#Let's not talk about the fact i kin azul
adarkenedforest · 2 years
A few day's ago my friend realized Azul wears a belt/corset with his uniform, and I reminded them that Azul was overweight when he was younger so he has a insecurity for it, that may be why. And now I find this rrly sad.
Azul really deserved so much better. Children can be so unnecessarily cruel. I just hope that he's getting better since he has close friends now to help. (and hopefully a goddamn therapist because lets be honest he needs one)
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gogolstoelicker · 2 years
Hi! I loved your headcanons for BSD character mcs!! If it's alright with you, could I request the dorm leaders and vice dorm leaders with a fem! mc who is like Kunikida? (Idk why but the image of mc yelling at Leona to do something productive reminds me a little bit of Dazai and Kunikida's relationship)
Dorm leader + vice dorm leaders with a Kunikida!MC
warning(s): -
•sorry its late tho JSNJSJS
You're very professional and diligent when it comes to your job. You constantly feel the need to organize, gather and schedule everything, which makes you come off as strict and harsh.
A trustworthy and loyal detective, your coworkers rely on you because of your authoritative capability and responsible nature.
Ability: The Matchless Poet (or Lone Poet i forgot), allows you to make objects written on the papers of your notebook come into existence. However, it does not work on objects larger than the notebook.
with your ideals and his rules, you guys can surely make the whole nrc cower in fear!
like they're in the cafeteria and they saw riddle? "i hope im not breaking any rules rn😥"
they're about to skip class and they saw you? "ah nvm, skipping is never an option😅"
you guys probably get along REALLY well
talking about the rules, ur ideals and how everyone is not following them
probably kins each other too at some point
you guys are now best buddies
like the whole school will always see the two of you hanging out once y'all have free time
i have free time today, hey wanna go to this unbirthday party?🤗
i have free time, wanna hang around, i made tea🤗
oh sevens, another riddle😥
oh well trey dealt with riddle, so he knows how to deal with you too
tries his best to calm u down whenever some students pissed u off by ruining ur schedule
or anything u organized honestly
tells u to relax for a bit too
following a strict schedule everyday AND having to deal with the first years ruining ur schedule by accident AND not allowing urself to rest much???
he's right there next to you, trying to bribe you into resting
or threat idk🤔
it didn't work most of the times so
so he just have to be that one passive aggressive friend so you would rest or smth
did it work? sometimes if he tried harder
"u wouldn't want to ruin ur own schedule by passing out or anything right?^^"
"that's why i have enough sleep and exercise everyday"
^ur daily conversation probably
if it's not for the fact that you're a lady, he would never listen to you lol
ruggie is forever greatful to have you around
bc as soon as u start telling leona off to stop skipping class and do something productive, he actually got up and do it
i mean he may looks like he's ten seconds away from ripping someone's throat out but at least he tries‼️
he actually leaves the class once he sees that you're not there but shhh
sometimes if he feels extra nice, he'll actually stay in the class
but he'll sleep in it LMAO he REFUSED to study
don't get him wrong, he appreciates that you even went out of your way to scold and sometimes motivate him to show his full potential but
he's a lazy lion at heart, you won't be able to get him to do anything
one time that happened again and someone snitched to you
leona is now forced to listen to your few hours lecture and how it does not fit ur ideals for him to not study
literally leona the whole time:
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oh you definitely got feed by his lies LMFOAOAOA
even azul himself is surprised by how naive you could be
BUT this only means MORE advantage to him👓✨
the amount of lies he fed u everyday...
its like that annoying scam seller that came knocking on ur door everyday
or those who tried to promote their "religion" cult on the streets
either way, that's how azul looks like to u everyday
he's sly so he probably made it seemed like smth good until jack just
pulls u away from azul so u won't get roped into some weird deal that won't benefit u at all
he ALWAYS finds a loophole in ur ideals so he can just
idk not follow but follow ur ideals at the same time?
he doesn't really mind you that much? as long as you're not nagging him about something of course
which is lowkey rare bc u approve of him apparently🤔
like attitude, style and how he handles work? P E R F E C T. CHEF'S KISS
while u do like how he's on time for schedule and actually gets his work done, u don't really like how uh
scheming he can be😥
but oh well he's from octavinelle, u cant do much about it so u just avoid him
he's actually quite amused that u even approve of him
he didn't know he could fit ur ideals but now that he knows, you know he will never let it go
now u have to deal with a 191cm tall man looming over u and teasing u subtly nonstop
if he hace free time that is since hes usually busy with monstro lounge and floyd's antics🤔
u crying bc he reminds u of ur annoying coworker
him being happy meeting jamil's best buddy
yes i said best buddy what about it
he actually liked to listen to ur rant abt ur ideals
i mean he may not understand it fully but he's willing to listen!
literally dragged u to his parties
yes, u dont like parties. yes, u have works to do
but u gotta relax and have fun sometimes prefect so let him drag u to have fun!
cue u standing in the corner with a glass of juice in hand
"what do people do at parties?" u may ask
and then u see kalim absolutely eating up the dance floor and having fun
he would even try to drag u to dance with him
goodluck trying to get away from said party
cries heavy tears
it's tears of happiness btw
fiNALly! someone who can take his place to take care of kalim once in a while!
the gods have finally heard his prayers after all this time, he's so happy
sometimes, he would even hang out with you just because
well if you're both not busy that is🤔
he's mostly busy with kalim's shenanigans and you have your day planned out already so
so if u both EVER have a free time, you guys would hang out‼️
with kalim tagging along ofc bc he can't really leave him alone
him being even more happy bc u don't have this favoritism towards either of them and actually treats them equally
and not treating him like kalim's shadow
him to u probably
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ah yes, probably got along too
he agree with ur ideals here and there
esp if it have smth to do with having good posture and how to present yourself better
might even ask to read through some of it
who knows, he might get a nice advice here and there
he would also give u some advice
u writing it down on ur book and trying to achieve that exact same thing the very next day
and vil wiping a single tear that left from his eyes bc omg!! that's his student!!
he does feel a sense of pride and is actually very proud of himself and u a little whenever u listen to his advice
probably the one to do ur makeup if he have spare time just so he can make sure u look the absolute best💯
overall, could be best advice buddies but both are too busy to hang out too🤗
caught him following stalking a someone
so now he's in a lecture abt how that's wrong
he is kind of like 🤩 when he first saw u
who is this strict prefect he may ask🤔
it's you🤩‼️‼️
while he does not follow u around daily, he does sing praises to you whenever u two crossed paths
welp there goes ur schedule😔you're 10 seconds late bc of him😔
actually doesn't mind his praises, u just wish he wouldn't tell u in the middle of the hallways
probably one of the first ones to find out about your ability
with rook and his stalking investigation skills, he can and will find out everything‼️
him cornering u sometimes just so he can tell u more praises
u shaking and crying bc u just wanna go through ur schedule and this is the 5th time he stopped u this week and it's only monday
a victim of u
in a good way i think🤔
ortho is probably the one whp introduced y'all
you, who saw idia , rolled up your sleeves and tried to make him have a healthier lifestyle
ofc u won't drag him out
it's just u whipping out a 100 slides powerpoint with your ideal book in hand telling him how much negative impact it would have living the way he is and ways to improve
he's shaking and crying bc u did this everytime you guys meet in his room
how do u even get in his room? i don't know either
he would sometimes roll his eyes here and there when u go on ur daily lecture
probably also saw u pull out some items from ur book bc u have to outline smth in the powerpoint to prove ur point
and he just goes🤨😮⁉️⁉️
it's a magic book⁉️⁉️
found out u can also pull out a gun from that and decided to listen carefully to your lectures from that day on
well he doesn't mind how strict u are with urself and others
he thinks its a rather good quality to have
he, as a future ruler, can surely learn a thing or two from u
u sobbing bc there's finally someone who's willing to go with ur ideals after riddle
he listens to u really well, he even tried to his best to follow it!
but there are times he would tell u to relax for a bit too
u must've been tired🤗come with him for a walk to rest ur mind🤗
u rejecting it bc its supposed to be ur bedtime
u going with him anyway bc he somehow convinced you
with sad lightnings bc he was sulking LMFOAOAOA
peepaw is always there to tell u to relax!
you'll get burnt out if u keep putting ur 100 into everything and putting urself into some strict schedule, take a break sometimes
found out how naive u could be
u could now see lilia growing horns and devil's tail
there's not a day lilia won't trick u
be it for his own amusement or for u to rest
like maybe he would make up some lie like
"in nrc, if u don't rest for a few hours, you'll surely get cursed by the great sevens for ur ideals to never come true"
cue u having tea time with lilia as rest, eating cookies and chatting away
it's a gamble if it's homemade by yours truly or brought from Sam's store
if it's made by lilia, then u can scold him once u made a trip to the infirmary🤗
probably tried to help him around in the kitchen so he could make better food
he appreciates it but his cooking, in fact, did not improve at all
in fact, its ur headache that improved bc of how many times u have to stop him from putting random ingredients in
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coquiriitxt · 3 years
Ama’s TWST Yuu’s
I was delusional last night and went crazy typing point facts about both my Twisted MC’s. Yuumeno and Magmell. Remember. Kill the part of you that cringes! I sure did at 1am while I vigorously typed this on my phone! Here for a good time not a long time! This probably isn’t everything but I digress. Warnings: Some mentions/implications of child abuse and negligence / mentions of eating habits as coping mechanisms 
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↓ ↓ ↓ More under the cut  ↓ ↓ ↓
Yuumeno and Magmell ended up in twst together, both even sharing the same coffin upon arrival.
Yuumeno is old, very old and had been in twst before back when the great seven were still alive. Her memory is very fuzzy on the matter and more and more comes back as overblots and strange dreams continue happen.
Magmell is a changeling that was swapped as a child. While their human parents raised them, they didn't do so kindly when they realized this wasn't their actual child. Somewhere along the line they end up with Yuumeno and developed a tight bond.
Yuumeno came from a family that could use magic but due to a curse on mages in her world she was born magicless and with immortality. Those born magicless were frowned upon in her world and often times executed due to fear over a human having an increased lifespan. While kept a secret by her family and unreported she didn't have the greatest relationship with her kin. She outlived them and never looked back.
Part of Yuumeno's curse, aside from being magicless and for the most part immortal makes it so magic doesn't work as intended on her. Magically crafted potions wont work on her and poisons won't kill her. Her own body allowed her to heal more quickly than an average human but no magic painkillers would ever actually work. Some unique spells can end up negated but there's no knowing which could.
Both Yuumeno and Magmell know Spanish, a language they oftentimes communicate in.
Magmell has the capabilities for magic but was never taught how to channel it. She is the one that actually participates in classes with Grim while Yuumeno mainly goes to keep an eye on the pair.
Upon talking with the Headmage they both insisted they had nothing to return to and denied Crowley's ideas on possibly finding a way back. Yuumeno isn't too happy about being turned into a babysitter for a half assed Headmage but prefers this world greatly over her own.
When Yuumeno did not follow Magmell and Grim into classes she was fixing up Ramshackle dorm.
Both Magmell and Yuumeno enjoy talking with Malleus and don't seem to care about who he really is. Magmell calls him Hornton while Yuumeno calls him Mister Horns.
Magmell joined a photography club with other students but it is Yuumeno who holds the Ghost Camera.
Yuumeno is clubless but could might as well be in the gargoyles club since she pays great attention when Malleus talks about them.
The Scars on Magmells arm came from a nasty fall she had on a thorn bush, the scars never healing properly. Because of this she is terrified of thorn bushes and gets woozy around them.
Yuumeno tried to bargain herself instead of Ramshackle when it came to making a deal with Azul but to no avail. When it came to staying in Savanaclaw she refused to let Magmell sleep on the floor and fought with Leona over it.
Magmell used to live near the sea and found great comfort in the sound of the waves. After managing to get enough points at the lounge they went to Azul for a wish. A means of hearing the sea as it helped soothe them. The shell necklace around their neck is enchanted to make sounds of waves crashing when held up to someone's ear.
She doesn't realize it but Yuumeno tends to mom some of the students and despite oftentimes having a scowl on her face will give helpful advice when needed. She takes great joy in flustering first years.
When someone tried to make fun of Magmell for following Yuumeno like a lost duckling they declared proudly that of course they would follow her! That's their mama! Occasionally the term of endearment slips, Yuumeno does not mind.
Magmell eats as though food will be taken away from. A habit they developed due how they were treated by their parents.
Ever since Vil made an offhanded comment on Magmell's eating habits Yuumeno is less than pleased when they have to be near each other to the point she does not acknowledge his presence at all.
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