ritueldelagneau · 6 months
Major Arcana 01: The Magician
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The Magician, marked by the numerical 01, is a stark representation of the way earthly existence and ascended spirituality are linked together. It is a symbol of universal potential, intuition, and self-attained opportunity. Unlike its predecessor, The Fool, an aura of innocence is cloaked in knowledge attained through a life of spiritual study and fulfilment.
Manifestation. Resourcefulness. Willpower. Logic.
Greed. Illusion. Impulse. Untrustworthy.
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YES AND NO . . .
The Magician, especially when upright, is an affirming yes. There is a positive connotation between The Magician and manifest destiny-- you are being called to make that choice and make it bravely. You are supported by your deity/ies, by the universe, and should not hesitate to act.
When reversed, exercise caution. There is likely an added layer of nuance to your query-- perhaps one you haven't mulled over yet. You may face obstacles, conflict and friction as a side effect of your choice-- however in the end, it is most likely to be a good one overall, as long as you take careful steps.
In upright position, The Magician signifies your potential. You have power within you, and you can use that to reach your aspirations. When you combine your spiritual energy with your earthly intentions, you can create the synergy to succeed.
Clear your mind, form a plan of attack, and strike. The time is right to exact your intentions, and bring your goals to fruition. Commit to your goals, and they shall be done. When visited by the upright Magician, feel empowered.
An upright Magician, in regards to love, is a positive omen. That is, if commitment is what you seek. In a new relationship, The Magician predicts a shift from casual to serious. Your partner(s) may be interested in commitment-- and if you feel so inclined, now would be a good time to assert that you are, too. If you currently lack any romantic prospects, The Magician may intuit that someone new may be headed your way.
As for new sensuality, The Magician clues in an aspect of assertiveness. Do not be afraid to take the reigns and communicate what you want. Committal or not-- you are in control.
When considering relationships of more age, it exerts a similar aura of commitment. You and your partner(s) are likely in it for the long haul-- and that is not something to take lightly! Appreciate this knowledge that you are in a stable, supportive place.
The sensuality that follows an aged relationship is also a bit different from that of a new one. You may be interested in taking the reigns in a way you have not before. This doesn't necessarily mean you're interested in dominating, but maybe that you are interested in letting your partner(s) be guided into something you want. Do not be afraid to teach your partner(s) exactly how you would like to be pleased. Where the upright Magician is concerned, you will likely leave the encounter deeply satisfied.
Predictably, a financial AND career-based advisory from the upright Magician is simple: potential for more. However, the clues this potential holds differs in action. Remember: The Magician guides you to not only see your potential, but understand how to make use of it.
In your career, it is a great time to make bold, decisive choices. Show your commitment, aptness to succeed, and set sights on achieving your goal. With the right sense of determination, and an idea of what you want in your career, that potential can be used to its full capacity. You have the skills needed to achieve--now, you just have to strive for it.
In regards to finances, now may be a good time for keen spending-- you are in good alignment to see a successful return of your investments. Consider deeply what is and is not worth investing in, and do not hesitate to spend if your intuition feels positive. You will likely be paid back tenfold... Be it in money, satisfaction, or material goods.
Reversed, The Magician is a less opportunistic muse. Instead, it foreshadows many potential rocks in the path that is your potential.
You may be blinded to your opportunities. Distractions, weakness in your self-confidence, and a lack of keen mind can all wound your ability to seek a successful path.
There may be a liar in your midst. Unfortunately, you may be faced with manipulators, liars, and illusionists-- The Magician warns you to keep a watchful eye, and know whom you can (and cannot) trust.
You may be falling into your own misbehavior. This is an important one to keep in mind-- as this means you may have slipped from your own spiritual roots. Reconcile with yourself, your diety/ies, and your goals. Are you acting out of shortsighted greed?
However, not every omen of The Magician is negative when reversed. It can also be a neutral sign that you are approaching a goal, however struggling to see it bear fruit. You may face adversity in the coming future-- however The Magician is here to remind you that you can realign, and with some good planning and a deep breath, hop right back on track.
With love and sensuality in mind, bad omens can come from two sources: you, or your partners. The Magician will never point a finger at just others-- you are called to first consider yourself.
In a new relationship of romantic and/or sensual nature, it's important to consider that someone may not be being upfront about their intentions, needs and desires. You may be at odds with intentions and honesty. In new sensual relationships, it is extra important to consider that The Magician may be warning you to consider if this is a good move for your spiritual health.
In an aged relationship of romantic and/or sensual nature, it's important to consider that someone may have fallen into a habit of omitting honesty to reduce conflict and friction. There may be a barrier prohibiting open, truthful communication. In regards to sensuality, it's important to question if you (or your partner[s]) may be using sex to cope with a bigger underlying issue.
Remember that, although The Magician warns of deceit, this does not mean your partner(s) are trying to hurt you. Try to coax open those hard conversations and make sure you both feel supported-- communicating is difficult for a lot of people, but The Magician urges you to find the confidence to be honest anyway.
Reversed, The Magician is a clue that you are not maximizing that potential that I've mentioned. You may have good ideas and skills-- but you aren't making use of them. It may feel like you aren't reaching the goals you've set as quickly as you wanted-- and it is likely at least partially true. Something is stopping you from working hard and striving for better. It may be self-doubt, or greed, or possibly simply not being satisfied in your current career path.
Financially, you are also likely not spending well. There is a chance you're spending money too recklessly-- making short term purchases too frequently, that minimize your potential to make big, satisfactory moves in the future. You may also not have enough money to succeed economically. Again, you might be stuck within a career that does not satisfy your needs-- a career that cannot afford for basic needs inevitably also causes friction within your psyche.
Consider ways to either make your current career more satisfactory, or seek better. However, The Magician's unlimited potential knows that this simply may not be the place for you. Trust that although things are off now, you will find where you're meant to be, as long as you trust yourself, your diety/ies, and the universe to place you there with time.
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Remember! This is simply my own personal notes on what I have come to believe this card signifies. You may have other values, ideas, and concepts in mind for this card-- and that is okay! Spirituality is not a linear concept.
I offer digital tarot readings! Feel free to shoot me an ask, or a DM if the matter at hand is more private or sensitive to you. Free of charge, but I do accept tips.
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inknanda67 · 1 month
I made a Forneus x Narinder fanfic, because... Why not?
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In front of Death she was, but her heart was not afraid.
In front of Death, Forneus was, but her heart racing, overflowing with emotion, and trembling, not out of fear, but out of admiration and happiness.
Oh, he was the most beautiful cat she had ever seen in her life.
In front of Death, her eyes dilated, when he extended his hand to her, with an almost silent request to the sound of the instruments in the hall.
"Do you accept this dance?"
Death asked, and she, with the chest open, overflowing, with palms sweating with heat and anxiety, Forneus answered:
"With delight, beautiful death."
Yeah, I'm finally translating and starting to post my Colt series that I've been planning and writing for almost a year!
" Hearts are made to be" is the first volume of my Colt series, the name of the series is:
"Between Golden Ornaments and Tarot Cards"
( Believe me, I'm not good at naming series lol)
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sock-kaleidoscope · 3 months
3 of pentacles!
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hlficlibrary · 11 months
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✤ Witch Fics ✤
A series of posts with the top five fics of each category by kudos plus five more hidden gems from that category! Remember to leave kudos and a comment on the fics you enjoyed to show your appreciation! You can find our other recs here.
- Top 5 H/L Fics -
1️⃣ the school of extraordinary lovers by stylinsoncity / @aliensingucci (M, 191)
"We keep telling the other, I love you and I love you, and we do, though we both know where the knives are." - Laura Van Prooyen
harry is a third-year witch and violinist at Laitswold, the only magical academy in the UK, with dreams of taking on the world, and hopefully breaking the centuries-old curse on his family while he's at it. he does not dream of facing off against his childhood rival and duet partner, but louis is back in town after six years abroad, so that's exactly what happens.
2️⃣ love is divine by stylinsoncity / @aliensingucci (M, 25k)
Being a witch doesn't help when it comes to unrequited love.
3️⃣ Drops of Jupiter by @itsmotivatingcara (M, 121k)
In a small, sleepy town ruled by prejudice, Louis Tomlinson runs his grandmothers shop for the occult. He finds comfort in his tarot cards, his friends, and a dog that he doesn't have room for. He thought the worst he'd have to deal with would be bigotry, until a new sheriff arrives with a headstrong little girl that's impossible not to fall in love with.
But what happens when a string of break-ins leads to a brutal attack, and the towns' darling is murdered right under their Sunday hats? A murder that just so happens to bear the same modus operandi as similar homicides in neighbouring states. Has the killer been circling Virginia, or is he a local of Lavender Hills?
And what will Louis do when the charming Sheriff Styles starts to suspect him of such a heinous crime?
4️⃣ What Good Are The Stars Above by ultravioletInk (M, 68k)
A gratuitous alternate universe where Harry is more interested in the Slytherins than a Gryffindor Muggleborn has any right to be, Louis has settled into his preordained role, and Liam just really wants to get his friends through their final year of Hogwarts without accruing any casualties.
5️⃣ House of The Rising Sun by @itsmotivatingcara (M, 101k)
“It wasn’t me.” Louis said after they’d walked a block in silence, Harry glanced over in surprise but this time Louis didn’t meet his eyes, instead looking ahead. The moonlight cast shadows under his striking cheekbones, and not for the first time, Harry thought he was eerily beautiful - though immortality would likely have a hand in that. “It was supposed to be, but I got caught up in something else.”
“Something more important than murdering a witch” Harry snarked, “Will wonders never cease.”
He felt Louis’ irritation before he spoke again, “Careful, little lamb.” He murmured.
Little lamb.
Harry despised the nickname Louis had given him when they’d first met nine months prior. Little Lamb to the slaughter, Louis had said mockingly.
Or The Originals AU that no one asked for.
💎 A Spell and A Spark by @dinosaursmate (T, 73k)
“We have something to tell you.” Louis’ eyes slowly looked around the room. He frowned at the absence of anyone else. “We? Who? You and the cat?” Louis scoffed. “Yes.” Louis glanced at Niall, unimpressed. The black cat was looking at him quizzically. “Right. Well, spit it out, Mum.” “There’s no easy way to tell you this, so I’m just going to say it.” She took a deep breath. “You’re a witch.” --- Louis is a teenage witch, living and attending university among mortals. He has to keep his secret whilst studying on both his degree and his witch's licence. His friends don't suspect a thing, even as spell after spell goes awry.
💎 Spinning Out Waiting for You by amomentoflove / @daggerandrose (M, 18k)
Harry Styles is a year and a half away from graduating with a masters in potions and he has one huge milestone to reach in his academy career: the Matching Ceremony.
From Halloween night until graduation, matched witches and familiars will have to create a talisman to be a physical representation of their bond. One for the witch and one for the familiar. Most pairings last an entire lifetime.
If only it were that simple.
💎 Just Your Jinx by @larryatendoftheday (T, 10k)
Harry Styles may or may not have accidentally jinxed his extremely fit new neighbor, and it's not so easy to make things right.
💎 Babe, There's Something Lonesome About You by patdkitten / @babyarcanacasey (M, 8k)
Louis is a hedge witch, who lives a lonely, solitary life. He's quite happy with his shop in Door County, selling New Age magics to the tourists. He also has his cats and his birds to keep him company. But his best friend Liam thinks he needs someone around, and he's got just the person: Liam's friend Harry is coming to the area for the tourist season and since Louis has all this space....
💎 Cookbooks and Toothpicks and One Lizard by LadyLondonderry / @londonfoginacup (G, 3k)
If there is one thing that Harry hates about Halloween, it’s what a spectacle everyone suddenly makes around him.
Sure, he loves his friends, but he really wishes that this one, singular day of the year they could all just be chill. It’s as if for 364 days they forget what his profession is entirely, and then all remember at the same moment on the morning of October 31st. Oh yeah! I have a friend who is a witch! I should reconnect with him on this particular day, I’m sure he’s not already got plans of any kind!
Well not this year. This year he's going to the library.
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dainty-doodles · 3 months
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The Hearts I
“A minor remedy”
I miss drawing, however my motivation and inspiration to draw has been low for a long time. I’ve been playing Cult of the Lamb recently though and it’s sparked a bit of inspiration, and I want to take advantage of that while it’s here.
So here’s the start of a new series - the tarot cards from Cult of the Lamb! Let’s see how many cards get done 😅
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kaecodes · 4 months
As Promised, A Poll
As I mentioned before, I intend to put out a series of Free to Use skins with consistent features & standards that are easy to install, edit, & use. These will be designed off of the inspiration of specific games, series of games, & genres of games.
I will, however, only be using games I can clearly see a visual language in the UI of. I went through a few hundred games yesterday perusing UIs & considering atmosphere to determine the shapes, themes, & vibes they might offer that would work in a skin.
I now have a working, if incomplete, list to pull from. So now, I'm going to post a weekly poll with games to choose from & brief descriptions of their general design philosophy. That said, I am already working on two skins that are inspired by games; Alan Wake 2 & Control both from Remedy games.
A sampler of the Alan Wake skin, which will be called Vigil. My notes for the skin were: Green, Moody, Noire/Surreal Detective, Lovecraftian/Unknown Menace.
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As you can see, the header starts with a greeting for logged out members, or an announcement brief in the case of the logged in member. Clicking the username or briefing button in the box will bring up a full page modal containing userlinks, quicklinks, & a large custom account switcher if logged in, or featured wanteds if not. It's nothing fancy, but I thought a visual would help folks know how I design based on what will seem like vague/brief descriptors in the polls.
Speaking of which, it's time to get to the first of them. Of course, the Remedy inspired skins will be my first works, but I'd like to collate a list for what comes after, so when I hit a block or am just doodling while busy, I can get a head start on designing others...
Feel free to pick the one you like most, don't worry, none are being eliminated unless they have no interest at all, this is just about forming an ordered list based on demand. I want to make skins that are needed the most the fastest. That's all for now, thank you all so much & I would be obliged if the reach was extended through sharing <3
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sneakerdoodle · 3 months
(remaking my pinned, which used to serve as a directory for my personal art/writing, to now attempt to marry personal projects and small forms of activism/fundraising)
🕛💬 inbox temporarily closed as i catch up! --------------------------------------------------------
🇵🇸 Palestine posts spotlight 🇵🇸
Tarot post #1 (more current): Tarot readings as a thank you for donations to two Gazan families' evacuation funds
Tarot post #2 (old)
Pressure for Palestine: an online advocacy/pressure resource
🌿 Original Writing 🌿
Lambs of God (short story)
Soothsayers (short story)
ace this test (choose your own poem)
You do not have to be good: A lyric essay
MOTHER'S LOVE* - a solo journaling game (also on gumroad)
*any proceeds to be donated to a human rights initiative
📖 Media analysis blog** 📖
Character VS Status Quo essay series:
Chicory: A Colorful Tale
The Owl House
Wendell & Wild: Status Quo redefined
We Know The Devil: The Demonic Feminine
Centaurworld: An Experiment in Childish Maturity
The Sea Beast: Challenging Curiosity
Identity, Co-Dependency and Fixation in Centaurworld
(**probably to move soon)
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tooaverageofagamer · 10 months
REVIEW: Cult of the Lamb - Massive Monster
Release Date: 11 August 2022 Available: PC, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S. Genre: Indie, 2D, rogue-like, dungeon crawler, management simulator. Review Length: Medium (~1.4K words) Review Spoilers: Mild
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You begin your story in Cult of the Lamb as a little lamb (informally named 'Lambert' by the community), the last of their kind, by being executed by The Bishops of the 'old faith'. You avoid the end of your life because of an imprisoned, banished deity known as 'The One Who Waits' who promises to resurrect you if you make a deal, where it’s now your goal to free him from his imprisonment chains by The Bishops. 'The One Who Waits' gifts you a demonic crown to hold and bring forth your powers.
You partake in rouge crusades through different 'Lands of False Prophets', to defeat the four Bishops to free the disgraced to whom you owe your life.
In the name of 'The One Who Waits', you form a cult, gathering followers and proving that you can manage this cult by providing for your follower's needs. Practising rituals to favour your followers and your own gameplay technique, to further gain the power to roll and cut through The Bishops' lands with a steel woollen fist (hoof?).
While the game is mainly focused on its gameplay rather than its story, the plot is still enjoyable. It is a simple and straightforward story that still adds to the overall experience. As you fight deeper into the dungeon floors, you meet various unique characters. Interacting with them is always interesting, even though you might feel some are a bit similar to each other personality-wise.
Cult of the Lamb is a cutesy-looking, rogue-like indie game about forming and managing your own cult to gain 'devotion' from your followers to become more powerful to master your way through the main four levels available to you.
There are difficulty settings in this game, so I’ll be speaking for an “average” difficulty play-through; no zero-hit speed run attempts here!
Even with a recommendation from the game itself to play with a controller, I played with a keyboard and mouse so I’ll be speaking from that POV also.
To start off, I usually find dungeon crawler rogue likes difficult to manoeuvre, but I found Cult of the Lamb very accessible to an average gamer and even when I was frustrated at certain points, I always found myself inspired to continue on with the fight.
Weapons are provided to you in 6 main classes, Swords, Axes, Daggers, Gauntlets, and Hammers. It is total luck of the draw which weapon you are provided with at the start of a run, which some may find annoying if they believe they are more proficient in one weapon over the other, but I like to think that this way allows a player to get a feel for every class of weapon that could be thrown their way, not allowing them to feel stuck. Weapons can be swapped out during a run, depending on the randomly generated rooms and floors that the game hands you.
Curses are also provided to you at the beginning of the run and can be interchanged as the run goes on through shops and loot drops. Curses are spells that are used to cause extra damage to your enemies, poisons, pushbacks, projectiles, and more are available to unlock. There are a total of 25 curses that can be unlocked as you play.
Tarot cards are a game mechanic that makes you feel every run is different and makes you develop a strategy for every card you're dealt with. Tarot cards could provide you with extra health, damaging rolls, better loot, and much more. There are 43 tarot cards to unlock and become available as you continue your runs. You collect Tarot cards as you continue your run, from chests and from shops that are randomly generated on each floor.
Relics are introduced a little later in the game, they can be discovered in a shop or randomly from a loot chest. Relics can be recharged after use, but some relics are classed as 'fragile', indicating it's a single use.
Once you've completed a dungeon by defeating its boss, you can replace them as many times as you want, for as long as you want, as the dungeon then becomes infinite with many floors and many chances to gather valuable resources for your followers back at camp.
You have 3 save files available to you, allowing you to play many saves in different ways.
I personally found the controls a little hard to manage at the start, but thankfully at a certain point, you feel like you suddenly develop an almost muscle memory of your movements and tactics (and slightly sore fingers from long play sessions - I am weak, yes) as you flail through the dungeons. You feel like you developed multiple play styles in such a short time, that you feel like an almost above-average gamer!
If you feel overwhelmed by the mechanics I just listed, that you might feel like it would be too confusing for you to understand, do not worry - I felt the same for a little while! Once you've gotten through about 2-3 hours of gameplay, you start to feel more comfortable. Even if you don't in that rough timeframe, the game has no time limit. Take your time, and have downtime chilling with your followers!
In this downtime from your average dungeon crawling, manage your cult's stomping ground and meet interesting characters. Characters who provide you with quests to help you gain more stylish (100% polyester sadly /j) cloaks to advance your playstyle and let you sinfully gamble for a bit of extra gold. Build your campgrounds up in decorations, resource mines, burial grounds, and more with the devotion you gain from your follower's worship.
Talking about your followers, give them tasks to bear, sacrifice them, get them high, and maybe even marry your favourite! maybe marry your other 5 favourites too! Depending on the route you go with unlocking the rituals you can conduct, give your cult following the life they probably didn't want! Don't worry if they say they want to leave, just reteach them your ways in jail gentle reformation lessons!
For Twitch Streamer, Cult of the Lamb might be a good game to have your viewers feel a little bit involved in your content! Integrate your game with your Twitch account to allow you a few engaging features!
Here is a few highlights of this feature:
Viewers can use Channel Points to fill up your Twitch Totem Bar. When full you will receive a reward!
Viewers can vote to Help or Hinder events will happen automatically.
Allow viewers to enter a raffle to create your next follower. The winner can design the follower and it will display their Twitch name above the follower always.
3-Twitch exclusive follower forms become available!
Art Style/Music
The cute, cartoonish style of Cult of the Lamb is a joy to look at and experience, even with the game's slightly dark undertones, it never ruins the mood, I say it only enhances it. You might draw a few similarities with the style of Don't Starve Together by Klei Entertainment. In fact, the two developers have done crossovers in their respective games!
The coloured lighting and dark shadows shown in the game largely enhance the unknown or middle-of-nowhere feeling of your camp and the dungeons you traverse. The strong outlines of the artwork, from the bushes, the rocks, the poop, it doesn't cause any eye strain to the player.
The music in Cult of the Lamb is mystical sounding, which enhances the daunting moments, and the moments of stressful movements you have to perform. Some of the more psychedelic-sounding music might be a bit off-putting or unsettling to some players when you first hear it, but once you settle into the gameplay, the music almost drowns out over your constant internal attack planning.
My top songs from the Cult of the Lamb OST would be:
Start a Cult
Silk Cradle
The Cult of the Lamb OST can be found on Spotify.
Final Comments
Cult of the Lamb can be both chill and stressful. Once you get comfortable with your multiple available playstyles, the stress almost melts off and becomes a type of determination to finish your story. I did feel the story was just over and done with suddenly once the final boss was defeated, but I wouldn't use that to discredit the other 99% of the game.
The replayability is fresh and each play-through feels new. It's a suitable game to start off with if you're not familiar with rogue-likes and want a bit of story attached to it.
The Average Gamer
If you want to chat or get Spoiler-esque game insights, feel free to PM me!
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mystic-for-dummies · 1 year
Meet the Witch
(Saw someone else make a post like this and I thought it looked fun.)
September 2023 Name: Caelan Age: 23 Birthday: October 31st (yes, for real) Pronouns: My pronouns change from day to day. Check my pinned post. Astrological Signs: Scorpio Sun, Leo Moon, Virgo Rising, Sagittarius is the most common sign in my chart. Deities: Apollo, Loki, Lucifer, and Nyarlathotep
Witchy Facts About Me:
The element I feel the strongest connection to is fire.
I usually don't give exact, specific ingredients, words, etc when sharing spells. I feel like it's just going to discourage people who don't have access to certain items, can't perform specific acts, or can't memorize words very well.
I'm very interested in divination, especially astrology, tarot, oracle decks, and scrying.
I actually rarely work with my deities in witchcraft. That's more of a religious thing, and I don't always mix my religion and my craft. I'm more interested in working with my pre-Christian Irish ancestors. Nyarlathotep does give me very useful advice for my craft, though.
I'm not going to hesitate to hex a corrupt politician, an abuser, or anyone who unapologetically makes the world a worse place. No, you're not going to convince me that it's going to come back to me. It never has before, and I don't believe it will in the future.
As a heads-up, if you are a "love and light, never do harm ever" type of witch, this is probably not the blog for you. I don't think that you're any less valid or respectable for being that kind of witch; I just want you to know upfront that I am not that kind of witch and that I will most likely never be that kind of witch.
I try to take potential disabilities into consideration when writing spells, rituals, and other magical activities. It often feels like, when I read witchcraft books, the author will say that you have to do something a specific way. Like, "you have to do a bath ritual for this to work," or "you have to meditate first." And that completely fails to consider that some people aren't objecting to these things because they don't want to do them; they're protesting because they literally cannot do the tasks that the author says that they must do.
My Favorite WC Books
The Crooked Path by Kelden
Besom, Stang, and Sword by Christopher Orapello and Tara-Love Maguire
Of Blood and Bones by Kate Freuler
Weave The Liminal by Laura Tempest Zakroff
Fun Facts About Me
I'm autistic and ADHD, and I have dyscalculia.
My hobbies include reading, writing, video games, drawing, painting, makeup, cooking, worldbuilding, and TTRPGs (D&D, Pathfinder, Call of Cthulhu, Tales of Xadia, City of Mist, World of Darkness, Shadowrun).
My interests and things I study besides WC: medical science, biology, zoology, botany, world history, world mythology, literature, cultures both ancient and modern, folklore, psychology, neurodiversity, and LGBTQ+ history, culture, and current issues.
I have Christian religious trauma and now I'm allergic to most things Christian. Also I'm allergic to pollen.
I'm studying Spanish, Italian, Japanese, and Irish.
My favorite genre of anything (movies, books, shows, games, etc) is Fantasy.
I'm currently writing a novel.
I hope to someday make an Indie animated series.
I have a dog.
My Favorite Books (in no particular order)
The Realm of the Elderlings series by Robin Hobb
The Legend of Drizzt series by R.A. Salvatore
Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles
Stephen King's novels
Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard
Neil Gaiman's novels
Discworld series by Terry Pratchett
The Hobbit
The Lord of the Rings
The Hot Zone
The Outsiders
My Favorite Video Games
The Legend of Zelda
Kingdom Hearts
Final Fantasy
God of War
Skyrim / The Elder Scrolls
Don't Starve
Fran Bow
My Favorite Shows and Movies
The Owl House
Hazbin Hotel
Helluva Boss
Fullmetal Alchemist
The Dragon Prince
Errementari: The Blacksmith and the Devil
Annihilation (2018)
The Nightmare Before Christmas
Most Ghibli movies
The Silence of the Lambs
The Last Voyage of the Demeter
The entire Jurassic Park movie franchise
John Carpenter's The Thing
Soul Eater
Black Clover
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upside-down-uni · 1 year
Hypothetically, you are only able to keep 20 of your books. Only one book per author/series. So what books are you keeping?
thank you for tagging me @the---hermit, i hate it here this is evil >:(
I present in no particular order, my 20 books to keep:
Harrow the Ninth - Tamsyn Muir (I'm guessing I'll be allowed to borrow GtN from you from time to time)
When The Angels Left The Old Country - Sacha Lamb
Middlegame - Seanan McGuire
Blutbuch - Kim de l'Horizon
Bartimäus: Das Amulett von Samarkand - Jonathan Stroud
Neverwhere - Neil Gaiman
The Humans - Matt Haig
Snapdragon - Kat Leyh
(Un)Sichtbar Gemacht: Perspektiven auf Aromantik und Asexualität - Annika Baumgart, Katharina Kroschel
Hell Followed With Us - Andrew White
The Tarot Sequence: The Hanged Man - K. D. Edwards
Smoke Gets In Your Eyes (and other lessons from the crematory) - Caitlin Doughty
A Cruelty Special To Our Species - Emily Jungmin Yoon
Radio Silence - Alice Oseman
She Who Became The Sun - Shelley Parker-Chan
Reckless - Cornelia Funke
Detransition, Baby - Torrey Peters
Yolk - Mary H. K. Choi
When Women Were Dragons - Kelley Barnhill
Hunger Pangs: True Love Bites - Joy Demorra
i am inflicting this on (aka tagging): @smallfrenchstudyblr @edify-notes and @study-clouds
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inknanda67 · 7 days
Some art from the fanfic "Hearts" 🫀🐈‍⬛
Yes I wanted to finally scribble something from my Narinder x Forneus fic.
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Forneus in her priestess' clothes, I wrote it differently in the scene, because I'm thinking of several models and not just one uniform that she would wear the same model every day. ( Well, but would have always worn black)
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Forneus with the hood looks adorable :3
And the difference in size between Forneus and Narinder divine size in the fic.
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She is a small cat compared to her god.
You still don't know my Forneus x Narinder Fic?
Here's the link for you 🫵🏽👁️👁️
There is a small spoiler of a future scene below: ⤵️
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I can hear purring sounds.
( I'm really not good with arms and hands, she looked thinner in this picture help)
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sock-kaleidoscope · 3 months
doing these in random order so here the 4 of cups!
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5 Game Pickups
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This is a coin from Mario, When you pick it up it increases your total coin total, once you collect 100, you get another life.
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This is a tarot card from cult of the lamb. there are 78 in total, each boasting their own effect, these are given by Clauneck where you are given a choice of 2 where you can only take one, or dropped from chests, or you are given 4 at the beginning of a crusade if you have the fleece of the fates equipped.
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The pokeball on the ground is a staple pickup for the pokemon series of games, the red one will give you an item with each one being different, the yellow-green ones will give you a random TM (or TR)
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In Celeste, there are berries in the levels which require you to usually go out of your way to get them.
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The MarioKart item box is an item frequently placed around courses to give you items to use in the race, what you get depends on your place so if your in last you will get powerful items but if your in first then you won't be as lucky
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which horror movies have you watched? im curious (ib: norman cause he gave me the idea and im very very nice) - batanon
My bloody valentine (2009)
All the Halloween movies
Everyone of the scream films
The first chucky ( and seed of Chucky along with bride)
All the Friday the 13ths
Some of the nightmare on elm street films
The birds
All the psycho films
The boogeyman (new film and old ones)
All the conjuring films(from the nun 1 to the conjuring 3)
When a stranger calls (remake and og)
All three of the Strangers
Black Christmas ( remake and og)
Evil dead rise
Long legs
Silence of the lambs
Dead silence
Thanks giving
All the sinister films
The town that dread sundown
The grudge
10 clover field lane
The invisible man
The Haunting in Connecticut
Black phone
The popes exorcist
Truth or dare
The boogeyman (new film and old films)
Most of the saw movies
Hell house (all the films)
The possession of Hannah grace
The exorcist (the first one and the one that just came out)
Lights out
Don’t breath
Get out
The exorcism
Prom night
Trick or treat
Final destination
Wrong turn
Pet cemetery (new and old one)
As above so below
The candy man
Happy death day(1 and 2)
Every film in the split series
Late night with the devil
Talk to me
Last night in soho
Unfriend (1 and 2)
The banana split movie
Five nights at Freddy’s
The menu
Shutter island
Silence of the lambs
All the purge films
Prom night
I know what you did last summer
Megan is missing
The first fear street film
Don’t hang up
Jennifer body
Blair witch project(the old and new one)
Jeepers creepers
Tragedy girls
Urban legend
The gallows
The visit
You should have left
Children of the corn
The house October built
Sleep away camp
VHS(i can’t remember which one)
Bones and all
As above so below
The visit
The house October built
(There’s more but this is all i can think of atm )
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jcmarchi · 4 months
Cult Of The Lamb's Unholy Alliance Update Adds Local Campaign Co-Op This August
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/cult-of-the-lambs-unholy-alliance-update-adds-local-campaign-co-op-this-august/
Cult Of The Lamb's Unholy Alliance Update Adds Local Campaign Co-Op This August
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Developer Massive Monster still isn’t done with its 2022 hit game, Cult of the Lamb, as it’s bringing full campaign co-op to it this August. Revealed during today’s Devolver Digital presentation, the Unholy Alliance update hits Cult of the Lamb on August 12 and adds a new playable character: the Goat. 
With the Goat joining the titular Lamb, players can now experience the entire campaign in local co-op. Devolver says this update includes two-player twists on existing minigames in Cult of the Lamb, like fishing and kuncklebones, as well as additional corrupted weapons, tarot cards, curses, and relics. 
Check out the two-player action in the Cult of the Lamb: Unholy Alliance trailer below: 
[embedded content]
While playing in co-op, players can swap weapons, deal extra damage when fighting back-to-back, and deal critical hits if their attacks are in sync. Plus, solo players get some new powers and abilities to play with, too. 
Elsewhere in the update, Unholy Alliance adds new buildings, fleeces, follower traits, follower quests, and more secrets to discover. 
Here are some Cult of the Lamb: Unholy Alliance screenshots: 
Cult of the Lamb’s Unholy Alliance update hits PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 4, Switch, and PC for free on August 12. 
For more, read Game Informer’s Cult of the Lamb review, and then read about the major content update the game got last year. 
Are you going to revisit Cult of the Lamb for some co-op action? Let us know in the comments below!
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Cult of the Lamb
Developed by Massive Monster
Published by Devolver Digital
Release Date 2022
Tested on Xbox Series X
MSRP 24,99 USD
Are you finding yourself wishing to break a deal with an evil deity and start a cult in its name? Well, look no further because Cult of the Lamb is the right place for you. 
I spent around three to four hours in this game, and here is my impressions.
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The game starts in medias res, we are a lamb who is brought to a ceremony, sacrificed to keep and preserve Old Faith. Right after we are decapitated, we find ourselves in a misty environment over the clouds which, kind of, feels like a purgatory. A deity, called The One Who Waits, greets us, we make a deal with him. He will resurrect us in exchange for founding a cult in his name. Furthermore, we, as the head of the cult, can rescue other animals who are about to be sacrificed and recruit them to our cult, indoctrinate them, customise them in terms of skin, look and give them specific duties to carry out in our village.
In this game, you find yourself playing a city-management sim from time to time, yet this one has so many unconventional management types, and the balance city-management and upgrading your hub, followers, improving your habitat is kept so well, you are definitely a head of a cult, one that rules over his/her followers, which breeds both benevolent and malevolent sorts of actions, for example, which one is your priority when you are upgrading your base through Temple, building a Shelter, which will replace low-quality sleeping bags or a Prison, which will be beneficial and useful against naughty followers who disobey you?
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The game has traditional mechanics and bells and whistles that any game has: an Inventory (for Food, Currency and Items), Player page (Gear, Tarot Cards and Relics which roleplay as Upgrades for your character), Quests.
Now let’s talk about what takes place outside your habitat. Inspired by metroidvania genre, you embark on journeys which are procedurally generated, so your every run will be fresh and unique. In these runs, you come across enemies, mini bosses and bosses, you gather resources (Grass, Wood etc) as much as possible, you do rescue and recruit new followers for your cult. One thing you should know that: you are not keeping weapons permanently. At the beginning of each run the game presents you with a main weapon and secondary ability. During the run you can come across new weapons or abilities, you can swap them on the go.
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You’ll be spending at least a third of your time in your base, constructing buildings, planting seeds, watering them, communicating with your followers and commanding them what to do, for instance worshipping you (which raises devotion), chopping trees, working on mines to generate iron. 
The game is mostly focused on Temple, you can gather all of your followers there and carry out various things:
Sermon: you can give sermon to your followers, which will earn energy for your for each followers, and this will help strengthen the relationship with the flock and help them level up
Crown: you can declare new doctrines which will upgrade your items as a cult
Rituals: each ritual requires hard-to-come-by currencies, which will boost your cult substantially
Doctrine: specific cult-wide upgrades for declared doctrines
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The game really caught me off-guard when a follower requested to make him eat a poop soup…yeah, this really happened and I am still baffled how to take it, when it comes to creation, art and non-conventional approaches, I am always glad to see that a creator breaks the “safe-zone” borders and step outside the accepted-norms.
Cult of the Lamb is a fresh breath into 2.5D indie games with superb graphic style and alluring soundtrack.
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