh... Sanemi should've just let his little brother tell him what to do... And here as of lately, Kyojuro had been avoiding him. Not even accompanying the loud, flashy idiot... It was weird, but Sanemi had a few problems of his own to deal with... Class ended too fast, he didn't even have time to notice you packing up. Once he did, he saw the younger Rengoku talking to you... So he decided to stay put...
"And I hope you can pass your test next week Senjuro!"
You giggled at the boy, patting him on the head, and turning back to your desk. As if some kind of shit magic, Kyojuro walked into the room.
"Senjuro, are you ready to go? I'm a bit hungry so-"
He paused, looking Sanemi in the eyes. His eyes didn't have that usual blankness to them... There was a quiet challenge, it made Sanemi pissed.
Was he challenging him over her?
(Y/N) was ignoring the pair, her attention still on Senjuro, who had grown quiet, and was looking from one male to the other.... Genya poked his head through the door,
"Brother? Are- oh! Miss (L/N)! Do you need some help?"
You were heaving a box in your arms, some papers from earlier in the week you hadn't gotten to grade.
"Ah no im-"
Both men moved towards you to help, but you turned your back to them, almost snarling at them. Instead, Senjuro stepped to your side, gently taking the box from you.
"I've got it! I don't mind helping!"
You smiled at the boy and then gave to two other teachers a glare. Sanemi jabbed a thumb at Kyojuro. Then glared back at you. Kyojuro only hung his head a bit before, cracking a smile at you again.
"I'll help walk you to your car then!"
Pushing Sanemi back with a shoulder, he moved to your side. Sanemi moved back, and stalked to the door, snatching Genya up. Now dragging his sibling into his classroom. Angrily throwing things into his bag, he looked up when Tengen pranced into the room, with his hood down.
"How'd it go?! Did you feel her up?"
Sanemi wheezed, he was so pissed off he couldn't speak!
"Uh.. I dont think so. But Senjuro and Mr Rengoku are walking Miss (L/N) to her car now..."
Genya spoke up as his brother caught his breath.
He stopped himself, trying to compose himself.
"I was going to help, but your best friend came out of nowhere. What the hell?"
Tengen just cocked his head.
Tengen and his wives knocked at the Rengoku residence. He was going to get to the bottom of this. Why was his best friend acting so weird?
"Who is it?! Damn it. I'm trying to eat dinner... if it's one of those newspaper people I'm beatin his ass!"
Tengen rolled his eyes at his wives, Hinatsuru shrugged at him, Suma hid behind him, and Makio crossed her arms. Shinjuro opened the door and frowned deeper than usual.
"Great. It's you. What do you want?"
Tengen pushed past the older male, and into the house.
"I want to speak to Kyojuro. I need to know what his problem is. He's been acting odd...."
Shinjuro just moved to the side. And slammed the door shut. He locked it and waved the guests towards the dining room.
"Kyojuro. Your loud ass friend is here. Mutherfucker, call next time. I dont like people coming here unannounced."
Kyojuro smiled as his friend entered the room, taking a seat next to him.
"Tengen! How-"
"No! No formalities! What the hell is your problem!? I'm trying-"
Senjuro timidly set the table for their guests and Tengen quieted down, as to not to spook the boy in his own home.
"Im trying to set that asshole up! And your ruining my plan-"
Kyojuro set his plate down, which was empty now, and fixed Tengen with a look.
"I never agreed to help you with setting him up. I only observed. And you never asked for my help in helping Shinazugawa. I have my own wants."
Tengen frowned, looking down at his lap, where Suma laid, sleeping for now. What was going on... Tengen had always thought Kyojuro was happy single... His eyes lit up.
"Kyojuro! Why didn't you tell me?! I woul-"
Kyojuro raised his hand,
"No. That's exactly why I didn't say anything to you. I was hoping to keep it from you, but I can see that you're stuck on meddling. So please refrain from trying to help."
Tengen's jaw dropped. He unknowingly created a tension between two of his friends! All because he wanted another couple to hand out with! His own reason, was because he felt bad about leaving his wives at home, whenever he and Kyojuro went out.... He put a finger to his lips thoughtful...
"What if I find-"
"I dont want you to find anyone else. I like her. And at this point I'm sure Shinazugawa does have some kind of feelings for her too. But I'm more than capable of having competition. I can handle this."
"Shinazugawa may prove to be a worthy opponent then."
Tengen spoke, starting to eat. But didn't say anything else, only fixing his friend with a look.
"Im aware of this. But I'm not worried. I can win her over."
Part 2^
Part 1^
Thank you for reading
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zikkytheblicky · 5 months
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♡︎ you can call me zikky or any pet names if you prefer. I’m black and Jamaican— pronouns are he/him/they/them/theirs i’m transgender and bisexual !!
ও jjk (satoru gojo, suguru geto, kento nanami, toji zen’in, yuta okkutsu, kenjaku as geto, ryomen sukuna, masamichi yaga, kiyotaka ijichi, toge inumaki, aoi todo)
ꔛ csm (denji, aki hayakawa, kishibe, hirofumi yoshida, young kishibe)
✧ hazbin hotel (alastor, lucifer, angel dust, husk, sir pentious, vox.)
✦ astv (miles 42, hobie, miguel o’hara, spider noir)
⊹ demon slayer (tanjiro kamado, kyojuro rengoku, inosuke hashibara, sanemi shinazugawa, tengen uzui, giyu tomioka, obanai iguro, gyomei himejima, kokushibo, muzan kibutsuji, akaza, kagaya ubuyashiki, doma, gyutaro)
★ kpop groups (stray kids n SEVENTEEN)
(such little fandoms ik!! i don’t watch a lot of things/remember what i watch , sorry !!)
-homophobes, transphobes, racists, antisemitics, zionists, trolls, isnotreal supporters, dsmp stans/fans, female readers (this includes SHE/THEY, SHE/HER, SHE/XE/THEY, etc.), people who sexualize itadori, sexists, pedophiles, rapists, sex offenders.
⊹ i WILL write
black male reader
feminine t!m/m reader chubby black male reader
trans black male reader
trans chubby black male reader
pre top surgery black male reader
pre top surgery chubby black male reader
pre bottom surgery black male reader
pre bottom surgery chubby black male reader
male reader
chubby male reader
Pre top surgery male reader
pre top surgery chubby male reader
pre bottom surgery male reader
pre bottom surgery chubby male reader
submissive t!m/m reader
switch t!m/m reader
feminine t!m/m reader
any kink besides body fluid ones and foot fetish
gay t!m/m reader
sugar daddy x sugar bby trope
any trope really except for those cringe ones like golden retriever x black cat idk those are just.. uhm. like just say introverted x extroverted trope if you really want that one!! (My op sorry.)
pet names , i love them. Except for those really.. cringe ones like "my little sugar waffle! " stop it. I will use different language ones too depending on the characters nationality.
“ crack “
t!m/m reader with a core/style (any types of cores like aaliyah core for ex).
any kink involving body fluids or foot fetish.
HEAVY angst (r@pe, HEAVY abuse, etc.)
m preg. Like i'll do the getting cummed inside of part but not the giving birth.. having kids.. like no sorry!! ( it makes me uncomfortable. )
aged up characters
fem readers (you guys tons of stories you'll be ok twin.)
✧ Thats it really i'll probs add more tho !!
⊹ i write in lowercase on purpose !! and sometimes space my punctuation (like this !! or this , or this . but i rarely space the period.)⊹
☆ if you’re black reader please inform about ur hairstyle/texture !! i don’t wanna accidentally just use the wrong hair texture/hair styler for you 💓.
request status: open ! ⊹
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muzansfangs · 10 months
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My dear readers, welcome to the “𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲-𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐬” event. Since on August 29th I’m turning twenty-four, I have decided to host this small event.
• How does it work? Being a busy person and having my requests closed, I have already set up everything. I therefore hope you will just enjoy the works that are going to be part of this collection and let me know if you are satisfied with them.
• What does the event consist in? This post will work as a real Masterlist for the twenty-four one-shots I’m going to post. I’ve chosen twenty-four male characters from Demon Slayer and Bleach, pairing each and every one of them with a line of a song I have chosen.
• Are there any other infos you should be aware of? The works will all be written in the perspective of a female reader. The contents of the works can be smut, fluff or angst and, sometimes, the various generes will be combined. I will make sure to add all the details concerning the warnings about the triggering themes in every single post.
• Anything else? This is the complete list of the works I will gradually update. There is not a specific order, but I will add the links of the one-shots whenever I get to post one of them! Thanks for the attention, your perfectionist admin.
• 505 — Gin Ichimaru x f!reader (ANGST + NSFW)
“In my imagination you’re waiting laying on your side, with your hands between your thighs”, Arctic Monkeys.
• BABYDOLL — Douma x f!reader (NSFW)
“When I meet your eyes, the devil, he wins”, Ari Abdul.
• IF I KILLED SOMEONE FOR YOU — Aizen Sosuke x f!reader (NSFW + ANGST)
“Would you love me more, if I killed someone for you?”, Alec Benjamin
• HEART LIKE YOURS — Sanemi Shinazugawa x f!reader (FLUFF)
“How could a heart like yours ever love a heart like mine?”, Willamette Stone
• ATLANTIS — Urahara Kisuke x f!reader (ANGST)
“ ‘Cause in my heart and in my head, I'll never take back the things I said”, Seafret
• UNTIL I FOUND YOU — Rengoku Kyojuro x f!reader (FLUFF)
“I was lost within the darkness but then I found her, I found you”, Stephen Sanchez
• FRIENDS — Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez x f!reader (NSFW)
“Tell me we’re not just friends, this doesn’t make much sense, no”, Chase Atlantic
• SWEATER WEATHER — Renji Abarai x f!reader (FLUFF + ANGST)
“ ‘Cause it’s too cold for you here and now, so let me hold both your hands in the holes of my sweater”, The Neighbourhood
• BLUE JEANS — Muzan Kibutsuji x f!reader (NSFW)
“You were sorta punk rock, I grew up on hip hop, but you fit me better than my favorite sweater”, Lana del Rey
• DAYLIGHT — Byakuya Kuchiki x f!reader (FLUFF + NSFW)
“Oh, I love it and I hate it at the same time. You and I drink the poison from the same vine”, David Kushner
• CARDIGAN — Tomioka Giyuu x f!reader (FLUFF)
“And when I felt like I was an old cardigan under someone's bed, you put me on and said I was your favorite”, Taylor Swift
• FUCK YOU IN MY HEAD — Shunsui Kyoraku x f!reader (NSFW)
“I got dirty wishes on my mind, but you will never ever know that I, I like to fuck you in my head”, Cloudy June
• BACK TO BLACK — Obanai x f!reader (ANGST + NSFW)
“We only said goodbye with words, I died a hundred times. You go back to her and I go back to, I go back to us”, Amy Winehouse
• WHERE’S MY LOVE — Ulquiorra Cifer x f!reader (ANGST)
“Ooh, does she know that we bleed the same? Ooh, don’t wanna cry but I break that way”, SYML
• ALL OF ME — Kokushibo x f!reader (FLUFF + NSFW)
“Cards on the table, we're both showing hearts, risking it all, though it's hard”, John Legend
• KISS ME — Haschwalth Jugram x f!reader (FLUFF + NSFW)
“And your heart’s against my chest, your lips pressed to my neck, I’m falling for your eyes but they don’t know me yet”, Ed Sheeran
• WHEN THE DARKNESS COMES — Shinjuro Rengoku x f!reader (FLUFF)
“When you're feeling lost I'll leave my love hidden in the sun, for when the darkness comes”, Colbie Caillat
• SAY SOMETHING — Ukitake Jushiro x f!reader (ANGST)
“And I will swallow my pride, you're the one that I love and I'm saying goodbye”, A Great Big World
• CAN’T HELP FALLING IN LOVE — Akaza x f!reader (FLUFF)
“Shall I stay? Would it be a sin, if I can't help falling in love with you?”, Elvis Presley
• SHADOW PREACHERS — Zaraki Kenpachi x f!reader (NSFW)
“You make me wanna love, hate, cry, take, every part of you. You make me wanna scream, burn, touch, learn, every part of you”, Zella Day
• HUNGER — Yoriichi Tsugikuni x f!reader (FLUFF)
“Oh, love, let me see inside your heart, all the cracks and broken parts, the shadows in the light. There's no need to hide”, Ross Copperman
• ENJOY THE SILENCE — Shinji Hirako x f!reader (NSFW)
“All I ever wanted, all I ever needed is here in my arms. Words are very unnecessary, they can only do harm”, Depeche Mode
• BREAK MY HEART MYSELF — Uzui Tengen x f!reader (ANGST + NSFW)
“I don't need your help getting off of this carousel. I don't need anybody else, 'cause I can break my heart myself”, Bebe Rexha
• VILLAIN — Shuhei Hisagi x f!reader (NSFW)
“I'll be the villain tonight. I kinda like when you despise me after we fight”, Bella Poarch
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roninishere · 11 months
I liked that a lot…
Muichiro x Female Reader
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Warnings: Muichiro fluff! Poor grammar Summary: how you guys met and your first kiss.
“Y/N, all is well?” Master Ubuyashiki soothing voice asked you as you assisted him on his feet.
Your soft calm eyes concentrated oh being very careful of not allowing him to slip or fall “Yes master, all is well,” getting him carefully on his feet, you kept a hand in the small of his back and allowed him to rest his weight on your other arm. “Shall we join the others?”
“Yes my child.”
Bringing him to behind the doors, you adjusted his haori before his daughters announced his arrival. When the doors slid to the sides, you walked by his side until his wife Amane got on the other side of her husband. After setting him down carefully, you bowed at the family before taking your position.
Normally Muichiro would have his head in the clouds, trying to remember the name of the cloud again. Hearing the Master thank Y/N, the young boy couldn’t take his eyes off of you. You stood tall, around five foot five, however without your heeled boots, Muichiro bet shorter.
There were multiple layers to your Kimono; it appeared to be made by the same fabric of the demon slayer uniform. The baggy sleeves reached to about your mid bicep before a tighter black material covered down to your wrists with gold cuffs from the forehead to your wrist as well. You had two tight fitting golden belts around a little underneath your breasts and one on your belly button. The kimono had three slits in the front from your waist down, just exposing a bit of your thigh before your thigh boots covered the rest of your skin.
You had a sword on one of your belts and on the sides of your thighs, there were holsters for these long sais you had.
That was just what YOU wore. He couldn’t see your eyes from his distance, but your pretty hair was pulled into two pretty braids buns.
Seeing that their young hashira had been distracted most of the meeting; Tengen and Kyojuro looked at one another before following his gaze as everyone began to leave.
With a grin on his face, he had a brilliant idea. Kyojuro smiled before patting the teenager on his shoulder “Muichiro! You should go say hello! Staring isn’t polite!”
“Then what should I say?”
Tengen suggested “how about you ask her train with you? Or to grab some food?”
His blank expression was fixed on Y/N as he said “Yes I suppose she’d make a good training partner.” He walked towards you and once he was just a few feet in front of you, he finally got a good look at your beautiful eyes.
They widen at his current actions, and you felt yourself freak out in the inside ‘oh my, Muichiro Tokito is right in front me.’
“Mr. Tokito, is there something I can help you with?” You tilted your head to the side playing it cool; despite his emotionless look, you were well aware of his situation, his mint green eyes were definitely a beauty.
There was a pause before he asked “would you like to be training partners? And perhaps get food with me?”
“I’d be honor too,” You attempted to play off but the blush on your face gave it away. “I can meet you at the training grounds in an hour once I’m relieved?”
Nodding, he went to turn before he thought, you didn’t tell me your name did you? “What is your name?”
Y/N… what a pretty name for a pretty girl.
The two of you became friends; you guys trained, grab or even cook food together, and even looked at clouds together. Although Muichiro was very forgetful, you were was so patient with him, re-telling him who you were and how two of you became of friends.
Every time you retold him the stories, you felt all warm and fuzzy inside, your heart beating a hundred times. Unsure what it met, you couldn’t help to asked Master Ubuyashiki wife for advice.
“Oh dear, you’re in love.”
Love? I’m in love?
You fell in love with your best friend. Was that even possible?
“It’s safe to say that I believe he feels the same. You should tell him.” Aname then told the story of her and Master Ubuyashiki, it was adorable.
While you asked, Muichiro went to the Flame and Sound Hashiras unsure if he was getting sick or something. The overwhelming feelings he had when they were together, even when he had forgotten meaningful moments.
It was so frustrating at times.
“You are in love with Y/N!” Kyrojuro announced accidentally with other Hashiras who gave each other “I told you so!”
Tengen nodded in agreement encouraging him “Muichiro, admit who you feel! In a very flashy way!”
“But what is the point if I could forget?”
Wouldn’t that be exhausting?
“You may forget memories, but you never forget those feelings you feel.”
During their training session, Y/N misstepped, causing yourself to trip and fall on top of Muichiro who caught you. Instead of having a hard impact, feeling the softness of his chest on your cheek, you immediately pulled away, of sheer embarrassment. “I-I-I’m s-“ “Y/N, I love you.”
“I-I love you too Muichiro.” You stuttered a bit as your cheeks were on fire. Was this really happening? You looked like a deer in headlights at this situation. Muichiro started caressing your cheek, your skin was so warm yet so soft.
‘When you love someone, you also kiss them!’ He remember what Mitsuri told him when he visited her for help too.
It didn’t help that he wasn’t experienced, but neither were you, you only knew about kissing through books you read. Closing his eyes, he leaned in, pressing his lips to yours. Though it was a little awkward, it gave you guys butterflies in your stomachs.
You for sure thought that Muichiro could hear your heart beating as if it was going to best out of your damn chest. One of your hand on his chest as the other tangled its fingers into his black and mint green hair. Pulling back, you both were blushing messes.
Is this what happiness feels like?
He combed back thoughtlessly back your loose hairs, clearing them away from your face. He swore that he could get lost in your eyes. The hand that gripped around your waist, he started tapping his fingers out of a nervous tick “um…I liked that a lot.”
“Me too,” immediately responding to him, you realized you both were still on the training grounds, “we can do more of it while we cook?”
Such a bold suggestion, you scowled yourself as you blushed harder.
“I’d like that.” Putting your weapons away, Muichiro grabbed your hand, unlocking your fingers together.
Is this what it means to be alive?
Y/N glanced at your hands, mouth open and eyes widen before giving his hand a little squeeze as you guys were on your way to his estate. Walking out the gates, the two of you teenagers didn’t see the other Hashiras who were on their way to the training grounds when they turned out of facility.
“Oh my god! Is that Muichiro and Y/N?!” Mitsuri cried out in awe and happiness seeing the two of you young lovers, “Obanai! Aren’t they so cute?!”
All the Hashiras had the same thought.
Wow. Muichiro Tokito was growing up.
Alright! I’ve had this one in my drafts for a while now so when y’all were voting for this one, I was too impatient to wait for the voting session to run out haha! I hope y’all enjoyed! 🩵
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snowywolf1005 · 7 months
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ripperdoc-is-daddy · 2 years
Little Fish Pt. 1
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Reader is a Beautiful Siren who gets in over her head with the Mysterious and Ominous Danger that lurks beneath darker waters.
TW: MINORS DO NOT INTERACT! READER IS BLACK FEMALE, Leviathans, Sirens, Reader has short hair, FISH PEOPLE, Frolicking, Shark anatomy, Bony Fish anatomy, Explanations of Aquatic life behaviors, Food mentions, They eat fucking fish, Pod Dynamics (Not Omegaverse), Crude Humor, Sexual Content, Suggestive Content, Ocean references, LOTS OF OCEAN TALK, Violence, Domineering, Power plays, Will get graphic, mentions of murking, I spent too much time looking at vids on fish, CONSENTUAL ETHICAL POLYAMOUROUS RELATIONSHIP, It's the ciiiiiiircle of liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiife. Soft/Hard Boi Sanemi, Kyojuro is a fucking menace, Tengen is Tengen, TENGEN'S WIVES ARE PRESENT AND HE LOVES THEM! MINORS DO NOT INTERACT! PERMISSION TO REPOST OR TRANSLATE DENIED!
Pt 2 , Pt. 3 , Pt. 4
You swam about in the ocean. Your pod had migrated to warmer, more tropical waters to switch up hunting grounds. Swimming in-between your similarly aged pod mates, you issued a silent challenge to go into a race to the sea shelf. There were two males with extremely light, white-looking hair and striking purple eyes who took you up and torpedoed in the water towards your target. The three of you were neck and neck. The largest male had an extraordinarily well-built, lightly tanned, defined upper torso. His silver and purple bi-colored body resembled that of a whiptail thresher in the pattern. It ended with long sharp homocercal fins. The edges had tiny serrated barbs running up his dorsal and anterior body. His pelvic and pectoral fins were knifed much like a shark’s would be. His body was built for speed and agility. Short bursts of high-velocity action were his forte. Often, he would be part of the ambush party. 
The other male who dwarfed you in size was built stockier than you and the first. His caudal, pectoral, and pelvic fins were smaller in size. His green and white patterning resembled that of a juvenile tiger shark. The upper torso was more tanned than the larger male. His tail coloration was a murky Phthalo, hunter, and forest green with silver streaking across his body randomly. He could swim longer distances at a sustained pace, putting him in the stalking party when larger prey was found. His hair was whiter than silver like your other companion. His body was littered with scars, giving him a fearsome look. It didn’t help that, like now, when he smiled, he looked exceptionally unhinged. 
The two were your best friends, even if they had hatched several seasons before. The three of you just vibed that way. Darting between each other, the most prominent in size male pushed forward using his massive tail to disrupt the water in front of you, throwing you off your course slightly. You spun in the water but quickly fanned out your fins, allowing you to do a badass slow-motion barrel roll in the water. Righting yourself before propelling your body forward. 
You had dark sienna skin with close-cropped hair. Not wanting to deal with getting your hair caught in coral or anything else that floated around. You were of average built but had a buxom chest. Plump full lips and deep, dark brown eyes. Your fins were some of the most gorgeous in your entire pod. Purples, black, and gold resembling a lionfish. Too many shades of purple littered your scales with a speckling of gold and black dotting up your belly, giving the appearance of lights. You had feathertail-styled fins, which, when fanned, made for an impressive or intimidating display. All depending on what you were needed to do. Your position in the pod was to herd prey that you found into the ambushers. On occasion, you were used for the intimidation factor because of how massive you looked when on full display. 
The green-finned male darted up from underneath you, trying to knock you off course. You expertly evaded his attack, pushing forward with more vigorous thrusts as you were determined to overtake the silver and purple mer in front of you. Unfortunately, he proved to be the strongest, crossing the shelf and posturing in the open waters. His pose could only be described as overly flashy and highly flamboyant. You crossed second with the last member of your trio, bringing up the rear looking non-plussed. You slowed down behind the winner, reached out, and grabbed the ribbon he used to keep his hair up in a ponytail, yanking it and darting down towards the darker, denser waters beneath the overhang of the sea shelf. 
“Give that back!” He yelled at you. Gills on his neck flaring. You feign ignorance as the third member of your group cackled. “Shut up, Sanemi,” the first male barks out. “Make me, Tengen.” Sanemi dared him. The two begin to circle each other in a predatory fashion. You knew a challenge to dominance when you saw one. Rolling your eyes, you sighed, turning your body to face the darkness beneath you. “Guys, guys, behave. It’s not that serious.” The two men turned to glare at you. “Stay away from there!” your green friend warned. “That’s not our domain. You’d be eaten up, and our pod would miss its second most attractive member.” He stated matter-of-factly. 
“Uhuh, sure, Tengen.” You dismiss them and swim closer. Curious about the differences in the weight of the water. The water felt much cooler here and heavier. An unusual combination you have never encountered before. Above you, the two mers circled, watching you while trying to show off who was the better specimen to each other. A mock show of superiority. Ignoring their antics, you got close enough to touch the stark line of demarcation. That separated the boundary between the true deep sea and where you dwelt. 
You reached out to touch but stopped seeing something red moving about. It peaked in and out. Never appearing in the same spot twice, but it was captivating. Soon the red was joined by fluffy warm yellow tufts of hair. You realized you were looking at someone or something’s hair. You halted your swimming, entranced. Vaguely you registered that you needed to back up. A chill crept up your spine that warned you danger was nearby. Still, you could not break away from watching the hypnotic effect the waving tufts had on you. 
Closer you inched. Not touching the line. Keeping to your side of the ocean but feeling the dual pull to retreat to safety and to go forward eating away at you. You almost gave in to the urge to go forward when you felt yourself jerked back up harshly, painfully, and quickly. Tengen and Sanemi Grab your arms, digging their stilettoed nails into your flesh. You yelped, startled while they swore in such an amount you would have complained had you not been stupefied by the most beautiful pair of scarlet and goldenrod eyes. They held you to such an extent you momentarily forgot to pull water in with your gills and breathe. It was only when you saw the reddened claws that came to the nail bed of a brandy-toned arm connected to an immensely muscled forearm did you realize what had almost transpired and sucked in water. Thus, replenishing your oxygen. The eyes glared at you with pure malice, then disappeared into the darkness along with the hand that had almost dragged you to your no doubt demise. 
The two men didn’t stop swimming with you till you were halfway back to your pod. They released you and swam in front, worriedly biting their lips as they looked you over. You blinked a few times, getting your sense back. The weight of the situation settling into your gut. The moment your eyes met Sanemi’s, he exploded in a rage. “WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT! YOU ALMOST DIED, DUMBASS! WE TOLD YOU NOT TO GO THERE AND WHAT DO YOU DO!? THE EXACT OPPOSITE!” He swam aggressively towards you, warningly prompting you to flare out some of your fins. He ignored it and got close enough to poke you in the chest accusingly. “Do you have a death wish?” he bit out. Anger radiated out from him in thick waves. You puffed up defensively, not wanting to admit you had majorly fucked up just now. Tengen watched the other, light-haired male rant at you. Steadily watching you deflate in silent acknowledgment of dangerous your slip up. 
Once you looked like a limp noodle, he swam over and separated the two of you. “Alright, alright, I think she gets it now. You can stop beating her. We got her to safety, and now she owes us a life debt. I’d say it all worked out.” He attempts to raise the mood. Sami’s eyes narrow at you, and he rudely swims passed you. Hissing and swearing. You rub the back of your neck and slowly turn to follow him. You feel a warm arm pull you up into stiff, thick pectorals. Flipping yourself over, you bury your face in them as Tengen swims forward, holding you. Humming silently and he rubs the little hair you have with affection. 
“He’ll come around.” The man holding you assures you as the sounds of your families can be heard off in the distance. “He’s still an asshole.” you lamented lamely. Trying to hide your bruised ego. Tengen growls before he speaks. “He was in a fantastic mood until you decided to be a complete and utter idiot and do the one thing we are warned not to do from hatch day onwards.” You groan loudly and speak in sync with him. “Never go past the sea meridian.” He huffs and glares at you. Not releasing you as he swims in between the members of your pod. 
As the pair of you swim amongst the others, you peek out from around his bicep. Some say hi while others stare in shock. The two of you made a striking pair, and how he held you protectively was sure to start rumors about your relationship. You rebury your face in his chest, not wanting to deal with the drama that would be you becoming the fourth mate of one Uzui Tengen. You braced your arms against his taunt abdominals and pushed off. “I’m gonna go find Sanemi and apologize,” you say dumbly. Trying to get away from prying eyes. “Or you could just agree to swim with me, and the ladies and Sanemi can come to pick you up later.” He eyes you mischievously. “Tempting, but I am gonna have to pass. I feel like that would get me in even more trouble.” you dart out of his grasp as he reaches for you.
“Tell that ass I said hi, and we are responsible for tomorrow’s hunting party,” Tengen calls out after you. You wave an affirmation with your hand as you head off to search for your ill-tempered companion. Starting your search along the more predictable reef crevasses. When he could not be found hiding among the anemones, you started probing in the eel caves. Still coming up empty. You grabbed a few eels and bonked them unconscious, taking them with you as you searched for your friend. What’s an apology without food, right? If you come across someone, you would ask if they had seen Sanemi, and for the most part, you were told no. Eventually, you started swimming towards the cove the younger members used to play in. Hoping to find him with his brother Genya. 
Thankfully you did. The two were both lying on the beach. Basking in the fading sunlight. You breached the water slowly and carefully, took aim, and tossed two eels at them. Smacking each guy in their gut with a 10lb fish. They oof’d and looked up at you with malicious intent. “See! I brought dinner.” You cheerfully countered. The smaller, similarly colored male mer beside him groaned at your antics, took the ill, hauled himself into the water, and swam off. Offering you a half-asses “Thank you” as he swam off. You crept through the water till you reached the shoreline and the tip of the remaining, still angry man’s tail. 
“So, something tells me that bringing you dinner isn’t gonna make up for today,” you say bashfully. Knowing your error and finally owning up to it. “No,” Sanemi replies monotone. You look up at him pleadingly. “Please.” You whine in your most pathetic voice. “I’m sorry. These fluffy red and yellow tufts were floating in my face, and I couldn’t stop looking.” You rambled. He stared at you, then closed his eyes in a sigh. “That explains why you ignored our shouting. From where we were at, we saw a red and gold leviathan tail. That’s why we grabbed you like we did and hauled ass.” the concern evident in his words. “We’ll be safe here, but we definitely need to be more careful along the shelf. Those types don’t cross into our waters often, but if that thing was that close, it could mean we need to move along and find new grounds to stay at for the rest of the year. “
You crawled up the beach, flopping down on top of him and running your fingers gently over his deep green-colored scales. “That,” you began, “sounds terrifying. As you both were pulling me away, I saw the most beautiful and amazing...” you trailed off, watching Sanemi’s eyes get darker as you complimented the man who had most definitely tried to kill you. 
Since you had hatched, you had always been taught about the three classes of merfolk. There were the dainty and waif-like mermaids that stayed in cold waters. Sirens like yourself and your pod stuck to warm waters and occasionally migrated to keep from depleting y’alls share of ocean fish. Then there were the Leviathans. Named for their extreme size and lengths. They were large, carnivorous, and capable of surviving in the true deep and at the surface level. Encounters with them were few and far between but often held fatalities.  
You nuzzled into Sanemi’s abs as you thought about the horror stories you had heard about Leviathans and how close your premature end had come. Your thoughts were broken, however, when your living pillow shoved some eel bites into your mouth. You chewed compliantly and opened your mouth for more after you swallowed. He rolled his eyes at you but continued to feed you. Once finished, you did the same for him until nothing was left to eat. 
Rolling over onto the sand, you squealed happily, stomach-sated and somewhat positive that your friends were no longer mad enough to attempt to drown you while you slept. “You guys can brag and say you survived a Leviathan now,” you said like the gremlin menace you were inside. Sanemi hummed happily as he pondered this new information. “SHIT! Tengen is going to take all the credit!” He exclaimed, turning himself over and pulling towards the sea. “Come on! He is going to take you out to be even more pathetic than you actually are, and I’m going to sound like a damsel in distress if we let him tell the story.” He complained loudly. You waved him off with one of your dark hands. “I’ll leave that to you boys. I don’t want to see people’s reactions to The-woman-who-almost-wasn’t.” you lamented.
Sanemi shrugged, winked at you then dove beneath the surface. Off to claim his bit of glory. Probably to make you look even dumber than you had been. In your defense, the other men had a pretty good lure if he looked like that. You were used to Mermaids looking gaudy, but this was different. The power that radiated from the eyes you saw had promised you a dark end. Thinking about them chilled you to the bone but also sent a more confusing tingle down your spine. You forcefully pushed the thoughts out of your mind and instead focused on absorbing the remaining warmth in the black sand. 
You woke up, and it was much darker. Not realizing you had fallen asleep, you stretch out and slowly return to the much more tepid waters. Whimpering as it stung your skin and scales initially with the temperature change. After a few seconds, your body adapted, and you began to swim back to your pod. It was late enough that almost everyone except for a few night fish would be asleep. 
You decided to dick around for a bit before returning and swam around the outskirts of the reef y’all would be occupying and caring for over the next 6 months minimum. It was lush with life and color, even at this hour. Fish darted to and fro in all sorts of varieties and combinations. Different types of sea life clung to rocks, each other, and other bits n bobs. You picked up a few pieces of coral, admiring their beauty. Seeding them into holes so that the reef could grow and expand. 
Time was again lost to you as you immersed yourself in your task. You had just finished setting a pretty piece of red coral into a new crevice when you noticed a distinct lack of fish in the area. In fact, there was a distinct lack of any life moving around you. Something that alarmed you greatly. Your eyes begin to search around you for the perceived threat. If it was a shark or two, you could easily handle that on your own. Anything more significant and you would need help. 
Off in the distance, you saw something flitting about. Winding and weaving with no rhyme or reason. Your head tilted in curiosity, danger sense still telling you to be wary. You kept your position as you watched the gold thing flit about. You could see bright red as it got closer, and the truth dawned on you. Quickly you darted into a crack in the reef that was just big enough for you. Apologizing to the denizens, you squeezed as far back into it as possible. Slowing your movements and water intake to cause as few vibrations in the water as possible.
It seemed like an eternity before you dared to move your head towards the doorway. Scared of what you would see. A hesitant glance revealed absolutely nothing. A few fish swam by hurriedly, and you sighed and deflated. Tension rolling off your body. Your mind was clearly fucking with you if it had you thinking a Leviathan would leave its territory and swim a decent number of kilometers away from the deep waters to where your group was. You chuckled to yourself, leaned back, and floated against some smooth coral. Closing your eyes in relief. 
When you opened them, you stared straight into those hypnotizing orbs you had seen earlier. Only this time, there was a full face to accompany them. Brandy-colored skin, full lips drawn back into an unhinged smile, and a beautiful face framed by a maned of blond and red hair. You couldn’t see much passed his mane except for deep sanguine scales streaked with gold as some of his lower body was visible. You couldn’t see anything passed his neck either. He was hanging onto the roof and leaning over to look at you. 
You knew it was a he from the deep chuckle that vibrated the water around it. He stayed staring at you, unblinking. You held his stare, also not blinking. Worried that if you did, that would be the end. A good, solid minute passed, and you whined. “Can you blink or something so I can blink? This is getting awkward.” The creature before you looks at you curiously and complies. You quickly blink several times and rub your eyes. “Aye, how do you hold your eyes open like that? It’s creepy.” You question him. 
His smile drops, and he stares at you with the most unimpressed face you have ever seen. You defensively ask him a quick “What!?” and wait for a response. When none is given, you huff and blow out irritated bubbles. “I should kill you.” a deep voice drawls out. Not as deep as your pod’s defensive commander, Gyomei. You’re brought out of your comparison of “who has the best voice” as your brain once again slowly registers the statement. “You could, but that wouldn’t be fun now, would it?” you respond with as much faked joy as you could manage. What you were not going to do was let on how terrified you were of something that could end you without effort. 
“It’s not about fun.” He responds bored sounding. “Dude, what the fuck!? Life should be fun. If you just end me, then your life will once again be boring and full of whatever it is you do over there on the dark side.” you supplied, hoping your bullshit was working. “I hunt, I sleep. Why should I focus on fun?” He casually inquires, pulling himself down into the cave. You could now see his muscular upper body. He was similarly built to Sanemi. Tengen still made both look scrawny. You made your appraisal obvious to go along with your ruse and also because you were shameless, and if this was the end, then you were going out being a bold, badass bitch. Not a chicken wuss. 
“I mean, if you never had fun, I can see why you would say that. But like, I’m here now. I can teach you all about fun, and you can leave me the fuck alone.” You did your best to look irritated, turning your head down and away from him. Your heart thundering in your chest, hoping the display of submissive indifference would work. The massive male in front of you laughed loudly. “What an interesting meal you are.” Your head snapped up as you felt his warmth around you. He was close enough that your noses brushed, and you gasped. Instinct taking over you, “Meeped” and struck him with the heel of your palm upwards. Gasping at your actions as you realized what you had done. 
Blood floated in the waters between you, originating from his nose. He stared at you, and you stared back. He was very unimpressed at this point, and it showed. The gills on his neck slowly flattened themselves, and you realized that he was moving in for the end. Throwing caution to the wind, you slapped him will all your might. “Look bitch, if you don’t get up outta my face, I promise you that you will have found the right one today!” That got a reaction out of him. His eyes widened, and he leaned away from you. Shock evident.
You flared up as much as possible in the cramped space and bared your teeth at him. A hand shot out at you and grabbed your jaw. Defiantly you raised your chin and shook yourself out of his grasp. “Bitch I told you,” you started but stopped when you saw him smile. You didn’t know what kind of smile, nor did you care. The only thing that mattered was that the monster of your nightmares, the literal only thing in the ocean you had to truly fear, was smiling at you menacingly. “You live today, little fish.” He said as he stroked your cheek gently with the hand that had grabbed you earlier. 
The Leviathan, before you released, you pulled out of the crevice. Looking at you once more with those predatory eyes, he pushed off and disappeared out of your sight. You waited a few minutes before you slowly peered out. Looking around and seeing no sign of him, you bolted back to your pod’s haven. Wanting the safety and comfort of your friends.
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auraee · 1 year
 - ℍ𝕖𝕣. -
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ꕤ 𝕎𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕖𝕣'𝕤 𝕟𝕠𝕥𝕖 - Well, this is another little something that I came up with today. I've been having trouble working on my main pieces because perfectionism, but I've talked myself out of making myself feel bad for not getting what I originally wanted to done. Sometimes I wish I could get rid of that little voice in my head judging every word I write, or every sentence I make, but I've found it's more a process, you know? Also in this one I decided to take on the perspective of our lovely suitor. I'd like to work on that because I'd like to write the experience of falling in love from Kyojuro's perspective, so I think this is a good start.
Recommend theme ~ Kairi's theme - Mree
Tagging - @potofstewie @kyojurosfirelilyy @mitsuris-big-boobies @comatosebunny09
ꕤ 𝖧𝖺𝗉𝗉𝗒 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝗂𝗇𝗀!
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- ꕤ -
…There she is. 
When did she become so breath-taking? 
The sun tended to her skin, streaks of powdered gold brushed her brown skin, lighting her soft brown eyes to almost resemble a sweet honeydew, drawing me in like a heart-stirring book. While others disliked the sun, fearing that it would alter their status, she willingly embraced it and the sun held her. The sun tended to her hair, soft as clouds, delicate rays of light outlined her curls, adding a vivid contrast to her predominantly dark hair. 
It tended to her smile— there was nothing brighter. 
My instinct was to take my feelings for her as admiration, that I was just in awe of her capabilities as a swordswoman. Developing her own breathing style alongside Uzui, she was able to face down many demons. She moves as though she was dancing, elegant and nimble and able to fool many with her technique.
Being shy by nature, it took her a moment to warm up to me. I understood that I could be overwhelming at times and thought to adjust while I was with her.
Only, she noticed.
“Why are you being so quiet Rengoku-san?” She asked. “Is something the matter?”
“Oh, nothing’s wrong.” I smiled. “I just don’t wish to make you uncomfortable.”
“Uncomfortable with what?”
“Well, with my voice!”
In that moment _____ frowned, furrowing her thick eyebrows to form a cautionary bridge under her fluffy bangs. “Why do you think your voice would make me uncomfortable?”
An instinctive hum slipped from my lips, my answer resting on my tongue.  “Because I thought that being loud would make you uncomfortable.”
_____ blinked at me before averting her gaze.
Did… I say something wrong? Could I have phrased that better? Why did she look upset? Well, she asked. I couldn’t give her any answer other than what I believed to be true.
“Don’t do that…” 
“I like listening to you talk.” She mumbled, awarding me a small, soft smile. “So please, talk as loudly as you’d like.”
I peered into _____’s eyes and _____ seemed to do the same. That tender smile never left her features and somehow wove itself to the depths of my heart. I’ve known the feeling of excitement, when I’m amidst a battle with a demon, or even when I’m given a chance to visit my home and see my brother and father, but this… this was different. 
When… did my heart start beating like this for her? 
- ꕤ -
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- 𝔸𝕝𝕝 𝕔𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕘𝕠𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕤 -
❀ 𝔸𝕟 𝕠𝕝𝕕 𝕥𝕒𝕝𝕖 ⚘ ꕤ 𝕀𝕟 𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕣 𝕝𝕚𝕗𝕖 ⚘ ❁ 𝕊𝕠𝕞𝕖𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕞𝕠𝕕𝕖𝕣𝕟
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About me/Masterlist(bottom)
Something short and simple. I’m an 18 y/o beginning writer, Im trying to get better by the day. Pronouns are She/They.
I currently write for Demon Slayer only, I will so do other Fandoms, possibly My Hero Academia and JJK.
Also If you have an ageless Bio or if your a minor interacting with my NSFW post, I will block you immediately. You can interact with my SFW only.I also do request so feel free to request any <3
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Writing Do’s and Dont’s
I will do:
Male, Female and GN reader
Charater(s) x reader (poly)
Yandere,Fluff, Angst, Smut
What I WONT write
Adult x minor
Minor nsfw
Weird shit in general.
Pedo stuff
Weird kinks..
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Master list
Giyuu Tomioka…
Hashira seeing you as their older sibling figure.-Headcannons
Shinbou Kocho…
Hashira seeing you as their older sibling figure.-Headcannons
Mitsuri Kanroji…
Hashira seeing you as their older sibling figure.-Headcannons
Obanai Iguro…
Hashira seeing you as their older sibling figure.-Headcannons
Uzui Tengen…
Hashira seeing you as their older sibling figure.-Headcannons
Rengoku Kyojuro…
Hashira seeing you as their older sibling figure.-Headcannons
Tokito Muichieo…
Hashira seeing you as their older sibling figure.-Headcannons
Sanemi Shinazugawa…
Hashira seeing you as their older sibling figure.-Headcannons
Gyomei Himejima…
Hashira seeing you as their older sibling figure.-Headcannons
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Muzan Kibutsuji…
My Spider Lily… (fem reader)
Dating Headcannons
Muzan + Uppermoons- Their lover has been reincarnated with no previous memories of meeting them.
Muzan + Uppermoons- Their lover has been reincarnated with no previous memories of meeting them.
Muzan + Uppermoons- Their lover has been reincarnated with no previous memories of meeting them.
Muzan + Uppermoons- Their lover has been reincarnated with no previous memories of meeting them.
Dating Akaza headcanons
Karaku x reader smut
Hantengu x Gn reader pt 1
Hantengu x Gn reader pt 2
Sekido with a touchy S/O pt 1
Change of plans pt 2-Nsfw
Hantengu with a Selective mute S/O
Zohakuten seeing you as a mother/father headcanons
Urogi headcanons sfw and Nsfw
Aizetsu x Fem reader-Angst
Muzan + Uppermoons- Their lover has been reincarnated with no previous memories of meeting them.
Clones x husband/Wife reader
Muzan + Uppermoons- Their lover has been reincarnated with no previous memories of meeting them.
Muzan + Uppermoons- Their lover has been reincarnated with no previous memories of meeting them.
Muzan + Uppermoons- Their lover has been reincarnated with no previous memories of meeting them.
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Kamado Siblings x Fem reader fluff
Haganezuka with a black fem s/o NSFW & Sfw
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petitelepus · 9 months
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Summary: It's your big day, the wedding day. Kyojuro and you finally become husband and wife and you celebrate your new status as a married couple in your own hotel room.
A/N: Female Reader, Kitsune Kyojuro, Kitsune Senjuro, Kitsune Rengoku, Monster Musume!AU, Kitsune Shinjuro, Kitsune Ruka, Slime Mitsuri, Papillion Shinobu, Alraune Kanae, Lizardman Obanai
It was finally here. The day of your wedding.
When you woke up you were feeling nervous, but also happy and excited. By the same time the next morning, you would be Miss Rengoku and married to the man or rather a fox of your dreams.
One tradition you and Kyojuro wanted to cling to was that you wouldn't see each other for a couple of days until your wedding. While Kyojuro stayed back at your shared home, you had gone to stay in the same hotel as your fiance's parents stayed during their stay. That way you could get ready in peace and didn't need to worry too much.
You ate a small breakfast at the hotel's morning buffet, not wanting to gorge yourself sick right at the start of the biggest and most important day in your whole life. After taking a bath, a hairdresser and makeup artist came and started to prepare you for your upcoming ceremony. While the hairdresser was blowdrying your hair, you almost missed how someone knocked on your door.
"Please come in, the door is unlocked!" You called and the door opened and your mother-in-law and own mother stepped into the room. You gasped when you saw your mother in a modest black yet pretty kimono. You asked the hairdresser to turn the hairdryer off for a second so you could speak with the two mothers.
"Mom!" You exclaimed and the said woman smiled as she looked down at the dark dress she was wearing, "How do I look?"
"You look great Mom!"
"See?" Ruka smiled at your mother, "I told you how you are beautiful."
"Thank you," Your mother nodded and you looked at her up and down, "How does it feel, wearing a kimono?"
"A little tight, but I suppose it should be that way?" She asked and Ruka, your fiance's mother nodded, "But not too tight, I hope?"
"Oh no, nothing I can't handle!" Your mother lifted her head proudly and you chuckled lightly. Ruka, chuckled a little also and turned her attention to you, "How are you feeling, my dear daughter-in-law? Nervous?"
"Very," You admitted with a small laugh, "I mean… Soon I'll be married to your son?"
"A fact that brings me great honor and even greater happiness." Ruka nodded and you blinked, "Wait, really?"
"Yes," She smiled, "You accepted my sons, taught them a lot, and made them both so happy, but especially my eldest. A mother's greatest joy is to see her children happy."
"It's true." Your mother turned to look at you, "My little girl, I haven't seen you this happy in years."
"Ah, I guess that is true?" You wondered, but who you were kidding? Your life before Kyojuro was just waiting for days, months, and even years to just pass you by. You were never really living to your fullest or enjoying life…
But that was before the Rengoku brothers came into your life and changed it. It was really true, Kyojuro had brought you so much joy and now you were doing to marry that source of joy.
"Uh, pardon…?"
You and the older women turned to look and the hairdresser and makeup artist looked at you, "Pardon us, but we must hurry now if you want to make it to the wedding venue?"
"Ah, yes!" You nodded as you sat back down and let the professionals use their magic and skills on you. While you were being prepared, your mother and Ruka sat aside to chat a little.
You tried to listen from afar what they were talking about, but the women tending your hair and face kept telling you how beautiful they were going to make you so you didn't really hear what your mother and mother-in-law talked about.
Soon, once you were done came the time for you to put on the beautiful white kimono set. Despite loving the traditional Japanese style, you had no real idea how to wear one so you happily let the professionals dress you.
"Oh my," You heard the women in the room gasp and you turned to look at your mother and Kyojuro's mother, "How do I look?"
"Beautiful," They both said as they motioned you to turn around and you did so and saw yourself in the mirror.
"Wow…!" You were stunned at the sight of you in the traditional white kimono. You looked absolutely gorgeous. Beautiful yet gracious. "Is that really me…?"
"You're beautiful," Ruka said and your mother smiled as she carefully wiped her eyes, "I might cry."
"Mom, if you cry then I will also!" You laughed a little and everyone smiled, knowing that the time to leave was there.
"It's time to go." Your mother said and you nodded as you turned to leave, but Ruka stopped you, "Please hold on."
You looked at the fox woman and she took out the white cowl called wataboshi and gently placed it over your head, "Now you're ready."
"Thank you," You nodded and the three of you left the hotel. You couldn't help but wonder where you were heading since the wedding venue had been a secret for you. You knew that the ceremony would be held with only you and Kyojuro and your closest family members, but the wedding party was open to your friends also.
"Do you know where the wedding is held?" You asked curiously and the two mothers smiled, "You will know soon."
You quirked a brow but didn't ask. The drive wasn't too bad, but you had no idea where you really were when the car finally stopped. The driver came to open the door for you and you stepped outside-!
"Holy-!" You gasped as you saw the red gate called Torii from the Japanese religion standing there, in the middle of the gorgeous park, surrounded by trees with yellow, orange, and red leaves. The whole place was honestly so beautiful.
"A wedding gift from me." Came a familiar voice and you turned around to see Mister Smith himself looking at you.
"Mister Smith!" You gasped and the man lowered his sunglasses enough to wink at you, "My, you look gorgeous, soon-to-be Miss Rengoku."
"How did you do this?" You were absolutely stunned and the man laughed as he pulled his glasses over his eyes again, "I pulled some strings I had to make this happen. Anything for our bond between Japan's extraspecies and Demihumans. Speaking of…"
"My beloved?"
You yelped as you turned around and saw Kyojuro standing there, in a traditional black kimono, looking at you with those gorgeous eyes of his wide open. You stared him right back with your own eyes, and by God, he was handsome. The two of you were so mesmerized by each other that you didn't notice your parents and brothers reunite.
"You look gorgeous." Kyojuro said with a smile and you nodded shyly, "And you look so handsome."
Honestly, you could have stared at each other for hours, if it wasn't for Mister Smith clearing his throat.
"Great, now, there is a photographer there ready to take portraits of you all before the ceremony starts!"
"Ah, yes!" You nodded and you and Kyojuro walked to each other. The urge to kiss your fiance was so strong, but you fought against the urge as hard as you could. Soon enough you would kiss each other last time as a couple and the first time as an actual married couple.
"Congratulations on your wedding. I knew you were meant for each other." The human agent smiled and you and your fiance smiled at him.
"Thank you, Mister Smith." Both you and Kyojuro thanked the man from the bottom of your hearts, "We wouldn't have met if it wasn't for you."
"Nah, it was all fate, you two." The man grinned as he fixed his sunglasses, "I just helped it a little, that's all."
Ah, such a modest and humble man. You and Kyojuro smiled as you went to get your pictures taken by the beautiful fall surroundings. You never liked having your pictures taken, but when the photographer showed you some of his pictures, you were taken aback by how good you looked standing next to this gorgeous Kitsune.
But the prettiest pictures were the ones where you looked at each other adoringly with such love in your eyes. You both had your pictures taken with your families before the ceremony time was closing in.
"Our ceremony starts soon," Kyojuro said and you nodded humbly, "It really does."
"Are you ready to become Miss Rengoku?" He asked with such an honest smile and you confessed happily, "I've never been this ready before in my life."
"Then, shall we go and get married?" The Kitsune asked, his smile growing huge and you returned his smile with one of your own as you offered your hand to him, "Take me there?"
Your fiance smiled wider as he gently took your hand and walked with you to the small temple reserved for your Japanese Shinto ceremony.
Your parents and brothers were already there, and you, Kyojuro, and your families were led to the temple by the Shinto priest and two shrine maidens that Mister Smith had asked to perform your ceremony, requested by your fiance's parents.
As you entered the small temple, your families split, your parents and brothers sitting on one side of the room and Kyojuro's parents and brother sitting on the other side.
You all started with the Purification Rite aka Shubatsu. Every attendance stood and bowed to be symbolically purified before they took seats… Except for you and Kyojuro.
The two of you stood in front of the shrine's altar as the priest announced the marriage of you and your fiance, and the guests got up and bowed again, just like Ruka had taught your family to do.
Just like your family, you tried your hardest to follow the traditions. You did as you had seen people do in the traditional Japanese wedding videos that Kyojuro had shown to you, following every step carefully and precisely.
It was time to do San-san-kudo where you and your fiance were offered small cups of sake. You raised the cup to your lips thrice but didn't drink the sake until the third time. You didn't like strong drinks so you tried your hardest not to grimace at the taste of pure strong sake.
The priest said something in Japanese that you didn't quite understand, but thanks to your practice, you knew what was going to happen. Kyojuro cleared his throat as he reached for his dark kimono's sleeve and pulled out his wedding vow. For some reason that you couldn't quite understand only he was required to write one.
"My beloved bride, I am so thankful that we met," He started calmly, "You accepted me and my brother without any distrust, you taught us so much and you loved us so much. Words can't begin to describe how much I love you, and how I adore you for being yourself."
You smiled silently and Kyojuro returned your smile, "You're my sun, my Goddess, and my beloved. Life without you would be like life without colors, boring and lifeless. With you in my life, all the colors are bright and cheerful and full of life."
Oh no, you felt your eyes sting and burn as tears rose to your eyes. Carefully, you wiped your eyes so you wouldn't ruin your makeup. You knew Kyojuro could be romantic but when did he become so poetic also?
"As we got to know each other, I knew we were meant for one another and here we are now, promising each other to one another for the rest of our lives… And I couldn't be happier."
He put the paper down and gently grasped your hands in his as he smiled, "So please accept my confession and take me as yours?"
Okay, maybe you shed one tear, but you quickly wiped off any evidence as you smiled and nodded, "That would be my honor."
After the vow, you moved on to presenting the Sakaki Branch, which was a ritual representing the safe end of the ceremony. You and Kyojuro got sakaki branches from the shrine maidens and you placed them on the altar before bowing twice and clapping twice.
Finally, it was time to exchange the rings you and Kyojuro had gotten for each other. The Kitsune was all smiles as he gently took your left hand and put the beautiful ring on your ring finger. You returned the gesture, taking his hand and putting the ring on his hand and finally, you were married.
It was time for your families to toast and the shrine maidens split, one serving sake for your side of the family while the other one served sake for Shinjuro and Ruka since Senjuro couldn't drink. Once everyone had their cups of sake, they took a sip and the ceremony was over.
"So?" Kyojuro smiled at you, "Are you ready to celebrate our marriage, my beloved wife?"
"Say that again," You grinned and his smile just grew, "My beloved wife."
"My loving husband," You said right back to him and Kyojuro looked like he could burst with joy. The two of you turned and left the shrine, your families following you to the cars that would take you to the location of your wedding party.
While you were on your way, you removed your cowl and let your husband see you without it. The fox's smile never wavered as he looked at you, his darling wife.
"You're beautiful," He said, and you smiled, "And you are handsome."
"May I kiss you?"
"Wait, you want our first kiss as a married couple to happen in the car?"
"True!" He nodded, "I want everyone to see how much I love you!"
He was such a cutie. Once you made it to the party place, a lovely lounge, your family and the rest of your guests aka friends were already there. The moment you stepped outside of the car your friends cheered and thanks to them you felt like you were a celebrity walking on the red carpet.
"Congratulations!" People cheered together and you and Kyojuro were all smiles as you looped your arm around his and you entered the lounge reserved only for your wedding party. Time seemed to fly by when you were by your husband's side. You had dinner and you noticed that everything you ate seemed to taste better when you heard Kyojuro shout TASTY after each bite of his roasted sweet potatoes.
There was an open bar, but you stayed away from that after remembering the small hangover you had after the night last week when you had been talking and drinking with your father-in-law. You took notice that the bar was barely used and that even Shinjuro was staying away from it.
Even if you didn't remember exactly what you were talking about, you liked to believe that the two of you had bonded that night when you talked.
After the dinner, you, your fiance, and the guests were ready to party!
You and Kyojuro started the party with your very first dance together as a married couple and the two of you couldn't take your eyes off each other as the gentle music played in the background. At the end of the song, the two of you shared your first kiss with each other as a married couple and people cheered for the two of you.
The party started and people were talking and getting to know each other and you couldn't be any happier.
"My, what a cute first kiss!" Came a familiar voice and you turned to see your best friends from the botanical garden.
"Kanae, and Shinobu!" You smiled as you made your way to greet your dear friends. The sisters smiled at you and bowed in respect.
"Congratulations our dear friend!" Kanae smiled and Shinobu nodded, "You're married now. How do you feel?"
"Honestly, like there are butterflies in my stomach," You laughed as you glanced at the Shinobu's beautiful butterfly wings. Your answer made the sisters chuckle.
"We are happy that you invited us to your wedding, even if you didn't need bridesmaids after all." Shinobu said and Kanae continued, "You look so good in that kimono. Pure as fresh snow."
"He he, thank you!" You were very happy to hear that from them, but then the look in the sisters' eyes changed and they leaned closer to whisper so no one else could hear you guys, "So, wedding night, right?"
"Any big plans?"
"Other than bananas?"
Oh my God, you were both horrified and so thankful that they had the modesty to lean close to say that so others wouldn't hear. You blushed as you covered your face, "Why did I ever tell you about that night?"
"Because we are best friends." The sisters smiled as they giggled, "But honestly, we are rooting for you."
"Me too!" Came a cheerful voice and you turned to see Mitsuri herself, the lovely and kind pink slime running at you.
"Mitsuri!" You smiled as the slime hugged you, oh God she was so soft, and you returned her hug. "You came!"
"Of course!" She smiled excitedly as she pulled away, "Thank you for the invite, it made me so happy!"
"I'm happy you came!" You nodded and someone cleared their throat. You turned to look and saw the white-scaled lizardman from the Zoo standing there behind the pink slime. That's when you remembered that Mitsuri and he were dating.
"Hi there," You greeted him, "It was Obanai, right?"
"I see Mitsuri has told you about us…" The lizardman mumbled as he glanced at his girlfriend, who was all smiles as she looked at her beloved. Her loving gaze reminded you so much of Kyojuro. You wondered if you looked as adorable as she did when you looked at your husband.
"Congratulations." Obanai nodded quietly as he turned to leave the conversation and Mitsuri followed after him, waving at you, "Congrats one more time!"
"Thank you, both of you!" You called after her and her quiet boyfriend before turning to talk with the Alraune and Papillion, who were both smiling.
"Young love," Kanae chuckled and Shinobu nodded, "So pure."
"It is," You nodded before you noticed movement from the corner of your eye and turned to see the husband of yours making his way to you.
"My beloved wife!" Kyojuro smiled as he stopped by your side and looked at the demihuman sisters, "You came! Marvelous!"
"We wouldn't have missed your wedding day no matter what," Shinobu said and her words made you and your beloved happy. You both thanked her and you turned to look at your dear husband, "How is everything?"
"Amazing, but I think it's time for us to cut the cake!"
"Already?" You raised your brow in a questioning manner, but Kyojuro's smile just widened.
"You see…" He leaned close to whisper to your ear, "I can't wait to make love to my beloved wife any longer than I have to."
You were so shocked by what you heard that it took a second or two for you to actually understand what he had just said, but you blushed furiously once you realized what he had said to you.
"My, cake time?" Kanae smiled and her sister nodded, "We are looking forward to it."
"Not as much as I am!" Kyojuro laughed as he wrapped his arm over your shoulders and started to walk with you to the center of the room where the three-layered cake was brought. It was an impressive cake with dark red candy flowers all around it and it was your favorite, chocolate flavored.
People were taking pictures as you and Kyojuro took the knife and together cut the very first piece out of the cake. You didn't smash the cake on each other's faces like some people did during their weddings, no, you kindly opened your mouths and carefully fed each other the cake.
It was absolutely delicious but you couldn't truly enjoy the cake's rich chocolaty flavor. Not when your mind was full of images of Kyojuro and you sharing the bed and doing things you hadn't done ever before…!
After the cake, everything was a blur to you. You talked with your family, got congratulated by your brothers and even Ruka told you how well you had followed the traditions. You understood everything told to you and everything you said back, but the time flew by quickly and before you noticed, you were in the car on your way to your honeymoon suite.
"My beloved wife, how are you feeling?" Kyojuro asked and you flinched, finally snapping out of your mind. You looked at him and smiled, "I'm… I'm not going to lie, but I feel nervous."
"I see," He nodded, "About what I said earlier?"
"Yes," You admitted and your husband smiled as he gently leaned down and kissed your temple, "Please do not fear my beloved, because I will not do anything you aren't comfortable with."
"I know and I trust you, you silly fox." You smiled as you took his hand and kissed the back of it, "I trust you and love you so much you don't even know."
"Enough to marry me," He grinned and you giggled, "Yes, and enough to show you just how much I love you."
Kyojuro's fox ears twitched, a sign he was feeling happy and he asked, "May I kiss you?"
"You don't need to even ask." You replied happily as the two of you leaned forward so your lips met in a simple but still loving kiss. You would have probably kissed more than that, but you were finally at the hotel where your suite was waiting for you… And what a gorgeous room it was.
The bed was huge, easily one of the biggest you've ever seen, and absolutely covered with rose petals. The windows were hidden behind dark red curtains and the bathroom had an enormous tub there, alongside so many different soaps and scents and such.
"Wow, this is easily one of the best hotel rooms I've been in." You were awed as you looked around and Kyojuro chuckled, "Only the best for the stunning wife!"
"Or perfect husband," You grinned as you made your way to your beloved and gently pressed the palms of your hands against his clothed chest, "Shall we get rid of these clothes?"
"Yes, my beloved!" Kyojuro helped you to undo many layers of the white kimono you were wearing and then you moved to remove his dark clothes. Finally, the two of you stood there in front of each other, only in your underwear.
God, Kyojuro looked gorgeous, his body was like a work of art. This was barely fair how good he looked when compared to you. You were fine with your body, but what about Kyojuro? Would he like-!
"You're gorgeous," He chased away all your fears and you smiled as you sat on the edge of the bed and patted the empty spot next to you, "Come and kiss me?"
Kyojuro absolutely bounced on the bed, making you nearly bounce off if he hadn't caught you. He moved you with such ease, twirling you around and over until you were finally lying beneath his body as he held himself over yours. His hair was so long, it hung like a curtain around you.
"May I-?"
"Yes," You said as you grabbed his face and pulled him down to kiss you. There was nothing innocent in that kiss of yours, as soon as your lips touched you were both goners. Your tongues pressed against each other, dancing passionately together and your hands started to wander.
His chest was rock hard under your soft fingers and you silently thanked him for all the workouts he did daily. Kyojuro was still using his arms to hold himself up, but you grabbed one and greedily put his hand over your breast. The man groaned against your mouth and you moaned as you felt him squeeze your breast over your bra.
That thing had to go.
You pulled apart from the kiss and carefully used your hands on Kyojuro's chest to push him up until he was sitting. The Kitsune was confused and about to ask if he did something wrong, but you quickly undid your bra with your clever fingers and threw it aside, uncovering your breasts.
"Touch me…" You moaned and Kyojuro did as you told him to, quickly leaning back over you to kiss you and fondle your breasts. God, you were so soft, the Kitsune could feel all his blood heading down between his legs as his manhood got harder the more he touched you.
Kyojuro wasn't the only one getting turned on. Your body felt hot and you could feel your sex getting slick with your arousal. You rubbed your thighs together in a sad attempt to relieve the aching in your wet core, but you only made things worse for yourself.
Suddenly, your husband pulled away from the kiss and moved down to take one of your nipples into his mouth. You sighed softly as you felt him suck on your nipple, making it harden in his mouth, and once hard, he bit you gently.
"Ah, Kyojuro…!" You gasped and your hands went to tangle into his hair, but then you noticed his fox's ears and you got curious. What would happen if you touched them?
Carefully, you grabbed his ear with one hand and the reaction was instant. Kyojuro groaned against your breast and his hips bucked, rubbing his hard-on on the soft bedding. You blinked before you turned mischievous and you started to rub the base of his ear before gently pinching the tip and the voices your husband made were just so sinful.
"Careful there…!" Kyojuro groaned as he pulled off from your breast, "My ears are sensitive…!"
"I can see that," You chuckled as you gently rubbed them and your husband actually growled as he sneaked his hand down until his fingers touched the wet spot on your panties and pressed against it.
You yelped as your hips bucked this time, pressing forward, eager to feel more of your lover's touch. Kyojruo could feel against his fingers how wet you were and he was honestly so happy that you were also feeling good and not just him.
"May I take them off?" He asked and you blinked, "Whose?"
"Ah," You nodded, "Yes."
With your blessing, Kyojuro kicked off his boxers and pulled down your panties. As soon as the little pieces of clothing were gone, his fingers immediately went back between your legs and your hips bucked and you yelped as you felt him circle your wet sex with one finger before pressing it inside.
"Ngh!" You winched and your husband stilled immediately, "Did I hurt you?"
"No…" You lied a little before shaking your head slowly as you panted, "Feel different when it's someone else…!"
"I'm going to slow down," Kyojuro said and you nodded but as soon as he even moved his finger, your hands snapped to cover your mouth, and stop the embarrassing noises from surfacing.
"Please, my beloved, don't hide those pretty sounds you are making."
"They're embarrassing…" You whined and he smiled, "Not to me. I love hearing how I'm making you feel good so please don't hide?"
"Ah…" You moved your hands from your mouth and as soon as you did that Kyojuro pulled his finger nearly all the way out before gently thrusting it back inside.
You were whimpering and panting as you felt his finger rub your insides. Just then, you felt him insert another finger, gently stretching you open as he thrust them in and out and then scissoring them.
By the time he inserted his third finger, you were a needy wreck, wanting and needing him to fuck you. How could he be so patient? This man was a saint.
"Enough!" You cried out, "Please Kyojuro, I need you…"
"Are you certain?" He asked and you nodded furiously, "Yes, please please please, don't make me beg…!"
Kyojuro was pretty sure you were already begging but he didn't say anything about it. Instead, he pulled his fingers out of you and licked his fingers clean, much to your embarrassment.
"Kyojuro…!" You whined and the man chuckled as he reached for his cock, but then he remembered that he needed a condom.
"Condom-!" He said and you blinked, stunned. You expected that he would want to do you without one, but he was thoughtful and so loving and it filled you with warm feelings. You were totally ready to let him fuck you without one, but then you both looked up, and sure enough, there was a packet of condoms and lube resting on the nightstand.
"At least this hotel comes prepared," You chuckled a little and Kyojuro laughed also as he reached for the packet and pulled out one condom that he rolled over his manhood. You hadn't seen his manhood since your blowjob and you didn't remember it being so big, but you could remember wrong.
Kyojuro squeezed a generous amount of lube into his hand before absolutely soaking his cock in it. Once he was done with that, he positioned himself between your legs and pressed the tip of his cock between your sex's lips, but he didn't penetrate you yet.
He looked at you and kissed your forehead, "Are you ready?"
"Yes, please, Kyojuro…" You sighed and he nodded as he carefully pushed forward until he popped inside and you winched but kept quiet by biting your lip. It felt tight but good. No real pain whatsoever thanks to your husband's preparation, but you felt pressure.
Slowly Kyojuro filled you all the way and you could tell he was keeping himself back by the way he was biting his own lip and groaning. He wanted to make sure you got used to his generous girth, which you did quickly and you whined beneath him, "My husband, please move…!"
"Yes, my wife…!" He growled as he grabbed your hips with his hands and pulled a little over halfway out before snapping his hips forward and sinking himself completely into you.
You cried out in sudden pleasure and Kyojuro growled as he took that pace, fucking you fast and eagerly. It felt so good, his cock was almost immediately hitting that soft spot inside you that had you seeing stars, and the way his cock massaged your inner walls left you breathless.
While fucking you, Kyojuro leaned down and pressed his lips against yours and you both immediately deepened the kiss, your tongues working together to bring you even more pleasure.
"So good-!" Your husband groaned as you pulled apart from the kiss to catch your breath, "My wife, you feel so good!"
"Kyojuro…!" You gasped breathlessly as you lovingly watched the focused look on his face. It looked to you that it was almost like he was holding himself back.
"Kyojuro…! Please, don't hold back-!" You whined, "Fuck me like you want!"
"My love…!" The Kitsune panted as he fixed his hold on you and with the new hold he managed to press his thump against your neglected and aching clit.
The reaction was instant. You threw your head back as you cried out in pleasure, your hips bucking against Kyojuro's and your sex tightening around him to the point it was almost painful.
You were getting close and so was the fox husband of yours. You knew it, you felt the orgasm coming. You just needed a little more…!
"I love you," Kyojuro suddenly said and you blinked as you registered his words. He smiled, "I love you, I love you so much!"
"Kyojuro-!" You gasped, "I love you!"
The two of you kissed and the time ran out and your body came undone beneath your husband. Pleasure wrecked your body and your sex squeezed so hard around Kyojuro's manhood that you coaxed him into cumming as well, the condom catching his release
The two of you were panting as you slowly came down from your high. You were both looking at each other so lovingly and you shared a quick kiss.
"You're amazing." You whispered against his lips and the Kitsune grinned, "You're gorgeous."
Your giggle was cut off by a tired moan as your husband pulled his manhood out of you, took the condom, tied it, and threw it on the floor to be cleaned later on. The man moved swiftly as he pulled a blanket over you and his naked body and you immediately snuggled against his warm body.
"Thank you Kyojuro." You thanked him and the man smiled, "For what?"
"For choosing me." You said and he grinned as he kissed the top of your head, "Thank you for accepting me."
Ah, could you two be any more in love? You enjoyed each other's company when you realized something.
"So… We are leaving tomorrow to go to Japan?" You asked and Kyojuro nodded, "That's what my parents want."
"And we are staying at your place?"
"Most likely, yes."
"I don't know if I'm able to have sex in your childhood home or that close to your parents." You said as you were afraid that you would be too loud and one of his parents would walk in on you two.
Kyojuro smiled, "I understand, so no worries."
"So…?" You looked at him and he blinked, "So?"
"Would you fuck me until I can't walk?"
Kyojuro raised his brow in a questioning manner and you pouted, "What, I'll be seated on a 10-hour flight to Japan so it's not like I need to walk tomorrow, right?"
"I understand your reasoning!" He nodded happily as he kissed your temple and reached for another condom, "Round 2 it is!"
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sunshineman2-0 · 2 years
Art Teacher! Reader x Math Teacher! Sanemi Shinazugawa (x Science Teacher!Kyojuro Rengoku)
Reader is black female
Modern AU
Tw:Kyojuro being a villain, Sanemi feeling bad, Obanai being a therapist, Tengen being actually decent, mentions of alcohol, drunk characters, drunk reader, drunk Kyojuro, a lil spice sprinkled in, a lil violence at the end
Part 1^
Chapter 4: Under the Influence (not drugs but alcohol, also this song is suggested for the club part...)
Kyojuro had kept a close eye on you, looking for any opportunities to speak with you. Even walking you to your car at the end of the school day. But he kept a closer eye on Sanemi. He started to become out of character, using the other male's usual slip ups, to make Sanemi look bad in front of you. Such as, Shinazugawa's interactions with the students, or with other teachers.
One incident involved Tanjiro and the Math teacher.
"Truancy is a offense, Kamado. I dont care if your parents bakery needed a little bit of extra help this morning! Im gonna hand you a fucking detention! Now! Get YOUR ASS TO CLASS!"
You were standing outside of the teacher's lounge. Starting to walk over, Kyojuro beat you to it. He moved to Sanemi's side, patting the male on the shoulder,
"A bit much, my friend?"
Kyojuro turned to Tanjiro, smiling gently,
"Go ahead, I'll excuse it just this once. Be sure to be in time, ok?"
Tanjiro gave his thanks and rushed to class, holding the pass Kyojuro given to him. You finally walked up to them, crossing your arms.
"I didn't think you'd allow that, Kyojuro. Sanemi, you should work on talking to the children... Its worrisome that you still yell at them..."
You gave Kyojuro an approving smile and walked back to your classroom.
"You think your fucking slick, don't you Rengoku?"
Kyojuro turned his attention back towards Sanemi.
"Slick? Is that what you think of me? I'd never-"
"Dont bullshit me. I know, I know, that you like her too."
Kyojuro fixed the other man with a smile, one that spoke an open challenge,
"Well perhaps you could try to quell yourself. But I'm glad you know that I do have feelings for her. All I ask is that you try, if you'd like. I wouldn't take you for one to run aways from a challenge of any kind."
Kyojuro's smile dropped, and he fixed Sanemi with a look,
"I intend on winning her over, in any way I can."
Plastering his usual smile, Kyojuro walked back to his classroom, asking his students for forgiveness and starting back up his lesson. Hopefully, things go as he intended, and he'd win over you and your affections.
Sanemi had been in a foul mood, all damn day. And it was thanks to Kyojuro Rengoku. The bastard had the audacity to openly challenge him. Sanemi rubbed his forehead, that explains the whole past two weeks then... The random ass pop-ups whenever she happened to be around... Especially when it came to the students. It was frustrating... There was few things that Sanemi actually had to himself, and you he considered one of them...
"Whats the matter?"
He looked up and Obanai was standing next to his desk. Sanemi shook his head, sighing. Not wanting to get into what was actually wrong. He waved a hand, and looked back at the papers on his desk,
"I thought you had a date?"
It was the weekend. And weekends ment two things:
couples would go out Friday nights, and spend Saturday together.
Teachers spent that time trying to catch up with grading
"If you could call doing work a date... but no she canceled, we all are going for drinks. I wanted to see if you'd join..."
Obanai scoffed, situating himself into a students desk and looked at his friend.
"Yeah... I think ill-"
"Whats bothering you? I'm not gonna ask again."
That was his only warning, nodding and leaning back in his chair, Sanemi gave in and started to vent,
"Its Kyojuro. He likes (Y/N) too. And he's doing everything in his power to make me look like a dickhead! An-"
"You are a dickhead. I dont see what's bothering you about it. If it wasn't him, it would have been someone else. Hell, Tengen might have tried to jump the poor woman, if no one showed interest. Tell me about what happened a couple days ago. I saw you and her talking on the other side of the lunch room. You actually looked a bit comfortable talking to her."
Sanemi smiled at the thought. The more chances he got to be around you, the more he was determined to win you over.
This lunch block, you and Sanemi finally shared, to his relief, Obanai and Mitsuri were chaperones on the opposite side of the cafeteria. It was his chance to learn a bit about you. Anything at this point, aside from you enjoying well made sandwiches from a local bakery in the area.
"So what do you do besides teach?"
He inwardly cringed, waiting for your answer.
"Ah well aside from drawing I like to cook. And bake... hummm Oh! And I enjoy video games. And the occasional walk for my dog, but he's got a pretty decent sized yard to run around in."
"You've got a dog? I picked you for someone to have a fish or a bird.... something weird like that."
You giggled, gods.... it sounded like what he assumed heavens gates would sound like when you walked through them... That made him perk up a bit, turning his full attention on you.
"Yes." You breathed, "I have a dog. He's a pit bull."
That made him scoot a bit closer to you.
"I've got a pit too. He's really sweet. Genya's got some kinda mutt... We really haven't checked, but she's sweet too."
You beamed at him, and Sanemi let himself smile back at you. For the next few minutes you both spoke eagerly about your dogs. Finally exchanging numbers, and making plans for a play-date for the dogs.
"We have a play-date...."
While Sanmei smiled at the thought, Obanai made a face and almost smacked his friend.
"A play-date? Yall ain't fuckin 12 man. Wh-"
"Our dogs! We got a play-date set up for our dogs, asshole!"
He frowned at Obanai, who nodded with understanding. Then he stood up, walking to the door,
"You aughta invite her out. Seeing as your coming with tonight... I think she's still in her class room."
Taking that as a clear sign to act, Sanemi followed Obanai out, making a bee-line for your classroom. To his displeasure, he heard Kyojuro's voice coming from there. The idiot was laughing loudly. Sanemi crossed the threshold, glaring at Kyojuro's back, who had his arms wrapped around you. Something about how he had to break up a fight his first day on the job, and the way he held you, was how he grabbed the student who clocked him.
Sanemi cleared his throat, and Kyojuro's head snapped in his direction.
"Oh! Shinazugawa! Can we help you?"
Sanemi twitched, at the sight, you were trying to quiet your giggles. Your bright eyes lit up when you saw him, and you pulled yourself away from Kyojuro. The fire haired man frowned abit, but quickly recovered.
"Hello Sanemi! Is something wrong?"
You looked at him and made your way to stand in front of him. He crossed his arms,
"I was wondering if you'd join me and some of the others for drinks. You don't have to actually drink alcohol, but it'd be nice for you to come with..."
He huffed, and took a glance at Kyojuro.
"Sure! Kyojuro had asked me earlier, so I think it's fine. Right Kyojuro?"
You turned to look at him, and the idiot have you a smile, nodding. Sanemi smiled, he could tell that it was eating at Kyojuro that Sanemi was going along. Given he usually would pass such things up, unless Mitsuri didn't join Obanai, who liked to drink. Sanemi nodded, giving Kyojuro a smile,
"Good we'd best to get moving then. Everyone is starting to leave."
You turned to Kyojuro,
"Are you still ok with me following you? I'm not sure where we're going."
Kyojuro nodded, patting you on the back,
"Of course!"
Walking past Sanemi, Kyojuro made sure they bumped shoulders, almost knocking him to the ground.
"Oh! Forgive me! Are you alright?"
Sanemi sent a glare at Kyojuro, and straightened himself out, scoffing and taking some steps towards you.
"You mind if we ride together? I didn't drive this morning, didn't realize I was going to accept the offer to go drinking."
You gathered some papers, shoving them into your teachers desk, nodding,
"I think that'll be fine! Come on. I dont wanna get left behind!"
You pulled Sanemi behind you, practically dragging him outside to your car, where Tengen, his wives (whom you had met at another outing, very friendly ladies that you got close too), Gyomei, who was kneeling, gently patting a stray cat, Obanai and Mitsuri, who were waiting by their car, and Kyojuro, whom gave you a bright smile.
"Ok! We're ready!"
Obanai started laughing, and Tengen pointed at you and Sanemi, you were still holding the man hand. Sanemi pulled away, red in the face, stalking to the passenger side of your car. You shrugged at Kyojuro, who let out a chuckle. Settling into the driver's seat, and clicking your seat belt in, you smiled at Sanemi
"Im really excited for you to meet Grizzle! He's a sweet boy, and super friendly! Are you going to let Genya come along too? I'd like to meet his puppy!"
You rambled about the dogs play-date to Sanemi.
"Yeah, I was going to ask him in the morning if he wanted to tag along. His puppy, Rika, is such a shy one, so him being there would be ok."
Everyone pulled out of the parking lot, and you followed Kyojuro's car.
"Awesome! How's he doing in his other classes? His grades are fine in mine, but I'd hate to hear that he's doing poorly in others."
You were fond of the younger Shinazugawa, that and you had a feeling that Genya was playing into whatever plan Tengen had going... Unknowingly or knowingly... Genya had a way of suggesting things, lowkey...
"Ah he's fine. Struggling a bit with English, but he'll study a bit harder, and work past it."
The pair of you spoke, as casually as possible, though you kept catching Sanemi staring at you. The man made you feel a bit uncomfortable, as he always wore this intense look on his face.... He'd look away, but would always end up staring at you again. Parking infront of the bar, you both got out and Sanemi came to your side of the car, standing ar your side.
"Do you have a tolerance?"
He pointed at the doors to enter. You nodded, and started to walk in, following some of the others. But you didn't get all the way to the doors before Suma and Hinatsuru linked their arms with yours, leaving Makio to deal with Tengen first. They usually switched through out the night, to make sure he didn't get too wild.
"Ah! (Y/N)!! You can start drinking with us! We wanna talk to you anyways! See how you're settling in!"
Suma drug you in and settled the three of you at the bar, ordering drinks right away.
"So Sanemi?"
You choked.
"Its ok! He seems a bit too angry for you though..."
Hinatsuru smirked into her glass as Suma didn't waste anytime on doing as Tengen asked, which was to be noisy as possible, you assumed.
"Ah... What about him?"
You tried to play dumb. Sure you had feelings for the man. But Kyojuro had taken some of your interest as well. The both of them had likeable qualities. Of course you could list them, but how would that be fair?
"Well, what about Kyojuro?"
Hinatsuru looked at you, setting her glass down,
"He seems to have taking a liking to you as well, right?"
Fuck you Tengen. Just fuck you.
It seemed like the man had eyes all over the damn place....
Smiling, Tengen looked over at the bar. Good. Two of his wives had you cornered. With any information he got he was going to help whichever friend of his had your attention the most! He felt bad about not noticing that Kyojuro had liked you sooner... Tengen looked at his drink... Then at Kyojuro, who every so often was looking in your direction. You, along with Suma and Hina, were on the dance floor.
Then Tengen took a look over at Sanemi. The male was sitting with Obanai, slouching.
"He's already a few drinks in..."
Gyomei was the unofficial babysitter for outings like this. He always made sure everyone was able to get home. And if not, his house was the designated sober home. Tengen frowned,
"If he depressed, he could have stayed home you know..."
He downed his drink, but almost spit it out, watching Kyojuro get up and make his way towards you, dancing. Perking up, Tengen silently cheered his friend on, as Kyojuro pushed another guy away from you. Sending the other male a glare, Kyojuro pulled you closer to himself.
Tengen let out a wolf-whistle, smaking Giyu on the back, causing the other to spill his drink.
"What the hell?!"
Tengen pointed at Kyojuro, who was currently grinding against you to the heavy beat that was playing. Giyu blinked at the sight,
"I didn't think he could move like that..."
Tengen smiled, and ordered another round of drinks, pushing one over to Giyu as an apology, for making him spill another one. Which was taken, with a nod. Suma and Hina made their way to the table, smugly watching you drunkenly dance on your co-worker.
"Well? Did-"
"Oh there's an interest in both of them... She's trying to still get a feel for them..."
"Looks like she's doing that right now!"
Makio laughed, pointing at you and Kyojuro. Tengen nodded, downing another drink. It seemed like the two of you were getting pretty close. Then it hit him.
Shinobu laughed at Tengen's outburst. He didn't count the glasses, but where the flame headed man had sat, there were at least 4 empty glasses. A bottle service girl, was cleaning them up, getting ready to take more orders.
"Miss. How many drinks did that man have?"
Tengen was panicking, anxious to hear.
"Um. Well he drank them pretty fast... I'd say about six or seven though... which is weird, cause you guys just got here... not 10, 15 minutes ago."
Tengen jumped up, then paused, looking at his wives,
"How many drinks did you guys give (Y/N)?"
Suma blinked and then squinted her eyes. She herself drank in tandem with you at the bar... Hina gave her answer and Tengen dragged her to the dance floor.
"10 drinks?! Do you know what-"
"Tengen. She has a tolerance-"
They started to dance their way towards you and Kyojuro.
"I dont give a shit what kinda tolerance she has! Kyo has none!"
It was true, the man usually babysat a cranberry and vodka... WITH NO VODKA!
With no care in the world, Kyojuro kept you close to his form. Shamelessly grinding himself on your ass. His mind was fuzzy, his chest burned a bit, and you were soft.
Oh so soft...
It kept him grounded, and he didn't need to go anywhere else... In this moment, all he could feel was you. How soft your felt, how your body moves with so much synchronicity with his... The way you let him move his hands up and down your body. A hand on your hips, and the other following the curves of your body. Every so often you allowed yourself to turn to him fully, and trace your hands along his chest. Making him close his eyes, enjoying your cool touch.
Whenever you turned to press your back to him again, he couldn't help but to let his hands wander farther down. Dragging his finger tips on the inside of your thighs. With all the music playing, Kyojuro could hear you over it all. Every little gasp, made him harder. Each brush of your lips against his, made him pull you closer. Call it him being bold or him being stuck in his euphoria, but every opportunity he got, Kyojuro pressed his lips to your exposed skin.
As if he could feel daggers on him, he took a glance at the table where everyone else was sitting. Sanemi, was currently, staring those mentioned daggers at Kyojuro. As if to fuel the fire, Kyojuro spun the pair of you around. So that Sanemi had a full view of you. A full view of you dancing all over him. Not Sanemi. With a sneer, Kyojuro pulled your work skirt up just enough for Sanemi to get a good look at your soft, plush thighs. Him giving them rough squeezes, dragging his fingertips and nails all over them.
Giving the other male a long look, and a Cheshire grin, Kyojuro placed another kiss along the base of your neck. But was then pulled back, literally. Tengen's face wore a look of horror... Or was it an idiots smile? The larger man was beaming at him, saying something... It didn't really set in, as the room spun. He did feel you grab his arm again, your chest squished against it. Tengen had started pulling him back to the booth, and you were dragged along. The pair of you now broken out of your stupor, thanks to Tengen.
Now sitting at the booth, more drinks where being passed around... With everyone save, for Gyomei, being drunk. Kyojuro made sure to keep you close to him. It had been about an hour or two? In reality it had been four or five at this point. With the majority of everyone holding or pulling at someone in attempt to get out of the bar, without falling. Gyomei helped everyone into his van, being sure to be careful with lifting the ladies into the van.
The large man quietly drove home. Checking his rear view mirror every so often when he heard some one stirr. He was happy to be sure his friends were safe, but sometimes it was like being a mother... Which he had been called on several occasions. Gyomei turned on his radio, gentle music always played on it... Unless he let Tengen sit in the passenger seat, on one of the many adventures the group sometimes went on...
Yawning he pulled into his garage. Once he got into more comfortable clothes, and set the living room for men to sleep in. The other guest room was designated for the women. After placing blankets, pillows, medications and water all over the place, Gyomei started to lift and carry the others into his home. Tengen, who always carried his wives in, was somewhat sober and started to help.
"You shouldn't have encouraged that."
"I didn't encourage anything. Kyo did it on his own. Sanemi should take a bit more action. I can't wing man for both of them, if their after the same woman."
"Then stay out of it? It probably would be best of you kept your hands out of it... Really Uzui, I'm sure you'd like to see them both happy, and have someone to go out with your wives... But you also have to consider that it's their lives..."
Gyomei didn't like the meddling Tengen Uzui usually did. He gently laid you down, next to Mitsuri. He could see Tengen sober up, for just a moment. But then the man fixed him with a look and shrugged, walking back into the living room and face planting into the floor, next to Kyojuro.
The sun shone through the windows and you whined at it. Rubbing your head, slowly sitting up. Blinking, you felt someone touch your back, patting gentle circles.
"Are you feeling ok? You had quite a bit of alcohol last night."
It was Mitsuri, she was holding a bottle of water out to you, and on your other side, Suma was holding a plate of eggs and sausage for you.
"Uh... eat up?"
You frowned at her. It was her and Hinatsuru's fault you woke up like this. Hungover and hurting... But you do remember having a good time... Taking the food, slowly eating and enjoying the new warmth, you nodded to Suma and Mitsuri.
"Thanks... I needed that... But, uh, where are we?"
As if on cue, Tengen opened the door, and you scrambled for the blanket. Causing Makio to laugh, and Shinobu to throw a pillow at the man.
"Ow! And good morning! Everyone slee-"
Another pillow had been thrown.
"Shut up."
Shinobu was reasonably upset and didn't need the loud noises. But that two seconds of quiet didn't last long. There was yelling in the other room.
The living room.
You rushed to throw on your clothes, Tengen's presence forgotten. He led the way into the room, acting as a wall between the men trying to fight. Successfully keeping you and the rest of the ladies from getting inbetween.
Gyomei held Sanemi by the shoulders, arms wrapped underneath the man's own arms. And Obanai and Giyu were holding Kyojuro back on the opposite side of the room.
"What are you talking about!? I barely remember last night!"
You looked back and forth between the two, confused as everyone else. But Kyojuro had a fresh bruise on his face, forming right underneath his eye. A sign that Sanemi had already gotten to him before anyone could stop him. You dodged from behind Tengen and made way to Kyojuro. Standing front of him, and he looked at you curiously,
You didn't say anything, as you looked him over, then turned to Gyomei. Who nodded and carried Sanemi into the kitchen, placing the man on the counter. Where Sanemi just stared at you. Gyomei returned to your side with an ice pack, with Obanai and Giyu peeling away, to make room for you to press the ice pack to Kyojuro's face. He hissed and looked at you apologetically, taking the ice pack in his hand.
You looked him over again and walked in to the kitchen to look over Sanemi. The man had a bruise on the opposite side of his face. He looked away from you, still fuming about whatever the hell happened last night.
"Are... We still good for-"
You laughed at him,
"You've got a bruise on your face, and just tried to wreak havoc... But your worried about our dogs play-date?"
Sanemi huffed, the heat in his face not going away, as you touched his cheek.
"I just don't wanna fuck this up, ok..."
You calmed down from laughing at the stupid man before you, and finally nodded at him.
"We're still good for it."
Chapter 5^
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wealllovemilo64 · 1 year
Blog rules and stuff! (Masterlist in the making)
Will add more later!
What fandoms I will write for:
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure - Josuke Higashikata (DIU & JJL), Jonathan Joestar, Joseph Joestar (young), Caesar Zeppeli, Jotaro Kujo, Jolyne Cujoh, Johnny Joestar, Gyro Zeppeli, Enrico Pucci, Guida Mista, Narancia Ghirga
Demon Slayer - Muzan Kibutsuji, Sanemi Shinazugawa, Doma, Gyutaro, Obanai Iguro, Rengoku Kyojuro, Uzui Tengen, Mitsuri Kanroji, Gyomei (fluff), Giyuu Tomioka
My Hero Academia - Tenya lida, Kirishima Eijiro, Katsuki Bakugo, Izuku Midoriya, Shota Aizawa, Momo Yaoyorozu, Shigaraki Tomura
Haikyuu - Kenma Kozume, Toru Oikawa, Hajime Iwaizumi, Shoyo Hinata, Tobio Kageyama, Koshi Sugawara, Kei Tsukishima, Tetsuro Kooru
FNAF - William Afton, Michael Afton
COD - Simon Riley, John Soap Mactavish
Genshin Impact - Kaveh, Kaeya, Albedo, Diluc, Xiao, Itto
(I promise there will be more once my lazy ass actually finishes animes and plays more games)
Relationship dynamics/readers I write for:
Dom/Top/Seme Male Reader x Sub/Uke/Bottom Character
Dom Male Reader x Power bottom Character
Dom male reader x Sub character x Sub!top character
Dom male reader x Sub character x Dom character (sub character will be the only one pounded/topped)
Black!top male reader (black male readers fr do not get enough love)
GN amab Reader x Character
GN reader x Character
Relationship dynamics/readers I will NOT write for at all:
Female reader
Sub male reader
Sub female reader
Dom female reader
Afab reader
FTM reader
Main kinks I do (feel free to ask about a kink if you’re not really sure, i’ll let you know if i’m comfortable with it!):
Praise kink
Daddy kink
Feminization kink
Breeding kink
Blood play
Pet names
That’s all I have for now! Feel free to send in any requests (if I didn’t list a character that you want up there still feel free to ask about them!)!
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