defness · 2 years
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A doodle for you!
Originally, I was gonna have Durian do the shoulder grip thing and tell Icarus that Dark Enchantress isn’t to be trusted, but seeing the state he unintentionally pushed Icarus to, he ended up not doing that. So .<.
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a-and-b-snz · 2 years
Gross-nasty thought incoming: character B has the most torturous, teasing build-ups which can last entire minutes. They're wholly incapacitated until they can get their sneezes out, blinded by their watery eyes, completely possessed by this all-consuming itch. This is nightmarish for them when in the midst of colds or allergy season as the resulting fit only offers momentary relief, before they're flung back into another build-up. It's hitchy hell.
Their partner, A, has the kink, and through some happy accident of sexual experimentation, the pair of them discover that this entire ordeal of lengthy build-ups can be skipped like a video game cut-scene. All A has to do is give B's nose a little lick, and the tickle immediately climaxes, launching them into a strong, satisfying fit.
Now, imagine the consequences for B after discovering this shortcut. Imagine B whining in the bathroom when by themselves, dragging the wet corner of a sponge down the bridge of their nose, trying to induce themselves. Imagine them in public with their partner, torn between silently suffering with this itch or utterly embarrassing themselves by asking A to lick their nose, right in front of everybody. Imagine B building up with only a friend or new/additional partner present, who's desperately asking "What's wrong? What can I do to help?" Imagine the humiliation, the shame B feels when they're forced to gasp, "P-Please, you need to lihh... lick my nose!"
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whats-wild-to-you · 2 years
hi! can you write something fluffy like stay at home date? like just chilling tgt and childish banter and also when u go to sleep tgt (don’t have to be sexual) thank yooooou
🥰 perfect timing! I think I need to write something fluffy to cleanse my soul 😂😂___________________________________________
Checking the time again, you tapped with your perfectly manicured nails on the glass table. Jay’s flight would be landing soon so he should be home in an hour. The food was ready and you even went and got matching onesies for you and him.
Jay’s text a few days ago worried you. You pulled out your phone and reread it.
So sick and tired of these overseas schedules. All I want is to be lazy with you. ❤️
You had messaged him back, asking him when he would return and have been prepping for tonight since then.
You cooked his favorite food, bookmarked his favorite movies on Netflix and lit a ton of candles all around the house.
When he unlocked the door and entered, you jumped in his lap, covering his entire face with kisses.
“I missed you!”
He looked tired and exhausted but livened up when he saw the dim lights and candles and smelled the delicious food.
“Shower first. And wear what I laid out on the bed for you!”
He smiled, looking at you from top to bottom, taking notice of your cute onesie.
Twenty minutes later he showed up, presenting his equally adorable onesie.
“Aww, I’m so glad it fits!”
Together you had dinner and talked about what you missed since you were separated for a whole week.
“… and then we simultaneously reached for the pickles!”
“Oh. Supermarket romance.”
“Shut up!” You said, stuffing lasagna in his mouth.
“Fo you lihh hmm?”
“What? Swallow your food I don’t understand what you’re saying!”
“Do you like him?”
“If you keep being like this, I might.”
“By the way, I didn’t take my shirt off for mommae, just raised it a bit.”
“Progress. I like.” You answered but couldn’t keep yourself from laughing.
As soon as you finished dinner, you cozied up in front of the tv. Instead of cuddling up in Jay’s arms, you embraced his large frame, with his head rested on your chest. You played with his hair since you knew it relaxed him. Soon he got up and you took his hand, allowing him to lead you to the bedroom, where you cuddled up under your fluffy sheets. Instinctively you turned to him, and continued playing with his hair. Soon he started snoring softly, pulling you closer to him. Content you went to sleep wrapped in his arms.
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versegm · 4 years
I am the god of all broken and filthy things, remember? The whole world is my temple.
Verse Atoui, Lion In Human Hide
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mekaskablo · 4 years
#FireResistantCables #silikonkablo #siliconecable #industry4_0cables #signalcables #controlcables #LIHH #LIYCY #LIHCH #YSLY #HBH #LIYY #CAT5e #CAT6 #FE180_PH120 #profibus #profinet #loadcell #eibbus #canbus https://mekaskablo.com/je-h-st-h-bd-fe-180-ph-120/
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gnomecc9 · 4 years
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@Getthebuzz716 live @Blackthorn51 #Blackthorn51 with #Teamobez #rebelbehavior #Igotbars @teamobezradio @iamsleeps @prophnyc @brute_camp1 @bdvine631 #alottabars @Switchakatony for #Tamoralee bday party in #queensny #birthday #scorpio #hiphop #queenshiphop #longislandrappers #colombianrappers #brooklynrappers #brutecamp #longislanddjs #lihh #brooklynhiphop #unsignedhype #indiehiphop #hiphopradio #power105 #longislandhiphop #queensclub #streetwear #streetluxe #hiphopclothing #urban #mcees https://www.instagram.com/p/90L0Mtj1a8/?igshid=myfjfg9klbbt
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janlucanus · 7 years
When u get way 2 lit off #Kpop #hiphop. #MOBB #rap #swag
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tamtelkablo · 4 years
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Bu Kablolar; alev geciktirici, düşük duman yoğunluğu, min.180dk yalıtım dayanıklılığı ve mekanik şoklu yalıtım dayanıklığı özellikleri sayesinde insanların yoğun olarak bulunduğu ortamlarda, bina içi haberleşme sistemlerinde, güvenlik ve yangın ihbar sistemlerinde kullanılır. Ürünü İncele: https://tamtelkablo.com.tr/urun/lihh-tp-fe180-ph120 Ürün Kategorisini İnceleyin: https://tamtelkablo.com.tr/urunlerimiz/zayif-akim-kablolar/yangina-dayanikli-kablolar/fe180-tipi-kablolar/ AloTamtelKablo 0(212) 535 70 18
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jaeysoulman · 7 years
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lillyzita · 3 years
outro anon? que isso em lihh vc tem mts fãs 🤔
TO ASSIMKKKK edit: como assim vc me chamou de liih?? tipo- muita pouca gnt me chama assim. vc deve ser antige no blog hein
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sparrowofsong · 4 years
Of Carrots and Cats
Whumptober No. 16 and Alt. 9
A Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day - Hallucinations
Memory Loss
Fandom: Sanders Sides
Characters: Janus Sanders (Sympathetic)
Summary:  After being forgotten and locked away in his empty room for longer than he can remember, Janus has begun to lose his grip on reality. He's also quite hungry.
...You could say he doesn't carrot-all what he gets to eat as long as it's food.
Word Count: 1.3k
Warnings: Blood, starvation, self harm, implied abuse, triggered arachnophobia
Note: This takes place in my What a Nightmare! AU. (@what-a-nightmare-ts-au) However, it makes no real reference to the main plot to avoid spoilers (since I still have yet to. y’know. tell it.), so it could also be a standalone fic. 
Something orange flashed across Janus's vision. Taken off guard, Janus furrowed his brow in confusion. 
Orange? Since when was anything orange in his room? 
He turned his head in the direction the thing went, and his eyes widened at the sight before him. 
A carrot.
His chest swelled with elation -- or maybe that was hunger. Either way, he couldn't care less what Thomas, and him by extension, thought of carrots. It was food. And it was right there. 
As he reached toward it, it started to run off, much to his dismay. "Nnh, nh, no, no, no, stop, come back! Please!" It halted and turned to him at the entrance of its hidey-hole in the wall. (What Janus wouldn't give to be that carrot. The lucky bastard could have a hiding place but not him? Unfair.) 
He shook his head and focused on the sheer delight that it was listening to him, then began whispering gently. "Please come back. You're okay. Come on." The carrot didn't move. Wasn't there a sound people made for animals to come to them? He forgot which animals exactly, but there was something, he knew that much.
He absentmindedly clicked his tongue in thought, and realized that it sounded familiar in this context. He clicked his tongue a few more times. The carrot took a few more steps closer. Grinning from ear to ear, he stifled a gleeful giggle. "There you go, bud. That's it. Just a lll... lihh...." 
He paused. What was the word again? It felt like it should be easy to remember. Why was he having so much trouble remembering things lately? He was losing track of relative time more and more often. He was forgetting words, simple and complicated ones alike. He was always forgetting his train of thought (not that it was ever important, of course). A while ago, he-- no, it was more recent than "a while," wasn't it? How recent? Was it today, yesterday, a few days ago? How long even was a day these days? Huh. Day was a weird word. It was pronounced like there were two vowel sounds, even though it was treated like it had one. Deh-ee. Dee. Deceit. God, how he hated that word; just the thought of it made him shudder. If only he could forget--
Oh, right, forgetting things. He was thinking about that for some reason. When was he doing that? It must have been a few hours ago. Or a few minutes? Which one was longer, again? He hadn't thought about it in a few years-- weeks-- months-- decades? He couldn't tell you. He didn't exactly have a calendar available to him. But it didn't really matter anyway, did it? After all, time was meaningless in the face of eternity.
As he lay his head down in exhaustion, he spotted something orange out of the corner of his eye.
Orange? Since when was anything orange in his room?
He strained his neck to get a better look without exerting himself too much, and was elated by the sight before him.
A carrot!
His eyes widened in excitement. Who cared how gross carrots were? At this point, he'd take anything he could get.
He forced himself vaguely upright once more, preparing to drag himself toward it, and he could almost feel his heart split in two when it ran inside its hidey-hole in the wall. (What Janus wouldn't give to be that carrot. The lucky bastard could have a hiding place but not him? Unfair.)
Knowing all too well he'd never be allowed to reach the wall, he decided to try and coax the carrot out to him instead. Maybe it was like a cat! They had the same letters, after all. Right? Probably. They sounded similar at the very least. He realized he couldn't remember the last time he saw the two written down. Or anything written down, really. When was the last time he read a book? When was--
He noticed a bit of orange peek out of a hole in the wall. Right, the cat! Wait, that was too small for a cat. Unless it was a kitten. Ooh, that sounded closer to the word he was using before, though he couldn’t quite put his finger on what it was. There must have been two syllables for sure. What was orange with two syllables and a "cuh" sound at the beginning?
Traffic cone.
Cantaloupe sounded delicious right about now. Anything did, if he was being honest (like he was supposed to be). Even carrots would be--
Relieved to see that it was still there, he clicked his tongue a few times to coax it out of its hidey-hole. (What Janus wouldn't give to be that carrot. The lucky bastard could have a hiding place but not him? Unfair.) 
"Tut, tut, tut, tut, come on out little guy! You're okay!" he whispered. The carrot took a few tentative steps toward him, and Janus was nearly overwhelmed by sheer delight. It was listening to him! Janus couldn't remember the last time something listened to him. "There you go, bud. That's it. Just a little bit cl... c.... more.. here? Nearer!" He mentally congratulated himself for remembering the exact word so quickly. "Come on. You can do it. Tut, tut, tut, tut, tut..."
As agonising a wait as it was, Janus made sure the carrot was a mere few inches away from him before he pounced. To his amazement, it only took one try to snatch it up! Tears of joy began to well in his eyes as he laughed triumphantly.
He did something right!
He succeeded!!
Janus held it closely to his chest for a few moments, savoring this rare victory, before carefully opening his hands a teeny tiny bit to peer inside. His heart dropped when he saw that the carrot was gone. In its place was something black that was rather unpleasantly squirming around. He opened his hands more to get a better look, and noticed first that it was not, in fact, one thing. It was many things. He noticed second exactly what things they were, and had only a moment to register the information before they began escaping his grasp. 
He screamed in horror as countless spiders crawled up his arms, down his neck and back, in his hair, through his wounds and into his veins, through his mouth and into his lungs and stomach, through his ears and into his brain. They were biting him, poisoning him, choking him, eating him alive from the inside out and the outside in. They were everywhere. 
The welled up tears of joy now fell as tears of anguish. He clawed at his skin to tear them out, but every spider he removed revealed two more in its place, and they seemed more than happy to infest the newly-created wounds as well. He yanked his hair to pull them out of his head, but only succeeded in transferring more from his hands. He hit his head against the floor to knock them back out of his ears, but they only latched more tightly onto his brain. He began hacking violently to clear them from his lungs, but every inhale between coughs drew more in. 
There was nothing he could do. He was helpless. As usual. 
Couldn't he just have one success? He knew he didn't deserve it, of course, but still, not even one?
It didn't take long for him to lose the little energy he'd spent so long trying to stockpile. Trembling with fear and exhaustion, his breaths unsteady and faltering, he managed to curl into a ball, clutching his head with now golden, bloody hands as though he could somehow protect himself. 
What wishful thinking.
...Hopefully it didn’t count as a lie.
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ravs6709 · 4 years
Within The Background- Platonic Marellinhiana
Woo, the last of my requests! Platonic Marellinhiana, requested by @completekeefitztrash (sorry for taking so long, whoops). It's really Biana-centric and deals with her scars that she got during Nightfall. And just all of them being supportive.
I'm not someone who has scars, so if something ends up being a little insensitive, please let me know! Kinda injury tw, but its more of the effects than the actual pain itself
Biana Vacker was someone who was used to standing out. She'd been doing it all her life, she was a Vacker, born for attention.
But with the whole Neverseen thing going on, she wasn't the one with the attention. It wasn't like she needed it, it was just something she was so used to. And you could call her selfish or self-absorbed, but she kind of missed it. It was a little difficult to see Sophie run off with Fitz and Keefe all the time, while the rest of them were left behind.
She wasn't going to ruin things just because she was jealous though. She knew better than to do something like that. She channeled all that frustration, converting it into something more harmless, something she could use to protect her friends.
During Nightfall, it'd been the first time that those pent up feelings had let loose. She didn't even hesitate before going after Vespera, and she didn't realize what had happened to her until after she'd gotten away.
And at first? She felt ashamed. She wore more simple dresses, hiding away the scars. If she was faster, stronger, better, she wouldn't have been injured and Vespera would have been captured. She distanced herself from the others, and for the first time in her life, she hated the attention. She'd wanted to stand out, but not like this. Not for failing.
It took a while for her to mentally recover. A large portion of it was due to the support of her friends.
"What are you two doing?" Biana asked, stumbling across Linh and Marella in a relatively isolate, open place.
"We're trying to practice our abilities," Linh explained. "I'm finally gaining control over the water, but I don't want it to only work out if I'm being enhanced."
"She's also here for damage control, in case my fires become too wild," Marella added.
"Oh, you can continue," Biana said, sitting down.
She didn't know what exactly they'd been doing, but she was astounded. They'd been practicing separately before, but then they turned to each other. Reds and blues shot from their hands, hot and cold and it was all beautiful. If this was just then experimenting, she couldn't imagine what they were capable of in a real fight.
Her fingers pressed together, and her legs shook with a surprising amount of energy. Maybe she should join them? It was more productive then sitting there, doing nothing.
As if Linh had read her mind, she spoke. "You could join us too, if you want?"
Biana smiled softly at that. "My ability isn't as offensive as the two of yours."
"There's other things we can work on than just power. Precision, timing, you could work with it? Right Marella?"
Marella nodded. "No point shooting flames if it doesn't hit anyone."
So during a lot of their free time, they had gone to the open field and practiced their abilities. Biana worked on moving more gracefully, hoping that in a real fight, she'd have speed and stealth to her advantage.
She reached up to stretch, only to wince at the dress' sleeve falling to uncover her arm.
"You... you don't have to hide it from us," Linh told her. "I don't think it changes you."
Biana closed her eyes and thought it over. It wasn't really about ruining the 'perfect' skin. The existence of the scars themselves wasn't too bad. It was what they represented. She couldn't stand to have people stare at her and be reminded of the way she failed.
"You fought really hard during Nightfall," Marella said, her tone a little heavy. "You went face to face with an actual criminal, who has experience with this type of thing. We're all children with little experience, so we fought out best. It's pretty inspiring."
"Neither of us think you failed. All it means is that we have to practice harder," Linh continued. "To me, the scars meant that you tried, they represent how brave you are."
"Which is something that I would have never expected from 'Princess Prettypants'. You've grown from the spoiled selfish elf you were, and that's what matters to us."
Biana smiled. "Thank you."
A small conversation like that wasn't going to change her opinion so easily, but that evening, she managed to get herself to look in the mirror for once and not feel completely ashamed.
The rest of the progress needed to be made would be done by her. But those words were the push that she'd needed.
Their training kept continuing, even if they didn't have many chances to actually fight. Biana was usually invisible, her goal usually to reach Linh while avoiding the water. When Marella's control got better, her and Lihh would trade places.
When Biana had to evade the fire, it was exhilarating. Getting hit by the water wouldn't hurt that badly, but fire was an active threat, and would actually burn. She had to be light on her feet if she didn't want to be hurt.
It was going to be easier if there was the threat of a fire. There would be no tensing up of freezing, because she was used to it now. She could jump straight into action. And if the fire belonged to Marella, it only made it that much easier to trust it.
"That was tiring," Marella said after they were done, and laid down on the field.
Biana and Linh laid down at her sides, and tried to catch their breath.
"We're doing a lot better," Marella stated. "We're getting stronger."
"We've really come so far together," Linh agreed, and Biana noticed that Marella shifted a little so she could hold Biana's hand. Then she offered the other to Biana. She took the hand.
"When Sophie needs us, we'll be ready to help her. Right?" Biana asked.
Taglist- @keefeinnit @my-swan-song @impostertamsong @subrosasteath
Wanna join/be removed from the taglist? Just let me know!
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snezario · 5 years
it was recently two weeks ago the lovely @hessickjim‘s birthday and being... well me.. this took way longer to finish than it should have. i hope you still had a wonderful day!!
St//ar Tre/k (AOS); B//on/es
Jim watched as the ship’s surgeon materialized before his eyes.  As his features became more distinct, Jim tried not to chuckle when he saw the doctor grimacing.  Bones had never been a fan of the transporter, preferring the more “reliable” form of transport, one that “didn’t scatter your damn atoms across the universe.”
“Thanks for joining us Bones,” Jim greeted his chief medical officer with a clap on the shoulder.
“It’s not like I had a choice,” Bones grumbled.  Jim chuckled before launching into the details of their mission.
Starfleet Intelligence had received word that the Romulans discovered a deserted Federation science outpost and had dispatched an envoy to extract information from the computers.  The Enterprise had been sent to investigate the station.
Their scanners had not picked up any biological life signs but there was also heavy interference from the nearby asteroid belt.  The outpost was relatively large, so Spock had split off with a couple security officers while Jim called on the ship’s doctor for assistance.
“Place looks like it’s been abandoned for years,” Bones remarked.  Jim nodded in agreement as he observed their surroundings.  The Federation had the outpost vacated following the Federation-Klingon war.  While most of the technology was still in working condition, much of the outpost was showing signs of neglect.  
Without the air filtration system to keep it in check, a thick layer of dust had accumulated on every surface.  If anyone had been hiding out here, they did a darn good job of leaving any trace of their presence.
Bones removed the tricorder from his hip and began to calibrate it.  The tricorder beeped rhythmically as he scanned the room.  Bones sniffed sharply, briefly pressing a knuckle to his nose.  Jim left his companion’s side to survey the room for himself.
“Find anything Bones?” Jim called out to the doctor from across the room.
“I’m not reading any lihh–HH’IFFSHHuu!–life signs.”
“Bless you,” Jim said belatedly, distracted by a flash of movement in his periphery.  He glanced around, noting that nothing seemed out of the ordinary.  Must have been his imagination he reasoned, going back to the task at hand.
The captain glanced at his friend who was in the midst of swiping the heel of his palm along his watery lash line.  The silence between them was punctuated by a sniffle from the doctor.  Following a couple of shallow inhales, Bones exhaled shakily as the irritation dissipated.
Before Jim could ask him what was bothering him, the tapping of approaching footsteps drew his attention.  He swiftly grabbed Bones and pulled him down to duck behind the nearest computer station.  Jim peered around the corner.  He kept his eyes trained on the door, listening intently as the sounds disappeared as quickly as they had started.
The two senior officers crouched behind the station in anxious anticipation.  Jim’s concentration faltered when he felt Bones tense beside him.  Turning to the doctor, Jim recognized the return of his friend’s previous predicament.  Bones’s breathing had become erratic, his eyelids fluttered as the tickle developed.  He rubbed his nose with the back of his wrist, determined to curb the inopportune itch.
“Jihhm, I can’t hh–”
Despite Bones’s best efforts, the tickle was undeterred.  Just when it appeared that Bones had lost the fight, his head tilted back, Jim reached over and pinched the doctor’s nose between his thumb and forefinger.
“hihh’NGTCH!” Bones pitched forward with the intensity of the stifle.  Jim suppressed the involuntary shiver of delight that traveled down his spine.  Now was not the time for this.  No sooner had Jim had let go than the door he had previously been watching, burst open.
Jim shot up from behind the computer station, his phaser pointed at the individual that walked through.  Jim lowered his weapon, letting out a breath he didn’t even realize he was holding.  His first officer looked from the phaser to Jim, meeting the captain’s gaze with his patented raised eyebrow.
“Captain, I believe we have found–” Spock began to relay his findings to Jim only to be cut off halfway through.
Bones straightened up from behind Jim, a knuckle pressed against his twitching nostrils and looking embarrassed as all hell.  Spock looked the doctor up and down, understanding the situation almost immediately.  Jim smirked, nothing passed by his first officer.
“We have found three Romulan officers.  They are being held in the station’s security area by the rest of the away team.”  Choosing not to comment, Spock resumed the delivery of his discovery to the captain.
“Good work Mr. Spock.  I’m going to beam back to the Enterprise with Bones but I will meet you at the designated coordinate shortly.”
Spock looked bemusedly from Jim to Bones, bowing his head in acknowledgement. “As you wish captain.”
“Alright Bones let’s get you off this outpost before you sneeze your nose off.” Jim said, turning back to the doctor, a smile playing on his lips.  Bones scowled at him, though the allergic tears threatening to spill over made his appearance less threatening.  He kept his jaw clenched, set to prevent anymore outbursts from materializing.  Unfortunately, while Jim contacted the Enterprise, a straggling sneeze slipped out from him, leading the captain to put his hand over the receiver and mouth “bless you” while his face proceeded to flush, matching the color of his irritated nose.
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cromospher · 6 years
Wender ‘Sinx
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★ Idade: 22; ★ Sexo: Feminino; ★ Peso: 88kg; ★ Altura: 1,80m; ★ Espécie: Orc; ★ Classe: Mercenário/ Assassino; ★ Arma: Katar; (Adaga de Punho) ★ Habilidades: Fúria Indomável;
★ Wender sempre teve um bom coração, mas infelizmente ela é como um “imã vivo” de problemas desde muito sua infância, sempre se metendo em brigas e acompanhada de péssimas companhias, Se você se acha o maloqueiro por chegar em casa com joelho ralado tem que conhece-lá, era muito como chegar em casa com olho roxo, cortes por todo o corpo e muitos ossos quebrados.
Lutadora nata, era possível ver o brilho em seus olhos antes de suas lutas, Wender sempre foi apaixonada por elas e desde muito cedo começou seus treinos, apenas ela e um forte tronco no fundo da sua casa.
Sua adolescência foi conturbada, mesmo que Wender sempre fizesse o possível para não depender de seus pais, era inevitável, certa época seu povo estava sofrendo as consequências da crise pela exploração mágica industrial, as pessoas ali estavam cada vez mais deprimidas e aquele ambiente não fazia bem para ela, uma vez que ela ansiava por animação e por poder sentir seus pés deslizando sobre a areia e seu punho amassando músculos, anos mais tarde seus pais era evidente que aquele vilareijozinho sem vida era o suficiente para os seus pais, mas para ela não. O relacionamento da família só piorava, até que um dia seu pai, ao qual era a pessoa que ela ainda possui algum laço, a disse que era livre, livre para decidir o que queria, e que se ela quisesse continuar por conta própria não impediriam. No dia seguinte Wender arrumou suas coisas e partiu sem olhar para trás, e seguiu trilhando seu caminho sem rumo algum.
★ Amigável, brincalhona e adora uma briga. Quando se irrita não pensa muito nas coisas. Ela valoriza amizades sinceras.
Classificação: Super-humano(31) 
☆ Destruição/Violência 7/10 ☆ Sobrevivência: 7/10  ☆ Destreza: 6/10 ☆ Complexidade: 3/10 ☆ Feitiçaria: 3/10 ☆ Carisma: 5/10
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versegm · 4 years
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Read Lion In Human Hide to see me being aggressively trans on main.
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mekaskablo · 4 years
#silikonkablo #siliconecable #industry4_0cables #signalcables #controlcables #LIHH #LIYCY #LIHCH #YSLY #HBH #LIYY #CAT5e #CAT6 #FE180_PH120 #profibus #profinet #loadcell #eibbus #canbus
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