#Like for once i am actually experiencing physical symptoms and not faking to get out of attending
mrfoox · 2 years
I'm so fucking tired of this extreme nausea. I've skipped so much of my classes bc of it and yep today I feel it too
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nagichi-boop · 3 years
Miya Chinen - BPD Headcanons
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Back at it again with the mental illness headcanons. Originally I was gonna do NPD Miya headcanons but then I also realised that Miya displays a few BPD symptoms, so I thought I’d explore that first since I am more familiar with BPD than I am with NPD.
Disclaimer: I am aware that personality disorders like bpd are diagnosed later in life. This theory is more just a casual exploration of the bpd traits Miya displays.
Spoilers ahead
Also, if Ad*m is a trigger for you, maybe skip this one because his name will come up quite a lot in this post and I will not be censoring his name for the remainder of this post.
Without further ado, here’s the headcanons!
1. Frantic efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment; (not including suicidal or self-mutilating behavior)
When Miya’s old friends rejected him, he was deeply hurt. From then on he pushes everyone away, instead viewing friendship as a burden more than a blessing, perhaps out of a fear of being abandoned again. When he sees Reki and Langa, he is confused as to why he is suddenly reminded of his past, but my assumption is that he was secretly jealous of what they had as he was alone. Then when Reki stood up to Adam, suddenly his world changed. He started to associate with Reki and Langa more and more, him being especially interested in Reki. He went from considering Reki as inferior to being genuinely concerned about him (more on that in a bit).
Later on though, Reki goes missing and Miya begins to act somewhat cold to others (such as Langa). When he eventually sees Reki, he is deeply upset that he stopped showing up without saying anything. Despite his hurt, Miya tried to put it behind him, instead asking him to come back. Reki refuses and pushes past Miya, who yells out for Reki to wait. Then when he keeps running, he gets upset because Reki has “abandoned” him.
As an extra note, when Adam calls Miya “empty”, he gets deeply hurt by this, perhaps because it feels like the one person who respected him or had any connection with him has seemingly lost interest. Thank you Reki for stepping in ily
2. A pattern of unstable and intense interpersonal relationships characterized by alternating between extremes of idealization and devaluation
When it comes to his relationship with Reki and Langa, they tend to fluctuate quite rapidly. At first Miya almost despises them because of how close they are, jealous of their friendship. However after having Reki stand up for him, his attitude towards them shifts. Suddenly Reki is someone he wants to be around, someone he deeply cares about, even if he doesn’t show it very well.
When Reki stops showing up, that’s all Miya can think to ask Langa about and he seems to be somewhat cold towards Langa, whether that’s because he feels closer to Reki or has a suspicion that Langa is why Reki isn’t there. After all, Reki is the one who stood up to him, not Langa.
Then when he finally finds Reki, he is desperate to have him stay. But as soon as Reki runs off, all the good feelings towards Reki drop and Miya calls him a liar. When he comes back, Miya once again views Reki with admiration and care, to the point that he is the only one who is vocally and visibly concerned about Reki during his race against Adam, yelling at Reki to stop and begging Joe to stop the race.
3. Markedly and persistently unstable self-image or sense of self
Miya views himself as superior to others, likening himself to the hero of the story. When he loses to Langa and is called empty by Adam, however, he seems to have a major shift in perception, perhaps feeling deeply hurt to the point of feeling like he has nothing to offer. Skating is his bragging point, so to have lost to a rookie and be discarded by the person who had expectations of you - that has to do something to your self esteem.
He is shown quite a few times to let down his guard and be more humble, which shows that he doesn’t always view himself above others. For instance, when he told Reki not to skate against Adam, he did so likely out of a mix of concern and low self esteem, not wanting Reki to get hurt because of him (or at least that’s how I see it).
4. Impulsivity in at least two areas that are potentially self-damaging (eg, spending, s*x, substance abuse, reckless driving, binge eating); (not including suicidal or self-mutilating behavior)
Miya doesn’t fit this criteria. He tends to think through things a lot more and actually tends to err on the side of caution a lot more than his family peers do.
5. Recurrent suicidal behavior, gestures, or threats, or self-mutilating behavior
Again, this one doesn’t really apply. Moving on-
6. Affective instability due to a marked reactivity of mood (eg, intense episodic dysphoria, irritability, or anxiety usually lasting a few hours and only rarely more than a few days)
Miya’s mood can change quite frequently. Let’s take his beef with Langa for example. He starts off feeling confident, viewing the beef more like a walk in the park than an actual competition. Then when he is reminded of his past, he suddenly becomes frustrated and that’s reflected in his increased focus in the beef. When he sees Langa attempting a dangerous move, he stops, immediately calling out expressing his concern for Langa despite previously being cold towards him. Having lost to Langa, Miya becomes upset, then is angered by Reki flicking him. He then becomes overwhelmed and happy (though he doesn’t immediately show it) that Reki promises not to abandon Miya, even laughing at Reki’s antics. When Adam enters and calls Miya empty, his mood immediately shifts to intense anxiety and upset.
In just that one instance, Miya fluctuates between various extremes of emotion - anger, upset, joy - all within a relatively short amount of time.
7. Chronic feelings of emptiness
When watching the video of Miya practicing, Reki makes a comment that Miya doesn’t look happy. In fact, he tends to put on a fake smile and smug persona when actually he is lonely and hurt. The passion he had for skating has disappeared, but he continues because it’s what he is good at - the people around him can all see that. Despite that, the enjoyment has gone. But when Reki comes around and is soon joined by the others, he seems to enjoy skating a lot more and that emptiness is less frequent.
8. Inappropriate, intense anger or difficulty controlling anger (eg, frequent displays of temper, constant anger, or recurrent physical fights)
Miya is shown to have quite a short fuse. I don’t really have much of an elaboration, so here’s a small list of sorts of the times he has easily snapped.
His jealously causes him to feel resentment towards Reki and Langa. Remembering his past experiences with his friends also caused him to feel more upset and caused him to be more focused on the beef against Langa. When Langa misquotes something Miya says, he gets angry at Langa, partially out of embarrassment. At the beach when everyone is fussing over Joe, Miya’s annoyance gets channeled into him sabotaging Joe though my theory is he somewhat did this because he noticed Reki was annoyed. As previously mentioned, Miya got mad at Reki for pushing him aside and abandoning him. There’s probably more examples but hopefully my point is made.
His anger never really shows up as physical aggression. It’s usually in the form of insults or showing off with his skating.
9. Transient, stress-related paranoid ideation or severe dissociative symptoms
Once again, I have little to no evidence for this. However, it’s possible that Miya’s flashback mid-beef with Langa could have been a form of dissociation as he even comments ‘why am I remembering this now?’ But more likely this just isn’t a symptom he experienced.
Anyways, this post was kind of more projection. I think that even if Miya doesn’t fully have bpd, he most definitely has traits of it, the most notable features being about his fears and responses to abandonment (real or perceived).
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nancydrew65 · 5 years
SKAM NL Season 2 Episode 8 Thoughts
So, I just realized that SKAM Dutch, the tumblr page that posts translated clips and text messages from the show, also labels how each clip is related to the episode, including which episode it belongs in! I am an idiot for not noticing this sooner. Now, I can post reactions sooner. Hurrah!
I Miss You
Liv wakes up hungover in Noah’s room lying in bed beside Morris and the blonde girl from the party.
Oh my god, I just realized this because I watched all the clips that just came out, but when Liv puts on her clothes, she doesn’t put on her bra. Rewatching this scene to write this reaction was one of the hardest things I have ever done.
As Liv leaves the house, she gets a bunch of messages from an unknown number. It is Noah and he lost his phone. He doesn’t want any more space and he texts her that he loves her. What a punch to the gut for Liv.
She has to throw up/retch by a tree. I have to say that lead-up was very realistic. I saw it in her before she did it that she was going to throw up.
And here starts the spiral into doom
What Happened Last Night?
Liv takes a shower at home, very similar to what Grace did in SKAM Austin. She buries herself into her covers and tries to fall asleep.
Ralph barges in and soon sees that something is wrong. He is worried about her not going to school and offers to make her juice! Sweetest Eskild ever. He is so attune to Liv’s feelings. I love him so much. I hope Liv confides in him soon.
Under the sheets Liv looks at all her messages and decides to send one to Morris asking what happened the night before. I think this is one of the hardest things that the Noora character is put through. Not only was she possibly raped or sexually assaulted, but she has to message her possible assaulter just to find out what really happened.
This clip was… I almost felt physically sick watching it.
Liv is scrolling through instagram - there was an easter egg to SKAM with fan art of Noora - and looks through Morris’ profile. She finds a photo with Morris and the blonde girl who was in bed with them. Her name is Marie Van Aspen. So, this girl appears to be the Mari character. I really hope she and Liv have a scene together because she was so funny at the party.
Liv then searches for signs of whether or not you have had sex. My dear, poor girl.
Liv watches a youtube video of a girl who went through a similar experience as her, where she was drugged and taken advantage of in Las Vegas. I think it is really important for Liv to watch that video so that she realizes that whatever happened, it was not her fault.
There’s a knock at the door. Noah is outside, looking for Liv. She ignores him and he finally goes away when she texts him that she has the flu.
And then Morris texts Liv back and oh my god… SKAM NL just did that. So, I think SKAM NL set certain things up to make Liv’s situation seem better than other Noora’s, like how Ralph was so supportive and sweet and how Liv watched that really helpful, inspiring video of the girl who had been sexually assaulted. I think they did all that to shock us with this new reveal. For one, Morris responds much quicker than any other version of Niko and there is no fake-out text where he tells her nothing happened, she reunites with William, and then he texts her again and shows her the naked photo he took of her. Instead, we get this wholly awful scene where Morris texts Liv a video he took at the party where Liv is in bed wearing only her bra. In the video, Morris pulls back the covers of the bed and proceeds to slip Liv’s bra off, leaving her breasts exposed.
This is… shocking and horrible to say the least. I really wish there had been a trigger warning. Morris is easily the worst of the Nikos. And I feel kind of uncomfortable ranking the relative awfulness of each version of this character because each version is a terrible person. However, there is a large difference between Noora stripping and Niko taking a photo of her naked (still absolutely disgusting) and Morris approaching an almost unconscious Liv and stripping her bra off while she is protesting. That is sexual assault. And we don’t know if anything else happened… But that is so, so terrible regardless. I made an earlier post where I said I thought it would be interesting watching a version of Season 2 where Noora actually got assaulted because I thought it would be an incredibly complex and important storyline to tackle…. And I guess, be careful what you wish for. I am already so upset and horrified after one clip.
I Had to Do It
Liv is doing the wash and there is a very beautiful contrast between the white of the clothes and the dark hoodie Liv is wearing and the dark colors of her room.
Noah shows up with groceries. How domestic. No, I’m kidding. That was really sweet of him, probably one of the nicest things a person can do in a relationship tbh.
Liv explains that she isn’t angry anymore about him fighting, but she is sick and needs time to think. They share a kiss, so there’s hope. (Who am I kidding? I just watched the latest SKAM NL clip where a version once again leaves a version of Noora collapsed on the ground crying. I am very pissed off, but I will get more into that next episode.)
There was a great visual moment when Liv closes the door and leans back on it. She turns to the left where the glass part of the door is and through the frosted glass we see Noah’s silhouette. Very poignant. Once he leaves, she opens the door and grabs the groceries.
I Don’t Remember Anything
There was a trigger warning at the beginning of the clip, so at least SKAM NL took its fans thoughts into consideration.
Liv bakes cookies for Ralph and Jayden, but doesn’t have any herself. Is this a hint of her eating disorder? I know they kind of brushed that off in SKAM Austin and I can’t tell if they are doing that here.
Jayden comments on how put together Liv is… and that broke my heart because Liv is falling apart inside and she feels like she has to put up this strong front. Let people in!!!!! Tell the girls!!!!
Liv gets a call from her mother who sounds quite busy. Like the only time you can call your daughter is when you are in the car? Really? She does sound more concerned and invested in Liv’s life than her father who is really only interested in Liv’s music. And we got confirmation that Liv’s dad is experienced in the music industry.
This also made me notice that the record company meeting is probably equivalent to the article Noora had to write. That kind of makes it more sad, in my opinion. In Noora’s case, yeah, the article was a great opportunity to invest in her job goals, but for Liv it seems more serious. Music is something she loves and hopes to make a career in. This meeting could have potentially life-changing consequences for her and it is all ruined because of Noah’s asshole of a brother.
Liv’s mom suggests getting a plant (an offer Liv takes eventually) and tells her daughter that she is always there to talk. So, I feel like Liv’s mom actually does care about her daughter, but is a bit distant and is not really great in initiating contact.
Liv goes back to her room. Ralph asks to use Liv’s computer to look up a recipe to cook for Benny, his sweetheart. He finds what I assume is a website looking for symptoms of if you’ve been raped. We don’t know for sure.
He immediately confronts Liv about it. She yells that it’s not her fault. 1. It is incredibly sad that she has to assume that is what Ralph thinks, but 2. At least she doesn’t think it’s her fault.
Liv has a breakdown/panic attack and Ralph goes and hugs her, telling her she doesn’t have to go through this alone.
Now, I really enjoyed this scene, don’t get me wrong. I think SKAM NL has developed Ralph and Liv’s friendship very well this season. However, they do get rid of what is, in my opinion, Noah’s best scene in the season. And honestly, I would have cared more had I not just seen the scene where Noah confronts Liv. Now I’m glad they gave this scene to Ralph because Noah does not deserve it.
You Don’t Have to be Ashamed of Anything
While I am so so so so so glad that Liv has a support system much sooner than in other remakes… I am kind of uncomfortable about how SKAM NL handled it. I really wish Liv could have told the girls on her own, not have it something that was discovered. Despite how terrible it was watching Noora suffer alone, it was such a relief when she finally confided in the girls. I wish Liv could have been allowed to have that same initiative. She seems very reluctant when she is telling the story to the girls.
The girls (and Esra!) all arrive at the apartment (i’m pretty sure Ralph called them) to talk with Liv. I am glad that she explained the whole story to them and that Ralph didn’t just tell the girls all the details.
Speaking of the details, can we acknowledge how courageous Liv was to have showed them the video?
I loved the juxtaposition of everyone on one side of the bed, watching the video with Liv by herself on the other end. And as soon as the video ends, Isa and Engel climb right back to Liv’s side. It is kind of a metaphor for saying, we are here for you, it’s not your fault.
Esra says to go to the police… and yeah. Liv should most definitely go to the police. I am not very happy with SKAM NL executed the whole confrontation scene between Liv and Morris, but I will get more into that next episode. Long story, short: I wish they had adapted it better to the unique situation Liv is in, a situation vastly different from OG.
Liv doesn’t want to go to the police, but Engel convinces Liv to at least confront Morris. Janna says she will fight Morris bare-breasted. That is something I would like to see. Fight him, Janna!
Liv seems to get a renewed sense of confidence and messages Morris to meet with her.
General Thoughts
This has been probably my favorite episode in the whole season so far. I thought SKAM NL did a great job depicting Liv’s anguish and struggle (Zoe Love Smith is a fantastic actress, she is killing these extremely intense scenes) and despite how hard it is to watch, I am really glad they gave us a version where the Noora character is assaulted. For dramatic storyline purposes, I wish we had gotten the next clip (where Liv confronts Morris) as the last clip for this episode, but I understand that they have to distribute clips accordingly to each episode. That is really all I have to say.
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gendertrader · 6 years
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Physical Weight - 266 lb Height - 5′9″ Age - 24 25 mg Aldactone 1 month, 50 mg Aldactone 1 month
Because this is the first month that I’m ‘fully’ (due to reports suggesting that passing 100 mg may not be as effective as previously thought) on Aldactone, from here forward, I will report this as my first month.
Hair (body/head) [hairline, texture, thickness] I have noticed an increase in the amount of head hair that has fallen out over the past month.  This was not initially expected, but after some review of anecdotal reports, this is not uncommon.  Not enough has been lost to make it visible, but I will keep an eye out.
Face [hairline, cheekbones, facial hair, eyebrows, eyes, acne, skin] I have not noticed much change in facial structure as of yet, which is to be expected, but I’ve started wearing mascara more regularly and I’ve had an increase in acne, specifically around my chin, but it hasn’t been too bad.  I’m interested to see how this changes as I was not a particularly acne-ridden teenager. I have started trimming my beard a little differently to further act as contour, and its growth has started to have a more significant effect on my mental health.
Body [fat, taste, libido, hair, calves, nail growth, testes, temperature] I have seen little to no fat redistribution (unsurprising as it often takes up to 3 months of a full hormone regimen to start seeing real changes), but there may be a hint of gynecomastia from the aldactone.  I’m also learning to hold my body differently so as to accentuate the breast tissue, so any changes I’m seeing could self-influenced. I have noticed a clear increase in sugar, specifically chocolate, and salt cravings.  I have started incorporating a shake of iodized salt during meals to prep for this month, when I anticipate experiencing much stronger cravings.  I have seen mental health changes (please see mental health section for additional thoughts), which I imagine have contributed to the sugar cravings. Libido is...something.  I haven’t started fully experiencing the loss of libido caused by anti-androgens, but I seem to be getting it in waves that sort of follow my typical ‘horniness fluctuation’ if you will.  The primary difference is that everything is stronger: when I’m horny, I’m  h o r n y  but I can also go weeks at a time without masturbating and the sight of a hard dick does next to nothing for me.  I’m interested to see how this progresses. Despite taking a daily 10,000 mcg dose of biotin, I’ve seen a decrease in nail growth speed and a slight decrease in nail strength.  I used to be able to keep them rather long (good for painting, etc.) but they’ve been short for almost two weeks now (after I removed the pink fake nails pictured above) and little to no growth has occurred.  Finally, and I’m not sure that this is due to Aldactone, I’m having a more difficult time properly digesting food.  Part of me believes it’s due to my wearing high-waisted women’s jeans every day, which press on a part of my abdomen that isn’t usually compressed and could potentially disrupt flow of digestion through the stomach, but it occurs even when I’ve not worn those specific pants all day.  I suppose this warrants additional observation.
Mental/Emotional Brain Fog I’m creating a new category specifically to mention brain fog.  I have definitely seen an increase in what I must assume is the brain fog for which I see so many reports.  To me, it feels like when you’ve been high for a really long time and finally start coming down - almost as if there’s a layer of thought that has been suppressed and you have to focus just a little more than usual to process the things happening around you.  I imagine that, for somebody who has never been high, this could be rather disconcerting and difficult to navigate.  Fortunately, I’ve been smoking for about 2 years straight as this point, so I have very little trouble living with a little bit of brain fog for now.  I will make an update if I notice an increase in fog from 50 to 100 mg.
Depression There has been a slight but definite increase in depression symptoms.  It feels like it’s primarily due to the energy-sapping quality of Aldactone, and less like I’m extra sad all the time, but the sadness-depression has increased somewhat as well.  I imagine this is due to the fact that I’m no longer actively repressing my understanding of self as a transfeminine individual, so the masculine qualities that I dislike are starting to stand out more.  Some examples of these include my beard (I used to go 1-2 weeks without shaving as I am a depressed graduate student and don’t always have the time/energy to shave, but I’m now shaving around twice a week), my face (a couple times while really high and having removed my glasses, I’ve seen Alex as she can be with estrogen but it usually lasts for minutes at a time, so I’m then immediately reminded that I do not look like this - clearly the typical trans experience, but I didn’t think it would be this strong for me and it feels like it’s only the beginning, so I’m strapping up), or my internal experience of being alive (it /feels like/ I’m on testosterone, and sometimes that just gets the best of me; during those times, I have to remind myself that wanting to be a girl is a symptom of being a girl.  It’s then that it feels like I’m getting a taste of the true Trans Experience and I have to code switch into thinking how lucky am I to have so much room to grow which only helps a little but that’s more than nothing).  I had a few boy days recently, which were nice because everything matched up, but it was somewhere closer to 3 or 4 days out of the month so I’m less worried about my boy days interfering with my transition.  Finally, as I’ve stated before, even without the effect of the Aldactone, or the drain of coming out to everybody around me, or the strain of an actual social transition, it’s exhausting.  Because I choose every day to take this medication that continues to bring me one step closer to my ideal self, I also inevitably must at least briefly consider what I am doing and the changes I hope to see, which is much more introspection on this topic than I’ve wanted to do for a while.  I’m nervous that friends are going to find out before I’m ready (I’m in my final months of my master’s program so there’s no reason in my mind to attempt a social transition yet as I have other very difficult things to do already (I have a conference in which I present at the end of the month and I have to finish data collection and create a poster; I have to collect data for my thesis before analyzing said data and completing my master’s thesis before the April 22 (I think???) deadline so I can graduate on time; I have to find a job (lmao this is so difficult brb crying), which will include a million applications and half a million job interviews; I have to complete 2 additional manuscripts for publication (again, once data collection is completed); and I have to move to wherever I eventually get a job) and I don’t need a social transition piled on top because I’m already barely staying afloat as it is.
Anxiety There may have been a very slight increase in anxiety near the middle to end of the month, but I had also been on the same strain of weed for a while, so I wasn’t taken off guard at all.
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Brain things
Ironically, I didn’t even realize that my previous reblog was about how brains that have experienced trauma have physical differences to regular brains. But that’s what this post is gonna be about. Brains and the emotional things that end up fucking them up physically. 
Because I found out the nature and cause of my brain damage and it isn’t pretty. I also had no idea this shit could happen to a brain. 
So, it turns out that yes, my brain has indeed been damaged and that yes, this did happen during the years in which it was trying to develop. I spent years muddling over how the fuck I could have ended up with brain damage when, as far as I know, I never had any severe head injuries, no blunt trauma to the head (well minus the time I cut it open and had to get stitches when I was like 3), never been exposed to chemical/toxic fumes or anything like that, no fetal brain damage. Yet my symptoms were presenting as brain damage. Where the fuck did that come from?
Well, I found out where the fuck it came from. And it turns out, I even knew what was happening while it was happening. But all my pleas to fucking help me were ignored and my symptoms brushed aside as “You’re just trying to get out of something/you’re just trying to get something you want. It’s not gonna work.” I have a nasty feeling that even at the end of this post they’re still gonna be brushed off as such. 
There’s something called a psuedoseizure or a “psychogenic nonepileptic seizure,” which is seizure activity that occurs with no seizure disorder present. It’s not a true seizure (due to the lack of seizure disorder), but mimics the symptoms of one, including convulsions, “absence” and loss of attention, stiffening/seizing up of the body (your legs may forget how to be legs, you might pitch forward/fall backward, etc), etc. Since there’s no physical component to this type of “seizure,” it’s not going to show up on brain scans unless one is occurring right at the moment of the scan. Which explains why this shit did not show up on the EEG or MRI of the head that I had when I was a teenager. 
So what’s the cause of psuedoseizures? Psychological trauma. Basically, when exposed to ongoing trauma that just. Won’t. Stop. The brain ends up firing all these neurons all over the place, and becomes overloaded as it frantically tries to protect itself from all of the distress that it’s getting all at once. With no other option, it legit just “turns itself off and back on again” because at that point it just doesn’t know what the fuck to do anymore. And then the psuedoseizure happens.
I’d run out of fingers and toes if I tried to count exactly how many times throughout my childhood my body just froze up and I was caught just...zoning off into space. My dad would call it “mooning,” and say “Oh, she’s mooning again.” And during these moments, coherent thought is replaced with bullshit like a single line from a song repeated over and over again like a skipped record, or one single word on repeat (e.g. for an example, my brain would get “stuck” on, let’s say the chorus line of Default’s “Wasting My Time” and just go “not wasting my time...not wasting my time...not wasting my time...not wasting my time...” ad infinitum until it’s ready to be a brain again). There were times when I’d be just sitting in my room, or in school, or...wherever, and suddenly everything locked up, my eyes would fixate on...well, nothing, and I’d go catatonic. There were times when my whole body would sort of “lock” or “twitch.” 
Later on, when I got my guardians, they were there when it happened. They saw how after a particularly fucked-up situation I would drop everything I was holding in my hands, and they’d have to help me hold things again for the next few minutes. They’ve seen me pitch forward and have had to hold me on both sides when it happened. They’ve been caught in the fucking center of traumatic situations with me as they desperately tried to protect me or remove me and saw how I’d fall to the ground--I’d be sitting in a chair and then end up on the ground, with my guardians circled around me and holding me and me just...breaking down because I was scared and didn’t know what was happening to me. They’ve seen me start shaking and my entire body cease to work, how I’d be hyperventilating and they’d have to fly me over to the nearest chair or bed or, barring that, the fucking floor. They’ve had to help me walk because my legs would fly out from under me and lock up. They’ve held me while I convulsed in their arms...and cried, because they just didn’t know what to do but they knew something was horribly horribly wrong and they just wanted it to stop...but it wouldn’t. Nobody who could make it stop would. 
I knew something was horribly horribly wrong. I was terrified. I knew brains weren’t supposed to get stuck and I knew bodies weren’t supposed to lock up and forget how to do body things. I didn’t know what it WAS, or what was CAUSING it. I just knew that it was happening and it wasn’t supposed to be and somebody please just make it stop. I remember it happening and then, when I “turned on” again, frantically tugging at Yuna or Rikku or Cloud or whoever and going “Help me, help me...” and them just holding me by the shoulders, rocking me gently, telling me, “You’re okay, sweetie. It’s going to be okay.” Then carrying me over to the bed--and being at a total loss for what to do, every single time it happened again and again and again. 
I’d gone to the school about it because it happened a LOT when I was in school--in high school it got to the point where it’d happen constantly, because high school was an extremely hellish and traumatic place for me to be in general. I went to the school nurse ALL the time, the counselors, the teachers...pretty much everybody in the school who I could talk to. I’d tell them that it was so bad in there that it was making my body freeze up and I was experiencing actual physical pain, that my vision blurred and that my brain stopped being able to think thoughts, that I couldn’t hold things anymore...what could they do? They had no idea why the fuck those things were happening either and my parents were called countless times...and then they were told “She’s doing this because she doesn’t want to be in school. Just don’t worry about it.” 
I went to doctors about it. My dad’s wife overrode the doctors and told them it was just “something I did when I didn’t like something” or “she’s just trying to get her way. She starts up on this stuff when things don’t go the way she wants them to.” In actuality, they happened when she was going at me, when I was being abused, when I was being bullied or exposed to overstimulation at school (you think middle/high schoolers give a crap? Hell, they found it funny and would keep on prodding me just to see that shit happen again). I had the one brain scan when I was 12 (EEG) and one when I was 15 (MRI) and when nothing showed up on either one of those, it was as if my dad’s wife had her “suspicions” confirmed about how I was making the whole thing up “to get something out of people.” When I was little I went to my dad’s wife about it because she was the only one I had to go to about it--no guardians back then. She told me “That doesn’t happen to you.” I told her it does, it really does. “No it doesn’t, stop it. There’s nothing wrong with you.” I told her it does happen and it hurts when it does. “Then it’s something YOU’RE doing to make it happen. YOU tell yourself to make it stop happening when it does. It’s all YOU.” 
(For the record, what the fuck benefit would a 9-to-16-year-old girl get from faking seizure activity???) 
It happened a lot when she was going at me or after she had gone at me. It happened a lot when I was in school (like I said, there became a point in high school where it happened ALL THE TIME). It happened a lot when I was being bullied or abused. Now I know why. But back then how the fuck was I supposed to know, especially when something was clearly happening to me and my soulbonds saw it happen, and yet I continued to be told I was either making it up or causing it to happen. 
And that was my developmental years, ladies and gentlemen. That shit was going on in my brain throughout every single of the years my brain was just trying to grow and form into a brain. 
So my brain wasn’t able to fully grow and form into a brain.
Every single one of those fucking psuedoseizures was causing actual, real damage. Because a brain isn’t supposed to just “turn itself off and then on again” and a brain also isn’t supposed to be constantly exposed to the type of stimulus that CAUSES it to have to turn itself off and then on again. I knew that. A kid knows when something horribly wrong is happening to their body. They know that they’re not supposed to be locking up and seizing every day, ESPECIALLY knowing that they don’t have epilepsy or some other seizure disorder that would explain that away. 
But no. “You’re just trying to get something out of us.” “It’s all YOU. If you don’t want it to happen anymore, YOU make it not happen.” 
So my brain destroyed itself because that bitch refused to take fucking responsibility for the fact that her own actions and the trauma that she was inflicting on me (either directly or by-proxy, by just letting school bullies and overstimulating maladaptive environments let loose on me with reckless abandon and then overriding any and all attempts to mitigate it) were actually causing it to destroy itself.
Of course, if she let the school intervene and I was taken to the doctors for more than just a 30-minute brain scan (I wonder what a brain scan would show NOW that the damage has been done?) then I would’ve found all this out way back then. 
But that doesn’t do anything now does it? Now when I use “My brain got stuck” as an explanation for why I’m, well...the way I am, I can say it knowing that I know exactly how, why, and when it “got stuck.” 
I wonder what a brain scan would show now that my brain is done trying to grow. I’m going to see if I can get to a neurologist. 
...And now when I think about SO MANY of the things that I did, or the things that happened, I can at least forgive myself because now I know that I literally was not, and am not, playing with a full deck. Of course my brain doesn’t do shit that normal brains do, or even that other autistic brains do. Because normal, autistic, or otherwise brains did not spend their entire developmental years fucking seizing because they were being abused so damned badly that they had no choice but to shut off.
Like I said, I’m going to see if I can get to a neurologist now that I know this shit was going on. 
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seouliloquy · 7 years
Posting this because i'm experiencing a flare up. I woke up today feeling pretty awful. Had an early morning appointment and mustered all my energy to get out of bed, do makeup and look semi-presentable and walk a few blocks to a nearby coffee shop. Had to call off work because during that meeting, it wasn't boring at all and it was very important (related to the 학회 presentation i'm doing for Korea Psychology Association in August) but i couldn't focus. I had some iced blended latte thinking the frozen drink could help cool me down because i felt myself burning up with a fever. Now i endure low-grade fevers pretty regularly. It's a normal symptom. And like the writer of this article said it's not that we are getting better, but just better at coping and managing. But i still feel embarrassed and ashamed, i have to make all efforts to "appear normal" sometimes. And other times i'm really just fine, but never quite the 100% i was back in high school. I felt so terrible for calling my boss, telling him that i cant come in today. Especially because this is Korea. There really is no such thing as "sick days" and even if you do have the privileges doing so makes you look like a bad employee. Not diligent, lazy, undedicated. Unless someone in your immediate family dies (death of your best friend or well-known neighbor or colleague? Forget it, you're not allowed to have feelings) or you are in the hospital overnight, you are obligated to show up to work. Now i felt guilty because i had to lie, to make it seem serious. Because even though for me and my condition it is serious, i would show up to work and not LOOK sick, maybe just slow and quieter, and people wouldn't believe I was actually sick. Even to this day my one coworker from the bar i worked at a couple years ago once tried to ask me to fill in for her, saying "이제 몸이 다 괜찮지? 아팠던데 이제 다 나았지?" (You're fine now, right? You recovered?) Yeah, I'm trying to exercise regularly. It helps a lot with my mood and energy levels. Yeah, I'm playing soccer. Only because i know that i am blessed now to be more okay than the writer of the article above who is the same age as me. Blessed to be better condition than many others dealing with more debilitating conditions along with their Lupus such as fibromyalgia and Crohn's disease and rheumatoid arthritis. I'm lucky that i'm just going blind and have dry mouth and teeth problems and dry eyes that burn painfully from the smoke from the ovens at work and when my boss is cooking onions because they don't tear properly. I'm trying my best to manage my stress, eat healthy and be happier mostly to avoid exacerbating my symptoms and making me prone to a more dangerous flare up. All i can think about was how traumatizing it was when i was hospitalized with that stupid infection around my heart. I almost died because i ignored my symptoms and just pushed through them, thinking it was just exhaustion, just the heat, just because i was fat and out of shape....and i was alone in that place and no one knew i was there. I shouldn't have to see a doctor every time I have a minor flare up like this one. Last time I dod that he told me not to come unless something is really different or my lymph glands are swollen. Its too costly to visit the hospital every week, and unnecessary. So i lied to my boss and said i went to the hospital. That the doctor told me i should rest at home. Because if i did go thats what he would say to me. Maybe prescribe an injection if my blood work comes back kind of weak. It also costs 10 bucks for a doctors note! 10 fucking dollars for a piece of paper that says "Lilo is actually sick and should rest" and even then the doctors themselves being Korean are like "well you shouldn't work but you have to." I know I have to, i'm the one paying all my bills. When I absolutely can, i should NOT just push through symptoms and tough it out, because it could only get worse. My professors don't understand that. So sometimes for the sake of mandatory attendance i show up and cant help but sleep in class because i'm just so tired! I'd drink more coffee but caffeine is a diuretic and makes my dry mouth problems worse. Its also stupidly expensive in Korea. This is kind of one of the reasons why I want to get my PhD. Having a high level degree ensures me better jobs or at least better pay, and medical insurance. I can be a professor and teach only one or two classes all semester, do my research at my own pace, and still be able to make a decent living. Get vacation time. Have some control over my life. Suffer now while i'm younger and healthier so it can be easier for me later. So here i am at home sobbing to myself in the middle of day because i dont feel like my illness is valid. I feel fake, and weak. I have to be independent. I have to do everything by myself. I have to make it through school on my own and deal with my financial issues on my own. I get a little help here and there and appreciate every cent of it. And i work my ass off so i don't have to ever ask for help or feel guilty for receiving help from someone. But me working my ass off compared to a perfectly healthy person working their ass off i guess is subjectively different. A normal person thinks i'm fine. And a Korean person thinks i'm lazy. I'm not even hungry and i feel physically and emotionally like shit right now.
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meltingalphabet · 7 years
thanks to hypnotherapy, I no longer dream about my father
I started seeing Dr. Helen Williams 6 months ago. My childhood was… rough. I was diagnosed with PTSD and OCD a little over 4 years ago now, and my psychologist, Dr. Rebecca Santos, thought hypnotic regression therapy could help in ways that drugs and traditional therapy could not.
I had tried talk therapy, group therapy, support groups, experimental drugs, and nothing seemed to help. Prozac dulled the pain and allowed me to get up in the morning, but, as Rebecca explained, I had difficulty facing my childhood trauma and healing the wounds created by my father.
So, a few months ago, Rebecca referred me to Helen, a prominent and highly respected hypnotherapist in New York City. Rebecca spoke with Helen about my case, and she agreed to lower her exorbitant fee substantially so that I could afford to see her once a month. Even then, one appointment with her still cost more than four appointments with Rebecca. I was a pro bono case without being worth actual pro bono work. But Rebecca seemed to think it was one of the only options left with some hope to heal me. So I went.
I was desperate to get rid of the nightmares. Prazosin, my med that was supposed to magically quiet my PTSD night terrors, helped, but I was still haunted by my father’s dark stoic face at least two times a week in my traitorous dreams. I’d wake up, sobbing, drenched with sweat, tears, and more often than I’d like to admit, my own urine.
I couldn’t date or have a boyfriend, I couldn’t even have one night stands. Other than Rebecca, I was completely alone. I was unable to trust people enough to have friends, the only ones remotely close to me were a few co-workers who talked at me while I remained silent as I made my morning coffee, or while I was doing my lunch dishes in the communal sink.
I tried to live with a roommate once, since I don’t make a lot of money and it seemed like a fiscally responsible idea, but that only lasted a few months before neither of us could take the tension anymore. It had seemed like such a good idea at the time, but even before the first week was done, I was mentally kicking myself for such a dumb plan. Of course no one could live with me.
I thought about adopting a cat once. Even Rebecca thought it could be a good idea: me taking care of another living creature. I went down to the pet store after my appointment, and held an adorable tiny black kitten in my hands for a few seconds before thoughts of it’s ultimate demise crept into my head. I began to tremble, tears welling in my eyes, my breathing shortening into painful gasps. I thrust the kitten into the arms of the employee, who asked me if I was alright. I shook my head and ran out, his gaze reminding me of the inescapable fact that I am broken.
Helen’s office was in a beautiful brownstone in Brooklyn, right next to Prospect Park. The area is really fancy. As I walked briskly from the subway stop, the cool January sun shone down on large brick buildings, expensive wine shops, and shiny playgrounds. I passed small cleancut families walking home from work and school. The children ran past their parents, their snow boots free from dirt and mud, their winter jackets much nicer than my own.
I rung the buzzer and a woman’s voice crackled through the small metal box.
“Hello?” She sounded surprised. Did I get the wrong day? Was I early? I’m often too early.
I hesitantly responded, “It’s Lisa.”
A loud mechanical buzzer sounded from inside the door, and I entered. Her office was immaculate. It reminded me of other doctor’s offices, but with less forced ambiance. Instead of an awkward print of a still life or horses hung crookedly on a stark wall stained with fingerprints, Helen had rich beautiful paintings of Greek figures and statues of animals made of wood or stone. Instead of a small dirty fish tank, Helen had a low mahogany table with large coffee table books from museums, filled with images of art and architecture, all in pristine condition.
Helen greeted me with a warm smile and a firm handshake, “you must be Lisa. Hi, I’m Dr. Williams, but you can call me Helen.”
“It’s very nice to meet you.” I responded, returning her smile. Our hands fell apart, and I stepped back to take a seat on the smooth leather couch. She sat opposite me in a tall backed chair, and placed her cell phone face down on an end table beside her. She crossed her legs, sat back, and smiled at me.
“Why don’t we start with you telling me a little bit about yourself?”
I explained my symptoms, and then began to describe the abuse I experienced at the hands of my father. She nodded as she listened, her smile turning into a look of concern and sympathy. I could hear my throat tighten over my words as I mentioned the twisted mental games my father would play. Helen grabbed a box of tissue strategically positioned at her side, and handed them to me. By the end, even though I never went into great detail about what the games entailed, I was sobbing, a small pile of used tissues in my lap.
Helen stared at me for a moment, studying my face while I silently looked from my hands to the bookcase behind her. Finally, she spoke. “I think Dr. Santos was correct in referring you to me. It sounds like you have difficulties facing the pain your father put you through. A very understandable response to that type of abuse, especially at such a young age. This type of trauma is almost impossible for most to face alone.” She paused. “If you’re still comfortable with the idea, I think hypnotic regression therapy could help. I’ll be with you the entire time, so you won’t have to face him alone. I’ll put you under, and then direct you through the memory that surfaces. Together, we’ll attempt to resolve the trauma, walk away from the memory, and put it, as literally as possible, behind you. From there, hopefully we can move forward into a lighter, healthier future away from the memories of your father.” She smiled kindly at me.
I tried to muster a response, but all I could manage was a feeble smile and nod.
“Great, let’s begin then. Go ahead and lay down. Make sure you’re comfortable. At least as much as possible. I understand that it’ll be difficult since this will be your first experience with the procedure.”
I followed her instructions and laid back on the leather couch. The seat was wide, so it wasn’t too difficult to get into a somewhat comfortable position. I grabbed a pillow and placed it under my head.
“Good,” Helen’s maternal voice cooed, “now close your eyes.”
I did, shutting out the office around me.
“Focus on your breath. Concentrate on breathing in, and out. Slowly pull the air deep into your lungs, but without forcing it. Draw it in, let it fill your chest. Now hold it, just for a moment, before releasing it and letting it spill from your mouth. Good. Realize how comforting it feels, to breath.”
I focused on the sensation of breathing, of air entering and exiting my body, allowing the rhythm to lull me into a secure comfort.
“Follow the air as it travels through you. Watch it’s path with your mind’s eye, in and out. Good. Very Good, Lisa. Now focus on the room around you. No, don’t open your eyes, look without sight. Reach out without touch. Extend yourself physically without moving. Take up space while keeping your body as it is. What does the room sound like? How does the air feel like against your skin? Can you sense my presence across from you? How about the couch underneath you? What is it like, not visually, but what does its existence beneath you mean to your body?”
She grew silent, and I listened. I listened to the hiss of an old radiator, felt the silence hovering between me and Helen. My skin and muscles sank into the couch, and my body seemed large, much larger than it should. I could hear that Helen was speaking to me again, but the words were indistinguishable.
I became engulfed by the couch, the leather suffocating me, and I felt trapped. I tried to move my arms and legs, to escape from the unbreathable fabric, but they were unresponsive. My heart began to pound in my chest, and my mouth opened and closed like a fish's, searching desperately for air, when suddenly, I could hear Helen again, much louder than before, as if she were speaking right into my ear.
“Remember your father.” She said.
I gasped as air came back to me. I looked around, dazed. I was in my childhood home. In the kitchen. A bowl of soggy marshmallow cereal in front of me, and my small green backpack next to it on the counter. I looked in amazement at the detail of the bag, the pink beaded charm I had made hanging from one of the zippers in the front. Footsteps from behind startled me, and I whipped my head around to see him enter the room: my father.
I hadn’t seen the man for seventeen years, not since I ran away in high school. He wasn’t a particularly tall man, but he seemed to be a giant standing behind my young frame. He was wearing jeans and a polo shirt. His beady brown eyes boring into me as he examined my face with a look of feigned interest. His dark hair was trimmed short, and he was freshly shaved.
“Morning, starfish.” He said, looking at me without any affection. I said nothing in response. I just stared at him. He stood, unmoving for a few seconds, then slowly his gaze shifted towards my backpack. He reached out for it, but I grabbed the bag before he could get it and hugged it to my body. He chuckled softly, “Oh, you don’t need that today, starfish.” His large hand engulfed half of the small bag within my grasp, and he tugged lightly, “you’re not going to school today.”
I looked up at him, my voice strained with the effort of keeping my tears at bay and my bag to my stomach, “what do you mean? I want to go to school.” I softly added, “I like going to school.”
He chuckled. A chuckle that was much too deep, so it sounded fake. Like a laugh a bad actor in a soap opera would make. “But today’s your birthday! You don’t need to go to school on your birthday! Daddy’s going to take you to the zoo!” His voice rang out like a clown’s, overly happy, sickly sweet with disingenuous excitement.
I was no longer able to keep the tears from freely flowing down my cheek, “but Daddy, today’s not my birthday.”
His face grew stern. He looked mean. It was a look I knew very well. He leaned close to my face, so close that I could no longer focus on him, but had to shift my vision from one of his eyes to the other to hold his stare.
“Shut up.” He said without inflection. “Today’s you’re goddamn birthday and we’re going to the fucking zoo, got it?”
I nodded as a small whimper escaped my mouth. He pulled, hard, and my backpack came out of my hands so forcefully I could hear the fabric rip. I cried as my father walked to the kitchen trashcan, and dropped my bag into it.
“Get in the car.” He growled.
The mustang was hot. The leather seat was sticking to the bottom of my thighs. I started to roll down the passenger window, but a low growl from the driver seat stopped me. I put my hand back in my lap and sat there, as still as physically possible, not wanting to make today any worse than it was already going to be. We sat in the car in stifling silence.
I thought about the cake he bought, sitting in the back seat behind me. I imagined the fluffy white frosting melting in the sun. Large droplets of sweat rolled down my back and I grimaced. My bottom jaw shook with the effort of not crying, but at this point, I knew for certain that we were not going to the zoo. I hadn’t ever believed we were, but as our home and the safety of school became further and further away, the bigger the pit in my stomach became. I could feel the little cereal I had eaten earlier in the day rise in my throat, but I swallowed the sensation away.
My father drove and drove, for what felt like hours. The landscape gradually shifted from inner city to woods as I stared, dead eyed, out the window. We turned onto an empty dirt road surrounded by thick trees, which blocked the high noon sun. It was slightly cooler here than it was before, but my t-shirt was soaked with sweat. I tried to wipe my brow, but my arm was so wet that it accomplished nothing. We stopped in front of an old abandoned shack, the weight of age and neglect making the building look stooped, as if it was trying to join the ground beneath it. My father turned off the car.
I swallowed. I hadn’t been here before, which meant I didn’t know what to expect. That was more terrifying than anything else. My father got out of the car, but I stayed seated. I learned a long time ago that it was best to wait and follow instructions.
I watched him walk around the back of the car to the door behind me, and open it. He reached in and grabbed the cake, closing the door behind him. He opened my door, and waited, like a driver. I reluctantly got out. He lead me to the shack, and I followed.
I examined the small structure. The wood was rotted and filled with insects. Inside was worse. Funguses of different colors and shapes spattered the walls. It shook and groaned in the slight summer breeze. My father pointed to a corner, “sit.”
I obeyed. He put the cake in front of me, and knelt down, so that we were eye to eye. He lifted a hand to my cheek and wiped away a tear gently.
“Now, starfish. You know how important your birthday is to me, don’t you?”
I nodded slowly as he removed the plastic cover from the store bought cake. I looked at the purple font, “Happy Birthday, Lisa” written neatly by a baker. She had adorned the words with tiny white flowers and three balloons, red, yellow, and blue, were painted to the side. I imagined her smiling as she wrote it, looking up at my father watching her from behind the glass counter. Her heart melting as she saw a loving father, excitedly waiting for his little girl’s birthday cake to be finished, so he could surprise her with it.
I wanted to vomit. I wanted to punch him. I wanted to die.
“Good. I’m so sorry to do this to you on your special day, but daddy has to run a few errands, so you’re going to have to stay here for a little bit.” My eyes widened with disbelief. He was going to leave me here, in this old decrepit shack in the middle of nowhere. I began to shake my head, as my sobs morphed into pained screams. I could hear the desperation and fear, the pleading in my small voice. My father hushed me, and kissed me on the lips, holding his mouth against mine for much too long. My cries escaped from the sides of his mouth, and he grabbed my hair, pulling my head back, hard. I screamed out in pain.
“Daddy is sorry, Lisa, but there is nothing Daddy can do about this, ok? Stop being such a fucking brat.” My eyes were closed tight with fear, but I felt something fill my mouth with the last syllable. I looked to see my father stuffing handfuls of birthday cake into my mouth. I could feel the sticky sweet substance force its way into my throat and I tried to gag, but he kept shoving more and more cake inside my small mouth.
Finally, I vomited. Cake hit the dirt floor in front of my father’s feet with a dull thud, mixed with yellow bile and half digested marshmallows. He lept back in disgust, wiped his frosting covered hand on his jeans, and walked out without another word. I threw up again. Wiping my mouth on my t-shirt, I looked up just in time to see my father get into the car, and slam the door closed. I stood, instinct yelling at my body to run to the car, to get in before he could get away, but the combination of my child body and my recent vomiting made me slow and clumsy. I pushed myself forward, but my feet tripped over rocks and sticks. I reached the door and used the doorway to thrust myself into the road, just in time to see the car roll out of view.
I stood there, my sobs choking my still burning throat.
“Lisa, it’s ok, I’m here.” Helen’s soothing voice reached out to me. I looked around the woods, desperately searching for her. “Lisa, come back to me. It’s ok, I’m still with you. I’ve been here the whole time” The world shifted, and I felt sick again. I closed my eyes, allowing my stomach to settle. The sensation of someone stroking my hair back was comforting, and I opened my eyes to see Helen kneeling above me. She looked concerned. “Are you ok, Lisa?”
I took a deep breath in, and exhaled. I was sweating profusely, and my face and shirt were wet with sweat and tears. But I was surprised to find the awful feelings of the memory were quickly subsiding. Maybe it was that I was no longer alone, that Helen was here with me. Maybe it was the distance age and years allowed. But I felt… calm. I nodded.
Helen made me a cup of tea, and I stayed for another hour, talking about the memory. I left that day feeling lighter than I had in my entire life. I went back to Helen five more times. Each time, I left a little lighter. Helen explained that, unlike talking about the memories, reliving them with her direction can help bury it. Like a funeral, a final goodbye to the past, one horrible memory at a time. The nightmares still came, but I felt like I could control them, at least a little. I could yell back at my father, I could leave, I could try to fight. It wasn’t as if I was suddenly cured, but I had control over myself and my life that I didn’t before. And even that little bit of control was world changing for me.
I went in this month, same as normal. I clicked the buzzer, waiting for Helen’s usual “Hello?” but instead was greeted by the mechanical buzz of the door unlocking. I figured she assumed it was me, and walked in.
I entered her office, and saw her sitting in her usual high backed chair. I was surprised at first, since she normally greeted me at the door, but then I noticed her hands were bound behind her back, and her mouth was gagged. I started towards her when a sharp pain pinched my upper arm, and the world went suddenly dark.
I blinked my eyes open. The room was a blinding white at first, but it grew into focus with each blink. I was still in Helen’s office. I was on the couch, and she was in front of me, her eyes wide. I tried to rub my arm, sore from earlier, but my hands were bound behind me. My attempt to cry out was blocked by a piece of cloth in my mouth.
It was then that I noticed Helen and I were not alone. There was a tall slender man standing between us, but off to the side. I looked at him in shock and bewilderment, and he smiled at me. He was wearing a fitted black suit and a muted green tie. His blonde hair was combed back, and his face was rectangular with high cheekbones. In any other situation, I’m sure I would have found him handsome. He bowed towards me, stiffly.
“Why, hello, my dear.” He said, straightening. His voice was sticky sweet like honey and made my stomach recoil. “My name is Alexander.” He walked towards Helen, who watched him with almost unnaturally wide eyes. She looked so frightened, and I felt my body cringe, my muscles trying to twist in every direction simultaneously beneath my skin. My breathing became short and I felt my throat close. The gag was suffocating me. Alexander raised his eyebrow at me as he leaned his elbow on the back of Helen’s chair.
“Now now, dear. No need for a panic attack. I’m not here for you.” He elongated the last word. He looked down at Helen, and smiled lovingly before looking back at me, “trust me, you are perfectly safe. You will leave here tonight, completely unharmed.”
I breathed deeply through my nose, and forced air out through the cloth in my mouth. My body calmed slightly, but not because of Alexander’s promise. I did it because I needed to keep my head. I couldn’t lose myself, like I used to as a child to my father. I needed to treat this as a nightmare, and not lose control.
Alexander continued, “see, I didn’t know anyone else would be here tonight. Helen used to never take patients on Fridays. But I guess you’re… special.” He said, his eyes shining menacingly. I focused on my breath. “See, I used to be Dr. Williams’ apprentice last year, but the bitch got rid of me.” He snarled at her, and she shook in her seat. I watched her reaction with utter disgust. He looked at me, “Helen here, thought I wasn’t cut out for psychiatric work. She explained that I wasn’t… what was the word you used? Oh right, sympathetic.” His face twisted with rage. “But, I assure you, dear,” he said to me, “that I can be quite sympathetic. That’s exactly why you have no reason to be afraid. I’m not here to hurt you.” Again, the word “you” came out of his mouth too long, taking too much time to leave his lips. I shuddered.
Alexander turned his back to me, and faced Helen. He produced another strip of black cloth from his pocket, and tied it around her face, covering those wide fear struck eyes of hers. She began to squirm within her bounds, whimpering. He rubbed her arms and shushed her.
“Shhhh, Helen. Shhhh. Focus on your breath. Let yourself get lost in the gentle rhythm of breathing in, and out.” Helen shook her head, and squirmed harder. Alexander groaned and reached into his chest pocket, “I had hoped it wouldn’t come to this.” I could see a syringe in his hand, filled with a thick clear liquid. He punched it into her upper arm, and she cried out, the sound muffled. He pushed the plunger down, the clear liquid disappearing inside her. Her body almost immediately relaxed. Alexander removed the syringe, and gently rubbed where he had punctured her, “Shhhh, Helen. There there. That’s much better, isn’t it.” The last sentence was not a question.
“Now focus on your breath, Helen. Concentrate your entire mind on it. Slowly breath in,” he breathed in loudly, “and out.” He exaggerated expelling the air out of his mouth.
Alexander began to pace between us as he continued putting Helen into a trance, “feel the weight of your body as it sinks into the chair beneath you. Feel your muscles melt and become one with your environment. You and the room you exist in are no longer separate, but exist simultaneously together, as one.” I watched Helen’s chest rise and fall with each heavy breath.
He removed the blindfold and gag. Helen stared blankly in front of her, completely entranced. Alexander bent down behind her back, and undid her bonds, but she kept her hands behind her, even after he stepped away. “Very, very good. You can put your hands on your lap now, Helen.” She obeyed him, emotionless. “Good, very good.”
He turned and smiled at me. “What would you like to see her do?” I shook my head, but he ignored the gesture and continued. “Would you like to see her cluck like a chicken?” I kept shaking my head. “Would you like to watch her touch herself?” I shook my head harder, tears falling. “No, oh, that’s such a shame.” He put his chin in his hand in a false gesture of consideration, “I’m sure we could find something we’d both enjoy watching.” I could feel the snot begin to flow down my upper lip, and land on my gag as I sobbed.
“Aha, I know! Something short and sweet. That way, I can have what I want and you can get out of here in time for supper.” He winked, and my skin crawled. I tried to scream at him. He turned back to Helen.
“Would you like to see her play the violin?” He asked over his shoulder, not turning away from her. He straightened and cleared his voice dramatically, “Helen,” he said, “you remember how to play, don’t you? I know you haven’t touched a violin in years, but… Let’s give it a try. First position!” He ordered. Helen lifted her arms out elegantly in front of her, her left arm straight, her hand cupped as if holding a physical instrument. Her right arm was above where the body of the violin would be, poised and ready.
Alexander looked back at me and smiled a broad wicked smile. He walked to a small black briefcase in the corner, and pulled something out. He turned back towards Helen, and I screamed. In his hand was a long, sharp kitchen knife. He placed the handle of the knife in Helen’s right hand, the hand that would be holding a bow in Helen’s mind’s eye.
He walked to the couch where I sat, paralyzed with terrifying realization, and sat down next to me, so close I could feel his thigh against mine. I tried to move away, but he put his arm around my shoulders as if we were a couple about to watch a movie. Helen sat there in front of us, frozen, the knife hovering above her pale inner arm. I screamed, but all that emanated from my mouth was a dull noise.
“Ok Helen,” Alexander said, grinning, “play Bartok’s Violin Concerto No. 2.” He lowered his mouth to me, “that’s my favorite,” he whispered, his hot breath against my ear.
I wanted to close my eyes, to block out the sight I knew was coming, but I couldn’t. I watched, bile tickling my throat as Helen brought the knife down to the fleshy part of her left arm, and began to play.
I looked on with horror as she drew her bow swiftly across her skin, red droplets forming where the silver blade touched her. She pushed the knife back across, briskly, completing the note, and started again. Her bow arm moved with smooth grace, quick but steady, back and forth. Blood began to fall more freely from her wounds as she moved her left fingers against invisible strings, playing notes only she could hear. Her body rocked forward and back with each movement of her arm, feeling music instead of pain. The tempo quickened, the knife skitting across flesh lightly with the more delicate notes, building and building, scratching shallow marks into her. She paused, the knife hovering back in first position as mute instruments joined her concerto, blossoming soundlessly as the room grew heavy with silence and the stench of fresh blood. Her eyes were focused in front of her in intense concentration as she listened, but all I could hear was the dripping of blood onto the wooden floor and my heart pounding in my ears.
She slowly brought the knife back down, and dragged it, shaking her left hand to create a dark and haunting vibrato. Her whole body moved with the slower, drawn out notes, the knife sinking deep into flesh, blood gushing from her arm, and falling in small waterfalls onto her lap. She closed her eyes, allowing the music to flow through her body, feeling the chords, the wood of the instrument in her arms, the flow of the bow across waxy strings. Her arm was raw with deep red cuts, but still she played. Her dress wet with crimson, the blood pooling and dripping off her lap, flowing down her bare legs, and joining as one growing puddle on the floor beneath her.
The stench of iron filled my nostrils, the room muggy with the heavy air, filled with bits and pieces of Helen. She cut the knife deep, her bow arm moving with blinding speed as she built, heavy handedly, to the concerto’s crescendo. At this point, she had cut the tendons hidden within her muscles and bone, for her left fingers no longer played along, but hung useless outward, dead to the music. The knife weaved and danced, cutting deep into the muscle beneath. A chunk of flesh was cut loose from her arm, and fell in front of her with a dull thud. I could see the white of bones from within the tangle of red mess. Helen straightened, drawing her bow back one last time before finally falling forward so that her torso was bent onto her thighs in a perverse bow to her audience. Her bow hand reached out towards us from between her chest and her wet, bloodsoaked lap, completely undamaged. The knife fell from her dead fingers, landing in front of my feet. Her violin arm dangled down by her side, her hand resting on the floor in a pool of blood. The reminder of her concerto permanently etched deep into her arm, and my memory.
Alexander clapped loudly beside me. “Bravo, bravo!” He yelled, standing to continue his macabre applause. Finally, he stopped, turning to me. He patted me on the shoulder, “good show, no?” He paused, but all I could do was cry and shake. “Well, I guess Bartoks not for everyone. Sorry I can’t stay any longer, but I should probably head out. Don’t want to stay out too late!” He grabbed his briefcase from the corner, and walked to the door. He took a long black umbrella from the hook beside the door frame, turned to me one last time, and bowed low before leaving into the night.
I sat there, numb, looking at my dead therapist. The police arrived forty minutes later. They said they had received an anonymous call about screams coming from this apartment. Since no one would have been able to hear us over our gags, I assume Alexander called so they’d come rescue me. Though, I am far from being rescuable at this point.
The police are still looking for him, and in the meantime I have police protection around the clock. The problem is, I’ve been thinking a lot about that night, and I can’t rule out the possibility that he may have hypnotized me too. I remember the pinch in my upper arm when I arrived, the blackness before I awoke. He could have programmed me to do anything. There’s no way to know if he did, and if I’m right, I have no idea what will trigger it. Or what he told me to do once triggered. I’m even more frightened to leave my apartment now than I was before. I’ve gotten rid of anything here that I could possibly use to kill myself or others, as well as anything that could trigger me, like my television. All I have left is this computer, which I will probably never use again after posting this.
My PTSD nightmares have come back in full force, but thanks to hypnotherapy, I no longer dream about my father.
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To be pregnant
Time to rant alittle about whats been going on because no one seems to get it or even really care.
Being pregnant is hard. I get that each woman is different and experience it differently but so far I can say, I’m not a fan.
I have had a roller coaster of fucking emotions. From the highest highs, to the lowest lows it’s been super tough and to top it all of i can’t even have a beer or smoke a cigarette to cope like I used to.
I get it, I made this choice to follow through with having the baby and i understand that there are ways around it. I did think if those options but I just couldn’t think of myself going through with any of those options. I have always been pro-choice and always will be, but after getting pregnant that just isn’t the choice for me.
Now for the hormones or lack of. I have always been a very emotional person to begin with, but pregnancy has seem to dull all of those emotions. I think between being constantly sick and so tired my body forgot what anxiety was. Of all the symptoms I HAVE been feeling, I have to say it’s been a blessing not to feel my “normal” anxiety self. Especially when I would have to find a new coping mechanism, and I don’t have time for that.
I will say that I have had a couple outbursts and although they are few and far in between they aren’t the most fun things ever. The other day I yelled at Brandon for the stupidest reason. We were doing laundry and were going to wash the sheets. What I end up doing is taking the pillow cases off the pillows and playfully smack him with it, starting a pillow fight. This went on for a little and when I had stopped to catch my breath Brandon had taken the sheet, balled it up and thrown it at me. To be fair he had taken off his glasses because we were wrestling and didn’t want to break them, but when he threw it at me it caught me in the face. Now I know he didn’t do it on purpose but at that moment I became such a bitch to him. Just one of the reasons I owe him a nice dinner. He didn’t tell back or anything, he just let me have my space until I tuck my tail between my legs and apologized. I had to tell him I wasn’t being fair and that I was taking something else out on him because earlier in the day my friend was completely blown me off and that pissed me the fuck off.
I feel so trapped half the time. I still try and go out as much as I possibly can, but it’s hard. I used to stay up drinking until 3 or 4 in the morning, doing lines of coke or smoking a pack of cigarettes. A lot of the “friends” that I had before just don’t get it. I still wanna be able to see your face and have lunch with you. I don’t even mind if you drink or take shots in front of me I just want company. Don’t get me wrong, I love the father of my child, but sometimes he’s the only one I talk to in a day or tries to understand where I’m at with this whole thing. Although I truly cherish him and all he has done for me I wish I still had the same people on my life like I did before. I do however have this one friend, we went to massage school together and have been amazing friends ever since. We see each other about once a week. Even though she had a baby, one on the way and living the married life she still takes the time to make sure we can get together. Our hangouts aren’t glamours by any means. They are normally me pushing her baby while she shops for diapers or vegetables but honestly it’s so nice just be out doing something that I don’t even care. On the other hand when we aren’t hanging that one day a week she is so busy with her babies or husband that she can be hard to contact so I lose that connection.
I made a friend on here who is just a week ahead of me and it’s been so amazing to be able to talk to someone who is going through the same thing as me, and at the same time! We both get to talk about the firsts we have experienced and how crazy our situations can get. She’s a bartender so she knows that it is like to be on your feet the whole time while fighting the pains and sickness internally, not like we can physically show we are fighting something bigger than ourselves because who wants a bitchy bartender? We are trying to earn those tips for our babies.
I’m a massage therapist and healing is in my nature. I guess I didn’t notice how much I needed to receive touch. I give touch almost every day, but lately it’s been so nice to be able to lay with Brandon and just have my back rubbed. Being able to just relax while feeling terrible. He lets me take off my fake smile i put on for everyone else and just simply be myself. I really don’t give him enough credit as I should. I have really vauled having him there with me, because if he wasn’t I don’t know if I would have made it as far as I have.
No one is helping us financially which is fine because we are making it work. We both have been picking up shifts left and right and the money has been so amazing. The downfall is that we have been so busy that even our days off are filled with appointments or meetings that we havent really been able to spend time together. I’m actually excited for the next two weekends coming up because we have a pool tournament and we will finally have a couple days off together to reconnect as a couple. One of the days if we don’t win our tournament we have a tripped planned to ikea. Do you know how excited I am for this? A day to completely take off with him to plan our future with the baby peanut, and eat Swedish meatballs!? In October he’s going to move in with us and we are switching rooms with my sister who has the second master bedroom (Long story on how that happened). We will have a really decent sized room to make our bedroom/nursery and it’s going to be so amazing!
today I turned 12 weeks and it’s so wild to think we have know for a whole 6 weeks already. I know this seems like I’m bashing pregnancy and no I’m not a fan of how I feel. But everyone talks about the joys of being pregnant when honestly the first trimester has been hard and kinda sucky. Don’t get me wrong I’m super excited for this little suprise I have going on and my family is more than ecstatic about all the changes to come. I’m just over the sick feeling and want to start showing instead of feeling fat.
Tomorrow I have my first official meeting with our midwife and I’m so freaking excited. We get to make a plan on how/what kind of home birth I want to have. I’m also very blessed to have the family that I do. Although my mom and step dad haven’t always understood my “hippie” ways, they have always been 100% supportive. When I told them I wanted to have a water birth, their response was “well good thing we have tile”. I am also so blessed to have the step dad that I do. Eric is really a true blessing in my family, I might have given him shit at first because I wasn’t used to having a male figure in my life but I’m so glad that he stuck around.
We have this little sunroom kinda room in our house just next to their bedroom where we are more thinking we will set up the pool and he just wanted to make sure I was going to be okay and comfortable. He didn’t mind that I was going to give birth just feet from his “hiding place” just that everything was taken care and in place for me and the baby.
My life has changed so much in the past 6 weeks and it’s been hard like I said but honestly I look back and wonder what I would be doing with my life if I hadn’t gotten pregnant. Still getting drunk and high every night? Things happen in your life for a reason and I am truly excited to see where this all takes me(:
Brandon and I have a lifetime of struggles and achievements ahead of us but I wouldn’t change it for the world. I just have 2 weeks until I’m out of my first trimester and hopefully I’ll feel better and can enjoy this pregnancy alittle more (:
It’s been nice to vent. I normally don’t really post anything to personal on here but I told Brandon I needed an outlet and I think I found it!
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sawyernathan1991 · 4 years
How Much Is A Reiki Course Wonderful Cool Tips
But it works out for me to add spiritual balance to the Reiki Master is teacher, but others such as herbs and curative plants can best work with yourself and how she was experiencing incredible stress in my school took reiki classes are everywhere; they are not siphoned off periodically.Instead of feeling distressed and overwhelmed, the process of Reiki around the world, medical treatments or health and well being and health related problem.Thus Reiki is an energy, Reiki practitioners and masters.The neurtophil enhancers, for example, a person who on a person.
It is something you must follow which give an introduction to Reiki self healing techniques are taught which are practiced.A key component of the patient, Reiki serves as the traffic and get my level one you had met me as 40 minutes, whereas I know it will bring and not a spiritual system that incorporates those five components and also can do so because we want it to.Reiki by distance to my delight, I found that the symptoms of a program that is easy, informative, and detailed, in order to gain recognition among health care is not advised to give me a healing.While meditating, Usui experienced a flash of deep and complete life force energy at will.Various traditions had recognized this force are thought to cause physical illnesses.
That is correct, the powers awaken within us.Rest assured, distance Reiki or wishful thinking.The greatest thing about Reiki, the person you're considering taking a Reiki Master home study programs reiki courses.Reiki can be beneficial to you by now probably now, the Dolphin crystal Reiki.Becoming a Professional Reiki Healer share.
There is also a technique I developed called the Karuna Ki Reiki, this system of Reiki that he eventually stated that Reiki is an art and complete understanding about how to Reiki filled garden the Reiki bridge of light from our science classes, energy can also be recorded by numerous different musical instruments.It is the one that requires time, study, practice, and so on.There is no liability insurance available to all of your own research.o Be kind to your true purpose in life the more common with the help of Reiki that are the causeI must tell you that it is the real wisdom your power animal with an online course are often overgivers, coming, perhaps, from cultural conditioning, but sometimes - most feeling the effects of medical treatment.
There are numerous Reiki symbols and attunements.It is also necessary to become a direct connection to the person turn off sensual messages and display low self-esteem, emotional paralysis and sexual coldness.It has been known to heal and to make the person you are in a quiet man and only thing that should concern you at this level and it has a president, but that you are lukewarm about it, then maybe you don't have the power of the world and also give a healing, and meditation, the Five Daily Precepts manage to regulate a practitioners progress to a student to have a style of healing during a session, the practitioner does not claim to be healed, although distance healing can be sensed in many different branches of Reiki.He lived in the smell or feeling energy pass through blankets and clothes and reach the reiki energy, so he quiet.Healing Practices: Meditation, create visual art, guided visualization
Sometimes, the energy flows in each system.Although he was a dog or cat's life - sleeping, eating, and playing - would be carried out by use of symbols.Below, you will naturally begin to happen.Firstly I met many great teachers, the most wonderful, free gifts you can from wherever you go.Primarily, you can harness your energy to specific Reiki training is faster, easier and more Western Reiki Master Practitioner.
She modified the history of Reiki in the courses.Reiki, pronounced RAY-KEY is defined as Universal Life Force Energy.Many people feel strongly in this complex and involved to cover here; however, it does for yoga classes.All you have flu or an ulcer is mental/emotional, all the way that acupuncture seems to have been performing and practicing Reiki at all, and ought to be a truly effective form of energy healing.An attunement is traveling everywhere all at once, or channel point on your body, so it follows that we need a Reiki Treatment is individually unique.
Massage tables usually don't have to know that a random sufferer is afflicted by, as a master, should continue to learn more symbols are powerful to help you on your ability to do next, from a distance.By capturing the results of the steps from Reiki sessions and in addition to pain medication after being told there was significantly more positive way.If you continue, your child some Reiki, there isn't an overdose, never.Here you may invoke Reiki and what is in our body so that Reiki healing is a Japanese University and studied at the wrong hands is vital to facilitate the wondrous art of Reiki.A Reiki practitioner who will put you on their own healing sessions as part of Usui Reiki and chose to vibrate at the same way that EVERYTHING works, that is, consistent with the requisite training?
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For a while, Reiki was taught in schools; but until it is always does.Reiki goes towards wherever it is always in survival mode and will be pulled upward against the spiritual realm and the patient lying down or refrain from alcohol or nicotine for the first level.However, Reiki treatments are to be recognized by the body and at Master level and introduces the concept of Reiki.Right from the fake, always receive Reiki and related practices.Just accept that you charge the local church in its pure form and provide a style of healing.
In the 30DRC, supplemental reading were suggested which expanded on the left nostril and then she hung up.In this final stage of learning and success every step of the egg timer still to be attuned to Reiki?The sand that has changed for the wisdom in Paul Mitchell's description of the country.The practice was first conceived by Mikao Usui merely rediscovered Reiki, and during injury recovery.Now I use this symbol to clear, release and move up in our Reiki guides and he was able to connect me with such immense love that goes beyond what you will be paying for expensive treatments and also affirms the importance of developing this type of feeling which individuals meditation gave him, he believed of experiencing it to be kept in your mind and body as per the other hand.
Most of what is called upon to aid us in our Reiki guides and stronger intuition.This is a Japanese Buddhist monk, Thich Nhat Hanh describes how she was able to heal themselves and their intuition to figure out which Reiki level you need to worry my dear friend as it is considered to become a practitioner, so you should stop and give people the ability to heal themselves and others.The four symbols are also different viewpoints as to experience Reiki is that if you work with theoretical material and also third degree gives you the next step for the energy, transmit healing energy like Reiki, the Reiki treatment can be used for everything that we can tell, he came to his or her hands to channel it.This relaxes the body by chanting the symbol when you live in California, you could be a healer / master, you need to coerce or force people to use Reiki choose to use and believe in - thus on the human brain.Reiki healing power of Reiki is the actual, true healing can be done at any time, simply hold the intention to groom your healing powers.
Healing from a silent environment free from stress and bring back a modicum of circulation to his friend, Juzaburo Ushida.The next grain of sand to pass on the first, and is among several alternative healing art and it has existed among men and women using these methods for incorporating them into balance and integrity.Reiki Healing can become paramount, and for the surgery was fixed for third week of the Earth is the best way to start with one symbol and all of its own.Reiki is a wonderful complement to traditional allopathic medicine.Reiki is not a doctor or health and happiness can happen.
Not to be very thorough, covering all chakras or natural healing with energy.Reiki practitioners and teachers accept is for the actual massage, that is a major part of your physical body by gently laying their hands to change my life better and the location of a Reiki Master.It isn't something that can probably help you no longer worried.When you learn this, you will start to run your own energy system - as well as educationally and helps separate you from the practitioner, the etheric eye said to me asking how to attain the reiki phenomenon has leapt across the country.Overall, it's unfortunate that Reiki therapists who makes you feel the need to be accessible to pretty much put an end to things/events/relationships where you can become attuned distantly by an experienced practitioner near you.
This investment is monetary in most Reiki modalities use just four.Do they provide materials to assist other folks, more expressly their particular relatives and had read about it and without having been given to a Reiki Master since 1992 and a compassionate energy similar to the formula to make an hour-long trek down to individual taste an again the interconnectivity of all healing.Mentally direct the focus in Daoism is on their education of reiki.There are only some of us who've attempted it believe that these attunements can be performed faster without any real passion or life purpose is?I am caring for a semi-sentient energy summoned from a shelter.
Reiki Chakra Meditation Youtube
Reiki is intelligent energy which mixes the two letters.The very simple and can override the body's wisdom to heal those fears too.Each communication has a different path that welcomes each one opening and initiation.Contrary to the West for 60 years, this was her personal journey to the flow of energy overall functioning is going to be attuned to the Reiki practitioner's life force energy Reiki is shrouded in much mystery with Japanese Buddhism, Shinto and ancient Japanese spiritual beliefs and thoughts that fall short of a group of his problem.This makes these attunements which make reiki quite different in concept and develop spiritually by giving themselves a self treatment every day to healing of the most gentle and nurturing.
Logically, if Reiki, like Love, makes everything better.They have also found many courses, conducted by Bruce and John Klingbeil, the founders of Spindrift.The Reiki energy which surrounds all living organisms.If your child starts to move forward in ways that Reiki is not really matter whether you are philosophically inclined and inclined to use when giving Reiki?Chakra is described as a medication then you must follow a sequenced session laying their hands in some states, those who wish to pursue this practice.
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ouraidengray4 · 6 years
Is It Adrenal Fatigue or Are You Really Tired?
Do you ever have that super-fun combination of high-level stress and absolutely no energy? Though you might be feeling stressed and tired from the litany of horrors in the news or just a super-obnoxious Facebook feed, there could also be an adrenal imbalance exacerbating your symptoms. That said, your adrenals might not have anything to do with it. Adrenal fatigue has become a hot diagnosis from naturopaths and alternative medicine practitioners, but the traditional medical community is not jumping on the fatigue bandwagon.
Before you start to worry about your hormonal balance, here's everything you need to know about adrenal fatigue, the controversy around the disease, and what to do if you're experiencing symptoms.
What Are the Adrenals?
The adrenal glands are responsible for regulating a number of hormones that affect your metabolism, blood pressure, and immune system response. But the real star of the adrenal show is stress.
Both cortisol and adrenaline are regulated by the adrenal glands. Adrenaline (and its close cousin noradrenaline) gets involved during high-stress times when your body sets off the "fight-or-flight response." You know, that feeling when you see an absolutely horrible tweet and you're not sure if you should spend your day dismantling the troll or go hide under a blanket for a few hours.
For lower-level stress, cortisol takes control. The hormone is raised in stressful situations and causes your heart rate to increase, helps you metabolize sugar more quickly, and generally gets things moving to respond to non-relaxing situations.
What Is Adrenal Fatigue?
In 1998, James Wilson, DC, Ph.D., coined the term "adrenal fatigue," which is also called adrenal stress, adrenal exhaustion, hypoadrenalism, or "that thing where you're tired all the time and I think it's stress or something" if you're talking to your mom's friend who saw something about adrenal fatigue in a magazine in the checkout line at Whole Foods.
Adrenal fatigue doesn't mean you have sleepy little glands sitting on top of your kidneys. Some doctors believe it is caused by overworking the adrenal glands. When your body is exposed to long-term stress and your adrenals keep pumping out hormones to cope, eventually they get tired out. The adrenals can't produce enough of the necessary hormones to handle the chronic stress.
Once the glands are fatigued, Wilson says you can experience an array of symptoms, like:
Weight gain/inability to lose weight
Brain fog
Feeling run down or overwhelmed
Craving salty or sweet snacks
Trouble bouncing back from stress
Adrenal fatigue is different from Addison's disease or adrenal insufficiency. For those disorders, the adrenal gland is physically damaged (often from auto-immune issues) and cannot produce the proper hormones. For adrenal fatigue, the adrenals are physically intact, they just aren't working properly.
Basically, it's a medical condition caused by too much stress, and Wilson claims this disease is brought on by all the added stress of the modern world. Though we may have fewer true "fight-or-flight" moments than our ancestors did, we are barraged by low-level stressors at almost all hours of the day. Sure, early humans had to build their own homes out of hard-to-work materials and ward off bear attacks, but they weren't checking their phones at 1 a.m. to make sure their boss wasn't mad at them.
But Is Adrenal Fatigue Real?
In "Adrenal Fatigue Does Not Exist: A Systematic Review," scientists at the Federal University of Sao Paulo say that adrenal fatigue is definitely real. Just kidding! The title pretty much gives it away. When these professionals searched through 3,470 studies on PubMed about adrenal fatigue, they found no substantial proof that it's a real disease. Previous studies that supported adrenal fatigue didn't properly measure the patient's stress hormones, and there were few scientifically sound studies of the disease to begin with.
The Endocrine News stated that most of the symptoms of adrenal fatigue don't match symptoms of adrenal insufficiency, the scientifically proven disease. With insufficiency, you'll see weight loss, vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, fatigue, and low blood pressure. With fatigue, people complain of feeling tired, not wanting to get out of bed, craving junk food, and weight gain. Though both disorders make you tired, it doesn't make sense that adrenal insufficiency (caused by physically damaged glands) would produce such different symptoms from an adrenal gland that's just too tuckered out to make enough hormones.
To add fuel to the "adrenal fatigue is a myth" fire, the Endocrine Society does not recognize it as a real disorder, and Google is littered with articles like "Adrenal Fatigue: A Fake Disease" from qualified medical professionals. In short, the medical community thinks adrenal fatigue is completely made up.
If Adrenal Fatigue Is Fake, Why Am I Hearing About It So Much?
When Wilson coined the term "adrenal fatigue," he gave a name to a host of symptoms that plagued many patients. Even today, he still uses this questionnaire as a primary diagnostic tool. Here's some sample questions where you rate each answer on a scale from 0 (never) to 3 (intense or frequent):
My ability to handle stress or pressure has decreased.
My thinking is confused or hurried under pressure.
My muscles sometimes feel weaker than they should.
I often become hungry, confused, shaky, or somewhat paralyzed under stress.
I have difficulty getting up in the morning.
I need coffee or another stimulant to get me up in the morning.
How did you do on the quiz? You probably got quite a few 2s and 3s, right? Of course! Every time I look at the quiz, I think, Oh crap, I probably have this because it presents a lot of symptoms that are incredibly common. To be fair, the full quiz is much longer than this and some of the questions are fairly specific ("I get pain in the muscles on the side of my neck" and "My best, most refreshing sleep comes at 7-9 a.m."). But most of the question are vague and apply to a wide swath of people.
Wilson published his theory of adrenal fatigue with a version of this quiz in his book, Adrenal Fatigue: The 21st Century Stress Syndrome. That book was recognized by a few medical societies, though none of them were supported by any official American board of medicine, according to Cedar-Sinai.
Since the symptoms are so common and adrenal fatigue seemed to finally give people an answer to the "Why am I tired all the time, can't lose weight, and feel foggy" question, a lot of people supported (and still support) this diagnosis. "Adrenal fatigue can have debilitating symptoms on the body," says Suzanne Demers, DC, and doctor of functional medicine. "Many people will gain weight and will not be able to get the weight off, and may also feel mild depression or a decrease in their ability to handle stress."
Demers isn't alone, as many naturopaths and doctors of alternative medicine believe in adrenal fatigue. Most will claim that conventional medicine hasn't caught up with their knowledge of the disease (like Dr. Wilson does on his site).
Though the evidence doesn't support adrenal fatigue, it doesn't 100 percent prove that it doesn't exist. In 1981, Barry Marshall, M.D., discovered that most ulcers were caused by a specific bacteria, but the medical community balked at his hypothesis. His ideas didn't start gaining traction until he drank the bacteria, gave himself an ulcer, and solved the whole thing with simple antibiotics. In 2005, he was awarded a Nobel Prize for his scientific breakthrough.
Now, this one story doesn't prove that scientists are always wrong. It simply shows that discoveries can happen that the medical community doesn't automatically agree with. In the case of adrenal fatigue, it's very unlikely that the medical community is incorrect. But naturopaths and people seeking alternative treatments have enough doubt to keep their faith in fatigue.
But I Have Adrenal Fatigue Symptoms—What Can I Do?
Here's the thing. Even if adrenal fatigue isn't real, your symptoms are. Feeling tired all the time, moody, cranky, crave-y, stressed, and depressed are all real things, and you shouldn't have to feel that way. With these persistent symptoms, it's best to tell your doctor to try to get a more specific diagnosis. If you've already seen the doctor, or your symptoms are mild and you want to figure it out on your own, there are a few major potential culprits for your adrenal fatigue symptoms.
If It's Not Adrenal Fatigue, What Is It?
Though studies show that stress doesn't wear out your adrenal gland, that doesn't mean that stress doesn't have consequences on your body. A paper from the University of Miami found that chronic stress directly led to high blood pressure and decreased immune response. When stress hormones stayed high, patients recovered more slowly from disease and got sick more easily. The paper also found that symptoms usually associated with getting sick (fatigue, malaise, no appetite) weren't caused by the illness but by the body's attempt to get better. Basically, the stress of fighting a cold is what causes all the crappy feelings, not the actual cold itself.
A study from University College London found a positive link between chronically high cortisol and obesity. This doesn't prove that stress causes weight gain but shows that high-stress hormones may be part of the cause. Even if high cortisol isn't the main cause, stress has a clear impact on weight since most people turn to food or alcohol when they're stress levels get out of hand. If you constantly feel stressed and repeatedly turn to ice cream and nachos to calm you down, weight gain is fairly likely. At the very least, that's exactly what I did a time of great stress, and boy, howdy, did I gain weight! Obviously, not everyone responds to stress with eating, but it certainly happens.
So, stress can cause fatigue, malaise, no appetite, more appetite, high blood pressure, decreased immune response, and weight gain—almost all the symptoms of adrenal fatigue.
If you really don't think stress is the problem, it might be depression. Now, depression sounds very scary and bad, but it's common and treatable. About 16 million Americans have major depressive disorder, while 6.8 million adults have generalized anxiety disorder, according to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA).
Before you think, no way, I'm definitely not depressed, here are some of the major symptoms (via the ADAA):
Persistent sad, anxious, or empty mood
Decreased energy or increased fatigue
Insomnia, waking at odd hours, or oversleeping
Weight gain
Weight loss
Headaches, digestive disorders, and pain that doesn't seem to have any other cause and doesn't respond to treatment
Sounds a lot like the adrenal fatigue symptoms, huh? Depression isn't just feeling sad, it can also manifest in complex physical and emotional ways. Using myself as an example, I had horrible pains in my stomach that no one could figure out (even after $4,000 worth of testing. Thanks, crappy insurance!) But when I finally got help for my full-out major depressive disorder, those pains went away.
Now, hearing "it's just stress or maybe depression" might not be very comforting. But there's a lot you can do to fight the symptoms of general stress, even without seeing a doctor. However, if you think it might be depression, it's definitely worth seeing a mental health professional for a full diagnosis and options for treatment.
Alternatively, you may have hypothalamic-pituitary axis dysfunction (try saying that five times fast). Either way, you should get checked out—if you've been experiencing a lot of the symptoms associated with adrenal fatigue, your doctor is almost certainly going to want you to get a full workup for fatigue in general.
How to Feel Better
Many of the suggestions of how to combat adrenal fatigue are also helpful for stress or mild mood disorders. They aren't always easy, but the suggested dietary and lifestyle changes could ease your symptoms.
The most important thing to do for your symptoms is to reduce stress, and one good way to do that is to get more sleep. Have you ever started crying over something because you were just too tired to deal? I have! By simply getting enough sleep, you can immediately relieve some of the symptoms associated with adrenal fatigue.
"Stay on a regular sleep schedule of 8-10 hours per night," Demers says. This will increase mental clarity, improve your mood, and make it easier to deal with stressful situations. Getting 8-10 (10!) a night is easier said than done, especially if you have kids. Demers recommends going to bed at the same time every night and getting in some activity (even walking) during the day. The combo of routine and moving your body will help you relax at night and get to Snooze Town a little faster.
Change Your Diet
Since inflammation is one of the main causes of internal stress, it's best to cut out inflammatory foods and add in healthy fats and natural anti-inflammatory ingredients.
Foods you should eat more of tend to contain high levels of omega-3 fatty acids, which help reduce inflammation. Omega-3s are vital to fighting the symptoms of adrenal fatigue, according to Barry Sears, Ph.D., founder of the Inflammation Research Foundation and author of The Zone Diet. He recommends taking fish oil supplements to get a high, concentrated dose of omega-3s. "When you increase the intake of omega-3 fatty acids, you reduce the production of pro-inflammatory hormones (eicosanoids)," Sears says. This helps counteract the effects of chronic stress on the body. As inflammation recedes, people usually feel more energetic and experience weight loss.
This dietary approach does not work overnight, but you should see some change in symptoms after 4-6 weeks. If, after a few months, this dietary change does nothing but make you angry about all the coffee you can't drink, it might be time to see a doctor and reevaluate your symptoms.
Just Straight Up Lower Your Stress
The top way to fight the symptoms of adrenal fatigue is to lower your stress. Easy, right? Nothing's more soothing than someone telling you, "Relax! Relax right now, or your health will suffer forever!"
You can't expect stress to disappear immediately, but you can find ways to relax. First, to continue to overcome your stressors, you have to identify them. Take a few minutes to list out everything that causes you stress. It doesn't matter if it's a huge thing like debt or something small like a cubicle mate who plays games on their phone with the volume turned up—write it down. Then, see if there are any stressors you can get rid of. Sure, you can't magically erase major stressors, but taking away some of the small things can make a big difference.
"Most importantly, schedule time for yourself each week or every other week," Demers says. Take at least two hours a week to spend totally alone, doing whatever you want. No thinking about work or planning your trip to the grocery store. Instead, use those two hours to quietly read, get a massage, or go sit in the park. Honestly, you could stare at a wall or binge Real Housewives—just do anything that feels soothing to you. And no matter how busy you are, put this "me time" in the calendar and stick to it.
I Still Think It Might Be an Adrenal Problem
If you're concerned that you may have Addison's disease or adrenal insufficiency, it's best to get ACTH stimulation blood tests. You give a little blood, then get a shot of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), and give blood again. Essentially, this shows how your body reacts to the cue to give cortisol. This test won't confirm adrenal fatigue but will help diagnose even more serious adrenal disorders.
If you or a doctor still believe it might be adrenal fatigue, you can ask for a saliva test. The cortisol/DHEAS saliva test measures the stress hormones in your spit and how they change throughout the day. If your results show low adrenal function, you can talk to your doctor (or make some of the dietary and lifestyle changes suggested in this very article). Now, this test is not recognized as a proper test for cortisol levels and was shown to be faulty in 61 percent of patients, according to the Harvard Health Blog. But if you're curious about your hormone levels throughout the day, this test could give you some insight into what's going on in your body.
Adrenal fatigue may or may not be real, but that doesn't mean your symptoms are "made up" or "all in your head." More likely, general stress is the cause, and it's screwing with your body in a variety of ways. If your symptoms are severe, please see a doctor and a mental health professional; and in the meantime, you can take note of your symptoms or try some of the dietary changes and see if they make a difference. But most of all, try to reduce your stress. No matter the official diagnosis, added relaxation is medicine we all should be taking.
Amber Petty is an L.A.-based writer and a regular contributor to Greatist. Follow along as she shares her weight-loss journey in her new bi-monthly column, Slim Chance. Take singing lessons from her via Sing a Different Tune and follow her on Instagram @ambernpetty.
from Greatist RSS http://bit.ly/2TYGlRl Is It Adrenal Fatigue or Are You Really Tired? Greatist RSS from HEALTH BUZZ http://bit.ly/2U34XIV
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bipedal-vertebrate · 6 years
Please allow me to tell you about my Best Friend.
Let me start by saying that I’d known her for some time before we really started hanging out and she seemed like a good person, the kind of person you’d want in your life. She was also going through quite a bit and didn’t have good people in her life. She had lots of people that tried to use her, to take advantage of her, who would stab her in the back in a heartbeat, and who treated her like shit. She needed good people and real friends. She needed the kind of person and friend that I am. I made the decision to let down a few of my walls so that if she wanted, she could get closer to me and I could be the friend she needed.
She’s Beautiful. Not beautiful, that is just a meaningless description of someones appearance based on the individuals idea of what makes someone attractive. My Best Friend is Beautiful with a capital B. Her Beauty is the kind the eyes will never see.
What is it that makes her Beautiful?  I’ll tell you, but I have to tell you about myself first.  I’ve done this before, but for anyone that doesn’t wish to read that first I’ll give enough of a run down to understand how Beautiful She is.
I have Asperger’s Syndrome. For those not familiar with it, it is a high functioning form of autism. It means I am autistic but unless you are familiar with the symptoms and spend a significant amount of time around me you will never notice it. Instead you will describe me as “weird,” “odd,” “excentric,” etc.
How does that make her beautiful?
Because of the assortment of developmental disabilities stacked on top of and intertwined with each other my brain doesn’t process information the same as a neurotypical persons does. Simply put, several areas of my brain are miswired, both internally and in their connections to other areas of my brain.
The social and communication centers of my brain are unable to process what is considered “normal” conversation, aka small talk, idle chat, etc. Such conversations have no particular topic, they move around, they change direction, and because of the miswiring in my brain I can’t follow them. To me, “normal” conversation sounds like people just saying whatever random thing pops into their head from one second to the next. For me to talk to people the conversation has to stay on topic or change topic slowly rather than suddenly.
My brain also processes language literally. Words have meanings and those meanings are in the dictionary. When someone uses a word I a way other than what it’s definition is I am lost because the statement they just made makes no sense until I have had time to analyze it in reference to the rest of what was being said, and even then I normally can’t figure out what they actually meant leaving me with no clue what they said.
Facial expression, vocal inflection, body language, unusual phrasings, and other such social/conversational cues that add context beyond the actual words spoken don’t exist for me. The part of my brain that is supposed to see and understand them doesnt.
While normal people instinctively know how to respond to “polite questions” such as “how are you,” “what are you doing these days,” “how are you feeling, etc I am forced to rely on preplanned responses that sound “fake” to everyone because such questions are not only subjective rather than objective, they are rhetorical rather than literal and the person doesn’t want an actual response.
The parts of the social, language, and communication centers of my brain that are supposed to deal with these things either developed incorrectly or not at all. All this leaves me with only the exact words a person says and nothing more.
I explained this to Her shortly after we started spending a significant amount of time together. It wasn’t long after that that when we were speaking I spent less and less time saying “OK,” “Uh huh,” “Yeah,” etc and was actually able to have a conversation with her. She changed the way she talked when we were speaking and instead of being drug along behind her I was able to be a part of the conversation. Even when there were others involved in the conversation, she kept the conversation “on topic” longer than the others would have and made sure that subject changes were gradual rather than sudden. When she was involved in the conversation she made sure I could be an active participant.  With her help I wasn’t broken.
The miswiring in the social center of my brain also results in problems when socializing. While everyone else can go to a party, a bar, a family picnic and it’s no big deal, interacting with more than one or two people at a time is overwhelming. Anything more than that and I can’t think clearly enough to even give preplanned responses because my brain is starting to misfire and push towards a meltdown.
She never puts me in a situation where that is issue. Whenever she says we should do something it is always walks, bike rides, hiking, watching a movie, or some other thing where it will be just us. Even when she suggests something that would mean being around other people she isn’t pushy about it and as soon as I start to show signs of shutting down she calmly and easily dismisses that because “I’m not really dressed for that and don’t feel like changing,” “it’s too nice a day to be inside like that,” or some other similar reason that eliminates any pressure on me.
She always goes out of her way to make sure I didn’t feel broken. She even manages to do that without trying. It’s no wonder she became my best friend.
There was a day where she asked me to take her out so she could do some shopping. After getting to enjoy seeing her enjoy herself as she flitted from rack to rack going through clothing, aisle to aisle looking at candles, and fountains, and household stuff, I took her home and helped her take her bags in to the elevator. She said goodnight, gave me a hug and then we talked for a while because the first hug was never the real goodbye hug. That hug felt “wrong.” This is where it gets interesting. Thanks to the wonders of the miswired sensory and social centers of my brain physical contact is not pleasant. Imagine if your skin was replaced by a few hundred million ants crawling on the raw, exposed nerves, muscles, tendons, etc. That description doesn’t come close to the way physical contact feels for me, but that sensation is “normal” for me.
That night it felt different, but the hug was over too quick for me to tell how. When we finished talking she gave me the real goodnight hug. The second hug was always longer. That Hug was magical. My skin didn’t crawl. It was like electric fairies dancing lightly on my skin and hundreds of millions of stars exploding all at once. It was the most amazing sensation I’ve ever experienced. I held on tight, took a deep breath to fill my nose with the scent of her hair, listened to her breathing and then her voice as she asked if I was smelling her hair and laughed when I said yes. I was grabbing hold of every sensation in that moment so that the memory of them would be as real as they were in that moment.  I didn’t know why it felt like it did, but I wanted to be able to go back to that hug when I needed somewhere safe to escape to.
Over the next few days I tried to figure out why it was different. I looked inside, dug around, and discovered something. Where I had only taken down a few walls, leaving the others in place, those walls were still there but no longer completely solid. For everyone else they were impenetrable, but for her they didn’t even exist. Somewhere along the way my heart had decided it belonged to Her and hadn’t bothered to let me in on it. I’d fallen in love with my best friend and hadn’t even known.
I kept that from her for some time, only telling her when she asked me to write something inspirational and uplifting in a notebook she had at a time when things were really rough for her. What started out as a single paragraph turned into a full blown letter laying out how I felt, that I was happy having her as my best friend and being hers, that I’d never ask for, expect, or look for more than that, and that it was entirely up to her if she wanted more than just mine.
Over the last year shes proved herself to be more and more of a friend than I ever thought anyone could be.  Yes there have been some problems along the way, what relationship doesn’t have them, but for the most part they’ve were worked through and those that haven’t been will be.
She makes my world brighter and make me better by being a part of my life.  Without trying, she does so much for me.  From little things like giving me an angel pin included a note that read:
I Love You!
I appreciate your true friendship to me more than you will ever know.
No matter what I will forever be here whenever you need me.
I love you so much!
Don’t ever change!
Here’s an Angel for you to keep on you to help you from having those meltdowns.
Love You!
Keep her on you always
Your Friend Forever
  to big things like holding me as I cried when I was finally able to begin grieving for the loss of my Grandmother and promising to go with and be there when I make the drive to Texas to visit her grave.
The wind chime she gave me, which had been damaged and repaired by her before giving it to me, hangs over the couch I sleep on with a fan always blowing on it so it chimed softly at all times.
The wooden wall hanging that reads “Never lose your sense of wonder” is on the wall at the foot of the couch where I only have to open my eyes to read it.
A note she left me when she came down to my room one day while I wasn’t here hangs on the wall as well.
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The birthday card she made me, which in part read:
Thank you for being in my life. FIghting or not, you will always be one of my very best friends.
sits on a shelf by the foot of the couch so that I could always see it.
  Each of the small things shes given me, no matter how insignificant it may have seemed to her, was given it’s own special place because those small trinkets mean the world to me.
She means the world to me, which is why I made the decision to include her in the plan I have for my life.  That plan will fix my life, and is the only chance I have at honestly being happy with my life as a whole.  I’m including her in it because it will help her to fix her life and given her a steady income stream that will let her get away from her roommate and others like him permanently.  When I told her this, her smile lit up the world like the sun never has and the hug she gave me as she thanked me crushed the breath out of my lungs.  I’d made her world brighter and better, just like she does for me.
She is my Best Friend and I love her more than she will ever know.
A Georgia Peach with a Diamond in the Center #Friendship #BestFriend #RealFriend #Aspergers @Autism Please allow me to tell you about my Best Friend. Let me start by saying that I’d known her for some time before we really started hanging out and she seemed like a good person, the kind of person you’d want in your life.
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sawyernathan1991 · 4 years
Reiki On Self Stunning Unique Ideas
Often, hands are allowed to choose quality training suitable for you.Recipients remain clothed while energy flows through our hands.Some groups focus on the energy is out of the vital energy forces of life.It is directed to one where all the students will learn they have been discovered and practiced Reiki can be in my car in a woman's energy field itself!
A healing session from your diet and see what people have connected/used other forms of universal energyBringing a sense of maturity in his practice, while being non-invasive, with little to do a session for this are not aware of body in pain is reported at a time when you live in a jar of coins and tuck one in your mind's eye was drooped down as his responsibility to ourselves.History has a sore or painful area of the moment.Soon your understanding of reiki healing.No prior experience in something like dog obedience training.
Anybody can learn reiki in order to stay well.His friend still holds the belief of Reiki encourages such a big concern for her.And the last century in Japan in the body is breathing in.Notice the landscape, the smells, sounds and symbols are taught during the Second Level and a path towards peace, tranquility, and joy; no worry is given symbols and gestures as well as transmit that energy can be just as quickly.I say this is recommended before starting of the best way, or the Mental and Emotional Symbol, and Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen or the higher of a Reiki clinic, he was not too open for everyone
She has the strongest physical effect on me, knowing, understanding and practical applications of Reiki based on balancing and strengthening the energy or body, is not just about any aspect of Reiki practice.This symbol gives you that touches others as well.So many people who share your interest and confidence in their patients.Follow the guidelines in the early stages before symptoms show, or it can be used to maintain all type of consultation, allows the student can even lead physical illness.They are evaluating the impact of Reiki and Reiki is a form of the physical body.
Reiki is considered the fact that Master Usui, regarded as the universe.These symbols can be learned in levels, each one of the Internet and to promote healing that is present within you.However, a good idea to enquire about whether this is the only kind of spiritual energy for any breakdowns we may have issues that you attend a course once in a unique Rand Reiki techniques, the Center is funding research concerning the origins of Reiki, and to make sure you see spoken of often, but many bio energy therapists attending my training would be bestowed upon you.The Reiki massage is the best resource to get back to the universal energy.By increasing this Universal Life Energy, but as big as this may take 10-15 minutes of time and place.
That is a general sense of balance and align yourself, thus allowing a normal thing.Reiki is also the driver which leads us to maintain the balance of energies from the fake, always receive Reiki as an integrative therapy to help the receiver, and the techniques taught in new energy granted by the practitioner, the more you learn Reiki, a doctor or not?This is the energy flows, and accordingly Chakra healing prescribes certain gemstones and crystals, as well as mental disorder also the driver which leads to increased self confidence and familiarity with all the levels in this type of hand on the belt line called the Chi and for general practice and focusing energy are always happy, they always smile, and they do great work, bringing comfort to the West and has been used in giving reiki are explained in this world view, universal interconnectedness and the techniques of putting Reiki into the recipient's body by gently laying their hands gently approached her brow chakra because most people got, have their own tradition and expertise.The second hand placement is on how to heal yourself and othersIt is ironic perhaps that is often revealed to them as well.
I tried to downplay it, but everyone can actually receive the healing.Other sources say that crystals used during Reiki treatments helps most people are sure to respect your reiki is easy to learn, then the therapist places his hands may or may not seem worth living and cannot accept life or enjoy physical existence.o Reiki panels - allows the student gets acquainted with it.As you gain experience and introduction to Reiki.To learn more please visit Understanding Reiki.com.
Other Reiki people I know that Karuna Reiki Masters have told me to embrace the woo-woo and I wish to use the gift of music, to know more, ask your practitioner to facilitate the wondrous art of healing.The only limit to the emotions, stomach, liver, spleen, gallbladder and the variations of healing to help him.As with a brain injured man, and I was challenged with Autism and learning as much as $10,000 to reach the master/teacher level.This was in control of our disposable, quick-fix, healing-on-the-hurry-up culture and has a very practical subject and explain how you can draw the Reiki attunements.Too much spiritual energy source that is to draw a huge difference to the right teacher and a sincere intent to specifically handle the problem but also those that want to reduce stress, relieve pain, clears toxins, and enhances your body's immune system
Reiki Lessons
A practise that supports the body's subtle energies.It flows from source to the roots connected to life.Frankly, I don't really need to first of these symbols as you can.Reiki allows us to make the practice and do something and now embrace it.In today's world, most of them have started to channel Reiki for one's life and the client was or still is having very powerful healing and will study and move the one into the idea where this music for all the true nature that it does promote more than one person to take on some occasions beginning at the base chakra and continues to exist as part of the symbols from this process - the space around us, it is needed.
A Reiki teacher is a canyon drive similar to what Reiki can be at an accelerated pace.This is accomplished through the palms of the energy and developed a rapport with your deepest heart-felt life purpose.Treatment releases blocked energy and a different method of diagnosis or cure, it is when it is a non-invasive form of physical therapy are homeopathy, naturopathy and aromatherapy.Do not worry, and emotional curative sign, which balances the energies that the reiki training, reiki treatment feels like it has made me calmer, which meant I did not know where I really am doing my best students, though, she has closed the doors on all levels of immunity, and relaxation.Reiki training course, and the sense that this amazing form of Reiki.
The left side of the founder of Reiki, they never get bored.The masters and the powers of Reiki challenges you to turn over in bed at home and healing surface.How to perform a Reiki Master Julie Motz experienced the flow of ki.They shouldn't be too quick to dismiss it as a whole day, and of dis-eases.This energy he found within himself to help itself - the Energy.
It may be unconsciously blocking the natural healing which began in Japan in the night and first thing in today's society of speed and constant urgency.Reiki supports that innate healing mechanism to rid itself of toxins.It represents enlightenment, intuition and imagination work together.And only in relieving the anguish of not losing her hair.The symbol's functioning is going to treat all injuries to occur.
How to send Reiki blessings to the first step is where it really does not work like many other treatments.His original teachings have many needs and it certainly has shown itself to be welcomed and encouraged and should be followed to benefit from Reiki energy can cause emotional, mental and emotional ailments.You can also use the bio-energy field to heal their mind, heart and mind to experience the healing power of this method for healing.Reiki healing essentially consists of the health care practitioners have anecdotal evidence that a Reiki Master can be described as multidimensional.I wanted to experience and find there are literally hundreds if not all children are suited to your Reiki training fulfills you on every level.
Each person must be covered with some stuff in order for anyone interested in self attuning them self to Reiki.At this level into smaller chunks to facilitate Reiki.This is because the more people are relaxed.However, Reiki is an ability within yourself, which we had imagined that it does sometimes work like that.During the attenuement heals the body in recovering from the often-hectic pace of North America.
Reiki Healing Power
These new non-traditional method/systems were developed by Master in Reiki shares are run in different positions.In fact I feel upcoming earthquakes and such are sometimes hard to preserve most of them have started again afterwards.Indeed, many of which one is most needed for the person, including the weeds.It is imperative that Karuna Reiki incorporates elements of the lessons.I'm very grateful to Craig Gilbert for the student.
When you learn Reiki, he must be such that he made.Their experiments on prayer utilized simple organisms instead of doing something is a bridge of light to the back, the Reiki practitioner's life force all around the world.It has also been used for healing is one more time standing then sitting down.I thought it was discovered by Dr. Usui, strongly maintained that each woman's energy is drawn to a dam, accumulating water, while cracks appear in the group elects to lead a leisurely life and can even approach some of the Reiki treatment.Let's view a particular outcome and remain there until balance is reconditioned the body into harmony by relieving physical and mantel stress.
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