#Lagoon Company member
colorfulfoxengineer · 8 months
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slowlypalewinner · 5 months
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cardinal-island · 7 months
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rocknroll7575 · 4 months
Jaune's Mom...
*RWBY+NPR eating lunch*
Ruby: Hey... Where's Jaune?
*Jaune bursting through the doors and running over to his friends*
Jaune: No! No! No! No! No!!! *Quickly hides amongst his friends*
Pyrrha: Jaune? What's wrong?
Jaune: M-My Mom's here in Vale and she wants to visit!
Weiss: How is that a bad thing?
Ruby: Yeah! What's wrong with your mom coming to visit?
Jaune: *looking at them terrified* You guys don't get it! Mom is the scariest woman on the planet! You think Goodwitch is terrifying!? Wait till you meet my mom! Oh I hope she doesn't bring them here as well!
Yang: *chuckles* Your mom's scarier then goodwitch? I ain't buying it VB
Jaune: Oh god she's here!
*Suddenly, the doors of the Cafeteria burst open and everyone turns to see a woman who had a grey military coat draped over her shoulders, underneath the coat was a red business suit with a tube skirt, see through leggings, and black high heels. On the right side of her face and neck was a large scar that covered a large portion of visage. Held in her mouth was a cigar that he took a large puff on before removing it from her mouth and letting out a large puff of smoke*
?: Jaune... I know you're here... Stand up so I can see you.
Jaune: *remains sitting down as he's sweating bullets*
Jaune: *Stands up* YES MA'AM!!!
*The Woman, who was no doubt Jaune's mother looks in his direction and and walks toward him, arriving behind her was a large man, who looked like the typical bodyguard with a scar going across his face, and behind him were four other people, who looked like an odd bunch*
?: *looks Jaune up and down* You seem to be doing well here... tell me, how's this place been treating you?
Jaune: Just fine!
?: Good, Ozpin hasn't done anything has he? Or what abut Glynda?
Jaune: *Shook his head* N-No! They've been really kind m-mom!
?: *smokes again* Good, now then... I think Revy has something to say to you *smirks*
Jaune: Oh god please-
*Jaune get's punched by a woman who who has dark red hair in a ponytail, wore a black tanktop and very short shorts*
Revy: Leave without saying goodbye huh!? Didn't even take those guns I bought for ya here! Ungrateful little shit!
Jaune: I-I'm sorry Aunt Revy!
Revy: You better! None of these little fucks better be a better shot then you, ya hear!?
Jaune: *nods rapidly*
Revy: Good!
Rock: *Sighs* Well at least that's over *Steps forward* How are you doing, Jaune?
Jaune: *Smiles at Rock* Doing great! Glad to see you again Uncle Rock!
Revy: Oh, you're happier to see me than him huh?
Jaune: *Nervous*
Dutch: Let the kid be, Revy, he's already having a heart attack as it is
Pyrrha: Um... excuse me? Who... are you?
?: *Looks at Pyrrha* You must be Pyrrha Nikos *Turns to Nora and Ren* That makes you Nora Valkyrie and Lie Ren
Pyrrha: Yes Ma'am
Nora: Right-o scary lady!
Ren: Nora...
Balalaika: *Smirks* A pleasure, you can address me as Ms. Balalaika, I'm Jaune's mother, as for the man with me, he's my bodyguard, and those four are Revy, Rock, Dutch, and Benny, members of the Black Lagoon company.
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bluwavez · 7 months
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"We're out of there," Finn Lee says in a selfie with Kiwoo outside of the Flowerbank Entertainment building. After months of a silent legal battle that erupted with the postponement of Noah Son's highly anticipated solo debut "GUILTY" also known as Flowerbank's Biggest Fumble that resulted in the idol exposing Flowerbank for improperly managing the once chart-dominating boy group.
Since DeepDive was acquired by Flowerbank in 2023, the group has had a singular comeback, which was later revealed to have been funded by the members themselves. The album "The Lagoon" would become the highest-selling boy group album under Flowerbank by selling an astounding 2,740,000 copies within the first day but that apparently didn't matter to the professional bag fumblers, Carmen and Iseul.
After the postponement of Guilty, Noah would file a lawsuit to terminate his contract with Flowerbank, backed by Son Jinhwa, the CEO of Mydol Entertainment, and his father. A day after Noah filed for contract termination, Finn Lee and Bae Kiwoo filed their notions for contract termination. Four days later, the rest of DeepDive Hwang Jisung, Jacob Lee, Kang Woobin, and Park Woojin would file to terminate their contracts, all being represented by Mydol-funded lawyers.
Just a few short weeks later, Flowerbank would relinquish all rights to DeepDive and release all seven members from their contracts. Within the same week, Sirens would be invited to attend DeepDive's Mydol contract signing, following the newly founded tradition of public contract signings
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All seven members of DeepDive would debut new hairstyles at their contract signings. Finn's new long blond look would cause mass hysteria on Twitter.
"It's an honor to have DeepDive back. We're already discussing their comeback and the release of Noah's solo mini album. Please, stay tuned and give them lots of love and support," Son Jinhwa would announce at the contract signing to the excitement of Sirens in the crowd.
A majority of the DeepDive members seemed pleased with the fourth company transfer of their long winded career. Kiwoo, Woojin, and Jacob remained silent on social media while the other four members would celebrate through Instagram posts.
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  [ +1029, -384 ] this group has been through seven wars, 24 different members, flopism, musical terrorism, and so much more
      [ +863, -271 ] flowerbank will burn for separating venus and deepdive...sick bitches
      [ +726, -485 ] mydol is going to try to buy venus next at this point lol
      [ +620, -139 ] jinhwa is such a good dad!! weird guy and a shotty business man but he loves his kids so much
      [ +578, -387 ] flowerbank is soooooo stupid for fumbling these guys. their one album under them literally outsold haute pink's entire career 💀
      [ +502, -208 ] FINN LOOKS SO GOOOOD!!
      [ +458, -139 ] why are we acting like jinhwa didn't verbally abuse these boys for years 😭 this is not a good thing and he should be in PRISON...
      [ +453, -87 ] do you realize how overworked they're going to be again? sirens hate these boys so much. why are they celebrating this??
      [ +324, -108 ] i cant believe the last venus and deepdive interaction we got was a stupid ass klara and jacob vlog...
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girlfriendsofthegalaxy · 11 months
tuesday again 11/7/2023
three days until my birthday problems. i have been very busy with 1) prepping my costume for ren faire and 2) onboarding a new henchwoman to the evil lair, a talented little tabby we're immediately extending full health benefits to with no trial period
good morning afternoon by rebecca sugar. if i had not already known it was rebecca sugar by the voice and the understated guitar, i would have known it was her by the gorgeous synthy chimey chimes. spotify
on my release radar playlist
stop fucking using personally identifiable details in your passwords. also stop reusing your passwords and burner emails. especially if you're doing crime
A pivotal clue for validating the research into Apathyp/Fearlless came from the identity intelligence firm myNetWatchman, which found that [email protected] at one time used the passwords “геззи1991” (gezze1991) and “gezze18081991.” Care to place a wager on when Vkontakte says is Mr. Sherban’s birthday? Ten points if you answered August 18 (18081991). Mr. Sherban did not respond to multiple requests for comment.
the 2006 anime BLACK LAGOON, we're going to yoink this from wikipedia bc it's serviceable enough
The series follows the Lagoon Company, a four-member team of pirate mercenaries smuggling goods in and around the seas of Southeast Asia with their PT boat, the Black Lagoon. The group takes on various jobs, usually involving criminal organizations and resulting in violent gunfights.
unfortunately i am genetically inclined to boats and ex-military boats. it is extremely 2006 in sensibility and animation choices. there are remarkably sophisticated and fun battle sequences, and a lot of ass but little upskirting. revy (pictured below) is a dual-wielding gunslinger who is simply the worst. horrible woman that gets space to have a bit of a messy complex character arc and have a messy complex time of it. her writing and character are quite good period, not just quite good for 2006. i adore her.
the second episode has our pirates take out a helicopter with a torpedo boat (no deck guns! they just use the torpedo!) in a way that made me stand up, lift mackintosh above my head, and hoot like a tusken raider.
this is about as violent as your average spaghetti western, and much like spaghetti westerns i don't think the series is always successful in using its setting to make points about grey morality and not like. shock for shock's sake? certainly one to look up trigger warnings for.
the why: now i have a bootleg chromecast i have been watching more things on my actual television, remembered "hey this exists on hulu why didn't i finish it several years ago". still not sure why i didn't finish this several years ago. i am pirating the second season, but it's the sub which is a shame bc i quite like the dubbed voice actors, but it's a nightmare trying to find a dub with subtitles. i rarely have the patience to fuss with my own subtitle files.
turnip boy commits tax evasion, a 2021 game that was recently free on Epic. it is the studio Snoozy Kazoo's first game. i had a very strange time with this, bc the first fifteen minutes up to the first boss fight lulled me into a sense of complacency and then the minute i had to do something slightly complicated at the first boss fight (pay attention to my timing) i lost interest. i don't know if i will return to this, bc the humor didn't always hit for me (extremely online, but twitter online) and there's a major genshin update later this week.
new evil lair employee, phil (short for philip marlowe)
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recap of tragic backstory: i had seen her Around for about a week or so, realized on friday night when i scared her out of the dumpster that she had something stuck to her, and didn't see her again until sunday night, when she was too lethargic to skitter away from the dumpster. she has a VERY gnarly wound on her left flank and leg, the urgent care vet thinks she got dragged or caught in something. it is healing remarkably well, all things considered, and it's not infected bc the thing stuck to her was some vetwrap. so someone at some point patched her up?
she is SO full of milk. i have not found the kittens but there are a Lot of strays in this neighborhood, so my hope is that some other momma cat has engaged in some kidnapping.
i have a formal vet appt on the 17th for mackie that ive added phil to, so we'll see about her heart murmur, if she has a microchip (unlikely) and getting her spayed after she heals up a bit more.
mackintosh is Fucking Pissed!!! we will do incredibly slow introductions and phil will probably live in the office/guest suite for. several months. i had not originally planned on adding another henchwoman so soon, but i do have the spare bedroom, the shelter wasn't doing intakes or clinic appointments until friday, and the wound. really could not have waited until friday. it was free cat.
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quinnysnursery · 21 days
Do you go to Disney World or Disneyland? What's the difference? What's your favorite ride?? Top 3 foods/snacks? What are the different parks? I always get confused.
(Notice how I know nothing about disney)
HAHAH, to be CLEAR it's bc my family member worked for the company so we got in free but now we have discounted tickets cuz of annual passes (quinny is NOT balling like that, sadly 💸)
we personally are a disney world family but i have been to disneyland twice!!
my favorite ride is big thunder mountain railroad but i am ITCHING to go on the new tiana ride!!
top three favorite snacks/foods are :
the lunch buffet at the crystal palace in magic kingdom (winnie the pooh and friends walk around while you eat, it's so cute)
2. smoked chimichurri-braised beef in the avatar section of animal kingdom
3. macaron lime raspery in the french pavilion at epcot!
and lock in bc i'm about to answer the all the park question,
so the entire disneyworld property holds four main THEME parks, not including the two water parks.
these parks are :
magic kingdom (THE disney park, complete with the castle.)
epcot (tbh this is more of an "food and view" kind of park, and i know a lot of kids get bored here but personally growing up autistic it was my favorite. it showcases 11 different countries cultures, foods, etc.)
animal kingdom (disney themed zoo tbh, cool for avatar fans)
hollywood studios (most loved by star wars fans)
disney ALSO has a shopping center that anyone can go to called "Disney Springs" formally known as "Downtown Disney".
the two waterparks i've never personally been too bc i can't swim 😔 but they are called Typhoon Lagoon and Blizzard Beach.
ALSO on the disney world property is TONS of resorts with a ton of amazing amenties, as well as an ESPN sports complex (i've never been, but it seems cool) and a stable where all the horses used for the parades are kept and cared for by experts and you can go on horseback rides!
(i'm sure there is way more that i'm forgetting but yeah, that's the quinny rundown)
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landboundstar · 11 months
From Ghoulies And Ghosties Part 5
Been awhile, but have been working on this and some other works in progress as well as life and tending to the plot bunnies.
Magic normally requires preparation, time, and energy.
That explains half the random shite I carry around with me.
I love when I don't have to do anything to get ready for a ritual.
It is rare. And I can barely manage in my own flat.
But Gotham had a ready made space, perfect to summon who I needed.
The little wildflower reclamation project looked pristine and untouched even when the concrete barriers and basketball courts yards away were covered in detritus and drug paraphernalia.
I was happy to see that met with the Jolly Green Giant's approval.
Okay, he looked more like a leafy cross between the Jolly Green Giant and something from the Black Lagoon, but even I don't look my best when I get unannounced company.
"John." He nodded in acknowledgment.
I nodded back. "Alan." I used his name, rather than his moniker or title. And people claim I have no manners?
The fact it let me speak to the spark of humanity inside of my eldritch friend was just a nice bonus.
He looked around. "Why the nice place, John?"
*Normally, you are using a potted plant. Today, a fully reclaimed wild space? John, you are a good friend. I appreciate what you have done for Abby and me in the past. But, I am not - how do you put it? Down to -"
Do a fertility rite for an eldritch swamp being just once and they never let you forget it.
"That's not what I need. It's about the job I am working. Why I am in Gotham borrowing one of Ivy's pet projects."
"Ah." Alan nodded sagely. "That explains why the plants are so nice and clean. So this isn't a hookup?"
"Maybe another time, but I'm currently on the clock. My current client is having me trying to help with a Gotham based problem. So, I was looking into all the extra magic in Gotham, like where it is coming from. It isn't the magic that is native to Gotham. Or the swamp. I checked."
Alan shook his head. "I cannot help you follow it, since it is of the red and the gray not the green."
"But, if you are guarding Slaughter Swamp and the magic reaches there, you could trace the threat. Since you speak for the trees, right?"
"That is a bit of a stretch, since I don't think it is targeting trees. But Slaughter Swamp can be problematic and does not need to have any more magical complications. And as a fellow Justice League member, I should tell you if there is a problem outside of the realm of the green that needs your assistance." He nodded. "I can work with this. I will help you."
"And what will you be doing?"
"Well, they hired an investigator. So I will be investigating. I'm afraid this is turning into the trope and I'm going to have to cher chez le femme."
"And Batman is okay with this?"
I smiled, and I knew it wasn't a nice smile.
"Who said I was the only detective who would have to cher chez le femme?"
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my-anime-list · 9 months
Black Lagoon: The Second Barrage
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Once known as Okajima Rokuro, but now going by the moniker 'Rock', this Japanese businessman endured the typical mistreatment of his trade. His life took a dramatic turn when, during a routine business trip, he was kidnapped and ransomed by the Lagoon Company; a band of mercenary pirates operating within the anarchic metropolis of Roanapur. Left for dead by his former employers, he became a member of the very group that once held him captive. Negotiating the treacherous political landscape of the criminal underworld has now become his livelihood, all while avoiding the wrath of his trigger-happy co-worker, 'Two Hand' Revy.
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violetsandshrikes · 2 years
Southern Lagoon lies on Belize’s central coast and sustains a large breeding population of manatees, fish, birds and other wildlife that supports the local community and attracts tourists.
The limestone hills adjacent to it have also drawn the attention of Vulcan Materials, an Alabama-based company that wants to mine the hills for limestone to ship to the U.S., after its mine in Quintana Roo was shuttered by the Mexican Government for environmental degradation.
Community resistance to the planned mine and its likely negative effects on the area’s natural beauty and tourism economy has been increasing: the nation’s Prime Minister and three members of the House of Representatives also oppose it, yet the company continues to pursue it.
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colorfulfoxengineer · 7 months
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Sunset lightened Revy
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slowlypalewinner · 1 year
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orphancookie69 · 10 months
Nintendo Switch: DDLV-A Rift In Time...Part 1!
Where I thought this was going to be Update #6, it is taking a path all its own and happening at the same time as Update #6. Let's jump in.
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Before the Update: So, there is a lot to unpack in just one image. Left to right. Left, you see the vitalys crystals found in the mines. Waterfalls and the almost antlantean rocks. I would love that snake as a pet. A sand land, Jafar was teased at the end and he does come Arabia. The castle from Aladdin is in the center. Shifting right you have Tangled house, with the main character from tangled below. You see wall-e's garden, but you also see Eve. I would love for wall-e to have his other half. You see the encanto house, not that I saw the movie or generally liked that-but that is a large family as far as I know. Maybe we get another family member? I almost forgot about Gaston, glad to see more characters from that story coming. He could look better. The staff tool looks original. I can't place the animal on the right. I can't place the boat but some have said it's Typhoon Lagoon, Tarzan, or Jungle Cruise. Maybe Mickey's ship? New realms means new flowers and seeds and foods. Also, THE MONKEY.
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Welcome to Eternity Isle: So there is a lot to unpack here. First off, check your mailbox. There will be some intended and unintended goodies in there. This is somewhat story based, you will need to have completed a couple of missions (4 or so that show up more in the beginning of the game) that you need to be able to start your journey to Eternity Isle. You talk to Jafar via a holographic device. Merlin shows you how to get there. (I was so surprised when I saw it, the developers are being very smart in leaving so many future options open for this game)
Once you get there, You see mostly what we saw in the preview as a video. The first area is ancients landing. This is essentially another valley but its smaller (and called an isle). It functions not unlike your valley, but with different everything. Animals, fruits, trees, crystals, spices, etc. You do have a copy of your house there-which begs the question-should storage be inside your house to transfer to both areas better? You follow the story and most of what you need to know is explained as you go.
Characters can come and go to both locations. Mickey introduces a game you can play with villagers, seems chess like. I have not played this yet but plan to next time I jump on. You have Eve, Gaston, and Rapunzel on this side to meet and level up. You can house them here or in the valley. There is a restaurant from Remy to work on, stalls for goofy, and a shop for Scrooge.
I personally really like it so far. A lot of content now, and coming up, for the price. It is hard to imagine how much it cost behind the scenes to make this. Yes, at some point the company will profit-but if they do not, they go out of business-and if we want to play games we need the company around. Next update is in Spring of 2024, part 2-the spark of Imagination. What part of this do you love so far?
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odd8ball · 2 years
A Pirates life for Peter Pan (Pirate Peter au)
Peter wasn't sure how long he had been on Neverland, or even how he figured out happy thoughts made him fly but he was having a pretty good time. He felt as though he always had been on the island, of course trying to remember what life was like before made him sad. That stopped the idea of remembering as soon as it started.
Sure he was bit lonely sometimes but he was sure if he got lost enough to end up on an island it was only a matter of time before he found company. Sure enough he saw an interesting looking pirate ship sail inside skull rock. With a pep in his step Peter clumsily stumbled into floating flapping his arms like a bird.
Peter made a bit of a habit to hide behind a the ships sail and listen in on the crew. Of course Peter wasn't sure what he would do if he was caught something that became a problem when the captain named James who Peter happened to be following as he walked along the beach spotted him and Peter's spike of fear led to him falling into the water. From the captains perspective he must have looked like he fell out of the tree.
To Peter's surprise James fished him out of the water before he began to drown. "State your name." James said unamused. "Peter Pan." Peter said with a salute and a smile not really picking up on the tension of being caught by someone who pillages for a living. "Why were you watching me?" James asked. "You go on a lot of adventures and I want to go on adventures to." Peter responded. James decided to soften his approach realizing the boy wasn't a threat. "Where are your parents?" James asked. "What are those?" Peter asked.
James put Peter down letting go on his shirt collar. "How long have you been here?" He asked. Peter shrugged not really trying to remember. "How old are you?" James asked amazed a scruffy looking child survived alone with no supervision on an island. "Seven." Peter said proudly. No doubt the kid wouldn't survive much longer on his own, and James could always use more crew members.
"How would you like some new clothes and a place to sleep?" James asked ruffling the boys hair. "Will you teach me to sword fight?" Peter asked excited. "All in good time Peter, you certainly have the right spirit." James said discreetly wiping his hand on a rock to get the oily gross feeling of the boys hair off his hand.
"Now before we go back to the ship you must swear your loyalty to me as a member of my crew!" James said feeding into Peter's adventurous spirit. "I do captain!" Peter said with a salute once again feeling like he could fly forever. "For as long as you live?" James asked. Peter nodded excited and James grabbed Peter's hand that wasn't as grimy as usual after he fell into the lagoon. "Then we sail at dawn!" James said playful and adventurous leading Peter to meet the crew.
The boy was far from experienced and James wasn't sure how the crew would react. Then Again James was only sixteen when he started sailing with his mother and he juggled school on top of that. No doubt Peter would do fine although a bit of training wouldn't hurt. If there was one thing James was good at it was planning, and a loyal member of his crew who owed him a life debt was good long term planning for any pirate captain.
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@chaosgremlin95 @tragicbeauty1991
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docpiplup · 1 year
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New upcoming period drama: Operación Barrio Inglés
Co-produced by RTVE with Onza (El Ministerio del Tiempo, Parot, Hernán) and the Andalusian production company Emociona Media, filming begins for Operación Barrio Inglés, a new intrigue drama for the TV channel La 1.
Spies, Nazis, British and a risky love story set in Huelva in 1940, a city where the conflicts of World War II are reproduced on a smaller scale.
World War II has just broken out.
Although Spain is "neutral" under Franco's dictatorship, Huelva is a strategic enclave to control the ships of both sides that cross the strait. In addition, it has an important British colony. For this reason, the Germans send members of the Secret Service to control what happens in the city, especially in the mines in the province of Huelva, owned by the English, and which provide Great Britain with ore for weapons and artillery.
In this way, Huelva becomes a veritable nest of spies from both sides, among whom the young Lucía is forced to move. She has just turned 25 and has been hired by an English mining company to work in their offices as a secretary.
There she meets the company's manager, Peter, an attractive Englishman with a dark past who drags Lucía into an adventure in which she will be forced to take sides. When you're in the middle of a war, being neutral is not an option.
Data Sheet
Executive Producer: Gonzalo Crespo Gil, José María Irisarri, Pilar Crespo, Gonzalo Sagardía, Clara Almagro, Santiago de la Rica
RTVE executive production: Borja Gálvez
Production Director: Onil Ganguly Directed by: Chiqui Carabante José Ramón Ayerra
Plot direction: Manuel Ríos San Martín Screenwriters: Manuel Ríos San Martín, Victoria Dal Vera, José Ortuño, Virginia Yagüe, Pablo Tobías and Tatiana Rodríguez
Photo Direction: Dani Salo (A.E.C.) and Alejandro Espadero (A.E.C.)
Art Direction: Hector Bertrand
Casting Direction: Juana Martínez
Music: Pablo Cervantes
Wardrobe: Matías Martini
Makeup and hairdressing: Anabel Beato
The series will star Aria Bedmar (Lucía), Peter Vives (Peter) and Rubén Cortada (Francisco).
The cast is completed by Paco Tous (José), Juan Gea (Enrique), Bea Arjona (Amparo), María Morales (Cinta), Chiqui Fernández (Rocío), Kimberley Tell (Agatha), Aida Ballmann (Miss Eva), Silvia Hanneman (Hanna), Yan Tual (Victor), Sue Flack (Miss Parker), Marco Cáceres (Juan), Almagro San Miguel (Toni), Carla Nieto (Sylvia), Ángela Chica (Belén), Clara Navarro (Rebeca), Fran Cantos (Oskar), Stefan Weinert (Schneider), Kevin Brand (Kurt), Frank Feys (Edward), Craig Stevenson (Goodwill), Edu Rejón (Gianni), Gregor Acuña (Dieter), José Luis Rasero (Civil Guard Captain), Gonzalo Trujillo (German Consul), Ken Appledorn (English ambassador) and Carlos Olalla (Father Damián), among others.
Operation Barrio Inglés will have as its settings the old dock of the English mining company and the area of ​​Tinto River and its open-pit mines, as well as the Bellavista neighborhood in the town of Minas de Riotinto, the port of Punta Umbría and the Mazagón beach in Huelva. In Sevilla, among other locations, it will be shot at the Monsalves Palace, and in other areas of the city and province, and also in different parts of Jerez de la Frontera.
About the mines and their location:
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This is the Tinto river, its waters are red due to the high concentration of sulfur and iron oxides in the land (it happens the same with the red lagoon of Mazarrón's mines, Murcia), although it's duscussed if the mining activity has been increasing this characteristic, its water are very acid and are poluted with heavy metals.
The Tinto river (ancient name: Luxia) starts its flow in the Aracena Mountain Range and after 100 km joins the Odiel river (ancient name: Urium) at the height of the city of Huelva.
The mines have been exploited since pre-roman era, by Iberians and Tartessians, to obtein iron, copper, magnesium, silver and gold, which improved trading with the Phoenician, Carthaginian, and Greek colonies that were near to this site (in fact, the city of Huelva was founded by Phoenicians, and it was called Onuba), and eventually the Carthaginians took control of the mines after their expansion throughthe Iberian peninsula. Later, it became one of the most important mining areas of the Roman Empire.
By end of the 19th century, due to económico crisis the Spanish government sold several mines to English Companies, and one of them was the Riotinto mines, who were bought by the Rio Tinto Company Limited (RTC) in 1873, as they were looking for metals that were very demanded in the country due to its high industrialization (in contrast, in Spain the industrialization was scarce and the two main regions in which it was developed were Catalonia and Basque Country)
The RTC was the builder and owner of the railway line that connected the mines with the port of Huelva, where it built a mineral dock to facilitate the unloading and transport of the extracted material by sea to England.
In Riotinto, the luxurious and exclusive neighborhood of Bellavista was built for English personnel, it was a Victorian-style neighborhood that was endowed with tennis courts, golf courses, its own cemetery, a Social Club or even a Presbyterian church.
Huelva capital will also develop under the English influence. The numerous workshops and facilities built by the RTC that gave work to more than seven hundred workers, such as the railway station, changed the appearance of the city and contrasted with the rise of a new bourgeoisie of both Spaniards and foreigners who found themselves linked to the company. The power of the company became such in the city that civil buildings depended on the interests of the company.
Proof of this are the Reina Victoria neighborhood, as a garden city that welcomed part of its employees; the construction of Casa Colón, which ended up becoming the headquarters for the company's offices; the disappeared English Hospital; or the gigantic mineral pier located on the Odiel River. The English population introduced football, being the Huelva Football Club the first football team in Spain, founded in 1889.
In Punta Umbría, the British managers of the Rio Tinto Company Limited (RTC) erected rest areas for their employees. Since 1883 some constructions were carried out in the area, in wood and of the bungalow type, but it would not be until 1896 when the RTC was granted the possibility of establishing houses in this area, to which many RTC employees and their families went in summer to the beach through the Riotinto railway.
In 1943, the corpse of Glyndwr Michael, a Welsh homeless, disguised as a British Marine oficer called William Martin with information about a fake plan of the Allies to attack Greece was found drowned near the coast of Huelva, in Punta Umbría. This was part of the Operation Mincemeat to distract the Nazis and attack Sicily instead. Operation Mincemeat was a important plot in episode 3×02, Tiempo de Espías, from El Ministerio del tiempo. Well, although in the episode the original Operation is cancelled and a character named William Martin later takes the place of the original "William Martin", so the Operation success.
Years later, in 1954 the Riotinto mines returned to national property, under the CEMRT (Compañía Española de Minas de Río Tinto)
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crossoverworldtree · 2 years
Black Lagoon Company
Why, When, and What: A Mercenary Transport Company in the crime-ridden city of Roanapur in the South Seas.  Just a group of people trying to survive in a dog-eat-dog world.
Clout: Criminal 2, Financial 1, Governmental 1 (4) Locations: One Medium Location (1), Physical Security 1 (Total: 1 (2-1 from Financial Clout)) Gear: Computers 2, Workshop 2, Company Car (0), Tricked Out PT Boat (2), Weapons (Paramilitary) (3) (Total: 5 (9-4 from clout) Total Cost: 10
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Rebecca a.k.a. Revy, "Two Hands" Date of Birth: 1977 Motivation: Hide with Violence and Booze Critter Type: Human Attributes: Str 3, Dex 6, Con 5, Int 2, Per 3, Will 4 Ability Scores: Muscle 12, Combat 18, Brains 12 Life Points: 57 Drama Points: 10 Special Abilities: Criminal, Severe Cruelty, Secret (Childhood Trauma), Covetous (Greed), Obsession (Mild, Guns), Hard to Kill 5, Resistance (pain) 5, Nerves of Steel, Fast Reaction Time, Minority (Southern Chinese-American Atheist), Attractiveness +3, Addiction (Alcohol and Cigarettes), Adversary (NYPD wants her for a whole laundry list of things, many others) 4, Severe Cruelty, Emotional Problems (Anger, Fear of Commitment), Love (Tragic), KI + 2, Martial Travels (Beginner), Ambidextrous, Honorable (Minimal), Contacts (Criminal) 3, Delusions (Nihilism), Martial Philosophy (Pistolero) Name - Score - Damage - Notes Punch - 18 - 11 - Bash Kick - 17 - 13 - Bash Pistol - 18 - 12 - Bullet Big Pistol - 18 - 15 - Bullet Huge Pistol - 18 - 18 - Bullet Grenade Launcher - 18 - 30/15/5 - Bash Anti-Tank Gun - 18 - 50 - Explosive, AP 6 Ki - 14 - Varies - By Ability Revy is the team's "muscle" and gunwoman of the Black Lagoon Company. Not much is known about her past, but what is known and generally accepted as a reason not to prod is that it was not pretty. A normal, loving childhood could not produce this monstrous fighter. She was born in Manhattan's Chinatown; Revy is known to have been a thief and a murderer from a very young age. Rough, quick to anger, and completely numb to the violence she often inflicts at random; she also revels in high combat.  She does not want to admit it, but she has a crush on Rock (surprising, since she nearly shot him in the head multiple times and took the longest to accept him as a crew member). Seeing him work to help other people makes her want to be helped by him. But she is the one who helped him, so he doesn't realize what she truly wants.
It's awkward. Known Ki: Acrobatic Multi-Tasking, As the Water Flows, Breather, Bullet Disarm, Bullet Snatch, Hail Mary Run, Hand Cannon, Healing Ki, Ki Speed, No Need to Draw, Piercing Strike, Speed Reload, Wall Walk
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Rokuro "Rock" Okajima Date of Birth: 1975 Motivation: Get by in New Life Critter Type: Human Attributes: Str 2, Dex 3, Con 4, Int 4, Per 4, Will 3 Ability Scores: Muscle 10, Combat 12, Brains 16 Life Points: 34 Drama Points: 10 Special Abilities: Nerd, Resistance (Alcohol) 5, Honorable (Serious), Good Luck 10, Adversary (Incidental), Knowledge (Refined things) +2, Languages (English, Japanese, Mandarin, Russian, Spanish), Minority (Japanese), Addiction (Cigarettes, mild alcohol), Attractiveness +2, Love (Tragic) Name - Score - Damage - Notes Dodge - 15 - None – Full Defense Action A Japanese Salaryman who found himself on a pirate ship, he still keeps an air of cleanliness and sophistication about him (which irks Revy somewhat. He still won't wear that Hawaiian Shirt she got him...), which aids in getting certain jobs. He has many odd bits of information floating around his head from his former life and is rather good at assessing situations. He's grown accustomed to his new life though.
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Dutch Date of Birth: 1975 Motivation: Keep the crew going Critter Type: Human Attributes: Str 5, Dex 4, Con 4, Int 3, Per 3, Will 4 Ability Scores: Muscle 18, Combat 16, Brains 14 Life Points: 65 Drama Points: 10 Special Abilities: Ex-Soldier (?), Resistance (pain) 5, Nerves of Steel, Fast Reaction Time, Crime +2, Hard to Kill 5, Minority (Black), Honorable (minimal), Contacts (Criminal 5), Adversary (US Military), Addiction (Cigarettes), Attractiveness +1 Name - Score - Damage - Notes Punch - 16 - 16 - Bash Pistol - 16 - 22 – Bullet Shotgun - 16 - 24 - Bullet The ubiquitous captain of the Black Lagoon. He claims he is a Vietnam vet who went AWOL and acted as a mercenary for a while before forming his own company. He rarely does that sort of thing these days, working more through his contacts in Hotel Moscow and with the Triad. He’ll take any job offered and get it done.
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Benny Date of Birth: 1978 Motivation: Day to Day Living, Technology Critter Type: Human Attributes: Str 1, Dex 3, Con 3, Int 5, Per 2, Will 3 Ability Scores: Muscle 8, Combat 10, Brains 16 Life Points: 26 Drama Points: 10 Special Abilities: Nerd, Criminal, Nerves of Steel, Minority (Jewish American), Contacts (Hackers), Adversary (FBI, Mafia), Addiction (Cigarettes), Love (Janet "Greenback Jenny" Bhai), +2 Computers, Attractiveness +1 Name - Score - Damage - Notes Dodge - 13 - None - Full Defense Action Benny is the Hacker, Computer Expert, and Repairman for Black Lagoon. He dropped out of college (in Florida), managed to piss off the FBI and Mafia at the same time, and would have died if not for Revy. He followed her to the Black Lagoon company and stuck with it since then. Very laid-back and easy-going guy, like Rock, he doesn't get into any gunfights and travels unarmed.
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