#Lee Writes
kookyburrowing · 2 months
Different Languages AU Part 1: Wait, Fuck, They Don't Speak Basic?
First things first motherfuckers, let’s get one thing straight: Basic as a language does exist in this AU!  It’s just less common outside of the Core/Mid Rim.  SO.  What does that give us?  Well, it gives us way more interesting conflict, for one thing, and for another, so many languages.  Let’s get crackalackin! 
In the Outer Rim, Huttese is largely The Language To Speak.  If you don’t speak Huttese, you might as well just hurl yourself into the nearest bottomless pit now and save yourself the time and trouble.  Even in the Core and Mid Rim, Huttese is a very common language just because of how useful it is if you ever find yourself in the Outer Rim.  Most bounty hunters (i.e. Jango Fett, just for one completely random example) speak Huttese fluently, alongside their native languages.  Naturally, then, this is a language Anakin is very familiar with.  In fact, when he became a Jedi, it was the language he knew the best, and most people thought his speech was stilted in Basic because of this.  He spoke Basic maybe once every month on Tatooine—can you blame him?  
In the Mid Rim, each planet has their own language and conversations between diplomats are typically done as they are on Earth—via interpreters, to avoid any misunderstandings.  Padmé, for instance, does speak Basic, but that is the language she would use in the Senate, not on Naboo.  The same goes for Palpatine, but we’ll get to him in a minute, because he sucks and I want to not talk about him for as long as I feasibly can.  
The Core means Basic, Basic, Basic, because of just the sheer number of people making it necessary.  Coruscant is a weird case because of how communities develop there.  Since it’s kind of like a gigantic version of a modern city (I’ll use NYC as an example because I know it the best), it’s broken up into enclaves.  Cultures clump—it’s a thing.  Some neighborhoods in NYC are predominantly Jewish, some are predominantly Italian, the list goes on.  The same goes for Coruscant, although on a supersized scale.  There’s some areas where non-Mandalorians need not apply, some where everyone is a Twi’lek or Togruta, some where everyone is a Mirialan, et cetera.  Also, Coruscant dialects of certain languages are very much a thing.
Anyway.  Let’s talk Kamino, because that’s why I started this to begin with!  
Jango Fett is a Mandalorian.  He’s also a bounty hunter.  He’s from Concord Dawn and was a True Mandalorian.  Therefore we can guess he probably at the bare minimum speaks two dialects of Mando’a (Concord Dawn, True Mandalorian) Huttese, and has at least passing Basic.  He probably speaks more than that given how well-traveled he is, but those are the ones I can name for sure.  So Jango Fett, who speaks Mando’a and Huttese and Basic, encounters Count Dooku.  Count Dooku is from Serenno, but he was also a Jedi, so he probably speaks Serennese, Basic, Huttese, and a few more.  He may even speak Mando’a, but his dialects wouldn’t be likely to overlap with Jango’s.  Count Dooku tells Jango to go to Kamino and let them clone him in exchange for an exorbitant amount of money.  Jango does, because Jango is a thinking human being and thinking human beings under capitalism do not turn down exorbitant amounts of money in exchange for what amounts to (at most) being a three or four-time sperm donor.  
And on Kamino, our intrepid Mandalorian encounters something a bit weird.  The Kaminoans, being that they are an extremely isolated species and thus have absolutely no reason to have developed humanoid vocal chords, have to rely on droid translators.  Cool!  This means Jango can speak to them exclusively in his native language (Concord Dawn Mando’a), and they can speka to him exclusively in theirs, and everyone’s largely happy.  Jango negotiates the finer points of the contract, acquires an infant who he names Boba, and calls up some old friends (and acquaintances) to teach the clones to kick ass.  He informs them they don’t have to worry about speaking Basic, so they don’t bother speaking Basic.  
Thus, we have our setup.  The Kaminoans have no reason to make the clones speak Basic because literally none of these outsiders are bothering to inform that oh yeah there’s this whole common language thing going on, and said outsiders have no reason whatsoever to tell them because it would ultimately just be an inconvenience.  They’ve got a good thing going, and Jedi are required to speak more than one language anyway.  The clones can definitely find at least one in common!
So the clones learn to speak Mando’a, understand Kaminoan, and speak and/or understand one extra elective language.  Most pick something weird because they can—everyone around them speaks either Mando’a or Kaminoan so why would they bother with languages they don’t care about, like Basic?  Unfortunately for the Kaminoans and the trainers in equal measure, they do also realize that in order to express themselves in private they need their own universal language, so they acquire one.  They just call it clonespeak to keep things simple, and for most of them, that’s their native language.  They feel most comfortable speaking in it because that’s the language they associate with safety and with their siblings/parents.  
Thus: the predicament.  
Obi-Wan arrives on Kamino.  Obi-Wan is a Jedi.  Obi-Wan speaks Basic. 
Uh-oh.  See, Jango is out of practice—the Kaminoans can’t make those noises.  Boba’s language skills begin and end with Mando’a and some random bits of clonespeak right now—he’s kind of conversational with Huttese but every once in a while he just throws in a Mando’a word or an idiom in clonespeak and Jango has to take a minute to breathe lest he slam his head straight through the wall in frustration because he doesn’t understand clonespeak.  And so much performing of charades, many awkward moments, and exactly one sentence in Basic later, Obi-Wan is heading back to Coruscant with several questions. 
First: why the fuck did Sifo-Dyas order an army who didn’t speak Basic?  No one knows.  No one can find any records of this order, for one thing.  No one knows who Tyrannus is, for another.  
And second: what languages do the clones speak?  Obviously, Mando’a is amongst them, but Jango’s extremely intensely staring son also spoke another, infinitely weird language and no one can find any record of it, and not even Jango seemed to understand him.  Do they understand the Kaminoans’ clicking noises?  Are they just mute?  Is it constantly Shut The Fuck Up Friday up in there?  What is going on?  
The Council loses their collective minds.  Shaak Ti is about ready to haul ass across the galaxy to collect these poor, lost young men—Plo Koon is right there with her.  Yoda is—well, Yoda is swearing loudly in several dead languages right now.  Mace Windu, ever the voice of reason, just has one thing to say: how about they meet the clones, first.  Before they panic.
In the face of this intense, all-consuming, glorious sensibility, the Council collectively shuts the fuck up.  They decide to let things run their course.  
And then Geonosis.  Quickly, Yoda collects several hundred clones, manages to communicate to one of them—who speaks a really weird, ancient, and fucked up dialect of Basic that could basically scan to Elizabethan English, and whose name is probably Kowalski—what he needs, and that one tells an older, larger and more intimidating one.  Then that one yells a lot in a language Yoda has never heard before, and several hundred clones are suddenly hauling ass into gunships.  
Enter one Anakin Skywalker and one Padmé Amidala, who are about to acquire some friends, none of whom understand a word they’re saying.  They fuck some things up, get strapped to some poles to be devoured by Space Beasts of some sort, and then escape.  
Battle of Geonosis happens.  Mace Windu quickly discovers that the answer to the question what do the clones speak is effectively every language except Basic, and the answer is also supremely inconsistent.  He is Suffering.  He is Experiencing The Horrors.  Obi-Wan is likewise fighting for his life because he speaks a fancy-ass dialect of Mando’a that the clones don’t understand.  This is because they, like normal people, don’t talk like dignitaries on diplomatic missions.  
Moving on!  Obi-Wan gets assigned Alpha-17.  Alpha-17 is a demon.  Actually.  He probably speaks Basic but refuses to out of spite.  This is the biggest asshole to ever stomp his way into a Venator and terrify Anakin Skywalker into cowering submission.  (He may even be why Anakin behaved like that as Vader.  We will never know!)  Like most clones, Alpha-17 speaks four languages.  Clonespeak, Mando’a, Kaminoan, and Huttese.  In that order.  So he has no real trouble communicating with either Anakin or Obi-Wan.  
What he does have, though, is a surplus of kids.  Like it or not (he insists he doesn’t) they are his kids, and he wants them to have a shot at having a moderately tolerable existence.  Enter everyone’s favorite group of six weirdos: Wolffe, Ponds, Fox, Bly, Cody, and Rex.  
Wolffe is easy.  He’s horrible with languages, and so gets sent to Plo Koon, who speaks through a translator anyway.  Add Mando’a to the translator, and bang!  Easy.  Done.  They understand each other perfectly.  
Ponds is also easy.  He, being sensible, learned Basic, so he goes to Mace Windu, who is equally sensible (and grateful for the easy transition).  
Fox, who is a scheming little shit and also just so happens to speak Naboo, get sent to Coruscant.  The Chancellor can’t get one over on him if Fox can understand every word he says, and most Senators have protocol droids with them for translation anyway.  
Bly speaks Ryll, so she gets Aayla Secura.  Again, easy.  
Cody, on the other hand?  Cody speaks the same languages as 17.  Cody has a favorite younger brother who needs guidance.  Cody, therefore, gets deposited with Obi-Wan, and Rex?  Rex gets Anakin.  
But the issue with Rex is he and Anakin have no language in common.  Rex’s elective language was Togruti, and like the rest of his batch he also speaks Tusken sign.  Because his batch are a bunch of assholes who wanted an extremely private way to talk.  
So.  Anakin and Rex start off the war with no way to communicate!  None!  Literally not one language in common!  
And they do try to communicate—via charades, via text, et cetera—but they don’t really have access to translation software on a regular basis and thus things become complicated.  
Things are made even more complicated by the fact that Rex, like Wolffe, is shit at language learning.  Anakin, who isn’t, could try to learn clonespeak, and does!  But when you can’t communicate with the person teaching you it is immensely slow going.  
And thus, our premise is complete.  How do you run a war with someone you can’t talk to?  
Well, it depends.  If you’re Anakin, you say, maybe I can figure a way around this.  
If you’re Pong Krell?  
I dunno man.  Yell?  Yeah, that sounds about right. 
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babybatlover · 8 months
Tjd hcs!
warnings: nfsw, mdni!!!, minor alcohol, im pretty sure thats all
below the cut 💋💋
Rhea has 1 of the boys fuck you (could be mouth or cunt depending on preference) while she fingers your ass
She love watching you get fucked in both holes while you lay in her lap
Damian is the most dominant, then rhea, then finn (he’s a full switch be fr), dom dom, then you(you are most submissive)
neck kissing and soft kisses 
Omg rhea and damian love biting
Biting you, you biting, they font care just teeth and tongue and skin and they will be happy
Finn like shibari, and hes GREAT at it. A fuckin master at doing shibari
Dom like being able to hold and touch his doms so handcuffs/bondage is only used as a punishment
One time rhea and dame make you wear one of the remote phone controlled vibrators to a movie and sat in the back row of the movie theater so they could tease you the entire time
You slip in subspace easy so if you slip in public damian holds you hand and rhea will talk for you so you dont get too overwhelmed
I feel like the some of the other superstars have picked up on it like becky and seth so if they have to go out when ur in subspace they make sure you dont drop
Also when your drinking you drop easily so if you drink they are always very careful with you 
Rhea has a breeding kink (im sorry but bffr its the only time shes submissive is when shes being fucked and filled)
Mommy and Daddy kink!!! 
This is all i have but i will have more
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honeykngdom · 8 months
‧₊˚✧ jjk | masterlist ✧˚₊‧
‧₊˚✧ completed ✧˚₊‧
love we think we deserve. : ̗̀➛ pairing: geto suguru x fem!reader : ̗̀➛ content warnings: 18+ only - explicit sexual themes. pre-death. yandere!au. noncon / dark content. vaginal fingering. lack of protection (don't be silly!). forced orgasm. suguru thinks you were made just for him. : ̗̀➛ read here
‎‧₊˚✧ in progress ✧˚₊‧
this little life. : ̗̀➛ pairing: nanami kento x fem!reader : ̗̀➛ content warnings: post-shibuya. everybody lives au. mostly fluff. some suggestive themes and adult language. a domestic nanami & what a typical evening in your life together looks like.
three's company. : ̗̀➛ pairing: ryomen sukuna x fem!reader (ft. itadori yuji) : ̗̀➛ content warnings: pre-shibuya. canon-divergent. suggestive sexual themes and adult language. mentions of blood. telepathy. sukuna wants the three of you to share every thought, feeling and sensation together.
bottom's up. : ̗̀➛ pairing: fushiguro megumi x fem!reader : ̗̀➛ content warnings: 18+ only - explicit sexual themes. Post-shibuya. vaginal fingering. oral sex (f receiving). anal play. anal penetration. lack of protection (wrap before you tap!). megumi wants to try something new.
body and soul. : ̗̀➛ pairing: nanami kento x fem!reader : ̗̀➛ content warnings: 18+ only - explicit sexual themes. everybody lives au. yandere!kento if you squint. age gap. secret relationship. vaginal fingering. oral sex (f!receiving) use of pet names: my girl, sweet girl, baby.
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h-doodles · 1 year
0 thoughts. head empty. it's sinday :)
short smut under the cut <3
"Mommy," I cry when she adds another finger into my core, stretching me out so deliciously while her thumb draws circles on my clit, bringing me higher and closer to the peak. "Mommy, please—"
Larissa shushes me with soft kisses on my forehead, hands working diligently to bring me to orgasm. "You can take another one, baby. Trust me."
Tears fall down my eyes as I feel the coil inside me grows hotter, tighter—
"Be a good girl and cum for Mommy, baby..."
My eyes close involuntarily as my body follows her instruction, an explosion of a universe the only thing my brain comprehends as I shudder, crying on her lap. Her fingers slow down, but continue moving to prolong the sensation.
Gasps and sobs leave my body as I bonelessly flop onto her, too tired and spent from the back to back orgasms. I feel her smile as her free hand carresses my back, and as she slowly moves her fingers out with a pop. I suck in a breath and try to slow down my crying.
"Good girl, my love. You've been such a good girl for me." She whispers, and I felt myself start to sink with her words.
"'m good?" I slurred, tears trickling down slower as I tilt my head back to gaze up at her. Her hand at my back moves to my head and keeps me slumped into her though, and what energy I had immediately dissappates.
"Mhm, darling. Mommy's very good girl, in fact, so why don't you just stay like this for a while? I'm sure you're feeling very tired." She asks, bringing her hand to my lips and I automatically open, licking it clean.
"'mmm, tired..." I whisper and slowly start to drift, still cradled in her arms, still suckling on her fingers, still a mess on her lap. My eyes close, but not before murmuring a quiet "...th'nk you, Mommy... love you..."
I don't hear her reply, but certainly feel her heart beating faster, as sleep claims me gently.
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iii-of-ender · 1 month
pd episode 19 has been haunting me ever since i watched it. so obviously i wrote a fic about it. yippee
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terushimooo · 2 years
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A composition on the decomposition of mind, body, and soul 
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vampire!Jean x human!reader
t/w: lots of blood, open sores, vague allusion to self-harm and domestic abuse, implied tortured and depressed reader, activation of potential trypophobia, one bug eaten, eating/drinking of blood, noncon vampire bite, implied abduction. Please let me know if I missed anything!!!! 
a/n: thank you to both @iwaasfairy and @seijorhi for inviting me into your collab! I’m super excited to be back for my yearly contribution! I dedicate this piece to Rhi, my wife, and the eternal victim to my fics. I swear this is one of my most normal drabbles!! Happy supper early birthday my love!!!
And, of course, thank you to @bontenten for being my ride or die beta for life!!
w/c: 1.3k
Check out the events masterlist HERE and the corresponding art piece HERE 
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Stagnant, lifeless, putrid decomposition.
None are words that should be associated with someone entering their so-called “prime”. 
And yet, here you are. 
Every morning slowly becomes harder than the last, every day more painful. 
Unseen to others, sores wrack your body, oozing and scabbing over in an almost religious fashion. 
And yet, unlike religion, or maybe more like it than anyone else would care to admit, no matter how hard you pray, scrubbing and disinfecting the lifeless skin of weakened limbs, your body refuses to heal. 
But that’s just the way Jean likes it.
On dark days when the clouds block out the sun, when the cool drizzle of rain thumps heavily onto his sun kissed skin, Jean can’t help but catch a glimpse of an unspoken truth. 
You’re just so fragile… so weak… so…
So painfully human…
But, that’s precisely the way Jean likes you.
It’s on days like today, with goosebumps prickling your skin and teeth chattering violently from miles away, that a gnawing voice burrows its way deep into the crevices of Jean’s mind. It’s like he can’t control it, can’t stop the compulsion that has him seeking you out in your only time of freedom, the only time he lets you out of your confinement.
Even a moment without you is too long. 
The strong breeze carries the smell of rain, renewal, rejuvenation, but most importantly, reward. It carries the scent of you, his dearest companion… his favourite, most precious pet. 
Although your lips never truly part, never except to cry out and whimper in pathetic attempts for mercy, you call to Jean. Like a siren’s song, the soft trickle of blood from wounds beaten open by the rain’s percussion lures him in. One step at a time. One foot in front of the other. Jean pushes his way through chest-high blades of grass, wet stalks brushing up against haphazardly buttoned flannel and his best denim. An odd combination, but you weren’t there to help him dress in the morning. Clearly, Jean thinks with a scoff, a scoff soon replaced with a smirk and throaty chuckle, clearly you wanted a head start in the game he likes to call life. Or rather, your battle for it.
As Jean stares down the traces of limp foliage, grass and branches disturbed by previous passage, he can’t help but wonder just how far you’ve gotten this time. His eyes light up with his first trace of reward, with a gentle puddle of blood cradled perfectly in the cracks and crevices of the abrasive bark of a towering oak. 
He knows he shouldn’t, but how can he stop? How can he stop his tongue from darting out, from finding its place upon the crimson stained wood. A soft groan slips past his lips as Jean laps at your taste, as he furiously seeks out every last drop of your blood.
He can’t stand to waste it. Can’t stand for anyone else to have it, not even the earth or the trees that in turn, give you life, give you something crucial—breath and oxygen.
Pure ecstasy flashes behind Jean’s eyes with every drop. It’s almost enough to have him forget about the scrambling bugs and maggots, the beatles and bark shavings he crunches between his teeth in an attempt not to waste your treasure.
If he had a working heart, it would beat only for you. If he had a soul, it would be tied only to you. And if he had any sense of compassion, of a true fondness and love for you and your wellbeing, he would let you die. 
But Jean doesn’t have a heart. He doesn’t have a soul. But most importantly, he doesn’t have compassion—not enough to grant you mercy.
His love is selfish. His love is unstable. And his love is everlasting. That much is made clear by the quickly hardening shaft of his cock, stimulated only by the quickly passing taste of your blood.
Jean loves the chase, the little game you two play. 
It’s one you’re not even aware of. 
Taking off through the woods, bare feet rubbed raw against the rough floors of the forest, nightgown torn to tatters, sores opened and oozing down your trembling body, rain chilling you down to your bones—this is no game. To you, this is real. This is a battle for life, at least, what you have left of it… 
But this time, this time you’ve gone too far. This time, there's no coming back.
In his mind, Jean would find you thrashing through the thicket, eyes wide and heart racing, blood leaking steadily from unsealed and revisited wounds.
In his mind, you’d scream. Cry out. Beg on your hands and knees for mercy, for his love. 
But never could he imagine the scene in front of him. 
When he finds you, when he sees your wounds ripped open, and wrists torn ragged by a branch, he can only imagine you used to try and find freedom. 
When he finds you, Jean’s not mad. He thinks nothing but how childish you are. How foolish you are for trying this. How much you’re going to regret this.
It’s clear now that he can’t trust you, that he can’t leave you alone for even a second. Not while you’re like this. Not while you’re still human.
Heavy lidded eyes begging to rest for eternity shoot open as you're made aware of Jean’s presence. He calls to you with soft coddling and reassurance, but all you hear is nails against slate, an agitating and grating sensation and you’re wrought from your slumber. 
“P-please,” you beg, voice soft and inaudible to even your own ears. “Don’t.”
But Jean doesn’t negotiate with incoherency. Even if he claims to care, your pleas fall on entire deaf ears. Instead of evoking a sense of pity, they just serve to drive his cause, to stake his claim. 
It’s all a flurry of limbs. 
Wild, desperate, bleeding hands. Bare feet swinging in abandon. Mouth left open in mid scream. Fists covered in open wounds and split knuckles claw desperately at their captors embrace. Sharpened fangs piece through bleeding gums, only seconds before they find their way into the crook of your neck.
For Jean, it’s euphoria. It’s everything he’s always wanted, maybe even more. But for you, for the poor, weak, and battered body coddled tightly in your captors embrace, for you its torture.
Fire runs through your veins as your eyes roll back into your skull. Gritted teeth are cracked open in an attempt to rob Jean of what little pleasure you can, to rob him the pleasure of seeing your pain.
But inevitably, all your actions were in vain.
As you lay shaking on his chest, gentle convulsions wracking your already worn out limbs, blood continuing to flow freely from the numerous sores and wounds littering your paleing form, Jean can't help but smile in content.
This day, this hour, this moment, this second, on February fourteenth… It’s at times like this where he thanks the gods, the gods who cursed him to an eternal life of indentured sorrow and suffering. 
The only sounds coming from your cracked lips are gargled groans of pain and distress. Tears stream readily down your face as Jean sucks from his own wrist to provide to you his one gift—the gift of life. Eternal life. 
Forever by his side. 
Cold, dead lips press against yours in anything but reverence. It’s hard, aggressive, and mixed with passion. But to Jean, to Jean it’s perfect. In fact, he could almost swear that your pain is really just pleasure. Your lips aren’t moving out of spite, but finally requited love.
As Jean continues to watch the seconds pass, to watch the life slowly drain from your quivering, whimpering lips, Jean thinks to himself that this must be the first time in the hundreds, maybe thousands of years in his pathetic existence that finally, with you turned and bound to him for all of eternity, finally, Jean can take a breather.
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leemontoast · 8 months
Uhhhh yeah my first fic! And it's fitpac ofc haha I am so fucking paranoid no one will like it :,)
But enjoy fitpac date fluff haha
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country-lee215 · 1 year
Jailed With A Baby
/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
“There ya go,” Rosco said, setting Rose Duke down in the middle of his desk, keeping the 10-month-old as far enough away from the edges as he could. “Just sit right there while I run and grab the paperwork for your daddies.”
“Rosco, you better not be thinkin’ you’re gonna leave her sittin’ on that desk,” Bo warned, jumping up from where he was sitting in the corner jail cell and joining Luke against the bars. “If you walk away with her sittin’ there-,”
The Hazzard County head sheriff spun to face the cell, pointing to them with a scowl. “Hush! You’re a prisoner! Now you’ve had your phone call, so sit down and just hush!”
“Dadadada,” Rosie babbled, reaching out for her fathers.
“I know, baby,” Luke sighed as he wrapped his fingers around the cell bars. “Your mama’s gonna wring our necks for this.”
“Rose,” Rosco said, bending over so he could straighten the collar of the little yellow dress she was wearing. Daisy had bought it for her a few weeks ago, she could never stop herself from buying cute things for Rosie as much as the boys and Y/N insisted that she had more than enough toys and clothes. “You sit right there. Don’t move.”
“Rosco,” Bo growled.
“I said hush, convict!”
“Calm down,” Luke advised, pressing a hand to his cousin’s shoulder without ever pulling his eyes away from Rosie. “Yellin’ ain’t gonna get us outta here any faster.”
Rosco took a hesitant step away from the desk, watching Rose to see if she’d go anywhere. When she didn’t move, only continuing to babble and giggle to herself, Rosco took the last few steps to the filing cabinet and began leafing through the papers inside.
“Stay right there, baby,” Luke said. Rose looked over and smiled, giving a small wave.
“Here!” Rosco grinned, pulling a file from the cabinet and giggling to himself. “I love it, I love it, I love it.”
Rose kicked her feet, tired and annoyed that no one was paying any attention to her. “Dadadada!” she cried as she banged her heels against Rosco’s desk.
“Oh, hush now,” Rosco said softly, much kinder than he had said to Bo only a moment ago. “There’s no need to cry.”
She reached for his hat, humming to herself as she clenched her fingers repeatedly.
Rosco smiled and pulled the black cowboy hat from his head and set it on the desk in front of Rose. “You like my hat?”
She giggled and kicked her feet again, her small palms beating on the top of the hat. Rosco chuckled and moved to place it on her head. It was far too big and fell down over her face but she pushed it back up, her bright blue eyes, the same color as her daddies’, shining out from underneath.
“Ain’t you just the cutest thing?” Rosco cooed, tickling her stomach. “Just as pretty as your Mama.”
Bo scoffed as he continued to talk to Rosie, drawing laugh after laugh from her. The blonde pushed away from the bars and stalked back to the corner where he had been sitting. “You’ve got no right to keep us here and you know it, Rosco. We ain’t done nothin’ wrong today.”
“Don’t you lie to me, Bo Duke,” Rosco said, the angry look returning to his face as he turned away from Rose. “Don’t act like you boys weren’t haulin’ shine today when you were runnin’ around.”
“Shine?” Luke echoed incredulously. “That’s what you arrested us for? Rosco, Bo and I haven’t run shine in forever. You really think we’d be runnin’ shine? Especially when we got Rosie with us?”
Rosco bristled. He knew the charge was nonsense, the Duke boys were completely innocent. But Boss’ orders were Boss’ orders and Rosco couldn’t help the fact that he loved seeing the Duke boys behind the bars of the jail cells at the station.
“We’ll just have to check your trunk, now won’t we?” he asked. “I know you Dukes always got shine tucked into your trunk.”
Bo groaned. “The only thing we got in the trunk is diapers and groceries. Y/N sent us shoppin’ while she was at work today.”
Rosie let out a loud wail and pushed the hat off her head, her bottom lip pushed out in a pout. She was used to having all the attention of everyone in the room. Y/N blamed Bo and Luke for that, the boys were always showering her with attention and she was getting a little too spoiled.
Boss Hogg poked his head out of his office, frowning around a cigar. “Who’s causin’ all that noise?”
Rosco laughed lightly. “Boss, I got the Duke boys. I got ‘em, I got ‘em.”
“You got ‘em, hmm?” Boss said, pulling his cigar from his mouth as he wandered over to the cell. He grinned when he saw the unhappy looks on Bo and Luke’s faces. “You got ‘em.”
“And!” Rosco added, gesturing excitedly to Rose. “I got Rose too.”
Boss hummed thoughtfully and moved back to stand at Rosco’s desk. He stared at Rose, his eyes locked on hers.
“Baba,” she murmured seriously, hands fisting in the material of her dress.
“She looks like her mama,” Boss mused.
Rosco nodded. “Spittin’ image, ain’t she?”
Luke let out a long sigh and let his forehead thunk against the bars. Y/N was really going to kill them.
Rosco had to step away to file the paperwork he’d filled out for the Duke boys so he’d set Rose down on the floor by Bo and Luke’s incessant requests, leaving Flash behind to keep an eye on the baby. She sat on the floor by his desk, Flash sound asleep next to her as the young Duke ran her hands over Flash’s ears.
“Rosie,” Bo murmured, crouching down in the cell and reaching out through the bars. “C’mere, sweetheart, over this way.”
“Yeah,” Bo said. “Come this way. Come get daddy.”
Rosie giggled and started to slowly crawl towards the cell. Flash opened one of her eyes and watched her go reproachfully.
“There ya go, baby,” Luke praised, squatting down beside his cousin.
“Dada,” Rosie giggled. “Dadas.”
Once she got close enough, Bo helped Rose up, assisting her as she pulled herself up on the bars. Luke adjusted her dress, straightening over her shoulders and flattening out the bottom.
“I’m sorry, baby,” Bo mumbled, pressing a kiss to her head. “You shouldn’t have to be here.”
Rosie only smiled, oblivious to what was going on. She reached up to his face, her fingers tugging at his hair. “Dada!”
“You hungry, sweetheart?” Luke asked, running a thumb over her cheek. “Want something to eat?”
Bo thought for a second. “Do we have a bottle for her in the General?”
“No,” he sighed. “They’re at home. I didn’t bring one, figured we’d be home by now.”
“Rose?” Rosco’s voice called as he wandered back towards his desk. “Where you’d get off to? Uncle Boss is lookin’ for ya!”
Bo frowned. “She ain’t his niece Rosco, he sure ain’t her uncle.”
Rosco sent him an annoyed look and scooped up Rose. She complained, whining as Rosco pulled her away from Bo and Luke and set her on his hip.
“Dada,” she cried, squirming in Rosco’s arms. “Dadadada!”
“It’s alright,” Bo tried, stretching as far as he could through the bars to try and grasp her hand. Rosco stepped further away and Bo’s fingers only managed to ghost over Rose’s.
She began to cry then, a loud wail that quickly turned to sobs. Rosco looked caught off-guard by her sudden meltdown. He tried to calm her, murmuring that it was okay, but it only made things worse. Her sobs built to a scream and Bo and Luke shared a look.
“Diaper change?”
“Diaper change.”
Rosco turned, alarmed. “What do you mean diaper change?”
“A diaper change?” Boss echoed. He’d stepped out of his office, apparently really looking for Rosie like Rosco had said.
“Just give us Rose,” Luke said. “And the bag out of the trunk of the General Lee, we’ve got diapers there.”
“Oh, and while you’re in the trunk,” Bo added, smirking at Rosco who was still holding a screaming Rose. “You can check for that moonshine we don’t have.”
“You can’t have her!” Boss argued. “That baby is evidence!”
“That baby is my daughter!”
“Boss,” Rosco said softly as Rose continued to cry. “Maybe we should give them the baby, she’s awfully upset and I bet they can calm her down, daddies can always calm their babies down.”
“No!” Boss insisted. “She’s evidence! Ya cain’t just give the evidence over to the convicts!”
“But, Boss-,”
Rose let out another loud wail and tipped in Rosco’s arms, leaning towards the jail cell. “Dada! Dada!”
“Just hand her over,” Luke offered. “We’ll change the diaper and get her to stop cryin’, just gotta give her to us.”
Boss shook his head, giving a small huff. “Rosco!”
“Yes, Boss?”
“Change her diaper. And make it quick, I’m tired of listenin’ to her cry.”
“But, Boss,” he said, shifting Rose in his arms. “I, uh, I don’t know how to change a diaper.”
Boss looked at him for a minute, eyebrows furrowed. “You don’t?”
“No,” Rosco said with a little shake of his head. “Sorry, Boss.”
“Hmmph,” the shorter man said. He looked at the Duke boys before turning back to Rosco.
The bells over the front door to the police station chimed merrily as the door was pushed open, drawing everyone’s attention to the front. Enos stepped inside, a wide smile on his face.
“Howdy, y’all! I’m all done for the day, Boss,” he said. His smile faded as he took in the sight in front of him. “Bo and Luke? What are you two doin’ here? Why’s Rose cryin’?”
“Enos, do you know how to change a diaper?” Rosco asked. Rose kicked and flailed in his arms, letting out another loud screech when Rosco didn’t set her down.
“Change a diaper?” Enos said. “I don’t know, I mean I’ve done it before if that’s what you’re askin’. My cousin’s baby, I had to help her one day.”
“That’s perfect, Enos, that really is,” Rosco said. He set Rosie back down on the desk, which elicited another round of complaints from Bo and Luke when he stepped away and walked over to Enos. “Now I need you to go out to the General Lee and get a bag from the trunk, it’s got diapers in it.”
“What’s goin’ on?” Enos asked.
“Don’t matter!” Rosco said, setting a hand on Enos’ shoulder. “I’m your superior officer and as your superior officer, you gotta do what I tell you! So get out to the General and get the bag from the trunk.
Enos bit his tongue, eyes flitting from Rosie, still crying, to Boss, looking at Rosie uncomfortably, to Bo and Luke, both wearing exasperated expressions. He gave a small nod. “Yes, Sheriff.”
“Don’t do that!” was the first thing Y/N heard when she pushed through the doors of the Hazzard County Police Department.
Bo and Luke were sitting in the corner jail cell, pressed up against the bars as they barked instructions at Rosco, Boss, and Enos. The three were gathered around the desk by the cell, Rose laying on the desk. She was crying half-heartedly and kicking her legs, much to Boss, Rosco, and Enos’ displeasure.
“You can’t do that!” Luke said.
Bo groaned, rolling his eyes as Rosco knocked a file off the desk. “Just fold it over, it’ll stay that way.”
“Thought you said you knew how to change a diaper,” Boss grumbled, bending to pick up the spilled papers and slam them back on the desk.
Rosie squirmed, arching her back unhappily. She went to scream again but her eyes fell on Y/N standing by the front of the station and she let out a little whimper instead. “MAMA!”
Immediately, everyone’s eyes moved to the front door. Bo and Luke’s faces lit up. The other’s expression fell, eyes going wide.
“Uh-oh,” Boss said softly.
Y/N let out a long sigh before slowly walking up to the desk. “Out of the way.”
Rosco and Enos were quick to move, not eager to try and stay between Y/N and her daughter. Boss tried his best at giving her an innocent smile but she shook her head and he quickly side-stepped.
“Poor baby,” she muttered. “What did they do to you?”
“Mama,” Rosie cried. “Mama.”
Y/N brushed the tears from her cheeks and proceeded to change Rose’s diaper, hands moving quickly to fasten the diaper and tug her dress back down, all while murmuring to her baby.
“There you go,” she cooed, picking up her baby and hugging her tightly. Y/N swayed back and forth with Rose in her arms for a moment before pressing a kiss to her forehead. “It’s alright now.”
“Y/N-,” Boss started.
“Let the boys out.”
Rosco made a small noise. “Y/N, you know we can’t just-,”
“We all know they’re innocent,” she said evenly, shifting Rosie to her hip. “There’s no shine in the trunk so you’ve got nothin’ to keep them in there for. Let them out.”
“Yes ma’am,” Enos said. He pulled his keys from his pocket and unlocked the jail cell, pulling the door back so Bo and Luke could walk out.
Bo grinned and bent to press a kiss to Y/N’s cheek. “Have I mentioned I love you today, darlin?”
“Don’t you darlin’ me,” she warned as Luke moved to stand on her other side. “Of all the days you could’ve been arrested, you waited until I was workin’ and you had Rose?”
“It wasn’t our choice,” Luke pointed out softly. He set his hand on her hip, hoping the affection would make her a little less mad at them. “We told them we didn’t have any shine in the trunk.”
Y/N huffed but knew Luke had a point. “I know, but that doesn’t mean I like my baby, or my boys, being in the jail all day.”
“We know,” Bo said, mimicking his cousin’s movements and pressing his to her other hip, letting his thumb brush back and forth over Rose’s side.
“I don’t want you boys gettin’ arrested for anythin’ else while you have Rose,” she said, looking between them seriously.
“Yes, darlin’,” they said together.
“And I mean it.”
“Yes, darlin’.”
Y/N nodded, satisfied with their response. “Here,” she said, squeezing Rose once more before passing her to Luke. “Hold her for me.”
“Anything you say, darlin’.”
Boss, Rosco, and Enos had been smart, quietly avoiding Y/N’s wrath as she talked to the Dukes. But when she turned back to them, they froze under her angry glare.
“Yes, ma’am?”
“You’re not to blame for this, are you?”
“No, ma’am.”
Y/N nodded. “Thought so. You can leave.”
“Thank you, ma’am.”
She hummed as he passed by, pausing to tip his hat to the family. “Have a nice evenin’, y’all,” Enos murmured.
“Thanks,” Luke said. Rosie babbled happily in his arms as she toyed with the collar of his button-down.
“I’ll say hi to Daisy for you,” Bo said kindly, giving him a small smile.
Enos smiled back before slipping outside, leaving Y/N with Rosco and Boss.
“Now,” Y/N said pleasantly. “We all know Bo and Luke were innocent today, there’s no shine in the trunk and there hasn’t been for a long time.”
Boss nodded begrudgingly. Rosco nodded as well.
“So you should’ve known better than to arrest them when they had Rosie too,” Y/N went on. “Shouldn’t you have?”
“Yes ma’am.”
“You won’t be arresting them again when they’ve got Rosie, will you?”
“No, ma’am.”
Y/N smiled. “Perfect.”
Bo chuckled to himself, smoothing a hand over Rosie’s back before pressing a kiss to her head.
“Mama,” Rosie said. “Dadas.” She turned in Luke’s arm, reaching out for Bo and the blonde was quick to pull her in and set her on his hip.
“Darlin?” Luke asked. “Did you wanna go home? Rosie’s probably hungry, we didn’t bring any bottles for her today. We figured we’d be home by the time she was hungry.”
Y/N turned to look at him. “You’re tellin’ me she hasn’t eaten since this morning?”
Bo and Luke gave her a sheepish look.
With a tired sigh, Y/N plucked Rosie from the boys and headed for the door. She’d done everything she came for, it was time to go home and feed the baby.
“See you at home,” Y/N said as she pushed out the door.
“So,” Luke said casually. “Are you gonna make dinner?”
Bo gave a small shrug. “Figured I’d give Rosie a bath, let you fix dinner.”
“That’ll work. Y/N’ll love it.”
Bo nodded. “Alright then. Let’s go home.”
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wbkz3gras · 1 year
a/n: disclaimers! ( before you read this, just know that this is my first insta fic, and it’s probably really BAD, so i’d just like to apologize in advance.
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pairings: jamie drysdale x fem! reader ( fc - dena denoire )
summary: — in which, jamie decides to show exactly how smitten he is with you in a series of posts. ( a timeline of posts, if you will. )
lowercase was ( IS ) intended!
jamie.drysdale ✓ added to their story
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caption: my love for you will continue to grow stronger each and everyday. happy birthday. love you lots. ❤️❤️
y/n ✓ just posted a photo!
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❤️ liked by jamie.drysdale, trevorzegras, rowan_leclerc, and 2,252 others
👤 tagged: jamie.drysdale
y/n — thank you to all my friends and family who made my birthday so special!! ready for what my taylor swift year brings #22 🍰🥂
view all 91 comments..
rowan_leclerc happy birthday angel bb! 🥂
y/n ➥ thanks hottie miss u!!
jamie.drysdale happy birthday pretty girl 🧡
y/n ➥ love you jams 🧡
trevorzegras hbd broski #22🕺
random.user Happy Birthday 🎂🎊🎁 y/n, best wishes to you 💐🎉🍾
jamie.drysdale ✓ just posted a photo!
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❤️ liked by y/n, rowan_leclerc, trevorzegras, and 2,936 others
👤 tagged: y/n
jamie.drysdale — I don’t know about you, but my baby is 22. happy birthday, I love you forever, my sweet girl. ❤️❤️
view all 86 comments..
y/n ty love you lots 🧡🧡
trevorzegras - hbd y/n 🕺
y/n ➥ trevorzegras thx z 🕺
rowan_leclerc - 🍾🪩🎉🕺
jdawg06 just posted a photo!
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❤️ liked by y/n, rowan_leclerc, trevorzegras, charlie_drysdale, and 2,490 others
👤 tagged: y/n
jdawg06 - I don’t know about you, but my baby is 22. happy birthday, my love. there are a million of things I could possibly say about you. you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. each day goes by, and everyday I fall more in love with you. your voice, your laugh, your face—everything. it seems like everyday i find something new to love about you. you’ve given me so many reasons to smile, and with that, I love that you always know how to make me laugh until I’m absolutely red in the face. I can’t imagine life without you in it. you make everything so much better. I love you forever, my sweet girl. happy birthday!! ❤️💃🥂
view all 43 comments..
y/n - 🧡🧡
.. xoxo, lee! 💋
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royallyprincesslilly · 8 months
Guess who wrote for the first time in weeks since being sick until early in the AM. 😄👋🏾
Guess who wrote a huge chunk of "Wasted Love Part III" until 3am this morning. 😄👋🏾
So guess who will finally be getting the final part, possibly in the next week to week and a half. 😄🫵🏾
And I think I even have a good title for it too! ☺️
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getwonderhoyd · 2 years
ruikasa comparing hand sizes fic
"Wow Tsukasa-kun, you have such dainty hands."
Tsukasa bristled, bunching his shoulders up. "If you're making fun of me-"
"No nothing like that at all, I promise. I was just thinking about how different ours were."
There's eight centimetres height difference between Tsukasa and himself. Rui takes notice.
read on ao3
Wonderlands x Showtime was sitting on the stage in their practice clothes, doing a readout of their latest script. Rui was supposed to be paying attention, but he was admittedly a little distracted.
He couldn't help noticing that even though they were sitting on the floor, Tsukasa was still a good deal shorter than him.
His round face and large eyes made him look younger than all the other boys in their year, even though he was one of the oldest.
His script, he noticed, was folded over and held in one hand like he was a middle aged professor with a paperback. It was endlessly endearing. His eyes traced his hand, and a thought struck him.
"Wow Tsukasa-kun, you have such dainty hands."
Tsukasa bristled, bunching his shoulders up. "If you're making fun of me-"
"No nothing like that at all, I promise." Rui held out his own hand, like he was waiting for a high five. Something in Tsukasa's chest warmed seeing the bracelet Emu had made for him on his wrist. "I was just thinking about how different ours were."
On instinct, Tsukasa held his hand up to Rui's. He let out a surprised squeak.
"Wow..." he pressed the bottom of his palm against Rui's, lining his fingers up against his. Rui was right, his hands were rough and calloused from long nights holding wrenches and screwdrivers. His wrist and knuckles were a bit knobbly, but the biggest difference was-
"Your hands are so big!" He probably shouldn't be surprised, with how Rui was easily the tallest person he knew, but he couldn't help but stare. His palm was slightly wider, but both it and his fingers were so much longer than his own. So long he could probably curl his fingers over Tsukasa's.
Rui must've read his mind, because he gave a small giggle before doing exactly that.
Tsukasa sucked in a breath.
"You can really tell yours are pianist's hands Tsukasa-kun. They're so soft." Tsukasa stopped breathing. "They're so small and dainty, it's cute."
Tsukasa pulled his hand away as if he was burned. "We should get back to the script reading."
"Ha, of course." he smiled at him.
As Tsukasa leant over the script in his lap to find his spot, Rui spotted Nene looking straight at him over Tsukasa's shoulders. She raised an eyebrow at him. He chuckled quietly, he really couldn't help himself.
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kookyburrowing · 8 months
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i think im funny.
[image id: a screenshot of a google doc in dark mode. The text reads “As it happened, the clones had a high spice tolerance.  Their rations were as spicy as was popular for Mandalorians, because before it the Kaminoans had tested the rations on Jango Fett.  Upon tasting something that didn’t instantaneously clear his sinuses, however, he had passed out in a fit of incandescent boredom, and they’d been forced to start over.  
And so it was that when Tarkin, who was whiter than snow and usually had a diet consisting entirely of boiled foodstuffs, ate clone rations by accident, he spontaneously combusted.” /end id.]
100 notes · View notes
stellarfoam · 2 months
Relationships: Whitley Schnee/Ruby Rose, Whitley Schnee & Neon Katt & Flynt Coal
Tags: Modern AU, Pre-Relationship, Pining, Childhood Friends, Meet-cute, College Graduation Party
Whitley is hosting his college graduation party in his apartment. He invited Weiss, of course, and shared high school friends, but he didn't expect any of them to show up. He didn't expect Ruby to make herself at home in his kitchen. He definitely didn't expect her to remember him. And he certainly didn't expect those old, inconvenient feelings to come roaring back to life. Written for RWBY Rarepair Exchange 2024! ---- Whitley makes a point to be the life of any party he hosts, and a scintillating conversation partner for any event he graces. He is charming, refined, and occasionally magnanimous. He does not take breaks, especially not for something held in his honor. Ruby does not listen to his explanation, and her grip is far stronger than expected for a person of her stature as she steers him into the kitchen.
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honeykngdom · 1 year
𝚜𝚠𝚎𝚎𝚝 𝚊𝚜 𝚑𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚢 | 𝚎.𝚌𝚊𝚕𝚕 | 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚜𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚗
Pairing: Embry Call x Original Character Summary: Join Ainsley and Embry as they embark on a journey where they are forced to question everything they thought they knew, and embrace the pain that is inevitable to avoid in love. An imprint story. Self-discovery. Angst and romance. Word Count: 4.3k Warnings: Not much going on here; just cute lil heart to heart and some awkward family convos. prev. chapter | next chapter
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Embry followed Sam back into the house with his hands shoved into the deep pockets of the shorts Sam had brought out to him. Embry hadn’t had an outburst like that in a really long time, and he was beside himself at his carelessness – what with the imprints in the room. 
Upon entering the home again, he looked over to where Emily sat at the table with a steaming mug between her hands. “I’m so sorry, Em –”
“Don’t you worry about it, I’m alright.” The woman smiled, moving to hug his large frame in her small arms when he bent down to her level.
Seth and Quil looked up from the table across from them. “Your girl's a mess, dude.” Quil whispered, looking towards the stairs. On cue, Embry could hear Ainsley empty the contents of her stomach into the toilet; he grimaced, looking down at the floor with shame. He definitely felt like the biggest piece of shit for multiple different reasons. This wasn’t how he had wanted to tell her, or how he wanted her to find out.
His intention had been to start with the stories, and talk about how the pack first started. How he had originally given it up to keep that part dormant for his own sake, and was willing to leave it behind for her. How he had only phased again because there were two rogue vampires in the Peninsula, frequently stopping by Forks to feast on the innocent and young, and he was helping his pack. He was doing his duty as a protector of the reservation. 
Instead, Ainsley had witnessed the wrong side of the beast. And according to the heaving that echoed upstairs, she was absolutely sickened by it. 
Embry took the stairs two at a time before stopping just outside the bathroom door. His fingers touched the knob gently, hesitant, before opening the door slowly. Ainsley was seated on the floor with her back pressed to the tub and her knees pulled to her chest. Her swollen eyes lazily drifted up to meet him, “Hi.” She croaked, doubling over in pain. 
“Honey,” his voice broke, and the shifter dropped to the floor in front of his imprint. “I’m sorry, I should’ve said something sooner.”
“What?” She cleared her throat. “About turning into a giant dog?” 
“Wolf,” he corrected, pulling the wet face cloth from her lap to dab her forehead gently, “but yes. It wasn’t right to keep that from you – Edward’s right, it’s safer if you know.” 
She sat in silence for a few moments, breathing deeply through her nose to try to calm her stomach. He wanted to pull her into his arms, he wanted to press kisses to her forehead and soothe her worries but he knew he couldn’t do anything until she said it was okay. Knowing he could lose his temper at any moment had her mortified, he was sure. 
“Ainsley .. the way I feel about you is crazy.”
“You got the crazy part right.” She spat, leaning her head away from the cloth to glare at him. 
“Just hear me out.”
“Embry –”
“You don’t understand,” he started, the words tumbling past his lips before he had the chance to even filter through his thoughts. “I have waited nine years for you. Specifically you – not just any connection, or any relationship. And nine years might not seem like a long time, but it is painfully long when you know that the possibility of that epic love exists. Having an imprint was all I have ever wanted, and everyone thinks I’m absolutely mad because of it but I don’t care what they think.”
Embry felt as though he were going to break. He was sure she could see the tears brimming in his eyes, and could hear the desperation in his voice. She couldn’t leave him, right? This is what they were for – he belonged to her. 
“Embry,” She started, closing her eyes tightly, “I don’t know if I’m cut out for this.”
“You are.” He promised, this time he moved quickly, pulling her into his lap and securing his arms around her. “I’m still me.” 
She shook her head vehemently. “That wasn’t you.” 
“I’ve been having a hard time,” he sighed, pressing his face into her neck, “keeping my anger in check since I started phasing again. It’s even more difficult now that I have more reason to give into my genetic instincts by having you in my life.” 
“But … why do it? Again?” She asked, her body rigid in his hands. 
“It’s part of my job. I made an oath to protect this tribe, but we haven’t had any real threats come through to our land in years. So, when one showed up I didn’t have a choice. I have an obligation.” 
“When were you going to tell me?” Ainsley demanded, pulling him back so she could watch his face. 
“Tonight. I told you earlier that if you had any questions, I would answer them. All of them. I was going to tell you everything.” 
Ainsley watched his face, checking for any sort of indication he was lying about that. “Tell me now.” 
Embry stopped for a moment, mouth ajar for a short two seconds before he nodded once curtly. “Not here. Not when they’re being nosey.” 
Ainsley looked over his shoulder to the open door, wondering just how much the others could hear. Embry watched her nod her head slightly in defeat. 
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
Once I was showered and wore a fresh change of clothing, I sat in the center of Embry’s bed with my feet tucked under my bottom while I waited for him to join me. Jacob agreed to go check in on Renesemee for the night, allotting the two of us some privacy to sort through what happened this evening. I already started thinking of a list of questions to ask Embry – many of them had to do with what exactly I was dealing with, others played into the more curious nature in me. 
Embry entered the dimly lit room with a towel wrapped around his waist. He wasted no time pulling a pair of boxers on when he saw me waiting patiently, and slipped under the covers beside my legs, propping his head up with the palm of his hand. 
“Go for it.” Embry said once was comfortable.
“Okay,” I moved a little so I was facing him more directly, “what are you?”
“Not a … werewolf?” God, it felt so insane to even say out loud in conversation.
Embry shrugged. “You could say that, but I’m still pretty convinced that’s not exactly what we are. But we have nothing that proves otherwise.”
I nodded. “And when did you … become this?”
“When I was fifteen.” I leaned back a bit, surprised by his answer. Fifteen was so young – I was worried about school dances and math homework, and he was morphing into a giant wolf and killing other mythical creatures. Speaking of –
“What dangers are you protecting the tribe from?”
Embry paused, falling onto his back to exhale a loud sigh. “Mostly vampires.” He said quietly, watching me for my reaction. “Cold ones, as we like to call them – or leeches. That one’s just Paul’s personal favourite.” 
“Vampire’s are real?”
He nodded once, resting a hand on his stomach. “Unfortunately. They’re the reason why we turn in the first place. The ‘magic’ in us awakens when they’re near and threatening our people – that’s why there’s so many of us now. The Cullen’s kind of brought out more of us by taking up permanent residency in Forks. We’re the largest pack the tribe has ever heard of.” 
“Cullen's? Like, Renesmee’s parents?”
Embry nodded again. “Bella was human when she met Edward. But she wanted to be just like him, and she wanted to be changed. Jacob all but had a fit over it, too. Tore the pack apart – literally, there were two packs for a while –”
“Bella got pregnant during her honeymoon with Edward,” seeing my expression, Embry held a hand up, “please, don’t ask me how, I don’t even like thinking about it all too much. When she came back, Jacob lost his shit. We had never dealt with or heard of anything like that. The fetus wasn’t something we were comfortable with, and we didn’t know if it’d be like Edward, except worse. Unable to control its thirst.”
“Renesmee ...” I said quietly, looking at my hands. 
“We were going to kill her,” he stated simply, “while Bella was still pregnant. Jacob took a stand to Sam and broke ties – being the rightful alpha and all had its perks, I guess. 
Even after Jacob imprinted and everything had settled, the packs were never the same. After Sam and Emily got married, he wanted to step away from this life with Jacob stepping up to the alpha role. The pack gravitated towards him. Now he’s the alpha, but Sam still has the best strategies, so they work as a team.” 
“Sam calls the shots, Jacob just dishes them out?”
“Mhm. I ran patrols and stuck with them until I was twenty-two. I had decided that being like this was starting to get the best of me, and that it was easier to control my emotions and keep them under wraps if I didn’t give into the animal.” He turned his head to look at me. “We won’t age unless we stop. It takes a lot of self-restraint and discipline to walk away from something like this. Sam and I are the only two that had reason to do it. He wanted to grow old with Emily - and I just wanted to feel normal again.
I never wanted this. When I first turned, I remembered thinking it was the best thing that could’ve happened. Sure, I was isolated and alone and scared to shit, but being the wolf made me feel powerful and strong. Like I had finally found my purpose.” 
“So, what’s the issue?”
“It’s not the same,” he started, fingers reaching forward to run across my bare thigh. “I mean, I feel just as powerful as before. I’m just as strong, just as lethal and deadly and terrifying, but it’s not just me anymore. I used to think I found my calling in life, that I finally found my reason for being here. Until I saw you,” he sighed, letting his eyes close, “you’re so feisty and stubborn. The way you placed your hand on your hip, the way your hair fell out of place, the way your chest was flushed pink. That very moment when I first saw you, it cleared everything I thought I knew about myself out of my mind. I literally had no idea who I had become, but I knew it wasn’t a man you could love. And I wanted to be someone you could love.
Everything shifted into place. When it happened, I hadn’t even known exactly what it was until Jared and I spoke around the fire. The others absolutely hate the idea of it for the most part. Being out of your own body, losing who you are for someone that could still leave you seemed like another hopeless and empty promise. It’s a complete loss of autonomy – creating a bond with another person, having them be the center of the fucking universe seemed like such a disgusting notion, until it isn’t. Take Paul and Jacob, for example. I was so confident I would never be like the others, that nobody had been hand picked for me.”
I blinked. From the way he spoke, I could tell that Embry meant it when he said he had longed for this … imprint connection. But, from my slow understanding, this entire process seemed to strip them of their ability to choose. I swallowed thickly, “But?”
“Then I saw you. And I understood it – all of it. I felt the pull and switch in gravity, I felt the need and longing. I thought I was going insane for a while, thinking about where you were or what you were thinking. You looked so uncomfortable that night, watching everyone else get along, and I just wanted to know you. I wanted to be selfish and pull you away, I wanted to hear you talk all night. 
So, I pulled soccer together. I begged everyone to come, just to make it less awkward for you. The first time I knew I had imprinted on you was the first night when I held your hands in the Jeep. The second time was when I looked over and saw you curled up in my blanket on the beach, talking with Emily and Kim and Collin. By then, I was certain that if anyone could break me or ruin me, it would be you. It took seventy-two hours for the reality of the situation to sink in, and I haven’t looked back since.” 
“Embry,” I interrupted, shaking my head, “I … that’s a lot. I don’t want you to feel like you’re stuck with me because of some stupid bond.” That didn’t sound like love; that sounded like obligation. And a weird one, at that. 
Embry’s face hardened, “This isn’t some bond or fate telling me I’m stuck with one person for the rest of my life because my genetics say so. We could’ve been friends, and just friends. I was prepared to just be that. But the genuine feelings and attraction I have for you? They’re magnified by this bond. I remember Seth and Quil making comments about your eyes and lips, and wanting to strangle them both and hang them from their ankles.” 
“Emb,” I groaned, “those are your brothers.” 
“You’re the light of my life.” He said simply, “I need you and I want you. I have spent countless nights waiting for some sort of freedom from the darkness that binds me to this fucking curse we pretend is a gift, and you’re exactly what I’ve been waiting for. You were hand picked by destiny for me. And I’ll be damned if I let you slip right through my fingers.” 
I felt it was only appropriate that I entwined our fingers together, holding them high enough so we could both see. “I don’t think you should worry for now.” 
Embry seemed to consider this. “Really?” 
I nodded slowly: I was sure this was the right decision. He would never hurt me, or his brothers. He hadn’t lost his temper over Jacob – he had lost it over Edward. 
The vampire.
And Bella, who was also a vampire. 
And Renesmee – who was a half-vampire?
I needed to distract myself from the vampires and concepts of imprinting – just for a while. The longer I pondered too long on either subject, the more uneasy I felt. One part in fear, one part in insecurity. 
“Tell me more. What’s it like?”
“Being a wolf, or being me?”
I contemplated. “Both.”
“It’s like this, I just get a little extra benefit. Speed, better hearing, faster reflexes. As a wolf, we communicate through our thoughts, and it’s not really something that’s easily controlled. It’s a really vulnerable position to be in. Apart from that, our bodies kicked into overdrive when we changed. A fever set in that never quite went away, we grew several inches, all the muscle in our bodies hardened and became more permanent and solid.”
“Is that why you’re so warm? It’s a wolf thing?” 
“It’s also why I eat so much. I burn the calories off too quickly.” 
“And here I thought you were trying to fatten me up with all those carbs.” I teased, shimmying closer to his side. “So … you turn now. Which means what, exactly?”
“There’s another threat. Two new vampires. The Cullen’s have never seen them, and none of us recollect their faces.” Embry rolled onto his side, pulling me close. “That’s why I wanted to keep you out of all of this. To save you from worrying the way the other imprints do. The less you know, the less shitty I feel for lying about picking up double shifts –”
“Wait, wait, wait,” I held up a hand, pulling back to get a full look at his face, “you lied about work?” 
“Did you really think I was working fifteen-plus hours in a factory, Ains?” When I blinked blankly, he chuckled. “I was running patrol. The only reason I run mornings is because Jake knows I actually work overnight.”
“But you’re here when I get up?” I said, more to myself than to him. 
“I come home after work-work and sleep for like .. two hours and then I leave again. And I don’t work-work every night – the nights I have off, Jacob usually has me pull a double on this end of town. So, I slip out after you pass out and come home before you notice I left.” 
“You leave me?” 
Embry frowned. “I never want to. But it’s almost over. Soon you’ll have so much free time with me, you’ll get sick of me.” 
I chewed on my lip, contemplating his words. “Impossible.” 
Embry appraised me cautiously before he gently pressed his lips against mine, sealing my worries away. We remained like that, lips parting briefly so that tongues could collide, getting lost in the heat and fire that coursed through our veins. 
“So, you’re really okay with this?” He asked breathlessly when we parted for air, pressing his forehead to mine. 
“I will be.” I tried, caressing his cheek with my free hand. I hope so.
Embry let his eyes fall shut, a sort of relief washing over his strained face as he pressed his mouth to mine again, “Honey, I love you.”
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
My mind wandered aimlessly as I drove through the winding roads leading back to La Push. I had a job at a diner in Forks, and had finally compromised on sleeping at home every other week (Embry would sneak in for snuggles, not that Jennie ever knew). I made a point to talk to Trenton about Leah – he had started to fall into the same absent pattern I had: staying out late, sneaking out, not being home for long periods of time. 
Jennie had called a family meeting; despite her children being old enough to take care of themselves, she still felt the need to mother us as though we were five. Travis, being the middle and favoured child, sat in his place across from me with a smug smirk. For once the meeting wasn’t about him. 
It had started off with the usual: be home for a family dinner once a week, keep in touch, etcetera. By the end, Jennie was all but in tears, asking Trenton and I if we were doing drugs. Point blank, placed two small cylinders on the table and requested we provide urine samples. At first, I thought Jennie was joking. It wasn’t until she placed her hands on her hips that I understood the severity of the situation – my mother really thought I was chasing highs. 
“They’re not getting high,” Travis jumped in, “they’re getting laid. And I know he has condoms,” he pointed to Trenton, finger guns blazing. “But I have no idea if Embry wraps his di–”
“Alright,” I said loudly, hard eyes cutting through my brother's skull, “enough.” 
“What, you don’t think I can’t hear when he’s visiting?”
I recoiled in disgust, completely mortified as Trenton leaned forward, “Dude, you listen?” 
“She’s not exactly quiet –”
“Okay! Enough!” TJ clapped, pushing away from the table. “This was obviously a waste of time – Jennie, baby, they’re just being kids.” 
I felt the heat rising in my chest and neck, eyes pressed shut tightly as I tried to push the thoughts away – Travis sleeping on the opposite side of the wall, able to hear everything. Much to my dismay, my moans weren’t the worst thing he could possibly hear during the nights Embry came to visit. Too much private information we shared, many of them his secrets. 
I pushed my meal around that night, not having much of an appetite. I was sure my mother would have plenty more to say when the boys retreated to the basement – I purposely stuck around to help with the dishes in awkward silence. 
Just as I was about to give up and retire for the evening, knowing Embry was likely already half-naked and warming up my bed, my mother started the Keurig and turned to me expectantly. She did not look impressed. 
“Sex is really not the worst thing I could be doing.” I said finally, defeated and tired. I fell back into my chair at the dining table, watching Jennie with weary eyes as she took her seat across from me. 
It was silent for another two minutes - and I thought about trying to convince her I would do better, but decided against it. I would be twenty-one in the new year, and was fully capable of being involved in a sexually active relationship without Jennie – 
“Does he hit you?”
I reared my thoughts back to the present, snapping my eyes up off the tabletop to glance at my mother. I almost couldn’t think of anything to say, but was most definitely concerned about Embry and his inability to shut people out. God, I hoped he was now. 
“Ains, baby,” she whispered, leaning forward on the table, “you can tell me.” 
“What?” I shook my head, pulling my knees up to my chest. “No, Embry definitely doesn’t hit me, mom.” 
“Then what is it?” She asked, looking defeated. “I don’t get it. You’re never home, you never want to be home. You’re always with him, or them.” 
I failed to see the issue with any of this. “So, I made friends? What’s the big deal?”
“It’s just not you.” Jennie knew many things about me; I loved my education more than anything, I loved all animals and I certainly loved my alone time. 
“I don’t know,” I started, looking down at my hands. “I’m just comfortable with him. He doesn’t physically drain the energy out of me the way everyone else does – when I’m with him, it’s like I know what it’s like to be normal.”
“You are normal –”
“I’m not,” I laughed, shaking my head. “People suck the life right out of me, they leave me tired and frustrated and anxious. When he’s around, it all goes away. He’s my solitude.” 
“That’s not healthy. Codependency is an ugly thing.” 
“I’m not codependent, mom, I’m just ...” I sighed. I never liked saying the words out loud to anyone but him. I had never known this emotion before, never had the luxury of being with someone that tolerated me enough to let me really grasp onto the idea of how beautiful love could be. Saying it to other people made me feel naive, like I didn’t have the right to say it at all. 
“In love?”
I looked at Jennie. I wanted to nod, but I also felt as though my mother would smile in such a way that said, ‘Oh, honey, you don’t know what love truly is.’ That she would undermine what Embry had built in me, the confidence he gave me. I lifted my chin and shrugged, “I told you that you didn’t need to worry about me.” 
“You’re having unprotected sex.” She snapped, leaning forward on the table again. “You will not make me a grandmother before I’m forty-five. I expect that out of Travis, but not you.” 
“Mom –”
“I get it, Ains. You’re not my baby anymore, or at least you’re trying very hard not to be. I know you’re anxious and ready for the real world, living in your boyfriends house, zero responsibilities –”
“I do have a job now.” 
“- staying out all night and partying with his friends –”
“Jacob is part of ‘his friends.’”
“But I promise you, it gets old real quick.”
I dropped my hands onto the table, this time looking a little harder at my mother. “Why can’t you just support my relationship with him?”
“I do.”
“No, you don’t. Because if you did, this conversation wouldn’t have started with the assumption I’m being forced to stay in this relationship. You’re trying to convince me this isn’t what’s best for me, or what’s good for me. So, what is it? What’s so wrong with him?” 
Jennie sighed, looking at me with sad eyes, “Because when I look at him, I see your father.” 
I skewered my face, “Doug wasn’t an abusive piece of shit.” 
“No, Ainsley. He wasn’t.” She nodded in agreement, looking down at the table, her voice dropping barely above a whisper. “I look at you and Embry together and I think about what I had with him. The love I had for him. But when he left me, I thought I was going to die. I wanted to.”
“What’s your point?”
“My point is that I don’t want you to get too attached to him. Just because he was the first to stay, doesn’t mean he’s the one.”  Fate would say otherwise, I wanted to say. My sex life was none of my mother’s concern. Embry was not going to leave me like my father had.
He loved me.
He belonged to me.
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h-doodles · 1 year
sorry but having a brainwave abt Filipino reader rn sending tagalog memes to Larissa & Marilyn and them going ????? baby are you okay?
edit 1: more of this POSTED <3
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iii-of-ender · 18 days
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everyone clap and cheer i actually wrote a good start
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