just-screaming · 3 years
I was going to do a little doodle of my fictional child at 11 pm, yknow right before bed, so tell me why I made a mini comic, a two and a half? p decent sketch drawings AND I SEE THE SUN
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bogkeep · 3 years
I have an important question regarding Sevilsoleia! How was a suitable vessel decided? Is there anything in common with the, vessels they inhabited? Or did the vessels volunteer themselves or were they chosen?
OKAY SO......... okay so uh big disclaimer that iphimery is just a fun oc sandbox that i'm deliberately NOT turning into a writing/webcomic project or anything, like i MIGHT create stuff for it, but it's meant to be just this fun zone where i am not putting ANY pressure on myself to actively work out every aspect of the story or the worldbuilding. the reason for this is that i'm no good at active worldbuilding, and the idea of having to think every single detail and consequence through and through is very stressful to me and tends to halt my creative outlet. WHICH IS TO SAY i'm just making stuff up as i go. almost all of the ideas i get for this world or the characters happen almost accidentally - either because there's a specific trope or aesthetic i want to include, or because i buy a character design or dig up an old OC and just want to give them a place to live, and by adding them i add a new piece of the puzzle. but it is still very much a work in progress, and the lore might change down the road! here are the factors behind Swivel's existence from my narrative level: - timian, from the moment he existed, had to have a Repressed Trauma Tragic Backstory which would preferably include dead family members, survivor's guilt, being an incredibly proficient fighter, and an immense need to protect e v e r y o n e and put other people's needs above his own. think gregor hartway and kaladin stormblessed. - the concept of an android that can use her chestplate as a shield while exposing her core is something i doodled ages ago, but never found anywhere to include. UNTIL NOW. i had already decided to link her to Florence, and then i linked Florence to Iphimery, and then i just wanted to make her relevant to the "main story," as it were. all of this was in the slow cooker of my brain for a pretty long time. the fact that i realized florence is timian's uncle who immigrated to iphimery ages ago is also a fairly New idea. - i've also tried to think about the vibe of timian's hometown. i needed it to be a place that wasn't super big, in a way that most everyone knows everyone else to some degree, and i wanted it to have some kind of Tradition deep in its bones as well, that would be relevant to WHY disaster befell this town at all. at some point i got the idea that the main export of Sevilder is medicine made by local flora & resources, and a process that was a guarded tradition. this could explain why anyone would attack such a small town and why so much was sacrificed for it all. (just for funsies: in the modern setting, Sevilder is very traditional and religious - Sevilsoleia is worshipped and heeded as a deity, but they don't have a physical presence like in the fantasy setting! both the town and timian's family survive just fine, and timian moves to iphimery to attend the university. his backstory here is far less tragic, but he has an arc about coming from a small, tight-knit town with all the pros and cons that entails, and finding his place in a vast and messy metropolis. it's a story about exploring your identities and your wants while also reshaping and reaffirming your relationship with your religion and culture and traditions.) ALL OF THIS funneled into the Obviously Very Logical And Intuitive Plot Decision that "timian fable was the chosen guardian for the godly vessel that was his younger sister, rocks fall everyone dies except timian who carries the trauma with him for the rest of his life :)" so uh none of this has answered your actual question. mostly because it's a piece of worldbuilding i haven't had the chance to actually piece together yet. i can probably say that since the town wasn't The Biggest Town Ever, there weren't THAT many vessels to pick from for each generation. i do think Swivel ended up having a preference for what kind of people they liked working together with and that they thought were worthy of wielding their power and keep their knowledge. so there's probably several factors: - the family of the vessel, what their work was, their social status, etc., mostly relating to like, how close they are to the Tradition of sevilder, right - the willingness and determination of the potential vessel, like you can absolutely argue that even if a child is 10000% wanting to become a godly vessel, it's stilla choice they are making as a CHILD, so the ethical concerns around consent are. they're there. that's the narrative point here - ""pure of heart"" type bullshit. again, it's a child, this whole concept is Flawed and Weird and i want to poke holes at it - it probably doesn't have to be a child, but it's usually young people so swivel doesn't have to jump between old people super frequently (although they've probably tried lots of things over the centuries) i'm sure there's MANY MORE factors involved, including sevilder tradition lore that hasn't dropped yet. this question would be equally interesting about "how are the Chosen Protectors picked?" regarding how timian came to be who he came to be. i still haven't decided how much is Ancetral Duty, and how much is "im volunteering to protect my sister NO MATTER WHAT", or if it is traditional for siblings. stay tuned, i suppose!!!!
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ricc1 · 4 years
falling for you
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~ = ~
~ = ~
falling for you
peachy! mxmtoon
~ = ~
Have you ever met someone who at first glance, you weren't attracted to?
Now that's a once in a life time event that happens. Not many people experience that type of event.
But Error did.
It all started when he started to destroy AU's as a living, a forced thankless job, you could say.
He never spent too much time on erasing the alternate universe. Made sure that the deaths were quick and no one was spared alive before he went for the core of the universe and well, erased it.
Until one day(?), he was about to kill the human of a alternate universe when he hears a loud splash behind him.
He quickly turns to look at where the noise but he only sees a splash of ink or possibly paint splattered on the floor.
He tugs on the strings that held the human's soul, mumbling to himself. "What the fuck?"
A loud cheerful voice shouted next to where his ears would be and he turns and saw no one there.
"Not there, glitchy~"
He turns again and sees a skeleton near his height.
The skeleton wore these pants that draped over his legs like a cape - he was barefoot too. - his top attire consisted of a white shirt, another top shirt that was pretty tight around his chest area.
A brown scarf hid his neck. It was very long and had messy doodles and handwriting scribbled all over it. He had this weird belt over his chest with rainbows vials over the belt.
And to top it all, he was leaning on a large paint brush. A cheeky grin painted on his expression as his eyelights switched shapes and color.
The destroyed twitched at the sight, squinting.
"Who the fuck are you?"
The artist looking skeleton grin widens. He straightens his posture, leaning away from the paint brush before twirling said object and pointing it to Error.
"My name is Ink! I'm the protector of the Multiverse!"
Ink introduced himself, his eyes dimming as the grin on his face turns into a cocky smirk.
"And you are?"
Error looked at the skeleton dully, annoyed at the sight of this newcomer. He lifts his hand to pull the strings from the permanent tears on his face, pulling them away as the strings glow cooly. He gives a creepy smile at the artist.
"Nice to meet you, abomination.. #2. I'm Error, and i will destroy every alternate universe in existence and you can't stop me." The black-boned skeleton grinned.
Ink scoffs lightly at the comment.
We'll see about that, Error..
The two then clashed, a battlefield paraded in the universe leaving the poor inhabitants of the AU to watch or to evacuate from the fight. It was absolutely amazing seeing the fight but it had caused a big destruction in the AU, leaving the monsters to be traumatized and shock over the damage. Fortunately, the world was restarted and everything was back to normal.
Ever since the meeting of the two counterparts, they had been fighting each other ever since.
And a certain destroyer is starting to get very, very annoyed about a specific protector who keeps on stopping his business.
Error, as obvious despises Ink. He hates the short, grinning, smiling skeleton so much with a burning passion in his soul. The small skeleton always seems to be there every time he was just one step closer to destroying an alternate universe and it infuriates Error to an end.
The two never gone too far on fighting, they would always leave the battle with scars and bruises but come back again with no sign of them. It was as if they were evenly tied, evenly balanced. Yin and yang, you could say.
But! Despite all of that, the determined little protector wouldn't just give up! He would always fight Error - actually it's more like talking to the destroyer and dodging the strings - or try to be friends with the destroyer.
Friends?! FRIENDS?! What a joke! Error laughed when the protector first said it. He seems to regret it now when he saw the determined expression on Ink's face. It was just a complete joke! A destroyer and a protector? FRIENDS?! Now isn't that the greatest plot twist in a show.
It wouldn't make complete sense for the two to be friends. They're sworn enemies! Rivals, even. And to throw all that away just to be friends?! Yeah, Error didn't liked that and that only fueled his dislike for the artistic skeleton.
Until, he discovered an actual fact about the protector.
The skeleton had no soul.
Yes, you heard that right.
The protector had no soul and was living life through those vials of his - Error always wondered what they were for - and when Error found out about it.
Well like any other monster, he was surprised.
"Wait what?"
The destroyed stared at, well nothing. There was absolutely nothing in the artist's chest who was completely wrapped up and tied up by the blue strings that belonged to the destroyer.
Error blinked and blinked, completely shocked. He was gaping at the sight of well, nothing. There was no soul that should obviously be there floating on the artist's chest. He was completely shocked.
Laughter then shook him from his trance, turning to see the tied up skeleton laughing at the baffled skeleton.
Realizing that he showed on how vulnerable he is, Error shouted curses and threw Ink out of the void, making sure to throw his stupid brush too.
Upon finding out about the discovery, the destroyed couldn't bring himself to destroy any universes - to Ink's delight - i mean why would he?
He just found out that the most loved by all and the one that he hated the most was soulless.
Upon thinking about this, his mouth twitches, breaking into a smile.
And laughed.
He laughed hysterically- no, he laughed like he was a maniac, laughing like he had found a funny joke from the internet. The sound of his glitched laughter bounced off the nonexistent walls of the void as he come to the realization that the beloved protector of the multiverse was,
Soulless, emotionless and possibly even broken.
No wonder the bastard acts like a hyperactive child-man adult most of the time! He has to act that way so no one would know that the one protecting them all was emotionless, soulless.
Error slowly calmed down, letting out a few chuckles here and there before sighing.
He stands from his position and opens a portal to a genocidal timeline of a beautiful universe that he hasn't destroyed: Outertale.
He walks inside the portal, bringing his knitting materials with him before sitting down at the edge of the land.
He looks up at the beautiful stars that scattered the dark blue sky. Planets and possible different more stars shine as he stares at them in awe.
He then works on his knitting, looking up once in a while to stare at the sky once again.
"Hey pal! How are you?"
Error screamed - manly - and jumped from his spot. From the shock of the situation, the skeleton glitched and crashed.
Ink let out a hum. It seems that his counterpart is acting like a computer that's restarting. That's hilarious! The protector thought to himself.
He then decides to wait for the glitching skeleton to finish his rebooting. The smaller - to be fair, he's practically a gremlin. - sat down, a safe distance away from the destroyer as he looks up to see the view that was bestowed upon him.
"Wow! It's been a while since I've gone on any outertale universes! They really are pretty." The skeleton stared in awe.
Now that he thinks about it, he wonders on to why the destroyer hasn't destroyed this universe.
Not that he was complaining of course! He's absolutely glad- no, delighted that the destroyer hasn't destroyed any outertale universes!
..Maybe he should ask him?
Not now, though. Error is still re-
A sharp ping came from behind him and the white boned skeleton turned to see the destroyer coming back to his senses
The glitching skeleton seems to be confused, wondering on where he was before the memories suddenly flashed back and he glared at Ink.
"You. What are you doing here?"
"I think the better question is; what are you doing here?"
The glitch seems to stay quiet at the question before scoffing.He grumbles to himself - curses? - before going back to his previous position, sitting down. He pulls the strings from his cheek and captures the materials before he starts to work on a doll.
Ink's eyelights shifts, seemingly confused but doesn't say a word before Error speaks up again.
"Can't a 'bad guy' like me take a few breaks once in a while? Or is that something you think im incapable off? I'm still a lonely skeleton with a soul, after all."
Ink opens his mouth to protest but closes it. He seems to think about destroyer's words and smiles to himself.
Error noticed this change, raising an bonebrow(?) before shifting his position, giving his full attention to the doll he was knitting.
After what seems like hours, Error finished knitting what seems like a puppet - Ink? - and stands up.
The protector who was doodling in his notebook looks up to see the destroyer leave.
He stands up. "Leaving already? Shame! I was enjoying our time together."
The glitched skeleton retorted. "I didnt and it wont happen ever again."
"Pftth, whatever you say, Glitchy."
"You're a glitch too!" The destroyer flipped the protector off - "Rude." - and opens up his portal and leaves.
After a day or two, Error went back to destroying AU's and Ink went back to 'fighting' the skeleton. It seemed normal, they were 'bantering' as Ink likes to call it as always. Calling each other what seems to be 'insulting' nicknames like 'Glitchy' or 'Inkblot' or even 'Rainbow Asshole.'
The last 'insult' seems to have made Ink laugh and got him to stop and puked.
Yes, puked.
Not blood or vomit.
But ink.
Ink, puked ink.
Now, Error learned another new thing about Ink. When he is excited, anxious or whatsoever, he pukes Ink. INK.
It was like, as if the protector was a squid!
That seems like a good nickname now that he thinks about it.
The destroyer shakes his head, seemingly disgusted at the sight before opening a portal and walking inside. Error signs were quick to fill his vision but they faded away over a minute. He sighed in relief before his mind flows back to the encounter he had with the protector. Now that he thinks about it.. The laugh of the protector was very.. genuine-sounding?
From what the black-boned skeleton noticed, the laugh of the protector always seemed to be forced-sounding or annoyed - He was not stalking, shut up - and this is really the first time that the white-boned skeleton really laughed with a genuine, pure tone to it.
It warmed the skeleton that he was able to make the soulless skeleton laugh but then he was horrified that how good it felt when the white-boned skeleton laughed because of him. In fact, why is he thinking about how it feels good to make the skeleton laugh?! Wait, why is he even thinking about this?!
Seemingly done with life, the skeleton groaned at this thought process and push it at the back of his mind.
He still has billions more of AU's to destroy, after all.
but when they talk, every word, every smile and every laugh,
Weeks? Months? Years? passed along the multiverse. Error and Ink are still fighting as always but witnesses seem to notice that the atmosphere doesn't seem so tense. It doesn't feel, deadly or dangerous or scary or traumatizing.
It feels more.. casual.
It was like as if the two were just two friends that just fights with each other on a daily basis. In fact, it got to the point where they don't really see the two fight anymore. It's more like, one enters universe, cause mayhem, leave, then the other comes in and help, leave.
It was really new, really weird but the multiverse knew not to really question anything in the multiverse.
It all started 5 months ago when the two started to meet up - accidentally - pretty often on the genocidal timeline of Outertale. Error was just there by coincidence and Ink found out about it - somehow - and they just did the same thing that they did before. Sat down next to each other, a safe distance away and just kept quiet.
Until Ink broke the silence, calling the other's name.
"Hey Error?"
The skeleton sighed, seemingly annoyed even though the other skeleton has not even said a single word just yet. "What?"
Ink was silent for a minute before he continues.
"Why do you destroy the alternate universes?"
Error looked at the skeleton, an annoyed expression shaped on his face. He opens his mouth to answer but Ink cuts him off.
"I know that you hate it and all, and that they are abominations, blahblablahbla.
What is the true reason?"
Error blinks at the skeleton before sighing, looking away as he stares at the doll he was making - Ink - and continued on knitting it.
Ink deflated, sad that the other didn't answered his question and just continued on doodling on his notebook.
"Balance. I heard that the multiverse will collapsed if you kept on helping the creators and inspiring them. Too much balance and it might tip the multiverse and destroy itself."
Ink blinks at this new information and covers his mouth. A familiar feeling lunging up before he then stands up and runs off to a dusty bush and.. puke.
The destroyer didn't seemed to mind this time and just continues on knitting.
After that, the protector kept on talking, asking questions like how did Error knew about this, why does Error know about this and he doesn't, which then translates to personal questions and well, it started from there.
Because of that interaction - they left Outertale with warmth in their nonexistent hearts - and the fights were full of bantering, light-hearted jokes. They invented a first come, first serve rule.
Peace has finally, finally ascended in the Multiverse.
The two were at Error's antivoid. Shocking right? Ink bowed to never stepped back in the white void of mess but here he is now. Sitting on a colored bean bag - thank god - and watching the 'screen' in front of him which was displaying Error's favorite 'show'.
What was it again? Oh right! Undernovela! It's a really great 'show!' Although both of them don't really speak spanish so Ink doesn't really understand what they're saying but Error seems to know. He seems to be very satisfied with it.
Ink smiled to himself, dismissing the show so he can look at his counter-part who was watching the show. A chocolate bar fisted in the black-boned skeleton's hands.
Error leaned back on the bean bag, staring at the screen as he takes another bite from the chocolate bar. His face was completely relaxed, rid of any tense muscles at all as he chewed on the bar. His sockets were softened, blinking as he watched the show. He even had a small soft smile on his face. Small, but it's there.
Error's eye lights glances at Ink and the relaxed expression fades away - Ink misses it - and he scowls. Ink looks away, turning his attention to the show, feeling the destroyer's glare at the side of his head before it goes away.
The white-boned skeleton sighs to himself mentally and sneaks a glance at the destroyer once again.
Huh, he never realized on how..
pretty Error could be when he's calm.
An idea popped in his mind and he shifts around, leaning a bit too close to the black-boned skeleton - who seems a bit too quiet - and he turns to the skeleton and laid on the bean bag. He closed his eyes, listening softly to the spanish noises from the show.
Outcodes like him never really have the chance to sleep, or really need to sleep since well, he has no soul. But it's still nice to imagine that he can sleep.
"Hey, squid. Wake up. Show's over."
He opens his eyes and looks up at the skeleton, wearing glasses. He cheekily grins and sits up. "Awhe, already? I missed it!"
"Missed it, my ass. You weren't even watching it at all!"
The white boned skeleton grins which irritated the destroyer.
"Ink..." Ink leaves before the glitch gets too angry, laughing.
Although he has to admit.
He likes it when Error calls him like that.
they become more, beautiful..
Ink was patrolling with Dream and Blue around the universe. It was complete routine for them and, they were completely bored.
All three of them were chaotic by hearts - Dream's more a mild chaotic, although - which causes them to have more adrenaline and be more active and fun. Oh yes, they must always have fun. Sometimes it's nice to be alone but sometimes they just want to kick a tree until they feel satisfied. (They didn't, dont worry.)
So here are the star trio, 'patrolling.' Well, not really. They're just at the doodlesphere, sitting while playing poker while looking at the universes in case there are trouble caused by outcodes which was very unlikely.
Ever since an agreement with the Dark Sanses and the Star Sanses was talked about, the multiverse was balanced at last. Though sometimes, the Dark Sanses come to a very positive AU and try to cause negative feelings for the balance to be even.
The Star Sanses was about to leave for the AU when they forgot that they had an agreement and just stayed in whatever they were doing, leaving it up to the Dark Sanses.
Oh how, the years changed.
As the protector was about to put down his card, bright but cold blue strings wrapped around his body and he was then pulled into a portal, his head planted on Error's beanbag.
He pushed his body up and sits down before he looks around or up. He really wants to avoid looking at the white walls/floors(?) of the antivoid. Strings that held captive of souls glimmered at the ceiling but no Error.
He stands up, about to call for Error before he was then wrapped by strings and was pulled to where the glitchy skeleton is.
Ink smiles. "Glitchy!"
Ink blinks, his eye lights shifting to shapes and colors fast before he gasps. "You called me Inky!"
Error looks away, scoffing but a soft blue blush on his face was clearly seen.
"Yeah? What about it?"
"You've never called me, Inky." Ink was pretty sure that the other skeleton NEVER called him any nicknames regarding his name - besides Inkblot but that was for his phone - and he's absolutely overjoyed that he has a new nickname!
Error softened at the statement before sighing, the strings pulling Ink down and he ascended to the floor. The strings leaves the body and Error turned his back, making his way to the bean bag with a sign that clearly says 'follow me.'
The overjoyed skeleton followed him and sat down at the beanbag when Error allowed him to. A screen opened up showing Undernovela.
Ah, it seems that it's one of Error's moods again. The black-boned skeleton would always steal the white-boned skeleton just to watch Undernovela together. It was their little thing that they do.
Huh. Now that's something Ink could get used to. Their little secret. He smiled to himself but the smile faded away when a box was plopped on his lap. His eye lights glanced at it before noticing that it was a gift.
He turns to Error quickly who was looking away, a hand on his tear-stained cheek before he meets Ink's gaze and huffs, looking away once again.
"Open it."
Ink nods his head rapidly and untie the ribbon before opening the lid of the box. He then close his sockets and grabs the gift.
He feels a soft, plushy texture. A small gift. He open his sockets and he gasps.
It was a doll, no- plushy version of himself. Error had gotten the details just right! Along with the use of colors and materials stitched for the plushy. He has seen Error's dolls versions of him but nothing can match this particular doll.
Is it because he's never seen Error stitched this one? Ink doesn't know but he just smiled, beaming with happiness as he hugs the plushy to his chest. He looks up at Error who was watching him and grinned.
"Thank you, Error! This is so cool! What's the occasion?" The skeleton asked, tilting his head but he was still hugging the plush.
The destroyer huffed, looking at the screen where Undernovela was showing before he answered.
"A little birdie told me that it was your birthday a few days ago. You gave me a gift on my birthday-" which was new clothes since the glitched skeleton was growing a bit taller. "Why not do the same?" He shrugged.
Ink practically melted at the thought that, Error remembered. Error didn't forget!
He remembered that day. Blue planned a birthday party and it was amazing seeing the heartfelt gifts everyone gave him. He was a bit sad when Error didn't came even though he clearly told the glitched skeleton when his birthday was.
He was really glad that Error didn't forget.
"Thank you, Error. Really, thank you." He smiled, closing his sockets up at the person who gifted the plush, hugging it close to him. Swirly rainbow blush fainted his cheeks, along with freckles that were starting to appear. The artist was clearly touched by this and honestly never wanted to forget this memory.
"Heh. You're welcome, Inky." The artist glowed even more at the nickname.
God, he really loved the glitch.
~ = ~
Error has been, well confused about himself lately.
Specifically about his emotions or feelings. How they would act around, a certain protector. Ever since Ink and him proposed the agreement - yes they were the ones who made the agreement - the two were always hanging out, only leaving to maintain the balance of the multiverse - which was a complete success! - and those meetings, started to make Error feel things.
When Ink would come over, the destroyer would be very happy about it. When Ink leaves, he would feel a bit sad before brushing it off and going on to steal another chocolate from one of the Underfell copies.
What? Never said anything about stealing in the agreement.
Brushing that aside, the black-boned skeleton was very much confused about these emotions, wondering where they came from and how? Last he checked, he clearly hated Ink but a sharp pang made him clutch where his soul would be.
Maybe not?
Error groaned, shaking his head and then standing up. He opens a bunch of portals, hoping to find the yellow-palette guardian so he can talk to him about it. A few minutes later and he found the person he was looking for and sent his strings to pull him inside the Antivoid.
"Wha- Error?!"
Dream turned as the portal closed. His golden eye lights staring at the glitched skeleton who huffs, using his strings to pull Dream in the air so he can walk closer to him and be at within eye-level with the guardian of positivity.
He squints at the smaller skeleton before letting him go so he can drop to the floor with a oof!
"Error?! What the hell was that for?" Dream asked, rubbing the back of his head before standing up, looking at the person that dragged him here.
Error shoved his hands in his pockets, looking down, choosing to phrase his words before he mutters. "You're good with emotions right?"
The guardian tilts his head, questioning the question but he answers anyways. "Uh yeah, why?"
"Come, sit down. I'll tell you."
The destroyer moves to sit down at the bean bag, reluctantly. He's very possessive of the bag but he'll let some exceptions.
Dream follows his lead and sits down, hesitantly. Looking up at the destroyer to explain on what he means. Error breathed, inhaled and exhaled and turns to look at the smaller skeleton before he then started to explain these feelings he would get with Ink. Describing them by saying that he would be very happy when he's hanging with the protector.
In fact, now that he thinks about it; he enjoys the presence of the supposedly soulless protector who had such a warm atmosphere to him despite being well, emotionless. He enjoys talking with him or bantering him or even just sitting at Outertale with a comfortable silence as the two do their own things.
He mentioned that to Dream who nodded and started to think before a realization popped into the guardian's mind. He meekly looks at Error who raises his eyebrows in response.
"Error.. I think I know what you're feeling.."
"Yeah? Well spit it out."
"You might not, uh, like it."
"I don't care. I just want to know what it is."
Dream sighed, his hand on his face before he looks again at the destroyer and mustered the courage to speak.
"Error, i think you're in love with Ink."
Ink was writing on his notebook about plans that can progress his relationship with Error - not that there is anything at the moment, but he's hoping there is - when he then hunches over, clutching his stomach in pain.
What the hell? What the complete fuck is Error doing? The protector thought to himself as he drops his notebook and pen, limping quickly as possible to where Broomy is and swiping the floor so he can go to where Error is.
He falls through the floor, landing delicately on the snow path and started to look for the sounds of destruction. He hears the familiar sounds of gaster blasters being summoned before he swipes the floor once again with Broomy and appears near the destroyer.
As he was about to scold Error, he stops to observe the body language of the black-boned skeleton.
He was clearly angry, that's for sure. He was glitching very badly and he wasn't even seeing straight! His sockets were blinded, clouded by error signs that continued on to appear as the destroyer summons more gasters blasters.
Ink's eye lights shifts, seemingly confused before he then sees Error spots him and just freezes.
He tilts his head as he cautiously walks forward to the destroyer, who flinches at his actions and turns away. The blasters then disappeared quickly along with Error opening a portal and running away.
Did. Did Ink just saw that right?
Did Error just ran away?
From him?
Oh, now this is making him curious and worried for his.. friend? companion? frenemy? He doesn't even care at this point. He runs after the skeleton, yelling to wait for him but the glitch did not stop.
They were at least running in circles at this point or has been seen by multiple characters in the alternate universes. The artist was practically begging for the destroyer to stop. He can see those sweats on that black hard-headed skull.
But Error was just so damn, stubborn. Always running away.
Ink, who had enough of this, swiped at the floor and fell in.
Error slowed to a stop and turned before sighing when he thinks that the protector gave up before he looks back and was then hugged and pulled down into a puddle of ink, landing in a warm colored world.
He pushes Ink away, his glitches going frantic as he shouted. "INK?! WARNINGS FOR FUCKS SAKES!"
Once his vision cleared, he looks to glare at the protector before freezing when said protector was staring back at him, a soft glare painted on his face as he sits down and stares at Error.
The glitch turns, looking away, staying quiet.
He looks away even more, if that's even possible.
He finally replied, his expression scrunched as he glares at the protector who tilts his head and simply asks.
"Why did you run away? Why did you destroy the worlds? I thought we had an agreement?"
Error's glare softened, he looks away.
"C'mon, pal. Tell me. What's wrong? Is there a problem? Did the balance tipped to much? I haven't been hearing from the creators yet, so i'm sure-"
Error shakes his head.
"Then.. why?"
Error didn't answered. Ink sighed, tired with this and really wanting answers.
"Error please, just tell me-"
Ink blinks at the accusation seemingly surprised. He was about to answer when he was then cut off once again as the destroyer stood up, looming over the protector.
The white-boned skeleton was about to ask when he was then cut off, again.
Something snapped inside of Ink, as he looked up at Error, genuine shock and surprise on his expression as he stares up at the one who is declaring his love for him.
There were at least little spots of tears at the sides of the error's face as he pants, tired from his shouting. The two had a staring competition until the destroyer broke it, looking away as he mumbles, loud enough for Ink to hear.
"And.. i don't know why. Why, i would even catch feelings for you when you'll never love me back."
Ink finally gets the will to stand up, immediately going close to the destroyer as he protested. "That's not true! I care about you a lot and i love spending time with you every time we hang out! While, yes, i may not feel love but that doesn't mean i don't want to love you! I do, i really do! And i wish so much if i could just love you and-"
"W-what?" The white-boned skeleton stopped his nervous yet excited rambling before he was then pulled to the destroyer with a soft clank.
until there was a moment, where you couldn't believe that you didn't think they were?
~ = ~
holy shit.
that was a woozy.
this is, btw; 5000k+ words.
and this is just one oneshot.
honestly proud of the 5000k+ words, though there are some parts where i didn’t really nailed their personalities or was able to really capture them but i tried my best! it was fun trying to write their personalities but i unfortunately didn’t give them justice : (
characters doesn’t belong to me, they belong to their respective owners [you know who] i only own the writing!
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luvuwite · 4 years
all, go
i hate you
1. What was the last present you gave?
uMMMM probably a commission i gave to pancake (archie/vivi)
 2. What was the last present you received? 
i dunno? if its a doodle then i got that a week back!
3. What animal best represents your personality? 
from the oOoOO spirit animal tests i took im a snek
4. What are you most afraid of? 
sometimes my own mind EYES EMOJI
5. Who is your favourite villain? 
HMMMMMMM probably like,, megamind i love him
6. Who is your favourite family member? (we all have one, admit it)
7. If you could name your own planet what would it be called? 
8. Stars or Moon? 
9. Do you have/want kinds? 
if my other partner wants them, sure
10. What is your greatest life goal? 
making it this far
11. What is something you can’t live without? 
12. What is a place you associate with your childhood? 
one of the parks near the store-area
13. How was your first kiss/how would you like your first kiss to go? 
i never kissed, so i wouldn’t know, but pls,,,ask for consent,,, and warn me if we gonna kiss or not,,,,,
14. What is some life advice you have acquired? 
ive learned a lil’ bit, but one of em probably has to be to just be like,, dont cry over something you know is fake, at least thats what i remember atm HAHA
15. Who in history has influenced you? 
bruh i dont like history idk
16. What is something strange that you think about often? 
h,,,hopless romantic noISIJEIORQ AHHAHA i like to think about weird scenarios in my head basically
17. Baths or Showers? 
showrr i get shy with myself in baths
18. Tea of Coffee? 
19. Alcohol or soft drink? 
alchohol bad brisk brisk brisk
20. Writing or typing? 
typing since its easier
21. What is you most favourite thing in your bedroom? 
my bed its sexy and comfy
22. Spontaneous holiday! Where are you going and with who? 
wait what UH I DONT KNOW probably just close close friends and family
23. Introverted or Extraverted? 
i have my moments with both
24. Describe yourself in two words. 
small and aggressive
31. What do you think of when you hear ‘portrait’? 
a picture or image of someone/something
32. Tell me about your partner/ideal partner? 
i mean no one is perfect yeah? i just want them to be honest with me and accept my AHEM struGGLES with relationships since im not the best partner
33. Tell me about your siblings, if you have any? 
my sister is what you call a “girly girl”, she likes disney movies, outdoors, being loud and running around, yknow just like any other child ever
35. What are you a big advocate for? 
my friends!!
36. If you’re comfortable to answer, what is the sickest you have ever been?
migraine + stomach bug + mental in trash +  stomach pains + lil appendix pain
37. When were you the most scared in your life? 
when i broke my arm
38. Ever had a paranormal experience? 
ACTUALLY YEAH i thought i heard someone yelling help outside my window and i peaked out and realized it was nothing and i figured i was just tired but i was still kinda freaked
39. Biggest celebrity crush at the moment? 
im not like other girls,,,,....
40. What is something happening in your life right now? 
uhhh just general anxiousness/paranoia(?) tbh
41. What is your favourite mythological creature? 
42. Marvel or DC?
dont know what those are
43. What object would be on your family’s banner? 
44. Favourite flower? 
pink rose
45. One characteristic you like in a partner? 
s,,,support/reassurance pls
46. What planet/star would you travel to if it were possible? 
i wanna,,,, actually i dont know i think i would just enjoy floating around in general 
47. What is your favourite meal… ever? 
48. First time…. doing anything. Describe your first time doing something? 
first time i drew was twiggit sperkl and that was the most proudest i ever felt
49. Who is your favourite superhero? 
50. What is your favourite poem? Recite it?
i dont read
51. What is an exercise you despise doing. 
52. Secret talent? 
53. Current song on replay replay replay? 
55. If you weren’t in your current occupation what would you be doing? 
sleeping probably
56. What is the first thing you notice about the person you fancy?
,,y,yo they kinda,,,, scrumptious,,, AHUIWRWQI 
57. If you had one wish that would definitely come true, what would it be? 
58. If you could time travel, when and where would you visit? 
i would go to future bc i wanna see what i look like
59. What is your lucky number? 
60. If you adopt a pet what would it be and what would you name it? 
a cat!! and i actually am planning a name and calling them clementine!! 
61. Do you believe in fate/everything happens for a reason?
i believe your fate is decided by ur own actions/words
 62. What is your favourite thing about your personality? 
im not too hard to get along with,, i hope
63. What is your favourite thing about your appearance? 
64. What is your favourite clothing store? 
primark bc everything is like 2 bucks
65. What is your favourite online store? 
i dont do online shopping too much
66. Use one word to describe your most favourite person? 
67. How do you usually have your hair?
down with a clip, then ponytail next day
 68. What was your favourite subject in high school? 
69. What makes you feel empowered? 
power over something/someone(as a joke/in games, not in a bad way)
70. What motivates you to do something? 
a prize at the end
71. What advice would you give someone who is going through a rough time? 
it gets worse before it gets better, and in the worse ill be there for you so you dont have to go through this alone
72. Ideal date? 
wendys!!! sweater weather!!! cuddle!!! left 4 dead!!! comfy clothes!!!
73. What is the best date night movie? 
i am not that attractive to be taken out on a date
74. What is something you are currently looking forward to? 
nothing atm tbh im just here bc i have to beIEOJRWIOE
75. Tell me a funny joke? 
oo wa oh wa ooh
76. Do you like musicals? If so, what’s your favourite? 
never listened to one actually
77. What is your favourite song currently? 
sweater weather. always.
78. What song never fails to make you dance? 
79. What is your favourite “classic?”
gnomeo and juliet
 80. What is the best advice you have ever been given? 
obese paragraph and comfort doodles? lets go
81. Where did you ancestors come from? 
puerto rico
82. What have you learned from your parents/guardians? 
be tough nugget and dont take shit seriously till you have to
83. What is a phrase you heard a lot growing up? 
dont step on the crack or youll break ur mothers back
84. Do you believe in magic? 
85. What reminds you of your best friend? 
86. What are you passionate about? 
dance dance dance
87. Tell me a story from middle school? 
one time
the end
88. Who was your favourite teacher and why?
i love my bio teacher rn bro shes such a sweetheart
 89. Can you roll your tongue? 
90. What made you pursue what you are studying? (including school subjects) 
my little pony
91. Where would you like to travel to? 
japan for those toys gimme gimme
92. What is something on your bucket-list? 
i wanna see coral reef
93. What is home to you? 
place that brings feeling of comfort/security
94. What do you do in your free time? 
95. If you could buy anything right now, what would it be? 
96. If you could see anyone, living or dead, right now, who would it be? 
probs one of my online friends
97. If you could choose, what would your last meal be? 
soup dumplings brisk and rice
98. How would you like to die? 
99. List five of your favourite pieces of art (paintings, books, songs etc) 
ruby eyes / sweater weather / ponyo / wall-e / idk
100. What would you change about this world?
global warming SHOOO U FAT
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maizumis · 3 years
don't ask for ANY reasonings 😚
1. I just think that you play any musical instrument, specially piano. I don't know why I think this but I do get those musical vibes from you
2. You're into skin care routines. Look I have a reason for this. Yo sound like someone who's self conscious, which is obviously a good thing, so I think you also focus on skin care apart from fashion. (definitely didn't read amaya's ask)
3. I also think that you can draw. or paint, or sketch, literally anything related to art. Even doodlings.
4. Socially, I think you're that person in a friend group who'd start the conversations whether it's with people you know or strangers.
6. I also think that you're into working out and eat healthy kinda girl which is again impressive
7. A literal clown 🤡/j
8. TELL ME WHY DO I THINK THAT YOU'RE LIKE THE MOTHER OF THE GROUP? Like the motherly figure who's there for almost everyone
9. You can't stand sour or spicy things. I just think you can't pls bye
10. You're really organized person. Like fixed schedules for everything unless some thing comes up. You don't like it when things get messy and you're punctual.
aha yes 10 points and watch me get everything wrong 😀
okay imma put a read more beacuse i dont wanna bother people
I do play the piano bestie ‼️
I'm into skin care routines but I can't keep doing them, maybe a week or two but watch me forget about it lmao, I don't think I'm actually self-conscious because I don't really care about other opinion, that a very good fact and a very bad one too cause sometimes is ogeyyy listening to others
I'm very good at drawing/painting and I do it to calm myself but I prefer painting by far just beacuse I want everything perfect and I can't draw eyes so yeah lol
I'm into anime since January 2020, after a party I started Naruto with a friend, now she is on straight tiktok and I'm on Tumblr---
I don't hate working out but I wouldn't tell you I love it, I prefer sports basketball. I love baking and cooking so the healthy meals are A BIG YESSSSS! I actually lost 33pounds on lockdown lol
ma'am I think I need to report this to amaya---
LMAOOOOOOOO THATS A BIG NO, yk how I told you about my school, I'm in the same year as people two years older than me beacuse of the weird dinamics of the HS, so I'm literally the child, I remember once my bestie had to separate from a tree in a party beacuse I was dancing with it please, also should I make a tag for this? is not suggestive but I know people feels uncomfy so idk
I LOVE SPICY FOOD please ma'am just add more spice, I'm starting to think I like spicy food just to feel something lmao
Im indeed a very organized person, for example slsngrthodnd I have my whole wardrobe ordered by colors/fabric/type of clothes and yes, I'm very punctual when I'm by myself, if my mom has to drive me somewhere, watch me go two hours late lmao
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scnnyfm-old · 4 years
Tumblr media
chicago’s very own sunshine ‘sunny’ carmichael has been spotted on madison avenue driving a bmw 3 series , welcome ! your resemblance to dua lipa is unreal . according to tmz , you just had your twenty-third birthday bash . your chance of surviving new york is uncertain because you’re sensitive , but being altrustic might help you . i think being a cancer explains that . 3 things that would paint a better picture of you would be the scent of bubblegum, an abundance of house plants, and freshly baked cookies . ( cis female + she/her ) 
helloooooo ghouls, goblins, and everything in between. it’s ya girl aneesa or whatever fun nickname you wanna call me, and this is my child sunny! you can reach me via ims or catch me on discord at 𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐬𝐚 🦋☀#5408
* && 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐬
full name — sunshine carhmichael
nicknames — sunny (preferred name actually)
birthday — july 15
height  — 5′ 8″
age  — twenty-three (23)
pronouns — she/her/hers
occupation(s) — singer, record executive, fashion/cosmetics brand ceo, fashion designer, reality show star, & model
languages spoken — english (barely)
orientation — bisexual
* && 𝐛𝐢𝐨𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐩𝐡𝐲
‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎ 𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑺𝑻𝑶𝑹𝒀 𝑺𝑶 𝑭𝑨𝑹...
sunshine hawthorne grew up in the foster care system, according to the letter her mother left her, she was just a teenager with strict religious parents who threw her out the minute they learned of her pregnancy, and sunshine’s father was nowhere to be seen, and giving sunshine up was easier than living on the streets trying to fend for herself and a child
SEXUAL & PSYCHICAL ABUSE TW growing up in the foster care system was a lot, she bounced from family to family, and the things that happened were unspeakable. sometimes the abuse was physical, emotional, or sexual and it just caused a lot of deep personal trauma for herself that was never resolved
this caused her to become reserved, stuck up for the underdog even if it was at her own expense, just intrinsically unselfish, has always been the mom friend to a fault
she was 10 when she got adopted into an extremely wealthy family, like i’m talking top ten wealthiest families in the states, and suddenly sunny hawthorne became sunny carmichael 
so let’s take a minute to talk about the carmichael’s 
they originate from old money, i’m talking so far back it’s unclear whether or not the money they have was obtained legally or not, this caused her parents to be a little reckless w their spending
her father: sebastian carmichael is the one who inherited the wealth from his father, who inherited it from his father, and the cycle continues, he was addicted to gambling add that to the fact that he was a serial cheater and you have an extremely poor father figure
ALCOHOL & DRUGS TW her mother: davina carmichael was a drug dependent alcoholic who spent all of husband’s money to makeup for the fact that he was cheating on her, started her own billion dollar company from scratch, plans on ‘giving it’ to sunny
the carmichaels were very problematic and all of their scandals were extremely public, in fact the only reason they adopted sunny in the first place was so that they could appear more well-rounded then they were
after that would come give siblings, and it fell upon sunny to take care of all of them, so from a young age she acted extremely mature, learned to fend for herself, and still managed to have a soul flourishing with tender spots
sunny was a gifted kid, not academically, she struggled A LOT, she had trouble paying attention, couldn’t read as well as the other kids. she got teased a lot for being ‘dumb’ and honestly hated it, it’s one of her biggest insecurities to this day. but what she lacked academically she made up for artistically, she was musically inclined, and it was clear that she loved to draw (apparent from all the doodles in the margins of her notebooks)
her family capitalized on this as if she were some sideshow attraction, come see our daughter! look how good she is at painting and doodling! pay us money! and although it made her feel like some trophy the could polish and show off, and this messed up sunshine even more because she knew deep down they didn’t love her
in high school she was the bubbly ditzy popular girl, chewed on enough bubblegum to finance a new mercedes, and just was that stereotypical girl ripped straight out of an early 00′s movie
was on the cheerleading team because again i tell you she was just living her best teen life! having an amazing time! vibing!
although her parents could give her anything they wanted and were decent enough to pay the bills for her and her siblings, she wanted to provide for herself, not have to depend on her parents for anything
she got into modeling! and although t took her a while to find her footing eventually she did, and it was a great time! but eventually parents got jealous and made her quit modeling altogether, because god forbid that she get more attention than they did
eventually (and to everyone’s surprise lmao) she went to college, and somehow got accepted into an ivy league....for art! not as surprising, but her family lied and said she went to business school bc of course they did
she went to harvard and majored in visual arts, she got her degree, and got her her happy ass out of there, mostly stayed focused on her studies, occasional party here and there
she was extremely worried about her siblings and she immediately went back home to them, surprisingly they were in one piece, not surprisingly they were being raised by nannies
she applied her visual arts degree and started designing clothes, then modeling said clothes, because although her parents had enough money to get her company off the ground, she wanted to do it by herself
and she did! finally bringing a decent name to the carmichael family!
was a guest judge on a bunch of modeling/runway shows, occasionally starred in her family’s reality tv show against her will, and was so dynamic she would be offered her own, and of course she jumped at the opportunity! 
her mother tried handing off the company to her, and she declined! instead she opened up her own company selling her designs and was very hands on in learned to make cosmetics, and her company has been doing extremely well so far, it’s set to surpass her family’s company in a couple of years
as if she didn’t have enough on her plate she wanted to pursue her singing career, ended up having a whirlwind romance w a singer that she collaborated with, they were pretty serious and talked about being engaged, but eventually things fizzled out
said romance inspired a lot of her music, and encouraged her to keep going with her music career, she even worked her way up to the title of executive of their label, she’s on top of the world
she’s come a long way from the shy girl from foster care who afraid of her own shadow, but she’s lost none of her softness!
still extremely charitable and even started multiple charities all ranging from helping fund the foster care system to providing more funding for no kill shelters (she’s a vegan!) all of her charities are nation wide and oh boy does she have a lot on her plate
has....literally no time for anything else....still tries to prove to herself that she’s definitely not stressed and has so much free time! sdflksj tries to party and have fun, but mostly craves staying inside and takes baths with scented candles and just watches the same romcom over and over again 
* && 𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭
....okay so maybe it’s not completely believable that she got into an ivy league with her own merit, after all she’s not the sharpest tool in the shed and spoiler alert she didn’t
her parents bribed an admissions counselor to let their daughter in their visual arts program, they even donated enough money to renovate the art museum 
all of this happened without sunny’s knowledge and she continues to live in blissful ignorance about the whole thing
* && 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲
zodiac — cancer rising, cancer sun, & scorpio moon
alignment — lawful good
mbti — infp-t
enneagram — type 2 ( the helper )
temperament — phlegmatic
house — hufflepuff
positive traits — ( + ) altruistic , committed , conceptual , curious , courteous , determined , generous , humble , inventive , imaginative , loyal , loving , organized , passionate , playful , reliable , selfless , supportive , thoughtful , and trustworthy
negative traits — ( - ) anxious , cautious , compulsive , critical , disorganized , dogmatic ,, hyperactive , indifferent , insecure , impulsive , logical , oblivious , pedantic , protective , and resilient
* && 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬
please don’t feel limited by this list because i have a brain the size of a walnut and this is all i can think of these are almost all ripped off ryker’s intro bc i’m not creative
‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎ 𝑭𝑨𝑴𝑰𝑳𝑰𝑨𝑳....
family friends  maternal or paternal cousins
‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎ 𝑹𝑶𝑴𝑨𝑵𝑻𝑰𝑪...
past crush  current crush  flirtationship except she prolly doesn’t realize bc head empty  unrequited love ( on either side )  fwbs  will they? won’t they?  someone her friends are trying to set her up with  forbidden love of some kind idk maybe not  exes on good terms  exes on bad terms  first love high school or college romances  summer romance  childhood crush friends to lovers  pr relationship somebody who leads her on 
‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎ 𝑷𝑳𝑨𝑻𝑶𝑵𝑰𝑪...
BEST FRIEND / ROOMMATE PLOT BASED ON NEW GIRL OR FRIENDS PLS I WILL GIVE YOU MY EVERYTHING  best friends  confidants  ride or die sibling like friends  close friends  neighbors??  enemies to friends  reunited childhood friends drunk / party friends  someone she’s a good influence on  bad influence  unlikely friends  secret friends, aka friends who do not hang around in the public eye as their family or friends may not get along  #married....just they argue and love each other like a married couple
‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎ 𝑵𝑬𝑮𝑨𝑻𝑰𝑽𝑬...
enemies  former best friends  frenemies
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
Why did you last feel like crying? This past weekend I was just extra moody and on the verge of tears.
How long ago and why did you last feel infuriated? I get easily irritated and frustrated, but it’s been awhile since I’ve felt infuriated.
Do emotions control you or do you control your emotions? My emotions got control over me a few years ago and I haven’t been able to gain it back. :/
Do you keep your friends secrets/private information to yourself? Yes.
What negative quality do your friends bring up the most? I wouldn’t want friends who did that. I do that enough myself as it is, I don’t need anyone else pointing out all my negative qualities all the time.
What quality do you think you have that others don’t think you do? I don’t know. I feel like people in my life overestimate my abilities rather than the other way around. I feel a lot of pressure to maintain that illusion. <<< Same in regards to feeling like people overestimate my abilities. Although, in terms of the long list of negative qualities I believe I have, my loved ones would disagree on a lot of them.
Do you often “jump” to conclusions? Yeppp. Always the worst ones, too.
Do you find being alone with strangers scary, interesting or indifferent? It could be scary depending on the situation, but I’d definitely feel anxious and uncomfortable.
Do you think you know a lot about the world? There’s a lot more I don’t know.
Do you know first aid?   No. 
Does the sight of blood make you feel sick? Y Yes. It makes me feel weak. I can’t even look when having blood drawn and getting it done makes me sweaty and weak.
Does your first name have an L in it? Nope.
Middle name have a C in it? Nope.
Last name have a R in it? Yes.
Do your initials spell a legitimate word? If so, what?  Nope. The word above, does it have any connection to you at all? 
Do you prefer classic rock or nope alternative? Nope alternative?
Do you like Kings of Leon? Yeah. I loved when Sex on Fire first came out.
How about The Script? Yes.
Does crying make you feel better? Sometimes.
Do you know a girl called Becca? Nope.
How about a guy called Gregory? No.
Does someones background effect whether you’ll be friends with them or not Uh, well yeah. Like if they have a sketchy background or have done things I’m not comfortable with.
How about their religious background? I’d have a problem with a satanist or if they were involved in a cult.
If someone admitted cheating in a past relationship of theirs, would you trust them? That would likely make things complicated, but I guess it would depend on the situation. Although, you’re likely just getting their side of it and it may not be accurate or they’re leaving things out that paint them in a better light than their ex. It would just really, really depend on the situation and it’d take a lot of communication.
Do you drink tea and/or coffee every day? Coffee, yes.
Did you ever want to be a cook as a kid? No.
How about a fashion designer? No.
Do you wish that magic was real? I mean sure it’d be dope to make something you want appear or happen whenever you want. It could also be tricky, though, and used for the wrong reasons.
What food would you love to wipe off the face of the earth? I’m picky, so there’s a lot of foods I don’t like, but plenty of other people enjoy them so I’m not going to wipe it off the earth just cause I don’t like it.
Can you use a bottle opener? Yeah...
Do you own a cheese grater? Nope.
What time will it be in 38 minutes time? 4:26AM.
What day/date will it be in 11 days time? May 25th. Damn.
Have you ever owned a pet fish? Y Yep. I had a fish tank full of fish as a kid.
Do you prefer fire or ice? Fire in terms of bonfires and in a fireplace for the comfy, coziness of it and I love the smell of it during the fall. I don’t use ice in my drinks, so, not a big fan.
Do you rap along with rap songs? Ha, well my attempt to rap along.
When happy, do you become more talkative? Yeah.
Bowling or sailing? Why? Bowling I guess if I had to pick out of the two. Have no interest in either one, though.
What colour is your kettle? I don’t have one.
How about your microwave? Black.
Do you prefer sitting in the front or back of a car? Front.
How about in a train? On the bus? I’ve always had to sit in the middle on buses cause that’s where the wheelchair spots are.
Do you care about politics? I admit that I really haven’t been following closely these past few years. I used to pay more attention, but I just... can’t. It’s too much.
Obama or Bush?
Blair or Brown?
When did you last cook something from scratch? I don’t cook from scratch. The only cooking I do is packaged ramen.
What things make you jealous? Im rarely jealous. <<< Same. I feel envy more than jealousy.
Do you think the censors/fcc go a bit too far or are just right?  I am confused as to why it’s okay certain curse words but not others. And I really don’t get why in “asshole” just the “hole” part is bleeped out lol. Do you feel hungry, thirsty, sleepy or none of the above?  Right now I’m just sleepy.
What’s your Mum’s Mum called? How about your Dad’s Dad? Lupe/Charles. 
Do you prefer crepes, pancakes or waffles? Waffles and crepes.
Do you have ice-cream in your fridge right now? I think we have some.
How about chicken nuggets? Not chicken nuggets, but my brother has a bag of chicken wings.
Do you eat fish often? Never. I hate seafood. <<<< Saaaame.
Have you ever taken a martial art? Which one{s}? Nope.
Do you know anyone who is scared of you? I can’t imagine anyone being afraid of me, a stick thin, super shy, and awkward af girl. haha.
What person who has died would you bring back and why? I wouldn’t mess around with bring people back from the dead. I believe I’ll see them again one day.
Do you like watermelon? Yeah. I couldn’t tell you the last time I had any, though.
Can you remember the month of your first kiss? October. I remember that because it happened at my high school drama department’s haunted house. 
Do you make friends easily? No. I also don’t try to to be honest.
What makes you different from everyone else? DNA <<< Hahaha welp that most certainly does.
I give you a piece of paper. What do you draw/write on it? I’d do random doodles and write random words in cursive cause that’s what I do when I doodle.
What pictures or photos are up in your lounge? Is that like the living room? If so, we have a few framed photos on the shelves we have.
Do you like purple and white patterned things? Sure.
Do you know anyone called Pipa? No.
I say purple, you think… It’s my mom’s favorite color.
What do you think is the most interesting thing about you? Nothing.
Do you like being complimented or does it make you uncomfortable? They’re nice, I’m just super awkward.
Does the description of your starsign correspond with your personality? Nope. I’m so opposite of how a Leo is described.
Do you have a photo album? Yeah, several old photo albums (physical ones) and several on Facebook and my phone.
What artists paintings do you find the most beautiful? I don’t necessarily go for beauty in art. My favourite painters are Dali, Kandinsky, and Klimt. Weird over beauty for me. <<< That’s how I am. One of my favorites is The Scream by Edvard Munch. I like the melting clocks one by Dali, too.
What about the most disturbing? Hmm. There’s definitely paintings I’ve seen that I thought were disturbing, but of course I can’t think of a specific one at the moment.
Have you ever gone to a camp or summer school? I’ve been to two camps: science camp and Girl Scout camp. I also had to do summer school once in the 6th grade cause I missed a lot of school due to spending months in the hospital and at home after having surgery. I voluntarily took a few summer classes in college.
What was your favourite cartoon as a child? A lot of the stuff that was on Nickelodeon, Disney Channel, PBS, WB Kids, and Saturday morning cartoons on ABC.
What was your biggest fear as a child? Bugs.
Would you rather be able to fly or breathe underwater? Fly.
What about invisibility or mindreading? Invisibility.
Do you like what you see in the mirror? Nopeee.
Can you remember all your past teachers names? Not all of them, but a lot of them.
Do you like talent shows? Which ones? I enjoyed when we had talent show assemblies in elementary school. Those were fun.
Have you ever failed an important exam? In what? Yes, in math.
Do you find people taller than you intimidating? Just about everyone is taller than me.
Do you think you are better than people of a different country/background? Wow, absolutely not. I don’t think I’m better than anyone.
What’s your favourite thing about your country? We have our issues and I know other countries make fun of us, but we have a lot of good qualities and I like where I’m from.
Who is your favourite bzoinker? I don’t go on there.
What websites do you have bookmarked? The ones on the toolbar are Google, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, YouTube, Pinterest, and a couple PDFs from Bible studies.
Do you use bows and ribbons to decorate your gifts? Yeah. I love wrapping presents and making them look all nice and pretty.
Do you listen to the same type of music as your parents? What type is that? We like a lot of the same, yeah. Especially my mom and I.
What TV show scared you as a kid? Are You Afraid of the Dark haha but I also loved to watch it. That intro is what really got me. Oh, and Unsolved Mysteries. That was a show about real life mysteries and murders and such. 
Family Guy, The Simpsons or South Park? Why? Out of the three I’d pick Family Guy, but I’m not into any of them. My family loves Family Guy so I see parts of episodes here and there all the time and I’m familiar with it. Sometimes it’ll give me a little chuckle.
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yjsangjun-blog · 5 years
                       𝖎𝖓𝖙𝖗𝖔𝖉𝖚𝖈𝖎𝖓𝖌 — 𝖇𝖆𝖊𝖐 ‘𝖘𝖆𝖒’ 𝖘𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖏𝖚𝖓.
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hi hello. i’m cait, i’m 25, i go by she/her pronouns and i live in cst! i am a hot mess who loves causing her characters pain & angst…. i also love ruining their lives on a daily basis.
this is my babe sangjun who’s a lil bit messy ( much like most of my characters ) and you can find basic stats / bullet point bio / basic personality info / basic plot ideas & stuff like that for him under the cut! if you want more in depth info message me bc honestly this intro post is … oof !!! it’s also kinda long so lemme apologize for that as well !!!
but i am super excited to be here and i can’t wait to plot with ya’ll & love your babies !!!! if you’d like to plot, please feel free to IM me on here, ask for my discord or like this post & i’ll come to you !!!
tw: mentions of alcohol / alcoholism, drugs / drug abuse, bullying & violence.
                                         BASIC INFO ( PT 1. )
FACECLAIM: min yoongi + suga + rapper. CHARACTER NAME: baek 'sam' sangjun. PRONOUNS: he/him. GENDER: cismale. AGE/BIRTHDAY: twenty-six. + june eleventh. ZODIAC SIGN: gemini. ROOM: haean + 2e.
                                           OTHER INFO
POSITIVE TRAITS: determined, hard-working, charismatic & adventurous. NEGATIVE TRAITS: hedonistic, short-tempered, impulsive & blunt. OCCUPATION: bouncer at club arena / underground fighter. ( future ceo ) SONG THAT DESCRIBES THEM: i'm not sorry - dean. HOW LONG HAVE THEY LIVED AT THE YUJAEN?: six years. FOUR MUSE AESTHETICS: leather jackets, bruised knuckles, blurry evenings, late night snack runs.
                                      BASIC INFO ( PT 2. )
full name: baek sangjun. nickname(s): sam, san, jun. hometown: seoul, south korea current location: yongsa, south korea. ethnicity: korean. nationality: korean. gender: cismale. pronouns: he/him/his. orientation: pansexual. occupation: bouncer / underground fighter. language(s) spoken: korean, english, japanese, spanish, french, chinese.
                                PHYSICAL APPEARANCE.
face claim: min yoongi. ( suga ) of bts. hair color: frequently changes, currently platinum blonde. eye color: brown with a small hazel ring. height: 5'10". weight: 169. build: athletic. tattoos: he’s got a few stick-n-poke tattoos scattered across his body, though most aren’t visible when he’s wearing clothing. piercings: these, double helix in left ear & tongue.
physical ailments: alcoholism, allergies, drug abuse, lactose intolerance. neurological conditions: back pain / muscle spasms, carpal tunnel. allergies: shellfish, pollen, mold. sleeping habits: all over the place, usually tosses & turns for a while before falling asleep. rarely gets more than 4-5 hours of sleep a night. eating habits: horrible, relies on fast-food & take-out most of the time. loves 'comfort foods’. exercise habits: goes to the gym at least three times a week, less if he’s been in back-to-back fights. body temperature: hotnatured. addictions: alcohol, tobacco, cannabis, gambling, sex. drug use: frequent. alcohol use: frequent.
                                       PERSONALITY. ( PT 1. )
label: the cataclysmic. positive traits: determined, hard-working, charismatic & adventurous. negative traits: hedonistic, short-tempered, impulsive & blunt. fears: heights, flying, confined spaces, drowning, commitment. hobbies: arcade games, astronomy, billiards, board games, boxing, card games, comic books, cooking, motorcycles, poker, reading, video games, weight training, yoga. habits / quirks: believes in demonic possession, believes in ghosts & spirits, believes in karma, carries a 'lucky’ item with him everywhere, fights for animal rights, fights for gender equality, fights for human rights, fights for the legalization of cannabis, fights for marriage equality, meditates, always has change in his pockets, owns an outrageous amount of shoes, counts stairs, experiences episodes of depression, boxes, collects packs of playing cards, doodles on everything, gardens, loves board games, paints, plays with fire, plays poker, plays video games, randomly wanders around when bored, sings well.
season: fall. color(s): army green, black, red, gray. music: all genres, doesn’t care for country. movies: action, comedy, horror, suspense. sport(s): hockey, basketball, baseball. beverage(s): whiskey, soda. food: comfort foods. animal: dogs.
father: baek jaejin, sixty, ceo. mother: baek chansook, fifty-four, ceo. sibling(s): younger sibling, nineteen. children: n/a. pet(s): a siamese cat named ramen ( back at home with his parents ), a bengal cat named shiva ( back at home with his parents ) & a seven month old austrailan sheppard puppy named indy ( lives with his sibling. ) family’s financial status: upper class.
mbti: entp-a. ( the debater ) enneagram: type 8. ( the challenger ) temperament: choleric. hogwarts house: slytherin. moral alignment: chaotic neutral. primary vice: wrath. primary virtue: diligence. element: fire.
born in seoul, south korea.
parents were very well known ceos, both running very successful corporations.
and of course, they wanted sangjun to follow in their footsteps.
parents were pretty strict and didn’t really allow him to do well.. anything.
however, they did buy him whatever he wanted and spoiled him in that way.
and due to both of those things combined, he started to rebel at a really young age. ( i’m talking like 10 )
so he’d sneak out, graffiti people’s houses and break things and the likes.
never got caught for it, though, knowing that if he did his parents would have kicked him out and probably disowned him for his behavior.
but one of the reasons he never got caught being a rebel was the fact he was bringing straight a’s in school, was always the very top of his class and from his parent’s perspective? he was a model child.
however, he hated that, hated having to live under his parent’s shadows and be this cookie-cutter version of himself they wanted him so desperately to be.
but he played it off, juggling the 'angel’ side of him with the rebellious tendencies that continued to grow worse and worse with each passing year.
god, high school was so different, though. he’d rebel more and more every single day, pushing the limits of getting caught.
however, word got out pretty quickly about just how wealthy his family was and kids started to bully sangjun for it, causing his anger to get the better of him until he lashed out so bad it landed one of those bullies in the hospital for copious amounts of injuries.
of course, his parents were pissed. grounded him for a solid month and in that time, he learned each and every way he could sneak out of his house at night, wandering the streets of seoul at all hours.
one of those nights he happened to run into a group of people who also went to his school, but instead of them bullying him for whatever reason, they commended him on standing up for himself like he had & told him there was a way to let out the pent up aggression that ended up sending a kid to the hospital.
his curiosity was lit up that night, eager to figure out what the hell they were talking about and a few days later, he was introduced to a scene that’d become far more intoxicating that anything he’d ever experienced before.
underground fighting. no rules, no shadows he had to live under, tons of money for each win under his belt? it was the life he never knew he wanted, but the second he got a taste of it, he wanted more.
so those late night strolls turned into him sneaking out of the house only to meet up with his new group of friends, all of which were clad in full black outfits .. traveling to some random person’s basement ( or abandoned buildings of numerous kinds ) only for sangjun to be able to release every single bit of pent up aggression he carried out on some stranger who’d never remember his name.
his parents? they were just as clueless as before, though, sam continuing to excel in school as well as his fights so much so that he found the perfect balance.. learned how to hide the scrapes and bruises from his mother & father all while continuing to be the top of his class.
not to mention he was juggling all of that and his acting career all at once, trying to hide certain things from his parents and the rest of the world because he knew it’d ruin his reputation.
however, due to the amount of stress that sat upon sam’s shoulders on a daily basis, he let himself slip up on his 21st birthday, parents stumbling into his apartment only to catch him drunk & high with a bunch of strangers surrounding him.
it was a moment he’d been scared of his whole life, worried his parents would just disown him right then and there...
but in all honesty? it was the most freeing night of sam’s life.
he didn’t have to pretend to be someone he wasn’t anymore, didn’t have to pretend to be a pure and innocent little thing who never did anything wrong. didn’t have to live up to the high expectations he’d set for himself so many years ago and god, he was hooked.
his parents not disowning him and continuing to pay for everything he wanted only fueling him to continue the downward spiral, living his life to the fullest, doing whatever the hell he wanted to... whenever the hell he wanted to.
                                      PERSONALITY. ( PT 2. )
hides behind a wall of sarcasm, cockiness, anger and lust.
doesn’t really care to get to know people and had a tendency to push people away before they get too close to him. ( though it’s all a ruse. )
wears glasses to read and mess w computers, but hates them a lot and probably won’t wear them if people are around.
has two different wardrobes, one for when he’s around his parents. that consists of suits & dressy attire. and then one for when he isn’t that consists of ripped jeans, t-shirts, sweats & everything in between.
is …. stubborn as hell and refuses to ask for help with anything.
his motorcycle is literally his baby ??? like he ?? has a problem ??
fluent in a lot of languages, picked them up so that he didn’t need translators at his parents meetings and the likes.
lowkey worried that people will figure out that he’s actually v scared & stressed on the inside because that’ll cause him to start having to deal with his feelings, and he doesn’t wanna do that.
is the biggest flirt you will ever meet?? like if he’s speaking to you… its usually flirty as hell unless it has to do w business ( both his parents & his fights ) or he’s just known you for centuries ?
will try to get everyone to go to bars n parties with him because that’s his life in a nutshell ??
drinks..heavily..  like every night?? it’s a problem tbh.
nerd on the inside though like owns so many comic books, loves to play video games, read books, plays piano.. loves to sketch, paint & the likes.
he cares… god he cares so much about people and the world but he pretends to hate everything because it’s easier than letting people in.
full of horrible and cheesy pick up lines and jokes and frequently texts people said pick up lines and jokes.
owns a book that is full of nothing but blank pages and keeps it on his coffee table because he ‘relates’ to it.
is a highkey hoe but he tries to keep it on the dl ( he fails… miserably. )
super into fitness as it’s a way to keep him away from drinking every evening. ( that doesn’t work for him tho, oof.. )
also has bruised knuckles 24/7 & some other injuries he gets from his fights, plays it off like he’s just clumsy.
anger issues af. needs to get them in check.
actually super kind and caring once you’re able to see get past his wall?? which is really hard tbh but if you’re able to? he’s so loyal and caring it’s unreal.
has a bad habit of smoking whenever he’s stressed out, which is usually all of the time so he smokes…. more than he should ( though he won’t admit to being stressed out,,,,, ever in his life. )
highkey into cuddling and all the cute shit like that but would literally never tell a soul because then they’d see that he isn’t the ‘hardass’ he pretends to be on a daily basis.
is a burnt cupcake who has 'decent’ intentions but has extremely horrible execution skills.
                                                 PLOT IDEAS.
bad influence. ( on your muse. )
best friends.
childhood friend.
current hook up(s).
drinking buddies.
drunken hook up.
enemies that used to be friends.
exes who ended on bad terms.
friendly competition.
friends that used to be enemies.
friends with benefits.
good influence. ( on sangjun. )
hate sex.
one night stand(s). ( past & present. )
partner in crime.
party buddies.
past hook up(s).
ride or die.
social media friends.
trouble makers.
unlikely friends.
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crapitskizaru · 6 years
Modern AU!X Drake trash part II cuz I want dinosaurs to inhabit our planet
Warning: some sad :( stuff and a sprinkle of ns- FILTH. Yes, I scrolled all the way down to one of my first posts to change this, so that my blog won’t get deleted “by accident” or, better, on purpose ((((((((: Cheers.
So here we are again
Cuz why not
Let’s talk about his interests for a good start
He’d like to own a lizard and he already knows everything about how to take care of it and stuff
But the caaats
And also the money
I can totally picture him getting a car and going on a road trip by himself
He loves sightseeing, all the historical facts make him go *-*
He’s that guy who always pays attention to what the tour guide says
Idk oda said that he’d be Turkish but I picture him more of a British/Scottish person
Also, are u ready for my Ultimate Headcannon
like The One headcannon that i know foR SURE is true
its truer than than my whole life
check this out
his Scottish accent
fuck yes thank u okay lets go back
He probably couldn’t wait until he turns 18 and/or finishes high school to get away from his abusive family
Also, him being a single child sucked in this situation
But even when he was of age, he didn’t have the money to move
So he stayed until he got accepted for college far, far away from home
Got himself a college job also, so he won’t have to depend on his parents
Was probably super anxious to show up for work, cuz, people
But he learned to hide his anxiety and basically just fuck it
He doesn’t swear but I do and I didn’t know how else to put it xD
The fuck it all mentality
He switched to it halfway during college and everything was a bit easier for him suddenly
I can’t picture him asking questions during lectures, he probably just sat in the middle and scribbled notes
Doodled/read the textbook ahead when the lecture was boring
He had a lot of crushes and would totally send them anonymous letters like
“you are literally sparkling today. well, basically every day”
Or “ay you’re so smart I love you”
“I love your hair, i apologize but they really are magical”
Yeah so basically it got a little bit creepy but he just wanted to see the expressions on their faces when they read the notes
I picture him as bi? Yeah, I guess
And also demisexual
He’d be attracted to many people but would wanna settle only with those who he knew well and for a long time
But well, hadn’t met the right person yet
Since he’s not the partieehhh type
Sometimes he wishes he was more outgoing
But he knows he can’t change his nature
More often he just wants to be himself and wants someone to love him unconditionally
He craves physical contact so badly
Even if it’s stranger’s accidental touch in the cafeteria
Or just mere closeness of someone
Yeah he definitely has the days when he has no motivation to get up
But he somehow always does and God bless him for it
Talking about God
I can imagine Drake praying sometimes
When things get real rough and he wants to talk to someone besides his cats
But he doesn’t go to any religious places
His sarcasm is on the max level, u literally cannot get any more sarcastic than this man
But he’d only use it with someone who he knows for some time
Or to impress a cute potential partner c:
His height is a bit of a nuisance in everyday life
Like it was super hard for him to fit his legs under the desk in college
And he always was covering all of the view from someone sitting behind him
It got awkward but in a cute way
Talking about height
His freaking sex drive would be pretty damn high
But as I stated before, he doesn’t really have anyone to take it all on so he jerks off regularly
And also he does it to ease his nerves and everyday anxiety
He’d only watch soft porn, where it’s all lovely dovey <3
Gets turned on real fast by gentle, sensual sex and cheesy words
That’s how he’d be in bed too
No party/stranger sex cuz it’s just not his style
Either has no piercings at all or an ear piercing
Holy shit itd be so hot
Only few people remember about his birthday
No Facebook bday reminder cuz he deactivated his account long time ago
If his family ever sent him any wishes he’d either ignore it or coldly say thank you and just hung up
He likes treating himself to some bowling
Yeah he likes bowling
And I like u so much, ure apeeling af thank u for reading this mwah <3
Drakey would totally have Tumblr xD
Spotify, Netflix, YouTube, few games like Jurassic World: The Game or AbyssRium
Also, pinterest for memes or outfit ideas
And interior design ideas
Hooooly shit he is hooked
Like freaking crazy about those movies
He prefers the old ones
But fangirled (fanboyed?idk) so hard about Jeff Goldblum when he appeared in the latest movies
Like screeching-quietly-in-the-cinema type of fangirling
aight this is getting too much for one post already
he always holds the door for people 
okay im ending this
he always puts the thing he’s using back to the place from where he picked it up
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dabiouz-moved · 6 years
aizawa, ochaco, kaede, byakuya (both from dangan ronpa) & sarina (ms site)?
Aizawa1. Fight them or fight for them
I wanna fite him for some reason, I know he gonna whoop my azz tho. I do wanna see how long he can last with his quirk
2. On a scale of 1-10 how excited do I get when I see them
5, not the most excited about him but he’s Dadzawa so it’s nice seeing him with Eri and the kiddies
3. Would i smooch
Hmmm, I probably wouldn’t smooch him
4. Have I drawn/written about them/should i draw/write about them
I’ve written for him couple of times, never drew him tho
5. Voice HC if they don’t have a voice already
Well I think his lazy-ish fits him perfectly, so I don’t think I have another Headcanon for him
1. Fight them or fight for them
I WILL FIGHT FOR THIS PRECIOUS CHILD. I don’t think I can hit her on purpose e,,,,e;
2. On a scale of 1-10 how excited do I get when I see them
5-6, im more neutral with her tbh.
3. Would i smooch
I like to give her smooches on her chubby cheeks or forehead!
4. Have I drawn/written about them/should i draw/write about them
I’ve written for her couple of times on tumblr too. Like the same, i never drew her before
5. Voice HC they don’t have a voice already
Do I have a voice headcanon for her??? I can imagine her going from sweet to deep whenever she’s determined or something like that. It’s probably been done before
1. Fight them or fight for them
I would fight for her. She was really idealistic in the game and died too fast which was a huge, interesting plot twist. She could do no wrong
2. On a scale of 1-10 how excited do I get when I see them
6.5, rip Kaede, you weren’t in the game for a very long time so I don’t think I can say much
3. Would i smooch
She pretty, but I think I’d like to hold her hands instead
4. Have I drawn/written about them/should i draw/write about them
I never write or drew for her! (Only Kokichi and Saihara I made doodles of)
5. Voice HC if they don’t have a voice already
Not really,,, don’t think I can think of one
Byakuya/Twokuya1. Fight them or fight for them
SQUARE UP! Pfffft, I would fight the original Byakuya because he an arrogant, rich jerk but at the same time he’s not that terrible of a character except for some situations. I trust Twokuya more than him tbh.
2. On a scale of 1-10 how excited do I get when I see them
Uhhhhhhh,,,, I think about 4-5 for the both of them
3. Would i smooch
I wouldn’t smooch them, not my type I guess? Then again I do get attached to azzholes. But I would hug Twokuya and smooch his cheeks, he’s adorable to me!
4. Have I drawn/written about them/should i draw/write about them
No art, no writing of them so far
5. Voice HC if they don’t have a voice already
I love how In the game, Twokuya actually has a childish-like voice in the end? But he can imitate anyone as far as I know so it went cute. No headcanon really

1. Fight them or fight for them
You had no idea how I hated her from the first couple of chapters ,,, like fck LEAVE MY DAUGHTER AYA YOU FREAKING PRICK. Yes I wanted to fight her at first but when the story progressed,,,, I actually grow to like her. I would fight for this girl even if she did made mistakes earlier. I just love the character development
2. On a scale of 1-10 how excited do I get when I see them
Defiantly about 6-8? I love seeing her with the other girls, especially in the latest chapters where they mad asf with this one character. Kick her azz, Sarina. I believe I you
3. Would i smooch
No I don’t think I would smooch her, she is an awesome character I’ve grown to like tho
4. Have I drawn/written about them/should i draw/write about them
I never written for the Mahou Shoujo Site girls, but I would love to. I never drew her either, I only drew Kayo, Anjou and Sakura from there
5. Voice HC if they don’t have a voice already
Not really. But her voice actor had a little softer voice when she was singing the ending so picturing with that is hmmm. Otherwise her voice it’s her.
Thanks for the ask babez, c": ♥
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pwnyta · 7 years
AIGHT So ya know how I said I made my own Omegaverse world but made it super convoluted? HERE IT IS. Theres gonna be lame doodles because im inarticulate. Also... of course its /Tony centered.... sorta. Id ship him with Jarvis and Friday myself but w/e
Tony is an Omega bounty hunter taking up his Betas fathers mantle... though since hes an Omega other bounty hunters dont work with him.... which is fine with him because theyre a blood thirsty lot anyways and he’d rather capture his criminal targets rather than kill them. But hes got one Alpha he wants dead for murdering his father and mother... ;;;)))(its Bucky obviously) He doesnt know what the guy looks like but hes an infamous creature that plenty of bounty hunters are gunning for. The talisman around Tonys neck keeps him protected (its the anchor item for his Wraiths Jarvis and Friday. Tony also has a lot of creative non-leathal weapons he uses during his hunts like liquid light that can stun light-sensetive Alphas.
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First of all its a world where Betas have the biggest population. Theyre basically regular humans(except any Beta can bare children... unless some health issue or someshit.). Alphas are monsters. LITERALLY. Like vamps/wolves/demons etc different breeds of Alphas but all of them are treated just as monsters. Omegas are crossbreeds of the two. Omegas inherit some traits from their Alpha parent-- pointy ears and teeth are very common, antenna, wings, weaker versions of their powers, etc.
Usual A/B/O shenanigans apply.
Alphas can only be born from an Alpha/Omega pair. Alpha children are their Alpha parents species. Omegas can only be born from an Alpha/Beta pair. Alpha/Alpha and Omega/Omega pairs cant produce young, Alphas cant bare children/Omegas cant sire a child. (Betas can do w/e. They dont need the other two which is why theyre so judgemental and why Alpha and Omega breeds are so low.)
Alpha(/Omega) Breeds:
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Werewolf: ---Threat level: (depends on pack size, lower number packs tend to be more aggressive. Lone Wolves are often feral and scapegoats/targets for bounty hunters.) ---Rarity: ★✩✩✩✩ (very common) ---Powers: Quite a bit stronger and faster than a regular human(strength varies with moon cycle), telepathic pack communication, high endurance, regeneration ---Weaknesses: Silver, wolfsbane, strength variations during moon cycles, pack dependency. ----Defining features: Fur tipped ears, dog like teeth, fluffy tails. ----Characters: Steve, Bucky, Rumlow, Rhodey, Gamora, Drax, Yondu, Scott
Highly pack dependent to a point it effect their mental stability. They also mate for life. Loyalty is valued most in a pack and pack mates that betray the pack arent killed, theyre banished and usually go mad and then are killed.
Bucky was taken and being away from his pack turned him feral assassin for Hydra. (his pack mate Rumlow set him up and works for Hydra... Hydras still a thing... except theyre Betas mostly.)
Vampire: ---Threat level: ★★★✩✩ ---Rarity: ★✩✩✩✩ ---Powers: Wall climbing, super speed and agility, energy absorption+healing when drinking blood, greater strength than an average Beta but not quite as strong as a Wolf. A bite from a vampire causes a victim to obey their Vampire sire (but will not transform them) ---Weaknesses: Typical vampire bullshit. Whos allergic to garlic of all things? ASSHOLES. Thats who. ----Defining features: Small pointy ears, fangs, glowy red eyes. ----Characters: Natasha, Peter, Nebula
Vampires are seen as pests by Betas and sometimes even other Alpha types. They tend to stay in small packs for protection as theyre not as strong as most other Alphas.
Dragonblood: ---Threat level: ★★★★★ ---Rarity: ★★★★✩ ---Powers: High strength and endurance*, fire breath and immunity*, regeneration/semi-immortal (can be killed by outside sources but will never die of old age) *Dragons power is enhanced by the type of fire they possess- Red is most common, orange, white, then blue is the most rare. Dragons bare their throats as a sign of dominance (unlike other Alphas) to show off their flame color. ---Weaknesses: Fae magic and Dragon blood (another Dragons blood on a sword will poison it) ----Defining features: Horns, wings, glowing from the throat ----Characters: Quill=Blue, Ego=Orange, (O)Frigga=Blue, Heimdall=White
Dragons arent looked down on the way most Alphas are by Betas but theyre highly feared and are targeted as a good trophy by hunters.
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Demon: ---Threat level: ★★★★★ ---Rarity: ★★★★★ ---Powers: Dark magic, flame resistance, enhanced strength and endurance, nigh invulnerability. ---Weaknesses: Spiritual belief. ----Defining features: Horns, wings, glowing eyes, whip like tails. ----Characters: TChalla, Thor, Odin, Peggy
Besides Wraith, Demons are most feared by Betas. Demons can grant any wish(besides true immortality) in exchange of a soul but selling a soul to a Demon will cause a mortals afterlife to become misery until theyre turned into a little imp creature that will do the bidding of their Demon sire.
Fae: ---Threat level: ★★✩✩✩ ---Rarity: ★★★★★ ---Powers: Nature related magic, super speed, nigh invulnerability, healing, empathy, beauty. ---Weaknesses: Iron, ash wood, salt. (theyre also kind of easy to bribe with sweets) ----Defining features: ----Characters: Maria, Mantis, Hope, (O)Tony
Fae are considered ‘good‘ Alphas and are highly romanticized but they have short tempers and can become pretty dangerous and spiteful when crossed.
Witch: ---Threat level: (depends on Witch) ---Rarity: ★★✩✩✩ ---Powers: Magic limited by their own creativity and skill level. ---Weaknesses: Fire, destroying their talisman or familiar, other witches, power addictions. ----Defining features: n/a ----Characters: Strange, Wanda, Obie, Pepper, (O)Meredith
Witches are pack minded Alphas and dont stray too far from their covens. Theyre the most hated Alpha type because they lack any noticeable Alpha features and can blend in with Beta communities if they choose. (though it often doesnt end well for them if theyre caught. *Tristan voice*BURN THE WITCH)
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Wraith: ---Threat level: ★★★★★ ---Rarity: ✩✩✩✩✩ (Wraiths are everywhere in their own plane but rarely seen by mortal eyes) ---Powers: Typical ghost/poltergeist shenanigans, flight, intangibility, possession, telekinesis etc ---Weaknesses: Can only remain in the mortal realm by an anchor item, if the item is depowered the Wraith will be banished and if its destroyed the Wraith will be destroyed. ----Defining features: Translucent, corpse-y look??? ----Characters: Jarvis, Friday, Karen
Wraiths are one of the most feared Alphas due to their abilities and lack of weaknesses, most Wraith are more playful than malicious though. But they are possessive of what they consider theirs....
Jarvis and Friday are the Wraith Tony has anchored to his pendant. As a thank you for keeping their anchor safe they help him when he needs them (Possessing him will allow them to control his body and give them their strength and powers). Theyd look a little something like:
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Troll: ---Threat level: ★★★✩✩ ---Rarity: ★✩✩✩✩ ---Powers: Super strength, endurance, stealth ---Weaknesses: Direct sunlight will turn them into stone until its night again, but if theyre broken before that theyll be killed. ----Defining features: 1-5 small horns, hairy, small tusks from their bottom jaw, long/round ears ----Characters: Bruce, Loki, Harley, Happy
Trolls are solitary creatures that usually avoid others at all costs, theyre only really dangerous when threatened or if theyre assholes(Loki)?
Harpy: ---Threat level: ★★★✩✩ ---Rarity: ★★★✩✩ ---Powers: Flight, sound manipulation, super speed ---Weaknesses: Theyre fragile birdy bones? ----Defining features: Feathery wings and feather tipped ears, yellow eyes, scales and talons on their hands ----Characters: Sam, Clint, (O)Brunhilde
Harpys are pack Alphas but generally stay with their own type. They very rarely get hunted theyre just too damn hard to catch(but that makes them a valuable trophy catch for hunters).
SO YEAH. All the typical A/B/O stuff can be applied... but now theres fun fantasy and horror elements!!!! YEAH! Thats the shit I like! Im sure ya didnt read this far....
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jxxhyuk-blog · 7 years
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( JEON WONWOO | CISMALE | HE/HIM ) you’ve heard of matthew kim, right ?? wait, really ? they’re the friendly writer who’s way too obsessed with music, geek culture, & web toons. somehow, they managed to major in english in college. i think they’re twenty-one. they’re the kind of boy next door that enjoys doodling all over his notebooks or any papers around him, staying home to read a good book or watch a tv show instead of going out, & writing song lyrics. some people told me they’re supposedly pretty imaginative, supportive, & considerate. but i think they’re just blinded by a pretty face. they’re clearly laid-back, forgetful, & compulsive. their favorite thing about buzzfeed is the quizzes.
‘SUP KIDS! this is your friendly neighborhood spider-man hels, the mid-20s old ass woman girl who typed an app in record time and almost hurt herself (the problems of being old, istg). you know what else is a record? me, having a 21 year old muse. IT’S BEEN MONTHS, ISTG, I’M THE GRANDMA FRIEND™ (please refer to this post) I CAN’T KEEP UP WITH YOU YOUNGSTERS. but here i am, SO LOVE MY BABY GEEK LAZY BOY. he’s very Relatable as you all might notice in this post and in future interactions djaskld. ALSO!! i didn’t forget the people in my ims, ok, i will get there in a bit. but if we ain’t talking yet and you’d like to plot with matthew, like this post and i will message you! enough about ooc bs, let’s go to the interesting (and actual helpful to plot) part, shall we!?
everyone knows him by matthew, but that’s his “adopted” english name. his real name is kim joohyuk. he’s too used to matthew (or matt), though!! his mother (and me) is the only one who still calls him joohyuk or hyukie.  
talking about his mother: she is his only family. she got pregnant during high school, the child was obviously her boyfriend’s, but he couldn’t accept the situation (it would ruin his future, the college applications he had already sent, would make his parents drop him, for sure). on another hand, she never thought on not having the child, as she grew up in a christian, catholic family. telling her parents was a pain, though―they said how disappointed they were and how they would not help her, that she would have to take full responsibility for her doings. and so she did: through struggles of moving far away from her family and past for her own sake, she gave birth to matthew in new jersey.  
the age difference between he and his mom is 17, almost 18. that being said, it comes with no surprise that she is his best friend. she raised him, making sure he would never think she didn’t support him, and basically put all her future on him. he knows her story and she is the person he admires the most and never stops trying to make her even more proud of him.  
truth be told, he had a pretty normal childhood. he was a happy, intelligent kid, very accepting of others, had a lot of friends and played with them a lot. he also played soccer growing up and, tbh, he’s pretty good? though he became kind lazy the older he got...  
although bullied in middle and high school, he managed to keep himself together. of course, though, that made him grow a bit more introverted and insecure, more into trying to enjoy his own person and not putting much expectation on other people (or even himself).  
he was always a year ahead, thus, he got into college earlier and recently graduated in nyu. he was an intern in buzzfeed new york, but after graduation, he got transfered to atlanta as a writer (he couldn’t be happier, tbh).  
although his mother doesn’t live with him, she did move to atlanta too. talk about the best mom and hype woman in the world.  
i wouldn’t say he is new around here, because, you know, he’s been in atlanta for months now so...  
“has he ever been to sdcc?” you can bet he saved money just to go literally to the other side of the country (as he lived in new york) just to go to sdcc (he went at least three years in a roll during college). “but there’s a comic con in new york!” he doesn’t care, he wanted SAN DIEGO’s.  
“what kind of tv shows he likes?” sci-fi, anything that doesn’t make any sense, comedy shows, anything that makes him think too hard.  
though his taste for books follow this same thing, he doesn’t deny “classics”... he’s a bookworm... he reads anything, truly.  
“marvel or dc?” he prefers to die than to choose (but he is trash for xmen, so... you see the problem...)  
as for music... he listens pretty much anything? it really depends on his mood.  
which brings me to: he will sing disney movies songs, he might even sing high school musical (rip son), and he will quote animation movies and expect you to get it (and if you don’t, he will shake his head with a tsk)  
ngl, he’s kind of a hopeless romantic. you know those people who believe in fate and “things happen for a reason”? so... matthew.  
he’s always writing something... either for work or for himself. from song lyrics to actual stories, either messy organized on his desk or on his laptop’s folders.  
ALSO! his specs are for real... he has eyestrain and little astigmatism. but no, he doesn’t use them all the time, but at work? while writing? definitely!   
so, that all being said, let’s talk about PLOTS: anything is very wanted, so bring it on, fAM!! a best friend, close friends, ex fling (i am saying fling bc??? “has matthew ever dated for real?” idk man???), other writers!!!!!, people who try to drag him out and he gets all “my tv shows won’t be watched by themselves”, people to complain about his mess at work, people to press him to do his stuff on time, people from the tasty team that has to kick him out before he gets the food, neighbors!!!!!....... seriously, anything, just come @ me and let’s brainstorm
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1 whats your middle name: Jasmin
2 how old are you?: 21
3 whens your birthday?: 27th March 1996
4 zodiac sign?: Aries (act more like a pisces tho)
5 favourite colour?: atm violet is my fave
6 whats your lucky number?: 7 !!
7 do you have any pets?: i have a cat and a dog
8 where are you from?: where the wild things are
9 how tall are you?: smol
10 what shoe size are you?: 7/8 depending on the kind of shoe
11 how many pairs of shoes do you own?: 5 ??
12 what was your last dream about: lmao that deserves its own special post.
13 what talents do you have?: errrr, im a good shot with a bow.
14 are you psychic in any way?: in some ways, i think i just have a really good intution.
15 favourite song?: thats impossible!!!
16 favourite movie?: Pans Labyrinth, short term 12, Nick & Norahs infinite playlist.
17 who would your ideal partner be?: someone who i never tire of, who can handle comfortable silences and knows how i like my tea. Idk.
18 do you want children?: uhhhhh idk id prolly adopt.
19 do you want a church wedding?: if the person i were to marry wished to have one i dont see why not.
20 are you religious?: i believe in past lives? I believe in the universe and i think its alive, i think it watches us. I dont really believe in things that come out of a book or something written by old men a million years ago. But i believe theres something more out there.
21 have you ever been to a hospital?: many many times i have.
22 have you ever been in trouble with the law?: once when i was 9 i prank called a place twice and they had caller ID and they got the police involved… my mum was fuming.
23 have you ever met any celebrities?: i met the twins from teen wolf and they were adorable :*
24 baths or showers?: showers fuck me uuup
25 what colour socks are you wearing?: none
26 have you ever been famous: lol no
27 would you like to be a celebrity: no thanks im so fine being normal.
28 what type of music do you like?: uhhhh i think im alternative indie trash but like also everything that bops is my shit???
29 have you ever been skinny dipping?: lol lets not go there
30 how many pillows do you sleep with?: 3
31 what position do you usually sleep in?: on my side … hugging the 3rd pillow.
32 how big is ur house?: not very, its one story and houses 3 ppl ^-^
33 what do you typically have for breakfast?: toast and a cup of tea.
34 have you ever fired a gun?: yea i have. Not a fan of guns tho
35 have you ever tried archery: yup, and that i am a fan of!!!
36 favourite clean word?: soap
37 favourite swear word?: cunt. Lol.
38 whats the longest youve ever gone without sleep?: probably like 2 days.
39 do you have any scars: yeah i have a few.
40 have you ever had a secret admirer?: not that im aware of.. but isnt that the point?
41 are you a good liar?: kinda but also i hate lying to people so i tend to not do it often.
42 are you a good judge of character?: i sure hope so.
43 can you do any accents other than ur own?: not very good but usually i just pretend to be scotish
44 do you have a strong accent?: i have no idea
45 whats your favourite accent?: Irish probably
46 whats your personality type: im type 5 if that makes sense to yall
47 whats your most expensive piece of clothing?: probably the fucking togs i bought last weekend 😂😂
48 can you curl your tongue?: i can maybe thats my one talent..
49 innie or an outie?: lol innie
50 lefty or righty?: im right handed :P
51 are you scared of spiders?: only if they jump on my face, otherwise no not at all
52 favourite food?: pastaaaaaa
53 favourite foreign food?: sushiiiiii or italian food is the shit
54 are you a clean or messy person?: im relatively tidy but cluttered.
55 most used phrase?: fuck if i know i never shut up 😂
56 most used word?: “weow” “mleh” “fuck” those 3 sometimes together or separately
57 how does it take to get ready?: an hour. Usually
58 do u have much of an ego?: idk how to answer this one
59 do you suck or bite lollipops?: yes.
60 do you talk to yourself?: yeah but only cause she never shuts up lol
61 do you sing to yourself?: it stops her from talking so yeh
62 are you a good singer?: no im terrible
63 biggest fear?: shutting everyone out and then ending up completely by myself, being replaced. Idk.. im afraid of getting older and watching my grandparents get greyer and forgetful. Clowns. Caring more about things or people than they probably do about me. Cliche shit like that.
64 are you a gossip?: no but i listen to it 😎👀☕
65 best dramatic movie youve seen?: kill bill 1 and 2
66 long or short hair?: on me i like having it short c:
67 can you name 50 states in america?: lol no
68 favourite subject: art / history
69 extrovert or introvert?: introvert 😩👌
70 ever been scuba diving?: nope thatd be fun tho
71 what makes you nervous?: ppl im not close with asking personal questions, ppl getting in my comfort zone, being late for something, family gatherings, people pointing out my nervous ticks like fidgeting..
72 are you scared of the dark?: kinda :/
73 do you correct ppl when they make mistakes?: sometimes but not if it makes me or them look like a dick.. i would only do it if it helped them.
74 are you ticklish?: no
75 have you ever started a rumour?: maybe in like primary school..
76 have you ever been in a position of authority?: yes im an older sibling so ofc
77 ever drank underage?: yes, thanks dad 👌
78 ever done drugs?: … yes.. thanks aunty 👌 i swear my familys semi normal
79 who was ur first real crush?: prolly my first best friend..
80 any piercings?: nope.
81 can you roll your R’s ?: not very good but yes i can
82 how fast can you type?: very very lelel
83 how fast can you run?: depends on whats chasing me.
84 your hair colour?: reddish brown atm
85 your eye colour?: hazel ^-^
86 any allergies?: none that im aware of!!!
87 do you keep a journal?: i do, i mostly doodle tho
88 what do your parents do?: my mum works as a gardener atm, my dad fixes pipes lol.
89 do you like your age?: yeah sure 21 is fine ^-^
90 what makes you angry?: people who try to take advantage of others just bc theyre family. 🙄🙄
91 do you like your name?: i do actually!
92 have you already thought of baby names?: yes kinda sort of only one so far i like the name Hazel its cute
93 boy or girl for a child: tbh i would want a daughter but a son is just as fine
94 strengths?: im optimistic i think, sometimes im funny, i can see thru ppls bullshit. There. So strength!
95 what are your weakeness?: im also the complete opposite of all my strengths listed above. Its too easy for me to get upset with myself, im very dramatic and sometimes its exhausting lol.
96 how did you get ur name?: my … parents??
97 were your ancestors royalty: i have no idea, i know most of my irish ancestors were coal miners and catholic so.. prolly not
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mcutrio · 7 years
Movie Date [10]
Movie Date [10]
Tags: @buckys-little-monster @imaginesofeverykind
That next day, Kat and Thor found themselves awkwardly attracted to one another. The situation that had taken part the day before left them feeling somewhat strange whilst talking to one another, especially given that their relationship was nothing more than mere strangers, or rather… coworkers. They got along well, their powers complemented one another, and though they may agree that one another was attractive, it wasn’t particularly a relationship that either of them had considered pursuing. Tabitha and Courtenay, in a whirlwind of both new found and old love, perhaps got a little too swept up and found themselves dragging Kat along in the drift.
However, she was willing to go along with it. For as long as she would last within the team, as much as she already seemed to be dwindling, she decided that she might as well have some fun with it.
She met Thor in the kitchen and dropped a Chinese menu pamphlet in front of him, spinning it so that he could read it.
“Now this right here is pure heaven in your mouth,” Kat announced, tapping the leaflet with her hand. “And as sad as it is, you have a much larger meal selection considering you eat dead animals. But… if we’re going to show you what food to eat, then this is where to start.”
“Right,” Thor said, looking at the pamphlet and flicking through it for a moment, “what, so you just summon them with this special code and they arrive at your residence with the food?”
“Something like that,” Kat nodded, grinning at his naivety towards earth and mobile phones. However, he wasn’t particularly that far off, which humoured her the most. “And once we’ve tried enough food to feed a small village, I’m sure I can throw in a couple lessons on cell phones and the like.”
“Cellphones?” Thor questioned. Kat lifted her mobile. “Ah, the devices you and your friends can’t seem to look away from. What’s so interesting about them?”
“Uh… it’s like an all-knowing book that also allows you to contact friends?” Kat shrugged, unsure as to how she should explain it to him.
Thor almost laughed. “I find that hard to believe.”
“You come from a world that we had no idea even existed, Thor. Why is it that a mobile phone has you stumped?” Kat shook her head, scrolling through her contacts. “We’ll catch up on this. For now, decide what you want to order later tonight.”
“A feast,” Thor mused, skimming over the words as Kat pulled up FaceTime and called Tony, who was nestled away somewhere in one of his science-tech rooms.
“What do you want, Buffy?” Tony questioned, flipping up his eye-guards.
“I have a proposal to make,” Kat began, reaching for the notepad that she had doodled on out of boredom only to spit out a couple of neat innovations.
Tony rolled his eyes. “Kat, we’ve already been through this. Bruce and I are together, and there’s nothing you can do to change that.”
“Whatever, laser-brain,” Kat rolled her eyes, lifting the notepad to show Tony her sketches and well-thought out tech. “I think we both know that Court’s glasses are in dire need of an upgrade. Her focus has been getting worse; she’s been complaining about hearing electronic white-noise, too. Stops her from sleeping at night.”
“Oh, for sure,” Tony nodded, “bring your doodles down to the lab and Bruce and I will give it the once over, though I’m sure I can concoct something to help her out.”
“Awesome,” Kat nodded, “speak later.”
Just as she pocketed her cell phone and notepad, Steve appeared from beyond the doorway with a somewhat calm, somewhat on-edge smile.
“If you’re here to lecture about me skipping out on training sessions, I--”
“No, that’s not why I’m here,” Steve smiled. “I’ve been thinking a lot recently, and you’re right. The training is fairly pointless for an individual like yourself, which is why I’ve found a sparring partner that might actually be able to keep up with you.”
“The only person who can even measure up to me is Thor-- oh, right, fantastic,” Kat nodded, sucking on her teeth and placing her hands on her hips. “You know, Steve, I never pinned you as the cupid type. Why’s everybody so obsessed with the idea of him and I, anyway?”
“You both deserve a win,” Steve teased, before becoming serious again. “But seriously, I think this could be good for you. You’re good with combat, though you could get even better. Think about it; what happens if Hulk decides to make an appearance, and this time not for the better? We can’t always rely on Thor, considering he has a Kingdom in outer space to run.”
“Alright, Steve, I get it,” Kat silenced him, though nodded with a smile. “You had me persuaded at Thor,” she joked, shooting finger-guns at him. “See you tomorrow morning.”
“I’m counting on it,” he shot back.
Meanwhile, Tabitha seemed persistent in teaching Bucky how her PlayStation worked, and though the assassin may be skilled and knowledgeable of many platforms of technology, he was completely dumbfounded when it came to gaming.
“I just don’t understand how I-- just how do I make it go,” he complained, turning the controller over in his hands incessantly. “And why is this man just walking-- oh, there he goes, off the cliff. Who the Hell is this guy?”
“His name is Sam Drake; and it’s not his fault, you controlled him to walk off!” Tabitha laughed, snatching the controller away from him before he caused the team to lose.
Courtenay’s character, Chloe, came bounding round the corner and a chortle of laughter could be heard from her room as she witnessed Bucky’s failure before Tabitha took control again.
“Let me show you how it’s done,” she said, cracking her neck. Bucky was completed phased out, unable to comprehend the game as Tabitha and Courtenay managed to pick up the win between themselves, even after the rest of the team had left the game considering how confused the Sam on their team appeared to be. “See? It’s not that hard.”
“I don’t understand how you ever had time to practice this stuff,” he grumbled.
“What do you mean?” Tabitha frowned, “we had plenty of free time, you know. When we weren’t on missions… this is what we were doing.”
“Living the life, huh?” Bucky grinned. “But, yeah, video games aren’t for me.”
“I’ll make a gamer out of you, just you wait,” Tabitha insisted.
“Alright. Let’s make a deal,” Bucky offered, to which Tabitha held her hands out, gesturing to appeal to her. “If I play through this whole Uncharted thing, I get something in return.”
“Oh, yeah, like what?” Tabitha mocked.
“I don’t know,” he shrugged, though a grin remained stretched on his lips. “I’m sure we can figure something out.”
Tabitha caught onto his tone and socked his shoulder. “Don’t be so dirty.”
“I actually didn’t say anything. These are your words, not mine,” he grinned, turning to face her.
“Oh, is that right? It didn’t cross your mind for just one second?” Tabitha irked.
Bucky made a noise, telling her that he had, in fact, had his mind stuffed somewhere in the gutter.
“I knew it!” she laughed, leaning back onto her elbows.
“To be fair, you were thinking it too,” Bucky negotiated, collapsing onto his back before turning to look up at her as she propped herself up beside him. “Right?”
“Shut up,” she laughed, hand upon his face, feeling the stubble beneath her palm and fingertips.
“So you were?” He teased, “look, I’m just trying to have my point proven here--”
Tabitha cut off him off with a firm kiss, one that had been well-earned after their days of tension after their first one. She retreated with a smile, smoothing her thumb over his cheekbone as the two lay, breathing quietly, staring at nothing but each other.
At that moment, Tabitha's phone buzzed with a notification. She pulled it out from her back pocket and inspected the screen, seeing a text message from Kat that she’d shot into the group chat of herself, Tabitha and Courtenay.
1 New Message From: Original Three
Kat: don’t want to alarm you guys or anything but thor and i are totally eating chinese food in his room rn !!
Tabitha: no way, really??
Courtenay: see this is why im the greatest friend, i swear. This is all because of me and you better name your first child after me
Tabitha: dibs being the godmother
Courtenay: that’s fine, i wear the pants anyway. Ill make a fuckin fantastic godfather
Kat: he’s currently gorging on prawn crackers so im sneaking a text any chance i get because HOLY SHIT IM SO NERVOUS
Tabitha: chill its just thor!
Kat: that’s the whole point! It's! Just! Thor!!!!!!!
Courtenay: just be yourself and all that jazz, i mean he thinks ur hot when ur fighting and you look pretty sweaty and gross then so. Can’t really mess up now can u
Kat: thanks, very comforting
Tabitha: seriously, though. Just be yourself. Maybe a little nicer because you’re a grumpy little shit but yeah, be yourself.
Courtenay: make a move before he does
Tabitha: that was your chance to make a move, kat. Please tell me you used it to your advantage
Kat tossed her phone aside to avoid detection as Thor, face-full, grinned over at her, seemingly in an even happier mood than he was before.
“I’m really glad that this is happening. You know, you really need to consider your life choices,” Kat laughed, “perhaps when you return to Asgard you should make Chinese food a thing?”
“No, no, I definitely agree,” Thor grinned through a forkful of chow mein noodles. “My friends would enjoy this thoroughly!”
Kat eyed him suspiciously, looking at the metal trays that he had managed to finish. “Is that your fourth tub?”
“Of much more to come,” he winked, taking another bite.
“Where does it all go?” Kat laughed sincerely, her face pink with her fullness and contentment.
Thor flexed his arms. “I cannot let my mortal form grow weak, for there is a lot to sustain.”
She laughed again, leaning her head on her hand. “If anybody from earth said that, I'd think they were insane.”
“Do you not think of me in that way?” Thor asked.
Kat, pressing her lips together to suppress her smile, shook her head. “No.”
“Then what do you think of me?” he asked, his voice noticeably softer this time.
Feeling a surge of confidence, she traced her hand over the pattern on his black shirt. “I think that you are…”
“Yes?” Thor encouraged, eyes sparkling as she lifted her head, dangerously close now.
“I-- I think that--”
Her voice stuttered with the proximity of the two before they suddenly jerked apart in surprise, the door slamming open with an excitable Courtenay bursting in.
“Hey, guys! Oh, am I interrupting something?”
Kat stared at Courtenay with a look of confusion, a surge of desperate annoyance on her face alongside it.
“Oh no… I am. I heard that there was Chinese food, you know, and I just couldn’t resist…” Courtenay edged forwards, taking a small bag of Chinese fries and backing out of the room again. “Again, so sorry…“
Finally, Courtenay left and shut the door behind her. Kat rubbed her forehead, feeling a mix of shame and agitation, though holding it all in and scooping up her laptop that she’d brought in earlier to play music whilst herself and Thor ate their food.
“How about a movie?” She offered.
Thor's expression deadpanned, telling Kat that he was unsure of what they were, too.
“Moving pictures? A bunch of actors and actresses portraying a scenario?” she offered, trying to see if that would lure any understanding out of him.
“Oh, like theatre?”
“Yeah, sort of,” she agreed, realising with relief that she was somewhat getting through to him.
Kat pulled her laptop between them, booting up a movie she thought that the two of them would be interested in. Their lives were exciting enough that plenty of action-movie plots were dull, so she settled with Jurassic Park as she was sure that Thor had never seen dinosaurs before. However, after the battle in new york, and even Sokovia, she wouldn't be surprised as to what hid away up in the galaxy.
Thor wasn’t particularly subtle now that two two had had some time together, and he threw his arm around her shoulder and held her close as they watched the movie intently. Although he was partially confused, he found himself enjoying the moving pictures so much so that he didn’t immediately realise that Kat, exhausted from her full belly, had fallen asleep on his side.
He almost didn’t know what to do, in fear that he would move too abruptly and wake her from her slumber. He shut the laptop and placed it on the floor, lying still on his back. He was hardly tired, though he daresn't move. Instead, he looked down at the practically unconscious figure next to him, wondering where their relationship now stood. It was apparent that the two of them were near kissing until Courtenay interrupted, and he was certainly leaning towards it. He felt a great deal for her; he respected her in battle and in normality, though the two were one in the same for her. It was… odd.
With a smile, he clicked the lamp off by his side and closed his eyes, holding her tighter against him as he, too, fell asleep.
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airoasis · 5 years
'Good Luck, Father Ted' | Father Ted | Series 1 Episode 1 | Dead Parrot
New Post has been published on https://hititem.kr/good-luck-father-ted-father-ted-series-1-episode-1-dead-parrot/
'Good Luck, Father Ted' | Father Ted | Series 1 Episode 1 | Dead Parrot
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Proper that is a Tuesday dealt with let’s take a look at Wednesday no half 7:00 mass i can take that and probably could you take the 8 o’clock at all proper i will be able to take that as good no um the 1/2 6 evening Mass on Sunday night mass too early no predicament i can take as well I just make an observation mornin Ted Barney Google Google there may be a there is some shaving cream simply there no there may be now not that no your gran no on you oh where precisely Ted simply there beneath your ear right here sure and there’s a there’s slightly extra long past no there may be nonetheless only a contact two minutes it can be far and wide the location Oh God how on the planet did all that get there I did not even shave this morning so what are we doing at present Ted confessions and mass and things like that I feel sure to huge things like that it can be nice being a priest is not it Ted god it can be beautiful out oh wait let L you Ted fun lands come to craggy Island it is going to be right here Saturday oh yes this is the fairground thing oh i might no longer a lot curiosity in that type of factor myself to be sincere they’ve acquired a spider baby what a spider baby you realize it’s kind of a freak show factor you comprehend it’s received the body of a spider nevertheless it’s honestly a youngster how is that this a child does it have a nappy on us or something no when does it have the head of a little one no good if it appears like a spider and it does not truely gurgle at your anything how do you understand it’s in reality a little one to hold it in a pram Dugan are you definitely definite about this you’re now not complicated us with a dream your head or whatever no truthfully I saw it on the information truthfully oh oh wait no clearly no did you say it it was a dream yeah have you ever been finding out identical to I informed you Bob Ted i have yeah yeah sorry about that however we should go anyway Ted come on it would be excellent last 12 months I had to go together with the horse-using and it used to be simply great I did not understand you could trip horses well it wasn’t an actual horse Ted adore it it was once this ancient fella with a saddle on him go it have to’ve been about eighty you already know of direction he could not go very speedy like you know I was once form of lashing him with the weapon all could not get a lot of a response out of him you realize and how long have been you up on them i would say it used to be about but an hour so that you were upon an eight-yr-ancient man riding him round and deciding upon him for 60 minutes you realize that picture will stay with me for the leisure of my lifestyles I all said yeah it is satisfactory is not it come on we should go no i don’t think I could take the thrill to be honest believe I just say if there may be something on the television soap a style of jumper is basically but they’re simply going learn the historical diagram good day father Ted Kelly speakme howdy father sorry to disturb you my name is Terry McNamee i am producing the software religion of our fathers for small screen television Aaron at the second doing a designated on priests who work in isolated communities and i was questioning for those who’d be all for speakme to us good that is that’s very um that’s an awfully enjoyable fifth of Our Fathers is my favourite software you already know well you we’re the first individual we suggestion of address that I could come over and we would offer you a small rate in your drawback support a ailing ok nobody no have got to be anybody Ted only a second Oh rapid query how precisely do you get to craggy Island father it would not seem to be on any Maps no what wouldn’t be on any Maps no Terry we’re now not precisely new york now the pleasant way to to find it’s ordinarily to head out from Garlin or relatively north till you see the English boats with the nuclear image on the facet even very nearly the island when they’re dumping the old glow-in-the-dark one factor are there every other monks dwelling there with you our researcher would not mention any person else um good no there isn’t any one else right here i’m going to see what Saturday then i will provide you with a call after I get there I the reply back Ted certainly not activate the television when father Jack’s asleep you know how he is but he is normally asleep sure well any person who served the church as long as he has deserves a leisure simply particularly an honor for us to shield in his old age you recognize yeah look at him dreaming of earlier glories indubitably girls pay attention now we have received a certain deal with in these days it is very kindly volunteered to take him all by means of volleyball practice and he is simply reminded me that it can be very heat at present so there will be no need on your tracksuit tops hi there father Dougal McGuire right here and welcome to this week’s prime of the Pops after which at number 45 this week is father Ted Crilley when I’ve obtained the vigour and the quantity 15 for the 16th week in a row his father Jack Hackett with IMS Sleepy breeze how does that cup shake get on the tv is the tv broken once more father yes we have now an concern manner there may be nothing flawed with that that are not able to be fixed with the visual you understand chortle within the head to park and now then who’s pretty me please mrs.Doyle T sec I find mr. Doyle you need to have a cop i know thanks mrs. Doyle truthfully i would like have a cop are you definite an hour tart no i’m no longer in the mood types all right so like a while but you’re no longer have a drop oh thanks mrs. Owen oh i am satisfactory Noorie they take apart father and significantly no and what do you say to a cup take off cup this cup of tea take off oh gosh there was once a phone name prior from a Terry McNamee all correct who’s that Ted I’ve never heard of him anything to do with there wasn’t at the tv sure he is coming to Vic’s tv yeah good you’d be right here tomorrow or 12 grand yeah that’s good you called someone Ted nonetheless not working you are effortlessly the quality doo-doo-doo-doo better than the entire rest penis god Ted you nervous the life out of me they are doing the ancient pop megastar thing undergo dougela I was once Ted yeah it used to be fine being on television today I suppose I’ve caught the historic television tube guide with the mattress canine get some sleep you do not get overtired do you ever want to get into television you’re unhappy Ted annoy i would not imply to send that form of factor fairly yeah yeah i do not believe you’d be so much just right at it definitely why no longer well you realize you are a bit critical are not you and your eyes are bit crossed yeah they may be a little wonky tag you recognize the cameras can decide upon that up you recognize i’m not cross eyed Dugan you’re a bit of no Ted certain half the time I don’t know if you’re talking to me your father Jack dude why do not you just get some sleep right just must say the ancient prayers our Father who art in heaven hallowed hallowed be thy name Papa do not preach doodle you recognize that you can reward God with sleep flip your head a vegan for a tiring day God there’s tons of ways that you could praise God isn’t that head like that point you instructed me to reward Him by way of you recognize just leaving the room that used to be a just right one sure Ted mmm Ted yes knock-knock who’s there father Dugan McGuire goodnight Doga right here you bit better than others that’s it you made it then I consider so there isn’t a indication that it is craggy Island there is no indicators or whatever it is there a man looking at you with the t-shirt saying I shot junior ahh you are here so what the line could be very dangerous father you’re a giant muffled i am on a portable cellphone you caught me by using shock while you phoned me you know how i am on the toilet so the place will we meet at any place we can get just a few excellent photographs any nearby landmarks no what no there are no landmarks here now Terry no no longer all comprehend although the island itself is a kind of landmark relatively the general rule is if you are heading away from it you are going in the right course correct there’s the area feeling well that sounds good it’s not a discipline fairly nevertheless it has much less rocks in it than most areas father i’ll meet you on the area now how do I get there ask Tom there he’ll aid you out correct father Thanks Holy Mary mom of God content material i’m so sorry it was once just a shaggy dog story try to avoid doing that once more dougela hello idea used to be particularly herself it’s the final thing i need you are proper there Ted anyway it can be time for Jax walk time in your walk father Jack the clips can i convey up the mobile land head he’d love that no he would not take him around the cliffs and this time if you’re going close the edge placed on the brakes he was only simply lucky the final time and you are no longer coming your self i know I suppose i will stay here and pray for a at the same time Oh what are you after Ted i’m not after something dude it is now not unknown for contributors of the clergy to hope every now and then it likes more than to get out the fresh air that’s it now in your go is that bill however man this is given each single whatever once he is out thirty is a first-rate time he is aware of they will not kiss when I’d be half that father what you as much as your self well I suppose i will simply stay here and have a little of an historic pray all correct fill in the power it is to the weekend buyers are reminded that our services are at a reminder of the unavailability I don’t even was once on here hi there fatter hey Tom inform your nuts and did you get them listed below are made it EJ i might like to film a discuss with the island Faust I imply quality correct so I just wait within the field noticed her Farah this time I’ve killed him in newcomer i might have got to talk to about that later i am doing an interview for the television maintain your arms on the perimeters what’s rather cows database you could have a face like a parrot it well is he is got some unfair between us ah no fatherhood good day John Oh Paquito his father your thanks I’ve acquired to satisfy any one now actually i’m going to be interviewed for a tv software really are that’s first-rate you understand father i will kill you outstanding on tv well thank you I say you’ll be greater than a fit for a homosexual Borden or Terri Morgan or any of them give me a couple of weeks to get to their stage I have got to go now i’m trying to track down this film you’ll be able to they usually most often wish to do just a few shut-united statesof master shots and Nadi’s and that such thing we will be late onset get a popularity is the form of Marilyn Monroe variety see you soon don’t bother Ted get them i could not run cheese out of it over here at present come here look at me oh howdy Ken what are you doing right here anyway Ricky was once interested on this form of factor you are speculated to be taking Jack for his stroll well i am are the cliffs had been closed in these days i might kiss be shut doodle hope you are aware of it wasn’t that they had been long past you kissed forgot how could they just disappear corrosion come on off that me straight to the youngsters with you there may be just another cop returns to head with him you are straight house to you right here i might wish to hear to any extent further nonsense each person else is right here do just right you’re a priest you are purported to show some decorum this wasn’t a priest don’t you say that so he advised me one time he doesn’t even think in God take all the credit at head however what the crater demise it is called out considering it was a younger fella killed on it last yr come on i’m sick and worn out York dead appear there’s a fortune-teller come on we will have one go in there do not rest your money on that stuff – we’ll take you on no account comprehend there probably whatever in it it’s rubbish how might any one suppose any of that style of nonsense simply no extra ordinary than that stuff we learned in the cemetery you realize heaven and hell and eternal lifestyles bitch take it severely Ted well you are so two men to take it seriously oh yeah yes having had an everlasting life yes of direction I let you go in you go residence straight after that good i will I promise that every one correct whats up let’s go Ted cuts on one scared off favored i will do it and that you can watch hey there sit you have got to move my palm with silver silver i don’t elevate massive luggage of it around supply me a pound now i’ll interpret one card at a time please I wasn’t concentrating and perhaps it might opt for an extra no no this is a long-established misunderstanding the Grim Reaper doesn’t mean loss of life in a literal sense rather it’s going to imply the loss of life of an ancient culture and the beginning of a brand new one i do know what that is it can be regularly a couple of new lamp i am getting for my bicycle good it’ll not become clear at the subsequent auto that is really weird there’s simplest presupposed to be one in each % hiya Tom it can be as a substitute Crilley round but he’s yeah he is in Dale that is a foul scar you might have acquired there tongue the place did you get that it was a in an argument oh i am hoping you is not going to say anything II did Lester I’ve had worse than that i will weed past anteed that to me appear like a deer faux thank you my father jacket electing some residence it can be virtually 5:00 in time for his ingesting goodbye that is where I acquired this okay Shema Israel has lower back to me come on no father we higher be off come on there you might be father we obtained here at last yet another father’s useless to the arena do you don’t know what’s going on gende nevertheless it’s time Kiran come on yeah you heard from from from the tv well yes we simply asked you a few questions Wow am I going to be on the small screen television good sure we’ll off with a historical past of the island and then transfer on to how lifestyles has converted for the Islanders economically and socially father how would you say the individuals’s religious beliefs right here on craggy Island were littered with the arrival of tv and larger entry most of the time god no they’re speakme to generate great there i’m it’s me appear i’m on the telly no God does he relatively exist I mean little I have no idea i do not even consider in equipped religion spiderbaby it’s got the body of a spider but the mind of a baby it would not fairly chunk you uh on SN gotten older no I are not able to suppose it either i’m on the television yup shaking in the air a baby has been lodged in the tunnel of gods if that if we can have a nurse please to the tunnel of gods thanks a goat and child have now come to be potential together and the North has become involved in the within the instant and an additional Norse is required to unlock the Norse we asked for beforehand thanks you
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batterymonster2021 · 5 years
'Good Luck, Father Ted' | Father Ted | Series 1 Episode 1 | Dead Parrot
New Post has been published on https://hititem.kr/good-luck-father-ted-father-ted-series-1-episode-1-dead-parrot/
'Good Luck, Father Ted' | Father Ted | Series 1 Episode 1 | Dead Parrot
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Proper that is a Tuesday dealt with let’s take a look at Wednesday no half 7:00 mass i can take that and probably could you take the 8 o’clock at all proper i will be able to take that as good no um the 1/2 6 evening Mass on Sunday night mass too early no predicament i can take as well I just make an observation mornin Ted Barney Google Google there may be a there is some shaving cream simply there no there may be now not that no your gran no on you oh where precisely Ted simply there beneath your ear right here sure and there’s a there’s slightly extra long past no there may be nonetheless only a contact two minutes it can be far and wide the location Oh God how on the planet did all that get there I did not even shave this morning so what are we doing at present Ted confessions and mass and things like that I feel sure to huge things like that it can be nice being a priest is not it Ted god it can be beautiful out oh wait let L you Ted fun lands come to craggy Island it is going to be right here Saturday oh yes this is the fairground thing oh i might no longer a lot curiosity in that type of factor myself to be sincere they’ve acquired a spider baby what a spider baby you realize it’s kind of a freak show factor you comprehend it’s received the body of a spider nevertheless it’s honestly a youngster how is that this a child does it have a nappy on us or something no when does it have the head of a little one no good if it appears like a spider and it does not truely gurgle at your anything how do you understand it’s in reality a little one to hold it in a pram Dugan are you definitely definite about this you’re now not complicated us with a dream your head or whatever no truthfully I saw it on the information truthfully oh oh wait no clearly no did you say it it was a dream yeah have you ever been finding out identical to I informed you Bob Ted i have yeah yeah sorry about that however we should go anyway Ted come on it would be excellent last 12 months I had to go together with the horse-using and it used to be simply great I did not understand you could trip horses well it wasn’t an actual horse Ted adore it it was once this ancient fella with a saddle on him go it have to’ve been about eighty you already know of direction he could not go very speedy like you know I was once form of lashing him with the weapon all could not get a lot of a response out of him you realize and how long have been you up on them i would say it used to be about but an hour so that you were upon an eight-yr-ancient man riding him round and deciding upon him for 60 minutes you realize that picture will stay with me for the leisure of my lifestyles I all said yeah it is satisfactory is not it come on we should go no i don’t think I could take the thrill to be honest believe I just say if there may be something on the television soap a style of jumper is basically but they’re simply going learn the historical diagram good day father Ted Kelly speakme howdy father sorry to disturb you my name is Terry McNamee i am producing the software religion of our fathers for small screen television Aaron at the second doing a designated on priests who work in isolated communities and i was questioning for those who’d be all for speakme to us good that is that’s very um that’s an awfully enjoyable fifth of Our Fathers is my favourite software you already know well you we’re the first individual we suggestion of address that I could come over and we would offer you a small rate in your drawback support a ailing ok nobody no have got to be anybody Ted only a second Oh rapid query how precisely do you get to craggy Island father it would not seem to be on any Maps no what wouldn’t be on any Maps no Terry we’re now not precisely new york now the pleasant way to to find it’s ordinarily to head out from Garlin or relatively north till you see the English boats with the nuclear image on the facet even very nearly the island when they’re dumping the old glow-in-the-dark one factor are there every other monks dwelling there with you our researcher would not mention any person else um good no there isn’t any one else right here i’m going to see what Saturday then i will provide you with a call after I get there I the reply back Ted certainly not activate the television when father Jack’s asleep you know how he is but he is normally asleep sure well any person who served the church as long as he has deserves a leisure simply particularly an honor for us to shield in his old age you recognize yeah look at him dreaming of earlier glories indubitably girls pay attention now we have received a certain deal with in these days it is very kindly volunteered to take him all by means of volleyball practice and he is simply reminded me that it can be very heat at present so there will be no need on your tracksuit tops hi there father Dougal McGuire right here and welcome to this week’s prime of the Pops after which at number 45 this week is father Ted Crilley when I’ve obtained the vigour and the quantity 15 for the 16th week in a row his father Jack Hackett with IMS Sleepy breeze how does that cup shake get on the tv is the tv broken once more father yes we have now an concern manner there may be nothing flawed with that that are not able to be fixed with the visual you understand chortle within the head to park and now then who’s pretty me please mrs.Doyle T sec I find mr. Doyle you need to have a cop i know thanks mrs. Doyle truthfully i would like have a cop are you definite an hour tart no i’m no longer in the mood types all right so like a while but you’re no longer have a drop oh thanks mrs. Owen oh i am satisfactory Noorie they take apart father and significantly no and what do you say to a cup take off cup this cup of tea take off oh gosh there was once a phone name prior from a Terry McNamee all correct who’s that Ted I’ve never heard of him anything to do with there wasn’t at the tv sure he is coming to Vic’s tv yeah good you’d be right here tomorrow or 12 grand yeah that’s good you called someone Ted nonetheless not working you are effortlessly the quality doo-doo-doo-doo better than the entire rest penis god Ted you nervous the life out of me they are doing the ancient pop megastar thing undergo dougela I was once Ted yeah it used to be fine being on television today I suppose I’ve caught the historic television tube guide with the mattress canine get some sleep you do not get overtired do you ever want to get into television you’re unhappy Ted annoy i would not imply to send that form of factor fairly yeah yeah i do not believe you’d be so much just right at it definitely why no longer well you realize you are a bit critical are not you and your eyes are bit crossed yeah they may be a little wonky tag you recognize the cameras can decide upon that up you recognize i’m not cross eyed Dugan you’re a bit of no Ted certain half the time I don’t know if you’re talking to me your father Jack dude why do not you just get some sleep right just must say the ancient prayers our Father who art in heaven hallowed hallowed be thy name Papa do not preach doodle you recognize that you can reward God with sleep flip your head a vegan for a tiring day God there’s tons of ways that you could praise God isn’t that head like that point you instructed me to reward Him by way of you recognize just leaving the room that used to be a just right one sure Ted mmm Ted yes knock-knock who’s there father Dugan McGuire goodnight Doga right here you bit better than others that’s it you made it then I consider so there isn’t a indication that it is craggy Island there is no indicators or whatever it is there a man looking at you with the t-shirt saying I shot junior ahh you are here so what the line could be very dangerous father you’re a giant muffled i am on a portable cellphone you caught me by using shock while you phoned me you know how i am on the toilet so the place will we meet at any place we can get just a few excellent photographs any nearby landmarks no what no there are no landmarks here now Terry no no longer all comprehend although the island itself is a kind of landmark relatively the general rule is if you are heading away from it you are going in the right course correct there’s the area feeling well that sounds good it’s not a discipline fairly nevertheless it has much less rocks in it than most areas father i’ll meet you on the area now how do I get there ask Tom there he’ll aid you out correct father Thanks Holy Mary mom of God content material i’m so sorry it was once just a shaggy dog story try to avoid doing that once more dougela hello idea used to be particularly herself it’s the final thing i need you are proper there Ted anyway it can be time for Jax walk time in your walk father Jack the clips can i convey up the mobile land head he’d love that no he would not take him around the cliffs and this time if you’re going close the edge placed on the brakes he was only simply lucky the final time and you are no longer coming your self i know I suppose i will stay here and pray for a at the same time Oh what are you after Ted i’m not after something dude it is now not unknown for contributors of the clergy to hope every now and then it likes more than to get out the fresh air that’s it now in your go is that bill however man this is given each single whatever once he is out thirty is a first-rate time he is aware of they will not kiss when I’d be half that father what you as much as your self well I suppose i will simply stay here and have a little of an historic pray all correct fill in the power it is to the weekend buyers are reminded that our services are at a reminder of the unavailability I don’t even was once on here hi there fatter hey Tom inform your nuts and did you get them listed below are made it EJ i might like to film a discuss with the island Faust I imply quality correct so I just wait within the field noticed her Farah this time I’ve killed him in newcomer i might have got to talk to about that later i am doing an interview for the television maintain your arms on the perimeters what’s rather cows database you could have a face like a parrot it well is he is got some unfair between us ah no fatherhood good day John Oh Paquito his father your thanks I’ve acquired to satisfy any one now actually i’m going to be interviewed for a tv software really are that’s first-rate you understand father i will kill you outstanding on tv well thank you I say you’ll be greater than a fit for a homosexual Borden or Terri Morgan or any of them give me a couple of weeks to get to their stage I have got to go now i’m trying to track down this film you’ll be able to they usually most often wish to do just a few shut-united statesof master shots and Nadi’s and that such thing we will be late onset get a popularity is the form of Marilyn Monroe variety see you soon don’t bother Ted get them i could not run cheese out of it over here at present come here look at me oh howdy Ken what are you doing right here anyway Ricky was once interested on this form of factor you are speculated to be taking Jack for his stroll well i am are the cliffs had been closed in these days i might kiss be shut doodle hope you are aware of it wasn’t that they had been long past you kissed forgot how could they just disappear corrosion come on off that me straight to the youngsters with you there may be just another cop returns to head with him you are straight house to you right here i might wish to hear to any extent further nonsense each person else is right here do just right you’re a priest you are purported to show some decorum this wasn’t a priest don’t you say that so he advised me one time he doesn’t even think in God take all the credit at head however what the crater demise it is called out considering it was a younger fella killed on it last yr come on i’m sick and worn out York dead appear there’s a fortune-teller come on we will have one go in there do not rest your money on that stuff – we’ll take you on no account comprehend there probably whatever in it it’s rubbish how might any one suppose any of that style of nonsense simply no extra ordinary than that stuff we learned in the cemetery you realize heaven and hell and eternal lifestyles bitch take it severely Ted well you are so two men to take it seriously oh yeah yes having had an everlasting life yes of direction I let you go in you go residence straight after that good i will I promise that every one correct whats up let’s go Ted cuts on one scared off favored i will do it and that you can watch hey there sit you have got to move my palm with silver silver i don’t elevate massive luggage of it around supply me a pound now i’ll interpret one card at a time please I wasn’t concentrating and perhaps it might opt for an extra no no this is a long-established misunderstanding the Grim Reaper doesn’t mean loss of life in a literal sense rather it’s going to imply the loss of life of an ancient culture and the beginning of a brand new one i do know what that is it can be regularly a couple of new lamp i am getting for my bicycle good it’ll not become clear at the subsequent auto that is really weird there’s simplest presupposed to be one in each % hiya Tom it can be as a substitute Crilley round but he’s yeah he is in Dale that is a foul scar you might have acquired there tongue the place did you get that it was a in an argument oh i am hoping you is not going to say anything II did Lester I’ve had worse than that i will weed past anteed that to me appear like a deer faux thank you my father jacket electing some residence it can be virtually 5:00 in time for his ingesting goodbye that is where I acquired this okay Shema Israel has lower back to me come on no father we higher be off come on there you might be father we obtained here at last yet another father’s useless to the arena do you don’t know what’s going on gende nevertheless it’s time Kiran come on yeah you heard from from from the tv well yes we simply asked you a few questions Wow am I going to be on the small screen television good sure we’ll off with a historical past of the island and then transfer on to how lifestyles has converted for the Islanders economically and socially father how would you say the individuals’s religious beliefs right here on craggy Island were littered with the arrival of tv and larger entry most of the time god no they’re speakme to generate great there i’m it’s me appear i’m on the telly no God does he relatively exist I mean little I have no idea i do not even consider in equipped religion spiderbaby it’s got the body of a spider but the mind of a baby it would not fairly chunk you uh on SN gotten older no I are not able to suppose it either i’m on the television yup shaking in the air a baby has been lodged in the tunnel of gods if that if we can have a nurse please to the tunnel of gods thanks a goat and child have now come to be potential together and the North has become involved in the within the instant and an additional Norse is required to unlock the Norse we asked for beforehand thanks you
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