#Let's blame it on my super great memory
nakurumok · 1 year
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Sequel of my previous year’s Easter arts (That post becomes soooo long so I just put the link Part I and Part II here if you are interested!)  
Happy Festival!
(And this post kinda witness the change in my drawing style lol Thank you you all throughout the years!)
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 3 months
What if Eri!reader turned into a baby for 24 hours x Strawhats.
A devil fruit user hit Eri!reader while their was a fight, and she became no more than infant.
-You were being careful, peeking out from behind the barrel on Sunny, looking at your family fighting this no-name crew who tried to do a sneak attack. The only thing this crew had over your own was numbers, being three times the size, but your crew was strong.
-You saw the captain, who had a Devil Fruit ability to revert ages down, sneaking up behind Luffy and you gasped, rushing from your hiding spot as Luffy turned, sensing the captain.
-You leapt in front of the beam, to the horror of your family, “Don’t hurt my big brother!!” and you were hit, sent tumbling backwards as everyone shouted out your name.
-The captain was very quick to learn that attacking the Straw Hats was a very…very bad decision, as your crew all attacked him at the same time.
-Robin had been the one to rush to you, only to find your clothes much bigger on you now and you looked so tiny as you looked up, cooing quietly up at her.
-Ace and Luffy rushed to your side and soon they all saw the same thing as Robin picked you up, you were a toddler now, being reverted to the age of two.
-You were sucking on your thumb, looking around at these people who were all familiar to you, gurgling quietly as your big eyes was looking at all of them.
-Nami had overheard some of the other crew talking, after their captain accidentally hit them, that it was only temporary and would wear off in about a day.
-Despite being upset that you took the hit for Luffy, your family adored that you were so widdle! You were so adorable and small that they couldn’t help but melt!!
-Sanji was careful on feeding you, as you only had a couple of teeth, giving you soft foods so you wouldn’t choke, treating like you were made of glass.
-Robin and Nami were having a field day, taking photos, playing dress up for you, melting when you would giggle, and laugh at the funny sounds they were making.
-Brook was so patient, letting you chew on his fingers, as you weren’t hurting him, and when he sang to you, you just stared up at him, completely in awe, which he did find adorable.
-Usopp and Franky were super gentle with you, sitting on the deck, playing with you, blowing bubbles, making you squeal with delight as you hugged Chopper, thinking he was a plush toy. He would get angry if anyone mentioned it, but he couldn’t be mad at you, so he just enjoyed the cuddles.
-Jinbei became your bed, refusing to move when you fell asleep on his belly, laying there with you for the two hours you were asleep. He felt so touched that you felt so safe to sleep on top of him, it made his heart melt.
-Zoro was a natural with kids, something Sanji and Luffy did tease him for, as he held you expertly when you started fussing, instantly getting you to calm down. Nami took great pleasure taking blackmail photos, cooing how adorable the two of you looked.
-Ace was super gentle as well, holding your hands, helping you walk as you babbled, ‘talking’ to him as he carried on a full-blown conversation with you.
-At the end of the day, you were sleeping in Luffy’s arms, as he blamed himself for you getting hit, despite you not being hurt. He was oddly quiet, looking down at you as you slept, a feeling of calm washing over him as he held you, swearing to protect you.
-When you returned to normal you were in awe, seeing the pictures, “I was so little! Was I really that small?” laughter filled the ship, finding it amusing as they wanted to cherish those memories as well as all the ones they would make with you in your future.
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fashion-foxy · 3 months
You know something that's odd to me? How weirdly the child of the Beauty and the Beast get handled in media. (Obviously, my only examples are EAH and Descendants, but walk with me on this.)
The Beauty is someone who will, for better or for worse, always see the best in everyone. They are kind and good-natured but is usually someone who still holds people accountable for their actions and intentions, not what the Beauty thinks their intentions are.
The Beast is someone who typically does not look past the surface level of a person out of stupidity or willful ignorance. The Beast is also very selfish ,closed-minded , and stubborn. Unfortunately , that means in retellings, the Beast is the only one to go a character arc, and the Beauty comes off as judgmental or too forgiving.
Both characters being foils means that it could be a bit challenging to portray a character that is a result of both of those personalities, but if done right, it creates a very interesting character!
So, what did EAH and Descendants do with what they were given?!
Well, for starters, a bad job, but you already knew that. Let's take a look at Rosabella Beauty and Benjamin Florian No Last Name Given. (Idk most Descendants characters don't have last names)
Rosabella is judgemental, which could definitely actually be a super cool thing that she got from her dad, but based off the fact that she didn't go on an arc and it didn't get presented as a character flaw, I suspect this was accidental. Which is real shame. It would've been a really cool concept to explore Rosabella actually being the Beast.
She is also, by not getting any meaningful character development, giving off major 'I could fix him' vibes with Daring. Except, she's ignoring what's actually wrong in his life and looking at surface level interpretations of what she thinks he's like. Then, deciding he's a self-centered narcissist who she needs to fix so he meets her standards. Hey, wait a spell. She kind of seems to embody more of the Beast characteristics than the Beauty's. I wonder if the writers might have had other plans but were forced to change her into something else or perhaps Mattel wanted to sell a doll of her and Daring so they had to awkwardly force a relationship and not use their original plans?
Ben is way too forgiving. When we first see him, he says that he wants to give the Isle kids (kids who were born to villians who've been trapped in a magic prison all their life) a chance at a normal life, which is great! It's probably one of the best things a 16 year old king could do. So when's the next time he forgives someone? When he tells Mal that he knows she drugged him. So, it's at this point where you kinda realize that he isn't being too forgiving he's trapped in an abusive relationship. Once he sees that Mal realizes the implications of that, he goes back on it, and he tells her that it's not that big of a deal that it's ok that he still loves her.
When's the next time something like this happens? When Mal tries to erase some of his memories after catching her lying about using magic. He obviously yells at her because that's a fucked up thing to do. She downplays the situation and makes excuses. Shortly after, she runs back to the Isle. Ben, assuming that she had the best intentions, blames himself and ultimately gets kidnapped and then drugged again. All of these interactions are all portrayed as 'his fault' and that he'd deserved everything that happened to him because he was holding Mal responsible for her actions. In the third movie, he even stops doing it. Hades asks him why an Auradon kid gets to be excused and why everyone on the Isle doesn't, and he looks at Mal but ignores the question. Mal doesn't answer because she's the reason this Auradon person (Audrey) is hurt because she ruined her life and is currently being excused by everyone, including the writers, but Audrey won't. Ben definitely won't.
So, aren't these the best portrayals of the Beauty and the Beast characteristics? Because mixing the traits incorrectly. If Ben was given more Beast characteristics than just roaring sometimes. Mal wouldn't be abusive if their were actually moments where Ben was being unreasonable and too quick to draw surface level conclusions.
Rosabella wouldn't come off as rude and judgemental if she was given more Beauty characteristics. If Daring was actually self-centered and Rosabella considered others and thought about others instead of drawing conclusions.
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jqmalikhsgib · 3 months
sea view
Harry waves at the camera and smiles. We’re behind the camera, ready to interview him about his second album. We laugh at how nervous he looks, him being an international rockstar since he was sixteen, it was kinda weird seeing him shy away.
Harry laughs with us before clearing his throat. “Are we rolling?”
“Yes, sir!”
“Hi, I’m Harry Styles! I’m here to give never before information about my second album!” Harry states.
Our interviewer, Samara shakes his hand before asking the twenty-eight year old questions
“First and foremost, How are you Harry?”
“I’m good! How are you?”
“I’m great! Thanks for asking. How’s the wife and kids? You and YN recently had another little one, yeah?”
“We did! As of now, starting this video he’s four months! He’s definitely a happy little fellow. Obviously my wife is amazing. She’s a super hero in my opinion. She takes care of the house and the kids like it’s nothing. She’s a great mom.”
“Is it crazy how much she still the most amazing woman in the world in your eyes?! That’s how I am with my wife. No one can compare. Even after years of marriage.”
Harry chuckles. “Yeah! She’s the greatest woman of all time. I still get butterflies when I’m around her.”
“I’m the same way! Before we talk about the album, how is she handling tour? I know by the time this video releases, you’ll be back to touring. How do you both balance your relationship and you being away from your family?”
“It’s hard, yeah! But we manage it. We’ve had so much to work on before Fine Line was released. With our marriage almost falling apart, I had to build trust again before going on tour.”
“That makes sense. Let’s talk about the saddest song on the album, falling. You have stated previously that was the first song you wrote for Fine Line. Where was your head at when you wrote falling.”
Harry sighs. “It was one day when YN and I met up for coffee. This was before I packed my bags and went to Japan. I tried to reason with her, get her to understand I was gonna get help so we’d be a family again. She kinda just told me we needed space. After, I got drunk off my ass and continued to party, every single day. I’d wake up in some hotel room, no memory of the night before. I thought my marriage had been over and I was the only person to blame. Finally, after a friend basically told me to get my shit together and get my wife back, I immediately packed up a bag and left. I had to for the sake of my family. Falling is about me coming to terms with my mistakes. It’s about me owning up to me being a shit husband to the woman who’d been there for me before the fame. I hated what I saw in the mirror, the things I’ve done, the people I’ve cheated on my wife with, I was disgusted in myself. It’s a song about self reflection!”
“You and YN have been through so much, a lot of fans feel like she’s to blame in your relationship almost ending as well. We know you’ve made it very clear that she had nothing to do with the split. And in your song Golden, you sorta open up about how imperfect you are, begging for forgiveness. What we wanna know is, was it the first song you let your wife hear?”
“No! The first song I showed her was Cherry.”
“Interesting! What made you want to show her that particular song?”
“Jealousy? It was mostly a manipulation tactic to try and win her back. A friend of ours had posted a photo of her laughing and enjoying herself with another man. I thought nothing of it at first, but as time went on, she was seen with him more and more. This only made me feel like she was moving on. I was angry! I went home, cried, got drunk, and started scribbling down the lyrics to Cherry. At first it was me spewing out some pretty hateful words, jeff was the one to tell me this was absolutely insane and I’d lose her forreal if I released it. Deep down I knew he was right I re-wrote the song. I sent it to her after I recorded it. She didn’t talk to me for two weeks. I knew I had fucked up once more. I was trying to make her feel guilty about moving on, if she did, when I was the one who cheated and lied. I re-wrote the song again around the two weeks we haven’t talked, in came cherry. The final touch was so much better than the two originals. She loved it and cried. I think that’s how we kinda got back together and went to couples therapy.”
“So, where did Golden come from, exactly?”
“We’d been in therapy for a little while. Maybe two months? YN was still very hesitant with our relationship. She kept pushing me away more and more. I didn’t blame her! I knew I needed to gain her trust back. After all, I cheated on her for six years! Golden is my song, really. It’s about me coming to terms with possibly losing my wife. I write about the separation of our marriage and how if she were to divorce me, I’d just have to accept in being alone and having a broken heart. I tell her she’s still the light of my life but i would understand if she decided enough was enough.”
“The next sad track would be to be so lonely. Is that also a song where you’re accepting who you are and what you did?”
“Sorta? I think it’s more so me being exactly what the song states, an arrogant asshole who couldn’t even apologize for his actions. I thought back to our marriage the last few years and how idiotic I truly was. I was constantly coming home drunk, smelling like another woman, not really giving a single fuck I was a husband and a father and my wife and kids should come first. I thought about the situation I was in that particular moment. I’m sleeping in a hotel, my wife and kids are home without me, I had been selfish asshole. I felt like I didn’t deserve her forgiveness.”
“Now, lights up and she are kinda giving me the reflective of your cheating habit. Is that where you’re going with that?”
“She is about my abuse to partying and who I’d become when I did party and get drunk everyday. I knew I had a problem. I wouldn’t call myself an alcoholic but, I wasn’t acting like myself. The ‘She’ I’m referring to is the partying and drinking. I would go to bed and wake up not remembering a single fuck about what happened the night before. I’d take my kids to school, go to a ‘friends’ house, get super fucking drunk, go out clubbing, and somehow wake up in my bedroom next to my wife. I’d pretend I was at work, recording more music with the boys, but she always knew I was full of shit. Lights Up is about the cheating. The girls I was sleeping with, they’d occasionally call here and there, having new numbers after I blocked them, asking to hook up again. At this moment YN and I were doing so much better! We weren’t sleeping in the same bed again, but she let me come back home with her and the kids. I wasn’t gonna mess that up. I wrote that for the world to hear, especially the women who I would sneak around with, letting them know I’m not going back to the man who mentally abused his wife. I’m a new man! I’m all about my family. Basically me killing any relationships I had with them. Letting them go into the light!”
“What was the next track you wrote for fine line?”
“That would be treat people with kindness believe it or not. It was a fun little song! Payton was only three at the time and me and her mom were teaching her about kindness! It started off as just a little humming. Eventually the lyrics came together. We all want our kids to be better than us, I want all three of my children to not make the same mistake I’ve made when they get older. Teaching them to treat people with kindness no matter how old or where you are, it’s important. It was just a fun little song for my babies.”
“Wow! That’s very beautiful, Harry! What do you say to the parents that are out there trying to same tactic but feeling like they’re not getting through?”
“Keep on teaching them about kindness! As parents, we all have that sinking feeling that we’re not doing enough or we’re failing a parents. In the end, children are human, they’ll make mistakes! This doesn’t make you a bad parent or a failure. We just teach them right from wrong. Once they learn, all will be good. I promise.”
“Would canyon moon be about you moving back home?”
“No, actually. It’s about moving back into my wife’s heart. It’s about me being gone and absent from her heart for too long. It’s basically her point of view. She tells me how she feels one night, like truly feels! How she felt like I’d broken her heart to tiny little pieces but I’m slowly building my way back in. She actually gives me the lyrics to the song. YN words were ‘It feels like you’re climbing my heart all over again. Like you’re heading to the top to touch the moon.’ And that’s how Canyon Moon was born.”
“Could you explain ‘Sunflower just died. Keep it sweet in your memory.’ To us? What does that mean exactly?”
“Sunflower is about us starting over! It’s about YN and I getting to know one another all over again. We’ve grown and changed over the years. Ultimately it was about us learning the things we liked and disliked now. We needed to re-grow our petals. I believe it kinda leads up to Adore You in a way. In Adore You I basically tell her, no matter how much she changed I will still love her for who she is. I let her know I’d do absolutely anything for her love, even walk through fire! I let her know to take her time with loving me again. I’d wait for her for as long as she let me. I’d love her until the day that I die, even then, I’d still love only her.”
“With the next song, we don’t have to go into too much detail. I’m sure your wife wouldn’t want you to anyway. Could you at least confirm it’s about giving a woman oral pleasure?”
Harry chuckles. “Oh, yeah! I mean, you can even use it as giving men oral pleasure. Whoever you identify as, it’s about sex! I wanted to add a little bit of adult content in the album. And as a married man, who’s not too shy, I will say I love giving my wife pleasure. It’s only natural, yeah? And I think I’m pretty damn good at pleasing her.”
“I’m one thousand percent sure you are Harry! Onto the final song. You have told us that Fine Line was the final song to be written and recorded. Would you say this song ties the album together and explains your infidelity as well as your love for your wife?”
“Yes! It’s the end of an era, end of hating myself, end of discovering who I am, who I was, and who I wanna be. Fine Line was a journey of self reflection and getting the help I needed to not only get my family back but, to finally get back to the version of me I like. It took a while to admit my faults and wrongs. For so long I blamed anyone but myself. I blamed my bandmates, my parents, the alcohol, the women, and most importantly I blamed my wife. I was the one who’s been selfish and arrogant and a dick! But at that moment I was letting my friends and family know, I was sorry for the pain I caused them. I’m finally getting my shit together and I hope we’ll all be alright in the end!”
“Wow, Harry! That’s beautiful, honestly. This album is the most real and raw thing we’ve heard. We all love that you shared this part of your life with us. We’re so very grateful that you were willing to explain this tragic, yet beautiful story. Thank you, Harry!”
“Thank you, darling!”
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Eff Being Friends
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Steve Rogers x POC!Goddess!Avenger!Reader “Ci”
? x POC!Goddess!Avenger!Reader “Ci”
Ex!Thor x POC!Goddess!Avenger!Reader "Ci”
Ex!Loki x POC!Goddess!Avenger!Reader "Ci”
Wordcount: 4191
To say the relationship between Steve and I was complicated would be an understatement. But I’m not the one to blame. That honor goes to Captain Indecision, himself. So why would he ever think I would make things easy for him?
18+ Only MDNI, Angsty with some mild smut and surprise feels.
Heavily inspired by “Fuck Being Friends” by Jessie Reyes. I have this need to fuck with Steve. Also there be a twist abound. Who could the mystery person be?
Banner by @cafekitsune Divider by @firefly-graphics
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Your off and on relationship with one Steven Grant Rogers, is once again off. This hot and cold shit is for the birds. If it weren’t for his dick game being almost magical you would have written him off a long time ago. Well that and you might possibly be in love with the fucker too.
When he’s not self-conscious and feeding into his own paranoia, things are great. It’s when he lets his intrusive thoughts and the opinions of others guide him that things take a turn.
Like when he starts acting a fool now that Thor is on the compound for a visit with Loki. Both of whom are technically your exes but as you’re gods you don’t hold the same morality standards when it comes to multiple partners. You were actively hooking up with both of them at the same time, ages ago.
It may have even become a bit of a competition between the brothers at one point.
So why should you shy away from all the wonderful flirty banter and not so innocent exchanges being thrown your way. Steve needs a reminder that you’re not from this realm and he can’t toy with you as such. Just because you’ve put up with his bullshit thus far, does not mean you will continue too.
Being green with envy serves him right.
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Tony has gotten into the habit of throwing a game night once a month for ‘morale’ or whatever. Honestly, you think it’s just an excuse to get everyone shit faced enough to reveal or do embarrassing things so that Jarvis can hoard it all to be used later. Whatever the reason, you are more than excited this months is happening while the Asgardians are here.
You’ve been having the best week with them. Reminiscing the good ol days and creating some hot and heavy new memories to add to the list.
“Watching you surrender to my magic. Wrapped tight in my shadows. Is a sight that will never cease to amaze me. Offering up your body, the perfect altar, for me to worship. To show my own devotion through your surrender. A gift I have never taken for granted my dear. Steven really is quite the fool.” Loki professed before rendering you brainless and cock drunk for hours.
Steve’s eyes have been attached to your frame all night. Begging for you to give him some attention. But you pay him no mind. You’re preoccupied being very flirty and touchy feely with everyone.
Tony has decided that tonight’s game is Truth or Dare. It seems the man of iron is also enjoying watching the gods get under Steve’s skin.
You take every dare, and they get raunchier by the ask. You give Nat, who is sat next to Captain Cranky, a sultry little lap dance that ends in a heated kiss. Only to be broken up by Steve’s quiet growl.
On your next turn your dared to make Thor get a boner without touching him. You saunter behind the loveseat he is perched on. Leaning in so that you can whisper in his ear. You regale him with all the dirty things you love that he does to you. The way his lightning makes you sing like no other. All stated low enough for only the gods and the super soldiers to hear. Your mission is a success of course. Thor’s unable to hide the ‘hammer’ tenting his slacks as he pulls you over the back of couch onto his lap and bites down on your throat making you giggle.  
The game continues with Clint having to admit that he most certainly has seen his teammates getting it on when he has been up in the vents. “Some things you can’t unsee unfortunately.” He shivers.
Sam, having confessed who he thinks has the best ass, turns to you. “Truth or Dare Ci?”
“Dare of course. Why change it up now.”
“I dare you to get Loki to genuinely smile.”
You look at him quizzically. “You think you’re so smart. Prepare to be knocked down a peg or three bird boy.”
Standing you walk over to Loki, who has been leaning against the wall, observing all night. With a cheeky smile you wave your fingers and cloak yourselves in darkness that's not only soundproof but is also time spelled as well.
You lower to your knees and snap Loki’s pants out of existence. The visual of you before him is enough to turn his cock hard as steel in front of your very eyes. You waste no time attaching your lips to the foreskin covered tip. Teasing the sensitive flesh with your tongue before sinking down to the hilt. You pull out all the stops. Sucking his cock until he comes down your throat with a roar. Savoring every drop as he fills your belly.
Removing the spell, it seems to the room as if only 1 minute has passed. It does not go unnoticed that Loki is relaxed while he continues to lean against the wall. Grinning like a loon.
This is when Steve notices your slightly swollen lips and quiet panting. Having been on the receiving end of that look many a time, he seethes. Cracking the glass of whiskey in his hand.
You give your turn to Loki so that you may catch your breath. It’s no surprise to anyone that he chooses Steve. “Truth or Dare Captain?”
“Truth. I have nothing to hide.” He challenges the God of Mischief.
“Alright.” He glances at you quickly. Catching you subtly lick your lips, most likely still tasting of him, grinning to yourself. “When was the last time you got your cock properly serviced and with who?”
Everyone assumes the answer will be you when you were still together a couple weeks ago.
With a cocky grin and sip of his drink he answers as he stares you down. “Yesterday after training with Sharon. She caught me on my way to change in my room and said I looked tense and needed a release. I took her up on her offer. Plus she gives decent head.”
He must have thought that you were going to be upset that he let poor lovesick Sharon suck his dick instead of getting the best head of his life from you. You couldn’t care less actually.
Not when you were getting dicked down in your own post training bath with Thor. It really is a great way to help stretch out and relax your muscles.
“Good for you Steven. You always are so tense after a rough training session. I know I was. Thor helped sort me out though.” You sweetly state.
“Are you serious right now? You two were practically on the verge of killing each other in the training room.”
“Great foreplay. Don’t tell me you never partook in post battle coitus with her. She is ravenous after any kind of rough play.” Thor, the sweet himbo that he is, adds in.
“Fuck this. I’m going to bed.”
“Should I call Sharon to come lick your wounds?”
“Fuck you Ci”
“Sorry not tonight, Cap.”
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In the state-of-the-art training room only Stark money could provide. Left to your own devices. You and Bucky are engaged in an intense sparring session.
Each move is calculated, precise, and born from years of relentless training. Bucky, a seasoned veteran, exudes an aura of quiet confidence and strength. While you, a woman of equal skill and determination, possess an uncanny ability to anticipate his every move.
As you grappled along the training matts, your bodies intertwined in a dance of submission and evasion. Knives glinted in the dim light, their edges a constant threat that kept you both on high alert.
On an instinct, you feigned a strike. Your body language, a masterpiece of your deception. In that split second, you seized the opportunity to swiftly maneuver behind the super soldier and lock him in a chokehold.
Triumph flashed in your eyes as you tightened your grip around his throat. Victory soon at hand.
But Bucky was not a man to be outdone. With a lightning-fast reversal, he spun on his heel, catching you off guard. His powerful muscles and Vibranium arm strained as he flipped you over, pinning you to the ground. A wry smile played on his lips as he secured his victory.
Though the training session had ended, the unspoken tension between the two of you lingered in the air.
“Still too cocky for your own good, Doll.”
“Are you ever going to get tired of saying that?”
“You ever gonna stop letting me best you?”
“And miss gazing into those icy blues of yours. I don’t think so. I’ve been a goner for them since the first time you laid eyes on me.”
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The first time you met James Barnes was not in Germany like every likes to think. In fact, you had a prior and very intimate relationship with the Winter Soldier. You nursed him back to health long ago when he was still under Hydras thumb. He had wound up collapsed at your doorstep in the middle of nowhere when a mission went wrong and his handler died.
That was the first time he was able to begin remembering. You spent countless nights in front of the fire. Keeping each other warm as you explored these new feelings together. Keeping your skills sharp by engaging in sparring sessions that always ended up pressed flesh to flesh and covered in sweat. Helping him hold on to whatever memories would pop up. It was both sweet and dangerous.
When Hydra tripped your alarms, he begged you to just let him be retrieved. He couldn’t bare knowing any harm came to you because of him. So you let him go with a sweet kiss. But not before placing mark on his ribs that only other gods and those spelled to do so can see.
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“You never told him did you?” You inquire.
“Neither did you.”
“I did it for your protection. You were on the run and I didn’t want anything to happen to you. It’s not my fault he went on the run for you. Who do you think helped him break everyone out and gave Shuri the extra juice to reverse those nasty words in your head.”
“I can’t keep watching him do this to you Ci. I’ve tried talking to him but he cant get it through his stubborn skull how good he has had it. I would give up my humanity to have you back again. I would never take you for granted. Hell, I’d happily let you keep him as a lover in our life if that’s what you so choose. I wouldn’t care who I had to share you with. Just as long as I had you.”
“James.” You whisper. “Take your shirt off.”
“What? Why?”
“Just do it please.”
As he does, the rest of the team file in along with Thor and Loki to run some training exercises of their own.
“Buck why do ya got your shirt off already pal?” Steve questions.
“I asked him to.” You deadpan.
“Why the hell would you do that for Ci? Don’t you have Thor and Loki to play with. Bucky is off limits.”
“I’m afraid that’s where you wrong Steven.”
Bucky looks at you with pleading eyes. Unfortunately you just don’t care to keep this secret anymore.
“James, lift your left arm and turn your side towards our team please.”
“Oh! Your finally going to do it. I was wondering how long, if ever, you were going to let them in on it.” Loki teases.
“On what?” Steve grits out.
“On this.” With a wave of your hand a symbol appears on Bucky's ribs. Glowing a soft golden light that matches your eyes. A chalice overflowing with wine.
“He already is mine. He has been for a quite some time. And will remain that way until he draws his last breath. Which wont be for a very long time as his soul is tied to mine.”
Bucky looks at you with confusion in his eyes. “You gave me your soul bond? Even though I was under Hydras control.”
“I did. It was what gave you the extra strength to endure and survive. I knew you would make it back to me one day. As an immortal I have all the time in the world to wait.”
“But you were with me when I brought him back here.” Steve blurts out.
“Well aren’t you the observant one Stevie. It changes nothing. If he had come to me that day and declared he wanted his place by side, he’d of had it in heartbeat. After a discussion between all of us of course. I’m not actually heartless. I just come off that way.”
“What the fuck Ci?! My best friend! You couldn’t tell me you had been with my best friend when he was brainwashed.”
“Watch your tongue, Rogers. You have no room to speak upon what I did or did not disclose to you. I wasn’t the one playing games with the others heart and emotions now was I.” You seethe.
“I asked her not to.” Bucky imparts. “I was free of Hydra, and we were rebuilding our friendship and I didn’t want to mess it up by intruding on what you had. I was just happy to be near her again and that she had someone I trusted by her side. But man was I wrong. What the hell happened to you Steve? Little Stevie from Brooklyn would have never treated a dame, let alone a goddess, the way you have Ci.”
“Don’t try and turn the blame on me Buck. You could have told me you’d been with her. We shared girls before back when I couldn’t get any on my own. What was so different with her?”
The team looks at each other after that comment with curious brows.
“Because she means more to me than just sex and that is what you would have reduced it to. I told myself, I would either get to have her fully, out in the open or not at all. Keeping my love tucked in the shadows.”
“So you’re the only one who can love her?” Steve shouts.
You clear my throat. “Ahem. You gave up that right when you kicked me to the curb yet again two weeks ago.”
“That doesn’t mean I don’t love you. I just get all lost in my head thinking about starting a family and how would that even be possible with a goddess if I couldn’t even get my dance with Peggy. Then I get angry and need space so I just end it so I can really think things through. I always come back though, Doll. Always.”
“Wooow.” Tony says with a clap. “Capsicle really stuck his foot in it this time.”
“So, your telling me, that instead of just having a conversation about what’s prattling around in that stubborn ass head of yours you thought it prudent to just break up with me then turn around and ask for me to take you back time and time again?” Your eyes alight with golden fire as your temperature raises.
“Avengers, I’d advise you to get behind me and Thor for your safety. I’ve only ever seen her this angry a handful of times and it usually does not end well.” Loki nonchalantly states.
“Yes. No. I-I don’t know. I was confused okay!” He shouts back. “Needed to work some shit out.”
“And that required you to be between Sharon's thighs and any attractive woman who gave you the time of day?”
“Well no, not exactly. That just helped me shut my brain off. But it never felt as good as being inside you.”
“Well, congrats to me for having such good pussy. Why is that though? Does my pussy beat better than my heart does? Boy, please, you aren’t blind. Your too smart for that lie.”
“I’m an idiot when it comes to women and love in general okay. Give me a fight and I know exactly what to do. But love? I’m clueless.”
“Don’t expect pity from me for you playing with my heart. I gave you more than enough room to grow and explore and figure things out as they came. It’s not my fault you chose to throw those things in my face. It is my fault for taking you back so many times though. Especially after Bucky arrived. But he wanted to stay loyal to you. His oldest pal. So I catered to his wishes. Even if it ended up to my detriment.”
“Seemed to be doing just fine to me while you were hooking up with Loki and Thor.”
“My Godly exes. Who I was in a relationship with a millennia ago in another realm. Men who I trust enough with my body to understand that carnal pleasure is all I am able to afford them at this time?”
“Makes no difference to me. Not when you were parading it around. I now can only imagine how it made Buck feel.”
“Didn’t bother me. I know all about how their relationships worked. Gods are different. She’s not in love with them like that. Not anymore at least. They were no threat to me. Plus I was still staying in the shadows.”
“Also.” Thor interrupts. “That lovely little soul bound symbol along Barnes’ ribs can only be seen by other Gods and anyone the bond holder deems fit to see it. So we already knew where at least half of her heart was held. Plus she is such a great lover. I never pass up the chance for such pleasure when I am afforded it.”
“Aye Aye” Loki agrees.
Steve throws his hands up and storms off. Most likely to go ruin a punching bag or five.
Bucky takes the opportunity to embrace you in front of everyone. At his acceptance of your claim, gold and black lines appear on your left shoulder. Matching the pattern of his Vibranium arm.
“Seems the bond has formerly been reciprocated. Welcome to Immortality White Wolf.”
“What are we going to do about Steve?”
“Let him go pout or fuck or whatever he needs to do. When he’s calmed down, we’ll have a conversation and figure out if he deserves a place by our side. You do have a very very long life ahead of you now.”
“Oh he has a looong way to go before I’m okay with letting him get close to you like that again. I think you gave him far too many chances.”
“I gave you a chance from the start didn’t I. Wasn’t planning to fall so quickly or for you to have such an impact on me but sometimes the fates like to play games.”
“Doesn’t help when you spell their lovers for making a pass at you.” Loki discloses.
“Excuse me, but I was spelled for my protection. If they had tried to keep their hands to themselves nothing would have happened to them.” You defend. “And If I remember correctly, you benefitted that night from the spell as well. Bedding down 3 fates at once is quite a feat. You’re welcome.”
Loki grins that devilish smile. “I’d be happy to show you my gratitude once more.”
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After family dinner later that night…
“Are you serious Steve? You can’t possibly be serious right now. Who the fuck gave you the right to even speak with such vitriol on your tongue about him? He may care about maintaining his salvaged reputation but honey I am a whole mess of I don’t give a fuck. There is nothing you can do or say to me that I haven’t already done to myself. So come on. Try me. I love stupid games. I always come up with the best prizes.”
“Doll, you don’t need to do this. I’m okay. Steve's just hurting.”
“Like hell you are James. I know that look in your eyes and I’m not okay with it. Everything inside of me wants to make a scene right now. To bring America’s Golden Boy to his knees. But I know you don’t want that. So, this is the best solution.”
“Oh, wow. You need the goddess to fight your battles for you now Buck. Just look at you pussy whipped already. I must say I much preferred when I didn’t know you had had my woman before me.” The angry blonde spouts off.
That was it. That what the last nail in his soon to be coffin. Your shoulders relaxed, as a calmness took over. You turned to smile sweetly at the group of hero’s lounging around you in the common room. “If you’ll excuse me.”
You rise to your feet. Bucky reaches out with his metal arm, giving your hand a squeeze and looking into your almost vacant eyes. “Doll?”
You just squeeze his hand back before releasing it and starting to walk away. You could hear Steve’s teeth clenching as he bites down on his jaw. A quiet had settled within the room.
“Sure can dish it out. Too bad you can’t ta-“
That was all he was able to make out before your hand tightened around his windpipe. No one moved to help the hero.
“What was that? We’re you going to imply that I couldn’t take it. Tsk tsk tsk.” You make sure to dig your nails in, allowing little rivulets of crimson to take the course of gravity and stain is alabaster skin.
His eyes begin frantically searching the faces of his friends around him. Surely someone would come to his aid. He was the leader of the team wasn’t he.
“Oh, they won’t help you my dear. As you know I’m not exactly mortal. And therefore, even with all their nifty enhancements. They are no match for me. Expect Wanda. Although I really don’t want to know the truth to that. I very much like the Scarlet Witch.”
You allow him to take a quick breath and he squeaks out. “Thor. Loki.”
“My demi god exes?” You start to laugh. “You think the can or will save you?”
He nods.
“Oh you poor unfortunate soul. That’s not going to happen. You see, I can control the elements and well all that lovely Thunder can be rendered useless with a snap of my fingers. I’m also the mother of magic. Only one close to me is Freya. Loki’s magic technically stems from me.”
You turn to the blonde Adonis and dark prince with a smile. “I wouldn’t do anything to you without just cause. You know that.” You send them a wink and they beam a smile your way.
“Doll, he’s starting to turn red.” Bucky states.
“Oops.” You loosen the pressure on his windpipe but keep your hand firmly in place around his thick and bleeding neck.
“I think it’s due time for you to retire to your wing for the night Captain. Wouldn’t want anything to happen to you that can’t be reversed.”
You take a step back, releasing him. Watching as he clutches his neck. Eyes brimming with hurt and anger.
You lean forward and run your tongue along an errant trail of his life force. Making sure he watches as you trace it along your lips, before pulling it into your mouth and swallowing. With the snap of your crimson covered fingers all traces of blood disappear.
“Now run along. And remember,” You step forward so that you may whisper in his ear. “This was but a warning. It would more than please me for you to fuck around and find out what I would do if you slight what is mine again.” You place a kiss to his cheek and return to your White Wolf.
Everyone watches on as he huffs and puffs. Stomping towards the elevators.
Everyone except for Bucky. He only has eyes for you.
He pulls you down to straddle his lap. You can feel exactly what that little display of your power used against his best friend did to him pushing against his zipper. His flesh hand grips your hip tightly as his metal thumb runs along your bottom lip. “Say goodnight to our friends, Doll.”
“Why? Steve’s gone. We can enjoy the rest of our evening in peace now.”
“Say goodnight, георгин. Unless you want our friends to see you get fucked stupid.”
You bite your lip and maintain eye contact with his steel greys. “Goodnight, Earth’s mightiest.”
He grips your thighs tight and rises from his seat. Heading for the elevators. “Tony, up the sound proofing for our floor. Oh and can you funnel the audio to my Asshole best friends room as well.”
“Damn that’s pouring lemon and salt into the wound.” Clint quips.
Tony messes with a screen on his watch for a moment. “Done and done terminator. Try not to break too much furniture this time please. I’m gonna have to start a tab soon with you two.”
Before the elevator doors can fully close you shout out. “What’s the fun in that!”
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ccstiles · 4 months
(moonrise au: whether things got spicy or not is up to you)
Seth wakes the morning after his first transformation. It takes a moment for him to register the fact he’s lying on his side and isn’t still chained up. There’s a quilt cover draped over him, mildly musty from sitting in Doll’s closet for who knows how long.
The events of the previous night come back. It’s kinda foggy, seeing as he wasn’t really all there, but he remembers some stuff. Like how Doll laid down a futon and a couple sleeping bags for him to sleep on so he wouldn’t wake up on the cold hard floor.
He sits up and realizes his clothes are torn up. Shit. Probably should have thought about that. Dammit, he really liked this jacket. At least his dog tags only came undone and didn’t completely break.
Seth looks to his left. Right, Doll insisted on staying down there with him. Good thing for that day bed. Looks like they’re out like a light. He can’t necessarily blame them, they were up for hours. They’re just lucky the shop was closed that day.
Omg, more sillies!
When Seth first woke up, he didn't know where he was for a moment. All of last night was a blur as his brain was still catching up to him. Looking down, he sees that underneath the old quilt that was covering him, his clothes were torn to shreds.
'oh great' he thought to himself, assessing the state of his clothes, and cringing as he realized the state his jacket was in. 'dammit, this was my favorite jacket'
When he tried to get up, though, his arm bumped into something solid. Turning to see what was laying next to him, he froze.
Peacefully sleeping right next to him, was Doll. And right as he realized that, was when the memories of the previous night came flooding in.
His face burst into color before he hid it behind his hands. He couldn't believe what had happened! He had been trying his hardest to stay away from them so that way he didn't accidentally hurt them, but it seems like luck wasn't on his side.
"stupid mutt" he sighed into his hands, cursing the werewolf that he could hear laughing at him in his head. He wanted to kill that stupid thing. Sadly though, he wouldn't get the chance.
Doll started to stir right next to him, yawning as they sat up. Looking up at Seth, they smiled.
"good morning! How did you sleep?" Doll smiled at him as they stretched out their arms.
Seth couldn't understand how they could act so normal after all... That! It was surprising to him that they weren't teasing him or asking any questions.
Before he could say anything, Doll had stood up from where they had been sleeping, turning to face Seth and noting the state of his clothes.
"I'll go grab you something to wear and then start on breakfast, ok?" Doll smiled at him before turning to leave the basement, leaving a very confused Seth behind.
"what just... Happened??" Seth asked out loud, before getting a not so unexpected answer.
"that, boy, is what happens when you actually let people in" Seth grumbled as his werewolf answered him.
"I wasn't talking to you!" Seth wished that werewolves were more like in the movies, so that he didn't have to deal with a super old, super annoying werewolf that always made comments to him.
"whatever. You know I did a big favor for you" the werewolf mused, "if I didn't, you would have never told them how you felt"
"yeah, I know," Seth sighed as he started to take off his jacket and peel the remnants of his shirt off of him, "and I wanted it to stay that way."
"you know, we aren't as dangerous as you think. And they're not as fragile as you think either" his werewolf continued to reason with him.
"you don't know that," Seth snapped, "I don't trust you. Sure, you were nice to them last night, but don't think I fully believe you."
"Seth?" A voice came from the stairs. Looking up, he could see Doll had returned with a change of clothes.
"I tried my best, but they might be a bit tight on you" Doll said as they handed the clothes off to Seth.
"oh uh, thanks sugar" Seth thanked them as he began to put the shirt and sweatpants on.
"I'll start on breakfast now, how do you like your eggs?" Doll smiled at him as he finished getting dressed.
"oh, you don't have to do that-" Seth tried to stop them, but his stomach interrupted him with a loud growl. "... scrambled is fine."
Doll only giggled as they led him back up into their house and sat him down at the kitchen counter while they started on breakfast.
"see? They're perfectly fine, there's nothing to worry about" never the type to let go, Seth's werewolf continued to pester him.
"will you shut up?" Seth whispered, trying to keep Doll from hearing, but they heard it anyways.
"is something wrong Seth?" Doll asked him as they started on the sausages.
"oh, nothin. Just that stupid flea bag" he huffed.
"oh is the werewolf being mean?" Doll giggled, "tell him I said to stop it, maybe that'll help"
"thanks sugar, but nothing shuts it up" Seth sighed, putting his head in his palm, "trust me, I've tried"
"well," Doll said as they placed the plate in front of Seth, "have you tried working with your werewolf instead of against it?"
"huh?" Seth asked, "why would that make any difference?"
"Because, from my understanding, the werewolf is supposed to be a part of you," Doll spoke as they ate their breakfast, "if you fight against it, you're only fighting against yourself. So it's only going to be a losing battle"
Seth thought about what they were saying before they went on again.
"if you accept the werewolf, and let it in, you won't have as many problems with it," Doll smiled, "or at least, that's my theory"
"hmmm," Seth hummed as he finished his food, "I guess I never thought of it that way."
Now that he was actually thinking about it, Doll was right. Even though it felt like they were two different beings sharing a body, it was really only Seth, just two versions of him. The more he fought against it, against himself, the harder it was to control.
"thank you sugar, you might actually have a point" Seth looked at them and smiled.
"thanks! I don't get paid to just sit at the desk and look pretty, I do have some smarts" Doll giggled as they too finished their food.
Seth just smiled at them as they took both of the plates to the sink to wash them. As he watched them, though, something else started to bug him.
"hey, uh, sugar?" Doll looked up at him as he started to talk. "About last night. I... Uh"
"we don't have to talk about it right now if you don't want to" Doll gave him a soft smile as they spoke, "I can tell it's hard for you, so we can wait till you're ready to talk about it."
Seth didn't know what to say before he just smiled at them. "Thanks sugar. What did I ever do to deserve you?"
Doll just smiled back before they both went back to sitting in a comfortable silence, basking in each other's presence.
(dang that was way longer than I thought it would be-)
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buckybarnesss · 11 months
I think stories where the Hales are picture perfect just never resonated with me because I really do see them as That One Family that is wealthy but is super dramatic and over the top and just... intense.
It's so much more realistic that THAT upbringing would produce Derek and Cora (and Peter) than one that is super soft and lovely.
Like, Talia would never let Derek out of the house wearing his skank tank. That is not Alpha Hale approved.
talia hale would never. i feel like talia was super sensitive to how they were perceived by the community and she took great pride in her family. it reflected upon her not just as their mother and matriarch but as their alpha too.
her children were raised by wolves but they were not raised in a barn.
i just know talia was definitely a shoes off at the door, no feet on the coffee table and elbows off the table kind of mom but she wanted her kids to be human as much as they were wolves. it wasn't one or the other it was both.
she checked their homework and they had a chore chart but she turned a blind eye to the children trading chores and bribing each other. cora strikes me a conniving deal maker and derek was weak to his baby sister.
laura's cain instinct was triggered several times a week. you know she lorded over him she could turn into a wolf and he couldn't. there's no way she did not.
derek and laura were probably each other's greatest annoyances in life but also woe be to anyone who fucked with the other. i wish derek had spoke about laura. or cora. or anyone.
i don't think talia was a soft parent but she wasn't too rigid either. she could be comforting, wise and warm but not always emotionally available. she had to strike a balance between being a mother and being an alpha and maybe it wasn't always perfect.
i think there could've been something interesting about derek finding out talia forced corrine to carry her pregnancy with malia. derek helping malia to kill her birth mother while having to confront his mother's more shady, ambiguous and morally questionable actions could've been intriguing for his character.
i feel in my bones talia and peter were probably more similar than fandom wants to believe. she had to know his nature. she was his older sister and his alpha. i don't buy for a second she that blind to peter's behavior and didn't use it for her own benefit. they disagreed but he never seemed to challenge her and deeply mourned her death. losing pack is like losing a limb and peter was driven mad at the loss of his family. even after she died peter never spoke ill word about talia to anyone. not even when it'd cut derek to the quick if he did.
peter actually never says anything bad about talia or laura for that matter even if he was resentful talia took the memory of malia from him. (the nemeton is actually debatable. she definitely took it from derek but how did peter find it at the end of 3A?)
it's just the whole kate getting her hellish claws into derek so soon after paige's death and the way they likely had to cover up her death deeply fucked derek up and traumatized him in an already vulnerable time get me. he was failed by the adults in his life. he clearly wasn't getting the support he needed.
of course talia isn't to blame for kate's actions but where was she? how'd they miss an argent prowling around beacon hills and so close to derek?
but yeah the hales weren't perfect. they couldn't have been. but death has a funny way of smoothing those kinds of things out in your memory.
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fordtato · 1 year
YES. So I'm not the only one that has MANY things to say about Return to the Bunker. I was super hyped up for this this before, but then for the whole 32 minutes of watching I was like "...are you even serious? c'mon!"
This thing felt less like a Gravity Falls episode and more like a big Ford Hate Party. Wtf?! He had a few interactions with Mabel in the series, but literally ALL of them were positive, since she never talked about her issues directly to Ford (not trying to blame her, I love Mabel with all my heart). And here Ford's straight up a huge ass to her. Not wearing a sweater in the summer (HE LITERALLY DOES?!), telling her in the face he doesn't trust her, acting like spending any time with her is wasteful and a scar on his honor (?). Dudes, did we really watch the same Gravity Falls with the same characters? Ford can (and is) be dramatic and too serious sometimes, but he's also silly, fun and adventurous! And it's SHOWN in the series! And he loves the twins more than anything!
But let's get to the thing I have the biggest problem with. The way Ford's trust issues were treated. Guy's been through hell and back. Every person in his whole life that was his close friend, ended up stabbing him in the back (from his perspective). He literally spend 30 years all by himself, FORCED to trust only himself, because trusting someone else might have ended up in him being dead. Now he's barely back home, everything is new and complicated and dangerous, there's the rift, there's Bill being a huge thread, there's his relationship with Stanley, there's his house turned into a mockery of the only thing he was ever proud of, AND this guy still stays relatively calm and collected. Now you're also expecting him to suddenly forget about 30+ years of trauma he experienced and trust people he barely knows (Soos, Wendy) with his worst fear?! And you're punishing him for being jumpy, terrified and paranoid, when he has all the reasons to act such way?! And what's with the scene when he gets on his knees and in teary tone admits that just a sad, lonely boy, but now thanks to Mabel and her friends he might change? Like, sir? Are you the Ford Pines we know? Pre-weirdmageddon afraid-to-his-death prideful and emotionally withdrawn Ford Pines? And then he "learns" absolutely nothing AND ERASES THEIR MEMORIES WITH A MEMORY GUN?? WHAT THE FUCK? I barely forced myself to watch until the very end, because I wanted to scream. You think that Ford, WHO IS A VICTIM and was against the memory gun for most of his life unless absolutely crucial, who had to erase his brother's whole personality and the only reason he remained relatively sane after that was because said brother's memories were brought back, would EVER erase memories of his own twelve year old niece and her friends, RIGHT AFTER BEING ALL OPEN HEARTED and admitting he was wrong?! I can't. I'm sorry. I got all emotional.
Mabel's not really Mabel. Ford's definitely not Ford. Stan was... well, weird, but I could maybe go with that? The B plot was better anyway. The only one that remained more or less close to their canon characterisation was Soos. Even McGucket didn't really click.
ALSO. Ford's relationship with Fiddleford in this one. Wtf. Ford, who mourned what happened between him and his former best friend for years, who had a fucking "I'm sorry Fiddleford" as one of his thoughts on mind reading machine, and who, after seeing him for the first time during Weirdmageddon was all regretful and sad, in this episode is, again, an ass to him?! And their meeting, for the first time in 30 years, is not really a big deal? Ooof.
I'm angry. I didn't like it at all and I thought I'm the only one, because all of the comments are so happy and enthusiastic. I'm glad I'm not alone. It's really not good. Well, it had good moments. I laughed REALLY hard during that dating show with the shapeshifter and a few jokes had me chuckling, and, as you said, the art is really great and you can see all the time and passion that went into it. But the plot itself... I guess it's supposed to be canon complaint. It makes it even worse. The writers really hate Ford, don't they? Eh.
Sorry for the dump. I don't know what's gotten into me. I was so excited for it, a beginner's mistake, I guess.
It felt, personally, like the writers greatly misunderstood (or did not interpret from series as I did) which qualities of Ford, Mabel, McGucket and Soos made these characters loveable and made the show work.
The script of this fan project, at times, seemed specifically antagonistic to the source material, to these characters, and to the motivations these characters held.
I am not trying to shit on something people loved, but I did not enjoy the writing at all.
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bucketspammer4life · 1 year
☆ how comfy i would be with asking the boxers to hold my drink - ranking ☆
this came to me after i read a "how comfy i would be asking the stardew valley characters for drugs" article and thought "heyy why shouldnt i do this??" anyways i might actually make that list, also dont think of the drink as alcohol neccessarily, you can ask piston hondo to hold your cup of milk or something idc
Starting with bottom of the list..
King Hippo!
He would be at bottom place because he would most likely drink it or just lose it, if he wouldnt have done those things my drink most likely would have been on the floor already, i dont trust this man with my drink, at all
My cup would probably be slippery because im 98% sure he would squeeze the fuck out of my cup to not drop it
next place is...
Glass Joe
He would actually hold my cup like a normal person but he'd still spill it, im 90% sure since hes bottom of the ring
Look at him and tell me he wouldnt fall to the floor & spill my drink the second someone pushes him to the side
So unless i felt like licking the floor i wouldnt give him my drink
next place is...
Super Macho Man
He'd just flat out refuse to hold my drink and i don't blame him tbh
Even if he did hold my drink he's most likely set it down and forget about it, he wouldnt even be sorry for it like the himbo he is
Hes the type of person to switch out your drink because "You have bad taste" (he forgor your drink and didnt feel like ordering the same one)
Next place is..
Bald Bull
Trust me, there are planets between him and macho man on this ranking, but hes still bad at it
He'd most likely get in a argument with someone and end up throwing it onto someone or have said person who argued with him spit or snatch that cup up
Other than that, he would probably guard it an ok amount
He'd ask someone else to hold your drink just in case he gets in a fight and it would turn into a game of "please give me my drink back"
Next place is...
Soda Popinski
He'd just chug it thanks to him mixing it up with his soda thanks to muscle memory 99%
Other than that, he would try to guard it but would end up spilling it probably
Drink stealer at worst, mediocre drink carrier at best
Next place is...
Great Tiger
Slightly above the average at protecting it, but would still forget it or spill it while teleporting for sure
Seems like the type to party too hard and make someone chug your drink because you cant refuse a triple dog dare
Next place is...
Aran Ryan
Believe me, he is in no way sane or normal but damn he can protect a drink
He'd spill it a little but thats way better than drinking it or throwing it onto the floor entirely
He'd probably hold it for a while and not lose it, he would lose you instead so you'd have to search for him and after some he would give up protecting your drink
Next place is...
Don Flamenco
He's the fine line between "i would have been better off shoving this cup up where the sun doesnt shine" to "i trust you with my life let alone this cup"
He seems like a party animal, that probably means he has experience holding cups
He'd protect your drink like his life depends on it
A little bit lower on the list since he also has the disadvantage of partying too hard
Next place is...
Disco Kid
Come on, you expected this, if he can fight while busting it down he can surely hold your drink
Hes probably a huge party animal so he has experience holding things for people
He would def buy a replacement for you if he were to somehow lose it or fuck it up somehow
Next place is...
Von Kaiser
You might be saying "how the fuck would he guard my drink he would get knocked down like Joe, moe you are so wrong and stinkyyy" but i present you this: covering the cup like a maniac and hiding in the corner
He looks like the type to fight anyone willing to come near your drink if you ask him to hold it and i will die on this hill
Next place is...
Piston Hondo
Same thing as kaiser except hes more likely to win the fight so hes higher on this list
Hes also more likely to hide away from the type of people who would snatch up that drink and chug it for a triple dog dare
Next place is...
Bear Hugger
Hes 100% the type to chug a drink for a triple dog dare, Just not yours
Since hes big & tall protecting your drink would be easy for him,if he has to do something he would probably find you and give it to you before he does it, ranked a bit lower because of that but still better than whatever the people below him have going on
And the top of the list is..
Mr Sandman!
Be honest, you expected this
He's less likely to get into a fight with anyone since no one will dare to piss off a visibly buff boxing champion and if you disagree with that i only have one thing to ask you: how does it feel to be wrong
Honorable Mentions...
Ms. Bear - You don't fight bears + people are not very likely to approach a bear on its 2 feet holding a drink and if you are the types to approach a bear on its 2 feet holding a cup im suprised youre still alive
Carmen - she's def the type of friend to hold your stuff as you go into the bathroom at a party, that explains enough about her
Bear Hugger's Squirrel - if he was included in this list, he'd be at the bottom because 1) this little bitch would leave it and 2) its a fucking squirrel and most importantly: this weak ass cannot lift a cup
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hi 🥰 what are your favourite and least favourite songs from each Taylor’s album and why? ✨ <- i need you to do this too!
I haven’t seen that one coming, for real! 😂 Thank you, Poppy ❤️😌
so, i’m a terribly awful Swiftie for saying this but I despise DEBUT 💚 I really am. I couldn’t decide which song is my least favourite in reverse of situation when trying to choose fave one, so i figured the track I tolerate is A Place in This World. And the rest of the album is on the other side, I’m sorry 😅
Fearless 💛 This album is much more likeable! I like: Fearless, Love Story, You Belong with Me, The Way I Love You, Untouchable, Don’t You, Mr. Perfectly Fine! Those are bops, sometimes sad nevertheless I like them a lot! See? I redeemed myself 😂 Now to the next part! I’m not the biggest fan of Superstar and White Horse 🫢 These are not clicking with me 🙁
Speak Now 💜 I must say this album grew on me a loooot, A LOT! I look at it in a different way than I used to be, and now it’s one of my faves 😄 Speak Now the song defender ok? I like all of the songs beside… Last Kiss… I know, ok, I KNOW. May I choose the date of crucification? And Ours and Superman, I feel those two were fillers of the album Taylor needed at the time 😕
RED ❤️ Alright, this one will be super tough, because it is a really, really good album and it deserves the Grammy of course! 🥹❤️ State of Grace, Red, Treacherous, ATW (10min version), The Last Time, Holy Ground, Lucky One, Sad Beautiful Tragic, IBYTAM, Nothing New and Forever Winter are the most magical part of this album for me 🤧 The least… well, I’m not that much of a supporter of Ed Sheeran’s feat. on this album, so Everything Has Changed and Run duo is a no. Also that remix of Girl At Home, no, thank you. Stay Stay Stay it’s just meh I guess? 😅😅
1989 🩵 IT’S "MY” ALBUM! and I absolutely love eeeverything about it! It’s a no skip one, I can’t choose the song I dislike. I love all of them! 🥹🩵
REPUTATION 🖤 Aaaaahh! This one, I love memories occurring when I think of days when this one was released 🥹 I definitely like Ready For It, Delicate, Don’t Blame Me, LWYMMD, IDSB, Getaway Car, I would like KoMH more if it was more rock-ish? And CIWYWI 🖤 The least: So It Goes, DWOHT, End Game, TIWWCHNT 🤓 This album is legendary, right, but now I see some cringe about it?
Lover 🩷 My fave is definitely the title track, Lover! It’s such a sweet pop ballad ✨ Next ones are: The Archer, Cruel Summer, DBTC, Paper Rings - silly cute song 😌 Cornelia Street, London Boy (shut up, Pops 😂❤️), False God, the saxophone okaaay? And Daylight! The least fave are Afterglow 🫢, Miss Americana & The Heartbreak Prince 😅 It’s a solid album, fun, important album in Taylor’s career and I will defend it forever ✨
EVERMORE 🤎 SAME! NO SKIP! Closure defender!
Midnights 💙 Well, there are songs I adore and adore a little bit less for sure. Let’s start with first ones: Lavender Haze (I remember listening to first beats for the first time ✨🥹) Anti-Hero, YOYOK (although it took time!), Midnight Rain (same…), Maroon, SOTB but with Lana’s verse 🥴, Vigilante Shit, Karma, Labyrinth, Sweet Nothing, Mastermind, GREAT WAR!! Paris is such a fun track! High Infidelity and Dear Reader ✨ When it comes to least: BTTWS 🥹 I don’t listen to this that much. The rest of songs are great but not my favourites.
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deterweek · 2 years
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Welcome to the theme announcement for Deter Week 2023.
Same as last year, there are two prompts per day for you to choose from—you can also use both if you’d like to! There is no obligation to complete all seven days; you can totally skip a day if the themes don’t click. Just do as many as you wish.
There are absolutely no restrictions on content (ratings, word count, kinks, if they are romantic or platonic, darkfic, etc.); as long as it’s tagged appropriately, anything goes! There is also no set Free Day, but if you have something to post that doesn’t fit one of the themes, just post it anyway. The aim of this event is to achieve more Deter content, so honestly, GO NUTS.
There are sub-prompts listed below each theme. I wanted to give you a few examples to help spark ideas—they are literally just things that popped into my head when I was thinking about each prompt—but of course, you can totally ignore them.
Here you go:
Day 1 (March 14th) -
"Promise me."
keeping or breaking promises, secrets, deals made, the night of the fire, etc.
Back To School
student/teacher relationships, homeschooling, punishments, back in time, college au, jocks, nerds, power dynamics, help with homework, my hero presentations, moving out, etc.
Day 2 (March 15th) -
witches/wizards, magicians, historical au, spells, curses, breaking spells/curses, love potions, rituals, witch trails, spells gone wrong, etc.
Dungeons and Dragons
mythical creatures, royalty au, bards, knights in shining armour, fantasy, imprisonment, adventurers, kingdoms in ruin, roleplaying games, etc.
Day 3 (March 16th) -
weekends away, long distance relationships, sex on the beach, nights out, visiting family, fake dating, the honeymoon, business trips, pampering, relaxation, fluff, etc.
Spring Time
spring cleaning, hayfever, celebrations, sex pollen, florist au, farming, new beginnings, kid fic, reminiscing, etc.
Day 4 (March 17th) -
Ooh, Kinky
let your kinks run free, bdsm, add another character to their relationship, monsterfuckers unite, sex toys, kink discovery, discussions, under-negotiated kink, cnc, sex clubs, dd/lb, dressing up, spicing things up, etc.
"What have you done?"
suspicion, surprises, assassin au, taking the blame, murder husbands, time travel au, stuck in time, accidental baby acquisition, facing the consequences, gift giving, ah shit moments, etc.
Day 5 (March 18th) -
The Big Screen
going to the movies, first dates, pornstar au, celebrities, rewrite your favourite movie but make it deter, movie quotes, etc.
Heroes and Villains
costume parties, origin stories, superhero au, evil deeds, secret lairs, crime solving, love and hate, lovers to enemies, good turning evil, saving the day, etc.
Day 6 (March 19th) -
doctors and nurses, surgery, medical kink, roleplay, doctor/patient relationships, a/b/o dynamics, memory loss, disabilities, alternative reasons for peter's coma, hurt/comfort, near death experiences, etc.
"You can't fix it."
angst, broken relationships, breaking up, infidelity, wrongdoings, attempts at diy, who needs the instructions, renovating the hale home, making mistakes, etc.
Day 7 (March 20th) -
adopting a pet, petplay, visiting the zoo, zookeeper au, stuck in animal form, either of them as a different creature, predator/prey, etc.
Cowboy AU
life of the ranch, homemaking, brokeback mountain au, horseriding, etc.
Please reblog this post, then go ahead and start brainstorming; let your imaginations run wild! If you have any questions about the event or any of the prompts—or if you’d just like to chat to someone about your ideas—don’t hesitate to get in touch.
When the time comes, you can add your works to the Deter Week collection and remember to tag Deter Week 2023 and/or mention @deterweek on your Tumblr posts so I can reblog them.
I am super excited to see what kind of great new content we can all add to the fandom this year.
Happy creating 💛
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nobodysdaydreams · 2 months
Whichever you want to answer! I hope you're having a really great day, because you are a great human <3
3. What would "S.O.S." be like in the Wolf 359 Universe?
5. Favorite tropes to write?
7. Favorite platonic relationships to write for Eiffel?
Thank you Sophie! These are fantastic questions.
3. SOS in the Wolf359 universe would be absolutely hilarious.
I have a TMBS x Wolf359 crossover that I already spoke to you about in discord, but that's a bit different, though I might post that one later too, if people are interested. But I like the SOS one too. For those that are unfamiliar with SOS or Wolf359 or both, I'll try and probably fail at keeping it simple to walk you through it, but lets see if you can follow this.
This would be the story of four friends who notice strange signals in deep space (the dear listeners) and want to explore. Fun right? Wrong. Think again. One friend would be the rich friend who is funding the whole project (basically Curtain/Cutter for character reference) who is lowkey thinking about how to use the tech for world domination while also not telling his friends because although he cares about them, he also knows they wouldn't go for it. However, in this case, this character also has a twin brother on Earth who he hates/misses terribly because of something said brother did when he was 12 that separated them both when they were orphans. The brother is a very nice person, but still this Cutter/Curtain character is up in space, looking down at him on Earth from his super strong telescope, brooding like "Look at him. That smug selfish idiot. He's a monster." (camera zoom in on the nicest man alive). I hope you were able to follow that, because the second friend in the group would have an entirely DIFFERENT secret evil plan due to her trauma and is also one who invented all the technology (think Garrison or Pryce). Still another friend (think Milligan or...gosh I don't even know what the equivalent would be maybe Doug, yeah I guess Doug) would be a secret agent sent by the government to investigate the aliens, who thinks he's keeping the government investigation secret from his totally non-supervillain friends who really just want to explore space. This secret agent character also has a young daughter back on Earth, that's an important detail for later. Finally, the fourth friend, (Pedalian, or for character reference, Sam Lambert, but any very sweet person who dies will do) has his own secret he's hiding from everyone that I can't reveal because I didn't reveal that in my own writing of SOS yet either, so basically these four friends (who do care about each other, but still have their own agendas) are all tip-toeing around each other with their big terrible secrets.
However, something big goes wrong in space (surprise). This results in the Pedalian/Lambert sweet character dying (bummer), but not before he creates an AI child (SQ/one of the AI I guess) that has a voice and personality based on his own that the Cutter/Curtain character sort of adopts and cares for as his own child because he misses his friend and cares for the AI, but he also uses the AI for his own evil ends, so that becomes very complicated and toxic very quickly because the AI loves his dad, but doesn't want to hurt anyone. Additionally, all three of the remaining friends blame themselves for their other friend's death and the two with separate evil plans become even more unhinged, causing the one who is secretly a government spy to find out what the Cutter/Curtain friend is doing, which leads to Cutter/Curtain erasing all his memories and the newly memory-wiped character escaping from their facilities, only to find the brother Cutter/Curtain hates who is on to his brother's evil schemes and making a plan to stop him. Flash forward several years, and now Cutter/Curtain is working with Garrison/Pryce to complete his evil plan, totally unaware that she has and has always had her own separate evil plan and agenda and plans to betray him eventually. Meanwhile, Cutter/Curtain's brother has now teamed up with his ex-friend whose memories he stole to send in a group of young astronauts (who, coincidently, include the daughter he forgot about who believes her father abandoned her) to take down his organization from the inside. However, Cutter/Curtain has his own people working for him and then they battle it out eventually leading to the brothers confronting each other.
So yeah. My other TMBS x Wolf359 AU is a little more coherent, but this is what I got. I hope you could follow that.
5. Favorite Trope: Villain Redemption Arcs
I can't stand seeing villains get a free pass for their crimes, nor can I stand "he doesn't deserve redemption". No! He can choose not to take it, but he is a fool if he refuses it, and it is a tragedy when he doesn't. I also am a big believer that justice and mercy are not opposing forces, but rather that they go together. Justice without mercy or the chance to be better is just revenge, and mercy without justice is a free pass. Besides, a character that truly sees the error of their ways would want justice for what they've done, they'd want to make up for what they've done, even if it means they have to suffer or lose everything. It may sound harsh, but I think that's beautiful. That's why I loved writing about Daniel Jacobi and Nathaniel Benedict's redemption arcs so much. They learn their lessons, and you can tell they learned their lessons, and it's so fun to watch them become themselves again, without all the evil, without all the anger, without all the bitterness. Let people grow. Let them be better. Let them be happy.
This is also why my most controversial and universally hated Star Wars opinion is that I think Benny Solo should have lived so he could freely choose to go to jail for the rest of his life. The ones who think he should have died and the ones who think he should have lived a happy life with Rey might hate me for this opinion, but I have a vision for this. Obviously he's force sensitive, it would be hard for a jail to hold him, but if he's really sorry, he would want to serve a sentence just like anyone else and make up for his crimes. This also works great from a practical stand point because if they wanted to make future star wars sequel content, being in jail doesn't limit this particular character because he has force bonds with Rey, so he can still talk to the main characters. He can also interact with the other criminals, so maybe he helps talk a young force sensitive kid into choosing a better path, or tells Rey about a criminal or guard he doesn't trust, or discovers a plot forming within the prison. I'm just saying, putting him in jail doesn't mean his character has nothing to do. It does however give the writers a convenient excuse if Adam Driver is unavailable for an episode due to his acting schedule. Why isn't Benny in this episode? Oh well obviously because he's in jail. But he could still do some pretty cool cameos. I'm just saying. We never got to see Rey and Ben in a fight scene on different planets where they only have one lightsaber between them that they're forced to toss back and forth across the different environments. Even if one of those was limited to a prison riot, that would still be pretty cool, would it not?
7. Favorite Platonic relationships to write for Eiffel
All of them, if we're being real. Seriously, Eiffel and any character is a fantastic dynamic. My favorite would probably be Hera, because they have such a close relationship and they compliment each other very well. I also love Eiffel and Minkowski though, and Eiffel reuniting with Anne, and...ugh. Sorry it's all of them, I can't pick. Though Eiffel and Hera or Minkowski would probably be my top choice. I have another one in mind, but that's for later. I'll keep that to myself.
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popculturebuffet · 9 months
Valentine's Superhero Wedding Review Poll III
Hello all you happy people. For the past two years to celebrate the lovelist day of the year with my love of men, women and that beautifulu techiclor rainbow inbetween in costume who punch what good by letting my fine patrons pick out 3 superhero weddings, myself pick one, and you fine folks pick one of these for me to review. What says love more than some asshole in a costume crashing your wedding no?
So for your voting pleasure, here are this years nominees and the poll to pick your faviorite is below. Voting will close in a week. If it's a tie it's sudden death baby and if that ties.. well i'll just hav eto do both won't I. So vote whenever, vote soon, and vote with your heart, here are your nominees!
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Lex Luthor and Adora of Planet Lexor (Action Comics 318-319)
Lex's pre crisis marriage has him doing the usual lex luthor things: escape prison, go to a planet he once fooled into thinking he's a great hero and Superman a villian.. then invite superman after the wedding to fake his own death and blame Supes for it.
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Emma Frost and Tony Stark (Invincible Iron Man #10) Ones a life long playboy whose lasting relationships end in tears, betryal or the next set of writers wanting him to screw around again. The other's a life long career woman whose fine to flirt but mostly spends her time saving humanity and whose longest relationship was with a man she stole from his wife via very sketchy therapy practices. Naturally marriage is less out of love and more as a smokescreen to screw over a massive anti mutant biggot who used tony's tech to create a waking nightmare for mutant kind, but damn if it won't be fun anyway.
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Luke Cage and Jessica Jones (New Avengers Annual #1) A relationship began in casual hookups and deep seated trauma, became one of marvel's most lasting and wholesome marriage and Hero for Hire Luke Cage and PI for hire Jessica Jones became the couple with the least time for your nonsense but the cutest baby. Naturally for their courtship their wedding involves a proposal luke announces to hold her to saying yes, a fight with an old foe turned into a scary monster/ super creep, and takes place just before the super hero community cracked in half.
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Wally West and Linda Park (The Flash 132 and 159)
He was a fuck boy, she was a girl who didn't take his shit. Could they make it any more obvious. As wally west grew from irresponsible young ass to true hero worthy of the mantle flash he found his rock in reporter Linda Park, someone on his level willing to both call him out when he stupid, and support him when he's beating himself up too hard. Naturally given their marriage would be in trouble for the 2010's thanks to Dan DiDio's personal mission to make Wally West Fans suffer, their wedding ends in a magician making Linda disappear from everyone's memories, with the two finallyg etting married after antics with angsty future selves, Linda being Impulse's imaginary friend, and a picnic wedding to give us a happy end to Mark Waid's long and storied run and a happy start to one of the best marriages in comics
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lonelym00n · 1 year
when can we expect the alternate ending to the the devil and the pirate??? bc my angst gremlin is abt to starve😭😭 stay healthy love ur writing. and as nicki minaj said
stay super freaky, have great vagina, i love yaaaaa
hiiiii 👋 alright so i first have to write the epilogue so the happy ppl can be all happy (hoping to have that done on tues) and only then can i unleash the hellfire of angst that im cooking up for the alternate ending 😭😭 fingers crossed i can have it written by friday🤞
BUT since i don’t want ur angst gremlin to starve 🙄🙄 ill gift u this:
It was sunny in NYC, though the weather did not match the mood of the group of four currently trudging across the park.
They came to a stop once they reached a familiar spot.
No one said anything for a minute, because really what is there to be said anymore?
You were gone, dead. Sam and Tara had watched the life drain from your eyes, and it was a sight that would probably never fade from their minds.
It's Tara who breaks the silence, just as it was her who loved you the most, "She was just here."
Looking down at the grass, she hopes to catch some sort of evidence of where you'd existed. A loose string from the blanket you had sat on together, or even an imprint of your shared weight. Instead she sees nothing, because that's all you are now. You exist only in the memories she has of your short time together. And just as she lost you, she'd someday lose her memories of you too. The sound of your laughter, the tint of the blush that painted your cheeks, she'd forget it all.
The reminder of your loss hurts, but it stings even deeper because she is ultimately to blame for it.
Since the moment you choked out your last breath of air, Tara hadn't stopped thinking about the what-ifs. What if she'd never met you, what if she trusted you, what if she let herself free-fall into love with you? In all those scenarios, you'd probably still be alive, but the what-ifs didn't matter anymore.
You were gone and no alternate choice of hers that she thought of in the dead of night would ever bring you back.
A cry rips through her throat and her whole body shakes with the force of it. Her mascara trails down her cheeks for the millionth time since the paramedics had pronounced you dead.
If only she could've held you one last time, kissed you one last time, told you she loved you just as much as you loved her. If only, if only, if only.
If onlys would never be good enough for her, Tara didn't know if anything could ever be enough.
The only thing she knew was that you were dead, your life no more than the dash connecting your birth year to the one on your headstone.
You were dead and she would never get to apologize. To release the press of the unspoken words that weighed heavily in her chest. She would never get you back, and it was all her fault.
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^an actual picture of my face when i saw the nicki quote in ur ask 😭😭
hope ur angst gremlin is satiated for a little 😘
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john-smiths-jawline · 5 months
Hey, I just had to check on you to see if you were alright because you've been having a mental breakdown over TTPD on my dashboard for about a month now. I mean, it's super relatable, but are you okay? 👀
TBH this album is bringing up a lot of memories about someone I’m really really really trying to forget (trying to remember if you’ve seen my most about the song “Peter”, I think you have), so yeah, plus I’m taking both my AP test AND the SAT in less than a month, so I’m trying to use this album as escapism from the sheer amount of studying and stressing about studying that’s happening, but the album is pretty depressing so that’s just making me depressed, and I was already depressed due to unrelated life events so things are kinda spiraling here and I’m trying not to break down completely because I feel horrible every second I’m not spending studying or stressing about studying, but trying to not be depressed while a bunch of things that make you depressed are currently happening is, as they say, a Sisyphean task, so now I’m stressing about how to avoid a complete breakdown which is just MORE stress which is NOT helpful when you’re trying to not have a breakdown, and I’m just trying to, if I can borrow a turn of phrase, I Can Do It With A Broken Heart it, which turns out to be really hard, so yeah, so I’m not, like, doing great, and the album isn’t helping but it’s also not (exclusively) to blame, even though I really wish it would stop reminding me of Them, because now the mostly-suppressed bone-deep yearning has stopped being mostly-suppressed and I don’t have the mental energy to deal with that on top of everything else I have going on, so I’m just kinda letting it run wild, and the sheer unrequitedness of it all is making me more depressed, which is making things worse because I can’t have one good thing apparently.
I won’t stop listening to it though, it’s a great album with a lot of certified bangers, although I am sorry if the constant posting is getting annoying.
If it’s any help I should be back to normal sometime soon after May 20 (that’s the SAT, my final standardized test), although after that we are entering finals season so who’s to say, really.
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xojennyboo · 11 months
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A/N: double update today! This one contained loads of smut. Thank you for reading and liking my stuff. This will be the last part of this mini story. Let me know what you think. There’s also a small message at the end of the chapter for anyone who needs to hear it. Love you guys. Thanks once again. Happy reading!
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As the months passed, dealing with what happened got easier. I continued on going to therapy, having some sessions by myself and some with Harry. When I had brought up Harry joining in on some sessions to my therapist, she instantly thought it would be a great idea considering how comfortable I felt with Harry. Harry also had private sessions by himself to talk about his feelings with everything. As the days passed by, Harry and I got closer and closer. It was weird adjusting to not spending time with one another prior, to now spending every minute together.
After doing months of therapy, I learned to stop blaming myself for what happened. I also learned so many things about myself that slowly started to make sense as the days went by. Having control of my life was important to me. I wanted to be able to be happy for myself and to be able to not break out if things didn’t go my way, things that I have overcome by therapy. As for my fears about pregnancy, I learned that it’s all about taking chances and going with the flow. Yes, it might be scary obtaining the answers to tough questions, but these are obstacles that we must surpass. After facing my fears to obtaining the answers to my fertility questions, I decided on booking appointments to my gynecologist. I went with the same doctor who oversaw my pregnancy since I felt super comfortable with her. I had expressed my worries and she helped me get all of the fertility exams done. Harry came to some of the appointments when he wasn't busy with the last-minute arrangements for his album release. He was officially finished with it and was super excited to release it to his fans. Once the doctor provided me with the results on my fertility, I was relieved to know that I had no issues. She explained that sometimes, miscarriages can be common, especially when it's your first pregnancy. Harry came to this appointment with me, and he was very happy to know that I was okay too. Harry also decided to do a fertility test on himself with me, and his testing came back clean as well. Having him take a fertility test with me meant the world to me.
Harry moved back into our house a couple of months ago, selling his apartment. Things felt right with him here. He became super attentive with me, making sure I was okay emotionally, physically, and mentally. We cooked almost every night together and created new memories that I Cherish every day. Our relationship has been kept private from the media, only our closest family and friends knowing about it. Thomas was very happy when he found out about it. Thomas has been supportive about everything. We’ve definitely had gotten closer after everything that had happened. He occasionally came to our house for dinners or just to hang out and write music with Harry. He recently started a new relationship with one of the women who works with us. I couldn't be happier for him.
Since Harry and I decided to rekindle our romance, we haven't had any intimacy. This being that I wasn't ready emotionally. I was too scared to take that step. I had talked about it with my therapist, and she mentioned that it was okay to feel that way but that I would have to take those necessary steps to overcome. As the time passed by, the need to feel Harry intimately was consuming my thoughts almost every day. The desire to feel his naked skin against mine grew and grew each day. I knew that he felt the same way by the way he would look at me with desire. Today, I planned on taking the first step. He had a long day of meetings which gave me plenty of time to plan what I wanted to do. I was going to cook a romantic dinner for us, decorate the dining room and our bedroom with candles. Our bedroom will have rose petals are around the floor and on the bed making this very intimate and romantic.
As soon as Harry left for the day, I went to the grocery store to purchase the ingredients for tonight's dinner. I decided on cooking chicken for dinner with a creamy sauce to accompany it. I also decided on making mashed potatoes, roasted asparagus, and a bit of rice. Then I went to a flower shop to purchase enough roses for tonight. Lastly, I went to Target to purchase enough candles,the light up ones, not the real ones. Once I got home, I decided on decorating first since I knew it would be more tedious. Once finished, I started cooking dinner. Once that was done, I went back upstairs to shower, shave, get dressed and do my makeup. I decided on wearing a simple champagne colored dress that hugged my curves in the right places. Underneath, I wear a sexy lingerie set I had purchased a few days ago. it was also champagne colored, having the matching bra, thong, stockings, and garter belt to put together the whole outfit. I was definitely nervous. I went downstairs after I finished getting ready and heated up the food. It was already 6 pm. Harry usually comes home around 6:30pm, which is perfect since it gives me time to set the table. At precisely 6:15pm, I get a message from Harry saying that he's on his way home. I quickly get the champagne out of the fridge and place it on the ice bucket. I look at the time again after a couple of minutes I hear Harry pulling up in the driveway. "Get it together y/n ", I tell myself. "You're ready", I tell myself again, giving myself as much affirmation before he walks through that door. I go to the dining room to wait for him there, shaking away the last-minute nerves that have appeared in the last hour. I take a couple of deep breaths before I hear the front door open.
"y/n I'm home! It smells so good in here", I hear him say, lightly giggling at his comment. I take one last deep breath before building up the courage to answer. " Babe where are you?", I hear Harry say. "In the dining room!", I yell back so he hears me. I hear his footsteps coming closer and closer until he's fully in here. He looks shocked at first, and then a wide smile spreads across his face. "What's all of this for?", he says walking up to me placing a small peck on my lips. "I have decided to cook us a romantic dinner", I say to him. "It looks delicious ", he says admiring the table before him. "What's for dessert?", he teasingly asks, knowing that baking wasn't my expertise. With all of the confidence I had left I answered. "Me", his head snapping back towards me in shock and desire. A Mischievous smile takes me in a trance, my need for him growing intently. "Hmm. Is that so honey?", he says with a raspy voice. His arms snakes around my waist pulling me closer to him, his eyes darker than before filled with lust. "Y-yes", I stutter at the close proximity, his face getting closer to me, his eyes staring at my reaction, eyes, and lips. "Well, in that case, I think we should skip right into dessert don't you think?", he says, his lips extremely close to mine, barely touching. "Dinner will get cold", I whispered against his lips, my chest rising and falling at a quick pace. "Hmm, you're right. Let's eat then that way I can eat you afterwards ", he says, placing a kiss on my lips finally. The kiss intensifies as he pulls me closer to him, his tongue entering my mouth. My fingers go directly to his hair, tangling in his curls. He pulls away, our breathing heavy, as he walks towards my chair to pull it out for me. Still stunned, I gather myself and sit down. I feel Harry getting closer to my ear, his breathing heavy. "By the way, you look absolutely beautiful tonight", he whispers against my ear as he places a kiss on my neck before he sits down across the table from me.
How am I going to get through this dinner. That whole interaction, as simple as it was, made me wet. Harry had a thing of making everything he said super sexy, especially towards me. Or maybe it was just in my head. We eat in complete silence at first, savoring the meal I made. I poured us a glass of champagne needing it a bit more for confidence. I watched as Harry ate his dinner his jaw clenching with every bite he took. " Mmmm, so good", he moaned in satisfaction. I felt those moans directly on my clothed clit. Every bite he took of his food he would make some sort of moan or groan, making it harder to contain myself. The suppressed want and frustration for him slowly making its way out. He knew what he was doing, loving the reaction he was getting from me as I squirmed in my seat at how wet I was getting. Once we were done eating, I got up to clear the table. "Stay here", I instructed before going into the kitchen and placing everything on the island. I quickly took my dress off and let my hair down, exposing the lingerie. I felt so sexy in this it boosted my confidence more. I took a deep breath, seems I have to do that a lot nowadays, before walking back into the dining room. Harry quickly looked in my direction and gulped down the bit of champagne he had left. "On my...", he said, as he squirmed around in his seat. "Do you like it?", I ask as I walked towards him. He didn't utter a word, too stunned to speak.
"I'll take it as a, yes?", I say. He gets up abruptly, attaching his lips to mine, the force causing me to take a step back. His tongue entered my mouth swirling around with mine, tasting the champagne on his lips. "You look like such a goddess", he says. He gives me a couple more kisses before pulling away and sitting back down. "Now do me a favor baby and come sit in front of me so I can eat my dessert", he says with confidence. Jesus. I walk towards the table, getting on top of the table to position myself in front of him. Once I’m lying on the table, he gets up to admire me. He takes one of the straps that's attached to my stocking around his finger and pulls it back before letting it go causing it to snap against my skin. I moaned a little at the sensation that it gave me. “My goodness where do I start with you?", he says, unclamping the clips. He slowly reaches to the hem of the thong that I have on and removes it, bringing it up to his face and smelling it, before placing it in his packet. "You smell divine", he says as he places my foot on either side of the table, my legs spreading in front of him. He sits back down on the chair, scooting closer to my exposed pussy. "So wet for me y/n", he says before kissing my clit. My hips buck up at the satisfaction of his lips making contact to where I need him the most. "So ready for me", he says, spreading my folds with his fingers before sucking on my clit, a moan coming out of me. His hot wet tongue swirled around my aching clit over and over, my moans echoing throughout the dining room. My hands gripping at the sides of the table as the noise of Harry's tongue on me consumed me. His tongue licked me all over, not missing any spots.
He inserted his tongue in my aching hole, slowly licking all of my arousal onto his tongue. My legs spread for him, giving him more access. "Oooh fuck Harry, don't stop baby, don’t stop", I moaned as he sucked and flicked my clit. My back arching on the table as I felt my orgasm coming. "That's it baby, let the neighbors know who is making you feel this good", he says as he inserts two fingers inside me making me gasp and choke up. He instantly starts thrusting his fingers in and out of me as his tongue works on my clit. My aching hole clenched around his fingers as I was about to come. Before I did, he withdrew completely from me causing me to whine. "Gosh look at you so desperate", he says. He gets up, attaching his lips to mine, tasting myself on his tongue, causing me to moan against his lips. "You taste so good baby ", he groans against my lips, his clothed crotch pressing against my cunt. "Take me upstairs", I say breathlessly. I wrap my arms around his neck as he carries me bridal style up the stairs. He slows down and notices the rose petals on the hallway leading up to our room. "Oh y/n what do you have up your sleeve ", he smirks. I open the door with my hand since he's carrying me, and we walk into the dark pre-lit room that is filled with rose petals. "Surprise!", I childishly say to him smiling widely at my work. He looks around in awe giving me a long passionate kiss as he places me on the bed. "Do you like it?", I ask. "Like it? I love this", he says, climbing on the bed with me. "Are you sure you want to do this?", he asks. "Yes Harry", I say grabbing his face and pulling him in a kiss. He reaches behind my back and unclamps my bra, exposing my breasts. The takes one in each hand, gently palming them and pinching my nipples occasionally. My head falls back in pleasure, my body sensitive at the lack of pleasure that it hasn't received in months. My neck exposed, Harry places kisses on my neck, biting and sucking the spot below my ear causing me to moan."Harry please", I gasp, pleading for more. He groans as he kisses down my neck and onto my chest, taking one of my nipples into his mouth while massaging my other breast, my fingers playing with his hair. He switches, now sucking on my other nipple, giving it the same attention.
I kneel up, pushing him against the matters. "Now it's your turn baby", I say as I unbutton his trousers. I took them off, taking his briefs with them. I took his shirt off exposing his tattooed body to me. I could never get tired of looking at his naked body. I straddle his legs, placing delicate kisses on his chest and down his torso. His stomach flexing at the contact of my lips against his skin. "I've". Kiss. "Missed", kiss, "you", kiss, "so", kiss "much", kiss. His eyes closed, feeling every kiss I gave his body. I kissed down his torso and down to his pulsating cock. I placed delicate kisses up his shaft before placing the tip in my mouth, Harry hissing at the sensation. I moaned as I felt his precum on my tongue, the sensation causing Harry to buck his hips upwards inserting himself more into my mouth. "Fuck", he moans as I start bobbing my head, gently squeezing his balls as I sucked him off. I took more and more of him in until I was able to put all of him in my mouth. His tip hitting the back of my throat causing me to gag in pleasure. " fuuck ", Harry moaned as he felt my mouth close around his cock. I was so horny, our actions making me wet. I pulled away a bit looking at him, how sexy he looked right now. "Fuck my mouth Harry", I say as I fully take him into my mouth causing him to groan in pleasure. He reaches down to gather my hair together as he starts to thrust himself into my mouth. "That's right baby, take my cock ", he pants as he continues to hit the back of my throat causing me to gag around his dick. I close my eyes, tears spilling from them as they go down my face. "Fuck baby", he moans the sound of our moans filling the room. Before I can pull back, I feel his cum shoot down my throat. I pull away, a string of my saliva attached to his cock making this super-hot.
I take my finger and wipe my lips, tasting him on my fingers as I sucked his juices off "mmm", I moan. "Delicious", I say as I straddle his hips. His hands were instantly on my waist ready to guide me. I was in a euphoric daze, wanting Harry to fuck my brains out. I grab Harry's dick and I slowly rubbed my wet pussy against it, feeling every pulsating vein on me. My wetness glistening on his cock. "Look at how wet I am for you baby", I moan as we both look down. "Fuck Y/N, please baby", he says as he digs his fingertips on my sides. I grind on him a couple more times before I lift myself up and insert the tip in me, causing both of us to moan. My head falls back in pleasure his tip already stretching me. "You're so big Harry", I say as I slide down on him completely, his cock stretching me out in all the right ways. "Move baby, gosh you feel so good", he pants out, his hips bucking up in desperation. I move my hips up and down, my hands on his chest as we finally connect. With every movement I make, the more I feel my orgasm coming. I'm a moaning mess, my body overly sensitive. "That's right baby, ride my cock", he moans. "Look at your arousal dripping down", he moans as he starts to thrust up, in need of a release from the both of us. We look down and I can see his cock disappearing inside me, covered by my wetness with each thrust. My hands go down to my throbbing clit, rubbing myself as I try to reach my high, but Harry swats my hand away and replaces it with his instead, rubbing me at a steady pace. “Oh fuck, baby that feels...uh", I moan out, my release spraying on Harry's torso. Our actions stopped, looking at the mess I just made. “Fuck that was hot to watch", Harry says. "Want to see if you're able to do that again for me baby?", he says as our movements resumed. I start riding him faster and harder, each thrust hitting that familiar spot from earlier, causing me to moan loudly as Harry rubbed my clit faster. The feeling was so intense sending me into a bliss. "Fuck. Fuck. Fuck", I moan out I squirt on Harry's torso again, my arousal dripping down his sides and onto the mattress. "That's a good girl", Harry says as he stops my movements and switches positions. One thing you enjoyed about your sex life with Harry was that he wasn't afraid to explore different things sexually.
Harry pushes me against the mattress, taking my legs in his hands and placing them in a "V" position. My head is hanging from the bed as he positions himself in front of my entrance. Slowly, he thrusts into me, both of us moaning in pleasure. "Look at you already fucked out of your mind", he says, his words causing me to be wet again. "Do you like me stuffing you with my cock y /n?", he asks as he begins to thrust into me. "On fuck, yes Harry", I say as I squeeze my breasts in pleasure. "Tell me how much you love it", he tells me as he thrusts harshly into me. "Il love it baby", I say as he thrusts into me harder and faster, this position hilling my g-spot repeatedly. "I love how your cock stretches my tight wet pussy. I love how hard you fuck me. I love how you make me yours, baby", I gasp for air as his thrusts are literally knocking the air out of me. I let my head hang, the rush of my blood going down causing me to feel the pleasure with much more intensity. "Fuck baby I'm gonna cum", Harry pants as the grip on my legs tighten. I feel very lightheaded in this position but I'm enjoying Harry ramming into me. My moans become louder as Harry rubs my clit again. A few more thrusts and we’re both screaming and moaning our release. I lift my head up, afraid of passing out from the intensity of my orgasm. Harry drags me closer to him, so my head is no longer hanging. He leans closer to me, his sweaty body against mine, our breathing heavily from our highs. "That was", "Amazing", I finish saying.
We both started laughing at what just happened. Harry removes himself from me laying down next to me and engulfing me in a hug. Still in a daze, too tired to do anything. "That was a very good dessert", he says causing both of us to burst out laughing. "You're too much", I playfully hit his chest. "I love you", he tells me, a bit more serious. I look up at him, a few strands of curls sticking to his sweaty forehead. I take my hand and push his hair back, removing it from his forehead as I lean up and kiss his lips softly. "I love you more", I whisper against his lips as we start kissing passionately. He sits up on the bed before straddling me on his lap, my chest against his. He holds me tightly against him, his lips molding against mine, our tongues fighting for dominance, he wins. Smirking against my lips, he moves his arms around my waist and slowly sinks into me again, my head resting against his shoulder. We slowly start to move against each other, kissing our lips with passion. We both moan against one another, his fingers tracing down my back, the sensation causing goosebumps against my skin. The familiar feeling in my stomach appears. My arms are around Harry's neck, my hands gripping at his hair at the intensity that he's making me feel. "Marry me ", he says abruptly, his movements not stopping whatsoever. I look into his eyes and see the sincerity in them. Our movements pick up, our breathing picking up as we’re about to cum together. "Marry me y/n", he says again. He puts his arms around me tightly as he thrust upwardly, my head falling back. "Yes. Yes.yes", I moan out, answering his question repeatedly. A couple more thrusts and we both cum on each other, my orgasm taking a toll on me. After calming down and feeling Harry's dick go soft inside me, I look into his eyes. " a million times yes", I say against his lips. He smiles widely and kisses me passionately.
This whole experience has taught me that life can be very difficult. Everyone is dealing with issues left and right, some more intense than the rest. In my case, I lost our baby, got depressed, and surpassed it. Having a support system, whether it’s a family member or a close friend, having someone there who is willing to help you can make the biggest difference in your life. Seeking help doesn't make you weak or a failure, it just means that you need that extra help to become the better version of yourself. Trying to control everything around you will he straining and will cause you to burn out. Take it one step at a time and learn to take it easy from time to time. Always live in the moment and cherish where you are now. Also...always remember to stay true to who you are and never let anyone change you. You're perfect the way you are whether you believe it or not.
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