windywhispers · 2 years
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lokescurse · 3 years
Hello I hope you're feeling better soon and please a - z for naoya and the nsfw alphabet hehe I'm greedy for Naoya content. Sending love and hugs
Thank you~❤️I'm doing okay, still recovering but I was well enough to finish this. I hope the wait was worth it! Some of these letters were already answered for other people, so I'll be linking back to the posts where I put them. Otherwise, here you are, a full alphabet for our favourite little menace of the Zenin clan:
These are gn!Reader friendly!
As one could expect, MDNI, thank you!~ Specific warnings under the cut.
C/D1/K/W1 & B/D2/J/N/W2
Warnings: Mentions of cum, katoptronophilia, limited aftercare, oral sex (both receiving), rough sex, mocking, degradation, humiliation, praise, choking, implied unprotected sex, creampies/cumming inside, detailed descriptions of uncircumcised dick, semi-public sex, quickies, exhibitionism, descriptions of pubic hair, use of toys, sexting, dick pics, overstimulation, dumbification, multiple orgasms, and orgasm denial. Also if there are grammar and spelling mistakes, I’m sorry but I didn’t have the energy to proof read this a million times lol.
A = Aftercare: Aftercare with Naoya is...minimalistic, really. If he’s awake enough after sex, he’ll probably want to wash off with you so that you don’t have to worry about yourself or your bed sheets in the morning, though. This can be a shower or a bath and he doesn’t really have a preference, so if you just want a quick rinse that’s fine & if you’d like to put some scented bath salts in the tub and just soak for a bit, that also works. He’s not really picky during this time (in fact, Post-orgasm Naoya is probably the most agreeable version of him lmao). Anything more than this is a bit of a toss-up, however. He’s probably just gonna want to go straight to bed or he’ll have to even skip the wash, adjust himself, and head off to whatever he has next on his daily agenda. But, if he does get to stay in bed for the night, expect him to also use whatever power he has to sleep in with you the next day.
D = Dirty secret: This is one that even a very beloved partner would have significant difficulty wrangling out of him.....but Naoya really doesn’t mind the idea of wearing lingerie, even if it’s a bit more on the feminine side. He has a great figure and he knows it. What’s more is that he loves all kinds of accessories that accentuate his naturally pretty features. So it should come as no surprise to learn that Naoya has definitely tried on a few things in front of his mirror, and somewhere deep in his computer are the selfies he took while wearing the pieces he liked most. He’s especially partial to black garments with lace trim and lots of straps & garters. Perhaps even more than the lingerie itself, he loves thinking of all the praise and compliments he’ll receive for wearing it. So his partner had better be prepared to absolutely drown him in heartfelt flattery if this is a thing they’d like to see more of in the future.
E = Experience: Naoya isn't very experienced, in my opinion. I do think that he'd be willing to have a few one-night-stands here and there just to get out some of the frustration that he can't relieve himself, but that doesn't mean he was all that well-educated on what to do. He's not innocent by any means, but being with him means being willing to understand that he'll need some actual practice to be exceptional at anything in the bedroom. His one strength is that he does have some natural talent with his tongue and fingers, though, if you get my drift. It's a learning curve, but he'll get there. F = Favorite position: I’m of the mind that Naoya enjoys the butterfly, cowgirl, classic missionary, and spooning positions best. Ultimately, these are all positions that either 1) let him see his partner’s face & body, 2) let him press his skin directly against theirs, or 3) both. A position that allows Naoya to choose between getting up close and sensual or leaning back and enjoying the view is going to land on his favourites every time. All four of these also allow him to have good control over the pace to some extent or another (which we’ll establish later as being fairly important to him). Even cowgirl gives him the option to steady his partner’s hips and push into them at his desired speed from below. An honourable mention here is doggy style, but he tends to only like it while him and his partner are facing a mirror. Like I said, he likes to be able to see everything.
G = Goofy: Naoya doesn't tend to be goofy during the act, per se, but he does enjoy bringing his normal scoundrel attitude into the bedroom with him. He's the mocking, sarcastic, and teasing sort. At times, it can also just be him playing coy in an attempt to get his partner to admit to/beg for something they want done to them. He's the kind to hear his partner say "please..." and ask "please, what?" even though he knows full well what it is they're looking for. Playful, to say the least. We’ll get more into this when we get to U.
H = Hair: While the idea of Naoya also bleaching his pubes is...interesting to me, I do think that he keeps them the natural black colour they are. As far as the cut goes, I’d say he’s very well groomed. He keeps it well-shaped and tame down there, sometimes he might even shave it completely if he’s going to be too busy to see to it properly for a while. He does also take into account what his partner likes, though, as he wants to make sure he’s as attractive to them as he can be in every possible way. Tell him what you like and, if it suits him, he’ll do his best.
I = Intimacy: Let’s face it, Naoya’s not the romantic type. While he can be tender, it’s rare that there’s a time with Naoya that isn’t punctuated by roughness or mockery to some extent or another. But that doesn’t mean that there isn’t something deeper to it at all. More accurately, Naoya’s roughness is largely due to his enthusiasm to be wrapped up with his partner in the first place. Obviously, his nigh insatiable appetite is also to blame, but it’s not the only contributor to his eagerness. When Naoya desires someone, he desires them wholly, and he seeks no one else. So while his partner probably shouldn’t expect a soft/romantic lovemaking session unless it’s their birthday or some such occasion, they should know that everything Naoya does is specifically, and only for them. It has its own inherent romance to it, even if it’s not always clear.
L = Location: There a few different locations that Naoya loves to get tangled up in. His own bed, the estate sauna, the training mats in the dojo - they're all great and he'll almost never say no to them. But there's one place that Naoya absolutely loves to defile with his partner more than any other:
His father's bed.
It's risky and he knows well that it's not always an option, but if there's ever a moment in which his partner is game and Naobito is busy elsewhere, Naoya will practically sprint there. The whole way he's biting his lip at the thought and loosening his clothes to prevent lost time. He can't help but to love the high that comes over him when he and his partner have their way in the Very Important Private Room Only for the Head of the Zenin Clan. It serves as both a reminder of his own personal motivations, as well as just a giant "Fuck You" to his father in general. The best of both worlds. M = Motivation: Naoya isn’t a difficult man to turn on, as he’s practically always at the ready. You can pretty much just vaguely allude to the concept of sex and his brows (and something else) will begin to perk up. However, I do think there are a few little things that will get him particularly entranced with his s/o. One of them is low-cut or revealing clothing. Parade yourself with confidence or tease him with a suggestive outfit and he’s already ravishing you with his eyes at every possible moment. Naoya loves beauty and ostentation, so if his partner takes the time to pick out clothes that really highlight all their best curves & features, you can bet that Naoya isn’t going to be able to keep his hands to himself. For male/masc partner’s especially, I think he also loves shows of strength. Naoya can’t help but stare when he sees taught muscle flexing, or be impressed by how easily his partner can lift heavy objects that he can’t (as I’m writing this, I’m thinking maybe maybe maybe Naoya might just have a bit of a size kink, too eheh). Finally, something that works for all kinds of s/os is that Naoya absolutely loves having his neck touched - it’s probably his most sensitive, non-erogenous body part. If the person he’s involved with at the time comes up behind him while he’s sitting on a couch or at his desk, gently grazes their fingers along the side of his neck, and whispers something suggestive in his ear, Naoya’s all but putty in their hands.
O = Oral: Oh, Naoya, Naoya, Naoya. When isn’t this man wagging his tongue? Honestly, even he knows that he really ought to put it to better use sometimes. And so he does, but you almost hate to admit that he’s so damn good at it. As one could imagine, it’s filled with a ton of teasing, though. There’s plenty of him blowing lightly on the excited skin, lots of kitten licks and soft kisses, and of course it wouldn’t be sex with Naoya without a heavy dose of “use your words” and other taunts. Ultimately, there’s not much Naoya Zenin loves more than really taking his time between his partner’s thighs and watching as they completely come unraveled beneath his diligent tongue. It’s so good to him, that he’s often caught moaning around his partner’s sex, sending pleasant vibrations all along the flesh there & enhancing the experience further. Sometimes, even, he can’t bring himself to stop after his s/o’s release finishes coating his lips, and he’ll continue to press his tongue against them until they’re jolting from overstimulation. Even then he might not stop without a safeword. Asking Naoya for oral really is a gamble in that way. There’s no telling whether he’ll leave his partner at a comfortable satisfied, or catapult them thoroughly into mindless and exhausted.
Naoya prefers to give and, honestly, if he had to choose the method to his climax, he’d just choose sex over oral if he had the time. That being said, Naoya was made for multiple orgasms. So if there’s only enough time for oral, expect for him to try and make use of every possible second. Therefore, his partner should probably make sure they rest their jaw afterwards.
P = Pace: Generally speaking, Naoya prefers the act to have a more rapid pace. As one can expect from someone with a speed-based technique, Naoya has a great capacity to keep things moving quickly. The bedroom is no exception. Even in moments where the scene is more sensual, he can’t help but raise the pace as time goes on. There’s something about the extra friction and the desperation it fills him with that makes the sex all the more passionate in his eyes. Just him and his partner, recklessly chasing their highs together. Mmm.~ ♡
Q = Quickie: Naoya loves quickies, for the most part. He kind of has to, seeing as he has to always be somewhere for some reason or another. His partner can probably expect at least one each week in-between blocks of missions, meetings, and other monotony. Sometimes it's the only kind of sex there is, which is mostly fine for him....but he does sometimes long for the more calm, slow moments when he can really take his time. A balance between the two, is really what he craves. R = Risk: Naoya is very willing to experiment and take risks, as I'm sure you've probably guessed by this point. He's down to try almost anything once, and some of his favourite acts are ones done in places where it would be easy to be caught. The things he likes are also pretty varied, and he doesn't mind going from soft to harsh or anywhere in between. Ultimately a pretty exciting partner once he starts getting the hang of things. S = Stamina: I’ve talked about this before in separate posts, but I think it’s fair to say that Naoya likely has pretty good stamina. I don’t necessarily like when other people just say that every character they write for can go multiple rounds all night because that’s not always realistic. But, since Naoya so very specifically has a speed-based ability and we know how important strength, performance, and training were to the Zenin...I don’t think it’s unfair to say in this case that, yes, Naoya can probably go for quite some time. I’m also of the mind that he cums quickly, but is not easily overstimulated, leading him to be able to hit multiple orgasms without getting too overwhelmed or tired. Ergo, this man can and will keep you up way past your bedtime if you ask nicely. ♡
T = Toys: I like to think that Naoya is pretty open to the possibility of using toys. After all, they can very easily result in a heightened experience for both him and his partner. He’d especially love using things like vibrators, clamps, and plugs because of how readily they can bring his s/o over the edge and deep into overstimulation. And since he’s someone who also likes to cum multiple times in any given session, I can definitely see them as being useful to him, too. Ultimately, I think this is a “you name it and I’ll try it,” sort of subject for Naoya. He’ll give anything a go at least once.
U = Unfair: Oh, are you kidding? I think we’ve established by now that teasing may as well be Naoya’s own, distinct love language. It’s impossible for him to refrain from denying, teasing, and openly mocking his s/o during any stage of sex. For him, it’s an integral part of the fun. He loves to make his partner beg, to mock their whimpering, to intentionally “miss” any of their sweet spots, and to give only the slightest of touches against the skin for far too long. Bringing his partner to the brink and sinking them down over and over again - having them completely at his mercy...oh yeah, he positively adores it all.
V = Volume: I think this is where I differ the most from a lot of other people who write for him, because I absolutely think that Naoya is shameless enough to fully moan whenever the mood strikes him. No hushed grunting or strangled noises with this man. He will just let it all out exactly as he feels it. After all, Naoya’s not a person to conceal his emotions as is. Why would he bother to hide what a good time he’s having? Plus, if you’ve been around my posts long enough, you know full well that I think he would also really enjoy trying to embarrass his partner by repeating their own sounds back to them when they get particularly amusing. So, really, there’s no way I would have ever told you that this man is quiet, of all things. Lmao.
W = Wild card: Naoya loves to lock his partner in place, especially when he’s close to cumming. This can sometimes be in the form of choking, but other times it’s just him pressing closer against them or wrapping an arm across the chest/sternum to anchor them to him. It’s quite the display, really. A hand or arm will come up to curl around his s/o’s body, his pace will quicken, and his breathing grows ragged. He has almost no mind left for dirty talk and simply moans readily into his partner’s ear as he reaches his peak inside them. The whole time, he’s holding them firmly in place and making sure they take every drop of his seed.
X = X-ray: He’s beauty, he’s grace. Naoya’s overall body is lean, fit, and sculpted. His musculature is more on the subtle end, but each gentle slope and rounded hill is wrapped so perfectly in smooth, even skin. His ass is especially noteworthy, as it is that somewhat square shape with divots in the sides that one can expect from a very fit build, but also with enough mass there to give the actual cheeks that lovely & grab-able bubble-like quality. Truly, it’s an enticing thing that any good partner would be loathe not to appreciate. Rotating the man a bit, let’s talk about what he’s workin’ with, you know what I’m sayin’? 👀 Naoya’s a proud member of the Pretty Cock Squad, in my opinion. It’s not particularly large or small, sitting at about a comfortable 6-6.5 inches. He is uncircumcised and almost religiously clean. His foreskin is about the same colour as the rest of him, but with a red, blushing quality to it. It’s also very smooth & soft to the touch. There are no veins visible, save for a single prominent, raised one along the underside that looks almost like a seam turned out. The head underneath is cutely rounded, very pink, and super sensitive - which is largely why he cums so fast. Overall, it’s a member to be proud of, and he’ll certainly take any opportunity he can to show it off to his partner. Hopefully they like dick pics during sexting!
Y = Yearning: Oh, boy. This man is horny 24/7, babe. It’s honestly a wonder that Naoya isn’t trying to chase his high every moment of every day. If he isn’t engaging in a sexual act himself, he’s probably thinking of the kinds he’d like to be involved in later, or ones he’ll think about with more clarity when he has a moment alone. So any time a partner even jokes about getting intimate, Naoya will be there actively hoping that they mean what they say deep down because he’s already thinking about just how he’d like to do it tonight.
Z = Zzz: Conked out immediately. Naoya can last quite a while, but no matter how high your stamina is, there comes a point where you need to stop for a bit. It's actually because Naoya is able to exert so much energy during the act that he needs sleep so badly after. Don't be surprised if you roll over to snuggle up to him sometimes only to hear him softly snoring away. Just make sure you wake him up at some point so he can brush his teeth!
Okay! With that all being said and done, I’m gonna tag you ( @depechemoth ) as well just to make sure you get it since sometimes tumblr doesn’t tell people when their asks get answered anymore + I spent a lot of time on this so I don’t want you to miss it!
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paintedwarpony · 3 years
And while we're on the subject of choice...
That the Nein have a few glaring choices to go on now that they squeaked out an escape from the Tomb Takers. I would like to hope that the Tomb Takers would not actually give chase but they are literally hours from their goal and to go hunting off for another crest over hunting down the Nein is high risk, low reward. Plus lets be honest, its personal now and the Tomb Takers aren't going to take kindly to being dodged like that.
Barring player choice and shenanigans, of which there are endless, I see three pretty solid possible routes for the Nein to go.
1. B O L T : Both Jester and Caduceus have set up sanctuaries and Caleb has teleport. Its risky to try big magic like that in Eiselcross as we've seen, but it might be worth the risk and consequences to get a half a world of distance and time. That doesn't stop Lucien or the Tomb Takers but it does put a wrench in it and give the Nein time to regroup and plan. But they have to get far enough ahead or find someplace to hole up long enough to sleep and gain the spells to use in the first place.
2. J U K E M O V E : They make a mad dash to the Aeor ruins and cut the Tomb Takers off at the pass. Either to collapse the entrance they plan to use or work their way into the depths of Aeor to sabotage or set up an ambush for Lucien and the others. Super dangerous move. Its just asking to get trapped or cornered.
AND the one I really hope and feel like is most likely at this point...
3. GET THE CALVARY : Haul ass to the Vurmas Outpost. Alot has changed in the last 48HRS for the Nein, the trepidation that Beau and Caleb felt about pulling Essek into the whole situation is gone or the rest of the Nein have deemed themselves in dire enough straights that they don't have any choice now but to involve or summon Essek. The message sent with Dagen was meant to try and spur Essek into action to meet them at the ruins. Now they're on the run and most of them are wounded or severely depleted. There's no other place of promised safety they can reach and they are going to have to DASH to get there before the Tomb Takers catch up to them. But there's really no promise that once they get there they will actually be safe.
BUT THEY WILL GET HELP. Not tenuous, threatening, hostage holding mutual company.
The desperation the Nein are starting to feel in their situation is suggested by the fact that Beau, previously against involving Essek, was the one that asked Caduceus to use one of his Commune questions to confirm if Essek would help them. Most of us could tell from Essek's rush to respond to messages, reaching out the Nein from his end, his repeated plead for them to come to him, his relief on hearing them send messages to him, was evidence that he would help them. It was all confirmed and backed up by the Wildmother in the Commune. Essek will help them. There's no question about that.
What that help entails is hoping that Lucien is COMPLETELY unprepared to face what we all hope is a high level Dunamantic Wizard in his prime. One that is not only familiar with the Nein but helped train their wizard. He's going to be able to fight and mesh with them in a way that Lucien never could hope to have done. From what we know about the Kryn Dynasty was that it rose after the Calamity and Divergence. Its hinted there was some knowledge of Dunamantic magic during the Age of Arcanum but the Kryn perfected the use of Echo magic and Dunamantic magic after the fact, so other than possible scrapes with Kryn here and there, considering how secret and isolationist the Kryn have been, Lucien himself and the Somnovum might have never encountered a full bore Dunamantic magic user. Even Caleb was conservative about using it around the Tomb Takers. Its a very real possibility that the powers granted by the Eyes of Nine will not hold up against Echoes, Graviturgy and Dunamancy. Essek really could be a true wildcard.
And hopefully, gods I really REALLY hope...
That Essek will have his own reserve of calvary there to help. Led by one Lawful Good Echo Knight Babey Brother Verin...
Gimme that baby brother. Please.
And now I am fully exhausted and have to go into work at 3am so I better call it a night honestly even though its only 4pm...
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surbz14 · 3 years
🔞 Yoonkook pwp au where jk finds it very hot when yoon starts to ramble his knowledge about random things and starts telling facts, he wants nothing more but to pound into his hyung while yngi keeps explaining those facts.
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NSFW smut
Yoongi is busy explaining about the life of marine animals and how we are polluting the sea water but JK's attention is wavering, he is listening to yngi but at the same time, not /listening/ bcos he is too focused on how the words slip out of his hyung's pink tongue, his pink lips his soft cheeks & tbh jk just wants to pick him up from his seat, throw him on his shoulders & then take him to bed to start f*cking into him silly.
So, he does just that. He picks up yngi in front of all the members, throws him on the shoulder, spanks once & starts walking,
"yahhh jk-ah what are you doing?"
"Don't talk now hyung, talk later when I tell you to", his voice turned to a lower register & he walked upstairs to his bedroom. The members didn't question anything, just went back to their own rooms to sleep or relax, they knew it's not their business and yngi didn't resist anything too.
Jk plopped yngi's body into the soft
mattress and yngi stared at jk with wide eyes, "jk-ah will u tell me why did yo bring me here?", A pout forming on his face.
"Why hyung, u don't like spending time with me?"
"I do, but.."
"But what?"
"Umm u see, I was talking about the marine animals and you interrupted me in between, u broke my flow jk"
"Hyung, u can continue that now, with me. In fact that's exactly why I brought u here."
"I meant that only I want to hear you while u talk about facts"
"So, what do you want to hear about
"I don't mind anything hyung, you choose yourself and tell me about something new, yeah?"
"Oh-ok", jk came closer and stood beside the bed, close to yngi.
"So, you know how sometimes we start sneezing around spring but it's not flu and u still can't understand what's the cause, it's because of pollens and the disease is called pollen allergy", jk lifted yngi's arms and lifted off his white tee.
Pale beautiful body, pink hard n!pples.
"Keep talking, don't stop", and yoongi started again,
"I-its because around that time", jk pulled yg's pants down leaving him with only boxers, "t-time, the flowers release their pollen into air a-and also, ahhh jk", he manhandled yg to flip him over with his face down and ass perked up
"Ya, what hyung? Also what?"
"Also, ah, some insects carry them around and it's floating in the air, s-so when we inhale air, ahhh jk-ah, hyung can't do this!", Jk had spanked yoongi's ass very hard bcos his fact talking was turning him on so bad and also bcos yg's hole was getting wetter as he continued,
"Oh my beautiful hyungie, I know u can do this, keep talking baby, or else I'll have to punish u"
"O-Ok, so when we inhale that air, it tickles our nasal passage and our body pro-", jk puts his thoroughly lubed finger into his hole, "produces inflam-matory r-reactions"
"yah baby, what reactions?"
"In-inflammtory reactions which m-make us sneeze", jk thrusted another finger in and kept fucking yg's hole, stretching him & preparing him for his hard member.
"Ok hyung and what can we do to avoid it?", thrust in "n-nothing much", thrust out, "j-just wearing a mask is e-enough if you go near a garden", he bends down and spreads yg's asscheeks, then licks a stripe over his entrance making yg shudder. Yg had to take the support of headboard to keep balance.
"Umm, so what if it, hhhh hyung, what if it doesn't go?" he prodded his tongue inside and stretched his puckered hole with his fingers,
"ahh- ah it should g-go but if it gets s-severe, you should refer to a doc, jk-ahh pls stop ahh"
"Your hole says otherwise hyung, you're so hot yngi, so so hot", he licks and fucks yngi's ass with his tongue, leaving no spots empty and keeps on spanking in between, "Jk-ah, hyung is gonna have your handprints till tomorrow"
"Yeah, that's what I want hyung & please tell me why does your skin gets marked so easily, hm?" Jk gets up on his feet, happy with his work. He puts a condom on his cock and lubes it thoroughly, "answer me baby, I asked something" spank, "A-ahh, because I-I have a very pale skin tone so anything shows up e-easily" jk lines the head of his dick along yg's hole and pushes it in, slightly, just a few centimetres, "hmm why are you pale hyung?" He keeps pushing in slowly to let yg's body adjust to the size, "Bcos I h-have less melanin in my skin th-than others who are d-darker than me", Jk starts fucking yg with a set pace, it was slow and measured, so that yg doesn't get hurt, he reaches out his hand to card yg's hair. Yg moans and his body starts moving along the rhythm of jk's thrust, he stops talking and just making lewd noises.
Jk pulls yg's hair harshly, "baby I love your voice so much, u r so hot hyung" yg moans louder at the praises he was getting.
"You look so confident when you are explaining things you have read about and I want to fuck into your mouth each and every time you do that"
"J-jk ahhhh"
"Hyung, baby you r so beautiful, look at you taking my cock so well, so tight baby, so tight", yg's walls clench, he thinks he will come untouched bcos his own dick has become hard but he I can't stroke himself or he will fall down on the bed.
"Jk, fuck me more baby, fuck m-me more"
"So needy, hm, so needy for me yngi", jk's thrusts got faster and at one point yg clutches the bedsheets very hard, his head falling down trying to balance. Jk understood that it was his prostate so he realigns himself to get a better angle and starts thrusting again, slamming in and out while holding yg by the waist. The hold was very tight, it was bound to leave marks.
"jk jk-ahhh, baby ahh, yes right there, fuck me right there", yg was very talkative, jk noticed and he was enjoying this a lot which made him close to climax.
"Yes baby, I'll fuck u so well while you come untouched" his thrusts became sloppy, a little rushed but still with same ferocity and yg had to bite his lips to keep those screams inside, he was getting very loud, tears spilling from his eyes each time jk hit his
After few more thrusts, jk slowed down bcos he felt close, "baby cum for me, let's get down together, yeah, cum for me yoongi"
Jk pulled out his dick, and a sudden gush of cold air entered yg's hole, wet lube spilling outside, his pink hole clenching around nothing while jk removed his condom and threw it on the floor. Both of them started stroking themselves without changing their positions, Precum acting as lube and helping with the smooth stroking. Yg spit on his hands to make his dick wetter and started stroking again, faster this time, he wanted nothing more but to release. After a few thrusts and a room filled with moans. both of them released together, spilling everything on yg's asscheeks while yg spilled on the bedsheets. Yg immediately fell down, he was too tired and worked out.
"Jk-ah, come here beside me. Hyung will tell you how our dick gets hard", jk smirked at that and went beside his hyung to lie down. They intertwined their bodies, facing each other. Everything was dirty and messy but cleaning can wait a bit more. They passed out soon, breathing together, following a rhythm of their own.
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baekhyub · 5 years
NSFW! Alphabet Jooheon
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A = Aftercare
the two of you are wrapped together in each others arms, sweaty bodies pressed together as you comb his hair, telling him just how much you love him as he tells you it back. You are both really sweet with each other
B = Body part
Your hands. Jooheon loves the way you run your fingers down his back, the way your nails leave red marks in their wake as you rake them down.
C = Cum
Jooheon likes to have you kneeling before him, fingers still ghosting over your sensitive clit as you look up at him, tongue sticking out as he cums down your throat. Of course, you’ve got to swallow each and every drop to please him.
D = Dirty Secret
He secretly can’t wait until the day you decide you’re ready to conceive a child - his child.This isn’t so much dirty but he can’t wait until you can have children together
E = Experience
Of course Jooheon knows what he’s doing. I’m sure this mans had lots of experience. WE AINT BUYING THE CUTE INNOCENT ACT HONEY
F = Favourite Position
Jooheon enjoys you laying on your stomach, legs spread apart as he crawls between them, readying himself at your entrance before stretching you out and filling you to the brim. He finds this position gives him the best access to your body and he loves to wrap a hand around your throat and pull you up against his chest as he mercilessly pounds into you
G = Goofy
I think he’s actually a person that would like to joke around during sex. He wants it to fun for the both of you and isn’t too serious about it. It’s all light hearted
H = Hair
He’s not too well groomed he doesn’t mind if it’s getting a little out of control down there but to be honest your not too bothered either
I = Intimacy
You and Jooheon are so romantic with each other you would think you are the stars of a new k-drama jeez. I think even the guys would get jealous of how close you both are but it’s so cute!!!
J = Jack Off
For Jooheon, masturbation is stress relief. Of course, he’s take out all his frustrations on you in the form of rough, long lasting sex, but when you’re not there he had to take matters into his own hands - literally.
K = Kink
Hair-pulling. The feeling of his hands tangled in your hair and harshly pulling your head back to get better access to your neck, chest, shoulders, is almost intoxicating.
L = Location
Same with Hyungwon he’s probably just wanna be in the comfort of his bed where he can truly give you all his love
M = Motivation
It can be the smallest thing, but Jooheon finds himself growing hard every time you deliberately ignore him. The sideways looks you give him and the ways you almost drape yourself over others to make him jealous makes him want to drag you out by the hair and have his way with you, but two can play at that game.
N = NO
There’s no way that Jooheon will ever share you with another.
O = Oral
Jooheon loves to go down on you. The way you squirm underneath him with merely a flick of his tongue makes him even more smug than anything else he could ever do to you.
P = Pace
Jooheon rather likes to go slow with you. It’s not that he doesn’t love to ram his cock into you at a godly pace and just use he, it’s that he’d rather prolong the session and keep you on edge until he’s ready to cum right along with you.
Q = Quickie
He’d far rather be able to take his time, but if he’s in a mood, Jooheon will take you to the practice room to have his way with you, taking you from under the layers of clothes the two of you are wearing with little to no difficulty at all
R = Risk
Jooheon isn’t afraid to risk someone stumbling upon the two of you screwing, bare and out in the open.
S = Stamina
its most likely Jooheon will definitely go on for a good few rounds making you so worn out
T = Toy
A Vibrating dildo he likes to use sometimes and blindfold he enjoys using for you and even himself
U = Unfair
Jooheon is a total tease. He loves making you a hot mess - especially when you’re blindfolded and have no idea when he’s going to make his next move.
V = Volume
Jooheon isn’t that loud, but he does like dirty talk. He’s always telling you how well you’re taking his cock, how he craves the feeling of your cum dripping down it and all the way to his balls.
W = Wild Card
Jooheon picked up a taste for bondage. Whether it’s you or him wearing the chains, he doesn’t care.
X = X-Ray
Jooheon’s cock is long and curves up against his stomach when erect, but he’s also rather thick, with various veins running over his length. The tip turns a cute shade of pink when he’s just about ready to cum.
Y = Yearning
His sex drive isn’t way up there, surprisingly. Yes, he’d happily keep you in bed for days on end, but he can easily last without it. What he can’t last without, however, is your constant attention and love. He needs you, and isn’t afraid to let you know this little fact.
It takes Jooheon a while to fall asleep, and he simply can’t without you wrapped tightly in his arms. He holds you as if you’re going to dissolve in his fingers, but at the sound of your steady breathing and your warm touch, he will eventually fall into a dreamless sleep.
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otonymous · 5 years
The nsfw alphabet with Lucien bc I’m wondering what Lucien things are
Hi dear Anon!
Thanks for this fun Ask!  This was my first time working with the NSFW Alphabet prompt, and it was lots of dirty fun!  The fact that it’s about Lucien is a massive cherry on top 😂  Hope you enjoy it and happy reading! 💕
Warning: NSFW/18+:  Explicit/graphic language — reader discretion is advised.  
The ABCs of Lucien (MLQC Headcanon - NSFW)
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Lucien will gently wipe you clean with the softest towels while your legs are still trembling from his previous onslaught
Plants soothing kisses on your knees, stomach and upper thighs
He’s got that tall glass of water already waiting on the bedside table
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He’s weak for your ankles, especially the area around the achilles tendon
His favourite body part: his eyes, because he loves seeing all the colour you bring into his world
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum)
Has no qualms about coming anywhere on your body, but especially loves coming inside you (creampies galore) and in your mouth
If you swallow, he’s on cloud nine and instantly ready for round two (the refractory period doesn’t exist for Lucien)
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He loves to watch you shower (you may or may not be aware of it)
He’s shaving, but also staring intently at your reflection in the mirror as you soap yourself behind the glass of the shower stall
The man is entranced as he follows the soapy bubbles with his eyes, trailing down your neck, sliding between your breasts…going all the way down to the apex of your thighs
Bonus points if he sees YOU shaving
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
You best believe this man is experienced
There’s a reason they call him Professor — the man will school you in the ways of love 
Capable of getting you all hot and bothered with a single glance
This man’s hands, lips and tongue will anticipate your every need and desire
One night with him will ruin you for anyone else
F = Favourite Position
Lucien has a couple of favourites
Cowgirl: because he loves studying your facial expressions as you’re grinding and impaling yourself upon him.  Lucien loves to watch you reach your hand down to touch yourself at the same time.
Missionary: the professor loves the versatility of this position, as he can increase the depth with which he’s plowing into you just by throwing your legs over his shoulders — plus it allows him to plant kisses on his favourite body part of yours: the ankles
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc.)
There is absolutely nothing funny about getting fucked to within an inch of your life (although you can feel free to laugh about it afterwards)
Sex with Lucien is INTENSE — you can hardly breathe when he’s really pounding into you, let alone laugh
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
Lucien is impeccably groomed and always fresh
Everything matches
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
Very intimate — Lucien loves to look deeply into your eyes as he’s buried to the hilt in you; it almost feels spiritual at times
His dirty talk game is strong AND romantic at the same time
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
Lucien masturbates daily, while thinking about you (especially when he’s in the shower)
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Doing the deed in public — the man thrives on the thrill of almost getting caught
He actually loves it when people wise up to what the two of you were up to
Anything goes as long as no one actually walks in on you
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
His office at the research centre
Also enjoys bending you over a desk in an empty lecture hall
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
All that you are is Lucien’s biggest turn on
He loves whispering filthy sweet nothings in your ear in public, just to observe your embarrassed reaction
A big fan of black lingerie, fishnet stockings, garter belts
He’s your slave when you show up completely bare beneath a sleek trench coat, your outfit accessorized only by a pair of stilettos and a string of pearls around your neck
Bite your lip as you touch yourself in front of him - Lucien loves it when he gets a private show
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn-offs)
Lucien doesn’t share, so multiple partners, threesomes, open relationships, etc. are out of the question
Other than that, anything goes with this seasoned professor
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Enjoys both, but especially loves making you come with his mouth alone — the man lives to study every minute reaction of yours to every flick of his tongue
The professor has a silver tongue in more ways than one  😉- you have never come so fast from oral alone
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
Lucien is versatile and adapts his pace to whatever the situation calls for
Lovemaking is often a mixture of both: starts off slow and sensual only to evolve into something rough and wild, and if the man is in a teasing mood (read: often), he will pull back to a relaxed rhythm just as you’re about to climax, driving you insane
He will typically jackhammer into you right when he’s about to come, leaving you breathlessly gasping for air and raking your nails down his sculpted back, biting into the firm flesh of his broad shoulders because you’re past the point of screaming
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
He loves sex with you in general and all its variations
You’ll often engage in quickies since he has a penchant for taking you at any place and any time (read: public sex)
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
As long as it doesn’t involve anyone else other than the two of you, Lucien is game to try anything
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
The man is a rabbit
Lucien is definitely not lacking in the stamina department and will have you screaming his name for hours until your voice becomes hoarse
His refractory period is so short, it’s almost unbelievable — he’s capable of getting hard again almost immediately after he climaxes
He often has to hold back for your sake
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
The only toys he has are the ones he procured to use on YOU
Lucien loves to see you pushed to the edge of what your body can handle in terms of sexual stimulation
Professor Kink™ insists on having you insert a discrete bluetooth-controlled vibrator before you attend his lectures, just so he can activate it in the middle of his talk, right when he’s walking by your seat in the packed lecture hall.  Ever the talented multitasker, Lucien is capable of teaching even as he’s admiring the bright flush of your cheeks and the tremble of your legs
U = Unfair (How much they like to tease)
Didn’t you know that teasing is Lucien’s middle name? (and you wouldn’t change a thing)
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
The man can get LOUD with his low, sexy moans and he could care less about who hears — he wants the world to know he’s fucking you
The way that he moans and hisses through his teeth when he first enters your wet warmth drives you insane with desire
Has a tendency to pant softly in your ear just as he’s about to come (right before he sucks your lobe into his mouth)
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
Lucien loves to discreetly slip his hand beneath your skirt when you guys are riding on a crowded bus
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
The professor is well-endowed: above average length and girth, with a slight upwards curve
The man is cut
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
He maintains his composure well, but you will also find his picture in the definition of “Thirsty”
The man’s sex drive is sky high when it comes to you (and only you)
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
It takes a lot to tire Lucien out, so you’re more likely to fall asleep before he does
He loves to watch you drift off to sleep with a satisfied smile on your face after being so thoroughly fucked
Thanks for reading!  Check out more of my work here! 📚
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foolishlovebugbaby · 4 years
skz’s reaction to their s/o being a classical musician
requested by @wxnterlee​!! i hope you like it, sorry it took so long hkjdhfkhsg <33
bang chan
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The first time he’s introduced to you is at a busking event at a christmas market
It’s the holiday season, so skz being skz they wanted to really feel that christmas spirit
But as they’re strolling, they reach this live band playing christmas tunes
And usually those mellow, low-key songs would play around this time of year but this band was anything but that
It was lively and every synonym for jolly
And as he scans the band, his eyes finally land on you
You’re playing the saxophone with so much energy and really feeling the music that his eyes are just so drawn to you
He can’t explain it, but he can’t take his eyes off of you
It doesn’t help that you’re extremely attractive either
His eyes never leave you through the entirety of the performance, and you definitely take notice
Mans is as subtle as a gun lmao
You make it a point to smile at him directly after the first set of performances because ure cheeky like that, and you immediately see him flush in the cold
So now he frequents the market and always makes sure to catch at least one performance of yours 
But then one day you approach him and chan internally yells because he’s in a hetero panic 
But then he chills out because you’re so warm and inviting and you both get to know each other slowly
Needless to say, the rest was history
As a boyfriend, chan is your number 1 hype man
And i mean Hype Man
He always makes it a point to watch your performances whenever he can
Esp whenever you have big recitals that get you all nervous, he’s always there no matter what to cheer you on and give you a pep talk and take you out for a celebration dinner afterwards
And he loves the way you light up when you play
The sheer passion in the way you perform and in everything you do in general makes him fall so deeply in love with you each time
He’s also a clown and never fails to try and attempt to play the saxophone whenever you have it with you
He fails miserably, but he’s cute and you love him more than anything else :’)
lee know
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Knowing the crackhead he is, the only reason why he was able to meet you was because instead of booking a cinema ticket for frozen 2, he booked a musical titled Frozen II
The show had nothing to do with badass sisters and magical talking stones (it was some winter musical or sumn, minho wasn’t sure), and the moment he realised this, he was all pouty
But then he scanned over the orchestra and thought that for once his dumbass worked with him and not against him
Because there you sat, looking as ethereal as ever, playing the harp
He swore up and down you were a goddess
Like, hera or aphrodite’s reincarnate
The only magic he saw that night was you, and he was more than happy about that
He tried his hardest to meet you, to tell you what an amazing job you did, but alas, he couldn’t reach you because visitors weren’t allowed to go backstage
So he got all sulky and :(( as he exited the theatre
But by a miracle, as he was walking back to his car, he saw a certain someone struggling with bags and equipment of all sorts as they walked out of the back entrance, and minho’s heart skipped a beat when he realised it was you
Of course he rushes to help you bea=cause chivalry 
And he makes it a point to compliment you and make small talk as he helps you to your car
As fate would have it, the two of you become good acquaintances, then close friends, and even closer more-than-friends until you finally had the guts to just ask him to be your boyfriend and you don’t even take a breath before he says yes
Minho as a bf is minho as a bff but on lsd i swear to god
He already goes to majority of your performances, but when that boy is cuffed jesus christ he makes sure he’s in the front row for every damn performance no matter how small
You’re his harp-playing goddess who walked straight out of eden in his eyes, how could he not???
He’s also humorously afraid to go near your harp because he knows the moment he’s within arms length from it, something will go wrong
Being the weirdo he is he always finds a way of personifying your harp and whining about how you spend much more time with it than with him
And you’re like??? And he’s all like :((( 
So you just have to give him a cuddle and boop
Ugh what a cutie
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Dark rapper meets classy cello player???? 
An aesthetic.
Because you both are polar opposites in the music world, the only reason you knew about him is because your mutual friend had dragged you to an underground rap battle (much to your dismay) as a way to “get you out of your shell”
As much as you thought you’d hate it, you really enjoyed yourself
Esp when you laid your eyes on Changbin
Just everything about his aura was so enthralling to you and you so desperately wanted to get to know him and asked your friend to introduce you, but to no avail :((
After that, you didn’t really see him again
But one fateful night, unbeknownst to you, your friend had dragged changbin all the way to your music studio because he was in desperate need of a recording booth as the ones in the company were all occupied 
When he entered, what he did not expect was to witness an absolute daydream right before his eyes
You sat inside the booth playing the cello, recording a snippet of a symphony you so desperately needed practice on, and hadn’t noticed them walked in, too concentrated on the music sheet in front of you
But oh god, to say changbin was impressed was an understatement
Dang he thought he produced good music, but the music that you made???? 
Absolutely magical.
When you ended the piece and looked up, you almost had a heart attack
Literally jumped out of your seat a lil bit because they both were just staring at you
But once you both introduced yourselves, it was like you both were two sides of the same coin
You both grow closer and realise that you really are opposites of each other
But in a good way??? like everything is so complimentary
So you shared your playlist of symphonies and he shared his playlist of lyrical masterpieces and these songs suddenly become the soundtrack to your love story 
Ugh he’s such an amazing boyfriend because he helps you with his recordings and vice versa
You’re both super critical of your own work so the pair of you make it a point to remind each other of how good you’re doing 
And just being with you opened up this whole new world of music for changbin 
He’s so grateful for it that he can’t describe it in words
He even asks you to record small pieces so that he can add them into his music
And you have a habit of turning skz’s and his own music into cello versions
Thank god opposites attract
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Mister dancer over here loves going to dance workshops of different types
Hip-hop, contemporary- you name it
So when he signed up for a 2-week modern dance class, he definitely got more than he bargained for
He didn’t know what he was supposed to expect, but goddamnit he did not expect to have his limbs feel like they were falling apart
So after class, when everyone had left, he literally just laid on the floor all sweaty and tired wanting nothing more than to crash n sleep
But then !!
He heard a piano melody echo through the room, a mix of melancholic yet romantic notes floating through the air
And when he lifted his head up to look for the source of the sound, his eyes settled on your figure at the other end of the hall
As it turns out, you were the pianist for this specific studio and for all modern dance productions
You didn’t notice him at all- mostly because the lights were dimmed and mans was too busy dying on the floor to make his presence known
But dear lord did your music make him feel some typa way
He just wanted to dance to it, express himself through it
So once you finished, he just clapped from where he was on the floor without getting up
Think lazy seal on its back
Nevermind the fact that he literally almost made you scream
But you both introduced yourselves properly to one another, and let’s just say that hyunjin started to look forward to his bone-breaking classes a lot more than he would’ve thought
At first it was purely because he thought u were cute and he had a middle school crush on you
But then as the days progressed, he found himself more and more drawn to you and the way you played the piano
Always so concentrated and the expression on your face mimicked the piece you were playing
And agghfhf he loved being able to dance to your melodies
So when his lil 2-week excursion was over, he was all :(((((((((((((x10009283 because he knew he wouldn’t be able to see you as often
So he mustered up all his strength to ask you out on a proper date
Now, when you both become official, dear lord is this man always going to ask you to play something for him
Literally the ABC’s would suffice 
He’s just so smitten with you and your love for the piano that he always wants to see you play because it lights up your entire face
And when you compose pieces just for him to dance to, his heart m e l t s
He also always begs you to teach him, but he’s such a flirt that not much teaching goes on lol
It makes me feel loopy imagining hyunjin dance to the melody his s/o plays like do u feel me ohmygod idk what to do w myself
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Han’s first encounter with you was purely accidental
Like a literal accident
As in, he was just walking down the sidewalk not really paying attention when he ran into you
You, a clumsy violinist who had just exited your apartment complex in a rush to get to your lesson that you were already late for, suddenly found yourself knocked over and on the sidewalk in a daze
Jisung was h o r r i f i e d
He rushed to your aid, helping your disoriented self stand up but
Your fall was the least of your worries
Because there, strewn across the sidewalk, was your life your love your baby
Your violin
You rushed to it and inspected it for any dents and scratches and phew
Thank god your hard case protected it for the most part, save for minor dents and scratches
So you let out a breath and finally face the culprit of your heart palpitations
And suddenly you’re given a different set of heart palpitations because big, round eyes of an extremely, unfairly handsome man looks at you with concern and guilt and you suddenly forget how you ended up there in the first place
Lots of apologies from han’s side and he offers to buy you a drink 
But you’re in a rush so you tell him nah
But he’s like pls pls and so you’re like but i have to go and he’s like i’ll wait for u and you’re like O-O o-ok,,,
So he sits awkwardly outside your practice studio, but the moment he hears and sees you play through the glass window, he feels the wind knocked out from his chest
So now he just makes it a point to get to know you by asking you out more and more 
Like changbin, when you both become a thing, your relationship revolves so much around your mutual love of music 
And he lovesss getting to help you improve and vice versa
And on your one year anniversary he bought you a replacement violin to make up for the one he scratched up during your first meeting and you’re just like :’)))) i would’ve destroyed my violin a thousand times if it meant getting to meet you :’)))))
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Like minho, it’s Felix’s sheer crackheadness that allows fate to cause the two of you to meet
Like one day he decides on a whim that he wants to learn the viola so he books classes on the first learning centre he sees on the internet
But when he got to the class,,,,
As it turns out, the one that he booked was for beginner kids, not beginner adults
Cue tiny heads plus yours snapping to the door and staring at a blushing felix
Not only did he just embarrass himself in general, but the moment he saw how attractive you were he just wanted the world to swallow him whole
But he paid a good amount of money for it so he sucks in his cheeks and decides to stay for the class
He’s so awkward when he comes into the room ksdfjs you find it so cute because even though he’s like more than twice the height of the kids, his face and expression are just as small
You introduce yourself and vice versa, and you begin teaching everyone the basics
Immediately felix has a crush on you
And he wonders whether there’s a big age gap because uhm you’re a teacher and he’s a student
But turns out you do this as a side job and are a performing arts school student with the same age as him and he’s just like :DDD 
So now he always makes sure to come to class on time
Actually, even earlier than on time because he wants to get some alone time with you before the rest of the class cockblocks intervenes
And slowly you both develop a strong bond
Even though he’s a crackhead and it’ll take you 2757264597 years to explain to him the difference between a viola and a violin, you don’t mind because at least with him being your boyfriend, you can give him a kiss to shut him up abt it :)
Even after his viola classes ended and you both became official, he still had a lot of interest in learning that instrument so you always teach him
And he offers to pay for lessons but you always reject it because duh hello you’re my bf shutup just give me a kiss and buy me ice cream instead??
And he teaches you a thing or two about dance, even though you look like those blow-up mascots in front of car dealerships whenever you do
He thanks the universe that he’s goofy and a crackhead, because at least he now has you :))
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So on a trip to a jazz house is when seungmin first met you
Yes, a jazz house
Don’t ask why but skz just wanted to go okay let them be
They watched multiple groups perform and were having the time of their lives
But something about you just caught seungmin’s eye
You were apart of the last group coming to perform and you played the double bass
He thought you looked so goddamn cool and slick whenever you played 
And he found it adorable the way the instrument was almost the exact same size as yourself
Like chan, he’s about as subtle as a gun with the way he looks at you
And he’s so enthusiastic during the performance, always hooting and clapping after each song 
And you take notice and find him so absolutely adobable because who wouldn’t
And after the performance he even yells encore so loudly and the rest of skz just laughs at his antics
But mans is so shy to approach you afterwards
He can barely move towards you 
It takes a jeongin a hyunjin and a whole ass changbin to mentally and physically push seungmin to say hi to you
And after a whole 10 minutes of convincing, he finally does
And you both talk and talk and talk that he doesn’t realize all the boiz left him
So the two of you make plans to meet up another day
Another day becomes two
Then three
Then ten
And soon enough (after much pushing again from the entire skz) he asks you to be his officially
He always tries to show up to any and all of your gigs, big or small
And he’s sooooo boastful about it it’s so cute like he’ll have videos saved on his phone of you playing and send them to anyone and everyone
His parents, the skz gc
Almost sent it to jyp himself too lmao
You’re just so cool to him that he wants the rest of the world to know it as well
But, like minho, he won’t go near your instrument
He’s so intimidated by it it’s hilarious
So he sticks to watching it from afar and hfkjhkgjfh
Big smooch 
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During a music event is when jeongin first laid eyes on you
But not because he saw you perform
Your performance group shared the same backstage lounge as skz and everyone was just getting to know each other
And you and jeongin really clicked well because you both were the youngest and the same age 
He had absolutely no clue who u were tho and he didn’t want to be rude so he didn’t ask what kpop group u were from
But as it turns out you weren’t apart of a kpop group at all
You were apart of an orchestra doing a special stage and you played the flute and jeongin was just like O_O when he found out 
You played the flute and damn did u play it well
Jeongin just stood in front of the screen astounded and seungmin did not and will not stop clowning him for it
After it ended, jeongin was quick to congratulate and compliment you 
And he rambles about how it was so unexpected and you blush so much because he’s so cute
And so you both exchange numbers and frequently text from then on, becoming really good friends
And then slowly developing feelings for each other
Cue cute highschool confession tingz
Jeongin as a bf is super adorable
He’s always asking you to send voice notes of you playing the flute
But not just to any song
He’ll request crackhead ones like the wii music, some trot song, into the unknown
And you’re just like????? Okay, my quirky king
And in return you force him to send voice notes of him singing more trot songs
He attempts to play your flute
But he always messes up but he’s so adorable that you tell him he’s doing great just so that he keeps playing cutely
choosing to do ot8 now,,, it’s difficult to imagine skz as ot9 in my head then be brought back to reality of ot8.. please understand :( but i will take separate woojin requests
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hey-hamlet · 5 years
BNHA AU Ideas: Child of Fate (Parts 1 and 2)
Also on AO3!
Chosen by the Fates for his many monumental futures, Izuku is gifted a 'quirk' at the age of 5. The ability to see and influence the strings of fate.
He will become a Hero.
But fate does not smile upon a hero any more than it smiles upon a worm.
basically, the 3 fates from norse myths are still kicking
w all the crazy shit that's gone on since the rise of quirks, fates are constantly getting harder and harder to predict or manipulate so they are kinda out of a job
so they say "fuck it, lets throw our hat in the ring" and decide to pick a "champion" of sorts
out of everyone, there is one child that sticks out a lot. he's plain-looking, but every future he's in is incredible. he's not always a good person, but he always brings about change of some sort, for reasons he believes are good ones
and they look at this child with his shining fate and think "this one"
bc the fates know what it's like to be jerked around by the universe, they ask him
"this is a deal we've done before, but we'll give more to you. trade us an eye and our powers will be yours to wield as your quirk, all we ask is that you live up to your fate"
they do the deal, the 4-year-old izuku gives up the sight of one of his eyes for the power of the fates
the quirk is registered as "all the odds" aka: he can see the odds of a certain thing happening
but that's not his quirk. he can see the strings of fate, follow them to see the different future outcomes, or pull at them, making some options more likely than others
the only person he tells the full details of his quirk to is Katsuki, bc the fates tell him he literally always tells Katsuki in the end, and it'll "save a lot of trouble", not that he knows that 
Katsuki is very excited to know he becomes a top hero, but he makes Izuku promise that he won't change his future bc he wants to make it there alone
also, the major downside of izukus quirk? he can't see his own fate
and the futures he sees are only as complete as the information he has
ie, he could witness kamino ward, but the future wouldn't show afo or mini might beyond a vague blob
anyway izuku gets teased for his lame quirk for a bit, then stops bc everyone who teases him gets weirdly bad luck
its the fates, they love their baby champion and he said no killing people
but people who are good to him get good luck, so he's got the nickname cat, for black cat and lucky cat!
anyway, episode one kinda happens normalishhh, but he doesn't ask if he can be a hero, because he's going to be a hero, he doesn't care what anyone says, he will be
but when he sees all mights strings of fact he gets a really weird look at them, because something unnatural is holding one of them above the others. so he asks "who tried to seal your fate?" bc he has no brain to mouth filter
and all might, understandably, is confused by this tiny boy asking him a very very weird question
he doesn't even get a chance to go tiny before izuku does dead pale, and whispers "shit" allmight poofs tiny, izuku looks at him, yells "I WONT SAY ANYTHING" and running jumps off the roof. all might coughs up a lung but the kid was 'lucky' and stuck the landing
basically, w the appearance of the sludge villain, the weird fate he saw for katsuki that morning suddenly made a whole lot more sense
the fates guide him to katsuki as fast as they can, he arrives there just before allmight
anyway izuku is calling out for katsuki and lays eyes on someone in the sludge, he doesnt see who it is, he doesnt see their fate. he sees that flash of a hand reaching out for help and he's already leapt over the barrier
he grabs a bit of rubble from the ground and throws it at the villain's eyes, nails him right in the fucking eye, gets katsuki half out. but the villain is baring down again and its all izuku can do to try to keep katsuki's mouth free
allmight saves them
anyway, when izuku is walking home all might pops out of fucking nowhere and gives izuku a heart attack
does the: you are so stupidly heroic, do you want to be a hero?, izuku says: i sure fucking do
“whats ur quirk”
"oh funny that its,,, its a little weird."
"i can,,,, see and influence the strings of fate"
"wait yoU JUST THoUghT I wAs CRAZY?"
",,,,, people say weird things around me ok"
anyway all might basically says "ur crazy, your quirk is cool, take one for all."
and izuku says "OK YEAH"
all might asks a little how izuku was going to get into the hero course and he just pauses
"you know i was wondering about that but the fates told me id be fine." they both pause, staring at each other "wait,,, did they,,," "the fates totally knew huh"
anyway he eye glow when he use the fates quirk
all might sees izuku and he's like,,,, its baby nighteye
he honestly, for a hot minute, thinks nighteye might be izukus dad
bc like; green hair, gold eyes (well, eye), smart, analytic? thats nighteye baby
all might asks lowkey like "oh you don't talk much ab ur dad huh?" and izuku explains he doesn't know the guy. all might mentally tells off nighteye for having a child and ditching the mother
todoroki’s question literally is "are you all might and nighteye's illegitimate love child"
and izuku, who has no filter, blinks and responds with
"who said i was illegitimate"
anyway, back to the training
izuku who has been training to be a hero forever is pretty damn fit for a kid, but hes not one for all fit
anyway katsuki is like "izuku why are u following an old man around is he a pedo, and izuku wheezes like "NO OH MY GOD KASTUKI NO" and he explains like,,, a little of it
"like so i might have a strength quirk now too"
"izuku what the fuck why are you so op"
"im sorry katsuki im just better than you l m a o"
so a brief overview of his quirk:
he gave an eye to use it so one of his eyes is just like,,, white. the whole thing is white. bc,,, its not really a quirk lmao,,,
anyway: he can view the future as much as he wants, it just takes some time, if he wants to take a quick look he doesn't need to stop paying attention, but its two slow and branching to be used like nighteye's in a fight (think like doctor strange in infinity war)
unlike nighteye, he has a third-person view of the events in question, and has,, some sounds? not many. mostly like breaking shit or oneliners he's heard before
changing the future, however, is more difficult by a long way
viewing the future has no real cost other than the fact he's not paying total attention at the time
changing the future, however, causes pain
nerve pain proportional to the change. little things, like flipping a coin heads? to make it more likely, its like a prick of the finger. to make it a 100% chance its like badly stubbing your toe. to change something big, like to move where a blow hits, feels like your arms have been plunged into burning oil. to change something massive, like, to stop something that was almost certain to happen, can cause enough pain to not only render him unconscious but can cause nerve damage leaving him with chronic pain/numbness/lack of function
the pain is normally in his arms bc its izuku and he break he arm
anyway! bc he was fitter and caught a glimpse of gran yelling at him about something called full cowl in the future + he cleaned the beach faster, he has like 2% full cowl for the entrance exam and had the quirk 2 months beforehand
katsuki avoids izuku for the day literally bc he doesn't want izuku to know if he passed before he did. which,,, is fair. he does explain this too so there isn't any random angst, izuku is just nervous
(oh also he can see the fate of someone he's looking at, he can change the fate of an event he's already seen to a different option he's already seen)
so we get the ochako bit, plus a bit of comedy bc katsuki is in a fucking beanie and sunglasses so izuku doesnt recognise him
he totally does but he doesn't say anything bc he's trying real hard
so izuku is kicking some ass in the exam and the bAMN 0 pointer like a fucking b a s t a r d hes like "what's the chances of this thing just like,,, breaking" and unfortunately they are v e r y low
so he is like "well i guess it's punchy time"
but before he gets there he sees a piece of rubble about to hit ochako. and he sees there isn't a small chance of it crushing her leg, so he changes the odds of that and gets a lovely few seconds of burning pain for his trouble
(he’s,,, pretty used to it by now so the boy has a scary pain tolerance)
bc he doesn't want to break his poor arms he jumps up the sides of the robot and tears out some wiring in the back and they start to fall
and he's like "oh shit the chance of my getting hurt is pretty high huh i should change that too" and ochako saves him with her quirk
and then he has a bit of a horrifying realisation while he's trying not to cry from pain
his quirk never changed the actions of other people before. ofa made it stronger
but, as he is now understanding, that hurts like a motherfucker, and his not-eye burns too and boy that's really unpleasant
this is another au where shinsou gets in on rescue points from saving katsukis ass + using him to save someone else
katsuki is a little salty but hes like "yeah tbh i really wouldn't have saved them alone, its fine" and then forces him to meet izuku bc hes still a total quirk nerd
izuku drags them + ochako out for ramen bc hes celebrating. shinsou is like "its a little early to celebrate getting in" and izuku just turns looking a lil confused "no im celebrating surviving the exam"
ok so, first day its wild
izuku's quirk is listed as "lucky punch" aka he can see odds and he's strong and no he doesn't know why stop looking at him like that
izuku and katsuki walked to school together bc they are baby and secretly nervous
izuku doesnt really look at katsuki's future all that often bc he doesn't like it, no real deal w izukus quirk he just wants to be successful by himself. so izuku, who can't look into his own future, has no idea how this day is going to go
they rock up to class, get inside and aizawa shows up, izuku has a brief heart attack, the quirk assessment starts. this time aizawa doesnt even have like a problem w izuku he's just trying to prove a point ab them being little baby heroes and sucking ass and izuku looked nice enough not to be mad about it for the rest of the year
so aizawa erases his quirk which, fair and izuku is confused and trying to use it
both of them
erasure didn't touch the fate quirk
so when he turns to look at aizawa he gets a face full of the USJ incident and he goes dead pale. aizawa is a touch confused but continues his whole thing, gives izuku his quirk back. he's still shaking. he throws the ball, it goes,,, less than it could have but far enough to be impressive
izuku stands next to katsuki shaking while they wait for the test to end. shinsou and uraraka are kinda distressed and all 3 of them are angry at aizawa even if they have no idea why. izuku bolts from the field right after and throws up in the bathrooms, followed by a quick panic attack. he was so freaked he was using ofa to get there so now uraraka, katsuki and shinsou are trying to find the boy
and aizawa is faintly confused
shinsou finds him first, shaking and sick in the bathroom. he grabs shinsou by the arm and says "staffroom, now." shinsou, who really doesn't know what's going on but is 100% shook, takes him there. he basically has to half carry izuku there bc he can't support himself
they get there and izuku knocks saying "i need to speak to yagi-san, now." and he sounds so scared and the whole office jumps bc why does a kid know allmights name, and all might jumps bc what happened to his boy
so he rushes out, grabs izuku and hurries him into a private office aizawa gives shinsou a look and shinsou just glares at him lmao bc its his fault izuku is like this. even though,, he's not really sure how
anyway, through sobs, izuku explains what he saw
and all might feels sick bc his boy didn't need to see all of that horrific violence, see his teachers torn to shreds and crushed to bits while the other students watch on helplessly
nezu doesn't know the extent of izukus quirk, mostly just because they didn't think ab telling him. they tell him now
aizawa is brought in to see smallmight trying to comfort his poor shaking student, who looks up and him and flinches and aizawa is like "ok guys the fuck did i do" nezu explains and then aizawa feels like a right dick to be honest, not that it was really anyone's fault
then the horrifying implications of "villains inside UA" sinks in and he's suddenly very on edge. now, izukus quirk isn't 100%. he had such a brief look at the vision he doesn't even know how likely it is. and while he offers to take a better look, its clear he really, really doesn't want to, so they all basically say
"right. so. we should probably be pretty careful tomorrow, huh?"
so when the usj attack starts, they have all might with his full 3 hours, mic, aizawa, and 13, w other heroes on standby, they hope, hope, that this wasn't very likely
they were wrong.
they were basically praying that the villains wouldn't make it into the usj
they've already altered the fate izuku saw by bringing allmight from the start, and present mic
but its not enough
the villains arrive and shigiraki is angry from the beginning, two unlisted teachers are waiting for them. shigiraki is childish but he's not stupid. he looks at the only child truly rattled, already protecting his friends, and he thinks he's found the cheater
they may not know the children's quirks, but present mic? 13? they know those quirks very well. mic is warped to the ruin zone, too unstable to freely use his quirk. kurogiri sends bakugo, kirishima and jirou after him
All Might is warped right to the nomu, kurogiri and shigiraki on standby for support. 13 has been taken out, aizawa is fighting through the villains to get to the nomu, to maybe offer some support to all might. he doesn't go after mic. he has to believe mic can handle himself or he'll break down where he stands.
izuku is warped to the shipwreck zone. alone. from a quick look at the future, the fates for anyone warped with him were grizly. he is confident in his choice to stop anyone from warping with him. he's ignoring the steadily climbing number of futures where he alone meets a terrible end
he's missing so much information on the villains every future he sees is hazy at best. all he knows is that if he doesn't get off this boat, aizawa gets hurt and that's not something he can abide
he busts the fuel tanks, letting the flammable liquid float across the water. he drops a match. in the chaos, he uses as much of ofa as he dares to jump to the shore. he steadfastly ignores the smell of burning meat.
he is one the opposite shoreline to canon, approaching the fight from the side, rather than the front. aizawa is hurt, battered from various villains, bleeding sluggishly from a headwound. he looks dazed
4 of shigiraki's fingers are wrapped around his neck
all might is at a standstill. if he strikes against the nomu, shigiraki will put his thumb down. he stands there and takes blow after blow, smile long gone from his face
izuku looks at the strings of Aizawa's fate. so many end here in so many ways.
he pushes his quirk into getting shigiraki away from his teacher. without direction, he's just baring against his quirk, begging it to give him a chance.
it does.
the bright flash of an explosive blonde draws the eyes of kurogiri and shigiraki. he uses the moment of distraction to launch towards his teacher, yanking him from shigiraki's hand. he loses a large chunk of skin for his trouble
all might defeats the nomu, but hes not looking good
bakugo, a limping mic, dazed aizawa, battered all might and bleeding izuku are the last stand, all praying the other students are ok.
iida did not escape
they have no backup coming.
shigiraki is fuming, but kurogiri can see the heroes are flagging. izuku is putting his all into his quirk, trying to give them all a lucky break
for the second time, it comes through
the rest of the students run towards them, joining them shoulder to shoulder. all of them are scared, some are hurt, but none of them are going to lay down and let shigiraki win. the villains escape
izuku falls
aizawa has a concussion + post-concussion syndrome. he has chronic migraines for the next year, and trouble with his long term memory for a few months
izuku is suffering from massive quirk overuse, his hands don't feel 'right' again for weeks
all might has lost only 20 minutes, but it's time he'd rather have
mic broke an ankle, but it's quickly fixed. Still, it aches from time to time
the other students had mild cuts/bruises and were left shaken
aizawa cries that night. a mix of the head injury, his hurt students, the look of fear he saw in their eyes. he holds mic and he sobs
izuku and his mother had a real relationship breakdown when she tore down his dream, even when izuku got a 'quirk' it never recovered. they don't talk. he doesn't tell her what happened. she doesn't find out.
izuku wanders the city the next day, unwilling to explain why he had no school today. he runs into mic who takes one look at this shaken student, outside and unprotected, and basically kidnaps the guy
izuku is forcibly dragged to the place mic/shinsou/aizawa share
when shinsou and aizawa find out izuku's mother basically just sent him off to school, not taking a day off work? they go full protective mode. shinsou wraps him up in the biggest blanket they own, grabs his own and forces izuku to play videogames with him on the couch. aizawa fumes in the kitchen over a cup of hot chocolate, mic fumes with him honestly
so, izukus kinda a mess, never tells his mother anything, etc, aizawa kidnapped him and he and shinsou played video games. izuku didn't go home that night, he just hopped on a train and rode it until it was time to go to UA
so when they get back everyone is just glad so see izuku alive tbh
so, sports festival! its a lot like canon
izuku doesn't use his fate quirk to change the future, but he does look at the possible futures and he sees that iida never makes it to the podium. he thinks for a second and makes a horrible realisation
the hero killer is in hosu
iida's brother is in hosu
iida’s brother is a hero
just before the event starts he finds aizawa and he's pale already
he gets out 'i need to see allmight' and aizawa gets a horrible feeling because last time this kid was worried they all almost died, so they run to find all might. seeing aizawa run around with a concerned look on his face? the stuff of nightmares at UA. everyone practically dives out of their way
izuku tells all might who swears a blue streak and pulls some strings to get extra heroes in hosu. izuku doesn't breathe a word to iida, because he just can't. not only does iida not know about the fate quirk, he can't scare him like that
bakugo knows something is wrong, but izuku won't breathe a word so he lets it lie
anyway, todoroki does his lil speech and izuku is honestly too burnt out to be intimidated, he sees his own death daily during just casual use of his quirk. boi ain't scared of much. bakugo gets pissy bc "FUCK YOU HALF AND HALF THAT'S MY RIVAL" and basically all of 1A is trying to claim izuku as their rival, either out of admiration or the desire to annoy bakugo
so izuku has to give the speech. which he's not happy ab because p e o p l e
and also because well,,, he's got no one at home to watch him
his speech basically goes along the lines of "we are here to fight fate. the odds are against us but we will win no matter what. not because it's easy, but because we have to. no matter what course we are in, we are all at this school fighting for a better future, for ourselves, our loved ones and the world. it doesn't matter if the odds aren't in your favour - the chance of any of us being here to see this moment is so small it may as well be impossible. its nothing to beat those odds again."
and everyone is like "owo how inspirational" but like anyone who knows him sees,,, layers
aizawa sees the bitterness about the USJ
all might sees izuku reducing his fight to be a hero as a quirk of fate, reducing his own involvement to 'it could have happened to anyone' when thats not true, because he is special
katsuki sees the bitterness that even though he had a good quirk, people tried to grind him into dust because he couldn't talk about it.
if inko was watching, she'd see how badly she betrayed her son
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angelic-writer · 4 years
Red Mansion Drabble - Sinking in the Red
We could all hear our shoes against the nicely maintained pavement as we walked down the garden path, passing by multiple flowers and plants. For a supposedly abandoned mansion, the place was really clean. You would expect wilted plants when you go into an abandoned garden, but this one... It was brimming with life. It would’ve been welcoming in a normal setting and indeed, it would have been if the sky wasn’t tinted blood red.
Chris hadn’t said a word to me since we found the key. He had his hands in his pockets and he had a serious look on his face, his lips pursed together and his eyes narrowed, focusing on what’s in front of him. I knew that look anywhere. It’s uncommon for him to take things seriously, but when he does... It’s quite refreshing.
We eventually reached an outdoor swimming pool. The sky’s reflection in the water was eerie, creating an entrance to some sort of mirror dimension. Well, another one, considering where we are.
“Hey, Trilbs?” Chris suddenly said, snapping me out of my thoughts.
“...I’m getting a sort of weird vibe from this place. Stay close to me, alright? Our salt is pretty limited. And don’t let go of your cross, okay? You don’t know what might happen.”
I just nodded and followed along. I felt foolish for following him around like a puppy, but we all knew what happened when we were left alone. I shivered, thinking about him laying on the floor of the living room, his shoulder bleeding profusely.
My mind went back to me desperately trying to staunch the flow of blood, keeping him awake... Thank god he’s still here with me.
“Hey, Trilbs. You okay?”
“Oh! Yeah, I’m okay.” Dammit, he must’ve saw the look on my face.
“You sure? If you’re thinking about what happened earlier, well... It’s okay. I’m alright now. It’s a good thing you came there when you did, otherwise I would’ve...”
I kept my mouth shut, clutching my bloody sleeve. I just can’t act normal around him, can I?
“Don’t worry. If anything tries to jump me again, I’ll give you a call...” That smirk. That goddamn smirk of his. “And then, you can come to my rescue.”
My cheeks instantly reddened. There was something about him that just made me turn red like that. Sure, I’ve had past lovers before, but he was still able to make me embarrassed. Him making small talk like this... It just made me more motivated to get out of this hellish place with him.
“Alright. Just... Be careful.”
“Okay. You want to come with?”
I looked around. I didn’t know what it was, but something seemed off. “Hmm... There’s something strange about this pool. You go check out that shed over there and I’ll look around this area.”
“Huh?” Chris was shocked. “But we all know what will happen when we’re alone. At least have your gun ready or- Let me stay with you.”
“Chris, I’ll be fine. It’s you that I should be worried about.”
His smirk grew wider. “Heh, I think you should be the one to give me a call.”
“Quinn, I can handle things myself! I’m not some damsel in distress!”
“Okay, how about this? If anything tries to sneak up on you, yell for me and I’ll go and kick their arse!”
I felt my chest swell. Chris had always been protective like this. During missions, he would always stick by me, but he knows that I’m capable. Still doesn’t stop him from accompanying me, though.
I sighed. “Alright. Meet me back here when you find something, okay?”
“Okay. Love ya.” He gave me a playful peck on the cheek before he went to the small pool shed.
“Love you too.” I whispered back, my lips curling into a small smile. Well, let’s see what this pool has to offer.
I began to walk around, examining it to see if there was anything off. There was a sign hanging on the fence that said “No running by the pool.” Standard pool rules. I clutched my cross just in case I needed protection from... the people in the house. Looking into the water to see if there was a bottom, my mind went back to my days in Defoe Manor where I found...
I shook my head. No. I must not think about that. Luckily, I didn’t see any shadows. In fact, this pool seemed to be bottomless. If I fell in there, there is a chance that I would not have anything to give me a boost. Luckily, I’m a pretty good swimmer so it shouldn’t be a problem.
After walking around for a while, I spotted something on the ground. I crouched down to get a better look. It was a sapphire necklace, but due to the red sky, it was almost blackened. I picked it up and put it in my pocket. I need to show this to Chris when he gets back.
“     H     E     L     P         M     E     .     .     .     “
Huh? What was that?
I looked up to see the silhouette of a woman for only a second before she disappeared. I blinked. Was... what I saw real? Well, given my past experiences with ghosts, I shouldn’t have reason to doubt myself.
I looked up at the sky. To the clouds twisting into some dreadful mess of unknown proportions. I don’t know how long we had been there for, but I’m hoping not too long. I wonder what the Ministry is going to think about this. Would they classify me and Chris as missing or worse... think us dead?
I thought about Claire and how she was reacting to all of this. She must be really worried...
“Y o u...”
My eyes widened. That voice...
“Y o u  w i l l  p a y  f o r  w h a t  y o u ‘ v e  d o n e . . .”
Before I could even open my mouth to call out to Chris, I felt something push me. Before I knew it...
The water enveloped me with a sense of sharp coldness that made me freeze and nearly let out all the air in my lungs. It felt like being plunged into a frozen lake, only I couldn’t feel any ice when I fell in. I quickly checked my surroundings. The surface was still near me. I can still make it.
I started to swim back up, but... I wasn’t going towards it. In fact, it looked like I wasn’t moving anywhere. Despite me moving my arms and legs, I couldn’t swim up to the surface. Is this some hallucination? What’s happening?!
I then realized something horrible... It wasn’t like I was frozen in place. Something was pulling me down.
I looked down and noticed shadowy hands gripping my legs. Panic overcoming me, I began to shake them, trying to get them to let go, but they only tightened their grip on me. Their long, sharp nails dug into the fabric of my pants and into my skin. I tried to get them off, but they had an iron grip on me.
My lungs were burning. My chest was aching. My head was pounding. I need... I need to get out of here. I need to get air.
That’s when I remembered the cross that I had in my hand. I was still holding it when I fell in the water. Immediately, I held it out. The shadowy figure flinched and loosened its grip on me. I kicked it off and began to swim back up. This time, I was making significant progress. Finally!
As I was doing so, I saw Chris above the water. He saw me, his eyes widening with terror, and he immediately reached his hand out to grab me. I did the same. I was about to touch his hand when I felt all four of my limbs being grabbed and forcefully pulled me down, away from Chris. NO!! What now?!
I glanced over and saw the long-haired figure from before. His glowing, red eyes, his sharp, white teeth... curled into a vicious smile.
“Y o u  w i l l  n o t  e s c a p e  m e . . .”
I couldn’t hold it in anymore. My lungs have reached their breaking point. At this point, I couldn’t escape my inevitable fate. I let all the air out, watching the bubbles float to the surface and allowing the water to flow into my mouth and into my throat. I coughed and gagged, trying to expel it, but that only let in more water as it reached my windpipe. My chest spasmed as I flailed my body around like a drowning prisoner. Well, I am a drowning prisoner.
He continued to pull me down the bottomless pool as I struggled against him. My vision began to fill with spots as my lungs continued to fill up with water. The pain was so unbearable. I stared helplessly at the surface that was now growing out of my reach. I was so close... I was so close to freedom only for it to be taken away from me. And now... I’m going to die.
A hand softly stroked my face as the figure whispered to me.
“D o n ‘ t  w o r r y.  I t ‘ l l  a l l  b e  o v e r  s o o n . . .”
At that point, I stopped fighting. What’s the point? I’m going to die, anyway. The pain slowly started to fade as my world went dark. My body was getting numb. I felt myself slowly starting to sink. Is this the fate I imagined myself in? I don’t know. At least, I finally found peace.
I thought about Chris and our promise. The promise to get out together. The last thing I felt before slipping away was guilt.
I’m sorry, Chris. I couldn’t keep our promise...
I explored the small shed, trying to look for any clues. I checked the lockers. All either empty or locked. I tried the showers to see if they worked. Nothing. I tried the door that read “Pump Room”. Locked. Welp. Looks like I’m gonna have to get Trilby to pick these locks. For normal people, they would have given up by this point. But, Trilbs and I aren’t normal people. I mean, we work at a supernatural government agency for god’s sake.
I took my cross out and held it out to see if there was any reaction. There were none at first, but when I walked over to the third line of lockers, one of them started to shake. Then, the one at the far end burst open and a couple of items fell out. I chuckled. Guess I must’ve exorcised some sort of demon. I was never a religious person, but if using these crosses are what we have to do to get out of this strange mansion, then I guess I’ll go along with it.
I checked the contents on the floor. There was an empty box of cigarettes and a small lighter. It had a dragon carved into the metal with fire shooting out of its mouth. Huh. So, one of the people who used to live in the mansion was a smoker. I mean, I’m not gonna judge them. Trilbs and I both smoked at some point in our lives.
I pocketed them in case I needed to show him the evidence. I was about to walk out when...
“You really shouldn’t be smoking in here!” I heard a young woman say. I looked around to see who was talking, but nothing.
“Pfft! Where am I supposed to smoke at? Mr. Fancy Pants’ room?” An older, more gruffer voice replied.
“Well, I’m sure Eric will not appreciate you smoking in the pool shed. You know, the place where people change into their swimsuits! You should really consider the people around you, especially your family. Besides, smoking kills.”
The older voice chuckled and I heard a clicking sound. “Alright, princess. Don’t need to tell me twice.”
“Allan! I told you not to call me that!” The female voice retorted.
“What? It’s fun. You should really open up more.”
“Yeah, I guess...”
Huh. So, the male voice is Allan. Who was the woman that was talking to him, then...? As I thought about it, I suddenly got a sinking feeling in my stomach. Like something... was gonna go wrong.
“Y o u . . .  Y o u  l i e d  t o  m e . . .”
Oh god... That voice. I knew it! It was-
I suddenly felt a vibration like a loudspeaker being turned up to maximum volume.
“Y O U  W I L L  P A Y  F O R  W H A T  Y O U  D I D  T O  M E,  Y O U 
W H O R E!!!”
And then...
I heard a splash. Did... Did something fall in the pool...?
My eyes widened. Trilby!
I rushed out of the building to the pool where Trilby was nowhere to be seen.
“Trilby!!” I shouted. Nothing. I kept calling out to him while I frantically searched for him. All the while, I was thinking ‘What is wrong with me? What am I doing? I shouldn’t have taken my eyes off of him!’ I gripped my hair. ‘This is all my fault! Goddammit!!’ I suddenly caught a glimpse of something in the water. Trilby hat, black, fingerless gloves, a hand reaching out to the surface, desperate blue eyes... Trilby!
I immediately reached my hand into the water to grab him, the coldness shocking me, but I didn’t care. He did the same, extending his hand towards me. He was so close. Just as he was about to grab my hand, I saw a figure grab his arms and legs and pull him back with an inhuman force. I practically screamed. I know, horror movie cliche, but the sound just came out of my mouth.
It was when I saw the bubbles come up that I decided, ‘No. I’m not gonna let it end like this!’ Taking a deep breath, I dove in.
The freezing temperature of the water enveloping my whole body caught me off guard, but that’s not gonna stop me. I swam down, and down, and down... Jesus, how deep is this thing?!
I continued down this abyss until finally... I saw a figure slowly sinking. I knew who that is. I swam down to Trilby and wrapped my arms around him. His eyes were closed, he wasn’t responding when I shook him... Dammit, he’s been under for too long! I gotta get him to the surface!
I started to swim back up when I felt something pull on my trench coat. I looked down and saw a young boy with short, blonde hair gripping onto the ends of my coat. He was giving me puppy eyes and saying, “D o n ‘ t  l e a v e  u s . . .”
I kicked him off and continued to swim back up. As I did so, multiple hands were coming up to try and grab me. Luckily, I was prepared. While I held Trilby in one arm, I held out my cross in the other. That seemed to do the trick. The hands retracted into the dark and I continued to swim upwards, hoping that Trilby can still be saved.
Just as I was getting near the surface, something pulled me down, causing me to whirl my head around to see what did it. It was the figure. Long hair, red eyes, sharp teeth curled into an evil smile... It was clear that he wasn’t gonna let us go. I felt something in me snap. I promised Trilby we would get out. That we would get back to our own world. Nothing... Nothing is going to stop me from protecting him!
I pulled out my handgun and shot the figure in the chest. He recoiled and put his hand on the wound, the blood spreading in the water. He gave me one last glare before he sank into the red. My blood lust satisfied, I finally broke the surface and laid Trilby down on the ground.
“Trilby? Hey, Trilby!” I called out to him as I tapped his face, hoping to get a response. Nothing. I put my ear to his mouth to see if he was breathing as well as put my fingers on his neck. I couldn’t hear and feel anything. Oh shit!
Okay, Chris. Deep breaths. Remember what the Ministry taught you. You can do this. Loosen the tie around his neck, unbutton his waistcoat and his shirt (That makes it easier for me to get to his chest), tilt his head back, pinch his nose shut and breathe into him. He had drowned, so I gave him initial mouth to mouth resuscitation. Then chest compressions with two breaths.
I must’ve did CPR on him for 30 seconds, but it felt like an eternity to me. After those agonizing seconds, Trilby started coughing and gasping. I turned him on his side and rubbed his back as he coughed the water out.
“Shh... Hey, you’re okay. It’s okay, just take deep breaths...”
Soon, he was breathing heavily. He slowly opened his eyes as he groaned. “C... Chris...?”
“Yeah, it’s me. Are you okay? Can you breathe okay?”
He only nodded in reply. I breathed a sigh of relief and picked him up bridal style. He was shivering in my arms. I need to warm him up.
That was what I felt when I lost consciousness. I couldn’t move, I couldn’t breathe, I couldn’t do anything. I thought, that’s it. I’m dead. Despite my second chance at life, I still died. What was the point of giving me another chance if I was gonna die anyway? That was what I thought at the time.
I then started to have feeling in my body. I felt myself being pulled up. I felt the cool air in contrast to the water. I was being laid down on the ground. Someone was tapping my face. I heard Chris’ voice.
I wanted to say something back, to tell him to not bother, but I couldn’t. I felt his fingers on my neck. He’s checking my pulse. What’s the point? I’m already dead. I felt my tie become undone and my waistcoat and shirt being unbuttoned. What are you doing...? It’s too late for me, Chris.
My head was being tilted back, my nose was being pinched shut and... I felt his lips on mine. I felt a surge of hot air go into my lungs. Mouth to mouth... Heh, who would’ve thought that those classes the Ministry taught us would come in handy. But he should know that there is no hope for me.
After a few moments of him breathing into me, I felt him put his hands on my chest and started pushing, rather forcefully. I wanted to get up and slap him in the face because OW! That really hurts! But, I really couldn’t do anything. I couldn’t even force my body to move. I decided to stop trying. I might as well wait to see if Chris could actually save me. He’s just stubborn that way.
For half a minute, I endured Chris pushing on my chest brutally (Curse his demon hunter strength.), though I felt something coming up my throat. After a couple of, admittedly, good pushes, I felt water come out of my mouth. I started coughing and gasping. Chris turned me over on my side and rubbed my back as I retched out the water.
Soon, I was able to catch my breath as I regained consciousness. “C... Chris...?”
“Yeah, it’s me. Are you okay? Can you breathe okay?”
I was heaving, but I nodded. Chris sighed in relief and picked me up in his arms. I shivered violently and rested my head on his chest as he carried me back to the house.
I do not know what happened after that. I might’ve lost consciousness again, but I slowly came to in front of the fireplace. I noticed that I was laying on the couch and I had a blanket wrapped around me. Chris was sitting by me, nervously looking down at the floor and tapping his foot, though his eyes lit up when he saw me waking up.
“Hey, Trilbs. Are you okay? How are you feeling?” He said softly, giving me a comforting smile.
“Mmm... ‘m a lil’ tired...” I mumbled.
“Hey, it’s alright. You just get some rest. I’m not going anywhere.” Chris said.
There were a few minutes of silence between us. I looked around at my surroundings. There was my hat hanging on a coat rack along with some of my other clothes. There was my waistcoat, my tie, my... shirt and my pants?
I realized what just happened and my cheeks went red. Oh god... I’m practically naked under there! Goddammit, Quinn...
“Trilby... You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to, but... What the hell happened out there? I heard a splash and I went outside, but you weren’t there. Then, I saw you in the water... I-I thought you were gonna...”
He had a frightened look on his face and he was shaking. I couldn’t keep this to myself... If we’re gonna get out of here, I have to tell him.
“I... I heard someone behind me. They said that I would pay for what I’ve done. But before I tried to call out to you, they pushed me and...” I shivered and gripped my arms tightly. “No matter how hard I tried to swim up, the figure and... some creature kept me under until I...” I felt my throat close up as hot tears started to form in my eyes. “I-I thought I was... gonna die...”
Chris pulled me close and rubbed my back as I tightly hugged him. “Shh... It’s okay. You’re alive. It’s okay...”
“I-Is it because I...?” I began to say, but Chris shushed me.
“If you’re telling me what I think you’re saying, then no. It’s not that.”
“But... I deserve it, right? I killed someone.”
“While being possessed. You didn’t do this of your own volition. Something used your body to kill a person. It wasn’t your fault.”
“Still! I did it anyway and now I’ll have to live with it for the rest of my life! I thought I finally found peace when I thought I died. I thought I could finally rest.” I gripped the back of his trench coat. “Why... Why did you bring me back? Why didn’t you just leave me to die?!”
“Hey, hey, Trilbs... Shh, calm down. We made a promise, right? We promised each other that we would get out together. I take that promise very seriously. I’ll always do everything I can to make sure you’re alive and safe.”
We kept still in our embrace, me crying my eyes out as Chris comforted me. I don’t know what prompted me to do it, but I found myself kissing Chris. I guess I must’ve been so scared of death that I just wanted some form of comfort... even if it’s for a little bit.
Luckily, Chris returned the gesture. After a few minutes of bliss, we pulled back. We have more important things to worry about. We can finish this when we get home.
“Trilbs, I found something while I was looking in the shed. Here.” He pulled out what looked to be a soaked, empty box of cigarettes and a lighter. “Sorry that they were soaked. I forgot that they were in my pocket when I jumped in.”
A soft chuckle escaped my lips.
“Also, I found this in your pocket.” He also showed me the sapphire necklace I found earlier. “Do you know what these could mean?”
“Hm... I have no idea, but my theory is the necklace must’ve belonged to one of the people that used to live in the manor.”
“I’m in the same boat as you. Actually, I heard some people talking while I was in the shed. It was a man and a woman and I heard her call him Allan.”
“Allan...” I saw that name before. It was on a family portrait in the foyer. “So, could this mean...?”
“Yeah. I think I know how to appease them.”
“Tell me.”
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fool-moon830 · 5 years
The Grand Legend of Alex Eywrm
My Mentor is a Omnipotent Powerful Dragon... And also a Pothead.
Eterna seoule Eterna vulvis Fatus
May my Fate be as eternal as my soul and my love
I froze, chills went down my spine, a frozen breath found its way onto the nape of my neck. I couldn't move, couldn't blink, couldn't breath. 
"H u m a n . . . T u r n    a r o u n d a n d F a c e   m e. . . "
I slowly turned around, eyes open wide in fear. A pair of eyes catch my gaze, round lapis lazulis with slits in the middle, a cloudy mist fills the air as this hidden atrocity lights a blunt, takes a puff, and  breaths mist into my face. I immediately start coughing badly, the smoke having a menthol-like effect, a frozen feeling straight down my throat. God its feels like a cough drop just got shoved down my throat. 
“N o t    u s e d t o   i t , I s u p o s e . . . ”
Still coughing from the cough drop second hand smoke, i look at this...thing with watery eyes and ask something quite stupid.
“w-what the hell are you?”
Let me explain why this was stupid. What this thing is, is a mother loving, omnipotent Grand Elder Dragon, straight outta the underworld. How do I know this? Eyes the color of unnatural ice, the stupid elongated tone of voice, the cough drop second hand smoke, which by the way is created by a cigar made from the menthollyptus plant, a bit of sliver dust, a bit of crushed Golden Shabaath, and the ashes of the Eboreal Ash, . And how do i know it's this specific combination of plants and metal dust? Because the burn in my throat and the dizziness of my eyes feels the same way as when i have to go to my pothead boss whose name I will not mention, who also is a dragon(a lesser dragon i believe). Not a stupidly powerful dragon as this one in front of me-
“W i l l   Y o u N o t   A d r e s s M e  B y M y
T i t l e ? ”
… did this dragon just read my-
“ y e s . . .   i d i d . ”
… this mother lovin dragon. His Name is Sytar, the Province of all that is Time. This is a Timelord, someone who could manipulate time at will, and is able to go back into the past and future at will. However, only those who can set in motion the future are Prophets, those who divine prophecies among Heroes. 
“H e r o e s-
“Can you just shut up with that stupid tone?”
“...and why should I, Mere mortal?”
“uhh...Because you came here to tell me something?”
“... that is true. Ahem. Allow me to propose some…Exposition.”
“What the genuine fuck are you talking about?” I ask in an actual concerned voice.
“...i'm just gonna give some exposition. Explain about heros.. Y'know, basic hero talk.”
“...why though? I already know about heroes and their grand and glorious exploits. I don’t need the exposition Sytar.”
“ its for the audience, idiot.”
“The what? What audience?” I look around for any signs of fades or missing bits of my apartment. Usually, grand dragons want to play around and recreate the rooms of their victims through illusionary magic. Also, they set up wireless connections and broadcast their mischief to major television channels. It's also one of Mia’s favorite shows, called The Fool’s Cage with NICK JOOOONES! Or something like that. I don’t watch much television. Just the forecast. Hopefully this isn’t that show.
“I’m not doing that Alex. Im too sophisicated for that dumb soap oprea. Also, who’s Mia?”
“None of your fucking business.”
“Chill dude. I'm not gonna hurt her-”
“Just shut up.” I rub my head and sit down. This is just stupid. Why is this dragon in my room, why can’t I just sleep, and why is there still some delicious musty tea on my mug. Although it's cold now, so its just now mediocre musty tea. Taking a sip of my mediocre musty tea, I ponder the reasons of this dragon being in my already cramped room.
“If you would stop explaining stuff, i would tell you why.”
“Can you shut up?”
“Can you explain why you're being so rude mortal?” This thirteen foot monster with a sixteen foot tail, scales as pale as moonstones, with just a tinge of blue, and nails...or should I say claws, as black as coal, all wrapped up in a bathrobe lined with alpaca fur, and flip flops with small bunny ears...Mia would like these… and a long, girthy, absolutely unnecessary cigar, lit with a teal flame. Wow.. You must really have some worn out lungs huh Sytar?
“ as a matter of fact, my lungs are perfectly fine, thank you very much.” Just as the omnipotent dragon starts coughing like a 40 year old smoker. Don’t Smoke kiddos. 
“...anyway, as I was saying… Heroes are given a Prophecy by a Prophet to fulfill, as it is their purpose as a sworn and pledged Hero, and by receiving this blessing, they are given eternal life. That is, they stop aging at a certain age, and can choose how old they look...occasionally. Most heroes either look 20 or 30 years old. It is uncertain. However, a Hero can be slain, and its soul shall remain here. Until it has completed its prophecy, or has it’s soul devoured by a Devil, Or it is destroyed by some other manner, a Hero cannot rest. A Hero can only wait for its opportunity to arrive, or live out its days in misery...such is the tragedy of a hero..” The dragon wipes a petty tear of his cheeks with such unnecessary flair. I wasn’t paying attention though. While this high-of-his-rockers dragon blabbered on about what i already knew about Heros(they teach you this in middle school history, along with the history of this nation’s government, The Federal Foundation of Terrana) I texted Mia. I asked whether or not she wanted hotdogs or ramen hotpot with some delicious musty tea. She wanted the hotdogs and some actual tea. But I reminded her that delicious musty tea was actual tea. Then she sent me a gif with a Gonodorf wizard rolling its eyes and some text on top saying ‘when your roommate is a dad-joke loving dork but you be wanting some actual food’. Kids these days with their memes and what not. Though...Mia isn’t actually a child, she’s old enough to drive around the pier and order her favorite milk tea with boba. Although, she still wakes up early to watch her morning ‘anime’ instead of doing her online college work, and still asks for some SourPatch Dwarves, and still cuddles up to me when she has nightmares...Anyway, she then tells me that she’s bringing one of her friends back home, and she’ll come home in about 20 minutes. Shit! I face the high-as-a-skyscraper dragon and tell him to…
“Leave. Now.”
The dragon, whom took another puff of his cigar, which was now half the length before he arrived, responded in a rather concerning manner…
“Can I at least say that your a hero and explain that…” he takes a moment to recollect his thoughts… “to the audience?”
“N-no!” I manage to say before I start coughing again, accidentally breathing in the cough drop second hand smoke.
“Dude ...it's not that bad….” He really was lost now, gone beyond all hope.
“Look, Wannabe Sytar, Two people live in this household and one of them is not used to the smell of smoke at all, and you won’t shut up about all this hero nonsense, and look-” and another coughing fit ensued from all the cough drop second hand smoke. “J-just go. Come back when your not a bloody stoner” for fucks sakes...Alex rushes around the apartment, opening every window they had. The dragon chuckled and recited a familiar phrase. 
“There are Three curses a hero must avoid, lest they shall lose their lives. A Hero must always beware of a Dragon’s Wrath, A Madman’s Oath, and a False God’s Promise. You do know this, don’t you Alex?”
“Y-yes i know” said Alex with a sore throat. The second hand smoke was getting to him pretty badly. “Why bother telling me this?” the dragon sighed and went for another puff of his blunt, decided against it, and place it away in a pocket dimension. 
“Alex...i am a tempermental dragon, cursed with Devil’s Scawl. I cannot prevent a berserk state this late into my life. The scawl is as painful as a parasitic cancer can be. Therefore, I use medicinal herbs to ease my pain away. It just so happens to be in the form of a cigar. I know of the conditions in this household, and I’ll try not to overstay this welcome.” 
The air froze, particles of dust and smoke slowed to a stop, creating an interstellar, ethereal effect. It suddenly got a lot...colder...what the… 
“Alex. there is something I must tell you. We do not have much time…”
“... i'm listening.” I grab the chair to my desk and sit down, wondering at what will the dragon say.
“Alex Ewyrm, You are a Hero who has not taken the Pledge. You will be entangled in the strings of Fate, You will be enwrapped in a story much, Much more grand than you could ever imagine. You will lose, You will gain, and your actions as a Hero shall decide the Destiny of the whole Universe. Alex Ewyrm, Son of Eris and Terrice Ewyrm, and grandchild to a knight of the 13th Order to Maxwell’s Commandment Squadron, Warus Garne Ewyrm, Known as the Hero who drew the cursed blade-
“Exodus. . .”Alex sat there in shock… So this dragon was legitimate. No other dragon could have found out either his parent’s name, or the commandment in which his grandfather served. There was also the fact that Sytar knew about his inheritance, what was passed down, generation to generation.
“Yes. Exodus… the cursed sword Exodus. You see now, that i am Sytar, Providence to all that is Time. I came here to warn you. I shall lead your way, be your guidance, and provided mentorship when you need it most. That is my Pledge I will take as Sytar, Providence to all that is Time!”
...wait. Wait wait wait hold the hot pipe up! Is he suggesting..?!
“..are you saying… you want to be my mentor..?”
“Yes! That is what I pledge and that is what I shall do with pride and dignity!”
I groan and put my weary head on my hands. Why...do i have to be with this pothead…
“H-hey, i'm a nice guy, there’s no need-”
...then there’s silence...the smoke has long left the room. The dust has settled… on the entrance, a small but audible knock can be heard. Then, a voice.
“uhh...Alex...Are you Ok?”
0 notes
wesdawsn · 5 years
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Most of these are connections that I think would be worked on, not necessarily instant or pre-existing unless we discuss in full depth the reasons for it to be something that’s been going on for a while. They are also not set in stone, so we can take any one of them and change them up a bit to fit our characters more, etc.
01. A love that’s blind will never truly grow; We fall apart but don’t let go The ups and downs between them are endless but the worst part of it all is the amount of denial from the two. They pull at each other’s strings trying to figure out whether everything they’re putting each other through is worth it but they can’t put their pride aside. It’s a constant “will they, won’t they” situation which more than likely could end with them feeling like they have a score to settle on who can make the other throw in the white flag first ( connection taken by: currently open )
02. You got my heart shot down by love… you’ve got my heart now, why won’t you stop now? A love that could be the biggest loss of his life. The image of them together is one that many people wish they could have but it’s an unrequited love. He feels their connection so deeply but it’s a love that denies him entrance for reasons he doesn’t know. They are the only ones that know about his feelings and would rather it stay that way as well for out of respect for one another. ( connection taken by: diana taylor )
03. Eleven blocks from my door to your doorstep - three years later and it feels too close Every time they cross paths, his mind is flooded with memories of times they once shared. Things were good but as much as they wanted it to work, they just weren’t meant to be. Life took them to places that made their feelings about each other change but even though a long time has passed, there’s still some hurt behind the thought that they maybe deserved to have a better end to their story ( connection taken by: currently open )
04. I’m fuckin with your energy, trippin on you for some weeks There has only been one thing that connects them and it’s something that no one but them knows about. it happened out of the blue but its something that they can’t easily shake. they slept together weeks ago- a one night stand that they swore to themselves would never happen regardless of the fact that it had been nothing short of electric. still, whether it will remain a one night stand is yet to be determined or if they will one again find themselves between the sheets ( connection taken by: currently open )
05. We might be a little late. Hey, but at least we’re on our way It’s as if he’s someone completely different when they are together. It’s sometimes a little hard for him to believe it when he thinks about it but the free spirit he’s lucky to have met brings out a side of him that makes him throw a lot of worries out the window ( connection taken by: in plotting process )
06. I spit and stutter stuff and clutter worries in my worried corner — Maladjusted just untrusted, rusted sometimes brilliant trusted thoughts It’s late nights that consist of conversations that are mostly held within conventions over things that don’t exist in real life. They try to avoid rage quitting on each other but it’s hard when they always try to come out as the best gamer. Nerds to say the least but completely unashamed of it ( connection taken by: currently open )
07. We’ll leave our nine to five to do 95, it’s just how we get the rush we need outta life Not many people are willing to take on things that can bring great risks, but it’s how these two came to a friendship. Their way of getting there? Motorcycles. There aren’t many people he’ll trust to go on rides at any given time just because, and they’re the only person he’d trust with his bike ( connection taken by: currently open )
10. Friendships: While there are plots listed already for friend connections, there is always room for more. Anyone with an idea for a friendship is welcome to send a message to discuss something we can work with.
11. Rivalry: These are a little harder to predetermine given the fact that it might be better to discuss possible reasons as to why they don’t get along. Whether it’s a simple annoyance or something that has come to punches being thrown, discussing the details would be best
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sweetpxsin · 6 years
Slow Dancing with Stray Kids [Requested]
Member: Strays Kids
Plot:Can I request a stray kid bulletpoint scenario (like the falling asleep in their lap) when they slow dance with you keep writing your amazing
Note:I incorporated prom themes for some of the members cause some of them are still in highschool..YO ALSO Might have a jisung social media/text/ relationship-to-break up so look forward to thats!
[ Master list // Guidelines // Request ]
[ C H A N ]
•super giggly about it
•like there was no purpose for him to slow dance with you but the soft music that was playing sparked the playfulness in him
•plus he could see how stressed you kinda looked
•the dance wasn’t very  serious more of just swaying side to side while giggling like little high school sweethearts
•Chan personally loving how you’d smile when he spun you around occasionally
•and somewhere through the middle of it he’d just pull you into a hug and rest his head on your shoulder still swaying side to side gently with you
•and if he could he’d want to say like that for a long as possible
[ W O O J I N ]
•looks like an actual prince
•like he’s so perfect when it comes to romantic slow dances your heart just melts
•Woojin’s soft smile as he spins you before holding you close to him again was literally everything
•would ask you how your day was and if you ate/sleep well and just over all keep an casually conversation going on between you
•honestly down to the bottom of his heart really enjoys the moment you to are having and will remember it forever
•will periodically pull your body closer to him till your able to rest your head on his chest
•afterwards he might start humming and slow down the swaying
[ M I N H O ]
•Leads the dance for the both of you because he wants to make it super memorable moment for the both you
•Doesn’t miss a single beat and twirls you/ dips you down at the most perfect times
•But at the same time he can’t hide the childish smile on his face because of how much he loved the fact he got to slow dance with his most favorite person
•Might even make cheesy ass compliments/remarks no one asked for but it never fails to put a smile on your face
•Helps guide you if you make a mistake in the steps
•Near the end he’ll twirl you once more before pulling you close to him
•And will end the kiss with a short and sweet kiss
[ C H A N G B I N  ]
•cute giggles with a huge smile
•Changbin like Chan had no reason to start a slow dance with you but had just forced you up to start dancing with him
•and he absolutely loved every second of it, like actually
•His movements might be a little clumsy but he’d make up for it with his adorable smile and light laughter
•Likes to hold you close to him with one of his hands on the small of your back while the other held your hand
•Allows you to lead the dance because he messes up a lot and plus he thinks its super cute
[ H Y U N J I N ]
•Super energetic about it
•Just like Chan he had no specific purpose to slow dance with you but when the sudden classical music came on he couldn’t help but spring up in a playful fit
• spins and twirls and dipping down would happen more than necessary but you didn’t really mind
•After all the both of you had goofy grins on the whole time
•The slow dance would be a lot more hyper than an actual slow dance tbh
•though somewhere in the middle of it Hyunjin would suddenly stand tall and straight and pull you close as if he was a prince taking this dance seriously
•it was an ultimate fail though because you guys would just end up in a fit of laughs as you continued to attempt to slow dance seriously
•In the end he’d just pull you flush against his chest, loosely let his arms wrap around your frame before dipping down for a soft kiss
[ J I S U N G ]
•Jokingly speaks formal with you just to lighten up the nervous atmosphere
•Is being such a gentleman like it actually makes you go soft
•During the dance he ask how your night is and if you were enjoying the dance because truth be told thee Han Jisung was nervous
•But despite being very nervous about it he doesn’t fail to surprise you with how good he actually is with slow dance?
•Like he knows how to lead up and pick back up if either of you make a mistake
•Twirls you because it makes him feel like he’s your prince and your his precious prince/princess
•Honestly loves how perfect the moment is  and that your steps matches his without matching a beat
•and once he got comfortable he’d hold a causal light-hearted conversation with you
[ F E L I X ]
•He’s like between nervous and not nervous, though he is able to lead the both of you
•Has the biggest smile every when you compliment him and might even get a little fancy with his moves
•Though it ends up being a little clumsy though you don’t really mind because he makes up for it with his adorable little laugh
•His spins and dips are much slower than typically but it just makes the moment more romantic and memorable
•High Key though when he dips you down will probably steal a kiss when he brings you back up
•And to make the mood even lighter he might make light-hearted jokes
•At the end he doesn’t wanna let you go so he just holds you close with his head tucked in the crook of your neck while the both of you sway
[ S E U N G M I N ]
•Little sweetheart. sunshine, gentleman #2
•Hands placed respectively where they should be as he gently leads the dance, with a huge smile
•honestly is so entranced by the moment and your beauty (say your ugly and I will smack you with my love and I gotta a lot of love )
•loves to twirl you around because he loves the fact you giggle lightly during it
•will also occasionally dip you down so he can pull you back up into a kiss
•literally makes slow dancing the most romantic moment in your life  ever
[ J E O N G I N ]
•clammy hands and wide  sheepish smiles
•Honesty is more nervous about this moment than anything in his whole life
•But honestly at the same time can’t help but feel super giggly just getting to playfully slow dance with you
•Like the moment just felt so surreal to him that he couldn’t stop smiling or giggling
•But also gets lost in your eyes
•Stumbles a little during the dance because of that and cause he’s nervous
•apologizes about it with cute puppy eyes so you can’t even get mad at if even though you were never mad in the first place
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rowancarter-kane · 6 years
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Most of these are connections that I think would be worked on, not necessarily instant or pre-existing unless we discuss in full depth the reasons for it to be something that’s been going on for a while.
01. A love that’s blind will never truly grow; We fall apart but don’t let go The ups and downs between them are endless but the worst part of it all is the amount of denial from the two. They pull at each other’s strings trying to figure out whether everything they’re putting each other through is worth it but they can’t put their pride aside. It’s a constant “will they, won’t they” situation which more than likely could end with them feeling like they have a score to settle on who can make the other throw in the white flag first ( connection taken by: currently open )
02. You got my heart shot down by love... you’ve got my heart now, why won’t you stop now? A love that could be the biggest loss of his life. The image of them together is one that many people wish they could have but it’s an unrequited love. He feels their connection so deeply but it’s a love that denies him entrance for reasons he doesn’t know. They are the only ones that know about his feelings and would rather it stay that way as well for out of respect for one another. ( connection taken by: currently open )
03. Eleven blocks from my door to your doorstep - three years later and it feels too close Every time they cross paths, his mind is flooded with memories of times they once shared. Things were good but as much as they wanted it to work, they just weren’t meant to be. Life took them to places that made their feelings about each other change but even though a long time has passed, there’s still some hurt behind the thought that they maybe deserved to have a better end to their story ( connection taken by: currently open )
04. I'm fuckin with your energy, trippin on you for some weeks There has only been one thing that connects them and it’s something that no one but them knows about. it happened out of the blue but its something that they can’t easily shake. they slept together weeks ago- a one night stand that they swore to themselves would never happen regardless of the fact that it had been nothing short of electric. still, whether it will remain a one night stand is yet to be determined or if they will one again find themselves between the sheets ( connection taken by: currently open )
05. We might be a little late. Hey, but at least we're on our way It’s as if he’s someone completely different when they are together. It’s sometimes a little hard for him to believe it when he thinks about it but the free spirit he’s lucky to have met brings out a side of him that makes him throw a lot of worries out the window ( connection taken by: greer kingston )
06. I spit and stutter stuff and clutter worries in my worried corner — Maladjusted just untrusted, rusted sometimes brilliant trusted thoughts It’s late nights that consist of conversations that are mostly held within conventions over things that don’t exist in real life. They try to avoid rage quitting on each other but it’s hard when they always try to come out as the best gamer. Nerds to say the least but completely unashamed of it ( connection taken by: abby richards )
07. We’ll leave our nine to five to do 95, it’s just how we get the rush we need outta life Not many people are willing to take on things that can bring great risks, but it’s how these two came to a friendship. Their way of getting there? Motorcycles. There aren’t many people he’ll trust to go on rides at any given time just because, and they’re the only person he’d trust with his bike ( connection taken by: currently open )
08. And just like that, I knew I’d be able to share a few moments of laughter with you He hardly knew anyone, nor did he want to put his social skills to the test from the get-go yet it happened. Between friendly smiles and shared cups of coffee in the mornings, a comfort grew that helped him ease into a new side job work environment where the halls were filled with loud high school kids ( connection taken by: iris hart )
10. Friendships: While there are plots listed already for friend connections, there is always room for more. Anyone with an idea for a friendship is welcome to send a message to discuss something we can work with. 
11. Rivalry: These are a little harder to predetermine given the fact that it might be better to discuss possible reasons as to why they don’t get along. Whether it’s a simple annoyance or something that has come to punches being thrown, discussing the details would be best
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promisedangel · 6 years
Fresh Meat: Confinement- Chapter 4
I wanted to get this up yesterday, but I ended up rewritting a good chunk of dialogue and pushing it to today.
Chapter 4- Grief
Chara’s mind was consumed by the thought of what had just transpired. Their dreams replayed and distorted the memory of the trial. Chara could see the entrance to the castle just as it was. The crowd was a sea of faceless monsters. All were grey and of one form. Their shouts were muddled and distant. The guards at the foot of the ramp were bland as well. They were unmoving. The guards around them were nearly the same. Something was different. Chara did not feel the ropes around them. They looked at their feet to see the ropes all lay there, slack and unbound from their form. Their eyes widened. When did this happen, they wondered. Did I break through them? Did someone untie me?
Their thoughts were interrupted by Gaster’s voice, the first voice Chara could clearly hear, “Then first, the king who betrayed his people’s trust!” Chara heard the familiar noise of Gaster’s summoned bones. Chara quickly turned their gaze to see Asgore’s death replay before them. Chara’s eyes widened in shock. Didn’t this just happen? Chara felt a wave of confusion and grief. Tears began to endlessly stream from their eyes. Why was this repeating? Or was this the real one and the event before was a premonition? Their eyes began to wander to Toriel and Asriel. If that was the case… Gaster began to approach Toriel. Chara’s gaze darkened. They struggled to push past their guards. The guards barely moved, they were still as stone. They did not react to Chara’s pushing. Through their struggles, Chara could see Gaster’s magic strike Toriel. Chara shook. They had to stop this.
With a few more struggles, Chara managed to squeeze between their guards. None of them reacted, but Chara did not notice. Chara ran as fast as their legs could carry them. They ran towards Asriel, who was still curled in a ball in fear. Gaster stepped in front of Asriel. Chara’s chest felt heavy. They soon noticed that they weren’t any closer to Asriel and Gaster. They began to panic, “No! Asriel!” No matter how much they ran, it seemed as though they ran in place. Chara reached forward towards Asriel. They cried out, “Please! Let him live!” Gaster paused with a frown. He turned his gaze towards Chara. Chara slowed for a second. They gritted their teeth and roared. They charged. Yet still, they ran in place. Gaster gave a smirk, “You haven’t noticed.” Chara paused. Noticed what? They stopped in their tracks. Gaster pointed directly at them, “You are under my control.” Chara’s eyes widened. They looked down at their chest. Their soul was alight, coated in Gaster’s blue magic. Chara tried to move but found themselves locked in place. Gaster chuckled darkly, “Y O U  C A N ‘ T  S A V E  H I M.” Chara quietly begged, “No… please, no!”
In an instant, bones once more pierced Asriel’s chest. Asriel’s locket shimmered in the dream, yet it too crumbled to dust with its owner. Chara shrieked. They couldn’t do anything again to save him. Chara curled inward. They heard a wicked laughter emanate from Gaster. The dream faded in an instant.
Chara awoke with a sharp gasp. They sat up in their bed and began to breathe heavily. They shivered from a cold sweat. It was a dream. At least, the replay was.
They heard a small gasp beside them. After a moment to collect themselves, Chara looked to their left to see Alphys a few steps from their bedside. Alphys hesitated, unsure of what Chara would do. She spoke worriedly, “It-It's ok now! It’s… it’s over…” Chara took a moment to gather their thoughts. Their memories. The real execution came to their mind. A sickness rooted in their stomach. Chara once more reached for their locket and found it was not there. Instead, they hugged themselves and shook for a moment. Alphys frowned and relaxed. She spoke in an apologetic tone, “I’m sorry… I… I didn’t know that it would… turn out like… well… that…” Chara curled inwards slightly. They hugged themselves tighter. Alphys continued, “If it helps… you weren’t asleep for very long! An hour, maybe two hours at most! I-I’m not sure, exactly… I’ve been making sure nothing bad happened. You, um… you were breathing heavily and turning a lot in your sleep, so…”
Chara gritted their teeth for only a moment. Their body relaxed slightly. They stopped shaking. Tears began to flow, accompanied by little weeps. Alphys paused. She fully relaxed, caught off guard by Chara’s weeps. She approached Chara, “Chara… I…” Chara curled inward. They pulled their knees to their chest and curled their neck down. Their hands cupped their face. They began to weep harder. Alphys paused. She stood there, nervous. Her mind went a million miles a minute. Should she help? Could she help? Nothing could bring the Dreemurrs back, after all. She was also nervous Chara could lash out. She easily heard all the details of the trial and how Chara reacted. Yet, here the human sat. Hopeless and in grief.
Alphys sighed. She had to help. She knew it was the right thing to do. She slowly approached Chara. She hesitated to raise her hand. She placed it on Chara’s left shoulder. Chara’s head shot up with a gasp. Chara instinctually jumped slightly away from Alphys’s touch. They shook. Fear showed across their face. Alphys sharply curled her arms inward at Chara’s reaction. She frowned and gave an apologetic tone, “I’m sorry… I didn’t mean to scare you…” Chara relaxed slightly. They frowned deeply. They sat with their legs folded to one side. They hugged themselves lightly. They spoke, their voice threatened to break, “… leave me alone…” Alphys protested gently, “But, I-“ Chara furrowed their brow. They uncurled their arms as they curled their hands into fists. They raised their voice firmly, “Just go!” Alphys backed up. Chara’s voice quieted and their voice broke, “Please… I want to be alone...”
Alphys lowered her head. She said nothing as she turned towards the door. Chara curled inwards on their bed. Their sobs resumed. Alphys paused at the door. She spoke calmly, not sure Chara would listen to her, “I’ll… come back in a while to check on you.” Chara continued their sobs. They did not react to Alphys’s words. Alphys gave one last sigh before she left the room and locked the door behind her.
Chara calmed down over time. They had no clue how much time had passed. They calmly laid in their bed. They hugged themselves and their tears continued to stain their pillow. They didn’t want to move. They didn’t want to open their eyes if it meant their current situation wasn’t a dream. This can’t be real, they thought, they can’t be dead!
Their thoughts were interrupted by two voices in the distance. It was at first a murmur. One was raised to nearly a shout, just enough for Chara to hear, “Enough!” Their eyes shot open. They knew that voice. His voice. The voices returned to murmurs, but they grew closer as the conversation seemed to finish with Gaster giving a firm tone. Chara began to hear a single pair of footsteps in the distance. They shot up on their bed and began to get up. Once they were almost up they froze. The trial repeated in their mind. They shook. Their hands tightened to fists. They gritted their teeth. Rage boiled within them as the steps grew closer. Fear was still there, but rage overtook it. One thought consumed their mind; he will pay.
The footsteps stopped in front of their door. They readied themselves. They heard the familiar click of the door’s lock. The door opened. Chara immediately charged the door with a war cry. The second the door revealed Gaster’s face, Chara could see his eyes were already alight with magic. His blue brighter than his orange. Chara felt themselves lift up a few feet above the ground. They grunted as they struggled to break free of Gaster’s magic around their soul. Gaster entered the room with a smirk, “That was quite the performance today at the trial. I didn’t expect your reaction to be that satisfying.” Chara stopped their struggles. They glared at Gaster and spoke full of venom, “You monster.” Gaster shrugged and frowned lightly, “And here I thought you were going to insult me. Instead, you state a fact. I’m disappointed in you.” Chara smirked. They spoke, their voice full of a dark confidence, “Let me go and I will change that.” Gaster immediately frowned. Using his magic, he sent Chara into the back wall. Chara grunted and tried to hold their head, a pounding headache began from the attack. Gaster stepped to the center of the room. He put his right hand to the scar Chara gave him as he spoke, “And allow you to give me another scar? No. I’m done underestimating you.”
Gaster approached as Chara reoriented themselves. He stopped just in front of them. He raised his right hand and wrapped it around Chara’s neck tightly. Chara barely made a noise of shock. Their eyes shot open in a panic. Their hands struggled to move Gaster’s hand from their neck. Gaster spoke darkly, “I may need every single drop of blood your body can produce, but I have other ways of making you pay for what you’ve done!” Chara choked their words out weakly, “What… I’ve… done?! You’ve…”
Chara’s hands moved with more intensity. They could barely breathe. Gaster saw their struggle. He let go of Chara’s neck. Chara breathed heavily and coughed. Gaster took a couple steps back and allowed Chara to recover. After Chara’s coughs partially subsided, Gaster spoke firmly, “All I’ve done after your arrival was in reaction to your efforts! I admit it was a mistake to bring my proposal to your previous owners in my original language-“ Chara spat, “They aren’t my owners!” Gaster shrugged, “Cling to that little family concept all you want, it does not matter now that I own you.” Chara roared out in defiance, “You are not my owner! I will never obey you!” Gaster counted on his fingers, “Hmm. I currently house you, ensure you are taken care of, protect you from monsters that would devour you...” He smirked, “That sounds like an owner, does it not?” Chara hissed, “Shut up…” Gaster crooked his head slightly and put his hands behind his back, “You may be defiant now, but I will find ways to make you obey. I will make the fifty to sixty years we have together your personal hell if I have to. After all, I have to pay you back for what you did to my eye.”
Chara racked their mind for a response. None came. All they could do was glare at Gaster and grit their teeth. Gaster relaxed and a satisfied smirk curled on his face. He closed his eyes and released Chara from his magic. Chara dropped to the floor with a thud. As Chara groaned from the impact, Gaster reached into his pocket. He spoke calmly, “I promised you a reward for behaving at the trial. This should suffice.”
Gaster pulled a small object out of his pocket. He tossed it to the floor in front of Chara. The clatter of metal made Chara’s head perk up. Their eyes locked onto the small object. Chara let out a small gasp; it was their locket. Chara quickly grabbed it and cupped it within both their hands to their chest. Gaster spoke once more, “Besides, I have this.” Gaster dug into one of his other pockets. He pulled out an extremely similar looking object. He let it dangle from a few of his claws so Chara could see. He held Asriel’s locket. Chara’s eyes widened at the sight of the matching locket. They let out a, “No…” They stood. They held their own locket and spoke with venom, “That locket doesn’t belong to you…”
Gaster’s finger’s curled around Asriel’s locket. He held the actual locket part between a few claws. He replied, “Until such time I deem you have earned this reward, it will belong to me. However, should you misbehave…” Gaster noticeably squeezed his thumb and forefinger together on the locket. The locket tried to move from the pressure. Chara gasped, “No!” A wall of bones materialized before Chara. Chara grunted as they tried to reach Gaster through the wall, but he stood just out of reach. Gaster turned away from Chara before he stowed Asriel’s locket back into his pocket. He spoke, “If you want the remaining locket, I suggest you behave yourself. Perhaps after a year of good behavior, I’ll gift it to you.” Chara roared, “No! Give it to me, now! You don’t deserve it after what you did to him!”
Gaster replied calmly, “You are as much to blame for their death as I am. I may have been the executioner, but your lies and control over the Dreemurrs sent them to their death. It is your fault you will never be with them again.” Chara growled, “Liar!” Gaster mused, “Although… that is not entirely true…” Gaster turned back towards Chara. He put a hand to his chest, “Every time you see me, you will be close to them. Their souls will sustain me for at least a few months.” Chara sat down on the floor and covered their ears. They cried out, “Stop it!”
Gaster chuckled to himself, amused at Chara’s reaction. He changed the subject, “I, unfortunately, must go. Don’t worry, I will be back tomorrow. Since I cannot take more blood for a while, we will start your soul research tomorrow. Remember to behave until then.”
Gaster turned and left the room. He locked the door behind him before he released his magic. The bones disappeared from the room. Chara was once again left alone in the dark. They looked at their locket in their hands, barely able to see it in the darkness. They walked over to the light switch. The locket was just as they remembered. They opened it. The picture of the Dreemurrs and themselves was still there. The picture was the one where Chara hid their face in the bouquet of flowers. Asriel had looked over in a giggle. Asgore and Toriel were regal. Tears streamed from Chara’s eyes once again. This is how they should be remembered. Chara closed the locket before they fastened it around their neck. The locket dangled around their neck. Chara couldn’t help but crack a smile. Somehow, the instant they put the locket around their neck, they felt a small semblance of comfort. They held the locket around their neck with both hands and sat on the floor with their eyes closed. It was back with them at last.
An excerpt from the journal of Dr. W. D. Gaster
…The trial itself went as expected. The human’s reaction caused some minor concern among a few monsters, but I assured them that it was necessary and that the human was fine. I was also able to quickly retrieve Asriel’s necklace, the one that perfectly matches the human’s little collar. I knew I could use it as an incentive to make the human behave. Therefore, I gave the human its initial collar back. Yet it still believes it can make demands. I will find a way to break its will eventually. Alphys confronted me with concerns about the human’s mental state after the trial. She tried to argue with me that this was going to come back to bite us someday. I will have to monitor her reports extremely carefully. I suspect she may already be falling under the human’s sway. It didn’t take long for the Dreemurr’s, after all.
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iquitbeingbad · 6 years
After 4 Shots
Monday April 23, 2018
The problem is that I feel that we are undressing each other with the way we stare at each other: lingering… and then a few minutes after, stealing looks when the other’s not looking. I was trying to think of each stare. Why some are quick and the others so long. There are times that you don’t look away and then you look at me as if you’re remembering details.
But then after saying hellos, our actions scream denial of the fact that we’re already on our way to dream of each other later and on the nights to follow.
I’ve stared at the distance of my hands from yours and I’ve measured it to be at least 2 to 4 shots more before I get the courage to touch it. In my head, it’s already down your chest, my right hand playing through your buttons. You’re not looking in my direction anymore. It’s as if you’re trying your hardest to do that too. I don’t know if it’s offensive or if it’s to neutralize the electric feeling when we meet eyes.
I imagine going to the bathroom, and you following a second before you can start rationalizing your decisions.  I imagine myself, without the intention of fucking you there but then surprised to see you enter and purposefully hold me. It was a skin shattering feeling to confirm that what I was feeling was real. My back was turned against the door from which you entered. You didn’t say hi or hello. You went straight to hold my neck and waist, your lips licking mine, begging for entrance twice. I was applying lipstick then but I got rid of it, set it aside as your lips became my priority. I bet you tasted the strawberry because you didn’t leave my lips alone until the air we’re sharing was just from each other’s own. When I opened my eyes, yours were still closed and I think that was when I fell in love with this moment that was ours – ours alone. I reached for your lips and smiled against them – pecking you from there downwards. I left you only one hickey in contrast to the numerous you left me. Your eyes were dilated and black like deep ocean when you looked at my very own pupils and whispered, I’m sorry if that’d hurt, I just couldn’t get enough.
For a moment you nestled your face in the nook between my neck and shoulder. And I took that moment with you. You broke the silence when you momentarily left me sitting down the counter, locked the door, and asked, “Do you dream of me at night? Maybe once or twice since we met that other night?”
“I don’t. I think of you while its daylight and I’m sober, doing things to me that I’ve been craving-“I paused, gasped when you pressed your thumb over my clit, “-for forever.”
“Things like what?” you asked and it baffled me and also turned me further on – the expression of how innocent you looked when you did.
I curled my lips, I wanted you to talk more so I answered you with, “And why do you ask? What are your dreams like?”
“Oh, I don’t know if it’s polite to even tell you such stories.” You replied with your neck starting to color up red. I smiled upon hearing the word polite. Afterwards, I pulled you closer, wrapping my legs round your waist. I reply, “This too, may not be polite but when I think of you, I think of how you’re in a hurry to fuck me, excited to put that dick inside me and make it a goal to cum with me. You leave hard grasps around my shoulders and waist and I moaned the following words s l o w l y against you ear, “h a r d e r, f f a s t e r, m h h h m m, fuck.” licking your ear in the process to encourage you further.”
“Mmmmhhh, harder, fuck, faster.” You breathily whispered to my ear in reply. This earned you a moan from me and it kickstarted me to guide you fingers inside me already. Or your dick. “Just penetrate me.” I thought.
There was none to little foreplay after that. You fucked me hard, as instructed. Against the counter, against the wall, from behind and down the floor. It was disgusting and you were the only part of it that I enjoyed.
You and I came together, inside me. Both our hearts stopped and we felt each other’s surprise as we gripped each other harder. But fuck, we were too crazed to stop! We fucked again and again. You came and then I came. A blowjob and then pussy eating. We tried to fuck some more and laughed when about after 5 minutes of initiating we realized that we’ve already exhausted everything. I moaned a sound of satisfaction and then we kissed. Sloppy, wet, and necessary. I loved the mixing scent of sweat, sex, and exclusive satisfaction.
I almost came from my imagination. Contrary to what’s expected, it neutralized my hunger. I calmed down and even though the 4 shots I’ve taken, I didn’t had the urgency to hold your hands anymore.
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fractissomnium · 7 years
His Early Chapters
(*A very long drabble about Ienzo’s early years. Basically everything prior to the bitty you see in BBS. Also please note that it is 100% compromised of headcanons; there is literally nothing in the games that support anything that I have written except for the dead parents.
Also spoiler alert: his parents die. The drabble itself is under the cut because like I said, it’s stupid long.*)
It was the one thing Vivienne had wanted for her entire life: more than a picturesque wedding, more than her perfect career, more than riches or a house big enough to shelter an entire army. She wanted a child, a baby boy that she could love, raise and protect with everything in her. It was a relief when she met Florian and, after telling him she wanted children, he smiled and promised they would have as many kids as she wanted.
She cried the first time she held Ienzo, running her fingers over the soft plane of his face, the slate-colored peach fuzz covering his head, tracing each of his ten little fingers and ten little toes. She whispered Aiko, over and over as she held him. A sweet nickname, something she would call him as long as he would let her. He was perfection, everything she had hoped he would be. Florian, letting a few tears of his own slip out, cradled his wife and child in his arms as he sat beside her in the hospital bed. The pregnancy had been easy, the delivery slightly grueling, and Ienzo soon proved to be an easy baby. He was easy to settle; Vivienne had spent her life collecting beautiful, intricately carved wooden music boxes. When Ienzo fussed, she or Florian would wind one up, place it beside his crib and sit beside his bed until he fell asleep. Vivienne, much to Florian’s distress, would often take it a few steps farther, happily lifting the baby up and cradling him against her chest, letting her long, dark locks flutter in his face. Small fists would grab the hair, gently holding onto it, and the combination of the music, the hair and the softness of his mother beneath him would lull Ienzo back into sleep within minutes.
He was a precocious child, often too curious for his own good. His teachers adored him, and every person that his parents brought him around felt the need to comment on what a well-behaved child he was. While his mother introduced him to music and the passion it could bring, it was his father that started the tradition of reading to Ienzo, and it was his father who bought the first book that Ienzo read in its entirety on his own, Tom’s Midnight Garden. He was never particularly active, always preferring to sit on the sidelines and watch when other kids were playing sports.
Most of what the family did was local enough that they could walk, Ienzo’s tiny arms stretched above his head to hold onto both Florian and Vivienne’s hands at the same time. He found it fun, walking between his two favorite people, smiling through the tuft of hair that neither parent could quite keep out of his face. It fell over his right eye in soft bangs, no matter how often his mother tried to push it away. Ienzo liked it; it was like a curtain he could hide behind when too many people were around for his comfort. Every so often, they would go on a trip that took them somewhere more distant, something that required driving as opposed to walking. Ienzo wasn’t averse to his booster seat, and he loved to sit back and watch the scenery go by, smiling and pointing out each interesting thing he saw to his mother. He tried to show his father at times, but Florian was often the one driving, leaving him unavailable to look at every tree, bird or pretty car that Ienzo wanted him to see.
The one thing Ienzo hated was the rain. He liked going outside, and he liked playing. Rain meant he had to stay inside, and no amount of books or music boxes, or even cuddle time with his mother or father, could make up for the fact that he wasn’t allowed outside. If it was his choice, that was one thing. But when it was against his wishes, the containment made Ienzo act up.
It was this very reason that Vivienne suggested to Florian that they take Ienzo to a museum. They’d been to a number of them in his six years, but a new one had opened recently, and Vivienne was dying to take her son. It’s a surprise, she’d whispered after Ienzo asked where they were going. Vivienne smiled, kissed his forehead and finished buckling him in before settling into the front seat with her husband. Ienzo watched the raindrops race one another down the window beside him, tracing the winner’s path with one small finger. He was entranced, caught up in the excitement of which drop would win the race, so distracted that he didn’t see it happen.
One minute, all Ienzo had to care about was raindrops. The next, there was a bright flash of light to his left, and then chaos. His mother screaming in front of him. Glass shattering and shards cutting open the side of his face. Metal twisting and creaking as the car rolled over. His father’s panicked voice, followed closely by the sound of coughing, raspy breathing and then silence from the driver’s seat. His booster seat had become loose in the accident, but it had saved him from any serious injury. Ienzo ached, and he could feel blood on one side of his body, dripping from a shallow head wound. The car lay on its side, and through the crack between the passenger seat and window, Ienzo could his mother. Clawing at the seatbelt that still held him in place, Ienzo freed himself and crawled across the glass shards to reach the front seat. He’d never been up there before; his parents always said he was too small. Vivienne smiled when she saw her son, struggling to hold her arms out for him. Without hesitation, Ienzo dove into her embrace, tears streaming down his cheeks. He was small, and he didn’t understand everything just yet, but he knew enough about the world to know that sometimes people died, and sometimes it wasn’t expected.
“Mama?” Ienzo carefully tried to peel the glass out of her hair, naively thinking that it would help her feel better. “Mama, we have to go.” His voice broke, and his fingers instinctively continued brushing through her hair.
Vivienne shook her head and opened her mouth to speak, but between the screaming from outside the car, the heavy sound of rain hitting his face through the broken glass and the sound of his own tears, Ienzo couldn’t hear what she was saying. He leaned in closer, and one of Vivienne’s hands laced into his hair. Ienzo’s ear moved closer to her lips, and he could vaguely hear the familiar tune of his favorite music box. In small increments, the notes calmed him, the way they so often did when he was an infant that needed soothing. But Vivienne’s voice grew quieter, the notes coming farther in between, and Ienzo looked up again just in time to see it. I love you, Ienzo. She mouthed them, too far gone to hope to speak them, and not wanting to struggle to try. The hand stroking Ienzo’s hair fell away, and Vivienne’s eyes closed.
The glass from the front windshield had shattered upon impact, and when the car began rolling, it had broken entirely, leaving a gaping hole in front of him. It was a panicked reaction, one Ienzo had done often growing up. When things were too much, when the crowds were too big, when the people around were too loud, he ran. He never made it far because his parents were much faster than he was, and they would inevitably scoop him up-- within a few steps after they knew what to expect. But this time, when Ienzo ran, there was no one paying enough attention to stop him. The sirens were still distant, and most of the onlookers were still in their cars. There were woods nearby, and Ienzo dashed into them, ignoring the blood that was dripping into his eye, the rain that made each step slippery, the tears that clouded his vision, even the aches of his entire right side from injuries he’d likely sustained in the crash.
He ran. He ran, and he ran, and he only stopped when a house finally came into view. Exhausted, cold and in pain all over, Ienzo walked up the steps of the two-floor house, reaching on his toes for the doorbell and slumping to the ground when he heard the noise from within. A woman answered the door, and her long, dark hair was so like his mother’s that, for a moment, Ienzo couldn’t react to the stranger asking him if he needed help. His only response was to reach up his arms, and the woman called a man’s name behind her before lifting the child. Vaguely, he could hear the two unfamiliar voices above him talking, but the moment he felt something soft beneath him, Ienzo was out cold.
When he woke up, he was confused. The bed he was in wasn’t his. There was no music box lulling him into sleep. And when he began to cry, the woman that walked in wasn’t his mother. But she was soft, and she had dark hair, and she smiled at him, so when she sat on the bed, he crawled into her lap. She asked him questions. Are you hurt? Where are your parents? Where do you live? But no matter how hard he tried, the words wouldn’t come out. It was almost as if they were stuck in his throat, and it frustrated him even more, causing his tears to come harder. Shhh, it’s okay, it’s okay. You’re safe here. This can be your home now.
And at first, it almost felt like home. The woman’s name was Sakura, and her husband’s was Katashi. Katashi spent a lot of time out of the house; Ienzo assumed he was working. Sakura cared for Ienzo. She nursed the wounds the crash had given him, and she never once pushed him to talk to her, which was lucky because Ienzo wasn’t sure he’d ever be able to speak again. A part of him recognized that he should find a way to go back home. He had no other family, but surely someone must have been missing him. It wasn’t as if his parents were without friends and acquaintances, and those people, he was sure, would have noticed that he vanished and hadn’t turned up. But for now, he was growing accustomed to where he was.
When Katashi lost his job, Ienzo watched from the hallway outside the guest room he was sleeping in as Sakura held him. They cried, both of them, and in low voices, murmured about what their next step would be. Katashi gestured toward Ienzo at one point, unaware that the child was even there, and he backed into the room, curling up and falling asleep. The next day, he tried to force himself to talk. He would need to if he wanted to tell them his name, where he was from. The couple, as nice as they’d been to him, couldn’t be forced to continue caring for a child that wasn’t theirs, especially when neither of them was working. But Sakura came home that night and told her husband that she’d found work in the meantime, until he was back on his feet.
It started with one drink, maybe two, but within a week, Katashi was drinking himself into oblivion every night. He started fighting with Sakura, and after a fit of screaming, Ienzo sat up when his bedroom door opened. Sakura, eyes red-rimmed and puffy, stood by his doorway, and Ienzo rubbed his eyes and tripped over to her. His intention was to hug her, the way he’d done a number of times in the two weeks he’d been there. Before he could even reach his arms out, she raised her and hit him across the face. Once, only once, and the actions was so shocking that Ienzo could do little more than bring his hand to his cheek and touch the warm, red spot. “This is your fault,” she snarled, turning and leaving the room, slamming the door behind her.
The violence continued, gradually getting worse over the following few weeks. After the first smack across the face, Sakura began taking all of her frustration out on Ienzo, and eventually, Katashi began doing the same. When she had a bad day at work, when his interviews didn’t pan out, when either of them had too much to drink. Ienzo often barely had time to heal up from one beating before the next one came along. Getting out of bed became more and more difficult each morning. He was certain he had broken bones, bruises flowered over almost every visible spot on his arms and legs, his face had cuts and swelling. Ienzo was a mess, and he struggled with every motion. As he lay down one night, exhausted and sore, the door to his bedroom opened. Katashi stumbled in, and even from the distance, Ienzo could smell the alcohol coming from his breath. Sakura hovered behind him, and just as he turned over to stumble off the bed, a hand wrapped around his throat. Ienzo reached up, clawing at the strong fingers; it was already getting harder to breathe. He kicked out, lashing out frantically, which only served to infuriate Katashi more. The man grabbed Ienzo by the arm, screaming in his face and dragging the child out of the room. Ienzo lost track of what was happening, but he had the vague impression of being swung into a wall repeatedly. But then, like magic, he was floating through the air. Flying. He could feel his hair moving with the wind.
He crashed hard on the bottom of the stairs, and he curled up in a futile effort to protect himself. His right ear was ringing, his body ached more than it had before, and he could distantly hear footsteps stumbling down the stairs that he’d just been thrown down. Ienzo dragged himself to his feet, holding onto the knob of the front door. It turned in his hand, and instinct took over. Throwing open the door, Ienzo tripped, crawled, moved as fast as he could away from the house. Katashi yelled drunkenly from the steps, but Ienzo had stopped listening, panic forcing him farther into the darkness surrounding the house.
Everything ached, exhaustion weighed each step down, and for one terrifying moment, he almost wished he’d stayed at the house long enough to lay on something soft. To his left, Ienzo bumped into a massive wall, far higher than he could see. It wasn’t comfortable, but it would suit the purpose he needed. He sat, and then lay down, legs curled up to his chest, and head resting on the hard ground. Finally, Ienzo let the tears fall, alone and undisturbed. He wasn’t sure exactly when it happened, but at some point, he drifted off, only to be woken up when something hit his bare foot. A tall man stood above him, and he forgot for a moment that he had left the house. A quiet whimper slipped past his lips, and Ienzo sat up, attempting to back up, but wincing in pain immediately. The man lowered, and his gentle blue eyes held a look of concern that astonished the small child. His rust-colored hair was slicked back in short, messy spikes, and his blue uniform had a red hair emblazoned on the chest. Ienzo continued to whimper, reaching back one arm to slide backwards. The weight made him cry out; his broken arm couldn’t handle him leaning on it. The man spoke, and his voice was gentle and calm. “I know you’re scared. I won’t hurt you. My name is Aeleus. If you come with me, I’ll find someone to take care of you. Can you do that?”
He hesitated. The last person he’d trusted to take care of him had hurt him, and badly. But this man seemed gentle, kind, and Ienzo was far too exhausted to fight anymore. He shook his head, reaching up with his uninjured arm. Walking was out of the question, and he wished he could say it out loud, but Aeleus seemed to understand. Setting aside his weapon, he carefully lifted Ienzo, and the child curled against his chest as much as he could. It was dark outside, and thankfully, it wasn’t very bright when the went indoors. It must have been much later that Ienzo originally thought. His attempts to follow the direction Aeleus was carrying him-- in case he needed to escape later-- were thwarted; he kept fading in and out of consciousness. It seemed like forever before he felt something soft beneath him, and a blanket was laid over his chest. Immediately, Ienzo curled up on his side and fell asleep, only to be awoken by a soft touch to his hair.
In the soft haze of sleep, Ienzo allowed himself to believe his mother was touching his hair, and that any moment, the familiar sound of a music box would permeate the air. He squeezed his eyes closed, desperate to stay in his fantasy for just another few minutes. But, in tiny increments, Ienzo became all too aware that he was not home. The hand touching the back of his head seemed more probing than comforting. The blanket and sheets, while soft, didn’t feel like his. There were smells in the air that he didn’t recognize, and sounds that grated on his ears. Bleary and still tired, Ienzo opened his eyes and attempted to sit up, but was stopped by a pair of firm hands.
“No, no, child. Don’t sit up just yet. You’re injuries are… extensive. You need to be still. Can you do that?” He didn’t recognize the voice, and that one simple fact caused a panic. Ienzo sat up the rest of the way, backing up on the bed as far as he could manage. The man was blond, his shoulder-length hair slicked back. He wore a white lab coat, and a red scarf rested around his shoulders. “Please, I need you to be still. I don’t want you to hurt yourself farther.”
Aeleus. He wanted Aeleus. He knew who Aeleus was, if nothing else. The other man was a stranger, but Aeleus was familiar enough. Ienzo shook his head, staring at the blond man with wide, terror-filled eyes. For a moment, they simply stared at one another, but finally the man ducked his head, exiting the room and returning seconds later with Aeleus. Ienzo slumped over in relief, reaching for the man as he had the night before. Surprised, but encouraged by a nod from the blond man, he reached out and picked Ienzo up. Two small arms reached up, wrapping around Aeleus’s neck, regardless of the pain it caused. Ienzo’s head rested against one of the broad shoulders, and he yawned, drifting off again.
For a week, he was kept in the room. The blond man, Ansem, came by often, attempting to draw Ienzo into conversation, and failing each time. So instead, he talked, and Ienzo came to know where he was. A castle in a place called Radiant Gardens. Ansem ruled it, and the man who had found Ienzo outside the castle wall was one of a number of guards that kept the castle and its inhabitants safe. Once his broken bones began to heal, Ansem began bringing Ienzo to walk through the castle and its grounds with him; along the way, he would introduce Ienzo to different people, carrying a conversation that Ienzo couldn’t participate in. He kept on guard, always nervous, always scared, and always prepared to run.
It was Aeleus who finally managed to break his silence. The guard needed to take a trip into town, and, at Ansem’s insistence, brought Ienzo along with him. He’d lifted the child easily onto his shoulders, holding onto each small foot to keep him from falling, and for the first time since the car accident, Ienzo relaxed and let himself smile. It wasn’t until they were on the way back that Ienzo squirmed in place, a signal to Aeleus to please put him back on the ground, and he did, but not before Ienzo had darted off upon seeing an ice cream stand. The sweet treats always drew him in, and the stand brought a smile to his face. He turned, intent on silently asking for one, but the moment he did, Ienzo’s eyes landed on Sakura. She didn’t see him, not at first, but the sight of her struck him with such horror, that he began shaking; tears filled his eyes, and breath seemed to be a struggle. In a flash, Aeleus was at his side, picking the child up and asking him what was wrong, and it was all Ienzo could do to point a shaky finger toward Sakura.
Without asking another question, Aeleus turned, tucking Ienzo’s head against his shoulder and walking back up to the castle. He deposited Ienzo into Ansem’s care, and then departed to drop off whatever it was he’d purchased in town. It wasn’t until later in the day that Ienzo saw the guard again. Curled up in his bed, a book in his small hands, the child sat up slowly when Aeleus entered the room. The guard sat on the ground, crooking a finger toward Ienzo, who immediately clambered up and sat beside the mountain of a man. “I usually prefer to hear a story from someone directly. I’m not sure what happened to you before you were here, but I know what you looked like when I found you outside, and I know you couldn’t have gotten far in that state. I know you almost had a meltdown when you saw that woman in the marketplace earlier. What I don’t know is how much of that she did to you, and how much of that he did to you.” Blinking in surprise, Ienzo glanced up at Aeleus, mouth agape. “I paid them a visit. I’m not one to make promises I can’t keep, but I can promise you they’ll never hurt you again. No one will; not if I have anything to say about it. You’re safe here. We can’t make you stay, but we all want you too. Will you do that?”
For a moment, he wanted to say no. This wasn’t his home; this would never be his home. His home was with his mom and his dad. But that thought pulled Ienzo up short; his mom and dad were gone. Instead of respond, Ienzo crawled into Aeleus’s lap. He settled against the man’s chest for a moment, mind racing, before sitting back up. Putting a hand on his own chest, Ienzo looked up. His voice, when it came out, was a whisper, hoarse from nearly two months of no use. “Ienzo.”
Aeleus smiled, the first time he’d done so since Ienzo had met the man. “It’s nice to meet you, Ienzo. Should I tell Ansem to find you a more suitable room?” Ienzo nodded, widening Aeleus’s smile. “Very well. I’ll do that now. You look tired; you should sleep.”
With the door closed behind the castle guard, Ienzo climbed back into bed. It would be an uphill battle, and he was sure he would be likely to stumble along the way. But he was safe, he was cared for, and no matter what happened, Ienzo had a friend. His eyes drifted shut, and for the first time in months, Ienzo slept without nightmares.
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