Nothing will EVER top the comedy that was Max driving Steve’s car in s2!
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demobatman · 1 year
In the ST universe what roles would the party take on in minecraft? I know Dustin is making red stone rail systems and Max is teaching El to grief houses
THIS IS SUCH A CUTE QUESTION el and will are very much "oh my god i found a flower field" and will building in said flower field while literally all el does is try and pick every type of flower until max is like hey follow me and they steal all of mikes (2) diamonds and iron. mike and lucas always try to beat the ender dragon but one of them is always too afraid ("we have to be more prepared") to go to the nether/end (hell, even caves) so they just kind of mine around (barely) and ward off max. dustin is absolutely making rail systems to curate their own village and trying to get a villager to trade a book of mending and has will help him build structures so its not just shitty oak wood (lets be honest its dirt) houses. maybe sometimes they make little parkour maps to try and beat and they just end up fucking around and killing each other. mike goes to see what wills building and is like "heyyyy you want me to get u supplies 🥺 owo" and no matter how far along or how many supplies he has he always says yes and its Disgusting. also dustin is always bitching at mike and lucas to beat the game so he can get an elytra and theyre always like YOU DO IT THEN and hes like OKAY then steps one foot into a nether portal and immediately dies and never returns. lucas is subjected to protecting dustins cat from max. he fails. chaos. i could go on and on. they all go to find the ender portal and fail so miserably and start fighting and then will is just like "teehee i found it! :D" everytime el wants to try and make something shes like "i have. no supplies :(" and max is like sweetie thats what mike and lucas' chests are for <3 lucas is convinced herobrine is actually real. el learns theres pandas and makes it her sole mission to find one heading out with no food or bed or weapons or. dustin gives el creative mode (he owns the server) lucas makes dustin do the red stone armor stand dance thing and stands up irl copying it THE LIST GOES ON OK IM DONE wait will makes a joke that a villager is his boyfriend and mike immediately: "Send Me Your Coords" then goes there just to kill it
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bylertruther · 1 year
this is will & lucas btw
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lovebugism · 1 year
Ok but what about Eddie dating a reader who snores and the gang is like wtf but he finds it cute.
ty for requesting anon! this is dedicated to everyone who gets sleepy at 5pm like i do hahah — eddie's girlfriend falls asleep during movie night and it's a big deal in the sweetest way (sleepy gf!reader, established relationship, 1.4k)
fictober (㇏(•̀ᵥᵥ•́)ノ)
A masked serial killer slaughters a group of pretty teenage girls. Their screams are high-pitched and painfully artificial. The murderer’s chainsaw is way too loud and far too dramatic a weapon. The bright red blood splatters across the baby pink bedroom in several obnoxiously vivid splotches. 
Eddie Munson has never been more grateful to be alive in the golden age of slasher films — the absolute peak of godawful cinema.
He turns to the pretty little thing dozing on his shoulder and grins quietly to himself. 
You’re the purest essence of beauty in all forms, but especially compared to the barbaric horror flashing across the television screen across the room. In the darkness, the neon glow paints you in varying shades of blue, green, and dark red. 
You’re so pretty it hurts.
Eddie didn’t think he could love anything more than dumb slasher movies. Not until he met you, anyway.
“Tired?” he whispers to you when your lashes flutter across the apples of your cheeks.
It’s hardly seven o’clock — the sun has just barely set over the horizon — and more than anything, the tiny trailer is filled with fake screams and faker blood. Most people would be too horrified to be so drowsy. Not you, though.
Everyone’s always admired your relationship with sleep, but maybe just a little extra now.
Your features are blurry with the longing of slumber. They scrunch in refusal when you shake your head, cheek rubbing against the soft cotton of Eddie’s thrifted tee. “No,” you hum with a softness that says otherwise. “‘M just cozy…”
Everyone knows what that’s code for.
All the gang was over for movie night — some more begrudgingly than others (Steve, namely). The brunette boy shares a side eye with Robin on the other side of the couch before both of them turn to look at you. 
Lucas sits on the floor and stuffs his face with popcorn, which he almost chokes on when he laughs. Max giggles at the boy in response from where she’s sandwiched between him and Dustin.
Each of them can practically count down the seconds until you’re fully asleep.
You inhale once — deeply, sharply. The curly-haired boy turns his wrist to check his watch. 
“7 p.m…” Dustin observes with raised brows. He nods to himself like he’s impressed. “That’s gotta be some kinda record, right?”
“I’m pretty sure she was out by six when we were at Steve’s yesterday,” Robin tells him as she leans over Lucas’ shoulder for the popcorn bowl he’s holding hostage.
“Full on snoring by six-thirty,” Steve concurs through a mouthful of candy. “And her legs were on my lap, too, so I couldn’t move for, like, two hours.”
“What about last movie night?” Max questions with pinched brows. “I’m pretty sure she was asleep before it even started.”
Lucas shakes his head. “She was just napping, right? I’m pretty sure she woke up, like, halfway through.”
Dustin nods — the official connoisseur of you and all your sleepiness. You had been asleep by the time Steve turned The Outsiders on, but your internalized love for Dallas Winston had woken you part of the way through. 
“It had to be scrubbed from the records,” the boy explains like it’s something a whole lot more official than you just being tired. “It only counts if she stays asleep.”
“What if her eyes are closed, and she’s using your arm as a pillow, and you don’t have any feeling left in your fingers?” Robin questions with narrowed eyes, recounting the events from the last movie night in question. “What about that?”
“Still doesn’t count,” Dustin shakes his head with a feigned sympathy.
Eddie listens to them with a distant smile on his face. They’re not making fun of you exactly, just noticing all your little idiosyncrasies that he loves so much. It’s what makes you you — the quiet, sleepy girl that’s all but the glue of the group. 
If you’re somewhere else when everyone’s all hanging out together, and not snoozing on someone’s shoulder, something just doesn’t feel right.
“Isn’t she the fuckin’ cutest?” the boy muses amidst the light-hearted banter, the horror movie long forgotten. 
His bright smile and twinkling eyes are met with a group of deadpanned stares. 
It isn’t because you aren’t cute, because you are. Why else would Robin and Steve let you use them as pillows even after their appendages have long gone numb? You’re like a cat sleeping on their stomach — it’s too much of an honor to wake you. 
Their dumbfounded gapes are more so a result of Eddie’s adoration for you. Because you’re you, and Eddie’s… Eddie. 
You’re polar opposites. 
You’re quiet and sweet and gentle, and Eddie’s never been any of those things once in his life. 
You’ve brought out a softer side of him — one that none of them thought a brash metalhead like him could ever have. He talks to you far sweeter and far more gently than he’d ever speak to the rest of them. Mostly because he knows you get spooked too easily and that you always wince whenever people yell. And his PDA is an innocent kind, full of held hands and forehead kisses and boops to the tip of your nose. 
Eddie Munson is so soft for you that he lets you drool on his shoulder and unknowingly steal all the covers from him when you fall asleep during movie night. 
He’s so far gone for you that he’ll let you drag him to bed when most people his age are heading out to party for the night — just so you can drool on him and take all the covers from him in his bedroom, where you can sleep more comfortably than on the couch.
It’s all so sweet, it’s downright disgusting.
“It’s gross how in love the two of you are,” Steve monotones, the only one brave enough to say it out loud even though they’re all thinking it.
“I know,” Eddie affirms with a wide grin. “It’s amazing, huh?”
They all grumble under their breaths about it, obviously not as mushy with adoration as he is. 
It isn’t his fault they’re miserable because they don’t have their own soulmate who gets tired at 5 p.m. and snoozes on their shoulder accordingly. They’d be a lot less crabby if they had someone like you to gush about. 
Not you, though. ‘Cause you’re his and everything. But someone just like you, maybe.
Everyone dissipates when the credits of the movie start to roll — either to get more food, or use the bathroom, or stretch their aching limbs. 
Eddie stays unmoving. He doesn’t want to wake you up.
You begin to rouse on his shoulder, shifting as you wake with a deep inhale-exhale. Your eyes flutter slowly open, and through the haze of sleep, you notice the empty living room and the scrolling names on the television screen.
“’S the movie over?” you question, slurred with the heaviness of slumber.
Eddie nods lazily against the couch. 
He’s about as tired as you are now, with his legs cocked up on the coffee table and his head lolled back against the cushions. “Yeah. It’s okay, though. You didn’t really miss anything,” he assures with a crooked smile.
“Didn’t mean to fall asleep…” you murmur, like you’re embarrassed to have slept so soundly.
“I know,” the boy hums softly to you. “’S okay…”
Your temple rests against his shoulder once more. “Wake me up before you start the next movie?” you ask when Eddie presses a lingering kiss to your hair. Your eyes are already fluttered shut again.
“Sure,” he answers, despite lacking any real intention to wake you. 
He’d much rather let you sleep. He knows you need it. He doesn’t mind that you get tired before the sun has set, even though he knows how much you hate it. He couldn’t love it more, personally.
So, he lets you fall back asleep on his shoulder and tries to ignore how much it makes his heart swell. His ribcage shakes with the intensity of how much he loves you — how privileged he feels that you trust him enough to drool on his shoulder and not be embarrassed about any of it. You know he loves you too much for any of that.
“She still asleep?” Steve questions when the gang settles back in the living room. He rattles M&Ms in his palms before chucking a handful into his mouth. When Eddie nods, the boy snorts. “I’m glad it’s your arm falling asleep this time and not mine.”
Eddie’s glad for it, too.
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Steddie Upside-Down AU Part 91
Part 1 Part 90
Eddie’s not thinking. Observations are floating into his mind too fast for him to categorize them, just snapshots of blinding confusion and color. Click – the explosion of pain when his knuckle impacts strangely against Hargrove’s jaw. Click – pain blooming against his ribs, sending him sprawling atop Hargrove’s chest. Click – he’s on the pavement, Perkins’ crawling atop him, pointy elbow jamming into his throat as she winds back to slap Hargrove hard enough in the face to send his head ricocheting into Eddie’s side. Click – Hargrove’s straddling his screaming ribs as he punches him, once, twice, ramming his head into the concrete hard enough that it bounces, exploding pain on both sides of his skull.
Eddie closes his eyes against the pain, holding his hands above his face in a futile effort to defend his sparking face against more damage.
Nothing else comes. Just for a second, Hagrove’s weight crushes his ribs further. The pressure compresses his lungs, all the air whooshing out in a quiet oomph. And then it’s gone.
Eddie curls into himself, hands around his ribs on instinct, eyes still closed until the screaming starts.
His eye feels swollen, sight fuzzy around the edges as he looks up at his savior.
It's not Perkins, or Mama Byers, or Barb, or even Steve.
Little Red stands over her brother, the nail bat in her hands pointed warningly toward his junk, dirty sneaker close enough that if she kicked forward, there’d never be any little Billy’s running around the world. Her hair’s got dirt in it, the fire in her eyes making her look almost feral.
Her voice is loud enough to ring throughout the neighborhood, but it’s going through his head like it’s underwater, like he’s Charlie Brown, it’s all just muffled, wah wah wah’s.
All he can hear is the ringing in his ears, high pitched and aching through his skull. Hargrove’s hands are raised, and he’s got a mocking sneer on his face, but his eyes tell a different story. They’re wide and afraid, and he’s scooting backward in the driveway, shirt riding up so his skin’s sliding across the pavement in a way that’s got to hurt.
Eddie levers himself to his feet. He wobbles around on sea legs for a second until a hand clamps onto his shoulder, steadying him. It’s Perkins. There’s a bruise already blooming on her cheek, and her hair’s a riot of knots. She slides her hands into his hair, probing around his head until she finds a spot that has him wincing and pulling back.
Her words reach him, muffled but unjumbled. “—need to get you to a hospital,” she says, leaning around him to look at the spot she’d just proved. “You’re bleeding like, a lot.”
Eddie leans into her, eyes closing for just a second. “Steve first,” he replies. The words rumble strangely through his chest.
He opens his eyes just in time to see Perkins eyes roll.
The voices around him unjumble slowly, until he can make out distinct words, unmuffled and blessedly decipherable.  
Clearly, his scrambled egg of a brain just needed to catch up with its new inflamed state.
“Everyone inside,” Mama Byers calls, voice strained. It’s only then that Eddie notices the lights turned on in the houses around them, and the way curtains twitch back like the nosy rich people can’t help themselves.
Hargrove’s still in the ground, but Max hefts the bat up anyway, pointing it toward him with a final edict of, “Go home.” She turns around, sauntering toward the Harrington’s front door in a way the Eddie’d die to be able to emulate. “I’ll be home soon.”
Lucas snorts as he runs to catch up to her, Mike and Dustin right behind him.
Eddie and Perkins don’t start forward until Barb and Will lead Steve out of the van. Barb has his head angled down, clearly trying to obscure the blindfold on his face. Will’s smiling up at him and nodding as if they’re holding a conversation no one else can hear. Eddie hopes it’s enough of a show to stop the nosy neighbors from calling the cops. Hop’s indisposed and everyone else will just get in the way.
Perkins has her arm around his waist, but each of his steps bring more surety, like his brain and his legs are reestablishing their link. Still, she doesn’t let go.
They’re all loitering in front of the front door, arguing about how to get inside. Perkins bullies her way past, digging the hide-a-key out of its place buried in the leaves of the bush planted in the pot beside the front door.
She slides it home, turns it in the lock like she’s used to it. Like she belongs here in a way that Eddie, and the rest of the party, and even Steve himself don’t.
She leads them inside. Eddie wriggles out from her grasp so he can flip the lights on.
Something giddy runs through his veins as he hears the heat click on. He turns, smiling brightly at the rest of the group, just as Dustin closes the door behind them.
There’s something manic, and woozy, and hopeful running through him as he looks at all these people gathered in Steve’s childhood home, willing to do anything to save him.
“Let’s get this party started,” Eddie calls, like they’re at some sort of high school rager instead of a grim group of people about to boil their friend alive if it’ll save his life.
When everyone looks at him, bug-eyed and wary, Eddie just laughs.
Part 92
Taglist: @deany-baby @estrellami-1 @altocumulustranslucidus @evillittleguy @carlprocastinator1000 @hallucinatedjosten @goodolefashionedloverboi @newtstabber @lunabyrd @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @manda-panda-monium @disrespectedgoatman @finntheehumaneater @ive-been-bamboozled @harringrieve @grimmfitzz @is-emily-real @dontstealmycake @angeldreamsoffanfic @a-couchpotato @5ammi90 @mac-attack19 @genderless-spoon @kas-eddie-munson @louismeds @imhereforthelolzdontyellatme @pansexuality-activated @ellietheasexylibrarian @nebulainajar @mightbeasleep @neonfruitbowl @beth--b @silenzioperso @best-selling-show @v3lv3tf0x @bookworm0690 @paintsplatteredandimperfect @wonderland-girl143-blog @nerdsconquerall @sharingisntkaren @canmargesimpson @bananahoneycomb @rainwaterapothecary
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mrsjellymunson · 2 months
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Knock At The Cabin [Flip Flopped version]
Written for @munson-blurbs and @corroded-hellfire’s excellent Flip Flopped summer writing event, challenging writers to explore what might’ve happened to their story if a plot point had taken a different direction.
WC: ~1k
CW: Not much in this part, but overall the series is 18+ so minors DNI. Post-S4, dark themes, hurt/no comfort, canon-typical distressing images, canon-typical brandishing of weapons but no actual violence, mentions of someone vomiting but it’s not described.
Summary and A/N: Thanks so much to Bug and Red for creating this event! I decided to revisit Knock At The Cabin, and see how Part One might have played out if the gang had a very different reaction to their surprise visitor.
NB: Spoilers below the cut - if you want to catch up on the story before reading this, read the Prologue, the original Part One and Part Two
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There, hunched, shivering, soaked and covered in mud, is your friend. The one who’d died saving the town. The one they’d buried only a few days ago, after he’d been lying on a slab in a lab somewhere for weeks.
The increasingly noisy wind blows leaves and rain horizontally across the stoop. Inside the hallway, there’s silence. You all crowd at the door, mouths agape, and initially, none of you move.
You take in your visitor’s appearance. His hair is lank, wet, muddy and full of twigs and leaves. He stands, shoulders sagging, in filthy, soaking clothes, the wet material dragging his frame down further. He’s barefoot, his feet muddy and bloody.
His cheeks are gaunt, his lips grey, not the plush, rosy pink that they once were. He looks thinner than you remember, and his skin was always pale, but it seems lighter now, almost translucent.
Eddie finally lifts his eyes to you all. They’re sunken, red-rimmed, and have lost their usual sparkle.
None of you consider what events or twists of fate might have brought Eddie to you, only caring in this moment that he’s here, standing in front of you. He should be dead, but somehow he's here!
Dustin shoulders his way between you and Steve and takes his first good look at the strange visitor. At first he’s confused, incredulous, but this rapidly gives way to pure terror, as he lets out a high pitched screech over the sound of the rain. He abruptly turns on the spot and runs down the hallway, yelling,
“Zombie? ZOMBIE!”
Robin screams, hands coming to cover her mouth as she backs away from the doorway a couple of paces.
Steve reacts defensively, raising his nail bat as he steps outside, placing himself between Eddie and the party. Lucas takes Steve’s lead and grabs an old walking stick from a stand by the door, moving to join him and brandishing it like a weapon.
Steve yells towards Eddie over the noise of the rain,
“What are you? One of Vecna’s foot soldiers?”
Lucas continues, jabbing the stick at the air in front of him,
“A demon? A lab-grown demogorgon? Get back!”
Will is swaying, rubbing at the nape of his neck. Robin and Jane try to comfort him, the three of them clinging to each other in tears.
You hear quick footsteps behind you and glance back to see Mike rushing to the kitchen, followed by the distinctive sound of someone throwing up.
Steve spreads one arm out and signals for Lucas to get behind him, hustling him back through the opening, slowly retreating as he yells over his shoulder,
“Everyone get inside. Now!”
You watch as Eddie stumbles backwards, eventually stepping off the stoop.
You seem to be the only one who’s concerned rather than terrified. You try to shoulder your way through them all to get outside, see Eddie properly, but the movement of their combined retreating bodies pushes you back into the hallway, and you’re unable to get a proper look at him, let alone go out to him.
As soon as everyone’s inside Steve slams the door, locking and bolting it and scanning for something heavy to brace it with.
Without looking around, he barks,
“Robin, get the satellite phone.”
Robin, wide-eyed, stammers,
“B-but we’re only supposed to use that in an emergency.”
Steve continues, his voice becoming more high-pitched,
“Well, I’d say that someone coming back from the dead qualifies as a fucking emergency, wouldn’t you? Call Owens. Now!”
Everyone scatters into the cabin. Robin tries to find the equipment Owens gave you when you moved here. Will and Jane comfort each other on the sofa and Jane wraps a blanket around her friend's shoulders. Lucas and Steve find bookcases and tables to put against various windows and doors. Dustin sits rocking near the back door, holding his knees to his chest, whilst Mike cleans himself up in the kitchen.
You’re the only one who moves to the living room window to look upon your friend.
He raises his head, initially simply staring at the closed door with a blank, stunned expression.
You place a palm against the glass, feeling like it’ll get you closer to him somehow. It’s enough to draw his attention, and as your eyes connect his brows draw up and you see a look of rejection and fear pass across his features.
You breathe his name quietly against the glass, and it fogs up a little.
His expression briefly turns to sadness, before he drops your gaze and runs a hand down his filthy cheek. Shuffling backwards for a few steps, he turns and shambles off into the rainy night.
He takes a few longer steps before pausing to look over his shoulder at the door again, and that defeated expression turns into a scowl as his brows furrow and his lips slowly curl up into a snarl. The softness in his eyes is completely gone, and is replaced with a steely black glare.
He turns away then, and you see him break into a jog. He’s bouncing his shoulders and flinging his hands out to the sides as if he’s building himself up for something.
He runs so far down the lane he almost reaches the highway. You nearly lose sight of him, and he appears only as a dark silhouette.
Suddenly the shape shortens as he drops to his knees, raising his face to the swirling grey sky and spreading his arms wide as brief flashes of lightning begin to light up the clouds.
The wind buffeting the trees increases, and starts to send larger branches, twigs and more leaves to smack against the roof and windows of the cabin
It’s almost enough to drown out the inhuman bellow Eddie emits.
But you hear it…
If you’d like to read the original series that this comes from, it starts here 😊
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Thanks so much for reading!
My masterlist
As always, comments and reblogs make my world spin - I’d love to know what you think of this.
Series taglist (open): @joejoequinnquinn @jamdoughnutmagician @ali-r3n @eddiemunsonshandcuffs @jasminelafleur @corrodedcoffincumslut @kthomps914 @iletmytittiestitty-russ @findmeincorneliastreet @tlclick73 @sapphire4082 @razzeith @cupid-club @storiesbyrhi @eris-rose-86 @micheledawn1975 @bl0ssomanddie @veemoon @sunshinepeachx @writinginthetwilight @guiltyasquinn @madaboutmunson @airen256 @idkitsem @em0220 @kookygranger @fanfics-i-find-here @the-unforgivenn @b3lladoonna @skrzydlak @comeonatmebruh @jamiecb66 @80s-addict @abellmunsonmovie @definitionwanderlust @amandahobblepot @daisy-munson @sheneedsrocknroll92 @maedesculpaeusoubi @munson-blurbs @wonderlanddreamer @daisy-munson @kellsck @eddiemunsonshandcuffs @babydollface1165 @3rd-conchord @probablyin-bed @kurdtbean @mediocredreams (if your name is crossed through I couldn’t tag you - let me know your new url if you want to still get notifs)
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iaminfourthwing · 3 months
The Generals Daughter
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Chapter X
It’s way too quiet as the sun shines on us during morning formation. Aurelie’s name was called through the rotunda a few minutes ago and I saw Violet whipping a stray tear away. Luca tensed, hearing the name of our fallen squad mate, knowing that I could have saved her if she hadn’t pushed me to the ground.
Aurelie’s scream and her broken body haunts me. Nightmare after nightmare. Sometimes it was Violet laying there, then it was Rhiannon, or Ridoc, or Sawyer. And then Aurelie again. I really hope it haunts Luca as well.
It made me realize how time works at Basgiath. Some of us have more, some of us less. And out of our group, Aurelie was the first one to meet Malek way to early. It makes me so incredibly sad, and angry, and devastated. And I fear for Violet. One short moment is enough – and she could be gone as well.
Stunned and in utter disbelief, I look down where Aurelie’s broken body lays.
Aurelie, who was looking forward to the training and presentation. Aurelie, who was looking forward to Threshing and having her own dragon. Aurelie, who wanted to make her father and brother proud. Aurelie, who was always in a good mood and tried to help everyone of us as much as she could.
And now she is dead. Gone. Forever.
I slowly pick myself up, trying to hide the violent shaking, a high-pitched ringing in my ears. I can’t hear Violets scream, or Ridocs, or Trinas. Can’t hear Tynan’s nasty laugh.
The only thing I notice is Lucas’s heavy breathing behind, maybe still in disbelief too, to what she just did.
My body fills with anger, and pain, and pure rage.
Furious, I whip around, facing the blonde girl, who looks extremely terrified at the moment. Fear is radiating from her. I know how I must look like right now … dilated pupils, pitch black. A nasty snarl on my face, teeth bared. I think, I look like a feral animal, but can’t bring myself to care.
“Are you actually, totally fucking stupid?! I could have reached her. I could have FUCKING CATCHED HER FOR FUCKS SAKE! WHAT IS YOUR FUCKING PROBLEM?!” I roar, struggling to form full sentences in my rage.
There is talking above us, but I don’t bother listening.
“SHE WAS OUR FUCKING SQUADMATE, YOU STUPID IDIOT!! WHY ARE YOU PULLING SUCH SHIT?!” My roar echoes from the mountains, pretty sure you can hear it in the college as well.
“I- she- you have to understand …” she stutters.
The rage is clouding my mind. Racing towards her, I grab her collar harshly, choking her in the process and pull her into my face. She claws at my hand, trying to get air into her lungs.
“You can be fucking happy I am not in a killing mood or else you would lay down there with her” I spit out. “Every bone broken, splattered on the gravel. If you ever do shit like this again, I will kill you myself, with my bare hands, slowly and painfully. Without any witnesses. Squad mates be damned, since you clearly didn’t care as well.”
With that, I let her go and push her away, turning on my heel and start finishing the course. After a few more minutes I finish successfully and reach the top. I immediately take Violets shaking form into my arms, comforting her.
*Flashback ends*
When morning formation ends, we get ready to go to our classes, but Dain stops us.
“Okay … I know we lost one of us yesterday and that some of you were close with her, but this tension is almost suffocating. What the fuck happened, that everyone acts like scared chickens?” he asks us, brows furrowed, clearly frustrated with the behavior of his squad.
I notice that almost everyone in Fourth Wing is lingering, trying to catch some gossip. Our wingleader and his minions too. My friends look around anxiously, but no one says anything. Violet shifts on her feet while Ridoc and Sawyer share awkward glances, the second and third years looking just as confused as Dain, having no clue what happened yesterday. Seems like no one said anything after yesterday’s actions.
The moment Tynan lay his eyes on my tense form, Dain looks at his face and follows his line of sight, sighing deeply when he finds me.
Oh, I dare him to blame anything on me. I’ll actually tear him a new one, if he starts shit with me now.
Raising a brow, he asks “What did you do?”
When my heated glare finds his eyes, he flinches visibly. Good, don’t even try asshole. I am in the mood to punch someone, even if it’s my squad leader. I am sure, Xaden wouldn’t stop me.
Rhiannon clears her throat, gaining the attention of the others. “Well, Aurelie’s fall was an accident” Violet turns her head to the side “but … Arya could have caught her.”
I feel the eyes of more than one hundred cadets on me and it annoys me. Knowing what everyone thinks, I just take a deep breath, mentally preparing for what’s to come.
Imogen lifts an eyebrow. “And why haven’t you?”
My eyes find hers. “I don’t know. Maybe you should ask the annoying blonde next to you.”
Said girl looks up and flinches terrified when she looks at me, letting out a high-pitched squeak.
“Luca? What did you do?” Heaton is the one asking her, intrigued to where the conversation will lead. She mumbles to herself.
“Talk!” I order her loudly, making her and some of the other cadet’s flinch, again.
“I slammed Arya to the ground, so she couldn’t reach her” she says louder. “But then she attacked me!” Luca accuses me.
A sarcastic laugh finds its way out. “You deserve so much worse” I hiss. “Wait” a second year from Tail Section speaks up, “that was you yesterday? The roaring that echoed from the cliffside?!” she asks. I nod.
“Yes, and she choked me” Luca whines.
“Hardly, you don’t even have any bruises, so quit whining like a soon to be slaughtered pig.” I don’t even try to hide the annoyance in my tone. She has no idea what choking feels like. When you try to fight for your life, while someone wants to kill you with their bare hands.
“You threatened to kill me as revenge!”
I scoff. “Revenge is beneath me” pausing, a murderous glint finds its way into my eyes “but … accidents happen.” Gulping hard, she turns to our squad leader for help.
“Okay enough! We can’t change that Aurelie is dead. But you won’t kill your squad mates. That’s against the Codex.” Of fucking course. Chuckling fills the rotunda, most of the cadets amused by his statement.
“In my defense, my dearest squad leader, I simply do not vibe with the Codex.” I spit out. He really has the audacity to look offended.
Someone chokes out a laugh on my right side. My eyes find the gorgeous brown ones of Bodhi and I can see the amusement in them. And … a proud glint?
Next to him stands his cousin. He looks like he has no idea if he should laugh or glare at me, it’s kind of a mix. Garrick Tavis, our section leader, stands on Xadens other side and he doesn’t bother to hide his amusement.
With that I turn around and make my way to Battle Brief.
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summer blush
pairing: steve harrington x gn!reader
wc: 1.9K
warnings: nothing, can't remember if there's cursing.
summary: pool days and future dates
A/N: WE DESERVED LIFEGUARD STEVE WHY DID BILLY GET THAT ROLE!!!!!!! but I know we got scoops steve, but still!!!!
masterlist / steve harrington
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everyone was at hawkins community pool if they didn’t have one sitting in their backyard. the weather was in the high nineties with a slight breeze to cool you off if you were laying out tanning. the dozens of kids were splashing and squealing in glee, screaming as they played marco polo or sharks and minnows. many parents trusted the lifeguards to do their job so they indulged in their books or gossiping with friends.
the lounger reclined at an angle, one leg bent and the other straight. loose shirt and swim shorts as your attire accessorized with sunglasses and a baseball cap to shade your face from the harsh sunlight as you read your book.
a high-pitched yell of your name drew your attention. tilting the book towards your chest you saw your neighbor lucas rushing your way. his running was put to a stop when a lifeguard blew their whistle and yelled no running. you saw a few other kids a little behind, three boys and two girls. 
“going for a swim, sinclair?” eyes squinting behind your glasses.
he rolled his eyes and pointed towards his swim trunks, “duh. gonna spend the next few hours getting pruney. oh, also my mom wanted me to ask if you were free on the twelfth.”
one of the boys called his name and lucas told him he was coming before turning back to you. “uh, as of right now i’m an open book. does she need a babysitter?”
“yeah. my parents have a date planned so they need someone to watch us.”
you nodded your head, “well i’ll be happy to babysit. just have her call me when you get home. now go have some summer fun, your friends are getting antsy.” the tweens being all dramatic from their spots close by.
lucas waved goodbye before talking with his friends and then they all threw themselves into the chlorine-heavy pool. the two girls were a step behind with shrieks that carried until they were submerged.
you watched their playful fighting for a bit with a gentle smile on your lips. how lucas would dunk his friend with sopping curly hair underwater or the redhead would slap water at the byers kid. the other girl with shoulder-length hair was just walking around the shallow end with an enormous smile.
deciding to turn back to your book, your eyes took a sweep of the crowded pool and they managed to catch a lifeguard chair change. a girl in the uniform-issued red one-piece was climbing down from the high chair as a boy leaned a hand against the legs. the two chatted for a moment before the girl waved goodbye and the boy climbed the steps and settled into the seat.
and when he was in perfect view you were able to make out the person you were ogling. steve harrington. steve harrington, who was dressed in only red swim trunks as he watched over the community pool. now your book doesn't seem so interesting.
you held the book at a normal height and used the book and sunglasses as your undercover ruse as you observed (stared) at steve. how he seemed comfortable in the uncomfortable high chair, one hand fiddling with the whistle that was sitting on his chest as his head moved around to get a full view. his hair looked naturally fluffy and curled, oh man.
you and steve were in the same graduating class but only had a handful of classes together in the four years of high school, and in only two was there conversation. he was more outgoing and friendly with most of the school population, while you had one friend, robin buckley, who stuck to the shadows and books. and even though you hid in the shadows, that harrington charm always shined brightly no matter what. so yeah, you weren’t unaffected by him, you just made sure not to act like an idiot when he was around.
wishing you had the balls to walk up confidently and start an effortless conversation, you just groaned as you leaned your head back and laid the book on your sunscreen thighs. you don’t even know what he likes, not like you could chat about the weather for twenty minutes before it dies out. “so… this weather….” “yeah, pretty warm. brings everyone out of their houses.” that’s so stupid!
you know what, forget about it. push steve from your mind. push lovely steve harrington from your mind and focus back on your fantasy novel. you did set a goal of reading through the stacks of books you’ve bought over the months. you look through your bag and grab your wallet before pushing off the flimsy lounge chair and heading to the vending machine for a snack.
you look at the different selections of chips and press in c7, your second favorite chips dropping down. you pushed the flap open and managed to grab the goods without twisting your wrist. you looked to the concessions booth and debated if you wanted to pay three fifty for a slushy.
“hey.” you heard someone call but you didn’t think they were calling for you since it didn’t sound like any of the younger kids. head tilting side to side in a silent debate before it came again this time followed by your last name.
you felt like an idiot when you looked over your shoulders to find the source but couldn’t so you turned forward again, which caused the mystery person to say your name once again followed by, “it’s steve, dummy.”
that made you turn around real quick with your brows raised and hands sat on your hips, chip bag crinkling. “what’s with the nickname, mr. lifeguard? i’m a customer minding their business.” sarcasm hiding the curiosity of why steve was suddenly calling for you.
he was twisted in the high chair, one knee up and poking through the hole for the armrest with his arms folded on the top and his chin digging into his golden forearms. his sunglasses pushed to his hair showing his face off without obstruction, though his eyes were squinting against the beating sun. he had a smirk to his mouth and, oh your insides melted.
“i am so sorry to be disturbing,” the sarcasm twisted in his words, “but i was wondering if you’d be willing to buy me a cherry slushy. for a fellow mrs. fray senior english class student.”
lips parting in slight shock, “you…you remember me?” body language changing from defense to sheepish. you meant to say those words in your head only, not aloud where he could make fun of you.
his eyes unsquinted just a bit and you were able to see the smirk fall away and genuine confusion settle in. “why wouldn’t i? i sat next to you all year. and what a lovely view to get me through that boring class.” a flirtatious tone singing through the words. 
now you are standing frozen. was he…flirting? was steve flirting with you? when you felt sweaty and didn’t look put together, baggy shirt and hair pushed under a baseball cap. there was no way, right?
“well…i do remember you staring a lot. just thought i was blocking the window view.” trying to flirt, swing and a miss in your head.
steve chuckled. deep and boyish over the volume of the occupants. “nah, view outside wasn’t worth my time.” a cheeky smirk and, oh yeah. he was flirting.
“anyway. would you still be willing to buy that cherry slushy for me? kinda dying of thirst and heat over here.” his body that wasn’t shaded by the umbrella was highlighted bright with the sun. mind traversing to the knowledge he might develop more freckles over his skin and how you wished to chart them like constellations in the night sky.
you looked to the booth and back to steve, working yourself up to try a hand at flirting again. you took four steps closer to the white chair, head tilted up while steve stared down. “would i get anything back in exchange? since, you know, i’m paying with my own money.” hoping he doesn’t say something that billy hargrove wolf whistles at.
steve smiled with his teeth biting into his bottom lip. his head moved just a bit to the side and his eyes squinting a bit harder, you were glad to see his whole face, but you wished to just slide his black sunglasses over his honey-brown eyes. he looked to be debating something for a moment and then he shifted around to climb to the hot cement floor. he stopped just in front of you, right side of his body leaning into the chip painted wood. he was messing around with his red whistle and your skin produced goosebumps from the way his eyes roamed over your face and trailed down your body then back up.
“well, a slushy is only three fifty, so what i’m gonna suggest is overpriced. but if you're willing to spare some change, i would be happy to take you…” he stopped for a moment, almost seeming nervous before he got his confidence back. “…to take you on a date. movie and dinner, all on me.”
you almost dropped your chips and wallet due to the words that left his mouth. “you’re…this is a joke right? some prank?” self-conscious defense going up.
steve pushed himself into an upright position, hands shaking in front of him with urgency on his face and in his words. “what? no, no! i- i genuinely want to- i’ve wanted to ask you for a while!” words rushed and grumbled.
you were shocked for the third time today. steve harrington wanted to take you on a date. and for a while. “really?” the voice is almost meek.
steve rubbed the back of his neck and you weren’t sure if that was sunburn or blush on his cheeks. “yeah…i know i seem…good at getting dates. but when it comes to someone i like…i can get tongue-tied.” fingers messing around with the back of his hair.
you couldn’t help the teasing smile, “oh…steve harrington gets flustered by his crushes? didn’t realize we reverted to middle school.”
he rolled his eyes, but he smiled anyway. “yeah, yeah. now for the third time, can you buy me a slushy? and would you like to go on a date with me? saturday at seven?”
there was a whistle and the call for steve to get back in his chair. he didn’t turn around or anything, he stayed trained on you with pleading eyes and a nervous smile. you didn’t bother keeping the boy waiting any longer, butterflies fluttering in your belly.
“i’ll get you that slushy. and then i’ll tell you my decision. so, best you get back to your job before you get fired.” taking steps backward then turning on the balls of your feet.
you felt his eye on your back the whole time as you ordered and waited for the drinks. with the two in hand along with your chips, you walked to steve already having your mind made up. you held his cherry slushy up high and he grabbed it with a “thank you.” his fingers brushing your knuckles.
“so, yes or no? hurts to keep a guy waiting.” a fake pout to his lips. you took a sip of your icy beverage and then counted to five. “what movie?”
“the goonies. heard from a birdie you’ve been waiting to see that one.” that just solidified your answer. “food before or after? and where?”
steve took his sip and then answered, “whichever and wherever you prefer.” 
you tapped your flip-flop foot and took a few more sips. “seven works. benny’s before and then goonies. maybe milkshakes after. sounds good?”
he smiled down at you, teeth shining in the light and lips turning a bit red. “sounds perfect. can i have your address?”
you began to walk back to your lounge chair, calling over your shoulder, “use the phone book, harrington! very useful information.”
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hannahlovesluca · 10 months
okay so- ike who cheated on reader? like, they had been cheated on before and bonus points if ike cheated with someone close to reader and just them finding out? angst with a little bit of a fluffy ending plz just then arguing and ike ends up saying something really hurtful?
coming up on the one year anniversary of my ex cheating with my cousin-! if i had a nickel for every time a different ex cheated with the same cousin i’d have two nickels which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it happened twice???
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|warnings: cheating, angst, mentions of sex, gn reader but he’s cheating with a female
Ike knew he shouldn’t have…he had a lover for god’s sake. But he couldn’t resist the urge to touch this girl, the urge to kiss her…it was just too much. So there they were, sitting on the couch, him, his best friend (Luca), the love of his life and her, the gorgeous young blonde with the perky breasts. They were watching a movie, and he was bored
His hand on your thigh, going in to steal tiny kisses on your cheek.. but you knew that it was fake, you just couldn’t bring yourself to admit it.
That was, until you looked up and saw it.
Her hand, wrapped around his own, her mouth open as she giggled and flirted with him.
You didn't realize the tears were coming until it was too late, and one fell on your hand. It felt like someone had poured acid on your heart, and it hurt like a mother fucker.
You pushed his hand off of your thigh, and stood up. He looked at you, his eyes full of fear.
What was he going to say? Sorry I couldn't wait until my lover left so we could fuck on the couch?
Sorry I'm not satisfied with you anymore?
No, he was too ashamed to say anything at all, and just stared at you, his face pale.
You wanted to scream. You wanted to yell. You wanted to hurt him as bad as he was hurting you.
But the pain was so unbearable, that all you could manage was a broken whisper.
"You son of a bitch."
You ran.
That's what you did when things got too hard, you ran. And so you ran.
You could hear them yelling after you.
But you didn’t care. Why should you? You were the one being hurt.
The last thing you heard before you shut the door to the apartment was,
"You don't deserve them!"
It was her voice, the sweet, high pitched giggle that had always been able to get him off, that made him laugh, even on the hardest days.
The girl he loved, his best friend. She was defending you.
And she was right, he didn't deserve you.
He deserved to be alone, because he had been the one to hurt you.
Ike had never thought of himself as a selfish man, but he had been.
He had cheated on the only person that had ever loved him.
He had lost you.
The one person who had seen him at his worst, the one person who had accepted him for who he was.
He had fucked that up.
You had taken him at his lowest, and lifted him up to the stars, and now, you were gone.
He had lost you forever.
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edb954 · 2 years
Taking Back What’s Mine…
Henry Creel/001 x reader
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(Summary: Peter/Henry/001 has come to take back what's his...)
(Warning!: Possessiveness, Dark!Henry, Manipulation, Yandere Themes, Forced Relationship, implications of violence and murder.)
   When you first met Peter/Henry you thought he was sweet kind caring.
  When you both started to call it a 'relationship' he became very different.. he became very possessive, Manipulative, and dare you say Jealous no matter who you talked too. Whether if it was one of the other faculty members or one of the children.
  The one orderly you used to talk to all the time was Lucas, he was the first one you met in the lab, he showed you around as well as helped you when ever you needed it. One day, after he helped you with some files. You were called to Brenner office be told the god awful news that he had an accident in one of the experiment rooms and passed away.
  You knew that it was an 'accident' you knew that someone had done it and you had the very suspicion that it was your 'boyfriend' Henry. You started to become, nervous...scared even, you didn't know what to do, so you went to Brenner... or tried to. Before, you could get to his office somebody wrapped a hand around your mouth, with a cloth wrapped around it, and dragged you into a room.
  When you woke up, all you could hear was screams, gun shots, and the blaring of alarms. You opened your eyes to see a little girl with her knees to her chest not just any girl but, eleven. She looked even more terrified than you.
"011?" You asked to make sure it's her. She looked at you with teary eyes. You quickly got up and went over to her. "What happened? What's going on?"
"It's all my fault.. I trusted him.. b-but.." "Hey, eleven you need to calm down for me for a second and tell me what happened... please." I said, looking at her with pleading eyes.
"T-the blonde orderly... he said that him me and you would escape. I-I took the thing out of his neck so that we could a-and he has powers as well and k-kil-killed the men and brought me in here and showed me that he's 001. A-and now I-I think he's killing everyone else e-ev-even the other siblings." She explained with a shaky voice, and tears rolling down her eyes.
  My breath got lodged in my throat. I knew it was him... "Eleven, did he show you a way out?" I asked, she nodded going over to a pipe. "T-this is where he said I could escape.." she said.
"Okay, eleven I need you to go in there and meet me outside okay.." "N-no I don't want to leave you here." She said. You sighed.
"O-okay. I need you to wrap your arms around my neck and also hide your face into my neck okay. Please do this for me. I'm going to get us out of here.." She nodded as I lifted her up and did as you told.
  You took a deep breath and opened the door, as soon as you did you could have instantly gotten sick or fainted when you were faced with the smell of blood, seeing it everywhere along with bodies of staff members, guards, and the other children. You heard elevens breath hitch you put your arm on her hand whispering,"it's okay don't look.."
  You began walking towards the office to get your keys, seeing more and more bodies blood, you came across the testing room where 010 and Brenner that was next to where you needed to get your keys, seeing both of them gone. You tried to stay as calm as possible for eleven but she could tell you were just as terrified. You quickly and quietly opened the door, got your keys and closed it. When you came back out, you heard a horrible high pitched scream not that faraway from where you were. You hesitantly looked over to see the bodies ended near the rainbow room. Your breath hitched.
Without another thought, you took off speed walking to get to the stairs so Eleven and you can both get out safely. Trying your best to not make any noise while you had eleven in your arms. Not looking back for a second you made it to the door to the stairs. Used the key card pushed the door open and took off running not caring how loud the door slammed. You ran as fast as you could with Eleven in your arms until you got your car. Putting Eleven in the back seat and you in the front, driving as far as possible from the awful place.
(Two years later)
After, that night at the lab you took Eleven to your home. You both decided you wanted a fresh start so you did or at least tried until El came across a group of kids looking for their friend Will Byers. You both decided to help them as well as Joyce, Jonathan, Nancy, and Hopper. Unfortunately the lab had found both of you but thank the heavens the demogorgans got them.
After, that huge fiasco Hopper let you both stay at his cabin in the woods to protect El and you. You couldn’t be more grateful the three of you became close it felt like an actual family. It was peaceful for awhile. Until, their was more problems going on with Will and more demogorgans. El going missing or well to find her true parents, to reuniting with everyone, to closing the gate to the upside down, and to Now, Eleven was currently hanging out with the gang and her newest friend Max.
While, you were peacefully reading on the porch of the cabin. You got up to start some cleaning to help hopper out a bit when you suddenly heard a all to familiar voice behind you..
“Y/n..” You slowly turn around to see him.
“W-what h-how d-“
"Oh, Y/n I told you I'd come back for you.." He took a step closer, which made you back up into a wall. "Didn't I?"
You still couldn't believe he was right in front you after all this time, thinking you and Eleven had gotten away. Of course, you were wrong.
“I’ve missed you so much. I tried to find you ever since.” He said, caressing your cheek.
You slapped his hand away and tried to push him away but because of his damn mind powers he kept you in place.
“I went back to the room but you weren’t their… you left.. without me…” he wrapped a hand around your neck forcing you to look at him. “We’re you just going to leave me their? Hm? After all of our plans we had made?”
“T-those plans changed after, I found out who you really are and for what you have done!” I snapped.
“I did it for us baby. So that we could be free.” “What about the children? They didn’t have to die.. you didn’t need to kill them..” you said tears streaming down.
“Oh.. but I did.. the hurt you and Eleven. Why do you still cry for them Y/n after everything they to the both of you? You think you need them, but you don't. You don't. Oh, but I know you're just scared. I was scared once too. I know what it's like to be different. To be alone in this world.” He said, wiping away your tears.
“Come with me.. Come back to me…” He said.
“A-and if I don’t come with you..” you asked.
You saw his eyes go dark with a sinister look.
“Then, I will make sure everything for you hell. Either way you will be coming with me with or without your permission..” he showed you what would happen if you didn’t (which is pretty much everything that happens in seasons 3 and 4) he grabbed your jaw so that you are now fully looking at him. “Your Mine! You belong to me! And I’m not letting you go this time!”
“I-i will come with you.. but please leave them alone.. I will do anything, I won’t run, I won’t get help, I will give up everything… , just please just leave them out of it… please. No more..” you asked with tears. He looked at you for a moment debating then smirking.
“As you wish darling.”
And, with that you packed some of your things and left both Hopper and El letters. Before, taking Henry’s hand and leaving.
You’d be lying if you didn’t still have any feelings. Those just don’t just go away. You knew he’d find you and bring you back to him. Tho it hurts you for what he has done and leaves you feeling guilty and a bit disgusted. But, You had no other choice to save your friends family Hawkins. You had to do it. You had no choice.
You knew you could never escape him.. like Henry said you were his so he took back what’s his…
Word count: 1542
(A/n: Oop! I have chills anyone else?😂 I hope this story makes sense also, let me know if I should do a part 2 too this! I’d be up for it! Also let me know what y’all think! Talk to y’all soon bye!)
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nabakovian · 1 year
films that are classics to me: part 1
just saw someone else do this but i'm making a running list of movies that are classics To Me (a mix of movies that are widely considered classics and movies that no one on god's green earth cares about except me)
full list on letterboxd
1. ghost world (dir. terry zweiger)
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2. the long goodbye (dir. robert altman)
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3. barbarella (dir. roger vadim)
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4. terrifier 2 (dir. damien leone)
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5. into the spiderverse (dir. peter ramsey)
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6. scream 6 (dir. tyler gillett)
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7. nope (dir. jordan peele)
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8. crimes of the future (dir. david cronenberg)
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9. aftersun (dir. charlotte wells)
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10. bodies bodies bodies (dir. halina reijn)
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11. everything everywhere all at once (dir. daniel kwan, daniel scheinert)
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12. horror in the high desert (dir. dutch marich)
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13. annabelle comes home (dir. gary dauberman)
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14. parasite (dir. bong joon ho)
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15. deadpool 2 (dir. david leitch)
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16. the purge (dir. gerard mcmurray)
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17. happy death day (dir. christopher landon)
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18. would you rather? (dir. david guy levy)
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19. lady bird (dir. greta gerwig)
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20. revenge (dir. coralie fargeat)
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21. call me by your name (dir. luca guadagnino)
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22. get out (dir. jordan peele)
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23. palm springs (dir. max barbakow)
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24. pitch perfect (dir. elizabeth banks)
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25. legally blonde (dir. robert luketic)
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26. the house bunny (dir. fred wolf)
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27. the house of the devil (dir. ti west)
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28. fantastic planet (dir. rene laloux)
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29. paris, texas (dir. wim wenders)
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30. the grand budapest hotel (dir. wes anderson)
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izzy2210 · 1 year
saw your message! Here was my comment again! :)
1. May I be tagged for all your prompts? And 2. Can we see a Steddie fluff fic were Steve gets embarrassed by the amount of pet names Eddie calls him? Bonus if others start teasing him about them too such as Corroded Coffin, The Party, etc? Do it if you’re comfortable! :)
have a great whatever time of day!!!!!
ofc ofc! here you have it! this is my first request done, so if you have feedback, please tell me :)
“Sweetheart, Let me just..” Steve is standing in the kitchen, planning on making cheese nachos for the Party, when Eddie decides he needs attention. He shimmies through the small passageway between the island and the cabinets, and stops walking when he’s next to Steve. “Hi Eds. Just making some food for you guys.” “Mhm.” Eddie sits on the counter, his thigh touching Steve’s arm. “You take good care of us, sunshine.” Steve’s face reddens. 
“Sunshine?” “Yeah.” Eddie has a huge grin plastered on his face, but Steve is too focussed on his tomatoes to notice. “Okay.” “You don’t like it, sweetheart?” “Sweetheart..” He chokes out, and the red has reached his ears now. “So you like it?” “Y-yeah, I do.” “Good, fair-haired boy.” Eddie hops off the counter, and before he joins the Party in the living room, he gives Steve’s ass a good squeeze. Steve is speechless.
“Coming through! Get your hands off of eachother!” Robin comes into the kitchen, her hand in front of her eyes. Eddie barks out a laugh, and pats her shoulder when they pass each other. “Steve. I just- Steve?” “Yeah?” His voice sounds high pitched, and he’s still bent over his cutting board. 
“What’s wrong?” Robin squeezes past just like Eddie just did, and decides to sit on the counter as well. Steve thinks that his two friends are more alike than they think. “Nothin’. Really nothing, it’s great, even.” “Yeah? Sure?” Robin nudges his arm with her knee, raising her brows. “Yeah. I’m sorry, can you just finish these for me?” He points at the tomatoes. “I just need to do something.” She nods, her brows still raised. “Thanks, Robs.”
“Sweetheart, what is it?” Eddie is sprawled out over the couch, and Steve immediately turns red again. The Party is looking at each other, Will at Mike with a confused look, El and Dustin with a knowing one. “Can you come real quick?” “Come for you? Of course Stevie!” “Shut up.” Eddie laughs, but follows him up to Steve’s room. Well, since Eddie’s trailer got ripped in two pieces, their room. 
The Party stares at them while they go up the stairs. “They’re gonna fuck, aren’t they?” Mike sighs. “Mike!” Lucas and Dustin shout at the same time. “What?” “You don’t just say that?!” Dustin screams. “I just did.” He shrugs. “Ok, little goblins, shut up!” Robin shouts from the kitchen.
“What’s wrong, honey?” Eddie’s sitting next to Steve on his bed, who has his hands covering his face. “That! Exactly that.” “What, love?” Eddie’s still smirking. He knows what he’s doing. “Just, the nicknames. I can’t-” “You don’t like ‘em, baby?” Eddie moves his hand from his lap to Steve’s. “Fuck.. I do, I really do, that’s kinda the problem.” “Mh?” Eddie’s hand moves to Steve’s back, rubbing, soothing. “You really want me to say it, huh?” He chuckles, and Eddie chuckles with him. “Yup.” 
“You calling me sunshine and love and baby, it turns me on more than it should, okay?” He runs his hand over his face. 
That is not the answer Eddie expected, and his hand comes to a stop on Steve’s back. “I thought you were gonna say it made you flustered.” “No, it turns me on. And it makes me flustered but I don’t think that’s the important bit.” Eddie chuckles, and Steve looks at him. “Sorry.” “No, it’s fine. I can see how that’s funny.” He chuckles as well, and before they know it, they’re laughing. “I’m so stupid..” “Hey fuck off, you’re not.” Eddie’s hand started moving again. 
“You’re just saying that, man.” “Hey, no, I’m not.” He’s taken Steve’s face in his hands now, cupping both cheeks. Steve doesn’t even have the time to register it. “You are by far one of the smartest people I know.” Steve huffs. “That's definitely not true. Dustin knows all about your little nerd game, and El is so good at English, and I’m just kinda here with all my concussions and barely successful courses.” Steve’s eyes begin to fill with tears, and he tries to blink them away. It isn’t working. “Hey fuck that, man. You can’t do shit about those concussions, and the so-called bad grades were ‘cause you were pushed into sports by your dad.” 
“I know that, but still. I’ve surrounded myself with people who know more than me, and.. Just.. I dunno. It’s shitty to be dumb sometimes.” Now it’s Eddie’s turn to huff. “Listen to me clearly, ‘cause I’m saying this just fucking once, you, Steve-whatever your middle name may be-Harrington, are not stupid. You are a darling, and you’re so pretty, and I really wanna kiss you, but you’re not stupid.”
Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck, he said that out loud. Well, shit. No way back now. “I said you’re pretty. And I said I want to kiss you.” They stare at each other for a while, and then Steve opens his mouth. “Well fuck, you already have my face in your hands, do I have to do it for you, or will you do it now?” “The mean girl in you never stops, huh?” Eddie murmurs, bringing Steve's face even closer than it is. Steve closes the gap, and it’s a soft, sweet kiss.
“Nope..” He breathes, pushing Eddie down a little. Eddie’s not amazed by how good Steve can kiss, of course,he was King of Hawkins High, but he is amazed that he’s experiencing it. “Stevie.” He mutters, moving his hands from his back, down, until he’s groping his ass. Steve lets out a squeal, and Eddie laughs. "Eds, I like sunshine better.” “Okay then, sunshine.” He gets another kiss, a bit more urgent this time.
“Steve? Eddie? If I come in, will I see you on top of each other?” Robin's voice sounds through the door. “Fuck..” Steve gets off Eddie, and rakes his hand through his hair. “No.” The door opens, and Robin comes in. She takes one look at the both of them, and sighs. “What?” Steve’s confused. She leans on the side of the door, arms folded. 
“Fucking finally, you’ve figured it out. Happy for you, really, I am, but the goblins downstairs are not so patiently waiting for their campaign to start.” Eddie decides to ignore the first comment, and stress over the second. “Oh shit, yeah I’ll come down.” Robin turns around, walking away. “You better.”
When they’re alone again, Steve stretches out his hand. Eddie takes it. “What the fuck just happened?” He asks. “I think we kissed. And I think you grabbed my ass. Twice.” Eddie snorts. “Yeah sorry ‘bout that.” “Kinda liked it.” He shrugs. Eddie raises his brows, and chuckles again. “Okay, I have to do a campaign right now, but when we’re done, I’ll come upstairs, ‘kay? And we’ll.. We’ll finish what we started, ‘kay sunshine?” Steve’s still breathing heavily. He nods. “Yeah. Yeah, let's do that.” Eddie stands up, pulling Steve with him. “You coming, baby?” Steve smirks. “Come for you? of course Eds!” They laugh, and Eddie hits him with his pillow. “Seriously, Stevie?” He pulls him closer, and they kiss again. “Yeah. Seriously.”
@evashuuu @littlespaceyelf @mysticcrownshipper @steddieas-shegoes @sheisdemetra
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mackjlee9 · 2 years
Can I order a Luca Kaneshiro nsfw with the prompt
Person B playing an online multiplayer game with their friends. Person A arrives and tries to have sex with Person B while telling them to continue playing. Person B now has to keep quiet or else their friends will hear them doing the frickle frack.
(Why is frickle frackle so funny to me, what am I 5??)
Luca Kaneshiro x Top!Male!Reader [Lime]
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Warning; blowjob.
Nijisanji EN/Luxiem
Luca was in a Discord call with the rest of Luxiem, they had been planning on testing a game they wanted to stream together for a collab, so they decided to test it and see how it goes before asking staff-san permission.
They had already played a match, and the game seemed pretty interesting, and currently, Luca was just chilling, he didn't need to move his characters at all, so he was just enjoying the chaos in the call, laughing at Vox getting angry, usual Luca behavior. Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw (M/n), his roommate, and boyfriend walk into his office.
Showing him a bright smile, Luca greeted him, "Hi, (M/n)," he spoke, and everyone in Luxiem stopped for a moment what they were yelling about to greet (M/n) back.
Even if Luca was wearing headphones, (M/n) heard them clearly, and chuckling, he answered loud enough for them to hear, "Hello, guys, seems like you're having fun."
Faintly, (M/n) heard Vox's loud screaming as he complained that in fact, no, he wasn't having fun at the moment, followed by everyone's boisterous laughter, including Luca's.
After a few minutes and realizing (M/n) wasn't leaving, Luca thought the male was there to watch him play, but he had other plans in mind. Another idea of fun.
Taking advantage of the fact that Luca's character was still immovable, (M/n) pulled the blond's chair back, just far enough away from the desk to be able to crawl under it. Luca was only able to observe him with curiosity.
"(M/n)? What are you doing...?" He trailed on, luckily, no one seemed to hear him. (M/n) pulled the chair back closer to the desk, "You're gonna get hurt there!" Showing Luca a smirk, (M/n) reached his hands to his crotch, stroking his soft cock over his clothes.
Luca flinched at that and he opened his mouth to tell (M/n) something, but the (h/c)-haired male placed his finger against his lips, signaling him to stay silent, "They're gonna hear you if you don't keep quiet, baby~ just relax and enjoy my mouth~" letting out a choked gasp, Luca freaked out and let go of his mouse, pressing his hand against his mouth.
(M/n) hummed at the blond's reaction, enjoying the way his body started squirming on the chair, his thighs closing around his head every few seconds. Having trouble keeping his eyes open, Luca moved his hand away from his keyboard and tangled his fingers on (M/n)'s hair, pushing it to see his face.
"Stop... I-I can't..." He mumbled, his voice barely above a whisper, (M/n) began slowly pulling back, making sure his tongue stroked every inch on the underside of Luca's cock, paying most attention to the pulsing vein right before his tip, "Fuck~!" He let out a high-pitched whine, and that did get Mysta's attention.
"Yoo~! Dude, what the fuck was that?!" Luca started freaking out, but before he could answer him, (M/n) wrapped his lips around his sensitive tip and began swirling his tongue around his let, his pre-cum being licked by it before he swallowed it.
"Th-there... was a s-spider on m-my desk," he said with a shaky voice. Even if the rest of Luxiem were kinda reluctant in believing Luca's words, they were also aware of his loud reaction to bugs, so they let it pass. For now.
While everyone went back to focusing on the game, (M/n) kept his eyes locked on Luca's expression, his hands resting on his trembling thighs. Poor, poor Luca~
He was having had a hard time keeping his noises down, usually, he's so loud and whiny when he and (M/n) have sex, but having to keep his hand pressed against his mouth was proving to be a more difficult task than anticipated.
He could always mute on Discord and be as loud as he wants, but that would be kinda sus, so he had to endure it for now.
For as long as (M/n) decided he wanted to suck him off. And that was gonna take a while, (M/n) loves edging and overstimulating him until he's practically crying and screaming how much he wants to cum, however, this situation was quite different than usual, but somehow, the thought of getting caught by his genmates and friends... was turning him on more than it should've.
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(I had no idea how to end this, and it sucks)
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mxtantrights · 2 years
the ballerina, the freak, and the king (modern!au)
this is a re-work of the original tbtftk series which you can read here. you don't have to read that to read this since what's below is more a standalone, but there will be things that nod back to the original work, so if you do that's up to you! thanks for reading, hope you enjoy <33
Steve hates his job. He hates the smile he puts on to sell cars to rich men and families of four and college students. He hates how he knows exactly how 77 degrees feels like on his skin. He hates how good he is at selling cars because it reminds him that he wanted to be more than this. He was never sure what that entailed but he knew it wasn't selling cars.
Steve hates his job except when you walk pass the windows. Every Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday you breeze by with your chin up and a duffle bag strapped to your shoulder. Your hair is always done perfectly, a tight bun and two coils to frame your face.
He's thought about going into the studio once or twice. He could come up with an excuse. He was recommended lessons for his back. His mom suggested he try something new. He's helping Lucas with basketball and wants to teach him some fundamentals from ballet.
But none of those excuses were wise enough for him to even think of stepping foot in the studio. No he would keep his distance. Out of sheer embarrassment and something else.
He had talked to you once before. Really it was more of a small greeting. It was in passing and because of Robin. She had directed you to the store because you were looking to buy a car. Something small and bit on the cheap side, but enough to get you to and from places. She showed you around the used car lot.
It hadn't worked out though. Steve never found out the reason why but he also holds onto hope because of it. Maybe when you did need a car again he would be on the clock. A perfectly reasonable excuse to talk to you.
The front door opens and in comes the new hire. He refers to himself as "001" for some odd reason.
Steve hates his job.
Eddie loves his job. Yes it did come with the occasional weird looks. He was the only rock fan working in a record store in Indiana. He was bound to get looks. But he doesn't really care about the eyes that linger on his tattoos and his rings.
How could he when one pair of those eyes belongs to you? You with your upright posture and your tutu. He barely sees you since the studio is in the middle of the main block and the record store is on the corner.
He was enthralled by you once you walked into Vecna Vinyl, dressed in head to toe ballerina equipment, and demanded an Eagles record for the class you teach. It was like some sort of cosmic event- Dustin would use that other word, Kismet.
Eddie isn't sure you remember him from high school. Not that the two of you hung out at all. Neither were you in the same circles. You weren't rubbing elbows with the cheerleaders and jocks but they respected you and your craft. Him? Not so much.
But there was this one time. When Eddie was done picking up groceries for him and Wayne. He walked out the store and saw you eyeing his van. Part of him was in panic mode- did you want to slash his tires or something? Prank the freak?
When you caught him looking at you you bolted out of sight. He never got to ask you why you were interested in his van in the first place. And too much time has passed now for him to ask you.
But you could just as easily walk into his store and ask him for another Eagles record.
Eddie loves his job.
You think if you you have to spin around one more time today something will come out of you. Whether it be bodily fluids or a high pitched scream.
You like your job, in theory. You get paid to be the assistant to the instructor of the baby ballerinas. Which means you basically take care of the said baby ballerinas while the instructor teaches to children who would rather be digging up worms or throwing slime onto the ceiling.
But it could be worse, you think to yourself. You could be working at the mall and wearing one of those godawful outfits with the hat to match. So this is fine. This is doable.
All of a sudden your ears pick up on the sound of someone about to upchuck. It's a gross and dry sound that you hate to hear. Because it usually means that you'll have to get the mop, you know, as the assistant to the instructor that keeps class flowing.
One of the children is standing with her hands on her head. Breathing a bit shallow.
"Annabelle?" you ask her
She looks over your way. And the face she makes doesn't mean anything good coming either of yours way. Her chubby little hand slaps over her mouth.
"Bathroom! Bathroom right now! Bathroom!" you shout.
She starts running. You start running after her. The class stops at the volume of your voice. But you don't care. You can't handle mopping up vomit today. It would break you.
Annabelle, bless her heart, runs as fast as she can. Her tiny feet travel quickly and to the bathroom. You rush in after her as she dives for a toilet and sticks her head in.
You hear the vile sounds and reach to keep her head from going too far into the toilet. Pinching your nose you keep your position until she finally backs away from the bowl.
She looks at you.
Before you can even think about talking to her you reach for the toilet handle and push down. Then you bring her over to the sink where the paper towels are. And water. Water would help her right now. You'll have to call her guardian after this.
She grabs the paper towels first. Then she hands one to you. You turn the sink on, cold water, and run the towel under the water for a few seconds. Then you pass the towel back to her.
"I hate ballet." she says sadly.
You watch as she lays the towel over her forehead.
"sometimes I hate ballet too. But I think what you mean is different." you speak.
She nods her head. You nod along with her. Not every child wants to do ballet. But the parents and the adults hear how it can help with posture and other things and they sign their kids up faster than lightening. Not even giving time to think what their kids might actually want to try and enjoy.
Annabelle is one of those kids.
"Do I have to go back out there?" she asks.
Then an idea comes to your mind. Like a serious light bulb moment from a cartoon you used to watch as a kid.
You turn the sink off.
"I think not. Stick with me and follow my lead." you answer.
She follows you as you walk back out of the bathroom and into class, which has started up again. When your instructor sees you and Annabelle returning she stops the class again.
"Everything okay?" she asks.
"Yeah we're just going to take a walk. Fresh air might help." you say.
She nods her head at your request. You walk past her with Annabelle and head over to the coat rack. You pass Annabelle her's first. It goes right over her ballet gear, tutu included, and then you put yours on. Thankfully you don't have to wear a tutu to assist.
The two of you are out the door without a second thought. Annabelle grabs your hand as you walk down Main Street. You're headed to the only place where you get some semblance of relief these days.
it's short walk but the walk wasn't the idea. Getting Annabelle out a place that stresses her out to the point where she feels like she has to over perform and ignore her body is the idea.
Reefer's Records. The place wasn't the best to bring a child to after dark but theres plenty of sunlight out which means no weed is being sold in the store.
You push open the door and lead her inside. That's when you see Annabelle's eyes widen in wonder. Of course the place was highly decorated by someone who partakes in recreational use of a hallucinogen.
"Woah!" she shouts.
And then she's running off. Touching things and looking up at the wall which is painted all different colors.
The sound of beads clinging together is what you hear first, then you see him. Eddie Munson. I mean you would be remise to not think he was cute. The big brown eyes? The hair? You've only spoken to him once and you were sure it wasn't memorable to him.
Maybe you could change that?
You smile his way as he approaches.
"Hi I was wondering if you have rubberband man by the spinners?" you ask.
At first he doesn't say anything. The silence throws you off kilter for a second. But then he smiles and you can't help to smile and feel like things are not off kilter.
"Yeah yeah yeah, I got a couple of copies in the back-" he answers.
"I mean I want to listen to it." you cut him off.
He spares you a look.
"I'll buy the record but I, well I want you to play it in here." you explain.
Eddie looks past you and a curt laugh comes out of him. You turn to get a look at what he's laughing at. It's Annabelle. She's standing right in the middle of the store with her head craned up to the ceiling.
"Is she with you?" Eddie asks.
You nod your head. Then you turn back to him.
"She's having a hard time in class and I just want to show her that dancing can be fun." you answer.
"I can play it for you. Free of charge." he says.
"I don't want you to get in trouble or anything." you offer up.
"It's okay ballerina, I kinda run this place on weekdays." he gloats.
You laugh, "So you're the big boss around here on school days?"
"Yeah well when you put it like that it sounds egregious. Should I rescind my offer?" he jokes.
You know he's joking. But part of you feels bad and part of you is a bit hazy from being this close and talking to him for this long. You play it up and your hands land on his shoulders.
"I'll be forever in your debt if you do." you plead playfully.
His eyes are wider than before. You think you might have misstepped and crossed a line or a boundary. You don't know him well enough to be touching on him! You retract your hands like they were never there.
Eddie schools his face into a more normal expression. He points behind him with his thumb. You feel like an idiot.
"I'm gonna-spin the record for you. So your student can dance. I'm gonna do that now. Right now." he speaks.
"Thank you." you smile.
He then walks backwards the way he came. And in doing so almost knocks over a pile of records and a stack of papers on the counter. You don't think of him as ungraceful though, you think of him as cute.
When he's out of sight you walk over to Annabelle. She finally fixes her head down from the ceiling.
"I like it here." she comments.
"I knew you would. There's a song I think you'll like too." you say.
The speakers currently playing a rock song that you recognize as Metallica stops playing. There's a scratch and then the beat to rubberband man starts up.
You watch as Annabelle moves her shoulders to the bass line. The smile on her face starts slow but it's there. And it means that you made the right decision to bring her here and take her mind off class for a while.
"Can we dance?" she asks.
"Of course, but theres on rule:" you start and reach your hand out to her, "no ballet!"
"Yes!" she exclaims.
She takes your hand. The two of you being dancing wildly to the song. There is no right to dance to the spinners. As long as you move your feet and your heart is pounding to the tune of the beat. Nothing compares to being in sync with a great song.
That's how the two of you dance to the whole song. Back and forth, shuffling your feet, moving your arms and not caring that you didn't extend your leg or your fingers. No toes pointed. No plies. No turns.
Somehow at the end of the song you two end up doing the chicken dance. Her tutu making her play the role effortlessly. You stop yourself to watch her enjoy.
You don't hear the front door open. How could you? The song was still playing loudly in the store. Until it wasn't. Both of you and Annabelle out of breath and trying to catch oxygen in between fits of laughter.
"Hey ballerinas, how was-" Eddie shouts from the front of the store then stops.
You two look at him first. Then you two look to where he is looking, which was not at you, and at the front door. A group of people are standing there. Mostly teens but there are two older ones, around your age. You knew them instantly.
In an instant you recognize two of the younger girls in the group. how could you not? Max Mayfield is the only girl in town with hair as red as fire and Jane has an unforgettable face.
"Max? Jane?" you say out loud.
Like no time has passed at all, they come barreling over to you. They engulf both sides of you with a hug. You reciprocate and wrap your arms around both of them.
Max and Jane were two of about five girls you first taught as the unofficial assistant to the instructor. It was an unpaid role seeing as you were still in school and only clocking in two hours every other day. But it was fun, partly because of these two girls hugging you right now.
"I missed you guys! How have you been?" you ask them.
Jane looks up at you, "Good. We're doing skateboarding now."
"Ballet helped my form a lot. I can land a 180 now." Max says.
You smile at the admission. While you wished to still see the girls more you knew they were happy not doing ballet anymore. You're glad they found each other in class and never let go of that friendship.
"You know red?" a voice asks.
You look over at Eddie. He has a smile on his face. Max unwraps herself from you and casually walks over to him. You didn't know they knew each other. But then again Max has great music taste so it makes sense that they would get along.
"Yeah I used to teach her and Jane when I was a senior." you answer.
Jane unwraps her arms from around you. Then he walks over to one of the boys she came in with. The one with jet black hair. He looks over at you for a second, then turns his full attention to her.
"That's cool." another voice sounds.
You look back at the door. The other younger kids have dispersed around the music store. You finally can place the two older kids who are now walking over to you. Steve and Robin.
Robin was in the band during high school. You remember her specifically because you went to one basketball game and noticed how much her face screamed 'I don't want to be here' amongst the green and white uniforms. She was also the one to direct you when you wanted to buy a car, though it didn't end up working out.
Then there was Steve. Of course everyone knows Steve. But you remember Steve as being the first boy you kissed. It had been after someone's birthday party, Tina maybe, and you two had walked the same way home. Not that you two were located near each other but you had no one to walk with and he offered. All you can remember from that night is Steve, and how blue your tongues were from the slushy-drinks at the party.
You saw him at the dealership too since he and Robin work together. But you didn't talk to him that much when you went in there.
You realize it was Robin that made the comment.
"I use the term teaching loosely. But I do teach this one, sometimes." you say and reach your hand out for Annabelle.
She comes running to you, tiny hand grabbing yours. She smiles at you and then pushes her tutu down with both of her hands.
"Are there any classes for adults? I know I could use it for my back." Steve says.
You begin to wonder what happened to his back. But that was surely personal and not meant to be talked about in a music store. You hope he's okay.
"There are but I work with kiddies. I can ask if there are any slots open if you'd like." you offer.
Steve shakes his head, "Nah I'll probably ask one of the kids to walk over my back."
"I mean Argyle probably has something for that." Eddie sounds.
He joins the four of you. There's a look about him now. He's smirking at Steve and Steve is smirking back at him. Robin is also smiling but you and Annabelle are in the dark as to why.
"Car man!" Annabelle says randomly.
You look at her confused.
Steve laughs, "Yeah I work at the car place. Would you be interested in a Volvo?"
Annabelle giggles.
"I can't drive yet silly." she says.
"You sure? I think you're smart enough." Steve jokes.
Annabelle begins to laugh uncontrollably at this. Steve smiles and his teeth are all out on display and his eyes are hidden behind lines and lines of skin. You like the sight of it, of him.
"What're two ballerina's doing rocking out in the music store?" Robin asks.
You look down at Annabelle who's already looking at you. You shrug your shoulders and she does the same. Both of you look at the group.
"We wanted to do something fun." you answer.
Annabelle gasps and runs over to Eddie. As if the two had been friends before. The action surprises him and he almost buckles at the momentum of the tiny girl. But he laughs anyways.
He bends down and Annabelle is whispering something in his ear. He smiles and nods.
"I've got a request from the tiny dancer." he says.
Then he is walking with Annabelle, hand in hand, to the front of the store. You watch as the two of them sift through some records.
"Are you two-um..." you ask but you know it what it comes off as. You feel a little bit embarrassed at your forwardness.
All of a sudden both their faces morph into disgust. Robin starts talking at a hundred miles per hour. Something about 'not going to happen' and 'bathroom confession' and 'he's a good one but not her type'. Steve is more like a gaping fish.
Robin pats him on the shoulder and walks off. Which leaves just you and Steve. You decide to be brave and take a step forward. You're surprised when he does the same.
"I think we kissed once at a party." he says.
You can't help the chuckle that rolls out from your belly. You're glad he remembered because it would honestly hurt your ego a bit if he didn't.
"Yeah I remember that. I think I had red slushy tongue." you answer.
He nods, "I had blue. Good times."
You hum approvingly. Now you're hitting yourself over the head for not going back into the car place. While you didn't have enough money to buy anything with an engine you could've pretended to look, and possibly talked with Steve.
You want to say more. But out of no where music starts playing. You recognize the song instantly. That one song by the talking heads-the name is on the tip of your tongue!
"Naive Melody!" Steve says.
Annabelle comes running over to you two. And she comes and steals Steve away. You can't even be mad about it because it's so cute. She holds her out for him and he takes it. Annabelle was a very enchanting child, it's why she's your current favorite.
Steve and Annabelle start dancing together. You can't help how your heart warms. Maybe it's the light that reflects off the chipped disco ball and onto Steve's arm. Or how his hair bounces with every movement he makes.
You don't notice how Eddie strolls up and holds out his hand. When you do you have to pull your mind to focus. He's taken off his jacket and now his arms with tattoos are on display.
"Care to dance ballerina?" he asks.
You take his hand as an answer. The two of you start off slow, somehow Eddie starts doing the robot. You don't think he's danced in front of people before. He doesn't have that blanket of shame or guilt most people do when they have.
He's just free.
You join him. There is laughter all around the store. Sure enough you feel it. Like this must be the place where you can be happy. Not the physical space of Vecna Vinyl, but around people like Steve and Eddie.
Steve and Eddie.
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luca standing, adam sitting makes sense in my brain
(Alberta drinking age is 18 so adam holding a drink shouldn't be remotely controversial also)
eeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEE [scream increases to a pitch so high it’s audible only to bats]
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fandomfluffandfuck · 10 months
Salut, S 🖤
Can you tell that I’m a little bit obsessed with Sebastian being needy? What’s the phrase? “it’s not a want, it’s a need”? That’s how I feel right now and all of the time. I just can’t get a whimpering, shaking Sebastian out of my mind. I can practically hear the way he’s begging for Chris to do anything, he just wants to touch him, to make him somehow feel even better than he already does. His quiet moans, the way he arches into every single touch he’s awarded, it all makes Chris’s head spin. The way his baby cries for him, looking like a fucking dream.
Maybe it’s Chris who caves first, giving in to whatever his Sebastian wants. Finally, finally fucking him, screams falling from Seb’s lips so easily. He’s so close, so close. All he wants is to he Chris’s good boy. He’s coming apart at the seams, and he adores it.
“Chris! Oh my god- please! Need it! Please, let me cum, I’m so close!” He cries, and it splits in the middle and goes straight to both Chris’s head and his dick. His high pitched noises taste like honey and Chris could live off of them forever. He’s struck with the realization that he’s in love with the man beneath him. He leans down and whispers in Sebastian’s ear, soft and dark.
“Love you so much, baby. Cum for me, let me see you.”
Sebastian cums with a scream. He’s never felt this good in his life, he can’t hold anything back. And the way Chris presses into him as he follows close behind makes his eyes roll back into his head. He knows in that moment that he is truly and fully loved.
What do you think, S? Is he stuck in your mind, too?
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Aren't we all a little obsessed with Sebastian being needy? Rightfully, so, I think. 👀 It is a want, not a need.
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All those pretty noises... all that gorgeous begging... I don't know how Chris lets Sebastian out of his sight, let alone out of bed 😮‍💨
Thank you so, so much for all the different things you send me! I enjoy them greatly, and I know other people reading do, too <3 I'd love to add more but my brain is fucking scrambled from finals, lol.
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