oetscop · 2 years
i think the funniest shit ever is that girls go on hrt and just like get soft skin and boobs and its great. and then guys go on hrt and are like horny and get backne and have to relearn how to cry LMAO
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silliest-heartaches · 11 months
Ohh my god DRINKKK!! Dude I love them sooo muchhh. I just love imagining them being head over heels for each other yet constantly denying their feelings, because of how they view themselves, yet still finding comfort and solace with each other. They are so. YES. PERFECT. AUGH.
And I love how you use they/them for Ink and she/her for Dream!!
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GOD YEAH I LIKE THEM SO INCREDIBLY MUCH... tbh the main reason i started liking them was bc i was thinking abt them and how doomed yuri coded they were and. The worms Wormed in from there,,,,
I actually use he/they and she/they for ink and dream respectively but!!!!!! I love all hcs and interpretations of them for REAL. nonbinary people who are gay as fuck for real,, very inherrently queer ship regardless of how u see either of them i think...heart seeing them as t4t transmasc and transfem forever personally though so thats what i see em as hehe,, also in my head theyre both aroacespec (though the specifc kind varies from au to au though i do consistently see ink as ace and dream as demiaro :>>)
Im not sure how long these will be so...hcs under the cut lol
- okay well while in my mind while error is technically the First Entity ink sees that isnt just a normal entity, dream is like their First. Friend. you know. Like when error first saw him he was screaming and crying for the hills bc it was also his first time seeing another outcode so. that reaction BUT with dream she was more filled with gentle confusion... this is a bit after she unstoned in the apple incident but still was new to au hopping and naive to most danger so they became friends!!! Questionably so.
-to elaborate, when they first meet dream is still stuck on the ideals of toxic positivity and pushing through hardship no matter what... i think this is something they eventually grow out of and dream will eventually learn to see the need for balance eventually but one of their first disputes happens when ink is running low on ink and most of whats left are the Negative Emotions within him alongside the especially strong panic that he usually feels when they get like this... dream would try to comfort him and try to say that itll work out in the end no matter what and that they just need to push through and that itll be okay like normal comforting words because dream is an empath and can sense feelings right,,i feel like its comforting in some cases but when things get Really Bad and especially when the main reserves of feelings that ink has are Negative, they heavily override his normal sense of self and i imagine they get a lot more. Snappy.... theres also the additional hc thingy of ink also really overexaggerating his feelings and overplaying them a lot for the sake of trying to feel more intensely (doesnt work, just drains him faster and will never truly feel natural to him...personally think that ink feels a lot of disconnect from his feelings) which could be considerably offputting to dream (though before adding swap to the group she thought it wass normal because she had only seen the fake pretend nice joy of the village influenced by her aura and not Genuine Feelings)
I think eventually through the years they would learn a lot from eachother...like with ink learning to be more naturally charismatic and dream learning to see past toxic positivity and have his perception on emotions change for the better (ie in learning that having different emotions are okay, so long as there is a balance)
id do alot more hcs but tbh what it boils down to is: toxic codependent yuri. intensely up and down relationship where theres an insane amount of love and attachment but also a lack of self from the both of them because they are only able to see themselves as a Thing to the other. Also exes who turned out to be besties. Thry got together and broke up wayyy before blue (they casually tell him stories about it and for the parts that he does know about he is horrified for.) Oh and they share hobbies and do parallel play alot. dream is more music oriented and can play the cello and flute. ink can play the ukelele but hes more familiar with drawing and painting duh. Also they have a garden. they love growing flowers but their favourites are sunflowers. Also have writing sessions together. Also may/may not also have beautiful princess disorder. (The both of them)
im so sorry this is so incoherrent but erm. yeah im very normal abt them (half of this stuff comes from oc projection the other half is like. Mental illness while in the shower tbh)
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actualbird · 1 year
do you think the nxx ever cries or just… don’t deal with their emotions in a healthy way? they must be so emotionally repressed!
im so sorry but this is worded in a way i find absolutely hilarious omfg. do they cry or do they suck it up til the end of time? KJAHVSJFHAVSLFSFKJA
i like to think they Do cry, but my god it takes a Lot. this goes for All of them. like, we've seen in canon when the nxx boys and rosa cries, and it's usually during/after very high stakes or very emotional situations. some examples off the top of my head are
marius cries in SSR Unconcealable, the card where mc gets KIDNAPPED and then both of them get TRAPPED IN A FREEZER FOR A HOT SEC
mc cries in SSR Peaceful Place because she thought luke got shot and DIED,
luke cries in his Blossom Chapter Personal Story 4 because he thought mc DROWNED AND DIED
artem cries in SSR Two Hearts as one because he got so emotional acting like he was choking mc
vyn cries in...well, several cards like SR False Tears and SSR Neon Melody but those were 1) not exactly a "healthy" way of dealing with emotions or 2) caused by pepper spray KJHVSKJDF. im behind on vyn's cards, idk in which ones he cries honestly due to genuine in distress
so like, they DO cry. but it seems to take rather a lot to get them there. the flipside is that they also cry when overcome with immensely positive emotion (like, mc was on the verge of tears when luke finally proposed in SSR Orange Scent) so at least theres that!!!! but it's not much, chief....
all members of the nxx team all are IMMENSELY repressed. i think the most emotionally healthy of the team is DAVIS, which isnt a good sign, given that hes not even human
anyhoo this ask inspired me so
here are some misc headcanons on the nxx team and crying
i hc that luke as a kid was Such a crybaby. he'd cry over everything: when he saw a sad movie, when he saw a happy movie, when he saw a dog being walked but the dog was so dang small, when mc cries and his high empathy kicks in to make it Our Cry Session, just...he cried over IT ALL. he was just a very emotionally sensitive child, even to emotions from others. he eventually got emotionally steadier as he grew up but i think there are innocuous movies that, due to him crying over them as a kid, still make luke cry as an adult
[nxx movie night]
marius: man i love this movie, absolute classi---WHY ARE YOU CRYING??
luke: because ANYBODY can COOK!! EVEN A RAT!!!!!
mc, silently glaring at marius over luke's shoulder as if to say "Don't You Say A Mean Word To Him Right Now": O_O
(yes, they were watching ratatouille)
vyn has mastered crying on cue and can do it at the drop of a hat, but when he REALLY TRULY ACTUALLY is hit by the genuine need to cry for any reason, be it positive or negative, he cannot stop it at all until its run its natural course.
which is just AGONIZING for him, surely, but this is the price he has to pay for the power of being able to cry on command: not be able to stop when it's for realsies
vyn: //throws a book at him because just cuz he cant stop crying, doesnt mean he cant attack
it slightly pisses everyone off a teensy bit that artem can cry artfully.
like, the single tear. the lines of silent tears streaming down his face. even the more desperate sobs. doesnt matter whether theyre stage tears for another play or if theyre during high stakes situations, artem seems to naturally cry in a cinematic manner
artem: //shedding a few tears because of the stress of an nxx operation or something
luke: hey it's okay, everyone's alright
luke internal thoughts: why is he so pretty while crying?????? .....wait what
and lastly, marius can hold back tears like nobodys business. like luke, he was a huge crybaby as a kid. but unlike luke, he held it back so much that when he DID cry as a child, it was REALLY CRYING. like wailing, like sobbing. it's heartbreaking to watch
so via his Entire Life Of Repressing Weakness And Related Emotions, he became rlly powerful at holding back the need to cry. it only happens during VERY EMOTIONALLY INTENSE scenarios ORRRR
during horror movies
because hes such a horror weakling and he gets so spooked that tears literally come out
mc: how did that jumpscare make you tear up but not the intro scene to Up
marius, hiding behind a pillow to avoid any more jumpscares: im a man of endless mystery, miss
thank you for the ask :D
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writingpuddle · 1 month
just had to say, i loved your tags on that post about the upperclassmen and how they treat kevin/andrew/neil. fandom tends to work on this "they're all assholes" beliefs, and it's not necessarily untrue. but i think people tend to forget just how unlikeable kevin and andrew are from the upperclassmens perspective. i think people also forget the upperclassmen didn't just blindly love neil. for all his faults, like you said, he was pretty chill. he was much easier to get along with and it helped massively that unlike kevin/andrew he actually wanted to make a connection with the upperclassmen.
im glad my tags resonated with you! i have this half-cooked thesis that maybe one day i'll get around to fleshing out about the difference between individual responsibility and collective responsibility that i always think about when i see this conversation pop up--something about how yes, we as a society have a responsibility to people who have been harmed to try and help them recover, but that responsibility doesnt actually apply to every individual person. in this case, the idea that wymack founded the foxes (an institution) in order to help people move forward and build a future doesnt mean that every individual involved in the foxes has to invest all their energy in that same goal. in fact its pretty wild to expect every beneficiary of a service to simultaneously provide it to those around them.
the institution has to be be fair, has to provide help independent of some arbitrary category of 'deserving' but individuals...dont have to do that. every fox signed on to escape their own nightmare, not to help fix the other foxes. the upperclassmen have no responsibility to reach out to kevin and andrew when they have been so hostile in return. wymack has to, because he made a commitment to doing so. the upperclassmen didnt.
and as you said--the question of why the upperclassmen were nicer to neil is straightforwardly answered by he wasnt mean to them. he was sometimes unnecessarily blunt or rude (if we got what we deserved we wouldnt be foxes) but he was also the one who gave them awed compliments when he first started playing with them. he was the one who said we can win this. he was the one who shut kevin up when he started to be negative.
he was easy to like. part of that was intentional on his part--not that he was intentionally being likeable, but he was trying to portray himself to be less antagonistic than he really is. he tells us quite explicitly that he is portraying 'neil' to be meeker than his natural instincts, so he hangs out with the upperclassmen and is mostly at least neutral in terms of social hangouts and when it comes to exy he is extremely positive. and despite his occasional snaps at the upperclassmen, he actually rarely lashes out when its not deserved. his temper is reserved for riko and people who support him. kevin and andrew lash out at the upperclassmen in their own ways, and avoid them in many other circumstances, for reasons that are often obscure without neils insider knowledge. it isnt morally wrong to like someone who is easier to be around.
'why are they nicer to neil' because neil was nicer to them. thats how human interaction works. doesnt mean andrew and kevin didnt deserve help--but the person to provide that was the person who made a commitment to do it, not the people who just happened to be--effectively--their coworkers.
to sum up: everyone deserves human decency from everyone, but not everyone deserves friendship from everyone.
i guess--i dont want to get too antagonistic about this myself, because i actually doubt that many people have super simplistic views on this topic, theres just the occasional oversimplified post that gains a bit of traction. but i do think theres also a very fascinating tendency for people to try and make aftg into a neat didactic story about reaching out to people to understand them because neil reached out to andrew and it worked (and arguably saved both of them). but aftg isnt didactic. its not a prescription for how to behave. its made up. in real life, if i met andrew and it wasnt my job to help him, i would avoid him like the plague. sorry. i love him as a fictional character and i love him because i know his story but holy fuck i would not spend a minute in his company if i didnt have to.
friendship isnt social work. emotions arent activism. the upperclassmen didnt owe andrew and kevin their sympathy or their time just because they were traumatized. you cant control peoples emotional reactions to how they are treated. kevin and andrew treated them badly. neil largely didnt. thems, as they say, the breaks.
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Bit isn't Jess just as bad as Miguel? She's drinking his Kool aid after all, she didn't question things like Peter and Gwen did.
Whole-heartedly, yes.
But I do think there is a difference between her and Miguel and Peter, that makes her issue a lot less complicated with theres but a lot more cold and systemic in it's role.
The Spider-Adults: Emotional Betrayal and Systemic Oppression
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I feel like the primary difference is emotional investment.
Peter B. is invested in Miles because he has direct experience with Miles himself. Miguel is emotionally invested because of his trauma (which isn't at all an excuse).
In Miguel and Peter both of these experiences play an active role in their arc. Peters positive connection and Miguel's negative connection to him are personal, which drives their actions.
My qualms with them are emotional - Miguel taking out his trauma on Miles and Peter B. betraying someone close to him.
But Jess is different.
I think the problem with Jess is best seen not from an emotional point, by a systemic one - specifically looked at through a Marxist lens.
Jess's problem isn't that she emotionally betrayed Gwen or that she personally wants to harm Miles - instead her problem is that she is an arm of the system. And that's a problem that's a lot less personal - and a lot more grounded in the reality.
Jessica works in favor of the ruling class. Period.
In the same way a cop or a manager at a factory is.
Jess is like HR.
She is there for one purpose - to work in service of Miguel. To protect the interest of the Society.
She's not emotionally invested in Miles, or Gwen really. Sure, she's friendly to Gwen, but at no point does she show interest in emotionally connecting with her. Jess sees herself as Gwen's employer.
And that opens up a whole new problem and discussion of systemic oppression, workplace oppression, emotionally manipulation within the workplace.
I guess my qualms with Jess differ a lot from what I see because I look at her and Peter as not at all the same thing - when it comes to terms of 'mentorship'.
I'm not mad that Jess didn't help out Gwen, because really, I'm not surprised. If I went to work, and the person who was assigned to train me saw me slip up - then yeah, I would expect them to fuck me over and run to the boss.
For Peter B. - Mentorship is an emotional support system. He sees it as a emotional relationship. That's why when he breaks the relationship, it's surprisingly to me, because I'd expect an emotional relationship to have an effect on him, especially after having Mayday.
But For Jess - Mentorship is an professional development system. She sees it as a professional relationship and she acts as such. So when she breaks that relationship, I'm not surprised because professionally, it doesn't effect her at all.
Unlike Peter and Miguel she has absolutely no skin in this game.
I guess what I'm saying is I'm not mad at Jessica for not helping Gwen because I never expected her to help Gwen to begin with - the same way I don't expect my manager to help me get a settlement if I hurt myself at work or - god forbid - face harrassment.
Is that terrible? Absolutely.
Do I expect Gwen to know this and look at Jess as an employer? No because Gwen is a literal child with no work rights or home.
I'm mad at Jess for being an arm to the establishment and doing away with POC solidarity. I can't even say 'class solidarity' because she's not in the same class as them, she's a grown ass adult.
But It was always clear to me that Jess had no emotional investment in Gwen, so I'm not mad about that.
I'm mad that the core issue of Jess's character is a personal dedication to her own self-interest and the oppressive systems she chooses to uphold dispite being someone who is apart of multiple oppressed demographics.
Which I feel is a really different than the issue with Peter B's character and Miguel's. I'm more upset with them in a personal way, whereas my upset with Jess stems from a systemic place - a more real-world/ground place.
That doesn't make it any less real of an upset, but in the simplest of ways - I look at Jess the way I look at a black, female, cop.
'You may look like me and live like me but you ain't my friend'
So when people center the problem around Jess as 'she's not warm enough', I'm like 'she's not supposed to be??? shes a manager of course shes gonna have ur bosses interest im sorry thats just how corporate works and we should burn it all'.
(Honestly it'd be arguably more fucked up if she did have an emotional connection to her and was like 'nooo gwen stay we're you're family now miguel and i care about you no dont go see miles youre better off with us'.)
Thats why I think Hobie talks back at Peter B., but walks silent next to Jess. It's not that he respects Jess more - it's that he expects Peter to have Miles' back but he doesn't expect shit from her.
She's like Ben Reilly but more competent and likeable personality wise.
I really hope that makes sense lol sorry if it didnt maybe im just coping
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the-monkey-ruler · 1 year
Going back to that anon that ask about the pain swk went through bc of the fillet
—yea theres r no time ever that this fainting ever happened in the novel nor do the bleeding. Yes it does happen in various other adaptations when the fillet does that but not in the novel.(not in the Anthony c yu verse at least. Idk about the tge other but im less likely to recommend them bc they either miss a fuck ton of jttw thing OR Very icky authors who is sinophobic af)
I think ppl who already tends to have a more negative idea of tang sanzang(bc of OSP iteration n more)tends to make his character far worse than it actually is.
Like w the fillet.(no hate to various adaptations who do the usage of the fillet that make swk faints. Love me that honestly but my gripes is w those who make it that it applies to alll swks and even in the og novel.) even going so far as to make tang sanzang as the abuser to swk. <that could not be more farther than the truth. It is in fact a very skewed power dynamics that make both characters be in the same but different positions of powers depending on the situations>
Im pretty sure he ended up doing it less as much as ppl assume he did pre-LEMH ARC. (Bro did not use the spell day to day basis pls ppl stop using it in argument bc its not even supported in the og txt itself. He called his disciple as good guys yet are ugly af—hes a asshole but not that much of a asshole. Hes so so naive but he trying his best even if he get swung w traumatizing shit every arc back to back. He like a perfect example of how imperfect traumatized person would act.
My gods these pilgrims need sm therapy
He didn't use it for years before the Six Ears Arc and didn't use it years after either.
It always surprises me when people say he used it too much considering that he only used it in frequency in a single day and then did not touch it for literally YEARS cause he really doesn't use it that often in the book.
The only real times he does overdue it is in the White Bone Demon Arc where he uses it multiple times and in the Six Ears Arc as well. Otherwise, there was that one-off with like Sanzang being misplaced with a fake Sanzang and they had to find out who was the real one, I think with the Black Wind Demon on their first adventure solo, and maybe the Lion-Lynx Arc with the dead king. Otherwise, that's about... 30 other arcs. (that is about 5 arcs out of 30~ other demon arcs)
So over the course of 14 years, I really don't think that should be considered 'every day whenever he could' ....cause he really doesn't. Wukong pulls a lot of tricks and schemes that do give him a mischievous air but the point is that the pilgrims had distrust for one another at the start that is question and put them to the test. And it's only when they face that collective battle and do they come out with a deeper understanding, not only of each other but themselves that they gain their merit.
Sanzang says they are ugly yeah (rude) but he always defends that they are good people to humans that are terrified of their looks, always trying to help even if he can't offer much but a helping word and an ear to listen. He always trusts they will save him and even not he has prayed over them because he thought they died and wanted blessings in their next life for being such good people in this one. This is his journey too and I think it's unfair for people to ignore how his character also comes to get closer to the gang. Especially after he found his long-lost family only to imminently lose them again. I mean even at the start he was made fun of for being an orphan and found his parents, but one commits suicide just weeks after meeting him and the other is the same age as him since he came back from the dead unchanged and he can't even rely on as a parent.
He was kinda put through it with that family drama.
It was just one thing after another at the start for him and I think he never had a chance to have a close group of friends to rely on.
And I hate when this idea that Sanzang is a bad person or that is an abuser when there are so many ways that they are similar and both trying to overcome their challenges on this journey while learning how to rely on other people. They mean too much to each other and while it is hard for them to see eye to eye they have that bond of loyalty that was hard won and grew with time. Sanzang is just a mortal man that can be killed with a single blow in charge of three demons and a dragon on their parol. While each one of his disciple (one that more likely than not ate his past lives) have unthinkable magic and power that no mortal can dream of fighting against.
And he is supposed to lead them to enlightenment?
It is so funny it could be sad.
And they still did it.
It was literally them against the world.
And I hate how people are comparing the fillet to a shock collar as well considering its lore with Buddhism. Like it has so much more meaning both culturally and literally but people always want to overlook its real meaning as 'it's a torture device' like... no... it's really not.
No, I agree that pain is not a good answer nor that I condone that behavior but people got to remember that this was written 500~ years ago when training the body was having a similar mindset to training the mind. That doesn't make it right but it was also to show that Sanzang was never meant to be an abusive teacher and that yes while he is wrong on multiple accounts that weren't meant for him to be seen as a bad person, jut a misguided one.
The fillet does have more history to it as well even seen in other Buddhas as a symbol of self-discipline. It was to be a sign of restraint when it comes to bettering oneself and Wukong need to accept that the world doesn't and shouldn't revolve around him. I understand it’s not as common to see in America and but it's far more than just a symbol of pain, it holds a lot more meaning when it comes to personal growth and being able to recognize flaws within yourself to better them.
That's why in the end only Wukong can be the one to take off the fillet. There is no Fillet-Loosening Spell. There never was one. The Fillet is a part of Wukong and only when he has that full control over himself, that he masted his impulsiveness and attained true enlightenment and immorality did the fillet disappear because it wasn't needed anymore. Wukong at first has to overcome his own ego and arrogance to accept that he has a problem in order to overcome that.
I thank that’s why GuanYin also gave Wukong a fillet because she knew Wukong could overcome his anger and take it off she believed in him that much.
It reminds me of that Wizard of Oz with the red shoes scene where the good witch was like "You could have gone home the entire time" and the same way Wukong could have taken the band off at any time if he learned to control himself and his impulsive. The band wasn't there to teach him to learn through pain, but rather that he can go on the journey and go through that personal growth of facing his inner demons and being able to mature as a person.
At least that's how I always saw it.
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communistkenobi · 2 years
Man i just wanted to tell you that post you made about how Obi Wan's a logo gave me an epiphany. Its the reason why Andor and Visions are the best things sw has put out recently. Theres very little in star wars taht hasnt been reduced into a logo
Yes exactly!!!! I particularly liked the ronin episode of visions because it played with the established visual language of star wars (both parties in the duel had red lightsaber blades, the ronin is positioned as sympathetic despite having the “bad guy sword”, forcing you to evaluate him on his actions as opposed to basic moral colour association). Like SW has a lot of really good large scale concepts in it and the setting is rich for exploration, and avoiding the established characters as much as possible tends to produce the best content. case in point, the mandalorian’s quality is perfectly negative correlated with its proximity to big name star wars characters and events
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Damn emmater actually changed to sierrater. Time to follow through with my promise
Reminder before I begin that I don’t condone sierras actions and think the coderra plotline should have just been an obsessive crush with no physical violations of boundaries and consent
The first thing I adore about sierra is her personality. From the moment she’s introduced in the celebrity manhunt special we get to see her intense passion for total drama- she’s gone the extra mile to learn everything she can about total drama and it’s contestants. She’s just so enthusiastic about getting to meet everyone and I quite admire how excited she was to finally pursue her dream of being on the show. She’s a hilarious goofball every time she’s on screen and will always go the extra mile to fight for what she believes is right. Sierra is a MASTER at challenges and can very easily kick the asses (or save the lives of, remember Niagara brawls) of multiple people if that’s what it takes to achieve her goals.
I see a lot of myself in sierra. I’m autistic and headcanon that sierra is the same. She’s not the best with picking up social cues- Cody aside there’s several moments where she doesn’t seem to understand the hidden meaning behind some people’s actions; the “I think I sat in gum” scene being a good example. Theres a *lot* of instances of her stimming in front of the other contestants and she’s shown to be sensitive to loud noises and bright lights too. Idk, there’s just something about sierra that makes me feel so seen when I watch her in the show. I hate how a lot of autism rep is just white men with special interests in trains or some shit; we need more rep of the negative sides of autism where the failure to pick up social cues can cost us important relationships and make us come off as weirdos to other people and I feel like sierra is that rep.
I completely understand why some people are completely turned off by coderra and that’s 100% valid, but to me coderra remains the best ship of the show’s original run. I do not condone Sierra’s actions, but there were multiple coderra moments that I just couldn’t help but laugh really fucking hard at. Coderra has an amazing end to their story as well- there’s just something really sweet about Cody finally coming around and appreciating sierra as being more than just a stalker when she went the extra mile to celebrate his birthday after not even his parents remembered it. Not to mention Cody would literally be *dead* if it weren’t for sierra. She’s not only taken bullets for him both physically and metaphorically, but the girl straight up went underwater while wheelchair bound, pulled a shark up to land and then beat it up until it spit Cody back out (funny how both of my favorite td ships involve one partner saving the other from a shark I’m just now realizing this lmao) anyways, if not for sierra, Cody would have been shark food. Say what you want about sierra Cody fans but your fav would be dead without her.
I’m of the minority that actually enjoyed sierra during all stars. Yes, the cam-Cody arc was stupid but it did give us a few good jokes (“your ears are wrong and so is your face” gets me every time) but most importantly it proved something. Sierra never once stole Cameron’s stuff, forced herself upon him or went into spaces like his cabin without asking. While yes this is the bare minimum it proves that at the very least she’s made an improvement to her behaviors overtime and might actually be getting the help she needs. Character development is always nice to see!
If any of y’all are interested I actually made a slideshow for her appreciation day on the subreddit last year, it’s mostly the same points that I just gave but this is something I’m genuinely proud of https://www.reddit.com/r/Totaldrama/s/o5KCQJ0ltT
TLDR sierra is an amazing character who I feel strongly deserves more love for her positive qualities
-Sierrover (🐈)
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skrs-cats · 10 months
yea!! not to spoil too much but it focuses on her grieving and finding friendship in dove who shes only just really met as it takes place after tigerhearts se and fills the gap before tbc begins, its sweet sometimes the novellas really hit sometimes they dont i have a friend who skips them completely and i dont get it they add so much NIGHTSTAR MY BELOVED </3 i first read about him in yellowfangs se and thought damn i wish i could read more about him and then his manga came out and i was so happy lol, hoping we get cannon merch of him someday i love how hes written, gonna make a note to make fanart of him aha, unfortunate how he was treated but it feels like it shapes who he is i suppose ohh that makes so much more sense now i thought i was just loosing touch with the fandom and not being able to keep up with names, i was never rly good at it. 💀 i was talking about that with a friend recently too tpb used to repeat backstory about characters so much that it became frustrating but the newer books cut back on it and now when they introduce a character you have to really sit and remember it because they arent explaining it EVER again yaaa!!! u get it lol i started reading other YA series i never read as a kid and thought id reread wcs with a friend for the hell of it (and cause i had so many of the books i never got to) and it was great but as soon as i got to new stuff id never read before it kinda lost its charm and i took a break, sometimes you just arent feeling it, tho the longer you wait the more there is to read when you come back to it who knows maybe holly will be back from the dead again or we will get a jay, holly or lion se, were getting an ivy one after all and theres holly and jay content in the bonus scene for tbc 1
that sounds so sweet ToT SOMEDAY ILL FIND THE TIME TO READ AND REREAD THESE NOVELLAS ive forgotten most of them LMFAO. i think the ones i remember most are hollyleaf's, leafpool's, goosefeather's and dovewings which is.. wow. i def dont have a preference
and yes ur def right that the way nightstar was treated added to how he is generally perceived and his character, it kinda reminds me of mudclaw too! (whos manga i have also still Yet to read rip) i feel bad for them both but their unfortunate circumstances are what makes them such interesting characters T-T
i feel like we are old men yelling at the clouds but in a GOOD WAY HAHAHAHA im glad that despite it, we are talking about the series either way so i guess that means we still feel quite passionate about it, whether in positive or negative manner lmaooo
i think whats stopping me from continuing in reading the new books is that i want to reread it from the very start first, so i am very much stuck in my own way khkjahkljf tbh though whenever i see snippets of the new books in socials i actually find them very interesting! but i def also had moments where i just grew tired and felt like getting away from it all. i am praying so fucking hard for more og po3 content i miss them SO damn MUCH WAHHHHHH
speaking of the bonus scenes, a few weeks back i found out i completely forgot they happened! MORE SPECIFICALLY W HOLLYLEAF, WHAT. I THOUGHT IT WAS JUST W JAYFEATHER AND HIM GRIEVING FOR LEAFPOOL. YOURE TELLING ME THERE WAS HOLLY CONTENT TOO??? what the fuck is my brain doing forgetting this information what the hell im such a fake fan TTTTTTOTTTTT
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mejomonster · 7 months
I do wonder whos idea andrea was. Because i do kind of like that now the honeybee in caters to ppl of all tastes, has men and women working there, the teacher from aeriths area was proud to get a job dancing there (which is just kind of a nice not negative depiction of wanting to work at a night club/burlesque whatever the honeybee inn is going for). And andreas like im all for expression and gender shouldnt limit that, always do what you want. Which is a nice lil message off the cuff. And hes treated just as nice and ridiculous Mini Boss as the other of the Big Three. Theres old people and young ppl who saved up to go to the honeybee in, a young man talking about hoping the honeyboy remebered him, another guy mentioning a honeygirl and the flowers he sent, no real gender or sexuality or ageist bias in the honeybee inn! Theres also just like. A generally supportive atmosphere of xustomers lf all walks unashamed to be there, which is a bit different then the All Guys clientel drooling over women and swarming aerith outside in the original
(however its missing the bath scene, the reference to an orgy and to more overt sexual acts - where the original leaned into lewd, the remake kind of downplays the honeybee inn to Dancers who do Entertainment in Private rooms but... its not risking full on indicating theyre having sex the way the original did. Which is. A loss in its own way, as theres definitely things the reality of a brothel in the slums under the plate adds to worldbuilding, to how Aerith grew up, to why Don Corneos area of the slums feels more like the risque and wild part compared to Tifas sector thats just a rather tame small town)
So like. Mm. The changes definitely Change the flavor of worldbuilding in some ways. This area feels a bit different (as in don corneos area of the slums), and the collesium also adds that different flavor. (Ive been playing tol much Yakuza lately and it like gives a more Kamurocho as Kiryu vibe now... kiryu treats host clubs of men and hostess clubs of women pretty equally, theyre for Entertainment but not brothels, kiyru and majima both do those kind of quests thatd feel equivalent to dancing or putting on a show, so like... remakes version of the honeybee in feels more like a modern host club maybe, with a city customer clientel that doesnt judge each other and sees it as The Best club. Versus original honeybee inn that felt a lot more like mainly a brothel catering to rich men, then men who could get in, with special services for customers with more niche needs like the bath or like Palmer and other particular requests. This new one, Aerith could go in and book a room with a honeyboy or honeygirl or both and ? I assume get entertained and a flirty date sort of ordeal. Yes im reading too much into this lol. Just fascinating to me the differences they made. I think Andrea was overall a positive addition, himself personally, but the changes he entailed alsl change the entire atmosphere of wallmarket into something CLASSY when the original game kind of used honeybee inn to show how Dangerous and Adult wallmarket was, how there were less rules there, and so when you get to don corneo and a sex dungeon and an Actual Dungeon and hear hes kidnapped and imprisoned girls youre less surprised cause the place has felt like and area all kinds of people could get kidnapped, sold shoddy deals, and laws arent maintaining anything only money is. With ALL of the new Big Three in wallmarket, in the remake it feels more classy more organized and more like a visit to Vegas or Kamurocho rather than a lawless Don controlled area).
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my-lunaberg · 2 years
Throughout this entire Tubbo Joins Las Nevadas vod there was just this alarm going off in the back of my brain going "QUACKITY DREAM PARRALLELS QUACKITY DREAM PARALLELS QUA" and I initially just dismissed it because, Quackity seeming pretty manipulative in that conversation and Dream being confirmed pretty manipulative doesnt mean theres some kind of parallel there, yknow. However, then i thought about it a bit more and yes, yes there are parallels
Before we start though, if any part of this seems like weird disconnected rambling to you, please do me a favor and go on my blog and go through my c!Dream and c!Quackity tags. The thing about all of my analysis posts is they kinda build off eachother and the thing about me is that I hate repeating myself so I just end up scantily referencing some other posts of mine, probably leaving the people who arent caught up on the seven analyses from a blog with like 20 followers confused. So yeah, heres that disclaimer
Tldr: Dream doesnt care about politics at all, Quackity cares very much. Dream wants to be The Leader in a very wishy-washy Confident Guy Whose House Everyone Hangs Out Is The Proxy-Leader Of This Friend Group-way, Quackity wants to be The Leader of a nation (ie. President). Dream cares about the individuals and sees governments and political movements as a means to the end of manipulating other people, Quackity cares about the governments and political movements and sees individuals as a means to the end of manipulating the politics of the server. Thats all the important stuff I think
Now, i this post Id like to talk about the ways in which they are manipulative. In one sentence, Dream largely relies on negativity while Quackity largely relies on positivity. Obviously Im specifiying largely bc you cant just rely on the same few tricks when youre trying to manipulate a bunch of people, you gatta be versatile and you gotta be opportunistic otherwise you cant do shit. The way Dream gets others to do what he wants is either through threatening them (notable examples are Quackity, Eret and Wilbur during the Lmanberg war) or through systemically breaking them down until they do what he wants, like he tried with Tommy (I say tried because he wasnt successful, like at all). Quackity meanwhile focuses a lot more on positive reinforcement, trying to make himself as well as his country look as good as possible and complementing those 'beneath' him when they do what he asks correctly, while not lingering on their mistakes or flaws, whereas Dream would use those to further beat them down.
I think the reasons they choose to do it like that are pretty complex, for the sake of this analysis I'll just focus on one of them: Dream lost a lot of his goodwill with the majority of the (active) server members fairly early on and he tries to turn that into an advantage by just 'leaning into it' so to speak. Quackity also lost a lot of his goodwill with the server when he joined Schlatt, however, he has since done his best to regain it, pretty sucessfully. I think he did it deliberately, both because he does care a lot about other peoples approval and, more relevently for Las Nevadas, because he realized that it doesnt matter how you gain power, if the people dont like their leader, theyre just going to get rid of them. Another thing to keep in mind is their difference in resources and combat ability. Before Dream was locked in jail he was practically untouchable because you couldnt fight him because if you tried, he was guaranteed to kill you because his armor was too strong and he was too good of a fighter. He could get away with pretty much anything because you cant refute a sword to your throat. Quackity doesnt have that, hell, he barely wears armor most of the time. Because he already knows hes not going to beat a lot of people in a physical fight, he instead makes himself seem vulnerable in order to lower peoples guards and make himself appear more trustworthy. Dream also definitely tried to do something similar when Tommy visited him on his first day, where he tried to seem pathetic and pitiable, now that he couldnt be threatening anymore.
Anyway, thats it. I feel like thats a weird note to end it on but my brains all out of juice again so
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s0lar-ch3ri · 2 years
(serious post) talking bout things i need to.
alright, this isnt going to be some "oh haha funni" post like i always do. i need to speak out or it feels like no one else will. you can not read this if you want, i just want to talk about them. (organized into paragraphs) there will be triggering topics i'll speak about and ill try to trigger them appropriately.
theres a surplus of youtubers who react to "fat tiktok" and its never any positivity. these videos get hundreds of thousands of views, and im pretty sure no one sees whats wrong with it. i am considered to be in a "plus size" range, and the videos fucking hurt. its stupid because the whole idea of that side of tiktok is to show that being okay with not being barbie is okay, and its always judged negatively. no, im not fucking over reacting when theres videos talking about how that entire side of tiktok should be gone. yes, there are toxic parts on that side, but i dont tell you to get off youtube or whatever your on because something you like has a toxic part of it. its fucking stupid that these guys (its like all guys) think they have the right to look at these videos and call them cringe over and over and over and then think theyve made a good video or done a good job. i agree, promoting obesity isnt that good a thing, but dont shame the entirety of a community because one person did it. no one who has done these videos has tried to apologize if theyre being offensive, theyre just like "dont hate us if these guys are cringe lol". its not hard, this is just restating the idea of barbie bodies being better. its not hard to let people be happy with how they look. like i said, "fat tok" is not an angel and has problems which can be addressed but judging the full part and saying it should be gone as a whole is just fucking fat phobic. can we stop mixing bisexual and pansexual? they have different names for a reason. bisexual and pansexual arent the same and yet theyre still mixed FOR NO REASON. bisexual is where you feel attraction for 2 genders (thus the prefix bi which means 2) and pansexual is attraction is regardless of gender. my sibling is the main reason i want to talk about this, being bisexual and being pansexual arent the same. if your bi, that doesnt mean your pan and vise versa. i struggled with labels for a shit ton of 2020-2021 and even this year, and hearing labels made so people can actually make sense of how they feel and know theyre not alone (i feel like it for me) getting mixed around with each other hurts. to me, its erasing identities by just saying theyre one. idgaf if you or someone identifies as both, thats fine. saying theyre one in the same is not. i hate those memes of "girls vs boys". they arent even fucking funny, theyre just cringe sexist stereotyping "jokes" put out to be consumed and for those who watch or see them to believe that theyre good and funny and okay. they arent. stereotypes arent cool, going "haha woman stupid" isnt funny, shut up. the boys vs girls memes always make the girls do something "stupid" first, then shows the boys being chads or some shit. for example, that boys vs girls time machine meme. the girls always go to see an ancestor of theirs, while the boys go do some crazy shit in the past. you may think theres nothing wrong, but there is. the way its shown and made is to show that girls are weird but boys are cool. the entire idea of the joke is that girls are stupid. its with every topic these memes have that the girls are in the wrong because theyre dumb for doing this or that. i know what some people think: "oh, your biologically a woman, so of COURSE this isnt funny to you and your just taking offense cause your a drama queen" or whatever shit. the reasoning there is fucking stupid, me being a woman that takes offense shows the joke is offensive and shouldnt be made. also, i bet some guys with brains would find the jokes uncomfortable. sexism isnt funny to anyone but 60 year old boomers that make "i hate my wife" jokes. if your wondering why its not that many, im shortening it so it can actually post. the other triggers will be added in the reply to this, dw.
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undeadhorse · 2 years
one of the really hard things about making art is that you can spend like a buttload of time staring at a thing and building on it and crafting it and etc etc, and finally reach a point where you're satisfied. and then you share it. and i reach that point and i share it and then i go 'is this good? i cant tell, i think i really like it? but i cant tell if its like, worth something? what if ive just been staring at it so long it looks normal to me, but its actually weird and mediocre and i just cant see anymore'. i think being mediocre would be worse than being bad also. ugly can be sort of a positive like. if its on purpose. if you're deliberately trying to evoke a repulsion sort of reaction from the audience, ugly can be a good thing in art and you can utilise it. and its still like, interesting and sincere at the worst. boring tho. what is there to even say.
i dont think my art is boring. i just wish i could get like feedback? and not in a social media notes kind of way. pearls before swine. i hate the feeling of like, putting time and care into something and getting no response, or like, minimal response? its frustrating. like the whole point is to be seen and to elicit some kind of feeling in whoever sees it. if no one is seeing it, or worse they see it but they dont respond or acknowledge it, it almost feels like a waste of time.
i know art is better as a personal thing and i shouldnt be looking for approval from others. im trying not to. theres a nuance angle here where i am and i am not at the same time. bc yes im subconsciously looking for approval. but i think im also motivated in a similar way to a stage performer. audience response is like, really key. you live or die based on whether the portion of your life put into a piece reacts with someone or not. you put yourself out there and do something sincere. theres some metaphor in my head about plants and blood and pounds of flesh right? i put a bit of myself on a scale and im waiting for a measurement.
social media interacts with this in such a weird toxic way. i want to be seen, but i dont want to be chasing notes. that shit is addictive in a really dangerous way. ghhgh. making art of other ppls characters or fanart of like, 'oh look its saul goodman as a pony' thats like, way more likely to get seen and appreciated than something thats more original. but its like, derivative. as fun as that is thats not what i always want to do. i want to build my own things. even if i am like, building on mlp g4.
for whatever reason, mlpfim had and continues to have a profound effect on me, and it motivates me to better myself and grow. and thats something i need to hold onto and take as far as i can. bc motivation like that is rare. and doing shit is hard! the diminutive pastel equines give life more texture and saturation. i think thats okay for me to rely on.
one takeaway from all this is that if you like something react to it and give a little back. cuz its nice. reblog things. likes are actually like a negative bc it inflates the note count without spreading the art. either do both or do neither.
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nedsseveredhead · 2 years
1, 9, 13, 14, 22 for hyzenthlay? or 4, 5, 15, 16 for luci?
Have Both!!
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Hyzenthlay (art by @lavenderarts !)
What is their color palette? Depending on the timeline- pre shadow bringers its a lot of natural colors, greens and browns! Post shadowbringers is white, gold, and other neutrals!
9. If your OC were to imagine their idyllic life (realistically or otherwise) what would it be like? Adventuring with her husband and her friends with no more high stakes beyond maybe friendly competition. Being a healer during several end of the world events is exhausting!
13. Is your character bilingual or multilingual? Which language are they most comfortable in or prefer using? How did they come to learn them? Admittedly I'm not sure how final fantasy handles language. In theory, she is. She was raised by Sylphs, and they theoretically would have their own language. They at least have their own way of speaking, if not something entirely separate. She learned "common" later in life when brought to Gridania.
14. Do they have an accent? How do they or others think of it? Yes! Its very slight but its there. She also sometimes slips back into speaking the way Sylphs do, referring to herself as "this one" and so on! I think its such a slight difference that most people don't notice it. Aymeric thinks its cute though lmao
22. What is some advice or guidance they received that had a big impact on their lives or outlook? Was it a positive or negative impact? Being referred to as a Beast by multiple people is a through line of her character. She basically grew up 'feral,' to Gridanian standards. But she doesnt think she did. She grew up defending the sylphs from wood warders and others that encroached on their lands. Sometimes that meant fighting tooth and claw! She was given the moniker 'Beast of the Black Shroud' but she never seriously hurt anyone. She became a healer but to some the reputation still stuck... and eventually when fighting Zenos, his calling to her 'his beast' and so forth didn't help. EW spoilers for those playing but me and my friend changed the final duty, she doesnt kill Zenos. Her best friend, the companion shes closest to Miko does. And he tells her after everything she doesn't have to kill. That he'll carry that burden for her. And that meant everything to her.
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Luci (Art by @caelanod !)
4. If your OC likes art, talk about which piece they would love best. I don't know if I'd really consider Luci a patron of the arts! He does however like to watch his husband build machinery but I think thats more so like... watching that man's arms. Art, you know?
5. What character from myth or fairytale best represents them? God I pondered this for like ten minutes I know theres gotta be something but I can't think of it right now,, If I think of one later I'll come back and edit asdf
15. What is a common misconception about your OC? (Alternatively, what do people assume about them which is either incorrect or misconstrued?) Many people in Ul'Dah think (or maybe thought, now) that Luci was cold, mean, unpersonable. He is a very private person, he doesn't like people touching him, and he has a mean resting face. But anyone who knows him knows hes fiercely loyal, open to his friends, very loving. You just have to approach him like a cat, you know? Respect his boundaries.
16. What trait do they find most attractive/appealing about others? Hmmm... Sincereity, I think. The one who really opened him up to making friends was Emoni Rhun (my friends WoL). And that happened because she was so sincerely... good. All that kindness and expecting nothing in return. He had been used and manipulated so much in his youth he'd forgotten people could be like that.
{Romanticism: Original Character Ask Game}
{ Characters }
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solardick · 3 months
You know the workds gone to
Shit when they start selling poop toys.
“When i was child in ukraine, they used to beat jews to death for fun. “
So as russia continues to strengthen ties with allies who have animosity towards america. Playing the same game they are to them. Increasing their quality of life. In contrast to the opposition.
In this fantasy script, america ismt going to survive with such ample pride. 911 on the twin tower and the moon card. 🙄 . Inhate life.
If card letter Oo(o) is rhe devil card. It would be well suited to be above that perversion on a moon card. Pointing upwards to the enslavement of “ man” as the marseille, Italiano fool. Though the image should play somethign similar the the Ë fool, id it remains as such. With an equally negative sun card. Perhaps to muse.
Lets go take a shit and see if its mucous infested. Perhaps with a tad of blood. It’ll be like a game. Got yo catch them early to enjoy what comes out the other side.
A youngin’ girl pops out of the car in front of me. As if on script. -Like mist times now adays. The unusual a stranger walkign by to get up close. Like an exhibition in a fucken zoo.- Look each other in the eyes and walk side by side into the store. She kept her periphery on me the whole time. Waiting for something, a cue, a confirmation. Ugh… hey look, another trap, that i cant be polite to. My periphery is always on. Comes with 39 years of bs and attacks. And if i so much as fart her direction it will be taken as the confirmation that i am a womanizer or some dumb shit.
So current theory on the russian script tarot. Is in the development of the letter. Functioning like degrees. A letter means one thing quite simply as they are an unusual amount of single letter words. Which hold the major arcana of power. The second letter to fallow is the modifier. Adapting the single letter power of the word with the second letter image. This may be a drastic change in manifestation. From destruction to construction for example. From love to hatred. Some letters hold both positions of primary and secondary and these words play in purity of the original form. As in the Вв(v) words belonging to the “high prietess” or young innocense, or its relegation to its treatment in the delicacy of the mind. As for now. Though arguement abounds about the nature of the feminine as thenpresence of the mind. Agaisnt to pro-active jock-ing of will to cause.
What bitch you ain’t my daughter take your vagina out of my face. Oo.
What? Calling me daddy is better?
So much for being both ways, eh.
Hum the consiqyences of dialogue of “venusian” abuse from outside forces forcing you out of your home, eh. Seems this world im in loves creating disarmony. And then crying wolf. Oh! He’s a bad man. Daddy. Save me. Oops. Too far. What do you think russia? Its coming. She needs a place in the ranks. Of the human being. Soemthign i have yet to experience.
Oh. Daughter! Your vagin is soo tight. Oh. Yes. Give to daddy? What the fuck america. Bitch go read rhe bible its full of pro daddy love. As for the men i suggest the bhagavad gita. Its full of pro masculine will. … or at least the new testament. The old testemant is more directed to the masculine. Because jesus is a woman. I though the ling hair and the dress gave it away. Thats why the bible says no homo sex. Cause its turns you into a woman. Been there done that, got abused the whole time. Suck it.
Thats why india is soo populated. All they do is eat curry and fuck.
Oh well to bad for the ass problems. Looks like ill be single to rest of my days. Not that im not used to it. Kinda robes all social will away. Along with the sex drive. There’ll be no development on that case. And its a half life for the rest of it.
Its ok. I got video games. I guess. I dotn like gaming though. Unless im high. And theres a never wnding supply of both. I was born to soend wvwry waking momentnof it suffering. Cause people suck.
And im never going to even tey to speak to anyone anymore. Proactivyl destructively the outcome is the same. I get fycked with or damaged. Ill just continue doing this and continue to have shadow cocksuckers fuck with ym life.
To such an extent of 39 straight years of being fucked with. I now have a desease.
Apparentlynim going to running my own team. Not thatni care anymor e
Now its a ling weekend of sitting in my appartemtn stairing at a wall. Eactlynhow i spent the first 20 years after adolescentce
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companionwolf · 4 months
hihi buddy. i saw your post about your invol regression and the shame that comes with it, so i wanted to give you my two cents (esp given we're the same age, and youre masc presen & im a trans guy)
i regress NOW in two 'situations' - for lack of a better term - both of which are involuntarily, one a positive situation (after i coped w the shame) and one a negative situation thats a trauma response. i was extremely fortunate enough to have someone to talk to about it at the time it was first happening, so i wanted to bank some ideas at you to see if i can ease you, if only a little.
thinking about my newfound regression (although it had happened before, but didnt have a label because i hadnt heard about this) when it happened made me feel super embarrassed, humiliated, and shameful. bringing it up to someone else - who i trusted - was even moreso... although i got lucky, and this person knew more than i did (and then we, eventually, learned together). i cried multiple times over it - how stupid i felt, how childish it felt, how humiliating it was to be in a space like that. It felt like a loss of myself, and everything i had worked for (considering my upbringing and maturity). but theres a few big things that helped me get over it and even let me start to regress in safe situations where i am comfortable. anyways, i dont know if your situation is similar to what i just talked about, but here's how i helped myself ...
I think the thing that helped me the most off-the-bat was familiarize myself with the community. learn some lingo, look at some moodboards, get a feel for it. see how others aren't shameful of their little sides. i felt REALLY alone. Seeing other peoples takes on agere culture, and their experience w regression helped normalize it as something that isnt shameful. seeing how others thrived gave me a reason to not look at it as something negative or uncomfortable about myself, but to look at it as something i cant control, yes, but i CAN try to shape it to make the trauma response more comfortable, but most importantly, SAFER for myself. it was a really long road of that. but yeah, seeing other people find joy in their community, and finding joy with others, in something i was absolutely mortified to be experiencing was really helpful in the long run.
the other big thing that helped me was trying to figure out, and really peg down, WHY it's happening - and by rhat, i mean two things. "WHY is it happening RIGHT NOW?" and "WHY is it happening AT ALL?"
So, why is it happening right now? This moment youre having where you are regressing. What caused it? Can you try to mediate those causes? Can you potentially eliminate some of those trauma triggers - and if not, can you work up a resistance to them? Its okay if you cant - but being able to at least ID it really helped me remove myself from situations i would he in danger in if I regressed.
And, why is it happening at all? If its a trauma thing... what caused it? I have a few things that I know contributed to my regression, and even with thinking through those, I can't hold back some moments... *but* it gave me peace of mind, and iver time, I was eventually able to regress differently - still involuntarily, but i wasn't scared and i felt safe, it happening in situations where i felt taken care of and safe rather than before when i'd get so terrified of something it would just happen. a lot of traumas that cause stuff like this - and similar things - can't be resolved... but I found great comfort in IDing them, understanding that it might be a reason, and thinking about why things ended up with THAT causing THIS. i hope that makes sense.
I guess the take-away that I want to leave you with is that theres no reason to be scared, or embarrassed, or shameful... it's normal, and you aren't alone. there are people out there who are going through similar things and are coping with their regression and turning it from something you hide to something you can talk freely and happily about in a small community 🩷 know yourself, know your causes, and try your best to feel comfortable even if its a trauma response - make it yours, and use others to help steer you into it, ig...
i hope this helped. i know its scary, but you'll get through it. i used to cry whenever i thought about how my body went against me and made me shameful, but now i feel much better after watching the community love e/o... which made me love that part of myself, which i can't be shameful of anymore.
good luck!!
hihi buddy same anon. another thig id recommend is making a side space for you to indulge in that - i made a sideblog and get to indulge myself there, normalize myself with that side of me in a safe space... i first did it as a way for no one to connect me to my main (after an ugly falling out with friends i remade everything, but the similar url scared me that theyxd find me - and then - find the agere stuff and harass me about it, because i had never shared it with either of them), but i realized very fast that it kind of helped me be FREE with it
Good morning (or evening, whichever it is for you),
I hope answering publicly is alright; please let me know if not and I can remove this. Thank you very much for the detailed advice-- it was very heartwarming to wake up and see your messages here.
I will try to understand more about this and identify the causes; I know what 'triggered' the most recent episode, and what causes regression for me/us in general, but further reflection is always good.
It's very nice to know that this is something other people have been through and come out the other side of as well. I will make a sideblog I think; if you would be willing to share your URL as you mentioned, I would like to follow you-- I am also somewhat introverted so I may not directly message at all, but it would help even just to know someone kind is around. I will leave anon on for you so please send at your leisure, if you are comfortable.
Thank you again; this was incredibly kind of you to do, and it is not lost on me. You give me hope, anonymous.
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