#LMAO idk even if i do it wont be that long i doubt
freakinator · 1 month
I've been wondering for a long time. How would you characterise Wemmbu? How he seems in your eyes, your opinion of the guy. I hope I don't sound weird or crazy.
aw dw anon its okay to be curious ^^
regarding my characterization of wemmbu, while there is a lot of consistency in how he acts since hes an improv rper and therefore generally just acts as a polished/exaggerated version of his own self, there are still a few differences in how he acts depending on what smp hes in
general: smarmy, quite pathetic but tries his best to hide it until he literally cant anymore, opportunistic, petty, truthful in that kind of way that makes you doubt him, not quite black and white thinking but can switch up fast when someone does something that presses his buttons (doesnt necessarily trigger when someones just being mean, its specific kinds of things -- mostly has something to do with pride and trust), has a desire to be on top of things but whether or not he indulges in that desire depends on his overall plans and the kind of server hes in, silly but in a lowkey way as in like he presents himself as a normal person which works but only if you dont look closer, lowkey cringey in that uwu kinda way (affectionate), good at one-on-one yapping esp if hes confident & knows more about the situation than the other person but starts to crumble if its either him vs a group or if hes genuinely not confident about something, willing to sacrifice so much just to achieve his goals whatever they may be
kings smp: more opportunistic and a lot more willing to lie & manipulate & betray, crab mentality very high but he holds it back since indulgin in all of it at once isnt very good for his plans
challenge smps: like kings smp but even More willing to lie & manipulate & betray, has a stronger crab mentality since the whole point of the smp is to win and he really wants to win and he knows he wont be seeing these ppl in this context again anyway so hes willing to do whatever it takes even if it means betraying his allies, << does Not apply to team challenges btw he will be very loyal until hes given a reason to betray such as believing the others are betraying them first
lifesteal smp: had a good grasp of what it means to be a lifestealer right from the get go but has struggled a bit in figuring out what that means for him exactly so he still has a bit of that new guy stench if you get what i mean (this characterization becomes less and less prominent the later in the timeline it is), has been very loyal thus far and is more than happy to point that out, average level of lifestealer aggressiveness, i like to parallel him with zam mirror-style due to them having opposite thought processes but coming to similar conclusions (pic below of unfinished draft ive had for ages cause idk how to word my thoughts regarding this properly other than 'the vibes')
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unstableverse: very obvious mirror parallel to zam that i honestly wouldnt be surprised if it was on purpose, kinda hard talking about his motivations and character devoid of context regarding zam considering he spent 4 out of 5 eps as a major character (even when he isnt actually there lmao) and wemmbu spent 3 of those 4 eps obsessing over him but i will try my best, can be a bit of a stalker but only if he really cares about whatever it is the guy hes stalking is doing/potentially doing, no empathy (affectionate), generally doesnt care that much about individual players but when he gets attached he gets Attached for better or worse, zeroes in on his goals even to his own and others' detriment, a lot more pathetic than in other smps or at least has a harder time hiding his patheticness, also may just be me but i think hes more pessimistic?? not entirely sure tho
overall i think hes pretty neat! pretty cute and silly but also devious and mischievous, if i could shake him in a can i would
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narwhalandchill · 11 months
uhhh anyway. so like yesterday was my first time ever doing story day 1 and i have many Thoughts about the AQ. mostly positive unfortunately my major gripes do relate to the childe/narwhal situation which kinda dampens the overall experience more than any other part being underwhelming would given (gestures in general direction of self). like we all know the multitude of diseases i have on the subject 💀
dunno how much of a complete nonsense rambley writeup thisll be i think i might take some time to sort out my overall thoughts and write sth more coherent specifically on childe/narwhal stuff, maybe leave out some other aspects i have more pointed thoughts on as well so this wont get mega long but eh lets see. this just all kinds of thoughts i have for now And its a mess so Beware
anyway. firstly. as scarred as i am by melus and silver. Its also just. holy shit man theyre truly just straight up tapdancing on teppeis grave like THIS is how you write NPC deaths in an actually emotionally impactful way. dunyarzad was a massive glow up already in terms of NPC writing in general but she didnt die so. but like the way their characters and bond to both callas and navia is built up and how the writers actually managed to make them feel like such dynamic people even if their roles are ultimately quite straightforward made their fates just... genuinely heartbreaking like what the fuck 😭😭😭 AND THE WAY THEY STILL SAVED NAVIA FROM BEYOND THE GRAVE AND SAID THEIR FAREWELLS I JUST. I CANT. i just teared up thinking about it again
idk what could be said about navia that hasnt been said a gigabillion times before like. Wow. she is just. Truly the moment. like she fucking blindsided my ass in 4.0 bc i wasnt expecting anything like how dynamic and compelling and complex her arc and characterization has been like. everything about navia her resolve her grit her experiences and her bravery and stubbornness just feels so incredibly human and raw and she is just? a wonderful character i never foresaw falling in love with her this much like truly. and she delivered JUST as hard in 4.2 too like if it werent for navia being the conduit through which we first experience the devastation of poisson i dont think it wouldve ever hit as hard as it did. i just wanna comfort her shes already been thru so much yet i also admire her insistence to keep going and keep living like man 😭😭😭 give her a happy story quest hoyo idgaf if it gets called shallow or some bs she deserves a break!!!!!
i think some ppl are disappointed by arles relative lack of presence in fontaine overall and while i get that i can genuinely say that its been so fucking refreshing to have an AQ centering on a conflict thats not entirely or mostly fatui based. its not like the weight or intimidation factor of arlecchinos presence has been any lesser just bc shes been largely on the same side as us. like personally i just Really enjoyed seeing her characterization throughout. the way shes been just so reasonable thus far makes me extra excited for whenever she might actually snap (at least hopefully she will). like both childe and scara think shes fucking insane?????? but yea. i also really enjoy arles dynamic with the HoH kids too like. i do think she genuinely cares for them in a way but i highly doubt thats all there is to it. and thats really neat. goes for things like her help to spina di rosula and poisson too; theres definitely strings attached to that aid lmao. even if arle has no particularly malicious designs in mind, shes a harbinger. like cmon. and i really like that!!
i dont have like. that extensive thoughts abt what i call the . uhhh. this is mean but extended cast of act 5 JKJKDWJKDJKAJK like HoH gang, clorinde, sigewinne, wrio. tho i do very much appreciate that clorinde dodged the sara allegations for good like. it was looking a little bit unfortunate in 4.0. her role wasnt super major but i love her english VA and this kind of grounded sort of character she ultimately is. also sigewinne jumpscare during furinas trial i love her so much.
mona n nicoles thing was unfortunately mostly a whateverburger for me bc. im sorry im not that interested in hexenzirkel lmao i feel like such an outlier in any lore discussion circles bc im just not that hype about them (gold is an icon however) idk why. it was neat, it happened, didnt bring any mega hype. what i liked the most was honestly just the talk with mona about destiny and fighting against it and all. she really felt like a friend trying to help us navigate our thoughts on this insane horrible situation going on!!
in terms of plot things uhhh i went in mostly blind? as to the actual events. i had spoiled myself a bit on some specific aspects (my own fault) but ultimately most had no effect on how much i enjoyed everything. also lowering my expectations on the. ahem. worries i had abt childe that unfortunately came true so i was less let down on the spot wjjkajkwdjkwd. my biggest issue was actually that i had to progress lyneys story quest TWO FUCKING TIMES by a pretty notable amount bc it was blocking locations. and that dumbass office drama world quest like i was morbing.
a particular standout moment (beyond the Obvious. i need not name it THE LAUGH THE FUCKING THUMBS DOWN also singed FL can kinda lowkey 100% absolutely get it) for me was when i was so invested in our conversation with furina in poisson and in the magic box that i actually fucking forgor about the whole trap scheme thing even existing and then the box fell open and i was like WAIT WHAT THE FUCK and started laughing for like a solid 5 minutes i was caught so off guard. what an incredible moment. bc like. when the thing we were hiding in w furina started shaking i was just hell yeah narwhal modcheck? narwhal modcheck? bc obviously i would. and didnt question for a second that it could be something else. like the trap we were LITERALLY plotting to set up just a bit earlier it actually killed me. altho the fact that one of the cursed lyney quest situations were in between the scheming scene and the poisson segment prolly had to do with it. anyway it was just really funny
i think this post is gonna take me 287382 years to finish if im gonna go into the like furina character arc situation and her trial and focalors and all that shit super in depth (+ narwhal/skirk things) but like. BELIEVE me i fucking loved it so much like its so awful and painful and horrible and just. best written archon easily. zhongli n venti i think r very well written but theyre p static characters bc oldies so its a bit different. raiden is. inazuma moment no comment needed. nahida is good but tbh i never truly reconciled with the way rukkha getting irminsuled sorta just erased the central conflict behind her inferiority complex so it somewhat ruined her character arc for me even if it did make me cry and i do love her chara overall. but furina i think they executed the whole setup and reveals and everything so incredibly well its insane like. god. 500 years........ and like. the way furinas arc just flops everything uve known about her and the interactions uve had with her sideways and turns it upside down realizing the predicament shes been in and what shes been grappling with. its just incredible man. harrowing but incredible like they truly delivered on that one. like that portion of the finale was just really well done
anyway not all thoughts i have by any means but whatever. ive just been Thinking. overall had a great time with the AQ n cutscenes in particular are only getting better and better, i thiiiiink this one tops sumeru for me? but like its sorta unfair bc i was never a scara stan whereas. even a narratively mishandled narwhal is a fucking world-devouring narwhal. unfair advantage. childe being there at all even if i have my gripes is too much points in favor KJWJKWJKDWDJKJK. theres things that make me really hopeful for the future writing but also things that concern me. so its an interesting situation rn. but im glad it went as ambitious as it did even if my fave got arguably sidelined the most. just hoping they actually do sth more with childe sooner than later if they want to leave all those loose ends unaddressed in 4.2. interlude rights PLEASE
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twntyfiveotwo · 9 months
everyone told me it was just a phase when i told them i missed you
but it's been a year. it's been a whole fking year. i tried so hard to persuade myself that it was only a process of grief - granted, because i know i can't keep you around as a friend when my feelings to you are more than friends. is it really? do grief processes take so long to get over? cause im tired. im tired of missing you, im tired of wanting you back, im tired of wanting to be her. heck, tbh i dont even want to be her lmao. if it wasnt for the fact that she's the one by your side, she's not one of those girls i inspire to be like. honestly, this is not coming from a place of hate because i find her really gorgeous physically, and i am sure she is happy/proud of the person she is. we're just different, and we have different tastes in the things we enjoy or like. that's it. at this point i dont even relate to the song "heather" anymore. i dont want to be fking heather. all i want is to be loved by you. but that is just a want, and santa claus dont exist in real life, am i right.
it's going to be 2024 in a few days. and im done. i dont wanna miss you anymore. im going to push myself into acceptance that this friendship is over whether either of us wants it or not. "i wish nothing changes between us". ha, how selfish of you to ask that from me knowing FULL WELL i've always loved you. or maybe you didnt know because i was jumping in and out of relationships non stop. trying to fill a void inside. but you knew at one point that i did love you, and maybe you didn't love me. or maybe you did but you never had the courage back then. but does the truth matter? no. because whatever the truth was back then, that truth stays there. and the present truth is that we are both in our own long term relationships, we have found our own persons. i wont even doubt, i really think she deserves you much more than me. pft, i dont mean it in the altruistic way because i'm no longer the same person as i was in the past who is always trying to be morally "right". idw to pretend and shower her w praises because i've finally learnt to be honest w myself. i dont give no fks about her. no disrespect but idk her. all i care about is you. and the only reason why i no longer talk to you is because i respect YOUR rs, and i dont want to cause you unnecessary stress.
at the same time, it also took me years to realise i've always loved you. i constantly tried to ignore the tingling feeling in my stomach everytime we met up as friends even when i was attached in the past. i still remember, i got together w my first boyfriend on my bus trip home after you rejected my confession. and then since then, i was just constantly jumping in and out of relationships/situationships. and always talking to you when i get my heart broken, drinking my butt off. where did you even get the patience to deal w my bullshit all the fking time. i got to say hats off to you. ha... but it doesnt matter anymore.
you know what made me realised that i miss you and not the memories we shared? because i actually dont have any vivid memories of us in my head anymore. it's all blurred. i remember crashing your house, i remember us watching a horror movie in the theatres together, i remember you calling me out for being plain stupid. but they're just sweeping memories, i can't remember any specific actions or a specific memory of us. what i do remember, is how safe i feel with you. how gentle you always were with me. how the people around me pointed out that it was the first time they saw me looking happy after my depression. i meant it when i said you felt like home to me. because i cant forget this feeling, and i cant seem to find this feeling w anyone else. but HA darling boy, you're someone else's home now. and i wish you happiness. but i also want you out of my mind. im sick of you creeping into my head when i have nothing to keep me busy. and i mean even on days when im busy and there are pockets of free time you would pop up too. it's draining, it's exhausting, knowing full well you appearing in my mind or my dreams doesn't mean that i get to see you irl. i had this insane thought whereby i would camp at your house void deck to see a hint of you before 2023 ends. but i think i would save myself from the embarrassment of acting like a stalking creepo. i want to let you go, i want to let you out. not for you, but for myself. because this is plain torture. because you living in my head rent free throughout 2023 has been causing me constant pain. im always upset. and ive been hurting innocent people over it. it's not fair for me, it's not fair for them. i want to breathe, i want to sleep at night in peace. i dont want to pray in desperation before my sleep wishing that you would appear in my dream, when there is a lucky girl out there who is sleeping with you right next to her. pls just go, pls be gone. let 2023 mark the end of our long, bittersweet friendship.
thank you for teaching me to never be self-deprecating to myself.
thank you for making me feel loved even if you never really did love me.
thank you for always being there.
"hey now" always sounded so gentle when it came from you, i will be forgetting those words and how they felt for me.
i will stop looking for shadows of you in every song i listen, every game i play or every place i visit.
we had 6 years of memories.... it wont be easy but i will try to not think about you.
you were my finest scenary, my home. but it's time i move on and live a life of my own without your shadow.
i loved you, always did, but i hope not anymore.
i will try to stop loving you from now. may you always stay loved by someone else.
and i know you would continue to stay the happiest, even without me around. because you've got her now.
farewell, always.
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diah-the-demon · 11 months
yeah the vibe is different </3 it now feels less like a personal chat and more like a personal chat in a public space but what else can we do when tumblr keeps being homophobic TT-TT
yeah I hope so too!! I'll bring it up to her soon as we still have Sci-fi cons which we regularly attend bcs I think that'd be cool!
and aaaw that sounds adorable!! The Sci-Fi cons that I visit always have lots of kids that age running around with their plastik lightsabers and usually clone wars masks of Anakin and Obi Wan and it's the cutest thing to watch them run around and play out their ideas
yeah she probably won't ksjdlsk it's just that we're both so used of someone bitching at us for buying even the most necessary shit so we gotta get used to that no longer happening slkjdlsk I'll probably bring it up to her soon, maybe tomorrow after uni! Hell I can even pay for it myself, I still have a lot of unused money from the past few cons since I barely bought smth aside from postcards / small prints
ksjdslk you're going to have the sickest bookshelf if that works out! and I hope it does skdjsl But yeah that sounds like a solid idea as to where to put them!!
ooh I think with the shows coming out there should definitely be a spike on tutorials for them!! Though I highly doubt there weren't some to begin with with Star Wars being such a huge franchise!! (and yeah I think that could probably be a solid start!!)
Yeah that's also always what I have noticed (it's probably also one of the most comfortable options ngl skldjsk) I think attaching them is going to be the most tricky part but I bet there are tricks to do so very easily!
yeah it feels way more out in the open, like speaking into a microphone instead of like just a casual conversation sat at a table in the corner of the room.. we could switch to discord or insta dms if we want it less open but idk, feels weird when its not on tumblr
ooo that sounds like fun! i need to try going to a sci-fi con, i know they have some in edinburgh occasionally throughout the year so il see if i can maybe go there eventually
it was!! it was so fucking fun, i remember around that age me and my sister would have lightsaber duels occasionally, too bad the sabers were bad quality so i accidently broke mine when i hit it too hard </3 thankfully it was after halloween so i still had the saber for halloween, just imagine like an 8 or 9 year old with a darth vader mask and red lightsaber walking down a dimly lit street dsjdsslkdj
i remember when i went trick or treating later that day i used my vader helmet (well its more like a mask tbh, its only the front half of vaders helmet lol) as a bucket to keep my sweets and candy in dlskjdslkjds
thats fair i cant rlly blame you or her, it will probably take a long time to get over that (i know the feeling cause my mother is like that sometimes, its so fucking annoying. she does it less to me now cause i have my own money but still)
i hope it goes well when you talk to her about it!! i doubt she wont let you buy it but wishing it goes well anyways!! if you dont do it tomorrow tho do keep in mind the sale is i think only lasting 1 more week? (or until everything sells out) so dont leave it too long slksjdlskd
IK ITS GONNA BE SO COOL, id say my bookshelf is already pretty cool because ive got 2 shelfs of books (one is mostly manga and star wars books, other is recipe books and other misc books) i could put them in 1 shelf but ive done it that way so theres space on the shelf next to the books, so i can put the helmets next to the books!! thinking about it now i can prob get 2 on the bookshelf and then the other 2 could go ontop of it maybe, idk il figure that out when i get them dsjlkds
Edit: heres a pic of said book shelf, forgot to mention the (fake) plant that hangs infront of my manga!!! skdjd Ignore the basket on the second shelf of books btw thats just where i keep my socks rn lmao (and random clothes in the shelf below too sldjslskssjk, im working on it so ignore that)
Anyways i could totally fit a helmet or 2 in here, one where the origami book is and one where the basket is, then the rest can go ontop of the bookcase idk lol
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oh yeah its def gonna be trending, i saw one for storm trooper armour a few months ago, not mandalorian but tbh they are close (i mean storm trooper armour was based on the clones armour which was based on mandalorian so it is connected lmao) even if there isnt im pretty sure i could probably figure it out on my own if i had to
i think the way il have to attach it is maybe velcro? cause pins could fall out and if i try to put it back on it will be in a slightly different area probably, so what im thinking is having small velcro patches put onto the body suit and some on the armour pieces!! probably wont work out how it is in my head when i finally do it but i can atleast have ideas until then lol
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prettyboykatsuki · 2 years
have been thinking about taking a break from tumblr for a bit
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Inspiration for this request backhanded me outta nowhere so here we are! 🤪
I would love to request headcannons of the Brothers reacting to an MC who has bangs that always covers their eyes. They can still see despite that of course and their mouth is seen but when the bros just ask what MC’s face looks like after a while, MC smiles and lifts their bangs to show they have four pairs of eyes that are crystal like and even show they have an inhumanly long tongue that reaches their chest.
It’s so random, but I saw really nice fanart of characters with multiple eyes and I couldn’t resist asking 😅
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(Cant find a good gif for this lmao sorry)
- doesnt really care about the bangs, specially if it doesnt affect your eyesight, sure it might be cute but its no biggie for him
- still who wouldnt be curious of how someone who hides their face would look like? No one is safe from curiousity, just like no one is safe from surprise or shock when their curiousity is fufilled
- he is surprised by your unhumanly features to say the least, however he isnt sure why you look like that and that makes him even more curious than before, he's never seen a human like you ever, he doesnt even know if youre a human at all..
- if your cool with it then tell him about how you have such characteristics and answer his questions, believe me, he has alot of questions
- oh to know what your eyes look like
- its Mammon of course he'll want to see your face conpletely, depending on how your guys's relationship goes he might be the first to ask about how your face looks like without the bangs
- once you show them however.... he'll ask you to hide your face again. Maybe idk but it would be a funny thing for him to do. If i were you i'd proceed to show the tongue after rejecting the ask just to freak him put more, it'd make the moment even funnier
- another one with alot of questions, but do be sure that he'll most likely never get used to that long long tongue of yours
- will probably call you four eyes from here on out
- i like to think and even draw levi with his hair covering his eyes/ almost covering his eyes so i doubt he'd be too curious about how your face looks like
- you actually might remind him of a character from a videogame or anime depending on how you dress as well. As for asking he will take his time to do so, mostly due to his nervousness
- you'll most likely show him by your own will or will have to have a very good relationship with him for such actions
- his reaction? Well at first he'd fairly be weirded out, but as time passes he'll love it and compare you even more to fictional characters! He loves it!!
- read luci's headcanons cause we know what he thinks of the bangs, he wants to know what you hide!!
- but he wont ask about it, at least not inmediately. He'll most likely take as much time as levi to finally ask about your eyes, however it wont be because of shyness but because he doesnt want to make you feel forced to answer
- surprisingly he isnt as weirded out as the rest, or at least it isnt as noticeable. In the inside his brain is combusting, humans shoulsnt look like that... but then why do you have such features???
- will make questions but will also do his research of the internet, books, etc cause he wants to know more about these looks of yours and how they happen
- overall finds you very cool-looking
- loves you outer appearance! Specially the bangs, he just thinks they look good on you! No it isnt cause he still doesnt connect the 4 eyes dots, he isnt judgy like that, you actually do look cool with the bangs
- still he is weirded out by the unusual characteristics of yours, like everyone else he just doesnt know how thats posible
- that tongue though... yeah this isnt that much if biggie he has seen worse things in the devildom to be honest. He will get used to it quickly :)
- likes the hairstyle but doesnt question your eyes much, sure it'd be cool to know how your eyes look like but that isnt his main problem right now
- youre gonna have to show him by your own will if you really want to, then again you wont get that much of a reactions from him.
- not even his questions are like the rest, yeah there's the how? But the other ones are so random, specially the ones about the tongue
- like the other twin he might wonder and have questions, but doesnt really mind much about it
- you have to show him yourself again, however their wont be as many questions like the rest of the family, in fact their might not be any questions at all, he lives in the devildom he has seen weirder things, four eyes and a long tongue isnt that bizarre to him
- is pretty much chill with it, as long as it doesnt bother you it wont bother him :))
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x-chubby-reader · 4 years
Yooo lmao I’m overwhelmed by your talent. (I hope that didn’t sound sarcastic oh my god). Like, you out here giving my meatball self so much quality content to read 🤩🤧 mmm I don’t really request very often so I’m lowkey nervy bahaha but I was wondering if you could do a hc about Kuroo, Bokuto, and Oikawa with a plus size gf(or s/o if gender neautral is more your style !) who’s insecure. Idk, it’s been tuff lately 😗 if not totally ignore me !! Once again, love your blog !!
A/N I hope this is good enough for you boo... And whats goes better with a spaghetti noodle than a meatball? Anyways  I tried my best with Oikawa, but I full on forgot how to write for him
Lowercase Intentional 
Not Prof read
Haikyuu Boys (Kuroo, Bokuto, and Oikawa) x Insecure! Plus Size! Reader 
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you’re insecure about yourself? why?
he wants to know why because full on he didn’t comprehend it at all
no matter your protests, he’ll study with you on his lap
again, almost every thick girls/persons nightmare, just the fear of hurting someone if they try to pick you up or sit you in their lap
and I understand that, because same 
but he dose it anyways, just rolling his eyes while resting his chin on your shoulder or head depending on your height 
feeling more insecure or down on yourself?
expect to find a crap ton of chemistry pickup lines scattered around to make you smile 
literally post-it notes on your walls
are you made of copper and tellurium? because your CuTe
do you have 11 protons? because you’re sodium fine~
in your bag
once you even found one in your toaster (thank god you didn’t turn it on)
he never get tired of putting them everywhere
the rooster head himself will always laugh at your confused face (mostly because you don’t understand them-) 
but you love him anyways, even if you don’t understand him
if your ever around one of your old bullies
homeboy will be so passive aggressive oml 
literally snide remarks= every five seconds 
he literally wont give them a break
even if you ask him to stop, hell look at you with a ‘what?’ expression
as if he didn’t know what you were talking about~
he literally want you to be as comfortable as you can at all times
since he knows that you can be a little awkward and anxious sometimes
if you ever wanted to go out somewhere, he would always offer to go with you
something about him made you feel more confident, even if it was just a small amount. 
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oh baby boy...
ngl his energy rubs off on you and makes you a little more bright and confident
istg you both share emotions sometimes
he gets sad when you’re sad and even happier when your happy
but even his bright sunshine self can’t keep the doubtful clouds out for long
though he can make things a little better
don’t want to deal with people today?
  we’re gonna make a pillow fort and watch movies all day
“well, if you don’t like the people out there, then we can make our own world in here :)”
I’m not crying you are
we need to protect this boy at all costs
I would sacrifice myself for him okay?
he’s trying his best okay?
will randomly pick you up and twirl you around  (beefy boy has no problems) 
 like you never expect it
the boom
suddenly your flying
it literally will get a giggle to come out of you no matter what
like you’re just struggling to make dinner for the both of you
no questions ask
then he’ll just put you back down and go on with whatever he was doing
just being in the same 50 mile radius helps with your inscurity
just so you know, he will forever have your back no matter what (ngl he will compare himself to a knight in shinning armor so prepare for that though...)
buts it cute♡
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yes we all know he is one hell of a flirt
and oh boy that can be hard for you
him being surrounded by ‘pretty’ girls all the time can beat on your self esteem and insecurity about not being enough
but no matter how ‘pretty’ the girl is, your the only one for him
his little queen
full on if you decide to go to one of his games, he’ll immediately pick you out from the crowd
he’s really said “later hookers, I want her” once it was hilarious-
no but really, he loves you
it kills him inside that you’re insecure about yourself
you suddenly don’t want to wear any of the clothes you own?
bitch we’re going on a shopping spree,
leave your wallet, he will literally pay for everything since he want to be to one responsible for making you look and feel good
istg he’s the type of guy to kiss your thighs and tummy while cuddling because he loves them
full on your just sitting watching tv, and he just plops his head in your lap and kisses your hella soft thighs and stomach
also ngl even though he don’t seem like the one to win, he would start such a fucking cat fight for you it isn't even funny
“wHat did you say-”
usually ends with you holding a bag of peas to his face
but he tried his best ya know?
and that’s why you love him, he’s always trying to do and be his best for you
and there’s nothing else you could ask for 
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romchomp · 3 years
nana rewatch notes- episode 12
-this episode starts with hachi telling us that ever since she was a kid, all she wanted was to “become a beautiful bride”. there was nothing else that she wanted to be. this has to do with a “beautiful bride” symbolizing happiness/the ideal way to be happy and avoid loneliness. again i think hachi sees dependency on others as a way to avoid loneliness. as a result she rushes into relationships and mold herself into whatever need be to keep the relationship afloat. as we see with shoji, she then realizes she doesn’t end up feeling happy or fulfilled in the relationship.
-before this, hachi says “im straying from the subject, but please bear with me.” isn’t this a part of her narration to nana? who is hachi’s audience? WHAT IS THE SUBJECT? Most of hachi’s reflective narration is about her relationship with nana and/or what happened between them- so maybe thats why she thinks she’s straying from the subject, but that also means she intentionally included this bit--who does she want to know this? why??? so much to think about.
-i forgot how funny nana gets when she’s drunk lmao
-hachi’s style is constantly changing…gemini rising
-hachi is so sure that nana loved yasu and vice versa which...yes and no. while hachi isn’t WRONG, it’s also a lot more complicated than i think she originally perceives. her conclusions for why anyone ever does something burns down to “they must be in love”. granted, hachi is also missing a huge puzzle piece (ren)
- i also cant believe it took me so long to see how much hachi and nobu have in common the first time watching this. it’s painful to watch this time around.
-am i being mean to hachi? i always feel like im being mean to her lol. these are all reasons why i love her so much i promise. i think her flaws are portrayed and executed in both clever and unique ways.
-also really interesting that the first reason hachi thinks yasu is stoic around nana must be bc he has a girlfriend
-another thing worth pointing out is that while hachi’s assumptions are often treated silly+naive by the rest of the characters, she’s actually usually spot on abt others romantic feelings
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-idk man…junko’s attitude considering the situation is super weird to me. and this line is just sad. hachi is just baggage that shoji has the burden handling.
-okay but what does shoji actually like about hachi? has he ever said?? no.
-hachi easily changes her look for jobs- she even manages her speech pattern- when i say gemini rising
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-she was so excited to see them play!! ahh love them. also, this montage playing over shoji saying that he wont betray hachi…yeah.
“if nana was a guy, she would be the love of my life. back then i often thought that. however if that were the case, i doubt we would’ve been left with only happy memories. because love and pain go hand in hand.”
-hmmm so hachi and nana definitely dont only end up with happy memories. it’s fair to assume that hachi meant that nana never hurt her (which isn’t true either). hachi probably means that she doesn’t blame nana for anything that happened between them. there’s of course A LOT to say about hachi’s constant comparison between nana and romantic partners on top of hachi always saying how much easier being with nana was, even though her relationship with nana was no less complicated. i think it felt less complicated to hachi bc she was in love with nana. idk i just think hachi is showing some lesbian behavior.
-also hachi has a boyfriend as she’s thinking this lol.
this narration goes over shoji as he sleeps with sachiko. masterful
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alatusxiaoo · 3 years
hello hello !! out of random impulse,, i just felt the urge to list all the blogs/people who have made my experience in the genshinblr community really memorable :”)) there’s no special occasion for this,, but i absolutely think it’s important that i note these people and remind them how amazing they are with a few msgs + gifs !! so without further ado, here they all are <3
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@stargazer-balladeer hi :”)) ik i’ve already told you that you were the first blog i read genshin fics from 🙃🙃 but you probably don’t know that it really meant a lot to me when i first joined tumblr to find a sanctuary to escape from in the hectic rush of the world. we don’t talk much, but i just want you to know that im indebted to you and wholly appreciate you for that,, for unknowingly keeping me safe in your blog without much thought or purposeful intention to do so 🤧
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@xiaowhore bestie <3 when i first started writing, i had not much of a clue on what i was doing,, i was just having fun without much of a care for it. but your fics showed me that writing wasn’t just for the whim or thrill of it,, writing meant building a whole ass world out of scratch for others and yourself to run to when the world feels like a lot to bear. it really motivated me to learn to write better,, and you still continue to inspire me even up until today 😭😭 thank you for that,, ily and it will always mean everything to me :”))
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@keokomi heyheyhey 💞 you were definitely one of the first people i felt absolutely comfortable talking to ☺️ you’re just really easygoing, it was always so simple to share a brief conversation with you <3 and it made my time on genshinblr so interesting and nice to look forward to 👉👈 and all your fics and impulsive themes (LMAO) are so fking cute dkfjshdjs like how ?? i hope you realize how much of a great person you are,, and i know a whole lot of others can and will learn to see that from you too ^~^
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@sohyuki hellooo 😗 when you first reached out to me in an ask and told me how nice my writing was,, it genuinely surprised me because i mean—just fking look at yours !! you may be a relatively new blog, but with the way you write and your absolutely tender personality,, people will seriously feel drawn to you <3 i can see that you put a lot of your heart into your posts, and i sincerely know that you’ll fking crush it with your future works and upcoming series !! 💞 it takes a lot of patience and time,, so don’t doubt yourself too much bestie 😤🦶🦶
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@jayeeintheclouds-inactive hehe :”)) i mean it when i say you were one of the people i felt was always a truly genuine friend in my time here :> i know that the blog has gone inactive,, but im always here hoping that you’re happy with your life now, and the freedom you’ve achieved from your decision <3
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special mentions <3:
@fruitloooop (fawk i dont know why it wont tag you 😭😭) @m4yberi hi aksjfjs,, you guys were one of the first few people who followed me + interacted with me on this app :(( it really meant a lot to me when i was new back then and had no fking idea what i was doing lmaoo 💀 but thank you 🥺 idk if you’ll remember that tho but i still do,, and im forever grateful to you guys for it <3
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@valberiyah @pixyys @callariri (sldjfhs fawking tags what is happening) ive seen you guys interact with my posts for like,, a really long time now 😭😭 ive never actually talked with u guys,, but i always feel happy when i see your faces liking my posts ;-; thank you for that,, its seriously just so nice and comforting to see familiar people still with me until today 😔💞
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saintobio · 3 years
my first ask ( aaaaaa :D )!!
firstly, thank you so much for a great chapter this week, and all the chapters you’ve given us prior. you said you’re not satisfied with your writing, but your story may be one of the best ive ever read. up until i came across SN, i had never found a good chaptered x reader that interested me like SN did ( and im a pretty picky reader lmao ). so, even if you doubt yourself, i ( and im sure lots of others do ) think your writing is amazing.
secondly, ive thought about this for a while, but there’s certain songs i associate with SN and it’s characters now! recently, ive really been associating the song “Dark Red” by Steve Lacy with SN gojo and his feelings towards yn. especially the chorus : “Don't you give me up, please don't give up on me, I belong, with you, and only you, baby. only you, my girl, only you, babe x3, only you, darling, only you”. the fact that gojo practically says this to yn in the new chapter too ): . the song in its entirety describes his emotions towards his wife perfectly, but those lines in particular spoke to me the most ( you should listen to the song if you haven’t before. it’s been on tiktok a lot recently, so u may have already heard it!). another song i associate with SN is “Cameras/Good Ones Go” by Drake, which also has something to do with gojo lol. when it comes to “cameras”, i envision gojo saying the lyrics to sera (i thought about this long before he'd broken things off with her). like hes trying to console her. the lyrics, "Baby girl you need to stop it all that pride and self esteem got you angry about this girl I'm with in all them magazines” , “it looks like we’re in love but only on camera” give me flashbacks to when gojo was actually in love with sera, and made promises to leave his wife for her. after all, it was all supposed to be for show ( for the “cameras” when put in perspective of the song ) but that’s not the case now. for the second song, “good ones go”, I loosely connected it to gojo and yn, and I think the title is pretty self explanatory as to why asjdj. there’s a couple of other songs, but another main one is “Come into the water” by Mitski which I associate with yn and gojo. don’t worry, i won’t go into a full on analysis LMAOSOS but if you’re curious as to why, you should listen to the song and ALSOO look at the meaning of it :D
once again, thank you so much for this weeks chapter and your hard work. i know you get lots of asks as soon as your box opens ( I mean, here i am LMAO ), and i wont mind if you cant get to mine!! i hope you aren’t feeling too overwhelmed especially since you’ve been on such a consistent updating schedule. i also hope you’re taking care of yourself and your physical as well as mental well-being. supporting you always! <3
long compilation below
Anonymous said
But anyways...
The way that sera rly just cannot keep yn out her mouth 😒 and atp she just needs to start paying taxes on it. like its too expensive to just be tossed around like that babe🙄☝🏾 I feel like for someone "broke" she sure is worried about everything BUT getting her own money. And thats another thing.... SHES NOT BROKE FR. SHES JUST NORMAL. IDK WHY SHES SO PRESSED ABOUT IT. Idk if cursing yn is rly gonna get u more gains but whatever
I felt yn in this chapter tho cause I am so weak when it comes to emotions. Like if my mind was made up and then he goes and does that I would not know what to do. Cause like you did all this shit but at the same time youre dealing with your own shit. I just think it was unfair to yn.
Lastly eucalyptus can die in a hole cause who does that to an old woman. And so can gojos dad cause he's old and probably smells like someone tried to spray expensive cologne over a fart cloud😖
I get so sad whenever a chapter ends cause I wanna read more😭😭Im so impatient but it's literally worth the wait. Love your writing bae keep up the good work but only after you catch up on the zzs💗
@girlruby23 said
SAINT ITS BEEN THAT I WANT TO APPRECIATE YOUR WRITING.. YOUR WORK IS ASTOUNDING AND IT GIVES ME CHILLS EVERYTIME I READ IT .SN is one of the highlight of my week(sry for all caps, those are just my emotions) i had a question that i asked before but maybe it didnt reach you.
Do you believe in foreshadowing, have you foreshadowed something in any chapters that someone caught on perfectly?
Also sry im asking again but how many chapters are there for S1?
Also saint please take care. I know youve had a rough week with your health issues. So look after yourself. LOTS OF LOVE ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
@oikawaandkuroostan said
A wonderful chapter, once again. Just, wow.
I am so amazed once again by how you portrayed Gojo and Y/N's changing dynamic, as well as adding the childhood flashbacks to show how connected they were.
TW for mention of abuse and violence below:
I was truly heartbroken to see when Gojo was begging for Y/N to hit him and scream at him. I know it was written in the story about how shocked y/n was when she realized how he was willing to subject himself to the abuse. Like, oh my god, it really hit me hard. I know we see that trope in a lot of media where men will say they're willing to subject themselves to the abuse of their partners just to get them to stay, but I don't think we realized how truly sad that is. And for Gojo, someone who was subjected to violence by his father, it's really sad. It's so sad to see how he believes this is what he needs to do just to keep people around.
And when his father beat him in the hospital? God, I knew it would happen, but I was still shocked. I'm just shocked by how horrible his family has hurt him throughout his life.
And Eula? Damn, I'm so upset. I had a sinking feeling she would do what she did, but her thought process? The whole "if she goes down, her family goes down" mentality? That's so scary and it goes to show the depths of how wretched she is (as well as how bad Sera could be). It's awful, because she's truly selfish. I thought she cared about her son and providing him with the tools, while she could benefit from him, but now I see she really doesn't care about anyone but herself. At least she recognizes that she's Gojo Sr.'s "karma".
Anyway, thank you again for such a well written chapter, you really had my attention all the way through. I'm always a fan, and you really inspire me in how I want to write.
Please make sure you take care of yourself, though, we in the Discord and your other fans are worried.
- Moni
Anonymous said
i can’t stand eula🤮 and sera🤮 and if sera just pulls up to the funeral uninvited i will literally scream bc WHO TF GOES TO A FUNERAL WHEN YOU’RE NOT INVITED?? 🤬 i dont wanna jinx it but i also feel like she’d make it about herself saying something like “i just wanted to be here for satoru🥺” when she gets kicked out🤬 and ofc she chooses to actually care for him and his feelings when he broke up with her🤬 i also hope eula gets her shit rocked because why would you strangle someone especially your husbands mom😒i hope yuuta snaps at his mom because that woman is crazy 😒 and y/n’s dad and gojos are so different from each other it hurts how different they are😮‍💨 y/n’s dad always puts her first and gojos is the complete opposite😬 and the royal party when they were 7 $:&:&/&£\€\€\^ it’s so cute 🥲 when he promised to marry her 🥲 and did they start greeting each other by kissing each other on the cheek? if so that’s so cute🥲 toji has got to be my favorite also🥺 he worries so much for y/n🥺 i hope his worm comes in soon tho😛 and i also saw your post about gojo wanting 2 kids and it reminded me about how sovieshu wanted kids that looked like navier i added a lot of emojis because it adds flair and also shows emotions so i hope you don’t mind but great chapter as always saint ❤️ you never fail to impress me😫🤝
Anonymous said
🕯 🕯 🕯
🕯 manifesting therapeutic 🕯
🕯 circle after the 🕯
🕯 recent chapter 🕯
🕯 🕯
rip nana- she didn't deserve that noooo eula why 🤺 and that scene with dadjo? i almost threw hands at my screen but am i really willing to sacrifice my phone for the likes of dadjo? absolutely not. i swear the moment i saw sera's name, i just let out a long ass sigh- she annoys me so much lol. her wanting to show up at the funeral gives me mixed feelings like miss maam that's nice of u to give ur two cents but i highly doubt ur presence is wanted bye. can i also just say that i love how you put so much effort into these characters and the storyline!! i could never write angst bc each time i do, i'll literally change the ending to a happy one 😭. i admire the way you wrote these characters in a way where the reader is able to feel what y/n feels throughout the entirety of sn- at least that's how i feel! that's not an easy thing to do as a writer and i really respect that! i hope that you're doing well btw :( you sounded really upset about those asks ksksks. stay safe and get some rest okay! <3
@lcveaesop said
reading Remarried Empress bc a lot of y'all have said it's similar to SN & i do agree! only that the empress is much more composed than y/n (bc obv she's an empress) and saint has written y/n to be more empathetic, selfless, and gentle.
I don't know who i hate more, sera or rashta? they're both entitled to anything good the world has to offer bc of their poor background (which i sympathize with bc it's sad, relatable, and they don't deserve it) but their greediness exceeds them which makes them unworthy of what they want.
sovier and gojo? kick them to the curb. idk how sovier will develop since im still on early chapters but gojo is forgiven bc.... BECAUSE.
the current chapter might give me y/n's condition considering how much the drama made my heart race😭 pls rest and take all the time if you need saint! even a hiatus if u want, u deserve it💛
guroyeu said
tw: death, s*ram and e*la 🤢🤢
waa my feelings towards gojo throughout this whole chapter was like riding a roller coaster 😭 i swore at him sm in my head but i couldn’t help but feel bad when he was begging yn. he rlly has been through a lot and i’m super glad we see so much more of what’s happening on his side (or family). i’m also rlly glad yn is being very brave, despite feeling nauseous throughout the whole situation. when i saw the warning for a minor character death then i KNEW IT WOULD BE NANA OMFGSG. but then at the same time i had to look away from the screen when it rlly was her that died 💀💀 i wish i wasn’t right this time LMFAO. eula is such a bitch too. there’s just so much to say about her and sera in this, but i’m sure all the readers are thinking the same about those 2 lol. AND i just laughed when sera thought naoya would be on her side when she mentioned toji. did she rlly think he would agree?? LMAO WHY WOULD HE WANNA HAVE A RUMOR THAT INVOLVED HIS OWN FAMLY’S COMPANY. seeing sera get shocked cause she expected him to agree with her was just so entertaining to me. also, this has to be my fav chapter. u did so well, ai <3
@moonlightaangel said
how dare you hurt us like this? 🥲 Nana was supposed to see Gojo’s and MC children, and now we’re all heartbroken 😭 fuck the s*rakatsuki, we need the e*lakatsuki now, how dare the scheming, conniving bitch kill Nana 😩 and i wanted to like Yuuta but if he doesn’t admit to what his devil of a mother did, i’ll never forgive him. thank you for throwing in the bit of comfort with Gojo accepting his mother’s comfort, i honestly i want him to forgive her 🥺 and hopefully he doesn’t blame himself. I need Gen to fly back to Japan and whoop E*la’s/S*ra’s ass, because she’s a queen who knows how to get shit done. please give us the satisfaction of throwing her fake ass in jail for manslaughter, heck, make it third degree murder for our sakes. i just want her to suffer without Gojo Sr.’s help. also i can’t believe he didn’t hear Eula telling her to shut up or Nana struggling, it’s amazing how much of a disappointment Gojo Sr. continues to be. Couldn’t even listen on the phone right either. I hope the autopsy shows it wasn’t cardiac arrest, even though I know it’s unlikely since they’re already talking about the funeral 🥲 Anyways, stan MC, Gen, and Gojo’s Mom for clear skin ✨ I know you tend to have over 300+ messages, so just know we love and care for you! Take good care of your body and take time to relax! Self care is a beautiful thing and we wouldn’t you to get burnt out! Take all the time in the world to write, because we’ll always be here to support you! 🤍
@my-reality-is-in-my-head said
Saint holy shit!! That was an amazing chapter why are u apologizing for its quality?! I THINK IT’S THE BEST CHAPTER YOU’VE EVER DONE SO FAR!! The way you amazingly wound together all the plot points, wrote them in such a heartfelt and exciting manner, GIRL I’M TELLING YOU I COULD NOT STOP SQUEALING BC OF HOW GOOD THE CHAPTER WAS!! IT’S MY FAVORITE SO FAR😭😭💜💜 Putting all the events that happened aside, I really can’t stop thinking how great the plot is 😭I’ve never ever read a fic this amazing i swear I shit u not. You deserve all the praise coming your way, AND PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF EVERYTHING HOLY AND UNHOLY PLEASE STOP APOLOGIZING FOR YOUR WRITING BC YOU’RE DOING A REALLY GREAT JOB 😭😭💔💔 I don’t know how else to express everything I’m feeling rn bc I’m a bit incoherent after that chapter sjajiss but I want u to know that I love you!! 💜💜 Great job Saint! Rest properly LIKE PROPERLY AFTER THIS!!
@seai-o2 said
This ask may not be as important as the other ones you've been receiving but sjkffhkssk I've been itching to share to you that 'Somebody Else' by The 1975 fits Y/N so well 😩
Just imagine how the entire chorus speaks for Y/N and the plethora of emotions she's been keeping to herself while still allowing Gojo to meet Sera just because + the confusion kicks in on whether or not she should push through with the divorce, but this was before she finally decided.
"You said you'd find someone to take my place" - Then this phrase leads back to the moments where Gojo would continually remind her that she'll never be Sera no matter how hard she tries, ESPECIALLY ON THEIR FIRST NIGHT TOGETHER AND THE TRIP TO ICELAND (then ofc this all leads up to him regretting it kskskskdjs).
"and everytime I start to believe in anything you're saying I'm reminded that I should be getting over it" - This part is when (our hot daddy/the only man I'll ever commit arson for/everyone's baby/the walking temptation) Toji encourages Y/N to stand her ground and fight for herself too coz fuck knows she's got her own life on the line plus its not something to be taken lightly.
"Get someone you love? Get someone you need? Fuck that, get money, I can't give you my soul, 'cause we're never alone" - Ah yes, I get a strong vibe that this line is where Y/N starts to push Gojo away just for the sake of keeping her angina at a less life-threatening level. This also takes me back to the moments where Gojo would run after Sera and leave Y/N in the dark. Like when they were in Bora Bora, they even couldn't communicate and see eye to eye coz Sera was there, and how could Y/N commit herself to him when Gojo was clearly being half-assed at this part? 😭 (but hey, I'm loving every bit of the really heavy angst so BRING IT ON AUTHOR-CHAN!~).
I miss sending you asks omg AND I HAVE TO SAY THAT YOU'VE GOTTEN SO FAR SINCE remember, forever. I absolutey love how more and more people discover your written works, it makes me really glad to see the amount of supporters/readers you have 🙏 Please please pleeeaaaase take care and continually stay safe!~
All my love and support ٩(๛ ˘ ³˘)۶♥
@seashellmichellee said
Anonymous said
hi Saint! i’m not gonna send a long analysis again this time but just know that this recent chapter left me speechless, in a good way.
I’ve been following you since the ufc fic was ending and honestly you’re one of my favorite writers on tumblr, I get so happy/excited to see notifications both from this blog and your main pop up on my phone. sometimes I see you apologizing bc you think that the writing in the chapters are not the best or bc of your delay in publishing, but pls don’t, bc I don’t want you feeling like you have to meet a certain standard for us readers, honestly anything that you produce is amazing and I’m sure that plenty people also think the same. and it’d be a shame if you ended up feeling like you can no longer enjoy a hobby that you’re choosing to share with the rest of us.
prettyy pls take a much needed break because your health, well-being and personal life is always a number one priority. you don’t owe us anything and if you feel like falling back for however long you need then you should do it, tumblr can wait!
have a good night/day depending on when you receive this!
Anonymous said
Again a perfect chapter!! I loved it and it ended so shocking I couldn't believe. I'm feeling a little weird(Idk if its right word?) about what will happen next. Will satoru's dad find out? What will happen between satoru and y/n? Or What really naoya is planning? Andd yuuta plays an important role idk if he will tell. Even though it's right thing to confess I can understand because it's his mom. Also I'm a little worried about satoru he might think he really lost everyone and if he find out who did that his relationship with his father would be so much worse because basically he married with the woman. (honestly he has every right to do anything) Anyway, thank you so much for your hardwork and I'm sorry if I didn't make so much sense! Lastly I wanna add please don't push yourself too much. I know maybe ur hearing it too much but sometimes letting yourself, your mind relax is important. So give yourself a little free time sometimes. Have great day! 💗
Anonymous said
saint, good job with this week's update ( ,: i mean it every time I say it; thank you, for committing to your passions and being a joy to others through it.
One thing I wanted to really really highlight was the emotional connection that really blossomed in this chapter. I always knew yn and gojo had somewhat of a connection together, since they were each other's puppy love, but this last chapter really solidified their value for one another. The flashback from both their childhood scenes, I believe, will play a part in how yn and gojo's future will unfold. Seeing how he tries so hard to keep his childhood promises with yn, I dont see him taking his promise with yn's mom lightly - he'll probably try and commit to that till his grave. Yes, there's still so much to unfold... but I think because of this emotional connection that you established, I believe the future chapters would be that much harder for us, readers, to absorb the pain the characters will go through, but also for you, as the writer, to encapsulate all the detail and weight of the scenes that are to come. I believe yn stating her trauma with gojo was such a big step for both of them, and for their marriage. I know we are foreshadowing a divorce, but I also do believe in order for gojo to willingly let her go... he needs to know all of what he's done to her, and hear it from yn herself. It's good because the more yn reveals, the more gojo seems to be a slave to yn's heart; the more she shares her brokenness, the more he desperately desires to cling unto her. Imagine how painful it would be IF and WHEN these two lovers have to separate?
@propertyoftoru said
CHAPTER 13!!! MY HEART!!! YOUR SKILLS AS A WRITER??? HOLY SHIT??? IM SO ENVIOUS OF YOUR TALENT 😭😭 the EMOTIONS i went thru while reading this!! my heart was BREAKING for satoru like yeah i might’ve been mad at him for a bit but his groveling 😭 he just wants to be loved and he FINALLY TOLD US THAT. even during the smut i was smiling but also crying at the same time. he put his own selfish desires aside and opted to wear a condom because he knew it was what y/n wanted 😭 and he was so concerned when y/n said to slow down 😭 THE AMMOUNT OF ANGER I HAVE TOWARDS EULA?!!?!!?!!!!! HOW DARE YOU!!! NOT NANA!!! LITERALLY ANYONE ELSE EXCEPT FOR NANA!!!! while i was reading that section i just kept whispering “pls no not nana” then the flash backs gave me WHIPLASH because the first flashback i was like AWWWW bb toru being an angel and making ANOTHER promise to take care of and marry y/n then the second flash back i was like GOD PLEASE NO. LITERALLY ANYTHING ELSE BUT THIS. i just wanna take a second an admire your ability to make me form an emotional attachment here and literally feel my heart BREAK. NANA DESERVED BETTER 😭😭 i just hope satoru doesn’t lash out on yuuta if he does manage to find out the truth. poor bb didn’t do anything and i feel like he’s gonna get caught in the crosshairs 😭 those stinky rats eula and sera are gonna get what the deserve. (my foot up their asses) thank u for another amazing chapter 🥺🥺 i hope ur doing well and feeling better! 💕
Anonymous said
i really just want megumi, mai, and maki's reaction towards sera if they knew that she wasn't an ex but an affair. knowing you and your writing, if ever that happens in the future chapters, it would be GOLD i just know it. and poor megumi, that leech is latching on you and your father. get away you bitch, even the depths of hell wont accept you 🤺🤺
also i feel bad for yuuta rn, he seen all of that and HIS OWN MOTHER threatened him, then he got to keep the act all up i just want to hug him tight and assure him that everything will be okay in the end because (trust the author!). he must be traumatized and unstable like satoru right now, given that he has seen all that but decided to bottle it up. i do hope yuuta and satoru works together (somehow? i dont know but i want to see where their brotherhood goes 🤔) against all of the things happening in the gojou group right now. by this time, its only the two of them left to stop their family name from dropping down to the lowest levels in the business industry.
even though they are unstable right now they are the only 'stable enough person' to stop things from happening.
oh and sera becoming more and more confident? bitch put your confidence back to your own place you don't deserve at least a small ounce of it. don't even hold your head up high because the only thing you will be holding your head up high for is seeing yn succeed. (my superiority complex cant stand seras bullshit)
nonetheless, another great chapter from you and things are getting more and more promising now. two chapters left and i am excited to see where this one goes because everything is going downhill, but enough for the climax of the story to begin (seeing the dramas and problems happening here and there). and by that, i have a feeling that sn1 will end on a bad one then sn2 will still have drama but i think that'll be where resolutions happens on some part. (my theory ._.)
even so, ill put all my trust on you on the next chapters because i trust your judgement, outline, plot, plans, and character development. and also sorry if any of my words turned out offensive. ;-;
another great chapter, thank you saint. please take a great, great rest equivalent to this great chapter before you start writing again. you deserve all the time in the world because of how much effort i see you put into each of your works. please also use that same effort to take care of yourself. dont forget that! take care of yourself!
thats all my rants for this chapter, i hope its not annoying. ah, i wish for yuuta's happy ending too. baby boy needs happiness in his life if he is raised by a toxic person. :(
thats all, ily saint! take care of yourself!
Anonymous said
I have a theory
So if I read correctly (it’s 4am my brain is shutting down slowly) sera was looking for something to expose MC in public so she can face the public’s criticism.
If that’s true does she realise what effect this will have in her and Gojo? She’s so desperate to “eliminate” MC and while she looks down at her and tries to take her place by any means she doesn’t realise how everything will affect her.
If Sera exposes her affair with Gojo she doesn’t really realise that she and Gojo will be the ones facing negativity and not MC. Sure there will be people who will say that MC did something wrong to lead Gojo to cheat like that but usually in the public’s eyes it’s the mistress and the husband who are to blame.
Infidelity also is a very strong sign not to trust someone. And in business world trust is necessary for companies. Gojo’s dad obviously dislikes Satoru and he just need an excuse to kick him out of the company. So boom here comes sera and the affair here’s Gojo sr’s reason. And suddenly Satoru is disowned and is left with no job no money and a huge trauma. Does sera really think she will be able to climb in a higher status by “overthrowing” MC and taking her place, acting like the affair never existed. So basically her “revenge” on MC will be her downfall and she doesn’t seem to realise it..
I swear if someone from inside the Gojo household or Gojo’s mom or Sera or even an employee it will trigger so much events and suddenly the whole Gojo family will be exposed.
Satoru’s physical abuse
Yuuta’s emotional abuse
Eula’s true colours and actions
Gojo sr actions
It can be the end for the whole Gojo group.
I’m so excited to see how things will turn out..
Also does Sera actually think that she still has a chance with Satoru and that he still loves her or she’s just desperate to stay with him for her own reasons or she just doesn’t want to face reality?
@craftyfawns said
I thought sera was just a mild misogynistic pick me girl at first who shits on yn by being like ‘I’m unique~~~ Because I’m poor I’m not like other rich girls *cough yn cough*~~ but no, she’s just a straight up woman hater. Like she hates women. Compare what she thinks of naoya and toji to what she thinks of meredith (??) mai, and obvs yn, she just hates women.
Sera would be the kind of girl who would be like ‘i don’t believe in feminism bc i think we should believe in equalism’ and then proceed to never let gojo let his feelings out near her bc she’s also a believer of toxic masculinity 😐 i hate her
Anonymous said
BESTIEEEEE THAT CHAPTERRRRR🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾 Yuuta better snitch 🥲 I want justice for nana he I know he has those Oscar nominated acting skills from the manga 🤣🤣🤣 also one question my dear Saint, Does Gojo’s dad even love him? Because it looks to me like he just sees him as a tool and abuses him plus he’s always gushing about Yuuta. Like would he even care if his son was hurt seriously or something? And my new enemy is his bitch of a wife like I swear Yuuta you better snitch😩😩 you witnessed a killing and you know who did it please sing like a canary my love. You better sing soon or they’re going to say that you were a accomplice😩😩😩 then Gojo’s dad is really gonna be mad.
Anonymous said
Hi i just wanted to drop by and share a few thoughts. I’ve read a lot of different fanfiction by many different creators. But you are definitely among the few that have actually stood out! Your language and general way of writing is amazing! As much as I appreciate the way you describe characters and their growth/emotions I am love with the way you set a scene/world. I could write an essay honestly but I’ll spare you😋
All in all I am a fan!!!!
thesupernotsosecretblog said
i feel like sera will manipulate gojo into thinking it's mcs fault for nanas death bc she announced the divorce or lie about mc having an affair w toji😕 she'll probably say something like she did in bora bora when they found out about the birth control :/ and then gojo being in an emotional state will believe her and reveal the truth about the merger and say that everything he told her in this chapter was a lie😕 and maybe this all happens at nanas funeral and she has an angina attack but she gets called an attention seeker by sera/gojo so the zenins help her and toji tells gojo to stay away from mc
Anonymous said
And suddenly I forgot how to talk/ type
This chapter i swear I cried
Imma start with Satoru and I’ll be completely honest. I HATED him. Like I wanted him to suffer but reading the last two chapters and his trauma I actually feel bad for him. He’s so devastated I can’t even think about him-
I was so worried about Y/N in this character. Things got so emotional that i was almost sure that she would have an “angina attack”
Sera. I wanna slap her so bad. WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE GIRL. Also did sera really not understand that Satoru is done with her and their relationship? But anyway I’m stopping here because there is much more important stuff than a bratty woman who can’t face reality.
Another person who deserves to be punched: Gojo sr. He PUBLICLY beat up his son he’s like a child who can’t control his emotions. Hope he gets his Karma eventually 👀👀
Yuuta my poor bby is so confused I feel bad for him
Mai meeting sera. The queen gave her what she deserves. 0 attention
Toji being caring friend melts my heart but after one of your asks I’m scared to trust him anymore. Still team Toji though😂😂
Naoya I can’t with this man. Honestly what is he doing…
And the worse for last. EULA WHAT THE
Like she calls others monsters but she legit KILLED someone innocent. SHE DESERVES THE WORSE KARMA. Hope something triggers an investigation for Nana.
R E S T. I N. P E A C E. N A N A.
Anonymous said
ngl i havent liked satoru one bit in the sn, hes just been a massive dick but god do i feel sorry for him. his mother left him,, his dad started abusing him, his stepmom is a vile goldigging women and the only person who he could rely on was nana but she got killed by his fucking stepmom. i definitely think that the way he turned out is because of his family. Say his mother took him with her or she stayed then i dont think he would have ended up so traumatised.
also i’m to see whether yuuta tells them about his mothers deeds, i sure do hope he does and i would also want to see how gojo and y/n react to it.
@sachiochan said
oh man waking up this early only to read this is like... waking up to a news broadcast 😭😭 oh man where do we start, eula killing her mother in law, y/n maybe changing her mind, or dadjo physical abusive nature?? perhaps we start with the beginning, dude I thought out of an accident, like at the Gojo's house everyone gathered + y/n, they were discussing the divorce proceedings and then begging y/n to change her mind then dadjo starts physically abusing Satoru afterwards like Nana steps in but Dadjo whacks her by accident then he kept seeing red and accidentally killed her. Man by far this exceeded my expectations, I am so fuckin glad that now we have something to get Eula with like bitch is gonna get her fucking retribution and karma hoho but rest in peace Nana 😭 I think theres a high chance y/n will change her mind after what she saw like, dadjo abusing satoru, nobody helping him and stuff and she will change her mind secretly and noboy knows, then Satoru's mum and her will take care of him and bring him to recovery slowly but then again, I think all that news at night is bound to traumatise him to the point it shatters him and he just becomes an empty shell temporarily, before and after Nana's wedding for a indefinite amount of time. I think Dadjo wasnt raised with love tbh thats why hes like that but no point discussing a loser like that 😒 like he may has his own pains but like, thats no reason for u to physically abuse ur 1st son bitch. good chapter, i really loved it with y/n and gojo's "try to make up but fail" stuff and well, this isnt a disappointing chapter, just a very sad one ❤️
Anonymous said
hey saint! it was an amazing chapter, as always! i can't believe you were saying that this chapter would have the worst writing when it's a masterpiece!
the whole plot is getting more and more intense and tbh what happened here is even more interesting than satoru and yn's romance😭😭 i felt like i was watching a movie and i think it's one of the things that got me addicted to sn. only having romance can get pretty boring (even tho i could never be bored with the way you write your stories)
i don't even know where to start but EULA PRISON ARC WHEEEEEEEN
i think yuuta is too sweet to keep what he saw to himself. he's not like his mother and (i think you said that?) he even judges her for the awful things she does
also sera leveling up in the clown game HAHAHAHAHA the funerals are gonna be wayyyyy too interesting and im ready to see her getting put in her place by gen, satoru, yn AND literally everyone there (naoya>>>>>>>)
i feel like the next chapter is gonna be the last one with A LOT of drama before we can move on to the end
once again, thank you for always giving us the best
don't forget to take care of yourself♡
Anonymous said
GIRL I WAS LEGIT CRYING THE WHOLE CHAPTER. THE. WHOLE. CHAPTER. OK SOOOO (TW : SERA & EULA) THAT BITCH SERA OMG I SWEAR SHE BETTER NOT DO ANY MORE DAMAGE. SHE'S DONE ENOUGH. SHE NEEDS TO STAY FAAARRR AWAY FROM GOJO & Y/N ISTG I WILL TRANSPORT TO THE STORY AND END HER MYSELF. EULA GIRL I–. I REALLY YUUTA SNITCHES ON HER. THATS ALL IM SAYING. Ok but back to the main pair, I hope gojo & y/n start healing tbh. I know it's bound to get even more angsty, and you can take your time with that since it's ur story, but I do wish them the best. I was in so much pain for the two of them this chapter omg. As always, please, please, please take all the time you need to rest. It's not healthy if you keep pushing yourself just to catch up to a deadline. Please ALWAYS put your health first before anything. Amazingly chapter as always saint! <33
Anonymous said
so i couldn't send this after chapter thirteen was published but i was listening to tolerate it by taylor swift and it reminded me so much of gojoy/n. mainly the bridge and the chorus that says:
"you assume i'm fine / but what would you do if i, i / break free and leave us in ruins / took this dagger in me and removed it / gain the weight of you then lose it / believe me, i could do it / if it's all in my head tell me now / tell me i've got it wrong somehow / i know my love should be celebrated / but you tolerate it"
i feel like this is exactly what's happening. she is breaking free of that marriage and trying to be happy and healthy. the "gain the weight of you then lose it" reminds me of gojo tbh. like he realizing she understands him, his trauma and his pain but she is leaving him and that is destroying him.
anyway, love the story. you are an amazing writer. hope you are feeling better, please take care of yourself. <3
Tumblr media
hiiiii you guys thank u for sending these through i’m always having lots of fun reading through them <33 🥺🥺
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youranxiousnerd · 3 years
Second Chances Thoughts
bc what
spoilers below
i have...thoughts
ah no chaotic intro, f in the chat
it’s still a nice intro, tho
i used the thingy
no bows either?!?!
this is called high school musical: the musical: the series not high school musical: the backstage drama: the series
wow they got changed fast
I’ll be the judge of that oh wait i cant bc they didnt show us
ashlyn is such a queen
the perfect belle, stunning
“A couple letters, actually” it’s a sign (literally)
flower touch
they love each other so much
east high kids be snooping
not me thinking about carlos’ hand on seb’s back we were robbed im taking what i can get
“You were the perfect Belle tonight. I was really proud”
“Evil genius”
they’re so happy
kourt and howie are so awkward 
howie and seb would get along
weird little playoff, maybe he is lying?
they’re cute, tho
sad that they didn’t really get any build-up
“happy now?” “yes”
“If it’s with you, always” MY HEART
just like a fanfic
kourtney just invited north highs beast to east highs cast party
i was not expecting that okay
ej and mazzara are the best
gina is so happy too bad it wont last
gina is an actress 
gahhhh portwell drama
oh god rini let the drama begin
that was very calm, did someone possess nini and ricky?
i really like them as best friends. i was a hardcore rini shipper last season but with all their constant conflict i realized how much fun they are as friends
“we are literally on the same page” 
“just for a moment” I LOST MY SHIT
miss jenn no
oooo seblos please be good
Seb calling Miss. Jenn out on her bullshit since idk when
“That’s a hard never mind now” okay wow
Miss. Jenn is Carlos’ godmother 
This is theatre, not football
oh wow a plot line actually being addressed
season 1 callback im not ready
gina and nini people!!! 
very sweet scene
ahha jamie callback we all knew it
i would really like to see miss jenns batb audition notes
“I’m in a great place, mentally” if you were you wouldn’t be saying that
like that was a big deal, a big effing deal and then nothing?
you told a kid to jump off something high and you can’t even say “sorry”?!?!
back to the miss jenn love triangle
“I think I’m happy, or gettin’ there”
ricky you don’t have to be there yet it’s okay
that line hit
killer harmonies
sofia giving us that alto rep!!
portwell duet! audition outfits
very good, very very good. this song kinda screams autotune but it still sounds very good. 
last song of the season NOOO but very fitting
Is it just me or does “Second Chance” look like a music video they show in Justice (the teen store) in 2014?
cast bonding yay!
shit why does my favorite ship have to be the gay one on a disney show?
east high booing the lily and french boi has me on the floor
“Big Red, you were also in it” BEST LINE OF THE FINALE OMFG
i missed antoine 
sorry carlos has glitter on his face
seb’s smile and wave at north high why am i laughing?
off topic but i have unintentionally started doing the seb wave (you know the one) (with the fingers) in real life.
also gay chair sit
e.j is also doing the gay chair sit 
lily what
you have had like one conversation
she says she likes his face but not his personality? 
im calling bullcrap
pause didn’t lily steal the harness? are we just going to forget about that
probably, the writers did forgot to develop seblos
Let Ricky be single challenge
so this season has been for nothing?
all the shit they went through (the self-doubt, relationship problems, the injuries, the death threats) is for nothing?!?
since when does Miss. Jenn not care anymore about the Menkies?!?!
I actually get the kids side of this, but not Miss. Jenn’s. 
I was surprised they took this route with the Menkies, didn’t even cross my mind 
“It was five”
Big Red x medicine 
bet your ass ashlyn would have gotten a nomination best actress
is mazzara staying for miss jenn? they could do long distance but it doesnt have the best rep in this show
ashlyn is the captain of the portwell ship and nini is her right hand man (or whatever second best is called in sailing)
“Will you be my first kiss” smiles
“this summer is about to get hot” SUMMER SEASON 3?!?!
hey they ended with andrew barth feldman what more can you ask for?
Oh wait some cast stuff...brb ima cry. The ending has some very series finale energy...I’m scared. Natalie wouldn’t have done the “buckle up wildcats” if there wasn’t a season 3, right? But the bloopers at the end...
The cast ending was great. “You are the Music in Me” was so heartfelt and I’m a sucker for bloopers.
Wait so no Lily home? It was probably a cut scene. 
If we got Lily home, can we get an album with the cast singing all the BATB songs? 
I have so many mixed feelings about this episode. Here is the thing, if you love the core 4 then this was your episode. If you’re like me and prefer the side leads then this was probably a little disappointing since we barely saw them. This episode felt rushed and a little messy, but there were some great moments. Season 2′s writing has felt a little weird. This season lacked the chaotic theater kid energy season 1 had. It was one of the reasons I fell in love with the show. If/when we get a season 3 I really hope the writers find that energy again.
Let’s all give a round of applause for the cast and crew who filmed majority of the season during a global pandemic. That could not have been easy. They gave us a pretty good season under crazy conditions. They definitely had to change some things to fit the current climate. Overall, hats off the the cast and crew because you guys killed it. 
I’m really going to miss this show, hopefully it gets renewed. It has become a comfort show these past several weeks. My sanity says “no, don’t go” but my sleep schedule says “leave.”
To second chances!!
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detransexual · 3 years
Its always weird to me when someone talks about the effects of Testosterone on the female body and someone brings up clitoral growth as a horrible, irreversible deformity lol?? Big clits are superb yall are just cowards lmao. Like if you're gonna talk about detrimental effects at least focus on the risk of painful hypersensitivity rather the aesthetic part? Because there are people who get so sensitive that wearing underwear gets uncomfortable and/or painful. I also saw someone claim that theres a big risk T will make ur clit "dead to sensations!" with absolutely no fuckin source other than "uhhh i heard someone say it on reddit once!" which i highly doubt is a statistically relevant risk lmao.
Idk man i just think its a really shit argument if you're trying to discuss the risks of Testosterone when there's actual health complications that are not just aesthetic.
You know what else is shitty? Fear mongering rather than trying to inform people of the actual risks and the liklihood of complications, as well as the uncertainty when it comes to long term consequences.
It is REALLY disingenuous to claim shit like "you WILL get a heart attack and cancer and DIE! Its GONNA HAPPEN its just a matter of when!!" when there's no scientific basis for that claim. There is scientific evidence of an increased risk, and that risk might turn out to be higher than it currently seems to be, but there is NO fucking basis to run around telling people they're 100% going to die young from cancer or a heart attack.
There is a risk of nipple grafts failing after a masectomy, but that chance is around 2%, so claiming shit like "nipple grafts almost ALWAYS die and fall off and its disgusting and horrifying!" is just flat out lies, the same way that claiming "you'll live with horrible nerve damage and pain for the rest of your life and your scars are gonna look horrible and you'll live the rest of your life as a sad, deformed freak!!" is also so blatantly transparent. Shoutout to the very compassionate radfems who tried to convince me of that when i was a 19 year old in excruciating pain despite being high on opioids recovering from a massive surgery, definitely feminist praxis to try to scare a teenager who's already gone through the surgery ur fearmongering about.
I WANT there to be more information about the negative effects and risks of transition! But that needs to be based in reality and scientific studies rather than your own personal disgust, which is all it is when you're just desperately trying to fear monger people out of transitioning rather than actually striving for people to have the ability to make fully informed decisions, which is not possible right now due to a lack of long term studies, but it certainly isnt helped by your personal moral panic.
This is a big part of why i dont give a shit what most radfems think/say about transition. Unless you have been through a transition yourself or work with detransitioners or do research about it i simply do not trust you to actually have the best interests of transitioners OR detransitioners at heart.
Stop with the fucking "oh woe is her she poisoned her feminine body with the evil hormones that are gonna give her cancer and heart disease at 27 and her nipples are gonna fall off and she's oh so tragically broken and repulsive and she's gonna die alone and in pain, wont someone stop this corruption of those naive and pitiful girls! A woman with an elarged clitoris? Excessive body hair? A deep voice? No breasts?? How REPULSIVE!" narrative lmao, you do NOT fucking care about ftms OR detransitioners, because if you DID you would support studies on the actual risks of transition and make an effort to make the most accurate information possible accessible to those transitioning or considering transition, rather than spread baseless claims that are explicitly designed to scary people into doing what YOU want them to do.
Its not your life or your body, the best we can do is strive to make accurate information available and question the narrative that transition is the only option, because as long as it is presented as the only treatment it does not matter jack squat how much you lie and fearmonger about risks.
Dysphoric teens arent gonna choose not to transition just because you fearmonger about the risks, they're just gonna do it anyway and live with the added stress of being convinced they're gonna die an early and painful death, because they'll still think its their only chance at a happier life.
Obviously in an ideal world i dont think irreversible parts of medical transition should be done before someone's brain is fully formed, and ideally even then its going to be the LAST resort, but we're not gonna get there by lying and making baseless claims, it only makes us look disingenuous and easier to disregard.
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bangtanger · 4 years
was thinking for 84 hours where should i post it but as its my creator blog i m doing it here <3 i was tagged by @taemaknae @suhdays @ynki @honsool @jjeongukie @taeyungie @dearbangtansonyeondan @lifegoesmon @everythingoes @flipthatjacketjiminie @yoongi-bts @jiminslight @hopekidoki @cowboyjinbop @yoonqiful @jcngkooks @pjmsdior @hobeah @balenciaguks​ @jinvant @hobibestboy @vjimin @yoongikook AND THANK U SO MUCH FOR INCLUDING ME T_T ik maybe its not a big deal but its a big deal to me and im touched :(((((((((((( also gimme some time to check all ur posts 👉👈 also im in a mood to say that ive collected many pokemons here djfksfhsakjddld ok nvm 
also sorry for a long post ik tmblr fvcks things up sometimes when there is keep reading so dont fight me plz <3
❀ first creation and most recent creation of 2020 
ok this is the fist one (still very pleased with colouring here T_T the stage lighting was,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, well yeah as always lmao) and this is the most recent (TBH DKJSKDSDK I WISH MY MOST RECENT POST COULD BE A DIFFERENT ONE THE ONE I WANNA MAKE FOR A MONTH NOW THE ONE ID PUT A LOT MORE EFFORTS IN SO IM A LIL FRUSTRATED i literally just missed giffing but couldnt watch anything new so took an old vid i wanted to gif once I DIDNT EVEN USE MYCOLOURING PSD IT LITERALLY HAS ONLY COUPLE OF LAYERS uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :( but whatever,,, it just kinda doesnt show the difference -_-)
❀ a creation u r really proud of 
well 👁👄👁 there r quite few,,, and the main reason is colouring most of these r comps and i a b s o l u t e l y sucked at comps and esp at making the colouring consistent there lol so lets begin lol  1 (u have no idea how muchi love this set) 2 (i fucking mastered it i wanted to remake it for two years and i finally did!! 60 fps smooth good moments iconic performance iconic hair colour his attitude bruh and ofc the fact that i could do sth with colouring,,,,,, and chose such an unusual colour scheme that i doubted jckdckfdk and it still worked out 🥺) 3 (lol i had this idea written down since 2018 as well and this year i could finally collect all moments i needed and oh boi yeah,,, AND COLOURING I COULD ALMOST yeah almost do sth decent with it there r still couple moments id changed but im pleased) 4 (im so happy whenevr i see this CUZ IT ALL WORKED OUT it was such an impulsive comp i literally only saw couple moments for past few years as well where i could see three of them in one frame and suddenly I WAS LIKE I FUCKING MUST POST THOSE MOMENTS SOMEHOW and im so proud of colouring it looks so well T_T) 5 (the colouring ofc im still :o that i could get rid of that shitty shit dkksjkj AND THE MOMENTS ITSELF?????? AND BLACK SWAN???????? EVERY PERFORMANCE???? HAIR?????? OUTFIT???????? EVRERYHTIGNM???????? HIS FUCKING STARE? FACE??? DONT MAKE ME CONTINUE AAAAAAAAAAA also if im not wrong this set in particular made me start my before/after posts 🥺) 6 (i jujst love everything about it e v e r yt h i n g also i could made ppl believe that jin fr has purple hair here when in reality its brown djhfdhskdf one of blending modes or adjustment layers worked this way lol) 7 (i wont even comment this tried a great tutorial with great beautiful resuls for the first time ever and it worked out so well and i like it so much and the whole yoongi here,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, also love me some borders that add cinematic feels to some gifs or just make them pretty in a dif way just like i did with prev post i mentioned imo lol) OK LAST ONE 8 (I USED A VIDEO OF STARS AND ADDED IT TO THE GIF FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER I FUCKED WITHMASKING FOR 3 HOURS GRRRRRRRR THIS IS SO HUGE FOR ME!!!!! i cant even explain whew IVE NEVER DID ANYTHING LIKE THIS BEFORE SO I WAS REALLY PROUD TOO even tho i fucked masking up on some layers lmao but lets not pay too much attention to it 👀)
❀ a creation that took u forever
ohhhhhhhh i think this one cuz the moments were long i couldnt decide what do i want to include + it ts file so u kno,,, the speed,,, of processing,, + somehow decided to put them all together + fucked with colouring + had to get rid of the logo and as we know japan likes a lot of big braight text around haha and draw hair in moments where logo made it look blurry + had to adjust the order and all that stuff but getting rid of logo was the longest part 
❀ a creation from 2020 that received the most notes
whew this iconic one im still amazed tbh they looked soso incredible and im glad how everything turned out here <3 (could change some colouring on bg tho so it could look better and more hq :c)
❀ a creation u think deserved more notes 
lol this one cuz i was so hyped to make it cuz their concert in saudi arabia is one of my fav things in the world and i waited for so long to have mood and energy to go throught it to find jk moments and i couldnt choose some for this comp for so long and just,,,,,, overall,,,, the way he looks here............................................................... its a special comp to me haha ill def gif more of it i have shit ton of clips left and also there r other members and i just want to sit and enjoy yhe whole thing to so may find more stuff to gif here lol
❀  a new fandom u joined an a creation u made for it 
i didnt join anything heurheru
❀ a creation u made that breaks ur heart
OKAY LISTEN DSJAKDJHFDKJ THIS ONE IF U KNOW U KNOW AND IM SURE IT BREAKS ALMOST EVERY HEART tbh whenever i see soft smiles or soft interactions or anything like this im just :’( <3 even my serotonin boost tag does it to me cuz its too precious T_T
❀  a ‘simple’ creation that u really love
this one cuz everything about it ah and this one 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
❀ a creation that was inspired by someone else
ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm idk maybe this one ? cuz i never did anything like this before and maybe i saw someones beautiful headers and decided to try one too ? i could do a lot better there is not enough depth but oh well,,, lol
❀  a favourite creatin created by someone else
oh its gonna be hard :) dear every conten creator i hope u dont mind if i wont go though the whole 2020 gif tag but choose form the most recent ones i loved? u know how much i appreciate ur content cuz i never stop screaming about it in tags but truly there r more content makers and i want u to know that i really love ur content :(
@syubb welllllllllllll i wont even comment this is iconique.....
@jinv T_T val i miss u but there should be bday comps with that BIG ASS IMAGE THAT HAS ITS PARTS ON EVERY SINGLE GIF I CANT EVEN EXPLAIN that icant even find dfjksfskj
@jung-koook i literally couldnt choose ehdskjdjksd but i decided this one cuz its sososososososososososososososososososososo well made every single detail here is chefs kiss
@kkulmoon i truly really cant get enough of ur colouring lately T_T
@minhope !!!!!!LITERALLY EVERY PANTONE COMP OR ESPECIALLY 7 YEARS WITH BTS PANTONE ONE IM AAAAAAAAAAAAA and lmao i think this is one of the most reposted things ive ever seen on internet T_T
@jjoon hng amy u know how i feel about ur content T_T decided this one cuz f l a w l e s s 
@hopekidoki stuff like this makes my jaw lie in the floor dsjkdj
@flipthatjacketjiminie idk whats up but it makes me scream like a madman every time i see it.........
@lifegoesmon i cant even explain why i chose this one but everything here is so incredible !!!!!!!!1
@hobeah one of those good fucking bye ones.....
@taeyungie this made me feel so many things and a whole ass a w e so cool T_T
@jiminfilter i will never shut up about bts core jungkook one should also be here
@jinvant i wanna YELL but also u know how much i love ur quality and blacks  T_T and gfxs too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@yoongi-bts i love everything here with my whole heart!!!
@joenns  I WONT EVEN EXPLAIN IM SO HURT HES SO THIS IS SO T____________________T 
@jjeongukie idk i cant get enough of skin tone!!!!!!!!!!!!
@chaylani i really love the colouring and love these posts with highlights T_T
@oncupid cant get enough of every colouring ive seen <3
@taee it was really hard to choose too T_T decided to go with this cuz,, u kno
❀  some of your favourite content creators from this year
ok i may forgot someone + in no order in particular + literally every creator that i follow/whose content i reblog @taeguks @tearuntold @cyphertaehyungie @love4hobi @kimnamtaejin @taejoon @jimiyoong @namkook @taeyungie @jinvant @jinv @6dis-ease @jiminrolls @daechwitas @syubb @syuga @jjeongukie @cowboyjinbop @hope-film @minhope @hopekidoki @joonie @namgination @jung-koook @faerieth @kooksv @lifegoesyoon @yoonqiful @j-sope @chaylani @jiminfilter @jjoon @everythingoes @varietae @seoksjin @dearbangtansonyeondan @ofkimtaehyung @yoongi-bts @gaypeople @seokjinyoongis @agustdfeatrm @joenns @houseofarmanto @namjoon (will miss forever) @thebtsgenre @honsool @vjimin @seokjinite @jiminswn @taee @hobeah @lifegoesmon @taemaknae @gukgi @kkulmoon @flipthatjacketjiminie @jintae @jcngkooks @ynki @yoongikook @yoongiandthebiaswreckers @jiminslight @gwkie @oncupid @eternalbulletproof and many more <3
OK SO i wanna say a special thanks to every content creator ever and also i wanna say that im really glad to be a part of this community all of u r so cool and creative and make such beautiful things and many of u made me feel EMOTIONS with ur sets or not only sets ill be forever grateful that i discovered bts and for everything they do to me without even knowing ALSO THANK U FOR STILL BEING HERE ON TUMBRLDSDFKJ yeah this year was less active there were few issues many ppl went on twt but thank u for still being here also happy new year <3333333 i think i sounded deeper and more emotional when i was commenting ppls gifs :| but its almost 2 am so i hope u will understand dkfjkfsjk im happy there is this corner on the internet that feels cozy and so welcoming <3 i love u i wish u a better year ahead <3 ok for checking notifications purpose ill tag my blog lol @eternal-bangtan
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jaeyunzie · 3 years
your first -- jay
pairing: park jongseong x reader
word count: 987 words
genre: angst!
there will be a pt 2!!
jay was beautiful. you were never the type to be interested in love, rather, the concept confused you. coming from a household where love wasn’t prominent clouded your perception of love; until you met him. you didn’t know what made you felt that way, was it his looks? the way he was always ambitious? the fact that he never gave up? you still don’t know what it was but you knew that you fell in love with the park jongseong. 
in jay’s eyes, you were unique; in a good way. you didn’t treat him like a bank like most people he had met, you never doubted him everytime he would make the wrong step and you were always there for him. he liked this. he liked you being there for him and believing in him. so naturally, he fell in love with you too.
it was a surprise to your friends that you ended up with him. how could you? the person who was never keen on love, the person who never payed attention to any conversation about love; ended up falling inlove? they felt transported into another universe. but you couldn’t disagree. being with jay made you feel like you were in another universe. everything felt just right.
today was your 6 month anniversary and you wanted to surprise him. his parents had approved of you, they loved you probably just as much as he did. so it was to no surprise that his mother welcomed you into his house with open arms. “y/n ! what a surprise. jay isn’t home so what’s the occasion?” she welcomed you as she cups your cheeks and slightly pinching them. “hey mrs park, it’s our 6 month anniversary so i wanted to ask if you could maybe help me make some food? i’d love for us to celebrate it with you guys.” you smile at her, pulling up the bag of groceries you’d just bought. “of course! well I have to leave in a few hours to meet some friends so I don’t think I could celebrate but I’d love to help cook.” she replied, taking the groceries from your hand and putting them on the kitchen table.
besides the groceries, you already had a store decorated cake, a gift and some flowers prepared. taking off your shoes, you enter their house. you’ve been here so many times yet you can’t get used how big and how beautiful the interior design was. you wanted to put the gift in his room, as it was special and you wanted him to see it in his private time. “mrs park, is it okay if i put these in jay’s room?” you asked, and the moment she nodded; you head upstairs to where his room is located. you twist the door knob and it was unlocked, as usual. jay had a habit of always leaving his door unlocked no matter what. when you entered, the lights were off and as your eyes scanned the room, it landed on something peculiar. it was a diary. jay has a diary? was your first thought. he had a hard time expressing his feelings and sometimes you would have to beg for him to spill it out, so it was surprising to see but also made sense maybe this was how he relieves his stress you thought. 
for some reason, albeit you knowing it was wrong, you wanted to read it. setting aside the gift, you sat down on his chair and opened what was inside. as his girlfriend, you expected to see your name pop up once or twice. but as you examine the pages even more, another name popped up constantly. you recognised this name, it was his ex, the person he loved before you. this diary is probably old, it’s only been 15 pages was the thought that lingered in your head. you were jealous and there was no denying it, he wrote about her as if them as if they were his whole world. 
10th February
i can’t live without them, i don’t wanna let them go but they wont even look at me. 
you decided that looking through old pages wasn’t gonna help your jealousy problem, so you find a page that had a date in which you knew was significant to your relationship. march 28th, the date you got together. you sighed out of happiness when you saw that your name was the first thing on the page, but that smile on your face did not last long when you read the page even further.
28th March
y/n , they’re beautiful. reminds me too much of them though. i can’t get them out of my head and it has been 2 months since we broke up. i see them in y/n and it hurts when i have to pretend y/n is someone else.
as you flipped the pages even more, his writings were just full of regret and sorrow. Regretful that he was not honest to you, regretful of letting his ex go, regret and regret. the book fell out of your hand and laid on the table, you closed it making it seem as if it were never touched. tears didn’t come out. you don’t know why. it hurt too much to cry. it hurt so much you couldn’t feel anything and you wished you never picked that stupid diary up. you wish you never knew.
as you stood up, you looked down on your gift. your head was filled with voices, should you take it back or act like everything is okay. how could you leave; his mother was downstairs waiting for you. but what do you mean by how could you? the real question was how could jay? how could jay pretend this whole time. he told you that you were unique, he told you that he loved you just as you loved him. how could he?
to be continued
author’s note HAI THIS IS MY FIRST EVER UM work?? idk what to call it lmao im so sorry its crap i havent written anything since my 2018 middle school fanfic phase n now im HORRIBLE at writing anyways yes stay tuned for pt 2!! ill edit this later cuz i wrote this on a whim n theres probably plot holes and mistakes here n there
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angeloncewas · 3 years
yeah i totally agree with what you said about satire and schlatt basically taking the easy way out. it seems like since that video he's kinda eased back from doing that shit, either bc the backlash or bc his friends have started verbally calling him out on it, both to his face and through making comments about him on stream (comments as in like saying they dont agree with what he did and saying they thought that video was terrible, not like them shading him or whatever ajsksk) which is good but also i wouldnt be surprised if something like that video happened again just bc like. it is his career and at this point he has to know what his larger fanbase is like to an extent, which means he also knows those terrible fucking jokes will make him money. i dont like that, but im also not gonna sit around and pretend like i cant see the fucking obvious, ya know? from what ive seen of him when he's not putting on a show for his main channel, or when he isnt around people who both encourage and enable his bad behavior (not saying this to shift blame, ive just noticed how he goes from making actually funny jokes that are harmless or, at most, a pretty obvious example of him poking fun at shitty people, at least imo, to like. straight up just being offensive when he's with people like swagger, miz, etc. vs ted, charlie and so on), he seems like a pretty good guy and its pretty clear to me that he doesnt hold the same views as the character he plays up for his main channel but that doesnt change the fact that his audience is now full of the worst kinds of people and that is how he makes money.
as someone who, again, watched idubbbz, as well as filthyfrank, they both stated they were playing characters and they didnt agree with the shit they were joking about, joji especially, but them saying that isnt very well known by even their own fanbase who just watches their main channel stuff, bc the one video where joji made that explicitly clear what he was doing, he later deleted for people harassing him in the comments (it was an old ass video where he basically said that playing those characters was giving him literal health problems, specifically stress induced seizures, and his comments were so bad that he never made an ooc video on his main channel again) and the one video i can think of where ian explicitly said he was playing a character was like an hour long podcast with h3, which most people dont even wanna watch bc it is a painfully uncomfortable one hour, considering the fact that they are supposed to be friends. besides that, the only other time they were really out of character was in vlogs with maxmoefoe, and they still did their offensive bits from time to time bc it was still going up on youtube, even if it wasnt their main channel. compare that to schlatt who has, as far as i know, never explicitly said he's playing a character, and the closest he has gotten to saying that was in some weekly slap video that i cant remember the title of bc all those videos kinda blend together if im being honest. like they definitely show a different, better side of him, but they are also all really short videos with only gameplay to watch and he never even promotes the channel, so its not like the shitty people watching him are like "hm time to take some time out of my day to go watch big man schlatt give people advice and be a genuine person for once", right?
idk. schlatt is just such a weird person for me bc like. he is a big comfort for me, i really do enjoy his content when he's not making bad stabs at satire (bc sometimes he does it right!! but a lot of the time, at least recently, he has just missed the mark entirely, to the point where it feels like he wasnt even trying to hit the mark at all), but he is also so uncomfortable to watch sometimes just bc he seems to either not know where the line is, or thinks crossing it is okay bc its him playing a character and that's not fun to watch as a minority who often ends up being apart of that "punchline".
that aside tho...yes, unfortunately idubbbz does still make content (and i say unfortunately bc it is not very good) though it seems like he is very slow to upload and last i checked, the views arent too great, but ive seen worse. probably the only thing that could bring back his views at this point would be a content cop, but like a year or so back he said he has no plans of continuing the series bc he finds it boring now, which is fair enough. i dont really keep up with him anymore, but as far as i know, he just got married to anisa and he streams on twitch sometimes, besides that the dude is a mystery to me!
—🦷 (also im sorry if this is formatted weird, for whatever reason tumblr has indented each of my paragraphs with one of those grey line thingys and it wont let me remove it. if it doesnt show up in the actual ask then ignore this!)
This is kind of old now (sorry), but I still wanted to respond because I really appreciate your perspective :)
> I always wonder how people not involved in the fandom view Schlatt. Because wasn't there this thing about Hasan genuinely thinking that he was conservative? And like he obviously doesn't now, but does that not impact how he sees him and his content? I don't mean to dictate friendships - of course - I'm just curious as to the impact of having that audience from an outsider pov. I remember being shocked what that thing happened with the pdp fan, but I later found that many people weren't because they knew the nature of the audience he cultivated; maybe I'm just stupid, I had no idea. (Not that Schlatt and pdp are the same, it's just a loose comparison.)
> No one should face harassment, but I doubt Joji deleting that video helped his case. (I mean ig it worked out in the long term considering everything that happened with his music, but yk.) I'm very sorry for the health problems he faced with the characters themselves though. I don't know much about him but that sounds awful.
> I have thoughts on The Weekly Slap, but I think they make me sound bitter and don't add much so just know that they're there ajfdkjdf. I will say that he doesn't seem like "Jschlatt" in them, and moreso just a guy. I know that he quit it for a number of reasons and one of them was not being comfortable with that kind of connection in relation to his increasing fame, but honestly I think his complete dislodgement from his fanbase isn't healthy either.
> I mean, I get it. I've watched a lot of content from a lot of people - ranging from kind of unpleasant to very unsavory - and it's kind of a weird feeling with YouTube and Twitch stuff. Idk it's like - when I go to the grocery store, I'm not wondering if the guy checking my things out is a racist. When I see a commercial, I don't wonder if that guy advertising chicken nuggets is a secret creep. But with content creation of this kind, it's just a weird thought in the back of my mind. I don't know if this makes sense lmao
> Weird that Idubbz finds content cop "boring." I guess the formula is kind of stale and half of the content was the edge, but it seems like the kind of thing that'd be perfect to capitalize off of around now. Cool that he got married... I think. I mean if he's happy ???
> Don't mind the formatting, and sorry to respond like WAY past when this conversation was relevant T_T. I read it right away but the timing got off with actually being able to type stuff out.
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saturndivine · 3 years
I'm a sag Venus too (in sidereal astrology). Weirdest thing is, I've never been sexually attracted to people in my life. Like I've had tons of celebrity crushes and the lot but to actually see someone in real life, talk to them and want to date them?? Not a concept. Genuinely had a doubt that maybe I was just asexual.
I'm 24 and earlier this year, I was on Tinder talking to a guy, the first night of talking and we connected right away. Like I've had good online connections before but this felt divinely guided lmao. (It was also the first night I ever saw proper snowfall in my life and literally I have a picture of it on my phone cos it looked surreal - like magic, but also felt like a sign tbh. 💫)
He's quite different in comparison to me but I was so eager to meet him. And honestly girlll??? When I saw him and was talking to him...all I could think of was, "is this happiness? Is this the kinda stuff people go crazy about and write poetry and music for??"
Anyway, what I'm saying is that Sag Venuses are often thought of as flaky, adventurous and hard-to-tie-down kinda lovers but I can vouch that it's not true for all. I am very playful and happy-go-lucky type with him, very bubbly and cheerful but at the same time my Cap moon makes me grounded, stable and very loyal. I haven't even thought of someone else since I started talking to him. 😂
What is your romantic experience when it comes to dating and stuff? If you don't mind sharing of course. I've never met a lot of Sag Venus people and I'd love to know. :)
idk if my thing is on the asexual spectrum tbh? cause i literally cannot imagine going outside and finding someone to date ? i wont want to date anyone until like months into a relationship its very strange and it makes me feel weird. my aqua moon doesnt help either but yeah sag venus placements really dont know what to do with love.
but it does thrill me that you found someone on tinder??? my 12th house venus could never, she dreams of the most fairytale, love at first sight romance. i dont even think sag venus is flaky, theyre fire signs so we believe in a spark and if the spark aint there idk what to say ! but i love this for u i hope yall last forever and always and its fulfilling and rewarding and healing.
my experience is actually really funny cause ive literally had five long distance relationships ??? not sure if its cause of the combination of my aquarius moon (connection through technology) and sagittarius venus (distant lovers) but ive gone on dates and blah blah blah some how i only find myself liking people across the country !
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