bambi-nicky · 3 months
they are so unserious 😭
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sheisraging · 2 months
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The way they blurred out his neck like we don't all know about the giant gash there.
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barbecutie · 5 months
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HAMISH LINKLATER as Larue Dollard in Fargo FX (2017)
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blanketforcas · 8 months
euro cons realizing what tptb at wb didn't understand 3 years ago: these gay bitches sell
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ninjigma · 9 months
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For 'Of Honor and Force', a Royalty AU Track: 'Second Child, Restless Child' - The Oh Hellos (Spotify / YouTube)
"And here I was, thinking that fighting tooth and nail to survive would finally give me an edge against you."
"Dull your edges, more like."
Quinlan made an exaggerated offended noise, hand grasping at his chest. Fox showed as much sympathy as usual though, and Quinlan didn't have more then a second to be dramatic before he was rapidly blocking quick movements.
Sharp and swift the two danced, feet sliding silently over grass and the sharp noises of metal echoing on the long forgotten ruins. The day was joyous, and Quinlan was thankful for it. He had missed his friend, and between being thrown off a mountain as a form of training and traveling an extra two weeks to get foreign noodles, he had been gone so much longer then he ever cared to be. And he hoped the rare foods would make up for the fact that he knew this time would be even longer still. The inevitable that he would leave, that Quinlan always left.
And he wished the burning in his chest was simply his lungs trying to keep up with the fight.
"And it seems my absence has made your aim a bit…" Quinlan lunged, using his height to Force Fox back rapidly so as not to fall. "Wild."
Fox sneered, and twisted rapidly, the sun bouncing off the sheen of his bare shoulders. "You think way too much of yourself."
"I think of you a lot too." Quinlan had dodged to the side and bowed slightly, hands splayed outward and relaxed even as Fox raised his rapier between them. "My dear prince-"
Fox's angry scoff was lost to the new flurry of movements. Quinlan had pushed enough buttons that their little fight had devolved into something that took a lot more attention, something that left them both beginning to breath heavier, tips of their weapons to scrape and scratch across their exposed torso's. Hair loose and forms tight, wrists twisting and bodies swaying. The grass bent beneath them as neither gave up ground, as they moved together like the currents that carried the storms.
Until Quinlan saw red.
The drip of it as it bubbled up, bright and angry. They had been twisting past each other, and Fox had ducked when Quinlan feigned an upward cut only to then fall low as well. His rapier had pierced the skin, a slash marring across the left side of Fox's chest. A long cut. Red.
In his shock he had hesitated, had hyper focused on that slowed moment his rapier flicked away, scarlet on the tip. He had his eyes on nothing but the wound he had given Fox, the hurt he had inflicted.
And Fox stood back to stance with ne'er a blink, lunged without any time lost, fast to slice Quinlan's sword out of his hand and plant one strong foot to the sternum of his off balanced opponent, flattening him into the ground beneath him.
"What the kriff was that?"
Finally, the knock of the ground chasing his breath away, Quinlan's eyes focused back on Fox's face. On how he was breathing hard, but wore only a look of confusion and annoyance rather then victory. "What?"
Fox huffed, rapier coming to hover just over the right side of Quinlan. "You hesitated. Why did you hesitate? You haven't been going easy on me have you? I swear Vos if you-"
"No no I-," Quinlan's eyes trailed down again. "You're bleeding."
Finally Fox seemed to take notice of the cut. With the iconic raise of one eyebrow his family was know for he flickered his attention to the wound, seemingly expecting it to be a trap perhaps, a distraction. But instead of the pain or anger Quinlan thought would come, the upset at being injured or the panic at the sight, Fox actually laughed. Outright chuffed and even smiled, looking back down to a startled Quinlan.
"Do you stop every time you give an enemy an ouchie?"
"It is barely even bleeding, for kark's sake. Might scar a bit but-"
"Fox stop. I-"
"No, Quinlan." The rapier's tip lowered against Quinlan's skin, Fox managing to raise his chin even as he stared down hard. "You shut your mouth for once and know that, actually, I am not your dear prince. I am not some fragile thing. I brought the rapiers for a reason, and I am more then aware of the risks, we have been through this plenty of times. I wanted the fight, and it has been so much more fun then putting up with Cody's pointers and Bly's warnings."
Eyes now boring into Quinlan, Fox tilted his head down ever so slightly. "I trust you, even if you are such a fool that I am surprised you haven't gotten yourself killed yet. Got it?"
Quinlan blinked a moment, the silence derived from Fox's tone had been clear and left him in a moment of hesitation before speaking. "Yes sir."
Then that slick smile was back, and Fox was tilting his head like the most clever being in the world. "Besides, that was a pretty good attempt."
Quinlan raised his own brow, but otherwise didn't attempt to move, watching the light through the canopy dance on Fox's face. "Oh? A compliment?"
Fox shook his head, tight lips still smiling. "Pity actually. That is the closest you are ever going to get, shadow boy, and you blew it. Now get back up so I can kick your ass properly this time"
Finally, Quinlan's own smile broke across his face, a new confidence in his friend. The friend who complained about him, sneered at his courting, huffed at his stories. The same friend who came to the ruins every week to look for him despite the months he would never be there, the same friend who would sit with him late enough in the night that his family would be angry with him when he arrived back home, the same friend that he had just cut across the heart of only to receive a smile and an insult.
The same friend that now stepped back and swung the rapier away with such a poise that Quinlan had to simply gaze up a moment in awe from where Fox had laid him so thoroughly flat. That as the prince offered his hand and that sideways smirk, Quinlan once again couldn't believe how lucky he was for any of this. That taking Fox's hand and accepting the help up made his stomach flip in a very different way before once again taking up his rapier and facing Fox squarely.
Beneath the sun and bird song, a canopy of life and story, the prince of the shadows faced the fourth son of Fett and reaffirmed that, no matter what he came against, he would fight to his last breath for just this.
Because Quinlan always came back.
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It was just supposed to be a lighting test but uhhhhhh... well, you can see for yourself XD
View early previews and WIPS of this piece and more on my Patreon!
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Michael: Have a nice day!
Tori: don’t tell me what to do
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bryndeavour · 7 months
living for the disparity between mysterious benevolent Diver of the Light Thomas Zane from Alan Wake and the slutty lil goblin Tom Zane in AW2
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babaroqa · 1 month
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girls kissing greenbriar boys: is this violence?
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auttiebingus · 1 month
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oneguardian15 · 4 months
going through the vashmeryl tag and absolutely swimming in all the beautiful content, i love you all
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wordsinhaled · 2 years
I know it's an old trope and I know it's not IC for Dream at all but I'm enjoying the idea of Hob introducing Dream to a smartphone (probably a really old smartphone model) just so he can send him random pictures from his day, and memes, and Dream goes from hating the very concept of this small noisy electric square, to actually kinda digging it because you know where you get good stories? Twitter. AO3. YouTube. Tumblr. SCP-wiki. Forums. You know what's divine? Sending a meme to Hob and him responding with:
you know what, anon... yeah
about to go off on a tangent now (sorry) but you’ve got me thinking about the idea of dream of the endless prince of stories being like, really into digital storytelling in all its forms and it’s... a vibe???
dream and urbandictionary? no, seriously
dream learning about how language grows and changes online. the digital collective unconscious of online spaces and shared humor and what makes a meme funny. those little grassroots maps projects people make to mark themselves off as little pins on maps and bring themselves together
morpheus, prince of the stories in the craigslist missed connections section: “hello beautiful stranger, i saw you on the L train on my way to work, you were wearing a floral dress and a white bucket hat and you had your airpods in. you were listening to a song that made you smile. (you have a great smile by the way.) you asked me what book i was reading on my kindle, then got off at the next stop. if you’re reading this, tell me what i answered. hope i get to see you again”)
dream + digital humanities? medieval manuscripts catalogued online in high res, webcomics, forums... dream valuing derivative works and knowing people will always see and find themselves in versions of the great stories
dream keeping up with postsecret and humans of new york
dream feeling warm inside whenever hob texts him a photo of his morning coffee or his stack of papers to grade or a beautiful sunrise
dream texting hob sentences of perfect grammar and hob responding back with an emoji, and dream knows everything encompassed in it, because dream learning what all the emojis mean and their specific connotations
ahhh, yep
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moonniu · 2 years
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Kevin - WHISPER - facecam |220826|
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I love how we as a fandom collectively looked at Donnie post-movie and said “he isnt horribly mangled or traumatized enough” and cocked our guns in unison
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the-1ast-time · 11 months
left my house and touched some grass and apparently everyone on twitter is a gaylor now
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copias-thrall · 2 years
Spilling into Ritual like
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wigglesafterdark · 2 months
i don’t know if confirmation bias but gunwook centre time in sweat >>>>>
he slayed the song omg
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