I need y'all to stop reminding me that Natasha is officially gone. My delusional gay ass can not deal with it 😭😭
In my head she's very much alive please let's keep it that way 😭😭😭
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11queensupreme11 · 2 months
Hello queen, sorry but I wanted to know how the yanderes would react to knowing that technically Percy is considered a bastard girl and not a princess since Poseidon was married to Amphitrite and she already had sons and daughters with her and she is not technically a princess, her sisters are and she is not very loved by her father's family (amphitrite, Triton and her daughters Rhodes and Cimponela) And that Percy Poseidon technically "abandoned" her even before she was born and that she has practically only seen him like 5 times and most of them were so that she either went on a mission or had just finished Upon returning from a mission and that Percy knows how to fight technically, Poseidon, Apollo and Hades do not believe her capable of even handling a knife well.😆
THEY WOULD BE SO PISSED LMAOOO like "wdym the princess isn't a princess, that's not funny, don't lie to me 😡"
and yes, they ALL would be pissed. ALL OF THEM.
it's not just a title to them, being part of the royal family means a life of privilege and safety, and if percy was never declared a princess in the pjo verse, than that means she has NO privilege of safety. they really just got this girl out in the wild (new york) fighting for her life 24/7 LMAO
poseidon would be the most pissed for obvious reasons. he does not care if she's a bastard child (and also dare you call my baby that 😡🔱), she should be a princess in his eyes!!! she's better than all the other dumb kids his stupid counterpart has! and he'd be so pissed that she's fighting too, like his baby is supposed to be a princess doing princessy things!!! not fighting! percy's the star of all of these quests and she quite literally has no choice BUT to go, but he doesn't care, he'd demand someone else go cuz he's not putting his baby in danger!!!
(don't even mention the fact that pjo!poseidon's other demigod kids were born into royalty from the mom's side so they were all princes too whereas percy's really just that one Commoner Kid poseidon has LMAOOOO 😭😭😭 she's the peasant of the family 😂)
if hades had a heart, he'd be clutching it and having a heart attack. okay, percy's not a princess? fine, okay, he's not happy but whatever. BUT IF YOU TELL HIM THAT SHE'S OUT THERE FIGHTING BECAUSE SHE'S A DEMIGOD, AND THAT'S JUST WHAT IT MEANS TO BE A DEMIGOD IN THAT WORLD???? lmao he is putting his foot DOWN 😤😤😤 girls should not be fighting! they should be locked away under the protection of their family because they need to be safe!!! and percy's just a baby 🥺 she shouldn't be exposed to violence 🥺🥺🥺 (he'll deadass say that while percy's drowning a horde of monsters behind him 😭)
apollo is screaming, crying, and throwing up like "the love of my life... is a PEASANT??? NOOOOO 😭😭😭😭" percy: it's really not that bad--"WHY MUST LIFE BE SO UNFAIR TO HER???? NOOO 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭" he'd be going on and on about how he would treat her SO well and give her the life she deserves, and she's just going all "please don't" but he wouldn't listen 💀
beelzebub already knows of this, she told him as much. she never outright told him that she has no royal title, but cmon he went to new york with her and she showed him the shitty apartment she used to live in 💀 it was very easy for him to figure out that she's a fucking peasant 😭. so yeah, the whole princess thing isn't a big deal to him, but he thinks it's unfair that most of poseidon's other demigod sons had higher status and percy's just That Broke Bitch 😭 percy also vaguely told him about the monsters too, but when he ACTUALLY sees how bad it is (+ quests + wars) he's gonna freak out and kidnap her away 💀
loki would laugh at her for being a peasant LMAOOOOO 💀 im sorry but he really would 😭😭😭😭 so yeah, he wouldn't care that she wasn't a princess, he'd probably make fun of her and get annoyed when it doesn't bug her. she genuinely does not care about royal titles so nice try loki 💀 he will, however, sing a different tune once the monster attacks and quests start rolling in. he'd be pissed and flabbergasted like "WHY do all these stupid prophecies keep involving you?! it's not like you're special or anything!!!" once it dawns on him that she truly is The Main Character, he's gonna freak out too because "holy shit hahaha this is kinda dangerous for you, maybe i should kidnap you away?? 🙃"
anubis would feel upset that she's not a princess (his nickname for her is "Tiny Princess" btw guys!!!! 🥺🥺🥺) but he'll just go "don't worry babe, you're still MY tiny princess no matter what they say!!! 🥰💖💖💖" and he actually wouldn't mind the quests, monster attacks, etc. he'd watch her fight and be like "woooooow she's so cool 😃" until she gets an owie 💀💀💀💀 then it finally clicks in his head that oh no she could die, and that's when he really becomes feral. he'd probably jump in and destroy whatever hurt her (let it be a monster, a random root she tripped on, or maybe some young camper accidentally misaims during archery class and grazes her). he's destroying it regardless and hauling her back to his palace like "*sniff sniff* Tiny Princess... 🥺🥺🥺🥺 are you okay???? 🥺🥺🥺" and she'd be like "anubis... i tripped on a rock" "I KNEW THAT WORLD WAS TOO DANGEROUS FOR YOU, I'M SUCH A BAD MATE IM SORRY 😭😭😭😭 💔"
(also, wait lmao, you know the whole lamia thing and how she set a curse so that all monsters would be able to sniff out demigods??? ANUBIS WOULD BE PERFECT FOR THIS CUZ HE COULD JUST SCENT HER LIKE IN THOSE OMEGAVERSE FICS LMAOOOOOO)
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silviakundera · 2 months
The Princess Royal ep 23 thoughts
Finally the devoted couple era! I DESERVE THIS. ❤
we got a split second glimpse of Su Ronghua's death in life 1, right??????
Big fan of including a Su family scene w horrorshow montage to remind the audience of Su Rongqing's #1 goal, to stop the crown prince from gaining the throne.
As much as Li Rong would tell him that she is going to change the future, that everything she is doing is to set up a better reign for her brother... as much as she already promised him that she will stop unfair clan exterminations and proved she could save the Qin... It's hard to blame him for being unable to take this on faith when he has lived the horrible consequences of her failure.
Just like we can't blame Li Rong for believing change is possible and for relentlessly striving to prevent the emperor from deposing her the crown prince - which almost led to her and her brother's death in the 1st life.
And we see how precarious their position remains, as the less favored heirs. And the influence LR has already had on her brother.
In the same episode that we see SQR and LR perform together in an echo of their history, reminded that there was a time when they were united on Li Chuan's side and helping him consolidate power...
We see the inevitable clash of wills. A fight that neither will back down from.
He can admire all the rabbit lanterns he wants but..;
There is a deeper conflict than just 1 crown prince (as we saw in Su Ronghua explaining why he wants to aid LR and SY - not aligning to Li Chuan but to LI RONG!!)
Su Rongqing has (understandably) made Li Chuan into the sole adversary. If he can just stop THIS ONE EVENT (Li Chuan's rise to emperor) from happening then nothing has to change and everything can play out Like It Was Supposed To™. The aristocracy can be safe and have a nice regency with a disposable lil puppet emperor.
And it makes sense! (face palm) In the original timeline, LR became the face of the nobility as she used all their power to protect herself & her brother (and then was cannibalized by that same system & family). SRQ has come back and from his PoV he's fighting his girlfriend's old fight! But with foresight! He'll throw away the Su's neutrality and go all in. He's gonna FIX STUFF and make this a world where she and his family are secure and the right people are in charge. Our kind of people. He will use his decades of sinister eunuch skills to keep all the pieces under his control and this time no one they love needs to die.
But Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan have come back too and have been growing & changing, not mired in the past.
(I think perhaps that when that horrific family annihilation happened to SRQ, he just got stuck - encased in amber & trapped there as the person he was when the world was still a place he understood)
It physically PAINS me that they cast such a wet blanket as Su Rongqing. A great actor would be doing so much more with this material. 😭 whyyyyyyyyyyyyyy😭
Setting up imperial examinations case scheme vs scheme!! I know a lot of this subplot will be simplied but I'm low key hyped to see it play out.
Per ep 24 preview, the promotions plot is coming next! LR and SRQ digging pits for each other and PWX strategically faints!
(lmao all during that royal family banquet I just kept imagining LR 🔪 🔪 🔪 over at Li Cheng while SRQ imagines dumping Li Chuan on a boat set for Greenland)
(Pei Wenxuan: and someone was making eyes AT MY WIFE
(Me: bro that is so not your biggest problem)
(like, I would venture it's not even a problem)
(please I beg of u, focus more of your energies on murder)
(YES, the imperial relatives. OMG DO I NEED TO DO EVERYTHING AROUND HERE.)
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my dearest darlingest marina i need you to know you have broken me quite thoroughly and i might never ever forgive you for it as long as we both shall live ! ❣️
to clarify- ive been saving "let's fall out of love" to read later ever since you posted it cuz i didn't feel ready- didn't think i was emotionally stable enough to read it then. well, tonight ive been clearing out my list of unread fics from last year aND GODDAMN WAS I EVER RIGHT ABOUT THAT.!!!
started getting all weepy and shaky before that first courthouse bathroom conversation and i didn't ever stop 😭 sobbed so hard and for so long at the unfairness of it all (for both of them !) i gave myself an asthma attack and had to stop reading.. what really broke me was e's bittersweet and somewhat detached realization on the courthouse steps that all their kids had flocked to laney during the divorce. couldn't stop thinking abt how badly i would've wanted to tell jesse off for being sharp to his daddy, and the knowledge that elaine COULDN'T, that it wasn't quite over yet and she still had to save face for a bit longer despite how much it killed them both, despite being the only person who could truly understand just how deep elvis was hurting right then and having been the one who'd made a whole life out of loving him hard.......... the idea of him resigning himself to having lost that forever (false) and her having to go against everything in her nature to let him ache a while longer,, oh it just shattered my spirit to bits right then and there. oh god im gonna start crying again just thinking about how lonely they both made each other 💔💔💔
im literally inconsolable, even with the reasoning behind it/ knowing how it ends beforehand, and having those future timeline fics to fall back on did nOT SAVE ME like . dear GOD woman how is that even possible?!?? if i had any shred of humanity left in my body id wax poetic for three more paragraphs abt how that speaks to your truly absolutely outstanding talent as an author and worldbuilder, but alas i think i cried out everything that was keeping me sane sometime in the last half hour and now i have to go lie facedown on the floor in my hallway and die abt it all instead 👍 fantastic work as always i love all your work so much forever etc etc 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗
ps: it took me the better part of an hour to type all this out since ive lost the water content of approxinately a small ocean w my tears and am doing physically poorly in response 🫠🫠 so thanks for ur patience in this trying time 😔🙏
I spun around in circles upon reading this like my poor coon dog when she had a stroke -jovially of course. Like this is the stuff every writer dreams of getting for feedback but holy smokes, your talent for screaming? Beyond my wildest dreams. I’ve always told you how much I appreciate your time and enthusiasm to tell your thoughts Mary Hope, and now is no exception. My babe and co-author @elvisabutler deserves the pleasure of reading what we’ve wrought, as well. I’ll be halving all your medical and psychiatric expenses with her. 😏
Tbh, despite knowing both imminent and longterm reconciliation was to happen after this segment, we were just as cut up about tearing them apart as you were to read it. In fact, it was worse than all the lead up fics where the passive aggressive accumulation of grievances came across as hurts but ultimately only aggravations. This is just…PAIN. Funny how what was untenable before a tragedy suddenly appears to have been idyllic after it. Anyways.
Thank you for reading, here’s some Kleenex, albuterol and do know the sequel to this divorce is in drafts, so not finished AT ALL but it is in the works.
Not that it’ll hurt much less than this one. 😈
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lenorelovesmax · 8 months
Were you ever on the Chloe hate-train?
Oh boi, this is gonna be long. Absolutely no, never. The more I grow up, the more I see how young she actually is and how unfair the hate she gets is. She's only 19, went through trauma and she had absolutely no support. Her mother seems to expect she just gets over it, I still can't believe Joyce told her in BTS "I'm glad your father still has a place in your heart"... Like BRO, it's been 2 years????? Your daughter is 16????? What???? And then she just brings a new man in the house and Chloe is just expected to be fine with it. It's already hard for a kid to accept a step-parent when the parents get divorced, let alone when the dad had a sudden death like that??? And Joyce even tells Max Chloe "chose to stay angry" like... Of course she still is??? 😭😭😭
Her behavior is completely understandable, which doesn't excuse some of the things she does but she's literally 19, people should give her a break! She has her whole life to become a better person but no, people think she deserves to die for her perfectly human reaction to trauma.
Plus people deem her as "toxic" but conveniently forget all the times she apologizes to Max for stepping over the line. Like when they go see Kate in the hospital, she apologizes for not letting Max take the call, or says she did well in ignoring her if she does take the call. Or after the fight at the end of episode 3, she texts her saying that she's sorry and that she "sucks again". Or at the start of episode 3, when she pranks Max and she calls her out for being insensitive, Chloe genuinely felt mortified.
I believe the real toxic people are the ones who refuse to change, who are entitled and arrogant, and Chloe definitely isn't one of them.
Sorry this got long and kind of rant-y 😅
Thank you so much for the ask!
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h5eavenly · 5 months
wanted to send you this ask sooner but i fell asleep 😭😭 but you're so right hyunyn are so i love you it's ruining my life coded it's actually crazy, and my girl y/n is so the prophecy x waolom coded too :-( and i feel like some lyrics of tsmwel fit hyune's pov of the events and so long london fits with y/n's pov kinda, they were born to be the alchemy but are destined to loml (im losing it fr)
as always the written chapter was stunning, i feel like you could really see where each of them stand in this one bc their feelings and povs were so gorgeously juxtaposed at once and it made the entire thing so much more cathartic :-( but i'm a y/n girl through and through so i'll defend her in her rights AND her wrongs, i do think hyune was being unfair to her ngl and it was addressed in the chapter itself but it's crazy that he actively refused so listen to what she had to say and then went out of his way to reproach her for something he knows she had little control over.... plus idk him always assuming she's lying about everything just doesn't sit right with me, her having to literally pass out in front of him for him to realise that he was doing to much was crazy too. ik he's going through many things at once too and it's easier to villainise y/n in his mind as a coping mechanism but most of the things y/n do deserve some grace i feel, especially since she did show him and others that she changed for the better and now has a much healthier mindset, and i feel like we're forgetting that yeosang was the main instigator in this whole situation and it isn't fair for y/n to shoulder his responsibility in all of this either
but i'm so glad they're making amends with themselves and allowing themselves this second?? third?? chance that they really do deserve 🥹 and thank you sm for the update, sending you big big hugs as always 🫂🩷🩷
i agree yn is so prophecy coded and hyune is so tsmwel, stop im lit so sad cus the alchemy is my fav song and i want it to be them so bad but it doesnt fit:( at least not yet (i will make sure to make it fit tho)
i saw a lot of ppl talking about hyunjin and i understand how he might appear cruel specially since we've been in yn pov all this time and we saw/felt her pain and suffering but i think with hyunjin's personality the way hes acting aligns. like him being really strong headed and stubborn when he's hurt or when his values are being tested (example: when him and yeji were on rocky grounds before and he was mean to her bc of the whole yeosang thing where felix was still really kind even tho he didnt agree w yeji either)
another trait of his is that he's really protective of ppl he cares about and even cares for them more than he cares about himself (like when jyp gossip posts about him he doesnt care but when they're hurting yn he's willing to take action against them) and i think that what makes everything complicated to him. its the fact that yeji was the main victim in this which is why when him and yuna talk earlier he also tells her "this would be so much easier if she just hurt me alone"
sorry for talking so much ahdawjw im very passionate as you can tell :D thank you for writing to me this was a blessing to read, sending you big hugs right back <33
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crescenthoax · 8 months
Hi I’m that anon who sent you the GOT quote and I just wanna say to this beautiful bit 😭 “As for Floris and Aemond I know [my] Aemond is not everyone’s favourite but I don’t know… I feel like the lore about them I think every night before falling asleep is too deep and complex to even begin with. I adore them, even though he’s terrible and she deserves so much better, and yes, I see everyone pointing out that he’s not exactly mourning her but I think he is in his own way -and I will write about it. Just because.”
GIRLLL YOU DONT KNOW HOW MUCH /I/ LOVED THEM. They weren’t the main couple but I feel like all your side pairings are so much full of intrigue and drip with life. But yeaaahh um I loved them, I loved the whole “they prefer to look at each other than touch each other” thing and how less physical They were, I loved their opposite personalities, and I loved how they kept their relationship to themselves and away from prying eyes of not just the other characters like Annika but to the reader as well (unfortunately I’m a nosy bitch who wanted to see) They also reminded sooo much of Joanna and Tywin “Only Lady Joanna truly knows the man beneath the armor, and all his smiles belong to her and her alone.” LIKE.. ugh my heart.
I definitely overromanticized them to a problematic degree in my head 😭 I’m an optimist but I was so excited for the Christmas au bc I thought they’d get the happy ending they’d been robbed of by the Caswells in the main verse, I thought starting with them being broken up meant that their arc would be them getting back together so imagine my surprise and heartbreak when I read part 2 😭😭😭😭😭
I definitely feel more than a little silly for misinterpreting their relationship so much and hearing that they don’t actually “belong” together in that way, Idk. I don’t hate your Aemond but I do want to shake him and scream that he needs to get his act together and BECOME BETTER AND BECOME DESERVING of her because in my head, she was all he wanted. Idk. It’s stupid but I wanted them to be happy together so badly. I still really ship them even after alla dat which makes me a little bit of a 🤡 but I LOVE pain if I didn’t, I wouldn’t have made it this far into Aegon and Annika’s story.
I think so many of the readers associated the found family with all three of the couples just being siblings together so it’s easy to forget how much Aemond loves our girl Annika, if he’s disloyal to his wife which I think is sad and a little unfair but a valid reading. I’m also not ready to let go of this familial dynamic, it was definitely my favorite. I just hope for the best for all of the Targtowers and their remaining wives especially Aegon and Annika, but I know whatever you come up with, I’ll be happy with even if I’m sobbing on the floor.
Jeez that Tywin and Joanna’s comparison was truly something.
And, to be fair, I don’t think there’s such a thing as 'misinterpreting them.' I believe you can interpret their relationship however you want and also perceive the characters alone as you please. That's what's fun and magical about reading. As a writer, I would never say, 'no, actually…' when someone tells me their views on a character or a pairing—unless you're saying something absolutely out of context, like when someone said Annika enjoyed being with Jacaerys or that she didn’t love Floris. I want people to feel a genuine connection to the story and perhaps find themselves in the characters, to relate to them. I also love to see how what I’ve written is interpreted because it helps me a lot to see if people understand where I’m pointing. So, if you think they were in love (they were, I just think that if it were up to him he would’ve never taken a wife at all), then it’s okay. Aemond is a complicated dude driven by duty and greed, but yes, he loved her, and he’s in pain right now though he doesn’t let it show. Modern Aemond and Floris, however… I don't know I feel like modern Aemond would be so insufferable about women. Love him though.
On a side note, of course he loves and deeply cares about Annika too. I think I already talked about this, but he cares about her as an individual and also as an extension of his brother’s honour. That's why he’s mad and upset about the entire baby situation, perhaps even more than Aegon. I think Aegon feels guilty, and he’s sick with worry thinking about everything Aemond is pointing out. But I believe we can all agree that we are all going to miss this family so much. I even have to confess that I wrote that Christmas au because I was too depressed about the main fic and I missed Floris and the six of them and I wanted Helaena to be happy lol.
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katemad · 1 year
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Seong Mo & Ji Soo deserved better!!!
I vent on this post about it
Seong Mo shouldn't be the culprit. Kang Geun Tae should be the one who killed the women and putted the fire. I had suspected Sung Mo during the series, in a flashback inside the building when the father said to a boy with black clothes to take care of An. And after that they both fell from the building. But it shouldn't be him. And Ji Soo should be alive.
I understand that Ji Soo's death happened so her father doesn't have anything else to lose and surrender and uncover the corruption. But it's so much heartbreaking that she had to die for that to happen!!😭 And that's why I think it's so sad and unfair. Ji Soo should be alive and well and in a relationship with Seong Mo (who wouldn't be the culprit). She should be endangered or in a comma and be okay later. That would also push her father to deside to surrender and uncover the corruption.
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Look how she looked at him!! 😭😭😭 With the look of love 😍😍
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She wanted to change him. Sorry girl, people don't change that easily.
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In the sunflower necklace it was Seong Mo. Seong Mo and her.
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The sunflower necklace she had in her car. The sunflower necklace she looked with that sad face. She was his sunflower 🌻 She was the light of his life. A happy person that brighted so much.
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Physical contact? Seong Mo wouldn't let anyone do that. I mean except… Ji Soo… 😏🥰🥰
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Look how happy she is because she made him smile 🥺🥺🥺
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She smiles so bright even if she is infront of a camera or not. Though I believe right here, she's really genuine happy because she is next to her love of her life.
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Look how they laugh together, not even knowing how much time they left, they laugh happily… together. 🥰😭They are having a great time together 🥰😭
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Their photos!! 😭😭😭 Seong Mo wouldn't do that for any other reason. They took the photographs because she wanted to. Look at her smile!! It's so bright!! 😭😭😭
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Look how upset he is when she died. Not only “Ji So, stay with me” but that “Noo!!” and the tears as well are so heartbreaking 😭😭😭
Also, he cried 😭😭😭
And what was Ji Soo's last words? “You are not a monster"
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“Please come with me Seong Mo”. Seong Mo, the love of her life, would surely be her last words… 😭😭😭🥰 Cute but sad 🥰😭 Sad but cute 😭🥰
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Did you see that? He cried. That's a tear. It is.
I'm sure Seong Mo liked her. He did!! He had said Ji Soo was precious. Two times.
Or do they change?! Sometimes they do. Is it possible she changed him? I don't know. But I know he seemed cold, heartless and that he doesn't care but he did, he does and he will… He laughed when he was with her… Even if he changed under your influence either not, he liked you. He liked you Ji Soo. It just was hard for him to say and show it.
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They didn't even kissed! Ugh!! 😤😤
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aplateoflasagna · 1 year
💙💙This is not a drill! TREASURE comeback is confirmed!!! 💙💙
I'm so happy!!! I missed our boys so much! 💎
The T5 release will be in July and the actual comeback is in August. That means there will have been 11 months between 2 album releases and that seems insane to me. But Treasure has worked so hard this past year, they literally didn't have time to comeback sooner. How do other groups do this? Straykids, Twice, NCT etc they go on tour but still have multiple comebacks per year. How?? Are they not severely overworked or is JYP, SM, HYBE etc just better at time management? (that might be it tbh lol)
It feels unfair to ask of artists to have a comeback during or immediately after a (world) tour, but fans see so little of a group during a tour that it feels as if they weren't doing anything (no new music or big promotions etc)
For example Blackpink has been on tour since oktober 2022 and it will last at least until August 2023. That's almost a full year of touring! Jisoo had her solo debut and they did Coachella and they will perform at Hyde Park.
Right now everyone is saying that they deserve a break, Jennie performed 3 songs with an IV drip today, but had to leave the stage because she felt so sick, Jisoo had covid last week, the girls have all been seen with injuries. Only now will fans be sympathetic. The tour will be over, October 2023 will come and go and people will complain and riot that Blackpink should have had a comeback by now, only a month after their world tour ended.
And like, I'm not pointing fingers here, I've also been impatiently waiting for Treasure to make a comeback. I've had to remind myself how hard they've worked since last october.
They did so much promotion on youtube for Hello era which gets overlooked a lot because they did less in-person promotion in Korea.
Immediately after the comeback promotions, they did 'Hello concert in Seoul' + The exhausting Japan tour from November until January while also rehearsing and attending award shows. I remember being so worried for the members because that schedule was inhumane, it was way too much. Half the members had gotten sick, Junkyu lost his voice for three concerts, Jihoon was severely sleep deprived etc + they had to film content for Treasure World Map (which all Teumes should watch btw! it really doesn't get enough appreciation. Every episode makes me cry tears because they truly act like family 😭)
January and february they were seen filming Tmap + that's when they probably filmed a lot of the new episodes of T-talk, 3 minute treasure, fact check and tmi-logs + they shot the welcoming collection
March was the start of their Asia tour where they kept shooting for TWM + multiple members have said that at the same time they were working on the comeback.
My point is, they have had back to back schedules for the past year, they couldn't fit a comeback anywhere until now. Ideally, Treasure would take a well deserved break now, the tour ended, maybe they could visit their families (I was shocked when Jihoon said he only sees his family 3 times a year because of their busy schedule) or travel or maybe just rest for a few weeks and take a break from their Idol life... But they can't... Because it's been almost a year since their last comeback and fans are getting anxious. Just this week they have barely uploaded on social media or communicated with Teume (probably because they've been so busy preparing for the comeback) and already fans were having a hard time (me included btw and I feel bad because I still have a lot of Treasure content to catch up on, but it's not new content you know? So it's just not the same 😶)
All of this to say that I'm so happy Treasure is having a comeback but seeing Jennie so sick during Blackpinks concert and getting the Treasure announcement on the same day... It just made me think about how much fans ask of Idols... fans keep asking for more until their favs are sick or injured because they are overworked and suddenly fans change their mind (They should rest!, the tour should be cancelled! etc) but they will have forgotten about that by the next day, because it's always more fun to get content and it fucking sucks to wait.
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usaigi · 2 years
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Lunar sys au character cards | Read all chapters on ao3
Pinned Messages
Jake [BOT]
Keep it light-hearted. Anything serious Steven will use against you and force you to talk about in therapy. Yes, this is a threat.
Marc [BOT]
Whenever I make tea for Steven I microwave the water
Steven 🦉[BOT]
Marc… I trusted you 😭
🐻Kid! ⚾️🧢[BOT]
I ate a cheeseburger on accident im really sorry!! 😔
Jake [BOT]
Fuck were we supposed to keep kosher?
🕊 Birb 🦜[BOT]
Wait, are we not?? D:
Jake [BOT]
I have a confession
I thought we were catholic until we were like 14
Like i always knew my dad was super religious but 
Steven 🦉[BOT]
How??? Why??? We went to Hebrew school, we had a bar mitzvah
The body's last name is Spector??
Jake [BOT]
You had a bat mitzvah, you went to Hebrew school. 
I just never put two and two together
In my defense, growing up I only fronted when I had to 
Or in Spanish class
Daniela [BOT]
No kids or birds ||I want to sleep with Layla||
Marc [BOT]
Also that’s not a confession, we all know this already
Steven 🦉[BOT]
Thanks for telling us, Daniela. Maybe we can work towards that conversation with Layla and discuss boundaries and what we’re all comfortable with
Marc [BOT]
What no, absolutely not.
Daniela doesn’t get to be an antagonist jerk to us and snuggle with our wife
Steven 🦉[BOT]
Mate, I don’t want to repeat the 2025 fight we had. Remember, we are not competing over Layla’s love, she still loves you. If Daniela loves Layla romantically as well we need to discuss this, she deserve to at least have this conversation
Daniela [BOT]
Stop talking about me like I can’t read the chat 
Also Steven stfu I dont need you to white knight for me
All this talks about “open conversation” and “working together as a system” just you’re too much of a coward to talk to me. 
Marc [BOT]
message removed
No. Daniela didn’t even want us to date Layla in the first place, she kept telling me that I’m worthless and I’ll never be enough for her. And she did anything possible to sabotage our relationship by making me late/miss dates, deleting texts from Layla, lashing out at her
Daniela [BOT]
You didn’t deserve Layla, you still don’t. She’s still too good for you, murderer
I was doing that for her sake, maybe she’d wised up than to be with someone like you.
You nearly got her killed
It would have all been your fault
Marc [BOT]
Message removed
Daniela [BOT]
Stop deleting your messages, this is so childish.
Marc [BOT]
You’ve never even apologized for the years of torment. I know you’re different with Layla but seriously, you want me to be ok with this when you won’t even say you’re sorry for being a bully for all our life!?
Daniela [BOT]
Apologize!? ME!? What about you? When I BEGGED you to leave the army 
That was literally the worst time of my life and you never cared
I was FINALLY happy for the first time in my life after when we got out, without you. Without Steven. 
BUT despite everything I did and how much I begged, you went right back to work with ||Bushman||  
You NEVER apologize to me yet you want me to apologize to you
Come mierda
Jake [BOT]
We are not having this conversation over discord. Both of you, stop it.
@Jake is Keep it light-hearted. Anything serious Steven will use against you and force you to talk about in therapy. Yes, this is a threat.
Steven 🦉[BOT]
Both you better front during today’s session, I already texted Carol 
(the cooler) Mr. Knight [BOT]
I’m banned from 13 countries and there is an active warrant for our arrest in Texas
Also, who changed my username? 
Text message to Carol (Psychologist)
Lunar Sys
Hey Carol it’s Steven. Daniela just told us that she wants a physical relationship with our wife. To be honest, I’m really gutted over this. Marc got upset and went off on her in the chat long but to be honest, I think Marc has a point. It’s very unfair that Daniela has done the bare minimum to cooperate and be kind to the system yet still wants to be with our wife.
I know Daniela is hurting and just wants to be loved but still. 
I tried to be neutral and compromise and hear her out but now Marc is gone and I can’t reach him. Can we please talk about that today?
Carol (Psychologist)
Of course. See you this afternoon!
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aqueeracademic · 1 year
morse being queer (and other commentary) pt. 9:
season 3, episode 1, “Ride”:
- here we go season three‼️‼️
- give me some gay shit
- i just SMASHED an angel heart and an iced coffee so i am ready to go
- i do recall this episode being very gay in a very Gatsby way so i’m feeling excited
- i love rich people they’re so terrible
- winnie not saying “come home safe” to thursday because they’re all still shook up over what happened
- thursday assuming jakes would be the person to see morse
- “not since he got out.”
- ^jakes picked morse up from prison and also visited him in prison confirmed
- this whole episode proved that morse was well liked even though he doesn’t like being around people
- people. like. him.
- he’s a loner because he chooses to be. because HE thinks there’s something wrong with him
- they were not subtle with their plagiarism of Gatsby and i respect them for it
- going all in on the dark academia vibe
- thursday misses morse so much im SICK
- morse got invited to a party which means the gay stuff is gonna start happening
- monica deserved better ‼️‼️
- “he doesn’t want to be found”
- do you mean physically or spiritually queen?
- morse walking through this party has me cackling he’s so buttoned up
- roddy is gay for bixby
- i have 0 proof i’m going on vibes alone from a 0.2 second interaction
- thursday is wild for just breaking into morse’s house and waiting
- morse is absolutely gorgeous in maroon
- the way morse is so obviously trying to flirt with bixby and is confused when he doesn’t flirt back
- “and what’s the truth of you?”
- king CALM DOWN
- morse looks at bixby like hes another mystery to solve which means he is immediately obsessive and attached
- “you hardly know me!” “gamblers instinct”
- this translates directly to “ur hot”
- morse taking on bixby’s mentality to decide how to approach his life is so…
- “how was it?”
- strange i need you to reconsider the questions you ask
- he was a COP in PRISON
- this woman is awfully quick to assume morse is attracted to her
- the way he’s so uncomfy 😭😭
- given that jakes is the one who went to go see him in prison and given that he is clearly upset that morse is gone and given that he thinks he won’t be coming back…
- jakes is the only one who knows what morse went through in prison
- he knows!
- and he’s mad morse isn’t coming back
- “i wouldn’t hold your breath”
- he’s mad
- i need answers ‼️
- morse looks jealous asf that bixby’s attention is tacked onto Kay instead of him
- it is so unfair that both Kay AND bixby are using morse to get to each other
- like literally using him and for what
- “are you falling in love with me? men do.” “i can see how that might happen.” “then why don’t you kiss me?”
- i fucking HATE these manic pixie dream girls in the sort of episode
- like shut up
- no girl acts like this
- immediately jumping to his boyfriends protection 🙄🙄
- munch.
- “bix, you could have any woman in the world.”
- and then IMMEDIATELY looking ashamed for having said it
- he is basically saying “you could have anyone. you could have me. so why her?”
- them on the dock together is so intimate
- you can tell they feel it’s the last they’ll see of each other
- even though they don’t know why
- a romantic opera playing during this scene (depicting a forlorn man finding his lover dead)
- jakes being the only person to try and talk to him after he finds bixby 🥲
- morse trying to express to thursday why he feels like he doesn’t wanna come back and thursday being like “stop being a pussy and get used to it” is so insane
- bright is doing his absolute best to apologize and i gotta respect him for it
- my mom giggles every time thursday speaks (she has 0 clue what’s going on idk why she’s watching w me)
- morse opening up about prison makes me 🫤
- he didn’t know whether thursday was alive or not for so long 🫤🫤
- rich people in this time period really just stood around in silence drinking and smoking and thats all
- wish i was them
- ope nvm they also got abused by their husbands i do not wanna be them
- thursday WOULD love magic shows
- he is that bitch
- after morse got shot he reacted poorly to everything from a door slamming to a car backfiring; thursday gets shot and he lets a magician fully point a gun at him and fire for FUN
- heroin feels like such a random tie in to this episode
- like it makes sense in the plot but why
- morse is awfully quick to defend bixby despite not knowing him at all
- little bit 💅
- i know he met bixby in a vulnerable state and was glad to have that sort of attention but he is soooo determined to prove bixby is a good person despite FULLY knowing it isn’t true
- which is insane
- and gay
- you gotta be some kind of freak to have a portrait of someone you have no official attachments to hanging above your bed
- i know kay is supposed to be a sort of rattled and traumatized character but i don’t like the way they wrote her at all
- her entire character feels misogynistic
- even my mom doesn’t like it and that’s telling
- “bixby” being alive is so fucking funny to me
- gay people don’t die ‼️
- roddy deserved better! he was j a lil gay guy there was no need for all this hatred
- morse and jakes are so cold with each other this episode i hate it
- i know we don’t get to know anything about jakes as a person in this show but listen
- i feel like he’s intentionally really closed off and defensive and that’s why he’s especially defensive to morse
- morse is able to figure people out so easily and jakes knows that and he doesn’t like it
- he doesn’t want to be figured out
- so it makes sense that he would be particularly cold to morse (especially given that morse is presumably the only one who knows about his Blenheim Vale background)
- jakes just appearing in the shadows while morse is talking
- like what r u doing babe??
- this man killing his son after everything gets found out is so??
- and not a single person did anything about it
- jakes 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
- finding out where the coin flip thing came from is fucking sickening
- i will say that i enjoy the notion that morse falls in love really easily and that BECAUSE of that he’s a loner
- also the camera lingering on bixby’s face and morse just staring after they lead you to think he’s watching the film for kay???? that’s queer cinema
- “bixby didn’t belong in their world anymore than i do. did. i wanted to tell him that the last night i saw him. he was better than that.”
- morse convincing himself he could have saved bixby if he told them that neither of them belonged in that world
- because he thinks bixby would have gone with him
- like??
- “there’s no real magic in the world. only love. the rest is just smoke and mirrors.”
- him saying that all that was real between them was the love 🫤🫤🫤
- 10/10 for gay this episode
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deaneverafter · 2 years
Super Foxes
In all honesty, I do have thoughts, and most of them are, what is happening here?
Beau and Jenny getting sent off on separate cases when they need each other the most, it's just sad and cruel 😭💔 Them not letting Beau be there for when she's hurt, emotionally and physically, unfair to both of them. Making him get tangled up with irrelevant blah blah, for no reason than to revolve him, a season main character, around guest characters..... rude. Imagine making your main relationship have only one scene in an episode, just to waste time on irrelevant character's blah blah 😡😒
My poor guy literally sitting guard, I love him so much, and he deserves better that Carla and Emily 🥺💟 Emily needs to..... stop. Just stop. Let Carla in more?? So she could use that information and his feelings and trauma against Beau even more? I think not. She needs to stop sticking her nose in where it doesn't belong, talking about things she has no idea about 😒 And contrary to popular belief, forcing people to discuss their trauma before their ready, is not helpful. Talking to you, Emily McCallister 😒 Since she loves Avery so much, she should definitely ask him to protect you, not Beau, leave him alone. Like, go back to her real dad, who she actually enjoys spending time with, whose every behaviour she has an excuse for, while Beau merely existing is a capital crime. Also, on top of all the blaming for the divorce, complaining about Randy, making him feel bad for not sharing, at the ending, when Denise says your dad won't let anything happen to you, and she made that face and said "can we talk about something else?" It's so shady, it's rude. And it's not the first time, in 3x01, when Sunny said "he sounds like a good dad", she had the same reaction. He's literally going after cartel people, on no sleep, to protect her. He's putting his life in danger. And this ingrate is like "ugh, he's the worst. I love Avery so much, uwu". And don't think I missed her reaction when Beau said he didn't know what Carla sees in Avery. Meaning Emily does. In her mind, abandoning Beau for grieving and getting hitched with Avery right away, 10/10 excellent move on Carla's part. Anyway, forcing people to talk about things they're not ready to can actually be quite harmful 😢 And it's just disrespectful to make someone feel bad for how they choose to grieve, so there's that too. And that conversation with Emily did nothing but make Beau unfairly punish himself more. First, she took Avery's side, even though Beau is literally putting his life in danger because of Avery, and because of Emily and Carla. Like, yes, Avery messed up, but let's not act like Carla has no culpability. And then, she brought up Randy, even though she knows it's hard for him. THEN she blamed him for the divorce. Like? What is wrong with her.? Clearly she thinks of Avery more as her dad than she ever has Beau, or she wouldn't be defending him, after people died, Beau is having to put his life in danger because of Avery's actions and Carla dragging him into it. But this isn't a surprise to me frankly.
Beau predicting the bad guy's move and that spin was hawt 🥰❤ as was Beau being angry 🥰👀 The only complaint I have is that Beau's anger is wasted on being on Emily and Carla's behalf 🙄🙄 They don't deserve his time or help or concern.
People saying "how dare Avery call them *his* family?! 😡", forgetting that Avery dares because not just Carla, but also Emily, treats Avery more like family than they ever have Beau. Which is just another reason Beau will always deserve better than them ☕ And the reason Avery saying that struck such a nerve with Beau is because in his heart he knows that Emily and Carla never loved him, still don't care about him, are okay to use him as a human shield to protect Avery and their family, love Avery unlike him. Not just Carla, but also Emily, treats Avery more like family than they ever have Beau. Which is just another reason Beau will always deserve better than them ☕
Beau and Jenny both risking their lives for people who don't care about them, constantly betray them, just because both of them are that good, loyal and loving, it's just one more reason they belong together 🥺 My heart broke for Jenny when I thought Gigi really said better you than me, after Jenny came to rescue her and even was ready to throw the game. Jenny doesn't deserve that, to be betrayed and hurt over and over again. But hey, at least that particular move was a ruse, Gigi at least cares if Jenny lives or dies, which is more than can be said about Emily and Carla's feelings about Beau. All they care about is themselves and their perfect life with Avery 😒 Another sad thing, on top of the fact that Jenny needed Beau there, and he got shipped off is that the story with Gigi and the cult was so creepy! Only it got ruined for me when Beau got cut out to go have a subplot of being put down for the whole episode 😢 He'd promised they'd fix it together, she deserved to have him there, and he deserved to show her how much he cares. Jenny and Cassie, they're family, always will be, and their moments were sweet 🥺💛
Full offense, but it's sickening how the narrative is blaming Beau for grieving. I hate this so much 😡 It's Carla who spent their marrige being mean, left him when he was grieving in a matter of weeks, divorced him, met and married a new guy within a year, uprooted everyone, forced Beau to leave behind what support he did have left, and continues to put Beau down. SHE failed their marriage, not Beau, and he deserves to learn that. I'm not even exaggerating right now, if Carla and her behaviour has seriously gotten it ingrained in Beau that his partner dying on the job was his fault, that grieving meant he deserved to be thrown out like trash, this is serious gaslighting and toxicity. And if the writers are willing to show this, show this storyline and behaviour, which they clearly are, it deserved to be treated with more respect and care. Grieving does not make you evil, it doesn't mean you deserve to be punished. Which is unfortunately what it's coming across as at the moment, and I can only hope that they can fix this by showing Beau actually letting go of this unfair guilt and blame (though that's looking unlikely, if we're wasting the next two episodes on Emily). Even the language points to the fact that this is manipulation. "I wasn't there for you. And I wasn't there for Emily." HE WAS GRIEVING! It wasn't his job to be there, for once he was the one who needed support and instead they left him, made him feel like he was wrong for grieving and needing support. And then Carla had the nerve to say "I forgive you". She should be begging for his forgiveness for abandoning him! "I forgive you", this is how abusers convince victims they deserve the abuse and then that the abuser is so benevolent by "forgiving". The Stockholm Syndrome vibes are too real. And I think it's important to realize that Carla hasn't suddenly realized the error of her ways. She's still manipulating him, saying things like I forgive you (as in, it WAS your fault), she's just not spitting explicit venom with every word because she needs Beau to be a human shield for her and Avery and Emily (though that one Beau would do anyway). And people be like, oh, maybe Carla was there for him for SO LONG. Considering that Carla had divorced Beau, met and married a new guy, and moved across the country after a year of Randy dying, she really couldn't have tried THAT hard to help Beau or be there for him. She would've left Beau mere weeks after Randy died. She'd decided within this time that he had already been grieving too much for too long. Things got very difficult for Beau after he lost his partner. But Carla wasn't there to witness that or have that affect her. All she did is contribute to his existing trauma, and manipulate him into feeling worse, into believing that she was the victim.
The way Beau is still here having concern for this woman who abandoned him, it shows the kind of man he is (better than she deserves). But it does not mean that he's in love with her, we've seen the opposite, and it doesn't mean he should go back to an abusive marriage. Plus, Emily went and confirmed Carla is a gold digger, so there's that too..... ☕ Plus, Carla has been hanging off of Beau (while still demeaning him), not because she loves him but she wants to make sure he never moves on, so he comes running whenever she needs, sacrifices everything of his own, never has his own life. And she's been cozying up to Beau, even though she's still married to Avery, the "fight" happened just a week ago... tell me she wasn't involved and cheating while married to Beau. Anyway, Beau deserves better than to be treated like trash, victim blamed, and then to be sent back to someone who only sees him as a backup choice. And also, why did Beau look like he was being held at gunpoint to say that cursed line? He wasn't even looking Carla in the eye. Maybe it's just the utter absence of chemistry between these two characters, but I think it was a deliberate choice. Considering everything in the season, having seen Beau's feelings for Jenny at their clearest last episode, there's just no way it makes sense for the chat with the evil ex to be a romantic and not familial thing. It doesn't follow from what we've seen. Big Sky TV, there's still time to not send Beau back to an abusive marriage (and ruin his whole story). Just saying.... It almost reads like he's stuck because of how they manipulated him, made him feel like the villain for grieving, punished him by leaving, and because of that, he's erroneously equated forgiveness with things going back to how they were. And that that's why he's forcing himself this way, saying this, doing everything they want, etc. Which is very sad. Especially when he doesn't need forgiveness from them. An actual interesting arc would've been him realizing that, healing and moving on...... but alas, that would require paying attention to the main characters, and not revolving everything around Emily and Carla. It's giving very "Yes, I love all the characters!. Carla. Emily. Emily. Carla. Emily. Carla. Carla. Carla. Emily. Denise. Poppernak. Cassie. Emily. Carla. Carla. Carla. Sunny. Carla. Carla. Donno. Tonya. Carla. Cormac. *looks at smudged writing on hand* Bob and John." vibes. I don't know, maybe a more appropriate title than Deadly Trails might have been Big Sky: The McCallisters take Montana, starring Carla, Emily and Avery 🙄 The main characters whomst, Jenny and Beau, we don't know them. The universe revolves around these three 🙃
What I also hate about this a lot is that the relationship Beau has with Carla and Emily is written as abusive. They're cruel and condescending to him, Carla gaslights and manipulates him. It's just not being acknowledged as such and that's messed up. Like, I really don't think in this time and place, we need a story where a good man, a good human, who does nothing but help people, protect them, is punished and blamed for having emotions or sent back to an abusive family. Abuse is abuse regardless of who the target is 😔 I can't believe we're in the year 2023, and abusive family dynamics are being glorified, when a much healthier and interesting story would've been Beau actually realizing that his daughter and ex are toxic and standing up for himself, and healing. They made Beau have a revelation that you can't run after people who don't love you, every relationship has to be a two-way street, even blood, maybe especially blood. And then made him revolve around the two people in this world who care about him the least, treat him the worst 😡
THE HUGG 🥰🥰🥰🥰 Literally the only part in the episode that didn't feel ooc and sad. Jenny's whispered "thanks for being here" and Beau's "try and stop me"
🥺🥰💓💕 They love each other so much, I wish they'd take the story where it should be and let them be happy together 😔
And also, as far as the overarching story and episode goes, I need Beau and Jenny to have a heart to heart so she can tell him he wasn't wrong for needing to grieve Randy, that needing time didn't mean he deserved to be abandoned in the span of a few weeks, that he doesn't need anyone's forgiveness but his own 🥺💔 And when do we get a scene of Jenny telling Beau about what happened with Gigi and Beau telling Jenny about what he's been dealing with with the theft? 🥺 They're each other's safe place, I think the sheriff partners need to talk it out and we need cute scenes of them 💕
Realistically speaking, however, I really can't fathom, if this is going where it seems to be going, they're going to screw over both Jenny and Beau? Screw over their lead a third time.? While also screwing over a season main character? Jenny Hoyt deserves better than that, to be left behind a third time. And Beau deserves better than this mess, it'd be so ooc. He'd never spend all season getting closer to Jenny the way he has if he had feelings for the crazy ex. And, it would break the narrative so hard, in none of their scenes together, does Beau look or act in love. Sad, insulted, demeaned. Not in love, though. And then there's the vaccum of zero chemistry, it just makes no sense to send him back with Carla. His chemistry, his story, the trust and partnership and happiness, that's all there with Jenny. Ripping that apart, it's cruel to Jenny and to Beau, it's unfair to Beau as a character, and it's disrespectful to Jensen and Katheryn, who've spent all season building this relationship, making the dynamic between Beau and Jenny real, trusting, complex.
In conclusion, I don't know what's happening here.
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hyunjinspark · 2 years
Jade, you really posted the most heartbreaking chapter of all time and left us to our own devices to suffer like headless chickens, part 13 made cry like a bitch. It was like 3 am in my country when I started reading it and by the time I finished it was already 7 in the morning. My girl yn never can’t catch a breathe, everything is crumbling down for her, poor thing, she deserves better, she better never let that Hana bitch into her life again, I hate her, never let yn to explain herself and accused her of so unfair things. With this part I reaffirmed that only Minho and Yeonjun deserve her as their friend. Jun is just so lovely with her and careful and Min is assertive and even tho he’s a little tough he never makes her feel like her feelings aren’t important and talks to their with the cold truth but taking into account her fragile heart and Hyun, he’s just tha cherry on top the cake, he’s just perfect, he’s the greatest example of a man written by a woman [clearly].
The ending of this part left me speechless and my heart can’t take anymore angst, everything is just pain for my favorite pair of friends, lovers. When they eventually get together and hope for them to never suffer again and be happy for the rest of their lives 😡😭🥺 no more pain for them please, and not even for Jun, Chan, Binnie and Jisung cause they deserve all the happiness in the world. I really cried throughout all this chapter.
first of all, so sorry for getting around to this late, got swept up in university projects but i found time this week so i could be more active here 🫶🏻
oh myyy, you didn’t sleep? 😭 i always feel guilty when you stay up to read my stories, but i do the same while writing them so i cant argue much💀
everything you said about jun and minho encapsulates their character so well! i completely agree, he is exactly the kind of person she needs rn <3 i promise the angst will eventually lessen hah.
thank you for reading and for telling me your beautiful thoughts 🥺
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adecila · 2 years
Are you saying even in irl cheaters aren’t always cheaters? And I’m reading this fic because you guys are amazing writers. I like the way you and mutt can put a story together. I don’t think it’s fair to tell me to stop reading your story because I don’t like one character tho
I was referring to the "once a cheater always a cheater" part—which is ironically the thing Ygritte uses to attack him again....like ashddhwjsj there's a reason Amy wrote her PR plant like that...
I'm saying that it's quite reductive to think that, by default, if someone cheated on their s/o once they will always cheat. You have to look at each situation in particular to imo be able to understand it, and even so, it's still quite unfair to instantly hold such an absolute belief, like it's either black or white, it can't be in between. Yes, some people have a problem and I'm not saying that's not true for them, I'm just saying that cheating doesn't happen in a vacuum. But that's a different debate.
Especially in this fic, in which Jon has explained what happened and the context of it all, it's quite baffling to say that. And he has expressed time and time again (from chapter 1 even!!) just how much he regrets it and has shown how much he's worked to be better.
It just perplexes me again and again whenever people read a fic that has cheating in any way just how black and white some insist on seeing things. Life isn't about absolutes. You can't think like that. Jon is a person who made a mistake. We all make mistakes. Good people can and will also make mistakes!! Just because they fucked up once doesn't mean that they're bad now (again, such absolutes and for what????) or that they will do the same thing again (to the same or to a different person). What matters is what we do after the mistake was made. And Jon has done everything in his power to learn from it and even thought he deserved all the shit Ygritte did to him.
And I've seen others hate on him too and it is truly sad to me because all he's been doing since chapter 1 is TRY TO BE BETTER. Do you know how hard that is??? Obviously the guilt was killing him inside (see the bad bender and the alcohol abuse) but he's worked through it in therapy. Like holy shit if you go back even 2 chapters before chapter 8 you can see how much he's still trying every single time. And I truly thought that the heart to heart he had at his flat with Dany will be eye-opening to many...seems like that's not that case.
Yes Jon cheated. Yes it was an awful thing of him to do. No Ygritte didn't deserve it. But Jon has admitted he fucked up and has been working through his mistake and he's been trying to be a better person.
And I appreciate the compliment, but idk what am I supposed to say to that? Because if after 107972 words you STILL say that Jon shouldn't be with Dany...it kinda makes me feel like we failed somewhere lmao like we've been showing so much of Jon dealing with his cheating and trying to be better for nothing. Like what does he have to do to be deserving of her? He can't go back in time and not cheat. So all he can do is move forward. And so far I think he's been doing fucking amazing. He's been respecting boundaries and promises and started communicating better with Dany. Just because he loves teasing her (because she enjoys it just as much if not more) doesn't mean he's treating her badly. That's just how he flirts?? And he's a very famous actor with a big ego like...I think he's acting accordingly!
Besides!! That kiss wasn't just sexual attraction for Dany. It was so much more than that...I thought it was obvious. Hence that big thing about her realising that Jon keeps choosing her when he could have gone with the simplest solution and dump her for Arianne.
If I said you should stop reading it was because I don't see the point of you reading a fic in which you clearly hate Jon, who is the other half of the ship. Like bestie that's a pretty important character to hate 😭😭😭 especially since the entire point of the story is getting Jon and Dany together! I just fail to understand how you could enjoy this fic if you think they shouldn't be together.
Still, you're free to do as you wish, obviously. What am I gonna do about it? 😭
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riitah · 3 years
[last breath] - kaeya alberich x fem!reader
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TRIGGER WARNINGS: character death, blood
AUTHOR'S NOTE: Honestly, this is more of an inner monologue rather than a oneshot 😭😭
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Kaeya watched as a lone arrow pierced through her skin like nothing. Like it was no more than a mere piece of paper to be decorated with bloody paint.
In one swift motion, he was there, his hand outstretched, trying to catch her body before it could hit the cold, wet soil below. The moment her stone-cold cheek met his gloveless hand, he knew there was nothing he could do.
First his father, who abandoned him and left him on his own; then, Crepus, the one who showed him love, killed by his own Delusion; then Diluc, whom he had always seen as a brother, fought with him after finding out he betrayed him -- and now, (Y/N), the person who made his days so much more bearable, too.
What did he do to deserve any of this?
He never asked to become a spy for his nation. He never asked to become the savior of Khaenri’ah. He never asked for anything but a warm, loving home, to not be alone.
If everything was going to get taken from him anyway, why was he given them at all? Why not just leave him in the dark, so he would have never had to go through the pain of knowing what happiness felt like?
Why? Just, why?
Why was the world so unfair to him?
He thought it was a gift, a blessing, when he was selected to leave Khaenri'ah. To leave the place where air smelled of blood and where smoke filled your lungs instead of air, where if you got lucky you got to eat a small meal and if not you went to bed hungry; the place where tears filled everyone’s eyes, not from laughter, but from the smoke, the corner where the land was dry although sun never dared to set foot in it, where the rain refused to bless the crops, as if the curse on the people was contagious and would pollute it too; the place where there were monsters instead of people, those who have lost all sense of morals and the only thing they knew to do was kill, kill, kill.
Now he knew that it was wrong of him to think that. The nations outside were just as cruel as his homeland, just as uninviting and unkind. Then again, why had he thought differently? He was supposed to be anything but human and alive, what made him think that it was any safer out here, when the very ground he walked on belonged to an Archon that took part in destroying his home?
He chuckled at himself, unable to believe that this was the person he turned into. A weak man, no better than the sobbing mess he was when his dad left and never came back.
“Kaeya!” someone screamed.
He looked up, meeting Jean’s eyes.
Why did she look so terrified?
It was only when he opened his mouth to reply did he find out. A metallic taste spread through his mouth, and after he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, there was a red smear imprinted on it.
A sharp, throbbing pain came from his abdomen, and he dared not to look down. It was scalding hot, and seemed to burn right into his body, spreading to every area it could reach. It was dizzying -- the world around him was blurry, the only thing he could make out was his own blood. The noises of the battlefield were finally tuning in again, the sounds of metal clanging against one another and loud shouts hurting his head.
He took one last look at the woman in his arms, cupping her face and bringing his forehead close.
Maybe in another life, he thought, we can be together again.
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elfdyke · 3 years
Watched Saw 1-3 & thought of smth.. I genuinely believe that Amanda was better of dying in her trap. I don't think that she ever deserved to be there but what John did to her was far worse a fate than death. I genuinely believe that Amanda thinks this too and it's one of the reasons why she rigged her traps in 3 to always kill. I think she believes she shouldve died and that surviving from a saw trap doesn't fix you and is just worse than dying. Maybe thats like what the lore is am I'm just realizing that now but eh.. Just some food for thought ig
HSJDJFNG ok most times when ppl say my fave character should die i would disagree but no like youre right unfortunately. if the only 2 options were for amanda to be groomed by john or die, i think at least towards the end of saw 3 even amanda wishes she had just died back then...
i do think one thing thats very interesting is amandas extreme will to survive yk? she did what barely anyone could; i havent looked at the exact numbers but very few people actually do survive jigsaws games. the fact shes always been so desperate to cling to life is definitely something i think john admired + something he wanted to use for his advantage. also like... thinking about this, her will to live, it makes you think abt her decision to shoot lynn at the end of saw 3. i can think abt it from a few angles but my main ones are "she did believe john + knew they would all die, but couldnt bring herself to risk john knowing what happened. she was acting on a suicidal urge and had essentially given up" vs "she didnt believe john, and the reason she shoots lynn is because shes too terrified of john learning the truth. she'd rather betray him again than possibly face the full wrath of john". honestly i pingpong between these, going back n forth. it really is something im curious about and think about a lot! i do genuinely think she was terrified of john though, and believed if he found out amanda was complicit in gideons death, whatever he did to her would be so much worse than dying.
(side note , im PRETTY sure john knew of amandas involvement in gideons death? at first when i wrote this i was 100 percent sure and now i actually talked myself out of it a bit x_x i was thinking she was picked to play because john knew of her involvement but actually.. i feel like john would have mentioned it in the tape? but idk.. and maybe the trap ripping her mouth open could have had something to do with like.. irony about her asking her ex bf to get the drugs? IDK. these are thoughts fresh off the dome)
ALSO WHAT YOU SAY ABT HER RIGGING..!! is one of my top theories!! i genuinely do think she believed she had been reborn at first, and feverishly devoted herself to john, but i think it only became clearer and clearer to her how fucked up and unfair jigsaws games are. she clearly believed adams involvement was unfair, she was ridden with guilt over it and i think killing him to save him was a main catalyst in her losing herself + her will to live. then you have the gas house, she saw nothing but violence and suffering in there and clearly got a first person POV that no one was getting better, people were only suffering or hurting others. like she saw how close xavier got to winning!? if daniel hadnt killed him he might have actually won! at least in her eyes he didnt grow from this. he was cruel and violent and chose to hurt others when it was never needed. man didnt even do his own trap. 😭 + eric matthews whole shit?? he didnt change. or grow. he was violent and cruel as well. and of course her own personal hatred + fear messed with her in regards to him, hes the reason shes even here yk..?? as fair as amanda knows, jigsaw ONLY targetted her because she was am addict. and she can solely blame eric matthews for that happening. the was she collapses in pain after the fight. i just think amanda was really letting it sink in, just how badly her life was turning out 😓
but yeah basically i think her making her traps unwinnable because she didnt believe anyone actually changes from them (+knowing it can make you worse) is a super compelling theory and i honestly agree. i could honestly see it as an act of mercy on her part. ntm all her traps (iirc) killed their victims instantly, whereas john would leave people to just die of thirst in dark rooms 😐. honestly all amandas traps were pretty kind in that regard 😭
.....also also i DO think amamda had the potential to be rehabilitated even during saw 3 when she was at her most detatched and unhealthy, i know she could have been saved if there was any effort put into it on someones part, but i seriously do not believe that the police department + courts would show her any mercy for being a jigsaw accomplice. like. at all @_@. and i think serving more jail time instead of getting actual mental health aid, would only serve to make her that much more hateful and withdrawn and violent :( its extremely sad imo. amandas story is so compelling to me because at pretty much every turn, if she had just been shown more kindness, is someone had just stepped in sooner, maybe things wouldnt have ended up the way they did :( but no one really cared about her, save for the small kindness that adam showed her in the hallway.. and that was too late 😥
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