#Lady Raelynn
talesoftheuntold · 10 months
Raelynn would often drag her little brother Reginald with her on adventures beyond the kingdom’s walls. She sneaks into the outside world when she thinks no one is looking. Her oldest sister Ava knows of course. Nothing eludes her.
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prythianpages · 6 months
Catching Fire | Eris x Reader
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summary: When word of Sawyer's nightly endeavors reaches Beron, he summons you both to his office. Meanwhile, Eris is away on a secret mission where he discovers a troubling truth about you.
warnings: violence, mentions of blood and homophobia (bc Beron is an asshole toward his son); A hint of dark Eris torturing your father
a/n: This is part five to my Like An Angel Series, where Eris falls in love with his brother's betrothed. I do try to write each imagine as a stand alone but I don't think this one can.
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Eris moves with silent grace as he steps out from the shadows and into the grounds of your family’s home. His father had sent him to Dawn to handle some unfinished business with Nuan so of course, he took advantage and paid the Night Court a visit too. Now, on his way back home, he decided to stop and pay your father a surprise visit. 
Determination burns bright in his eyes as he observes the guards patrolling the perimeter. He reaches for his bow and arrow, placing an enchantment over the sound. Each arrow released is laced with a poison, weak so it doesn’t kill but strong enough to knock someone out for hours. A slight smirk plays at the corner of his lips as the guards fall one by one.
Given his status, he knows he could’ve requested to see your father at the gates and easily been granted it. But it’s important that no one but your father knows of his visit.
Eris allows the moonlight to guide him down the cobblestone path, leading to the entrance of your house. He uses his magic to unlock the front door and slips in.
The hour is late but Eris keeps his senses on high alert, in case there are still servants lurking through the halls. Your house is great and vast, adorned with expensive furniture and sculptures. One would think this was a lord’s house and not a merchant’s. He can’t help but notice the fabrics wrapped around some furniture and the random boxes littering the floors. Some boxes are filled with stuff, others still empty. Almost as if your father is planning to move.
He stops for a brief moment when he finds himself in the sitting room. Torches line the walls, enveloping the room in a dim glow. It’s bright enough to discern the family portrait hanging on top of the mantelpiece. Immediately, his eyes are drawn to you. A softness envelops his features, his heart skipping a beat. 
It’s only been a couple of days since he had to leave the Forest house and he misses you already.
As he looks at the painting, he admires how the artist managed to capture the brightness of your presence well. Beside you stands an older female, unmistakably your mother. The resemblance between the two of you is striking and the notable absence of resemblance in all ways to the male seated in the portrait leaves Eris feeling a sense of relief.
He forces himself to carry on, tearing his gaze off the painting. His keen senses guide him down a certain hallway and as he walks forward, he takes in every detail. It becomes apparent that the portrait in the sitting room must have been the most recent, for older depictions of your family adorn the walls of the hallway he traverses, each one offering a glimpse of you through the ages.
When he finally reaches the door he was looking for, he takes a deep breath and then reaches for the handle.
Casting a glance toward Lady Raelynn, you take a deep breath and then mimic her stance. True to her words, she had taken it upon herself to teach you how to shoot a bow and arrow. Her movements are graceful and effortless as she notches an arrow onto her bow.
“You’re so good at this,” you say in admiration when the arrow hits its target.
“I’ve had centuries of practice, my dear,” Lady Raelynn smiles warmly at you, easing her stance. Though subtle, a hint of sadness flickers in her russet eyes once more, causing a pang of guilt to tighten your brow. 
During your first practice session, you had asked her why she pursued archery, dancing around the real question you had meant to ask…How did Beron allow it? Considering the strict standards of the Autumn Court, you're certain that archery wasn't deemed appropriate for ladies such as yourselves.
Her answer had been short and simple, “it saved my life once.” You’ve heard some stories from the war centuries ago, how Lady Raelynn’s family estate was attacked by Hybern’s forces and she was the only one to escape. You didn’t ask any questions after that, sensing it was a sensitive topic.
“Your turn.”
You nod and then steady yourself. This time, you’re relieved to find your hands steady, lacking the nervous tremble that plagued previous sessions. Slowly, you draw the string of your bow back and then release. It sails through the air, missing the target by a small margin. With a sigh, you lower your bow. You were so close.
“Is that the best you got?”
Your head whips around. You recognize the voice but still, you can’t help but hope maybe you heard wrong. Reality deflates your hope as your gaze falls upon a disheveled Sawyer. Some irrational part of you had been clinging to the hope that it was Eris. Even though he had left a note for you in the book he promised to bring you, telling you he would be gone for a week. The note had burst into ashes after you read it but the words he had written were still engraved in your mind.
Angel, I’m afraid I have some business to partake in for the next week. Allow my book to keep you company and reach out to my mother, should you need help. Until then, I’ll be thinking about you and those sweet lips of yours.
Sawyer lets out a tut in disapproval, pulling you out of your thoughts. He seats himself on one of the lawn chairs in the gardens, squinting at the blinding light of the sun. His hair is a mess, bags under his eyes are heavy and the clothes he wears are wrinkled and not fitting for a male of his status. If High Lord Beron could see him now, you fear what would become of him.
“Sawyer.” Lady Raelynn says in what appears to be a warning, a frown etching onto her features as she takes in the sight of her son.
Your nose crinkles as the stench of alcohol and something else reaches you. He must’ve gone out. Again. When you had bargained with Sawyer and offered to cover for his night endeavors, you hadn’t expected how frequent they would be. Sawyer was becoming reckless, as if each night closer to your wedding drove him further and further into despair. You weren’t handling it well either. The judgmental looks sent your way often followed by scoffs and rude comments as you walked around the Autumn estate weren’t helping your situation.
“What a shame,” they’d say. “I heard Sawyer hates her.”
“There must be something wrong with her. Or him.”
“Clearly, she’s not worthy. I doubt she’ll last long.”
Your fingers tighten against your bow. You didn’t care that Sawyer had no interest in you nor for the rumors that circled around him of his preferences. It was the fact that he was being careless with his actions and you worried about what it would mean for the both of you, if the High Lord finds out.
Sawyer’s lips tug up into a smirk. He leans back onto the chair, grabbing a ripe red apple from the basket of fruit laid out on the table beside him. With newfound focus and determination, you raise your bow. You’re thinking before even acting, and in the blink of an eye, the arrow is soaring. It pierces straight through the apple in Sawyer’s grasp, sending it flying and pinning it to a nearby tree.
“I was going to eat that!”
Your eyes widen in surprise, the bow falling from your grasps and onto the floor. You didn’t miss. Your mouth parts, the beginning of an apology about to roll off your tongue. Not toward Sawyer but toward Lady Raelynn. 
“Good aim,” she says before you can even speak, soothing your worry.
She then approaches Sawyer, a disapproving look on her face. She brushes his hair back and gives a small tug, tilting his head to look up at her. “Please go bathe and freshen up before anyone else sees you. Or worse, your father.”
Hurried footsteps draw near and immediately, a tight knot twists in your stomach as a servant who cannot look any of you in the eyes comes forth. She keeps her head bow, shaky hands clasped before her. 
“High Lord Beron requests Lord Sawyer’s and Lady Y/n’s presence.”
It's already too late.
Eris’s teeth clench as he reads over a letter that had been left in an open box atop your father’s desk. It’s a letter addressed to his father and as his eyes skim through the page, he feels a dark heat seeping into his bones.
Dear High Lord Beron,
By the time this letter reaches you, I will be far out from your grasp. I sense you’ll be angry but I urge you to not bother looking for me. The thing you seek most is already with you. It’s been with you all this time, coursing through my daughter’s veins. The essence of the sundrop flower lives within her. Not the original intention but when my wife found out I planned to sell it to the highest bidder, she decided to foolishly take matters into her own hands. 
Attached to this letter is a journal where I’ve kept all records of the sundrop flower and my daughter. Do with this information as you will. She’s all yours now.
Best wishes,
Eris's hands are immediately reaching out for the journal that lies in the box, fingers tightening around it so harshly his knuckles are turning white. He opens it, eyes skimming over the pages and reads just enough to know what’s so precious about this sundrop flower.
When he closes the book, he’s furious. It was no surprise to him to confirm that your father was not a good male. However, it was surprising that he sold you, his one and only daughter, out. He probably killed your mother, too. With the journal still in his hand, he quietly finds and sneaks his way to your father’s room with an urge to seek out more answers.
The sun is beginning to rise when Eris makes himself comfortable on the grand armchair. It had originally been facing the window but he moved it to face your father, who was currently still sleeping. A muscle in his jaw tightens at the peaceful expression on your father’s face.
Not wanting to waste any more time, his magic yanks the covers off from your father. Your father jumps to wakefulness with a startle, eyes wide and frantic as he sits up in bed. The blood leaves his face as he spots Eris.
The heir to the Autumn Court reclines on the armchair as if it were his throne. There’s an air of practiced arrogance around him. He’s dressed in a fine suit, every thread woven with the finest fabrics of deep navy, highlighting the richness of his crimson hair that cascades around his broad shoulders. His amber eyes, gleaming with an unsettling intensity, pierce through the dimly lit room with an almost predatory glint.
“Call for help and I’ll slit your throat.”
“Lord Eris,” your father breathes, blinking back at him in surprise. His gaze lowers to where Eris’s ring clad fingers tap on the journal in his lap. “To what do I owe this pleasure?”
“I came to relay a message from my father. I’m sure you’re well familiar with his impatience. But then, I found this,” Eris says, holding up the letter he found and taking pleasure in the fear that flashes through your father’s eyes. “Planning on going somewhere?”
It’s eerily quiet as you and Sawyer step into the High Lord’s office. You pray to the Cauldron that the glamor Sawyer placed over himself is strong enough to mask the evidence of whatever he got himself into last night. But as you turn around to face Beron, your heart sinks to your stomach. The pure anger simmering in those brown eyes of his is enough to let you know he sees right through it.
“Father, I can–”
You flinch, curling into yourself as a loud cracking sound echoes through the room followed by the sound of Sawyer’s body falling to the ground. He grunts in pain, struggling as he turns on his side to sit up. But a sharp kick from Beron sends him back to the floor, his head banging against the floor.
“You continue to disgrace this family,” Beron seethes with another powerful kick and you hear something crack. “Tarnishing the family name I spent centuries bringing up! Where is duty? Where is honor?”
Sawyer’s brown eyes light with an indignant fire. “Fuck honor,” he manages to spit out, setting Beron alight.
Tears sting at your eyes as you watch the scene unfold before you in horror. You knew the High Lord of the Autumn Court was cruel and violent. But this? And toward his own blood? This was unforgivable. Unjust and absolutely terrifying. It confirmed all your suspicions over the bruises and scars you'd seen on Eris.
Oh, Eris.
A scream catches in your throat and your entire body freezes as Beron continues to unleash his wrath on his son.
“I’ve been generous in offering you a solution and you dare make a mockery out of it?”
“There is no solution for who I am,” Sawyer cries defiantly, despite the blood trickling from his mouth.
The hurt, the agony in his voice tears at your heart–
“I dare curse the Cauldron for making you the way it did!”
“I don’t.” You’re taken aback at the firmness of your own voice.
Beron turns to you sharply, your words reminding him of your presence. You swallow thickly but stand your ground as he walks toward you. While Sawyer has not been the kindest to you, he does not deserve any of this. If anything, you now understand him more. Why your marriage came to be, why Sawyer hates you. It has your heart aching for all the suffering he must’ve endured and is still currently living through. 
“You,” he hisses with a pointed finger. “You just marked your death sentence.”
Fear creeps into your heart and a sickening smirk begins to form on the High Lord’s face. He can sense the terror filling your veins. Still, you hold his gaze, though it’s threatening to burn you alive at any given moment. 
“You’re undeserving of all the blessings the Cauldron has bestowed upon you," you say.
A harsh slap sends a stinging pain to your face. Your body stumbles backward but Beron holds you steady, gripping onto your arm. His nails cut through the thin fabric of your gown and pierce into your skin. His other hand grips your face sharply by the chin as he studies you.
“What a terrible disappointment you are. I would kill you right now but much to my discontent, I have to wait until after the wedding,” he threatens and then lets out a dark chuckle that sends shivers down your spine. The way he’s looking at you. You’re almost sure he’s thinking of all the ways he’ll enjoy torturing you to death. Your body is screaming internally in panic and there’s a strange sensation stirring in the depths of your chest.
 “You could’ve had it all, you know? What every female of your status wishes for. Money, jewels, a good family name."
“No,” Sawyer groans out, keeling over. “None of this is her fault. It’s all mine. I was careless. Eris warned me but I threatened her to stay silent.”
You release a breath you didn’t know you were holding as Beron releases his cruel grip on you. He turns back to Sawyer, who remains on the floor and you’re quick to come between them. A foolish move but you worry Sawyer doesn’t have it in him to take any more blows. Nor do you want him to.
“I do not care who is at fault for I am putting the blame on both of you anyway. But,” Beron pauses to lift a finger. “Let this be clear to you both that this is a warning. One more mishap from either one of you and it’s over. You think you know pain? I will have you longing for something as sweet as pain.”
Beron looks over at you both, delighted in the sight of your trembling form and his son, who remains on the ground. Bleeding. He’d say his message is pretty clear but just in case...
“Oh. One more thing,” he says as he makes his way toward the door. His hand grasps the door knob but he pauses, wanting to make sure you hear his next words well.
“There will be a bedding ceremony at your wedding.”
Eris wasn’t above inflicting pain onto your father. He meant it when he said he’d do anything to keep you safe. What a harsh twist of fate it was that the person who helped bring you into this world was also the same person content with you leaving it. 
Your father didn’t deserve you. Eris feared he, himself, did not deserve you either. But he’d be damned, if he allowed the ruthless hand of fate to have you at its grasps.
This thought crosses his mind as he gazes down at your own father’s hands. Eris had brought your father to his study, forcing him to sit at his desk while the Autumn heir loomed over his shoulder like an oncoming storm of darkness.
His hands reach for his belt, where he keeps his favorite dagger sheathed at all times. “What hand do you write with?”
Jareth’s body tenses. He turns his head to look up at Eris with wary eyes. “My right, my Lord,” he replies with quiet hesitancy.
“Good,” Eris says. The only warning Jareth got before Eris brought his dagger down, piercing through your father’s hands. He muffles his scream with his free hand as he twists the dagger further into his skin. “That means you won’t need your left hand anymore.”
“Here’s what I need you to do if you wish to live.” Eris roughly pulls Jareth’s head taut to his chest, forcing his gaze upwards. The hand at Jareth’s mouth lifts and finds its place against his throat. Eris gives a tight squeeze in warning. 
“I need you to write a letter to your daughter. Confess the truth. Apologize for all the wrongs you’ve done. Then, you pray to the Mother that y/n has it in her to forgive you… because I sure as hell never will.”
“Yes, my Lord,” Jareth mutters hurriedly, desperate to live. His right hand shakes as it finds his quill, eyes glistening with fright under the intense gaze of Eris. 
How pathetic, Eris sneers quietly as he sits himself on the chair directly across from Jareth. Though small, he needed to put some distance between them both. He fears if he didn’t, the primal instinct urging him to protect and defend you would consume him whole. 
Eris leans back into the chair, bringing the journal filled with details of your father’s twisted experiment with you to his gaze. Every so often, he casts a glance toward your father, who continues to scribble words down with haste. The more and more he learns of the truth, the more it sickens him. And the more he wishes to give in to that primal instinct, to unleash the beast that lurks deep within him. 
But he knows how much it’d hurt you if he killed your father. Even if your father deserved it. Ironically, Eris can only pray to the Mother himself that you would find it in you to forgive him for what he has planned for your father instead.
After what feels like an eternity, Jareth lets out a deep exhale. “Done.”
Eris lifts his gaze, slowly taking in the sight of your father like the calm before the storm. The older male’s face has turned ashen, coated with a sheen layer of sweat that Eris can scent.
The Autumn heir rises from his seat, leaning over to take a brief look at the contents of the letter. The corner of his lips lift into a sinister smirk.
“Looks like you won’t be needing your right hand either.”
Eris watches from a distance, bright flickering flames casting an eerie reflection in the darkness of his eyes. Your house is catching fire with a ferocity that thirsts to devour everything in its path. The letter your father had written to you is secured into the breast pocket of his coat along with the journal.
It all makes sense to him now. Why on that night he rushed to comfort you, you had not been concerned at all with your bleeding hand. Why the scar on his lower abdomen had magically disappeared after you touched it that same night. Why the yellow flower you had embroidered and proudly showed him looked familiar. Why your father would refer to you as a flower a lot. Why his father was obsessed with obtaining it for himself.
The sundrop flower surged through your veins.
A long, long time ago, it was whispered that a solitary drop from the Cauldron had spilled over in what is now known as the Dawn Court, giving birth to the radiant sundrop. The golden flower was no ordinary bloom as it possesses the ability to heal any ailment or injury. It blooms at a different location within the Dawn Court every fifth century or so. A phenomenon carefully overseen by the reigning High Lord of Dawn. As it is rumored that whoever beholds the flower is immortal, for nothing can harm or kill them.
Eris has no idea how your parents managed to not only find but obtain the flower before Thesan could. The sundrop is a divine creation, blessed by the Cauldron itself. A divine creation whose essence is intertwined with your very being. As Eris’s thoughts drift back to you, he feels a stirring deep in his chest.
His hand instinctively reaches for his heart, his breath catching as a tumultuous wave of emotions washes over him. Fear, panic, anger—all swirling within him. Yet not his own. No, these emotions are coming from you, echoing loudly through the bond.
A sense of foreboding settles over him. Something is terribly wrong.
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a/n: Sorry for the lack of Eris x reader interactions in this one and the lack of softness this series usually holds but it was necessary to build up to the future parts. The next part will make up for it. Hope you still enjoyed! and also hoped you enjoyed the continued Tangled references lol and the one quote from the Avengers as well as some House of Dragon ones. I know a lot of information was dropped in this part so if you have any questions, just let me know. There's just three more parts to this and the bond snapping for reader is coming soon 👀
tagging: @fabulouslyflamboyant5 @fxckmiup @stormhearty @skyesayshi @sfhsgrad-blog @crazylokonugget @evergreenlark @secretlyhers @mybestfriendmademe @ib525, @96jnie, @kennedy-brooke, @scooobies, @sillysillygoose444, @lilah-asteria, @glitterypirateduck @thatsassyhufflepuff @acourtofbatboydreams, @mal-adaptive-dreams, @dandelionfairyyy
if you asked to be tagged and I didn't, please know it was a mistake and just let me know again so I can add you!
you can find a sneak peak to the next part here
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ship/soundtrack askgame: Finn x Audrey, please??
@dancingsunflowers-ocs 💖
Thanks so much for this, Alexandra!! I will also tag my other Glee babes @luucypevensie, @ginger-grimm, @ginevrastilinski-ocs, and @manyfandomocs!! <3
opening credits: “accidentally in love” by counting crows. meeting for the first time: “an evening i will not forget” by dermot kennedy. hey, i kinda like you: “sunbeam smile” by good listeners. i’m going to kiss you now: “just a kiss” by lady a. falling in love: “paper rings” by taylor swift. your place or mine: “love me like you do” by ellie goulding. naked in bed: “bubbly” by colbie caillat. first fight: “who knew” by p!nk. maybe we should take a break: “lonely call” by raelynn. i want you back: “forever after all” by luke combs. will you marry me: “all my love” by noah kahan. first child: “all i wanted” by paramore. we’re getting older: “glad you exist” by dan + shay. if you die i’ll go with you: “i won’t give up” by jason mraz. end credits: “faithfully” by journey.
send me an oc pairing and i’ll create their soundtrack!!
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hotheadwolf · 10 months
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│ 𝙵𝙾𝚁𝙼𝙰𝚃.• ─ 𝖲𝖾𝗋𝗂𝖾𝗌
│ 𝚂𝚄𝙼𝙼𝙰𝚁𝚈.• ─ 𝖠𝖿𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖾𝗇𝗋𝗈𝗅𝗅𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗂𝗇 𝖥𝗈𝗋𝗄𝗌 𝖧𝗂𝗀𝗁 𝖲𝖼𝗁𝗈𝗈𝗅, 𝖲𝗂𝖽𝗇𝖾𝗒 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗀𝗂𝗋𝗅𝗌 𝗁𝖺𝗏𝖾 𝖻𝗋𝗎𝗇𝖼𝗁 𝖺𝗍 𝖺 𝖼𝖺𝖿𝖾 𝗐𝗁𝖾𝗋𝖾 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗌𝗎𝖻𝗃𝖾𝖼𝗍 𝗈𝖿 𝖤𝗆𝖻𝗋𝗒 𝖼𝗈𝗆𝖾𝗌 𝗎𝗉.
│ 𝚆𝙾𝚁𝙳 𝙲𝙾𝚄𝙽𝚃.• ─ 2,248
│ 𝚆𝙰𝚁𝙽𝙸𝙽𝙶𝚂.• ─ 𝖺𝖽𝗎𝗅𝗍 𝗅𝖺𝗇𝗀𝗎𝖺𝗀𝖾, 𝖿𝗅𝗎𝖿𝖿, 𝖿𝖾𝖾𝗅𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗀𝗂𝖽𝖽𝗒.
│ 𝙽𝙾𝚃𝙴𝚂 ─ Jacob needs a good ass whooping honestly.
➝ 𝖤𝗆𝖻𝗋𝗒 𝖢𝖺𝗅𝗅 𝖬𝖺𝗌𝗍𝖾𝗋𝗅𝗂𝗌𝗍 || 𝖲𝖾𝗋𝗂𝖾𝗌 𝖬𝖺𝗌𝗍𝖾𝗋𝗅𝗂𝗌𝗍
➝ 𝖯𝗋𝖾𝗏𝗂𝗈𝗎𝗌 || 𝖭𝖾𝗑𝗍
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𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖵🍂: 𝖧𝖾𝖺𝗋𝗍 𝖡𝖾𝖺𝗍𝗌 𝖥𝖺𝗌𝗍
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Sidney's POV
𝗧𝗢𝗗𝗔𝗬 𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗚𝗜𝗥𝗟𝗦 are riding with me to Forks High School to enroll. I showered, got dressed, and grabbed my phone and car keys.
"Are you ladies ready yet?" I called throughout the house as I left my room.
"We're coming!" I hear Raelynn's voice yell from upstairs.
"Let's go," I said, touching my hips.
Finally, after what seemed like forever, different footsteps trotted down the steps.
"Jeez, we had to ensure we had all the correct papers," Autumn said as she descended the steps.
The rest of the girls came down dressed and ready. We left the house outside in my red Jeep Wrangler, and I drove to the school. As I pulled into a space, students went to their vehicles to get to class. Walking through the high school doors, I found the office, and we headed inside.
"Hello, how can I help you, ladies?" A woman at the front desk asked with a polite smile.
"Hi, we're here to enroll ourselves in school," I replied, returning the smile to her.
"Are you ladies of age?" The woman, whose name tag read Adalyn Mitchell, asked, looking at us.
"Yeah, and we live together," I answered, straightening the papers.
"Okay, just hand over your forms, have a seat, and wait for the principal, please." The front desk receptionist said with a smile on her face.
"What classes are you hoping to get?" I asked the girls, crossing one leg over the other.
"It doesn't matter to me. I can outsmart the nerds here." Audrey grinned, shrugging her shoulders.
"Yeah, that sounds right." I laughed, nodding my head.
Soon, the woman returned and handed us our documents before typing away on her computer. The receptionist told us to have a seat while she enrolled us in school since it would take a little while.
"Oh, since we're all here, what happened when you shifted the other night?" Jenny quietly asked, glancing around to ensure no one was watching us.
"Well, after I shifted, Nessia came to a clearing where Embry was waiting," I explained, thinking back to that night. "We talked, and he told me the truth."
"What truth?" Audrey questioned with a confused expression.
"The reason my brother, Paul, and Jared bullied me was that they saw me as weak since I'm from the Black Bloodline and hadn't shifted yet," I revealed, growing sad at the thought.
"That's fucked up," Autumn said, shaking her head as she hugged me.
"You know what? Let's go to Sam's place so I can fuck all four of them up." Jenny remarked, visibly upset.
"Calm down, sassy pants," Raelynn said, touching Jenny's shoulder.
"And what did Embry say Sam did about the situation?" Audrey questioned, glancing at me.
"I forgot to ask." I shrugged my shoulders.
"I bet he looked the other way. Fucking piece of shit." Jenny cursed, shaking her head with crossed arms.
"Either that, or he didn't have a care in the world," I replied, shrugging my shoulders.
"Imagine their faces if and when they find out you're a wolf and a strong one." Autumn teased as a smirk appeared on her face.
"That would be the best thing ever." Raelynn laughed, nodding her head.
"The look of defeat and disappointment in their eyes will be priceless." Autumn chuckled, staring off into space.
"Oh, let the games begin." Jenny laughed, rubbing her hands together.
The principal and secretary called us into the office and reviewed our schedule and school rules. After the lady at the front desk gave us our necessary paperwork, we exited the building, returned to my car, and got in. Autumn suggested we go to a coffee shop to get out of the house. Arriving at Frozen Bean Coffee Bar, we got out and headed inside, where the smell of coffee beans hit my nose. It smelled so good.
As we found an empty table, Autumn and Raelynn stood in line to order blueberry or banana muffins and iced coffee for everyone. I never get tired of it, seeing as I'm used to eating muffins from Emily.
"So, since we're on the topic of Sam and his pack, tell us about Embry, Sidney," Raelynn commented, sending a grin my way.
I gasped, causing myself to choke on my iced coffee as I glanced at her. "W-What about Embry?"
"What is he like?" Audrey asked with a sly grin on her face.
"In what way?" I questioned, arching an eyebrow at her.
"I don't know. What's Embry's favorite food or color?" She replied, smiling at me.
"Well, his favorite color is blue, and as far as food, I'm guessing any meat," I explained, shrugging my shoulders. "He's super sweet, though."
"You said he would always be nice to you when the other guys weren't around, right?" Raelynn asked, looking at me.
"Yeah, after Jacob, Paul, and Jared bullied me, he'd find me and make sure I was okay," I answered, chewing another piece of my blueberry muffin.
"Aww, that's so sweet." Autumn cooed, softly smiling at me.
"When the guys were around bullying me, it was as if Embry wanted to say something to them to get them to stop," I pointed out, swirling my straw in my cup.
"The main problem is Jacob, Jared, and Paul. Not Embry." Raelynn conceded, nodding in thought.
"Exactly what I thought," I replied, nodding in agreement.
"Just wait. If I ever come across those guys, it will NOT be pretty. I'll tell you that." Jenny remarked, shaking her head.
Upon hearing Jenny's meaningful comment, I smiled at her determined words. "I'm glad I have you girls as real friends."
"Aww, and we're glad we have you too." Audrey cooed as my friends wrapped me in a bear hug.
As they sat down, we continued chatting about what we wanted in our future with our mates. Just thinking about a life with Embry made me feel a way inside. It gave me butterflies picturing him as a father, but I loved it. I'm in love with that idea. Maybe it wasn't so bad.
Unlocking the house's front door, I walked inside first and heard the sound of the guys screaming at each other. Confused, I looked at the girls, and we raced to where they were. I found Drew holding baby Ella over the sink inside the butler's pantry with poop all over her back and on his arm.
"What the hell is going on?" I asked, staring at him with my hand on my hips.
"Diaper explosion. It's everywhere." He replied, gagging at the sight before him.
"Bro, we have to throw the whole baby away." I hear Xavier say from behind me.
"You will do no such thing." Raelynn gasped, turning to look at him.
"Look, calm down. All you have to do is clean Ella up, wash her, and redress her." Audrey replied, rolling her eyes.
"It's all over her seat and blankets, too," Drew replied as Raelynn turned on the faucet.
"Okay, we'll clean it," Jenna said, walking towards the living room.
I followed behind her and saw the explosion baby Ella had in her seat. Drew wasn't kidding when he said his daughter had poop everywhere. It was on her chair, the blanket, and the rug. Grabbing the pink baby blanket and the carpet, I headed to the laundry room and tossed them in the washer. While those were washing, I helped Jenna scrub the baby rocker.Finally, after baby Ella was cleaned up and changed into a new diaper, she was all smiles and giggles. As for Drew, he gagged all the way upstairs to his room for a much-needed shower.
Jacob's POV
I couldn't hold it in any longer. Why did we have to keep this curse a secret? It was stupid. Bella knew of vampires' existence, so what can't she know about wolves? Why can't she see that I'm a werewolf? This isn't fair.
' Jacob, get to the north end. NOW! We've got trouble. '
' I'm on my way, Sam. '
Opening my window, I leaped out and phased into my wolf as I ran to the destination Sam told me to meet him at. As I approached them from behind, the putrid smell of a vampire wafted into my nose, making me disgusted. The next thing I saw was Bella frozen in her tracks with the blood-sucking leech Laurent slowly stalking towards her.
' Let's move in. '
The pack and I slowly walked toward the blood-sucking leech stalking closer to Bella, emerging from the trees. Our snarls echoed through the trees as we revealed ourselves. Bella looked our way and gasped. I looked at her, and we stared at one another until Laurent took off using his vampire speed.
' Jake, let's go! '
Shifting back to human form, I slid on some shorts and followed the guys inside Emily’s place. As Sam walked inside, he glared at me and said nothing but stepped up to his fiance and kissed her cheek, making her giggle. Emily sat a basket of muffins on the table, and the guys dug in, munching away. 
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   Sam dismissed us to go home and get some rest, but I couldn’t sleep. Not until I got this weight off my chest. Trotting to Bella’s house, I picked up a small pebble and tossed it at her window. When she didn’t come to the glass, I grabbed another and threw it up. Finally, a light in the room came on, and Bella appeared.
“Jacob?” She whispered, staring at me confused.
“Back up, I’m coming up,” I warned, moving far away.
   I quietly leaped onto the side of the house, jumping to a large tree branch, and swung myself inside Bella’s room, making her gasp in shock. We stared at each other in silence before I broke it.
“Look, I’m sorry.” I apologized, walking up to my best friend.
   Bella placed her hand on my abdomen, rubbing the muscles. She was quiet for a few seconds before speaking, “For what?”
“I wish I could explain, but I literally can’t.” I sighed, walking around her. I know Sam told me not to tell Bella our secret, but he didn’t say I couldn’t give her a hint. “Have you ever had a secret you couldn’t tell anyone? A secret that wasn’t yours to share?”
   She stared at me, hugging herself as I sat on her bed. “What’s going on, Jacob?”
“Well, that’s what it’s like,” I replied, rubbing my hands together. “But it’s worse. You have no idea how tight I’m bound.”
“I hate this, Jacob. I hate what they’ve done to you.” Bella expressed, placing her hand on my head.
   I brought her hand down and stared at the bite mark on her wrist. Her heart relaxed as she covered it with her free hand. 
“The killer part is you already know.” I bitterly growled, standing to my feet. “Do you remember when we walked on the beach in LaPush, Bella?”
“What are you talking about? You mean the story of the cold ones?” Bella asked, staring at me.
“Of course that’s the only part you know.” I scoffed, shaking my head. Her eyes held realization, and I knew she got it.
   I walked past her to the window, preparing to make my exit.
“I mean, there has to be something you can do.” She proposed, nodding approvingly.
“There’s nothing. I’m in it for life.” I replied, turning toward her.
“Well, what if we just leave here for a while? We leave. You and me.” Bella suggested, placing her hands on her hips.
“You’d do that for me?” I questioned, arching an eyebrow.
   There was a pause as Bella shifted on her feet before she spoke, “I would do it for you.”
“Look, Bella, this is not something I can run away from. I would run if I could, but I can’t.” I mumbled, shaking my head.
“Look, Ja-I should probably get going.” I interrupted her before she could say anything. The look on Bella’s face made my heart ache. I didn’t like lying to her, so I chose to talk to her. “Come here.” I pulled her into a hug and held her.
“Jake.” She whispered, hugging me tighter.
“Please,” I whispered, rubbing her shoulder with my thumb. “Try to remember. It would be so much easier if you knew.”
   Pulling away, I turned to the window. “I’ll try, but—Jake, what are you doing? Wait, Jake!”
   I didn’t spare her a second glance as I leaped out of the window and ran home. In my mind, I knew Sam would have my head on a pike, but I didn’t care.
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🏷️ @naughtyslashers @nobodygetsza @sgmamacita @mariella-angel-unwin-black @sapphireplums @liu1307
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thefundiesaga · 5 months
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@TheNaylorfam #Twinmom
Our sweet babes are hear , introducing Roman and Raelynn . Raelynn arrived first and weighed 7lbs 2oz and Roman arrived five minutes later weighing 7lbs 6oz. I delivered our children in the bath tub in our sweet home , we played hymns and had one of the woman from church helping us. We prayed to the watcher to make this an easy birth and it totally was !
I didn't use any painkillers and my dear husband supported me the entire way - from the door of the bathroom . After all childbirth is woman's work ladies and I would just hate for Ralph to see me less than my usual presentable self. We had a great talk about maybe doing a name theme and Ralph wasn't too fond of the idea but I did say I thought it would be a neat way to honor him by giving all our children the same first initial as him . So in future all our children will have the same initial as Ralph ( and me lol😁) Of course we are busy these days with our two littles . We are enjoying our time together. They have now left the cradle and our in their own cribs now . I miss the baby stage though 😥😪. Their empty cradle sits in our closet waiting for a new little one to join us . Of course we LOVE the twins and we are soooo thankful for them . Please pray the watcher blesses us with more children soon !
Yours faithfully ,
Renee Naylor
AN: Jesus woman calm down you've just two babies #typicalfundie
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shefanispeculator · 9 months
Seeing Stars! The 9 Most Successful 'Voice' Competitors of All Time
'The Voice' may never find its Carrie Underwood but that's okay.
One of the major complaints about The Voice is that it has yet to launch a major recording career like American Idol did in its early days. But host Carson Daly says that the days of discovering a Carrie Underwood or Kelly Clarkson on a TV show are long gone.
“Your measuring stick is antiquated because of the way that technology has proliferated,” Daly exclusively tells Parade. “For instance, I could never do TRL [his Total Request Live show] again because this generation has the internet and doesn’t need MTV to get music. There are a lot of YouTubers, and my kids listen to music of people that you have never heard of, that I have never heard of. For some people, just getting to a place where they can support themselves making music, thanks to The Voice—that’s winning.”
And The Voice has several of those types of winners. Former contestants, including a couple of Grammy nominees, who are grateful to the show because their lives changed 100 percent, because as a result of appearing on The Voice, they now make their entire living making music, rather than having to have a day job to pay the bills.
Most Successful Voice Competitors
Koryn Hawthorne (Season 8)
was a member of Pharrell Williams’ team and finished fourth in her season. She has gone on to have a successful gospel career and was nominated twice for Grammys in the Gospel Performance/Song category: in 2019 for “Won’t He Do It” and in 2020 for “Speak the Name.” She has received several other nominations as well, including Billboard Awards and Soul Train Music Awards. She even broke the record for the longest chart-topping woman on the Hot Gospel Songs chart.
Nicolle Galyon (Season 2)
got just one coach to turn (Adam Levine) when she sang “You Save Me” during her Blind Audition. The country singer was eliminated during the Battle Rounds but made a discovery along the way: She didn’t want to sing, she wanted to write songs. While on the show, she met performers RaeLynn and Miranda Lambert (who was married to Blake Shelton at the time) and credits those friendships for launching her songwriting career. She earned her first No. 1 song with “We Were Us,” performed by Keith Urban and Lambert. She also has co-written songs for Lady A, Kenny Chesney, Florida Georgia Line and many others and co-wrote and co-produced RaeLynn’s first full-length album, WildHorse. Gaylon has two Grammy nominations for Best Country Song: in 2015 for Miranda Lambert’s “Automatic” and in 2019 for Dan + Shay’s “Tequila.”
Cassadee Pope (Season 3)
was the first female country singer to win The Voice. The former member of Blake Shelton's team has gone on to find success in country music, but a high point was when she and Chris Young received a Grammy nomination for Best Country Duo/Group Performance for “Think of You” in 2017.  Her single "Tomorrow Night" was released in Sept. and was followed by her third album, Thrive, in October.
Christina Grimmie (Season 3)
finished in third place on The Voice, and went on to open for Selena Gomez and The Scene, and perform backup vocals for Allstar Weekend and the Jonas Brothers. Christina's career was on the upswing—she had 2 million YouTube subscribers—when she was shot to death during a post-concert meet-and-greet with fans on June 10, 2016, in Orlando, Fla. She was 22.
Danielle Bradbery (Season 4 winner)
was only 16 when she won The Voice, the youngest winner at that point in time but no longer the record. Since graduating from Team Blake Shelton, Bradbery has gone on to have a successful country music career with 15 songs on the Hot Country chart, including "Goodbye Summer" with Thomas Rhett which rose to No. 39 in 2018. Her 2020 single "Never Have I Ever" reached No. 58 on U.S. Country Airplay, and her most-streamed song, "Sway," has 50 million streams. In July 2021, she released her latest single, "Stop Draggin' Your Boots."
Morgan Wallen (Season 6)
who was initially on Team Usher, but later stolen by Adam Levine, was eliminated in the Playoffs but soon headed to Nashville to try his hand at country music, rather than the pop songs he sang on the show. He had almost instant success, dropping four No. 1 singles, winning the CMA award for New Artist of the Year and releasing the double album Dangerous. “He was being hailed as the next big thing, maybe the next big crossover artist from country,” executive producer Audrey Morrissey says. Today, Wallen is more famous for getting in trouble. He got booted off of Saturday Night Live for breaking COVID-19 protocols in late 2020 and was banned from country radio after he was caught on video hollering a racial slur in February 2021.
Jordan Smith (Season 9)
was a four-chair turn who chose Team Adam. He went on to write “Ashes” for the Deadpool 2 soundtrack, which was performed by Celine Dion. In addition, he's had three No. 1 songs on the Hot Christian Songs chart and three top 10s. Jordan represented the state of Kentucky for NBC’s American Song Contest in 2022, for which he wrote and performed “Sparrow.” He finished in third place.
Sawyer Fredericks (Season 8)
The winner from Team Pharrell had an original song, “Silent World,” featured on the Season 6 debut of the Netflix original series Longmire, which aired in 2017, and his song “This Fire” was covered by John Ondrasik for a 2018 episode of Code Black. His  latest album debuted in 2020 called Flowers for You.
Loren Allred (Season 3)
was eliminated in the Playoffs but went on to make her Billboard Hot 100 debut with the Platinum-selling "Never Enough" from the musical soundtrack to The Greatest Showman. This past January, she was the featured singer on the original song “Start a Wave” when “World of Color – One” for Disney 100 debuted at Disneyland. Strangely, though, she made a return to reality TV, auditioning for Britain’s Got Talent’s 15th season in 2022, finishing in ninth place. In addition, she performs on Michael Bublé's Love album for a duet of "Help Me Make It Through the Night," and alongside David Foster, as part of his An Intimate Evening PBS concert special and album.
The 9 Most Successful 'Voice' Contestants of All Time - Parade
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thelanders23 · 10 months
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Family pictures ♡
Plus, y’all need an update, longer than 2 sentences. Life is so good. Lyle and I feel like all of our prayers have been answered.
Lyle and I finally decided to offer a price out to the farmer who own the land around our property. With him going into retirement, he sold it to us for less than we offered. We finally have the space to build a barn for our horses. I really am such a proud wife. Lyle has been working so hard. He’s had some more time off now that harvesting season is over. It’s been so nice to have him around the house more, especially with me being on maternity leave. We’re able to just enjoy our family more these days. I’ll really miss it once I go back to work.
Raelynn is now almost 3 months old. She’s a lot more fussy than her brother was but she’s darling. She has the cutest hazel eyes I’ve ever seen. She’s already got her daddy’s smile. She just precious.
Rhett got his first haircut. He likes it. Lyle told him that he was a lady’s man so now he runs around the house yelling that he’s “the lady’s man”. He definitely keeps us on our toes. For a 3 year old, he’s one of the funniest people I know.
Charles and Mae come over all the time. Mae felt so honored when we gave Raelynn the middle name of Mae. We just love her so much. She comes over and helps clean and cook. I tell her not to but she says she just wants to help out. That, and she loves being around her grand babies.
Katherine is now 7 months pregnant and Jodi just found out that she’s expecting. This will be Jodi and Mitchell’s 3rd and Katherine and Jepp’s 2nd. By summer, Charles and Mae will have 7 grandchildren. We just love how our family is expanding and growing. It makes life just feel so perfect.
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callsign-smalls · 2 years
so until the poll on my profile ends, here’s a small bit of COD stuff to tide y’all over. 😉
Country Songs I Feel Like Would Fit Various COD: MW2 characters (Task Force 141 + Alejandro, Rudy, König, Horangi, Phillip Graves, & Valeria Garza)
Alejandro Vargas
~ Dyin’ For A Livin’ by Muscadine Bloodline
~ Back In My Drinkin’ Days by Chris Janson
~ Vacation by Thomas Rhett
Horangi (i don’t know a whole lot about his character, so this is completely based off of pure vibes)
~ Fake ID (feat. Gretchen Wilson) by Big & Rich
~ Ain’t A Train by Cody Jinks
~ Homegrown by Zac Brown Band
Johnny “Soap” MacTavish
~ Little Bit Of Life by Craig Morgan
~ All My Ex’s Live In Texas by George Strait
~ Beer For My Horses (feat. Willie Nelson) by Toby Keith
John Price
~ Big Iron by Marty Robbins
~ Rhinestone Cowboy by Glenn Campbell
~ Rose Colored Glasses by John Conlee
Kyle “Gaz” Garrick
~ Doin’ Fine by Lauren Alaina
~ Drunk Driving by Koe Wetzel
~ Something In The Orange by Zach Bryan
~ Burning House by Cam
~ You Don’t Mess Around With Jim by Jim Croce
~ Tomorrow Never Comes by Zac Brown Band
Phillip Graves
~ Love Don’t Live Here by Lady A
~ The Devil Went Down To Georgia by Charlie Daniels Band
~ Cheers To Beer by Thomas Mac
Rodolfo “Rudy” Parra
~ Cast No Stones by Cody Jinks
~ Small Town Southern Man by Alan Jackson
~ Drinkin’ Bone by Tracy Byrd
Simon “Ghost” Riley
~ Little Toy Guns by Carrie Underwood
~ Sounds Of Someday by Radio Company
~ Loud And Heavy by Cody Jinks
Valeria Garza
~ Jolene by Dolly Parton
~ Before He Cheats by Carrie Underwood
~ Keep Up by RaeLynn
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fourdollarwords · 2 years
Raelynn "Rae" Halstaer
My submission for @smallartistocbracket
Basically Rae can be summed up with these two gifs:
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But if you want to get into more detail:
Rae was born into the Halstaer family to Clarissa and Aidan, two ambitious half-elves. They very clearly never actually wanted a child, just saw having one as a way to perfect their image and thought they could use one as a tool to help them rise in political power. They proved correct as they successfully sold Rae's soul to the Lady of Pain when she was 5 in exchange for knowledge to rise up the ranks.
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With two parents that basically left her to raise herself unless they needed her to smile for the public and "be good", and a patron that would only give her tasks to do and would light her nerves on fire with pain if she ever questioned, Rae left home at 18 with a mission from her patron and desperate for affection and approval. This results in her falling a bit in love with a lot of people she meets.
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On her mission she bonds with an ancient gorgon seerer, Bythella, who warns her that if she completes this mission for her patron, that she will die. The Lady of Pain will use her to complete the annulment of a centuries old contract, and then use her body as a shell to break into our realm. Unable to deny a truth she had come to suspect, Rae falls into old patterns, and declares her life only has value when it's of use, so if that is how she can be of use, then she will do it. Bythella angrily rejects that notion and declares herself Rae's true mother if she will have her. Overwhelmed and desperate to keep the first person that actually wanted her, Rae agrees. Bythella severs Rae's link to her patron and has Rae reborn with the gorgon lineage, no longer tied to the Halstaer name.
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RH art commissioned by Sanya Anwar
In an effort to support and protect Rae with this decision, her companion Selene pledges herself as her knight, bonding herself to the gorgon lineage.
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LH art commissioned by @jxthics
Unfortunately, while she is no longer tied to her past family with a magical bond, she still remains marked as the mediator of the contract: the living annulment. While being bombarded from all sides, she is trying to make a decision without being told what to do. She has spent her life as a tool for evil and never tried to fight against it. Now that she is free, she's struggling to make decisions by herself for the first time and wants to make the "good one", but is worried she's predestined to be an instrument of evil no matter what she does.
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valennciaroyals · 1 year
May The Ceremony Begin!!!!
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~Bridal Parties as follows~ (Left to Right)
Raven Crews (Stella)
Solan Boudreaux (Princess Nova) 
Duchess Venus (Princess Nova) 
Percy Haughton (Stella) 
Flowergirl Lady Brie Valenncia (Stella) 
Flowergirl Raelynn Frey (Princess Nova) 
~Brides as Follows~ (Left to Right)
Kerri Frey - Stella Frey - Hugh Frey 
Queen Aurora - Princess Nova - Prince Francis
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talesoftheuntold · 1 year
The Crimson Fangs
The eighth born. She is short, curvaceous and confident, with lust surging through her veins. Her face is concealed by a Wolpertinger mask, only revealing her crimson colored eyes. Her appetite is endless, only satiated with sex and blood. She is Lady Raelynn.
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prythianpages · 6 months
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me trying to write this next part to my Eris series before the inspiration leaves me lol. I'm excited to share it!
Here's a little teaser, a scene between Eris's brother and mother:
“He loves her.” Sawyer's words are tinged with sympathy and bitter amusement. A humorless chuckle escapes from him and he looks toward his mother. Her gaze remains fixed on the doors of her room, where Eris had left just moments ago, as she gives a silent prayer to the Cauldron.
“Are we cursed? To love those we cannot have?”
“I’m afraid you all have inherited it from me,” Lady Raelynn confesses softly, her voice carrying the weight of years of unspoken longing, clouding her eyes with regret and sorrow.  
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crow-rodriguez · 5 months
Chapter Two: I'm Fucking Gay
A few years later, we entered Junior High School which was going to be two of the most traumatic years for all four of us. I was so nervous as we walked through the doors to the Junior High wing of our school. “It’s so big…” RaeLynn said, sounding very nervous as she looked around. Her beautiful green and blue eyes darted around like lasers. 
“That’s what she said,” KelHani said, laughing as she made her crude joke. She had developed a very perverted sense of humor over the years, I always found it hilarious. “Kel!” RaeLynn said, “the sisters will hear you!” she scolded, pushing her big, nerdy glasses back up as she looked for her locker. She eventually found it and smiled, “Rosa! We’re locker neighbors!!” she squealed as her and Rosanna did a little dance.
I chuckled as KelHani and I kept walking down the hallway, out of the corner of my eye, I noticed that KelHani was trying to pull the skirt of her uniform down, “you struggling?” I asked her.
KelHani nodded, “yeah, I don’t know why Mrs. D thinks I fit into the same size as RaeLynn, she’s so short and I got my dad’s height” she said as she took her blazer off and tied it around her waist, she had been working out with her aunt a lot lately and had developed some muscles that made my heart start racing.
I nodded, laughing a bit. “Selena has always been strange, give her a break… the lady has cancer” I said, trying to keep from showing how nervous she sometimes made me. I had developed a crush on her which was a strange thing for me since I didn't know if something was wrong with me, especially since I also had a crush on RaeLynn. 
KelHani shrugged and nodded, “I guess you're right. Honestly, I was thinking of just wearing Dya's uniform since he still has it stashed in his closet somewhere…” she told me, her eyes looked ahead with the same cold, piercing glare she always had. 
I blinked, “I don't think that's allowed, Kel” I said, thinking a bit. 
KelHani smirked and pulled out the fucking student handbook from her backpack, turning to the dress code, “paragraph three, subsection two: ‘students must where the school uniform.’ It says nothing about which uniform. It just says the school uniform, so I could wear Dya's uniform if I wanted to” she explained, her smirk turned into a smile that I didn't see often. She was always cold and distant which was understandable, she had a difficult life before she started living with her aunt. Fuck, she was nearly pull into the foster system until Kyren, her dad's older sister, swooped in and took full custody of KelHani and Dyamond when KelHani was three and Dya was ten. I'd never known the extent of the things she suffered when she lived with her parents or the extent of how much she still suffered, but I knew she still suffered and it broke my heart to think she thought she had to suffer in silence and all alone. 
I nodded as I found my locker, “then I better see you in that uniform tomorrow, Kel” I told her as I stopped walking in front of my locker. 
“oh, don't worry, Sweetheart. You will,” she told me as she walked away, leaving me stunned and flustered as I blinked while looking at my locker. 
I calmed down then opened my locker to put my bag into it. I looked at the bracelet that Tia Isabel bought me, hoping it would bring me luck like she claimed. I was minding my business when I heard a familiar, grating voice next to me.
“Wow, did she just call you ‘sweetheart’? That's so disgustin’!” Erika Artois said, making me look up from my list to glare at her. 
I glared at her, scowling as I rolled my eyes, “she was joking, Erika. Calm down” I said bluntly. 
Erika scoffed, “not only does Kelly, Kelsey, whatever her name is, look like a freak but she's also a sinner! She's definitely not getting into Heaven!” She said, looking disgusted. 
I'd be lying if I said that her words didn't make my jaw drop, I felt my blood boiling and quickly slammed my locker shut as I started walking to get my schedule. I felt like I was going to deck her in the face if I didn't walk away from her. 
Lunch finally came and I was already exhausted. I sat at a table in the courtyard, waiting for KelHani, Rosa, and RaeLynn. I looked at Rosa and RaeLynn when they walked over.
Rosa sat down and smiled, “guess who has a crush on a rich boy?” She asked, having a shit-eating grin on her face. 
“You?” KelHani asked as she sat down next to me.
RaeLynn sighed and gestured to herself while her cheeks flushed pink, “and it's not a crush, I just said that Danyol is kinda cute” she said, nudging Rosa with her elbow.
I blinked, “Danyol Williamson?” I asked as I started eating the leftover Pork Ropa Vieja that Ethan packed me for lunch. “I think he's in my math class, I don't see what's so cute about him,” I said, feeling a twinge of jealousy.
Rosa gestured at me like I was the smartest bitch in the room, “thank you, Drake is way cuter right?” she asked me.
“Who?” I asked through a mouth full of food.
“Danyol's brother, he's in 8th grade” KelHani told me, “he runs with the Bloody Birdseyes, I think” she added. 
We were talking and laughing when Erika came up and ‘accidentally’ spilled her tray all over KelHani which made her stand up, completely pissed.
“Oops! I'm sooo sorry, I totally didn't mean to!” Erika said in the most sarcastic and bitchy voice ever. I could tell she was trying to hide her evil grin.
KelHani looked at her and glared, “yeah, you're totally fucking sorry” she spat.
“Hey, back off my girl” Erika’s boyfriend said, stepping up and standing toe to toe with KelHani, “you worthless ni-”  before he could finish speaking, KelHani’s fist was pounded into his face and he fell backwards.
Rosa and RaeLynn stood up as I watched in both horror and amusement, watching KelHani pummel the idiot before she was ripped off by Danyol, who I thought was trying to play “hero”.
KelHani was sent home and suspended for a week after she beat Erika's white trash boyfriend in the lunchroom, the day went on though. I got home and collapsed onto my bed, not caring about my shrieking mother who was screeching Because my father had slept with his television daughter who was fourteen. 
“HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME!? YOU LET THAT LITTLE SLUT SEDUCE YOU!?” I heard my mother screech from downstairs, feeling disgusted that she was actually blaming the girl who was only a year older than me. 
I laid in my bed, looking at the ceiling for a bit before I went to the kitchen to get some food. I grabbed a soda and a mini bag of chips then slumped down on the couch as I started eating.
“You have a dance competition in two weeks, Valentina. Don't be gaining weight, your costume needs to fit,” my mother told me as she walked in and saw that I was snacking.
“I'll be fine, Mami. It's just a bag of chips,” I said, looking at her. 
“Don't back talk to me, Valentina. I'm not in a good mood. Your sister has already gained two pounds and now she won't fit into her outfits for her fashion show next week!” She vented, “and your brother keeps canceling his photoshoots so he can take more acting opportunities, so I'm not happy right now!”
“E is nineteen, Mami. You can't boss him around anymore,” I muttered, not understanding why I was the one she was venting to like this.
She looked at me before she walked over and smacked me across the face, “talk back to me again and we're sending you to boarding school, Valentina Rodriguez!” She scolded me.
I nodded as I got up, “I'm sorry, Mami” I said as I threw away my chips and walked out the door with my soda. I waited until I was a block away to start crying while I walked to KelHani’s house.
I arrived at her house and just walked in, suddenly feeling so safe and wanted the second I walked through the door. I could hear Eminem playing as I made my way through the house to the living room.
“Ayooo!! Valentina is in da house!!” Dyamond said as he saw me, making Rylyn and Ethan look over their shoulders at me. Ethan got a concerned look on his face when he saw my puffy eyes and the red handprint on my cheek.
“H-hey, guys…” I said as I walked over to sit down, seeing Ethan's boyfriend, Andy, was asleep on his lap. 
“What's wrong, Mija?” Ethan asked me as I sat down, signaling for Dyamond to turn the music down. 
“Mami smacked me for talking back to her,” I said as I instantly began to relax.
Rylyn looked at me as she let her daughter, Violetta, waddle around happily, “damn, need an ice pack?” She asked.
I shook my head, jumping a bit when KelHani came up behind me and scared me as a joke, “gah! KEL!!” I said, glaring at her “asshole!” 
KelHani was laughing as she sat next to me, noticing the handprint on my cheek, “Who the fuck did that to you, Val?” She asked, her eyes became piercing and angry. 
“My mom, it's nothing, Kel,” I said, looking at my hands. I blushed as she grabbed my hand and pulled me with her.
“V and I are going to my room!” She said as she sneakily grabbed two beers from the fridge then walked to her room with me following. 
“Are we supposed to have those?” I asked, sitting on her bed.
“Who cares? I assume you're staying here tonight anyways and it's one beer. My aunt won't give a shit as long as we're being safe” KelHani told me as she opened one of the beers and handed it to me, I took the beer and took a sip. I heard her laugh as I made a sour face.
“What the fuck? This tastes like shit, Kel,” I told her, finding myself taking another sip. 
KelHani nodded as she took a swig from her own beer, “I know. But it's fun shit,” she smiled as she sat next to me.
“How long did you get suspended for?” I asked, looking at her.
She sighed, “a week, and Matthew didn't even get any reprimand for almost calling me a fucking slur. Probably because the headmaster didn't want to upset his precious princess Erika,” she rolled her eyes as she spoke, sitting back a bit.
I blinked, “that's so stupid. She literally poured hot-ass soup on you! That's literally assault. You should report her!” I said, starting on a tangent without even realizing it. I was rambling for a while before I realized that KelHani was just staring at me with a smile on her face, “what?” I asked, feeling confused. 
“You're just cute when you ramble,” she said, cupping my face and kissing me which caught me completely off-guard. 
I froze for a second, my face becoming very red as I melted into the kiss and returned her passion. 
The kiss lasted for several moments, becoming quite heated until someone knocked on KelHani’s door and we quickly separated from one another. 
KelHani cleared her throat “wassup?” She asked, looking at the door as Kyren, KelHani’s awesome aunt, walked into the room. 
Kyren looked at me then at KelHani, “this is about the social worker, you ok with her being here while we talk about her?” She asked.
“Yeah, I'm ok with V being here. I trust her,” KelHani said, smiling at me with the same, rare smile. 
Kyren nodded, “Sarah wants us to schedule an appointment to talk about you seeing your mom again. She's outta rehab, she's wanting to reconnect with you,” she said, looking at KelHani. “I told her that I'd talk to you about it, you're thirteen and you're old enough to know your own choices. So what do you think?” She asked, letting KelHani Think.
“I'll go to the meeting, but I'm not going to decide anything yet,” KelHani said, her smile faded as her voice seemed to fill with venom. 
Kyren nodded, “got it, Kiddo. Also, hey, Val. Having fun kissing my niece?” She asked, smiling a bit.
I blushed, seeing that KelHani also blushed brightly,“ummm… y-yeah…”  I said, knowing that lying was pointless. 
“Good, I'll let you two lovebirds get back to cuddling. Just no funny business,” Kyren said as she closed the door when she left.
KelHani sighed and laid back against her back, looking at me, “can we cuddle?” She asked.
I nodded and crawled over, laying against her as I looked at her, “your mom's in rehab?” I asked.
KelHani nodded, “yeah, or well, she was apparently. She was addicted to Cocaine for a while when Dya and I were kids. My dad was a gambler and an alcoholic, he was often violent and abusive. He almost killed Dya and I one day. I found my mom's cocaine and I copied what I saw her do, ended up overdosing and my dad beat Dya and I after we got home from the hospital, for being stupid apparently. Then CPS took us and that's when we started living with Aunt Ky. Haven't seen my mom or dad since. I don't want to see my dad, but I don't know how I feel about my mom yet” she explained, looking at the ceiling.
I looked at her, my heart breaking for her as I heard the pain she suffered through. I wanted to say something but I had no idea what to say, “Kel…” I said, My voice was  barely above a whisper.
KelHani put a finger to my mouth and shook her head, “just cuddle me,” she said softly as she cupped my face to kiss me. I nodded, snuggling her as I finally admitted to myself silently. I'm fucking gay…
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bridesong1-blog · 10 months
A Lady and Her King Acoustic New Release Drops Dec. 8th Raelynn Parkin #...
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dsdualstudio · 1 year
【D's Speak】教師ポイントの変更についてのお知らせ(2023年4月18日~)
いつもD's Speakをご利用頂きまして、誠にありがとうございます。
時期:4月18日(火) ※一部教師は、4月8日、11日に変更あり人数:227名 <ご注意事項>
40→50 Abbott Alicent Arrezo Ashtra Asja Asunta Audemars Beat Billious Calzado Capuyan Cecelion Clefairy Cradily Emperial Forever Gleankie Grunfield Guinevere Hemlock Heracross Hershberg Idaho Ilacad Imelda Kate Khimo Kindat Kumala Lawin League Leticia Lutherine Mentrix Nafisa Nathaniel Nessa Nifty Nimuel Panyo Pentax Roserade Sheldon Stanley Stilgar Storian Surskit Sylvester Tedros Tekkari Tula Twist Velmani
Calzado, Nimuel = 4/8に変更
Lutherine, Panyo, Asunta, Roserade, Surskit, Hemlock, Beat, Imelda, Sylvester=4/11に変更
50→60 Abigail Adelaide Ady Aida Alena Alicia Anjeaneth Astradell Ayden Balmond Beatrice Blanca Bogota Brencis Cassandra Charyl Clark Curlyn Dasovich Delray Deniza Derby Derick Donita Echo Emmy Fandral Faramis Fe Flores Gamgee Georgia Gia Gunther Heimdall Helsinki Herrera Idris Ilbert Issarey Jace Jellyfel Jenessa Jeralyn Jillmee Jojo Joya Keanu Kefiah Keon Khufra Kinshasa Kirlia Lamira Lorelie Madera Magayon Marife Marikris Meldiv Nahmae Nemesia Neymar Oce Oprah Ortiz Priscilla Quinto Rabica Rabor Ranilyn Ravina Rhisan Rowland Sameri Shasta Sifra Sim Sixto Sneasel Soul Tanella Thea Valir Zenobia Zinnia
60→70 Alivo Bastille Coraline Costello Damian Dawn Dice Fem Hymn Infinitee Japhet Justine Kathniel Nelsie Sherlock Yeddah Zach
70→80 Brick Chu Connor Elise Emery Frente Lady Macauly Mayward Roseth Shaina Sola Tobin Yuda
80→90 Armani Delta Drip Kelsey Kian Leonard Liza Myrna Paxton
90→100 Anson Giv Slovene Spirit Sundae
100→110 Chill Push
110→100 Shelby
100→90 Apechi
90→80 Akio Arycris Balinger Issa Jerika Peura Raelynn Romeda Sarika Shefra Winter
80→70 Beluchi Fayre Heidi Judge Leica Lormil Munch Nayrobi Solovey Valentine
70→60 Abby Chansey Goen Jadis Tory
60→50 Archieven Dandelion Gwinnie Rollins Vortex
50→40 Alucard Cepheus Custodio Dolores Jaycel Kadita Niklaus Raisharen
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midnight-star-world · 4 years
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Chris Tomlin & Friends
So today on the MSR (Midnight Star Review), I will be talking about the latest album from Christian Music Singer Chris Tomlin.  This new album is titled "Chris Tomlin & Friends" which was released on Friday August 28th, 2020.  And this features a lot of help from both Country Music and the Christian Music worlds.
Chris Tomlin has been moving up the Country Music Airplay Charts lately with "Be a light" with Thomas Rhett, Keith Urban, Reba McEntire, & Hillary Scott of Lady A.  As I am writing this review that song is currently at number 2 on the charts.  And now more about the career of Chris in Christian music next.
Some of his greatest songs are "How great is our God", "Whom shall I fear (God of angel armies)", & "Good good father".  This current album was co-produced by Florida Georgia Line's (FGL) Brian Kelley, & Tyler Hubbard.  There are 13 tracks on this new project.  Let's talk next about some of the songs from the new CD.
Chris had help from both Country & Christian music on this album.  Names like Thomas Rhett, FGL, We the Kingdom, Lady A, Bear Rinehart from Needtobreathe, Brett Young, Cassadee Pope, Russell Dickerson, Raelynn, Chris Lane, & Blessing Offor.  Some of the songs that stand out are "Be the moon", "Together", & "Reaching for you".  And these songs were also co-wrote from many of our Country Music Friends.  Let's see the track list next.
Track list. 1. Thank you Lord (Intro). 2. Thank you Lord (Featuring Thomas Rhett, & Florida Georgia Line). 3. Reaching for you (Featuring We the Kingdom). 4. Who you are to me (Featuring Lady A). 5. God who listens (Featuring Thomas Rhett). 6. Power (Featuring Bear Rinehart from Needtobreathe). 7. Be the moon (Featuring Brett Young, & Cassadee Pope). 8. Sing (Featuring Russell Dickerson & Florida Georgia Line). 9. Chase me down (Featuring Raelynn). 10. Gifts from God (Featuring Chris Lane). 11. Forever home (Featuring Florida Georgia Line). 12. Together (Featuring Russell Dickerson). 13. Tin roof (Featuring Blessing Offor).
And on the MSR (Midnight Star Review), I would usually give this album a review at this time.  But on Christian albums I have decided to not give a review.  But this is a good album and if you are a fan of Country Music or Christian Music you should check it out.  There are a lot of stand out songs.  Thanks for taking the time to read this review.  See ya all next time.
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