eponastory · 2 months
These are our only choices?
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Come on really?
Of course, Mai is going to be the best option here because we aren't given much else.
Does Mai actually have a redemption arc?
Not really.
She doesn't change. She's static. The only thing she does is betray Azula, and then she goes back to being Mai. So... It's not really a redemption arc. And then she doesn't even do anything after the war except break up with Zuko because of something he did.
Static characters are not very compelling.
I don't hate Mai, but I don't like her either. She's supposed to be a character like Raven from TT, but Bryke didn't get that. It was the sign of the times, and they wanted to try. But they failed.
She's just... bland.
And her relationship with Zuko is pretty damn awful too.
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fra080389-2-me · 7 months
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Endeavor (bodybuilding pose): Just watch me.
Hawks: N.1! Be cool! Be cool!
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greetings-inferiors · 10 days
I feel like since I joke about how awful kingdom hearts 2 is (it's just the Disney worlds and their level design I don't like, everything else is perfect about that game unironically) all the time my friend going into kingdom hearts 2 will think I hate it or something no lol I think it's one of the best video games ever made I just think it does some things really badly, it does literally everything else flawlessly, there is genuinely no inbetween
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kickingitwithkirk · 6 months
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splattergutz · 4 months
happy pride to whatever the fuck this was
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bl-bam-beyond · 1 year
A LOOK BACK at Tutor & Fighter
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With the Korean Remake soon hitting screens I decided to do a rewatch of Thailand's Original Version.
Can Korea replicate what Thailand created successfully. Time will tell.
Fighter (PRUK PANICH aka ZEE) didn't understand why he had such excitement when it came Tutor (SUPPAPONG UDOMKAEWKANJANA aka Saint) so he set out to tease him. Or so he said until he finally admitted he was attractive to his junior.
WHY RU? had a few couples including Zon and Saifah and that thing with Tanthai and Japan.
Let the rewatch commence.
@pose4photoml @lutawolf
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victorysp · 1 year
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epickiya722 · 2 years
I wanna know what Horikoshi's agenda is because one moment things seem calm, you're not expecting anything and then he comes in like "BAM, BITCH, YA THOUGHT!"
Watch, this cover will be the trending topic for a LONG time. (Of course, there will also be haters... 😒)
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Because you’re my sweet chemical reaction
That natural release of serotonin
Absent of any substance or potion
That: has me- not I, for it- mastered
Your love…
The one thing I did right with the law of attraction
Finally, something that isn’t a disaster
The beauty through a personal breakdown, that feels like it’s been nothing more than tragic
You’re that pink sky in the morning
That makes you forget all mourning
And that rainbow that reminds me when I wake up and get out of my tent for the day
That there’s more to life to fight for, more that merely waking up and worrying about scoring in the morning
The type of love that takes all the pain away
Without believing you need “black” in your veins to subside the pain
The type that reminds me that its all going to be okay
Reminding you that you only need to believe in you, to get to Me at night or day’s end
The one thing I can’t let go of
The thing I want, have, need, and think of
And can’t wait to come home to at the end of any type of day
No matter what they say, or if they think my writing is plastic or fake
It’s not plastic because we both feel it, and it’s obvious it’s something because they’ve got something to say
So, I can’t let go, because the evidence of both means it’s meant to be and we have it
So, I’m turning disaster into opportunity by writing it down
Letter for letter, word for word, and page by page
Because your love is timeless, like the words I make for You not me
So enough of my use, enough of hatred, whether its self-created or self-induced
This world’s hard enough with one let alone two
 Enough of my own personal abuse
The only thing I should be focused on is giving back in any type of way to be closer to being and getting closer to You
Enough tragic, more natural serotonin reactions, to the harmonic and melodic magic
Only type I’ve been dreaming of my entire life, and the only type of magic I need in these veins
I can’t let go, it’s chemical
Please, no longer
Don’t make me wait
Because the natural chemical reaction of your love is like symphonies as it metabolizes through my heart, ears, and veins
So, I hope these words can compare
At least I’ll make them try, although they don’t nearly
Don’t nearly describe what You do to me
Or anyone for that fact
But I’ll try to define the crazy divine beauty of You, in any type of way
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This Poem Written By: Aaron Thomas Glesenkamp
Written to the track “Chemical” by Post Malone
(Adds to the effect while reading)
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moonstoneunivs · 1 year
So last night I Actually was thinking of this whole Endeavor/Todoroki spin off series and the second “Arc” was trying to get a new reformed happy sweet unashed Touya out of Tartarus because technically he’s a brand new person and not you know a murder who doesn’t remember being Dabi. So, Endeavor and Rei are trying everything to try to get him out. They eventually do let him out and give him a robotic arm (because Eri reversing his arm might reverse him back to Dabi) So, he’s under house arrest for about three years (with parol) and he’s just there being happy and adorable and but one day after therapy he has this internal vision where he gets home and Dabi’s there and they talk about hate and this is who you are meant to be and how could you forgive your family all that. Then he goes to his room crying and Endeavor and Rei come banging on his door trying to calm him down and they tell him that he will never see Dabi as long as there with him and they all share a big family hug. @dabislittlemouse thank you for looking at this and giving me your feed back it means a lot 💙🌙
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seastarryclouds · 2 years
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Inktober Day 5- Stocking
I really messed up here guys, I tried using a brush marker for the lines I Really regret it, don’t even talk to me about the colors. :,)
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mashupofmylife · 2 years
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nope, I definitely don’t have a problem or anything like that
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flyingballsack · 2 years
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jerrycummblr · 2 months
It's really simple. If you're born with a vagina and you naturally have elevated testosterone levels, you're a man. If you have a vagina and you take testosterone, you're a woman. But also if you have a vagina, you'll never be a man. But also if you have higher testosterone then you were never a woman. Woman never yes man a vagina testosterone no was an elevated. Vagina man.
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cloud-ya · 6 months
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outcast of the village
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