#Leighton Murray x reader
chaengluva · 4 months
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Regina George x Fem!Reader: 1.1k words
Regina was really hurt by her friends and she ends up taking out her anger on you.
WARNINGS: Angst, name calling, reader getting hurt and being slightly sensitive, mention of weight gain and eating disorder.
Please leave requests, they help me write when i have writers block! Love you guys!
Regina came home with tears falling down her face; she could barely walk. She felt so belittled by people she once called her best friends. You walked behind her, and you felt bad as you heard her tears. You watched as she hoped on her massive bed. You got on and snuggled up with her. "Baby, it's going to be okay." You say you are trying to calm her, but as she shifted to face you, her eyes were filled with anger and hurt. She pushed you away, unable to trust anyone in that moment of vulnerability.
"R-Regina." You whisper, you look at her and think for a few seconds, and you sigh deeply. "Okay, I see you need time." You say, standing up, "I'll be downstairs." You say, walking towards the door. As you reached for the doorknob, you hesitated, unsure if you should leave her alone in that state. But you knew that sometimes people needed space to process their emotions, so you quietly exited the room, closing the door gently behind you.
As you made your way downstairs, you couldn't shake the feeling of helplessness, wishing there was something more you could do to ease Regina's pain. But for now, all you could do was give her the time and space she needed to come to terms with whatever was troubling her.
You sit on the couch in the living room, and you can't help but feel guilt for leaving. Even though you know that's what she wanted, you scroll on your phone, hoping to distract you. You see the door open, and you smile when you see Ms. George standing at the doorway. She was holding grocery bags. You hop up quickly from the couch and go to help her with the bags.
Ms. George gives you a warm smile and thanks you for your help, mentioning that she brought over some of Regina's favourite snacks to cheer her up. As you both unpack the groceries, she quietly reassures you that Regina will come around in her own time. "Do you want to give these to Regina, then you can come down and help me with dinner?" She asks, her eyes slightly pleading.
You creep up on the Stairs, trying your best not to be too loud, in case Regina is sleeping. When you get to her room, you open the door slowly. You frown when you see that she is still sobbing. You walk up to her and smile, hoping to cheer her up. "I got you some snacks; you love chocolate chip cookies!" You exclaim happily.
Regina turns to you with a massive frown on her face. She looks at the plate and pushes it down, making the plate smash into the ground. It was one of those fancy glass plates; it cut your foot, and you winced in pain, but you tried to ignore it. You sit on the bed and look at Regina, but she doesn't look at you. There were a few minutes of silence before you decided to speak up again. "Regina." You start, but the blonde girl cuts you off. "You are so stupid!" she exclaims, and you are slightly taken back.
"You brought me cookies? Do you want me to gain more weight?" She yells, and you start to tear up because you hate yelling. Regina knows this. "I'm sorry; your mom got them, and I didn't think," you confess. Regina rolls her eyes. "You are a fucking idiot!." You frown, understanding she still needs more time alone.
You carefully get off the bed, trying your best not to stand on the glass that was smashed earlier. You get the vacuum to clean up the class; she doesn't seem bothered; she completely ignores your presence. You go down to help Ms. George with dinner.
After two hours, you were nearly finished. As you were filling the bowls with spaghetti and about to carry the bowl to offer it to Regina, you felt someone put an arm around your waist.
When you turn around, you see Regina standing there with tears on her cheeks. You scowl before turning to embrace her. She cries, and you two just hold each other without saying anything. A few minutes later, Regina pulls away, blotting her tears. "I'm so sorry for ignoring you earlier," she murmurs. “I appreciate you being here for me.” You give her a gentle smile and tell her you'll be there for her no matter what.
As you both sit down at the table, you can feel the tension slowly melting away. Regina picks up her fork and takes a small bite of the spaghetti, her eyes still glistening with tears.
You reach out and squeeze her hand, offering her some comfort. The silence between you is comfortable, filled with unspoken understanding and support. After a few moments, Regina looks up at you and smiles gratefully. "Thank you," she whispers, her voice filled with emotion.
After you finished eating, Regina's mom said that she would clean up, so you took her to the living room and sat her on the couch.
You couldn't even talk; Regina just started crying. It made you so sad to see her like this. "They humiliated me." She starts, more tears in her eyes.
You just nodded, listening closely to what she was saying. "Only tracksuit pants fit me." She said this, looking down at her stomach and frowning at what she was seeing.
You put a comforting arm around Regina's shoulder and gently reassured her that those people didn't matter. "Baby, you are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. I fell in love with you, and I don't care about your body. If you want to lose weight, that's okay, but don't think you need to do it for anyone; you should be doing that only if you want to."
Regina nodded at your words. You pulled her into your arms and played with her hair, whispering sweet things into her hair. You turned the television on and decided to watch a movie. You watch a full movie and a half. You were about to speak up and say something, but you realise that she is sleeping. You smile, taking a picture of it and setting it as your wallpaper.
You wake her up to take her upstairs to her bedroom; she doesn't say anything; she just falls down into the bed. You were about to get into bed with her, but then you see a box of Kälteen bars on her bedside table, and you are very confused. "Regina? What is this?"
She looks up and sighs, "Oh, Cady gave me those; she said they were to help me lose weight." You take a deep breath and say "Regina, these make you gain weight." You say, she looks up, and she has an angry expression; she didn't say anything; she just let out a loud, pricing scream.
The next morning, you woke up with no Regina beside you, and the burn book was missing.
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brooooswriting · 7 months
Hiii, can I request a Leighton one where R usually wears baggy clothes and things that don't really show figure and is very shy (mind you R and Leight didn't have any type of ✨ intimacy ✨ yet here), so one day something happens and R has to change in front of Leighton and she finds out they're like, really strong and tattoed. You can add smut or them just making out if you want, but it doesn't really matter
You’re like… hot
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Everybody was confused when they saw you and Leighton together for the first time. You were the biggest opposites you could find on campus. Leighton was this known extroverted hot rich girl while you were a nerdy introverted unknown girl that wore baggy clothes and barely talked to anyone. It wasn’t that you were unfriendly or ugly you just kept away from any drama.
At least until you met Leighton, everybody was watching her. Frats, Sororities, professors, students, literally everybody which meant that they now were also watching you. It started off lightly when you just walked around campus together but when you were first seen kissing? Hell broke loose. Everybody was watching you all of the time but you’d take it as long as you could be with Leighton.
But since then, you decided to go on dates outside of the campus and if possible even further away so you two could be carefree. Just like today, you had reserved a table at a very fancy restaurant an hour away. You knew that Leighton wanted to visit this place for a while now so it was a great opportunity. “Y/n? Where are you? I’m in front of your dorm?” The blonde asked as you finally picked up the phone, if you had to make such a long drive you had to go on time.
“I’m on my way, when I was nearly done getting ready I realized that I forgot to give my Econ homework to the prof. So I just need to change, I’ll be there in a minute” you promise as you nearly ran through the hallways to arrive quicker. “I’m here” you called out as you went to open the door.
“Calm down, we still have a bit of time” she said as she closed the door behind her before sitting on your bed while you searched through your closet. “What are you gonna wear?” She then asked as you still searched for something, most of your closet was filled with baggy oversized clothes. Even your sleeping wear was oversized. Not that Leighton didn’t like it, the style looked really good on you.
“Uhm, the trouser over there and I have a button up in like an emerald green, matches my earrings and your jacket” you explained with your whole body in the closet by now. “Ah there. Got it” you happily exclaimed, throwing the shirt over the door so you could pull off your oversized hoodie. Leightons jaw dropped when she saw your back that was now only covered in a bra , your muscles were flexed as you reached up to grab the shirt. She used the short time she had to examine the tattoos on your back. Once you pulled the shirt on you turned around to grab your pants just to find the blonde still starring at you. This time her gaze fell onto your abs. You guys haven’t been intimate yet which meant that this was the first time she saw you without clothes.
“Everything ok?” You asked, trying to hide that you were insecure about your body. Trying to avoid her gaze, you busied yourself with opening your pants as you still had to change them.
“Ok? Damn, why’d you never told me how hot you are under all those baggy clothes” she grinned, standing up to walk over to you. You jumped a bit when she was suddenly in front of you, her eyes still watching you closely.
“Leigh, I still gotta change my trousers” you nervously laughed until a small point appeared on her lips and one of her hands came to the back of your neck. Your hand automatically went to her hip.
“You’re extremely hot baby” she said, she knew you were insecure and shy and she wanted to hype you up. Your personality and your body needed a whole lot more confidence. “You should wear shirts like that more often” she added as she squeezed on of your arms, impressed by how strong they were.
“Thank you” you mumbled, looking at your shoes to hide your blush but it was no use. “I should really change so we can be there on time” you tried to pull away but Leighton wouldn’t let you, instead pulling you in for a kiss. One of her hands was flat against your toned stomach while the other one played with the hair on the back of your neck. Yours immediately went back to her hips to pull her closer. You kissed softly for a bit before she swiped her tongue over your lower lip causing a groan to leave you as you deepened the kiss. You carefully pushed her back until you could pick her up to sit her on your desk causing her to moan quietly. A ring from your phone made you pull away a bit so you could look onto the screen to see the reminder for the reservation. “Babe, I gotta change or we will lose our table” you spoke against her lips, rubbing her outer thigh up and down.
“Fuck that, let’s just stay here” she was quick to pull you back between her legs, this time her legs wrapping around you to prevent you from pulling away. The way her hands squeezed your arms or ran over your stomach gave you a whole new boost of confidence. Leighton in general made you feel a lot of new things. You never understood how people could talk about other people as if they hung the stars in the sky but now that you had the blonde in your arms? It felt like she didn’t just hung them but she also made them and the stars in her eyes were your favorite thing ever.
“This is great but you really wanted to visit this place and we can continue this later my love” you told her as you pulled away again. She sighed but gave you a nod and pulled away to let you change her eyes never leaving you. Leighton couldn’t believe her luck as she really pulled the jackpot with you. You were nice, smart, kind, funny and sweet. You had a personality to die for and now she knew your body was too. Which made the whole thing better if that was even possible.
As soon as you were done changing you grabbed your phone, wallet and keys before taking Leightons hand in yours to walk her to your car. “Will we even arrive on time?” She questioned as she looked on your phone to see that you were making our way longer than she thought.
“Yeah, we’ll only be like 8 minutes late” you speed walked over campus to your car, every bodies eyes following you making Leighton smirk. She sat in the passenger seat after you opened the door and waited for you to get in before she shared her new knowledge.
“We are the hottest couple on campus. By far” she smirked at you as you blushed and put the car in reverse.
“Whatever you say babe” you smiled as you drove to the restaurant.
Let’s just say that both of you didn’t sleep much that night.
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xtra7s · 8 months
𝗦𝗢𝗠𝗘𝗧𝗛𝗜𝗡𝗚 𝗦𝗣𝗘𝗖𝗜𝗔𝗟 (𝗪𝗟𝗪) ──── 𝘙𝘦𝘯𝘦𝘦 𝘙𝘢𝘱𝘱 𝘹 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
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Synopsis: Renee and Y/N got casted as lovers in a new show
Content: Renee Rapp x Fem!Reader, G!P!Renee, penatration sex, alcohol
Word Count: 1.5k
masterlist | part 2
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In the bustling city of Los Angeles, two talented individuals were about to embark on a thrilling journey that would forever change their lives. Renee Rapp, a celebrated popstar and actor, was known for her enchanting performances that captivated audiences worldwide. Y/N, a rising starlet, had recently made a name for herself with her remarkable acting skills.
Fate had brought them together unexpectedly as they were cast as co-stars in a groundbreaking lesbian show, “Unveiling Hearts.” The series aimed to celebrate diverse love stories and break barriers, resonating deeply with a very gay fanbase.
From the moment they met during the first script reading, sparks flew between Renee and Y/N. However, their connection wasn’t just limited to their on-screen chemistry. They both sensed an undeniable tension that lingered beneath the surface, threatening to unravel even the most composed of scenes.
As the filming progressed, the tension between the two actresses grew more palpable. Their characters’ love story mirrored the intensity of their own hidden desires, making it increasingly challenging to distinguish fiction from reality. The lines between acting and genuine emotions began to blur.
One evening, after a particularly intense scene, Renee invited Y/N to her trailer to practice a moment they were about to film the next day. The air was thick with unspoken desires as they found themselves slightly drunk on boxed wine, alone in the intimate space. The trailer’s dim lighting and the sound of raindrops against the windows added to the charged atmosphere.
The soft hum of distant music filled the air as they settled onto a plush couch, both feeling a subtle excitement hanging in the atmosphere.
The two had been practicing for quite some time, deciding to chill out for a bit. However, there was an unspoken tension lingering between them. A connection that had subtly shifted, leaving a delicate anticipation in its wake.
As they sat side by side, Renee couldn't help but steal glances at Y/N. The gentle flicker of the candles played on Y/N's face, casting a soft glow that highlighted their features. Renee's heart raced as she felt a magnetic pull towards Y/N, a longing that had been building over time.
Y/N, sensing the shift in the air, turned to meet Renee's gaze. Their eyes locked, and in that moment, it felt as if the world around them had faded away. The conversation paused, replaced by a silent understanding that something was about to change.
Renee's hand found its way to Y/N's, fingers intertwining as they shared a shy smile. The touch sent a wave of warmth through both of them, breaking down the barriers that had kept their feelings hidden.
The room seemed to shrink as they inched closer, drawn by an invisible force. Renee's hot breathe lingering on Y/Ns lips, creating a delicate dance of shared anticipation. It was a moment suspended in time, filled with the unspoken promise of something beautiful.
And then, with a soft and genuine tenderness, their lips met. It was a gentle kiss, filled with the unspoken emotions that had lingered between them for so long. Time seemed to stand still as they explored the sweetness of that shared connection.
In that moment, the world outside ceased to exist, and their inhibitions melted away. Their bodies moved in sync, fueled by a passion that had long been suppressed.
The initial kiss ignited a spark between Renee and Y/N, and as they pulled away, there was a shared, unspoken agreement that they both wanted more. The atmosphere in the room shifted, charged with a newfound intensity that neither of them could ignore.
Without breaking eye contact, Renee cupped Y/N's face with a gentle touch, her thumb tracing soft circles on Y/N's cheek. Y/N reciprocated by running their fingers through Renee's hair, a silent encouragement that spoke volumes. The air was filled with a mix of anticipation and desire as they closed the gap between them once again.
Their second kiss was more rough, a testament to the emotions that had been building up between them. Lips moved in sync, exploring the uncharted territory of each other's mouths. It was a dance of passion and vulnerability, a language only they understood.
Renee's heart raced, feeling the warmth of Y/N's body pressed against hers. The couch beneath them became a haven, a place where time seemed to slow down as they lost themselves in the shared rhythm of their kisses. The soft sounds of their breaths, the gentle sighs, and the occasional quiet giggle filled the room.
As the intensity of their embrace deepened, Renee's hands traced the contours of Y/N's back, leaving a trail of tingling sensations. Y/N, in turn, explored the landscape of Renee's shoulders, fingers dancing delicately along her skin. Every touch communicated a depth of connection that went beyond mere physicality.
The world outside seemed to fade away as they continued their intimate exchange, wrapped up in the blissful cocoon of their shared affection. Time became irrelevant as they surrendered to the magnetic pull drawing them closer.
Y/N's hand rested on top of Renee's thigh, squeezing gently before slowly sliding upward towards her inner thigh. Their fingers traced delicate circles around the hem of her shorts, teasingly brushing against her sensitive skin. Renee bit her lower lip nervously, squirming slightly in anticipation of what was coming next.
"Are you sure about this?" she whispered out, her voice trembling with uncertainty mixed with excitement. Y/N nodded reassuringly, their thumb rubbing circles on the exposed flesh above her knee.
"I wouldn't be here if I wasn't," Y/N replied confidently, her eyes locked onto hers. Their lips crashed together hungrily, tongues dancing wildly in each other's mouths as they became more bold in their movements. Their hands roamed freely over each other's bodies, exploring every curve and dip until finally, Y/N reached beneath Renee's shirt and pushed it upwards, exposing her boobs to the cool air.
Renee gasped softly as Y/N cupped one breast in her palm, massaging it gently while sucking on her neck and chest. Her nipples hardened instantly under the attention, standing erect and begging for more stimulation. Y/N's fingers fumbled with the clasp holding her bra in place, finally freeing both breasts from their confines. They began to knead and tweak them roughly, causing Renee to arch her back into the touch.
"Oh fuck, Y/N" she moaned, her breath coming in shallow gasps. Renee's hands found their way beneath Y/N's tank top, running upwards along their torso until reaching her navel. She circled it slowly at first, savoring the sensation of skin on skin before working her way upwards to cup Y/N's breasts as well.
Their bodies continued to move together rhythmically, their hips grinding against each other in sync with their passionate kisses. Y/N's hand reached down between them, her hand leading between Renee's thigh. With a grin against Renee's lips, She pushed her hand under Renee's shorts, gasping into Renee's mouth when she feels her hard cock and the precum covering the tip.
"Is this all for me, pretty?"
Y/N worked off Renee's shorts and boxers, taking off the rest of her clothes after Renee. Between Renee's legs, Her erect member rubbing against Y/Ns thigh as she sits on Renee's lap. "Tell me you want this too," Renee panted, her breath hot against her ear lobe.
"Please, Renee" Y/N managed to choke out as she kisses Y/N, her voice hoarse with desire. Renee kissed Y/N passionately, "Tell me if you want to stop" She whispers, before slowly pushing inside Y/N, sinking inside of her and stretching her out to fit her cock. Y/N moaned out in both pain and pleasure as Renee continued to move deeper inside her, filling every inch of her up.
Once fully inside, Renee began to thrust her hips rhythmically, hitting all the right spots within Y/N's body. Their hips rocked in unison, generating a wet slapping sound that reverberated throughout the room. Their bodies were now covered in sweat, evidence of their intense fucking.
Y/N gripped onto Renee's shoulders tightly, her nails digging into their skin as she struggled to find a stable place to put her hands amidst the waves of ecstasy coursing through her body. Her moans turned into high-pitched whimpers as orgasm after orgasm washed over her, leaving Y/N's body shaking uncontrollably.
Renee, also feeling her own climax rapidly approaching, picked up the pace, thrusting faster and harder than before. Their breathing became more labored, their bodies slapping against each other in sync with each powerful thrust.
Y/N leaned up, kissing Renee sloppily as she pounds into her, "I'm close... I'm cumming..." Renee moaned, her voice hoarse with desire. At the same time, Y/N yelled out her own release, her juices coating both of them liberally. Renee pulled out, cumming on Y/N's thigh as they continued to move together until their orgasms subsided, panting heavily as they came down from their shared high.
Finally, they collapsed on top of each other, their bodies entwined in a mess of sweat and fluids. "you're something special," Renee smiled, leaning up as she left soft kisses on Y/N's neck, smiling up at her as they held each other.
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meangirls-imagines · 7 months
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Description: Leighton meets reader in her math class and is instantly smitten. However, as weeks go on, Leighton sees that the reader's kindness is getting taken advantage of, causing her girl to burn out. Leighton takes matters into her own hands.
WARNINGS: frat guys being dicks, leighton being protective, reader being a smol bean, exhaustion.
leighton murray was about to lose her shit.
in her defense, it's definitely deserved. 
and it all has to do with her crush, y/n y/l/n.
y/n  was the sweetest person leighton had ever met. she always said hi to everyone she came across, was always open to listen to anyone's problems, gave great hugs. she even went the extra mile to do people's homework if they needed. her and leighton were in the same math class and got partnered up on a project. 
leighton didn't know why but the second she met y/n, she instantly felt a connection to the girl. luckily the two hit it off and had been hanging out ever since. in the short time leighton had been friends with the girl, she had noticed something. 
there was a guy in their math class named josh. he was in theta with nico so that's how leighton knew him. she always felt like he was a sleaze ball because he thought he was hot shit. she had noticed over the past week that y/n's homework load seemed to double. and josh seemed to be at every party that leighton and her roommates had gone to that week.
she had tried to get it out of y/n, but the girl just shook it off. leighton was beginning to get frustrated, seeing y/n basically crumble before her eyes. she had to do some more digging.
josh matthews was about to meet his demise and he didn't even know it. 
leighton didn't want to expose him at the theta party she was currently at, but after a text from jocelyn with a picture of y/n knocked out at a table, she had enough. 
luckily for her, nico still had connections at theta and told her who the president and vice president of the frat were very quickly and her plan was set in motion.
she had talked to both guys in the president's bedroom, leighton providing all the evidence she had on josh not doing his homework. from pictures of him either sleeping in class to pictures of his laptop on netflix during class and pictures of y/n's work (that leighton had taken when the girl wasn't paying attention), showing josh's name written in the corner of one paper and y/n's in the other.
the president and vp took in the evidence, thanking leighton and reassuring her it wouldn't continue or happen again. the blonde thanked them, and rushed downstairs to tell her roommates she was leaving. 
she had an adorable nerd to take care of.
leighton made the usual 15 minute walk to the library from theta in 12. she scanned her student id and made her way into the building. she found jocelyn who pointed her in the direction of the sleeping girl. leighton's heart broke and melted at the same time.
y/n was asleep on her math textbook, papers surrounding her. leighton got a good look at the girl's face, seeing how the weeks of double work had caught up to her. she carefully got all of y/n's things together, sliding them in the girl's backpack, shouldering it, before waking up the sleeping girl.
y/n groaned as she opened her eyes, seeing leighton in front of her. she sleepily smiled, feeling groggy. "hi leighton, what are you doing here?" the blonde smiled at the girl, gently helping her up. "i'm taking care of you. now come on, we're going back to my dorm."
 leighton guided the girl back to her dorm, occasionally supporting the girl's weight as she sleepily strolled next to leighton. once the two made it back to the dorm, leighton gave her some of her pjs to change into, allowing the girl privacy as she went out to the common room to shoot a text to her roommates. 
when leighton went back into her room, y/n was already halfway back to sleep in leighton's bed. the blonde smiled and changed before sliding into bed next to y/n, pulling the girl into her chest. y/n sighed happily and snuggled closer to leighton. "leight?" the blonde hummed, beginning to run her fingers through y/n's hair. 
"i really like you. a lot. do you wanna go out?" leighton giggled. "let's get you rested up and then we'll talk about it, okay?" the girl nodded and allowed the grasps of sleep to take her, feeling leighton gently kiss her on the forehead.
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hermslore · 6 months
Pretty Girl [Reneé Rapp x Reader]
Reneé had been crushing on you for weeks, but you had a boyfriend. She knew you were straight, or at least, she thought so..
Warning : Mentions of smut
[Based on Pretty Girls by Reneé Rapp.]
Part 2
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"You know," your hand traces Reneé's chest, "If I liked girls, I'd definitely have fucked you by now.." your voice sultry, whispering in her ear. Reneé pants as you mess with her. "Oh yeah? What about your boyfriend?" she says, biting her lip. "He wouldn't mind," well, shit.
You kiss her, full on the mouth, hands stroking her cheek. Reneé gasps into the kiss. She's liked you for weeks, because you were deliciously hot.
It was her suggestion that you both go to a club, and she knew you were "straight" but couldn't help but have the need to kiss you. And well, it was happening now.
You'd think that Reneé'd be flattered, well, it's pathetic because you're right.
Your hands slip up her skirt as she gasps into your mouth. Your mouth trails kisses down her jaw, to her neck as she whimpers. "You know, you're surprisingly good at this for a straight girl,"
You pull her in by her collar, kissing her neck and then pushing her up against a wall. Her hands travel to your ass, making you moan against her.
You both went home together that day, having an amazing "girls night."
Reneé knew you were wasted and that that night meant nothing to you. After all, it was late, you were drunk, of course you wanted to have a taste of a pretty girl.
She expected nothing more, however her mind kept wondering back to that night. Unexpectedly, you and Reneé kept hooking up, she took you back to her house, you pulled her in by her tie, slammed her against a door, and shoved your tongue in her mouth.
Another time, she pinned you to the wall, her fingers ramming in and out of your clit as you moaned her name softly.
Despite all this, Reneé was your dirty little secret, and of course she wanted more, she really liked you. But, every time she tried to talk about it, the conversation was classic, she could predict it line by line.
You had a reputation as a "straight girl", you had a boyfriend, you were nowhere near in love with the girl as much as she was with you. She'd claim she liked a straight jacket, but you wouldn't even so much as hold her hand in public.
Another time, your hands slipping into her pants as she gasped, "Oh shit," you giggled. You always acted like you guys never hooked up and for Reneé, it was a blessing and a curse. But in reality, you loved having her at your mercy, you loved touching her, you loved the noises she made, but you were just doing this for fun, after all, you were straight, weren't you?
"Wanna go clubbing?" She smiled, against your neck. "Yes, but my boyfr-" you started but she cut you off. "Yeah, your boyfriend's cute," she said, rolling her eyes, pulling you in by your neck to kiss you.
You gave her a look as Reneé realised. "Oh shit, yeah, he can come too."
Reneé went to get drinks for the three of you. When she came back, her heart broke a bit, there you were, kissing your boyfriend in public, his hands touching everywhere she used to touch.
She bit her lip, keeping the drinks down and running out the room, she knew you had a boyfriend, she knew she was gonna get hurt, but she couldn't help but love you.
You saw her face and excused yourself, you ran after her. "Reneé, listen to me, please" you came after her, but she refused to talk to you.
"You know what, you say that I'm your favorite with your hands in between my thighs, but you'll be his in the morning anyway."
"What? What're you talking about? We both agreed to this being for fun, you know it too. I'm straight!" You said, in disbelief.
She chuckled bitterly, looking at you with teary eyes. "Keep on pretending pretty girl."
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0blobthefish0 · 7 months
leighton murray masterlist | main masterlist
Part 2
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Leighton Murray x Female Reader 2,204 words
You take biochem with Bela and Whitney and you're never usually one to party, so when Bela finally convinces you, you find yourself letting go. Leighton can't help but keep an eye on you.
You let out another sigh as you fall onto your back in the middle of your friends' common room.
"We're gonna fail," you mumble, covering your face with your hands and slowly dragging them down before letting them slump against the floor with a thump.
"Stop, don't say that," Bela quickly scolds and you can't help but frown in defeat. You feel a gentle pat on your knee and groan. Biochem was going to be the death of you. "See? The thing just goes in this thing and that other.. thing comes out?" A half-suppressed - but lighthearted - laugh shot out of you and, in return, you felt a slap to your knee.
"Ow-uh," you pouted at Bela as you sat up to which she scrunched up her face and mocked you like a child. Your mouth fell agape at the sheer audacity of your friend and you felt for a pillow from behind you.
"Are you guys still studying for the exam?" You hear Whitney question and you begrudgingly release your hold on the pillow.
"Sadly," you and Bela reply in unison - which brings a grin to your faces.
"Ugh- it's no use though, I need to let off some steam." Silence fell of the room for a brief moment and then Bela turned to you with a glint in her eyes.
"I know what could help..." she smirked, but you were already shaking your head. You knew what she was going to say. She had brought it up so many times and each time you said the same thing.
"No, absolutely not," you waved her off as she began to creep closer.
"Oh come onnnnn," she whined her hands gripping onto your upper arm, "pleaseeeee? Just this once."
"I've been before, they're not that good," you replied and you felt Whitney sidle in next to you.
"But," she lightly paused, "have you been to one with us?" She combated with a sly smile. You  shook your head in defeat.
"So you're going?" Bela asked loudly, causing Kimberly to emerge from her room.
The four girls, Kimberly, Bela, Whitney and Leighton, stood in the middle of their common room - all dressed in accordance for the evening - and four shot glasses stood lined on the coffee table. A knock sounded and the four girls turned their heads toward the door, Bela ran over, her heels clacking against the floor.
"Quick!," she waved to one of the others, "pour a shot."
Leighton stood, brows furrowed as Kimberly quickly rushed to pour a shot, unaware of the incoming visitor. "Who's here?"
"Y/n? As in biochem Y/n?" Her question was answered as soon as the words left her mouth.
"Ayy! You actually came," Bela shouted and wrapped you in her arms. Leighton took a few moments to blink back her shock.
"Yeah, I wasn't gonna leave you hanging," you smiled shyly and looked up, your eyes locking onto Leighton's, just for a brief nanosecond but you felt as if you had been winded, before engaging with the others. As soon as you let go of Bela, Kimberly passed you a glass.
"We only have four, so it looks like you'll be taking the first one," Bela cheekily grinned. She watched as you wavered slightly. "I'll help you," she whispered and a smile pulled at the corners of your lips so she touched the bottom of the glass and pushed slightly over time as you guided it to your lips and threw back the first shot of the night. The girls erupted into cheer and your cheeks warmed as the liquor burned its way down your throat.
Leighton watched you intently as you were pulled into the middle of the room, the movement causing the skirt of your dress to ride and your hands quickly pulled the material down.  You picked up the bottle and placed your shot glass down before pouring the liquor.
Once again, four shot glasses lined the table, only this time they were full. The four girls reached for their respective glasses and you swallowed a gasp as Leighton grabbed the glass you had just drank from. It was stupid, really; getting butterflies over sharing the same glass, but you couldn't help it. Your small crush on the blonde was sometimes all-consuming and it needed to end, for your own sake. Leighton would most likely find a one night stand tonight and you ultimately concluded that you would do the same.
"Okay, one," Bela began, "two," she pointed at the bottle in your hand and gestured for you to take a swig, "three!" Your lips met the lip of the bottle and you let the cold liquid fall into your mouth.
The four girls felt the instant rush of the first taste of alcohol and the excitement of what the evening could hold was nearly suffocating. However, Leighton couldn't help but look at you; she's never seen you like this, so eager to get drunk, and she can't tell if she should be worried or not. She shook the feeling off, you were your own person. If you wanted to get black-out drunk, then so be it.
Loud music boomed through your very soul. Your brain felt as if it were vibrating in your own skull and your heart felt too big for your chest. But you found that you didn't mind. Bodies pushed up against you, the crowd moving as a collective body, swaying and jumping in time to the beat of the music.
You're the most drunk you've ever been, you're sure of it, and you find yourself being glad that it was the weekend. You feel so light and you throw your head back as you take another shot. The room starts to spin as you push a cup to your lips and you do your best to ignore it, just closing your eyes and giving in to the music, giving in to the feeling. There's a pair of hands on your hips, you aren't sure how long they've been there, but they grip onto you and you'll probably find finger-shaped bruises the next morning.
Leighton nurses on her red solo cup as she eyes you in the crowd. She's staring daggers at the boy behind you - the one with his hands on you - and she feels her jaw clench involuntarily. She can't help it. And she swallows painfully when she watches you lean back into him, your eyes fluttering closed. You're drunk. So drunk she's surprised you haven't toppled over yet.
Then his hands begin to roam.
At first dragging up towards your waist and pinching at your skin. He's so rough. Leighton can't help but point that out. His hands move back down toward the hem of your short skirt and push the fabric up, his hands resting on the skin of your thighs. There's a sharp tingling feeling in her fingertips and a lump begins to form in her throat and, before she knows it, she's pushing through the crowd to get to you.
"Okay that's- that's enough of that." She spits out at the boy as pushes a hand between the two of your bodies. She knows him, one of her brother's friends. And she feels sick to her stomach as you slump so easily into her side as she guides you away with a hand on your shoulder.
You stagger on your own feet as you cling onto Leighton's arm.
"Where're we goin'?" You mumble.
"Back to mine, I'm sure your roommate wouldn't be too happy if you came home now," Leighton explained as she unscrewed the lid to a bottle of water and pushed it toward you.
"You taking me home?" You smirk, taking the bottle, and she can hear the innuendo in your voice, causing her heart rate to pick up ever so slightly. She shakes her head with a smile on her face as she heads in the direction of her dorm.
You're uncharacteristically flirty. Something she wasn't prepared for by the way her stomach does flips and the grin on her face. It's cute. Seeing you like this. But she can't really understand you as she opens the door. You're babbling - something about your dress and the floor and her bed. She's glad you're as drunk as you are, otherwise you would have taken note of the deep blush covering the blonde's cheeks and the way goosebumps litter up her arms.
"Yknow?" You pause as you use her to keep your balance to slip off your heels - her hand finding your waist as yours rests on her shoulder so that you can stand on one leg.
"Know what?" Leighton questions softly, following you, as you pad over to her room and climb on top of her bed. You sit on your knees and reach out for her. You've misjudged the distance by quite a few centimetres and slip so fast Leighton feels her heart jump out of her throat as she catches your fall and pushes you back up. She lets out a nervous laugh as she stabilises you and your hands move to cup her face as you stare down at her.
"You're so pretty, you know that, right?" You smile softly as you search her eyes and she doesn't know what to say. "Your eyes and your face and your hair and your nose and your lips," you whisper as she sees your eyes flicker to her lips and she absentmindedly pushes her tongue out to wet them slightly.
You're drunk - she tells herself. You'd never say this if you weren't. Maybe you'd never even think it if you weren't. Your hands glide over her shoulders and then down her arms before grabbing onto her wrists. Leighton swallows a gasp as goosebumps rise in wake of your movements. She doesn't know what to do. Of course she's dealt with drunk people before and of course she's dealt with liking friends before. But it's you and this time liking a friend could actually amount to something. It didn't have to be some silly little fantasy, it could be something real. 
No, she couldn't do that to herself. Not when you're currently pulling her into her own bed, which you are in. You not liking her in the way that she wants would be different; different because you're the first friend that she's liked who actually likes girls. You not liking her would be so much more personal.
"Where're you going?" You question her with furrowed brows as she tucks you into her bed.
"The couch," she mumbles in reply and you frown ever so slightly as you search her eyes.
"Aren't you staying?" You're so tired that words are hard to form and Leighton pauses as she racks her brain for an answer. For some reason there's a sharp pang in your heart and you lightly clear your throat before moving the duvet off of you. You go to say that you'll go sleep on the couch, but nothing leaves your mouth. Instead, Leighton pulls the duvet back over you and bids you goodnight.
"Leight.." you whisper just before she gets to the door and you stare at her for a moment, your pupils wide from the alcohol and your gaze hazy. "Please stay with me?" 
Leighton tugs at her bottom lip with her teeth, but she's recently found that she can't say no to you.
"Okay," she whispers back and you quickly move to give her more room as she steps forward. She climbs into bed and you unashamedly make yourself comfortable - tugging the duvet over her as you snuggle into her side. It's a small bed, of course the two of you were going to be close, but you were practically holding her and your head rested on her chest. Her heart was pounding, so hard she could hear it in her own ears, and she hoped that you were still too drunk to notice. 
You could hear it, of course you could, but, little does she know, it's the sound that you're falling asleep to.
Leighton lets out a light yawn, she hadn't realised how tired she was until she got into bed and before she knew it she found herself closing her eyes and falling asleep.
Bela, Whitney and Kimberly fall into the dorm after struggling to open the door and push their uncomfortable shoes off as soon as possible. Whitney stops dead in her tracks when her eyes land on a mystery fourth pair of shoes. She points a finger at them and turns a head to her friends.
"Are those Y/n's?" Kimberly whispers, though not very well. Whitney's pointed finger moves up from your shoes to the closed bedroom door. 
Bela's eyes go wide and she slaps Whitney's hand down before tiptoeing over to her shared room with Leighton. The two other girls followed closely behind. She pushes the door open and takes a few steps in. Wide grins fall onto all of their faces as they take in the sight. 
Your head is still on Leighton's chest, but now her arms wrap around you protectively in your sleep.
"This is the cutest thing ever-"
"They didn't sleep together?" 
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qutequeersstuff · 8 months
Reneé Rapp Recommendations
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Reneé Rapp
Stick Around by @jjsmaybank20
Need to Focus by @teokktokki
@meangirls-imagines works
On Wednesdays, We Wear Pink
@xtra7s works
Fighters Muse
Pretty Girls: Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3
Something Special: SNL
Thick and Thin
One Less Lonely Girl
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Leighton Murray
For a Good Time by @smartycvnt *
@brooooswriting works
Oh I Know
You're better than me
My idiot
You’re like… hot
@jjsmaybank20 works
Alone Time
Bitchy is my Type , Pt 2
Good Morning
Meeting the Family
Pick Up Lines
Sneaking *
@meangirls-imagines works
Best Friends? , Leap of Faith
Frat Parties Sucks
@xtra7s works
Dance with Destiny *
Equations: Part 1 , Part 2
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Regina George
The End of an Era by @divine-knight-hand
messy by @lizthewriter
Why Don’t I Know You by @simp4wom3n
Even Mean Girls Cry by @writing-imagines
@agaypanic works
Regina’s Barbie
Welcome to the Team
@barbiedragon works
Beneath my Louboutin Heel *
Violetta *
@meangirls-imagines works
A (Different) Cautionary Tale
Rest and Relaxation
Revenge of the Nerds (but like, hotter)
Save a Horse, Ride a Cowgirl('s abs)
@simpforfandom231 works
Pregnancy: Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3
@smackmelikeadrumfr works
Annoyingly Cute
@thatfandomslut works
Hands Off
Healing You
Kiss Me Harder *
Puppy Love
Soft For You
673 notes · View notes
gravedigginbbydoll · 2 months
Tutoring and Tension
Dom! Leighton Murray x Alt fem! reader smut
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A/N: Hi! This is my first time writing for something non ST fandom in a while so please be patient with me!
CW: sex, smut, porn with plot?, Leighton x reader, fem! reader (v) desperate! reader, alt reader, piercings and tattoos mentioned, makeup mentioned, oral sex (v), overstimulation, degradation, humiliation, sub! reader, dom! Leighton, use of toys (vibrator), power play, aftercare, etc.
When you first moved to Vermont, you knew there would be people like Leighton Murray. Rich, spoiled, kind of mean. 
What you didn’t guess, however, was that they would maybe be gay. 
Which was a shock to you while studying at the library, muted whispers at the table across from you. 
“I know! I know! I was shocked too! But then she pulled me into her bed and…” 
Muted squeals came from the table behind you as you rolled your eyes. You came to Essex for the fact that you could be away from your small town judgment at a prestigious school, but were starting to regret every second of it. People weren’t receptive to you, and most of the students were rich assholes who would sooner tell you that your diy patch jacket was clearly ‘Not Saint Laurent’, and call you ‘cute’ when you mentioned thrifting. 
And it didn’t help that most of the student population was scared of your look. Tattoos, piercings, dark clothing, and platform shoes. Sometimes, even colorful hair. You were a walking social pariah. You knew it, but you didn’t care. You were here to make a name for yourself through extracurriculars and studies. To follow your dreams. 
If only math wasn’t kicking your ass. 
You could never focus. Sitting behind Leighton Murray meant you had to watch the back of her perfect blonde head and that you could smell her perfume (something classy and brand name, probably, all you knew is it made her smell like florals and vanilla). You kept getting C’s and D’s on papers and tests, too distracted by Leighton’s perfect handwriting. 
And it wasn’t until you got an F that you finally plucked up the nerve to talk to the professor, begging for help. And of course…they brought Leighton over. 
“Could you help Y/N with this class, please? They’re struggling a lot.” 
Leighton looked at you with a smile, but her eyes said she wanted to strangle you. 
“Sure, Prof. I’ll definitely tutor her.” 
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The two of you were sitting in Leighton’s dorm, looking over the books, your heart racing. Sure, you wore dark makeup and clothes and people were scared of you…But Leighton was much scarier. She was pretty and smart and damn blunt. You had gone over some of the problems and were still feeling your brain turn to mush next to her. You were pretending to heavily inspect an equation when she suddenly turned to look at you. 
“A-Are you, like, a goth? Sorry, I just…I don't understand this whole…Hot Topic aesthetic…thing. No offense,” Leighton blurted out, her brows pinched together as she had an awkward smile on her face. 
You laughed a bit, smiling. Her confusion was funny, despite her harshness. “Goth is a music genre…but I do like it. So kinda? I just like dark clothes…They make me feel like me.” 
She nodded a bit before putting up her book, setting it aside as she scooted closer, eyeing you. 
“Don’t tattoos hurt? You have…a lot.” 
You nodded, feeling heat travel up into your cheeks, stomach fluttering. “They hurt a bit. But I like them. They make me feel kinda like an art gallery, ya know?”
You noted her eyes traveling over your collarbones and to your cleavage, before turning to your books again, cheeks slightly pink. 
“So anyways, do you get the gist?” 
You furrowed your brows, smiling awkwardly, shaking your head. “I’m sorry, math just isn’t my thing.” 
She rolled her eyes, expression snarky as she smirked. “Let me guess…your thing is arts or social sciences…maybe even English?” 
You held up your hands, a devilish grin on your face as you attempted to match her energy, your cheeks heating up. “Guilty.” 
She tutted, eyes rolling before looking down at the paper. “Well, we’ve got to figure out some way to incentivize your learning…” 
You stared, slack-jawed, as she crossed her legs in her mini skirt, perfect pink mouth chewing on the end of her pen. She seemed deep in thought. She was like Cher in Clueless, the perfect prim and well-bred American girl…and you had such a huge crush on Cher as a child. 
She seemed to look over at you before smiling a bit, clearly catching you staring at her and your ever-growing embarrassment. She tilted her head at you, a smug expression on her face. “Do you like treats?” 
Your face heated at her sudden attention as you furrowed your brow, laughing awkwardly. “W-what? Like candy?,” You asked, voice cracking because your mind was flooded with other…ideas.
Leighton smirked and fingered the metal loop on your choker with one perfect manicured hand. Her voice was low and sultry, her eyes mischievous. “Something like that.” 
She leaned forward a bit more, whispering in your ear. “I see the way you look at me in class. It’s a bit pathetic really,” She coos condescendingly, her voice sending chills up your arm. “Big scary girl like you…all whipped over a little spoiled rich girl? What would everyone at school say?” 
You squirmed in your chair, your thighs squeezing together to relieve the throbbing need beginning to grow. “I..I just, I don’t-” 
She cut you off by squeezing your face in her hand. You felt your desire grow, your heart racing. 
“Shut up.” 
She let go of your face, standing up and smiling, her expression dangerous and yet so enticing. She crossed her arms, looking down on you.
“Here’s what’s going to happen. You’re going to work on a problem. You get it right, you get a treat…get it wrong…and I’ll test your limits. Got it?,” she asked, voice radiating authority and lust. You nodded quickly in agreement, the heat in your cheeks growing and traveling to the tips of your ears. 
She grinned, pointing at a problem while still standing. “Get started, baby.” 
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About an hour in and your mind had become a puddle. You were face down on Leighton’s bed, your head in her pillow, no doubt smudging eyeliner and mascara on her satin cases. She was standing near you, her wand pressed against your clit as you whined, your nails clawing at the bed. She whispered in your ear, voice low and dripping with lust. 
“Aww, is someone wanting to cum?” 
You whined, your clit throbbing at the constant attention and from the overstimulation of the last 3 orgasms she had given you. You couldn’t see her but knew her expression was probably that of an evil grin, her eyes glinting with pleasure at the mess you had become. 
“Please, please, please, please…I’ll fix the problem…please..,” You sobbed, fists clawing at the bed, earning yourself a spank on the ass, Leighton gripping your hair and pulling your head to look at you, your vision of her blurred through your tears. 
“Don’t fucking mess up my bed.” 
You nodded helplessly, thoughts only swimming with Leighton, Leighton, Leighton. She dropped your head before finally diving into your pussy, her tongue delving into your folds from behind as she ate your out, the vibrator against your clit still. You cried out,  your body about to snap, your thighs shaking and clit pulsing painfully. 
You could barely hear her over your moaning, but managed to hear the muffled ‘cum for me.’ 
So you finally snapped, body shaking as you felt waves of pleasure wash over you, your eyes rolling back and shut, your thighs shaking as you came, feeling Leighton moan against you and seeming to ride you through your high, your body worn out and practically collapsing at the end. 
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You laid there for a minute, hearing some shuffling before you felt a warm wet cloth wiping you off, and Leighton’s soft manicured hand rubbing your back. 
“Hey,” She whispered softly, “Turn over.” 
So you did, brain still floating as Leighton softly wiped at your face with some cool makeup wipes, cooing softly in your ear. 
“You did wonderful, baby.” 
You felt her softly remove some of your jewelry and leftover clothing before dressing you in some comfy pajamas, silky soft like her own, before she kissed your forehead. You were slowly coming back to yourself as she snuggled up next to you, eyebrows raised as she looked down at you, smiling softly. 
“So.. I imagine you like my tutoring style?” 
You let out a giggle, feeling your cheeks heat as you sheepishly offered. “Is it that obvious?” 
She grinned flirtatiously at you, hands rubbing at your side as she whispered cheekily, “You’re gonna be acing this class in no time with my help.” 
You grinned. 
You couldn’t wait for more math.
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jjsmaybank20 · 10 months
Maybe you could write a Leighton Murray x reader where they are already dating and reader is really physical with Leighton and she surprisingly loves it?
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Leighton Murray x fem!reader
Summary: You're a very touchy person. How will that mesh with Leighton's distant nature?
Word Count: 701
A/N: So sorry it took so long! Life has gotten int he way, so fics will be kinda random for now. I'll try to get back into it soon! Hope you like it!
navigation  the sex lives of college girls masterlist
Leighton was never one for physical affection, or any sort of lasting attachment for that matter. Even if she slept with someone more than once, she never let them hold her hand or kiss her outside of sex. No hugs, no cheek kisses, no strings attached. She thought that this was going to be her rule for a long time, and that maybe it would be true for any of her future official relationships that she might have. As soon as she started dating you, everything changed. 
She met you through Whitney, who had met you in the gym when she had been doing weight training for soccer. You had struck up a conversation with her, as you were a very friendly person, and the two of you became friends quickly after that. It didn’t take long for Leighton to realize that you were a very physical person. She saw you giving everyone hugs, and kisses on the cheek. When the two of you were formally introduced, you held out your hand for a fistbump. Leighton was lost, as she thought you were going to pull her into a hug or some other overly affectionate action.
When she asked Whitney about it, her friend gave her a sly grin. “Why do you wanna know? Did you want her to hug you or something? I thought you hated it when people do that, especially people you barely know.” Leighton angrily stutters over her words, making Whitney laugh. “I’m just teasing you, Leight. Y/N does that with everyone. She may be physical, but she makes sure not to make people uncomfortable. I promise, if you get to know her better, the hugs and shit will come quickly.” 
Over time, you and Leighton began to hang out more and more frequently. Whitney’s statement held true, and you slowly began stepping up the physical affection as your friendship progressed. With these actions slowly increasing, Leighton began to encounter something that she never thought she ever would. Every time you grabbed her hand while you walked to class together, or wrapped your arms around her in a warm hug, a swarm of butterflies seemed to overtake her stomach.
When you finally asked her out, she immediately said yes. You were surprised, as Whitney had told you that Leighton never said yes to a date. She was a no strings attached kind of gal. Your date was extremely successful, and a couple dates after, you asked her to be your girlfriend. Once again, she quickly said yes. 
When you arrived, the two of you were hand in hand to absolutely no one’s surprise. You escort the blonde up the stairs to her dorm room where her worried roommates are waiting for her. Before you leave, you grab her face and place a heated kiss on her lips before pulling back and laying kisses all over her face. She grumbles, as per usual, but when you turn around and exit, her roommates see something that they hadn’t expected. Instead of Leighton looking upset, she was bright pink and had a silly little smile on her lips.  In her shock, Bela blurted out, “You like that?!” Whitney smacks her arm, but after a second she reiterates the question in a calmer manner. Leighton thinks for a second before replying, “Yeah, I do. I never thought I would like it, but I really really do.” This statement cures all of the suitemates worries, and they realize that they should leave your relationship alone. You were bringing out a new side of Leighton that had never been seen before, and it was obvious how happy you made her. She was changing her distant ways, just for you.
@lovelyy-moonlight @pnsteblnme @nrm5656 @alotofpockets @theenglishswiftie @didyoubringauntienat
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reaper2187 · 5 months
Leighton murray x reader
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In the hallowed halls of Essex College, a tale unfolds between two vibrant souls: Leighton Murray, the enigmatic and alluring senior, and you, the newly arrived freshman with a heart brimming with both trepidation and anticipation.
As you the campus, your senses are assailed by the vibrant tapestry of college life. Laughter echoes through the dormitories, mingling with the faint scent of coffee and the hum of laptops. It is amidst this vibrant atmosphere that you first encounter Leighton.
Tall and striking, with blonde hair that cascades over her shoulders, Leighton exudes an air of mystery. Her captivating blue eyes hold a tantalizing promise, a hint of untold experiences that pique your curiosity. An older student, she moves with an assured confidence that you find both intoxicating and intimidating.
As fate would have it, your paths cross again and again. In the crowded hallways of the library, you steal furtive glances at her as she pores over textbooks, her lips parted slightly in concentration. At a raucous party, you find yourself drawn to her laughter, a melody that cuts through the din like a silver bell.
One evening, as you sit alone in the common room, lost in a book, Leighton approaches you. With a warm smile, she breaks the ice and introduces herself. As you talk, you discover that beneath her enigmatic exterior lies a complex and intelligent woman. You are captivated by her insights, her quick wit, and the way her eyes seem to sparkle with a mischievous glint.
As the hours turn into a languid summer night, you find yourself drawn to Leighton's alluring charm. Your fingers brush against hers as you reach for a shared book, and electricity courses through your body. In that moment, you know that something profound has sparked between you.
In the weeks that follow, you and Leighton spend countless hours together. You explore the hidden nooks of the campus, from the  library to the  gardens. The bond between you grows stronger with each passing day, as you learn the intricacies of each other's desires and secrets.
Leighton's embrace is warm and inviting, her touch like a feather on your skin. Her kisses ignite a fire within you that consumes all inhibition. As you lie entangled in her arms, you feel a sense of liberation and fulfillment like never before.
However, the world outside of your private paradise threatens to tear you apart. Society's judgment looms over you like a dark cloud, whispering that your love is forbidden. But you refuse to be silenced.
Together, you navigate the choppy waters of college life, facing both adversity and triumphs with unwavering determination. You become each other's strength, a beacon of hope in a world that often tries to extinguish your flames.
In the tapestry of your life, Leighton Murray becomes more than just a lover. She is your confidant, your ally, and the catalyst for a profound transformation within yourself. As you graduate from Essex College, you carry with you the memories of your passionate love, a testament to the enduring power of human connection.
And so, as the pages of your life turn and you venture into the wider world, a piece of Leighton will always linger in your heart, a bittersweet reminder of a love that burned bright against the backdrop of youth and collegiate freedom.
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brooooswriting · 7 months
hi!I was thinking of leighton xreader. leighton discovers she's a sub when r calls her baby girl and she just melts. she's insecure about it
Baby girl
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Leighton wasn’t really used to being called pet names. Alicia wasn’t a fan of them, or at least she assumed that as the girl never called her any, and the dudes she “dated” before her weren’t the type to do so.
But you? You were differently, you loved using them and would do it every time you could. It started with normal ones like ‘love’ or ‘darling’, then over time it became something like ‘baby’ and ‘babe’ until the party.
Leighton, her roommates and you were at another frat party when you got separated as you and Bela volunteered to get drinks for everybody. “Damn, that’s a long as cue” the girl complained as you approached the bar and she was right. Normally there were about two to five people at the bar but right now there were about 15. You sighed before starting some small talk with the people around you. Once it was finally your turn you ordered and then quickly scurried off to find your group.
You arrived just in time to see your girlfriend insult a guy to make him back off. It was obvious that she could handle herself and you were 99% sure that he didn’t touch her as Leighton was very keen on campus and somebody would have something. Still, you hurried over to her, staying behind her in case she needed help. When she was done telling him off and he disappeared you made your presence known to her. One hand was on her waist while the other one was on her face as you examined her to make sure she was alright. “Are you okay baby girl?” You asked, watching the changes in her face.
She looked at you for a moment before pulling away from you while nodding. “Yeah, I’m good. Let’s go drink” she quickly turned away so you weren’t able to see the blush that took over her face. You were confused but followed her nonetheless. You drank, you danced, you chatted but the whole time Leighton avoided eye contact with you which was weird. After a couple of hours you and the blonde were dancing together closely, her back against your front with your hands on her waist. She was wearing that black dress that you loved, which may have been on purpose.
“You look really hot in that dress baby girl” you were a little tipsy and that nickname just kept flowing out, it fit her and you liked it for her. Her body shuddered under your hands and she leaned further into you, a small smirk on your lips. You had a theory and you wanted to test it.
Leighton felt her body heat up when you repeated that name. She’s always been this tall, confident blonde woman that people just assumed was a top, so she also always assumed it. But now with you, towering over her, calling her names like that she couldn’t help but rethink about it. “We should get out of here” she decided, turning around to wrap her arms around your shoulder. You gave her a nod before intertwining your hands to pull her to your dorm.
That night was the first night Leighton let go of herself, she let you take care of her in a way you always wanted. That night your bodies melted into each other, a new connection forming between the two of you. And secretly in a way she also always wanted, there wasn’t one thought in her beautiful mind except for you. Until the next morning.
You woke up with a happy smile on your face as you couldn’t wait to look to your right and see the most beautiful face you’ve ever seen but instead you were met with nothing. Cold sheets and a cold pillow. Your heart sank at the realization that she left after the night you’ve spend together. Sitting up against the headboard you checked for phone, hoping that she had to leave due to something and left you a message but again your heart sank. No text or call. Last night was the first time you felt like the blonde let go of herself, like she trusted you with all her life to take care of her.
While you sat in your bed with a heavy heart Leighton laid in hers with a heavy heart and a full mind. Yesterday’s events constantly replaying in her head but with each replay her heart got heavier and heavier at the realization that she could still lay in your arms, now just waking up. She hated herself for being so insecure about how she let you take care of her, you seemed to enjoy it too, so why leave? The question came up every time her flashback arrived at her tiptoeing out of your room. She couldn’t figure out why she couldn’t be happy with yesterday.
Meanwhile you couldn’t figure out what you had done wrong. Leighton wasn’t answering her phone, no matter how many times you called. After nearly the whole day went by you decided that you guys had to talk about it. If there was anything, literally anything, you had done wrong you wanted to know so you could fix it. You’d do everything to make it up to her. “Hi Kimberly, is Leighton here?” You asked the brunette with a small smile when she opened the door.
“Hi, yeah. I think she’s still in her room. I haven’t really seen her today, she wasn’t in the mood to talk” she answered, stepping aside to let you in. You nodded along as you made your way towards the blondes door.
“Ok, I’ll try and talk to her. Thank you” she gave you a nod and a smile before disappearing into her own room. You waited until her door closed before your knuckles came into contact with the wood. “Leighton? Can we talk?” You asked carefully as you opened the door a small bit so she could hear you better.
“Y/n?” She said surprised, you took that as a sign to come in. You quickly closed the door behind you again, leaning against it to get some kind of support. “What are you doing here?” Her voice was small, a bare whisper leaving her lips in the dark room.
“Well, you left without saying anything and I wanted to see how you’re doing and if I did anything wrong? Because if I did, I’m very sorry. I didn’t mean to force you into anything” you explained, not leaving your spot against the door. Leighton was happy about the darkness, your voice portrayed your feelings very clearly and she couldn’t imagine how you were looking right now.
“You didn’t do anything” while her voice was small you could hear that she was genuine. With a bit more confidence you moved towards her bed, sitting at her side on top of her blanket.
“Can I ask why you left then? And didn’t answer my texts? I thought something happened to you” your hand rested on one of her knees, carefully stroking her leg over the covers. You could practically feel her hesitating. “Baby girl?” You urged a bit. You knew the girl better than anyone by now and you knew the longer she was in her head the worse her thoughts got.
Her face turned red again at the nickname and she quickly looked away, trying to hide it just like yesterday. But this time her confidence build back up faster than before, she looked up at you to see you admiring her. Her mind was running miles, she couldn’t decide is she should tell you the truth or just make something up hoping that you’d believe it. But the hope and concern in your eyes as you looked down at her stopped her mind. “I am not used to this” she started, unsure of how to tell you that she was just insecure. That she leaving you in the middle of the night was just due to some stupid anxious thoughts.
Her anxious behavior was radiating off of her so bad that you could practically feel it. You nudged her a bit so she’d scutch over making room for you to lay next to her. You didn’t want to stare at her so you just laid on your back and held her hand in yours. “I’ve never let myself go like this, I’ve always been the dominant one… but with you yesterday, it was so easy, so normal. It just felt right to give control to you and that scares me” she explained, messing with your fingers. You smiled lightly at her, grabbing her hand and pressing a kiss to the back of it.
“And that is completely okay. If you didn’t feel comfortable with it we don’t have to do it again. But if you’re just scared because it hasn’t been like this before it’s okay. We can do take it slow, talk about it, we can do whatever you want to make you feel comfortable with it” you told her, finally facing her to give her a comforting smile. She turned her head towards you too and gave you a small nod.
“I do want it to be like that but I think it’s just that… everybody always expected me to be the strong and dominant one. I never had the opportunity to let go and now I don’t know how to deal with it” you nodded along as she explained her worries, her brows furrowing as she kept getting in her head. As she got deeper and deeper into her thoughts you reached up and brushed your thumb over her furrowed skin.
“Well, with me you can be whatever you want as long as you’re mine” you grinned, knowing that the cheesy line would lighten the mood. She loved watching romcoms with you to make jokes about the cheesiness and since you first did it you used every opportunity to be cheesy.
“You’re an idiot” she laughed as she turned on her side, one hand stroking over your stomach while yours placed itself on her waist. “But you know what, maybe we can practice me letting go now” she leaned over and pressed several kisses to your lips. You ushered her onto your lap, her thighs around you with her hands on your neck while yours grabbed at her hips.
“Whatever you want baby girl” you rasped out, by now knowing that the nickname did something to her. As soon as the nickname left your mouth, she whined and ground her hips down. You chuckled at her neediness before starting to leave marks on your neck.
The next morning you woke up with Leighton in your arms, her back pressed against your front as she held the hand that was over her waist. You smiled and pressed some kisses to her shoulder to lightly wake her up adding a “good morning baby girl”. You immediately heard a whine and felt how she turned in your arms with a smile.
“If you ever wanna leave this bed again you have to stop with that nickname” she said, quickly looking over to see that Bela wasn’t there. Her smile turning into a smirk.
You’d happily stay in that bed forever.
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xtra7s · 8 months
LOVE your g!p!renee/regina smut
i can’t stop thinking abt a g!p!renee dom x sub reader where the reader gets high and used by renee w lots of praise & oral fixation ,, i think you would kill it 🫢
𝐀𝐅𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐆𝐋𝐎𝐖 ─── 𝘙𝘦𝘯𝘦𝘦 𝘙𝘢𝘱𝘱 𝘹 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
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Synopsis: Renee gets Y/N high and they have a little fun.
Content: Renee Rapp x gn!reader, Dom!Renee, Sub!reader, Cunnilingus, Oral Fixation, Breeding, Substances, R is high as fuck, Praise
Word Count: 2.7k
a/n: Loved this request, hope i did it justice baby
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The pulsating beat of the music reverberated through the crowded room as Reneé Rapp and Y/N navigated their way through the lively party. The air was filled with laughter, chatter, and the clinking of glasses, creating an atmosphere of excitement and anticipation.
Reneé, with her infectious energy and captivating presence, led Y/N to a more secluded corner of the room where the bass was a bit less overwhelming. They exchanged playful glances, their connection palpable even in the dim lighting of the party.
"So, what do you think of this place?" Reneé asked, her eyes sparkling with mischief.
Y/N grinned, feeling the warmth of the evening and the buzz of the party. "It's wild. Definitely not what I expected, but I like it."
Reneé smirked, reaching into her clutch and pulling out a small bag. "Speaking of wild, ever tried one of these?" She dangled a brownie edible in front of Y/N.
Y/N's eyes widened with curiosity. "What is it?"
Reneé chuckled, "Just a little something to spice up the night. Trust me, you'll love it."
Y/N hesitated for a moment, then decided to go with the flow. "Alright, let's do it."
Reneé handed her the edible, their fingers brushing against each other. The air was charged with a mix of nerves and excitement as Y/N took bites of the brownie, finishing it off. They continued to enjoy the party, dancing and chatting, the subtle allure of the edible slowly taking effect.
As the night progressed, Y/N felt a pleasant warmth spreading through her body. The room seemed to warp and twist in a delightful haze. Reneé, always the life of the party, leaned in closer, her lips dangerously close to Y/N's ear.
"You feeling alright there?" she teased, a mischievous glint in her eye.
Y/N grinned the edges of her reality softening. "Yeah, I'm feeling… really good."
Reneé chuckled, her fingers tracing lazy patterns on Y/N's arm. "Glad to hear it, babe."
The effects of the edible continued to weave a dreamy haze around Y/N as they found themselves on a cozy couch surrounded by a few other people. The room was filled with laughter and the mellow beats of music, creating a laid-back atmosphere. Reneé, always attuned to the vibe of the moment, produced a rolled blunt from her pocket with a sly grin.
"Care for a little more adventure?" she asked, holding the blunt delicately between her fingers.
Y/N chuckled, feeling the warmth of the edible enhancing the easygoing mood. "Why not? It's that kind of night."
Reneé's smile widened as she sparked the blunt, the flame casting a warm glow on her features. She took a leisurely puff before passing it to Y/N. The fragrant smoke curled into the air as Y/N brought the blunt to their lips, inhaling deeply.
The room seemed to shift and sway with each exhale, the atmosphere becoming even more intoxicating. The group on the couch shared stories, laughter, and the occasional passing of the blunt, creating a sense of camaraderie. Y/N found themselves drawn into the conversation, feeling a deeper connection with Reneé and the others in the circle.
"wanna get out of here?" Renee murmured, her thighs pressed tightly against Y/N's as they sat on the couch, her leaning in to whisper in Y/N's ear.
Y/N nodded, and they navigated through the party, finding a more secluded room. The atmosphere was intimate, and the laughter from the party dulled to a distant hum. Reneé and Y/N shared a comfortable silence, the unspoken tension between them growing more palpable.
Reneé leaned in, her lips brushing against Y/N's earlobe. "You know," she whispered, "I like you. A lot."
Y/N's heart raced, the words sending shivers down her spine. "I like you too, Reneé."
With that admission, the gap between them closed, and their lips met in a heated kiss.
The room spun gently as Y/N found themselves lying on a bed, the effects of the edible and the blunt intensifying the sensation of weightlessness. Reneé, her eyes sparkling with a mixture of amusement and desire, hovered above Y/N. The dim glow of the room added to the dreamlike quality of the moment.
Reneé's lips met Y/N's in a slow, languid kiss, the taste of the lingering smoke and the sweetness of the edible blending into an intoxicating combination. Y/N's senses were heightened, and every touch, every movement, sent shivers through their body.
Unable to move much, Y/N surrendered to the experience, sinking deeper into the softness of the bed. Reneé's fingers traced patterns on Y/N's skin, leaving a trail of warmth in their wake. The world outside the room faded away, leaving only the two of them entangled in a haze of desire and euphoria.
Reneé pulled back, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "You doing okay there?"
Y/N managed a lazy smile, their limbs feeling heavy but content. "I feel.. heavy."
Reneé chuckled, her fingers gently playing with Y/N's hair. "Just relax, enjoy the moment."
Y/N's mind swirled with a mix of emotions, the high amplifying the intensity of each touch and caress.
Reneé leaned in once more, her lips brushing against Y/N's ear. "You know, you're even more beautiful when you're like this."
Y/N's cheeks flushed with a combination of warmth and the realization of the genuine connection between them. The world outside the room ceased to exist as Y/N and Reneé lost themselves in the shared bliss of the moment.
The room pulsed with a rhythmic beat that seemed to synchronize with the pounding of Y/N's heart. As Y/N lay on the bed, a euphoric haze enveloping them, Reneé couldn't resist the magnetic pull drawing her towards Y/N's lips. The air was charged with an intoxicating mixture of desire and the lingering effects of the substances they had indulged in.
Reneé's lips grazed Y/N's neck, leaving a trail of delicate kisses that sent shivers down their spine. Y/N's senses were heightened, each touch a symphony of pleasure that echoed through their body. The room seemed to blur at the edges as Reneé's lips found Y/N's, the kiss deepening into a passionate exchange.
Unable to resist the allure of Y/N's skin, Reneé planted soft kisses along their jawline, gradually making her way to the sensitive spot on their neck. Each kiss left a mark, a visible testament to the intensity of the moment. Reneé couldn't help but revel in the intoxicating mixture of the high and the electric connection between them.
Y/N let out a soft sigh, their fingers lightly tracing patterns on Reneé's back. The room spun with a heady combination of desire and bliss. Reneé continued her exploration, leaving a trail of hickeys that marked the passage of their shared ecstasy.
Reneé pulled back, her eyes locking with Y/N's, a fire burning within. "You're driving me crazy," she confessed, her voice husky.
Y/N's lips curved into a hazy smile, their words slurred with the effects of the substances. "Good kind of crazy, I hope."
Reneé chuckled, a playful glint in her eyes. "The best kind." She leaned in once more, their lips meeting in a searing kiss that left no room for anything but the intoxicating connection between them.
Renee's eyes were full of desire as she hovered over Y/N on the bed. Her hand traced down their body, stopping at the waistband of their pants. "You're so beautiful," she murmured, her voice thick with lust. "I've been thinking about this moment for days."
Y/N swallowed hard, heart pounding in anticipation. They trusted Renee implicitly, but this was a new experience for them nonetheless. As they gazed at the ceiling, patterns formed and dissolved in the textured surface, creating a captivating kaleidoscope. The music from the party outside seemed to echo through the walls, each beat resonating with the rhythm of Y/N's heartbeat.
Reneé's voice, soft and melodic, reached Y/N's ears, drawing them into a world of warmth and comfort. Every giggle and whispered word carried a playful echo, and the air seemed to shimmer with a pleasant energy. The mere thought of having Renee's mouth on them sent shivers down their spine.
Renee's fingers deftly unfastened Y/N's pants, sliding them down along with their underwear until they lay exposed before her. She pulled off the rest of Y/N's clothes, and Renee's eyes widened at the sight, her gaze lingering on every inch of flesh revealed. "You're so wet," she whispered, leaning in to lick a slow trail up Y/N's inner thigh.
Y/N gasped, arching into the touch. Her back arched off the mattress, offering herself fully to Renee's expert mouth. Their fingers threaded through Renee's hair, guiding her closer to their core. "Please," they slurred, moving their hands as much as they could to hold Renee's waist.
Renee pushed Y/N's hand off of her, "No touching, love." She spoke with a murmur, leaving hickeys on the inside of Y/N's thighs.
Y/N pleaded, their voice shaky with need. "Please, Renee."
Renee grinned wickedly, licking her lips in anticipation. She positioned herself deeper between Y/N's legs, taking a deep breath before diving in. Her tongue flicked against their clit, sending waves of pleasure coursing through Y/N's body. Their hips bucked involuntarily, pushing against her mouth.
Renee didn't hesitate, sucking Y/N's sensitive nub into her mouth and sucking gently. Her tongue darted out, teasing every crevice and fold, sending them into a frenzy of pleasure. "Oh god," Y/N moaned, grabbing onto the sheets for support.
When Y/N closed their eyes, a tapestry of vibrant colors unfolded behind their eyelids, a visual symphony that danced to the rhythm of their thoughts. The boundary between imagination and reality blurred, and Y/N found themselves lost in a dreamscape of swirling emotions and sensations.
Their body trembled under Renee's expert touch, each stroke bringing them closer to the edge. Sweat dripped down their forehead, mingling with the saliva from Renee's lips. Their breaths came in short gasps, each one punctuated by cries of delight.
Renee knew she had to be careful; she wanted this to last as long as possible. But the sight of Y/N's pleasure-drenched face was almost too much to bear. She increased the intensity of her licks, wrapping her hand around their cock and stroking it in tandem with her mouth. The dual stimulation had Y/N writhing beneath her, their moans growing louder with each passing second.
Renee could feel Y/N's orgasm building, just within reach. She wanted to be the one to push them over the edge, to make them scream her name in ecstasy. Her tongue darted out one last time, flicking their clit with lightning-like speed.
Y/N cried out, arching off the bed as her orgasm hit like a freight train. Her pussy clenched around Renee's mouth, milking every last drop of pleasure from her. Renee lapped up every drop, savoring the taste of Y/N's release before reluctantly pulling away.
Renee's eyes locked with Y/N's, her heart pounding with anticipation. She had never been with anyone high before, but this situation excited her. She positioned herself between Y/N's legs, her cock poised at the entrance of their pussy.
"Are you ready?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper. Y/N nodded, their eyes heavy-lidded from the high. "I'm ready," they slurred, their body trembling with anticipation.
With one powerful thrust, Renee entered Y/N, burying herself to the base. Their eyes widened in surprise, but it was quickly replaced by a look of pure pleasure. "Oh god," Y/N gasped, their voice hoarse with need. Renee started to move, setting a steady rhythm that matched their breathing. Their hips ground together, creating friction that sent sparks flying between them as sweat dripped down their bodies.
Y/N's moans echoed through the room, a mix of pleasure and disbelief at how good it felt. "You feel amazing," Renee panted, her voice thick with desire. "I could fuck you all night."
Y/N blinked, her eyes hazy with lust. "Please, don't stop" she managed to say between breaths.
Y/N moaned, a blissful smile playing on their lips. The room, filled with the scent of lingering smoke and the soft glow of dim lights, became a sanctuary of euphoria.
Renee increased the pace, thrusting harder and faster into Y/N's welcoming core. Their moans filled the room, mixed with the slapping sounds of flesh against flesh. Their breaths came out in ragged gasps, each one punctuated by cries of delight.
She reached down, cupping Y/N's jaw and neck in her hands. "Look at me," she commanded softly. "Look into my eyes while I fuck you."
Y/N complied, their gaze hazily locked with Renee's. The intensity of the connection only heightened their pleasure, making every thrust feel more intense. "fuck you feel so good baby" Renee murmured, lost in the moment.
She didn't break stride, continuing to thrust into Y/N as she spoke again. "You're taking my dick so good" she hummed out.
Y/N moaned loudly, her orgasm exploding like a firework within her as she came again. Her pussy clenched around Renee's cock, milking every inch of her as she came. Renee rode out the waves with her, their lips locked in a fierce kiss that tasted of sweat and desire.
As Y/N's orgasm subsided, Renee followed suit, her own release drawing near. She thrust harder and faster, their bodies slapping together in a rhythm that would never end. "I'm going to cum," she panted, her voice strained with need.
Y/N gripped Renee's hips, urging her onward. "Come for me," she begged, her voice hoarse with desire. "I want to feel it."
Renee shuddered, her orgasm washing over her like a tidal wave. Renee shuddered, her orgasm washing over her like a tidal wave, her body convulsing as she spilled her essence inside Y/N. Their cries mingled together, filling the room with the raw intensity of their passion.
When it was all over, they collapsed onto the bed, panting heavily and clutching each other tight. Their bodies glistened with sweat and cum, a testament to the intensity of their union. Renee leaned in, pressing soft kisses against Y/N's forehead.
The room slowly settled into a serene calm as Y/N and Reneé lay on the bed, their breaths intermingling with the remnants of the euphoria that had enveloped them. The once vibrant colors and swirling patterns now softened, giving way to a tranquil atmosphere.
Y/N's limbs felt like they were made of cotton, a gentle heaviness replacing the weightless sensation that had characterized the peak of their high. As they came down from the intoxicating cloud, the world around them seemed to regain a semblance of clarity.
Reneé, lying beside Y/N, traced lazy patterns on their skin, her fingers creating a soothing rhythm that echoed the soft rise and fall of their breaths. The room was filled with a languid energy, and the air was charged with a quiet intimacy.
Reneé's lips found their way to Y/N's neck, leaving a trail of tender kisses that contrasted with the earlier fervor. Each touch was a gentle reminder of the shared journey they had embarked on throughout the night. Y/N sighed, the sensation of Reneé's lips against their skin sending shivers down their spine.
"I like this," Reneé whispered, her voice a soft murmur against Y/N's neck. "Just lying here, feeling each other's breaths."
Y/N nodded, a contented smile playing on their lips. The residual warmth from the high mixed with the delicate touch of Reneé's kisses created a cocoon of comfort and connection.
As the room bathed in the gentle glow of subdued lights, the two exchanged quiet words, sharing thoughts and emotions in the stillness of the moment. The outside world seemed distant, leaving only the hushed sounds of their breaths and the tender exchange of affections.
Reneé lifted her head to meet Y/N's gaze, her eyes reflecting a shared understanding. "You okay?"
Y/N nodded, a lingering smile on their face. "Yeah, more than okay."
The room held them in a tranquil embrace as they lay there, their breaths gradually syncing in a rhythm of shared calm. In the quiet aftermath of the night, Y/N and Reneé found solace in the simple beauty of being together, their connection deepening with each passing breath.
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meangirls-imagines · 6 months
Could I request a Leighton x reader one shot where Leighton just recently came out and is new to the whole lesbian flirting thing so she tries to find out if reader is gay with the help of questionable internet advice?
Gaydar Issues
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Description: Leighton is new to the Essex queer community and unlike her confident persona, she has no idea how to flirt. She meets Reader and develops a crush on her. She should not have gone to her roommates for help.
WARNINGS: fluffy as fuck, leighton being a gay baby, her roommates being dumb, leighton gay panicking.
In hindsight, Leighton knew she shouldn't have gone to her roommates for queer flirting advice.
She had no other options.
Let's recap.
Ever since Leighton came out, she had found it difficult to talk to women in person and not behind a screen. She was two different people.
One had a seductive aura, luring her hookups in with a single smirk and making them see stars by the end of the night.
The other was a shy, nervous girl who had no idea how to flirt.
Leighton was struggling. She had tried to talk to Nico about it but him being a guy, gave her flirting tips that he does, which were gross. She tried to talk to Willow about it but the girl was no help. She flirted with athletes, who she had something in common with.
That was it! Leighton just needed to find someone who had something in common with her! Easy peasy.
Plot twist: it's not so easy peasy.
Leighton had decided to scout out her math class to see if she had any hot female students in there with her. She had one, and she had already hooked up with her and didn't really feel anything with her.
It had gotten to a point where Leighton was starting to give up, but as she walked out of class, she saw the most gorgeous girl talking to Bela, of all people.
Leighton froze as she looked at the girl. She was stunning, the smile she was giving Bela was melting Leighton's heart. The girl had on some black skinny jeans, white converse, a white crop top and a jean jacket on.
Leighton could tell she had great fashion sense, even if the outfit was casual. She could hear her laugh from where she stood and it became her favorite sound in the world. Before she could go over and introduce herself, the girl hugged Bela and walked the other direction.
Bela began walking towards Leighton as the blonde fell in step behind her.
"Hey Bela! How are you today?"
Bela looked at Leighton confused but played along. "I'm...fine. Leighton, are you okay? You never ask about my day." The blonde smiled at her. "What are you talking about? I always ask about your day. I had a question."
Bela laughed, "There it is." Leighton rolled her eyes. "That girl you were talking to, who was she?"
Bela smirked. "That's Y/N. I'm trying to get her to join my comedy club. Girl is hilarious." Leighton nodded. "Yeah. Could you introduce me?"
Bela smiled. "Ooh does someone have a crush?" Leighton blushed hard. "Bela! Just because I'm a lesbian doesn't mean I have a crush on every girl!." Bela smirked again. "Yeah, yeah. I'll introduce you."
The next day, Leighton was walking across the campus courtyard when her name was yelled. She turned to see Bela and Y/N walking towards her. She instantly got nervous as the duo approached her. She straightened herself up and smiled at the two.
"Hey Bela!" The duo reached her as Bela held out an arm. "Y/N, this is Leighton. Leighton, this is Y/N, the newest member of my comedy club!" Y/N stuck her hand out for Leighton to shake. The blonde shook it, thinking about how soft her hands were before snapping back.
"Congrats! Bela was telling me how funny you are!" Y/N blushed. "Thank you! It's so nice to finally meet you! Bela has told me a lot about you, though she didn't mention how pretty you are."
Leighton's jaw dropped. A blush took over her features as she stuttered on her words. Y/N smirked and looked at Bela. "I'll see you later okay? Bye guys!" She walked off as Bela stared at Leighton shocked.
"Leighton. Are you blushing?" Leighton shook herself off and glared at Bela. "I am not!" She stomped off as Bela smirked. She pulled her phone out and texted Whitney and Kimberly.
"Leighton needs an intervention."
Leighton didn't know what to expect when she got back to her dorm, but it wasn't her roommates staring at her. It scared the shit out of her. "What the hell are you guys doing?" Kimberly gestured to the couch. "Please sit."
Leighton sat and looked at them confused. "What is happening?" Whitney sighed. "Leighton, it's come to our attention that you don't know how to talk to girls. We are here to help you."
Leighton's jaw dropped as she slowly turned to glare at Bela. "You told?!" Bela sighed. "I'm sorry! But you need help. Y/N is so into you!" Leighton glared at Bela. "Do you know if she's even gay?" Bela sat silently for a few seconds. "Uhh...no?"
Leighton pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed.
Whitney decided to save Bela. "She told us Y/N called you pretty! That's a sign, right?" Leighton directed her glare to Whitney now. "Girls call each other pretty all the time Whitney!"
Kimberly, ever the voice of reason, finally spoke. "Leighton, I think for now, talk to her, get to know her, and then maybe if she's comfortable, she'll tell you. But don't just outright ask her. So that way, if she isn't, you can remain friends."
The room was silent for a moment before Whitney and Bela voiced their disagreement of the plan and began to bicker about how Leighton should handle it.
Leighton was stuck on Kimberly's words. "Talk to her." "Get to know her"
That's what Leighton was going to do.
She spotted Y/N the next day walking out of the library and quickened her pace to catch up. "Y/N!" The girl turned and saw Leighton. A bright smile came across her face as she waved. "Hi Leighton! How are you?" Leighton fell into step with Y/N. "I'm good! I actually wanted to ask you something."
Y/N nodded. "Ask away." Leighton took a deep breath and asked the question. "Do you maybe wanna hang out, later? We can study together in the library. If you want!" Y/N blushed and nodded. "Yeah, sure! Can I get your number?"
Leighton felt her heart rate increase. She handed her phone over to Y/N, who put her number in quickly before handing it back. "Text me when you wanna meet up later." Leighton nodded before the girl smiled at the blonde and walked off.
Leighton fought the urge to do a happy dance.
Step one, done.
After a few weeks of hanging out with Y/N, Leighton discovered she was down badly for this girl. The more they hung out, the more Leighon's crush grew. Her roommates tried to hype her up to ask the girl out, but she didn't want to embarrass herself.
It all came to a head one day at lunch, the day that the roommates deemed, "their baby gay grew up".
Leighton was sitting at the table with her roommates eating lunch when Y/N approached. "Hey guys!" The girls greeted Y/N, not so subtly looking at Leighton, who blushed.
"Hi Leighton." The blonde smiled and quietly said hi back. Y/N cleared her throat. "If you weren't doing anything tonight, would you maybe wanna go to dinner and a movie tonight? I know this really good burger place a few miles from school."
Leighton blushed. Her brain was unable to function and she stuttered on her words once again.
Kimberly answered for her. "She would love to! She doesn't have any plans tonight!" Y/N smiled and looked at the girl. "Great! I'll pick you up at say 6:30? Dress casual." Leighton nodded as the girl walked off.
Her roommates squealed as the girl blushed harder. "We told you she was gay! You got a date!" Leighton smiled at how happy her girls were for her, joining in on the squealing, not noticing Y/N watching with a wide grin.
When Leighton came home later that night, hearts in her eyes and swollen lips, the roommates squealed again, sitting her down and making her give them the details.
Their baby gay really had grown up.
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gnderissues · 8 months
renee rapp fr out here cursing this mans whole entire future family w tummy hurts
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moonxytcn · 4 months
a night of new beginnings
Leighton Murray x fem!reader
summary – Leighton and you reconcile at home on a movie night full of hugs and kisses
warnings – fluffy
a/n – heyy! someone sent me an ask if I wrote about Reneé or her characters and I was thinking about it and this came out, I hope you like it
English is not my first language so there may be some errors.
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The night enveloped you both in a cocoon of tranquility as you and Leighton nestled on the plush cushions of the living room couch. Soft lamplight cast gentle shadows across the room, dancing with the flickering glow of the TV screen, which bathed you in a warm, comforting aura as it played the chosen movie for the evening. It was one of those rare moments when the outside world seemed to fade away, leaving only the intimate embrace of your shared space.
After weeks of tension and uncertainty, Leighton had summoned the courage to reveal her true feelings for you, stepping out of the shadows and baring her heart completely. The confession had sparked an intense confrontation, a whirlwind of emotions culminating in tears, harsh words, and shattered expectations. But now, as you sat side by side, there was a palpable sense of reconciliation in the air, a silent agreement to mend what had been broken.
Leighton's arm found its way around your shoulders, pulling you close as you settled into the movie. Despite the softness of her touch, there lingered a tension in the air, a fragile bridge between past hurts and newfound hope.
As the movie unfolded on the screen, Leighton's fingers traced absentminded patterns along your arm, the gentle caress a silent apology for the pain of the past. You turned to meet her gaze, the soft flicker of the TV casting a halo of warmth around her features.
"I'm sorry for everything." Leighton whispered, her voice a fragile echo of regret. "I was scared, and I acted foolishly. But I want to make things right, Y/N. I want us to work."
You smiled, a flicker of understanding dancing in your eyes as you reached for Leighton's hand. "I want that too, Leighton. I love you."
The words hung in the air, a delicate thread weaving between you, binding your hearts together once more. Leighton leaned in, her lips finding yours in a tender, apologetic kiss. It was a moment of vulnerability and forgiveness, a silent promise to leave the past behind and embrace the future together.
When you finally pulled away, Leighton's eyes were filled with a soft, hopeful light. "I have something for you." She said, her voice tinged with excitement.
You arched an eyebrow, curiosity piqued. "What is it?"
Leighton rose from the couch, a mischievous smile playing on her lips as she disappeared into the darkness of the room. Moments later, she returned, a DVD clutched in her hands.
"Do you remember the movie we watched on our first night together?" Leighton asked, her eyes sparkling with nostalgia.
You nodded, a fond smile tugging at the corners of your lips. It was a memory etched in your mind, a moment of connection and intimacy that had shaped your relationship.
"I thought we could watch it again." Leighton said softly, her gaze unwavering. "As a way to start anew."
You nodded, a rush of warmth flooding your chest at the thought of reliving that cherished memory. "I'd love that."
And so, you settled back onto the couch, the glow of the TV illuminating your faces as you lost yourselves in the timeless embrace of the movie. As you watched the scenes of love and redemption unfold on the screen, you knew that you were writing your own story, a story of forgiveness, hope, and a love that would withstand the test of time.
By the end of the movie, your hearts were light, your spirits lifted by the promise of a new beginning. You turned to each other, your smiles mirrored in each other's eyes, and you knew that whatever challenges lay ahead, you would face them together, hand in hand, hearts entwined.
And as the night stretched on, you savored each moment, each kiss, each whispered promise, grateful for the chance to start anew and to rediscover the depth of your love for each other. The world outside may have been uncertain, but in the warmth of each other's arms, you knew that together, you could weather any storm.
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hermslore · 6 months
Pretty Girl [2] | Reneé Rapp x Reader
You're straight but you're in love with a girl. Is that a thing? Warning : Exploring your sexuality, light angst, fluff, happy ending [Based on How You Get The Girl by Taylor Swift] Part 1
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Keep on pretending, what does that mean? You were up late that night, you couldn't get sleep as your mind kept wondering back to Reneé's words. You guys were just fooling around, you were straight, what was happening? A part of you couldn't help but think about how much you enjoyed being with Reneé, Your boyfriend, Chris, could never make you feel the way Reneé did, she made you so happy, free, and at ease.
You sighed, getting up and washing your face, realizing you probably aren't going to get any sleep now anyway. You opened up your laptop, going on google. You had to find something out. Am I gay, BuzzFeed quiz. Taking a deep breath, you took the quiz, flipping through the questions, answering them sincerely. A part of you wondered what your sexuality was, you could be bisexual, but then again, did you ever love Chris or any other boy for that fact? You attempted the last question, sighing, and took a look at the results.
You are a lesbian!
You stared at those words, refreshing the page again and again, it couldn't be right. You couldn't be a lesbian, you didn't like girls, hell you couldn't not like boys, could you? It was just a quiz, it couldn't decide what your sexuality was, it was stupid and you shouldn't have done it. Regardless, you kept the laptop down, pulling the covers over you, shutting your eyes. Your thoughts kept going back to Reneé's words, and the quiz's results. Next night, you weren't able to sleep again. You couldn't stop thinking about Reneé. Maybe the quiz was right, maybe you were a lesbian. You had broken up with Chris earlier, figuring you didn't feel anything for him at all after Reneé had entered your life. Getting up, you glanced at your phone, 12am. It wasn't that late, and you couldn't wait. You quickly changed clothes, grabbing your phone and keys. You were going to Reneé's house. You didn't care how late it was, you were going to get your girl. It was raining heavily by the time you reached, but you knocked on her door, and shot her a text saying "I'm here." You hoped she was awake. You stood there like a ghost, almost shaking from the rain. A few moments later, she opened up the door. "Are you insane, what the fuck Y/n?" "Please, Reneé, I need to talk to you," you pleaded, you missed her voice so much, hell, you missed her so much. She hesitated but let you in, despite how it was almost 1am. "I'm so sorry, for everything, I'm so sorry I hurt you or pushed you away. I don't know what was wrong with me, but I really wanna make it up to you, and I'll do whatever it takes-" She cut off your rambling, "Y/n, it's 1am, are you okay? You could've come tomorrow." You shook your head and said no, to which she raised her eyebrow. "I broke up with Chris," you say. "I'm sor-" You interrupt her, "No, Reneé, I want you. I want you for worse or for better, I would wait for ever and ever. Broke your heart, I'll put it back together, just please." She looks at you, and smiles, "Wow, you really figured it out, hm?" Her fingers trace your chin, pulling her closer as she wraps her arms around your waist. Your foreheads press together, as she smiles against you. She leans in, pressing her lips against yours in a kiss, you kiss back, passionately. That was it, you felt complete, you were in love with Reneé Rapp. She made you so, so happy. "I really missed you," you say, to which she just kisses you again, making you giggle. And that's how it worked, that's how you got the girl. [part 3 with smut?]
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