#And not throw up. Im sitting still and its this bad ... And now im on the verge of tears bc of my anxiety too
opens-up-4-nobody · 11 months
#it's so weird trying to describe yourself when u really aren't something u used to be#like until i was probably 21 or so id say i was shy. very very shy. but now im like was that even true? was i ever shy bc im not now#maybe i was just quiet and anxious. maybe thats just what being shy is. but im still both of those things but im not shy#im sorta like a hermit. i dont really go around ppl if i can avoid it but i dont hate being around ppl. its just that im less anxious when#im alone. but if u put me around ppl i like to talk to them so im not shy. ill say whatever. i dont really give a fuck#but if u throw me in a group i go back to being a non entity. i guess thats just being an introvert with an asocial streak#thats a thing i noticed while i was at the grad weekend i attended in march. the group would gather and do things while i kinda just#wandered away from them to poke at trees and sit in the snow. i dunno i just feel better away from ppl. my brain gets a lot louder if ive#been too social. which is a shame bc its interesting to watch ppl and understand how thry work#my friend came over to day goodbye before i leave next week. which was nice. i wish we would have hung out more in person but so it goes#and i think in my head im a lot more contained thst i actually am. like if u set me a task that becomes my focus but im also sorta all over#the place. partly bc i think my brain works on like a lag. and also my mood is a little elevated rn so im sorta like *jazz hands* and#talking too fast and too much and oversharing. yesterday i was instrucing an undergrad and felt so bad bc my brain was all over the place.#could not b made linear. im tired now tho bc theres nothing more draining than being emotionally honest and talking for like 2hrs. woof. it#so hot. like fucking so hot bc the monsoons have started and humidity is up so my swamp cooler is fucked and its gotta b at least 80 degree#inside my apartment. holy christ. and the temp has been over 100 degrees for like at least 2 weeks. its so hot its kinda alarming. and im#glad my friend was also freaked out by how hot its been bc oh god its hot. and i cant focus. ive done fuck all today. but i did get rid of#couch which is so so so great. ugh. someone make the sun stop making it so hot#unrelated#its been over 100 degrees outside for like 2 weeks. not on my apartment#and when i say i wish i spent more time with my friend irl. i mean it in a distant sort of way. like thats how im supposed to feel. like i#dont kno if thats actually what i feel or i kno im supposed to b social but idk if i actually mean it
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orcelito · 6 months
Ok triple vaccine is kicking my ass. Now. I am.now grateful that I scheduled it with a day off after
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possiblytracker · 1 year
back to cycling through random underplayed games in my steam library to tide me over i GUESS
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so anyone else feel like a ticking time bomb recently or is that just me
#not in like im going to lash out way#but in a everything bad keeps happening to my friends way and i cant do anything#so even though all i do is nothing all day always Im still stressed out#because im like. idk if paranoia is the right word here?? but paranoid that something bad is going to happen to them#and i cant do anything about it#and ive lost all of my ability to comfort people anymore#so now even if im resting im not fucking resting!!!! because im about to throw up from stress constantly#even though nothing is happening to me for me to feel like this#so it feels like im doomed to lose it but I cant lose it because im meant to be holding it together#so im just in fucking purgatory of feeling like the world is ending around me while also just. sitting there.#and people can tell#and the thing is i feel like if i cant provide good enough comfort for them#then theyll leave#so i keep on trying to comfort them when i dont know how#and everytime i have to explain that i cant provide much comfort i want to rip the organs from my stomach#because i know they deserve so much better than me in terms of comfort#but if i tell them they cant tell me about their issues thatll just seem like i dont care#when really the issue is i care too much and hearing them even get slightly upset makes me freak out for like. WEEKS.#even if the issue gets solved/is solved#so its not like i dont want to hear about bad things that happen to them because i dont care#its just that even hearing about it makes me stressed enough#that i can barely get out of bed some days#or bring myself to do basic tasks#or do anything ill enjoy#all because they were upset about something#and ive tried everything except drugs and believe me. none of them have worked and i have not stopped being stressed#and i know its not like i can do substances because. im genetically prone to addiction from both sides#and if i did do that and my mom found out. she already kicked my sister out over dealing drugs. i think she would kill me on the spot#plus i could mess up my body badly and its already messed up and painful to live in enough i dont need more of that thanks#so yeah not having fun here tonight
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shmalk · 3 months
141 is filled with alphas, not a single omega in sight. there are a few betas, but they're either low-ranking or transfers that were never going to last.
like you! (beta!reader) who works at reception and takes calls, scans badges and is the first point of contact for the task force.
none of them know your name, none of them even speak to you - maybe price, when you transfer a call to him, he'll mumble a thank you. or even laswell, when you bring her a coffee.
it's nothing, really, you don't mind.
only, one day, a totally normal friday, you've done the exact same style in your hair you always have, and you're wearing more clothes than you were yesterday.
price wants a coffee, sure- you make it, just the way he likes, and head towards his office. you knock, and wait a few seconds until you hear 'come in.'
the office is silent, it usually is - but this time there's more than just price inside.
they're finishing up just as you enter, soap and gaz sitting in front of the desk whilst ghost leant against the back wall.
"my apologies, captain." your voice isn't exactly quiet - why should it be, you've done nothing wrong, but its still respectful. price just nods as you place the cup down on his desk.
"thanks, that's all." he dismisses everyone in the room, and you wait for the boys to file out before you do, soap and gaz both giving you a cheeky smile.
ghost is the one to hold open the door, standing just adjacent to the doorway with his arm sprawled against it. its a heavy door, and you swallow as you pass him.
"thank you," you all but mumble out as you rush past him - straight into the break room.
you can't help but rant about the situation to your roommate whilst you're packing up your things, your phone tucked between your jaw and shoulder.
"i mean- he held the door open for me and i couldn't even look him in the eye to say thank you!" you stress, throwing your bag into your passenger seat before leaning back against your car. "god, all i wan't right now is a plate of sushi and some boba."
"too bad its pizza night, dweeb."
"thats not fair! i could loose my job, i should be allowed to eat my comfort food when im stressed out."
you stress about it over the whole weekend, and when you return back to work on monday you try to act as casual as possible. of course, you don't see ghost - price doesn't order a coffee, and youre break time comes around quicker than you expected.
you had brought- oh, theres- your favourite sushi, and a boba drink sitting where your food was supposed to be. in somewhat messy hand writing, on a small piece of paper, theres your name.
signed ' s. riley. '
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i am a sucker for sweet lil moments like this !!
in my head i think that simon would like a beta, or an alpha, but in this lil snippet (which is CERTAINLY getting turned into a fic) he's big and broad and gets worried when he's with alphas because they can't think straight, he tells them what to do and he does it.
but you? you dont react to his scent or chase him down to get him to court you - so, of fource, he courts you. <3
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fluffylino · 7 months
minho wants to take away all your pain~
-contains mature themes
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when were the cramps going to go. it was your second day of having your period. you had leaked through your pad and stained your clothes. now, you sat on the bed, swaddled up in a bedsheet while a random anime was playing on tv.
you were far too distracted to even pay attention to the dialogues. another sharp pain to your lower stomach. you huffed, wrapping your arms around your stomach. you curled up into a ball, adjusting your pad which had moved out of place.
minho's footsteps could be heard. he was busily moving about. from the kitchen, to the living room and then to check on you.
"how are you feeling, baby?" you jumped at the sudden appearance. he was standing beside you, looking at your bundled up figure with soft eyes. you let out a whine, lightly kicking your legs. you could hear his quiet laugh.
"mm' hurts" you mumbled, reaching your hand out. he took it, sitting close to you. he brushed your hair out of your face and leaned over you to take the remote. switching off the tv.
"still?" he seemed worried.
the thing was, it was rare for you to get cramps. you hardly ever got cramps that made you stay in one spot. on any other period you'd only feel a slight discomfort in your stomach. but today was different. you weren't used to it. and minho wasn't used to seeing you in such pain.
you looked at him through the bedsheets, only your eyes and mouth visible. his smile grew and he couldn't help but pat your head like you were one of his cats. which to him you were.
"i gave you a heating pad..we did some muscle relieving exercises and drank lots of water..what else could possibly work?" minho furrowed his eyebrows, his lips jutting out as he blinked. and blinked. and blinked-
"you know there is something that definitely works for sure. i was reading that orgasms help"
your eyes widened and then you slowly sighed.
well, that was true. but sex on your period would just end up looking like a crime scene. it made you feel confused. because yes, all the raging hormones were constantly at battle with your mind.
"but its icky and you'd probably find it...not so nice"
minho looked at you. "what makes you say i wouldn't like it?"
you were taken aback. did he really not mind?
"i don't think i want to do the...whole thing" you mumbled, shyly.
"so then should i try eating yo-" you screamed, pushing the bedsheet over him. shivering at how cold the room actually was.
"no no no" you chanted. that was not something you'd ever want to put him through, for the sake of your pleasure. you were aware of him. he didn't care about blood at all. in fact he was so chill about it. like the time you accidently stained his pants when you fell asleep on him.
he even washed out the sheets.
he ruffled around, throwing it on the ground. he scooted closer.
"should i finger you then, hm? that shouldn't be so bad, would it?" you nodded slowly.
"but what if i make a mess..again"
"i'll put a towel underneath"
"what if you get blood all over your fingers..."
"baby if i did mind it, i wouldn't have been so eager to suggest it"
he smiled. minho was ever so patient. always answering you with a reassuring statement whenever you fell down a spiral of unecessary thoughts.
"can you use gloves...?" you asked so softly, you had to repeat it for him to hear.
"whatever you want, baby. i recently just bought a whole new pack of gloves for when im marinating meat"
you smiled nervously.
"guess ill be using them to touch some other kind of meat" you pushed him off the bed. he gave you a sarcastic smile. your stomach doing flips at his expression.
you stood up, freezing when you felt a blood clot come out. there was no way you could do this. you finally decided on washing your lower body. so you did, carefully stepping out of the bathroom.
"take your pants off.." minho had come back, this time pulling the gloves up and over his wrists.
oh, so they were like the surgical gloves. the ones that fitted well...a little two well. his hands looked nice. they looked very nice in fact-
"what? you don't want the gloves? i don't mind" your eyes met his and doubt filled him. if only he knew what you were actually thinking about.
"i want it"
he had laid the towel down and you sat on it. you pulled your oversized shirt down, trying the cover up.
minho walked towards you, opting to sit behind you. his back resting against the headboard and your back to his chest. you felt a little exposed. he was fully clothed while all you wore was a t shirt.
you could feel his breath on your ear. minho's left hand rubbed on your stomach while his right hand slid between your legs.
he let out a surprised laugh. you knew you were wet. he could feel it. after seeing his hands in those latex gloves, you couldn't fight it.
"be a good kitty and open up for me"
you mewled at the nickname. lifting your knees up while he kept your legs open for him. he pushed a finger inside before slowly adding a second digit.
at this point you weren't sure if it was blood or slick or maybe both that leaked out onto his fingers.
"sorry" you apologized, you didn't even know why you were saying sorry. the pain in your stomach was the last the thing you were worried about.
"talk t-to me" you whispered, leaning into him. he lazily grazed his thumb over your clit while his digits pumped inside of you. with just enough pressure to not be too much for you.
"its okay, baby...you're doing so great, let me see how well you take my fingers" you moaned, as he pressed his palm against your heat. the latex feeling unusually nice. on your skin. and especially inside you.
"n-nice hands"
"yeah? you think my hands are nice? what do you like about my hands hm?"
he asked. he wasn't teasing you. he wasn't even joking about it. in fact he seemed to be curious. he wanted to feed into you.
"v-veiny..pretty and big...feels amazing inside of me" you answered back, bucking your hips when he added a third digit.
"you sure you aren't talking about my dick, kitten?"
"that even" you blabbered. letting him hook his chin on your shoulder. his breath hitched when you traced the veins on his forearms. they were so prominent. you wanted to lick them.
"that good, hm? who knew you'd be so attracted to my arms"
another warm sensation between your legs. his gloved fingers gliding in much smoother. you wanted to cringe at the sqelch it made every time he pushed in.
"you know, you have such a pretty little pussy, kitten?"
you blushed, trying to hide away from his comments. he nuzzled against your neck.
"i can't resist when it comes to you. i want to give you everything that i can"
willingly you parted your mouth, taking his other fingers in. he pressed down on your tongue. you sucked on them.
"you'll take anything i give you, won't you because you're my obedient princess"
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im-sleepdeprived · 1 month
do u think u can do a Peter Parker x reader where reader is gone for a while and has her phone off, and Peter gets super scared only to find out she’s alright?? I love ur work u’re the best xx
'No location found'
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pairing: peter parker x reader
a/n: thank you for the request !!!! i had this written, then I decided to rewrite it lmao. I pictured college pete but Im not sure if I specified, also not sure if anyone saw my post abt writing a fic inspired by ‘peter’ by taylor swift but i think im going to start working on that and that its gonna be a mini series👀.... so stay tuned and request something in the meantime !!
warnings: none
masterlist, requests are open !!
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“That’s not what I said!”
“Oh? Well, that’s what I heard.”
You two had been going at it for a while now. Peter had missed yet another date you’d both planned. It’d been a while since you both spent time together, and you thought he was finally going to change that. Until he just stood you up again. 
You’d thought after moving in together, you’d see him all the time. The opposite was true. He was always out, either on patrol, at Stark Tower, or wherever else his Superhero duties took him.  The problem was, that place never seemed to be with you.
“Y/N please-”
“No, Peter! I’m sick of it! I try to be understanding, I really do, I try to give you grace, but every time I do it’s like you just make it worse.” You sighed and ran a hand through your hair, “Honestly at this point, it feels like you don’t even care anymore.”
His face fell. “Come on baby. You can't seriously think that! It was just a mistake, I won't do it again.”
You nodded, “Right. Think I’ve heard that one before.” You turned around and walked towards your shared bedroom.
“Woah, hey. Wait a minute, where’re you going?” His voice was hurt, and you almost felt bad for turning your back.
Shaking your head and looked down at your dress. You’d gotten all dressed up, expecting a nice dinner followed by a walk in the park. You said, “I’m tired, I’m gonna change and get ready for bed. Sorry, but hey, at least now your schedule is freed up,” you gave him a weak smile, “You don’t have to worry about me.”
“Y/N you know it’s not like that. Look you’re all dressed up,” he reached for your arm, “we can still go out. Please, let me make it up to you”
Looking into his eyes, it took everything in you to pull away. 
“Peter,” you whispered, voice so quiet, yet so full of emotion. 
“I don’t want us to fight,” he begged. 
'We’re not fighting, not anymore. I just want to be alone.”
“Okay.” He nodded, but still kept his hand on you, reluctant to let go. “I’ll sleep on the couch?”
You nodded, not trusting your voice right now.
He deflated. He wasn’t exactly expecting you to object, but still. It hurt that you wanted to be away from him so bad. 
“Good night,” he muttered, watching you walk towards the door with sullen eyes. “I’m right here if you need anything.”
You gave him the tiniest tip of your head, not even bothering to turn around, “Night.”
There was no way he was getting any sleep tonight.
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You slept in that day. It was Saturday and you didn’t feel like doing anything. Even after you woke up, you stayed in bed scrolling on your phone, heart pounding a little harder when you saw messages from Peter pop up, before effectively sliding them away.
After a few hours of doomscrolling, you stepped out of the room. You could see a throw blanket neatly folded on the couch, you have no idea if he’d even used a pillow. Your heart thrummed with guilt and you decided that tonight he was definitely sleeping on the bed. Or at the very least, you’d sleep on the couch. 
Walking into the kitchen, you noticed a tray with a note sitting atop a covered plate. When you got closer, you saw that the note held a cheesy breakfast pun. So Peter.
I love you a waffle lot! With a bunch of hearts around it. You couldn’t help it, you cracked a smile. He was such a dork. And you loved it. 
You heated up your breakfast and had gotten well into eating when your phone started ringing. Was it Peter? You didn’t really want to speak to him, not yet at least. You’d kind of hoped you wouldn’t have to until tonight-
You picked up your phone and almost let out a sigh of relief when you realized it was just one of your friends, Maddie. Then you felt bad for feeling relieved. 
You answered the phone. “Hey Mads, how's it going.” 
“Hi Y/N! Good! I was just calling to see if you wanted to go out tonight? Listen, before you say no-”
“No that sounds great actually,” you cut her off quickly, eager for an excuse to get out of the house. You’d been canceling plans for way too long in hopes of spending even a moment with Peter, and it seemed as if even your friends had noticed. But no more.
“Really? Great! So there's this raging new club,” she went on, giving you all the details of who was going and who might be there and you listened but barely felt a hint of excitement. You weren’t sure if it was because it was a frat party, and those things rarely appealed to you, or if it was lingering feelings from your argument with Peter. Which reminded you why you’d wanted to go out in the first place. 
“We’re gonna pregame at my place though, so stop by here and I’ll take you!” She finished, making you smile. Maddie was always sweet, a little more wild than you, but that’s what made you like her. 
“Sure Maddie, thanks for the invite.”
“Of course, can’t wait to see you, I feel like it's been forever since we went out together.”
You let out a small laugh, “I know what you mean. But we’re gonna change that tonight. 
You said your goodbyes and hung up. You needed to start getting ready soon, despite you just eating breakfast, you’d stayed in all morning and it was pretty late already. 
You got ready quietly, only a playlist you’d turned on droning in the background as you did your hair and makeup. You walked over to the closet to pick out an outfit and felt a little sad. Usually, Peter was here during this part, helping you pick out something, annoying you when he said you looked beautiful in everything. 
“Peter! I need real criticism!”
“Well, I can’t help it if my girl looks stunning in everything!”
You picked out a nice outfit you deemed fit for clubbing before grabbing a pair of heels and stepping out of your room. Looking around at the empty apartment you realized you should probably let Peter know you weren’t going to be home tonight. You didn’t feel like calling him though, and if you didn’t want to open his messages from earlier either so you decided to take a page out of his book. 
Grabbing a sticky note, you wrote down the briefest of explanations, before sticking it on your fridge and leaving. 
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He had sent texts saying Good morning!, Do you need anything?, and another explaining he’d be out for a while but he’d made you breakfast, all in hopes of you responding to him. You didn’t, but that wasn’t too shocking to him. It didn’t make it hurt any less though. 
He knew he fucked up. He knew he’d disappointed you again, let you down again. He knew he deserved this and more. He should be grateful you weren’t giving him the more. And he was! But he couldn’t help the small selfish part of him that just wished you would let him take you out tonight, or give him something else he could do to make up for it because there was nothing he hated more in the world than when you were mad at him. And he did not want to sleep on the couch again. Sure it was uncomfortable but that was the least of his worries. He hated not sleeping next to you.
That had been his favorite part about the two of you moving into your own place, that he got to hold you every night. After a rough night of patrolling, or working too long on his studies, or a new gadget, he got to go home and hold you, get lost in your touch, and that always made everything better. And it killed him to know you were just down the hall, and he wasn’t with you. 
He tried his best to rush everything, trying to get all his work done for the day so he could spend the whole night with you. He was planning a movie night, bingeing all your favorites. He was gonna give you a proper date, soon, but right now, all that mattered was you two spending time together. 
On his way home, he stopped at a corner store to grab snacks for the two of you, making sure to get all your favorite ones. He even stopped at a flower shop not far from your apartment to grab you a bouquet and his heart fell when he realized how long it’d been since he’d done this. He definitely deserved the more. 
He knocked on the door of your apartment a few times and his heart fell as he realized you were either dead set on ignoring him, or you weren’t home. When he pulled out his keys and let himself in, he realized it was the latter. 
Sighing, he set down the bags of snacks and placed the bouquet down as he ran a hand through his hair as he walked around. He entered the kitchen and felt a little better when he saw the dishes he’d used to plate your breakfast were washed and on the drying rack, meaning you’d eaten. 
He was about to pull out his phone to see if he’d missed a text from you when he saw something on the fridge. 
“Went out. Be home late.”
His brows furrowed as he read. He didn’t know you had plans. Hell, he didn’t even know if you had plans now, your note barely explained anything.
All he could do was wait until you came home to sort everything out.
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Peter could handle the silent treatment (barely), but what he couldn't handle, was not knowing if you were safe or not. No. That wouldn’t fly. 
He’d sent you a text when he got home, letting you know he got your note and to have fun and be safe. 
An hour later, he sent another text. Just as a little check-in. Still no response. 
It had been about three hours since he’d gotten back when he noticed that his messages had lost the little mark that indicated they were delivered. Weird. 
He tried to call you, he’d refrained from doing so before because he thought he should let you have your space (which was why, he assumed, you’d left in the first place) but it didn’t even ring, he just got sent straight to voicemail. 
What made him really start to panic, however, was when he went to check your location, which he felt so stupid for not doing before, and it wouldn’t load. It kept saying ‘no location found’ making his heart beat harder.
This was worse. You were ignoring him, his messages and calls weren’t going through. Something was wrong, was your phone off? Were you mugged? Or even worse-
He stopped himself before he could spiral too hard. That wouldn’t help, right now, he needed to figure out where you were and if you were okay.  He knew you weren’t the kind of person who would go out to bars or parties alone. Maybe you went out with a friend? Or maybe you were at a friend's? It was a place to start. 
He started calling your friends, people he knew you might go out with, and on the fifth call he finally got answers. Or…something like that. 
“Hello?” Maddie yelled into the phone, making Peter pull his phone away. 
“Hey Maddie, it’s Peter.”
“Oh yeah, Y/N’s dude,” she slurred. 
“Yeah, yeah, Y/N’s dude. Hey listen, is she with you? She went out tonight but she forgot to tell me where, and now my messages aren’t sending.” His pulse was racing. It sounded like Maddie was out, if the blaring music in the background was anything to go off of, and he was desperate to know you were okay. 
“Sorry Patrick, what’d you say,” she asked making Peter’s brows furrow. They weren’t exactly friends, but he’d met Maddie a few times. Enough times for her to know his name was not Patrick.
He shook his head, that didn’t matter right now. “Y/N. Is she with you, do you go out together?”
“Oh!” She exclaimed as if she’d just remembered something. “Yeah, she is!”
Peter let out a sigh of relief. 
“Or, she was.” He held his breath again. 
“What do you mean ‘she was’? Where is she?”
“I dunno, she left I think.” Maddie let out a little hum as if to say ‘too bad!’ and Peter was sure she must be extremely intoxicated, otherwise there was no way she could be so casual about something like this. He could barely keep himself together.
He ran a hand over his face as he tried not to raise his voice. This was getting frustrating. “She left? Where’d she go? Where are you right now?”
“I don’t know…she was bored I think. She was off today. S’shame, she looked so hot.”
His heart clenched when he realized the reason you were off, was because of him. You didn’t have fun, so you left, now he had no idea where you were and it was all his fault. 
“Where are you, Maddie?” He repeated. 
“That new club on 27th! Get down here Paul, it's so much fun!” She gushed and Peter rolled his eyes. He didn’t have time for this. 
He hung up quickly, not bothering to say goodbye before he got up to put his suit on. He couldn't stand the thought of something happening to you because you were upset and distracted because of him. That you weren't even speaking to him.
There was no way he was going to let anything happen to you. 
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You were walking outside, up and down the sidewalk. You knew it wasn’t the safest decision but you didn’t really care. The club was stuffy, humid, and way too loud. You just needed to breathe, and then you’d go back. Maybe. 
You considered hailing a cab and going back home right now. You’d send Maddie a text, but she probably hadn’t noticed you’d left in the first. She’d been having a blast, unlike you, drinking shots and dancing with every guy she felt like. You weren’t sure she remembered you stopping her to tell her you’d be gone for a bit. 
On second thought, you were kind of hungry. You hadn’t eaten anything other than Peter’s waffles for you that morning and there was an amazing smell floating from a food cart at the end of the block. You could help yourself to something before going home. 
Before you could reach the food cart, you were flying. Or rather, swinging. You knew who it was right away. 
Just as fast as he’d snatched you up, Peter put you down on an isolated rooftop, leaving just you and him high above everyone else.
You were about to reprimand him, about to demand an answer as to why he’d just done that, but there wasn’t a chance before he was pulling you into a bone-crushing hug.
“Pete?” Your voice was soft, you sensed there was something wrong and suddenly any anger or annoyance you held, from now or the night before, disappeared.
“You’re okay,” he mumbled as if that was his way of an answer. 
Your brows furrowed. “Well…yeah. Why wouldn’t I be?”
He pulled away then, taking off his mask, and you saw just how terrified he looked, scaring you as well. There might’ve even been a little red rimming his eyes, making you wonder if he was holding back tears. “I came home and I brought snacks and flowers and I thought we could spend the rest of the night together but saw your note. So I texted you and I get that you’re mad at me-”
“I’m not,” you said, and you meant it. You weren’t mad at him, especially right now, seeing him all shaken up like this. “But what's wrong?”
“My texts weren’t delivering, my calls went straight to voicemail, and I couldn’t track your location. Y/N, I got so scared something happened and you weren’t talking to me.” He sniffled and your heart broke a little. 
You reached into your bag and pulled out your phone, but when you tried to turn it on—dead. 
“God sweetheart, never do that to me again. Please.” He looked at you desperately, “Yell at me. Fight with me. But please never ignore me anymore, I can’t stand it.”
“I’m so sorry Petey, I had no idea my phone died. I would’ve said something I swear. I never want you to worry like that.” Your hands went up to hold his face. 
He brought a hand to hold your wrist. Gently running his thumb up and down your hand he said, “I always worry about you sweetheart, it’s my job.”
You shook your head, “You worry about all of New York, I don’t need to add on to that.”
“No,” he said quickly, looking offended you’d even say that, “No. Never think like that. You are the most important thing in my life, okay? You’re my first priority and I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, that I don’t show that or say it enough.
“But I’m going to do better, I promise. I’m going to make it up to you because I can’t lose you, I need you Y/N.”
You didn’t reply, instead just smashed your lips onto his. His hands slid down to your waist, holding you tight. It was a kiss of forgiveness, of second chances, and new beginnings.
He pulled away first, but not before pressing multiple kisses all around your face. “Heels off baby,” he said as he knelt down and started working on your heel straps, lifting each foot onto his thigh before undoing each one. You didn’t even realize how much they’d been hurting until they were off. “I’m swinging you.” He picked you up swiftly, one arm wrapping itself around your ribs.
You groaned, wrapping your arms around his neck, “Peteyyyy. You know the wind tangles my hair too much.”
“Don’t worry,” he said, leaning over to kiss you on the top of your head, “I’ll be careful, c’mon.”
You move your head to peck his cheek and then hug him tight, “I love you.”
He grinned, pulling you in closer. “I love you more sweetheart.” He leaned back and pressed a quick kiss to your lips. “Hold on tight, Spider Monkey.”
You burst into laughter, “You did not just say that!” 
“Oh I totally did,” he gave you the goofiest smile, making you laugh again. 
“Ok, just…don’t let me go,” you said as you wrapped your arms tighter around him. 
“Never,” he replied, and something in his voice told you he wasn’t just talking about swinging. 
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norrisleclercf1 · 1 month
Hiii first of all i love you work like ALL OF YOUR WORK!! 🤍 second is can you maybe do a Mafia Lando request? i was thinking like lando & reader got into a huge fight and lando snapped at her and left but came back home with so many bruises like he went on a fight and doesn’t want reader to know cause he hates seeing her cry but she still found out and helped him clean his wounds and eventually they talked it out forgave each other.
Im sorry if its too much, its been sitting on my mind for a while and i was just too shy to ask 😭 if you do it, thank youuu ily!! if not then its ok!! hahaha 🫶🏻
A/N: Mafia Lando? Good excuse to use the cutting his nose thing now hehehehehehe
"You're home late," Lando jumps about 10 feet in the air, hearing your voice come out of the darkness of the living room. "Jesus, the fuck you doing sitting in the dark, baby." Lando turns on the light and freezes seeing your dressed up.
"Why you dressed up, have a hot date?" Lando jokes, sliding off his jacket, exposing the two guns strapped to his chest. "Yeah, was supposed to have an anniversary dinner, but my date never answered his phone," You snap, standing up as Lando's eyes grow wide. "Oh fuck, baby," He reaches out of for you, but you slap his hand away.
"No, don't baby me." You snarl turning to face your boyfriend who seemed slightly annoyed. "Y/n," Lando's voice turns just a little bit deeper, his eyes hardening on you. "Don't, don't you dare get upset with me Lando Norris, you forgot our anniversary, and you don't even seem to care, do you even love me? Because for a small second I thought maybe you're dead, or arrested or who the fuck knows!" You yell, wanting to throw something at his head, you're so angry.
Lando scuffs and rolls his eyes, "I forgot a dinner, Y/n, it's okay, I'll make it up to you," Lando rolls his neck, he didn't want to fight, he just wanted to lie in bed and cuddle you close, instead you were being a brat and arguing with him. "Jesus, I'm fucking tired Y/n, I don't want to argue with you, can we just go to bed." Lando snaps, eyes so angry and voice so dark it has you flinch back, Lando freezes seeing your reaction.
"Fuck," Lando curses, and turns around grabbing his jacket and storming out of the house, slamming the door.
"Shit," Lando sighs, nose busted across, bleeding a good bit, with his hands cut and bruised, a cut on his eyebrow and cheek bruised that it was almost black. "Sir?" Lando stops, seeing one of his people at his door and he knows he looks bad. Actually, he probably was going to make you cry, again.
Lando hated making you cry, it was like a stab wound in him each time he was the cause of those tears, he wanted nothing more than to be the one to cause you to smile, not cry. "Sir, she's still awake, and I don't think she should see you," Lando frowns, not liking that his guards knew you that well, even though he literally had them to know you that well.
"Thank you," Lando grounds out, and slips into the penthouse, sighing at the Monégasque night life, and the way you're staring out the window. Lando slowly steps but freezes when you turn and make eye contact with his bandaged-up face. "Lando," You gasp and rush forward gently cradling his face in your hands. "Let's go to the bathroom," You whisper, and he nods his head as he silently follows you to the bathroom.
Flicking on the light, you whimper seeing the full effect and Lando looks away, not wanting to see you cry. He hated when you cried, it felt like his heart was being ripped to shreds. You slowly undo the bandage and sigh in relief at the small cut but tsk slightly. "It might scar," Lando nods and moves sitting on the toilet as you slowly start to clean him up.
"I didn't mean to forget," He whispers, voice froggy from how dry his throat is. "I know, I shouldn't have yelled," Lando chuckles and pulls you close, ignoring the sting in his hands. "You had the right to yell, it's me that shouldn't have yelled," Lando whispers and you hum softly and place a soft kiss on his forehead.
"Let's just watch movies, as I nurse you, I just want you home, safe," Lando nods and hisses as you place the ointment on his hands and gently wrap them. "You might be a big bad mafia boss, but to me, you're just my Lando, just be my lando," You whisper, kissing him gently as you rub the bruise. Closing his head he nods, melting into your hug as he remembers, he doesn't have to be the mafia boss, with you, he just needs to be here.
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pettydollie · 2 months
can u do a blurb ab chris w a princessy reader that gets reaaally subby cause that’s literally me okay bye
u got it princess 🫶🏽 im still kinda not used to writing smut so i apologize if its bad!! (i didnt know what to do for the plot so its just sex lmao 🌚). hope thats alright!!
♡.˚ ୨୧ 。˚ ♡.˚ pretty please? - c.s x reader
♡ summary: needing your bf a little too much when he gets home
♡ warnings/notes: reader is a lil whiny hehe, smut, 18+, mdni, ageless blogs dni, kinda sugar baby vibes tbh LOL, princess treatment, soft!dom chris, pet names (doll, baby, mama, sweets, princess), reader's kinda ditzy, no plot just smut, rips ur lingerie :c ♡ wc: 1.3k
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your pink breanna platform heels click against the floor as you pace back and forth, waiting for your husband boyfriend to come home. where is he?? it's already 3pm; doesn't he know you're waiting for him? your glossy lips fall into a pout. you huff impatiently.
click, clack, click, clack
maybe you should sit down. on your bed. by yourself. naked. with your fingers plunged deep insid- ughh, no! you can't. not without him. a distraction! that's what you need. you perk up and head to your shared bedroom to get dolled up for when he gets home. you change into the sexy lingerie set chris bought just last week with pretty lacy frills on the trim and a cute little bow in the middle of the bralette.
you touch up your makeup in the vanity that he built for you while feeling like a damsel in distress awaiting her prince to come save her. you finish the touch ups and smile brightly, admiring yourself. it's only a few moments later that you hear keys jangling in the front door's handle. you quickly get up and rush to the door, unlocking it before chris can.
he sighs happily, "hey baby-" but he's pulled inside hurriedly. he gets a quick up-and-down scan of your appearance, and his face morphs from a sweet smile to an aroused smirk. you take off his jacket off messily, throwing it to the side. he chuckles, "you seem eager." you ignore his joke by dragging him to the bedroom and he's practically tripping over his own feet.
"pretty please? i've been waiting.." you whine, unbuckling his belt as you babble. he swallows hard. "had a rough day?" he asks, softly brushing your hair as you get down on your knees. you nod and pout, pulling out his cock. he chokes back a small groan, removing your hands from his dick. you look up, confused with lust written all over your face.
he gets ahold of your hands, pulling you up from the ground. his arms snake around your waist and your hands automatically go to his shoulders. he pecks your neck and face softly as he walks you towards the bed. he can't hold back anymore, sloppily kissing your lips and you hungrily bite down. he moans quietly, laying you down on your back before quickly throwing his shirt off.
he shuffles down and opens your legs slowly. he rips the bottom of your lingerie where your cunt is, letting out a shaky breath at the smell of your pussy. he leans closer to take a lick when you shake your head and push his head back, whining needily. he grins, knowing what you really want. he strokes your hair while you pout. "i gotta open you up first, baby, you know that." he coos.
"noo i can't wait.." you whimper, trying to pull him back. he crawls up so his face is inches away from yours. he kisses your glossy pout gently, but you can't be patient, deciding to shove your tongue into his mouth messily. he pulls back, the stickiness of your lipgloss now coated on his shimmery lips. his slides off your bralette, fingers tweaking your hard nipples. he stares down at you and takes in a breath. "chris, please, i need it noww.." you plead, biting your lip as you writhe against him. he sighs and grabs his cock, rubbing it up and down your folds.
you sigh and tilt your head back. "mm.." you hum, rubbing your hands over his beefy arms and chest. he brushes some of his hair back with a serious expression on his face. "what's your word, princess?" you cheekily smile, "jumanji." with a small grin, he kisses your forehead before he starts inching himself into you slowly. his eyes focus on your face the entire time. he's cautious and easygoing as he tries not to give you too much at a time. he chuckles at your cloudy face.
"you still with me, mama?"
you're in a haze, a lovesick haze. you moan lightly in response, slowly turning your head to lay a kiss on his plump bicep. normally, you'd need tons of prep before even trying to get his tip in, but today's a new day. you're much too impatient to wait, you can feel yourself dripping onto the bedsheets. your hips start moving on their own, desperate for some friction. chris pulls out and quickly shoves himself back in. "ah- fuck!" you tilt your head back into the mattress. you've instantly become putty in his hands. quickly, his thrusting speeds up, balls smacking against the curve of your ass loudly along with your lewd noises. you can't even speak, only whining and moaning for more.
he bends down to slams his lips onto yours, messily making out with you. he sucks on your tongue and lips, somehow picking up his pace. "'s good- so good..! been- mmm!- missing you.." you're a chatty person even during sex, always making sure he knows your deepest (and dirtiest) thoughts. he smiles with passion, deciding to tease you a little. "yeah? y'been thinkin' bout me, doll?"
his cock rubs against your clit roughly. the familiar knot in your stomach begins to tighten. chris can feel your cunt squeezing his dick mercilessly, groaning loudly into your neck. he bites and sucks, leaving marks all over for everyone to see.
"cmon, sweets, let go. wanna feel you cum 'round me sss..so i can fill you up just how ya like it." he's panting, letting out heavy breaths as he feels himself about to cum. your hands grabbing onto his hair tightly as you moan out lustily. "i-i g'na.." you mewl, you and chris' mixed spit pooling out of your mouth. you finish around him, squeezing him tensely. "shit.." he whispers, filling you up, his thrusts slowing into smaller pumps.
seconds pass, his cock stilled in you. he begins to move again, his dick still hard. you cry out, "uhhh, 's too much!!" the pleasure and satisfaction is overwhelming along with overstimulation. chris' hips slap against yours. he has a determined look on his face in desperate need to pull another orgasm from you and himself. "fuckkk.. take it. you wanted this." he moans, rutting his cock into you. you scream, "oh my gosshhh!" your head going back again in immense pleasure. the overstimulation calms down, the small amount of pain turning into pleasure.
"mmm.. more! i want moreee.." you whine. chris' hand reaches down to your clit, rubbing ferociously. you scream and convulse around him, tears pooling from your eyes as your back arches. chris smirks and gently whispers, "so pretty, baby" in a cooing tone. you whimper his name while cumming hard, his head coming down to suck on your tongue to muffle your cries. he grunts as his hips still, his cock spurting his cum deep inside of you.
your throat is sore as you let out a final "fhuckk" and you start to come down from your fuzzy high. chris pulls out, you letting out a small gasp from the emptiness. he leans over to your nightstand, pulling out a few tissues. you lay against the pillows tiredly as he cleans you up. "so good, honey.." you mutter, reaching your arms out to him. he smiles sweetly as if he didnt just rail your brains out and throws the tissues out before clinging onto you and kissing your wet cheeks. "mm.. i love you." you hum, looking up at him sleepily.
he playfully pouts like a puppy, "awee i love you too."
shitty ending per usual </3 tags!! ♡ @leah-loves-lilies @latinasforchrizz @stargirlsturniololover @junnniiieee07 @mattsneezing @freshloveee @freshsturns @emma4eva @r6diosturns @matthasmywholeheart @donthugmeimhot @blahbel668 @chrissturnsss @joanofarcily
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coryosbaby · 1 year
Stepbro!Ethan x reader where they go on a camping trip with their parents and fuck in the tent while their sleep
Warning: stepcest (stepbrother x stepsister), enemies to lovers, p n v, slight blood kink, choking, sort of public, rough sex, degradation, spanking, loss of virginity, corruption kink, big dick Ethan, spit kink, squirting, creampie, fingering, sub! Reader, dom! Ethan
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You sigh as you lay down on your pink sleeping bag. It’s nighttime, the day of camping now making you exhausted. Plus, your feet hurt like a bitch.
And the worst thing: you have to share a tent with Ethan.
He sits beside you, one of his comic books in his hands as he holds a flashlight in the other. He’s annoying, never shutting the fuck up and is always so mean to you.
Not to mention that the awkwardness is so incredibly prominent right now.
“Can you turn that flashlight off, please?”
You say it with a bitchy tone. You’ve had a shit day, and you just want to be able to sleep, and you can’t do that unless it’s dark. He frowns, closing the paper book and throwing it in the empty corner on his side of the tent.
“You aren’t.”
He scoffs as he lays down, his own sleeping bag making a ruffling sound as his head hits his pillow. “Whatever.”
You sigh, happy that you can finally sleep. But it isn’t long before Ethan is squirming, trying to get comfortable. He turns over so many times that it makes your blood boil.
“Will you stop that?” You snap. He complies, but then he begins to speak.
“I’m in a hole over here, sis. Its fucking uncomfortable. Plus, im a restless sleeper-“
“Stop talking.”
“Bite me.”
“God, you are insufferable.” And then, a pause. “Just come over here.”
Ethan turns to you, and although you can hardly see, she knows he’s looking at your silhouette.
“Did I fucking stutter?”
He doesn’t say anything, just groans and maneuvers his body so he’s sliding into your sleeping bag. His hands come to rest on your hip, his body pressed firmly against you. You narrow your eyes.
“I didn’t mean that close, Ethan.”
“That’s just too bad. Because I’m not moving again.”
“Didn’t seem to have a problem moving earlier.” you grumble. He huffs.
“Just go to sleep.”
And so you try. But the more time wears on, Ethan’s warm lips against your neck and his chest up against your back makes your face feel like it’s on fire. You’re angered at your weakness for nerdy guys with nice hair. Even if they’re your stepbrother.
His hips begin to move. You don’t know if he means to; he’s makes a small sound in his throat and you feel his bulge against you.
You’re nervous, now. He moans.
“You feel so fuckin’ good.”
“What are you-“
“Why don’t you shut the fuck up, for once? Huh?” He’s whiny, but that threatening tone is still there. Your panties are drenched at his movements, as he practically gets off on your ass. And then you can’t take it anymore.
Turning around, you’re quick to slam your lips against his. He complies immediately, large hands going down to grab your waist as you straddle his meaty thighs. Your breath is uneven, watching him below you. You grab his wrists and hold them above his head. He makes a noise of disapproval, his hips bucking up into you.
“Stop it.”
“Stop what?” Your voice is teasing, but there’s a meanness to your tone. “You’re the one who can’t control yourself. Jesus Christ, I’m your stepsister. You’re such a goddamn pervert.”
And then he easily slips his wrists from your grip and brings a hand down to slap your left ass cheek. You gasp, his sudden movement surprising you. He does it again, on the other cheek, this time, and your mouth opens in shock.
“I’m not the one getting turned on by spanking,” He growls, grabbing your throat in his harsh grip. “Now why don’t you shut up and fuck me?”
You look at him with malice, poison lacing your words as you watch his beautiful brunnete curls stick to his angelic face.
“I fucking hate you.” Is all you say. You grab his hand from your throat and pull it off, instead wrapping your fingers around his throat all the same. His eyes roll back, the feeling of you cutting off his air supply making him buck his hips into your crotch. You breathe out a whine, and he begins to laugh with his tongue running over his sharp white canines.
“Says the one.. being a needy little bitch.” He breathes, watching your hips begin to move against his bulge in a circling rhythm. “Little pussy is practically soaking me.”
“Shut the fuck up!“ you hiss. He’s laughs again as you remove your hands from his throat. You take off your top to expose your tits to the warm air inside the tent. Ethan’s eyes widen. Only for a moment, as he tries to mask his surprise and awe. He squeezes your love handles in his warm palms.
“You might be a complete cunt,” he breathes, his face dropping it’s amused facade as he flicks one of your nipples. “But you’re so goddamn pretty.”
You don’t say thank you, or make a sound. He gropes you with an eagerness that has you moving your hands down his thighs. The intimacy almost consumes you, as you look down at him below you.
“Guess I could say the same about you, Landry.”
He grins, and you gasp as he turns your body over so you’re underneath him. He brings his mouth down to your tits, listens to the little breathy moans that spill out of you as he grazes his teeth over them. His shirt is the next article of clothing to be removed, and then soon, you’re both bare and pressed against each other. His girthy length rubs against your cunt, achy and swollen.
“Beg me to stick it in.”
“Fuck you, Ethan.”
He slaps your clit harshly, and it makes you cry out.
“Beg.” He growls. “Don’t make me tell you again, bitch.”
Your face flushes, your resolve finally breaking as you look up at him with through your lashes. Your swollen lips trap his cock against your silky cunt, making him throb and spill precum on your slit.
“Please fuck me, baby.” Your voice is whiny, as you move his hair out of his face to look into his bambi eyes. “Please fuck my pussy. Need it s’bad!”
“There’s a good girl..” he coos, as he slides into your awaiting heat. His eyes roll back as your walls grip him tightly. “God, you’re so tense. Loosen up, won’t you? Gonna break my damn cock.”
“I-I can’t,” you cry, as he reaches into you further. “I’ve- I’ve never..”
He groans, sweat beginning to bead on his forehead from the intense situation and the hot air, gasping, as he looks down at you.
“You’re a virgin? Oh my god..”
And he begins to fuck you with vigor, the thought of you never being touched making his whole body feel like it’s on fire. Slapping sounds fill the room and his hand comes down onto your mouth when you let out a particularly loud moan of pleasure. The stretch of him is intense, leaves a deep burn on your inner walls, but you can’t help but drip with need.
“Be quiet.” Ethan demands. “God, are you trying to wake mom and dad up?”
Your eyes widen at the remembrance of your parents in the next tent over, and you squirm. He smiles at your reaction.
“Do you like that, angel? Like the thought of mommy and daddy catching you being my little cockslut?” You clench around him, your eyes fluttering shut as you mewl. Ethan grins. “Oh, fuck yeah you do.”
Your cunt creates a creamy ring around him. He grabs your throat again and spits harshly on your face. You cry, the warm feeling of it beginning to slide down your chin. Your tongue lolls out to lick up the remnants around your lips.
“Yeah, lick that shit up. Dirty whore.”
His degrading shouldn’t turn you on as much as it should, but it does.
And then, his cock is leaving you. You sob when he pulls out of you suddenly, but he’s quick to cover your mouth and shush you.
“Turn around. On your hands and knees.”
You obey, not a single rational thought left in you when he impales you on his delicious cock again. He grazes your g spot perfectly, his hands wrapping themselves in your hair as he bends you practically in half to accommodate him. He pounds you at an unnatural pace, his lips placing a light kiss on your shoulder blade. It’s completely different from how he’s using you right now. He looks down and groans at the sight of your virgin blood coating the base of him.
“You’re bleeding on me, sweet girl,” he coos. “I’m popping this cherry so fuckin’ good.”
“Yes, yes! ” you sob, hips bucking back against his. “Let me cum, pleasepleasepleaseplease-“
“Fuck!” Ethan can’t take it anymore, his orgasm drawing closer, and he reaches down to rub your clit in fast circles. “Cum for me, baby.”
You don’t understand how he can do it so easily, can just command you and make you cum with one singular sentence, but he does. You gasp, your orgasm washing over you and your juices squirting all over his cock and balls along with the rest of the blankets below you. Ethan makes a whiny sound, watching you squirt all over him, and his hands grab your jaw and force you to look at his face. His pretty doe eyes look at you with lust, and his mouth falls open as he fills you up. The sound he makes is animalistic, his cock squirting warm ropes against your cervix.
When he slows, he pulls out of you and rests his hand on your back. He watches as his spend trails down your shaking thighs, and he smacks your ass teasingly. You yelp, his fingers going down to stuff his seed back inside you as he chuckles.
“Didn’t know my little stepsister was such a good lay.”
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iluvvpaige · 5 days
your child is kicking my ass | Paige Bueckers x pregnant reader
summary: y/n is feeling bad while paige is at practice
warnings: language, pain
a/n: ive been obsessed w paige x pregnant reader so here is this 😭😭.
I feel like shit. I’ve been having contractions all day, it’s hot, and on top of that, Paige has been gone all day. I groan as I pull my phone out to text Paige.
wife 🤞💞💍
baby where r u
paigey 💜👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩
im at practice still y? do u need anything?
im having contractions again
and i miss u
and im hungry
and its hot
and i feel like shit
and ive been throwing up all day
your daughter is kicking my ass
paigey 💜👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩
chipotle or wing stop
paigey 💜👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩
im omw home, chipotle, wing stop, or do you want something else?
wife 🤞💞💍
wait Geno let you leave?
paigey 💜👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩
yeah i told him you were feeling bad
baby you should’ve stayed at practice
read 5:37 pm
I roll my eyes, throwing my phone back down. Paige has the tendency to leave practice if i text her. I turn on the TV to watch something to distract myself in the meantime. I drift off to sleep while watching.
“Hey, baby” I hear gently, waking me up. “hm” I hum, sitting up. I look up to see Paige standing there in her practice clothes with a chipotle bag and her gym bag in one hand and multiple bags in the other.
“Paige” I whine, immediately feeling the pain as i get up. “What’s wrong, baby?” Paige says, dropping her bags and running up to me. “It just- it just hurts” I groan, going back to sit down.
“Sit down, baby. I got it, don’t get up” Paige soothes, sitting me back down. “I got snacks and Chipotle. I also found this heating pack thing- the girl helped me find it because i was lost” Paige rambles with a smile on her face.
“Thank you, baby” I say, quietly. “you’re welcome” Paige says, setting the things out in front of me. “You wanna go in the room?” Paige asks me. “mhm” I nod.
“okay, are you sure you can walk?” Paige asks. “Yes, Paige.” I sigh, walking into the room as Paige follows behind with everything in hand.
“Okay, ima go take a shower and you can find a movie” Paige says, setting everything down. “Mhm” I nod as Paige walks into the bathroom.
A couple minutes later Paige walks back in the room, putting on some boxers and a sports bra. “Did you find a movie?” Paige asks, kissing my cheek and laying next to me.
“Yeah, but I didn’t wanna start it without you” I whisper, showing her the movie. “Here’s your food” Paige says, handing me a burrito bowl. “And I got you ice cream, chips, cookies, candy, and drinks” She finishes, pulling the things out the bag.
“Thank you, baby. I love you” I say, pressing a small kiss on her lips. “mhm, I love you too” Paige says, starting the movie.
“It’s called 5 Feet Away” I say, eating my food. “mm” paige nods, watching the movie as she cuddles against me.
“ow” I groan. It’s 11 pm, Paige is sleeping and her daughter won’t leave me alone. “hm?” Paige stirs.
“shit. Ow” I say, tearing up. “What’s wrong, baby?” Paige says, sitting up. “It- it hurts baby. really bad” I cry, gripping the sheet in pain. “here, take this” Paige says, handing me a pain pill.
“shit” I groan. “It’s oaky, baby” Paige soothes, rubbing my back. I don’t know what hits me but i feel emotional all of a sudden. “Paige, what if i’m a bad mom” I cry.
“Baby, you’re gonna be a great mom. I promise” Paige says, wiping my tears. “but-“ I start before Paige cuts me off.
“Y/n you’re gonna be such a good mom, okay?” Paige says, more directly now. I nod while sniffing. “Cmon, let’s go back to bed” Paige whispers, pulling me into her carefully.
“I love you” I whisper into her neck. “I love you too” Paige whispers back as we fall back asleep.
Thanks for reading! the ending was totally rushed but thats wtv 😭😭. also i literally dont know what this title is..
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mrfoox · 2 years
I'm so fucking tired of this extreme nausea. I've skipped so much of my classes bc of it and yep today I feel it too
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bahrtofane · 4 months
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you drag jude to take a nap with you in his backyard. he likes it more than he can admit. 
word count : 700+
watch it : pure fluff, mildly cranky whining jude, still loves you any way 
enjoy <33
"still think this is a good idea ?" jude sighs, closing the back door with his foot and dragging the blankets behind him. 
when you said you wanted to relax and enjoy the sun he was thinking of the pool, maybe even a quick flight to the nearest nice beach. going to a park, hell even just tan. nowhere in his mind did he think you wanted to sunbathe and take naps in his backyard. yet here the both of you are. bellies full from lunch (thank you to his mother for the lovely meal), warm from the sun. not half bad actually. he just likes being dramatic.
he's far too shy to say it outloud, contrary to popular belief, but any time spent with you is good time. no matter what you're doing. if you wanted to sunbathe on the moon hes pretty sure he'd follow. 
"yes i do thank you. it's a lovely day." you beam, smoothing out the blankets and rearranging the pillows just how you like. throwing your phone somewhere near the far corner. you are going to nap dammit. no distractions allowed ( jude not included ). 
he huffs, "why the backyard, there are plenty of parks," squinting up at the sun the breaks between the tall trees that span the yard. 
you shrug, "it's more intimate this way. i don’t want to get all dressed up and deal with people, and i know how tired you get from having to interact with the public. now sit," you pat the space next to you on the blanket. nice and neat against the grass. 
he supposes that it is much more intimate. it's a welcome change from your usual outings. always with security and his agent. here he can be jude, and you are free to be you in every capacity. under the shade, you each blossom and bloom under the suns warm touch. each leaning on eachother. 
he finds it endearing how you thought of him, remembering his likes and dislikes. you really are something. 
but you don't need to know that just yet. he finds complaining rather fun. 
"ants are going to have a field day." jude grumbles, sitting himself cross legged next to you.
you shrug, "they don’t do much honestly. we don’t even have food out anyway."
he hums, "i guess so."
you hunker down belly flat on the soft blanket, stretching your limbs out with a yawn, "well im going to nap." you sigh softly, grabbing a pillow and burying your face into its side.
jude looks at you aghast,"no no no. you drag me out here and then you bail to nap ? absolutely not."
"i need my sun nap time or i die. like a plant." you retort, eyes closed. 
"i need my time with you or i die. like a jude." he shoots back, arms failing as he whines.
you crack an eye open to glare at him, "just try it, "arms open and inviting him next to you. 
he eventually gives in, rolling his eyes playfully as he slides right into your arms. face pressed into the same pillow, he lets you get comfortable against him. sliding your arms to bring him closer, wrapping a leg around his. 
"see? not so bad you big baby." you mumble into his skin, pressing a few kisses into his skin.
"guess not." he mumbles, warm and content in your embrace. 
you're out light a light not even a minute later, softly grasping his arms and face buried into him as you doze off in the sun. just like you wanted. 
there's much worse things he could be doing right now he realizes. a slew of illegal activities, hundreds of bad food to chow down on and make his nutritionist hate her life. the amout of shit he gets from his teamates on his habbits is enough to last a life time. they really should be jumping for joy. 
but more importantly, he could jump for joy. happy and warm, pressed close to his lovers side. cuddling with you on soft blankets in the sun on a warm day is the best option. safe and sound in your arms jude soon finds himself drifting away. he hopes he dreams of you. 
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shotmrmiller · 5 months
okay so !!!! so what if you’re a jealous and possessive pet? like your boy tells you it’s okay to play with the other boys and the other pets and even encourages you like sucking their cock or riding them or eating out one of the other pets but the image of him doing that with someone else’s pet just shatters you. if they’re in a different room that’s bad but being able to see it happen is even worse. you can see the smile they give and the sounds they make and you thought you were special to them but it doesn’t feel like that — how would the boys reconcile something like that?
like knowing the other boys and pets are sharing and playing and you feel bad, especially when they’re all together and everyone is playing but your boy is the only one who’s not and it tears you up because you want him to enjoy and have fun but the thought of him kissing someone else or fucking them, finishing inside them… you could cry.
(bonus angst where one of the boys goes and visits another pet and comes back smelling like them, maybe marked and obviously fucked, and you hadn’t necessarily talked about that yet and it just crushes you and you refuse to sleep in the same bed as them for…. well, for awhile.)
im a whore for hurt/no comfort so ill try to help write something here cuz if it was me, they can kick rocks. but its not. So.
for the first part, oh man. It's a bottle-it-in situation, imo, because i feel this in my soul. The low grunts you worked so hard to wrestle out of them are easily tumbling out of their mouth now, because of your hard work. It's something so gut-wrenching because that face of ecstasy should only be for you? Then the insecurities kick in. What if they're prettier, what if they're tighter, what if they're simply in another league altogether? (this is me as a hit dog that is hollering)
he's never treated your playdates as a chance to essentially cheat without cheating, he honestly only wanted you to make friends—wanted to expand on the kink you live and breathe by. But regardless, that's how it feels. And this is where the shutdown begins. The silence, the lack of enthusiasm for wanting to put on your collar, the distancing, and when he says, "Does my pet want to play with me today?" you burst into tears. Ugly sobbing, loud wails.
He freezes, for a second, because never in the time you've been together has he ever heard you cry like this. It's agonizing and when he immediately throws himself at your feet, he tries to cup your face with his large hands when you jerk yourself away from his touch.
You've never rejected his touch.
His heart cracks with hairline fractures because this is his love, his future that's falling into pieces in front of him and you don't even want his comfort. He lowers his hands and fists at the fabric of his trousers to hold back from reaching out to you.
For the first time in a long time, his eyes well with tears, and he swallows thickly, trying to open up his throat a bit to be able to say something, anything.
His voice warbles as he says, "Baby, talk to me." He gives you plenty of time to respond, but you don't. Once the tears are exhausted and your body is worn out, you simply turn your head to the side, eyes away from him. The tears that had distorted his vision now fall, dripping onto the cold floor he's still kneeling on. You don't even want to look at him.
"Talk to me, baby, please." His forehead touches your knee. "Please." His tone is desperate as he begs. The sight of a man who's killed people with his bare hands, sniveling by your feet pulls at your own heartstrings. Sigh.
"Would you like to know where you erred?" He whips his head up to look at you, nodding like an idiot.
"Your mistake, was assuming I wanted to share and be shared." He opens his mouth to say something, but you're not here to listen to him. He's here to listen to you.
"No. You presumed I wanted to the same as the other pets, just because we share the same kink? I had to sit there and watch— listen to you fuck someone else, and I couldn't say anything because then I would've been the buzzkill."
You clench your jaw and look directly into his eyes. "Do you know what it's like? No. You don't. You forget that the boys are your friends, your brothers in arms. Not mine. I sat with acquaintances, at best, and had to stomach whatever the fuck that was."
"I no longer wish to—" but he panics here, adapts a crazy-eyed look and cuts you off.
"No, no, no. Please, god no. You're my everything, you, I—" he hiccups, and his shoulders start to shake once he wraps his arms around your waist, and lowers his head onto your knees again, and chokes out, "I am nothing without you. Please."
Having cried all your tears, your sadness fades into sharp, biting anger. "It didn't seem like it though. You were quick to pass me around like some harlot. You're just gonna give me to anyone you see? Hm? What about the neighbor that has been hitting on m—" and he jerks his head back up, eyes deadly, dark with hostility.
"I'd fucking kill him for even having the audacity to ask if he could touch you the way I do."
Scoffing, you say, "And that's how I felt. Fucking strangers touching what should be only mine, kissing what is only mine," your tone turns hushed, "what I thought was mine, anyway."
Holding his gaze, you purse your lips. "I need time to think. You broke my trust. I'm not sure how to move forward from here."
this is too long im sorry uh, so he gives you all the time in the world, all the space you need, for which you're grateful. He's not overbearing, never crowds you. never says anything out of line. He seems fully repentant, dotes on you like his only reason for existing is to keep you as happy as you can feel. He tells you he loves you every bloody day, even if you don't repeat it back. He says it firm, unwavering.
And that's the balm that allays the pain in your heart. But you love him, still, so so much. With a deep breath, you tell him that you're not going to leave him, that you love him still and that's why it hurt the way that it did. But he'll have a ton of groveling to do.
The shaky smile he gives is full of relief. He pulls you to him, in an embrace so tight that you can barely even breathe. And after, he holds your face so tenderly, as if you're made of porcelain, and asks for a kiss, one you agree to. It conveys everything he's been sayings all this time, that he loves you.
and months pass, intimacy slowly turns back to what it was, but with reverent kisses and worship spilling from his lips. Words so sweet, that you break down in tears mid-act because you feel something finally shift back into place. Ofc, he freaks because "Darling, oh god, what's happened" but you pull him in for a kiss, and just tell him that you love him so much. His smile is soft as he says it back.
Then you pull out the collar again, and he panics but you calm him. That you feel ready. You want to play with your owner, and your heart is in his hands, to please take care of it.
A couple of tears fall from his eyes as he clicks your collar back around your neck and swears to never hurt you this way again.
Playdates turn into him being the only one to touch you and vice versa. And he answers to no one when they ask why.
i had a good time im sorry its so long I JUST LOVE ANGST PLEASE.
I hope i gave you what you were looking for ❤
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sunghoonnsupremacy · 6 months
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GOOD GIRL - fwbjay x reader x bsf jake
warnings : kissing, handjob/blowjob, jake and jay kiss for jokes (no im not shipping them), fingering, short drabble
words : 615
a/n : not proofread, its ass because i just thought of the idea
you're not sure how you ended up in this situation, but you don't mind. with jay's bulge pressed against your thigh and jakes slim fingers wrapped around your throat, that's the last thing you're thinking about.
your body gets lifted and turned back to jay, who looks more than eager to be in you. "ja-!" your words get cut off as jay's soft lips slam against yours into a messy kiss. your thoughts get cut off, his mouth making it hard to focus on your surroundings. you hear jake groan when your attention turns to jay and not him.
his fingers circling the waist band of your skirt and slowly sliding it down until it reaches your knees. jay growls into the kiss and brings you closer when he hears you moan from jake spanking your ass like you're an old tv that he's tryna get to work. jay continues the messy makeout session and tugs you closer to him by tangling his hand in your hair and not letting your lips leave his.
you stop kissing him when jake's fingers make contact with your clit. "fuck- jake!" you moan softly when he starts circling it. jake spanks your ass with his left hand and teases you "you like that? " with a smirk on his face. jay rolls his eyes and starts leaving wet kisses on your neck, forcing you to bend your back.
"give me a hand here, yeah baby?" jay whispers into your ear and kisses it before leading your shaky hand down to his aching bulge. he lifts his hips to take off his baggy jeans, leaving him in his boxers with a wet patch where his tip sits.
you moan loudly and lean your head on jay's shoulder when two of jakes fingers suddenly penetrate your wet pussy. you manage to nod and take his hard and thick cock out of his boxers. he breathes a sigh of relief when your fingers wrap themselves around it.
"do you think you can take another finger, pretty?" jake presses a kiss to the back of your neck and fastens his pace. your whimpers and whines get louder, nodding at his question eagerly while still moving your hand up and down jay's already leaking cock.
he lets out a low groan at your lips wrapping around his tip and slurping around it. you stroke his cock faster while taking him deeper. "c-can you two kiss?" you moan at jakes fingers helping you to your orgasm, pulling away to ask them a high anticipated question. jake nods at this and he leans in towards jay, him hesitantly leaning in aswell.
you bend your head to look at the action above, the kiss starting out like a quick peck at first for just two seconds, but by three seconds jay and jake linger this kiss longer than five seconds and it actually turns kind of messy. the two pull away and breathe heavily, jake groaning when he feels you tighten around his fingers and cum all over them. your mouth is now full of jays cock as you take him deep in your throat. "did that turn you on that bad? fuck. " jay groans and presses your head down until you can't breathe, reaching his well deserved orgasm.
your quiet chokes can be heard when his white seed fills your throat. he groans and moans quietly, throwing his head back. "good girl. " he lifts your chin up and wipes the remaining cum off your mouth. you lay on jay's chest with his cock still pressed up against you when jake suddenly pushes his hips into your ass and jay.
"you two still have something to deal with. "
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pepsiboyy · 19 days
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pairing: chris sturniolo x fem!reader summary: where you and your best friend, chris, decide to relax for the night. warnings: smoking weed, cursing, kissingg a/n: hiii i hope this is ok to keep yall FED i feel like i fell off the face of the planet but im here i promise!! very short but i hope its fun<3 love u guys
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chris's tongue poked out from between his lips as he focused on rolling the joint in front of you both.
"chris, that looks like shit," you joked, a breathy chuckle escaping your lips as you did so.
chris shot you a smiling glare as he set it down. "fuck you, you'll still smoke it." he retorted, to which you had no response.
you both were sitting on the porch outside of the triplets' la home, the moonlight particularly bright tonight as you sat and conversed about various topics.
it all started with you talking about life. chris would tune in with some random bullshit he learned on tiktok, and it went back to serious mode. the conversation turned into one relating to relationships and love. something chris wasn't particularly fond of.
"i don't know, it's just weird. like i find it hard to even say i love you to people that i know i love. it's just hard."
you nodded softly. "it's hard throwing such an important word around with such heavy meaning that people think they can lift with no problems."
chris snapped his fingers as if you had just hit the jackpot. "exactly that," he pointed at you and smiled. "that's it. and probably just commitment too. taking the next step into something so much bigger than it needs to be." he muttered the last part.
"rock paper scissors for who hits this first?" chris smiled as he held out a hand, and you quickly did the same.
with your scissors sprawled out on your palm, chris gave you and his rock a defeated look before shrugging it off.
"okay, here." he gently placed the joint between your lips, smiling warmly at you as you took it.
"lighter," you stated, although muffled as you had the joint literally in your mouth.
chris gasped, as if he had forgotten, before going into his pocket and grabbing it. you reached for it, but failed as chris smacked your hand away and leaned forward himself, lighting the joint with a warm smile.
your eyes closed as you took in a deep breath, pulling the paper from your lips and exhaling softly. with the joint between your fingers, you passed it to chris with a soft smile. chris watched you for a few seconds before taking it into his own hands and taking a breath as well.
you both exchanged the joint a few more times before cleared his throat and spoke up.
"dude, i don't know if this is like.. stupid," he stated first and foremost, making you chuckle at him.
"chris, most the shit you say is. get on with it."
chris's jaw dropped dramatically before he giggled. "i don't know, man, i was just thinkin' like... you know all the stuff we said before about like takin' the next step," he mumbled a bit, and you watched him. chris turned to you again, smiling like a dork. "maybe we should?" he stated.
your eyes widened as your cheeks reddened. "chris-"
"but like... i know you're gonna say, 'no chris you're just high right now' but like i'm really not.." he rambled, making you chuckle.
"you're not right now?"
"not in the slightest," he defended matter-of-factly, his eyes tinged with a shade of pink as his eyelids struggled to open fully.
"chris, i.." you trailed off, your mind hazy from the drugs. you knew you felt the same, but you didn't want to ruin this moment.
"we don't have to talk about it now," chris stated quickly, or as quickly as he could, before he smiled goofily at you again. "but.. yunno.." he trailed off.
"no, chris, i don't know." you chuckled.
you hadn't even realized how close you two had been sitting, your faces inches apart, until chris had glanced down at your lips.
your cheeks reddened. you wanted this bad, and you felt like chris did. but your biggest fear was waking up in the morning to a regretful chris and a terrible rest of your day.
but all of your doubts left as you felt chris finally press his lips to yours. everything felt hazy, but it felt so right. the slight taste of the weed against his lips only made it feel more surreal, and the joint between your fingers had been long forgotten now.
chris pulled away after a few moments, his blue, lidded eyes fixated on yours before he noticed the joint between your fingers slipping. he quickly took it from you and smiled.
"there's some juice left in here," he smiled.
you looked at him and blinked a few times. "you can have it," you chuckled. "i'm starting to get a bit sleepy."
chris hummed in thought before he took in a soft breath from the joint. his hand moved to your jaw, where he gave you a light squeeze to open your mouth.
with your faces now inches apart, he leaned forward and blew the smoke into your mouth, his hand now gently grazing your jaw as he did so.
you had no idea what feeling you just felt in your stomach but you felt like you needed to go to the fucking hospital.
you breathed in the smoke he provided, smiling softly as you blew it out away from the two of you before planting one last kiss to his lips.
"let's go lay down in my room, yeah?" chris shot you a soft smile as he gently took your hand and intertwined your fingers.
and for the rest of the night, the two of you rested between one another's arms, knowing that neither of you would have any doubts in the morning to come.
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