#Like my car's battery dying
earanie · 11 months
you know when one day before going away _everything_ than can happen, happens?
spoiler alert: it is happening
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boomerang109 · 4 months
shout out to the mechanic for being niceys!!
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etcnnante · 2 months
wife gone … now i’m being roped into home improvements
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broke-on-books · 7 months
When you get home from college and go to do the errands you were explicitly told to do only for your car to be dead 😡
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robitherat · 2 years
Guess who lost their key and is going to have to go back thru all the classrooms to find it XD
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coridallasmultipass · 13 hours
#WELPP I Cant find my blog backup and its definitely not letting me click the button i give up lmao#i got more pressing issues rn fucking alarm going off for low battery i had to fucking crawl into the crawlspace behind my aquariums...#...to get to it while i have a still injured back lmao so fucking frustrating nothing is going right for me today#i wake up to the sound of a dying cat (its our tenant that neglects them) but they drove off with it before i could go outside and inspect#i have to reschedule a medical appointment because the only 2 roads out of my town are fucked and i wont make it tomorrow#so thats another week of suffering the teeth aligners and not getting to ask the doctor if its supposed to be this painful all the time#i still have a lot of trouble eating man and now i gotta extend it another week! my jaw is so fucking bad ugh#like i have spent literal years of my life waiting not being able to do anything bc treatment is delayed or just not available#especially in my small ass fucking town there are no specialists here and i cant even get into physical therapy lmao#im having to deal w no car access for weeks now which means even if a pt place magically calls me then i still dont get to go because no ca#im gonna barely make it with one pill to spare bc i cant pick up my prescriptions either bc the walk is too far for my back#im already going without the easy to eat foods i want bc i was in too much pain to go when my mom visited#fucking hate all ths shit man im so fucking tired of living like this no one should have to suffer like this im so fucking miserable ugh#delete later / /#vent#personal#Cori.exe#Post.exe
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juniperandtealeaves · 2 years
I'm going to start biting people
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happy74827 · 8 months
After Hours
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[Billy x Female!Reader]
Synopsis: You never fully believed the saying, “wrong place, wrong time…” until now {GIF credits: moviebuffs on tumblr}
WC: 4,392 (whoops)
Category: Hurt/Comfort {TW — Melinda, threats, mention of drugs + blood, lots of cursing}
I watched this two nights ago with my friend (love you @yoursacredqueenmother) and now here I am… obsessed. The ending was lame ngl but I highly recommend this movie if you like messed up situations (and Josh looking spicy 🥵).
You hated driving at night. All the darkness outside and the light reflecting from the headlights, it all gave you a headache.
Your eyes darted over to the passenger's seat. It was empty and you were glad. The road was bad enough, you couldn't imagine trying to deal with someone else's conversation while driving.
The only sound was the soft rumble of the car, the whirring of the engine, and the sound of the tires rolling over the rough pavement. Your hands were tense on the steering wheel as you squinted in an attempt to see a few feet ahead of you. There were no lights out here, no street lights or traffic lights, and you were starting to think there wouldn't be any towns, either.
It would be the last straw if you ran out of gas out here.
You didn't even know where you were going, you were just following the GPS's directions and praying it would get you out of this desert and somewhere safe.
You sighed and shifted in your seat, tapping the steering wheel anxiously. You hadn't seen any other cars for a few hours now, which wasn't unusual, but it was still a little nerve-wracking to be driving out in the middle of nowhere.
But of course, as all nightmares go, suddenly, your car made a strange noise and started slowing down.
"Shit!" you hissed, smacking the steering wheel. "Shit shit shit!"
The car sputtered and then finally came to a complete stop, the engine dying. You slammed your hands against the wheel, feeling tears of anger and frustration welling up in your eyes. You were completely and utterly screwed.
You sat in the car for a while, letting the silence and darkness envelop you. The heat had faded quickly as soon as the sun had set, leaving behind an eerie chill that seeped through your clothes and into your skin.
You took a deep breath and looked around, but you could barely make out the landscape around you. It was pitch black and you knew if you tried to leave the car you would lose it immediately and end up getting hopelessly lost. You weren't sure what to do.
You looked over at the empty passenger seat, now wishing more than anything that you had someone with you.
You sighed and laid your head back, trying not to think about how scared and alone you felt.
As you sat there, staring up at the roof of the car, you decided you needed a plan. You couldn't just sit here forever, and if you were going to get anywhere, you were going to need help.
You grabbed your phone from the cup holder and held down the power button, watching as the screen lit up. You had service, thankfully, and a decent amount of battery left. You unlocked the screen and opened the maps app, waiting as it searched for your location.
You watched anxiously as the small circle spun, feeling a pit of dread growing in your stomach as the minutes ticked by.
After what felt like an eternity, the screen finally lit up. You sighed and put a hand on your chest, feeling relieved.
Zoomed out on the map, you looked for the nearest town. You didn’t find one, but you found a gas station… they were sure to have a jumper cable, right?
You plugged the coordinates into the GPS and started the car again, hoping that it would start.
It didn’t, of course. The whole point of getting stranded was that your car wouldn't start. So, you had no choice but to walk.
You grabbed a bag from the back seat and threw a few necessities inside, along with your wallet, your phone, your charger, and a small pepper spray bottle that your best friend had insisted you carry.
You were glad she'd been so insistent, you'd never have thought you'd need it.
You slung the bag over your shoulder and opened the door, stepping out into the chilly air. You shivered and closed the door, locking it, and then turned away from the car, setting off into the dark.
The moon was hidden behind thick clouds and the wind whipped around you, kicking up sand and rocks that stung your face and hands. You shivered and wrapped your arms around yourself, pulling your coat tighter around your body.
You wished you'd had the foresight to bring a thicker jacket or something, but you hadn't planned on getting stranded.
The walk was slow, the uneven ground and lack of light making the journey difficult. You could hear the wind howling around you, and you couldn't shake the feeling that you were being watched.
You kept walking, trying not to think about what could be lurking in the shadows, watching your every move.
Finally, after about twenty minutes, you spotted a light in the distance. You picked up your pace, your heart racing. As you got closer, you could see it was the gas station, just like you'd hoped.
You jogged up to the doors, pushing them to open but finding them locked.
You groaned and knocked on the glass, looking inside. There were no lights on, and you couldn't see anyone.
"Hey!" you yelled, pounding on the door. "I need help!"
There was no answer, and you were starting to think no one was inside.
You sighed and sat down on the concrete, putting your face in your hands. You had no idea what you were going to do now. The stupid location said it was open twenty four hours a day, so where was the damn staff?
You were about to get up and try the door again when you were startled by the light above the doors flickered on. You looked up and saw a woman standing behind you, her dark hair flat and dull. Her clothes were a mess, and there were dark circles under her eyes.
She looked exhausted, and when she spoke, her voice was strained but polite.
"Can I help you?"
Your eyes widened, and you scrambled to your feet, trying not to look panicked. But when you noticed the name tag pinned to her shirt that read ‘Melinda,’ your fear melted away and you let out a sigh of relief.
"Oh thank god, I thought no one was here," you laughed.
She didn't laugh with you, her face remained emotionless.
"Sorry, I was in the back," she explained. "What can I do for you?"
"My car broke down… honestly, I don’t remember where. It was really dark, and I don’t know this area." You shook your head and continued, "I was hoping I could buy a jumper cable or something? Just enough to get me out of here."
She nodded slowly, her expression never changing.
"Yes, they should be near the back with the other supplies." She paused, eyeing you warily. "I would offer coffee along with it, but… we're out of stock at the moment."
"That's fine," you said. "Just the cable will do."
She nodded again and stepped past you, pulling out a key and unlocking the door. She stepped inside and motioned for you to follow her. You did, and the moment you entered, a rush of cold air hit you, making you shiver.
She walked to the counter, her footsteps echoing on the tiled floor. She stopped at the register and began pressing buttons, her movements slow and methodical.
You couldn’t really care at the moment, as your eyes roamed the store, searching for the cables.
You walked down the first aisle, but didn’t see them. You kept walking, and when you came to the second aisle, you spotted them. You were about to grab them, but then you noticed the hall with the bathroom sign hanging from it.
Suddenly, the bottle of water that seemed so important earlier became a major regret. You hadn't gone to the bathroom since before your car broke down, and it was starting to catch up with you.
You took a step towards the bathroom, glancing back to the cashier. You could see her staring down at the counter, her fingers pressed to the keys, not really typing.
You didn't want to interrupt her, so you decided not to ask. You hurried into the bathroom, closing the door behind you. You flipped the lock, and then turned to face the mirror.
You grimaced at the sight of yourself. Your hair was messy and your face was dirty. You splashed some water on your face, and then grabbed a paper towel and dried yourself off before doing everything you had to.
You left the bathroom, planning on returning to the aisle, but then you heard a noise.
A small sound, a whimper, like a puppy in pain.
You looked down the hall, trying to find the source. It sounded like it was coming from the storage room.
"Uh, hello?" you called, taking a hesitant step towards the door. "Are you alright?"
There was no response, just another small, pitiful cry.
You bit your lip and pushed the door open, stepping into the darkness.
"Hello?" you said again. "Is someone there?"
The door creaked behind you, and then closed. You spun around, panic rising in your throat. You reached for the handle, but before you could grab it, something moved in the darkness.
You jumped back, a gasp escaping your lips.
Something moved in front of you. You couldn't tell what it was, or where it was, but you knew it was there.
You took a step back, trying to stay calm. Your heart was racing and your palms were sweaty.
"Please, I just need help with my car," you pleaded.
A low, guttural growl came from the shadows. It sounded like a wild animal, and when it moved again, it was close enough that you could see the outline of its form.
It was… not tall. Not in the slightest. In fact, it probably was only taller than you by an inch, if at all. It was hunched over, its shoulders curved inward, its spine protruding slightly.
It took you a long minute to realize that it was just a guy in a chair. Man, you were blind.
He had on a denim jacket, and it hung off his small frame, the sleeves rolled up. His hands were clenched into fists at his sides, and he was trembling slightly. That’s when you noticed the bundles of red tape around his eyes, mouth, arms, and legs. He also seemed to be bounded to the chair, strapped down and unable to move.
“Oh my god,” you breathed. You stepped towards him, reaching out a hand, but he jumped out at you, attempting to attack. Though, it was pretty much useless on his end. He couldn’t move more than a couple inches in any direction.
He started to speak afterwards, but the tape had prevented it from being coherent, and all you could make out was a low, angry rumble.
"No! No, no, no!" You stepped back, putting your hands up. It was rather pointless and stupid of you too, because the tape had also covered his eyes, you just looked like an idiot. But, still, you kept them up. "I'm not going to hurt you, I just need some help with my car!"
He growled at you, a low, threatening sound, but then he stopped, seeming to realize that you were telling the truth. He was breathing hard, and his chest was heaving, and then he mumbled something under the tape.
"What?" You asked.
He mumbled again, but you couldn't understand him. It was like talking to a brick wall.
You hesitated, but then moved forward, reaching up to take the tape off. If you had to guess that was probably what he was mumbling about.
He flinched when you touched him, but then relaxed. You peeled the tape away from his face, both the strands across his mouth and the one over his eyes, and dropped it to the floor.
He was breathing heavily, and when you looked up at him, you were surprised by how young he looked. His face was pale and his lips were dry. His hair was greasy and tangled, and the side of his head was badly burned and bruised. There was even dried blood on his temple.
“Jesus, what happened to you?"
He stared at you for a moment, his expression unreadable.
"Get me the fuck out of here, and I'll tell you," he hissed.
His voice was surprisingly smooth, despite how rough he looked. His words were short and sharp, like he was angry.
You weren't sure what to do, but then he started moving.
"Please," he said, his voice sounding desperate. "I promise, I won't hurt you. Just, please. Please get me out of this fucking chair."
"Did that… lady put you in here?”
"Yes, Melinda," he spat. "She's a nutcase psycho. Drugged me and… and… whatever the fuck. Just get me out of here!"
He sounded more frantic now, and his eyes were wide and pleading.
"Well, I-” You started to say, but he cut you off.
"Well what? What’re you waiting for?!”
“I- I need a jumper cable. My car broke down outside… somewhere. I'm not from around here, and- I don't know where I am. I can't exactly go anywhere until my car's fixed."
He looked at you with the most exasperated look you'd ever seen. It was almost comical, how exaggerated the expression was, but then he seemed to relax.
"Alright, how about this…” he said, his voice low and soothing. "You let me out of this shitty chair, and I'll help you fix your car. How's that sound?"
You didn't know what to say. He didn't seem like he was lying, and he seemed to be genuine about his fear. But could you really trust him? You still had no idea who he was or where he came from.
He seemed to sense your hesitation, and his expression softened.
"Look, I'm not going to hurt you," he said. "But I can't really help you unless I can get out of this stupid chair. And if we stay here, Melinda's going to find us, and trust me, you do not want to deal with her."
"And if she finds us, what will she do?"
"Look at Sheila over there wrapped up like a fucking Christmas tree," he replied, jerking his head towards the woman's corpse.
You gasped, covering your mouth.
"Oh my god, I didn’t even notice," you mumbled.
"Yeah, well, she's been dead for about an hour now, so," he said.
"And- and you've been sitting here, tied up the whole time?!"
"Yeah, it's fucking awful," he grumbled. "Now, will you help me, or not?"
"Oh, uh, yeah." You looked down at the remaining tape, trying to decide how best to go about it.
"Just, hurry up," he urged.
"Ok, ok." You reached for the tape, and he leaned forward, letting you pull and tug on the strips.
After a minute, you had all the tape off that was pinning him down and he was able to stand up. Again, he wasn’t that tall, maybe a five to six inches above five feet, but that didn't stop him from moving fast. He darted around the room, looking around frantically, and then grabbed a crowbar from a nearby shelf.
"Where did you even-"
"Not the time," he interrupted.
He turned towards you, his expression hard. He was pretty intimidating, and it wasn’t just because of the crowbar. He was skinny, but muscular, and the way he moved was fluid and agile, like a predator.
Though, you couldn’t help but noticed how attractive he was, with his expressive eyes and the way his hair was pushed back from his face. He was gorgeous.
"Hey," he snapped. "You listening?"
You blinked, and nodded.
"Sorry," you said, shaking your head. "This has just been a very, very strange night."
"Tell me about it," he grumbled. "That’s why when I’m done with her, we are getting the fuck out of here."
"Done with her?"
"Well, yeah, obviously. We're not just gonna let her get away with this shit."
"Um, are you sure that's a good idea? She's, like, a million times your size," You smiled at the small joke, but he didn’t seem amused at all, so you added, "Not to mention, hurting people seems like a bit of an extreme response."
"Hurting people is kinda her thing," he muttered.
You opened your mouth to respond, but he cut you off.
"Look, are you coming with me, or not? Because, if not, then just leave. You're already making this way more complicated than it needs to be."
"I can’t leave, not until my car's fixed," you protested. "That's why I'm here in the first place.”
He sighed and ran a hand through his hair, looking frustrated.
"Ok, fine, fine," he relented. "Whatever. You can come with me, but just don't slow me down, alright?"
"Right," you said, nodding.
He didn't look convinced, but he didn't argue. He just started walking, motioning for you to follow. You did, and soon the two of you were standing outside the storage room, the door open and the hallway beyond shrouded in darkness.
"Alright, the plan is, I'm going to distract her and make her pay," he whispered. "While I'm doing that, you're going to grab the keys to her car or whatever and get it started. We'll meet up outside and drive off, and that'll be the end of it."
"You're… very confident for someone who was tied up to a chair five minutes ago," you had another attempt at lightening the mood, but he just gave you a pointed look.
Again, he didn’t seem amused. "Yeah, well, she's a bitch, and I don't appreciate being treated like a goddamn lab rat."
He has an odd way of speaking, you noticed. His words were short and clipped, and he never used more than he needed. It was a little intimidating, but mostly it was just kind of interesting.
"How’d do you even end up like that, anyway?"
He gave you another one of his annoyed looks. It was weird how much he could convey with just his eyes, but the look was gone almost as soon as it appeared.
"Don’t ask stupid questions,"
"Well, it seems like a reasonable question, considering the circumstances," you retorted.
He rolled his eyes and sighed.
"Look, do you want my help or not?"
"Um, yeah. Yeah, of course,"
"Then stop asking stupid questions and focus on the task at hand. You get the car, I'll take care of Melinda. Simple."
You didn't know what to say, so you just nodded. He seemed pleased with your response and began to lead the way down the hall, moving quietly and staying close to the walls.
You followed him, keeping your footsteps light. As you went, you thought about the situation.
Melinda, in the five minutes of knowing her, never struck you as the violent type. A little socially weird, yes, but not violent. It seemed out of character, and you wondered if she had a reason for acting the way she did. Or maybe she was just crazy, like the guy had said.
Your thoughts were interrupted when you saw him hold up a hand. You stopped, and he pointed to the corner. You looked, and saw Melinda's form moving past the entrance to the hall, a flashlight in her hand.
The man motioned for you to stay put and moved silently towards the entrance. You watched him, unable to do anything else.
When he reached the opening, he paused. He was still, and for a moment, you thought he had lost his nerve.
He didn't hesitate for long. In one quick motion, he darted out of the hall, his crowbar held high.
Melinda jumped back, the light from her flashlight swinging wildly as she tried to regain her footing. She swung her flashlight at him, and the metal bar made a dull clang when it collided with her temporary weapon.
He stumbled, but managed to stay on his feet. He lunged at her again, but this time she was ready. He had stopped fast when she pulled out a gun, pointing it at his head.
I guess he was telling the truth.
“Just stop, okay? You can leave now, I'll let you go. Just don't-"
"Give me one good reason why I should listen to a word you say," the man interrupted, his tone low and menacing.
She stammered, trying to think of an answer. She didn't get the chance, though. Her eyes had caught sight of you, and she had noticed that you weren't where she had left you.
"Oh, oh god," she whispered, her voice filled with horror. "No, no, no. No, you weren't supposed to-"
The man swung the crowbar, and the gun flew out of her hand, skidding across the floor.
He moved in quickly, swinging his arm again. She dodged, and the metal bar hit the wall, creating a large dent in the plaster.
Melinda backed away, her hands raised, her eyes wide.
"I'm sorry, okay?" she cried, backing away from him. "I didn't mean to hurt anyone. I'm sorry."
"Sorry? Sorry?! You… you drugged me and tried to…” He paused, stopping momentarily before pointing the crowbar at her face. “The point is, sorry isn't going to cut it, you bitch."
He swung at her again, and again, she dodged.
She was fast, and he wasn't, and soon, he had lost his balance. She shoved him hard, sending him flying backwards.
He landed hard on the ground, the wind knocked out of him. He didn't move, and Melinda stood over him, panting and wild eyed. The gun found her hands again, and she pointed it at his head, her hand trembling.
You had to do something. You couldn't just stand by and watch him die.
You did the only thing you could think of.
You went into your bag and took out the very same pepper spray that you had been carrying since the start of this nightmare, and fired.
The stream hit her right in the eyes, and she screamed, dropping the gun. It hit the floor with a loud thunk, and you dove for it, picking it up and pointing it at her.
"Don't move," you yelled, your voice shaking. "I'm warning you. I'm not afraid to use this."
Actually, that was a lie. You were absolutely terrified, and your hands were trembling so badly that you were barely able to keep a grip on the gun.
But you couldn't back down now. Not after everything you had been through.
She had stopped screaming, but was still clutching her eyes, tears streaming down her face. She was moaning and stumbling around, trying to find her way back to the wall.
She finally found it, and leaned against it, her eyes closed.
"Please, please don't hurt me," she sobbed. "I didn't want to do it. I didn't mean to hurt anyone. Please don't hurt me."
You glanced at the man. He was staring up at you, his expression unreadable.
"I should take that gun and shoot you right now," he said. "After what you did, I should kill you."
"Please," she whimpered.
He stared at her, and for a moment, you didn't know what he would do. Then, he got to his feet, picking up his crowbar as he did so.
Before she can even react he took a swing, hitting her right in the stomach. She gasped and fell to the floor, curling up into a ball.
He took another swing, this time aiming for her face.
You stepped forward, about to tell him to stop, but the blow didn't land.
Instead, he stood there, the crowbar held high. Melinda was looking up at him, her face red and streaked with tears.
"I just needed money," he spoke, his voice low and harsh. "That's it. Money. No one was supposed to get hurt, just a simple robbery with no one getting hurt."
She said nothing, just stared at him.
You, on the other hand, were frozen in shock. Robbery? He was robbing the damn station?
He sighed and lowered the crowbar, shaking his head.
"It's not like I wanted to do this, okay? I needed the money, and it was just an easy target. But you couldn't just let me get away, could you? You just had to make it difficult. Now look at the mess we're in."
"You were robbing?” Your voice was small, barely above a whisper, but it still cut through the tension like a knife.
He didn't turn, but his shoulders sagged slightly.
"Look, it's not what you think, okay?" He sighed, rubbing his forehead. "I was in trouble, probably still am, and I needed money. Lots of it. That's why I picked this place, because it was an easy target. I wasn't planning on anyone getting hurt, I was just going to rob the place and get out. I wasn't expecting this crazy lady to come along."
He gestured to Melinda, who was still curled up on the ground.
"I was just trying to rob the place," he repeated. "It was nothing personal. And look, you helped me, so I guess I owe you one, or whatever. So, let's just call it even, and we can go our separate ways. Deal?"
“Even Melinda?” You asked, your voice shaking.
He paused, and his eyes flicked over to the woman on the ground, a slight grimace crossing his face.
"Of course not. She was a psychopath who tied me up and threatened me, and I'm not about to just let her walk away after all the shit she's pulled."
Melinda looked up at him, her face contorted with fear. He didn’t seem to care though, but what he did was tell you to leave, and that he'll take care of things.
So, you did, but not before grabbing your bag, and not before snagged out those car keys of hers. The odd thing you did notice though, while leaving the store, was how the entire floor seemed wet. It wasn't until about an hour of just simply waiting in the dark that you figured why.
And you realized as you saw the sudden rise of flames, the smoke billowing from the open door, that you indeed did not have that help from that mystery man after all.
Your car will remain broken.
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So, I wrote this long piece of work because I went searching and found ABSOLUTELY NOTHING (which honestly it’s a crime given how fine he was in this movie — at least people realized it with Mike lmfao) so I wrote what I wanted to read.
I hope that this becomes a Rhys Montrose type of situation (For those who don’t know what I mean, this character Rhys from Season 4 of the show, You, had no fanfics on here and I basically jumpstarted it by writing like 4 of them lol) because I feel this character and movie deserves more hype and attention. Just look up edits of Billy from the movie and you’ll see what I mean.
Anyways if you’re actually still reading, thank you for coming to my ted talk. Hopefully you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it 🫶✨
(Also, if you see any more fics of this man… pls tag me. I’m desperate lmfao)
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thyme-in-a-bubble · 11 months
the busted engine
lilac, chapter one
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a/n: the plot of this series came to me like fucking lightning, essentially all at once with how quick it fell into place. sometimes it's like that, sometimes magic happens in your brain. I hope you all enjoy this ride as much as I am having writing it. get ready for everything, because I've got twenty chapters planned out and ready, and spoiler, they aren't all just gonna be insanely wholesome small town cuteness... we getting angsty... we getting the drama.... but most of all, we be getting slutty. strap in folks.
summary: “I, um,” your eyes briefly flickered to the bundles of firewood needly stacked in the back of the pickup, “my car broke down and my phone conveniently also decided to run out of battery, so, uh, could I perhaps borrow yours just a moment? I just need it to make one call, that’s it.”
warnings: lumberjack!frank castle x reader, lumberjack AU, pete castiglione era, past domestic violence, crazy ex trope, slow burn, car trouble, meet cute
word count: 2674
∼ gentle reminder that feedback, but especially reblogs are the way you support writers on here ∽
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Your vision couldn’t help but linger every time it drifted over your hands gripping the steering wheel. The immense weight the sight of your bare ring finger lifted off your shoulders was so overwhelming that you found yourself fighting tears from blurring the road before you. 
The sun was beginning to set as you had been driving all day long, not stopped for even a second to let the gravitas sink in of what you’d done at the crack of dawn. 
The fear of Preston stirring from his slumber and finding you in the midst of sneaking out still hadn’t settled within your gut. Your paranoid brain still compelled you to check the rear-view mirror every couple of seconds just in case the sleek sportscar of your former fiancé would appear.
You had finally done what he had drilled into your mind you weren’t capable of. You’d left him for good. 
Equipped with only a small backpack of your belongings, the last thing you’d done before sneaking out of the apartment had been to toss the ring he had so insistently forced upon your finger into the trash. 
Ripping you out of your cloudy thoughts, your car suddenly began to cough like a mythical monster that was dying. 
“Oh shit…” you felt the vehicle begin to slow as ominous smoke started to billow out from under the hood. Mindful of the bushy pine trees framing the road, you guided it to the edge just in time before it gave out. 
Stepping out with an exhausted sigh, you promptly cracked the front open to take a look, though what you saw within didn’t soothe your worries as all of the fumes oozing out only made the broken engine look like that much more of a mess. 
“Fucking great,” you mumbled heatedly, fiercely slamming the hood shut in an effort to relieve some of your abundant stress. Curving back around, you swung the passenger side open and rummaged for your phone, though when you located it, the only solution it flashed you was a blinking red battery icon before the screen went completely black, “seriously?” 
Not knowing if you were about to scream or burst into tears, you chucked it back inside before hurling your spine against the side of the car, leaning against it as you cursed up at the grey sky. 
Was this the universe showing its true bias? You’d hoped that was the one thing money couldn’t buy, but perhaps you were wrong, just like he always said you were. Perhaps it would be best if you went back to the city. His reaction towards a stunt like this couldn’t be that bad compared to what you had endured before, could it? 
The sound of another vehicle cresting the thicket on the rural road caught your ears and you turned your head to see a navy-blue truck appear.
Your hand shot up to wave it down before you could even ponder the action. Fearing that it was a lost cause by the speed the driver was going at, it caught you by surprise as it suddenly came to a halt a ways in front of you. 
“Are you alright, ma'am?” the driver asked as he slammed his door shut behind him. The tall man certainly looked like the type to call the area his home. Dark beard scraggly and hair in unkept waves long enough to tickle the furrow lines decorating his forehead, his wide palm traced the lines of the truck as he made his way towards you.
“I, um,” your eyes briefly flickered to the bundles of firewood needly stacked in the back of the pickup, “my car broke down and my phone conveniently also decided to run out of battery, so, uh, could I perhaps borrow yours just a moment? I just need it to make one call, that’s it.”
Eyeing your busted vehicle a moment, his low timbre then rumbled out once more, “sure,” as he reached into his pocket and fished out his telephone.
“Thank you so much,” seizing it, you swiftly clicked it to life, “you have no idea what a lifesaver you are–, oh fuck,” your vision zeroed in on the lack of bars in the uppermost corner, “of course there’s no fucking services out here,” your eyes briefly screwed shut and your jaw clenched in an effort not to scream, “it’s fine, it’s fine! I’ll just walk then!” you tried not the throw it as you handed the phone back to the helpful stranger, “I’m sorry that you had to stop for nothing, but thank you anyways.”
Swinging your door open to yank out your stuff, the stranger’s feet stayed fast, “what direction are you headed?” 
“Dunbrook,” you answered as your body folded to reach your tossed telephone.
“You wanna catch a ride?” he unexpectedly offered, causing you to bump your head on the roof of the car.
“Ow–, what?” you blinked back at him through the windshield as your hand shot up to rub the top of your now sore head, “no, I couldn’t… I–, uh, I kinda recognise this area, the town is not too far from here, so I can walk, it’s fine.”
“Yeah, but it’ll properly still take you all night. Please, it’s no bother, I’m headed in that direction anyways.” 
Gnawing at your bottom lip, you slowly retracted out of the vehicle, “you sure?” 
“Yeah,” he nodded, attempting a faint smile in order to soften his gruff and intimidating features. 
“Alright,” swinging your backpack on you slammed your busted car shut, “thank you.”
Sliding into the passenger seat, you clicked on the seatbelt and slotted your bag between your legs. Fiddling tensely with the straps for a moment, it dawned on you how your sleeves were still rolled all the way up to your elbows from when you had checked under the hood. Pulse instantly picking up and thumping in your ears, you hastily tugged them back down to cover the lavender bruises peaking out. 
Had he noticed?
Hearing the door slam to your left, being too caught up in your own mess, it only caused your form to jump in the seat.
Trying to play it off as nothing, you attempted a casual, “I’m Y/n by the way,” though your voice came out much more strangled than you’d intended. 
Catching your flickering eye a moment before turning the key, he likewise enlightened, “Pete.” 
Your bottom lip didn’t escape the prison of your teeth the entire ride, gnawing subconsciously at it as you purposely stare out at the wild flora you passed in order to not look at the advantageous stranger. 
Though after you passed the crooked sign welcoming you back to your small hometown, Pete’s gruff voice broke the silence.
“So, where can I drop you off?”
“The inn,” you turned your head to inform him, “the Lilac Inn, if you know where that is.”
“Yeah, I know it,” he nodded, sucking in a knowing breath as if he didn’t need any more information to figure you out, “so you’re a tourist? One of those nature people who come out here to hike or something?”
“Not exactly,” was all the explanation you offer as you watched the familiar scenery come into view. 
Dunbrook. To call it a town was very generous indeed as the whole population could properly fit under the same roof if they really wanted to, and they often did. The rolling fields of wildlife that surrounded the village also divided and broke up the infrastructure of the old settlement, causing most of the homes and businesses to not all the clustered together as you had grown accustomed to seeing after moving to a metropolis as vast as New York. 
Every familiar structure rolling by evoked memories long ago buried and forgotten. The corner where you fell learning how to ride a bike. The quaint general store where you once stole a lollipop, walked for all of 48 seconds before turning right back and apologising to the owner with tears in your eyes. But most of all, the large Victorian structure at the bottom of the tiny town by far held the fondest of memories in your heart. 
The dust puffed up around the truck as you rolled down the narrow dirt road, the bushy lilac trees that flourished all over the property haven not quite yet come into bloom, yet still forewarned your destination that already peaked over the tops. 
“Here it is,” Pete exhaled as the car came to a stop before the vast veranda, “the Lilac Inn.” 
Eyes glued to your childhood home, you stepped out of the truck, “thank you,” slamming the door shut, you turned to add awkwardly through the rolled down window, “and also thank you for not turning out to be an axe murderer or something,” a nervous laugh swiftly bubbling out at the notion.
Glancing back at your bumbling form, he simply flashed you a tight-lipped smile and said, “you have a good trip, ma'am.” 
“You too–, I mean, you have a good, uhm, rest of your life,” you fumbled as your feet slowly backed up, “it was nice meeting you, Pete.” 
“Yeah, you too,” he just managed to reply before you spun your mortified flush away from his stare and scurried up the steps of the porch. 
Pushing the creaky, stained glass adorn front door open, you tiptoed inside. 
The lighting dim and the atmosphere nothing short of comforting, a smile finally bloomed upon your lips as you let out the breath you’d been holding for who knows how long. 
Peeking around the corner into one of the sitting rooms, you only spotted one patron sitting by the small round table next to the crackling fireplace, working away at a puzzle. Either the others had gone to bed already or this fellow was the only one staying here. 
“Excuse me,” you gently interrupted from the archway, “would you happen to know where the owner, Harvey, is–”
Though before you managed to get out the remainder of the sentence, a bustle from the kitchen answered your question for you, “every time I forget to whisk long enough and every time I say it’s gonna be different, but this time I mean it!”
Sharing a knowing look with the guest, you chuckle, “never mind…” 
“This time I won't just stop when my arm feels like it’s gonna fall off,” even though it was clear he was talking to himself, his usual vibrato still carried, “oh no, no, you just wait and see how light and fluffy you turn out this time, cake!” 
Poking your head through the ajar door, you spotted the familiar greying man grumbling into the contents of the bowl he was furiously beating with a whisk. 
Nearly jumping out of his skin, your father gasped, whisk jolting upright as he laid his eyes upon you, subsequently splattering some batter across the kitchen, back near the sink, “Y/n?” he exclaimed, his eyes growing to the size of saucers, “is that really you? Is my little baby girl really standing in my kitchen or is this a hallucination?”
“Hi,” your head tilted in a soft chuckle. 
Starring at you as if you were just a newborn puppy, “oh, come here, munchkin and give your pops a hug!” the moustachioed man’s arms went wide and pulled you in, dripping whisk still in his hand as he blubbered into your hair, “ah, I’ve missed you so much,” squeezing your form in the magical way that only parents could, “I haven’t heard from you in, well I don’t even know how long, that’s how long and if you ask me then that’s too long,” he pulled back, cupping your cheek as he gazed at you, “you don’t write, you don’t call.”
“Not true, I do write,” you corrected him light-heartedly, “and you don’t have a cellphone.” 
“Well, there’s the telephone out in reception, why would I need more?” he shrugged, lending you to then slip out of his grip, swiftly boosting your own form to hop onto one of the empty counters, “also, your last letter was 10 months ago.” 
“No, it wasn’t, was it?” you gasped, thinking back.
“You can check the date, they’re still in the cookie tin up there,” he gestured to one of the top shelves before reuniting the whisk in his grip with the large bowl on the table. 
Only briefly glancing up at the enamel box, you already knew that you didn’t wanna revisit them. However vague the letters were, which they always were, you were still certain that they’d have the power to send you right back there into Preston’s iron fist, even though you’d never even mentioned him once in all the years you’d been with him. They only ever really contained small talk and pleasantries, never about something so personal as to whom you were dating, but you also didn’t share at all as things took a turn for the worse, when you were in so deep that you felt like you couldn’t escape. Perhaps it was out of pride, perhaps it was to shield him from the truth, or maybe even in a way yourself, not admitting to the fiend you had welcomed into your own bed, creating some false reality as a coping mechanism. 
Averting your gaze, you then uttered softly, “I’m really sorry dad,” gliding your right thumb over the jagged edge of the counter as you gripped onto it with both fists.
“Ah, it’s fine,” he waved a hand, “you’re young, out there living your life. You shouldn’t have to check in with your father every few seconds. I am aware that you’re 29 after all. Although, you know I wouldn’t be a pose to just a little bit more…” he winked, playfully bumping the side of his hip against your shin before picking up the speed of the whisk once more, “so, did I forget it’s my birthday or did you just miss your old man?” his jovial glance flickered between you and the batter. 
“Can I stay here a while? I just need some place to,” lay low, “figure things out, you know?”
Whisk halting, his gaze upon you grew in concern, “of course you can, honey. Is everything okay? What’s wrong?”
“I’m okay, I just–, uh… needed a change,” not looking him in the eye, you spoke, “I don’t know to where or what I’m gonna do next, but I do know that I don’t wanna go back,” you felt a lump of emotion swell up in your throat, “and I won’t just stay here for free, I’ll pay you rent,” you tried to appease the stubborn sensation of being a nuance to everyone, even to your own kin, “though I don’t really have any money right now, so I’d have to get a job first, but that’s fine, I’ll figure something out–” 
“Oh, don’t be ridiculous,” your father cut you off, “you can stay here as long as you want, it never stopped being your home even when you moved away. Still keep your room exactly the same, just in case,” he offered you a warm smile, his silver moustache stretching wider, “how about you just give me a hand around here, huh?” 
“Alright,” you exhaled, “deal.”
His grin turning more mischievous, he then noted slyly, “you know I’ve always dreamed of you taking over this place one day, running the family business…” 
Rolling your eyes, you chuckled, “not this again…”
“Just think about, you could–”
“Dad, I’m not gonna take over the inn! Running a place like this isn’t what it used to be back when your parents opened it up. You might have always been dead set on taking over it, but I haven’t.”
“I know, I know,” he gracefully backed down again as he always did, “you want adventure, isn’t that what you called it when you went away for college?” 
Adventure… it was that kind of philosophy that had sent an innocent young girl into the arms of a devil…
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© 2023 thyme-in-a-bubble 
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gayoung-lover · 5 months
baby, you drive me crazy ๋࣭⭑ chocol
your relationship with gayoung is a secret, given that she happened to be your best friend's ex-girlfriend—sometimes, something that's wrong feels better, doesn't it?
| cw: suggestive, reader is a bad friend LOL | wc: 1.5 k 🫶 | things in italics are flashbacks!! | also, this is inspired by 'que onda' by fuerza regida, i don't like corridos, but the lyrics are sooooo good 😭
Adrenaline coursed through your veins every time you went on a date with Gayoung—a forbidden thrill. Bada trusted you, and you, in return, exploited it. She was well aware of Gayoung's feelings for you, pleading with you—her best friend—not to get involved with her. Despite her pleas, there you were, seated in her black luxury car, on the way to her apartment. 
Bada was consistently curious about the mysterious girl featured in your Instagram stories. You shared photos where only her hands were visible or showing the expensive gifts she got you—however, there was a noticeable absence of her face or any identifiable details. Each time Bada asked, you only said you wanted to keep it a secret, fueling her suspicions that you might be involved with someone with a girlfriend or, worse, married. Despite her attempts to discuss it with you, you only insisted that this girl preferred a private life.
She wanted to taste me—so I satisfied her craving.
Initially, Gayoung was upfront about her desire—a one-night stand. She confessed through a simple text message that whenever she went to your and Bada's apartment, she only thought of you—craving to kiss, touch, and hold you. Drawn to her attractiveness, you complied. 
gayoung: I know this might be weird and you might hate me or whatever because I broke up with Bada, but I wanted to be honest about something. [1:03 a.m]
y/n: huh? what? [1:05 a.m]
gayoung: Every time I went to Bada's place, I couldn't take my eyes off you. 
gayoung: You're such a gorgeous girl, you're like a pretty doll. 
gayoung: And fuckkk… I just wanted to kiss your pretty lips so badly, to wrap my arms around you, to make you feel good. [1:07 a.m]
y/n: are you drunk? or are you actually being honest? [1:08 a.m]
gayoung: Might be a bit drunk but, do you want me to prove it, princess? [1:08 a.m]
y/n: gayoung don't call me princess fuckk
y/n: this feels so wrong… bada's going to hate me
y/n but, how can you prove it? [1:09 a.m]
However, what started as just a one-time thing transformed into something monthly, then a weekly occurrence, and eventually, a daily routine.  The dynamics shifted beyond physical intimacy; it evolved into something deeper. Now, you spend more time with her than in your apartment, and the relationship has transcended the purely sexual—both of you already have said, 'I love you.'
How about we both turn off our phones at night?
Bada's constant concern for your well-being led her to suggest downloading an app that allows you to share your locations. While this was a safety measure, it suddenly became inconvenient for you, especially when you were at Gayoung's apartment. Initially, you tried turning off your location or even your phone, but Bada quickly received notifications about it, prompting questions you did not want to answer. 
bada <3:  why is your location off?
bada <3: is everything okay?
bada <3: do you need something? [11:43 p.m]
y/n: my battery is dying and if i turn off my location it lasts longer
y/n: i’m still at the club, dw bada :) [11:45 p.m]
However, you devised a workaround by turning off your mobile data. This move guaranteed that your location remained fixed at the last place you connected to the internet. So, when you were at a restaurant or a bar on your way to Gayoung's place, turning off your data made it appear as if you were somewhere else if Bada happened to check.
Do your make-up again, so she doesn't find out what we did.
Gayoung stocked her apartment with everything you could need for touch-ups—makeup, hair products, and perfume. That way, you could maintain an impeccable appearance when you went to your apartment, concealing any signs that you did something with someone. Despite you insisting on bringing your own makeup, Gayoung insisted on spoiling you.
"Baby, go ahead and choose whatever you like." Gayoung smiled at you as you walked through the makeup store. "Anything, okay?" She emphasized.
"But, the stuff I like tends to be expensive." You casually grabbed a liquid lipstick and a face powder from the display. "This should do; I just need to touch up my lipstick and powder."
You placed them in the basket, and Gayoung let out a sigh. "I said, pick whatever you want. Price doesn't matter."
Surprised, you looked at her and hesitated. "I don't want you spending a fortune on me-"
She cut you off, raising an eyebrow. "Princess, grab whatever you want. Let me spoil you."
Baby, delete those photos that we took yesterday.
You and Gayoung always took photos together—where you could clearly see who she was, although these photos never made it to any social media posts. You were her muse, her precious girl, and whether it was at the club, having dinner, or at her apartment, she could not resist taking pictures of you. At times, these photos would be too risqué—like right now.
"That's perfect, doll." Gayoung murmured as you struck a pose, reclining on her bed. "Fuck, you're stunning, you know that?"
"I'm aware." You smiled at Gayoung's camera. "You're the one who makes me feel pretty."
Shifting positions, you rested your stomach on her bed, tilting your head slightly while adjusting your hair. "I'm glad I'm the only one who gets to see you like this." She said—her voice low and husky. 
Your eyes, your skin.
Unable to resist any longer, Gayoung approached you, gently cupping your face as you sat on the bed, and she stood up. With doe-like eyes, you gazed up at her—the innocence reflected in them driving Gayoung wild. She kissed your forehead, her lips lingering there for a few seconds.
"Do you know how much I love you?" Gayoung's forehead now rested against yours.
"I do." You replied. "I love you too, Gayoung."
"But not as much as I do." She lowered her face, bringing her lips close to your ear, her breath brushing against your skin. "I love everything about you. I don't even know why I was with Bada when I could have been with you from the start, doll." She chuckled dryly.
While another best friend might have killed her for saying those words, you blushed hearing Gayoung say them. "Oh, really? Tell me what you love about me."
Turning her head to the left, she kissed your cheek. "Your eyes, your skin, your personality, your beautiful body." Gayoung listed. Lifting her face, she looked down at you, placing her thumb over your lips, prompting them to part. "But your lips are my favorite thing about you."
Drawing closer, your lips brushed against each other—you smiled against her lips. "Gayoung-"
She silenced you by pressing her lips against yours, your hands instinctively locking behind her neck, pulling her even closer to your body.
What’s going on?
While you and Gayoung kissed, your phone incessantly rang, prompting a frustrated sigh against her lips. "What the fuck? Who's calling me?" You rolled your eyes.
Gayoung patted your back. "What if it's something important, doll?"
"Yeah, you're right." You admitted, reaching for your phone only to discover 15+ missed calls from Bada. "It's Bada."
She raised her eyebrows. "What does she want?"
You called her back, concerned that it might be an emergency, but she did not answer. "She won't pick up, fuck..." You muttered.
"Do you want to go back to your apartment?" Gayoung asked, holding your hand trying to calm you.
Attempting to call Bada once more, you nodded. "Yes." You whispered, but just as you were about to get up from the bed, your phone vibrated with a text from Bada.
Answer her messages, tell her what's up.
bada <3: what the fuck is this y/n
bada <3: bada <3 sent a photo [10:56 p.m]
Attached to the message was a screenshot of your exact location, and it dawned on you that you had forgotten to turn off your mobile data. The undeniable realization that you fucked up hit you—you showed your phone to Gayoung, who responded with a crooked smile, chuckling at the situation.
“I guess one day she had to find out.” She said and you nodded.
bada <3: all this time you had been dating the person “who liked living their life privately” you’ve been fucking my ex? 
bada <3: i can’t believe i trusted you wtf, i don’t want your shit in the apartment, come pick it up tomorrow when i’m not around
bada <3: hope you have fun ig don’t even think about apologizing or anything i fucking hate you [10:59 p.m]
Gayoung took your phone from your hands, opening the option to send a video. "Come here, princess."
Your eyes widened in surprise, but you followed her instructions, moving closer even though she was recording. Holding the phone just right to capture you kissing, Gayoung separated, smirking at the camera before sending the video to Bada.
"That should tell her what's up." She said, winking at you.
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skulla-rxcks · 11 months
Because you’re mine. {Chapter 1}
next chapter
Paring: bangchan!afab reader, ot8! Reader
Rating: explicit (eventually)
Genre: mafia au
Warnings: eventual smut but not in this chapter, kidnapping, slight yandere!chan
Thank you for 100 followers :) ! Ily guys sm
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Chapter 1: stranger
“Fuck!” I mutter stamping my foot, realising I walked in a completely different direction I was supposed to.
Hell, I guess that’s because there’s hardly any phone service in this area which means I have to find my way to a job interview so I can finally earn more money for myself; a cashier at a gas station, pretty lame but hey. Money is money.
As soon as the reception is back I go into maps and reload the page, my phone battery dying almost immediately. How am I going to get to this interview on time? What if they reject me on the spot? The questions jumble across my mind.
“Hey, are you lost?” a mans voice comes up behind me, his breath ticking my neck because of how close he’s getting.
“excuse me I’m talking to you.” He repeats.
“Oh Uh, I actually am, I’m looking for the l-local gas station around here, I’m late to a job interview and my phones dead.” My body trembles slightly as I turn around and look up at the man who’s talking to me.
“You know, you could’ve taken a short cut, tho it seems a bit late now doesn’t it, mmm? You did say you’re running late after all.. how about I give you a lift home? It’ll just take longer trying to find your way around..”
“I don’t know if I can trust you.. I-I don’t even know you!” My voice is shaky, eyes watery, scared about what to do.
“Shhh shsh.. first off; you can call me Chan or Chris, and it’s okay don’t worry, look if you’re that scared you can hold my pocket knife while I drive.”
The car ride is silent. My hands starting to get sweaty from gripping onto the pocket knife. It’s a bit too quiet so I decide to talk, asking a simple question.
“Hey Chris? What do you do for work? Your cars pretty nice and everything so I’m wondering.”
“It’s personal business.” he replies in a tone cold enough to send brutal shivers throughout my body.
Personal.. business? What the hell does he mean? I probably shouldn’t ask any further questions who knows what he can do to me, he’s just a random man who offered me a ride home.
“Hey uh. My house is that way…” I reassure him. “Chan, i s-said my house is that wa…” my body goes cold as I say that, a sharp and cold sensation thrusts into my arm; almost like a needle. I can’t see anything. It’s just black and red. Red and black, my whole body feels numb
A few hours later. I find myself waking up tied to a chair.
“oh so your finally up..” foot steps approach me.
“Chan..?Where am I..what did you do?” I say scared, feeling his hands on my face as he takes off my blindfold, finally letting me see where I am. It’s a dark room with one singular light bulb hanging from the ceiling, looking down I notice I’m tied to a chair.
“i had to do this, otherwise probably wouldn’t have seen you again, going out isn’t really my thing.. I could be caught..”
He reassures me, moving behind the chair and placing his hands on my shoulders.
“C-Chan.. w-why I am tied up.. please let me go.”
“Mmmmm… we were attacked recently and you could’ve got taken if I didn’t secure you in one spot..” his hot breath tickles my neck, making me gasp at how close he is.
He continues talking but I zone out, instead focusing on the way his breath feels on my neck, making my legs shaking under his touch. “What do you think I should do with you?” “what do you m-mean..” I mumble.
“you’re so easy..” I feel his lips move along my jawline. “I could kill you right now and be done with you like everyone else I bring back here.. but i want something else.” He continues.
His tongue traces along my neck, I swallow hard, unable to form words. “I like you, princess, you have a certain charm that intrigues me.. maybe I’ll untie you, but only if you stay here with me… hm?”
“Chan? Are you in there?” Someone pounds on the door, from the voice it seems like another man. “Yep, Just uh, give me a minute Felix.”
Chan turns back to me and whispers into my ear again. “I’ll be back soon, Okay? Stay here.”
He leaves a light kiss on my earlobe before opening the door and leaving me all alone.
Many questions run through my mind; what does he do? Who is he? Why is he treating me like this?
I want to get out of this chair, i need to. But I’m forced to sit down. I want to cry, i want to scream. I hate it. The sound of nothing fills the air, i look around for anything to help me get out. There’s literally nothing at all. Only the chair and a lightbulb.
I could yell, i have the ability to speak but who knows what this man is capable of? The only thing I can really do is stare at the empty space around me, as much as it is useless it’s better than overthinking about everything. After what feels like hours i hear the door click, a man with a mask enters, i can’t tell who it is due to the mask hiding all of his facial features, i can tell that his arms are buff and he’s fit though, with a similar figure to Chan.
“C-chan..?” I mumble out, lip quivering as i look at the guy in front of me.
“Yeah. Don’t move, need to take you out of this room.” He groans, untying the ropes around my legs and wrists, making me fall to the ground as he takes the chair away.
“H-huh? Why..?” I question, taking his hand and walking out of the room with him.
“Stop asking questions. I’ll explain it all soon” Chan snaps back. Once we’re out of the empty room the area around us changes drastically, red carpet, lanterns on the wall. Almost like a palace, enough to make me gasp in response to my surroundings.
“Follow me.”
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ot3 · 5 months
my car battery is constantly dying because i use my car like twice a week and somehow i have lost my power bank that i use to jumpstart it which is only ever 1. in my car or 2. in my room charging. and its not in either of those places right now
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AITA for holding a grudge against my sister?
A few years ago, I (25F) accidentally locked myself out of my car after taking my dog to the vet. My cell phone was around 15%, my service was low, the vet office was closing, and I was 90 minutes from home on a very rural road I didn't know.
I called my sister (29F) for help. I wanted her to get me the number for AAA since I didn't have my card on me. She told me that she was busy at work preparing for Open House at her school the next day and told me to look it up online. I tried to explain that my phone was close to dying and she replied that she was stressed out too and she didn't have time to deal with this.
After a terse conversation, I did look up the number and called AAA. It turned out that our service had not only expired, but because we had moved we would need a new account. My sister and I shared our AAA account (a gift from our dad), so I called her back again. I explained that I needed her to login on her computer and fix our account so I could call AAA for help. She yelled at me that she didn't have time for any of this and that she was really stressed out about having parents in her classroom the next day. (For context, she has an anxiety disorder and was a newish teacher.) I tried to explain again that my phone was close to dying and once it did I wouldn't have access to any communication. The vet office had closed and the nearest town was at least three miles down the road.
She just kept on talking about how stressed she was and how she didn't have time. I don't like confrontation and my sister is much more forceful than I am, but this time I really did try to push back. I told her that I needed her and that all she had to do was fix the account on her computer so I could call for help. She refused.
The conversation ended with me hanging up, afraid of wasting even more of my phone battery, and crying next to my car. I was already upset because of my dog's recent diagnosis (at two years old, she would need a really expensive surgery to be able to run again) and I was at the end of my rope. I don't cry easily, and I have a hard time expression deep emotions to anyone, even my sister. It felt like I was constantly helping my sister and being there for her and the one time I was the one upset and needed help she blew me off. I felt betrayed.
Eventually, I was able to call AAA again and make the payment over the phone. The woman was really great and got me help even though technically AAA rules said they shouldn't have started my service until the next day. I got my car unlocked, drove home, and never told my sister about how I upset I had been.
Flash forward a few months and guess who got a flat tire? Yup, my sister. When she tried to use AAA, she ran into the same problem I had -- our account was expired and no longer in the right area. She called me for help and asked to be added to my account...and I said no.
She got *really* mad at me and extremely stressed out. I did end up getting her towed, but I was bitter about it. It felt like her emotions were once again taking precedent over my own and that my hurt didn't matter.
This past week, my sister mentioned getting AAA again and asked about sharing an account. Ever since the incident at the vet, I have kept my individual policy and she hasn't gotten a new one. I said no. I was pretty short about it, and she seemed somewhat annoyed.
We've never talked about the vet incident or how betrayed I felt. I realize that I hung up the phone before I started crying so it is possible she doesn't know just how deeply she had hurt me. I also realize that it has been almost five years since then and our relationship is otherwise very solid, but I still hold a grudge about this.
Am I the asshole for still holding a grudge?
What are these acronyms?
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crimeronan · 20 days
Dear Mr. Government,
I lost all my paperwork from nearly dying of lupus 🥺 My greatest wish is to feed the bureaucracy paper monster 🥺 Would you please be so kind as to reissue all the paperwork to me? 🥺 I dearly hope to be a good little citizen and fill it all out 🥺 Thank you so very much for any kindness you choose to bequeath unto me 🥹
the goodest little citizen you ever did see 😭😭
THIS IS TRULY WHAT IT'S BEEN LIKE. i had to reapply for my new hampshire vehicle title because i lost my old one, i looked through all of my drawers with important documents and couldn't find it ANYWHERE. and i needed that for proof that i own the vehicle, so i could register it in oregon. so i had to mail a PAPER FUCKING LETTER along with the title application and a PAPER CHECK. which meant it traveled 3300 miles, sat for a week while the check cleared, and then the title itself had to transit 3300 miles back to me. all the while i'm stalling for time with my landlord who's saying they'll have my car towed if i keep parking it with expired tags, so they get to hear the entire sordid illness backstory. because i can't park the car on the street because the police gave me a ticket and put an abandoned vehicle notice on it the last time i did that. THEN in order to pass my emissions test, i had to repair a small piece of the engine, and the part cost $150 from the dealer, so we bought a part for $20 online, but then we had to wait over a week for it to ship and it didn't even get here on the projected date. then justice (my mechanic girlfriend) had to spend literally the entirety of a saturday working on my car, when she should be relaxing instead. then we had to reset the battery to turn the check engine light off. this is after i had to do $1400 worth of unrelated repairs out of pocket btw. and i had to go to the library to print all of these application forms and painstakingly hand-address all these envelopes. and today i walked into the DMV with all of my application and inspection shit FINALLY done, and i was at the counter for Less Than Two Minutes, and the lady was like, "yup, looks good! here's your new plates, bye :)"
i found my original vehicle title in a drawer an hour ago.
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jovialtorchlight · 4 months
why i love enver gortash
enver gortash is the most relatable BBG i have ever come across in a piece of media, and not because i sympathize with his story or his personality or anything about him. i love him so much because of how shitty he looks for like the entire game. like he somehow looks less alive than the bad guy who has been clinically dead for a hundred years. he looks like he wakes up each morning, has an angina, and shocks himself back into a regular cardiac rhythm with a fucking car battery. he looks like he is AFIB, VFIB, and ABCDEFFib. he looks like he is constantly on the knife's edge of dying. like stepping weird on a lego could end him violently. like he wakes up each morning and pisses nail polish remover. like his version of bathing is climbing underneath an engine bay during an oil change and dunking his face in the flowing stream of oil. like his version of a bubble bath is a plastic tub full of lukewarm fry-o-lator grease. he looks like the townie that was busted for selling meth to seventh graders in the lowes parking-lot when i was 12. my man looks like just slept face down mouth hanging open in an arby's bathroom stall for 12 hours. he looks like he has diseases that the CDC hasn't even FATHOMED. my guy is UNWELL
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chickadooz · 2 months
tl;dr I've made a new goal for a replacement laptop again because my current one sucks so much that it actually became a hindrance when we were recently threatened with evacuation from a nearby wildfire. While that was thankfully thwarted, it was a violent reminder that I really, really need a new one. You can support me by tipping me, buying digital photos from my Ko-fi shop, or in my INPRNT shop. Every little bit helps immensely, so even if you can only spare $1, I would really appreciate it. 🧡
The full post that I made on Ko-fi is under the cut. I'd really appreciate it if you read it all for full understanding of the situation.
It's been some months since I had to give up on my goal of saving up for a new laptop in order to buy new equipment and expand my horizons, but we're back here again because things are even more dire.
When I talk about how my current laptop is literally being held together with tape, I'm not kidding:
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Without the tape, the monitor is slowly cracking and peeling apart. And it's been through the ringer with a lot of internal components including (but not limited to):
A RAM card slot dying, forcing me to get a new stick that combined the total RAM of the other two and pray the other slot never dies
Replacing the wifi card
Replacing the battery
And it has a whole host of other problems too, including some that just came pre-packaged with this specific model.
As well, recently having to pack all my belongings while anticipating an evacuation order due to a nearby out of control wildfire, I was really wishing I had a laptop in better condition. Because of the monitor/lid cracking and coming apart, I can't actually close it normally. It's permanently stuck in the open position because trying to close it will likely break it permanently. I can't fit it into a case, so it would've just been free-ballin' it in the car, at risk of even greater damage.
When I talk about replacing it, it doesn't come from greed or the need to have the hottest new tech every year. I take good care of my belongings, especially the more expensive ones like this, but unfortunately when you buy bargain bin stuff, well, that's what you get.
So I've brought back my goal for a replacement, and intend to cover the cost of the lens filter I want through selling some stuff on eBay that I no longer want. I've set the goal to $800 USD because that should be enough to get one that won't fall apart and can actually run stuff like Photoshop and Lightroom. Y'know, so I can stop editing stuff on my phone like a zoomer.
If you're interested in helping me achieve this goal, here are a number of ways you can help, along with sharing my posts, of course:
Leaving a tip on Ko-fi
Buying something from my Ko‑fi shop
Buying something from my INPRNT shop
Thanks for reading, and I appreciate any and all help I get. Everything I get to do is because of people like you. 🧡
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