#Like I think it’s important for kids to see themselves as capable
”Why does Master Splinter barely ever seem to leave the lair in missions to help the turtles in the 2012 series? He’s an adult!”
Because it’s a kids show so the primary solver of the problems involved is obviously going to be the kids. Having an adult swoop in and solve everything/baby sit all the time would probably be kind of boring for the intended audience. Boring for everyone actually. Next question.
#TMNT 2012#I mean a Watsonian answer could be trauma or whatever and that this family needs counselling but can’t get it because of the mutant thing#but the primary viewing audience is probably ten year olds who think fifteen is like close enough to being potentially capable#Like do I think ATLA did far better by the whole kids who have to fight angle?#of course: and the romance was much better too in atla for that matter#but we have to remember that adults ranging from their twenties to forties aren’t the primary audience in either case#2012 is the animated TMNT version I have the most issues with but some of the common criticisms aren’t great either#Like I think it’s important for kids to see themselves as capable#And sometimes we adults just also kind of suck#like the ones who animated april to have her ass showing when tied up for instance#TLDR: there are legitimate problems with this show but like come on#(Also the idea adults will always be perfectly capable of everything is kind of immature#Like idk I don’t see splinter being able to do donatellos tech capabilities)#Like I think rise did far better with the whole imperfect splinter thing but you know#2012 sometimes feels like that nutty first draft of a fanfic where you’re throwing everything to the wall to see what works#it’s like Nickelodeons practice series I guess#rise is already an improvement and maybe so will mutant mayhem be who knows#But any splinter works best in missions when they are reserved for those which are big deals#like it indicates it’s serious business if a splinter gets involved
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ecoterrorist-katara · 26 days
The tragedy of Katara’s parentification
Sokka and Katara were both parentified, and it’s a profoundly life-changing thing for both of them. One of the saddest things in ATLA, though, is how Sokka sort of got to outgrow parentification, but Katara never did.
Sokka’s told to be the man. The provider, the protector. He’s not so good at the former (his hunting failures are a consistent source of comic relief), and he takes failures of the latter very, very hard. He doesn’t manage to save Yue, and that wrecks him. After Yue, he becomes extremely protective of Suki in a way that’s borderline offensive to her. He’s willing to do anything to protect his friends and his family, including something as irresponsible as breaking into the Boiling Rock. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that Sokka is the only one of the Gaang who unambiguously kills. The rest of them may technically have clean hands because of cartoon logic, but Combustion Man is very dead, and Sokka is the one who killed him. We don’t know how he feels about it, because the show never goes there, but I have a pet theory that Sokka is so uncharacteristically (remember he was team “leave Zuko to freeze to death”) against Katara confronting Yon Rha in The Southern Raiders because he’s the only who knows what killing feels like and wants to protect Katara from it.
But by the end of the show, Sokka’s in a place where he can start to let go of his need to protect. Objectively, all his friends are unbelievably powerful and can take care of themselves, including his sister and his girlfriend. Suki is the one who saves him in the final battle, representing not only a reversal of his initial cartoonish misogyny, but also demonstrating that he is worthy of protection. And of course, he and his friends saved the world, so there isn’t really an enemy that he has to protect them from anymore. Sokka’s loved ones create the conditions under which his parentified behaviour is no longer necessary. Sokka would still have to take the first step to stop seeing himself as the one who has to lay his life on the line, but at least it’s possible for him.
But not Katara.
Katara had to take on the mom role after their mother was murdered, which meant she was responsible for domestic labour and emotional support. Sokka says in The Runaway that her role was to keep the family together. Unlike protection, that’s always a full time job regardless of the war. We see Katara spending more screen time than anybody cooking, getting food, mending, and generally doing women’s work. We see Katara giving everyone emotional support, including strangers and her enemy. We see Katara putting aside her own discomfort and her own hurt in The Desert because if she falls apart, they all die. Nobody ever showed her that she doesn’t need to be the only one who cooks, or that somebody else can be responsible for the emotional wellbeing of her friends, or that — god forbid — someone else can actually be responsible for her emotional wellbeing.
That’s why I never cared for the Ka/taang argument of “he teaches her to be a kid again!” Putting aside the fact that Katara ends up taking care of Aang a lot more as the series goes on, the whole tragedy of parentification is that you can never again be a child. That part of your childhood, your god-given right, is robbed from you. It is extremely precious and important to still be able to be a kid, but breaking free of parentification is not about seeing yourself as a kid. It’s about breaking free of being responsible for everyone’s feelings and behaviours.
For Katara, that responsibility is not problem of perception, but of reality. Unlike Sokka, who was told and shown that his loved ones are capable of protecting themselves, Katara has zero reason to believe that her loved ones are able to feed and clothe themselves and not fall apart emotionally. Between Toph and Sokka who emphatically don’t want to do this work, it all falls on Katara. Telling a parentified child that they just need to loosen up is akin to telling an overworked mother that she needs to just relax (“happy Mother’s Day! You get a break from chores, which you will catch up on tomorrow because nobody else is doing them”). It doesn’t accomplish anything if nobody creates the circumstances under which it’s possible to let go of responsibilities. A lot of Zutara fans, spanning all the way back to the early days of the fandom, like the “Momtara and Dadko” trope where Zuko also does chores. Why? Because even without the concept and language of parentification, many fans recognized that Katara’s performance of domestic and emotional labour is inequitable and probably very taxing.
Growing out of parentification is about more than just letting go of old expectations: it’s also about finding a new way to value yourself beyond the role you grew up with. I’ve said this before, but it’s very important to acknowledge that just because a kid is parentified doesn’t mean they’re actually good at being a parent. In fact, it’s probably a given that they’re not, because they’re kids performing roles that are developmentally inappropriate! Sokka remains a shit hunter; he becomes a decent fighter but he’s still miles behind his friends. A big part of healing from his parentification is finding another area — strategy, engineering, project management (what else do you call that schedule) — where he actually excels, to which he can dedicate his time and from which he can derive satisfaction and a sense of identity. For Katara, fighting for the oppressed and combat waterbending give her that. Crucially, however, Katara does not stop being a girl when she becomes a warrior. She’s still responsible for domestic and emotional labour. Unlike Sokka, whose protector duties were more or less relieved as the series went on and he found new ways to contribute to the group, Katara continued to perform her old role in addition to her new one (which is depressingly realistic btw, look up feminist theory around the concept of the second shift). Still, it’s important that she found these new ways to value herself and her contributions…
…which disappear in her adult life. Where’s adult Katara fighting for the oppressed? Where’s adult Katara enjoying her status as a master waterbender? Where’s Mighty Katara? Where’s the Painted Lady? Where’s the person who vanquished a whole Fire Lord?
What do we know about adult Katara? She’s no longer a rabblerouser or an ecoterrorist. She did not translate her desire to help the downtrodden into a political role, like being Chief or on the United Republic Council. She’s not known as the best waterbender in the world, only the best healer, even though her combat abilities are what she took the most pride in. Even as a healer, she established no hospitals, trained no widespread acolytes (except Korra, I guess?), and made no known contributions to the field.
What Katara is known for…is being a wife and a mother. The same role she was forced to take on at age 8. One which she performed for the next 80+ years.
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drdemonprince · 3 months
I was never really certain about my transition in the way that most gatekeeping hormone prescribers and curious members of the public demand that a trans person be. I didn’t “always know” that I was not cisgender. I haven’t “always known” anything about myself. Very few truths about me have always remained true, my existence is too interpersonal, contextual, and ever-evolving for all of that. (So is most everyone else’s, I think). I don’t think that the fact I’d eventually choose to exercise my body autonomy at age 30 by taking hormones is a decision I could have foreseen when I was a child. All that I knew about being transgender when I was a kid was a fact that most children intuitively know: gender assignment was a violation of my freedom, of everyone’s freedom in fact, and it was wrong. As an infant and then a child and teenager, people kept imposing labels on me; they kept forcing me and my body into prescribed gendered boxes, and while the specific labels and boxes never really felt like the right ones, the most disturbing part about it all was the forcing. No coerced identity would have ever felt right. Children can tell when secrets are being kept from them, and when adults are restricting their choices. They notice that they and the other children are being lined up boy-girl, boy-girl, without ever being told what a girl or a boy even is. They can see their parents frowning when they reach for the doll with the shimmery hair, or climb atop the neighbor kid on the playground. Kids know that they are forbidden from sitting with their legs spread wide or flicking their wrist, and their gender illegibility is shamed in them, long before they get any answers about what gender means or where it comes from or why it’s so important that they make themselves easy to understand.
Like the cloned children in Never Let Me Go who grow up being conditioned for a life of forced organ donation, children in a cissexist society grow up conditioned to fall within certain gendered boundary lines, and by the time they learn that the reason for this is almost completely arbitrary, they can’t imagine any alternative. Not until some of them hear about gender transition and find the prospect very compelling, for some reason. You can say that reason is because some of us are inherently trans, but there’s absolutely nothing in the way of brain science, genetics research, or even sociological data to back that up. Besides, the search for a biological “reason” that people are transgender or queer runs counter to the goal of queer liberation in the long run. Science only needs to explain the existence of transgender people (or queer people more broadly) if our existence is in some way aberrant or a problem. If queerness is accepted as a form of human diversity that simply exists, then there is no need to excuse it by claiming that it is never a choice. It can be a choice, if a person wants to make it, and hopefully it satisfies them, but maybe it won’t. Freedom to choose means freedom to forever be dissatisfied, to search endlessly for more, and yes, to capable of making a mistake. I would say that viewing myself as transgender was a choice. I decided to break away from the straight, female categories to which I had been assigned, and doing so allowed me to view the legal and societal power structures that had restricted me more clearly. It helped me better understand myself. But that does not mean the actual act of breaking away was always the truest reflection of who I am. The version of me that transitioned was a person on the run — and how a person behaves, thinks, and self-conceives when they are fleeing is not a great reflection of whom they might be if they were safe. If we all lived in a world free from mandatory gender assignment, and where our bodies were not mined for meaning about the kinds of sex we liked, the clothing we should wear, the personality qualities we have, the roles we should play in society, and the connections we are allowed to form with others, who knows who each of us might be. But none of us get to live in that world, or ever gets completely free from the frameworks of heterosexuality and the gender binary. These frameworks shape every legal institution we encounter, every school we attend, every item of clothing we put on, every substance we take into our bodies, every piece of paperwork that ever gets printed about us, and every look another person ever gives us. And so we make due with rewriting and recombining those frameworks as best we can. It should come as no surprise that those us who break away from the binary have to experiment and revise how we understand ourselves quite a bit — sometimes getting things “wrong,” sometimes searching forever for the semblance of something “right.” Sometimes reveling in the “wrongness” of all the available options is kind of the point.
I wrote about my detransition, retransition, and the eternal dissatisfaction that is probably the corest truth of my identity. It's free to read or have narrated to you on my Substack.
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crepes-suzette-373 · 8 months
Not having "Emotions" 感情 or "Emotions" 情: Germa 66/Vinsmokes
Analysing the 3 Vinsmoke boys, because Oda-sensei should know that things like disgust or anger are also "emotions", and Ichiji/Niji/Yonji all have displayed "emotions". Negative ones, but emotions all the same. So there might be something else going on.
In the raw, there is actually a difference in the exact words that they say the boys don't/shouldn't have. I feel that this is might be important, because that's the way kanji is. The nuance of the word usage can be different depending on the context.
When the Germa scientists say that Sanji should not have "emotions", the word they use is「感情」, which does mean all emotions for the most part (including things like anger, joy, etc).
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However, Sora says don't take their "heart" 心 away. When you say someone is heartless, it doesn't mean that they have no "emotions", but they have no "pity" or "compassion".
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Reiju also says that what is removed from them is just「情」, not 「感情」. 情 is emotion, but also specifically have the connotation of empathy, sympathy and compassion.
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The same word when she says she "still has it" in contrast to the boys:
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And lastly, from Sanji himself, calling his brothers "monsters with no blood or tears" 血も涙もない. This idiom means the same as "heartless" or "cold-blooded", meaning no mercy, no sympathy, no pity, no compassion. It does not mean "absolutely zero emotions", unless additional context specifies so.
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My conclusion is that either Oda-sensei has been playing word games, or there's a slip-up in translation. The boys seems to actually do have emotions. What they don't have are empathy, sympathy, conscience, and fear. Just look at them casually throwing themselves off the roof, and laughing off their potential deaths.
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The reason why they act so cruel might be because they have no innate conscience, so they just parrot and follow whatever Judge told them.
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And, since Reiju said she was reprogrammed to always obey, I suspect there's a little bit of that in the other boys too. See Niji, freeze-stopping his kick mid-air because Judge says no:
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(the force of it was so strong that Cossette, behind Sanji, was blown away)
What they do to Sanji is really horrible, but little kids brawl and beat up each other all the time. It's the adults who have to teach them "don't do that". Without anyone telling them no, and Judge even permitting it, of course Ichiji and the others act the way that they do.
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I think there is the possibility that the boys might still have the ability to feel genuine affection inside them (since, you know, having affection for someone is honestly nothing to do with compassion or mercy). They just might not know what that feeling is, because they've never been taught to understand that.
There's Niji and Yonji being worried when Reiju and Judge were hit:
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And the whole "Emotionless Excursion" cover story sideplot.
This is why I say Ichiji and Niji are acting like particularly evil tsundere dumbasses. For all their horrible comments, they're clearly capable of feeling concern. Ichiji less obviously so than Niji, but same difference.
We'll wait and see, I guess, what exactly is the extent of the 情 that is missing from those three.
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from-the-clouds · 1 year
texas sun - joel miller x f!reader - vol. xi
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series masterlist | series playlist | writing masterlist | previous chapter |
chapter summary: I'm not even gonna be poetic about this: Joel and reader lie to themselves and others about their feelings for 5.6k words. pairing: joel miller x f!reader words: 5.6k chapter warnings: ANGST. Description of panic attacks/anxiety. Referenced death of family members/romantic partners. Implied bisexual reader. Alcohol consumption, hangovers. smoking. Canon-typical suffering. As always please dm if you have questions. a/n: Wanted to give game Joel a little love with the gif choice, ya feel me? I've been excited to write this chapter for months and I ultimately feel like it flopped so hard, it just did not come together the way I envisioned. It's also my last week of work for awhile I'm honestly feeling very burnt out so I'm in a 'fuck it, i don't have the energy to make it perfect' mood, BUT - It’s a lot of backstory/development that I do think is necessary. Next chapter shit will go down tho so get ready.
**ALSO! I got rid of my taglist. Please follow @ftcwriting and turn on notifs if you would like to be notified when I update my works :) **
-April 10, 2024-
Joel reaches out to clutch the patio railing. His chest is tight, like someone’s stitched his ribs together so they won’t expand fully every time he tries to inhale. Each breath wheezes in and out of him, and his head spins. 
None of this feels real. It can’t be real. And if he’s asleep, he can’t decide if he’s in a dream or a nightmare.
That’s until he hears his name. 
Her voice is like a jolt of electricity, shocking his body back into equilibrium. He finds Ellie standing behind him when he looks over his shoulder, Tommy walking up the pathway to the front door, brow furrowed. 
“We literally only got here like one week ago, you can’t die already,” Ellie scolds him, and he knows that the jab is meant to be playful. “Woah, are you okay?” she asks when they lock eyes. 
Joel straightens, squaring up with Tommy, fully prepared to give him a piece of his mind, for throwing him into the deep end with nothing to stay afloat. 
“Who was that?” Ellie is completely oblivious. 
Even if he wanted to answer the question, he still probably couldn’t. It had taken him a moment to even recognize who you were, that’s how long it’s been. And he hadn’t even really gotten a good look. It only clicked when you’d taken off your glasses, and when it’d registered, and then he’d seen the kid next to you, he’d panicked. Joel brushes past Ellie, shoving his brother with one hand in the center of his chest.
“What the hell were you thinking?” 
Tommy recoils at the contact, something pained and confused crossing his expression. “I…. I thought you’d be happy to see that she’s still alive.” 
Joel doesn’t answer, just glowers at him. He’s still unable to make sense of the questions swirling around in his mind, each one seemingly more important than the last. 
Of course it’s good that you're alive. At one point, he had tried to find you. It was after Sarah, after he’d tried to- he can’t even think about how foolish that had been. At the time, the thought of seeing you again was the only thing that provided him with even the slightest bit of hope for the future. But the search had been fruitless. 
After a while, Joel decided that you were dead. It didn’t matter whether or not you were. He’d seen the unspeakable pain humans were capable of inflicting on each other and then when he’d gotten involved with some hunters, became the cause of all that pain. If you were alive…it meant those horrible things were happening to you. You were better off dead. 
It also kept his conscience clear. After he’d done what he had done, he knew if he ever saw you again, he wouldn’t even be able to look you in the eyes. And he was right. You knew a version of him that no longer existed. 
“Joel,” Ellie interjects. He’d nearly forgotten she was there, still lost in his shock and rage. 
“Ellie, go inside,” he quips. 
“Can’t I just-”
“Inside. Right now. ” Joel hasn’t used such an aggressive snarl with her since they first left for the Boston QZ, and he turns to look at her just in time to see her face crumple, before she turns and marches up the stairs. He immediately feels bad, but unfortunately, this is just how things go with every person he cares about these days. He hurts them, then they hurt him, and it equals out, only ending when one of them decides to leave. 
“Jesus, Joel,” Tommy scolds, but he doesn’t care. 
“How long?” 
“How long have you known she’s alive? That she has a fuckin’.....” Joel feels something get caught in his throat. “...a fuckin’ kid.”
“That’s her nephew,” Tommy says matter-of-factly, as if it was supposed to be obvious. As if Joel wasn’t just grappling with the idea that he had a twenty year old son he’d never known about, and feeling guilty that you’d been alone with him this whole time. “But I guess I can see where you’d think that.” 
Now that you’re on Joel’s mind, he does recall you mentioning your nephew a few times. Maybe you even had a picture of him hanging on your fridge, and he had pegged how you had the same smile. He’s a little embarrassed for jumping to conclusions, but it doesn’t mean he’s done being angry. 
“Shit,” Tommy rubs his beard. “They’ve been here for like three years. It’s been awhile.”
“Three years?” Joel asks, a whole new wave of anger reappearing. “And you didn’t think to fuckin’ tell me all this time?”
“You know the rules. We aren’t allowed to use the radio.” 
“What about when I was here in the winter?” Joel asks stiffly. 
“I just…figured it’d be a shock-
“And why would you think that, Tommy?” Joel raises his voice. 
Tommy holds out his hands, lowering them slightly as if to tell Joel to settle down. Then he nods towards the house. Ellie. “You had a lot going on with that whole situation. I didn’t want to distract you.”
Joel would never admit it, but that was probably a smart decision for Tommy to make. He remembers how uncertain and scared he’d been when he first stopped in Jackson. But Joel still tries to think of a way to keep the argument going, because he doesn’t want to give Tommy any sort of props for how he’s chosen to break this news to him.
“I thought you’d be happy she’s alive, really, I mean you both-”
Joel holds up his hand. “Enough, Tommy. It was so long ago…I barely remember.”
Tommy frowns, gives him a knowing look. “Really?” 
Joel sniffs, crosses his arms. 
“Well, I remember,” Tommy says. “And she was always good to you.”
Joel doesn’t answer, because he doesn’t have anything else to say, and at this point, he just wants Tommy to leave.
“Work through whatever you have to,” Tommy says. “But don’t be an asshole. You should work on that, in general. Or else I’ll have to keep explaining your behavior.”
“Glad I’ve got you looking out for me,” Joel says dryly.  “Don’t know what I would do without you.”
“Fine.” Tommy shakes his head, backs away.
His brother doesn’t say goodbye as he stuffs his hands in his coat pocket and walks down the street. Joel stays in place, alone on the front porch, until his hands relax from the fists they are clenched in and his anger turns to shame. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
-April 19, 2024-
You close the locket and place it back inside the old lunch pail full of tchotchkes and other memorabilia. It’s a fairly empty box, over the years you’ve found that the things you hold onto are either lost or left behind, not unlike the people you’ve met. You swipe away the tears in your eyes. 
Bea had always said it was important to give yourself the space to grieve, to let yourself feel whatever it was that you needed to. It’s advice that you don’t want to take from her right now because you’re pissed at her for being gone. Not that it had been her fault. And also because you know if you don’t stick to a routine it’s very easy to backslide. 
In the bathroom, you hurry to splash cold water on your face, taking a look at yourself in the mirror. Before the outbreak, there was nothing more terrifying than getting old. Now, as you study the new lines and wrinkles on your face, the scar on your bottom lip, the gray strands in your hair, it doesn’t scare you at all. It seemed frivolous that looks were something you’d been so concerned about when you were younger. But you suppose you didn’t have much else to worry about. There was something pretty freeing about being older, that you can be content without being concerned about whether or not someone will find you attractive. And really, getting old means you’re still alive. That’s all that matters. 
You are concerned with the red in the whites of your eyes, but hope they’ll fade by the time you get to Maria’s. 
Grappling with the fact that Joel is still alive has dredged up a lot. Since it had been about a week since your reunion – if you could even call it that – on your front porch, and you’d seen him one other time. The first time, you’d sort of understood why he’d ran off. But you guessed you kind of expected him to come around eventually. He didn’t. 
Just a few days earlier you’d been walking through the town square, and he’d been headed your direction with that teenage girl who Tommy has since told you is named Ellie. She was giggling at something, and Joel even had a slight smile on his face, but when he saw you, it disappeared, and he pulled Ellie to the opposite side of the street. It was clear now that he was intentionally trying to avoid you, which….didn’t feel great. 
That was an understatement. Having Joel back made you realize just how lonely you were. It had taken some time after arriving in Jackson for you to grieve your partner of nearly ten years, so it hadn’t really dawned on you that at some point you might crave a deeper level of intimacy that your friendships couldn’t offer. But you had already had it twice, so you supposed that was better than nothing at all. Plus, your number one priority had been, and always would be making sure Ethan was provided for. 
So what exactly were you expecting from Joel? Not that, of course. But maybe some kind of closure after all those years spent apart. Some kind of acknowledgement of your time spent together. 
When the outbreak first happened, you had spent a lot of time being angry. With Joel and Sarah, the possibility of being normal had been dangled in front of you. You realized you had wanted to be loved after being convinced by your father – and yourself – that you didn’t deserve it. Then, the second you acknowledged that you wanted it anyways, the world had literally ended. It was a little egocentric, but it sort of felt like a sign that your dad had been right all along. Some women aren’t meant to be part of a family.
Of course, Bea had proved that wrong. But losing the people you loved became a pattern. And you even to this day, you alternated between believing that it was the unfortunate reality of life, or that it was your destiny to never get what you wanted. 
Regardless, even if the way Joel is acting has caused you more turmoil than you are willing to admit, you’re not going to follow him around and beg to get back into his good graces. That’s never been your style. 
You’re tidying up the kitchen, getting ready to leave, when Ethan shuffles into the room. It’s nearly noon. 
“Hey, sleepyhead,” you say to him as drags his socked feet across the hardwood.
He grumbles his greeting and tilts his head at the bag you’re adjusting over your shoulder, as if to ask where you’re headed.
“I’m going to Maria’s,” you say. “Then I have to meet with Eugene.” 
He makes a noise of affirmation, still half-asleep, and slumps into a kitchen chair. When you look at him closely, you see the dark circles beneath his glassy eyes, his face pale. 
“You alright, honey?” you ask, putting your bag back on the countertop and approaching him. “Do you have a fever?” when you reach to press the back of your hand to his cheek he swats it away weakly. He doesn’t feel warm.
“I’m fine,” he says, crossing his arms on the countertop and burying his face in them. “I just have a headache.”
“Yeah?” you say. “You were out late last night.”
“Derek and I went to the Tipsy Bison,” his voice is muffled. 
Everything clicks into place. “Oh. Were you overserved?” 
He turns his head, but doesn’t lift it. With how long his hair has gotten, most of his face is obscured. “Maybe. But before I get a lecture, don’t worry – I’m never drinking again.”
“I’m not gonna lecture you,” you’re almost offended. “Is this really your first hangover?”
“I mean….probably not. But it’s definitely the worst.” 
“Well now you know your limits,” you say, crossing the room to pour him a glass of water and get some ibuprofen from the long-expired bottle you keep in a cabinet.
“Maybe if we were allowed to drink when we were with Bea, I would’ve learned that sooner.”
You let Ethan’s get his dig in at the last community you’d lived with before Jackson. The more time you’d spent here, the more time he’d had to convince himself that what you’d gotten yourselves into was terrible. Because you had more of a complex perspective on it, it was the one subject you avoided speaking to each other about. 
Ethan is similar to Vincent in that while he’s very sensitive, he also seems to enjoy being an instigator. Of course, spending all of his life fighting to survive in a world that wants him dead has only intensified that. Bea had been good at helping him manage his temper when he was a teenager and it became too much for you to handle. But besides that, he doesn't get into much trouble, so you aren’t going to chastise him. 
“Drink this, and take these.”
He groans, but reaches out for the aspirin and water, nursing it down with small sips. You bite back a smile. The both of you have endured much worse than a hangover, but there’s something cathartic about seeing him experience the plights of a normal twenty-something. 
“Are you hungry?”
“If I eat anything, I think I will vomit,” he lays his head back down. 
You consider asking him if he wants you to stay so you can look after him, but decide that you don’t want to encourage the habit too much. Instead, you reach out and brush a strand of hair off his cheek so you can see him more clearly, and he closes his eyes. “I bet you’ll feel better in a couple hours. Drink water. It’ll help.”
He blinks up at you, seemingly unconvinced. “I saw that guy yesterday. The weird one.” 
“What guy?”
“Tommy’s brother. What’s his name?”
“Joel?” you ask, and pretend that saying his name doesn’t almost make you shiver. 
“Yeah,” he says. “He was with Tommy at the stables. Guess they’re making him a ranger.”
“I know you knew him before or whatever, but he’s definitely a weirdo. And I’m not just saying that to make you feel better.”
The whatever in his sentence is doing a lot of heavy lifting. You roll your eyes, but not maliciously. “Well, he did just get here.” You definitely don’t owe Joel anything, so you surprise yourself by defending him. 
Ethan almost ignores your response, winces, turns his head back into his arms and grumbles something to the effect of I’m dying. 
“Rest up,” you ruffle his hair and kiss the top of his head, like you’ve been doing since before he could walk, and it’s hard to stop even though sometimes it annoys him. Right now, he doesn’t protest. “I’ll bring you home some soup from the mess hall. Take it easy.” 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
It’s Tommy who lets you in once you arrive at Maria’s. She’s upstairs with the baby, he says, and tells you to wait in the living room, before you hear her frantic voice calling out for him to come help her. 
His footsteps retreat up the stairs, and you hover in the entrance to the living room, your eyes inexplicably drawn to the chalkboard with 
You glance at the little memorial that Tommy had made for Sarah and Kevin, Maria’s son. Even though you’ve seen it a million times at this point, the sight of her name, the date of her passing – the same day as Joel’s birthday – makes your stomach sink. 
That’s when you notice that you’re not alone. Sitting in a chair in the corner is the girl that you’d seen accompanying Joel. You hadn’t actually been properly introduced, you realized, and she’s staring at you like she doesn’t know what to do. She’s a cute kid, a teenager if you had to guess, her dark hair pulled back into a ponytail. 
Based on how he’s been acting, you can’t imagine what Joel has told her about you. Probably nothing good. So you give her a nod and a small smile, before crossing your arms and leaning against the doorframe. 
Surprisingly, the bit of sincerity seems to warm her up a little. “I’m Ellie,” she says.
You nod again, and give her your first name. “It’s nice to meet you, Ellie. Sorry I didn’t get the chance the other day.”
She shrugs. “It didn’t seem like that was your fault.”
You let your arms drop to your sides, straighten up. “Did you uh…come to see the baby or something?” 
Ellie shakes her head no. “I’m waiting for Tommy. He’s gonna take me to see the school.” 
“Oh, that’s nice.” 
“Not really,” she says. “I think school is fucking stupid. But everyone says I have to go, because all the other kids in town do, too.”
Ethan was grown when you arrived in Jackson, and you didn’t have children of your own, so it was the one place you didn’t really frequent. “Well, you probably should but….I hear you.”
There’s an almost imperceptible smile that crosses her features. You turn your head back to stare at the staircase, waiting for the sound of Maria’s footsteps, but all you can hear is her and Tommy whispering with frantic energy as they try to put their son down for a nap. 
“You know Joel won’t tell me anything about you,” Ellie’s voice cuts in, and you turn back towards her. “But you knew him before, didn’t you?”
You’re not sure how to take this information, or…how to respond to it. So you keep your response simple. “I mean, we were neighbors.” But even that feels like a lie, and a useless one to tell. Maybe it’s a little petty, but you don’t owe it to Joel to keep his secrets, especially not after he’s treated you so poorly. So you tell her the truth. “I guess he was also…my boyfriend for a little while.”
Ellie seems taken aback by this. “What happened? Did you break his heart or something?”
“No,” you snort. “We got separated before the outbreak.” 
“Oh.” She ponders for a moment. “So then why is he so mad?”
You shrug. “I’ll let you know if I find out.” 
“Well, he’s an asshole. But I bet you already know that,” Ellie says. 
Based on the time you actually spent with Joel, you would’ve never described him that way. So if that’s really how he’s perceived, even by the people who care about him, it makes you a little sad. Losing Sarah must have changed him more than you could imagine. 
You’re already sick of thinking about him so much, so you change the subject to something that’s at least a little lighter. “How did the two of you end up together, anyways?” 
“Long story,” she answers, and you get the sense there’s something she’s holding back. Because you just met, you don’t press her any further. 
“As I’d imagine.” 
You hear boots coming down the stairs, and Tommy rounds the corner, holding a stack of photos. “I’ve been meaning to show these to you, I went home a couple years back…to Joel’s old place and mine. There wasn’t much left, but I found these.”
He passes the pictures to you, and you look down at them. You don’t think much about your old house at all. It was another thing you lost, but almost everyone did, so it didn’t really make you feel special. Still, sometimes you thought of your cozy back patio and your old friend Martini, and had accepted you’d never see them again.
The first photo in the stack is a photo of Joel and Sarah at one of his soccer games. As sweet as the gesture is, you are pretty sure you can only confront so much of your past at once, and with Joel being back in town it’s starting to get suffocating. Also, when you study the picture and realize that your memory has gotten some of Sarah’s features wrong, you’re overwhelmed with guilt. 
Hesitantly, you place the pictures down on the coffee table, and Ellie reaches for them immediately, flipping through him. “Woah,” she says. “He looks so different without all the grey hair,” she flips to a photo of him and Tommy, and glances up at him. “You look pretty much the same.” 
When you agree with her, Tommy grins, playfully tucking a piece of hair behind his ear bashfully before growing serious. “You better not tell him I showed you these.” 
“I won’t,” Ellie assures him. 
“Look at this one.” Tommy pushes another photo across the table towards you, and you peer down to look at it. “He fucking adored you.”
You remember taking the picture vividly while on vacation with Joel and Sarah, and at one point you’d had your own copy framed on your dresser. There are flowers peppered in his hair, and you both look so young, and so happy, and so oblivious, his arms around you, his lips pressed against your cheek. At the time, you really had no idea that everything you knew was about to be destroyed. 
“Nice,” you say flatly, and in an effort to keep from getting emotional, push it back across the table, and retreat to sit in a chair across the room. 
After some time, and some convincing, Tommy and Ellie leave to go on their tour of the school. When the door closes behind them, you swipe the photo from you and Joel off the table and slide it into your back pocket. You tell yourself it’s so Tommy can’t show it to Joel, but really it’s because it’s one of the only memories you have of yourself before the outbreak, when everything felt perfect. 
Just as you back away from the pictures, Maria appears at the bottom of the steps. She looks exhausted, and before either of you can speak, you wrap her in a hug. Partly because it looks like she needs it, but also because you just want to feel close to someone you trust, even if it’s only for a few seconds. “How are you holding up?” you ask. 
“I finally get some peace and I’m using it to work,” she says, leading you into the dining room, where all the paperwork is spread out. Your plan had been to write a new amendment to the town’s constitution, which then had to be approved by the council. 
Maria hadn’t stayed away from her job as the leader of the community for very long after having their son, despite your encouragement for her to take it easy. She had experience with her previous son, Kevin, but you imagined it didn’t make life with a newborn any easier. So you tried to help her out with any chance you got, especially because you knew she’d do the same for you. it was just how things between you worked. She knew even more about you than Tommy did, and you told each other everything. Well, almost everything….
“You should take a nap or something.” 
“Don’t tempt me.”
“I’m serious,” you insist. “I can write a draft while you sleep and then you and I can do the revisions together. 
She seems reluctant, but after making you swear you’d wake her if the baby starts fussing, she lies down on the couch and you begin working. 
Like your old job, you don’t really like doing this. The only job you have in Jackson that actually excites you is the work you do with Eugene, and going on patrol. But this work makes you feel the most useful. And despite the fact that you had always been skeptical of authority – you believed in her ability to keep things in Jackson running smoothly. 
About an hour later, you’d drawn up the draft and Maria stirs from her nap. The revisions don’t take very long, since you both are usually on the same page, but when you start packing your things up to go, she seems surprised. 
“Are you hanging around until dinner?” 
“No, I have to meet up with Eugene,” you say. “Plus, Ethan’s at home hungover so I told him I’d make him soup. 
“Do you think he’ll be up for dinner tomorrow night?” she asks. “Tommy keeps pestering me.”
“Well he’s still too young for his hangovers to last two days,” you smirk. “So yeah, I think he will.”
“He invited…..Joel, and Ellie,” Maria says hesitantly, watching your face. “Is that okay?”
“I mean….it’s not my dinner party.”
“You can say no. Or not come,” she offers. She hadn’t been there the day you’d seen Joel again for the first time, but it sounds like Tommy has given her the rundown. 
You shrug. As much as you don’t want to admit it, being forced into the same room as Joel is a little exciting. “I’ll go.” 
“Are you doing okay with that?” she asks. “I told Tommy not to surprise you, but he didn’t listen.”
“It’s all fine,” you say, which isn’t entirely a lie. At the end of the day, everything would be fine. The stakes weren’t life and death. When Maria seems unconvinced, you continue. “I mean, it feels like he’s being a little rude…but it’s nothing I can’t handle.”
Maria lowers her eyes, pauses. “Has Tommy’s ever told you about any of the stuff Joel got him into when they were on their own?”
“Not really,” you say. “But I know they were on bad terms.” 
“I didn’t know you back then,” Maria begins. “So I don’t know what you saw in him, or what he was like. But….I don’t think he’s….I don’t know if it’s worth getting emotionally invested again.”
“Oh, bummer. As you know, reconnecting with an ex is my main priority right now.” you deflect with a smirk, but Maria doesn’t seem as amused.
“Fair,” she says. “But be careful. I saw what he did to his own brother. I don’t want it to happen to you.” 
“You don’t have to worry about me,” you assure her. “Whatever he’s done, I’ve dealt with worse.” 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
-April 20, 2024-
When Joel and Ellie arrive at Tommy’s, it’s clear immediately they aren’t the only people that were invited. 
Seeing the life that Tommy had built for himself here – a thriving community, a wife, a son – fills him with a certain level of envy. But mostly….he’s ashamed. Back when they were hunters, Joel was adamant that it was the only way they could survive, despite the horrible things they were doing. The worst part was, Joel really believed it. Now, the nightmares still chasing both of them, he realizes he was wrong. Even if Tommy won’t say it out loud, Joel knows he resents him for those days, how he’d been forced to trade away so much of his humanity. For Joel, violence came easily – shockingly so – an outlet for all his anger after losing Sarah.  But Tommy had always struggled. And even though there will always be love between them, the tension was still there. 
He’s still adjusting to life in Jackson, only leaving the house when Ellie drags him out, and when Tommy trains him to go out on patrol. It’s hard to accept that he’s not on the run anymore after the chaotic nature of the last year. Only Tommy knows his darkest secret, and he intends to keep it that way. 
While Ellie does seem somewhat hesitant to leave him alone, she does seem a lot more enthusiastic about life in Jackson. Joel knows it’s a good thing, and once again, he feels like he’s let her down by not leading by example. 
Tommy greets them both once they step inside, and Joel is polite — something he’s been trying to do more of lately. Maria gives him a tight-lipped smile, one that tells him she’s trying to be civil despite her reservations. God only knows what Tommy has told her about their time together. At least he can understand where she’s coming from. Had they met twenty years ago in Austin, they probably would’ve gotten along. Nowadays, he’s not surprised when people don’t like him, because he hates himself, too. 
But Maria still entertains them with general pleasantries and questions about how they are settling in, despite looking incredibly flustered. Ellie is more apt to answer them then he is, Joel standing by with his thumbs in his belt loops. 
Over their shoulder, Joel sees you, standing in the corner of the front room with your back turned to him, deep in conversation with your nephew. He’s smiling and telling a very animated story, at one point clapping his palms on your shoulders and shaking them violently while you giggle. It makes him think of you and Sarah. Therein lies the problem. He’s become a little more comfortable discussing his past with Ellie, but there’s a limit to what he’s capable of, especially after repressing so much for so long. 
The oven goes off, and Maria excuses herself to the kitchen, inviting Ellie to follow along. Joel and Tommy are left standing in the entryway together.
“You invited her?” Joel asks, not bothering to hide the venom in his voice. 
Tommy steps back, giving him incredulous once-over. “It’s my house, isn’t it?” 
“I don’t know what game you’re trying to-“
Tommy shoves Joel into the dining room before he can finish his thought, out of eyesight from the rest of the people in the house. “I’m not playing games, Joel. She’s family. Maybe not to you, but definitely to Maria and I. And she’s never shown you anything but kindness. So grow the fuck up.” 
Before Joel can think of another objection, the sound of a baby crying cuts through the air. Tommy freezes at the sound, until you call out from the other room. “I got him.” 
“Come on,” he says. “Maybe you can muster up the courage to hold your nephew.” 
He wants to tell Tommy that he’s trying, even if it doesn’t look like it. But it almost feels better to allow himself to be the black sheep. It makes things easier. If he keeps that door closed, he’ll never need to worry about the problems that lie on the other side. Still, he begrudgingly follows his brother in the other room. 
When he enters the front room, you’re holding Maria and Tommy’s son in your arms.  
After Joel had learned that Ethan was your nephew, he was unsurprisingly relieved. What did surprise him, however, is that some small part of himself was disappointed. Sure, if you actually had his child while you were separated it would have been devastating. But before all this, all he had wanted was a future with you, would’ve gladly given you children….really, anything you wanted.
He tries not to let his eyes linger on you too long, lost in the daydream of what could’ve been, but you meet his eyes and give him such a sterile, polite nod that it’s almost painful.
Dinner is uneventful. Joel ends up seated directly across from you, Tommy’s doing, no doubt, but you do a good enough job of engaging in conversation that you don’t spend much time looking in Joel’s direction, and when you do, he doesn’t recognize your expression. It does give him the chance to study you up close, which he hadn’t done yet, and immediately regrets. 
He’s still just as attracted to you as he’d always been. Sure, you’ve aged, but so has he – although you wear it much more gracefully. When Tommy offers to pour some bourbon into Ethan’s glass, he refuses, and for whatever reason, you stifle a laugh, the wrinkles around your eyes more prominent than they used to be. 
After dinner, when the plates have been cleared, you disappear. He can feel himself growing overwhelmed, so he steps outside onto the back patio for some air. You’re sitting on a porch step looking out at the yard, but when he steps outside, you turn.
When you register that it’s him, you return your eyes forward again, and Joel remains silent, even considers walking back inside without a word. But he stays there so long, contemplating, that you’re the first to speak up. 
“You know, if you stay here….at some point, you are gonna have to acknowledge me.” 
Joel knows he’s the antagonist right now. He’s well aware. But he can’t help himself. Despite that, there’s no malice, and no bitterness in your voice. But you are direct. 
And, because he’s never been good at refusing you, he gives you something in return. “I guess I’m just surprised to see you here….” He recalls a conversation you’d had long ago, curled against his chest, staring up at the stars together. “Being a city girl and everything.” 
You turn to look over your shoulder, gaze making him feel warm, a small smile on your face. For a split second, you’re looking at him how you used to, and then it’s gone. “It is sort of a miracle, isn’t it?” 
He ponders this, and you continue. 
“It’s good to see you, Joel,” you say softly. He wonders how you can make general pleasantries sound so sweet, and is surprised at how easily you betray yourself with the words. Though he had noticed a pattern at dinner. You weren’t nearly as guarded as you used to be. He wonders how that’s possible, if you’ve made it this far. 
“You too.”
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yccoffeesimp · 4 months
𝑊𝒉𝑦 𝑑𝑖𝑑 𝐼 𝑠𝑎𝑦 𝑂𝑘𝑖𝑒 𝐷𝑜𝑘𝑖𝑒| ??? 𝑥 𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟
Tumblr media
TW: G0r3 & C@nn¡B@lism at the very end.
You stayed up the entire weekend writing the short story. You didn't want to think too hard about what to write, so you went with the easiest option. Fantasy/ adventure. It was already time for the next club meeting when you finished.
You wanted to show the others but to whom? Choose-
-Dan Heng
→ Jing Yuan
->'Best to show Jing Yuan first, after all, he is the president and the one who gave us the assignment.'
You thought. You then slowly began to walk to him with the two flat papers in hand. "Lovely to see you again, Y/n."The ivory white-haired man said, smiling at you.
→ "Nice to see you as well Jing Yuan."
"Oh before I forget, I'd just like to say. If you have any suggestions for anything regarding the club such as activities or problems, don't be afraid to inform me." He said, crossing his arms, his cat-like smile still present on his features.
→ "I'll keep that in mind but I'm going to go with the flow as I get settled in."
"We all need time to earn our footing." He slightly laughed.→
"Say you wanna read the short story I wrote?"
You ask, handing him the papers as he nods. It didn't take long for him to finish reading the two papers of the short story. When he gave the papers back, he had a light smile.
"Excellent work, Y/n, I underestimated your writing capabilities. Say Dan Heng enjoys this type of writing style, the fantasy and the way with words is extremely moving and it paints a picture in your head as if you were in it yourself." He closed his eyes as he spoke, nodding ever so slightly.
→ "You lost me."
"My apologies, I didn't mean to wander. But regardless, it's very well written, and I enjoyed reading it. It captivates the reader and that's what is most important in any form of literature."
→ "Yeah I guess so."
"Since I've read yours, would you like to read mine as well?" He offered.
→ "Sure."
"Sorry if it isn't any good, I'm not as creative as most are." He smiled awkwardly, unfolding his arms across his chest as they landed at his sides again. Reaching for the paper that he had written on, which laid on the desk beside him, before handing it to you.
You took the soft, thin paper examining the words written on it.The story was about a group that called themselves Space Rangers and one of their amazing adventures. The story was rather vivid and from what you could tell no spelling or grammar mistakes. This is to be expected from Jing Yuan after all he is the valedictorian student.
You set the paper down as you looked at Jing Yuan."Is it bad?"He then asked.
→ "Are you kidding me? This is amazing!"
You exclaimed, this caused him to smile."I'm glad you think so, I feel as if I could use more practice on wording it better and try not to go into details a lot. Just proves I have a lot more to learn."
→ "We all could. Well, I'm going to go see what the others wrote. See ya around Jing Yuan."
"If you want to chat more, I'll be here." He smiled before you walked away.
Who's next?
→Dan Heng
→ "Maybe I should go see Dan Heng next. He probably has some constructive criticism for my writing. I mean he's writing his own novel so.."
You thought, before walking up to him. He was sitting near the back of the classroom, hunched over that notebook that was said to contain that novel of his. Dan Heng didn't notice you until he looked to see you approaching him.
→ "Hey Dan Heng."
"Greetings {name}, is something the matter?" He asks, setting his pencil down for a brief moment.
→ "I was wondering if you wanted to read the short story we were assigned to read."
You said, you felt your voice slowly become high pitched as to not knowing how to talk to the guy. All you knew was that he was Dan Feng's, the future owner of Vidyadhara Industries, twin brother. He paused for a moment, thinking about your words."I'd be happy to." That was all he said.
You handed your paper to him, his attention immediately went to the paper in his hands. It only took a minute before the paper was handed back to you.
→ "So how was it?"
"It was well written, I must say. The movement with the words... It's unique, it makes you feel as if you're truly there." His words carried honesty and truth, you somehow couldn't help but be flattered.
→ "Thanks."
You plainly said. "I take it that you want to read what I've written for the assignment?" He spoke. You nod as he takes a slip of folded paper out of the notebook he was previously writing in. He passed it onto you, your hands unfolding it. You lightly scanned the paper, his handwriting was neat.. Words were in clear and constructed sentences. It was a small script of the romance genre.
→ "Wow, it's really good. You wrote this by yourself?"
Dan Heng nodded. "Just a small script, a friend of mine says I need to try to write new different genres.Some authors get boresome if they write the same genre over and over.. Or at least that's what they said."
→ "I kinda agree, sometimes the plot just repeats itself a lot."
"Speaking of such.. Any suggestions?"
→ "Huh-For what?"
"For my writing attempt at romance."
→ "Oh- Well I'm not an expert. It's good by my standards. I frankly enjoyed it."
You handed the paper back to him, it was folded neatly as it was before. Dan Heng took the folded material before staring at it for a short while. "I'm glad you enjoyed it." He spoke, putting the piece of paper back into the notebook. He then opened to a page and began writing, ignoring your existence once more.
→ Blade
Might as well see what Blade wrote. Maybe you could learn more about him. All you knew was that he was one of the troublemakers of the school. Easily had fights and many were sent to the nurse's office on several occasions because of him. You remember having him in your biology class once, he didn't show up except for when it was final exam season.He sat at the back next to one of the windows. His arms crossed along his chest, with his hair covering a majority of his face.
As you walked up to him, you got a closer look. He seemed to be holding a small piece of paper. You didn't realize you were staring at him before he spoke. "Is there a problem.?" He asked, his voice was laced with irritation and annoyance at your actions.
→ "Uh- Not really.. I wanted to ask if you wanted to uh- read the short story thing we were to write..."
He scoffed. "You do realize there are others here who can read the damn story, right.?"
→ "Yeah well I want you to read it."
"Hard pass. Now if you'd excuse me, I'd like to be alone."
→ "Well can I still read yours in the meantime?"
Blade didn't reply but he did look at you for a short while. He groaned, handing you the small piece of paper."If it only means you'll leave me be, take it."
♡- You received Blade's short story!
→ "Don't you want it back?"
"No." His answer was blunt and he looked not in a good mood to continue chatting... Best to leave him be and move to the next person.
But first do you want to read the short story now or later?
→ Later
→ ' I'll read it when I get home from the meeting. I still have to read Gepard's.'
Gepard was near the podium of the classroom, he seemed to be writing something down before his eyes caught you walking towards him."Oh- Hey {name}, is there something you need?" He asked, trying to cover up the paper he was writing on.
→ "Yeah, just wondering if you wanted to read my assignment and to check up on ya."
"Oh- Well, I'm doing fine at the moment. Also, I'd be glad to read it. I heard from Jing Yuan that it was really good." The blonde smiled. You hand him the piece of paper. He gently took it in his hands before reading it. Now that you looked closer at him. He almost looked tired yet he always slept in. The eye bags he had were barely noticeable but they were still there. Your train of thought was interrupted by Gepard handing the piece of paper back. "Like I said, it's amazing."
Did Gepard say something when you were spacing out? "{Name}? Are you alright?"
→ "I'm fine, Gepard... Just thinking and thank you for thinking it was amazing."
You smiled. A small smile followed from Gepard when you did.
→ "Can I read yours now?"
Gepard froze, looking away from you for a moment. "The thing is...-"
→ "You forgot to write one."
Gepard nodded. That was probably why when you left Jing Yuan, Gepard went up to him. Probably to inform him that he forgot to write a short story. "I haven't had time to, you know how much of a handful five-year-olds are..."
→ "Lynx really is giving you and Serval a rough time then if you didn't have enough time to write a story."
He nodded.
→ "Ah, I see. Anyways, what were you writing earlier?"
Your gaze falls on to the piece of paper on the podium. Gepard followed your gaze to the paper. "The short story.."
→ "Speed writing?"
"I have it already written but I haven't proofread it yet."
→ "I can do it for you."
Gepard smiled at you. "I don't want to bother you with it {name}, I can proofread it-"
→ "I insist. It's the least I can do for you."
Gepard thought for a moment before sighing. He gave you the now slightly wrinkled paper for you to read.Some sentences didn't make sense but then again it wasn't proofread. The short story was a historical fiction of the history of Gepard's hometown. The scenery of Belobog was different from the scenery of the Honkai Star City. Snow-covered meadows, a chilling breeze... It was a winter wonderland from what Gepard described it to be as back then before the Eternal Freeze. You took a pencil and helped Gepard rewrite some sentences.
As you helped him though, you couldn't help but feel a pair of eyes watching you as you did so. You looked up from the paper the paper briefly and saw no one was looking and the feeling vanished. But when you looked back at the paper, the feeling returned. You pushed the feeling away as you tried to focus on the story.
"Thank you,{name}, for the help," Gepard said once the proofreading was done.
→ "No need to thank me, just doing my duty as your friend."
"Still... It means a lot." He shortly smiled. He opened his mouth to say something else before a loud crash sounded. Your attention snapped to a broken teapot on the floor at the back of the classroom. Boiling water poured from the now shattered object. Dan Heng and Blade stood in front of it, a shocked expression on Dan Heng's face and a rather annoyed expression on Blade's. "Crap.." Dan Heng mumbled as he went to grab the broom from the closet at the back.
Blade simply stared at the mess before completely walking over it. "Well, that's the first.." Gepard mumbled.
→ "First of what?"
Gepard looked at you before looking back at Blade and Dan Heng. "Normally when they even interact with each other, there's always an argument that follows before Jing Yuan breaks it up. But strangely they haven't been arguing.."
→ "They argue a lot?"
The blonde nodded. "We don't know why but they really hate each other. We never really questioned it either." He shrugged as Dan Heng came back to clean the broken ceramic.
→ "Imma go help Dan Heng real quick."
You grabbed some stray papers from your bag before walking to Dan Heng to pick up the spilled water. The floor was dried and the teapot was thrown away. "Thank you for helping, {name}."
→ "It's no problem. Just helping a fellow club member."
Dan Heng gave a short nod, but you could've sworn he smiled too.
Jing Yuan clapped his hands together. "I'm happy to say this concludes our second meeting with our new member." He started, his cat-like smile on his features. "After sharing our short stories, how does everyone feel?" He turned to look at Gepard first.
"It was nice," Gepard answered.
Then he looked at Dan Heng.
"It was quite helpful." He replied.
Then at Blade.
"It was... eventful." He scoffed.
And then lastly at you.
→"It was interesting."
Jing Yuan nodded, his arms crossing in front of his chest. "I'm glad to hear we all have at least positive outlooks on today's activity. Perhaps we can do the same tomorrow but as for now, the club meeting is over." And with that, you began to walk home. The sun was already setting with the moon peeking its head out ready to take its shift in the sky.
-♡Blade's Short Story: ......The blood sprayed over the walls. Agonizing screams echoed throughout the halls, a blade dragging across the skin of the captive. A maniacal laugh follows, their eyes looking longing at the beating heart in their hand. Blood oozing from the organ as its former owner's limbs became limp. "Finally mine... all, all mine..."
A voice said. They tilled the organ upside down over their mouth. The blood poured from the heart's atriums into their mouths."Not enough, not enough.." They gasped before throwing the dead heart away. Now ripping at the throat and torso of the dead body. "I can't- Need more.." They gasped one more time before all humanity in them was lost...
Pins: @sarcastic-cookie
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gunsandspaceships · 2 months
Tony’s Childhood. Part 2.1. Effects: Own Will
Before this part, be sure to read Part 1.
If you're not aware of Tony's strange understanding of the importance of his own wants and needs, check out this post from daydreamsandnightlights.
Here I will try to explain the roots of this behavior.
At age 4 Tony built his first circuit board (IM1)
At age 6 built his first engine (IM1)
Let's think about what it meant that he built all these things at such an early age. Was this his own or his father's will?
Let’s take Morgan for comparison – she is indeed a brilliant kid too, since at the age of 5 she can count up to 3000 (ordinary kids count up to 1000 at the age of 8), knows how much is in a ton, what “disintegrate” means and can easily manipulate her dad, a genius.
Looking at Morgan's behavior, we can assume that she is already capable of building a circuit board under the guidance of her father. But she doesn't. Because her father does not demand this from her. She is a kid. She plays with plush dogs and beavers, sleds on Captain America’s shield, and likes to have bedtime stories read to her before bed. She sneaks into her father’s garage because there are interesting things inside that she can take and play with, not to build something and add it to the list of impressive achievements.
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The question is: did Tony want to create things because he liked it, or because his father did it and wanted his son to do the same?
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We know that Howard had plans for Tony to "change the world" with Howard's ideas about the future. Apparently, he was preparing Tony for this purpose.
Do small children have a desire to tinker and build things? Some yes. Do they want to or should they play with cubes and constructor sets? Yes. Do they want to or should they work with real motorcycle engines and soldering irons? Hell no. They usually don't have the appropriate motor skills to do this, so they can easily hurt themselves. I'll talk more about this later when I discuss his pain tolerance.
I think it’s impossible to say now whether Tony was interested in engineering from that age (I mean sincere desire, not ability). So we cannot answer that question. But I doubt 4-year-old Tony realized what he was doing when building computer parts. He liked it though. Because those were probably the only times he spent time with his father.
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Howard continued to deny his son his will when Tony was sent to boarding school when Tony was 7 years old. There he had a regulated, planned life for 7 years. Then college for another 7. And then became the youngest CEO at 21. None of this sounds like a child’s “I did what I wanted”.
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He did not express his will but pleased others. Because this way he received a little love. Or a substitute for love, to be precise. And when, perhaps for the first time, he was taken care of by Yinsen, who saved him, even in such a terrible way, and died for him, he was incredibly grateful. And after that, his attitude towards people changed.
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But not the attitude of people towards him, since they continued to want something from him, expecting the same behavior that they were used to seeing from the “rich and famous”.
*Doesn’t want to celebrate his birthday with a bunch of strangers in his house? Wants to spend his last days with the woman he loves? DENIED*
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*Needs psychological support from people he trusts? DENIED*
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*Wants to save the team from a breakup because he cares and knows what’s coming? DENIED*
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Conclusion: Tony didn't belong to himself his whole life. He didn’t use to defend his own, laid deep within, interests. First, his will was moved aside by his father’s. Then Stane’s and the public’s. Fury then came with his Initiative without asking what Tony wanted. Then S.H.I.E.L.D. came to him (not) asking to find Tesseract and save the world. Then the whole team came. Then the government with its Accords, and so on and so forth. None of them bothered to ask, “What do you want, Tony?”. And the only times he insisted on something, were the times when he tried to keep the team together and prevent their death.
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some-pers0n · 4 months
Okay fuck it Sunny disability metaphor time.
Sunny's arc is about her infantilization and being perceived as weak and incapable of greater feats due to her disabilities. Throughout the books, she's seen by others as being a nonthreat and unable to do so much as even lay a talon on another. Even by her closest friends and family, she's seen as somebody to protect. Somebody who cannot fend for themselves and is just a soft, optimistic soul in a cruel world.
Sunny was hatched without a barb and is significantly smaller than other dragons. Despite her still being capable of fire and able to go toe-to-toe with the other DoD members like Clay, she is often perceived as weaker and the "little sister" of the group that everyone needs to protect. They talk over her when planning and oftentimes. They don't consciously do this, they definitely don't mean any harm, but they are convinced that Sunny is powerless and inable to fully contribute to the group in the same way Starflight can with his intelligence or Tsunami with her strength.
Sunny doesn't like this. She's kind and gentle about it, but she is sick of being treated as a little kid. She's almost an adult by the time her book happens. For all of her life, she's been seen as a tiny little ankle-biter. Because of her disabilities, she's often held back and seen as less valuable of an asset to the group. By others outside of the DoD, she's seen as completely harmless (and in Scarlet and Burn's case, a perfect little subject to kill and put on display)
Her book is about her, for the first time, being alone without the DoD by her side. She's able to open her wings and fly freely. It comes after the heartbreak of the prophecy reveal, but she persists. She has hope for a future where she can still end the war.
I think it's why it's important that the first friendly face she saw in TBN was Six-Claws, a character who also has physical abnormalities. Somebody who was just like her in that sense. She's met somebody like her. A dragon hatched with things they had no control over. Despite all of the challenges and hardships he faced, Six-Claws is a well-respected dragon. Somebody who she herself looks up to.
Sunny spends the book struggling with how others perceive her. They think she's weak. Even Thorn, her mother, sees her as helpless and incapable of fending for herself. Though, over the course of the book, she eventually builds herself up in the eyes of those around her as a dragon more than competent enough to handle the situation presented to her.
By the end of the book, she's made her peace. She's told the DoD how she feels and, in turn, they respect her more. She doesn't hold anger towards them– she's not the type of soul to have grudges or be angry– but she is happy that they've changed for the better. She is capable. She should be taken as seriously as any other. She's, well, Sunny. Not some tiny baby to pity.
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ctheathy · 4 months
Red Son General Headcanons
Redson x Reader
General+Fluff Headcanons
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Author’s note: Nuh uh you did absolutely TERRIBLE😡. I should just solve the problem and ban you from my account right now. You even went against my rules dipshi- [The requester and I are friends, don't cancel me]
Possibly OOC, but I tried. I had to depend on the wikipedia for information cause I've never even watched Monkie Kid to begin with. This was really just an exception for a friend of mine.
Redson/Reader [Romantic Tendencies]
[Gender-neutral Darling|Female Darling|Male Darling]
Potential ⚠️TWs⚠️ :
!Male Reader! • Paranoia
The level of priority towards reputation are often known to depend on a rank one was born into or the image they created for themselves over the course of time, which in this case is undoubtedly high... Redson has been shown to hold a lot of family pride and takes any chance to prove his authority over his subclasses. It's safe to say the the demon bull is likely going to have some difficulty swallowing his ego to allow emotional connections to grow and much less legitimise a romantic relationship with someone from the group he has grown acquainted with.
He can also be known to be rather petty and too prideful to accept his flaws. So if happens to be something that irritates you, you're definitely going to end up having one or more squabbles with the son of the Demon Bull King. Especially when it comes to Redson having a fierce temper and such, resulting in him trying to lecture you and get a completely insignificant point across. But I also believe you'd be more capable of keeping him in line instead of if you were to just go along with his behaviour. But it can also cause in a feast of awkwardness, as there have been several occasions where you embarrassingly have to hold Redson back from lashing out at a laughing MK and Mei for calling your arguments a lover's quarrel.
Though even with his high-and-mighty and hostile nature, it is important to remember that as long as a bond is formed, he won't ever actually harm or even remotely think of hurting you. Like, at all. He can be a bit bigmouthed at times, but many of his words should regularly be taken with a grain of salt. He is quick to snap at anyone from time to time, but I believe your presence would definitely keep him tame to a certain degree, as your mere existence just happens to soothe him. So on the bright side, you might be able to kick him off his high horse for the first time during his five hundred years of life.
I can picture Redson having grown up under a domain of regulation where females are generally and more often treated extra delicately due to being more ‘fragile’, so you can expect him to behave firmer, a bit more rough yet open to his real self a lot faster than if you were a female. He'll see you less as a ‘target’ for a lack of better term, and more as a comrade. Plus, if you were to give him the approval he lacked from his parents, it wouldn't feel uncomfortable as long as you have had the opportunity to create a connection. Though primarily, I cannot view intimate scenarios as anything other than plain awkward for a little while. You're gonna have to be the one initiating the hugs with him and give implications to get more touchy feely. Though when surrounded by eyewitnesses, he'll often still end up shooing you away ...you'll perhaps, just maybe absolutely get to hold his hand at most.
I mean, when's the last time you've seen somebody behaving sappy and all goo-goo with the literal son of the Demon Bull King out in the open? He just cannot allow it! Not only for the sake of his dignity, but also to keep up his image so you'll continue seeing him as an almighty demon who has an unnerving amount of political power over any lower rank. As far deep down, hidden within... he wants to appear and be so much more special to you than he'd be willing to admit.
If you were to lack in durability, fighting abilities or overall weapon skills, I can see Redson going out of his way to strictly teach you his ways of strength individually. Not necessarily in a sense to get you to his level, but in order to give you the capability to protect yourself. He would always be there to protect you with ferocious security at a moment's notice [and scold you afterwards for getting yourself in a dangerous situation], but he cannot help but doubt his abilities to ensure your safety at times. Along with fearing for the worst that one time he might not be there to save you. And this singular thought might just be what it takes to make him evaluate how he actually feels about you.
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gayboysteve · 4 months
It makes such perfect sense to view Marmalade as a manifestation of her wild youth whereas "Baron" is the simple dreamer she wishes she could've been. His being naive and his misusage of words are SO important. He's the person that could've been. And then the "Baron" we see after leaving the prison is the grounded mature version of both mixed together- calculating but also kind, a man but also a woman. Marmalade created Baron to protect her from her trauma and to control her more wild impulses; while in kinda Baron created Marmalade to protect his inner softness that wasn't able to be beaten out of them by a cruel life. "I just want to be with my one and only. She's my girl to protect."
And Baron is talking about themselves. She is her own protector. He has his own plan for justice. Not just for himself, not even just for their mother, but for other abused kids who were failed by a corrupt system and other old people who were failed by an entirely different corrupt system. (Both are represented by the same CEO.) To do so he must let that part out of herself again- that rage-filled impulsive girl stunted by her abuse. It's not a coincidence she appears just after Baron gets news about his mother's medication rising. She is his protector as much as he is hers.
It's important that Baron describes Marmalade as his dream girl to Otis. It's just not the kind of dream that Otis interprets. She basically "arrives" ( maladaptive coping mechanisms reemerging) to plan out the heist. It isn't just that Baron is the person Marmalade wishes she could've been in another life (naive and kind and part of a community), it's that while Marmalade is also a representation of their wild youthfulness she is also now the person that the present "Baron" (recently presented with the rising cost of his mother's medication and medical bills) wishes he could embody again despite having grown out of it because of his loving mother's influence.
I think it's very important that the almost sex scene after they get the masks but right before Mama Eda "dies" is shot almost like a horror sequence with discordant music and quick flashes of Marmalade on top of Baron in their respective masks. This happened just after the heist of the thrift shop where they stole the masks, Marmalade pistol-whipping the cashier before fleeing. An old woman staring up at Baron in fear on her knees.
Whether this is the reality of how this played out (with obviously just Marmalade there) is unimportant. Baron and Marmalade are the same person and when she looks into that mask and sees herself she's horrified at what she's capable of, the kind of harm she can inflict even when her intentions are at the end of the day pure of heart. That her letting back in her past negative impulses makes her a worse person than she is as the adult "Baron" who has repressed his trauma but matured because of their loving relationship with their mother.
Mama Eda's "death" comes quickly after and Marmalade's culpability is called into question narratively. She increasingly answers that she doesn't know what happened and that she was in the other room. She wasn't present. Nor was Baron. This, I think stems from Marmalade's manifestation of her guilt over Mama Eda being in a home where they can't actually care for her directly- and as a manifestation of any potential fears he might have at the idea of attempting to do so. As well, it's just a very real fear of her mother's inevitable death, especially as the heist has already commenced and now the final act is in motion.
If her plan fails then he won't be there for Mama Eda. There won't be anyone there to deliver the pills she (and others need) and thus if the plan fails then any deterioration in her mama's health is her fault. Her culpability for the plan. For not being there. For being in another room when/if/should the time quickly come.
Which is why I think the confrontation between "Baron" and Marmalade is so important. It isn't Baron being unable to trust Marmalade it's Marmalade being unable to trust herself. Trust in her plan and so the two sides of herself stand against each other in a kind of opposition. Self-blame and doubt, rage all in response to the fear she feels at the final leg of the plan.
It's important that this is the last time that we see Marmalade as she appears in the physical manifestation of "Baron's" story. The music goes dreamlike and ethereal as they speak. "You are the man of my fucking dreams. I love you like I've never loved anyone and I've never been loved."
Marmalade is speaking to herself. The version of the man that she's become and the person she is now; it's representative of Marmalade reconciling his past trauma while preparing for the final play in her plan- enacting revenge against those that caused her trauma. Marmalade as the wild youth she was before meeting Mama Eda was someone who never felt like she was loved, and that part of herself is now looking at the grown version of her that loves her back and accepts herself for all her faults. Her parting words are, "Dream big or don't dream at all".
And then we're thrust into the action from the start of the story with "Baron" getting arrested. And so she has now fully become one with herself. Both facets of her life are on the same page, reconciliation of the self. Acknowledgment of that trauma and the plan to enact in order to move on from it.
And then the final piece in her puzzle- Otis. She obviously had been keeping tabs on him. The comment about keeping his hair long because of a show he watched about Rastafarians tells us that he already knew about Otis' mother being from Jamaica. Baron had to sell Otis on Marmalade, he had to make Otis fall in love with her and trust what Baron was telling him was true about their love for each other. Baron needed to truly love Marmalade in order for the story to sell and the plan to work. And by embodying that she finally learned to fully love and accept herself.
"I just want to be with my one and only. She's my girl to protect."
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i think i finally understand the exact reasoning behind how both will and mike's sexualities are presented, and how those presentations flatter each other.
will is barely queercoded from a subtextual perspective because there's no need to queercode him. the writers verbally establish in season one episode one that people percieve this kid as gay, so you're immediately guided to see him through the same lens, at least subconsciously. people continue to refer to him as gay and he continues to "act" gay, and most of the audience is able to see this for what it is very easily without the need for heavy symbolism. will being gay is simply treated as a fact from the start by both the characters around him and the writers themselves, for better or for worse.
MIKE, on the other hand, is so heavily queercoded it's barely even funny. he's the one with the queer imagery, the blocking, the set design, the lighting. he's never explicitly referred to as queer, it isn't so much as suggested verbally, but the sheer amount of incredibly blatant subtextual material that surrounds him is insane. none of the characters within the show have the slightest clue that mike is gay. there's a good chance that mike himself doesn't know, or has only begun to realize very recently. even the writers do their damn best to make it appear like they themselves don't know. still, the fact remains that he is, it just isn't expressed in a way that the homophobic masses both within and outside the show are capable of picking up on. when he comes out it will be a shock to the characters and the majority heterosexual audience, but not to the queer people who pick up instinctually on the signalling. basically, you only know mike is gay if you have a genuinely functioning gaydar.
in this way they're so strongly representative of two very different gay experiences, both of which are important and both of which are treated respectfully by the writers, despite the setting.
will is the kid who never really gets the luxury of choosing whether to come out to people, because everybody has had him pegged from the start. even his own family: jonathan tells will he accepts him before will can even hint toward the topic himself. however as much as we're told that he "seems" gay to other people, all we are shown subtextually is a totally normal child who happens to have feelings for another boy. this is important because it subverts the trope of making "being gay" the "obviously gay" character's sole or core trait.
mike is the kid who people would never in a million years guess was queer. it's not just that he gets the luxury of choosing when to come out of the closet; he's so deep in it that he's drowning in winter coats. he's the "twist queer character," except he's not. his subtextual queercoding has been there beneath the surface for just as long as will has been textually referred to as queer on a surface level. this makes it clear that him being gay isn't some kind of last minute decision and the subtlety of his presentation wasn't an accident. if you don't knkw mike is gay now before it's revealed then you aren't supposed to.
they're foils like that. they're the archetypal queers, and i think it's kind of beautiful.
(and if anybody tries to argue that one expression of Queer Experience is more important than another then i'm coming for their kneecaps. having both experiences not only represented but thoroughly explored is so rare, although there are people all over the world who resonate with each.)
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anxiousnerdwritings · 2 years
In the House of the Dragon show we saw that Dragonkeepers are a very mysterious bunch; they don't speak occasionally in common tongue instead they use and speak the High Valyrian; it makes them very closed off and curious I think. I don't think they socialize with anyone but other dragonkeepers -and maybe the royal family but it's just formal and nothing more-.
I decided to imagine something unique (I think it is) that there is a young dragonkeeper; who is very good at keeping the dragons at bay and always in communication with them. Their skills are especially important at teaching the young dragons. Because they're close in age with the royal families kids they pretty much their teacher -also caretaker when they visit the Dragonpit/Dragonstone-. They're proffesional and doesn't show much emotion to them, their emotions only reserved for the dragons and only for them. So with that, how do you think the kids act around them? Do you think Aemond would look up to them (and get attached) because he doesn't have a dragon and this young dragonkeeper is trying to help him find his own dragon? Do you think the children would want them to stay with them at the castle because they find them interesting (I mean who wouldn't they're litteraly a kid who is already so good at with dragons they're not even from their bloodline); even though they're not emotionally very perceptive towards them? Also I think the grown-ups would be interested in them as well! Daemon yes, I am looking at you lol.
What do you think about this?
This is a really creative and interesting thought! I love it!
I like the thought that the Reader is a child of one of the dragonkeepers so not only were they born into the life of dragons but it’s all they have ever really known. Like, maybe when they were a child they had sneakily followed their parent into the dragon pit and was immediately captivated with what they saw. Even better if the child was able to have calmed a dragon from going after another dragonkeeper or something of the sort. The child would have been scolded of course for venturing where they shouldn’t but with the knowledge that at such a young age they had the capability of keeping a dragon at bay was incredible. Especially for someone without any drop of ‘blood of the dragon’ running through their veins. From then on they would be trained to be a proper dragonkeeper and given their younger age they would be the one to deal with and assist the children of the royal family the most when it came to their dragons.
I think the Aemond would be exceptionally close to the dragonkeeper!Reader. Not only because of their role but because of how they truly are with the dragons themselves and the fact that the Reader has had to probably save his life more times then not when he would sneak into the dragon pit to try and claim his own dragon. I have no doubt that he would be jealous of the Reader given that they’re not only close to and handling dragons to begin with (and at such a young age too) but also that the dragons themselves take so well to them. The fact that they don’t have any Targaryen blood in them just makes it all that much worse to Aemond.
I could see Viserys/Alicent requesting for dragonkeeper!Reader to aid Aemond in his endeavor to finally claim a dragon, to make sure he doesn’t get into trouble/hurt, and the Reader would do so without complaint. This is their job after all; nothing more, nothing less. Only it would become so much more to Aemond after awhile of following around and learning from them, watching how they interact with the dragons and in turn how the dragons take to them. The jealousy and envy he had towards the Reader would diminish and turn into admiration and awe for them.
I feel like Aegon and Jace would both try to impress dragonkeeper!Reader especially given that they don’t show any kind of real emotion towards them or anyone else in general who isn’t a literal dragon. The two would try to one up each other to garner the attention and approval of their favorite dragonkeeper. I feel like Aegon especially would not only be annoying but would also not tolerate the Reader not reacting to or not giving him some form of attention. He already doesn’t get that from his father and mother, he’s not gonna allow a lowly dragonkeeper to treat him the same.
Also, I can’t help but imagine dragonkeeper!Reader being the one to find Aemond, Jace, Luke, Baela, and Rhaena during their fight. The Reader shows no worry or concern about it, they’re just exasperated and maybe disappointed that the kids all snuck in and had the audacity to fight in the dragon pit. Meanwhile, with his eye all fucked up, Aemond can’t help himself but to proudly announce that he claimed Vhagar and awaits to be praised by the Reader. Only to just get a brief nod in acknowledgment.
I love the thought of dragon!keeper just viewing Aemond (and the other children/adults) as part of the job; having to interact with and handle them similar to the dragons in the pit. Only the Reader doesn’t care too much for the human side of the job, they see that part as more of a nuisance but it’s still an important part of what they have to do so they’ll do it. They have no real attachment to the children or the rest of the royal family, they just have to keep the dragons from killing them specifically and that’s all it is. Only some members of the family don’t pick up on that or choose not to and go out of their way to make it more of a habit to visit the dragon pit just to see their favorite emotionally distant dragonkeeper.
Gods forbid if the Reader were to show even an ounce of positive attention or even a little emotion towards someone, especially one of the kids over the other children or even a complete stranger. All hell would break loose.
Regarding the adults, I think Daemon and Rhaenyra would both be particularly interested in the Reader. Both are taken aback that the dragons take so well to someone with no ‘blood of the dragon’. Even more so that the dragons are possibly more attached to the Reader than their own riders. Daemon would certainly want the Reader on their side when shit hits the fan.
Before leaving to Dragonstone, Daemon and Rhaenyra would want the Reader as one of their trusted dragonkeepers there. I could even see Rhaenyra having asked Viserys some time before his death if she could have the Reader specifically and take them to Dragonstone. Not to mention Jace and Luke would have probably begged her to bring the Reader over with them. The fight that would ensue between the boys, Aegon and Aemond regarding where the dragonkeeper should be would end up even more messy than the one that cost Aemond his eye. It may even result in Aemond possibly stealing Luke’s eye while he’s at🤷🏻‍♀️. Maybe even giving it to the Reader, seeking praise for being a little demented weirdo good boy for keeping them right where they belong.
I mean the Greens and the Blacks can fight as much as they want trying to get the Reader to go or stay with their respective sides but it will always come down to wherever the dragons are. The most important thing to the Reader is the dragons and they’ll stay or follow wherever they go. If dragonkeeper!Reader has a favorite dragon in particular then they’ll be even more likely to stick wherever that one is.
Also, I can’t help but think that with the kids especially fighting over the Reader that their dragons would emulate that and begin fighting each other. Maybe the dragons were fighting amongst each other before even the kids got involved given how much they get to be with the Reader and how much closer they are to them. The Dance of Dragons may have begun long before there was ever a side to chose from. It may even take place right in the dragon pit.
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heraldofcrow · 28 days
Writing a little rant to my friends helped me realize what types of villains really speak to me, and I guess it’s the type I have jokingly called the “INFP” villain.
Basically this meme:
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Lmao, basically the character will be SO mentally ill and fucked up because of things they’ve endured + a very specific collapse of identity, but they refuse to even see it. They think they’re cured and on the right path, they have a brilliant purpose, a well-thought out philosophy behind their motives, but their evil actions are obviously just their overblown reaction to what preceded their mental break. EVERYTHING IS FINE AND I AM DOING THIS FOR A GOOD REASON, TRUST!
*is murdering people* I think I first started to like it when I watched this Azula scene as a kid. It was too perfect jddhdh. She was my fav for a reason.
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Even when I was small, I heard this and thought, “Girl shut the hell up, your entire life is a sob story 💀” but it’s obvious she is so blind that this doesn’t even register in her mind. It’s very human and real.
It’s not even one of those multi-layered complexes you observe in that type of toxic person with a very comfortable and positive life who will say, “I’m one of those people that smiles through the pain” but they say it so much that you start to realize they are pulling some manipulative strings with their audience.
Half the time, the characters like Azula actually believe their own lies about them not being upset about shit and preach these lies so well that other people believe them. People still think Azula was this child who was born evil and sadistic, that she doesn’t give a shit about her family issues, and that she was not shaped into a monstrous fighter that she felt she had to embrace as her image. They forget that she lies constantly, even to herself, and her saying “I really don’t care about my background” is just another falsehood she crafted in her head.
It’s this type of villain that is so high off of their own copium to the point where they can’t see how badly they need help that is most intriguing to me. They commit war crimes out of obvious rage, but noooo, there is a good reason! Look they’re even having fun and laughing about it! They’re having the time of their life!
Them: I’m not wrong! This isn’t personal! It’s for the greater good!
Narrator: It was, in fact, very personal.
That’s also why the traumatic events that shape them are important, but not key! Because in the end, it needs to be clear that this character is capable of choosing the right thing despite their background, but they are so emotionally disturbed that they end up choosing evil with a “moral justification” so that they have an excuse to lash out. They know they shouldn’t lash out, but a mix of lies, manipulation, and ultimately conscious choice lead them to feel comfortable doing it. They WANT to take out their anger on the world, but they can never admit to the obvious reason why.
This is also where the madness comes in, because crafting a new identity or purpose that allows you to feel okay to lash out practically requires a certain level of madness, instability, and delusion. If the character was ever a morally conscious person, they have to completely break off from that rationality to allow themselves to fully embrace cruelty and evil. They have to lose their minds.
This is, to me, also what Jinx does in Arcane when she accepts her “cursed name” as her new identity. She embraces the monster as a shield, which is acknowledged to be a “reborn” version of herself that is stronger than her true self….the broken inner child. She is perhaps the most honest about this choice, but she still fully believes the lie that it’s the right choice, or the superior choice. It also seems to mark the turning point for her madness. You can’t embrace a monstrous persona and not break your mind doing it. Circumstances may help, but overall it’s still something you choose.
In short, a character standing in front of their intentional arson like, “I am no longer mentally ill” is my favorite type of fucked up character lol. Ever. That will win me over every time because it’s too believable and horrible and sad and funny and entertaining all at once.
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altocat · 6 months
Would vincent have liked sane seph? regardless of the father thing I mean
Fan theories aside, I personally believed that Vincent always had a strong sense of compassion in his heart for Sephiroth. He was THERE. He knows what they did to Sephiroth before he was even born. And the only real reason he didn't go save Sephiroth himself was due to Sephiroth being all the way in Midgar by the time Vincent woke up for real. The timeline is very hazy in certain parts and while I'm sure Vincent would have probably done everything in his power to help the child of Lucrecia, there's also some realistic limitations to his ability to make a difference, along with the fact that his body was a complete mess at the time. It's important to note that Vincent is NOT responsible for what happened with Sephiroth, despite him saying otherwise. It's not his kid (that he knows of) and his body was so seriously fucked up from all the experiments that he was dealing with trauma of his own. The blame lies with Gast, Hojo, and Lucrecia, NOT with him.
With that said, if Vincent finally mustered the courage and strength to drag himself out of Nibelheim to find the now adult Sephiroth, he would have likely (and gently) truthbombed the hell out of Seph and taken him under his wing. It's Lucrecia's son after all. And Sephiroth looking so much like her has to impact Vincent on some level. He probably could have saved Sephiroth from the terrible fate that awaited him, become a healthy parental figure that heals a lot of the damage from both Shinra and Sephiroth's orphan upbringing.
As for their personalities, I think Vincent and Seph would actually get along splendidly. They're both quiet and introverted, and Sephiroth seems to respect people who prove themselves to be capable fighters. There might be some tension with Vincent being a former Turk, causing a bit of distrust between them. But the sheer fact that Vincent actually KNOWS Sephiroth's mother would really put things into perspective. And since Vincent would never, ever do anything to betray or backstab Lucrecia's precious son, Sephiroth would begin to rely on him and see him as an invaluable ally. I'd like to think there'd be an eventual paternal bond that blooms between them. Vincent is even really chill about the fact that Seph has a huge bodycount--I mean Vince WAS a Turk after all. They can both be happy (and morally gray) together.
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class1akids · 21 days
I know this is like, a grievance that’s waaaaay past the point of not mattering since AM did give Shouto encouragement during his fight, but man does it suck that there was no words to Shouto from AM afterward! He was such inspiration to him in his childhood (of course I know the origin trio boat is long gone and the recent chapter showing everything wrong their relationships with each other/themselves and the story) as he was abused constantly. I know the scene w/ Shouto showcases him (most likely) not being in the mood for any congratulations, but I guess it would be out of character for AM now to do that for someone who actually planned and executed saving a villain instead of killing him. ¯\_(ヅ)_/¯
Though Shouto did help Midoriya with his finishing move (just not as flashy as Bakugou), but did Shouto even know Midoriya wanted to save Tomu Tenko? (<- absolutely NO criticism to Shouto since he must have trusted Mido to know what he needed do and I don’t remember who Mido told). If he didn’t, how would you imagine Shouto’s reaction would be if Midoriya did and this was the final result?
Also, I think not being part of the “weirdo” convo w/ Uraraka and Midoriya actually makes Shouto’s win the best of the group since (as you pointed out) he was actually there seeing Touya as a kid (though only through a window) and still wanted to connect with him as an angry adult. He worked around Touya’s quirk (w/o any bs quirk power ups) and had a plan (though his family *not Endeavor helping Touya must have been a scary surprise) with a non lethal take down. There was some sort of connection between Toga and Uraraka, but there’s still a lot issues with Toga being saved (Twice (and now Tomura/Kurogiri’s) deaths being done by the heroes being one of them) that hasn’t been addressed and we all know what happened with Midoriya. Yeah, Endeavor took up a lot of the screen time and I wish he was handled differently in relation of being a father vs hero, but all we need is a good conclusion with hot udon (and some consequences for Endeavor for almost killing himself and Touya)! 🤞🤞
Sorry for such a long text and you might not agree with some of these, but what I wanted to get across was tldr:these last chapters suck but Shouto is still a silent star who deserves better credit than what he got (hopefully this next chapter won’t be a third strikeout)
To be honest, I don't really care about All Might praising Shouto anymore.
I expected him to support somehow Shouto post-PLF War when the Dabi reveal happened, but that just never took place. The Ch 386 talk was a decent alternative: he gave Shouto encouragement and a push to go to his family (I think without All Might, Shouto would have chosen to make a stand against AFO), which in the end allowed Shouto to save them (it would have been awful for him if his family and hundreds of strangers died from the move he made to save Touya and which Touya copied) and save a bunch of innocent by-standers and fellow heroes.
All Might's praise is only important if you buy into the propaganda - but that doesn't make someone "greatest"; their actions do. And I think what Shouto achieved with very little help during this arc is really amazing. I couldn't have seen him smiling in that room while his brother's fate is in limbo (plus Rei may also be in critical condition).
I'm more worried about whatever Todoroki family closure we get does good balance between Shouto, Touya and Endeavor (and not end up like this Bakugou, Deku, All Might scene which worked overwhelmingly as a Bakugou highlight - though i guess Deku will get plenty of scenes still).
I also don't think that Shouto is a pacifist per se and would pass judgement on Izuku for killing his villain. Shouto is plenty capable of murder to protect others. But he would be able to empathise with wanting to save someone and still not being "enough". While I doubt it would happen, so angsty tddk bonding would be brilliant.
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analytical-rant · 2 months
I feel like this message of them killing these people to make others appreciate their lives isn't what it was. It was revenge, and it was suicide. But I just felt like they did feel obligated to that tape. To have some sort of message to their family, because even if burdened by them they felt obligated to reason with what they might think. They thought about what they were doing, they understood its consequences, how people would view it. They know this is wrong, but to Andre this revenge feels necessary. It's the thing that brought hope to something greater than what he was fated for, it's the thing that feels right. Because, to Andre he could've saw it more than murder, he sees it as defense. A point to take, a movement that's been done, they clearly discussed others and they've found reason to believe that they could possibly reclaim this act of slaughter as something rightetous. Something that'll change in a way it needs to be.
Cal is doing this as an act of surrendering. But he doesn't feel completely ready, because he's set on dying. And like any other person, it's terrifying, but to Cal it was also more than that. He's seen to be into poetry, he's spoken of their view as above everyone else's. He believes it's right that they look at the world from this metaphor, from this more scientific way. That they are all animals, and that's reason to believe he finds himself just as insignificant to the world as everyone else he's murdered. But Andre, he never felt obligated, but he obviously felt understood, so he felt reason to believe he could die with this cause. But he never realized how Andre was reliant on his support. On this army of two, Andre needed him.
Andre is filled with anger, and ideation of proving or showing what they, the school, his bullies, what they couldn't see, understand or even come to listen to. Not unless it took something. He wanted revenge, he wanted purpose, he wanted to die doing what he believed would do something. Either he wanted to be more than an animal, more than that kid you called queer, but someone who was capable of war. Someone capable of making change, leaving with something. But he wasn't dying for it, he was risking his life for it. In the end he only died for Cal. But he still was suicidal, he could've felt like he needed something to end everything for him.
Maybe that's it, Andre needed Zero Day to fulfill this need of revenge, while going out with what he felt gave purpose. And, I think he was and wasn't capable of suicide like Cal was. It was obviously a spur of the moment, because after he couldn't go through with it as quickly as he did then. He just finished laughing, shooting at several people, while having a hand to hold onto throughout it. But after everything died down, the situation settled in completely. He was looking to the end more quickly. Because they both knew there was an end to their actions, it was to come from dying. And Andre in that moment, with the silver gun, felt desperate, frantic and no longer rational. Not as methodic as their plan was. Because they were still kids, they were still immature, they were fucking ill and they were enabling each other.
They don't know these people they've killed, they only viewed them and that school entirely as their enemy. They felt neglected, they felt hurt, and that didn’t help with what hate boiled beneath.
They could’ve been queer, and it was being laughed at either way. But they were suicidal, and murderers. Would they laugh at that?
And Ironically, in the end, they did. They put shame to their name, and burnt what they've become. But Cal and Andre were content with what they were, or content with what they believed. Otherwise, they would be standing there in front of the flames too, feeling the hatred themselves. They died with hatred, they died from the cause of hatred. And now they've only created further hate, to which they weren't aiming for but knew would come from this. They knew what they looked like, but they saw reason out of it. Cal saw reason, Andre saw excuse.
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