caffeinecoffeesnek · 2 years
A Rat and a Squealing Frog
Remus is bored as can be, in desperate need to get rid or let his ler mood out, so when he sinks out he finds a unsuspecting victim or should I say, side, to help him out
Tickle fic!
(Includes: Remus, Tickles, rough tickling, possible Intruality? Short fic, reference(s) of the word ‘Daddy”, swearing, tickling death spots, tell me if I forgot any)
Remus huffed as he threw his knife at his wall, the tip getting in bedded in the wall with a ‘twang’ noise. What caused this? Remus was in a huge Ler mood and in desperate need to tickle someone, to hear their laughter and screams, their begs and pleads as he or well his tentacles tickled them silly in their worse spots.
Remus whined an just sunk out, deciding on the first person he saw he would go for, he needed to get rid of his huge Ler mood. He rose up in the Living space an looked around. Eyes landing on Patton who was making cookies in the kitchen, completely unaware of Remus’s presents. Remus grinned as his tentacles came out from his back, finding the perfect target. He quickly sped over as his tentacles latched onto Patton and trapped him, causing Patton to jump and frog scream out of fright.
Remus laughed and sunk back to his room with a very panicked Patton who was tightly wrapped in his tentacles that were so eager to just start already.
He rose up and Patton looked around petrified “R-Remus where am I?! W-W-What’s going on?!” “Oh calm your dicks pops, I ain’t gonna hurt cha but your gonna be here a while since I- or we, need desperate help~ and be prepared to loose your voice and mind for a while!”
Remus explained as he happily sat in his torn old chair, leaving Patton confused before he suddenly burst out laughing which quickly grew to hysterics as tentacles went under his shirt and started tickling his belly as 1 even dipped onto his bellybutton. Remus grinned as he watched Patton who was held up by 2 tentacles around his wrists as 3 others attacked his belly and his armpits as he wriggled around and laughed and squealed in hysterics.
"Awwwee! whats the matter patty?! does it tickle? is the little gigglebug ticklish?" Remus teased as Patton laughed an squirmed around. "REHEHEMHMUS! PLHEHEHAHSE!"
"What was that? please more! Oh of course Patty!" "NHOHOHO! W-WAHAHIHT!" Patton only managed to barely get two words out before he wailed in his beautiful laugher an screams as the tentacles moved from his armpits and belly down to his thighs as others worked on getting his shoes an socks off.
Patton kicked his legs around in a desperate attempt to break free from this tickly torture he was now stuck in. Two other tentacles soon grabbed his ankles as well an held him still as more started wriggling or suctioning on an off from his soles an toes while more absolutely destroyed his thighs and poor helpless Patton could only wail an scream in laugher as tears streamed down his face, all the while remus was sat back an watching in pure joy.
Remus soon got a idea an brung him over to his lap, the tentacles stopping to give him a break as Patton giggled an panted for air, The tentacles let go of him but before Patton could move Remus tied his wrists again an ankles an tied his big toes together.
That made Patton burst into anticipated giggles as Remus smirked an put his feet in his lap as he tentacles moved to a stronger grip on Patton. He blushed when he felt cold liquid being poured over his toes an soles, baby oil..
Patton smiled more through his anticipating giggles as he tried to squirm free, but this made the tentacles tighten their grip and a couple started wiggling at his sides, causing the poor moral side to start squealing and giggling even more. “Now now Daddy Patty~ the more you squirm the more their just keep it up and you’ll be stuck with me for much Much longer~” Remus said in a hummed voice, practically having a ear to ear smile now as he threw the bottle of oil aside an placed his finger tips on to Pattons poor oiled soles.
Patton watched as he bit his lip with a wide smile, trying to curl his toes to save himself.
Big mistake
Remus grinned and as almost if it was a green light for him, he started scribbling and scratching at his soles an just under his toes on the left while using a hair brush on the right, and to top it off his tentacles that had been wiggling at Pattons sides had moved to his thighs and started poking and squeezing.
Poor Patton was practically screaming and wailing in laughter at this point, he had tears in his eyes (in a good way) and was loosing his mind as Remus attacked to two death spots with things added on top, it was too much for the poor moral side, and sadly since they were in Remus’s room, non of the other sides could hear him.
This went on for over 10 minutes before Patton started coughing and screaming through his beautiful laughter that he couldn’t take anymore, and eventually after a few minutes of it Remus finally let up. Patton gasped and panted for air as his laughter died down to soft giggles as Remus was trying to help clean the oil off with a hand towel but didn’t really work so he just left the oil on.
The tentacles let Patton go an Remus smirked as he set Patton on his bed, who was already looking so tired. “So, how was that~” Remus teased as he watched the moral side glance at him with a smile. “S-stra-strange b-but I e-enj-joyed it” Patton panted out with a soft giggle. Remus seemed satisfied with that answer and sunk Patton out, where Patton laid on the couch in the living room, quickly falling asleep and confusing the other 4 when they came down to see a sleeping Patton but the oven still on with cookies inside.
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potatohater · 2 years
Probably the best tickle scenario you could’ve find where Sirius and Remus discovered that Harry is ticklish‼️‼️ im in my hp phase please
If Sirius wouldn’t die I bet that Harry and him would live in some apartment together. They also invited Remus A LOT.
Once during the summer Remus was relaxing in the living room when he heard some strange noises from other room, and then Sirius ran up to him with the biggest smile on his face that he’s ever seen screaming that: HARRY IS TICKLISH. While Harry doesn’t understand a word because he has never been actually tickled. And here he is – 15 years old boy, standing into the door frame, holding on his stomach because what the hell was that feeling that made him giggle? Remus and Sirius gave each other “that” look and they attacked. Because Harry has never experienced that, he didn’t even try to hold his laugh, and it was high-pitched, boyish and absolutely adorable. He was so much like James in this way, they had similar spots and laugh sounded familiar. He squirmed a lot tried to hide his face, or shut his mouth. It was priceless.
This actually repeated a lot of times, especially when Remus was at their house. (he poked one of them and said that it wasn’t him). And also he was the one that said to Harry that Sirius has the same weakness; now that was getting interesting. It doesn’t matter, what Remus was doing, he always left his things behind and just watched them. It was that moments that he missed with them. Separately and both. He knew that James would be happy to watch his best friend tickle the shit out of his son.
Sooner or later Sirius would understand that Remus was starting half of the fights, so in the middle of another one, he just whispered to Harry that Remus is not better than him, and that was an actual point where the fun began. When Harry asked was it true, Remus insisted that he is a werewolf, and they are NOT ticklish, and that he didn’t even know how it felt like. And it was a lie.
So basically they all had fun with each other, I just love the idea that Remus and Sirius raised Harry 😭
Maybe I’ll write a fic with this idea, who knows🤭
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mythica0 · 2 years
Salty to sweet
🎂: Sanders Sides
🧁: Virgil, Logan
🍫: Roman, Remus
🍭: Prinxiety, Intrulogical
🍨 fic
TW: foul language and Remus . Just Remus.
Salty to sweet
It was just one of those days.
Both Logan and Virgil were feeling kinda grumpy. Woke up on the wrong side of the bed, if Logan had his vocabulary cards correct.
Logan had been in his room working all day and got snippy at anyone who tried to talk to him .
Virgil was listening to his emo music and ignoring everything around him.
This did not sit well with the creative brothers; Roman & Remus, who were each sides respective boyfriends.
The two were currently talking about it in their shared room.
“Ugh! I’m at a loss! Virgil won’t even open his door, how am I supposed to cheer him up!” Roman said in exasperation.
“I don’t know,” started the other twin, “but I think I have an idea of where to start.”
The plan was fairly simple, however, there was one insy winsy tiny little massive problem.
The twins had to get their boyfriends out of their respective bedrooms and into the living room first.
Roman thought that by telling Virgil he was watching The Nightmare Before Christmas and asking ‘would he like to join?’ Would do the trick, and it did.
However Virgil wanted Roman to make some food and change into his onesie first. Not too hard.
Remus was having a bit more trouble. “Ugh, sword fighting whale penises! He keeps insisting that he needs to work! I can’t get him to take a break and come down!”
Roman winced at Remus’ exclamation before recovering and saying “have you tried offering crofters?”
“Come to think of it, I didn’t think of it!” Roman snorts at his brothers corny wording as Remus types the message and hits send, the text sends, and remains read for about 2 seconds before a (likely very eager) reply of “I’m on my way” comes through.
Remus laughs lightly at his boyfriends response before lightly tossing his phone on the couch. Roman , after doing so, texts Virgil telling him that he has the movie ready to play, popcorn in the table, and is up to dress code.
Both boys arrive downstairs at roughly the same time, Logan first, wearing his usual polo shirt, jeans and Necktie. Virgil lagging behind a bit, in his skeleton onesie.
Remus grabbed the crofters out of the fridge and set it on the table with some bread just in case.
“Oh. “ Logan stated , his way of showing surprise. “I was not informed we would be watching a movie. “
“That’s because you didn’t let me finish. I offered crofters and you immediately came on down. “ Remus scoffs, not unkindly.
“Fair point. “ Logan nods and pushes up his glasses.
“So are we getting started or what. “ a grumpy gruff town states from the other side of the room.
“Yep! Let’s settle down on the couch, hmm?”
The wordless response is that both sets of boys sit on the couch.
Sneakily, the twins enact their plan. They snake their arms around their boyfriends, holding them in a way that they couldn’t escape , without being uncomfortable or realizing what’s going on.
“Actually , Virgil. Me and Remus have a surprise for you guys before we start. “
Virgil hums and Logan says “the correct phrasing would be Remus and I”
Remus just responds by saying “hush, nerdy wolverine. “
Then, with a silent countdown, the twins start ‘attacking’ their boyfriends, scribbling at their sides and poking their tummies.
Both boys , suprised, immediately burst out laughing .
“Whahahahat theheheh fuhuhuhuhck? “ Virgil manages through his laughter . “You better hope Patton doesn’t hear you! Or you might be tickle tickle tickled even more!” Roman teases, his smile growing when Virgil breaks out in a light blush.
“Thihihis. Ihihihis nohohot aha vehehehery gohohood suPRHIHISe” he squeaks at the end when Remus squeezes his thigh.
“You are in No position to be rude, teach.”
“Ohoho shihiHIhIt.” Logan responds
“Hey look brother, we turned them from salty to sweet! “ Roman exclaimed
“Indeed we did, but I think we could use a bit more sugar!”
The boys continued for a while just like that, teasing their boyfriends and playfully scribbling against their ticklish spots, before Roman gets an idea, a very very evil idea .
Giving his brother a look that says “follow along” Roman speaks “Y’know, we added some sugar into this salty dish, but I think it needs a little extra kick.” He says, grinning evilly
“Oh, I agree, what kinda kick were you thinking?” Remus catches on quickly, matching Roman’s grin as they both continue to assault their lovers with tickles .
“Something fruity , that’s for sure “
“Like us!”
Roman sighs, “like us. However, I can’t think of what fruit to add. Do you have any ideas?”
“I was thinking…. Raspberries?”
“I couldn’t of come up with a better idea!”
“Ohohoho nohohoho . Nohohohot thahahat!” Virgil exclaimed , although he didn’t really mean it. He had to admit, if only to himself, laughing this much was starting to make him feel better.
Logan was very much in the same boat . His mood having been greatly impacted.
I hope your ready! In three, two, one, “ Remus started
“PBBbBBbBbFFt” both twins raspberried at the same time .
“AAHHHahahahahahhahaHa! “CRAHHAHap DoHOHont DoHOhoo THaHAHat!” Logan
“No can do!” That was Roman. Remus nods , they both breathe
More raspberries. More laughter.
After a while, the twins stop, leaving two very giggly sides curled up in their laps.
“So, we still up for a movie?” Roman says, lightly shaking the remote .
Both boys just nod weakly.
As the opening song plays, the twins both think
‘Definitely turned them from salty to sweet.’
—————————-THE END —————————
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fuzzy-wuzzy-emo · 2 years
Logan hadn't realised just how strong Remus was.
Logan squeals, running away from Remus. "No! No go away!" Remus chases after. He wore a feathery outfit, giggling like mad. "I'm gonna getcha~" Logan trips turning the corner to his bedroom, and Remus pounces, pinning his hands above his head. Logan gasps. Remus was strong. Really strong. Stronger than Roman, even. He struggles, but he barely moves an inch. Remus starts running the feather up and down his side. Remus re-adjusts for every little movement Logan makes. It was intimidating. Then, Logan's body seemed to finally realise he was being tickled. "Snrk- nohoho~" Remus smiles wide, manic and happy. "Aaaa dukadukadukaduka" he giggles watching Logan's brow pinch in confusion. "Waihaihaihait... duka?" Remus giggles. "It's called babbling, almighty god of knowledge. Ever heard of it?" Logan flushes red. "I know, Ihihi nehehever heard sohohome one say duka duka behehefore" Remus raises an eyebrow. "Seriously? Oh!" He puts the feather away. "Have you heard about..." he scribbles up and down his ribs. "Kikikiki!!" Logan laughs, and it sounds almost the same as Remus's teasing. "Rikiki! Hehehehe~" He shifts back and forth. "Ohohone thing I nohohoticed is thahat you're very str- snrk- strong. I nehehever n- noticed before." Remus nods. "Yeah. I used to get most of my aggression out through phiscal activity. I still exercise regularly, it's a lot more satisfying than it looks. The no pain no gain attitude is bullshit, by the way." Logan smiles. "Ohohoh... g- good to know. If I mahahay ask, can I join you?" Remus stops tickling, letting him finish. "I've been meaning to work out, but it seems to be a mental block." Remus smiles. "Okay! Do you want to keep going, or..." Logan blushes beet red. "Erm... y- yes please." Remus smiles down at him, pulling the feather back out.
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trashyswitch · 2 years
Why is Patton Talyn? And Other Questions.
Palyn comes back! And...leaves Janus and Remus really confused. Janus is interested and calm, while Remus is disappointed...then way too curious.
Part 3 of Patton, The Cute Little Puppy Baby Bat Fly Fly Baby Dog(s).
Part 2
This fanfic has a slightly rude, slightly transphobic question in it from Remus. So I'm sorry if he triggers you, and know that he got what he deserved.
Palyn looked in the mirror at the Harry Potter glasses, and the Argyle green, black and white sweater vest. They had a white collared shirt underneath, and looked at themself in the mirror. It looked…really good on them. Though the outfit looked like something a 50 year old bigger man would wear, it seemed to really suit Talyn’s facial features and body shape. They also loved it because it also highlighted Patton’s comfy, fatherly outfits. Palyn was impressed by their ability to pull these two types of styles together into one outfit. 
“Hey Patton, have-” Janus paused his words as he saw some other person in the room. It…strangely looked like Thomas’s friend, Talyn. But…this was Patton’s mind palace bedroom. No one can go into a mind palace bedroom unless they’re a side. 
“...Can I help you?” Janus asked. 
Palyn looked at Janus and widened their eyes as they saw Janus. “Oh! Sorry Janus…I was trying something on.” Palyn admitted. Palyn’s voice sounded exactly like Patton’s voice…but…the person had the face and body shape of Talyn. 
“P-Patton?” Janus asked. 
Palyn chuckled awkwardly scratched the back of their head. “Nnno. I’m Palyn.” They told him. 
“Palyn? Is…That a mixture of the names Talyn and Patton?” Janus asked. 
Palyn nodded. “Yeah…it is.” Palyn admitted. 
Janus hummed, unsure what to think. He looked at Palyn from the top of their head to the tops of their feet. He…wasn’t sure how to react to Palyn without sounding unsupportive or rude. 
“Can you get Logan for me?” Palyn asked. 
Janus shook his head with a smile as he walked away. Janus turned to the right, then to the left…he soon reached Logan’s room and knocked on the door. “Logan?” Janus called. 
Logan opened the door and nodded to him. “Good afternoon, Janus. Can I help you?” Logan asked. 
Janus nodded and looked towards the direction of Patton’s room. “Patton has turned himself into Talyn…and he’s going by the name Palyn?” Janus told him. 
Logan widened his eyes and sprinted out of the room and past Janus into the hallway. “Palyn.” Logan said in a firm, monotone voice. “Palyn?!” Logan called. 
“Right here, Logan!” Palyn called back. 
Logan sprinted into Patton’s name and picked up Palyn, spinning them around in circles. Palyn giggled and hugged Logan back. “Hiii Logan!” Palyn greeted. 
Janus walked up to Patton’s room and leaned against the doorframe. “You…know him?” Janus asked. 
“Them.” Logan replied. “When Patton is Palyn, their pronouns change to they/them.” Logan told Janus. 
Janus raised his eyebrows in surprise. “Oh…” Janus reacted. “Well…When was I going to meet this ‘Palyn’ character?” Janus asked. 
Logan looked at Janus. “I was going to introduce you and Remus to Palyn the next time Palyn comes out. I was simply waiting for Patton to get into the mood.” Logan explained. 
“Is…Is Palyn…” Janus thought for a moment and looked over at Logan. “Is Palyn considered a version of littlespace?” Janus asked. 
Logan opened his mouth to speak…and closed it when he realized he had no words. Logan looked at Palyn, not sure what to say. On one hand, he can understand why Janus came to that conclusion. Palyn was smaller, and acting a little more childish than normal. So it could easily be littlespace. But if it were littlespace, then why is Patton changing himself to look like Thomas’s friends instead of being himself? And if it was littlespace, then why is Palyn dressed in something a 60 year old father/grandfather would wear? 
“I can see why you came to that conclusion.” Logan admitted. “It makes a bit of sense.” 
“But it’s not littlespace.” Palyn added. “It’s more…wanting to be shorter, cuter-looking, and being more okay with…being…childish…” Palyn’s words slowly dragged on as they realized what they were basically describing: Littlespace. “But-but it’s not trauma-based. I did not experience anything traumatic, and it did not encourage me to do this. I just like turning into Thomas’s friends, and Talyn happens to be my favorite person to turn into.” Palyn explained. 
Janus nodded, looking down. “I see…” Janus then looked up at Palyn. “Would you like me to get Remus, so he can meet you as well?” Janus asked. 
Palyn nodded. “Sure. I would like that.” Palyn replied. 
Janus turned around and headed to Remus’s room on the other side of the mindpalace. Janus knocked on the door, and waited for Remus to answer. While he waited, he took a moment to adjust his shawl cover and fix his shirt collar. 
Remus opened the door and squealed. “Well look who decided to drop in?” Remus teased, making a black hole below Janus. Janus looked down at the hole, and grew somewhat surprised that he didn’t fall into the black hole at all. He just stood on the black hole like it was a glass floor. 
“I have someone you might want to meet.” Janus told him. 
“Me?” Remus asked. “Is it…human? Or alien?” Remus asked. “Dangerous? Or harmless?” Remus asked next. 
“Human. And…quite harmless.” Janus replied. 
Remus’s excitement grew flat. “Oh…Well that’s not exciting!” Remus whined. 
Janus rolled his eyes and grabbed Remus’s hand. “Just come with me.” Janus told him. 
Janus and Remus walked to Patton’s bedroom, and began to hear muffled sounds coming from the bedroom. Remus tilted his head as he walked up to the open room with Janus, where they discovered Logan skittering his fingers on Patton’s lower ribs. Palyn was covering their mouth, and laughing up a storm. 
Remus raised an eyebrow. “I already know Talyn.” Remus told Janus. Then, Remus widened his eyes as he remembered something: Talyn is not a sanders side. Talyn is a real human.  “Wait…How is Talyn in the-” Remus looked at Janus with pure confusion. “This is not Talyn. This is Patton, disguising himself as Talyn.” Janus told Remus. 
“Oh…” Remus began to fully understand the more he connected the dots. The body looked exactly like Talyn. But, the voice was clearly Patton’s. With that explanation, it made so much more sense. But…then Remus frowned. “Well now that it makes more sense, it kinda ruins the mystery.” Remus admitted. 
“When Patton wants to be Talyn, he refers to himself as Palyn and goes by they/them pronouns.” Janus explained. 
Remus gasped and covered his mouth. He uncovered his mouth with a big smile. “Age regression? Littlespace?” Remus asked. “PLEASE tell me it’s little space.” 
Janus shook his head. “It’s not.” Janus replied. “Just preference.” Janus added. 
Remus’s excitement dwindled into disappointment in mere seconds. “Oh…” He mumbled, slightly irritated by the mere normalcy. 
Janus rolled his eyes and looked at Remus with his arms crossed. “So do you want to meet Palyn or not?” Janus asked. 
Remus sighed and walked up to Palyn, unsure what to do. Patton was giggling and laughing, still being tickled by Logan’s fingers. 
“Hello Remus. Care to help me tickle Palyn?” Logan asked. 
Remus raised an eyebrow. “You…want me…to help tickle Pat-Palyn?” Remus asked, correcting himself. 
“I don’t know. Would you like Remus to tickle you, Palyn?” Logan asked. 
All Palyn could do was laugh at this point. So, they uncovered their mouth and nodded their head. 
“There’s your answer. Join in wherever you like.” Logan offered. 
Remus’s face softened as he grew surprised. Of all the people wanting tickles from Remus, it was Patton? Sorry, Palyn? 
Remus slowly walked up to Palyn’s armpits and started skritching and scratching there. “Hi Palyn! I’m Remus!” Remus told them. 
“Ihihi knohohow whoho yohou ahahahare.” Palyn told him. “Ihihihi stihihill rehemember yohohou.” Palyn told him. 
Remus raised his eyebrows. “Really?!” Remus reacted. Now he was even more surprised. 
Logan nodded. “Palyn still has all of Patton’s memories. Patton just has the physical body of Thomas’s friend.” Logan explained. 
Remus nodded, still flabbergasted. “But…This is still Patton. I thought I would be the last person Patton would want to tickle him.” Remus admitted. 
“Ihihihi dohohon’t cahahare whoho tihickles mehehehe, ahas long ahas thehehey’re sohoft ahahabout ihihit.” Palyn told him. 
Remus smiled eagerly. “Okay! But be careful what you wish for. Because soft tickles can drive you crazy too.” Remus reminded him. 
Logan chuckled. “He does have a point, Palyn.” Logan added. 
Patton squealed as he felt Remus quickly nibble against his neck. “EhehehEHEHEHEHE! WAHAHAHAHAIT! HAHAHAHAhahahahaHAHAHAHA!” Patton laughed loudly. 
“Om-nom-nom-nom-nom! Om-nom-nom-nom-nom-nom!” Remus made nibbling noises as he playfully nibbled on Palyn’s neck. 
Palyn couldn’t curl their neck in to get Remus out of their poor neck. Logan was smiling as he watched Palyn and Remus, who were complete opposite beings, get along with each other. It was really nice to see for a change. 
“Om-nom-nom-nom! I bet they are! Om-nom-nom-nom-nom-nom!” Remus teased as he continued to nibble on Palyn’s neck. 
Palyn kept on giggling and laughing as both Logan and Remus tickled him at the same time. 
“And leave you lacking in tickles? No way.” Janus replied. 
“Please what? Please tickle you? Are two people really not enough? You really want someone else to tickle you?” Janus reacted. 
Palyn shook his head. “NOHOHOHO!” Palyn replied. 
“Okay. You’re starting to sound like me.” Janus added as he walked up to Palyn. “Now what to tickle…” 
Palyn squealed and pulled his feet back, hoping and praying Janus wouldn’t go for them. But that only encouraged Janus. “I think I’m gonna go for the feet.” Janus told them. 
“NOHOHO DOHOHOHON’T!” Palyn pleaded. 
“You are REALLY sounding like me now.” Janus reacted, poking his foot with a smirk. 
“Shuhuhush! AHAA!” Palyn guffawed at the poke. 
“Whoa! What a scream!” Janus reacted. 
“What a shout!” Remus added. 
“The rhyming I could do without.” Logan muttered out loud. 
Remus and Janus stopped tickling for a moment and looked at each other, confused by Logan’s ironic ending statement. 
Palyn happily took this time to breathe some much needed air into their lungs again. It was so comforting to have full breaths of air in their poor lungs. As much as they liked being tickled, it was still exhausting.
Palyn looked up at the three sides, and smiled. “Thank you for being so understanding.” Palyn told them. 
Janus shrugged his shoulders. “We’ve all experienced an identity crisis before.” Janus replied. 
Logan smiled. “Glad we can be of service.” 
“If you’re Talyn right now, does that mean you have a vagina?” Remus asked out of nowhere. 
Logan looked at Remus with utter shock, while Janus sent Remus a strong glare. 
Palyn sighed and walked up to Remus. “I am going to give you one chance to take back your question.” Palyn told him. 
“No way! I’m genuinely curious. Since Talyn is technically-” Remus froze, he felt the force of a show hit smack dab onto his crotch. “aaAAH! OWWWWIEEEEE!!” Remus screamed, doubling over, holding his crotch as he fell onto the ground. 
“Now think about that pain before you reject another one of my generous offers.” Palyn suggested. 
Palyn crossed their arms and turned to face Logan and Janus with a big, smug grin. Logan was originally shocked…but after seeing innocent Palyn’s morbid actions, Logan was left absolutely dumbfounded. 
Meanwhile Janus was cackling and laughing so hard at Remus’s pain. He was laughing so hard, he had even started snorting! “THAHAHAT, WAHAS AWESOME! THAT’S WHAT YOU GET, YOU DUMBASS!” Janus shouted. 
Palyn took one look at Janus and giggled. “You don’t even need to tickle Janus to make him laugh.” Palyn mentioned.
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crazy-as-a-jaybird · 10 months
i'm on fire today
Tumblr media
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xflippinfrogx · 1 year
Hear me out hear me out
remus and james fic
lee remus
idk the prompt but maybe remus overworking himself idk take it however you’d like but there isn’t enough james and remus fics
Don’t be so hard on yourself~
A/N~ EEEEEE I am so happy you requested this I love this pairing more than life itself and there is not nearly enough content of them!!! Hope you like the fic and thank you for the ask!!< 33
~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~ LEE: Remus
LER: James. ~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~
You know that burning feeling you get in your eyes sometimes from reading for too long? Normally you’d stop reading at that point right? Yeah that’s not how Remus Lupin works.
The OWL’s were coming up in a few weeks and he was determined to do his very best on every exam. Only problem was that he was so tired that he couldn’t make sense of what he was currently writing down. He didn’t think it was that big of a deal that he had worked all through the night. It was now 6:00pm and all his friends had gone down to dinner. He was running off coffee and leftover honey dukes sweets.
If he could just get through this last chapter and finish his notes he’d be fine. He just needs to concentrate.
Well there goes that plan.
James burst into the dorm looking for his friend and immediately became concerned at the state of him.
His hair was a mess, he was wearing the same clothes as yesterday and there were books and papers strewn all over his bed.
“Moony, aren’t you coming down for dinner? Everyone’s looking for you.” James asked softly. He could tell Remus was stressed and he wanted to make sure he remembered to eat.
“No no I’m busy, I need to finish this essay.” He replied, his words slightly slurring together.
“Remus, I hate to break it to you mate but that book you’re using is kind of… upside down.” James had to refrain from laughing as a sleepy Remus became really embarrassed.
“I uh I knew that, I needed it that way to do the.. the spell.” Remus was literally talking nonsense at this point but James is a pretty good translator. He does live with Sirius after all.
“C’mon, why don’t we leave the studying for a while? Take a break, get some food, maybe sleep?? It’ll do you good mate.” James said trying to stack some of the paper on Remus’ bed into a pile.
“No I need- put that down James! I need to work the exams are soon.” He was trying to stop James’ attempt of cleaning, which is hard when your hands don’t want to cooperate with your brain.
The tussled for a moment with James trying to clear away the papers and Remus being petty by knocking over his pile.
“Right that’s it, if you aren’t going to take a break willingly then we’re just gonna have to do this the hard way.” James said, a mischievous glint in his eye as he grabbed Remus’ hands pinning them to the bed.
If he hadn’t been so tired he probably would’ve fought it, but at this point Remus was so done that he let himself lay there exposed. he totally knew what was going to happen and he was really looking forward too it
“James c’mon just let me study it’s not gonna kill me-” he was cut off by James beginning his attack.
He was right, studying wasn’t going to kill him.. James and his fingers were.
He ran his skilled fingers nimbly over the already giggling boys ribs.
“Prohohongs cuhut it ouhut!” Remus threw his head back laughing but that was a mistake as it left his neck completely open for attack.
James took his chance and blew a massive raspberry just below his ear and Remus completely lost control of himself.
He thrashed from side to side, laughter frantic and bubbly. Streams of half hearted pleading poured from his mouth as James continued exploring each spot illiciting even more noises from his friend.
His goal was simple, make Moony laugh so hard he tires himself out and FINALLY falls asleep.
Spoiler, it works.
“Okahahay okaayy, I gihive!! EEK JAHAHAMES I SAHAHAID I GIHIHIVE!!!” He squealed as James blew a final raspberry into the crook of his neck.
He let up, leaving Remus a sleepy giggly mess. James magicked him a glass of water and encouraged that he drink some.
They lay side by side for a few moments in comfortable silence until Remus calmed his giggling down.
“Thanks Prongs.. I really needed that.” A blush spread across his cheeks as he spoke softly.
“I’m always happy to help Moony, just promise me something ok?” He sat up looking down at Remus. “Don’t be so hard on yourself. You’re really smart, the exams will be a breeze!!” Remus smiled. James was right it was going to be fine, he seriously needed to stop being so obsessed about his school work. There’s more important things in life.. Like SLEEP!!
They both stayed there talking for a little while until Remus fell asleep. James covered him with a blanket and began clearing away his books seeing as there was no one to stop him now.
It wasn’t long before Sirius and Peter returned to the dorm confused as to why both of them had now missed dinner. James told them with great pride that he had finally gotten Remus to relax and the three gryffindors spent the evening in the common room giving their friend his space to recharge in peace.
Remus was never more glad to find sleep in his life and he was definitely never staying awake that long again.
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the-sun-is-also-a-star · 11 months
The Marauders Favourite Animated Movies
James - Cars or Madagascar
Sirius - Brother Bear or Despicable Me
Lily - Up! or Moana
Regulus - The Hunchback of Nortre Dame or Big Hero 6
Remus - How to Train Your Dragon or Kung Foo Panda
Marlene - Mulan or Treasure Planet
Dorcas - Corpse Bride or Coraline
Mary - Tangled or Chicken Little
Pandora - WALL-E or Rio
Barty - The Road to El Dorado or The Lego Batman Movie
Evan - Monsters Inc. or Bolt
Peter - Toy Story or Aladdin
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moonyhigh · 19 days
não consigo shipar remus e sirius sem ser um com o outro, tipo curto umas fanarts moonwater,remadora, sirity, sirimary,blackinonn, mas não gosto deles ao ponto de ler fanfic como casal principal (muito menos segundario), de fazer cenários sobre na minha cabeça, de criar uma pasta no pinterest com artes e aesthetic deles, ou de fazer post fofo aqui
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soysaucevictim · 9 days
... I did not expect to see Ed Helms as a guest on the latest Behind The Bastards episode.
Lotsa people know him from the Hangover movies (which are fun, but I know a LOT of shit aint aged well there)... but I'm just brought back to my days in the Once-ler / Ask blog fandom there. :,D
(I refuse to cringe abt any of that. Just "oooh shiny" abt a different Green Man. Pffft.)
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ticklishprincey · 4 months
What lees do you typically write for
I'm open to suggestions, but here's a list of all I can think of currently: (Lees first, lers listed after) ✎Helluva Boss ✰Blitzo - Moxxie, Stolas, & Fizzarolli ✰Moxxie - Millie & Blitzo ✰Fizzarolli - Asmodeus & Blitzo ✰Thinking about a lee!Stolas fic but idk ✎Hazbin Hotel ✰Alastor - Rosie, Husk & Lucifer ✰Lucifer - Alastor ✰Husk - Angel Dust & Alastor ✰Angel Dust - Husk ✎TMNT/ROTTMNT ✰Donatello - Raphael, Mikey & Leo ✎Percy Jackson/Heroes of Olympus/Trials of Apollo ✰Nico Di Angelo - Will, Hazel, Reyna, Percy, Jason & Leo ✰Hazel Levesque - Nico, Frank & Leo ✰Will Solace - Nico & Apollo ✰Leo Valdez - Nico, Hazel & Jason ✎Encanto ✰Camilo Madrigal - Literally anyone but Dolores is my top choice ✎Dear Evan Hansen ✰Evan Hansen - Connor & Jared ✰Connor - Evan, Jared & Zoey ✎Black Butler ✰Ciel Phantomhive - Sebastian (help I have no idea how to spell his last name) ✎Gravity Falls ✰Dipper Pines - Ford, Mabel & Stan ✎FNAF (mainly security breach tbh) ✰Reader - Sundrop, Moondrop, Glamrock Freddy & Monty ✰Sundrop - Moondrop ✰Moondrop - Sundrop ✰Gregory - Glamrock Freddy, Sundrop & Moondrop ✎MHA/BNHA ✰Todoroki - Izuku & Bakugou ✰Izuku - Todoroki, Bakugou & All Might ✰Shinsou - Aizawa & Denki (keep in mind I am a stupid American boy with now idea how to write these names) ✎Twisted Wonderland ✰Jade Leech - Floyd ✰Floyd Leech - Jade ✎Voltron ✰Keith Kogane - Lance & Shiro ✎Sanders Sides ✰Virgil Sanders - Logan, Patton, Janus & Remus ✎Avengers ✰ Peter Parker - Tony & Loki ✰ Thinking about a lee!Loki fic but idk ✎Trolls (the third movie) ✰Branch - Floyd, Clay, Bruce & John Dory ✰Maybe Floyd idk
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Characters included in the showdown
If any of these characters are repeated or under 18 please let me know asap so I can switch them out
Remus Sanders from Sanders Sides (17)
Janus Sanders from Sanders Sides (14)
Logan Sanders from Sanders Sides (13)
Eda Clawthorne from The Owl House (13)
Roman Sanders from Sanders Sides (11)
Virgil Sanders from Sanders Sides (10)
Din Djarin/Mandalorian from The Mandalorian (10)
Remy Sanders from Thomas Sanders Shorts (10)
Patton Sanders from Sanders Sides (9)
Noise from Roleslaying with Roman (8)
The Once-ler from the Lorax (7)
Sans from Undertale (6)
Angel from Hell’s Belles (5)
Julian Devorak from The Arcana (5)
William Afton from fnaf (4)
Ingo from Pokémon (4)
Leon S Kennedy from Resident Evil (4)
Anxiety Sanders from Thomas Sanders Shorts (4)
Clay Puppington from Moral Orel (4)
Youngblood from Roleslaying with Roman (4)
Bill Cipher from Gravity Falls (3)
Shane from The L Word (3)
Jameson Jackson from Jacksepticeye (3)
The Other Side of the Pillow from Thomas Sanders Shorts (3)
Virgil the Rat from Ride the Cyclone (3)
Kylo Ren from Star Wars (3)
Megamind from Megamind (3)
Bucky Barnes from MCU (3)
Spider-Man (Andrew Garfield) from No Way Home (3)
Mike from Roleslaying with Roman (3)
Ryker from Roleslaying with Roman (3)
Roman from Roleslaying with Roman (3)
Raine Whispers from The Owl House (3)
Vash the Stampede from Trigun Stampede (3)
Nicholas D Wolfwood from Trigun (3)
Cecil Palmer from Welcome to Night Vale (2)
Sage Lesath from Last Legacy (2)
L Lawliet from Death Note (2)
Crowley from Good Omens (2)
Dr. Bright from SCP Foundation (2)
Shrek from Shrek (2)
Peter Cola from CNP (2)
Peppino from Pizza Tower (2)
Tangerine from Bullet Train (2)
Luis Sera from Resident Evil 4 (2)
Darius from The Owl House (2)
Hannibal Lecter from Hannibal (2)
Alastor from Hazbin Hotel (2)
Enjorlas from Les Miserables (2)
Jessie from Pokémon (2)
James from Pokémon (2)
Mettaton EX from Undertale (2)
Sampo Koshi from Honkai Star Rail (2)
Wilford Warfstache from Markiplier (2)
The Narrator from The Stanley Parable (2)
Shego from Kim Possible (2)
Lady Dimitrescu from Resident Evil (2)
Blackbeard from Our Flag Means Death (2)
Orange Side from Sanders Sides (2)
Lucio from The Arcana (2)
Burgundy Red from Roleslaying with Roman (2)
Puff Puff Humbert from Your Favorite Martin (2)
Viktor Humphries from Slime Rancher (2)
Angel Dust from Hazbin Hotel (2)
Miss Secondopinionson from Moral Orel (2)
Eggman from Sonic (2)
Spamton from Deltarune (1)
The Corinthian from The Sandman (1)
Asra Alnazar from The Arcana (1)
Felix Escellun from Last Legacy (1)
Edwin from Gummy and the Doctor (1)
Hatori from Fruits Basket (1)
Izzy Hands from Our Flag Mean Death (1)
Undyne from Undertale (1)
Glamrock Freddy from fnaf: security breach (1)
Gummy from Gummy and the Doctor (1)
Nadia Satrinava from The Arcana (1)
Scorpia from She Ra (1)
Jareth the Goblin King from Labyrinth (1)
Vaporeon from Pokémon (1)
Rouge the Bat from Sonic (1)
Aaravos from The Dragon Prince (1)
Millions Knives from Trigun Stampede (1)
Spock from Star Trek (1)
Toriel from Undertale (1)
Bowser from Super Mario (1)
Shota Aizawa from My Hero Academia (1)
Tom Nook from Animal Crossing (1)
Critic Sanders from Thomas Sanders Shorts (1)
Skeletor from Masters of the Universe (1)
Elias Bouchard from The Magnus Archives (1)
Asmodeus from Obey Me (1)
Guillermo from What We do in the Shadows (1)
Asgore Dreemurr from Deltarune (1)
Dio Brando from Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure (1)
Tenth Doctor from Doctor Who (1)
Death from Puss in Boots: The Last Wish (1)
Red Guy from Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared (1)
Padme from Star Wars (1)
Archibald Asparagus from Veggie Tales (1)
Shen Jiu from The Scum Villain’s Self Saving System (1)
Roxanne Wolf from fnaf: security breach (1)
Gomez Addams from The Addams Family (1)
Rick Sanchez from Rick and Morty (1)
Fiona from Shrek (1)
Jack Skellington from The Nightmare Before Christmas (1)
Emile from Cartoon Therapy (1)
Vlad Masters from Danny Phantom (1)
Eyeless Jack from Creepypasta (1)
Merlin from Fate/Grand Order (1)
Verosika Mayday from Helluva Boss (1)
Ganondorf from The Legend of Zelda (1)
Michael Afton from fnaf (1)
Marvus Xoloto from Hiveswap (1)
Kim Kitsuragi from Disco Elysium (1)
Jang Jaeyoung from Semantic Error (1)
The Bog King from Strange Magic (1)
Batman from Batman (1)
Randy Jade from Dialtown (1)
Yor Forger from Spy x Family (1)
Mark Winters/Wavelength from Just Role With It (1)
Dr. Alto Clef from SCP Foundation (1)
Striker from Helluva Boss (1)
Stoic the Vast from How to Train your Dragon (1)
Bandit from Bluey (1)
Spain from Hetalia (1)
Dorian Gray from The Picture of Dorian Gray (1)
Muriel from The Arcana (1)
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Patton walked into the room to see all five of the other sides. Perfect!
“I’ve been in a ler mood allllll day,” Patton announced. “I’m gonna go get some tools, and when I return there’d better be a little lee waiting as a sacrifice or else I’ll be coming after each one of you~”
Patton happily walked away, a spring in his step. He trusted them to do the right thing.
He happily picked out an assortment of feathers, brushes, and other fluffy things. This was a day to tickle gently until the lee melted into an adorable little puddle, exhausted and giggly.
Patton returned to the living room to see a very pink and shy-faced Roman. He was laying on the ground, already a bit squirmy. His own sash and Remus’s were tying his hands to the legs of an armchair, holding his arms up above his head. Logan’s tie held his ankles together, and there was a black belt connecting his ankles to the leg of the coffee table. Roman’s shirt had been removed, and Virgil’s hoodie was draped over him to keep him warm until Patton got back.
Patton’s eyes sparkled. How wonderful~ And they all participated, betraying poor Roman. An excellent excuse to wreck each and every one of them.
He sat on Roman’s hips, delighting in the teeny squirms underneath him.
“You ready to laugh for me?”
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trashyswitch · 2 years
Day 3: Suspense
Remus is cracking his back, and ends up hurting himself. Logan tends to his injuries and quickly finds out he's faking it...
SORRY THIS IS SO LATE! I forgot to upload it before I went to work...and I KEPT FORGETTING TILL NOW. I hope you enjoy, despite it being so late.
Remus was spending a few minutes cracking his back. He stretched out his arms behind him, making the top and middle of his back crack and pop. He twisted his back with his hands against the couch, to crack the top and bottom of his back. Then, he moved onto his neck, and started twisting his neck sideways, as if he was trying to break his own neck. 
“Remus, I would strongly recommend you refrain from turning your neck in that manner. It is dangerous, and you could leave yourself partially paralyzed.” Logan warned. 
“Plus, your back cracking is annoying me.” Roman added. 
Remus tsked. “Come on, Logan. Chiropractors do this all the time!” Remus reacted. 
“And they are professionally trained to do such acts without causing serious harm to the human body. And you are not professionally trained.” Logan told him. 
Remus scoffed and put his hand out. Suddenly, Logan had multiple pieces of duct tape on his mouth. Logan grunted angrily and started to remove them. 
While that was happening, Remus went right back to cracking his neck. He turned his neck sideways on the other side, and felt 1…2, 3, 4, 5-6 cracks. He slowly let go of his neck and sighed with relief. It felt amazing. 
Roman growled. “DUDE! Would you stop?!” Roman demanded.
“Or what?” Remus asked with a smirk. 
“Or I’ll…I’ll…” Roman started. But he was unable to come up with anything that was satisfying for him without being too violent. 
Remus laughed. “You’re too much of a coward to do anything to me.” Remus teased. 
“Am NOT!” Roman yelled. 
“Are too!” Remus replied. 
“Am not!” Roman argued. 
“Are too~” Remus sing-songed as he started cracking his neck again by pulling the back of his head over to the right. 
“Am! Not!” Roman yelled. “And STOP CRACKING YOUR DAMN NECK!” 
“Are too!” Remus said as he paused to feel the cracks. “And I can crack my neck if I wa-” 
Remus widened his eyes as he felt a HUGE dart of pain zoom right down his spine. Remus winced and lost control of himself, falling onto his back. He tried to move his feet, but he couldn’t feel anything. He tried to move his hands, but his movement was severely limited. And moving his neck was SUPER painful. “.......Ow.” Remus muttered. 
“OH GOD!” Roman shouted, running to Remus’s side and keeping his neck steady. “Did you paralyze yourself?!” 
Remus chuckled awkwardly. “Ihi guess I did.” Remus replied. 
Logan widened his eyes before closing them and fixing his glasses. “I would say ‘I told you’, but that would be rather rude.” Logan told him. 
“...Welp…” Remus muttered. 
Logan sighed and fixed Roman’s hand position so it was accurate to the recommended position in the First Aid/AED manual. Roman cleared his throat awkwardly. “Thank you.” Roman told him. 
Logan smiled. “No problem.” He replied. 
Logan looked at Remus, and decided to check something. “Can you feel this?” Logan asked, touching his upper neck. 
“Yes.” Remus replied. 
“Can you feel this?” Logan asked, lowering his hand down a little bit, to the bottom of his neck. 
“Yes, but it’s a little vague.” Remus replied. 
“Okay. What about this?” Logan placed his hand on his chest. Remus tried to look at his hand placement, but couldn’t move his neck much. “Kinky…I wish I could feel it.” Remus admitted. 
Logan raised an eyebrow. How does he know what he’s touching? It’s not like he can see the chest right now, thanks to his chin…
“Okay…What about this?” Logan asked, poking his stomach. 
Remus tensed his stomach for a second, before relaxing. “No…” Remus replied. 
Logan half closed his eyes as he stared at Remus. He could easily see Remus was lying. It was so obvious…
“Telling by your words…I guess you snapped a spinal piece in between your shoulders.” Roman reacted, still sounding serious. 
It sounded like Roman actually believed his brother…I guess he didn’t see Remus tense his stomach. 
For now, Logan decided to go along with it. “Alright. Keep his neck steady. I’m going to have to do a physical analysis on you.” Logan told him. 
Roman nodded. “Do what you must.” Roman replied, still sounding genuine and serious. 
Logan put on some blue hospital gloves, and picked up Remus’s arm. His arm was completely limp in his hands. He had to admit: Remus had at least a little bit of knowledge on how paralysis worked. Or…he guessed he did. 
Logan gently squeezed up and down the arm, and dragged a finger down his arm to his armpit. Remus had to hold his breath quietly for him to keep his composure. It felt like Logan might be catching on…but he didn’t know for sure. Surely the finger dragging was to check his feeling…right? 
“Do you feel any of this?” Logan asked him, acting naive to his tricks as he drew his finger up and down the inside of Remus’s upper arm quickly. 
“No…I don’t.” Remus got out somewhat calmly…too calmly. 
Logan nodded and put down Remus’s arm. He then crawled up to Remus’s other arm and picked it up next. He gently squeezed up and down the other arm. Then, he dragged his finger up and down the inside of Remus’s other arm. “Do you feel any of this?” Logan asked, before bringing his finger down to his armpit…and giving it a little tickle. 
Remus felt a lump develop in his throat. He did his hardest not to laugh, but something still came up…whether it was a cough or a laugh, Logan couldn’t tell. But Remus tried to cover it up with a few more coughs. “No…I don’t feel any of it.” 
It was here that Roman noticed Logan’s feeling checks were…somewhat unorthodox. And he noticed the tickle to the armpit…and the strange sound that emitted from Remus. Now, Roman was starting to somewhat question things…
Logan got up, and felt the sides of Remus’s chest, and dragged his hands across the chest. “Can you feel me holding your chest?” Logan asked. 
Remus tried to look at the chest, but couldn’t no matter what he tried. “No.” Remus replied. 
Logan turned his fingers into gentle claws as he lowered his hands down to his belly region. “How about this?” Logan asked, squeezing Remus’s sides rather subtly. 
Remus grunted quietly and tensed his stomach for a moment. This was when Logan finally got the confirmation: Remus was either over-exaggerating the injury, or he was faking it altogether. “No…I don’t…feel any of it.” Remus replied. 
Roman narrowed his eyes as he had noticed Remus’s tense stomach as Logna held his sides. Remus…could at least feel something. Roman could tell that already. If Remus was admitting he could only partly feel it, then he would have more empathy. But Remus is downright telling Logan he feels nothing. Absolutely nothing. And telling by those reactions, he was clearly lying. 
Logan removed his hands and lowered them to Remus’s hips. He started digging into his hips with his thumbs. “I suppose you can’t feel any of my fingers pushing into your hips?” Logan asked. 
Remus clenched his teeth, unknowingly turning his face red in the process. It was now that Roman completely caught onto the lies. Roman looked up at Logan, right about the same time as Logan looked up at Roman. 
In this small moment, Roman fixed the positioning of his hands on Remus’s head, causing Remus to look at one of Roman’s hands. And in this tiny moment…Roman winked at Logan without showing Remus he knew the truth. Logan widened his eyes in response. Now Logan could see that Roman had now realized Remus was lying to them. Logan looked at Remus’s head position, before winking back at Roman to tell him ‘We’re in on it together. Let’s crack this man open’. 
Roman looked down at Remus, who didn’t suspect a thing. Remus still believed he had completely fooled the boys. 
“Alright. Since it seems like you’re so badly injured…We’re going to have to get you to a doctor.” Logan told him, as a subtle hint to maybe tell the truth.
“It’s about time…It’s not like I could experience a stroke or a brain bleed within this wasted time, or anything…” Remus warned. 
Roman pulled out his phone and pretended to dial 911. He put the phone up to his ear, making sure the back of the phone was facing Remus’s line of vision, so he didn’t get suspicious. 
Logan walked up to Remus’s head, and stablized Remus’s head while Roman ‘talked on the phone’. Logan watched as Roman ‘got off the phone a few minutes later. “Alright. The ambulance is on the way.” Roman told him. 
“Good.” Remus replied. 
Roman then sat down on Remus’s hips. Remus felt the weight of Roman on him, but didn’t react. “...Roman?” Remus asked, pretending he couldn’t see him, let alone feel him. 
Roman smiled as he started skittering his fingers on Remus’s belly. “Yes, Remus?” Roman replied, still acting innocent. 
Remus bit his lip and gulped as the worst possible solution had started to come true: They knew. “Y-Yes-” 
Roman smile turned into an evil smirk. “Funny…it looks like you’re laughing, but…you don’t feel anything! How can this be?” Roman asked. 
Logan looked at Roman. “Well…It could be pathological reflex…” Logan mentioned. 
“Ooooh! Please explain!” Roman said. 
Logan smiled and fixed his limbs. “Gladly.” 
Logan pointed to Remus’s belly. “Try tickling him a little more.” Logan told him. 
Roman did as he was told, now massaging and scratching his belly. 
Remus was visibly sweating out of nervousness at this point. He couldn’t hold onto his facade for much longer…
“That is called pathological reflex. Say for example…if a person tickles a quadriplegic on the foot, the toes will start wiggling.” Logan told him. “So he could not be feeling the sensation…but the brain could still be reacting out of instinct.” Logan told him. 
Remus could feel the giggles welling up in his lungs…And it was getting really hard to stay calm. 
“Though let’s get something abundantly clear:” Logan said. “People with full paralysis from the neck down, cannot feel outer stimuli. However, paralyzed individuals CAN feel stimuli from inside the body.” Logan told him, before tickling up and down Remus’s foot. “So even though his foot is reacting, he technically should not be able to feel this-” 
“Pfffftahahahahahaha! Ohohohokahahahahay! Ahahahalrihihight, Ihihi lihihihied!” Remus sat up and told them, giggling and laughing as he pulled his foot away from him.
Logan gasped and clapped his hands. “WOW! He really CAN feel! What a mIrAcLe!” Logan declared. 
“Such a MiRaCLe!” Roman reacted as well, cupping his own cheeks. 
Remus growled. “You thought that was SoOoOo FuNnY…” Remus reacted sarcastically. 
“You know…I’m still thoroughly impressed by your ability to stay calm for so long.” Logan admitted. “But we could tell…” Logan told him. 
“From the moment you let out those ‘coughs’...” Roman added. 
Remus looked away, and tried to walk away. But Logan grabbed Remus’s leg and pulled him down. “Now that you’re magically healed from your paralysis…” Logan started. 
“It’s time to tickle you for pretending the whole time!” Roman declared proudly. 
Remus widened his eyes. “WHAT?! NO!” 
Logan chuckled. “You know…Your pretending to be sick, is actually a medical condition! It’s called Munchausen.” Logan told him. “And you’d be surprised to know how long people with that condition will keep up their sickly facades. Months, years, sometimes even decades!” Logan added. 
Remus yelped as Roman started tickling Remus’s foot. “Maybe if we tickle you for hours and hours…maybe that’ll teach you to not take people’s care for granted!” Roman decided. 
“A fine idea you have, Roman.” Logan added. 
And so…Remus was very much tickled for hours and hours. The poor man was EXHAUSTED after those dreaded tickles! But…It wasn’t all bad…Roman and Logan actually took Remus’s exhaustion seriously and gave him water afterwards. And Remus mentally promised not to fake a sickness ever again. 
Well…to Roman or Logan, anyway…
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hahanamegobrrrr · 2 months
If all the Sanders Sides characters were switches, what percentage of Ler/Lee would you hc them as? (Bonus points if you include Picani and Sleep)
ooooo yessss
I feel like Logan would be pretty 50/50, it would really depend on the day or what other people wanted. I think he might not have very many ler/lee moods just unprompted? but if someone asked him to tickle them or asked if they could tickle him, he'd be happy with whatever. if that makes sense?? LOL
Virgil is like 70% Lee and 30% ler. any given tickle mood is likely to be a lee one, but sometimes something will prompt the biggest ler mood ever and no one will be safe WHAHHDA
Roman is also pretty 50/50, I feel like. but he's way more likely to act on his ler moods than his lee ones. he would be really embarrassed about being lee, no matter how many times the others tell him there's no real reason to be
Patton is a super silly ler. maybe 90% ler and 10% lee? his ler moods are often and he acts on them LOL. but if he does have a lee mood he is also not embarrassed at all to find someone willing to help.
Janus would be like, 60% ler and 40% lee. I think he'd be similar to Logan in that he'd be pretty influenced by basically just whatever someone else wanted, but he would also get his own unprompted moods sometimes, and he would have slightly more ler moods than lee.
I don't know if Remus would have lee and ler moods the same way that everyone else would LOL. he would just be out to cause as much chaos as possible, and sometimes that would be by tickling everyone silly. or sometimes he would walk into a room with multiple people in a ler mood and just offer himself, watch as people fight over who gets to tickle him until they realize that they all can LOL. he'd also probably be 50/50 I think.
Picani would be mostly lee, maybe 80% lee 20% ler. he would be so very silly.
Sleep would be a super sassy ler LOL probably like 90% ler, but also sometimes wouldn't mind if someone was to take him down a peg by methods of a tickly persuasion
I think I've recognized a pattern of a lot of true 50/50 characters
sorry I didn't have as much to say on picani and sleep, I don't know their characters quite as well LOL
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crazy-as-a-jaybird · 1 month
What are your favourite tickle-related Sanders Sides hcs? Y'know, other than the universally agreed top tickle spots on Roman and Virgil
Wait, are you actually interested?
Lemme think...
• Roman is more sensitive to light tickling, Remus is more sensitive to rough tickling (but loves it anyway)
• Remus is resilient overall, it's hard to make him actually pass out (not like anyone would try), but he often drools or goes unresponsive
• As soon as he can speak though, he's likely to dismiss his ler's concern and scream for more 😔
• Logan and Remus are huge snorters, the latter doesn't mind, the former is ashamed to no end
• Roman's feet aren't very ticklish, just to the level of giggling; Remus' are, but he doesn't have them tickled a lot
• Still, Logan is the one whose feet are the death spot
• His ribs are a close second place, and he cannot bear feathery touches
• Remus gives the deadliest nibbles
• Virgil is evidently the most ticklish one and most of time he doesn't hate it
• He likes chases as a lee and as a ler, but may be upset by surprise tickling
• Remus doesn't hesitate to ask for tickling openly, but he may try and hint at it instead depending on what lee mood he's in
• He also can certainly tell when someone else is in a mood; Logan can too sometimes, he knows the indicating behaviors
• Virgil is fine with saying the t-word unless he is the lee 💀, which happens so often it's double terrifying if he decides to tease as a ler
• Janus likes tickly kisses more than he'll ever admit, and his death spot is his jawline
• It's always a risky dilemma for him whether to exploit the extra arms while fighting with several lers, because his extra armpits are just as sensitive 😔
• come on, it's obvious that he hisses through his laughter
• Remus shrieks when his neck is touched, Janus found out when pretending to strangle him
• Roman and Patton use cartoon references for teasing
• Logan and Janus mostly tease in such a relaxed unbothered manner it's almost worse than Patton's floods of babytalk
• Janus' lee knows they're a goner if he takes off the gloves to have a better access
• The twins team up against Virgil a lot... they can't get enough of him
• Patton's worst spot is thighs, and although he's mostly a ler, he enjoys being squeezed as much as squeezing
• it is Remus' job to haunt people's heads, can anyone please get the silly goofy tickle monster Patton out of mine???
• you can't tell me this isn't exactly what he meant when threatening to physically fight Virgil
• there might be numerous actual tickle monsters roaming the imagination by the grace of a certain royal couple of sides 👁️
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