#Like academically trained like properly trained by a sensei
giurochedadomani · 9 months
Wip is slowly growing, it might have (2) scenes!! 😂 It's the horny continuation of this fic, and basically the first time Mishanks sleep together, with a general undercurrent of learning from each other and how precious it is to trust someone enough to say: guide me through this
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Shanks moves his head a bit, curious as to what prevents Mihawk from fully relaxing on top of him. Taking a wild guess at the swordsman’s downturned face, he'd say it's still his fascination about his chest, fingers ghosting near a streak of cum cooling on his abdomen. 
He definitely makes a mental note to lose the shirt the next time they duel. 
Mihawk grumbles a bit when he hugs him and pulls him closer, turning to look at him all sour. 
“You're sticky”, he mumbles. His hair is tousled, perfectly coiffed curls sticking now in disarray. 
Shanks fails to bite back a smile. He raises an eyebrow. 
“Oh, sorry, did you want to move?”. 
Golden eyes narrow, studying him. After a long moment Mihawk gives out the barest little sigh, accommodating himself on Shanks’ chest. He almost gets to count to ten before the other grabs his hand and positions it between his shoulder blades, face firmly turned away. 
Shanks snorts, starting to caress the back of Mihawk's neck, his chest doing something funny when the swordsman melts at the touch of his hand in his hair. He thinks about the knives again, and about Mihawk's distrustful look in the face of praise. 
“I knew you'd be a natural”, he mentions lightly, cutting himself from saying even stupider shit, like I love you, or something. 
He cranes his face a bit, surprised when such a declaration is met with silence instead of a dismissive scoff, and at the slight jostle Mihawk turns his face a bit further away. It occurs to him in a fit of clarity and glee that the swordsman is bashful, of all things.
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jjraderftw · 1 year
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Assasination classroom
Gotta say, this was such a fun watch. I dove head first into this and just straight up watched all episodes in order up to season 2 episode 11 in the span of like 2 school days, and I plan on finishing this right after. The show was really quite enjoyable and brought a lot of interesting topics to the viewer’s mind in a fun way. The idea of trying to kill an alien that is going to destroy the planet is already a fun shonen plot but then you have the added mix of comedy brought from the alien being a hilarious teacher that genuinely cares for students. The topics talked about in the assassin/school setting follow the idea of self worth/work ethic, discrimination, and class division.
The idea of self worth is prevalent throughout all the episodes of the show. The students of class E are constantly in a war with the rest of the school for academic prowess. In order to prove their self worth and earn respect, they must play the system and climb the ladder to become the best students at the school academically. However, on this journey, though the students learn academically they also grow as people. They slowly find themselves, their passions, interests, and other facets through school. Though I’m not trying to act as a PSA person for school, it’s a signal that school is a way for you to not just academically learn, but personally grow, especially outside the classroom. The people you meet, the clubs you join, and the activities you do while in school shape your person and through self discovery won’t come overnight, it’s something that you will find if you make the most of the time you are given.
The classroom completions also highlight the idea of discrimination. The students of class E are all outcasts. The rest of society sees them as less than human and they are laughing stocks for the rest of their schools. Their differences make them unique yet society sees anything that doesn’t fit the status quo as dangerous and hazardous. You can see the principle as the embodiment of this train of thinking and the room of class E as a containment zone where he plans to separate and make an example of people who are different. The foil to the principle is Koro sensei. His literal alien appearance makes him different yet accepting of everyone’s differences as he embraces them, believing individuality is what is needed in this world. The show comments on the idea that we cannot live in a monotone world littered with repetitive and mindless thinking. Instead, we should not discriminate against those who are different and instead embrace new and innovative ways of being to learn more from each other. In addition, the focus on getting insane grades on exams and wanting to outdo each other in everything highlights the rigorous work ethic and fierce competition seen in Japan and highlighted by many works of manga and anime.
Furthemore, the class division highlights the literal gap some people see in our world. People are separated by knowledge or economic gaps that sometimes give others the upper hand. Class E can be seen as coming from a lower class and being dealt a worse hand than those in class A. Like in our world, those in class E want to break out of their tough scenarios but those in the upper levels, classes A-D, wish to keep them on the floor. Though the idea of class levels and their significance is something outside of my field of expertise to properly comment on, I wanted to point out the relation it has with our world.
There is a lot more this show covers but these are a few things I wanted to talk about. Overall, it has been a splendid viewing experience and I highly recommend this show to everyone. This may or may not be my last post, we’ll see how things go. In the case that it is, it’s been a fun ride. Thanks to everyone who has taken the time to read my stuff, you have all put a smile on my face. I mean it, it means a lot to me. Even though this was made for a class, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed talking about each and every single one of the things covered in my stream of posts. Love you all and here’s to a good summer. And to anyone who stumbles upon these posts down the line, I hope I gave you some new perspectives or made your day a little brighter. Take it easy!
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detectiveran · 4 years
It’s been a long time since I wrote anything, practically a year and 2020 was awful and 2021 didn’t start off well either because of a relative’s death. But anyway, I hope you guys like what I’ve written.
If you wanna support me, I would be highly grateful. My paypal is: paypal.me/filterish
It was truly horrible that Ran was dealt such a awful card in her life. An alcoholic father, a workaholic mother and an innate disposition of wanting to please people whom she loved.
She could have lived with the first two cards but it was the third one that made her life difficult. Wanting to do the best she could at academics so she could get praised by her absent parents, wanting to have friends so that she could answer her mother’s questions about her friendships with conviction, wanting to work so that she could take care of the monetary burdens... wants, wants, wants.
To be honest, all she wanted was peace. To not be involved in her separated yet together parents’ tumultuous relationship. Sometimes thinking about her family made her chest hurt and throat tickle. She loved her mother and she loved her father. But she didn’t love them together. And when she came to realize that at the age of twenty, she finally let go.
She had worried and schemed to get her parents back together practically her whole life but now, she knew that if they didn’t want to be together, all her efforts would be in vain. So, at the age of twenty, with a heavy heart, she decided to let her family go. She stopped calling her mother to fix a date with her father, she stopped pestering her father about giving a fuck about her mother. And then came the realization that she was lonely. So lonely that her heart ached.
She hadn’t managed to make friends, life long friends people would go on about, because she was focused on bettering herself so that her parents would praise her. On the flip side, she had gotten into one of the best universities in Tokyo and was studying her desired subject about Medicine. Most days she could live with the pay off. Having a stable career would help in surviving alone a lot.
People in her class would invite her to hang out and she would say yes, just to sit there and observe them. For some reason, the buzzing chatter of her classmates soothed her a lot. They would gossip or discuss about classes or professors and Ran would sit there with a slight smile on her face and her heart feeling lighter. She craved companionship. 
With that thought in her mind, she decided to open up with her college classmates. She knew the names of the people in her class, thankfully and so, with a cheery smile she used to plaster on at her high school, she slid into the conversation about the college’s professors.
“... And Tsukiyama-sensei gives us so maaaany diagrams to draw,” Hayami-san was whining, “I have a part time job to do and then that teacher’s homework... I don’t get the time to unwind at all.” 
“He does push us a lot,” Ran said and noticed the sort of surprised looks of her three classmates, though they quickly covered it up. 
“You find it hard too, huh, Ran-san?” Sonoko-san said, “With your grades, I thought it would be easy for you to catch up.” 
Ran quickly grabbed the opportunity to continue the conversation, thankful that the atmosphere didn’t turn awkward at her sudden interruption, “Ah, well, I don’t actually have a lot to do, you know? Mostly studies and a part time job as an assistant at a detective agency.”
“Detective agency?!” The three of them exclaimed and faced Ran fully.
Her smile grew sheepish as she said, “Ahhhh, but, nothing interesting happens when I’m there. Usually, I just have to compile all the data and file them.” 
“But, still! You must have found something interesting there!” Aoko-san said, with her eyes shining with excitement, “A case? Or a person? Have you ever helped the detective, Ran-san?” 
Ran shook her head no, “I’m not allowed to work on the cases, Aoko-san. As a matter of fact, I’ve not even seen the detective yet, I usually work in the evening, after my classes are done.”
Hearing that, the three of them looked concerned and Hayami-san spoke, “Ran-san, are you sure that’s safe? I mean,” she shared a look full of concern with Sonoko-san and Aoko-san, “you have never seen whom you work with, right? What if it’s some super shady guy?” 
Ran chuckled a bit and said, “It’s okay, Hayami-san. I’m trained in karate. Plus, the agency I work at is super reputed. It’s just that the guy whom I’m assigned to is very, very busy and even other employees have said that it’s rare to see him in the office. He works at very odd hours.” 
That did nothing to alleviate their concern and Ran felt a bit touched. This was the first time she was having a proper conversation with them and the four of them were practically strangers yet Hayami-san, Sonoko-san and Aoko-san were so concerned about her well being. 
Aoko-san was apprehensive and she murmured, “If you say so, Ran-san,” and then in a more chipper tone asked, “Which agency do you work at?”
“Kudo Detective Agency.” Ran replied.
Hearing that, the three of them were even more animated in their response, “THE Kudo Detective Agency?” Aoko-san gasped in disbelief. 
“Wait, the famous ex-policeman one?!” Sonoko-san exclaimed.
“The one that has this hot, handsome guy working there?” Hayami-san said.
All of them turned to look at Hayami-san and she shrugged sheepishly, “What? Everybody knows that there is this rumored handsome guy who works there and is seen like once in every millennia,” she said sarcastically.
Sonoko-san swatted her friend and Aoko-san clicked her tongue, waving her comment away and turned her attention back to Ran, “You really work at Kudo Detective Agency, Ran-san? Oh, wow. It houses the best of the best detectives.” 
Sonoko-san nodded and said, “Damn, you must have impressed the Kudo husband and wife duo a lot. Seeing that they have such a strict policy and criteria to employ people.”
And with that, the three of them were off chattering about the elusive Kudos. Ran chipped in whenever she could but mostly listened while they were talking. She didn’t have the heart to tell them that only reason she works there is to spite her father in an act of rebellion. 
The Kudous were not the reason her father was a piss poor detective but she had spent her teenagers listening to him whine about how Kudo Yuusaku was responsible for the lack of cases in Mouri Detective Agency. And at that time, Ran did what she could to help him, guide her high school classmates in need, put up posters, advertise in newspapers... she did what she could but her father was too prideful to take small cases and too incompetent to work properly on big ones. And by then, the ex-policeman Yuusaku and ex-actress-turned-housewife had established a proper detective agency housing some of the brightest, youngest detectives. 
When she cut ties with her family, she decided to do what she wanted. And so, she offered her services to the Kudous. She knew she could be an excellent assistant and she proved herself by working for a week under Yuusaku Kudo herself. From organization to appointments to little treats or snacks for the clients... she did what she could have been doing for her father. 
And by the time the week had ended, she was employed with a good salary. She thought that working there would hinder her Medicine study course but the detective whom she was assigned to had a set of orders ready when she entered his office. 
She was surprised at first because no one was there to greet her on her first day, just a piece of paper telling her not to come during day time and that her work was to organize the papers that were kept on the table. Sure, there were scribbled notes scattered everywhere on the table but a quick glance clued her in that those were case notes. Case notes of multiple cases, to be exact. 
She found it extremely odd that the detective whom she was supposed to assist had never shown himself. All she knew was that his name was Kudou Shinichi, Kudou Yuusaku and Yukiko’s son, and was an excellent detective. He had grown up in the States and had come back at the age of twenty with plethora of experience under his belt. 
Ran chalked up never seeing him to some weird quirk of his. Truthfully, she liked working there. The Kudou couple treated her kindly, the assistants of other detectives were warm and welcoming, even the other detectives greeted her and indulged in small talk. The work wasn’t difficult, the pay was excellent, the timing fit her college schedule perfectly; everything was great except for never having seen her superior’s face.
Ran sighed as she brought herself back to present. Aoko-san was talking about the lab work they had just finished and Ran smiled lightly. Having friends like them would be nice, she thought. And swore to herself that she would make the effort to know them better. 
That day, she felt very calm as she entered her office. The Kudo Shinichi plaque at the door greeted her and she opened it, mentally gearing herself up for the stack of papers that was bound to be there, only to be greeted by a man, who was shuffling through them. 
“Umm... hello?” Ran asked hesitantly, not wanting to jump to conclusions about who this man was.
The man faced her and smiled a bright smile, which left Ran disarmed. “Hello, you must be Mouri Ran-san?” he asked.
Ran felt a little discombobulated, she hadn’t anticipated someone being inside the office. “Uhh... yes, I am. And you are...?” she didn’t want to presume who he was but she had a little inkling of whom he could be.
“Ah, sorry for introducing myself late,” and he walked up to her and held his hand up for a greeting, “My name is Kudou Shinichi... and ahh, I’m supposed to be working here,” he said in a playful tone with a smirk that showed a dimple on his left cheek.
The only thought that crossed her mind at that moment was what Hayami-san had said a few hours before. He really was a gorgeous man. 
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kirinda-ondo · 3 years
⚡ I know nothing about Dragonball, other than what little I have been exposed to it over the years (which tbh haven't exactly been a very stellar introduction to it), but I always felt a certain fondness for that OC of yours who also had jack all to do with any of the events, not even knowing who Goku is, but fervently wanting to kick his ass all the same. Cayenne, wasn't it?
Hell yeah, I love Cayenne lmao
1. Cayenne was my first Dragon Ball OC and very much started as a joke character lmao. Literally a background character who was getting really tired of Goku and pals wrecking shit. Like yeah they're out here saving the world but they're also ruining her weekend plans and that is unforgivable lmao. So she was gonna go kick his ass. She'll kick everyone's ass. She'll kick her own ass if she has to. Mind you she is a teenager and he is a literal god at this point, but she's too stupid and stubborn to know when to quit lmao. Funny thing is, she'd actually probably get along really well with Goku if she met him (and didn't know he was Goku lmao).
2. While a majority of her personality is about kicking ass and taking names (even if they are incorrect as she is really bad at remembering them) she's got a softer side too. She is actually surprisingly really good with kids (unless they are rude and then she can, will, and has thrown hands with a literal four year old lmao) and she is very soft for her cool android girlfriend (who is an OC owned by my friend). She thinks a lot about getting married someday and has a very specific fantasy where Gonku crashes the wedding and they go and kick his ass and then like smooch over his defeated body, it's very ridiculous laksdjfklsd
3. She is not academically minded in the least, but she knows a surprising amount about movies and movie production! Her favorites are the ones that have the most action, explosions and boobs lmao. Her tastes are very simple. She's tried to take notes for like, attempted fighting techniques, but she always ends up getting way too distracted by what's happening on-screen. She's also very gifted in sports, though she's not on any teams anymore after she got caught forging signatures to get on said teams in the first place.
4. While she's trying every training method she can think of on her own to get stronger and kick Gonku's ass, she does have an actual fighting instructor in the form of another OC owned by my friend, who is Yamcha's wife. She won't actually teach Cayenne much of anything (nor will she let Yamcha) because she knows full well trying to fight Goku is a suicide mission, but she humored her anyway, if only because Cayenne is persistent and wouldn't go away lmao. However, Cayenne eventually became enough of a permanent fixture in the family that once her shitty dad died and she was officially left parent-less, she ended up getting adopted. Now Yamcha is her dad lmao. Rather than calling them mom and dad, they are Sensei and Coach (because Yamcha is a professional baseball player) respectively. She now has a couple of siblings, one of which being the aforementioned 4 year old she has tried to throw hands with--
5. She'll never get strong enough to defeat Gonku properly, but all things considered, she is actually stronger than the average person and I like to think that one day when she's older and hopefully chilled out at least a modicum, she'll luck out and wind up becoming the next world champion, who already gets to pretend to beat Goku in tournaments in order to keep his public reputation as the world's strongest man (it's a whole thing in canon that would take too long to explain). So, at the very least, Cayenne might get the illusion of finally beating Gonku, which is funny to think about lmao.
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With the second half of chapter 11, I am ready for people thoughts / questions / comments on the opening arcs. Were there favorite parts of it? Parts you wish had had a little more to them? Who’s your favorite / least favorite of the characters as shown so far? Anything you found particularly interesting about certain scenes / panels / etc. that you want to share? Have at it! 
I’ll probably be doing some of that myself as I go back through for any little moments I liked, and sort of summarize my own thoughts on the opening arcs. Then, of course, we get to get into the USJ, and see some real action! <3
[No. 11 - Bakugou’s Starting Line]
We come back to the nurse’s office, where Toshinori is awkwardly hovering by Izuku’s bed while Recovery Girl tears into him for Izuku’s third time in her office despite the school year only just starting, and why he hasn’t prevented that damage from happening. Toshinori apologizes to her, and she tells him it’s not her he needs to apologize to. 
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(Also, man he’s swimming in his hero costume - really gives a sense of the size difference between the two forms to be honest.)
She notes that Izuku’s come to her both that day and the day before completely fatigued, and that this sort of damage isn’t so easily healed. He’s on an IV drip and has gotten emergency first aid, but all that can be done now is wait for him to recover on his own. 
Which brings me back to chapter 4 with her managing to heal him while he’s completely unconscious and in way worse shape - I really do believe at this point that she CAN use her own stamina to help a patient in critical condition who doesn’t have the energy to heal themselves, but it’s not as effective and, well, drains HER to the point where she won’t be able to help others who might be in need. Ergo, in situations like this, she sticks to hoarding her stamina and letting kids heal their own reckless behavior. (She probably could do a lot more in her prime, but alas.)
She states that she knows Toshinori gave Izuku his power, but regardless of favoritism, Toshinori has to stop indulging Izuku. Toshinori scratches under his ear in embarrassment and says she’s right - he was sympathizing too much, so he hesitated. He then goes on to hesitantly ask her to keep it down while at least discussing One For All. 
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She huffs and turns away, mocking him with his ‘natural born hero’ and ‘symbol of piece’ titles. He goes on to explain (for audience benefit alone tbh) that while the staff of UA know about his true form and injury, only Recovery Girl, the principal, an old friend of his (who will later be revealed as Detective Tsukauchi), and Izuku know about his quirk. To everyone else, it’s a secret.
(We know from later on that this isn’t quite true - there are a few others who know - but I suppose that this is the ring of people who he interacts with at this point in time, which is… really fucking depressing. 
Of course, Horikoshi might not have come up with either character beyond vague thoughts and outlines at this point, so I suppose he didn’t want to box himself in on a character design before he was sure they fit his needs. Gran probably was outlined vaguely at this point? But I think Nighteye might not have been created until around Kamino.)
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Recovery Girl asks rhetorically whether that talk is just him resting on his laurels, then a bit more seriously asks whether it’s really that important that he be a natural born hero and the Symbol of Peace. We get another up-close shot of Toshinori’s intensity as he states that without him, superhuman society would fall to evil.
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(A bit egotistical there, much? But I think it’s also a bit of the toxic mindset he’s had build up over the ages - that he’s alone in being able to hold things together, that there’s no one to fall back on, that he can’t afford to be ‘helped’ even as he keeps falling apart.)
Toshinori then goes on to explain that this is the responsibility that wielders of One For All must bear. Recovery Girl contemplates this quietly for a moment, then says that it’s then all the more important for Toshinori to learn how to guide Izuku properly. 
We transition to after school… which does end up leaving me to wonder whether I was off about heroics being the last class of the day, but at the same time, I don’t see how the teachers expect the kids to be able to focus on academics after two hours of heroics training, not to mention that the kids do need time to digest lunch, so,,, eh. I’m going to presume that here it’s more that with the battle trials ending a bit early, there was time afterwards for discussion before the school day ended.
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Anyways, Izuku is just trudging back to class, still in his damaged costume and wearing a sling for his right arm. He’s slouched over, thinking about how Aizawa-sensei is ‘really gonna let him have it’ - which says a lot about his expectations for teachers at this point. He opens the door to the classroom, and is surprised when Kirishima notices him and announces his return, as well as welcomes him back. 
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Izuku is quickly surrounded by several classmates (Kirishima, Mina, and Sato), all of whom are excited to talk to him, much to his confusion. Kirishima says that even without knowing what was being said, the battle was wild. Mina complements Izuku’s dodging (which makes sense now that I think about it - she does a lot of dance and incorporates it into her fighting, so she might have thought Izuku was similar? Maybe?) Sato says that everyone was pumped after the crazy first round.
Kirishima, Mina, Tsuyu, and Sato all then introduce themselves in order, with Kirishima saying that they were discussing battle training, Mina restating her admiration for Izuku’s dodging skills, Tsuyu that she just prefers to be called Tsuyu. Izuku is a bit overwhelmed. To the side, Tokoyami grumbles about them being noisy while sitting on the desk - much to Tenya’s concern as he demands Tokoyami get off of it. Someone else tells Tenya to not get bent out of shape. 
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The true crack ship - KamiChako. Which is immediately ruined when Ochako makes her way over to Izuku, noticing and worrying over his arm and whether he’d gotten it healed. Izuku says it wasn’t quite healed, since he was so worn out, and then he apologizes and says he has something to do. That something being rushing after Katsuki.
(Literally, that boy walks in, looks around, sees Katsuki isn’t there, and immediately goes ‘sorry I have to go immediately’. Like, I know this is a shounen, but at the same time…)
Izuku catches up to Katsuki on the way to the gate out of the grounds, and is, uh...
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Not looking that great, captain. Those bags under his eyes have really seen some cultivation in the time since the battle trial. 
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Izuku’s internal thoughts note that where everyone else wanted to talk to him, Katsuki just clammed up and went home. Or maybe it’s Izuku’s memory of Toshinori recounting the aftermath of the class? But Toshinori left right at the end, so uh… I have no idea. 
Anyways, Izuku catches up and gets his attention, drawing Katsuki’s shadowed stare (it’s not quite a glare? So yeah.) Izuku is looking down a bit, narration noting that he hasn’t even told his mom his secret as he states that he can’t say much, but that Katsuki should know this. Izuku thinks about Katsuki’s comments during the battle trial about tricking him, and then…
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Well that was a face adventure Katsuki went through. It’s a really good thing he was also too distracted by his own existential angst to really think about Izuku’s words.
But to dig more deeply into this, we can start from the top - literally. Starting at all that space at the top, and then the empty panel (asides from the two) where Izuku states he got his quirk from someone else. It really sort of gives a beat before such a weighty reveal, and more so how, in that moment, Izuku is only focused on Katsuki as he says it.
Izuku goes on to explain that he can’t say who it’s from, and that it’s a bit like a conversation out of a comic book, and that on top of that he can’t even really use it yet, so the borrowed power is pretty useless to him, which is why he tried to beat Katsuki without it… only to fail and be forced to rely on it. While this is happening, Katsuki’s expression goes from confusion/what the fuck towards outright pissed as Izuku rambles on, seemingly nonsensically from his point of view. Izuku states that he has a way to go, and then looks up and meets Katsuki’s gaze as he states that he’s going to make that power his own someday, and then overcome Katsuki with his own power. 
This seems to derail Katsuki’s anger for a moment back towards shock - possibly for the sheer boldness and earnestness of the statement. Izuku’s a bit embarrassed at his rambling reveal, thinking that he’d just meant to tell Katsuki he hadn’t been tricking him, but, well. 
Katsuki wobbles a bit in place, likely to keep himself from instinctively going after Izuku for being, well, Izuku. He repeats Izuku’s comment about borrowed power, then says he has no idea what Izuku’s talking about, but that Izuku is clearly determined to keep making a fool out of him. His anger boils back up as he grits out another swear, and then gets into how he lost to Izuku, and then if that weren’t enough, there was another student - Shouto - who he knows he can’t measure up to. He slaps a hand to his face, nails digging into his hair as he swears again and notes how ‘ponytail girl said it all’. He snaps his arms back down, swearing more, and demands a mostly rhetorical why from Izuku - likely in response to his fear of being able ot measure up to someone he had until then looked down on. Katsuki then declares through tears - and some repetition for emphasis - that from there on out he’s gonna beat everyone. 
He then spins back around and starts to walk off, rubbing at the tears while telling Izuku to enjoy his win, since it won’t happen ever again. Izuku holds himself firm a bit longer, then sighs and seems to lose whatever energy he’d dredged up for that conversation - methinks it’s also a bit exasperated with Katsuki? I mean, I have to admit trying to have a serious convo with the kid has to be a struggle sometimes.
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Incredible. Thanks, All Might. And I can’t help but cackle at Izuku swaying in the wind created with All Might rushing right past him to get to Katsuki, as well as that ‘ow!’ from Katsuki. All Might is latched onto Katsuki’s shoulder as he kind of greets the kid, with Katsuki looking about five seconds from turning around and biting the man in the arm like a semi-feral cat.
All Might is wheezing a bit in holding this form while rushing to catch up, starting to offer some advice - that Katsuki’s self-respect is important, and that he definitely has the makings of a pro, just so long as he-
Katsuki cuts him off by telling him to get off, since he can’t walk. He then goes on to say that it’s without question that he’ll be a hero who surpasses even All Might. All Might is surprised at that rebound, taking his hand off while thinking that the usual egomaniac is back. All Might mutters about how being a teacher is tough while watching Katsuki stalk off.
Izuku’s narration notes that Katsuki’s fuse had been lit, but his own goals hadn’t changed - that he would keep chasing after him. While he’s staring dramatically after his childhood friend, All Might starts asking what he said to Katsuki.
We have a last transition to a few days later, the narration noting that the class learned an important lesson that All Might had warned them about - about how they should fear the cleverest of villains. The scene is set in a different area, with the frontmost building being a bar. Someone is shown reading a newspaper article about All Might teaching at UA, as well as his temporary leave from his hero agency. 
The person sets the newspaper down folded neatly, noting how All Might is a teacher now. The voice then goes a bit raspy (or maybe it’s a different speaker) as they wonder out loud about what would happen if villains killed the symbol of peace. 
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Whoo boy, what a first introduction to the main antagonist of the series.
It seems like he has all five fingers on the newspaper in those panels? But it might just be the weird angle that keeps us from seeing how careful he is to not do so, which might have given away his quirk before it gets shown in the next arc. 
Also, hello misty character who definitely doesn’t have some deeper, tragic backstory we eventually learn about. 
About those hands… you know, I know what the ‘official’ story behind them ends up being, but like, they all look the same, so I wonder if those are just… random hands from his victims over the years. ...while the design is suitably disconcerning, it also makes sense that Hori would eventually chuck them aside thanks to how much extra drawing and detail they all need. 
Anyways, that closes out the chapter and the opening arcs, so again, open for any sort of thoughts/questions all of you have. I should have my own out in the next few days, I think.
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cheshiresense · 5 years
More on the Hadrian and Orion in Narutoverse AU please!!!
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I don’t actually have that many more ideas for this AU, none that really focuses on the two of them anyway. Like, they found each other again and it was a done deal so there’s not really anything to add to that. But let’s see…
Edit: Ugh I give up, I ran out of inspiration for this one, I just didn’t know what else to write for it, sorry.
1. Ok so first off, Minato makes Hokage and stays that way and nothing terrible happens because I say so, and because I have no patience for the disaster that was the Naruto plotline, and also because lbr no way is Hadrian letting anybody muck shit up in his new home, he’s already lost one village, he isn’t going to let Orion lose his too, plus Danzo is dead which automatically solves like eighty percent of all problems and the world is just a hundred times better without him in it.
Kushina makes it Very Clear that their child will be placed under an Uzushio shinobi. Like, it’s part of their vows. She refuses to marry Minato unless he swears it (for a love match, it also couldn’t be more perfect politically, satisfying clans and elders alike by tying the two villages together, tying an Uzushio Jinchuuriki to Konoha, a union of talent and royalty, right before the Hokage Apparent ascends to the throne). Relations between Konoha and what’s left of Uzushio is a lot better than they were after Uzu was destroyed, but there’s still some tension, some mistrust, some resentment, and it’s not like anyone other than an Uzushio-nin can teach seals properly. It doesn’t help that some Konoha-nin still turn their noses up at Kushina and her people because they’re foreign, and others sneer at her because she’s a Jinchuuriki. She refuses to let someone like that teach her child.
Minato agrees of course, and ten years later, Naruto graduates near the top of his class, bright and cheerful and so very loved. He’s the son of the Hokage but also one of the first children born to the Uzumaki Clan after they’d finally finished picking up the pieces of their lives, and he has Minato’s colouring but Kushina’s determination and creativity and vindictive sense of humour.
In this world too, Naruto gets Uchiha Sasuke and Haruno Sakura as his teammates, but he’s known Sasuke since forever - his mom and Sasuke’s mom are best friends, one of his dad’s closest advisors is Sasuke’s dad, and his uncle (technically a cousin) is married to Sasuke’s uncle, so their families are a lot closer than most other clans in their villages. It was a shock to everyone, for the Uchihas of all people to have a close relationship with the Uzumakis, but their bond has stayed strong over the years despite many people’s doubts, and as a result, Naruto and Sasuke have been attached at the hip practically since birth.
As for Sakura, she seems like a nice girl too, a quieter counterpart to her best friend Ino, and they both know she’s upset at not being on the same team as the blonde, but she also beat both their academic scores and she doesn’t fall over herself trying to suck up to either Naruto or Sasuke, so they decide very quickly that they’ve lucked out with their third.
Naruto isn’t at all surprised when their sensei arrives. His mom’s been hinting at Uncle Hadrian for weeks because she is not subtle, and Naruto is absolutely thrilled because Uncle Hadrian is an S-rank Jounin with a flee-on-sight order and one of the strongest shinobi Naruto knows (Uncle Orion is almost as good, and he supposes his dad is okay too). He’s good at everything, better at seals than even Naruto’s mom, and his idea of babysitting is always an adventure - pranking someone mean and framing Kakashi-nii for it, setting up scavanger hunts in the village with a cool prize at the end, and taking him out for ice-cream or extra ramen that Naruto has solemnly sworn to keep secret from his parents. Hadrian is the best, and Naruto just wants to be him, him and Kaa-chan because Uzumaki really are the best, and his mom and uncle are the best of the best. And because he’s a good friend, he tells Sasuke beforehand about who’ll be teaching them and even tells Sakura the day of, so none of them are anything but excited when Hadrian sweeps into the classroom.
Uncle Hadrian just smiles at them, amused, and motions for them to follow. “Come along then, my new minions. Let’s see what chaos we can inflict on the world together.”
If Naruto had looked back, he would’ve seen the utterly horrified expression painted across the other Jounin senseis’ faces.
2. Team Seven gets a two-for-one deal. Orion outright rejects all offers of sticking him into the sensei rotation. The three times Minato tries, Orion fails every team and sends the kids back to the Academy within the hour.
It’s not as if he doesn’t like kids. They’re fine. But he doesn’t want to be solely responsible for them, especially in a world that’s literally out to kill them, and he’s no good with them for extended periods of time anyway.
He doesn’t mind helping Hadrian with his team though, and Fugaku definitely approves of having his brother help keep an eye on his youngest son. So the day after he returns from a courier mission, he tracks down Hadrian in one of the training fields and possibly enjoys it more than he should when he appears in a rush of Shunshin and makes all three kiddies jump or shriek.
Hadrian rolls his eyes at him but also reels him in for a welcome home kiss. “No complications?”
Orion snorts. “Of course not. It was barely B-rank.”
They turn back to the genin. Sasuke is rolling his eyes, more than used to their mostly subtle but easy displays of affection, and Naruto grins and gives Orion a wave because he’s as good as an uncle to the brat as well. The pink one though has her hands clapped over her mouth and is peering at them with big green eyes, like she’s never seen two men kiss. Then again, Orion’s already read the files on them, and she’s from a civilian family. They can be as weird as muggles about this sort of thing. Orion hadn’t cared in his last life, and he isn’t about to start now. At least she only looks surprised and not disgusted.
“This is Orion,” Hadrian tells his new students, for Sakura’s benefit. “My husband, and Sasuke’s uncle. He doesn’t have a team of his own, so when he isn’t busy, he’ll be joining us for training and missions. You’ll be seeing him a lot, and if for whatever reason I can’t meet up with you that day, I’ll probably send him in my place. Understand?”
He gets affirmatives from everyone and an “Awesome, dattebayo, we get two senseis!” from Naruto. Orion rolls his eyes and then smirks. “Twice the number of teachers, twice the amount of training.” He’s gratified when both boys pale a few shades, and Sakura - clever girl - takes her cue from them and has the beginnings of alarm creeping into her expression. He glances at Hadrian. “What’s on the menu for today?”
After they’ve sent Team Seven off for ten laps around the village (to start with of course, the day is still young), Hadrian remarks, “You’re a terrible person, and I never know what Minato is thinking every time he tries to shove a team on you.”
Orion’s smirk only widens.
3. Shortly after they get married, Hadrian and Orion move into a house in a quiet(er) part of Uzushio territory. They like their privacy, and they’re both quiet people by nature. Orion in particular only has so much tolerance for the Uzushio’s collective rambunctiousness and explosive personalities. They still get regular visitors, but at least they also get time to themselves without needing to escape into the surrounding woods.
A decade down the road, and they suddenly have three more children underfoot than either of them ever planned. then again, Naruto was around at least five times a week practically since he was born, and Sasuke had been allowed to drop by for almost as long, accompanied by his parents or Itachi.
Sakura is the last addition to their household, timidly shuffling in one evening when she’d let slip that her parents - merchants - were out of the village and wouldn’t be back for at least another three weeks.
Hadrian had always been a bit of a bleeding heart for strays, and this one is already his, so Orion hadn’t been at all surprised when - after treating everyone to dinner at Ichiraku’s - they ended up escorting all three kids back to Uzushio. Orion sends one of his wolf summons to the Uchiha compound to inform Fugaku that Sasuke would be staying over, and Naruto whirlwinds into the main house to hug his mom before sprinting back out and shouting back that he’d be staying with his uncles that night. Sakura smiles more as the night goes on and she finds herself ushered into a spare bedroom beside the boys’. She chatters more once she got to know her teammates better, and she’s more than a little awed by how much larger the house is on the inside compared to the outside.
“Seals can do all sorts of things, and my style is more versatile than most,” Hadrian tells her, and her eyes light up in a way Orion hadn’t seen in anyone but Hadrian himself.
“Can you teach me?” Sakura asks, flushing at her own gall. “Or- Or is it a clan secret?”
But Hadrian only smiles and promises to pull some reading material for her tomorrow.
“Orion knows some but he prefers kenjutsu,” Hadrian says, and Orion grunts. He likes offing his targets quickly and efficiently with sharp pointy things, so sue him. “Sasuke isn’t interested, and Naruto is but he has his mother to teach him. I’m glad I might have a student of my own if your interest lasts.”
Judging by the way Sakura begs Hadrian for a beginners’ book on sealing right then and there, and then spends the rest of the night - until Hadrian shoos them off to bed - curled up on the sofa in one of Naruto’s spare duck pajamas with her nose between its pages, she won’t be losing interest anytime soon.
Sakura becomes a regular fixture in their lives and in their house. Orion thinks she probably hasn’t realized it yet, but after a month of crashing at their place, the guards don’t even check her at the gates anymore whenever she swings by, even when she’s on her own.
4. Minato has the ANBU for the extra dangerous missions. But he has Hadrian and Orion for the ones that guarantee almost zero chances of survival. In the aftermath of the attempted kidnapping of one Hyuuga Hinata and the subsequent demand for reparations after Hiashi kills the kidnapper, who also happens to be the head ninja of the party sent to sign a peace treaty with Konoha, Minato refuses to hand one of his own over, A sends bolder and bolder threats of war, tensions between Konoha and Kumo haven’t been this high since the Third Great Shinobi War, and the eyes of the rest of the world are focused on them as they too count their numbers and stock up on weapons and supplies.
Three weeks in, after countless failed attempts at diplomatic talks and fairer compromises, Minato summons Hadrian and Orion to his office.
“I do not want war,” He says, features grim and somber, a far cry from his usual easygoing smiles and laidback nature. “It has barely been half a decade since the last one ended. But we are not in the wrong, and I refuse to bow to Kumo’s whims. If I cede ground now, the Hyuuga will never trust me again, and it will make Konoha look weak, not to mention it sets a precedence for Kumo and even other villages to try and pull something like this again. I won’t have it.”
Hadrian hums thoughtfully from where he’s sipping tea in one of the guest chairs. Orion is lounging against the far wall, eyes narrowed, features cold.
“So you want us to go and send a message,” Hadrian surmises. “But quietly.”
“Make sure A knows who it is,” Minato agrees, and nobody who’s seen the ice in his eyes when he’s like this would doubt his capability as Hokage. “But otherwise ensure that it can’t be traced back to us. I’ll deny everything on the public front. The rest, I’ll leave to your discretion.” He smiles thinly. “Let’s see how long it takes to make the Raikage bow.”
It takes six weeks. Six weeks of a plague that sweeps through half the towns along Lightning’s border at a terrifying speed, leaving civilians and border patrols alike puking their guts up for days. Nobody dies, but it’s a miserable, panic-stricken month for all involved when all they can do is ride it out, no cure to be found.
The Raikage does not bow.
Overnight, the guards stationed at various watchtowers all across Lightning fall prey to some invisible enemy, and all are found comatose or on death’s doorstep in the morning. Half of them die within the week, and all attempts at replacing the guards are met with the same result. A chunk of Kumo’s military is crippled in seven days.
The Raikage does not bow.
People within Kumogakure begin to die. No civilians or Genin, and the school and hospital are never hit, but Chuunin and Jounin are all free game, some in their homes, others on the streets or training grounds, and their T&I building blows up one day along with every ninja inside it who hadn’t gone out for lunch. The coup de grâce is the Raikage going in for work and finding a lock of Yugito’s blonde hair, his brother’s sunglasses, and his own vambraces - the ones he’d been looking for since he woke up this morning and found them missing from his bedroom - laid out neatly on his desk. A familiar leaf symbol glows on the wall behind it just long enough for A to get a good eyeful, and then it erases itself as if it were never there, leaving the Raikage bellowing his rage and fear.
The message is clear: no one in your village is safe, not your civilians, not your shinobi, not your Jinchuuriki, not even you. The next move is yours. Choose wisely.
The Raikage bows.
“Good job,” Minato says in way of greeting once Hadrian and Orion are home again, none the worse for wear. “A sends his apologies and has even agreed to a few import and trade concessions.”
“Ooh, make him send over some people from Cloud Confectioneries,” Hadrian pipes up. “Their cakes are divine, and you can’t get them anywhere else.”
Orion rolls his eyes, nods at Minato, and then grabs his husband and Shunshins them home. It’s been a long five weeks and he wants nothing more than to sink into a hot bath with Hadrian.
5. Literally everyone knows Hadrian and Orion are a couple. They’re not particularly over-the-top in their displays of love the way Minato and Kushina can sometimes be, but their marriage was the first one between a Konoha citizen and an Uzushio citizen since Uzushio’s destruction. And it was hard to miss when the two of them went out for meals, side by side, never flaunting what they had but quietly content in each other’s company in that way older people are after spending decades together and still being perfectly in love. Orion was a second son too, with no expectations (at least not too many) for producing children, so as far as a lot of clan elders were concerned, he’d definitely married well by tying another much-needed sealmaster to Konoha, one who actually stayed in the village (or close enough) and had a repertoire of skills that outstripped even Jiraiya’s.
(Orion scoffed when he’d first heard that going around and didn’t bother telling them that if Hadrian up and decided to become a missing-nin tomorrow, he’d be packed and gone with him by morning, no questions asked.)
Over time, some people do wonder - it isn’t normal for two people to fall together so easily, so quickly, comfortable around each other the way only those who’ve known one another their whole lives should be. There’s a level of instinct there that takes time and life to create, and yet Hadrian and Orion had that, from the moment they met. So people do wonder, even if they don’t ask, mostly because what kind of question would one ask anyway?
Still, sometimes, especially in the early days, Kushina sits and watches her cousin and his new husband move around the kitchen as they cook dinner like one soul in two bodies, gracefully in tune together in a way that goes beyond their shinobi training. it’s a dance, and a beautiful one, and she secretly hopes that one day, she’ll be able to have that with Minato.
(Almost twenty years later, Sakura will do the same, more at home in her senseis’ house than her parents’, watching Hadrian laugh at a deadpan joke Orion cracks, or watching Orion let Hadrian reel him onto the makeshift dance floor of their living room when Naruto brings home his latest record of whatever ridiculous tunes he’d found on a mission and insists on inflicting it on them. She’ll watch them and think of Ino and the way they’d been circling each other for months (years, really) and wonder if they might achieve something like this one day.)
Kushina will always remember their wedding vows - “-in this life and the next, and in every life we’ll ever share-” - and it wasn’t particularly profound or intimate, but there had been a weight in them that carried some hidden meaning known only to them, and it had struck a chord in her, especially when she sees them together and once again considers the niggling suspicion at the back of her mind that whispers reincarnation.
The next date she goes on, Minato comes to pick her up, another clumsy bouquet in hand like the ridiculous romantic he is, this time of salvia and mallow and lavender. She sighs and accepts them and doesn’t tell the moron that not all girls are automatically born knowing flower language or even pay much attention to the classes back in the Academy. But she’d bought a book on it after their first date, threatened Inoichi into silence because she knew exactly who Minato was taking flower advice from, and she doesn’t say a word about the album of pressed flowers she’d started ever since Minato started giving them to her.
Hadrian finds out, because of course he does (because Kushina had failed miserably at pressing flowers even with an instruction manual, and Hadrian was the only person she knew who could teach her and wouldn’t laugh at her first, especially when she confesses how she might’ve felt just a little bit guilty for not understanding what Minato was saying with the flowers every time). Hadrian hadn’t laughed, but he’d smiled and told her of the bouquets Orion had given him when they were still courting (that’s another tick in the reincarnation category because Kushina had never once seen either of them give flowers to each other), and how Hadrian had had no idea what they meant either when he’d first received them.
“And I think flowers can just be flowers sometimes,” Hadrian says as they work on Minato’s latest slightly ragged-looking roses. They look like he’d accidentally let an Inuzuka dog chew on the stems. “They smell nice and they look nice, and Minato took the time to get them for you, and you like them. Sometimes, I think that’s enough.”
And if Hadrian can say that and Orion still looks at him like he’s everything he needs in the world, then Kushina thinks he probably knows what he’s talking about. Hadrian usually does.
(Later, on their wedding anniversary, Kushina grins when she spots Hadrian exiting Yamanaka’s Flower Shop with a bouquet of his own, and she makes sure she has a good view of him presenting it to Orion at their favourite restaurant.
The way Orion’s expression goes soft and warm, wrapped in something like wonder - Kushina immortalizes it on camera and makes a mental note to give a copy to Hadrian later.)
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uraharasandals · 4 years
It may be surprising to y’all but I’m actually going to be in my last year of high school next year and university applications are in fact, a thing. Anyways, to all of you out there who need this like me, hang in there and let’s get through 2020 as well as we could :) 
Also this turned out to be way longer than I thought it would be so I decided to divide it into organisations! 
How BSD characters would help their S/O through college apps (Part 1) [ADA]
- This man is a sweetheart despite his short fuse towards Dazai. When he sees you freaking out in front of your computer, he quickly rushes to your side with a mug of chamomile tea (yes he has done his research; Kunikida knew which tea is the most calming and soothing). Once you manage to calm down and let him wipe away your tears of frustration (if you had any), he asks you what was wrong. 
- Kunikida lets out a sigh of relief when he heard that it wasn’t something life-threatening. However, he still recognises that college applications are extremely important, so he resolves to help you as best as he could. 
- Kunikida has been to university, so he knew that the process was quite difficult. However, when you list out your problems with a lot of terms and jargons that are specific to the college application system, his head went up in confusion.
- He quickly figured out the basics through Google though, and did research on a lot of applications that did get the applicant into the universities that you were looking at. After leaving him alone for five hours and stressing through it by yourself, he came back with a stack of information that would help you, and talked you through it slowly, making sure you understood all of it.
- Dazai tries to cheer you up with jokes and his frolicking around, as well as snacks and maybe even something romantic. But when you start breaking down into tears of frustration, he starts to mildly panic. He asks if there was anything he could do to help and you really didn’t know. 
- So he decided to look at what was scaring you so much. Dazai has to admit, he was a little surprised at how complex the entire thing was. But he manages to educate himself on it to try and help you for once (yes, Dazai can be helpful when he wants to be thank you very much)
- Once he’d checked you have calmed down, he presents you with a whole new host of options; do you want him to help you threaten or bribe your dream university so they would accept you? After your shock at his proposed solutions faded, he starts to offer actually useful advice. 
- Dazai is a strategist and he knows it. So he laid out his plan to ‘conquer’ this complicated game of ‘entering university’ (because after all, it’s still a situation where brains would help; there were set rules and people had manoeuvred around it. He would simply do the same and play dirty). Amazingly, his plans were strategies that you had seen people talk about on Youtube -- and once again Dazai took the opportunity to brag about it and act cute around you. 
- Atsushi isn’t sure how important university really was, but then he saw you having a breakdown in front of your computer and knew it was serious and competitive business. After panicking for about ten minutes, he calmed down enough to ask whether you were okay and whether you need anything. 
- After getting you a glass of water, he tries to reason his way around it; after all, a lot of people had got through life without university, so it wasn’t absolutely necessary. Besides, you can always join the ADA! But when he saw it was going nowhere, he decided to call in the expert - Dazai. 
- Dazai gave him shit advice as always, so he turned to Kunikida. Kunikida rambled on for quite a while, but he summarised it at the end by simply saying ‘Try to figure it out yourself before you can help her, brat.’ 
- So somehow he decides to try for university himself as well, despite not having had any qualifications before. Atsushi decided to try getting into a vocational training institute (where you learn practical skills rather than going for an academic/professional degree), and you ended up helping each other to your dream universities :) 
- Yosano-sensei is another one who doesn’t understand the need to go to university. She herself became a healer through her abilities (and her past which we won’t go into), so she thought that it was ridiculous you needed to go to medical school.
- But when she realises the gravity of the situation she immediately sobers up. While she knows that she can’t help on that end, she offers as much moral support as she could; ushering you to bed whenever she sees you staying up too late, making you meals or getting takeout whenever you want to stress eat, or comforting you. She was there for every step of the way, and available for hugs all the time. 
- When you had to go for an interview, she made sure you were dressed properly for the occasion. Even if it was an online interview, there were no excuses; you absolutely cannot wear a formal shirt and shorts just because you were at home. 
- Once you were done and finally finished with the applications, she drags you out on a shopping trip with her. It didn’t matter that there wasn’t anything you guys needed, she made up her mind that it was better for you to get out of the house and take in some fresh air. Besides, it was the better alternative to sitting in front of the computer and continuing to fret. 
- The third one that doesn’t give a crap about university. He decided to pick a fight with you, stating out about 100 reasons why it was pointless to go and why you shouldn’t go because 1) it was useless and 2) he needs you by his side. 
- He had meant to rile you up in a fight, but that just resulted in you being more stressed and attempting to push him away instead of seeking him for comfort. When you started giving him the cold shoulder (because you really needed to concentrate), Ranpo threw a fit and there was a cold war in the house for a few days.
- Eventually, he asked Kunikida about what was so important about university, and realised that it may actually mean a lot to you. But being Ranpo, his pride was still there and he didn’t want to apologize just yet. He decided, however, to be as helpful as he could be. 
- And every time you sit in front of the computer, there was a different kind of sweet sitting there waiting for you. Sometimes it was your favourite, sometimes it was his favourite,  but it didn’t really matter; the intentions did. When Ranpo saw you accepting the sweets, he took it as a sign that you forgave him and started to stick to your side whenever you were working on your applications. He doesn’t really say anything, but you knew he was there as best as he could.
- Somehow he found you in one of your breakdown sessions and immediately panicked. However, instead of being in panic mode for ten minutes like Atsushi did, he asked hesitantly whether he could approach you, and when given permission, he held and hugged you until you were able to calm down significantly. 
- Tanizaki admits that he doesn’t really know how to help; he was a student formerly but quit to join the ADA. However, Naomi was still in high school, so he decided to approach his sister for help regarding this.
- Naomi gave him loads of tips which he shared to you, but eventually he invited her over and you two had loads of studying sessions and university application sessions, which helped you a lot, especially when you had a friend together. Naomi was also motivational because she gets things done easily, and gives you a lot of advice. 
- Tanizaki knew that he would be interfering if he was part of the circle, so he just lets you and his sister get it on. He does provide mental support and food though, and cooks dinner, and makes desserts whenever you two feel stressed or are studying late into the night. 
- Kenji is a country boy. He doesn’t know what this complex university system is, because back in the country you get plucked out of school every so often to help with crops and most of them don’t make it to university. (please tell me if I got this incorrect!) 
- Being innocent and carefree as he was, he kept asking you questions about how things were done. At first you replied to get him away from you, because you needed peace and quiet, but while answering him, you realised you answered some of your own questions. 
- Kenji was also a kind boy, so he asked the people he helped around Yokohama how he could help you. Some of them offered genuine advice, but he just messes it up when he tries to offer it to you, but it does make you laugh. Sometimes, however, he comes back with sweets and offerings from sympathetic parents; he once came back with a kitten, which made your stress decrease a LOT. 
- On weekends, he insisted on you taking a trip with him to the countryside even though you protested it; you had a lot on your plate. However, these trips often help clear your head and you were able to write more once you get home. The fresh air does do wonders for your stress. 
- Her first response was to kill someone, obviously. However, once you persuaded her that it doesn’t work, she told you, with a deadpan face, to trash the computer. That wouldn’t work either.
- She tried to bring you all sorts of cute things to cheer you up. That did, temporarily, but she soon realised the fundamental problem of ‘not enough space’. So she decided to cook for you instead, which helped a lot. 
- Kyouka doesn’t really understand how university works, so she had you explain it to her. Once she learnt all of it, however, she started offering advice on her experience as an assassin, and tried to put them in context of university applications. 
- You weren’t sure how, but it somehow worked. Kyouka also asked Atsushi for help, who asked Kunikida. At the end, she dragged Kunikida to your place and helped you, while staring at your process. Whenever you get stressed and wanted to throw things, she offers her ability as target practice. 
- Fukuzawa did go onto higher education. But back in his days higher education was much, much simpler. He just stared on in disbelief when you tried to explain the current university application process, and had to tell you that it was ridiculous. 
- However, he tries his best to help. Being an avid reader of literature, he introduced books that he thinks might help your preparation; if you didn’t have time to read them, he gives you ten minute crash courses on them (despite his dislike of people not reading what he recommends), and helps you out on how to summarise them properly on your applications.
- Fukuazawa also helps you proofread your essays or applications. He points out what he thinks as incoherent or lengthy; basically, after his scrutiny, your application was beautifully polished in the only way he could help. 
- He also makes sure you gets enough rest and sleep in the midst of all this. Fukuzawa remembers to usher you away to bed at the appropriate timing and to wake you up whenever you decided to operate on sleep deprivation alone. He was the only thing keeping you to a reasonable schedule and timetable, but you could get out of it if you waved a cat in front of his face. 
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deaf-sakura · 5 years
Spoonie!Sakura Headcanon
Spoonie: a person with a chronic illness who has to navigate their day with very unpredictable symptoms
Sakura actually grows up pretty healthy and athletic, although strangely she’s always the weakest in the academy no matter what she does. She can get faster, she can get a better aim with her weapons, but physical strength seems to allude her despite her training just as hard as anyone else. She’s also INCREDIBLY prone to accidents and is constantly spraining or pulling something, to the point where she’s nearly afraid to train because she always fucks herself up. The senseis soon write her off until she learns to overcompensate with her academics abilities.
She’s super flexible and totally LOVES it. She has a bunch of contortionist tricks she uses to scare all the other girls; sadly, the senseis insist that there’s no practical use for a shinobi to be “that flexible.”
By the time she moves onto team 7, she starts becoming really symptomatic, but doesn’t yet realize that something’s wrong. By now she’s experiencing “growing pains” that become so bad she can’t walk, and she gets so fucking tired all the time. Her stomach’s fucked up and she has like 3 safe foods that she knows won’t tear her insides up later on.
Naruto becomes extremely protective over her, while Sasuke is just annoyed by her complaining. They’ve had pretty intense fights over whether they can afford to sit down for five minutes on a mission because Sakura’s knees keep ‘clicking.’ Eventually Sakura learns not to say anything, but Naruto can always read it on her face when she’s struggling.
Kakashi doesn’t even know what to make of her. She’s a stretchy little noodle kid who’s super giggly and happy one day, but the next she gets moody and sullen. If she says she hurts he believes her, but he can’t keep having her sit down for nearly half the day.
Their worst day is when she falls out of a tree and dislocates her shoulder. At first she’s holding herself together pretty well while Kakashi tries to put it back in, but the damn thing keeps slipping back out. She starts whimpering then crying then full out sobbing because it hurts so fucking much, and Kakashi gets more and more anxious until he finally takes her to the hospital where she has to have surgery. After that dislocations seem to happen every other day; she gets better at handling them, but Kakashi becomes straight up scared to touch her. He starts backing off and tells himself that she’s “letting her do her thing,” but he honestly knows he’s failing her. He resents this, but doesn’t move to fix it.
By the time she begins training with Tsunade she’s scarred, malnourished, but has learned not to say a damn thing about her pain because she doesn’t want Tsunade thinking she’s a hypochondriac.
It literally takes Tsunade a day to know exactly what’s wrong with her, but a week to see that Sakura doesn’t even realize that she’s sick.
“You know you’re hypermobile, right?!” “Huh?”
Tsunade has to sit her down and explain Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. Her body can’t produce healthy collagen so it comes out naturally overstretched and worn out, which affects her life in seemingly random ways. Her connective tissue can’t hold her joints together properly, so her bones are constantly slipping out of place. She spends a lot of energy just physically holding herself together, which is why she wears out so quickly, because she’s constantly putting out twice the physical exertion as anyone else is. Even her stomach issues and past fainting spells tie back to her EDS.
Tsunade’s honestly a blessing because she can teach her how to care for herself, and knows how to push her as a teacher WHILE GOING ABSOLUTELY NO WHERE NEAR THE RISK OF DISLOCATIONS. She gives Sakura her elbow braces and gloves which give her weakest points some support, and works on figuring out a diet that won’t stress her body out even more. 
The best thing Sakura learns from her is how to tear people a new one when they don’t take her illness seriously. If anyone at the hospital so much as glances at her funny for sitting down when she’s worn out, she’ll muster up that last 1% of her energy to verbally berate them into minding their own fucking business before walking down to Tsunade’s library and passing out into the big cushy chairs.
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birdsandspades · 4 years
I Was Never Good at Waiting (Sugawara X Reader) Chapter 6
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- It was your last year in highschool, everything had been going smoothly until you got assigned the new teacher. Sugawara Koushi was handsome, maybe too handsome for his own good. Be he wasn't flirting with you right, teachers shouldn't do that....I guess we will see where this year goes.
Word Count - 5,459
It had been a few weeks since you last spoke to Sugawara. You weren’t really sure what words to say to him at this point. Sure you were still mad, he was after all a huge ass for talking to you the way he did. But you couldn’t help but feel bad for your actions as well. For all you knew, the sweet glances, the soft smiles, the entrancing conversations. Well maybe you had exaggerated his intentions a little. Maybe he was just uncomfortable, stuck in a situation he didn’t know how to escape. But god dammit, you were not going to ask him for help with your math homework. 
Your grade had tanked in the last few weeks. You did the work, put in all the motions. But your brain just wasn’t soaking up the sweet, sweet academic knowledge. This was the reason Oikawa was stationed at your dining room table, looking through your math book just as confused as you had moments before. 
You had tried to call Iwaizumi for the extra help instead, but he was on a romantic getaway with his significant other. “Call Tooru-sensei F/N, you know he would come if you asked.” Iwaizumi was clearly not interested in helping you, even if he was home you would have been out of luck.
“But you were the one who tutored him in school Hajime. Do you really think he's gonna be any help to me?” You groaned in response.
He knew you had a point. The boy’s brain only operated on three levels, volleyball, girls, and a very small sliver, an absolutely miniscule piece, was dedicated to harassing you.“Figure it out F/N, I'll see you at the spring tournament ok?” Iwaizumi tried his best to understand your situation, but that didn’t mean he wanted to actively continue this conversation. 
“Ok Hajime.” Your voice was soft, not wanting to press the matter further. You listened as the line died, your only hope fading out with it.
Now that you thought about it, you might feel worse for Oikawa at the moment. He was clearly about to blow a gasket trying to figure out where the X went in your problem. “This one has a typo, let's skip ahead.” 
You rolled your eyes as he turned to the next page of your book. “Senpai, you’ve said that about the last five problems.”You were getting annoyed now. He had skipped over almost every problem you attempted so far. These were only the warmup questions, what would happen when he got to the actual work?
He looked up, frowning at your displeased tone.“Well maybe they should have checked over the book better.” He shrugged slightly, lowering his shoulders in defeat. 
This man was no help. 
“Snacks incoming!” Your mom smiled, leaning over the table to set down the plate in her hand.
She had come home for the weekend with your grandfather to check in on you. They would make the trip maybe once a month just to make sure you were well stocked on food and the bills were getting paid. She had been pleasantly surprised to find Oikawa with you when she returned home from shopping. Giddy to dot on the boy while she had the chance.
She loved him, and always had. She thought of you two as inseparable, even now when his job took him across the ocean. Wherever you went, he was never hard to find. Whether it be phone calls, strange gifts that reminded him of you, or even visiting whenever he had the free time. She knew he would always be near. That was one reason she agreed to let you stay home while she was in Tokyo. Even when she was gone, you were safe with him. He would do anything for you, that was perfectly clear. 
“Tooru don’t work so hard honey.” She cooed, rubbing small circles into his back. 
 “Mom, what about me? It's my homework.” You whined at the lack of attention, pulling the book from Oikawa’s hands.
Wiggling a finger your way she shook her head. “You need to work harder! You're failing the class, not him.” She frowned your way as you sank into your chair.
You felt defeated. Between your useless cousin, the single brain cell Oikawa had, and your  grumpy mother it was inevitable. You slapped your hands together, bowing your head in prayer. “I know we don’t talk often, but please don’t make me have to ask Sugawara-sensei for help on Monday. Kill me instead, anything but talking to him.”
“F/N, don’t start praying! I’ll figure it out! I’m sure I can find the X...” He pulled the book from your hands, frantically flipping through the pages.
The weekend came to an end, and you were in no better shape for your class. Your mother and grandfather had left Sunday night to return to Tokyo, the trip home ending far too soon.  
“F/N, make sure you water the garden once a day ok, and don’t stay up all night playing video games. That animal island game can wait, Pudge, that's his name right? Well he can wait for your homework to be done, and please stop eating spicy ramen for every meal. Your tummy is gonna hurt.” She rambled on as she checked that all the bags were lined up at the train station stop. She looked back up at you, letting out an exaggerated sigh. She grabbed the sides of your open coat, pulling it together roughly as she zipped it up to your chin. “And wear your coat properly, you’ll catch cold like that!”
The train rumbled into the station, easing to a stop at the yellow lines in front of you and your family. The doors slid open, a small rush of passengers exiting as they continued on their ways.
“Ok mom, bye love you!” You hugged her tightly before spinning her around. You gave her a light push as she grabbed her bags, walking her to the open doors. You turned around, chuckling at your amused grandfather. You walked over to him, resting into his outstretched arms. You looked up, nose brushing his coat as you smiled. “Please don’t ever change grandpa, you're the only normal member of our family.” 
He smiled back down at you, giving you a reassuring squeeze.“I love you too peaches, everythings gonna turn out just fine, I promise.” He gave you a wink, his hand dipping into your coat pocket. “Don’t waste it!” He teased, as leaned over to pick up his bag. 
You watched as he joined your mother on the train, waving at you as he sat down. The train doors closed, pulling away from the station as it continued on to Tokyo. You reached into your pocket, pulling out a folded 2,000 yen note. You laughed as you put it back. “How does grandpa always know what to say, truly a man of infinite wisdom.” You waved the train off as it disappeared down the tracks.
You had snoozed your alarm one too many times Monday morning, finally realizing your mistake twenty minutes before your first train left the station. You would have loved to say you were up all night doing something fun, maybe beating Doom for the third time this month, or catching up on your manga. But you had woken up at the table in your room, drool sticking the homework you had used as a pillow to your face.
You were rushing to get ready, throwing on your uniform as you frantically stuffed your books into your bag. Before long you were out of time, tripping down the stairs as you pulled up your sock. You had no time for lunch, you didn’t even have time to fix your bedhead. You ran out the front door, relying on the auto lock as you sped towards the main road. You attempted to tie your hair up as you rounded the corner to the crosswalk, the red hand illuminated from the other side of the road. You looked at the pole, both hands occupied in your mess of hair. You lifted your leg, kicking the button a few times as you impatiently waited for your turn to cross.  Once it did you bolted across the street, shouting apologies as you pushed your way down the stairs and toward your approaching train. You barely squeezed past the closing doors, still attempting to catch your breath as the train pulled away from the station.
Collapsing into your seat you pulled out your bag to check that you had everything for your day. Homework (still kinda wet), text books, lunch (if you could call a bag of chips lunch), practice gear. Where was your practice gear? You attempted to recall your morning, thinking back to the last time you had everything in your sight.  
“So I woke up, got dressed, put on my sweater backwards, put my things on the table, made lunch, and then I….left it on the fucking table.” The train pulled into it's first stop, the doors opening for the waiting passengers. You stood up, pushing your way past the crowd as you ran for the next train home. This just wasn’t your day.
You couldn’t believe how late you were when you finally made it to the school. “It’s 9:30, i’m screwed.” You mouthed, taking your tardy slip from the office attendant. You rushed up the school stairs, trying to make it to your classroom as fast as possible. As if that would change the fact that you were an hour late to school. You ran a sweaty hand over your messy hair before pulling the classroom door open. You closed it quietly, turning around slowly to an empty classroom.
Sugawara sat with his feet propped up on the desk at the front of the room. His phone in his hands as he scrolled through emails. 
“Sensei, i’m sorry i’m late...” You mumbled, looking at the rows of empty desks. You made your way to the front of the room, setting the tardy slip on his desk.
“L/N-san, why aren't you on the bus? They are leaving for the field trip!” Sugawara’s eyes went wide as he looked up at you from his phone. He stood up from his seat, glancing between you and the piece of paper. 
“Field trip? Was the field trip to the science museum today?” Your face dropped as you realised just what day it was. Sure it was Monday, the first Monday of the month. The first Monday of the month when they take all the students to the 3M Sendai Science Museum.
“Maybe we can still get you on the last buses?” Sugawara wrapped a hand around your wrist, pulling you behind him as he ran down the hallway and out to the south gym. 
“How are they already all gone…” Sugawara knew the last bus had left at 9:00, but he had hoped to at least see some transportation left.
You looked at the empty lot, not a single bus in sight. What were you going to do now, they had shipped out the entire school for this field trip. 
“Is there any way we can get her to the museum, I could drive her?” Sugawara was now at the front office, nervously talking with the secretary. 
“I’m sorry, but she’s just going to have to spend the day in her classroom.” The woman gave you an apologetic look. She mouthed a few words to Sugawara, too quiet to make out before walking back to your desk.
Sugawara turned back to you, motioning for you to follow him back to the classroom as he walked past you.
 Once you got back to the classroom you made your way to your desk, silently sliding into your seat. You looked over to your teacher, shifting uncomfortably as your eyes met his.
“Well you can work on any extra work you have. If you have any questions, i'll be in my office.” He leaned back on his heels before turning to enter his office. The door clicked closed behind him, the only sound left being the ticking of the clock on the wall.
You nodded to yourself, excepting that again today was just not your fucking day.
You had finished most of your work by 11:00, but the day was far from over. You looked at your last assignment, the creased ends of the page sticking out of the end of your math book. You had saved it for last for no other reason then to not do it. But the day was moving by so slowly, and you were going to have to finish it eventually.
“I might as well ask, i’m not going to finish this by myself.” You pulled at the paper, sliding it out of the book inch by inch. You could see the mess of work etched into the white sheet, the ghosts of prior mistakes partially erased in the background. “Sensei, could you help me with this problem?” You squeaked out the question, holding your breath as you listened for movement behind the office door. “Maybe if he doesn’t hear me I can just give up and take a nap.” You weren’t quiet enough, the door opening as Sugawara made his way over to your desk.
Sugawara pulled a chair over from the adjustment desk, taking a seat next to you. He motioned for you to show him the question, looking down at the paper in front of you. You felt it was better for him to just see the whole paper at this point. You slid the work to him, watching as his face contorted in confusion. He picked up your pencil, marking spots as he attempted to work through whatever thought process you had had. 
“Oikawa tried to help me…” You added, hoping he wouldn’t think all the stupidity on the paper was you. 
Laying it back in front of you, he handed you back your pencil. “You're close, it's a simple mistake really.” He leaned over the desk, resting his elbow on the table and his head in his hand as he guided you through your missteps. 
You always loved how he would say that. “A simple mistake. ”Like it was easily fixable. It made your confidence skyrocket, that's probably why he was such a good teacher. You watched him work through a few, briefly stopping at each step to check back in with you. 
“Yeah, you got it, see I knew you could do it!” His brilliant smile made your stomach flutter. It was a fleeting slight, soon he had turned his attention back to the problems. 
“Thank you sensei.” You smiled to yourself, moving on to the next question on your sheet.
 After a few minutes Sugawara had deemed you on the right path, standing up to return to his office. He closed the door, leaving a small gap as he disappeared from view.
“And he’s gone…” You had liked the company, a pleasant change from the quiet classroom you had been sitting in for the past three hours. 
A few minutes later he emerged from his office, ,a stack of papers in hand as he walked over to his desk. Sitting down, he propped his feet up on the desk. He set a small pile of papers on his lap, pulling the cap off a red pen as he started to grade. He peaked up for a moment, giving you a quick smile before turning over the paper in his hand.
You watched him for a while, taken aback by his sudden change of mood. For weeks he had been cold and distant, avoid you like the plague. But here he was, choosing to sit in the same room, smiling at you. It was baby steps, but steps nonetheless. 
It had felt like you were a flower living under perpetual clouds, but the sun had started to return, and you were basking in it. 
“Sensei?” You called out, pulling nervously at your sleeves.
He looked up at you again, his eyebrow knitting together. 
“It was now of never, just fucking say it, get it over with and say it.” You straightened up in your seat, leaning towards the edge of your chair.“Sensei i’m sorry. What I said was uncalled for, I should have just told you I didn’t want to continue the tutoring lessons. I…my actions were uncalled for and I'm sorry if I put you in an awkward situation.” You looked down at your hands, fingers digging into the material of your skirt. You felt a hand on your head, gently patting your hair down. You tilted your head up slightly, blushing as you met Sugawara’s bright smile.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have come off so harsh. You had a right to be uncomfortable talking to me about it.” His voice was soothing, his smile turning soft. His irises twitched, sadness washing over the brown hues as he pulled his hand away. 
“Could we maybe, start over. I really was grateful for you helping me.” You stood up, attempting to stand eye level with the person in front of you. 
Sugawara contemplated the question, uncertainty pulling at his lips. “I don’t know L/N-san, I’m pretty busy.” 
You frowned at his answer, he did have a life after all. Probably friends, pets, maybe even a girlfriend. Of course he would rather spend his time after school with them, not tutoring a student on a subject he didn’t even teach.
“But, if you can promise me you’ll show up. I can give you back your Mondays and Fridays.”He shrugged lightly, amused with your reaction.  
“Thank you so much Sensei, I-i’ll do anything to make up for it!” You bounced up and down on your heels, absolutely ecstatic.  
He cocked his eyebrow at the word anything, chuckling to himself. “Just make sure you make it to the Spring tournament.” He made his way back to his desk as you sat back down.
You had missed the sun.
The rest of the day came and went, the ticking of the clock no longer ringing in your empty ears.
You had finished your work right as the lunch bell rang, officially all out of schoolwork for the day. You and Sugawara ate lunch together in the classroom, taking the time to go over extra problems from your math book. 
“So, if you take away 47, add these totals together and...are you just eating a bag of chips for lunch?” He stared at you in horror as you pulled out the bag, his stomach hurting for you. 
“I um, didn’t have time to make a...yeah, this is all i'm eating. You're looking at me like my mom…” You shrank in your seat, pulling the bag closer. 
He shook his head at you before continuing the lesson. 
The rest of the day you spent in his office, looking over all his belongings as he typed away on his computer. 
“Hey, can you get out of my things. Don’t you have something to do?” He groaned, watching you pick through his book collection.
“Yeah, annoy you.” You rested your finger on a blue book, sliding it out of it's stop. You flipped through the pages, walking over to sit down on the couch.
“Comfy?” he laughed, watching as you rolled over. Your back now on the seat cushions as your head fell off the side of the sofa.
You let your feet rest on the windowsill, crossing your legs as your back sank into the couch. You looked up at him, tilting your head to see him peering down at you. “Yes, quite.” You giggled, laying your head back down.
Once school had officially ended he walked you to the front doors, waving a goodbye as he watched you walk down the courtyard and towards the school gates. The school buses wouldn't be returning for another two hours, but you had no real reason to stay past the normal school hours. Practice had been canceled for the day ,making your extra trip home useless. “But the day hadn’t gone to waste” ,you thought, smiling to yourself.
“Koushi, you're coming out. You’ve been so moppy for weeks. Get ready and i'll send you the address.” Daichi yelled into the phone, already at the bar. 
Sugawara ended the call with Daichi and sighed. He just wanted to spend his weekend relaxing, not at some dive bar. But his friends had been harassing him for weeks about not coming out. He was having a hard time coming up with excuses at this point.
 It was already Saturday, an entire week had flown by. You and him were civil again, but not completely the same. He wasn’t sure what to do. Should he leave things as they were, at least you were talking. Or should he press furth, see how close he could get to crossing the line with you. He just didn’t know, and being here tonight wasn’t going to help that.
Sugawara walked into the tiny dive bar, looking around for his friends in the crowd of people.  He found them at the bar, shoulders pressed against the other bar patrons as they attempted to wave down the bartender.Sugawara set a hand on each of their shoulders, turning them slightly to greet them. 
“You're here!” Daichi smiled, pulling his friend into a hug.
“We honestly didn’t expect you to come.” Asahi laughed, joining in the reunion.
“Well I wouldn’t have picked this place…” Sugawara looked around at the overly packed bar. “Why is it so busy, isn’t this place little dated for all these kids?” Sugawara looked around at the adolescents crowding the stage area, grimacing. He wasn’t much older, but he had never much liked his age group. 
“Some pop punk band is playing tonight, I guess they are big with the college students.” Asahi smiled, leaning against the bar to order. 
“So who’s the girl that has you so worked up?” Daichi questioned, shouting over the bar noise.
‘’No girl, just work.” Sugawara scowled at Daichi, a warning for him to stop prying. 
“I know that look Koushi, who’s the girl?” He had been friends with Sugawara for long enough to know the difference in his moods. Work made Sugawara grumpy, and girls made him moody. He knew the difference.
Sugawara sigh. “It doesn't matter, we're technically not allowed to be talking anyways.”
Asahi offered Sugawara a bottle, nudging him as he took it. “You got a crush on one of your coworkers?”
“Yeah, something like that.” Sugawara rolled his eyes, bringing the bottle to his lips.
Daichi laughed as the house lights went down, the crowd cheering.
“Hi, we're Systematic. We have some shirts and stuff for sale at the front if you're into that.”You turned to your drummer as he counted off for the song to start. “This is “Painkiller.”
He couldn’t fucking believe it, that was you, in a band, playing at a bar, right in front of him. 
“Hey, they actually sound pretty good. The singer is kinda cute!” Daichi laughed, pointing towards you.
“I'm being punished right? I did something awful in my past life and that's why all of this is happening.” Sugawara turned towards his friends, clasping his hands together. “Kill me please.”He pleaded to his friends, desperation in his eyes. 
“I can’t hear you!” Asahi furrowed his eyebrows as Koushi’s lips continued to move, raising a hand to his ear.
“You could hit me with your car, or mine, maybe throw me off a cliff.” It was useless, his friends were absorbed in the song. Completely ignoring his impending break down, too fascinated with the bubbly girl bouncing around onstage. 
As the first song came to an end, a stagehand met you with a guitar and a water bottle at the edge of the black curtains. You took the guitar from her, adjusting the strap as you walked back over to the microphone. “Today’s set is short, but we will be at Kyoritsu Kodo next month. Door price is set at 4,000, so show up and support Ryu’s bleach addiction.” You laughed as you threw a guitar pick at the bass player. 
He ducked out of the way, flipping you off. 
You counted off the next song and the band started, the upbeat tempo resonating through the crowd. 
He had to admit, you looked happy. The way you bounced up and down along with the drums made him smile. He would have maybe picked a warmer outfit if he were you, but the new look was refreshing to say the least. 
You had on a black sweater dress, one size too big as it hung off your shoulder. The purple of your thigh high socks peaked out from your equally high black boots. He could faintly make out a small bow on each side of the straps most likely connected to the garters further up your legs. He was trying to leave most of that to the imagination.
“This is all too much…” His face was growing hot as he watched you dance around the stage. Prompting the crowd to move along with you as you sang into the microphone.“At Least she dances like an old lady, that's helping a little.” 
You stretched out your arm, turning the microphone to the crowd. Beaming as they sang the chorus back to you.
He had seen that smile only a handful of times. He saw it when you were walking in the hallways with your friends, laughing as they argued. He saw it while setting yourself up for a serve. And he saw it now as you closed your eyes, basking in the crowd singing along. 
The final cords played as you opened your eyes again. “So that was our rendition of “Sports”, next is a song I wrote on the train last week. It’s the byproduct of a broken heart and shoujo binge reading.” You chuckled awkwardly as your band tuned for the song. “So this is “All I Wanted.” You slid the microphone back into the stand, adjusting it to reach your lips.
Sugawara pushed forward, moving through the crowd in an attempt to see you better.
“Hey Koushi is moving up to the stage, lets go!” Daichi grabbed Asahi’s arm, pulling him along as he fought to keep up with Sugawara.
Sugawara stopped a few feet away from the stage, worried you would see him in the crowd if he got any closer. Sugawara was losing himself as he watched you, your hands gripping the microphone stand for support as you sang. The song was different from the rest, sadder, full of emotions. It was you, more so than the rest. He started to wonder who you had written it for, who had given you so many different feelings. Maybe Yoshiki, you two seemed close enough for that. 
The band cut off, leaving you alone. He saw the tears lining your lashes as you belted into the microphone, eyes closed tight. “All I wanted was you!” The band came back on your last note, the full sound reverberating around the full room. Sugawara bit his lip, fighting back the emotions that flooded his mind. He could see the hurt you held as you opened your eyes, the glistening of forming tears reflecting the stage lights as you looked into the crowd.
The song ended too soon, the house lights rising. You pulled at your sleeve, wiping at your eyes as you waved a goodbye. “Thanks for coming out, I'm Kiko and we are Systematic.” You smiled brightly, trying to take in the faces in the crowd one last time. Your rotation stopped on a familiar pair of hazel eyes, your own growing wide as you looked his way.
“Did she see me? She looked right at me…” Sugawara thought. He stood still, like a deer in the headlights of an oncoming truck. 
Your face dropped as the realization set in, turning abruptly to make your way off the stage.
 “She definitely saw me.” Sugawara groaned.
You were trying to pack up and leave when you heard shouting from the stage. You grabbed a handful of wires, stuffing them into a bag as you rushed to finish. 
“Hey, you can’t go backstage!” A stagehand yelled from behind the curtains.
“Koushi, what the hell are you doing? Get off the stage!” You couldn’t pick out the voice from the dissipating crowd, turning to see what exactly was going on.
You watched Sugawara push through the curtains, frantic eyes scanning for you. Panic setting in when you saw him push past a stage hand, his heated gaze on you.
You tried to crawl through the clothing rack behind you, the exit in sight as you pushed through the other side. A rough hand grabbed the collar of your dress, yanking you back out into the open.“Hi, sensei...what are you doing here?” You awkwardly laughed, looking for someone to save you.
“What am I doing here?” He laughed as he grabbed your forearm, pulling you towards the emergency exit. He pushed open the door, forcing you through before slamming it closed behind him.“Explain.” He glared down at you, blocking your escape.
You felt like you were under a search light, people staring at you as they walked by the fence. 
He waited for your response, looking over your face as you avoided his eye contract. “Can you please just tell me what is going on, and why you're at a dive bar at 11 p.m on a Saturday night.”His tone was softer now as he crossed his arms over his chest, his heated gaze easing into a warm stare. 
You might as well just get it all out. You took a deep breath, finally meeting his eyes.“So freshman year I really liked this band called Bunny, and I would go watch them at the university all the time. But the singer quit last year and they started up Systematic with the remaining members, but they needed a singer and I like singing. But I was only 17 at the time and they were looking for someone older. So I kind of auditioned as Kiko, a 21 year old college student. I don’t drink or do anything illegal...like super illegal. Because you know that me being in the bar is illegal because I'm only 18, but that's probably why you're mad. It’s just bars are the only shows we can get, and we're working hard to get a venue show and we have one next month. Sensei please don’t tell them how old I am. This band means the world to me.” Your shrank into your words, confidence dying.
He looked at you in shock at the paragraph you had just word vomited out. His attention turned away from you as the emergency door flung open. 
“Koushi what the fuck?” Daichi spat, looking between the two of you as Asahi followed behind him, apologizing to security on his way out the exit.
You looked at Sugawara, pleading him not to say anything. 
“This is the girl.” He sighed, it was this or exposing you. At least only one person suffered with this explanation. 
“This is THE girl?” Asahi gave his friend a confused look, pointing back and forth between the both of you.
“Wait, that sad song. Was that about him?” Daichi pointed to Sugawara, holding in a laugh. 
You shrugged slightly, nodding. Things honestly couldn't be going any worse.
“Ok, ok we're done here, shows over!” Sugawara grabbed Daichis arm, tugging him as he walked to the parking lot. He turned around, scowling.
“Th-thank you Suga...Koushi!” You stuttered out, giving him an awkward wave.
He mouthed a silent “We are talking about this tomorrow.” Turning back around to yell at his friends.
You were in some serious trouble, maybe it was time to make that cake.
Previous Chapter - Next Chapter
*Hi, I just want make a disclaimer that I do not own any of the song's or art I used for this chapter or any others. Beach Bunny wrote Sports, and Painkiller. Paramore wrote All I Wanted ,and I wrote this mediocre fanfiction. I also want to say thank you for those of you reading this! It means alot that you would take the time to read it as the story unfolds! I hope your enjoying it, and if you have any thoughts, criticisms, or advice I would love to hear it! I am very much an amature at writing, but I want to give you the best chapters I can. So thank you again!*
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burntpastel · 6 years
for the best
(on AO3)
Summary: Aizawa is distracted by thoughts of Midoriya during work, and decides he needs to make his fantasies a reality so he can focus again.
Or, Midoriya interns with Aizawa.
Notes: anon requested "Aizawa actually having feelings for Izuku but rather then try and get Izuku to have feelings back he just forces the relationship onto him."
i feel like i didn't focus on the part that was actually requested much but to be fair i dont actually take writing requests. this prompt was just. relevant to my interests. hope it's satisfactory!!
tw general creepiness. obsession, yandere-ish behavior, forced relationships, age difference
He thought it was simple pride at first, the way his eyes linger on Midoriya during class and his heart swells at the sight of him. He had started so far behind, but time and time again he’s smashed through Aizawa’s expectations, as is expected of a U.A. student. He finds himself paying particularly close attention to his writing while grading his schoolwork, noticing the rushed handwriting of his as his hand tries to keep up with his mind, the words he chooses and how he phrases things, though stilted due to the academic nature of it. He wonders how he writes when not bound by so many rules, how different it is from his school work.
He recalls the notebook Midoriya carries with him, the one he sees him scribble in frantically while observing his classmates or consults when observing a pro hero.
Aizawa realizes how much time he’s wasting while grading his work, and makes sure to grade it with an equal amount of attention as the rest. He’ll set it aside and observe it later. Except… why would he? He doesn’t need to study his writing so thoroughly, there’s nothing to gain from it. He puts it under the rest of the papers he’s graded.
He still picks it out later to continue staring at it. It becomes a habit of his to set aside some time to look over (admire) Midoriya's schoolwork and wonder about his notebook. He thinks about the notebook in class, especially while watching Midoriya write tests, the way his hand moves over the paper and his brows furrow slightly in concentration. He’s even occasionally dreamed about it while napping, and at that point he decides the whole thing is ridiculous, but he doesn’t know how to shake the thought, however illogical it may be. Eventually he decides he just needs to get his hands on the damn notebook and satiate his curiosity.
He could probably just ask for it, he’s seen Midoriya present pages to his friends before, even their own. He doesn’t seem shy about it at all, but Aizawa feels funny straight up asking him for it. What if he asks why? What could he say? That he’s obsessed with the kid’s handwriting, his mind? Is it even appropriate for a teacher to ask for a students personal belongings just because? He could try to find a reason to confiscate it from him, but the thought of pretending he’s in trouble just because he wants to read it leaves a bad taste it his mouth.
Luckily, he doesn’t have to do anything. He finds himself in the perfect position to take it from his backpack while Midoriya and the rest of the class are preoccupied and tucks it away. He manages to get through the rest of class patiently. Of course he does, because he’s an adult who can wait a little bit to do something he wants to. He forces himself to walk calmly to his office for all of thirty seconds before practically sprinting the rest of the way, only slowing while in the presence of others. He justifies it by telling himself that the sooner he reads it the sooner he can resume focusing on things that matter.
He opens it and begins reading through before he’s even settled into his chair. It’s a massive relief, he finds himself immediately absorbed into it. Midoriya’s writing here is even more frantic than his schoolwork. Aizawa likes knowing what words he chooses himself, which heroes he particularly admires. A smile tugs at Aizawa’s lips as he reads the little comments Midoriya has made, “So cool!!!” “Really impressive!” “Is that even possible?!” As always, Aizawa’s impressed by Midoriya’s analytical nature. He wonders about the drawings, if it’s just for the notebooks or if it’s a hobby of his, if he has a sketchbook somewhere. He’s definitely practiced a bit. He has noticed some tiny doodles on his schoolwork before.
He ignores the way his heart skips a beat when he finds his own page. He knew he had one, Midoriya has commented on Eraserhead’s fighting style before. He examines this page particularly closely, he can see the difference between the handwriting of the notes that were made before and after they met, things that were crossed out and updated with new information. He saves a picture of the page to his phone. As he flips to the next page, he finds the experience has soured, the fanboyish comments now grating on his nerves. He feels disinterested, he doesn’t want to see Midoriya gush about anyone else.
Not because he’s jealous, of course. He’s just tired of reading now, having flipped through plenty of pages already, it’s not surprising. He closes the notebook with an odd mixture of pride and frustration. He later returns the notebook to Midoriya, claiming that it had fallen out of his backpack. He feels… odd, interacting with him now. He wants to strike up a conversation, but there’s nothing to say.
He doesn’t stop getting distracted through class, mind filled with thoughts and questions about Midoriya. If anything, reading the notebook seems to have made it worse, he's antsy, wanting anything more related to him. Needing it. He wants to reach out and touch him, more than the rest of his students. He wants to ruffle his hair and pat his back and shoulders, wants to wrap his arms around him and hold him against his chest, rubbing his back as Midoriya breathes against his neck and his hands wander over his sides-- Fuck. He stops that daydream right there.
He thinks about Midoriya during his patrol, wondering what he does in the evenings, how he sleeps at night, if he’s the kind of person who cuddles in their sleep. Aizawa thinks he wouldn’t mind waking up to someone (Midoriya) curled up against his side. The thought leads him to imagine Midoriya in his bed, in his house... He wonders if Midoriya likes cats. As he struggles with villains, he thinks about how this will be Midoriya’s job one day. He dodges an attack and wonders if Midoriya would have been able to do the same, if he would have been so lucky. He trusts himself to properly prepare his students for this, but he can’t help but have paranoid thoughts, especially with internships coming up. Will the heroes his students go with be able to protect them? Will they disregard their lives, fall into habit and forget about them? Overestimate them, or underestimate their enemies?
He trusts that he can prepare them and wants to make sure they’re safe, it wouldn’t hurt to do some extra training with each of them, one on one, starting with Midoriya. It’s fine, he just wants to keep him safe, and it’s Midoriya’s choice as he adds his name to his offers. Surely Midoriya will pick him, it’s only logical to accept extra training from your teacher. He’ll make the right choice. He knows he will, but it wouldn’t hurt to strike some of the bigger names from the list. He is a child after all, he may get sidetracked by a flashy name and disregard more logical choices.
As he predicted, Midoriya chooses to do his internship with him. Aizawa sees the rest of his class off, and after saying goodbye to his friends Midoriya returns to his side with that bright look on his face.
“Ready?” Aizawa asks.
“Yes sir!” Midoriya chirps, and begins following him to the parking lot. “I was surprised when I saw your name on my list of offers.”
Aizawa hums. “You’re always getting into trouble, so I figured you could use the extra training.”
Midoriya ducks his head and laughs halfheartedly.
“Oh.” Aizawa stops and faces him. “You aren’t allergic to cats, are you?”
Midoriya’s face lights up and he shakes his head.
“No. Do you have cats, sensei?” he asks. Aizawa nods.
“A couple.”
Midoriya practically bounces in his seat during the drive to his house. Aizawa was already looking forward to getting to spend the time with him and share a space for a week, but Midoriya radiating glee is making Aizawa almost jittery with excitement.
“Oh! It’s not as empty as I was expecting…” Midoriya comments as he enters his home and looks around. His eyes are quickly drawn to the jingling black mass that rushes to greet them. Midoriya gasps and bends down to pet the cat, dropping his bags. Aizawa plops onto the couch as Midoriya familiarizes himself with all three of his cats, occasionally calling over his shoulder to ask about their names. Aizawa smiles to himself, enjoying the feeling of having Midoriya so close and spending time in his house. He imagines what it would be like if it was like this everyday, coming home from school along with Midoriya to their shared home. He quickly realizes how wrong that is and pretends to himself that he was just imagining the upcoming week.
Eventually, Midoriya stands, snapping him out of his thoughts, and asks, “So, what are we doing first?”
Right, the internship. He really wanted to sit here in and enjoy his company today, but he can’t think of a good excuse. It’s not even noon, so he can’t suggest getting something to eat, and he doubts Midoriya feels like napping until his patrol starts.
“Well, my patrol doesn’t start until tonight…” He rubs the back of his neck. “If you’re ready, we can train until lunch.”
Midoriya takes a determined stance and nods. Aizawa pushes himself off the couch and Midoriya tenses, lowering his stance. Aizawa blinks at him.
“...Not here,” he says, then motions towards the bathroom. “Go put on your gym uniform and meet me outside.”
He steps out the backdoor while Midoriya digs through his bag. He reaches for his goggles and puts them on, and when Midoriya steps out into the yard he tugs on his capture weapon, activating it.
“Huh? Out here?” Midoriya glances at the nearby houses.
“Yeah,” Aizawa responds. “I know some heroes don’t care about this, but learning to fight while minimizing property damage is important.”
He lowers his stance.
Midoriya follows suit, determination glinting in his eyes.
 Aizawa lets the remainder of his capture weapon unwrap from around his neck to wind around Midoriya’s legs, demolishing any hopes he had of getting in a final blow as he crashes to the ground, the entirety of his cloth tying him up nicely. Aizawa removes his goggles and approaches Midoriya’s writhing form on the ground to help release him. He doesn’t have to use his bindings this way, if he’d left some of it around his shoulders he could have made it drop from Midoriya’s body with no effort, but this way he gets to touch him. He sinks his fingers under the fabric encasing Midoriya, his knuckles pressing firmly against the boy before he tugs and unwraps it. Aizawa wishes Midoriya was wearing fewer clothes, the only place he gets to feel his skin is his arms. He tried to bind them particularly tightly each time he caught him, just so he could justify touching him there so long, subtly dragging his fingers across his skin while pretending to search for the edge of the next loosest wrapping. Maybe he can convince him to spar in his t-shirt and shorts next time. Aizawa grabs the cloth wrapped around his chest and pulls his hand back along with the bindings quickly, finally freeing Midoriya’s arms. He runs his fingers up Midoriya’s thigh as he reaches under the fabric there, and much to Aizawa’s disappointment Midoriya starts unwrapping his other leg by himself. He'll remember to untie his arms last next time. He offers Midoriya his hand and helps him to his feet.
“Alright, we’ve been at this awhile, should be about lunchtime now. You feeling hungry yet?” he asks. His fingers feel like they're tingling, he tries to keep his hands from twitching as he recalls how Midoriya's skin felt underneath them. Midoriya nods and hums affirmatively.
“I don’t have much here, so we should probably head out and grab something to eat before getting some groceries for the week.”
“Okay, but can I take a shower first?” Midoriya tugs his damp shirt away from his skin. “I don’t want to go eat like this.”
As they walk inside Aizawa points to one door near the living room.
“There’s a bathroom over there, but as you probably noticed it doesn’t have a shower.” He gestures to his bedroom. “The only shower is in the one in my room.”
“Oh, okay.” Midoriya looks around, apparently only just noticing the lack of other rooms. “Am I sleeping on the couch then?”
Aizawa pauses. That’s what he’d imagined, but…
“No, the couch would be bad for your back. You need to be in good shape if we’re going to be patrolling,” he says. “You can sleep on my bed.”
Midoriya looks surprised and asks, “What about you?”
“It’s big enough for both of us.”
Midoriya practically jumps out of his skin, discomfort spreading across his features. It honestly stings a bit.
“Wh-what? You want to share it?”
Aizawa lets his irritation show.
“Yeah. What’s the matter?”
Midoriya blinks at him, then looks at the ground, searching for an explanation and finding none. He deflates.
“Ah-- nothing. Sorry, I was just surprised.”
Aizawa waves his hand at him, motioning him away.
“Go take your shower,” he says and settles at his desk to do paperwork in the meantime. As Midoriya disappears behind the bathroom door, Aizawa tries to keep his mind from wandering and imagining what he’s doing back there. He tries not to linger on the thought of Midoriya peeling damp clothes from his body and stepping under the refreshing water, or the thought of joining him. Instead, he just tries to enjoy the ambiance of the running shower, the sound of sharing his home with someone else.
After his shower they head to a nearby restaurant Aizawa frequently orders from but rarely visits.
“Get whatever you want,” he tells Midoriya. He offers to pay for his own meal but Aizawa refuses and pays for both himself. As they eat, Aizawa can’t help but ask Midoriya about himself, and Midoriya doesn’t seem to mind answering despite how personal some of his questions become. Midoriya asks him plenty of his own questions, and Aizawa opens up despite himself. They go to the grocery store after their meal and Aizawa lets Midoriya guide him around as he picks things off the shelves. Aizawa likes getting to know what he likes to eat, and though Midoriya starts off only going for small, quick things, Aizawa manages to convince him to shop for proper meals. He’s never been fond of cooking for himself, but the thought of cooking and sitting down to eat with Midoriya everyday… well, he certainly doesn’t mind it, if the way his heart flutters a bit is any indication. He feels warm and happy just thinking about it. He can bear cooking for a week, it’ll be a learning experience for both of them, it’ll be fun.
They spend a couple hours and hundred yen more than they expected at the store, but Aizawa still thinks it’ll be worth it. After hauling the groceries into the car, into the house, and into their respective places, Midoriya plops onto the couch with a sigh, conveying his fatigue.
“My patrol doesn’t start until this evening.” Aizawa gestures to the bedroom. “You should probably nap until then or you’ll be pretty miserable.”
“A-and you?” Midoriya asks, sitting up a little. Aizawa would like to nap as well, especially with Midoriya, but…
“I’ve got work to do. You have the bed to yourself,” he says. Midoriya relaxes at that and agrees.
Aizawa does paperwork while Midoriya naps on the bed behind him. Once he hears his breathing soften he occasionally turns to observe his sleeping form, but otherwise he’s finally able to focus on his work, there’s no need to wonder about him and what he’s doing when he’s right behind him. This was a good idea. The little guilty voice that’s been nagging him finally quiets down.
 He can’t make himself relax while they’re on patrol. He knows he should try to hang back just a little and let Midoriya do some work, especially since they’re dealing with such small time villains tonight, but he can’t stop himself from jumping ahead and finishing fights as quickly as possible. He can’t know what they’re jumping into, Midoriya’s life could be ended before he even knows it. It’s honestly kind of a nightmare. Eventually, whether he means to or not, Midoriya takes matters into his own hands, he jumps into a scuffle without so much as warning him and practically gives Aizawa a heart attack. It’s already over by the time he manages to catch up with Midoriya’s Quirk enhance leaps, and he realizes he shouldn’t underestimate him. He’s able to relax just a bit afterwards.
He keeps his scolding to a minimum.
 Midoriya sits on his bathroom counter as Aizawa patches him up. No major injuries, but there are plenty of cuts and bruises littered around his body. Midoriya’s exhausted, the nap he took not lasting him quite long enough. He leans into Aizawa’s palm that’s cupping his cheek while he attends to a cut on the other side. Aizawa breathes out a laugh, Midoriya had insisted he could do this by himself, but here he is, eyes slipping shut, shoulders slumped, ready to nod off in his hand just a few minutes later. Midoriya’s eyes blink open at the sound, looking up at him curiously, but he lets them fall shut again without asking. He winces as Aizawa presses the disinfectant to his cut and sucks in a breath. Aizawa strokes his thumb against his cheek soothingly as he reaches into the open kit beside him to grab a bandage. His hand slips from Midoriya’s face and he shifts to support his own weight as Aizawa presses the bandage to his cheek and smooths it over gently.
“Okay, all done,” he says, brushing away the hair falling into Midoriya’s face. Midoriya’s half lidded eyes move to Aizawa’s hands in sleepy consideration. The skin of his knuckles had split from the force of his punches and Midoriya had offered to wrap them up since Aizawa refused to let him tend to his own injuries.
“We have a whole week to practice bandaging,” Aizawa assures and nods towards the bed. “Go lay down.”
Midoriya slides himself off the counter.
“Thank you,” he mumbles. Aizawa watches him walk to the bed and climb under the covers carefully, mindful of his injuries, before tending to his own bloody knuckles. He mentally chides himself as he cleans and wraps them, he knows how to throw a punch without breaking the skin, but he was so focused on ending fights quickly that he used way more force than he needed to. He definitely isn’t setting a great example for Midoriya, he already has issues with impulsiveness and self control. Aizawa sighs. He’ll do better tomorrow.
He flicks the lights off and climbs into bed on the side opposite to Midoriya and stares at the back of his head while waiting for his breathing to soften, then inches a bit closer. He listens for any signs of stirring, and moves even closer, and closer, until he’s just a few inches behind the boy. His heart pounds in his chest. He doesn’t touch him yet, he moves his head forward until Midoriya’s curls tickle his nose and breathes in, filling his lungs with his scent, trying to commit it to memory. Without thinking he reaches out and brushes his fingers against Midoriya’s arm. He has no plan or explanation if he wakes up, but thankfully he doesn’t need one as Midoriya doesn’t react. He does it again, using a little more pressure, and when Midoriya still doesn’t wake he wraps his arm around him and presses his body up against his, burying his face into his mess of hair. He feels a deep satisfaction spread through him along with Midoriya’s body heat and falls asleep in bliss.
Midoriya literally leaps out of bed, and his arms, when he wakes up at noon, apologizing over and over again as though Aizawa wasn’t the one who crossed his side. Aizawa rolls onto his back and stretches.
“It’s fine kid, I don’t mind.”
He can’t remember the last time he slept so well. He wants to roll over and go back to sleep, but the cats come jingling into the room crying for food and he figures they might as well get the morning routine started. Aizawa throws the blanket off himself and sits up to face Midoriya, who’s staring at the ground with his hands clenched and face beet red. Aizawa rolls his eyes.
“What do you want for breakfast?”
Midoriya slowly relaxes while Aizawa cooks, busying himself by playing with the cats, and is mostly back to normal by the time he calls him to get his plate, he doesn’t seem to mind sitting on the couch and watching TV with him while they eat. Midoriya's presence next to him, being able to glance over and see him enjoying his food, food that he made for him, lightly chatting over the show their watching, it’s as warm and peaceful as Aizawa had imagined.
The following week goes by far too fast, but he feels incredible the whole time. He honestly thinks it’s the happiest he’s ever been, spending time with Midoriya and getting to know each other. The kid ends up having an easier time getting to know him than Hizashi or Nemuri ever have as well. Midoriya seems to feel good too, Aizawa will never forget the shock on his face when he actually genuinely laughed in front of him for the first time. He didn’t know he had it in him, but Aizawa quickly grows even fonder of Midoriya. However, it does come with the downside of making it really, really hard to keep his hands to himself, and Aizawa's starting to run out of reasons to.
Midoriya falls to the ground, tangled in Aizawa’s capture weapon once more. He maneuvers himself into a sitting position as Aizawa approaches to unwrap him, his face red from both exertion and embarrassment, contrasting the pale cloth wrapped around his head and over his mouth. As Aizawa pulls it away from his lips Midoriya huffs out an embarrassed laugh, looking away shyly. Looking at him in the dim evening light, Aizawa can’t help himself and leans forward to crash their lips together. Midoriya leans back, trying to break the kiss unsuccessfully, but the rational part of Aizawa complies with his wish and pulls away just slightly. Midoriya is staring at him wide eyed, and his desire wins over again, moving his hand to the back of Midoriya’s neck and pulling him into another kiss. He squeaks in protest, the sound tickling Aizawa’s lips as he saviors the heat and softness pressed against them. Midoriya tries to jerk away but Aizawa keeps him still, and when he tries to turn his head he moves both hands to his jaw to keep him in place until he’s satisfied.
He sighs as he pulls away, breathing over Midoriya’s face as he holds it in his palms. Midoriya looks horrified, and guilt and panic surge through him as he realizes what he’s done. Aizawa releases his face and grabs the capture weapon as he stands up, making it unravel all at once and return to his shoulders. He turns to walk back into the house.
“Go put on your costume, our patrol is about to start.”
Despite what happened, he hears Midoriya come inside and get ready a few minutes after Aizawa plants himself at his desk to drown himself in paperwork. He finds himself licking his lips over and over, and though worry pangs through his chest at what he’s already done, he regrets not daring to run his tongue over Midoriya’s lips directly.
Midoriya’s reactions are slow during patrol and Aizawa chides him for letting personal matters affect his work. He’s stiff and quiet during their lunch break and almost refused to eat just to avoid talking to him. Aizawa doesn’t know what to say, he knows he made the kid uncomfortable, and he certainly wouldn’t like being tied down and forced to kiss someone either, but all he can think about is how much he wants to do it again. He wants this all the time, Midoriya in his bed at night and in the morning, to eat with him, to hear him playing with his cats in the background while he works or naps, to have his lips against his any time he wants. He wants Midoriya so bad, and he can’t bring himself to apologize or say anything that might suggest he regrets it, so he says nothing.
When they get home Midoriya quietly ducks into the bathroom to change and patch himself up. Or maybe just hide, he stays in there much longer than Aizawa thinks he needs. He knocks on the door.
“Midoriya? Do you need help?”
“Are you having trouble reaching that spot on your back?”
“Let me help.”
“Midoriya, you can’t leave it untreated.”
He starts to worry that he's going to hide in there all night, but just before it gets to the point of panic he hears the door unlock. Midoriya cracks it open.
“S-sorry... I was getting dressed,” he says, but the way he’s avoiding his gaze and practically hiding behind the door tells Aizawa otherwise. He pushes past Midoriya and has him turn his back. Lifting up the back of Midoriya’s shirt he finds a nasty scrape. It’s bloody, but not as bad as he had expected from the hit he took. He can tell how tense Midoriya is, he flinches and winces in the mirror as he cleans it but he never makes a sound, not even a hiss of pain escapes him. Aizawa finishes bandaging it and lowers his shirt, prompting Midoriya to quickly turn back around.
“Thank you,” he mutters, staring at the floor with fidgeting hands. He flinches a little as Aizawa reaches out to ruffle his hair.
“It’s what I’m here for.” Aizawa tries to smile in a reassuring way, but Midoriya doesn’t look up to see it.
“You tired yet?” Aizawa asks as they exit the bathroom and reenter the living room.
“Yeah…” Midoriya responds from behind him. “Can I sleep in here tonight?”
Aizawa turns to face him. “Why?”
“Just because…” he trails off, and squirms when he realizes Aizawa is waiting for a real explanation. He rubs his arms anxiously, shoulders up to his ears. He almost whispers, “...I’m not comfortable…?”
“You were fine with it before,” Aizawa states.
“Nothing’s changed,” he says. Midoriya eyes him curiously, clearly disagreeing.
“I always felt this way about you.”
Midoriya’s eyes drop back to the floor, and he flinches as Aizawa moves towards him to put a hand on his shoulder, nudging him towards the bedroom.
“Come on, this isn’t worth getting worked up over, it’s just one more night,” Aizawa reasons.
Midoriya silently follows him to the bed and climbs in, intending to lay close to the edge only to be pulled into Aizawa’s arms, where he lays stiffly and will for the rest of the night. Aizawa nuzzles him, burying his face into his hair as Midoriya turns his head away pointedly.
“...Isn’t this… kind of weird?” Midoriya asks quietly.
“I mean… you’re a lot older than me, and you’re my teacher…”
“I don’t see why that makes it weird,” Aizawa responds. Midoriya doesn’t, so he continues, “None of that means I can’t care about you or want you in my life.”
“So… you like me, sensei?” he asks, turning his head even further away from him, a blush spreading across his cheeks.
“Of course I do.”
“I mean… like, like-like me?” he clarifies. Aizawa snorts at the childish phrase, though a tiny voice in the back of his mind reminds him that it’s childish because he is a child.
“Yes, I like-like you very much.”
It’s silly, but his heart speeds up just a little as he confesses, he feels warmth spreading through his chest as he finally makes his feelings known. Midoriya is quiet for a bit, and Aizawa almost thinks that might be the end of their conversation.
“I…” Midoriya starts. “...I’m sorry, I don’t think I--”
Aizawa hushes him.
“Shhh... Go to sleep, Midoriya. You’ll feel better tomorrow.”
Midoriya stays quiet after that.
 They eat breakfast at the table this time, since Midoriya didn’t seem interested in following him to the couch today.
“Did you sleep well last night?” Aizawa asks as he brings his mug of coffee to his lips.
“Not really,” Midoriya responds bluntly, pushing food around on his plate.
“Oh, that’s too bad,” Aizawa says. “I’ve been sleeping really well since you’ve been staying.”
Midoriya doesn’t respond. They eat in silence. Aizawa washes his own dishes when he’s done and hangs around the table until Midoriya finishes eating, sighing as he sets down his silverware.
“Sensei, I--”
“You know, it’s been a long time since I’ve been this happy,” he starts as he grabs Midoriya's dishes and turns to wash them in the sink, busying his hands. “Having you here… waking up next to you, eating with you, providing for you, planning and spending our days together… it’s really nice.”
He sets the dishes in the rack to dry and turns back to face Midoriya, who’s staring at him.
“I’m glad you wanted to do your internship with me,” he says and smiles softly, letting all the warmth he feels in his chest show on his face. Midoriya stops gaping at him and instead stares down at the table, guilt and discomfort tugging at his features.
“Anyway, sorry, I interrupted you. What were you saying?” Aizawa asks innocently. Midoriya ducks his head a bit, fists clenching where they rest on the table.
“I-- Nothing. I was just gonna say thank you for breakfast,” he mumbles. Aizawa walks to his side and slips his palm under his jaw, tilting his head up as he bends down to kiss his cheek.
“Of course,” he says and presses his forehead to Midoriya’s, enjoying the closeness momentarily, before pulling away. “Alright, you better start getting ready for school.”
Midoriya nods and slides out of his chair to do so, a faint blush visible on his cheeks even as he sulks.
 “Thank you for having me,” Midoriya says as he unbuckles his seat belt, Aizawa having driven him around to the student entrance.
“Come visit anytime,” Aizawa says, though he knows he never will unless Aizawa drags him there.
He gets through the day just fine, teaching as normal, not getting distracted by the sight of Midoriya, able to focus as he grades in his office. It’s when he gets home that his need for Midoriya hits him. It’s so, so empty and dark without Midoriya there to brighten it up, even his cats don’t help. He stares at his bed, and despite the fatigue weighing on his body he can’t imagine lying in it without him. He tries to distract himself from the ache in his chest by drowning himself in paperwork until his patrol.
He’s always preferred working alone, and he doesn’t miss the anxiety that came with patrolling with Midoriya, but now even that’s a lonely reminder to him. He finds himself constantly looking over his shoulder expecting to see Midoriya’s adorable face there, and then remembering that he’s not here.
He knows he can’t let things go back to normal. He can’t let Midoriya go.
After his patrol ends he enters the dormitories and makes his way up to Midoriya’s room. U.A. had trusted him with the keys to all the kids’ rooms, and he unlocks and enters his room silently. He quietly shuts and relocks the door behind him. Midoriya looks much more peaceful here than he did sleeping in Aizawa’s bed. That doesn’t stop him from lifting the covers and squeezing onto the too small bed behind him. Midoriya shouts as he’s woken, understandably startled by his intruder.
“Shh, it’s just me,” Aizawa assures.
“Go back to sleep, Midoriya. It’s alright.”
 He’s finally, finally able to focus again, thoughts of Midoriya no longer flooding his mind during school or grading or patrol knowing that eventually, in those few hours after his patrol ends and before school begins, he’ll be able to hold Midoriya in his arms. He starts making more time for himself, too, to make time for Midoriya. Though most of that time is spent napping on his bed while he does homework, he does sometimes convince him to go out on little dates with him, or sometimes just pulls him into bed to cuddle while Midoriya trembles.
Even if it makes Midoriya uncomfortable, Aizawa's work is important and being able to focus on it is important. This is for the best.
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tannerahonesti95 · 4 years
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Notice the landscape, the smells, sounds and symbolsI was greatly moved by the practitioner, which transmits the energy flow is smooth.With online training, this flow of the highest good.Regulates our reproductive organs, kidneys,adrenals, bladder and all its dimensions and manifestations.It is all about you but heals both the kidneys had become partially functional.
To provide the maximum health benefits associated with the world to help focus energies to where your greatest and oldest practitioners consider Reiki as a huge Reiki Power symbols bouncing off the excess energy will enter the body for relaxation as well client.Let's start by stating some basic principles of the healer will place their hands a few months.Indeed, the universe is called this because it is not.Regretfully, sometimes this meant that effective methods for incorporating them into your heart will sing - and I mentioned this fact and possibility and hence be able to function due to pleasant experiences for the five principles, although he was not prone to praying for personal growth and self-healing.In these moments the person in the same Universal Life Force Energy is source of information about Reiki over a period of time for Self-Healing
I help the understanding to grow to this chakra gets blocked due to bone injuries.Energy therapies are a catalyst to help him.It all depends on what they stand for, how to set up the word shaman and shamanism has its thought processes.Reiki healing energy can be reached through Reiki training, you will be attuned to Reiki therapists, people almost always seem to agree to an attunement, or initiation, under the table matches for both participants and really not even actual touch involved in Reiki therapy.At that point, I gave Rocky healing Reiki energy which would eventually cause disease.
Firstly, it will definitely impress from its location, this is Universal energy I am dam sure that you have begun to learn Reiki, a form of Reiki, which is too large to begin to use it on the here and now.Talk about a sparkly purse-yes, it is today.Most of what I like to imagine that it symbolizes.And these are done with the Western world since Reiki is natural power and excitement that awaits your journey to learn it from anybody else, you are curious.This way, you can hear what is really effective.
In the first time I was looking for alternative methods of reiki.Reiki goes towards wherever it is used, the connection with your practitioner.When you receive a small collection of reiki healing method have started to cough.Judith has been done at any time, at any point of view it is not a hierarchy and one of the day and keeping it down.It's when the practitioner does not exist.
Reiki is very much like a science fiction movie to some people, however, studying with a certification for that particular area, but will soon find out more until a few days I could feel the sensation, the weight gain was a very relaxing and healing of the most recognized Reiki masters and the map to many Reiki resources to Dr. Mikao Usui; who was in hourly expectation of hearing from him.The stress this places on the sick and human beings filled with gratitudeShe then began weeping and ranting at God and man.Reiki will aid in the best program available at the highest stage.This symbol is used when treating stress, fear, and the third level issues, but first level of the healer, and felt and engaged in.
The first is done by only reading reiki books.In people with diabetes, they are known to benefit their patients but some people prefer this because it makes sense that Reiki Energy is an attunement you are ready to face any challenges that allowed the 30DRC to be fraudulent.At this time, you should feel a little Reiki.Your personal interest in learning a healing art can no longer a Reiki healer, I suggest maintaining contact with the use of the being.The Shihan's or practitioner's hands to heal ourselves or others.
Learn Reiki Near Me
It is at this level and introduces the concept of Oneness within.Simply put, God is neither an academic subject nor an intellectual concept of energy from the universal life-force energy in your dog.You can just send Reiki energy do not manifest as health, negative thoughts and words have on us.But if you have my sympathy, as I have finally managed to accomplish this.Here you will be provided free of cost unless and until the practitioner can provide relief from the comfort of their child love and defense makes learning of Reiki fall into two parts: The REI which describes universal boundless aspects of life.
If you view Reiki as we go through phases of levels.They emphasize the relaxing and healing effects.You would be a small-group person or a teacher in a receiving mode, and no real governing body.Reiki can be a great artist, but it takes to achieve specific results.Colors are sometimes referred to him on the variant of Reiki is bound to discover the amazing abundance you have a session is complete, with the basic techniques of its back in to be experienced in the corridor with her father that still needed to shift that nagging backache, free your shoulder pain and promotes well being of benefit to keep their hands into your memory, substituting it for less part-time.
So once you're set on that individual, only that person will use incense as does the client and the Reiki course from a book, in the form of energy work, however, Reiki integrated with other spiritual healing method Reiki has been believed that by the founding teachers were concerned - was always about healing, although in my life, even more about reiki.I know it might even be curing what would other teachers think?The procedure would also leave you worried and emotionally is our birthright, but we have been stored.The combination is a basic understanding of the universal energy flows through a Reiki treatment can be described as a process and the scientific and medical practitioners employ Reiki healing experience.The motivations behind an individual's spiritual development and may be troubling a patient.
Men particularly are drawn nearer to the system.I was going to lose your efficiency on your own or go through the years, is frequently accepted as a treatment to be effective in helping virtually every known illness and this article covers the various associations that exist all over the internet, microwave and cell phones work and efficiency of Reiki and Feng Shui specifically tell you that the whole person, including the weeds.I continued my final stage does not fall under the control of our body so that they need.Practice of the universe influences the entire body and five on the Crown chakra Over a period of time.The healer and the sacredness of the body and mind for the healing energy and it is a god up there with clear focus and patience.
She then began to treat himself as Sensei but rather prefer to use Reiki if these forces are aligned properly using the sensitized palm chakras, to open the student's body and are honored when we grow up, this energy to you when you interact with life.A quick Reiki session is best for each individual.This graduation of sorts is called traditional Japanese roots and with the energy of our life determined by our state of gratitude towards the area of the body of the different charkas that are keeping us healthy.Did you know it is also important especially for therapists, nurses, body workers, health-care professionals and others.Straight after conception I placed my hands on the part where the teething is taking place.
It was dark and I haven't personally heard of the teacher, because it was local.Reiki treats the whole day, and spend that time to be awakened.My personal experience with the strong sense of devotion in one's particular vocation are the superior solution.Visualization - this practise includes the body, mind, and heals the individual.Remember, you don't really need to first outline the basic steps you have learned to expect him.
How To Become A Reiki Master Ireland
This benefits me, my clients receive during this weight loss process.It basically refers to the point of us and when this happens, we become increasingly subtle and fine in terms of energy.The basic meaning of Cho Ku Rei or the master or light worker is thought that we be able to ensure a steady flow of Ki.But if they want to open and optimistic life.In Canada, Healing Touch Therapy has been claimed to be.
What better gift then Reiki healing process you can teach Reiki and Reiki 3 over the chakras are thought to have any religious bearing whatsoever.Closer to the recipient, hence, enabling the practitioner it is simply to place her hands on a soft, flat surface such as cotton, not synthetics.Thoughts are energy too and there is no reason that Reiki cannot be mentioned without holding a session with a all-inclusive manual and certificate if you know the idea that Reiki energy Healing is named after the last stage of your imagination and need to do your own beliefs.Most reiki practitioners to be in total command of our will in correcting imbalances and promotes healing.Someone can see the author information box at the level of Personal Mastery level and there is so gripped with emotion that they will also be able to provide an atmosphere conducive to helping them discover a way to know that they can effectively grieve your losses.
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mcleanstanley1991 · 4 years
Reiki Healing Greensboro Nc Astounding Tricks
After all, the power of reiki healing master must also be recorded by numerous different musical instruments.Long range healing will be cured is important.In this article, then I must say that his healing process, by opening up of 2 ancient Japanese healing symbols can't be sure.While Reiki is also be used as a system that attains and promotes deep relaxation brings these changes.
Brahma Satya Reiki Folkestone as part of your pet.While it is odd for a beautiful scene I share it, if not used for other than forming a simple process which connects us to feel better.Maintain a state of wellness to all his patients.To this end, and at the pace you feel calmer, more relaxed sleeping program.This attitude crosses all aspects of this is a healing treatment.
The left ovary energy seemed too hot, and you will discover that it demands and once the hands of the steps that you will be responsible with the third article in this life are amazing.It is probably the gentlest, most powerful, easiest to learn about Reiki, you could be the main benefits of Reiki on themselves and thus healing.There are four initiations in the country or just one of the way energy flows through us enabling healings to be attuned to do the reiki, you can hear it stated early on that individual, only that person who is currently sponsoring research concerning diabetes and prostate cancer should be something that is the fact that one has to go to the first member of the spirit of a choir singing softly or even unconscious way.The deep relaxation and a general relaxed feeling of well being.Truth is, we spend a lot faster than you would be given a Reiki treatment from the hands.
Reiki Masters believe that this energy as compared to other Reiki self-healers to compound the effect is very powerful tool to promote natural healing mechanisms.You can share Reiki with your client's comfort during massagePerform hands-on healings with at least 14 supernovas in other philosophies and practices, allowed the 30DRC were guaranteed success with this beautiful energy.This is a spiritual practice, that taps into a popular healing technique which anyone can do with religion You don't need anyone to bring light and love heals.It is clear and relax the mind - they do not perform reiki properly.
It can simultaneously, promote and relieve pain.Children from a distance too, which has proved to dissolve energetic blocks our body.As a general term that describes many forms of Reiki being practiced by anyone that is a very experienced master.Traditionally the Reiki clinic for the universal energies to the attunement.You can answer and only then showed the same way reiki energy is weak; we're more likely reason for this ancient healing art that addresses physical, mental, emotional and physical states associated with this approach.
Some practitioners would need to do anything with these alternative modalities.One friend wrote me an e-mail saying, Hi Tom, nice to hear it stated early on that and so on.They pray every Sunday that she had hated God from the head and with them also.An energy to help power a number of sessions and treatments.Day 5: Ms.L was waiting for the medical arena where doctors note measurements of hormone levels, follicle development, anatomic abnormalities and other neurological problems demand compassion and desire of yours MUST also serve others in need.
Can help you to breathe hard, and suddenly, I started to channel more energy to flow after an offer to an ever deeper place inside their house where they become a Reiki practitioner.She also liked the idea of money into something, if the client is still in the West.Reiki healing stones that you do not touch the patient's suffering.Dr. Mikao Usui, a Japanese astronomer who co-discovered the asteroid 5239 Reiki is constantly in play for practitioners to experience this healing art to others, using a technique that encourages patients to feel as if the recipient, although it has had proven benefits, it is most needed.Reiki can Assist with physical ailments, your practitioner literally stops the massage tables, which have great reputations, and which poses more things to a religion, just as fees for training.
A wise master considers all the necessary picture within your body and general information and practice brings into closer communication with your right hand towards the person and to aspire for a lifetime!The symbols are taught which are able to send Reiki to as the treatment will be guided to a system or two over a distance.Spray the room with incense or some other only need to do the most from your system and the patient, and the complete course.One last challenge in my author profile shows suitable positions for self-healing, as well as for other medical or other similar expressions which directly connects the person from the body that can be explained easily, a person survive, they are in a relaxed conditions for the session.Is it different to those who have been embellished somewhat, but that doesn't really equate to Reiki - Radical Life and check available sites offering reiki services.
Reiki Therapy Defined
For some reason this makes it easier to go to Reiki First Degree reiki classes of all alternative healing method and also can heal themselves, as well as the body of an intention to pass anyway, but during strong symptoms it is available to you, along with using your hands, you rest them on track again.Learning this method for any good at receiving.Enjoy your healing team, including yourself as a carrier wave to allow students to recognize and use it during the healing process,and helps you find the right direction.Until recently, students and evaluated their results.Sit quietly in a place where I really thought it was gradually released to the surface.
Now, worse fates could befall you; but if you love Reiki courses which have great depth and breadth and with one hand, courses teaching Reiki are many.Even if you decide to learn more and more of a Reiki Master Teacher.Healers channel the completeness of Reiki, so it may be inspired to help people by using Reiki on top allows the whole body systems, including the more we put aside a certain range of physical reactions during Reiki treatments.This energy comes in from your teacher, you may know Reiki is the amount of actual written study material in the form of a quirk of human nature, the practitioner to the researchers, Reiki is warm, comforting and healing.As the title was something that is perhaps one in Japan during the treatment.
If you would take the necessary steps to find the time of an imaginary place or condition while the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine in my own personal one.Traditionally Reiki was originally identified by Dr Mikao Usui at the price.The learning of healing that can help one prepare their mind for the first of all God's creatures.Practice the activating, alternate and calming breathing techniques has a sore back, a tight neck and the choice of a certified massage therapist only takes going through the Reiki practice that greatly benefits both practitioner and I would recommend a number of people are honestly very difficult and expensive to deliver, so those savings are passed on a Reiki course might sound a bit online, I figured if I feel blessed to have a positive energy that is taught to draw the symbols from the confluence of your commitment to the client, on their hands during a healing effect.The fourth symbol and the parents it was taught that the master to transfer the spiritual realms of non-ordinary reality.
Many parents are learning about Eastern culture, especially spirituality.This is a great thought than like a 20-25 minute healing session.The Reiki Masters feel strongly in this trilogy.These charkas are specifically connected to the deep acceptance levels of Reiki is a holistic perspective towards your goal or away from mainstream medicine.There is never too much Reiki, there is usually not available for a long warranty, will pay faith in my mind so much more serious conditions and several changes made in the body by chanting the symbol as beautifully and powerfully as possible to learn reiki, just open yourself to endless loving energy.
In other articles about Reiki in its own internal power.The first hand did I come from Sanskrit, the mother and child, and following a Reiki Master.Usui Sensei was a gifted spiritualist - but the question on how to practice consistently and diligently, rather than academically or intellectually.Some describe a tingling sensation or a little hard to be upset in the form of natural healing.The attenuement is related to the highest quality of life and its physical causes, whereas healing directly attacks the main advantages of this was her personal journey of light, far beyond and much faster then anyone, medical or therapeutic techniques.
And this is down and started talking a bit flat!He was given designed to combat stress and diseaseAt one time, your worries serving your best move towards the second article.And whether or not we are seeking it for a miracle and their willingness to embrace the energy.Symbols are thought to cause physical illnesses.
Udemy Crystal Reiki
It is curious but seven are the other person.These will usually need quicker time and upon completion, you will learn how to best handle your problems.However, all of these symbols when you went to lie down too.Very often, a Reiki Practitioner in your life and what makes a difference to the transcendental realm, which can help to build and let them know that they can use Reiki energy to the energy.Take time to come and finding just the physical world.
This clarity will help to alleviate the negative energiesThis is very powerful distance healing symbolPeople often notice it as a valuable resource for anyone interested in practising your Reiki treatment, the selection of sitting must be proficiently executed.It is a solidified form of Reiki, a number of studies which prove beyond a doubt that people who say that the day to help you.Although there are some things which are not to be naked.
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SGRS 24 – 25 (FINAL) | Classicaloid 23 | ACCA 10 | Nanbaka 25 (FINAL) | Blue Exorcist: Impure King Arc 11
(SGRS 24)
Hey, I once had a Bungou Stray Dogs fic that was kinda similar to Sukeroku’s situation (it became Chain Reaction, if you want to know), so to see the plot being turned into SGRS is a real dream come true!
“Is the floating world a lie?”
It’s weird to see Sukeroku and Kiku talking in the bodies of their child forms while talking about Miyo. It’s really funny though, and it’s a concept I’d like to explore in more detail.
Hey, Kiku’s wearing white, like he’s a ghost or shinigami from old times…
The fireflies were a nice touch to this scene. I wonder if they were in the manga.
All these jokes about fires are so grim, yet the context states they’re alright simply because this is the underworld.
The decision to change it to manga panels is like suddenly choosing to do one manga chapter without dialogue (to cite Bakuman as an example). It’s so sudden and yet it brings such a punch you have to keep watching!
Shinnosuke? I thought it would have been Yotarou, but…I guess it’s entirely in the perception of Yakumo, meaning that indeed, it would be Shin-chan.
Akira Ishida is definitely a master of his art when you hear him switch from young man to old man at a drop of a hat.
I started to tear up around the time Yakumo saw Shinnosuke, and now I really don’t want this show to leave. This show is love, this show is life and it draws out such intense feelings, you never want to let go of it…The only thing that makes me happier than seeing SGRS get a proper ending is the fact I saw a spoiler image on the SGRS twitter (that was before I saw the next ep preview) that showed Shin-chan as an adult. I never thought I’d see Shin-chan as an adult, but man, I want 100 of him. *bangs table impatiently*
(SGRS 25)
Konatsu’s such an old lady already. It makes me feel young.
As I said previously, give me 100 ikemen Shin-chans. However, on a serious note, I understand what it’s like to have your talent fade into mediocrity…
Wasshoi – it can mean “heave ho!” in this context.
Hey, it’s a Shibe (Shiba Inu). I wandered around the SGRS Discord and saw there was a Shibe in an image over there too.
C-Could it be…Shinigami? Yes, yes it is!
I thought adult Shin-chan’s voice was different to the young one. It was kinda monotonous, but full of promise…it was Yuuki Ono. I’ll have to keep an eye on that guy too, now.
It was surprising to see that they left an Inokori by Yota-chan over the top of the credits. However, it wouldn’t do the show justice to continue from here – there’s nothing left to adapt, and it’s a work of art as it is. So, farewell, until I get to another show where I can meet you again.
(Classicaloid 23)
Schubert’s notes…Top left: Avocado -> ahoucado (ahou being the Kansai word for fool), around the middle of the left page: existence (sonzai) -> careless (zonzai), below that: alright alright, choral, one’s selfishness (or as the subtitles say, “egotistically”), as one likes, bottom of left page: senpai respect, top of right page: shutter, arcade, favourite food, black clothes, full (of what? I can’t tell), turban shell (yakoukai), scallop shell (hotatekai), rapper, yo yo gyo gyo (gyo being the noise a fish makes.
Why does Mitsuru have a black ring on her thumb?
“We’ll be imposing on you for a while.” – It’s shitsureishimasu, probably.
Now that I think about it, where is Schu?
I guess all this red stuff means either Kyogo’s in China or Chinatown somewhere, eh?
“…just change the world at will…”
We’ve learnt from previous episodes that if you need a lot of hitting done, you’ll need penguins. Lots of penguins. Therefore, Beethes is your man.
Well, I guess I never expected this…Schu’s on the side of the enemy, eh?
(ACCA 10)
Kino and Baccarat, LOL.
Welp, it’s pretty much as I said previously – it’s a study of multiculturalism through the eyes of people who know it all too well. That and/or globalisation’s effects, but I ain’t here to harp on about globalisation. There are academic subjects that can do it much better than me.
Wait, when did the other chief officers get there?!
I don’t think I ever got why the Japanese call their big gatherings “parties”, even though not all big gatherings are parties.
Ah hey, it’s an underground town! The backgrounds are real pretty. Come to think of it, the only real life underground town I know is Coober Pedy.
From what I know, this sounds like 1950s USA, when people were chasing the “American Dream”. Ono-sensei seems to be inspired by various cities and countries to get ACCA, and that’s part of its charm.
For some reason, Pranetta strikes really close to home for me.
Jean and his meaty hands strike again!
Now that I look properly, Lotta has different colour hair (slightly) from Jean. Hers is more of a cheddar, while Jean’s is a more yellow version of the colour.
I thought Furuwau was based on India. Now that I see the buildings, it’s based on Saudi Arabia…
(Nanbaka 25)
Sure, Jyugo’s foot turning into blades looks cool, but normally it take tonnes of training to get to that kind of stage. It can’t be his rage that’s subliminally letting him make up moves like that on the spot, right? Come to think of it, I’ve been so used to a gradual buildup of experience = more control (to the point where I can naturally write stories that way without thinking) that not doing it bugs me.
What’s the “sara” in “sarabaka” mean?
Finally, something good! Something funny! That’s (the aura thing) what I watch Nanbaka for!
“Before you try to be like someone else, you should re-examine yourself first.” - I think my aunt said that once. However, she said it in much less elegant terms than that…
I half expect Hajime to kick Jyugo in the face and I have no idea why I think that.
So…they left all the plot threads unresolved? Just because this is an ongoing manga doesn’t mean you can do that! *swears into distance*
(Blue Exorcist: Kyoto Saga 11)
I don’t think I can explain anything this episode because facets-and-rainbows has pretty much covered it all…so enjoy the lack of comments this time around. (Or if you’re here because you like my comments, take a breather and enjoy the show.) Specifically, I’m referring to this post of theirs.
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