#LITERALLY rewarding him for walking away bc there is nothing to be done
There is so much strength, in character and in narrative, when Cerrit walks away. He realizes so early that Laerryn will not choose different (that she can't choose different), realizes that their fates are sealed. And he leaves. He realizes this and leaves because there is nothing left for him to do here. There is no point to staying and continuing to plead with them, with her, to make a different choice. It's futile. There is no role for him to play anymore in that thread.
So, he walks away. He goes to put his efforts to where they might actually matter. They are doomed because it's not possible for her to do anything other than what she will do. He realizes this, accepts that his time to influence the course of events is over, and goes to do what he still has influence over: tending to his children's needs in these final hours, minutes.
Honestly, there is a humility in looking at all this and accepting that, even with his best efforts, he sincerely has no power, no ability to change this. That this is beyond his ability to dictate how this goes. This specifically is beyond him. But other threads are not. He puts his responsibility to tend to and comfort those who need him ahead of believing that he is capable of solving this, of solving anything.
Specifically because he walks, the Narrative Hand Of God—in defiance of the bleakness and futility of his struggling in vain this entire story so far—delivers him the means to save his children. Walking away is the right choice for Cerrit to make for himself because by doing so, he receives the chance to save someone, anyone, the only people he can possibly save enough to see at least one more morning.
And leaving is an incredibly difficult choice. Walking away from the party is not done lightly. He chooses to do what one NEVER does in this genre and in this game: look the end of the world in the eye and say, "I cannot do anything more." But, it is proven to be the right choice for Cerrit because the narrative literally rewards him.
He understands with great, sharp clarity that it is futile and useless to remain here trying to change the choices the others cannot ever make differently. He sees the path of inevitability, and he accepts that he can no longer change fate.
He does not doom anyone by walking away; he walks away because he recognizes they're already doomed. If he stayed, his children would've lost their chance for the dawn. By walking away, he gains the ability to save them, to save anyone at all. That is something he can still change. He walks away, and in response, the world gifts him the opportunity to change a small fate. And that means everything.
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zoethebitch · 1 year
okay finished Jeanne Dielman. very good movie it's a difficult watch it's very long and very slow and difficult to focus on at times. which might frustrate some people. stick with it tho it will reward you
I did feel able to identify with her quickly and I think that helped. she's almost obsessive in her desire for things to be neat and clean and orderly and she has her little daily routine and that's the source of the drama here is here mundane routine tasks. doing sex work every afternoon to survive is merely a part of that. it's not really a dramatic factor in the story. it's literally just her job that she does every afternoon.
those parts aren't even filmed until the end bc that doesn't matter it's making the bed, folding the laundry, doing the dishes, buying the groceries that's where the drama and the tension in her life is and that's how it's filmed. there's a full 20 min just on her prepping veal cutlets for dinner every part of the process is filmed in one take. the whole first hour and a half is entirely these prosaic domestic tasks but it's necessary to establish that baseline bc halfway thru when she accidentally overcooks the potatoes you see the cracks start to form.
from there one mistake leads to another. her hair is slightly out of place, she drops a spoon, she forgets what she's doing and walks into the wrong room, she misses a button on her coat, etc. seeing this without the first hour and half you'd think nothing of it but seeing it in context you notice these things you notice her falling apart.
so the next day when she's trying to replace a button on her son's coat and can't find an exact match at any store in town, when she goes to her favorite coffee shop and her favorite seat is already taken, when she's drinking the coffee she made at home and it's not perfect so she has to pour the whole pot out and start over, this is all filmed with the intensity you would expect from a hollywood film it's just not actions that you would show in a hollywood film. when she's prepping meat loaf and squeezing the raw meat in her hands and tips a glass bottle with her finger and it wobbles for a moment and for second you're not sure if it's gonna fall over or not, that's one of the most dramatic events in the film bc it is dramatic to her it matters to her. if you watch closely during the takes where she's sitting there doing nothing, her chest is heaving she's breathing so hard and fuming with rage. it's tempting to look away and check your phone during these takes but don't.
by contrast at the end of the film when she murders the client she just slept with, that's hardly given any attention that's the part that is filmed as if it were mundane. there's no explanation given there's no foreshadowing or build up she just calmly stands up and grabs a pair of scissors and stabs the guy in the throat and it's not sensational there's barely even any blood we only see it thru a reflection in the mirror it's not even significant enough to view directly.
like I have to assume for the remaining like 8 min or so of the film where she's sitting at the dining room table with blood on her shirt and hands she's not thinking about him, or the consequences of what she's done. she's moping bc she's had a shitty day. not bc anything majorly shitty happened. just a bunch of little annoying things built up until she snapped. that's relatable right like we've all been there. I know I'm like this in my daily life all the time so maybe I'm projecting idk but I definitely had no trouble relating to her and enjoying the movie. some people might.
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cemeteryxdriven · 1 year
today has been so long. I’ve been out running more errands with my dad since I got up basically after a shitty nights sleep.
and I fucking hate children. it’s been long and icky today and I literally just wanted bubble tea as a little reward. so I walked through the bus station bc dad had my car and bubble tea was on the way to meet back up with him. and a group of like six fuckin twelve year olds start screaming at me while I’m on the phone to my grandma.
like there was no way in hell a single one of them had hit puberty and they’re screaming fuckin emo and go die and all that wonderful bullshit at a fucking random 27 year old, in a busy public street, and when I told them to grow the fuck up I was the one getting death stares off the old fucks at the ATM.
I don’t even wanna know what they do to kids their own age. they waited til I was far enough away that doubling back for confrontation would’ve made me look like the bad guy. but I am so, so fucking sick of not being able to exist in my own fucking town without getting screamed at by fuckwit teenagers and literal children and death stared by fellow adults when I dare tell them to fuck off.
they fucking started it, I don’t care how damn old they are. don’t dish what you can’t fucking take. kids like them are the kids that fucking jump alt and obviously lgbt people and beat the fuck out of them for just daring to exist. they’re the kind that film us like fucking zoo animals and send death threats online. and nothing ever gets done. NEVER. until I was back with my dad in my car I was paranoid the little fucks were gonna come round the corner and keep going because it’s happened before. I might be an adult, but if six kids try to jump me that’s not a fair fucking fight. even with the self defense shit I have to carry fucking everywhere because of people like this.
I wish just one of them had had a visible school uniform or logo, because I don’t care, I’ll say it: I wanted to fucking fight those little cunts. if I’d seen a logo I’d have called their school like a fucking karen. if they have no issues screaming and harassing a fully grown member of the public I’d fucking hate to see what they’d do to the alt and queer kids their age.
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keilemlucent · 3 years
if you are interested, i would like to present my dear salem with hero hawks and his little horny crush on his innocent assistant bc man’s corruption kink go brrrrrr😇
okay look LOOK i have... such a thing for hawks getting a h*rd on for his sweet, far-too kind PA.
word count: 2.5k
warnings: dubcon, coersion, (a little bit of) yandere hawks, reader wears lingerie, reader is sorta oblivious,  sugar daddy hawks, scumbag hawks, power imbalance, hawks is a manipulative bastard but its hot so who cares <3
“Are you sure this is... appropriate, sir?” 
No, no, definitely not, not at all. Taking his sweet, desperately-in-need-of-a-break PA out on a little shopping spree was definitely crossing a lot of professional lines, but how could he care? He was far more focused on the wobbly way ‘sir’ had dripped off your tongue.
It wasn’t sin, but he’d get you there, he was quite persuasive. 
The little shopping trip (literally) landed you at a luxury mall across Fukuoka, many-floored and lavishing decorated with twinkling, bright bulbs and crystal on every fixture. The stores were expensive, too expensive for you to afford on your own but Keigo knew how hard you’d been working! All that extra paperwork (he’d been purposefully giving you because it kept you around the office later and more often) had been getting done beautifully, and you deserved a treat. Many of them. 
Consider it an early bonus.
You already had quite a few bags dangling off your arms, the cords and ribbons digging into your arms (god, he wished he could make some marks of his own--). And Keigo had decided to treat you to one, final stop. He guided you to the store entrance with a hand on your lower back.
God help you, a lingerie store.
Nothing cheap, only custom-made and designer pieces. It was more of a boutique, some places private where no one would bother the two of you. 
He watched your expression, the pull of your brows and the way your pupils dilated. It might’ve been from a bit of ill-placed stress, but he’s sure he can get your eyes just as inky other ways, if given the opportunity. 
“This is remarkably appropriate, dove,” He hummed and ushered you inside the store entrance, flashing a grin to the starry-eyed salesclerk. His hand drifted downward, just over the upper curves of your ass, just to watch you squirm. “Consider it a reward! You’ve been doing so much good for me and the agency, you deserve a treat or two, don’t you think?”
You shifted the bags on your arms and dared to meet his gaze with your own, meek and wide, “I-I think this is more than ‘a treat or two’--”
“Then shouldn’t you be, I don’t know, thanking me for my generosity then?” Keigo smirked as your expression faltered. You were way too easy and god, he fucking loved it.
Before you had a chance to fret anymore, he assured you quietly that everything was alright. A bit of praise to ice the pinpricks he left behind. He shooed you into the fitting rooms, pointing a beaming smile at a clerk and getting to work. 
He’d have you spoiled, whether you liked it or not.
You sat on the plush bench of the fitting room, hands in fist and lip tucked between your teeth. You chewed on it, swallowing around your dry throat. Hawks’ voice drifted back from the salesfloor, though you couldn’t tell what he was saying. You could pick up words like ‘sweet’ and ‘cute’ and you could only assume the words were about the bright-eyed, big-titted employee you saw when you walked in.
You squeeze the fabric of your skirt and tried to let some of the tension in your shoulders dissipate. 
“Oh, wow, dove, the selection they have here is amazing!” Hawks whistled as he returned to the fitting room, alone, carrying an armful of padded, velvet hangers. 
“I can imagine,” You wished you could have looked around a bit yourself, but Hawks had a much better eye for these things than you did. You were very fortunate to have him around. 
He arranged them on a gold railing nearby, wings tucked to his back as to not crowd the small space of the dressing room.
It was truly just a single room, though it was large enough. Six-sided, each wall complete with a well-padded, velvet bench seat to idle on. The middle of the room had a little raised platform, leading to three, angled mirrors. They were massive and felt a bit too revealing as Hawks hummed to himself nearby.
The only thing separating you from the rest of the store was a heavy, velvet draping. 
Hawks plopped onto the cushion next to you, letting out a deep sigh and leaning back. You watched him, gaze flickering from the garments on the rack and the exposed patch of his chest visible from the unpopped buttons of his shirt. 
His feathers brushed up against your arm and you shuddered.
“Now, sweet thing,” He clicked his tongue, jerking his gaze to the hangers. “I picked out some pretty sweet pieces for you. Why don’t you try them on and let me know what you think, hm?”
You nodded, though your stomach felt like there was suddenly lead in it. From the looks of the lace and silks, those pieces weren't going to cover much of anything. You mentally sparred with yourself.
It’s not... that bad. It’s not like he’s going to see anything more than he would if you were wearing a swimsuit. 
Besides, this a gift, right? You should at least show him what he’d paid for on an actual body. 
He had you so well-trained--
You stood, moving to the rack on shaking legs and examining the pieces.
They’re all... a bit whorish. None of those soft babydolls and teddies that folks wore in those softcore pornos that you definitely never watched. The pieces Hawks picked for you aren’t the least bit modest. They’re all lace, mesh, and ribbons. Stockings and garters that looked like they might be a tich too snug. You grab the least garish-looking piece. 
And Hawks was still in the room, body lax and slumped against the cushions.
His eyes lazily opened, a bushy brow-raising, “You good, dove?” 
“... Aren’t you gonna step out?” 
He chuckled and you knew you were fucked. Just not literally, not yet. 
“Why the hell would I do that?” Hawks laughed and righted himself. His vibrant gold eyes bore into yours, though they looked more black than topaz by that point. 
You swallowed. 
“I would prefer if you d-did.”
“And if I don’t?” His voice oozed something that made your knees weak. “What then? I know you don’t like disappointing me.”
You didn’t, but this was a bit far. ‘A bit’. 
“... s-sir, please,” You begged, albeit quietly. 
This was crossing lines. As much as Hawks gave you special treatment at the agency, literally and figuratively taking you under his wing and tending to your needs as he saw them and has he saw fit, stripping and playing dress-up in expensive lingerie definitely was too far.
As much as part of you adored the attention, you tried to keep that quiet. Stuffed down and hidden. Hawks was your boss, and you had to keep yourself occupied with his busy schedule and mountains of paperwork, lest you allow yourself to dissolve into thinking his attentions were anything other than favoritism. 
Oh my god, you really were that dense
“’Please’?” Hawks cocked his head to the side, the corners of his lips curling. “‘Please’ what, dovey? Tell me.”
You let out a shaking breath, “Hawks, this is remarkably inappropriate--” 
“Maybe,” He cuts you off swiftly, a flap of his wings pushing him to his feet and directly in front of you. “You just need some help? That’s it?”
Your mouth went dry. He wasn’t wrong, not really. 
“That’s all, huh?” Hawks ran a hand through his hair, his wings curling around the room, too-wide and fluffed for the small space. “Should’ve just said something. I imagine you don’t do this kind of thing often.”
“N-no, I don’t.”
Does anyone? 
“That’s alright, I know you try your best and just need that extra push, hm?” Hawks sighed, deep in his chest. 
With the scarlet swallowing your peripheral vision, you feel like you’re suffocating. Maybe in a good way. You nodded, pliant.
He always knows you. What you want, what you crave, what you need. 
Nimble fingers untucked your blouse from your waist, and you yipped at the chill of his fingers. He was undeterred, loosening the garment and immediately going for the buttons.
One by one, they came undone and you wrap your arms tighter around your middle. Hawks ogled, openly and without a care. It made something in you writhe, but you still wanted more of it. His attention, overt affections that supposedly mean nothing-- you want it.
He slid the blouse from your shoulder, letting it fall to the ground. You watched as his feather shuddered, rippling as he let out a few harsh breaths. You knew how you must look, hot and flushed to the touch. Bare on your upper half, sans a cheap bra that had seen better. 
“Are you sure--” You weren’t sure what you were going to ask, but Hawks didn’t let you say it besides.
“Yes, of course, obviously,’” He licked his goddamn lips. A taloned-finger caught the pilling strap of your bra, snapping it against your shoulder. “Besides, look at this! Can’t have you representing the agency, me, and my brand wearing shit like this.”
Something burned in your gut, some mix of shame and arousal that was threatening to spill from the wet corners of your eyes. 
Hawks dropped to his knees, so fast you hardly could register it. His hands hooked in your skirt by the first two knuckles and tugged and he went down. The sound of splitting fabric cracked in the air, and your skirt fell to the floor in tatters.
And Hawks, the fucker, hovered just inches away from your covered cunt. The cheap cotton of your panties did nothing to shield you from the hot breath that he fanned over you.
“H-Hawks!” You cried out, attempting to push at his shoulders with sweaty palms. “What the hell are you doing?!”
“Just taking a closer look,” He gave you no time to protest as those quick fingers of his pulled the elastic of your panties, tugging them down your thighs. He had the decency to tap your ankles, one at a time, so you could step out of the garment. “You don’t mind, do you?”
You let him. 
Perhaps you should’ve protested a bit more. Maybe. But it wasn’t like this wasn’t your wildest fantasy. Your sweet, too-kind boss, spoiling you. You weren’t sure if you’d thought about Hawks that way at first, but he had gotten to you at some point. The impromptu lunches, the late nights together, the walks and flights home. There was even that one he’d managed to wrestle a guy getting too handsy at a club with (how had he known you’d even been there?)
Hawks unclipped your bra, throwing the thing to the side with a  look akin to disgust. He snatched the hanger and garment from your hand and nodded toward the platform.
“Stand over there like a good girl for me, okay? Don’t take your eyes off yourself.”
You couldn’t disobey him, could you?
You’d seen what he did to people who crossed him, when it really mattered. He didn’t put his heart or energy into something unless he really, actually cared. And the handful of times you’d seen that go to shit had left memories of sharpened feathers and terror-filled eyes in their wake.
But you were good for him. His assistant who always made sure his meetings lined up with his patrols, and that everything was brief unless entirely necessary otherwise. You were the one who made sure he had caffeine nearby and a full belly, even on his most busy of days. 
He’d never do anything other than be kind, right?
You didn’t want to find out otherwise. 
He approached you from behind, the silk of the garment tucked over his arm. His eyes looked predatory, gleaming and inky. 
He only stopped when his chest is flush to your back, hands finding their home just above your hips with a squeeze. You shuddered at the feeling, new and raw and you couldn’t tell if you hated or loved it. 
“I want to see how this looks on you, god,” Hawks groaned, nails biting into your skin. “Hold still for me, dove.”
You did.
You didn’t dare move an inch as Hawks took his sweet time dressing you up. The garment is silken straps, the lace wrapping around the curves of your hips and chest, securely with expert bows that he pats into place after each one.
It was impossible to ignore the bulge pressing into your ass. Even as he pulled the pair of panties between your cheeks, stroking the lace and the fat with a wide palm, you were far more focused on the heat and hardness slowly grinding at the other cheek.
He tied you up expertly, and you watched in the mirrors, seeing each angle of it. The way his hands squeezed and pulled at your flesh along the way. The hungry glint in his eyes as he traced your figure. The way his wings seemed to shake and flutter in tandem with your short, quick breaths.
You were truly at his mercy. 
“Look at that,” He whistled low, grabbing your jaw and pulling your gaze just where he’d like. “Tied up like a pretty present I told you this would be good, didn’t I?”
“Y-You did.”
Hawks sighed, draping himself over your shoulders and nuzzling into your neck. You could feel the part of his plush lips, the way they drag over your skin. You swore you a nip or two.
His gaze met yours in the mirror. One of his hands trailed low, very low, sliding over top of the lace panties and cupping your sex. His index fingers lazily traced your lips through the fabric, idle. His other went to grope your chest, more insistent as he palmed at you, pinching a nipple as you began to sputter. 
A warbled moan cracked from your lips as Hawks fingers dipped below the seams of the pretty garment, rubbing at just the rights parts of you, tugging your body flush to his. 
“W-Wait, Hawks!” You wrapped a hand around on his wrist, begging your breath to stay somewhat even. “What if someone hears? Or one of the employees comes back? What if--”
“Do you think I care?” Hawks groaned, grunting as he ground into your ass. The unmistakable sound of fabric tearing cut through the room (again) and the fabric of his pants hit the ground. And suddenly you could feel how hard and hot he was. 
Something twisted in your gut and your legs rubbed together. Hawks caught your gaze, scarlet enveloping the room from the sides of your vision and the mirror in front of you.
Hawks shifted your face toward his, nosing along your cheek. The grip on your jaw was replaced by one on your throat; he was hardly exerting any pressure but the threat and meaning were clear.
Keigo has you right where he wants you. He always has, always will. You’re just a bit too... naive? No, maybe dumb... That’s a bit mean, isn’t it?”
“You need this just as I do,” He spoke low and rolling, touch burning like embers. “You know you do. I know you do. You trust me, don’t know?”
All you could do was nod before Keigo slotted his lips to yours, staking a claim that was only new to you. He nipped at your bottom lip, tugged until you were wincing into his mouth. He caught every sound, every little gesture of yours was his, just like you were. Keigo kicked himself for waiting for this so long, but he could be ginger, under the right circumstances. Ones that benefited him. He could only hope you were as good of a fuck as you were fun to toy with. 
You’d be sin yet, Keigo resolved as he pulled away. He just had to coax you there first, and he wasn’t against more... direct methods.
Maybe you’d finally get it then.
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wqk-k · 3 years
Obey Me Brother react to an idol!MC
 hi this is my first set of headcanons for the brothers  👉👈 i apologize if the brothers are ooc in this, though i tried my best jksajdufhj. i hope you enjoy!
Warning(s): Cursing
Reader Pronouns: They/Them (4A)
Background: MC is a very popular idol in their world, best known for their impressive singing skills, music and the amount of rewards they have recieved because of their talents. Surprisingly, they aren’t only popular in their world, but in the Devildom and Celestial Realm as well.
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since lucifer didnt actually read who you were on the paper that had blown to his feet, he had no idea you were an idol at first
but after couple days at RAD, he noticed that random demons kept coming up to you in between classes and didnt leave until the next class started
most of them had come up to you with a pen and some paper asking for your autograph
he was just like ??? 
after a while of this happening luci decided to just ask you straight up why they were coming up to you like that and you had told him you were an idol back in the human realm
that explains it
he honestly doesnt mind
if people start hating on you in public, he’ll honestly just shoot them a death glare and it works
so damn well
he got too much pride to deal with those underlings
if you start working on music/mv projects that you left off on in the human realm (like shooting mv or singing) he will absolutely rent you a recording booth or fuck, even a whole ass theatre if you needed it
sometimes he likes to sit in the recording booth and listen to you sing for a bit before returning to his stacks of mammon’s bills 
v proud of you dont get him wrong
but he will make sure you’ve done all your homework first LMAO 🛌
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when mammon first found out you were an idol he started digging through boxes that had been in his closet
after what seemed like hours he finally found the box he was looking for and he started to dig through it
he pulled out an old camera that levi gave him a couple hundred years ago bc he said he didnt need it
mammon had the best idea ever, he could sell pictures of you to your fans for at least 10,000 grimm each.
surprisingly it worked
like really well
so well that you found out
you confronted him about it, saying that you find hella uncomfy with him snapping pictures of you at random times. not only that but it was an invasion of your privacy
despite him earning so much grimm, he agrees to stop but keeps some of the pictures to himself to look at when he misses you 
if you get hate in public he’ll turn into his demon form and scare the person away, maybe scaring you in the procees but apologizes right away if he does
if you start working on music/mv projects he’ll offer to help you shoot mvs or record you singing if you need the help
just make sure he gets some credit for helping you
but he genuinely thinks you look amazing in anything, like anything
you could be wearing a big bird cosplay and he’ll think you look breathtaking
gets you to model w him sometimes
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wait you look really familiar
really really familiar
you almost look and sound like that one really popular human idol that hes simped for time and time again
oh shit
v embarrassed when he finds out it is actually you and gets really nervous when hes talking to you
is the demon asking for your autograph
but you have no idea how much power you have over this man
you could tell him to come out of his room and he’d come out with ease, no protesting, no nothing
may ask you to record a ringtone for him for when he wakes up
even after months of you two knowing each other, he still gets flustered when you start talking to him with your stupid cute ass eyes and your perfect hair and your perfect voice and your perfect-
yeah you get the point AKJSDKLASFBG
if you get hate in public he will deadass growl at the person before escorting you to your favorite ice cream place
if you start working on music/mv projects he will be by your side 24/7
he wants to see the god/ess themselves at work
hes like your personal butler for the time youre working on the projects and its adorable
hes bby
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when he finds out youre an idol he will 100% voulenteer to help you write lyrics for your next song
but besides that, like luci, he really doesnt mind
he hears some other demons talking shit about you after art class and he’ll be angy as usual, but after stomping off and accidentally bumping into you he just
turned into puddy??
idk what it was but it was something abt they way your hair was a lil messed up and looking at him like that wish a small embarrassed look
just wow
every ounce of anger just evaporated while you apologized over and over again because the face he was making made him look like he was angry for some reason 
when he snaps back into reality he says its cool but then asks if youd like to go to the library w him because honestly youre his safe haven now
sometimes he asks you to hum a tune for him when hes reading
if the demons start hating again, you may need to hold him back KJASNDJFG 
if you start working on music/mv projects, again, will voulenteer for helping with lyrics
if you already have the lyrics down he’ll review them and give constructive critisisim if needed
or he’ll just write every lyric himself and you can judge it after hes done
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is not surprised at all
hes actually heard some of your songs and damn id he doesnt have them on his “on repeat” playlist on devilfy
he thinks you have an outstanding voice, not only that but youre a gorgeous lookin thing
asmo likes to hit on you a lot because he likes to see that flustered look on your face but he would never over your boundaries
he wouldnt want to be over the internet bc he made one of the most praised artists in devildom (thats not even a demon) angry
asmo doesnt want to be cancelled yet JKSJKDGFUA
but seriously, he thinks youre amazing
like really amazing
there like no lust involved in his admiration for you he just geniunely thinks youre cool
but he does think you look amazing 24/7
will ask you to model things for him for devilgram
if you get hate in public, he’ll hold your hands and shower you with compliments and tells you to ignore them
if you start working on music/mv project he will insist on doing backup vocals or being a backup dancer
or like the head backup dancer or whatever theyre called
is like your personal stylist wherever you go as well
along with that he can also help you come up with a beat for your song if you need one, he is more than happy to help someone like you
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he honestly thinks youre really cool
asmo showed him one of your songs before and thought it sounded really catchy
not only that, you sounded beautiful, almost like you were actually from the celestial realm, consider him a fan
so when you showed up for the new exchange program he was surprised but got really giddy
was one of the demons who asked for your autograph
you gave him a sweet smile after he asked and he just- melted
man down man down
will want to spend lost of time with you and take you to ristorante six on fridays as his treat
you usually end up paying though which he feels really guilty about but you tell him its fine
youre an idol who is loaded to the chest, youve got nothing to lose KLSKADJHF
if you get hate in public he’s also the type to death glare but people dont really hate on you in public when youre w him bc he has a naturally scary aura
lowkey thought you wouldnt like him at first :(
if you start working on mv/music projects he’ll start cooking you meal and making sure you get enough water
will absolutely cook your favorite meal- or any meal in fact- if you request it
if you dont request anything he’ll just wing it and make something he think you’ll like kjskdhsf
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couldnt care less  🧍
he thinks your voice is pretty nice tho
hears beel listening to your music once and agrees w him on you having a really nice voice
lowkey sing him to sleep
like its super cute
plus he thinks youre gorgeous?? like wow you rlly pretty
once tried rubbing your face bc he thought you were wearing makeup but when nothing came up on his thumb he muttered a small “wow” and hugged you
it was the cutest thing ever ohmy god KJSJDSIF
ever since that day hes obtained a habit of rubbing your face when he finds you stunning or at random moments
if you get hate in public he will literally murder the person?? but in like an alleyway or something
he’ll say something like “wait here” and walks toward a dark area to do his thang
when he comes back he’s covered in this red shit and you worry for him but he just glosses over it and takes you into a pillow shop LMAO
he is v protective over you
if you start working on mv/music projects he’ll occasionally help out but most of the time he’s sleeping so he doesnt really care 
sometimes he’ll give beat/lyric suggestions or help flim the mv but thats it  🧍  
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vldkeith · 3 years
all this anon hate ur getting is making me sad :(( so i'm here to say ur new blog is very cool and give me more young keith hc's pls <3
👀👀 thank u!! i decided maybe my theme should reflect my new url a bit more lol fjgkfhdgks here are some young keith hcs ❤️
little keith, same as older keith, has a tendency to look at rules, go “that’s stupid”, and immediately break them. 
the rule he hates MOST is that hes not allowed to leave his desk at school even if he’s done w something. he literally does not get it and he thinks it’s bullshit so any time he finishes smth early he will simply get up and leave
the teachers always rush after him and theyre like “keith. we talked about this.” and keith is like well i was gonna come back sooo.....
texas kogane is Very Used to getting calls from the school re his troublesome son’s troublesome activities 
school: hey. it’s us again. 
texas: hi. what happened?
school: well he beat someone up again...
texas: cool, cool, i see. okay. so what did that person do? 
school: they called him gay
texas: ohh okay! so you’re calling to tell me that that kid is getting punished and keith gets a reward for standing up for himself, right? 
school: not exac--
texas: *hangs up* 
he likes to collect things!! nothing of significance tho, just little objects he finds many of :)
his biggest collection consists of cicada husks! he was so amazed when he saw the first one just sitting on a tree, and after his dad explained that it was just the shedded remains of a still-alive cicada, he started picking them up wherever he saw them. they make a small army on one of his shelves now
he gets into emo music at 13, just before shiro finds him, and that phase lasts until he’s at least 15
keith: *scream-crying to fake your death mcr when he thinks shiro isnt home* 
shiro: *comes home early* 
shiro: hey, kiddo! what’s, ah...what’s up! 
keith, shutting his mouth instantly and schooling his face into a deadpan expression: nothing. im doing nothing. go away. 
shiro: ha ha...you sure? 
keith, looking shiro dead in the eyes, aware that there are still tear streaks on his cheek: im sure. 
shiro: okay! well we’re having tacos for dinner tonight
shiro, later that night at dinner after looking up the song keith had been singing: so! adam. do you ever feel like....choosing defeat? just, you know, walking away? there’s so much pain in the world...are you looking at it? i feel that way sometimes. i think it’s important that we feel like we are able to discuss these feelings openly and without shame--
adam, as keith is banging his head on the table: jesus christ takashi
kid keith, despite being p good athletically, would NEVER participate in gym activities. he just flat out refused. eventually his teachers got so tired of dealing with him that they just told him to go run laps whenever team activities arose and he’d do it, gladly 
all the students are like “wow he’s so gifted he gets to be on a separate training program from the rest of us...so cool....” meanwhile the teachers are just relieved that they don’t have to deal with his complaining for at least another half hour sfkdghfdgkfds
he always stole from the scholastic book fair bc he wanted the cool things and didn’t think it was fair that elementary school kids had to Pay for their own enjoyment, especially if it was being shoved in their faces...anti capitalist king <3
keith doesnt hate his childhood, not really. when his dad was around it was always fun, and he didn’t have that many years when he was alone before shiro, so there was plenty of space for fun :’)
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raysofcrosby · 4 years
"𝘋𝘪𝘥 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘢 𝘯𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵...𝘴𝘦𝘦𝘮𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘦 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨? 𝘈𝘯𝘥 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘪𝘴 𝘥𝘪𝘧𝘧𝘦𝘳𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘢𝘧𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘥?" ━ 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐚𝐧 𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐨𝐧, 𝐒𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐝 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫
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series masterlist
requested: yes | no
warnings: implied smut, otherwise some slight fluff and angst.
word count: 4,916 [i barely proofread this bc lack of sleep so plz dont h8 me]
authors note: phew ok i was a little scared that i wouldn’t get this out before sunday, but i literally forced myself to sit down and write (both as a way to destress and get this done) and voila, i finished! i hope you guys enjoy it, and as always, i love everyone for reblogging and liking! i love seeing your tags, and hearing what you guys think about the series! i hope you enjoy and without further ado, here’s part 8!
Your last few weeks with Tyler felt like you were living on cloud 9. As usual, you and Kennedy switched off on nights of who got the dorm room, so more often than not, you'd been at Tyler's. In those few weeks, while you were dedicated to studying and preparing for finals week, Tyler often pulled his charm and managed to get you away from studying for an hour or two, and as he put it, christen every surface in the house with you, though honestly, you wouldn't have been surprised if he had done that before. None of that mattered, his past didn't matter and neither did his former hookups because he was here with you. You went to bed with him almost every night either cuddling into his side, him cuddling you or the both of you cuddling with the dogs.
Literal Cloud 9.
But that easy lifestyle came to a pause as finals week loomed over you, Kennedy and your entire campus. Luckily for you, you only had three finals. One final on the first day, a final the morning before tonight's game and then one on Monday. Your first two finals you felt as if you aced them– their courses were an easy A and you never struggled or felt stressed whenever it came to studying or writing papers for them. Your last final, however, was the one you were the most worried about– and quite frankly, spent the most time studying.
Stupid Physiology and Anatomy.
You were determined to lock yourself away in the library after the game tonight to study for Monday, but as usual, Tyler invited you over, even offering to help you study. You accepted and like always, he picked you up from your dorm and took you home. Of course, not failing to stop at the grocery store so you guys could pick up some quick ingredients to make yourselves mini pizzas while you studied. A study break, Tyler called it. Though, while more tomato sauce ended up on the counter and ingredients were tossed around– and your pizzas turned out a little crispy...it was a fun distraction, one that you were grateful Tyler planned and one that he knew you desperately needed.
However, when dinner came and went, you plopped down onto the couch in his living room and broke out your study cards You set them out all around you and started to plan out where you'd start when Tyler came down and plopped beside you. You were suspicious at first because you could feel him staring at you from the corner of his eye, but you brushed it off. It wasn't until you felt him creep his hands around your waist and press a kiss against your neck, did you realize what he was trying to do.
"No, Tyler. I have to study!"
He pressed another kiss to your neck, higher this time before pulling away and pouting at you. "It's anatomy, I like to think that you know enough about that."
You laughed, turning at him and poking him in the chest with a card. "Not the point Seguin. How am I supposed to for sure know what a–" you took a glimpse at the card. "Epiglottis is, if I don't study?"
Tyler looked off and mumbled to himself before looking back at you. "That's the thingy that stops food and water from getting into your lungs, right?"
You flipped the card over, reading a definition that summed up what Tyler had said. "Lucky guess."
"No, not lucky guess," he pulled you closer to him. "If I know what any of this fancy stuff means, then you do too. Because I only know it from helping you study, which no offense...is a shit ton, ya nerd."
You sighed, staring down at the card and feeling his eyes burn holes into your head. "Tyler..."
"Pleaseeeeee?" He started to squeeze your sides before tickling your waist. You smacked at his hands, trying to get them away and failing. "Please, please, please?"
He lied you down onto the couch and you sighed, smacking his chest with your card. "Fine."
He leaned down and kissed you before pulling away and sitting up, taking off his shirt. He looked down at you and wiggled his eyebrows. "If you're so torn up about not studying...you could always study me?"
You smiled, reaching up and wrapping your arms around him and tugging him down closer to you, nudging your nose against his own. "Studying can wait."
Your studying session took you from downstairs on his living room couch, to upstairs on the theatre couch. While Tyler had managed to strip you from your clothing downstairs, he carried you upstairs, fully clothed and even offering you a pair of boxers and a shirt because 'it was only fair for what I have planned next.'
What he had planned next, of course, was studying...but a studying game he made fun. He'd help you study your cards by using reading them to you and if you couldn't tell him the definition and point out where the card belonged, then you'd have to strip (see how unfair?) And for every 15  cards you got right, he'd strip. Of course, Tyler being Tyler started to pout when you were still dressed in his t-shirt and boxers and he was left with nothing but 1 card left and his boxers. When you got that last card correct and he had to full-on strip, he was even more upset. Though, he didn't let that fully show until after he congratulated you on being smart and reassuring you that you'd ace this final.
And of course, you rewarded him with some good ole fun since he helped you study for a while, but then after that, it was back to studying again. And that was the routine: Study, break, study– just like that. Now, the two of you were relaxing on the couch. He was sitting up and you were lying down, your head rested on his thigh, the both of you covered with your shared blanket as he rubbed your arm with one hand and played with your hair with the other one.
"You know, for someone who played 65 minutes of intense hockey...you sure do have a lot of pent up energy," you turned your head and looked up at him. "four times in three hours is...a little aggressive."
His childlike smile took over his face as his smugness crept in. "If you keep moving your head, it's going to be five times." He leaned down and kissed you before sitting back up. "Let me guess. Was Cole a one and done, kind of guy?"
You felt a little embarrassed to reveal your past sex life to Tyler, especially since you knew how much he disliked Cole, but that soon eased. "More like once a week and that stopped before summer."
Tyler burst into laughter and you felt yourself at ease when the vibration from his chest echoed throughout his body. You could listen to him laugh for hours on end and never get tired. "No wonder why you're able to keep up with me." He poked at your nose, "you've got pent up energy too."
You laughed and swatted his hand away, sticking your tongue out at him. "It's all fun and games until you break a hip, Seguin."
"Eh, I don't see that happening anytime soon," he smiles, nodding back down at his lap.
You roll your eyes and look up at him. "Better calm down boy, because we've still got some studying to do."
"If it leads us back to where we are right now, then I'm perfectly okay with that." He smiled and you reached an arm up and cradled the left side of his face. He leaned down and pressed a kiss to your nose and then your lips, resting his forehead against your own. "I think I could stay like this forever."
"Oh, I'm sure you'd love to have me in your lap forever, Seguin." You joked, looking at him.
Only then did you see the look in his eyes that you'd never really noticed before. It was a soft, tender look, one that you'd only seen in movies or described in the Nicholas Sparks books your brothers teased you about. "Well yeah, but no...I meant–"
A creak, following by a thud caught your attention and you were silently curing whatever it was that interrupted whatever Tyler was about to confess. "Did your front door just open?" You asked, pulling away from Tyler and looking towards the open theatre room door.
"Hey Seggy, it's just me! Are you here?" Oh shit, you knew that voice anywhere...it was Jamie.
"Oh fuck!" Tyler grunted, scrambling off of the couch and standing up quickly, resulting in you falling onto the floor with a thud. "Oh shit, I'm so sorry," He apologized, stepping over you and looking around for his shorts and putting them on.
You reached out for your fallen blanket and wrapped it around your body. "What is he doing here?!"
"I don't know, it's almost 1 A.M." He whispered back, rushing towards the door and turning back to you. "Just...stay here."
No sooner than he disappeared around the corner and down the stairs, did you take in your surroundings. You grabbed all of your study cards and your notebooks, quickly shoving them beneath the couch. Your heart was racing and it felt like you could pass out at any moment. This was the worst-case scenario– Jamie walking in on you and Tyler before you ever had the opportunity to tell him about your relationship. You'd spent weeks, thinking of this scenario and telling yourself that it wouldn't have a chance of coming true...and yet it was right downstairs. I mean, there's no other way you'd be able to explain exactly why you were naked in Tyler's house.
"Oh, dude did I...interrupt you?" You heard Jamie say as you paused your clean up and moved a little more towards the door to wait for the 'coast is clear' sign.
"What? No...why?" God, could Tyler be any more panicked? Just by the way he stuttered over his reply, was enough for Jamie not to believe it.
"Because there are women's clothes on your couch...unless this bra is yours?"
Your eyes widened as you mentally smacked yourself for ever letting Tyler undress you on his couch. He didn't strip out of his clothes down there, which was evident by the fact that you were the one stranded in a blanket and he was in the comfort of his running shorts.
"Oh uh...yeah, uh..."
"Jesus Tyler, get it together," you whispered, closing your eyes and resting your head against the door frame.
"Dude...are you back with Maisy again?"
"WHAT? No...why would you think that?"
Jamie paused and it killed you not to know why he did. "SMU? Is this her sweatshirt?"
You could feel yourself begin to sweat as the fear of Jamie recognizing anything down there as yours, set in. He even bought you that sweatshirt your freshman year move in! What if he recognized it as yours? Did Tyler had the capability to play it off as you leaving it here from the last time you watched the dogs? Honestly...probably not.
"Oh Uhm," Tyler cleared his throat, once, twice...and a third time. "No, it's not Maisy's."
"Let me guess," Jamie sighed, probably tossing your sweatshirt onto the back of the couch. "You found another hot girl from SMU then?"
"Well, yeah she's pretty hot," Tyler replied, and you could tell by the way that he ended his statement, that he was smiling and you couldn't help but wonder if you should be flattered that Tyler said you were hot or scared of your current situation.
"Dude, you've got to stay away from the college girls! No college girl is worth the drama, even if she's smoking hot. I mean, did you ever listen to Y/N and her Cole drama? Or the drama from this last year? You're wanting to put up with more of that?"
"Anyway," your brother sighed. "Y/N asked me to come by sometime to pick up her Psychology or Anatomy book or whatever. I guess she left it here when she sat the dogs last week. She's been so busy with finals, so she forgot it and I forgot to come by before the game today. But I'm with Bish checking up on their house so since we're in the neighborhood, I thought I'd stop by."
Now you really wanted to smack yourself. In the mess and stress of finals and hanging out with Tyler and the pups, you completely forgot that you had asked Jamie to stop by and pick up your book. Though, in your defense...you weren't supposed to be here anyway.
"The Physiology and Anatomy one?" Tyler must have seen the confused look on Jamie's face, so he cleared his throat. "She's been complaining about that course whenever she tapes up my ankles– huge bore of a book. Do you know where she left it? I can grab–"
"No, no. You go back to your girl." Jamie patted Tyler on the shoulder, "she told me where she left it. I'll just grab it and go."
You could hear Jamie's footsteps come up the stairs and it was like you were frozen in place. You had told him it was in the theatre, which is where you did most of your studying at Tyler's. When your eyes scanned the room, you saw it lying on the left side of the couch, right on top of the small side table. You considered running across the room and shoving it under the couch until you focused in on how close their footsteps were.
"No, really...I can grab it for you. You wouldn't want to leave Bish in the car!" Tyler said, obviously trying to prevent Jamie from coming up the stairs.
"He's not a dog, Segs. Plus the A.C. is on...I think he's good. Now really, you go back to your girl, I'm a big boy. I can find a college textbook."
There were no good places to hide in the theatre room and you could feel the panic in your chest only continue to rise. There was not enough time to book it across the hall and into Tyler's room without risking being seen and identified by Jamie. You looked to your right and saw the little crook that Tyler's door made, rest up against his entertainment center. A designing flaw you'd pointed out to him many times– but not one Tyler cared too much about to fix. Right now, you felt like hugging that stupid flaw, because it was about to become your saving grace.
You quickly opened the door and ducked into the space, pulling the door right behind you and casting you in the crook. Just as you went to peek through the crack to see if they were near...they walked into the room. You held your breath as you saw Tyler relax a little bit, knowing that you had managed to hide just in time. You moved away from the crack in the door, pressing yourself against the wall as you heard the two of them move around.
"She said it was in here somewhere...."
"Are you sure she left it here? I haven't seen it."
"I mean," Jamie paused, digging into his sweatshirt pocket for his phone. "She texted me yesterday saying that she desperately needed it and forgot it in the theatre. But she's also really stressed...so it's possible."
"Great! Then maybe she just–"
"I just thought that I'd come and check, just in case. Acing these finals means a lot to her. Plus Jordie and I are planning a huge Hawaii trip for her and Kennedy after graduation. So I just don't want her to stress herself out too bad and ruin her chances at getting a good grade...just because of this book."
You felt a twinge of guilty hit your chest hard. Jordie and Jamie were currently planning an amazing trip for you and your best friend...and you were not only hiding the biggest secret from them but also currently hiding behind a door...naked and wrapped in a blanket.
"HA!" Jamie yelled, scaring you and almost causing you to jump and knee the entertainment center. "I found it! Physiology and Anatomy, perfect!"
"Huh, I guess she really did leave it." What a liar, since the two of you were just using that book for a guideline to your cards.
"Hey, do you know that your entertainment center is completely blocking your door?"
Oh no. Oh no, no, no.
Your heart was hammering against your chest as you closed your eyes and prayed that Jamie would stay as far away from your location as possible.
"I mean, either you need to get this door realigned or figure out a better place for your entertainment center, man. This door closes too fast?" You watched in horror as Jamie's fingers curled around the upper side of the door. He tugged it towards him, revealing you and your hiding space as his attention was all on Tyler. "It could really damage it."
You looked at Tyler as you gulped, sending him a helpless look. His eyes were wide and staring in your direction, as Jamie held all of his focus on Tyler. "Why do you look like you've seen a–" Jamie finally turned to you, "Y/N?"
You were speechless. The moment you opened your mouth to explain, your throat dried and it was as if you forgot how to speak. You could see Jamie was still trying to register in his brain why you were there. You watched helplessly as his eyes traveled down to your blanket before coming right back up. It was scary, watching his eyes gloss over and darken all at once– something that only happened whenever he was really angry...or on the ice.
"Bish and Jordie were right...weren't they?" He turned to Tyler and you already knew what was going to happen. "You're sleeping with my sister?"
Tyler opened his mouth to speak, stuttering to come up with an answer at first as he looked at you over Jamie's shoulder. "Listen, Chubbs it's not–"
In a flashing moment, Jamie swung at Tyler, landing a solid hit right on Tyler's eye. "Are you sleeping with my fucking sister, Tyler?"
You pushed past Jamie and rushed to Tyler's side, tugging your blanket tighter against your body before placing yourself in between the two grown men. "Jamie, stop!" You yelled, your voice cracking since your throat had been so dry.
You turned your attention to Tyler, who was just nodding you off as you brushed your thumb against the warm red spot beneath his left eye. "Jesus Christ," Jamie scoffed, shaking his head as he rested both hands on top of his head. "Jordie and Bish were right. You two are...you're..."
You've always heard the phrase of someone 'turning green' whenever they were going to be sick, but you never understood it until you looked at Jamie in this very moment. The look in his eyes and his expression on his face said it all– he looked as if he could throw up at any moment. He went to say something again, closing his mouth before turning away from you and Tyler and rushing out of the room.
"Jamie!" You called out, turning to Tyler who just nodded at you to go after him.
"Jamie, stop!" This time you screamed, feeling the desperation practically leaking from you as you held the blanket tight against your body and ran down the steps after your older brother.  "Please, stop!"
Yet his steps hadn't faulted and he kept the same pace and his back to you. He didn't need to turn around for you to understand just how mad he was. You could feel the anger radiating off of him as he came to a stop at the front door. "Jamie, please..." You cried, not even realizing that tears had started to fall down your cheeks until you heard yourself speak.
He kept his back turned to you for what felt like hours but was only seconds. "When?" He asked, finally turning to you, his look of anger still plastered on his face. "When did this all start?"
"I-I mean I've had feelings for him for a while and we-we've been flirting and–"
"When did you start having sex with him? Halloween?" The loud and harsh tone of his voice, startled you back a few steps and for the first time, you were scared of your brother.
"N-no! Not until I broke up with Cole." He turned away from you again, this time grabbing the doorknob and you reached out for his arm, grasping onto his sweatshirt sleeve. "P-please, Jamie just...listen, please."
Jamie starts to turn the knob, ignoring you before he took a deep breath and sighed, turning back to face you with a look of hurt written all over his face. "I just...I don't get it! Don't you know his reputation, Y/N?" He asked, his left hand waving towards the stairs. "It's not a lie! He sleeps with girls all the time, it's who he is!"
You tugged the blanket tighter, letting your grip on his sweatshirt sleeve fall. "It's different with me J. I...I think I–"
Before you were even able to confess your feelings, Jamie brushed them off with an aggressive scoff. "Don't even say it, Y/N. Do you really think that you love him? That he loves you?" His voice was getting higher and if you could shrink into the floor, you would. "He's not even capable of loving someone, Y/N! And you–" he drops a hand at you, shaking his head. "You're just a kid."
"I'm almost 22-years-old, Jamie. I'm not that little girl with pigtails following you, Jenny and Jordie around like a puppy. I'm a big girl capable of making decisions and I know what I feel!"
Jamie just stared at you as you felt your confidence start to dwindle off, just as fast as it appeared. But then you saw it, a small moment in his eyes where his anger subsided and he seemed to be taking in your statement. Maybe this was it, maybe he wouldn't brush off your feelings for Tyler like it's a pre-school crush, and actually take you seriously. For that moment, he was the big brother that you went to for so many years when you skinned your knee and needed someone to hold your hand while your mom drowned the wound in hydrogen peroxide.
And no sooner than that moment opened up, it closed off again the moment his eyes wandered off of you and to the area behind you. His eyes glossed over and darkened once again, pushing your comforting big brother aside. "You asked me about Maisy? Well, there's a reason why he never let her post anything. Because she was nothing more than a hookup. A piece of ass that he could call when he was lonely and needed to get laid." His eyes wandered back down to your blanket and you pulled it tighter against you as he looked you back in the eye. "What makes you think that you're any different than her?"
He turned back towards the door, only for a moment before turning back and looking at you. "I'm down with you." His eyes looked over your shoulder. "Both of you."
He opened the door and walked out, slamming it hard behind him. "Jamie!" You cried out, staring at Tyler's front door, knowing that going after him was not an option. When you went to take a deep breath, sobs escaped from the back of your throat and your legs felt like buckling beneath your weight.
You turned around to see Tyler standing there and looking somber, dressed up in sweats and a t-shirt, which was a whole different outfit from when he answered the door. His eye was starting to swell and it only served as a reminder of everything that had just happened in minutes. He places your clothes in a neat pile and looked at you, taking in your tears. You walked towards him, wrapping your arms around him and feeling him return your embrace...only somehow, he felt distant.
You pulled out of his arms and sniffled, wiping your cheeks on to your arm as he pulled the blanket tight against you, again. "I think you should leave. I can go pack up your backpack and call you an uber."
It was as if he drove a stake through your chest with those two sentences. You nodded, only because if you were to speak, you'd let out more sobs you were holding. He handed you your clothes before disappearing up the stairs.
The moment he was out of view, you made your way to the downstairs bathroom and locked yourself inside of it, letting your sobs escape. You played the details in your mind: Jamie's face, the spite in his words. How distant and cold Tyler just seemed to you. Like he was brushing you off as just another random hook-up with his uber comment when normally you'd be staying the night or he offered to drive you back to campus.
As you got dressed and splashed water onto your face, you took in your reflection. You hadn't realized just how hard you had been crying until now. Your face was flushed and your eyes swollen and red. You splashed some more water onto your face before drying it off with a towel, leaning against the counter and letting your head drop.
Everything has changed.
"Have a good night Ma'am and whatever it is that has you so upset...I'm sorry." Your uber driver, a friendly elder man said, giving you a soft smile and offering you a candy cane from his candy bowl.
You smiled, sniffling as you took one. "Thank you and I'm sorry for being such a mess."
"Oh don't apologize. I remember what it was like being your age. It's a difficult time, and I'm sorry if I'm just overstepping here...but young men at this age? Wouldn't be able to see the women of their dreams if she was standing right in front of his face. So don't let him get you down and you just go ahead and focus on school and being your best self? Okay?"
You nodded, closing the door and watching as he drove away. You adjusted your backpack on your shoulders and stuff the candy cane into your sweatshirt pocket, wiping your cheeks on your sleeves. You hadn't stopped crying the moment you got into your uber. Hell, it was a miracle you had managed to stop crying when Tyler came to get you from the bathroom.
He had knocked on the door, giving you only seconds to collect yourself and grab the blanket before opening the door to him saying: 'The uber is here'
And all you were able to say was 'Okay.'
The walk from the bathroom to his front door was awkward– you just followed behind him like a lost puppy, trading his blanket for your backpack. He had opened the front door and you walked outside, expecting him to follow after you– only when you turned around, he was rested in the doorway and nodding his head at the end of his driveway. You couldn't think of anything to say except for– "See you"
And all he did was nod and watch you walk down the driveway. When you got to your uber, you turned around to wave at him, only to have your heart sink into your stomach when you noticed that the door was closed. That's what started your endless tears in the uber. He didn't even bother to make sure that you were safe getting into the uber and didn't even bother to shoot you a text to ask you to text him when you got to your dorm.
Speaking of which, walking to your dorm right now at almost 2 A.M. felt like an extreme walk of shame, though since it was finals week...maybe you could pass it off as you coming back from a hardcore study session that just caused you to spiral into a mental breakdown. When you got to your room, you opened it and walked in to see Kennedy and Big Rig chilling on her bed, watching Netflix.
"Hey babe, how did studying go?" When she turned to look at you, she immediately took in your appearance, tossing off her blankets as you made your way to your bed.
You dropped your backpack onto the floor, keeping your face hidden from them and trying to best to keep your cool. But the moment Kennedy started to rub your back, your bottom lip started to quiver and you let out a sob. You heard Big Rig shift in Kennedy's bed as he paused their show and you kept your back to the both of them as you climbed up onto your bed.
"Am I kicking his ass?" Big Rig asked, causing you to let out another sob and you saw Kennedy wave him off as she rested her arms on your knees.
"What's wrong, Y/N?" She asked, tapping her finger against one of your knees and causing you to look at her.
You sniffled again and looked at both of them through teary eyes. "Jamie knows."
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thetradeway · 3 years
Session 40 10 Apr 2021: Thunderbuns and Timothy P. Fuckapple
Sophie and Matthew are on their way back from somewhere, so we start a little later than advertised.
Quick recap - where were we? Most of us were having dinner with Mirt, Kessler had left, and also Tarragon not long after, having made Brother Charity wear her drink.
Tarragon arrives back at the Dagger and Kessler has her translate what she managed to scribble down of Carl’s book:
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The rest eventually arrive back, in various states of drunkenness. We have eaten, so the DM exempts us all from hangovers. Yay!
Brother Charity, Matthew tells us, had all the sinful posh foods including foie gras.
Joe has added character sheets for the baby flumph, and Simon the mouse who has rat stats (including a whole hit point!) but is not a rat. Did Gideon add a flumph pouch to his sleeve? Yes, his friend Bromrick helped him make one.
Okay, so! Are we all in the taproom, and does Kessler want to share what she learned about Carl? She wants to have a quiet word with Brother Charity about it. She’ll have a time of it, Matthew says; Brother Charity has wedged a chair under his door handle so he can be undisturbed while he calms Brother Carl down.
Sophie, OOC: “He’s dead, how calm do you want him? Resting heart rate of zero beats per minute!”
Kessler knocks on Brother Charity’s door. He ignores it. “He has to come out at some point!” Or she could just tell the party we’ve been bringing a zombie around with us, or tell the bar staff he’s been keeping dead animals in his room. Still nothing. (Matthew, OOC: “Riveting game playing, isn’t it?”)
The rest of us make Perception checks, Ahleqs rolls the best as he is perpetually on edge waiting for danger, even in his sleep. We all roll well enough to hear Kessler banging on Charity’s door. Ahleqs listens at his door to see what the exasperated goblin sounds are about. He opens his door and asks her what she’s doing; she says she wanted a word with Brother Charity.
She makes a Perception check - she can’t hear anything coming from Brother Charity’s room. She turns back to Ahleqs and asks him to go and get Gideon and she will get the rest of us. She wants us all to meet in her room.
He does as he’s told, and goes and knocks on Gideon’s door. He throws it open; he is wearing his little jammies.
Ahleqs: “Kessler’s being weird.”
Gideon: “And?”
We gather in her room. What has she woken us up at this ungodly hour for?
She tells us about the Identify spell - Brother Carl is under the influence of an Animate Dead spell. None of us are especially shocked by this news. She says Brother Charity won’t speak to her.
Ahleqs notes that Charity seemed upset because we haven’t really given him a chance.
Kessler says that Carl told her Charity ‘saved’ him. Gideon doesn’t seem worried, he just wishes Charity had been honest about it!
Do we think Carl can communicate, has he perhaps told Charity that Kessler knows? It’s a possibility.
We should hear him out before we burn him. We’ll wait for him to come down to breakfast and ask him about it. Wait, let’s check and make sure they haven’t done a runner. Melaina climbs out of the window in Kessler’s room and around the outside of the Dagger to Charity’s room to see if he’s in there. She looks into the room - which is empty. The window is closed, so he likely didn’t go out that way.
He’s scarpered! We go downstairs to ask the bar staff if they’ve seen him.
Well we don’t have to ask, because the Brothers are in the taproom eating breakfast. Well, shit. Okay so maybe they didn’t scarper.
Ahleqs, nervously: “Good morning, normal to see you.”
Brother Charity calls us straight away on Kessler’s investigation; Ahleqs asks why he didn’t just tell us Carl was dead. Well it’s not a great opener with a new group of people, Charity explains.
Besides, we’re dragging Tarragon around with us.
Tarragon: “… Excuse me?”  
Charity: “She came back from the dead, I don’t see the difference.”
Tarragon, indignant: “I’m not literally rotting!”
We have judged Carl, so we must be experts on his condition, yes? We know everything there is to know? Charity asks.
Tarragon: “No, that’s why we’re asking!”
“I see.”
He insists he’s not a necromancer. He cast spells of the necromantic variety, but so did the Unicorn to resurrect Tarragon -
Gideon, out of the blue: “How does the group feel about summoning demons?”
Us: “ - …”  
Kessler goes to the bar; it’s too early for this conversation.
(BC is smiling and drinking his coffee as we have a sidebar about this.)
Tarragon asks Charity to enlighten us about Carl’s condition.
He shows us a piece of paper with a drawing on it by Carl, of all of us holding hands.
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He says that Carl was horrified when Kessler demanded he undress her and threatened to kill him.
Kessler lets slip that she was born in a human household, while Charity is berating her by openly making assumptions about goblins, the way we’re making assumptions about Carl.
Tarragon asks about how he came to animate Carl; he says he found his corpse in a field and cast a spell on it. Carl had been bitten by a snake, and Charity happened upon him. He says his previous zombie had been eaten by a bear.
Wait, his previous zombie? When did he start raising zombies?
Two hundred and three years ago.
“Are you undead?”
How did he come to raise zombies two hundred or so years before he was born?
He says that’s an interesting story, and he might tell us if we share something about ourselves. He starts by turning to Ahleqs, while Kessler goes to the bar and orders a keg of everything and as much food as they can bring to our table.
Jirr, seeing her approach: “Gonna be one of those, huh?”
It’s a bit early for Charity, he’ll stick with coffee. (Not at all like Matthew, who will have a PINT OF WHISKEY! That’s roleplaying for you.)
Charity asks about Ahleqs’s wild magic; what would he say was the most significant event to happen to him other than the acquisition of his magical powers on the day he discovered he had them?
Ahleqs stares into middle distance. He says that’s when he escaped; he never found out why they did it to him, but he’s not going back.
(Charity tries to backpedal, and offers Ahleqs a scotch.)
Before Ahleqs can elaborate, his amulet starts to pulse and Mr Pickles appears. He looks around the table and his gaze settles on Carl.
“What’s this?”
Ahleqs, relieved: “Mr Pickles will sort everything out.”
Mr Pickles sniffs Carl. Ahleqs says he’s just coming around to the idea that Carl might be okay.
Mr. Pickles, sniffily: “it’s nothing to be frightened of. It’s just magic. Low magic, but just magic.”
Charity: “How dare you!”
Mr. Pickles, ignoring him: “I have an offer for you and your friends, anyone who can cast arcane magic, from the temple. We have a mission that you and your team would be perfect for.” He will explain further, but not here.
Tarragon says she can’t cast arcane magic, can she come anyway? Yes, all can do the mission, but the reward only benefits arcane casters. (Tarragon says that’s fine - everyone here has helped her with stuff before.)  Mr. Pickles tells us to eat our breakfast and join him later.
Ahleqs talks about the glowing orb he found, which he thought at first was elf poo; it has stopped glowing now so he thinks it might be something else.
Melaina, nodding: “My poos don’t stop glowing.”
Ahleqs takes Carl’s picture and puts it in the bag of holding. Aww.
Charity comforts Carl as we leave, rubbing his back. “See, I told you no-one was going to kill you.”
Duncan, OOC: “Guys, I think I love Carl!”
Charity makes a Perception check; he is not shit-hot at these. He rolls a 15, perceiving a medium amount of things. He spots one of Mirt’s paper cranes; he immediately pockets it without drawing attention to it. (There is something for him in the handout section of his journal. He will read that anon.)
Tarragon rolls Perception as well; she sees a black cat looking at her. It goes “PSSST!” She shakes her head and keeps walking.
We walk back through the fancy part of town where we were last night, toward the House of Wonder.
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Ahleqs has been to the House of Wonder before, yes? He leads us there, excitedly telling us all how good it is. This is the temple if the Goddess of Magic, in the middle of the Sea Ward. Mr. Pickles is waiting for us.
Ahleqs asks him, if he gets really good at magic, so he hardly ever kills any of his friends, can he have a set of those robes?
“Of course, my boy.”
Gideon takes a look at the pillars - at ADV because of his Stonecunning, which he is going to use EVERY session. They’re pulsing with magic. Can he do an arcana check?
Yes. at ADV as well. 26! He is going to fondle those stones until he unlocks all their secrets! They are conduits for magic. Each pillar channels a different form, adding to the ambient magic in the temple.
We have to peel him off the stone at this point. “What are we here for, again? Missions! Yes!” 
Mr Pickles, somehow raising one eyebrow at Gideon even though he doesn’t have any: “Are you done?”
Gideon, still looking longingly at the pillars: “Yes.”
Mr. Pickles says there have been developments in the Shadow Weave. He would like us to undertake a journey to Candlekeep to find a book. Are we familiar with the Castle of Tomes?
Ahleqs makes a History check. He is from Baldur’s Gate so he can do it at ADV. 14; he has heard of it but never been there. It’s the greatest repository of knowledge in the world, guarded by monks. People come from all over to seek knowledge.
Do we just ask them for this book?
Mr Pickles asks Charity if he’s been to Candlekeep before; he has, once or twice. As he knows, the monks require a gift for entry; a book that is not already in their possession.
Melaina: “We could write one!”
Sadly this probably won’t work as they are stringent about the quality of the books they accept, and Mr. Pickles doesn’t know how we would get a good one. His head priest will write us a letter which should convince the monks to let us have the one we want to take away, but we must find a book that will be acceptable to the monks in order to gain entry.
Poetry, arcane arts, history, all of these would be acceptable. Erotic fiction? Ahleqs knows where we can find a lot of that.
Mr Pickles wants to talk about the reward; Charity already has a familiar, he says. (Does he mean Carl?) Would any of the arcane casters like a bond with such a creature? Ahleqs brings out Simon. “I already have one.”
Melaina says she would like ‘a little aminal...’
Mr. Pickles says they could bind Simon to Ahleqs as a familiar so that if something happens to him, he could be brought back. (Mouse Frumpkin!) He thinks Simon would love that; yeah, let’s do that.
Mr Pickles leads him to a chamber - Ahleqs skips after him, he’s so excited.
Ahleqs can add Find Familiar to his spell list - it will only summon Simon, and Mr Pickles will show him how to cast it as a ritual.
Mr Pickles offers the same to Gideon, for his flumph; he accepts.
Mr Pickles returns again and offers Kessler a familiar. She’s not sure she should keep a pet; she’d probably lose it.
Charity and Ahleqs both say “Or eat it” at the same time. Ahleqs holds his hand up for a high five; Charity is briefly confused before Ahleqs explains the concept of high fives. Charity feels included in the group for the first time, and accepts the high five.
Mr Pickles, ignoring all this, tells Kessler to trust him - this is a good idea. She finally agrees. Mr Pickles leads her into the ritual chambers and performs the ritual. Upon casting, a curious creature emerges from the portal created. It looks like a tiny clockwork beholder.
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Mr. Pickles asks if Melaina wants a familiar - “Uhhh yes please that sounds awesome.”
She can choose which aminal she wants and let the DM know as and when, but she can add the spell now.
Joe goes to move on - and Sophie suddenly knows what she wants: “Weasel! Weasel!”
Weasel it is. :)
Mr Pickles can’t help us with finding a suitable book; he will think on it. Will we be around for a while?
Do we have to sort of guess which books they have at Candlekeep already, or do they have a published catalogue?
There is some sort of divination magic we can use to discern whether or not they have a particular book. They will take annotated copies if they’re interesting, or first edition copies, of books they already have.
Tarragon makes a Perception check - the black cat is sitting at the entrance to the temple, watching.
Tarragon waves to the cat - it raises its paw. It stretches, then lopes slowly toward her.
“By the gods but you are stupid!” says the cat, aloud, in Common. “I have been trying to get your attention for ages! Come to the shrines of nature!”
Tarragon says she will go along at some point today, and the cat leaves.
“Well now, run along,” says Mr. Pickles, lighting his pipe.
He says as we leave that he has something special for Ahleqs if we do well.
We go to the shrines of nature. (Ahleqs at least will come with; it sounds nice and relaxing.)
Charity and Melaina get chatting; after a while Charity notes, “I think this is the most we’ve spoken, you know.”
Melaina, immediately: “Fuck off.”
We arrive at the shrines of nature - Amithrel, the High Druidess, approaches us. She says she has been speaking to her colleagues about Tansy. Some have heard about this type of curse or poison before - there is a book that might be of benefit. She says the cat told her that we might be travelling to Candlekeep soon? This would be a perfect opportunity.
It involves a ritual cast on the heartstone that Melaina gave Tarragon. It’s in a book of ancient rituals and spells. It fell into the hands of a lore keeper and ended up in Candlekeep. The monks likely won’t part with it, so Tarragon will have to find a way of copying it.
Mr Pickles is going to give us the title of the book he wants us to borrow. The High Druidess can’t remember the name of the druid who told her about the book, but he will be coming here soon. Are we okay with waiting a few days for him to arrive, before we leave for Candlekeep?
Yeah, we need to find a book to give the monks anyway.
Amithrel asks if we’ve thought about how we’re going to get to Candlekeep. It’s about 900 miles by land. The best way to make the journey would be by boat; didn’t we have a friend with a boat? Didn’t he look like this guy (Charity) but ‘infinitely more handsome’? Perhaps we could contact him, he has friends at the Docks Ward who could get a message to him.
We could charter a boat, couldn’t we? Charity asks, clearly reluctant about contacting Gunna. Might be a little expensive, though. But Gunna was pretty clear that he was off doing family things, he might not want to come back just to ferry us along the Sword Coast. If he’s two weeks out, it’ll take him two weeks to come back, Charity points out. 
Ahleqs thinks we should either buy passage or gain employment as protection on a ship. Or we could ask Larissa, maybe she could get us passage?
Speaking of Lord Walrus, does Charity have anything he needs to be getting on with? He says if we’re near the Dagger he’ll go and look for some books and - the thing… (no idea what that means. Oh! Probably the Harper mission from Mirt.)
We head back to the Dagger and Charity and Carl excuse themselves to go off and look for ‘stuff’.
Kessler goes to the Watchful Order to see if they have any books that might be suitable. Ahleqs accompanies her. We just need to borrow one, right?
No, it would have to stay at Candlekeep.
Melaina: “Well they’re not called CandleBorrow.”
Charity puts his head back in the door to the Dagger to ask Gideon if he would like to accompany him and Carl on his mission to find a talking horse. Wait, what?
Gideon agrees, apparently not needing to ask any kind of follow-up questions. Where is this horse? Charity says it’s pulling around some kind of dray. (A wagon or cart type thing.)
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Gideon asks Ria about drays; who around here might own one?
Ria says there are some companies, and some independents who own one. They’re mostly to be found here, though they travel all over the city.
Ahleqs has the Urchin background, so he knows his way around cities - comes from always keeping his eyes peeled for escape routes. Sadly, he’s already gone to the Watchful Order with Kessler, so that’s of no help here.
Gideon and Charity go off in search of the talking horse. Goes by the name of Maxeene apparently.
Perhaps they could take a dray carriage on a tour around the city? Would be a good way to get to know their way around. Well, not much use if they’re looking for a particular horse, unless they happen to get the one dray that Maxeene pulls. 
Tarragon and Melaina saw Ahleqs and Kessler leave for the Watchful Order; they also see Gideon and Charity (and Carl) looking around the street and arguing heatedly. Tarragon goes back to her wine and Melaina plays excitedly with her new weasel; neither seem to care overmuch about what Brother Charity is doing.
Outside, Charity approaches a guard to ask about the dray. Where do they run to and from?
“Any particular service? They run the length and breadth of the city.”
Any that have violet flowers as their emblem? Or horses that wear a violet flower?
The guard looks at him funny. “Are you drunk?”
Charity makes a persuasion check - a 13.
The guard isn’t sure that any of the horses have taken to wearing flowers in their hair.
(This seems to be getting him nowhere; maybe Charity should look them up in the Yellow Parchments instead.)
He gives up and walks away from the guard. He doesn’t quite know how to talk to ‘the lower-downs’.
He and Gideon make Survival checks; Gideon spots some dray tracks.
He splats his way down the street, following the tracks which lead to the market. There are a lot of drays going to and fro; if they found a vantage point they might get a better chance at finding the one they’re after.
“Maxeene!” Gideon shouts, in desperation and to no avail. Can they get onto a roof? It’ll be a DEX check. Would that be untoward? Would people think he’s a loon?
Wait - the familiars! Gideon could send his flumph! He sits on a bench and instructs Charity not to let anyone pickpocket him, as he’ll be blind and deaf as he looks through the flumph’s eyes.
He whispers into his sleeve and sends out the flumph, warning it not to talk to strangers. Baby flumph makes a Perception check as it floats into the air. Gideon brains over the relevant information: A horse with a violet flower behind its left ear.
Through the flumph’s eyes, Gideon spots the horse in question. He points, but he’s seeing through the flumph and still sitting on the bench so he’s pointing at the ground.
Charity forgets that Gideon is deaf while he’s using this spell and demands to know what he’s pointing at.
(Matthew, OOC: “This whole scene is a combination of See No Evil Hear No Evil and Weekend at Bernie’s.”)
Gideon withdraws from the flumph’s vision and he and Charity go in search of the horse. They catch it up and Gideon walks alongside the dray and asks the driver what time he finishes; the driver says he’s not his type.
Is there room for three more on this dray? Gideon asks, ignoring this. The driver pulls to a halt and introduces himself as Marcus. He says yeah, we’ve got no passengers. Fare is 4 cp; Gideon throws him 12. They scatter; Marcus scrabbles around to pick them up and tells them begrudgingly to get on.
Another human already on the dray introduces himself as Morgan. He is Marcus’ brother, and he gives Gideon the tickets.
They ride around the city on the dray, while Marcus happily chatters away to them. They make Insight checks; if one of them keeps Marcus talking, the other might be able to make contact with Maxeene.
They decide instead to take a tour of the city. They spend a very pleasant afternoon, even stopping for sandwiches. Finally they reach the last stop. Do they ask to go along to the stables…? Would that be untoward? Marcus is looking at them like he’d like them to get off his dray now.
Gideon suggests posing as inspectors. Charity loves that idea, “but. We have taken the entire tour. That might be a hard sell. But it’s not a terrible idea.” He suggests following the dray after they get off, finding the stables, and then engaging Operation Pretending to be Inspectors.
Gideon gets up slowly because they’ve been sitting down for hours and he’s a creaky old dwarf, and hops off the dray. Charity tries to attract the attention of the horse, but it’s tricky. He makes a Performance check - a ten.
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Maxeene looks at him blankly. She and the other horses are untied and led down the alley, but Charity and Gideon have seen the direction they went.
Matthew wants to go outside for a cigarette, so we cut back to Tarragon and Melaina; Melaina is mucking about with her weasel, and Tarragon is busy getting wine drunk. Over to the other group then…
Ahleqs and Kessler have gone to the Watchful Order (Mina is not responding so we pick up with Ahleqs until she returns).
He tells the librarian he is looking for esoteric knowledge. Could they direct him towards the rare book section?
Is he looking to buy rare books?
As a paid member he can read or borrow anything here, but they don’t sell stuff. The librarian can recommend a number of good bookshops. Some Guilds might deal in rarer volumes, too, she adds... 
Ahleqs makes an Insight check - 18. The librarian is hinting that thieves’ guilds or Xanathar might have something akin to what he’s looking for. Ahleqs is way out of his depth, but nods as if he knows what’s going on.
He will peruse the shelves here anyway, he says.
Kessler pops back in and says that we recently did some work for someone who might be able to acquire rare books; what about Shanks? Perhaps her lot could steal to order? We might even get a discount on services if Melaina goes along on the job. (Sophie, enthusiastically: “Yeah!”)
Matthew is back from smoking now so we pick back up with Charity, Carl and Gideon.
It’s early evening by now. There are people around, they are still in the vicinity of the market. Charity finds a door to the stables, but it’s locked. He makes an Investigation check and rolls a 19. He could probably pick it without too much trouble but he doesn’t have thieves’ tools. They could go and get Melaina…?
(Sophie OOC: “Just text me.”)
Charity is reluctant to ask ‘the elf’ for help. She’ll just say no. Well she won’t say no, she’ll say ‘fuck off’. He asks Gideon to go, as she’s more likely not to swear at him.
“What? No! We can do this by ourselves! There must be a way. Is there an open window or something…?” Gideon looks for anything that doesn’t involve lock picks or asking the elf for help. Does he perhap have a spell…?
He looks for a spare key under a bucket by the door or something. He makes an Investigation check and gets a 22 - he spies a key on top of the doorway! He points it out to Charity who reaches up and grabs it. Gideon arcana checks the door to see if it’s trapped; it is not. Well, not magically, anyway.
They enter the stable. There are four horses in here - one of which has a violet flower behind her left ear.
“Maxeene,” Brother Charity whispers. She looks at him but doesn’t respond. He shows her the Harper button. She greets him and asks what she can do for him.
He says he has been sent on a mission and introduces himself, Carl and Gideon. He is here looking for information, and has been told that Maxeene might know about agents in hiding with ‘an unpronounceable name’. Would she be so kind as to let him know what she knows, and Charity is willing to pay for the information.
DM, laughing: “Are you offering the horse money…?”
Matthew, OOC: “Nah, like sugar lumps or something.”
Maxeene tells him that sugar lumps are bad for the teeth.
“I know that, I’m a doctor.”
Gideon, scoffing: “No you aren’t!”
Charity, miffed: “Bloody well am.”
Maxeene interrupts the squabble to say that she gave a ride to a sun elf and a half orc two days ago, dropping them at the Yawning Portal. They spoke of planting agents in the guild, in a weird way. The Xanathar guild, their enemies. They might be Zent agents.
Charity makes notes on his letter, while Carl holds the ink pot for him in his open hand.
Maxeene says he could seek them out at the Yawning Portal.
DM: “Kessler might know about tha - ”
Gideon, immediately: “No! We don’t need any help from the goblin!”
After some History checks, they know that the Yawning Portal is a famous tavern in Waterdeep. There was a tower that exploded, now it’s a portal to the Undermountain. Famous tourist attraction. Lots of adventurers pay money to be lowered down the hole to seek their fortunes.
This is starting to sound like more than a two-person adventure...
Gideon asks Maxeene why a horse of her ability is pulling a carriage? She is an agent for the Harpers, she tells him. You get to see all sorts in her line of work. (The irony.)
Charity says he thinks his job is done - apparently all Mirt wanted was to know what Maxeene knew.
But wait! Charity has a plan. He thinks they should go to the Yawning Portal and ask around. But in order to forestall any investigations, they should disguise themselves. How would Gideon feel about dyeing his beard to pass himself off as a different dwarf? He supposes he could. (Charity pulls out a little bottle that says ‘Just for Dwarves’ on it.)
Charity rubs some boot polish into Gideon’s beard, and they set off for the Yawning Portal. Wait - they need names!
Gideon, after a short pause: “Sledge Rock-Eater.” And what about Brother Charity? “Human names, human names… Paul?”
Charity says he will go with ‘Timothy’. (Is that a Tal’Doreian name?)
Before they go in, Charity suggests that Carl wait for them in an alleyway. He casts Disguise Self to look like a ‘cribbly old man’ (direct quote) and plops his wig on his head. (He could have given himself hair with Disguise Self, but anyway.) He also has ‘a manky eye and a hump’.
Does Gideon have a weapon? He blusters. “I use magic, I don’t usually bonk things.”
Carl offers his mace; “It’s all yours,” he says, the first words we’ve ever known him to speak - something that seems to pass everyone by.
(The scene that follows is not easily captured in text form which is a shame, as much of the nuance and high comedy - not to mention the abominable accents - are completely lost. My apologies to Thunderbuns and Ross Kemp.)
They enter the Yawning Portal. Trophies line the walls, and there is a big hole in floor into which people are being lowered on a rope. The bards here are really good, and obviously well paid.
They start to look around for a half orc and a sun elf who are together. Charity spots a balcony that runs around the edge of the main tap room. From his position he can see a male sun elf standing talking to a female half orc. That seems promising. They are hoping to get their names, and to find out if they are Zent agents.
Publicly, the Zent mercenary guild have a respectable face but they have a shady reputation. They are called the Black Network in underground circles, and most don’t trust their intentions. They undercut the prices of other mercenary guilds. They’ve been at war with Xanathar’s guild, who are also fighting with the Shadow thieves.
Charity, getting ready to make his move: “What was your name again, Thunderbuns?” He suggests dropping Xanathar’s name in a negative way as they walk by, initiating a conversation and seeing what they can glean.
Charity gets fully into character as Ross Kemp as he orders whiskey for himself and Gideon at the bar. It costs 2 copper, but he flicks the barmaid a silver piece and tells her to ‘buy herself summink pretty’. She winks and stuffs the silver piece into her cleavage.
Charity slams the whiskey and makes the face that people who aren’t used to drinking whiskey make. A couple of people at a nearby table notice and start to laugh; Ross Kemp points to the glass and tries to insist that it was ‘the shit stuff’. It’s unclear whether they believe him or not, but it seems unlikely.
Right, time for phase two.
They go up to the balcony, talking shit about Xanathar’s guild in the worst cockney accents anyone has ever heard. The half orc girl is picking at her nails with a dagger and looks up to warn them to watch what they’re saying.  
Charity tells her he is looking to get revenge on Xanathar and his Guild - “They’ll rue the day they crossed Timothy P Fuckapple!”
(Duncan is crying with laughter by this point, and we’re all not far behind him)
The sun elf says if he buys them a drink, will they go and drink it somewhere else?
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Timothy P Fuckapple asks gruffly if they would be open to a game of cards…?
The sun elf, looking down his nose: “Absolutely not.”
Timothy P. Fuckapple/Ross Kemp: “What if I sweeten the deal with a bit of cheddar cheese, by which I do mean money?”
Still no.
Timothy says he was told that if a person wanted revenge on Xanathar then they should find two individuals who look like the elf and the orc, but clearly he has been misinformed.
The elf asks, do they have business with the Zent? Are they wanting to hire mercenaries?
Thunderbuns: “No - we wanted to join.”
The elf falls about with laughter. “Did you hear that, Yagra? These buffoons want to join!”
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They have a name! Thank fuck for that…
Thunderbuns has an idea, and says he will bet the elf a gold piece that Timothy can guess his name. The elf sighs. “Fine, if you will leave inside a minute.”
Timothy makes his guess - “Silver Frond!” he says, confidently.
“No. My name is Davil Starsong, as anyone here could have told you.” Thunderbuns dutifully hands the elf a gold piece.
“And this here is Yagra Stonefist - she will happily see you to the door.” Yagra pushes them both toward the door; they offer no resistance. They have both names, yes!
Charity writes the information he has discovered on the back of the paper crane, once out of sight in the alley. The crane takes flight and disappears.
And with that the buddy cop movie ends, as does the session. Duncan has two new abs from laughing. (I don’t think this is the last we’ve seen of Thunderbuns and Timothy P. Fuckapple.)
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ddaenggtan · 5 years
forever rain | knj - teaser
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Being dead isn't anything exciting. Just a lot of walking the same halls of the same apartment day after day after day. Things change when the new tennant arrives, though. Kim Namjoon isn't anything you could have expected; not the way he's so careful and gentle with his plants because he breaks so many other things, not the way his friends joke that he's psychic because you refuse to let him get in the face one time, and certainly not the way he comes home after literal months spent moving things away from table edges for him and announces that he knows he's being haunted and he has some questions for you. You didn't know ghosts could fall in love, but he makes you feel alive again, like you're standing in the rain while thunder crashes around you. You should've known nothing good would come of falling in love with someone living, though. You should've known that heartbreak was the only way this could end...that the rain doesn't last forever. 
part of the Love Yourself Collab, please please please go check out the other fics. Everyone involved is so freaking talented and I have been vibrating out of my skin with how excited I’ve been to read all of these. 
pairing | kim namjoon x reader (unspecified gender, even!)
genre/warnings | ghost!reader, slight fluff, there are a lot more for the actual fic so definitely read those when it comes out, i’m not kidding i definitely want you to come and yell at me in my ask when you finish it, but pls don’t send things about what happens bc ur mad about it bc u didn’t read the warnings, y’all are a smart bunch but i know firsthand how skipping warnings can punch u in the gut so just,,,,,,,read the warnings on the full fic lmao
a/n | this is just a teaser for the full fic which is gonna post,,,,,,,,,,,,at some point lmao who knows i haven’t actually decided yet!!! yay me!!!! hahahaha stress!! it’ll definitely go up on my ao3 as well, so if you have alerts on for me there, you’ll get notified that way! for now, have this! and don’t kill me when the rest comes out!!
The creak of the front door pulls you from your thoughts, and the echo of a voice makes you narrow your eyes. Your first instinct is to slam some windows to scare off whoever's in your apartment, but you repress the urge. You'd die of boredom if you could die again, and whoever this is could provide a few hours' entertainment at the least.
You pop your head through the bathroom wall to see what's going on, and wow, who let an actual giant into your apartment? Fucking with the pipes could definitely wait for this guy.
"I know it's last minute, yeah," He says into the phone that's held carefully between his cheek and shoulder. His arms are loaded down with boxes and he's angled away from you just enough that you can't see his face, but he's tall and broad and wearing what looks like the world's comfiest sweater, and you want to badly to wrap yourself up in him. "But you know Joon needs the help. Don't pretend you aren't constantly willing to put off your thesis, I know for a fact that you went out to look at stationery with Tae last week, and everyone knows that's the most boring thing on the planet."
He's quiet, listening to the soft crackle of a voice from the other end. You slide through the wall completely, hovering as close as you dare to try and hear what the other person is saying. Tall, Broad, and Comfy scoffs.
"He can stare at one sheet of paper for at least ten minutes, Yoongi. Do I need to remind you of the time he spent an entire fucking hour debating which set of holiday scrapbook to buy because, and I quote, 'this one has the really nice rose pattern on it that would look great with the invitations, but, oh, look at the pinstripes in this one!'" His voice morphs into what you guess is an approximation of whoever Tae is, and you laugh at the high-pitched, nasally tone.
Tall and Broad spins, eyes narrowing as he looks around the room, and fuck, he's literally gorgeous. You've never seen someone more attractive in your life or your death and it would probably knock the wind out of you if you actually had breath. Comfy McGorgeous turns back around and sets the stack of boxes in the corner, continuing his tirade about Tae and stationery while simultaneously trying to talk Yoongi into coming, you assume, to help Joon move. You don't know who any of these people are, but they're already proving to be the most entertaining bunch that's ever graced these walls.
The door to your apartment flies open, making both you and Boyfriend Material whip your head around.
"Christ, Jin, you couldn't hold the fucking door open for us?" Someone grunts. Beauty Von Softness - or, Jin, as you should probably refer to him - winces and strides over to do just that as two more guys stagger in with a couch suspended between them. The second they're in the door they drop it to the ground and flop onto it, panting and sweaty.
"Listen, I was busy trying to get our resident hermit out of his cave to help us carry some of this shit," Jin spits back. "And you all know what it's like getting him out and about."
"Did you tell him that there's pizza after we're done? Because I've found that food is the best motivator for him," the guy closest to the door says. His hair is soft-looking and long and you wish you could pet it.
The other guy, the one who cursed Jin out and has the softest pink hair you've ever seen, laughs. "Jeongguk, you always think the best motivator is food."
"Well, yeah, because it is."
"For you, maybe. Other people require actual rewards."
"But food is a reward," Jeongguk mutters into the fabric of the couch. Jin tsks and smacks As Yet Unnamed on the back of the head.
"You're lucky I hung up on him when you bombarded your way into this place, or he'd definitely not come help us," Jin says as he leans against the back of the couch.
Unnamed starts to say something else but is cut off by someone running straight into the end of the couch. They all shoot to their feet, spouting apologies as the three of them maneuver the couch into the apartment properly.
"Sorry, sorry, Jimin distracted us from properly finishing our job," Jeongguk says quickly. He looks to the stranger with a small apologetic smile, and you're pretty sure if it were humanly possible, there would be actual literal stars in his eyes.
"Oh, it's okay, Jeonggukkie. I should've been looking where I was going." New Challenger walks straight towards where you stand, and you realize seconds before it's too late that he is not aware there is a massive stack of boxes in his path. Instinctively, you shove them to the side with your foot. Tall And Oblivious sets his boxes down without any trouble, none the wiser about any of it, and the three near the couch are too busy bickering in hushed whispers to have noticed you doing anything.
The newcomer straightens and turns to look at them all with a bright smile, and you think you might actually see The Light in the way his cheeks dimple. If you thought the other three were beautiful - which they are, no doubt about that, you're seriously wondering why the hell a bunch of supermodels are moving stuff into your apartment - then this guy is easily an Actual Fucking God or something. His brown hair is soft and shiny, his smile is warmer than the sun, and you're fairly positive that for the first time since you died, you feel goosebumps along your arms.
"Seriously, Namjoon, we should've realized you'd be up soon. You stay, start unpacking while we go get the rest of the furniture." Jimin shoves Jeongguk out the door while he's speaking, ignoring the taller's complaints, and Jin just shakes his head at the sight.
"Yoongi'll be here soon, he's finishing up another draft of his thesis. Hobi and Tae are stopping to get the pizzas and then they'll be here, too." Jin's voice is calmer than it was Jimin and Jeongguk, more soothing, and it makes you curious. Not only because of the tone change, but because you know Hobi, he owns the building and is the one who rented you the apartment when you first moved in. One of your favorite things to do is scare him when he comes by to make sure everything’s ready for a viewing.
"What? No, I said I was gonna pay for pizzas!" Namjoon looks distinctly more upset about this than someone should over not having to pay for pizza, at least in your mind, and it only makes you more curious.
"Yeah, but you also just moved out of your old apartment because it was too expensive, and had like an hour to load everything into a truck, so you're gonna let their trust fund asses pay for pizzas. We're seven adult men, and Guk could eat an entire horse and still be hungry. I'm not letting you pay for that."
Silence hangs in the apartment for a while before Namjoon gives a soft thanks to Jin. They share a smile before Jin makes his way back out. You follow each step, shadowing him all the way to the door before you're stopped. You lean your entire body forward, struggling against the invisible barrier keeping you inside, and the force of it nearly slams you back into the wall when you sag in defeat.
You aren't sure why you try anymore, but you know yourself well enough to admit that you're not going to stop until you can at least make it to the hallway.
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submissivekpop · 5 years
leather; hansol vernon chwe
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Requested: no
Warnings: smut (stay away, kids!), mentions of crossdressing, degradation, exhibitionism, praise kink, dom!reader, sub!vernon
Words: 2300+
A/N: the ending sucks bc apparentely I can’t write endings tbh 
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When Hansol said the theme of his party was leather extravaganza, you didn’t think people would take him seriously. Hell, you were wrong.
Walking into his house felt like entering some sort of highly sexual, lust-filled, leather realm. Everyone – literally everyone – was wearing the most revealing and tightest clothes. It was a feast of leather pants, see-through dresses, fishnets stockings and shirts. Someone – he looked like Seungkwan, but you weren’t sure it was him – was wearing a “sexy policeman” leather outfit while dancing on the table, obviously drunk. Even Jihoon and Joshua, who were sitting aside and sipping on their drink, dressed according to the theme.
Your eyes roamed across the room, trying to find the birthday boy to, at least, give him his present. You had to get to the kitchen to find him, leaning on the table and chatting with Seungcheol. By the look he gave you as soon as he noticed you, you knew he knew you would have liked his outfit. Loved it, even. The little brat.
A long sleeve fishnet shirt and a black corset, ripped leather pants, thigh-high fishnet stockings and black boots. To top it off, he was wearing a black chocker, a bright red, glossy lipstick and eyeliner. He really went all out for it, you thought, handing over his present to him, a little rectangular box covered in red paper. Despite the look on your face, clearly telling him not to open it, he decided to do it anyway, and opened it right in front of Seungcheol who, as soon as he saw what was inside the box, cleared his throath to hide his embarrassment and simply walked out of the room, without saying a single word.
«T-Thanks» he blurted out, after a few seconds of silence, not daring to look up and meet your gaze. You couldn’t help but grin when you noticed how his rosy cheeks were now crimson red.
«They’re the ones you liked, right?» you asked, teasingly.
He nodded. You walked closer to him, forcing him to back off until he felt the kitchen counter right beside him. Even then, you moved closer, leaving so little space between your bodies, and put your mouth as close to his ear as possible.
«Why don’t you try them on for me, mh?» you wishpered, and you swore you could see the little goosebumps on his skin.
«H-Here?!» He tried to look shocked, but failed. «Anyone could walk in!»
«As if you wouldn’t like it» you teased.
If possible, Hansol’s cheeks got even redder than they already were.
«Okay» he muttered, before unzipping his pants.
You backed away a little bit, just so that you could enjoy the sight better. You watched your boyfriend taking off his boots, his stockings and pants, before pulling his boxers down. He’s half hard, you noticed, and smirked. You knew it would turn him on, you just didn’t expect to happen so quickly.
«So… do you like it?» he asked, as soon as he finished dressing up.
Your gaze roamed across his body, lingering on his sharp features, on his abs – still hidden under his corset – and, finally, on his crotch. The lacy panties he was wearing looked astonishing on him. He chose well, you thought, before humming in appreciation.
«You’re beautiful.»
He smiled softly, turning around to let you appreciate his back side as well. Despite trying to, you couldn’t resist the urge to spank him, just once. When you did, he almost moaned.
«As I said, you’re beautiful.» You kissed his cheek, making sure to leave a lipstick mark on it. «Now put your clothes back on, we don’t want anyone to see you like this, do we?»
He shook his head and immediately dressed up again.
«Please don’t leave me like this» he begged, once he was done, hinting to the almost obvious bulge in his pants.
«Enjoy your party.»
You smirked, before turning around and going back to the living room, where everybody seemed to be having fun. He followed you shortly after, joining a couple of his friends busy taking shots of, well, whatever that was. Sitting on the couch next to Joshua and Jihoon, you kept your eyes on him the entire time. You watched him taking a couple of shots, standing up and then going right in the middle of the room to dance to the song that was playing, which, you noticed, wasn’t as sensual as Hansol’s moves would suggest. He was testing you, and you knew it. Promising yourself you wouldn’t give in, you kept on watching. That’s until some girl, someone not even Hansol knew, judging by his expression, started grinding on him. To make it worse, as soon as he tried to walk away, the girl got close to him again. Not only it was awkward, it was painful to watch.
Hansol’s eyes met yours. You snapped. Hell, that was your boyfriend. Walking up to them, you grabbed him by the shoulder and pulled him close to you. The mark your lipstick left on his cheek was still there but, apparantely, it didn’t work as you wished it would.
«He’s taken» you hissed. «Back off.»
Taking his hands, you quickly led him upstairs, away from the party. Closing the door of his bedroom behind you, you sighed.
«I’m sorry» he whispered, looking down. «I tried to get away from her, but she kept on following me.»
«It’s okay. I know it’s not your fault, baby» you reassured him.
You sat on the bed next to him, gently patting his thigh.
«Are you okay?» you asked.
«Y-Yeah, I’m fine.»
«You sure?»
«Yeah, I mean…» he paused. «Yeah.»
«Does that mean that Little Hansol doesn’t need me?» you asked, moving your hand closer to his crotch.
He rolled his eyes. He absoluted hated when you referred to his, well, member as Little Hansol. For starters, it wasn’t little nor small, and the both of you knew it; he was almost tempted to remind you, but decided to behave.
«Of course it does. It always does» he said instead, swallowing hard as soon as your hand touched him exactly where he needed you.
«Good boy, that’s how you should answer» you hummed, gently palming him through his pants. «I don’t think you deserve a reward, though.»
«W-Why not?» he panted.
«Why, you ask? Should I remind you what you were doing before?» you questioned.
«I was dancing.»
«You were dancing like a slut» you murmured, testing the waters to see his reaction.
At the sudden insult, his ears perked up and, to your amusement, his cock twitched.
«S-Slut» he repeated, and you couldn’t help but enjoy how beautifullly the word rolled off his tongue.
«Did you think I wouldn’t notice? What were you thinking, hm?»
«I-I… nothing, I swear!»
Your hand grabbed his cock, still covered, and tugged lightly – enough to hurt him, but not to cause actual pain – eliciting a grunt from him.
«Don’t fucking lie» you warned. «You know I hate liars.»
«I j-just wanted you to n-notice me» he admitted, in between moans. You hand was barely touching him, and yet he was behaving as if he was on the verge of orgasm.
«Oh, baby» you cooed, your voice as sweet as honey. «I’m pretty sure everyone noticed you.»
He smiled at your remark and you wondered if, maybe, that was what he actually wanted.
«Did you like it? Having everyone watching you?»
Nodding, he tried to lift his hips, just enough to get a bit more friction. The way you were touching him was driving him crazy, he had no idea how long he was going to last. Swiftly, you took your hand away.
«Please» he whined and, for a moment, you thought about giving in. You were quick to change your mind, though, and, after a couple of seconds, you resumed your teasing.
«What was that?» you asked, tugging his cock once again.
«I-ah… s-sorry, it won’t happen again!» he moaned, and you had to admit it, he sounded almost heavenly when he moaned.
«Mmmh…» you pretended to think about it, but both of you knew you were not gonna let it slide. «I think you’re trying to get punished, though. Is that so?»
Nodding furiosly, he turned to you. You could see it in his eyes how much he craved it.
«Please» he whispered, and this time you knew exactly what he was begging for.
«Take these off» you said, pointing to his pants.
In a matter of seconds, he was on his feet, unzipping his pants. He quickly pulled them down, before realizing he should have taken his boots off first. His eyes met yours, looking for a reaction, and you tried to suppress a smile. It had always amused you how he managed to mantain such a playful attitude in every occasion, despite being a whiney mess just a couple of minutes before. One day, you thought, he’s gonna make me break character.
You watched him as he finished undressing, stopping him right before he took off his stockings as well.
«Your shirt too» you said, and got up to help him. You removed his corset, and his shirt followed it immediately after. «Let’s put this back on.»
He turned around, allowing you to lace the corset around his waist. You took a couple of moments to let your hands wander around his narrow back, slightly caressing him. He hummed in approval when you kissed his shoulder, your soft lips against his tense muscles.
«You look so pretty like this, baby, all dolled up for me» you praised him as he turned around once again to face you.
«I changed my mind» he whispered, blushing. «I don’t wanna be punished.»
Knowing he was going to say something along those lines, you smiled.
«You should have thought about it before, then» you stated, and then you sat on the edge of the bed. «Come here.»
Letting out a frustrated whine, he did as told. He laid on his stomach, his pelvis on your knees and his ass perked up. You could feel his erection against your legs, and you noticed how he was struggling to find a position that allowed him to find some release.
«Stay still» you said, placing your hand on his ass and slightly pushing him down, so that his crotch was grinding against you.
«I said I’m sorry!» he whined, but you decided to ignore his plea.
«Count them out loud, baby» you said, gently kneading the soft flesh of his ass cheeks.
You spanked him nine times, switching between spanks and soft touches to sooth him. When you got to the tenth, he was on the verge of tears.
«Such a good boy…» you murmured, so quietely that he couldn’t even hear you, as he sat next to you. «Now, should I do something for that big problem of yours?»
«Please! Please, I’ve been a good boy!» he begged, trying to get you to do anything – literally, anything – to finally help him.
«Lay down, baby. Let me take care of you.»
Squirming in anticipation, he laid on his back, his eyes fixated on you, following your every move. You kneeled next to him, allowing your hands to roam freely on his body. Slowly, you played with his perky nipples, slightly pinching them, before kissing and nibbling at his flushed skin. Throwing his head back, Hansol let out a guttural moan that sent shivers down your spine.
«Please» he begged, and you knew that, as much as he loved what you were doing, he actually wanted you to touch him somewhere else.
«Patience, baby» you reminded him, before moving to his collarbones, while your hands kept on teasing his nipples.
You gently sucked on his skin, fighting the urge to just leave as many hickies as possible to mark him as yours.
«Y/N… baby, please, just-»
«Or maybe I should mark you, after all» you cut him off. «Perhaps that’ll help everyone remember who you belong to.»
When you sucked on his neck again, this time with the intention of leaving at least a couple of hickies there, your hand moved closer and closer to his crotch. Once again, he tried to lift his hips up to get some friction and, as soon as your hand touched him, you noticed how painfully hard he was.
«Oh god, Y/N» he moaned, and you swore you could feel him twitch against your hand.
Once you were satisfied with the marks you left on his neck, you completely focused on his cock, much to his delight.
«These look so good on you, baby boy» you said, slowly taking his panties off. «Seems like they were tailor-made for you.»
You watched his cock slap against his abdomen right after you freed him, feeling Hansol’s piercing gaze on yourself. As soon as your hand touched him, he moaned so loudly that you were sure everyone could hear him. Before you could even start pumping him properly, his cock twitched and you wondered if, maybe, he was already so close to cumming. It didn’t take you long to find out because, after a couple of minutes, he came with a strangled moan.
«Oh fuck, this is so embarrassing» he whined, covering his face with his hands, hoping that you didn’t notice how red his face was. Unfortunately for him, his neck and chest were just as red, there was no way he could have hidden it.
«That’s fine, baby» you reassured him. «It can happen.»
«I know, it’s just… you teased me too much.»
You gently slapped his thigh, laughing.
«Well, perhaps if you didn’t tease me first, I wouldn’t have done it» you said, before laying down next to him.
«I think we should head back to the party before they come looking for us» he said, hugging you thightly, nuzzling your neck.
«I think we should talk about your new kinks» you replied, petting his hair.
When he gave you a questioning look, you understood. Oh god, he doesn’t even know.
Feedback is always appreciated! 
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dorkylittleweirdo · 5 years
Last giant camp post unless i think of more stuff and I probably will
So this is from the last day
We were all in a huddle before any of the kids got there (so all the instructors and assistants) and everyone was saying at least one good or memorable thing that happened to them this summer. SV goes "AL FARTED RIGHT. HERE AND THAT WS THE BEST THING THAT HAPPENED TO ME" and AL is like oml and our little cheer we did when put our hands in was "AL FARTED"
One of my girls brought me starbucks and another gave me a popsicle
Assistants and instructors were playing this game called assassin and we had to mark someone's hand with a sharpie to kill them and everyone had an assigned person so it was a mess
So SB had me bc she tried to get me twice then DENIED that she had me so I obviously called bs but ya know
So me and J were in the classroom helping with retakes and NOTHING was where it should be. So 3 different people came in and told him what to do and he got fucking stressed as shit and I was gently like "hey go outside for a sec and take a breather, I can handle everything in here" and he's like "nah I got this" but then someone else came in and told him what to do and he lost it and yelled and said he quit (he didn't actually he was just fed up) and I was like "ok go outside, go to the break room, go somewhere outside of this room for a few minutes and I'll take care of everything and come back for you when it's all set up"
So he agreed and walked outside for a while and holy fuck there was so much to do and so little time. So I was running around making copies and passing out tests and telling people who needed to do what and 2 other assistants came in (SB and ST) and started fucking around and I was like "if you're not going to help, LEAVE" and they never see me pissed off and stressed to that extent so they were freaked. ST left and SB stayed and I was like "ok you need to do this, and this is your one and only warning, my fight or flight instinct is HIGHTENED rn so if you touch me in any way, I WILL hit you with whatever's in my hand and probably apologize later" and she's like "oh shit ok"
so I have a folder in my hand, I'm calling out names, what's this bitch do? Comes up behind me and marks me with the sharpie, I wheeled around and smacked her with it and glared at her and she's laughing like ok bitch sorry this fucking game was more important to you than me not having a fucking panic attack. So I go "leave" and she's like "oh come on it's the game-" "I told you if you weren't going to help, then leave. So get out. Now" and she's like "ok damn" so I FINALLY finished everything and I went out to get J and he's like "damn how bad did it go" and I'm like "what" and he goes "idk man you looked pissed off and you're shaking" and I'm like "oh yeah bc SB and ST were fucking around and ST left but SB stayed and pretended to help so she could mark me after I literally said I was super stressed and to not touch me or Bad Things would happen and now Anxiety Has Peaked" and he's like "oh shit sit down when we get in there"
So I be sitting and then SB comes back in and I'm still pussed at her I'm like "you're grading the tests when the kids give them to you and putting the tests in the folders" and me and J helped answer questions after J explained how to grade the tests
So she finished grading then left and me and J high fived like "we almost fucking died but it's all good now"
Our boss brought us food and it was Really Fucking Good
Gave a child my stand up paddle board in exchange for his normal board and he was hype and so was I bc i hate SUPs
Found out at the end of the day that SB graded the tests WRONG and we had to regrade them
Dumped ice on SB
So I never left the lake yesterday and neither did my friend H bc it be like that sometimes. So we went to a burger place and got fries and shakes and banana splits and it was really good
Got cough drops at the 7/11 and H got a slushie and wouldn't stop singing freeze your brain and I was dying and I joined her but then like 4 other people joined in including one of the workers and I was crying
So we were doing our rewards ceremony and assistants sit with the instructors up front so we all had to introduce ourselves when our group went up. E and J introduced themselves and people cheered, the other 2 assistants said their names and how long they've been there and stuff but nobody did anything, then it was my turn and I was like "hey what's up I'm JC-" and it was too loud for me to finish right away bc ALL my kids were SCREAMING and the top of their lungs like normal screaming, "woooo", "we love you", normal stuff, then when it was dying down and I was about to finish my thing one of my boys screams "CHEESE BUTT FUNGUS" bc that was our inside joke for the session bc reasons and I was laughing while I finished and one of the supervisors is like wtf
I won a leadership award ^-^
All my kids ran for me and were crying and hugging me and I'm like "I'll see you guys next summer it's oK"
I thanked all the instructors for everything and they're "oml child ;0;" and there was a lot of hugging and crying
TL pulled me aside and was like "ok so I might not be here next summer-" and I was like ";0; nooo TL-" and she's like "bruh I'm not done" and told me how proud she is of me and how much I've grown since i was a tiny 12 year old and she hopes I'll have a good life and be more confident with myself and that she can call me her for real coworker in a couple years and I was Crying and so was she and it was a mess
I was the last assistant left and I was helping clean up and JJ saw me taking in the last few paddle boards and it like "JC what are you still doing here??? l e a v e" and I was like "oml fine" I said bye to everyone and that I'd see them next summer
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poppy-metal · 6 years
first week back to school has been kicking my ass and i have auditions for my department season tomorrow that i’m stressing about and i’m imagining steve “rewarding” me for getting through the week and through my anxious shit with a nice dicking down 🤤
First of all congrats for making it through the week, Im proud of you babe
Steve would totally reward you, he’s the type that is hella observant and misses nothing, so he’d pick up on your stress first thing, and be giving you his support all throughout the week in small ways, making sure you eat a healthy meal in the morning, sending you off with a dizzying kiss, sending you messages throughout the day of things he knows will make you smile, and snuggling you to bed when you finally made it back home, rubbing your back and giving your neck kisses.
And when the week was done, and you finally had some free time from all the hecticness he’d take you and an extremely cute date, like an aquarium or just a walk through the park, pampering you all the awhile, and he has the biggest smile on his face the whole time, The one with the dimples that make his eyes crinkle at the edges, bc he loves making you happy.
And when you got home, he’d lay you down on the soft mattress and get on his knees and rub his hands down your thighs as he sank to his knees in front of you, “My poor baby,” Hed say and kiss your knee, gently nudging it to the side, along with the other one, “You did so well this week, overworked yourself so hard, sweetheart” He’s pressing kisses up your thighs now, wet and hot, tongue poking out to lave at the skin and suck some soft bruises into your skin, “M’gonna take care of you tonight, gonna reward my sweet angel, and make her forget her name” He licks at your core through your panties making you jump and reach out to grab his hair, but he just takes your hands, and laces your fingers together in his, pushing them back down on the matrress, holding you there, still, “mm, tonight’s all about you, doll’, don’t want you movin’ an inch from where I have you,” He pulls your panties to the side with his teeth, and you can feel his hot breath on your pussy, making you tremble, and you’re already so wet, shaking with it, thighs quivering, “Just lay back and let me take care of you, hm?, That’s it” He says when he feels you relax under him, tense muscles finally melting into a puddle under his gentle attention, “That’s my good girl”
And then he finally licks at you, and he goes so slow, but its so good, hes still holding your hands down the whole time, and your grip on his fingers is so tight as he eats you out, lapping at you fully, with broad pulling strokes of his tongue, licking into you, just how you like, before pulling out and kitten licking your clit, swirling his tongue around it, and he styas down there, between your legs, taking you apart for what feels like hours, making you cum again and again, and again, moaning at the taste of you each time, “Taste so good, baby, love feeling you gush around me like that” And when he finally pulls back your spent and weak limbed, but hes nowhere near done with you, he’s pushing your knees back, forward to your chest, and you let out a crying whimper when he just slides into you, thick length filling you easily from how wet and loose he’d worked you open on his tongue, and he’d make love to you to sensually, rolling his hips into yours, carding his fingers through your hair, pulling it away from your face so he can see the expressions you make every time he fucks into you, and hes praising you the whole time too, “So good baby, such a sweet pussy, taking me like that, my pretty angel, falling apart on my cock, I love you” 
And he wouldn’t stop until you quite literally passed out, thouroughly spent, and happily sated, flying high on him making you feel so good, and he’d pull you to his chest, and spooning you from behind, kiss your sweaty neck, and tell you how happy he was that you’re in his life (,:
Tagging ppl who I also know started school this week and may need this, @valkerees @stevesthot @tropicalcap love y’all babes, ur doing amazing.
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outstanding-ocs · 7 years
// hi! this is abt an oc i submitted a long time ago named Isaiah!! i originally wrote this bc it’s really hard for me to describe him without going into extreme detail nd now i want to share it bc it’s probably the best piece of writing i’ve ever done. i hope it’s alright!! //
tws for death, some cursing, self-hate, and injury
   You hate the cards you’ve been dealt.    You could have been someone great. You should have been someone great. You should have been a banker, like your father. You should have had a normal life. You were nobility. Your fiancée was nobility. Your entire family line was nobility. And yet, here you are. Laying in the grass, trying to nurse your bleeding wounds and not pass out from the pain.    You should be in Heaven. You should be an angel. You should be laying on fluffy fucking cushions and having life handed to you on a silver platter. But, instead, you’re escaping a battlefield, watching both allies and enemies get hurt because of you. And the worst part is, this is a normal day for you. You don’t bat an eye anymore if you see a friend’s arm get broken. You can’t feel anything anymore when you hear an ally’s cries of agony. You’re numb.        Yeah. Numb. That’s one way to put it.    To be fair, you got yourself into this mess. If you could just control your anger like a normal fucking person could, you wouldn’t have gotten baited into the brawl. You shouldn’t have let yourself get worked up like that. You shouldn’t have thrown the first punch. You shouldn’t have gotten others into this petty fight. But you did, and now you’re paying the price.    It’s all your fault. It’s always your fault. You’re always the one who hits first. And on the rare cases you’re not, you’re always the one to continue it. No matter how hard you try, you just can’t control it. It’s wired in your brain. You’ve tried everything. Stress balls, deep breathing, having someone calm you down. None of it worked. You still have a very hard time controlling your own anger. It’s so pathetic.    You’re so pathetic.    You let out a quiet laugh as you lean back on your arms, turning your gaze towards the night sky and ignoring the white hot flames that shoot up your arms from the pressure being applied so harshly while you’re already injured. You could float or fly, yes, but you deserve this. You deserve these searing flames. Pain is nothing to you. You have, both literally and metaphorically, been through Hell and back. You’ve felt it all. You’re numb to pain.    Numb.        The stars are beautiful tonight, you think. You’re in a very rural area, so space is more obvious than usual. The beautiful pinks and purples and blues all swirled together, surrounded by the tiny, twinkling white dots that are stars. It’s amazing how such tiny things could hold such immense power as to completely explode when they die. For all you know, every single star in front of you could be dead. They could all just be black dwarfs. They could have exploded, and you would never know.     You sigh. Space is the one thing that always stays the same. It’s the one thing you can always count on. Space is always there. You’re not just going to wake up one day and, poof. Space is gone. Sorry, no more stars. It just…doesn’t happen.    Space is one out of only two things that can calm you completely. It’s all you can rely on now. Space and Elvira. That’s all you have. Not even Quinn can control you most of the time. All you can rely on are the love of your “life” and the stars.     Life. Oh, how many memories that one word brings. Memories of screams, mostly your own. Screams of fury, screams of fear. Memories of tears. Tears of terror, tears of sadness, tears of anger. Destroyed rooms. Overturned tables. Broken glass.     The memories of embraces, both warm and cold. Calming embraces. Loving, nurturing, comforting. Controlling embraces that would pin you down, keep you in one place as you struggled and cried and screamed and tried to hit and kick. The inability to pull away. It was for the best. It was for the best, Isaiah. It was the only option. The only way.    The memories of faraway voices, trying to bring you back. Faraway cries, yells, screams. Hands that felt like air that pulled you in close, stroked your hair, touched your face. Airy hands that you didn’t want, didn’t deserve, but wasn’t in the state of mind to protest against them.    The memory of her voice. That calming voice she always used. Quiet and sensitive, she was. Caring and compassionate. Loving and endearing. So many adjectives you could use for just one person. She tried, the poor thing. She really did do her best. You were so lucky to have her. You didn’t deserve her kindness, her support. You didn’t deserve her.    Maybe that’s why he did it. Maybe that’s why the man took her from you. Maybe that’s why he made sure you could still hear the gunshot, feel it to this day. Maybe that’s why he did it on your special day. Maybe…    You shut your eyes tightly. Stop. Stop that. No. Remember something else. Anything else. Anything but that day. You’re over her. You’ve been over her for a very long time. So why does it still hurt you? Why do you still feel physical pain at the thought of her that day? You’re over her.    You’re over her.    …Maybe it’s best to just stop remembering for now.    You let out a gasp of pain as you stand, shocked at the sudden sharp pains that race up your legs. Damn, they really messed you up. They probably would’ve killed you if you hadn’t ran. That’s the one thing you enjoy about being a Demon: no one takes any shame in fleeing. You just wish you hadn’t underestimated your foes. But how were you supposed to know one of them had fire?    You don’t even try to attempt flying right now; that would only cause more strain on your body. Instead, you brush yourself off and start walking. You don’t really care where this direction will take you; you’ve been here already. You’ve been here several times. You’ve been almost everywhere in this country by now. But where else can you go? It’s not like you’re going to be stationed anywhere else any time soon. Ever since you were revived, you’ve wanted to go home. To Britain. Just to see how much has changed, see what everything is like now. It wouldn’t take very long; the entirety of the UK is pretty damn small.     You chuckle, bowing your head. Every building and person from your memories of life feel so small compared to now. You were always in one small space, either in one small room or having small space to move around in due to crowds. The buildings were small, the people were small. Everything is small in Britain!    You actually manage to make yourself laugh a little and keep a small smile on your face for more than a few seconds.     It’s been a while since you’ve had a laugh, what with all the drama going on lately. All the wars and death and fighting. Not just in your world, but with the humans too. There’s been a ton more souls to collect with how violent all of the humans have gotten as of late. Almost all of the Reapers are overworked, the poor things. Sure, you adore seeing people get the justice they deserve in death and you do like participating in the violence every once in a while, but this is just getting ridiculous.     To be fair, it’s still all of your doing. Maybe not you specifically, but your kind is at fault. The second that Demons and Angels begin their conflicts, the entire planet Earth feels it. The more you fight, the more tense the humans and animals get. The conflicts between you two cause the planet to start their own.     But it’s not really like God or Satan are going to listen to that argument, are they? No, they’re too wound up in their own petty conflicts that end the exact same way every god damn time to even notice how their subjects or even the people they’re supposed to be watching over are feeling or how they’re doing or…    You cut yourself off mid-thought. You’re getting worked up again, you tell yourself. You just now notice how your body has grown tense and your pace has slowed down dramatically. Oh no, please don’t say this means that one of those is about to come on. You lean against the nearest tree, ignoring the pain it causes in your shoulder, and try to relax yourself by taking a few deep breaths and trying to make any tight muscles loosen up. It seems to work for a while, and you let out a slow sigh of relief.     That second you’re relaxed, of course, is when the nausea and lightheartedness kicks in. Lights start flashing in the corners of your eyes and you take that as a sign to sit back down, prepared for what’s going to come. The left side of your head begins throbbing and pulsing, gradually moving down your neck and causing dull pains there too. You groan in pain and curl up, pressing your legs to your chest and laying your head against your knees. The world starts spinning and the flashes of light start getting more intense and frequent, only adding to your nausea. You close your eyes and bury your hands in your hair, just waiting for it to be over. The wind and rustling leaves and crickets chirping is more annoying than it’s ever been and you just feel like screaming. The pain and the aggravation is something you’re accustomed to by now but still hard to ignore.     You just sit there, enduring the pain. You’ve felt worse, for sure, but this is the fourth migraine in just this month alone, with many more in both the past and the future. It’s more of a nuisance than anything by now.       You always go through so much pain and suffering for your Lord. And for what? What do you get out of this? What do you achieve? What is your reward?    Nothing.    You gave up everything just for some meager power.    You were weak. And you still are. And now you’re paying the price for that weakness.    You hate the cards you’ve been dealt.    And you also just hate yourself.
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