#Later. i will do it Later. for now i gotta get my day started 😌
orcelito · 5 months
I biked a cumulative over an hour yesterday. Which normally isn't that much for me. But I have not been biking much at all over the past 3 months, so I can FEEL the strain from it.
It's OK, I'll just take it easy until Saturday, when I will be going Hiking and will Also be doing a lot of physical activity 😂😂 at the very least biking for over an hour shows I can still Do the physical activity, even if I end up a bit more out of breath than normal
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chelseachilly · 8 months
my captain
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pairing: reader x ben chilwell summary: literally just fluff celebrating ben leading the team out again and chels winning the semi final 😌 warnings: none word count: 1.7k
author's note: hope you enjoy, literally wrote this in like 30 mins so forgive any typos hahah
In all the years you’ve known and loved Ben Chilwell, it’s never gotten any easier seeing him struggle with injuries. 
It still hurts every time you watch him limp off the pitch, seeing both the physical and emotional pain behind his eyes. But it fills you with unimaginable pride the way he always works relentlessly to return to playing for his club. He never gives up, even when a lot of people would - he hardly even complains, though you’re always there when he needs to vent. 
Truthfully, you’re glad to listen to him and drive him to physio appointments and do everything in your power to make him feel better, because there isn’t really much else you can do. It’s an unfortunate reality of football that there are always going to be injuries, and some players suffer more than others.
These trials and tribulations only make it that much sweeter when you finally get to see your man back to doing what he loves. 
They also make you feel exceptionally proud when your boyfriend comes home from training and tells you that he’s back in the starting lineup for the semi-final against Middlesborough tomorrow, back to captaining the team. 
After you celebrate - which consists of lots of sweet kisses and watching one of Ben’s favourite films, since you can’t properly celebrate the night before a match - you spend the night cuddling and wake up wrapped in Ben’s arms with him pressing kisses to the back of your neck.
“Good morning, baby,” you murmur, reaching back to comb your fingers through his hair. You kind of love how long he’s let it grow out since he’s been in recovery, especially in the morning when it’s all messy and fluffy. “Happy game day.”
“Morning, love,” Ben says, gently guiding you to roll
over and face him. 
You love seeing that familiar twinkle back in his eyes, knowing that he gets to play the game he loves today. 
“You ready for tonight?”
“Mhm,” he mumbles with a kiss to your lips. “I have a good feeling about it.”
“So do I,” you whisper between kisses, shifting closer to him and smiling as his hand slides down your hip and pulls your leg over his. “You’re gonna kill it.”
Ben grins and pulls you even closer, gently nudging your nose with his before diving in for another kiss, then another; then another. You sink into the blissful wake-up he’s giving you, soft moans leaving your lips as his hands roam your body.
Unfortunately, it can’t go much further - both because of his game later, and because you’ve already had a bit of a lie in and you know it’s time to get ready for the day. 
“What time do you have to be at the Bridge?” you ask him as you reluctantly part and rest your chin on his bare chest. 
You’ve gotten used to going to his games together while he’s been out, but now that he’s back to playing and needing to be there early for warmups, you’re going with Alex, Tom, and some of your other friends. 
“Not til five, but I have a haircut scheduled in a couple hours,” he tells you, making you frown slightly. 
“I like your longer hair,” you pout, continuing to run your hand through it. “It’s cute.”
“Sorry, babe, gotta look fresh for my first game back in the starting lineup,” Ben apologizes with another kiss to your pouted lips. “I won’t go too much shorter, promise. Just a trim.”
“You better not,” you murmur against his lips before pulling away, much to his chagrin. “Let’s go make some breakfast, you need fuel for later.”
After you’ve made some smoothies, as well as eggs and turkey bacon for Ben, you enjoy a nice, leisurely breakfast together before facing the day. 
You know you probably won’t have time to see Ben before the game by the time you arrive at the stadium, so you kiss him for luck before he goes. Once he’s got his shoes and jacket on, you wrap your arms around his neck and press your lips to his.
“Good luck tonight, Benji,” you say softly, brushing your thumb over his cheek. “Can’t wait to watch you remind everyone how good you are.”
Ben’s smile doesn’t reach his eyes, and though you know how eager he was to be back, you also know he’s nervous about letting the team and the fans down when they have a chance at a trophy.
“You’re amazing, Ben,” you remind him. “And if you need a reminder of how incredible you are, just look up at your box and you’ll see your biggest fan cheering her arse off for you.”
His grin widens at that, and he squeezes your waist gently. 
“I love you,” he says quietly. “I’ll see you after the game, yeah?”
You nod with a smile. “I love you too.”
Ben pecks your lips one more time and takes one last good look at you, still wearing only his t-shirt and your underwear, before he heads out the door. 
You spend the rest of your day doing some chores around the house until it’s time for you to get ready, doing your hair and makeup before changing into Ben’s jersey and some jeans. You’ve always adored wearing his name on your back, but never more than on nights like tonight. 
Alex comes over a bit before you have to leave, and the two of hang out for a while before catching an Uber to the stadium.
Stamford Bridge is full of life tonight in a way you haven’t really seen in over a year now, and you hope that it’s a good thing - a sign that things are finally starting to turn around for Chelsea. You meet Tom, Harvey, and a few other friends in the hospitality box and catch up over some drinks. 
You all take your seats before the game starts, and your heart swells with pride as you watch Ben lead the team out onto the pitch for the first time in months. 
“Come on, babe,” you whisper under your breath as the whistle blows and play begins.
To your massive delight, what follows is Ben having one of the best games you’ve seen in his career. His passing accuracy is nearly perfect, he nearly scores in the first 15 minutes and sets up the first goal of the match only a few minutes later. You can tell how delighted he is to be back out there as Chelsea scores goal after goal, his pure joy obvious as he celebrates with his teammates. 
In addition to his skill and experience, you can see the impact his leadership is making on this young squad. Nothing makes you prouder than how much time and effort he puts into supporting and encouraging the younger players, and you know how much he loves doing it.
When he’s subbed off in the 65th minute, you’re relieved that he isn’t pushing his limits too soon after coming back, and even more relieved that he’s walking off with a smile on his face instead of pain behind his eyes. 
As he’s clapping the fans on his way to the bench, he blows a kiss up at where he knows you’re sitting. Even though you know he probably can’t see you, you blow one right back. 
The rest of the game passes and Chelsea emerge victorious with six goals to show for it, a very welcome turnaround from the first leg of the semi final. You’re buzzing with excitement to see him, so you and the rest of the group head down to the players lounge shortly after the whistle blows to wait for him.
It takes a bit longer than you’d like for him to do interviews and get changed, but when you finally see him emerge, freshly showered and wearing in his Chelsea joggers and matching hoodie, you run straight toward him.
Ben smiles as soon as he sees you and opens his arms to catch you as you throw yours around his neck and bury your face in his neck.
“Hi, gorgeous,” he murmurs into your hair. “Did you enjoy the game?”
“Of course I did, you were bloody brilliant,” you tell him in no uncertain terms. “And on your first start back? You’re amazing, Ben Chilwell.” 
Ben pulls back, beaming at you with slightly flushed cheeks.
“It’s all cause of you, you know,” he says quietly, thumbs stroking your waist. “I wouldn’t have the strength to keep going every time without you. Every game, every time I wear the armband, every time I score a goal, it’s all for you.”
You don’t necessarily agree with him, since you think he’s one of the strongest people you know and you wouldn’t dare take credit for any of his success, but his words are so sweet that you can’t possibly dispute them.
“I’m so happy you’re back, baby,” you tell him softly, running your fingers through his hair that you’re grateful he didn’t get cut much shorter. “Oh, and that absolutely should’ve been a penalty in the first half. And giving Misha a yellow for complaining? I don’t know what that ref was thinking.”
Ben chuckles, obviously not overly fussed about it since they won comfortably in the end, but loving your passion for the game as always.
“I love you so damn much,” he grins, not giving you the chance to reply before grabbing your face and kissing you lovingly. 
You kiss him back with just as much affection, sinking into his warmth.
“Love you too, captain,” you smile after pulling away, squeezing his bicep where the armband rested earlier. “Now, let’s go home. I bet you need a rest after that.”
Ben nods gratefully, obviously exhausted from the most minutes he’s played since September, and wraps his arm around your shoulders so you can make your way over to bid your friends goodbye. His hand lightly grazes his last name on your back as you speak with them, never getting tired of seeing you wear it.
It’s nearly midnight by the time you get home and get ready for bed, curling up under your comfy duvet and reaching out for Ben immediately. 
As your arms and legs tangle and your head finds its place on his chest, you murmur how proud you are of him one more time before drifting off into a blissful sleep.
a/n: please let me know what you thought, your feedback makes my day!! 😊
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blackwolfstabs · 11 months
30 Day Writing Challenge: Day 13
Sam is notorious for struggling with modern text language, memes, etc. and is always teased for doing so, but when she misspells a word on the same token, the rest of the Core Four can't let her live it down. (AU: Dead characters are alive)
Primary help from @samcscreams, @dreamersbcll, & @zombiemeadow Other contributing writers: @alkivm & @fantasylandbitch - ty so much for the help!! i couldn't have written it without each of you ♡
Core 4 ❤️‍🔥💪
Sam: Guys, I gotta question.
Mindy: What’s up??
Chad: Shoot
Tara: what is it?????
Sam: What does “IDK, LY,” and “TTYL” mean?
Tara: I don’t know, love you, talk to you later
Sam: Ok, love you too Tara ❤️ Chad, Mindy, do either of you know??
Mindy: omg 😂
Chad: I don’t know, love you, and talk to you later
Sam: Oh ok. Wow I guess I asked at a bad time. Everyone’s busy haha
Mindy: NO SAM THAT’S WHAT THEY MEAN!!! IDK means “I don’t know”, LY means “love you”, and TTYL is “talk to you later” 🤣🤣🤣
Tara: lmfao DUHHHH
Chad: #sendhelp4sam
Sam: Fuck..
Mindy: Girl keep up!! 
Tara: that’s hard for her bc she wasn’t born in this century. she’s like lowkey a boomer fr
Mindy: Ahhh right
Tara: ok, boomer
Mindy: just by a year, barely
Chad: wait… Sam are you related to Uncle Sam????
Sam: Are you serious… no, I’m not..
Mindy: OK gotta agree with Boomer Sam here. Just because they have the same name doesn’t mean they’re related, dingus
Sam: Stop.
Tara: lol “boomer sam”
Sam: . . . . .
Chad: 21th century got ur tongue there, old timer?? 😂
Tara: nah her dentures probably fell out
Sam: You don’t need your mouth to fucking text…
Tara: ah my bad, then is it the arthritis?
Mindy: Bet it’s the arthritis 100%
Sam: That’s not funny.
Mindy: No, T, don’t shout out her, you know how the ol’ elders feel about loud and obnoxious noises 
Chad: OHHH Sam’s that old fish from that one episode of spongebob that kept yelling “Too loud! Still too loud!” it’s so sam-coded 🫡
Tara: ahahahahaha fr tho!!!!
Sam: No, it’s ducking not.
Sam: *fucking
Chad: Ducking??????? DUCKING???!!!!!
Tara: poor thing hasn’t gotten reading glasses yet. I told u to get some a looooooonnngg time ago Sam! did u seriously forget again?? 
Sam: Give me a break, it was autocorrect…
Mindy: Uh.. of course she did! She probably hasn’t refilled her dementia medication yet smh
Chad: *WOULD YOU GUYS STOP?! - You forgot the question mark there, senior citizen
Chad: Now, she can’t grammar correctly.. Someone get her Life Alert before she does anything else!!!!! 
Sam: Fuck you.
Chad: Hey hey easy, I’m just respecting my elders 😌
Sam: You’re not even using correct grammar either so stfu.
Tara: oh man, I hope you’re sitting down, Sam. don’t want u getting so worked up that u fall and break a hip.. 🫣
Mindy: emphasized “Hey hey easy, I’m just respecting my elders 😌”
Mindy: replied to “Hey hey easy, I’m just respecting my elders 😌”: Oh my God, THAT’S IT!!!
Mindy named the group chat “Granny Sam’s LifeAlert Team 🚑🏥”
Mindy changed Sam’s contact name to “Granny Sam 🧓”
Mindy changed the group chat photo.
Chad: 👏👏👏
Mindy: Yesss! We must protect Granny Sam, she’s quite frail after all 🙏
Tara: true, very true
Granny Sam 🧓: 🖕🖕🖕
Chad: rude.
Mindy: Don’t take it personal. She’s just cranky because she hasn’t had her afternoon nap. Who wants to volunteer to take her to bed???
Tara: nose goes! 🫢
Chad: Not it!!
Granny Sam 🧓: I swear to God if I hear someone outside my door, I’ll fucking show you how to take it personal, starting with you, Tara.
Granny Sam 🧓: How’s THAT for cranky?
Chad: Oooooohhhh she mad now…
Mindy: It’s fine. By the time she would get across the room, she’d probably have to sit down. Bad back and everything yk?? Old people probs 🤷‍♀️
Granny Sam 🧓: Ok, Tara, you can thank Mindy because she just took your place in being the one I beat the shit out of first.
Tara: Thx Mindy, love u 🩷
Mindy: Is that supposed to scare me, grandma?
Granny Sam 🧓: It should.
Granny Sam 🧓: Change my name back. Change the group name back. And change the goddamn picture back!
Mindy: Uhhhh excuse you… magic word???
Granny Sam 🧓: Are you serious?
Mindy: Damn straight.
Granny Sam 🧓: Fine.
Granny Sam 🧓: Please.
Mindy: Nah, I’m good
Granny Sam 🧓: MINDY
Chad: I’m finna bet money. Fight! Fight! Fight!
Mindy: Okay, but I hope you have medicaid, Ms. Nancy Loomis II
Granny Sam 🧓: THAT’S IT
Tara: O-O 
Tara: shit just got real
Chad: yep. U shouldn’t have brought her real grandma into it.. It was nice knowing u, Mindy 💀
Tara: rip 🪦💐
Mindy: Okay guys, send help. I actually think she might be coming to kill me…
Tara added Billy to the group.
Tara: BILLY!!! ok u know I would never ask for ur help but… CONTROL UR DAUGHTER SHE’S GONE MAD
Billy: We all go a little mad sometimes.
Chad: Ok, well she’s dead
Mindy: Chef’s kiss perfection tho!! 🤌🤌
Tara: NO SERIOUSLY!!! she’s gonna kill Mindy any minute now. U need to stop her 😳
Billy: I’m guessing Sam’s pissed because of the group name, icon, and… her contact name?
Chad: YES!!!!
Billy: Sam, you’re not killing Mindy.
Granny Sam 🧓: You asking me or telling me?
Billy: Good point. I’m TELLING you. You’re NOT KILLING Mindy.
Granny Sam 🧓: Or what?
Billy: Well I’d tell you, but I don’t think you want the other 3 to hear.
Tara: 👀
Chad: 😳
Mindy: ?????
Granny Sam 🧓: ……
Granny Sam 🧓: You’re lucky I love you, Mindy..
Mindy: I know I am 😎
Billy: Good girl.
Granny Sam 🧓: Don’t even start.
Billy: Hey, they called me for you. You’re the one who started shit.
Chad: Hey Billy, if I paid you, would you tell us what you would’ve done??
Tara: O.o
Granny Sam 🧓: Hey Chad, if I paid you, would you shut up?
Chad: nope!
Granny Sam 🧓: Fine. Then Billy, if I paid you, would you get the hell out of here?
Tara: lol
Billy: Sorry Chad, but as tempting as that sounds, no. And Sam, how much are we talking?
Granny Sam 🧓: A dollar.
Billy: No.
Granny Sam 🧓: Get out.
Billy: Someone change everything that was changed back to normal first. If I leave and get dragged back into this, you’re all gonna pay. 😈
Chad: Yes sir! 🫡
Tara: that’s you, Mindy
Mindy named the group chat “Core 4 ❤️‍🔥💪”
Mindy changed Granny Sam 🧓’s contact name to “Sam”
Mindy changed the group chat photo.
Billy left the group.
Sam: Thank you.
Chad: Don’t thank us, thank your dad
Sam: Take the win, Chad.
Chad: 🫡
Mindy: Okay sooooo what was all that about between you and your father, Sam???? He was like gonna.. Punish you or something?
Sam: Or something. I honestly don’t know what he was getting at, but I wasn’t about to let it get far enough to know so… 🤷‍♀️
Tara: OR you’re secretly a “daddy’s girl” and don’t want us to know?????? 🤔
Sam: Tara…
Mindy: Hmm that gives me an idea… 💡
Mindy named the group chat “Princess Loomis 👑🔪”
Mindy changed Sam’s contact name to “Daddy’s Girl”
Daddy’s Girl: FUCK
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this was so fun to write holy shit xD but my apologies if anything said by any of the characters offends you.
to all of my mentioned peeps above, i hope i did your ideas justice! ik i didn't do everything, but i had so much fun writing this that i know i will definitely be writing more text chats at some point. i'll get to the others! thank you again and blessings to you all. ☀
All my best! ♡ - parker
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cypressmoons · 2 years
Okay, okay #6 flirting prompt, the get some rest one, with whoever you think it fits 😌💤
referring to this post! look if you say "whoever you think it fits" it's gotta be alhaitham <3 you know i'm down BAD for that man :D also let's just ignore this was asked on feb 5th ok,,,i got swept up in work & school again so here's my contribution before i disappear for the next 2 weeks i cry
contents: slightly nsfw, minor sumeru archon quest spoiler <3 word count: 0.7k
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the days are long and nights are even longer when alhaitham is not here.
it's not like he's being sent on expedition to the furthest corner on teyvat, per se, but it feels just as lonely to you, if not more. his title as (Acting™) grand sage, as he always likes to correct you, seems to be eating up more of his time and energy than the day before. the yellowed parchment that posted his office hours is long forgotten as people stream in and out of his office nonstop, that he thinks it might be easier to just remove the entire door altogether rather than having someone knock on it every three seconds.
and he feels guilty, he does. before he met you, his office hours served as a warning against disturbing his solitude. he much preferred spending his time somewhere secluded, reading a good book and away from prying eyes. but ever since you entered his life, you had become the sole reason behind the click of the lock at exactly 5pm. he prefers to read his books in your presence instead, his tall frame somehow nestled perfectly into your disproportionately smaller one on the sofa, your steady breathing a calming reminder that you're here, with him.
you don't blame him for being away, but you miss him, dearly.
you miss the telltale footsteps out the door at the same time everyday, followed by open arms and sweet kisses the moment he enters the home. more than once kaveh's blueprints have been carelessly swept to the floor as you're lifted onto the counter, lips never leaving each other's as alhaitham mutters "i love you"s into your skin, completely unbothered by his roommate's angry protests of I WAS WORKING ON THAT when he storms in a few hours later.
now kaveh's blueprints sit neatly on the table - well, as neatly as an architect can put it, stacked underneath a half-finished model of popsicle sticks and rubber bands. the kitchen no longer smells of delicious sabz meat stew, and you find yourself starting to miss the small signs that another person is in fact living within these walls.
hell, you're even missing picking up his littered books and scolding him on not putting things back in their place.
as if on cue, your phone lights up and buzzes against the wooden table. you set down your teacup and glance at the screen, eyes immediately lighting up at the familiar name.
the sun has long set and at this point, you've started getting used to empty beds and empty homes. you weren't expecting him to text, or even come home tonight, for that matter, but part of you still selfishly hopes that today will be the day he can leave his work behind and be with you instead.
the excitement quickly dies down as you scan the words.
i might have to stay a little longer tonight again. i'm sorry, my love.
frowning slightly, your fingers dance across the screen in response to him.
you take care of yourself too, haitham.
you sigh and lay your phone face-down on the table, the adventures in your new novel long forgotten as you savour the memory of the last time you were with him.
how long has it been now?
it feels as if he became sumeru's hero overnight, and his already heavy workload somehow tripled after that. what a way to celebrate a saviour, you think bitterly.
and you know he's doing this for the akademiya, for sumeru, for the archon you all adore. you can't blame him, but maybe you can allow yourself the right to miss him.
your phone buzzes again, and the light in your eyes reignite.
i'll be home tomorrow, i promise. i miss you.
i may or may not have something special planned for you.
what is it?
your curiosity is piqued by his purposefully open-ended comment. a long-overdue date at puspa cafe? a walk along the beautiful waterfalls on the outskirts of the city? or-
what you read next has your breath hitched in your throat and a violent blush spread across your cheeks.
tomorrow i'm fucking you so good for a few hours so get some rest.
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maximotts · 2 years
hey bestie,,, uhhh for those NSFW alphabet fun things,,, you know I gotta do it… leigh shaw PLS I am begging and offering french toast 😌🙏🏼
Ignore that I'm finishing this at 8pm
We all know I love Leigh endlessly and god, doing this was so so fun!! I'm excited to do the others!! Also this is a good time so post this because this is the week my Leigh fic comes out hehehe 💖 so without further ado..
NSFW Alphabet: Leigh Shaw
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A = Aftercare (What they're like after sex)
Oh she's so sweet. Even if Leigh is dead tired, she'll make sure you're feeling okay and that you're both all cleaned up and settled properly. When she's too out of it to do it herself, she'll prod you to do get up, have some water, get all cozy, etc.
Above all, she's so very caring and she wants to make sure you're in your best headspace after sex. If Leigh knows you're alright, she'll feel a thousand times better.
B = Body part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner's)
Leigh loves her legs, mostly because she obviously does a lot of work with them at the studio and in her classes! She doesn't mind showing them off, laying them over your lap, letting you massage her thighs while you watch movies, and she absolutely melts whenever you mark up her legs with dark hickeys.
Her favorite on you are your hands. Before she met you, she was in severe drought for a caring touch. While you were just friends, you still always met her with such love, it almost brought Leigh to tears.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically)
When you first started dating, Leigh was more squeamish about it. Not in a prudish way, but she always looked away whenever you licked your soaked fingers after pulling them out of her.
Now she thinks it's hot and typically she's the one to pull you up for a kiss after you've finished eating her out.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
It's a simple thing, something she doesn't truly need to keep secret, she just hasn't been able to figure out how to ask you for it: Leigh is fairly sure she's got a bit of a degradation kink, based off the times you've gotten more carried away and said things you apologized profusely for later.
She wishes you'd stop apologizing and call her your pretty little slut again because she's never cum harder.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they're doing?)
While she's very much not a virgin, Leigh had never been with a woman before she met you. That meant she often felt really out of place/unexperienced whenever she was with you, but you never looked down on her for it.
Leigh's a smart woman, hates feeling out of the loop tbh, so let's just say she was very intent on not being inexperienced for long. There was a lot of reassurances because as much as you'll never say no to Leigh wanting to take control, you didn't want to pressure her, but nowadays she is very knowledgeable and very good at what she does.
F = Favorite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
She loves being on top, even if you're the one calling the shots. Especially if you're using a strap. There's nothing better than that deep, full feeling when she gets to ride you until she's fully spent.
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G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
It's very easy for Leigh to fall into her head and that's when she'll get more serious about it, or when she wants you to fuck her for a distraction. Either way, she loves that you always try and bring levity in- if you tickle her sides, she'll giggle; if you blow raspberries on her tummy, she'll poke at you for being silly.
Some days it can be hard for her to truly let go, but she appreciates it so much when she can. Leigh loves to laugh and have fun during sex, it's more satisfying for her that way!
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
The girl is so Type A I feel like she's always well groomed. Not that she waxes necessarily, I don't see her doing that all the time, maybe more for vacations or beach days. On the daily, I'd say she's trimmed and neat about it!
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect...)
She likes intimacy, but she doesn't need it to be romantic to enjoy sex. The first few times you fucked certainly were nooot intimate at all; they were quick and had no strings attached... but then she started having feelings for you.
As soon as she did, Leigh needed that intimacy, needed you to know how much she felt... her demeanor changed, her kisses lingered, she wanted sex to last longer.
If she's in a relationship, she expects some sort of intimacy even if it's just a quick wellness check in before you fuck her into the mattress.
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J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon) 
Leigh splurged and bought herself a lovense lush toy, fully thinking it was gonna be super overhyped, but when she got it, she found out it really was just as good as it seemed. For a while she just loved the discreet nature of it, how she could put it in while she was on FaceTime with you and if she was sneaky enough, she could get herself off even while you were busy working.
Eventually she let you connect to her toy control's though and you made up for all of those times you missed out on her orgasms.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
We already talked about the semi-hidden degradation kink, but on the whole, Leigh is unapologetic in asking for what she wants. This kind of goes in hand with the degradation, but she absolutely loves dirty talk.
Talking in general is a big yes from her because it helps her stay present, but talk her through her orgasm well enough- "fuck, you're taking my fingers so well, already clenching around me and everything... I want to watch you cum for me" and you'll find her eyes rolling back to her head, nails scraping down your back, etc.
L = Location (Favorite places to do the do)
Her favorite of all is bed; sometimes she thinks that makes her boring, but she doesn't care. She likes being comfortable and she can go longest by herself or with a partner sprawled out in bed.
Also it's perfect for falling asleep right after you're done and she doesn't have to worry about anything past changing her sheets after particularly messy nights.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Leigh adores feeling wanted. Nothing turns her on more than watching your face light up when she wears a nice set of lingerie for your enjoyment or honestly, something as simple as telling her what a good job she's done planning a new event as work.
During sex, whispering about how good she feels, how pretty she looks, etc. can make her cum on the spot
N = NO (Something they wouldn't do, turn offs)
Any hard kinks, specifically anything that involves pain. The last thing she wants to do is hurt you or mark you permanently nor would she want you to do it to her either.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
She ends up receiving most often, but doesn't have any problems giving. It's partially due to Leigh's inexperience (as we mentioned before) with going down on a woman prior to meeting you; you never want to push or overwhelm her and typically fall into making your way down her body and staying until her brain is too fuzzy to function.
That being said, Leigh isn't bad at oral by any means! She's great, you taught her well.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
100% a fan of slow and sensual if she's in charge. She wants to see you, needs to know you're real and present and not going anywhere. She loves holding onto you, scratching her nails down your back, burying her face in your shoulder, really surrounding herself in all of you.
She's not opposed to rough though, loves it too, but she doesn't ask for it that often. Usually you're the one who'll manhandle her or set the tone for some fast sex that she'll fall into it. Which works because some nights the poor girl just doesn't want to think and she needs you to force it all away.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
For Leigh, they're a means to an end. She prefers proper sex, but she won't say no to a romp in the car or even in the park if you promise to be quick about it.
Occasionally she'll say no because the location embarrasses her (i.e. a store fitting room or the locker rooms at the gym), but if you get your hands on her fast enough, it's not too hard to weaken her willpower.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
It's rare she initiates an experimental thing, mainly because she wouldn't know the first place to go looking for things to try. But if you bring something up to her and it's clear you really want to give it a go, usually you can persuade her into doing anything at least once.
Even if she complains about it.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last...)
Ohhh when you first met her, you thought she'd tap out after just one, but you were pleasantly surprised Leigh can go all night if you pace her out enough.
She wants to hate when you do... the edging, the overly-sensitive orgasms, how sleepy she gets only to be met with your smug little grin inches away from her face... but she can't; you make her feel too good.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
I'd say Leigh owns a few vibrators, definitely at least one dildo. She uses them on herself mostly, but there have been times where she uses them on you. She doesn't admit it often, but she loves to watch you squirm and shake, especially when she can take credit for it.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
She'll tease if she's feeling up to it, like if it's a special day or if she wants your attention. She can be very persuasive when she feels neglected!
In general, Leigh's a cute tease above anything, examples are: bending over in shorts she knows you can see her ass in, going in for a sweet kiss only to blindside you with her tongue in your mouth, sliding past you in tight spaces to wiggle against you.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Leigh tends to be fairly quiet; not because she's necessarily ashamed, but she worries that if she's too loud you'll tell her to hush.
Further into your relationship, you start noticing how she bites her lip or finger to hold herself back and you're quick to stop her, forcing her jaw open or pulling her hand away from her face. Now she knows you like to hear her... but she still makes you work for it.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
Early in your relationship, Leigh was still learning your schedule, assumed you were at bored at work, and sent you a... quite suggestive picture of herself in her post-class outfit half out of it really.
Turns out you were at home and, living pretty close to the studio, you rushed down there and fucked her in the same room you found her in. Thankfully she was between classes, but every time Leigh looks at the mirror panel in the far corner and remembers how you'd stretched out her shirt and nearly ripped her leggings with how frantically you needed to get your hands on her, she shivers.
X = X-Ray (Let's see what's going on in those pants, picture or words)
For lack of a better word, Leigh is just... beautiful. The first time you were allowed to go down on her, you stared until she closed her legs out of nerves, but as soon as you could coax her to part them again, you dove straight in.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
It ebbs and flows really. Some weeks she'll be on you every time you turn a corner, pulling you to some secluded area for a quick fuck, or anything she can get out of you in the limited time she bought.
Other times, when Leigh isn't having a great brain time, she's just more shy and reserved. If she asks for something, it most likely comes in the form of her arms around your waist and gentle kisses until you catch on to what she's after.
Z = ZZZ ( how quickly they fall asleep after sex)
If she's not too in her head, Leigh will snuggle up and sleep so easily, it startles you. Truly she can be mid-sentence and then you'll hear silence and after, light snoring.
Sometimes, she'll beg you to fuck her to sleep which of course, you oblige happily.
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rosey100 · 3 months
So this post was supposed to be made sometime in December (I couldn't do it due to technical difficulties that spider that time) but figured that I would post it now then later on just so I won't regret it plus it was supposed to be a Exam pass trip but if you any other things 🙌🏽 that's fine but here we go
JJ and Varina's trip that of a whimsical ski trip turns into a something new warm with each other
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Fu€k why did they make a trip for Sweden😠
Oh, come on, look at the bight side. At least we're at the only hot tub that doesn't have a group of drunk people who keep looking at us.
I guess I think that one guy was looking at me too long at the third tub back there. Thought I was going over there and slap him.
Not if I got to him first, now let's go enjoy our night together ok.
Oh alright, I guess one thing can't make this night go wrong right
Well, maybe the hot tub could make it better
Haha, just like we planned 😏
Ha, come on, let's get in😄
|*Both JJ and Varina started to make their night the moment they were in talking, laughter, and just enjoying themselves with music and whatever snacks or drinks they have in the tub, but as the night goes on, things took a interesting turn*|
Enjoying it
Ya, I definitely what I needed on this trip. I just gotta say this is the best part I've had all day 😌 * lead on JJ's chest while wrapped in his arm *
See, we're having fun already, and the fact you're dad tried to decline it would've been boring
Don't go there, J🤦🏼‍♀️
At least he agreed to let me go when you apologized
I know that, but it was just a little bit of a misunderstanding |whispering| on his part
*😤😣* Baby
Look, I'm sorry about that, but in defense, I said what I said before, but at the same time, I did apologize.
Ya, because both our moms told you to afterwards
I'm still shocked that you lift him so easily
Oh please I've done way more that can tickle you down
O you mean like this 😈
*started tickling Varina*
Ha ha ha Oh my gosh! stop it !* giggle * J bear * giggle *
Nooooo 😚
*Continue to tickle her *
*Gasp* Jimmy Z, don't you dare try it 🤣
Come on like you never gotten tickled before
No, not like this stop. *laughing*
*Kissing her neck, ticking her more*
Stop it, I swear *kiss* *kiss*
Wa...Wait *kiss** kiss* we goi *kiss* going too fast
I *kiss* I know that, but *kiss* it's umm, feels to ummm, good
|*Suddenly, JJ holding Varina now on top of him tightly now closely against each other stops at close eye contact *|
This is literally insane we... I'm not... you di.. we're not going through with this, right!!
*😳* I don't see why, but I guess I wasn't expecting anything like this. We could stop if that what you want to or just go to our rooms maybe
Ya, maybe I guess so
I mean, this doesn't seem like it's getting late, so we could just go to bed and-
No, that's not happening
What, but you said
I really don't know how and why, but maybe we could either finish what this or you can spend this alone
So we're going to do it 🥴
Shhhh, let's just take this to our room
But we one slipped room,so you meant the room next to yours or the room next t-
Last talking more action* kiss *
To be continued💚💜..... ❤️
Varina Varmitech belongs to @jokerislandgirl32
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sarahrogersevans · 2 years
You Have Me Now- Sebastian Stan xreader fan fic
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Summary: Reader and Sebastian are hanging out and reader is having an anxiety attack and Sebastian is there to help reader calm down
Warnings: mentions of anxiety, shy reader, mentions of self doubt a bit, soft Seb, mentions of feeling scared, fluff, angst, let me know if I miss anything
(Y/N’s POV)
Sebastian and I had a free day from working so we thought we’d hangout today binge watching our favorite show and bake cookies, I was getting the kitchen ready for us to work at while Sebastian offered to go get the supplies from the store. A few minutes later I heard a knock on the door and it was Sebastian with grocery bags and I opened the door and said “hey, here let me help you with those!” I took a few of the bags off his hands and put them on the counter and said “is that everything or is there more in your car??” Sebastian put the rest on the counter and said “no that’s everything I think, hang on I’ll be back gotta stop at the washroom I’ll be back in a minute.” I nodded and started to grab items out of the bags when I felt that weird feeling like an anxiety attack was about to hit.
I kept grabbing stuff out of the bags and tried to ignore the anxious feeling but it stuck around. I tried to take some deep breaths and said to myself “ok.. it’s ok it’s just anxiety.” I sat down against the wall as my legs gave out and I started to feel scared and I cried wishing it would stop.
(Sebastian’s POV)
“Ok, time to make some cookies! I hope Y/N likes snickerdoodles.” I walked back out to the kitchen to go help Y/N and I heard a noise like someone was crying and breathing hard. I saw Y/N sitting against the wall and I knew then what was happening but I didn’t wanna overwhelm her more. I knelt down by Y/N and said “hey doll hey shhh hey it’s ok I’m right here now, try and take some nice deep breaths ok? I’ll do it with you.” I started to breathe in and out slowly and Y/N followed it, after a few times I could tell she was feeling a bit more relaxed and I rubbed her arm saying “how are you feeling now Y/N? Any better?” She wiped her face and said “yea a little.. I’m sorry Seb, I hate you found me like this and that I didn’t tell you.. I was worried you’d think it’s stupid..” I shook my head and looked at her saying “hey not at all doll, anxiety attacks happen to all of us, it’s not stupid Y/N we all get overwhelmed sometimes. If you ever are feeling like this again I want you to tell me ok?” I smiled at her and she gave me a nod with a smile, I could tell she was feeling more relaxed which I was happy to see she was ok and I asked her “hey would it be ok if I gave you a hug Y/N? If you’re comfortable with it that is.” Y/N nodded while she started to reach for me and I smiled at her wrapping my arms around her holding her close and said “you have me now, whenever you’re anxious just let me know, still wanna make cookies or wanna just relax?” Y/N held on to me a bit more and said “can we stay here for a few more minutes and then go make cookies?” I was so proud of Y/N going through an anxiety attack & still up for making cookies, I rubbed her back and said “of course doll just let me know when you’re ready ok? I’m here.”
Hey my loves ♥️😊 ok so I kinda came up with this idea from me feelings really anxious earlier and wanted to write a comfort fic 🥺😌enjoy xx
If I forget to tag anyone please let me know xx
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noxexistant · 1 year
How come you do sick prompts when I wake up sick for the first time in ages?
What are these psychic powers?
Anyway, 22 of the sick prompts, Morris talking to Oscar? (You know me, always gotta ask for my guys)
oh noooo, i hope you’re feelin better now!! and if not, maybe our guys’ll help 😌
delancey suffering for the soul
prompt list
22. “you’re sick. if you overexert yourself, you’re gonna get sicker.” morris + oscar
Oscar had spent all of yesterday evening, all through dinner and helping Morris through their nightly routine, hoping against hope to any power that might listen that the slight pounding in his head would go away overnight as he slept and he’d wake up fine.
He wakes up feeling like someone had taken his own brass knuckles to the inside of his skull.
It’s their usual time to wake up, some time ‘round 4:00, so the sun ain’t much more than a distant thought of rising, but even that tiny bit of light through the little window feels like too much to Oscar right now. His head is throbbing, leading right down to his nose and his throat, between his eyes and at the base of his skull, like someone’d come in and filled it all up with cement sometime overnight and it’d all solidified to something too big and solid for his skin and bones to bear it. He can hardly breathe, lay on his back as he is, but he can’t bring himself to move neither.
But suddenly he has to, because Morris moves and their little metal bed shrieks like it always does and Oscar wrenches. Curls away from the noise like it’s something he can hide from, burying his face against his thin pillow and croaking a sound he’d sooner die than call a whine.
“We gotta get up, Os,” Morris whispers a few seconds later, like Oscar don’t know. Mo don’t sleep, so he’s always the first one up, and it ain’t altogether uncommon for him to crawl out of bed alone like he’s doing now and start on their morning routine by himself. He can get partway through it by himself, but there’s certain stuff he can’t do - stuff Oscar’s gotta get up and help him with - but he just can’t bring himself to. He’s so damn tired, even though he just slept, and he thinks someone really must’ve filled him with cement because why else would his head feel so damn heavy? He’s sure he couldn’t lift it if he tried, and he don’t really want to try. Feels like he might tip over if he does.
But he has to. He has to. Mo needs his help, for one thing, but he also knows his own life. He ain’t the type who can take a sick day when he ain’t feeling too hot, can’t stay here curled up in bed unless he wants to be dragged out by his hair and beaten for his troubles and then forced to get up anyhow. Easier to just get up in the first place without anything broke to make the job even harder.
It’s just hard to keep that easier in mind when it already feels so goddamned hard. Near every part of his stupid brain is telling him, delusional, that it can’t be that bad to risk that beating. Not worse than this. That surely it’d be worth it, for just a little while longer of sleep, a little while longer of laying down in a rickety little bed that’s somehow never felt comfier, even without Morris in it.
Oscar hazily wonders where Morris is now, too exhausted to even force his eyes open and find out, but then there’s a hand pressing to his forehead.
“You sick?” Morris whispers. “You ain’t hot.”
Oscar turns halfheartedly away from his brother’s palm, rough with callouses and anything but warm, but so comforting in how it touches him. Mo’s the only person who’s ever gentle with him.
“Don’t gotta be hot to be sick,” he croaks. “But no, Mo. Ain’t sick, jus’…tired. Jus’ need a minute.”
“Your voice sounds funny.”
Oscar supposes it does. Kind of sounds like he’s speaking underwater. Must be all that shit in his system, in his throat and nose. He tries to cough, hoping to clear it, but that’s a mistake ‘cause it just dislodges something enough to make everything so much worse, and suddenly he’s in a whole coughing fit. He finally forces himself upright only to double over and hack wetly, instinctively trying to get everything moving so he can stop coughing - he’s being noisy, Weasel’ll lose his mind.
Morris crawls over the bed immediately, patting Oscar on the back to try and help. Which it doesn’t, exactly, but it’s still nice that he’s trying. Oscar offers him a wan sort of smile when he’s finally half caught his breath and blinked the wetness from his watering eyes.
“You’re sick,” Mo says. As easily as he always says stuff like that - true stuff, stuff that just pisses Oscar off to hear. Oscar scoffs, then regrets it when it almost sends him coughing again.
“It don’t matter,” he says roughly, trying to clear his throat. “Gotta get ready for work, ‘fore Weasel’s up an’ hollerin’. You dressed?”
Morris is, about halfway. He’s got his trousers and undershirt on, and his shirt on his shoulders but unbuttoned ‘cause that’s one of the things he can’t do himself.
“C’mere,” Oscar tells him, and pulls Morris closer by the fabric of his shirt to start doing his buttons for him. He’s slower than he usually is. His head is throbbing.
“You’re sick,” Morris repeats. Oscar fumbles with a button and bites back the urge to lash out, ‘cause the button’s attached to Mo and he don’t wanna hurt him.
“So what?” he snaps. “Don’ matter for folk like us, Mo. You think I’m gettin’ a day off?”
“You got days off for me ‘fore.”
“‘S’diff’ren’ for you, Mo.”
And it is, but Oscar don’t hardly feel like explaining any of that to Morris right now. That Morris might get it easier when he’s sick just ‘cause Wiesel wants him out of the way in those states - don’t have the patience for Morris half the time even when he’s doing his best and thinks he’s nothing more than a damn embarrassment when he’s doing bad, but Oscar don’t have that. He’s gotta pull himself together in ways that Mo just can’t.
Morris scowls, the way he does when something ain’t fair. “You’re sick,” he protests. “You push yourself, you’re jus’ gonna get sicker.”
Oscar shrugs. “An’ I’ll jus’ have to get better.”
He claps Morris on the shoulder, squeezes the bony joint for a little longer than necessary to try and offer some comfort for that awful worried expression on his little brother's face, and sets about dragging himself out of bed.
Morris watches him as he goes, still sat on the edge of their bed with his shirt mostly buttoned but untucked, no suspenders or socks, hair a mess of tangled curls sticking up at every angle. Oscar grabs his own clothes off the chair by the door and gets dressed slower than he ever has, feeling chilled even when he’s got his shirt on over his long-sleeved undershirt and his jacket on over that.
He forgets to comb Morris’ hair. Doesn’t manage to comb his own either, instead scratching his fingers halfheartedly through his short curls to make ‘em do…something.
Wiesel squints at him over the cramped little table at breakfast. Tells them both they look like shit. Oscar can’t taste his coffee nor the dry doughnut he chokes down, and he fails to notice that Morris don’t eat. He’s busy once again hoping against hope in the usual unfriendly silence that, even if the powers that be couldn't listen to him to keep him from getting sick, maybe they can keep the newsies obedient and quiet for one goddamned day.
He doubts it’ll work this time neither.
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thealienmoth · 6 months
- got to work, changed my boots and put my - stuff in the fridge (tasty salad 😌😌😌 nightshift Salat is honestly something else)
Handover with coworkers 👍
- So much happened while I was gone (for a week I might note!!), apparently I lucked out being on vacation during a bad stomach virus going around🤮. Huzzah!
-Sending the day shift home. Night night guys 💪🏼
-Catching up on what happened since,
A lot apparently (a bunch of med changes for example, always gotta keep up to date on those!)
-Reading the protocol of the last case discussions cus I wasn't there 💁, apparently some structural things changed, as well as my lil extra duty. Good that we are required to read this stuff
-Night time meds round 👍👍, good sleep you guys
(had to head back up to the little office we got, cus the needle for the insulin syringe 💉 was bent 90° when I got it out of the package. What kind of polygon formed diabetic am I supposed to inject that with? So new needle it is)
-Loads of discussion with one client if we should leave his window 🪟 open or close it, we ultimately decided on open and I will sneak in at night and close it
-Got to talk about my Urlaub a little, also nice
-everyone being quiet, I'm on my phone 📱 thinking about how to survive the night cus I am already sleepy 🥱
-put books 📚 in to my little shopping bag on Thalia
(maybe I will start reading again 🤓 [no i wont, had a streak of being able to for a whole two weeks and will now take roughly another year 🗓️ for that to come around again])
- planing a wedding piniata for a friend of the family (really is extremely overambitious) (hoping the time pressure will make me be able to do this)
-breathing check, everyone still breathing
-one client still awake, was reminded to turn the TV 📺 down a bit
(did apparently not see the point in this. The point is that this flat is extremely open concept and every sound you make that goes beyond your walls? Goes everywhere in the flat. You share this flat with 3!!! 🤷‍♂️💁🤦🏼Other people)
-first round of incontinence checks 👍, everyone dry as a bone. Means second round later on 🏜️
-side note, everyone still breathing, one person so loud I'm able to hear it everywhere in the aforementioned extremely open concept flat 🔊
-honestly forgot what I did for an hour
-really want my food now, debating putting it in the microwave or if that's toooo Loud
- discovered I can just turn the microwave off, put my food in, turn it on and then turn it off before it makes a noise. It's still incredibly loud but no one woke up so thats good 📢 🍜
(But moth, I hear you asking, how would you know if it didn't wake anyone up? Maybe they just stayed in bed annoyed at you! No they fucking didn't. They wake up and get up, be it 1am or 4am, doesn't matter. "I'm getting ready for school!" No you don't, go to bed and rest some more bud)
-had great food so up for some more staying up now
- unusually awake for this time in the nightshift
Scared teenagers that are outside and being loud, by holding my phone to the window and flashing the light like a camera would. They scattered (nothing about some fun at night, some joy in your young years [I am not over 25 myself] BUT don't do it here, you will wake everyone up)
-Did some cleaning in the flat, also pondered buying books again. Had forgotten this for multiple hours
-deep cleaning frenzy stopped by a client making noise in his room (don't be awake yet don't be awake yet don-)
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wishful-soda · 2 years
⚠️!!SPOILERS TO ANYONE WHO HASN'T READ CHAPTER THIRTEEN OF "SPEAK OF THE DEVIL" (but if you haven't read it...what're you doing, go and read it!!)⚠️
OKAY THIS IS NOT A DRILL, CHAPTER 13 IS UP!! Literally I was in english class and the notification popped up and I sent the screenshot to my bestie like "AAAAHHH HERE IT IS!!!" she was very excited for me 😌
Ms. Soda, bestie, bro, dear...buckle up cause we gotta talk about this (all good things, I promise!)
But before I get into it, did tumblr eat my ask again?? I sent one uhhh two days ago I think...did it just not show up? this is so sad! 😭
Anyway! here we go...
Thank GOD that the reader said "charlie" earlier after leaving Danny's room bc...it just makes things make so much more sense. Did you plan that or was it just a happy accident?
The whole breakfast scene was so like "is Maxy gonna sus them out??" to "awww, theyre like a couple and she can't have this with Danny bc nobody supports ittttt" to general wholesomeness and fluff. I loved it so much!
I love love love LOVE the thought that Daniel is late so often that people tell him to get to places half an hour early hahahah! Some family friends of ours are usually told to get to an event two hours early because they're fashionably late...*always*. but we love 'em for it.
DANIEL! DON'T LEAVE YOUR PHONE! YOU LOVABLE DORKY BEAUTIFUL IDIOT WHYYYYYY. I face palm. I love him, but he's so....ugh, ya know??
"Max laughed, shaking his head like whatever it was a doozy. " boy...if only he knewwwww!!! It was. And he would've known about it if hE REMEMBERED HIS GODDAMN PHONE. It's so daniel-core to be a complete grownass man child. (God these sound so mean, I swear i love him 😂)
It's also just the best thing that he's too busy ogling the reader to even notice Charles' presence. my guy. keep your dick calm please and thank you<3
I must say, when you wrote about him standing outside the restroom with his arms crossed and hands in fists I could only imagine like...a child in a temper tantrum trying not to explode. which is just perfect for him. on the one hand, I live and breathe for the miscommunication trope between two characters, on the other hand I just wanna smack them upside the head like "what're you thinking??" and I must thank you for evoking this emotion out of me.
But then Charles comes up all concerned! he truly is baby and i love him. He's all innocent and just playing along. Except for that smirk when they're at the table. I love it! (and later when he knows what daniel means with the cheesecake comment 👀)
Charles, Charles, Charles....that jealousy comment? I was fully expecting fisticuffs from Daniel. And I mean we got pretty closeeee
...okay i'm just gonna say it now....thank god for tablecloths because what fun would we have without them 😏
Ms. Soda,
I nearly started squealing when I noticed that the chapter was over. Thank you for this masterpiece and I can't wait for the next one!(hopefully no migraine bc Ik that sucked for you)
Sincerely, 💜
P.S. this was an amazing read, thank you for pushing through and getting it to us ASAP, it means a lot to us<3
I so appreciate the spoiler warning, that is wonderful. 🤣 Also I love that you told your best friend, I'm so flattered! I don't have another ask from you from a few days ago, no! 😭
I did plan the 'Charlie' incident! Our reader didn't plan it however, it was a happy accident in her world!
I have no idea why but I just get that vibe from Daniel, that he's one of those dudes who is always late. Maybe I'm just projecting that on to him, but I just feel it okay 😅 Also; TWO HOURS?! that's next level late, what a life they're living.
Literally the entire situation could have be avoided if the idiot remembered his phone. I love him but omfg he really is walnut sometimes.
I feel like the chaos is just next level in this chapter and I stg I didn't plan it that way when I started it, it just got outta control which is the vibe of the chapter so full circle?
Also Charles just slid into the role so well and was so precious and I didn't even expect that, but I'm digging it.
I'm so thrilled that you loved it and I can't even tell you how much I appreciate this download of thoughts, I live for asks like this and they just make my day. THANK YOU. ILY BBY!!!! 🥰
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bkdkau · 3 years
Part 93 — End.
✈︎Impossible // bkdk au
a/n: helloooo! welcome to the last part of impossible! 😭 i actually really liked this au. i usually hate my writing but this turned out not so bad! i’m glad you all enjoyed it. thank you so much!
also, you probably don’t care, but i listened to the high school musical albums while writing this😌✨
5 years later…
it’s peaceful in the bakugo household; quiet and clean. there’s a slight breeze coming in through the windows from the bright spring day. it’s starting to warm up these days.
izuku is working in the garage with the door opened, listening for a pattering of tiny feet. his phone is playing his ceramics playlist which is just 80s alternative music. he’s working on a commissioned piece that’s gotta be done by the end of the week. he’s making good progress and might even finish before then.
he’s humming along with the music and works in peace for another good 20 minutes. he immediately stops, though, upon hearing small feet slowly make their way towards the garage. izuku needs to enforce a sock rule during spring since the tile floors are still a bit cold.
he stops his wheel and goes about washing his hands in the sink katsuki built. he remembers suggesting to ask sero to install it since he is in the construction business, but katsuki threw a fit. something about hurting his pride— izuku doesn’t know.
he dries his hands and turns around in time to see his 3 year old daughter: itsuki bakugo. she rubs her eyes sleepily, just having woke up from a nap. izuku has started making her take naps in order to keep up with the time when katsuki comes home. when she wakes up, izuku knows it’s time to start dinner as well.
izuku smiles at her. “hi princess. have a good nap?”
the little girl nods, her eyes still a bit droopy. she has some blonde curls sticking out of her pigtails, framing her cute face. she looks like an adorable mix of izuku and katsuki; the blonde, curly hair, green eyes, katsuki’s nose, and izuku’s freckles. she has katsuki’s personality, in the sense of her determination and passion. izuku is also like that, but she seemed to have gained his artistic side.
as well as izuku’s loudness.
“alright, good. wanna help with dinner or do you want to play?” izuku asks her, taking her hand and going further into the kitchen. he closes the garage door.
“play,” she mumbles. she’s usually quiet after waking up, but playing with her toys gets her warmed up.
“okay, princess. go on.” izuku bends down to kiss her cheek.
she goes back down the hall to her room and izuku waits until he hears the sounds of a tea party starting. his baby is so cute.
izuku sets out to make dinner.
“stop it! give it back, you poopyhead!”
“reach for it, short stack!”
“you big meanie! i’m telling on you! daddyyy!”
itsuki runs into the kitchen looking for her blonde father. she finds him standing at the sink cleaning dishes.
“daddy! big brother kota is being a poopyhead and a meanie! tell him to stop!” she stomps her little foot with a huff, her tiny hands balled into fists at her sides.
katsuki, who had heard them arguing (he finds it quite amusing, to be honest) sets down the pan he’s washing. he rinses the soap off his hands and dries them quickly.
“kota is being a poopyhead and a meanie? that’s a double whammy, hm princess.” he picks her up and places her on his hip. he kisses his daughter’s head.
itsuki frowns up at her daddy. “kick him out! now!”
katsuki chuckles at that. sometimes he can’t tell if she hangs out with him too much or izuku.
“no can do princess. not until later, at least. how about i beat his ass for ya?”
itsuki lights up at that and nods enthusiastically. “yes please! thank you daddy!”
she surges forward to wrap her arms around katsuki’s neck. katsuki smiles and makes his way to her room. kota is there on his phone, laughing at something.
“nothing is ever that damn funny.” katsuki says, startling kota.
the kid was 13 now, and taller than izuku. he’s still a brat, but katsuki is glad he decided to keep coming around all these years. he was extremely happy when he found out that they were having a baby and had wanted to help with the nursery.
now, here he is, 3 years later, tormenting the poor girl.
“you wouldn’t get it, old man.” kota says, sticking his tongue out after.
“what you don’t get is that you can’t make my daughter cry. give her the shit back, whatever it is that you took.” katsuki sets itsuki down and the little girl glares at kota.
the teenager rolls his eyes and pulls out a barbie doll from behind his back. “you’re no fun, itsuki. i was only messing around.”
itsuki snatches her doll back and goes back to playing dress up. katsuki snorts at kota.
kota looks up at him. “she really is your kid.”
he stands up and katsuki ruffles his hair. “damn right she is. get ready, shino will be here soon. make sure you’re not leaving anything behind. i ain’t responsible if you lose something.”
kota gathers his things from the hallway closet. “when is uncle zuku coming back? i wanna see him before i leave.”
katsuki is back in the kitchen to finish cleaning up. “fuck if i know. hey, you never grew out that puppy crush on deku, huh brat?”
kota’s face immediately turns red as he sputters out, “i-i never had a st-stupid crush!”
katsuki laughs out loud. “yeah you did! for a good 3 years at that!”
“i did not! shut up!”
“you didn’t what? and stop yelling in my house; kacchan and itsuki do that enough.”
a new voice joined the conversation. kota and katsuki turn their heads to izuku, who just got back.
katsuki scoffs at his husband. “shut the hell up. princess and i can yell all we want in our house,” izuku rolls his eyes as he kisses katsuki’s cheek in greeting. “anyway, i was talking about the brat’s crush on you.”
kota stomps his foot with his fists balled at his sides, a glare on his acne covered face. “i don’t have a crush! that’s weird!”
suddenly, itsuki had come running in hearing all the commotion. she ran straight into izuku’s awaiting arms.
“papa! i missed you!” she presses a wet kiss to izuku’s nose.
the greenette only smiles and kisses her nose as well. “i missed you too, princess. and kota, you still have a crush on me; i can tell. it’s okay, you’ll find someone your age soon.”
“i hate this house!” kota shouts and stomps out the front door. katsuki and izuku only laugh.
they can’t help but tease the teen. he’s basically apart of their little family so they have the right to.
after making sure kota was all right and safely in the car with his cousin, izuku gave itsuki a bath and put her to bed. katsuki has went into her room to bid her goodnight as well.
now, the two were cuddled in bed, ready to start their fun day routine all over over again.
izuku was the big spoon tonight, kind of. katsuki is lying on izuku’s stomach with his arms around his waist. izuku is playing with his hair.
it’s a somber night; it might rain later on. but they listen to the wind blowing softly outside, even though the windows are closed. it’s quiet enough you could hear a pin drop. not even their matching breaths could be heard in the darkness.
katsuki is absentmindedly tracing his husband’s wedding band. izuku is smiling sleepily at the feeling.
the blonde breaks the quiet atmosphere with hushed words.
“it’s really been 3 years, hm?”
“yeah.” izuku whispers.
“seems like a life time.”
“together for 8 years and married for 3.”
“you aren’t sick of me yet?”
a quiet giggle. “shouldn’t i ask you that?”
“i’ll never be sick of you. over my dead body i’ll let you leave me.”
“i’ll never let you leave even if we are dead. ghost husbands.”
“fuck yeah. we can haunt people and shit.”
“if that’s what you want, kacchan.”
“fuck, i love you.”
“i love you more.”
“fuckin impossible.”
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katnissmellarkkk · 3 years
Aight, I need to do my biology stuff because I don’t know what’s going on in that class but instead I’m blogging a chapter of Catching Fire 😎
And no I never completed my Hunger Games Re-Read, I decided to go back later and just do my favorite chapters 🥰🥰🥰
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Here we goooo :
All Katniss ever thinks about is her odds of being killed and the probability of getting away 😭
Oh wait ... that’s actually depressing 😔
“But the Victory Tour makes that impossible. Strategically placed almost midway between the annual Games, it is the Capitol's way of keeping the horror fresh and immediate” — I mean, it’s also a convenient time for the plot too. 😏 Suz, you ain’t sly.
“to look down into the faces of the families whose children I have killed...” — okay, kitten, let’s not get dramatic you didn’t kill all their children just a few. 😌
“The sun persists in rising, so I make myself stand.” — twitter has destroyed this quote for me it’s all the 17 year old stans bio 😭😂
“But now that Gale has gone to work in the coal mines - and I have nothing to do all day - I've taken over the job” — oh wow how depressing 🥺 having nothing to do all day
Aww that’s actually quite sad. Gale and her friendship basically disintegrated after the first book. So technically we only ever saw their friendship as it was in the first chapter of the first book wow
“I get a good haul from the traps - eight rabbits, two squirrels, and a beaver that swam into a wire” — sweetie what are you gonna do with a beaver? 🦫 😭😭😭 “everyone gather about, we’re having some beaver for dinner tonight”
Suz must have studied things like snares and crap because I have zero clue what she’s even describing here 🤷🏼‍♀️
Lololol Prim and her mom are like “we’re good with being rich” while Katniss is like 😑😑😑😑
“a pair of expensive machine-made shoes that my mother thinks are more appropriate for someone of my status” — they legit give like zero context about her and her mother’s interactions but it always reads to me like the mom in all those movies where the girl is “not like the other girls” and she’s all “I need to be free!” And her mom is like “no you can’t you gotta be a lady” and idk where I was taking this but we went somewhere and got lost didn’t we? 😅
Considering how much Katniss hates the new house in Victor’s Village .... do you think her and Peeta move to her old shack post canon??? I don’t think so because I feel like what she’s missing is her old life here and the house doesn’t matter and in the end Prim is dead either way so .... but just a thought 🤷🏼‍♀️
“You're hideous, you know that, right?" I ask him.” — direct post mockingjay everlark quote, clearly 😂😂😂😂
“The mines weren't an option, what with a baby to look after, but she managed to get laundry from some of the merchants in town.” — 12 year old Peeta just handing Gale’s mother his old undies 😂😂😂😂😂
“In winter her hands got so red and cracked, they bled at the slightest provocation.” — that was me during corona last winter ☹️ and I told one of my instructors about it and she was just like “gross 😒”
“Our romance became a key strategy for our survival in the arena. Only it wasn't just a strategy for Peeta. I'm not sure what it was for me. But I know now it was nothing but painful for Gale.” — I do wonder if Gale had never been a thing if Katniss would have let herself give into her feelings sooner. Probably not the brat is stubborn
“Gale told me that Greasy Sae, the old woman who serves up soup, started a collection to sponsor Peeta and me during the Games.” — I like that it was for both of them and not just Katniss who Sae knew. Because at the end of the day they were both kids who needed help 🥺🥺🥺🥺
“It was supposed to be just a Hob thing, but a lot of other people heard about it and chipped in.” — that’s actually really sweet that Katniss and Peeta united their own district unintentionally just couldn’t unite the whole country
Katniss is so nice, trying to support all the vendors equally 🥺🥺🥺 Katniss is the og “buy local!” “support small shops!” girl.
Okay, Katniss thinking of Haymitch even tho he’s a butthole is so sweet bc it shows that she truly cares for the drunk 🥰🥰🥰
And also ... Ripper, the liquor salesperson, only has ... one arm? So Peeta don’t stand out with a robotic leggy in Twelve?
Lololol the Head Peacekeeper (who has sex with girl’s Katniss’s age) is like “don’t buy alcohol, little girl” “just let me buy you”
Omg the Gale being the cousin thing is introduced 😅
That one post about how Peeta and Gale are likely both her cousins but Peeta is probably even closer to related is living in my head, rent-free 🤐
“But you've got to go through it to get to the end of it,” Is such a good quote.
“The houses inhabited by my family and Peeta give off a warm glow of life. Lit windows, smoke from the chimneys, bunches of brightly colored corn affixed to the front doors as decoration for the upcoming Harvest Festival.” — I’m sorry, is Peeta decorating his house for holidays alone? We get no indication of any of his family ever visiting him, ever. I’m sorry, we can say whatever about Peeta being more fortunate than Katniss and the others materialistically, but he’s so lonely, it makes me sad 😔.
Okay Haymitch’s house sounds over the top nasty 🤢.
“Over the years the odors of liquor and vomit, boiled cabbage and burned meat, unwashed clothes and mouse droppings have intermingled into a stench that brings tears to my eyes.” — this is one of those houses they broadcast on Animal Planet, because they usually have wild, neglected dogs in the backyard 😑😑
Omg, the image of Katniss just casually sitting in the windowsill while Haymitch swings his knife around is peak comedy 🤣. And sort of depressing.
“Look, if you wanted to be babied, you should have asked Peeta." — because Peeta takes care of people, he’s a comforter 🥰🥰🥰🥰
Katniss feeling an underlying longing for Peeta, because she develop the feeling in the cave and she still misses it. 😍😍😍 yes, I will be doing this reread through my shippers goggles, I’m glad you asked, Barbara.
Katniss always describes Peeta in so much detail 😅😅😂😂😂. Like every time he’s introduced into the book, she takes an entire paragraph to describe his hair, his build, his skin. He’s always been coded as the love interest from chapter one of book one.
“You can barely even notice his limp now,” means you can still notice it a little… and I’m sad 😢 again.
I just realized Katniss spent this entire conversation, sitting in the window above the sink 😅😅🤣🤣🤣🤣😅😅. She perch. Like a bird.
Also sidebar but I’m sentimental 🥲🥲🥲. This scene, out of context, was the first scene I ever read in the series. I stole my friend’s book so I’d have something to do before my 8th grade teacher kicked me out for being a chatterbox and anyways I opened to this page, read this part and still remember it. And also I always shipped Everlark, even from this alone, because I love tension, angst and a tumultuous past between characters.
“My mother's been working day and night to make everything perfect for the cameras, so it's no time to be tracking up her shiny floors.” — my mom before the family comes on Thanksgiving and 4th Of July 😒
Girl, I wanna know what would happen if you stopped protecting your mama and let her be the adult. Would she actually fail again like you think or would she be fine this time??? Ok anyways irrelevant side note but I had nowhere else to put it and she was trying to assure her mother just here that everything was fine.
Ummm Snow is a small man???? Why do I never remember that? I’m just imagining the teacher in Clueless now as President Snow 😭😭😭😭
Okay those are all my thoughts thank you for reading if you did which is probably like one of you 😅😅😅😅😅. Thank you to my one reader!
Tagging @everlarkedalways since this post isn’t showing up in the tag 😔
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cloudystevie · 4 years
Yo leaning into their side and a hug from behind w/ Chris at Disney sounds cute asf rn (maybe that’s how ppl learn abt the relationship?👀) -😌
you walked around the massive theme park, being dragged in front by chris’ niece and nephews “y/n can we go on that ride pretty please?” you smiled down brightly at them, “of course guys, come on we gotta be careful though alright?”
chris was trailing not too far behind you, honestly he was super excited to be at disney, but to be there with his whole family? the man was a toddler again, (when was he not though?)
“uncle chris! uncle chris! you gotta come here.”
chris laughed as caught up to you guys, picking up a kid in each arm as they squealed and laughed loudly, you watched as he was so gentle around the kids, and all you could think about was him with your own kids like that one day, and as he caught you staring at him, he gave you a bright smile and a quick peck on the cheek before the kids started ooing at you guys, making kissy faces, so you playfully stuck your tongue out at them
you and chris followed the once again energized children to another ride, waiting in line. as they wiggled their way out of their uncles grip to yours, you laughed at chris’ defeated expression. “why do they like you more, that’s no fair”
“don’t take it personal baby, everyone always loves me more.” and lisa chimed in from behind you guys, “it’s true, we do love her more.” scott nodded his head in agreement as chris whined, starting to fake cry as his niece rushed over to him cupping his big face in her little hands and as chris was about to scoop her up “no don’t be sad uncle chris, we just like y/n more because she’s pretty and bakes us really yummy cookies.” chris scoffed at his niece when she ran over to hug your legs and squealed when you picked her up, everyone laughing at chris. “no fair.” he grumbled, leaning onto your shoulder for emotional support
you guys were having such a great time the day flew by, and surprisingly no one had taken pictures of you guys, yet.
the sun was setting, making the park look even more magical and unreal, and you leaned into chris’ side while he wrapped his arms around you. neither of you noticed the camera shuttering while chris took a moment just admire you. you felt your cheeks heating up at his gaze and swatted at his chest embarrased because his mom and sisters were swooning over how cute you two were.
“what? i can’t look at my breathtakingly gorgeous girlfriend?” he gave your cheek a sloppy kiss as you squealed trying to wiggle out of his tight hold on your waist
a few hours later and the kids were exhausted, ready to go to bed. and honestly so were you. the exhaustion taking over your body as your feet were starting to hurt. chris was right behind you, his arms curling around your waist, and you looked up at him and he couldn’t resist but lean down and kiss you, making you giggle and his heart tighten
the next morning you and chris were laying in bed, both of you scrolling through your phones and chris moved to show you something on his screen
you squinted your eyes at the pictures of you two from yesterday posted on tmz’s twitter account, going viral
“looks like people know you’re my girl now, and i gotta say, those are some pretty cute photos of us. we should get them framed.”
you rolled your eyes at him as he rolled on top of you, “now, if people take pictures today, i want them to have something to look for.” he leaned down and sank his teeth into your neck, soothing the sting with his tongue and sucking on your skin, while you were clawing at his back gasping at the sensations
and later that day while you and chris lounged out by the beach, another picture was taken of chris with scratches on his back and it was obvious what you two had been up to.
ahhh idk how i feel about this one ajsjjdjs
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cobertaddict · 3 years
Better, started to talk to people again after avoiding people. ALSO I THINK I AM GOING TO SCREAM FROM HOW FLUFFY MY BOOK IS
How was your day?
That's good to hear! It's nice to reconnect with the world again after a period of avoidance, I feel like I've been avoiding people too lately, I gotta get out there again to meet my social needs 😅. Just do what you feel comfortable with Anon 😌. And I wish you all the best fluffiness in your book! ☺️
So far my day is alright, but it's too early to tell 😅. I've just woke up and had some tea. I may go on a walk after some breakfast and run a few errands later in the day, I'm just trying to live out my boring and quiet life out here 😂. Thank you very much for asking tho, I appreciate it dear Anon! :)
Thank you for the ask Anon, I hope your day continues to stay better! Now here's some cobert cuteness for ya ☺️
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Anonymously or not send me an ask telling me about your day (x)
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onbeinganangel · 3 years
what about 1 and 4 and 6 for develop, stop, and fix??
hi petal! thank you for these 💕
1: What inspired you to write the fic this way?
hahaha. well. both photography and curating were a BIG part of my life only a few years back! sometimes you just gotta write what you know 😅 plus, if i used to seduce folks via darkroom shenanigans back in my uni days no one really needs to know 😇
no, but seriously, I’m gonna focus now and talk about the alternating POV, which was a first for me (at least in not-micro format) and ended up being a bit fun? stressful — trying to maintain a consistent narrative voice within the story as a whole, but making Draco and Harry’s voices different enough was definitely a challenge! but fun! I knew I wanted both sides of their story. I wanted it to be clear that they do not know who the other is at any point when it starts, and I wanted us to get a good feel of what their new lives are like and how they got to their Muggle professions, so double POV was the only way!
4: What’s your favorite line of dialogue?
this is hard because dialogue is my least favourite but also I feel like this fic actually has a lot of dialogue I love! tempted to go for the waitress line or several moments where Harry is a little ✨sassy ✨ hahaha but it’s gotta be the “What did you like about him?” moment! that’s all I’ll say so I don’t spoil it but I think it’s such a simple line/question but it holds so much weight in context and I really like that it comes back later, too.
6: What makes this fic special or different from all your other fics?
no researching silly things because I was writing what I know 😌 the NYC setting gave me some panic, it gave me so much appreciation for anyone that writes HP fic set in the UK without having lived there or visited! but otherwise yeah, i think what makes this fic special is that it’s kind of light for an identity porn fic? and that i got to write so much about photography and curating and galleries and darkrooms!
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m88n · 4 years
ult group game 💘
tagged by @d-nghy-ck​ thank you so much bronwyn !! 🥰🥰🥰
rule: answer the following questions for your ult group! (nct)
who was your first bias?
if we’re talking when i legitimately started stanning nct as a group & not sm rookies, it was johnny HAHA. 😄👍🏻 dude has the best sense of humor i really vibe with, and when i watched the cup of coffee pt. 2 video, it really was game over lmaooo. during sm rookies mark’s always caught my eye since i used to bias xiumin hard and i saw them hang out quite a bit.
who is your bias now?
haechan + mark heh :D 💘 they occupy quite a large part of my brain interchangeably lmao.
what was the first mv you watched by them?
7th sense when it came out! i was a big exo fan and i was like oooo exo’s junior + that kid mark lee’s in it. gotta check it out. didn’t end up stanning them till years later tho rip
what’s your favorite mv?
superhuman 👁👄👁 that song (+ visuals !!!) was what locked me down as a stan for good tbh that song deserved much better fight me on this
if you could listen to one of their songs for the rest of your life, which would it be?
easy, it’d be make your day. 💗💞💘
who would you want to see them collab with?
to be honest i’m super biased but i’d die if i see them collab with the dpr gang. dpr live especially 😍🥰😚😚😚
what mv concept do you want to see them do?
a hot sorta rnb, hiphop/rap track with sexy hoe lyrics (LMAO) 😗😀👍🏻✨ wearing loose shirts n pants that might be a little too tight, situated in a high end clubby kinda setting, yk, total hoe vibes only make it kinda upscale and untouchable 😌👍🏻 (HAHAHHAA im being so honest here whatever a girl can dream alright) kinda like love talk but with a much bigger budget and darker tones w some neon fluorescent lighting here n there hah
have you ever had a dream with any of the members in it?
duuuuude HAHHAHAA @luvdsc knows forreal how my dreams are always so specific + vivid when it comes to some of the members 😂😂😂 i’ve had dreams with mark, haechan, jaehyun, johnny, jisung, and a glimpse of jeno.
if you could spend the day with one member, who would it be and what would you do?
this is honestly so hard. i’m debating between john, jaehyun, and mark for different reasons. john, because i just know we’d have the best chemistry and we’d have real good conversations both on light and heavier topics. jaehyun because i think dude’s been through a lot & keep things in and i want him to know for real that a fan like me really does care about his well being as a person, and not just as some idol i see from a distance. mark because i feel like i’d really, really genuinely enjoy my time with him, just talking about anything and everything💗💞💘 i think in the end i’d prolly choose mark just cos im biased like that hahaha 😅
which member do you think you’d get along with the best?
i feel like in terms of similarity in personality, i’d be more like jungwoo or jaemin in the way we have that on and off duality kinda thing HAHA💀💀💀 [19/02/22 edit: methinks i’m so similar to mark sometimes it kinda scares me lmaoo or sometimes jaemin too. cat’s the one who brought this to my attention quite recently] but tbh if we’re talking general compatibility it’d probably be johnny or mark, more so johnny i think🤔
which member do you think you would argue with?
to be honest, the first person i’d probably argue with would be haechan despite him being my bias, i know forreal he would drive me absolutely bonkers if i have to see him pretty often HAHA. like he’d be a sweetheart sometimes and we’d know how to emotionally bond, but at times he seems like he’d have a little bit of a needy/snarky/loud personality and at those times i could totally see myself feeling overwhelmed and getting annoyed by him hahahaa😬😬😬
if you had to let one member scroll through your tumblr, who would it be?
awwwwwwww damn ..... okay........ errrrrrmmmmmmm . prolly like ..... . i rly have no idea dude . 😐 i’d rather bring my blog to my grave than to show them my stuff HAHAHAHA ✋🏻💀💀💀 prolly johnny tbh cos he’d prolly be all like “hey whatever floats your boat you know ti? love how u wrote me btw, i sound real sexy” LMFAOOOO😔💀💀💀👍🏻
tagging @luvdsc @aqiaquas @starsuh do it babes i’d love to read your answers 🥺💐👍🏻✨ no pressure tho as always!
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