#Like she wasn't *the best* by any means but I've played with worse
gruelproponent · 7 months
Also they kicked out one of the original guitarists because she "wasn't playing up to standards" or whatever, like one bad musician was what separated that band from commercial success.
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hotchfiles · 8 months
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request by lovely detailing anon pairing: spencer reid x reader. summary: a date for your brother's wedding brings you more than you could ever hope for. content warnings: i think none, but feel free to tell me! very fluffy stuff ahead though. word count: 1,1k+
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the first thing you told your mother when she began yapping about how you needed a date for the wedding was that she didn't need to worry, you got your girls! surely one of them would have an eligible bachelor to accompany you. you had the girls from work, two from college and even your sister-in-law could definitely help you out without the obnoxious interference of your mother.
sadly enough, as the ceremony got closer and closer the more spectacularly did the blind dates fail you. you insisted with the bau girls you did not want anyone from the bureau, emily tried with an old friend who worked in politics. completely boring and in severe need of a model trophy wife his parents approved of.
pen tried to set you up with some guy she met doing theater, he was fascinated by your job. too fascinated, like you were some character of a play that he needed to analyze, and if that wasn't bad enough, the ones you were set up by your civilian girls weren't any better, they were in fact worse. trembling the moment you told them you were an agent.
"i'm going alone, won't tell my mom that though." you finish the conversation leaving the reports from the last case on your desk. i'ts saturday morning and fortunately, you were back in time for your brother's wedding, no chance to skip it and blame it on work for this and already running back to the elevator, asking spencer to hold the doors for you.
"i can be your date, for the wedding, i mean." his voice sounds almost nonchalant, if not for a bit higher in pitch. you feel your face warm up at the idea, surely if you had enough courage in your personal life as you showed in the field, you would've asked him months before, but apparently fate was on your side.
"really? i don't want to disturb you, i—" you shake your head softly, trying to be less avoidant, you wanted him to go, he offered to go. "i would really like that, actually."
"i'm happy to. this way you're at least guaranteed someone who isn't afraid of fbi female agents." the way his shoulders shrug up and his nose moves in a soft crunch makes your heart swell. "historically bridesmaids were to dress the same as the bride to deceive evil spirits—" he's interrupted by the elevator doors opening, but you both keep the same pace as you leave the building, wanting to keep talking to each other. "though surely you won't be dressing in white, what color are you wearing should i match my tie to it?"
"that's very thoughtful, spen." too thoughtful even, you might just swoon if you don't control yourself. "it's black tie required for bridal party dates actually, is that okay?"
"i can arrange that." even if he didn't have a black tie attire at home already, which he did, spencer would rent one if he had to, he wouldn't be happy about it, but he would do whatever necessary.
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his eyes glance from your dress to your fidgeting fingers a few times before speaking up. "you're nervous." he knows that's not the first thing he should be saying after seeing you all dressed up, but he can't help it.
"oh—sorry, i'm just worried about my family meeting you." you didn't even think about your choice of words, not paying attention to the way it made spencer flinch, his smile falling instantly.
"do you want me to be less... me? i can try." eyes widened up, you shake your head quickly, hands going to his chest in what you believed was a comforting manner.
"i want them to be less... them. you're great, perfect even. they can be kind of rude, that's all." perfect even. his smile quickly comes back to his face, placing his own hands over yours with a squeeze.
"unrelated but, you look great, perfect even." his repeating of your words makes you laugh, spinning around to show him the full look before thanking him. he looks stunning, dashing even, but you feel like the way your eyes can't look away from him for long might show him that.
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you were right to be worried about your family, a bunch of drunk alpha males who didn't believe the work you did in the fbi weren't the most friendly bunch to spencer, but he had his fun responding to their jabs with knowledge and sarcasm, checking your reactions every time and always getting a laugh in response.
your mother seemed to like him though, saying you two were a great match, which you tried to deny, shrug it off since you two were just friends and you somehow knew your mom would like anyone you took as long as you didn't show up alone again to a family event.
as he held you close to dance, spinning you around and making you dizzy from all the champagne, and as his hands stopped at your hips to look at you, you wished to yourself you truly were a great match, and that he felt it as much as you, and the saw it as much your family saw it.
by the end of the night he was the one holding your heels, your bag and your scarf while calling a taxi to the venue to pick you both up. happily laying your head on his shoulder the whole way back to your apartment.
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spencer had to accompany you back into your place, he wasn't about to leave you by the building's entrance or the elevator, it was only reasonable to help you all the way through.
for you, it was only reasonable to ask him to spend the night, your couch was comfortable enough especially after a whole night of dancing and walking around trying to keep up with you. it was only reasonable for him to accept it.
"hey spen..." you had gone to your bedroom to find anything comfortable for him to wear, coming back only minutes later, still dressed up. "thanks for today, i had a great time." you say handing him the pijama bottoms you thought could fit him.
"i always have a great time with you." his hands brush lightly against yours and you feel a shiver down your spine, gluing your eyes to his in hopes he felt it too.
in a second he's placing his hands on your neck, kissing you with lust of at least months of yearning, taking your breath away and making you enjoy the lack of oxygen and control. you don't even have to think about reciprocating it, no hesitance, like you have been always at the ready for it and you bite his lower lip the second he tries to pull away.
"i always have a great time with you too." you whisper waiting to have an even greater time with him, the smirk on his lips showing you he hoped for the same.
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fandoms--fluff · 25 days
Hello, sorry to bother you but do you think you could do one of yn mikelson is a little girl who follows Hailey everywhere since she feels very comfortable with her and when Jackson tries to get close to yn she growls and then bites
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Baby Mikaelson sister reader x Hayley Marshall and Jackson Kenner
Warnings: none that I can think of
A/n: I've made this into a happy ending, I hope you like it! +sorry for not posting as much in the past few weeks or month, I've been busy with work.
You've clung to Hayley ever since you arrived in New Orleans with your big sister, Rebekah. You met her in the plantation house where she was in the sitting room, on one of the old but fancy armchairs.
Ever since, you've clung to her, feeling safe and calm around her. Don't get it wrong, you love your siblings, but a lot of the time they're either on 'vacations' (how your siblings explain whenever the daggers come into play), or they're so busy that they're barely around. But Hayley has been a constant, always in close proximity and loves to be around you. There are obviously times when she wasn't there, but you were alright because those times also meant that you were with one or more of your siblings. Usually Klaus or Elijah.
Though the werewolf, now turned hybrid, may loath the Mikaelsons most of the time, she hasn't ever thought of you in a negative way.
You're a thousand year plus year old original vampire in a four year old girl's body and mindset, just as you were when Esther turned you guys. It's been hard to get attached to things or people from moving around so much, running from your father and so. You haven't gotten any of the horrendous details of why about most things, but you've been content, knowing your siblings have always been there for you.
And now there's someone else, new, and she sweet, and caring. You got close to her fast. You were there with her throughout most of the day when your siblings weren't around. You found solace in being with her, whether that be cuddling and talking with her, or to the baby you soon learnt was in her tummy. Or playing games and walking outside in the garden.
And when the baby was born, Hope was now out of Hayley's tummy, as you put it to Klaus, which made him chuckle, it was even better. You now had someone to play with, well soon play with since she was still a small baby. But you could lay with her and read her stories from your fairytale books. And you could have warm cuddles with her and Hayley, that was your favorite nighttime activity. It was relaxing and kept any bad dreams away.
Everything was going smooth, for the most part, until he arrived in your guys' lives. Jackson Kenner. The alpha of the Crescent wolf pack from the bayou.
He just appeared one day, and you didn't take a liking to him. But it was fine, he wasn't around much, and you got to be with Hayley and Hope most of the time.
Until he started to appear more. And he would always only want to be with Hayley, Hope, and weirdly enough you, considering he obviously dislikes your siblings. Meaning he was trying to take Hayley away from you. And you didn't like that. But then what you hated even more was when he tried to ever get close to you. Though all your aggression towards him was brushed off by him and Hayley as you 'needing to warm up to him'.
At times like those, you chose to stick close with Hope. Which meant hiding away in the nursery, pulling up a chair, and climbing up on it to be able to see her. Sometimes you'd slowly and carefully climb into the crib, if you deemed it safe. Because you didn't want to end up hurting your new best friend.
But what's worse than him just being around Hayley is you've caught them kissing before. It was horrifying and gross and something you were furious about. So of course they didn't even know you were there in the first place and you didn't know what to do except for your veins and red ees to pop out. But you held yourself back. You didn't want to hurt Hayley, she's special and you love her.
It has been three weeks that you've seen the man here, and he's getting on your nerves. And for being such a small person, that frustration doesn't have a lot of space to go.
So, you've found yourself ranting to Hope, about your dislikes and hatred towards Jackson. Even though the baby has no idea what you were on about and can't talk herself, it makes you feel better.
But that's all crushed the second Hayley and Jackson walk into the nursery together. It's one of those days you decided to carefully climb into the crib and sit with Hope. With how the younger girl reacts, you know she likes it when you do as well.
You guys were having a good time, but now are interrupted. "Hey girls- how'd you get in there without help?" Hayley pauses, there;'s no one in the abattoir other than the four of you. Plus, the only times when you're in the crib with Hope, is when she lifts you up and down into it when you ask. But obviously she's been mistaken. Her eyes don't leave you two until she hears Jackson's voice.
Oh right, he's there too, you scoff, but it turns more into a little scuffle of a cough than anything. Damn your four year old self.
"I think she found a way herself" Jackson gestures his thumb over to the wooden chair you scooted over to the side of the crib. Hayley follows, and looks over to the set up, and sighs, a smile appearing on her face.
"You could've hurt yourself or Hope, Hun" She places her hands on the rails of the crib, leaning against it, and looks down at where you're holding a 16 month old Hope's hand. "No, I be safe. I make sure she not in the way before" You shake your head, explaining your thought process before you climb in.
"Okay, but promise me next time you get me, or Jackson, or another adult, to help you in. No more climbing. Okay?" She tells you. "Okay, I ask you or Lijah and Niky and Bex." You nod your head, not even mentioning Jackson.
Hayley sighs, shaking her head, a smile lighting up her face just a tad. "Yes, exactly" Hayley says, making Jackson smile as well.
"Okay Sweetie, it's time for Hope to take a nap. So why don't we get you out of that crib and we can have a bit of fun." Hayley leans against the railings of the crib, watching as Hope is already starting to doze off.
You nod your head in understanding and lean over to place a kiss on her head before raising your arms up to be picked up.
Jackson walks over and leans into the crib and picks you up from underneath your arms. And before he can place you on his hip, he almost drops you from the sharp pain emitting from his arm. He lets out a groan of pain, making Hayley immediately turn her attention to you guys.
She brings you into her arms once she sees the blood streaming down Jackson's arm. She lets out a gasp seeing the amount of blood staining his shirt and dribbles of his blood running down your chin.
She nods to her connecting room, and Jackson follows her and you snug in her arms into the bedroom.
"Are you okay?" Hayley asks him urgently after turning around from the door she closed. "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. Just stings a bit" Jackson hisses as he wraps his shirt he picked up from the dresser top around the bite marks.
"Okay, okay. Are you sure?" She asks worried. "Hayley, I promise you, I'm okay" Jackson smiles reassuringly.
"Alright," She nods, "Now on to other business, what were you thinking, missy?"
You glare up at her and then over to Jackson, your vampire face coming out, veins popping out underneath your red eyes. A growl makes it's way out of your throat.
"Hey, hey, no! Y/n, stop" Hayley looks back and forth from you to Jackson and then back to you again. "No!" you yell back at her. you then turn to face Jackson again, "Go 'way!" you yell at him. It's bad enough he's always here but if he tries to get close to you then make you good with him then he'll plan to leave and take Hayley and Hope with him. And they'll leave you behind. You don't want that, you don't want Hayley to leave and for Jackson to steal her from you.
Hayley and Jackson both paused, staring at you with their lips parted. It takes a long moment before Hayley finally snaps out of it. "Why would you say that, Sweetie? Jack is a part of this family now" Hayley says, rubbing her hand up and down your small arm.
You snapped your head up at her after what she just said. How could she?! He's not a part of this family, he's an intruder!
"NO!" You scream, tears forming in your eyes. There's so many emotions coursing through you that you don't know what to do with them all.
"No! No! No! No! No! No! No' family! No!" Big tears begin streaming down your cheeks, and past your jaw.
Hayley cupped the back of your head and pulled it against her chest then started rocking back and forth. "Hey, shhhh, it's okay, Sweetie, it's going to be okay. I've got you." Hayley speaks in a soothing voice over your sobs. She's over to Jackson with a helpless look on her face, not knowing where to go from here.
Jackson gives her a reassuring look and nod before making his way quietly over to the two of you.
You're still clung to Hayley, hands clutched to the collar of her soft shirt. You haven't noticed the man less than a foot away before his hand is on your back. The five away is his hands are significantly bigger than Hayley's, and you can feel Hayley's gentle and warm hands supporting the back of your head and your bottom to keep you up.
By now your sobs have died down from clinging against Hayley, but your breathing is beginning to become more erratic again. But before you could start to hyperventilate, Jackson starts to talk.
"Um, Y/n, I know you seem to not like me as much and I can understand why, I do. I'm a stranger who just came out of nowhere and began dating Hayley and get caught up with your family. But I was and am not a threat to you, I want you to know that you're just as safe with me as you are with Hayley. And despite that, I'll never come between you guys. I know you love her very much, Hun, and I know you probably feel threatened by me for taking her away, huh?" Jackson rubs his hand in circles as he calmly talks.
You pull away from Hayley and look up at the werewolf. Slowly, you begin to nod, agreeing. He's right, you do feel threatened that he'll take Hayley away from you.
"You take Hayley away. Leave me alone" your lip juts out and eyes dilate in sadness. Jackson sighs in sympathy, "I'd never take her away from you. I love her very much and think of you both as family."
Jackson lifts his hand up and softly ruffles your hair. "And Hope?" You ask. "Yes, and Hope" Jackson chuckles.
"Jack's right, Sweetie. You don't have to ever worry about us leaving you, alright" Hayley smiles to both you and him. "Okay," you smile. She places a kiss against the crown of your head.
Nothing could ruin this night.
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telvess · 1 year
Record of Ragnarok Poseidon (relationship headcanons) 🔞
My first attempt in writing anything in… eternity. I’m not a native English speaker but trying to improve myself, sorry for all mistakes I've made. I didn’t write any major spoilers but used knowledge from manga. Also + still no clue how tumblr works.
Poseidon is such a adorable idiot.
SFW Not gonna lie, to catch his eye (not to mention eye-to-eye contact) there will be needed someone really specific. Someone similar to him in general, but unique in details. I think Poseidon is really good observant. Just because he’s indifferent to others, it doesn’t mean he doesn’t pay attention. He would notice nuances in behaviour, manners and gestures. His future s/o must be elegant, self-contained and pride. Maybe not in the haughty way but undoubtedly confident in her position as a goddess. Definitely not ‘damsel in distress’ type, she has to have guts to rule her sphere, protect her opinion and status. No other god or goddess shall stick their nose in her business. Unless they’re ready for harsh words or worse. In summary: a less extreme version of Poseidon. On the other hand, I don't think these qualities are enough to draw Poseidon's interest. It’s good base but potential s/o must get under his skin. Intentionally or no, she has to do or say something that would get his attention, and annoy him… He wasn't seeking her subtle chitchat, nor did he want to end up witnessing her fight! Congratulations, miss! You accidentally annoyed Tyrant of the Seas! Choose a burial place. Jokes aside, the best thing s/o can do here is ignore Poseidon. He thinks he wants that, but hey! Looks like he played himself. Now s/o annoys him even more and he cannot understand why. Such a useless bottom feeder and he can’t get over her?
She was like a sea: capricious and unpredictable in nature, always remained resistant to the expectations of others. But sea bend to his will like tamed puppy. He stamp his foot and it humbly part before him. That’s what he couldn’t stand - how little control he had over her, how unbearably free this woman was compared to other gods who ran away in terror as soon as he merely frowned.
Poseidon would catch himself thinking about her in the least expected moments. He used to almost never leave his realm, now suddenly is more present in social life. Still doesn’t care much, usually just staying in loneliness that nobody dare to disturb and observing from distant object of his contempt. As if nothing had changed, yet it did. Probably the only people that would notice he’s different will be Hermes and Hades. When first one won’t act on it nor share his observations, the eldest brother definitely won’t resist to make some ambiguous comments.
— Well that’s unusual of you, dear brother — said Hades. He toyed with his glass of wine, watching carefully Poseidon, who looked as unconcerned as ever. However he honoured him with one short glance. Hades couldn’t stop the corners of his lips to lift up. Did his little brother seem… disturbed? Or was that just his imagination? If Hades could pick one thing out of everything known in the universe that was unshakable and untouched by time or any other matter Poseidon would be his choice. Unaffected stability that did not leave any room for doubt and yet… something… someone push his stern brother out of his safe zone. Hades couldn’t wait to see what else the future may bring to them. He just hoped the intruder will be able to keep up with the challenge.
It will actually take a lot of time for Poseidon to realize that he isn’t annoyed with s/o but himself. Idea of being attached to another person is almost physically uncomfortable. It’s new and suspicious. The moment of understanding is the flash point of the relationship. At this point Poseidon would abandon distant admiration and start acting. He is still slightly annoyed but what’s more irritate him is the absent of that unbearable mouth of s/o. Poseidon would sit next to her or stand much closer at any events. At first she won't notice, but over time she'll start to connect the facts. She’s not dumb. Quiet neither. If she point it out, he may mock her.
— Why don't you just ask me to dance instead of deterring others? It would be a graceful way to start a relationship. Poseidon gave her almost cold look. — Such a audacity — his voice teetered on the verge of indifference - he thought so. She snorted. Her eyes weren’t darkened with anger, sparks of mirth still shone in them. Maybe even more after his refusal. Then she turned to face him and, with a subtle but promising smile, began to close the distance between them. Poseidon remained calm as she came within inches of him. He could feel the warm breath of hers, the smell of fresh air… — You know you want me — she whispered without hesitation. Something unbearably nagging was born in Poseidon’s belly. And that annoying heat under it… almost as someone wounded him. He frowned but didn’t move away. — How are you going to win me over if you can't stop fighting with yourself? — she asked innocently and didn't wait for an answer - just left him on the balcony.
Truth be told, Poseidon wasn’t made for small talks so s/o is doing most of the part and - to provoke a reaction - teasing him a bit. After a while, they both find the silence in their presence pleasant. Poseidon’s seduce tactic would mostly navigate around small gestures such as gifts. However he won’t send them like every normal suitor. If his s/o lives near the ocean or is often near it, she would probably find many beautiful pearls by chance. All of them in her favourites colours of course. Is she basking on the beach? The finest shells surround her. Is she admiring shoal of fish, coral reef or just the sound of the sea? There are no storms. And go on… It’s hard for Poseidon to overcome his pride and openly talk about his desire. When he finally bring himself to it, he’ll sound angry as if he’s doing something unworthy of him. Once s/o assures him that she wants to know more, Poseidon would relax.
— I want you to remind me every day how unbearable I am. How capricious… how impertinent… — she kissed his hand without taking her eyes off him and then put it to her cheek. Poseidon liked the cool touch of her skin — And still watch me with that quiet yet deep fascination.
Yeah, s/o has to make it official by saying out loud how she feels and Poseidon generously accept the offer…
NSFW For Poseidon to be in any relationship, especially romantic is almost impossible. He doesn’t get involved with others because, in his opinion, they’re not worth it. So nobody would force on him arranged marriage. He must be the one choosing that path. That’s why I don’t believe he would ever degenerating his s/o. The reason is simple - he would treat his wife with the same level of respect he treats Hades. Otherwise she wouldn’t be his wife; she cannot be someone less. I also don’t think he would praise her much, probably only when he’s in right mood she would hear complement here and there. His s/o must be good at reading his minimalistic facial expressions and body language. She may notice how his eyes widen in admiration, how he holds his breath for a moment or tightens the jaw muscles when feels really good. He’s not vocal; purrs or growls only on occasion. Poseidon has his moments where he shows desire for s/o. He won’t say it loud but won’t take his eyes off her as she undress in the evening. Yeah, she definitely gonna feel that burning look on her back. The only place where he become caring and warm is in bedroom, in private, far from servants’ eyes. These kind of moments are rare. Mostly because they both take their responsibilities seriously, which means they've been separated for a long time. Poseidon is calm, methodical lover. He’s detail-oriented - would leave no curve or plane untouched from his hands or tongue. He’ll enjoy every sound, shaking and blush s/o make, and act in accordance with the mentioned gestures. Poseidon prefers variants of missionary position to share eye contact though he wouldn’t say no to his s/o if she wants to ride him. In intimidating moment he enjoys challenging her to not close eyes when he thrusts deep into her. He starts with slow and almost annoyed pace that soon becomes raw and firm when they both chase their release. Afterward they usually lay in bed in silent, both satisfied and tired. Poseidon won’t say it loud but he really likes when his wife show him affections at that time. Slowly almost lazily massaging his chest, touching his neck and jaw, putting small kisses on his ear or cheek. Her tender words soft him. Poseidon doesn’t entirely return the favour but when she does all this to him, he caresses her back, pretending to be indifferent.
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oliversrarebooks · 9 months
The Rare Bookseller Part 36: Alexander's Desire
Previous Masterlist Next
June 1905
TW: mind control, captivity, human auction
Lex was bored.
He was surrounded by vampires all dolled up in their best attire, eager to see and be seen at the most high-end auction in the entire region, and he could hardly bring himself to care. All of the chatter was petty politics and gossip and who-is-wearing-what and who-is-buying-what, and it was hard to feign the slightest bit of interest.
Still, he did need a thrall. His long-time thrall Edmund had died of old age and blood loss after a lifetime of service. He'd been a good thrall, quiet and obedient, and his presence had eased some of Lex's loneliness. His loss was felt keenly. He knew that a good portion of the vampires here, even those who loved their human pets and servants, would scoff at the depths of Lex's grief over a mere thrall. Lex had always had too soft a heart, a fact that his sire never hesitated to remind him of.
Even so, the grief stung whenever he allowed himself to feel it -- whenever he had need to venture into the cold, spotless kitchen or start up the fire himself. He no longer had anyone to read particularly interesting passages of books to or play music for. There was no more wry chuckle when Lex made a mistake. No one to accompany him to the opera or ballet.
He'd hastily skipped the cattle pen of mind-wiped humans -- he found the entire idea distasteful, their vacant eyes unsettling -- in favor of perusing those designated as servants. Every one had bowed politely to him, addressed him as Mr. Alexander, and answered his questions briefly and with civility. Each one had been so enthralled as to lose most of whatever personality they might've had, and it might take years to draw any of it out of them, like it had with Edmund. The fashion of the time, unfortunately.
But his need for fresh blood couldn't be denied any longer, and even though these humans were unappealing in demeanor, his mouth still watered at the smell. At this rate, all he could do was pick out the most promising of the lot, take them home, and hope to coax some life out of them.
How tedious.
How very, very lonely.
There was, of course, one wild card, one wrench in the machine: his sire-sister, Lily, who had pulled him aside earlier that night to tell him about a secret project she had, a thrall that Lex would just love. That was mildly terrifying, coming from her -- Lex shuddered to think what she'd done to the poor human. Lily's skills in conditioning were second to none, but her ideas of what made a good thrall often ran counter to the grain.
He took his polite leave from the sixth vampire who'd stopped him in the hall, eager to curry favor with him and thereby curry favor with his sire, and headed into an ornately-decorated side room.
There, in the center of the room, stood a man with short blond hair, a stunning red velvet ball gown, and a cocky grin on his face. The thrall looked Lex up and down, and his grin only grew wider.
Lily was standing to his side, wearing some frilly pink confection of a dress. "This is the vampire I wanted you to meet, Fitz."
"Oh, this is Mr. Alexander?" said Fitz. "You didn't tell me he looked like this, sir. I might need to take back what I said about not wanting to serve a vampire."
"This is my special project, Lex," said Lily, bursting with pride. 
"The special-est, sir."
"Lex, meet Fitz."
"Charmed, sir, both literally and figuratively," said Fitz, bowing with a little flourish.
Lex stood there, stunned, not knowing quite how to react. "Are you... have you actually been... what I mean to say is, are you a thrall?"
"I've been hypnotized to hell and back by Miss Lily here, if that's what you mean, sir," he said. "But for better or worse, she's allowed me to retain my sparkling wit."
"Is that so?" Lex glanced over at Lily, who was looking incredibly smug. He had to hand it to her: this thrall at least wasn't boring. He couldn't remember the last time he'd seen such life in the eyes of a thrall.
"But enough about me, sir," said Fitz, getting into Lex's personal space. He smelled like lavender and rich, delicious blood, and that confident smile paired with sparkling blue-gray eyes was undeniably handsome. "Let's talk about you. Specifically, why you should buy me."
"Isn't that also about you?"
"You got me there, sir." Fitz laughed.
"Why would you even want me to buy you?" said Lex. "You seem to have your mind intact. You know that you'd be my servant, you'd lose your freedom, and I'd drink your blood."
"I don't know if you noticed, sir, but that's going to happen to every human here, or so I'm told. If I'm going to be a servant and delicious meal anyway, I might as well pick my poison, right? And you seem at least to be a very attractive poison."
Lex had seen thralls fawn and beg before, but he hadn't ever seen a thrall openly flirt. It was nakedly manipulative, of course, but the fact that the thrall was even capable of manipulation was intriguing.
"What are your interests, Fitz?" said Lex.
"The stage is my passion, I'm proficient in magic tricks, passable at fortunetelling, excellent at cards, and dabble in all sorts of arts and crafts and handiwork, sir."
"Do you play any instruments?"
"The guitar and the piano, sir, although I wouldn't expect concert-quality performances."
Lex couldn't help but smile. A thrall that played music, and had his mind together enough to indulge in hobbies! He'd longed for a thrall like this ever since he'd buried poor Edmund. Despite himself, he was already losing himself in a daydream of Fitz in his music room, playing a simple tune on his guitar, filling his bleak and lonely mansion with song.
He shook himself out of it. He couldn't give away his interest too obviously.
"Hmm, let's see," he said, hooking a finger under Fitz's chin and directing him to look him in the eye. His blood smelled like a delectable feast, and it was eroding Lex's self-control. He couldn't hold back his vampiric aura, and he saw Fitz's eyes go wide under his influence. Oh, that was gorgeous. "If I were to buy you, would you offer your blood to me?"
"Yes, yes, sir," he said, now looking more like a dazed thrall, tilting his head to the side to expose his neck. Lex had found this fawning behavior uninteresting from the other, more heavily conditioned thralls -- but on Fitz, who just moments before had been bright and alert, it was intoxicating. "Being fed on by a vampire exactly like you is all I can think about lately. Drink, please."
Lex realized that he was far, far too blood-starved to rationally deal with this kind of temptation. He released Fitz from the spell, seconds away from losing himself and biting into merchandise that wasn't his. Yet, came the automatic thought, which he tried to dismiss.
Life returned to Fitz. "You deserve to drink from someone with blood as good as mine, sir."
"Oh?" Lex cocked an eyebrow. "How do you even know that your blood tastes good?"
"Well, a serious looking man in a very dapper suit told me that my blood was top shelf triple-A fancy grade, sir," said Fitz. "He seemed very authoritative, so I'm inclined to believe him utterly."
Lex laughed. It was probably the first time he'd laughed since Edmund died.
Oh, he was in trouble. This wasn't a thrall he would settle for because he needed fresh blood to live. He wanted this thrall. And he didn't like wanting anything -- it was a recipe for disappointment and disaster. And Lily was grinning like a loon. She knew.
"You're going to cost me a lot of money, aren't you?" he said in defeat.
"You're certainly not the first person to say that to me, sir."
Well, it wasn't like money was a serious obstacle to him. While this style of lucid thrall wouldn't appeal to some of the vampires here, the fact that Fitz had the highest graded blood Lex had seen at a local auction would drive his price sky-high regardless of his personality. And unfortunately, Lex already knew that he was willing to pay just about any price for this one. The thought of another vampire buying him, dragging him away by his handcuffs, sinking their fangs into what was rightfully his --
No, this was ridiculous. He had to keep his calm until the auction proper.
"I -- I really should -- I should take my leave and peruse the rest of the merchandise," said Lex as casually as he could muster, as though he hadn't already looked over most of the available thralls and found them lacking.
"Well, you're certainly not going to find anything better than me, but I understand the impulse," said Fitz. "I hope to see you again, sir."
Lex rushed out before he could get drawn back in.
He stalked down the hallway, past chattering vampires, hoping to find a relatively secluded place to clear his head, finally settling on a padded bench in a small windowless nook. His head was spinning with the desire to possess. He'd been starving for both fresh blood and companionship ever since Edmund's death, and still nothing else had sparked the flame of need so deep inside him as this one particular thrall. His mind was filled with fantasy of Fitz playing guitar and singing in the music room, of Lex stroking his fingers through his hair while they lounged by the fire, of how his sparkling eyes would look when Lex enthralled him to feed...
And the way Fitz had entreated him to feed! That was all Lily's deep conditioning, of course, but it seemed so real coming from him, as though his need for a vampire's fangs was genuine. He'd always known Lily was a genius at enthrallment, but Fitz had to be her finest work yet.
Lex tensed at the sound of approaching footsteps, not eager to make pleasantries with yet another respectable vampire, gushing over some empty-eyed, mumbling thrall and asking Lex to convey their respects to his hated sire. He was relieved to look up and find that the sensible black shoes in his line of vision belonged to his old friend Ruth, one of the sharpest minds in the city.
"Good evening, Lex," she said, sitting on the other end of the bench. "I do hope I'm not interrupting some important brooding."
"You're not interrupting anything in particular. The distraction will do me some good."
"So are you not finding anything you like? That's a bit surprising given how long you've gone without a thrall."
"On the contrary, I may have found something I like too much," he admitted, perhaps unwisely. Ruth was also close friends with Lily, and Lily was bound to be entirely too self-satisfied over her little project's success.
"Ah, is it Lily's little pet? He's quite interesting, isn't he? I think I may bid on him. He'd make an excellent clerk."
Lex couldn't keep the half-horrified, half-ferocious look off his face, his baser instincts howling at the idea of having his new toy taken away from him. Ruth cackled. "What's that face? Don't worry, I'm only teasing you. I won't stand in your way -- you're obviously in need of a proper thrall. Or an improper one, as the case may be."
The jealous knot in Lex's chest loosened. He needed to calm himself before the auction proper, lest he make a scene like an unschooled fledgeling. "I appreciate it," he said. 
Ruth put a sympathetic hand on his shoulder. "It's actually quite a relief to see you desire a thrall again. The strict repression your sire tries to enforce isn't good for you. After all, what's the point of dragging these old corpses around if we can't even enjoy ourselves?"
Enjoy himself?
When was the last time he'd truly enjoyed himself? Before Edmund's death, certainly, in the times when his manor had been less lonely, and he'd had quality blood to drink. Even then, it was difficult for him to grasp more than fleeting moments of contentment -- his master's pursuit of perfection over happiness had its roots deep in his mind. Truly, he'd been denying himself for so long, and in so many ways.
He wanted this. He needed this. He was going to own Fitz, and no vampire would stand in his way.
Previous Masterlist Next
I'm sure this will all turn out fine.
@d-cs @latenightcupsofcoffee @thecyrulik @dismemberment-on-a-tuesday-night @wanderinggoblin @whumpyourdamnpears @only-shadows-dwell-where-we-are @pressedpenn @pigeonwhumps @amusedmuralist @xx-adam-xx @ivycloak @irregular-book @whumpsoda @mj-or-say10 @pokemaniacgemini @whumpshaped @whumpsday @morning-star-whump @shinyotachi @silly-scroimblo-skrunkl @steh-lar-uh-nuhs @pirefyrelight @theauthorintraining @whump-me-all-night-long @anonfromcanada @typewrittenfangs @tessellated-sunl1ght @cleverinsidejoke @abirbable @ichorousambrosia @a-formless-entity @gobbo-king @writinggremlin @the-agency-archives @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi @enigmawriteswhump @foresttheblep
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hils79 · 1 month
Hils Watches The Spirealm - Ep 35
I'm being very brave and continuing with this even though after the last episode I just wanted to curl up in a ball and stop watching it forever. I've only got 4 episodes left so I should at least push through and finish it
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Because he totally did
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Okay, I will admit I was kind of mad at him for just leaving an important object behind to get stolen. He's always been kind of immature given that they're in a literal life or death situation. But now I'm worried he's going to do something stupid like sacrifice himself to try and fix it and I don't want that either. He's just a kid!
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If this turns out to be some sort of matrix shit I am going to lose my mind
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Okay now you're being just as stupid as him. He's trying to tell you something important. Maybe listen to him?
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I mean his best friend/husband literally just died
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Yeah, he gives no fucks now. The rest of you are on your own
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Look at all these amazing cakes on the table and no one has touched any of them. If I had to literally risk my life in order to earn the ability to touch the food the cake would be the first thing I would go for
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Maybe don't taunt the man who is out of his mind with grief. Killing you won't bring Zhu Meng back to life but it might make Ling Jiushi feel better for a bit
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Oh he is going to fuck you up! Where is my popcorn?
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...or maybe he's going to end up held at knifepoint after 2 seconds
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Wait, what?
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You say that, but the box demon literally told you she needed help to kill the other players and you agreed!
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Wait, the whole death thing was fake??? HOW DARE YOU PLAY WITH MY FEELINGS LIKE THAT 😭
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Oh! Ling Jiushi wasn't actually in on it! That is so much worse! Why would you do that to him?
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Oh you in trouble now. And rightfully so
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Are they going to explain how he survived?
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Thank you for asking
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Zaozao's bracelet saved him. Great, now I'm crying again
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I'm not saying you couldn't hurt someone with a butter knife if you really wanted to but it would take a lot of effort and mess
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Wait, why is he smirking? Is this a trick? I don't trust anyone at this point
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Well, shit, I did not see that coming
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You just killed his twin brother so good luck not being murdered
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I love that now he's no longer pretending to be nice he's decided he doesn't need to wear his glasses any more
Well, that was a fucking rollercoaster of an episode
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sualne · 1 year
Sorry if you're already working on this but with Luffy in Croc dad what's his hobby?? Like he's the biggest ball of energy and I think if wasn't fighting wild animals as a kid he would vibrate into another dimension from lack of stimulation. Does he draw and develop his art skills, has he taken up music or is he invested with the void century with Robin? Croc wants to keep him inside and safe so what did he think would be best to entertain him or does he buy a new thing every week that Luffy says he suddenly wants to do. Yes he looks at books but is that it. Also sorry if you answered this before and I've missed waht you said, I am pretty sure I've seen all your comics on this but I haven't seen all your ask answering questions.
i hadn't gotten these questions and im so glad you ask!! :D
so! luffy doesn't have one specific hobby and croc does end up giving him whatever he wants when he suddenly gets a new obsession, one of the reason he's so excited with finding the jewelry box and getting a dagger is because it's finally something new! after that he gets really into rings and knives until it gets bored of it and switch to something else again.
about him and learning about the void century with robin i actually got a comic later for that so i won't say anything here!
im going to make this a list and explain how it goes, under read more:
Fighting: this luffy doesn't know how to fight, but he still love the concept! he gets really excited hearing stories of fights, duels, martial arts and all the rest! In practice though, since he's been so sheltered and only ever saw one real fight that ended up with people being killed in front of him as a kid, if (haha) he were to witness another real fight he wouldn't be as giddy about it as when he hears stories. he does also learn the tiniest bit of kenpo from bonclay!
Dancing: luffy in canon loves dancing (and partying), here too! he doesn't know/master any specific styles but likes to drag people into dancing with him, if no one is around he'll grab some of the smaller bananawani instead.
Singing: he's still very bad at it.
Music: croc noticed how he'd taps on thing and tried to get him to learn some percussion, unfortunately for him, luffy doesn't care about music theory and just does whatever makes him happy. he also love loud noises and croc has to find a way to stop him from making a racket at any hours of the day, it gets worse when luffy loses some of his hearing and needs to make everything even louder. eventually he gets bored of it too.
Cooking: him and croc cooks together pretty often, if no one is there to supervise him luffy will ignore recipes and common sense, making all kind of abominations. it's a miracle he never set the kitchen on fire.
Bugs: he loves them! he collect them! alive. croc is horrified one day when he finds out baby luffy has been letting some food to rot so he could observes flies and larvae going through their little bug lives cycle. later croc gives him those pinned dead bugs collection boxes thinking luffy will like it, he doesnt.
Board&Cards Games: he mostly has to play them by himself, he doesn't like being alone so he'll often ends up playing it "with" the banawanis. after he loses a few too many times against the banawanis and can't get croc to join in for the millionth time he gives up on them. even when robin joins baroques works he still expect her to be too busy to play with him and doesn't ask (she would have accepted if he had asked).
Art&Craft: he tries a bit of everything, doing it his own way meaning most of it is kind of hideous or about to fall apart, canon luffy is completely fine with that, au luffy though, he's having ton of fun at first but when he gets old enough to see that his dad cant quite fake his enthusiasm or interest towards his disastrous creations he gets frustrated and stops for a while. later, robin finds an old drawing of his and thinks its cute so he start doodling a little again for her.
basically, he struggles keeping a hobby, some like fighting, dancing, bugs and staring at pictures in geography books he keeps through his life but mostly, he's very lonely and bored out of his mind, he's depressed, that's not something that can be helped for as long as he's isolated.
when robin becomes a part of his life everything gets better for him! she spends time with him, read stories for him, helps him get out more often, they even meet bonclay and for a few years he's genuinely happy.
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Homestuck Reread: Act 4, Part 4/4 (p. 1865-1988)
Read the previous post here.
Oh boy it's the final stretch for this Act. I want to take a moment to express my appreciation for all the new followers I've gained over the course of this reread. I have 60 now, which is incredible. Thank you all!
With that said, this post will contain some... sticky subject matter. I wonder how many of you will choose to dip after this.
[CONTENT WARNING: Discussion of incest starts below the second image]
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Oh my fuck it's the ectobiology section. Out of all the convoluted and frivolous mechanics in Homestuck, this one might be the worst in my opinion. Worse than the adventure game jokes cribbed from Problem Sleuth, worse than the punch card alchemy and other ponderous Sburb mechanics... I'd say it's worse than the time travel shit, but this is actually more of a subset of that. So yeah, time travel continues to be the worst thing about Homestuck, and shit like this and the bunny subplot are prime examples of that. But my ire is fully directed at ectobiology at this moment.
The stuff I mentioned before at least has a purpose; they parody needlessly complicated video game mechanics. But ectobiology doesn't have a purpose. It's not funny, nor does it serve the story in a meaningful or even interesting way. So why does it exist? Is it to drive home the point that these select individuals are the "chosen ones" by Sburb? If I had to hazard a guess what Hussie meant by that...
Earth is a vile place and must be destroyed, so sayeth Sburb. Everything living on it is flawed by extension, so its chosen destroyers must be fully disconnected human society and the planet itself. These destroyers have been plucked from the aether and reconstituted from bullshit plot slime in a faraway part of time and space, ensuring that they are unquestionably divorced from anything from Earth, and therefore pure.
Now that I type all that out, it's no wonder none of the kids were all that shaken up about bringing about the apocalypse. Considering that they're essentially game constructs with no actual ties to humanity, it really throws away any sort of conflict and sense of sacrifice brought about by destroying the planet. All the innocents who perished in the meteor showers? Eh, fuck them! They were all NPCs anyway. All hail the slime people!
Okay, I'm sure this wasn't Hussie's actual intent, but if there's no grander symbolism at play, what else is there? None of this adds anything to the plot. The fact that the main cast are non-humans is never touched upon and the whole thing reads as superfluous sci-fi garbage. The only significance the meteors carrying the babies had was that John's Nanna died from a meteor strike. But it was already suggested way earlier that she died because she was crushed by the Colonel Sassacre book.
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That was a perfectly serviceable, slightly comedic death befitting of a family of jokesters. There's no need to escalate it and involve a giant meteor.
One other thing I take umbrage with: because the cast were all birthed from the same slurry, this means that Dave and Rose are now """related""". They aren't related by blood, no, but by slime. Which, in the eyes of Hussie and the fandom at large, means the same thing, I guess. Even though they never grew up as siblings, lived separate lives in different parts of the country, and only met online as strangers before developing a (very flirtatiously charged) friendship, the fandom treats them as if they're flesh and blood brother and sister. It boggles my mind. Why is this being treated as legitimate? Did Hussie plan all along to take the two characters with the best chemistry only to pull a Luke and Leia on us? Why would he write them like that if this was his endgame? Does he just have an incest fetish?
I wouldn't doubt it because themes of incest are actually quite pervasive within Homestuck. And that's without even mentioning how Hussie developed an alien race that fundamentally relies on incest to reproduce. Ectobiology creates several relationships, incidental or otherwise, that tie nearly the entire main cast in a complicated web of pseudo-familial dynamics. Like John is actually the kids' progenitor/father because he's the one who brought them all into existence. So even if he isn't related to Rose or Dave by genes or slime, he still gave birth to them in a sense.
I've even seen people say that since Betty Crocker/The Condesce was Nanna's adopted mother, that makes the Egbert/Crocker/Harley/English family tree "related" to the Peixes trolls, so any ship with that combination is "incest." What if I told you that Feferi is related to all the other trolls via bullshit slime mechanics as well? I guess that makes Johnkat incest too. And if John is Dave's father... gasp! Davekat is also incest!? It's over folks, burn everything down.
Anyway, I don't acknowledge Rose and Dave as biological siblings because I don't treat being born from a vat of slime as the same as being birthed from the same womb. That would be treating ectobiology as valid and sensible, which I refuse to do. I don't want to lend Hussie's fixation on incest any amount of approval. All I know is that the trolls are made of the same stupid plot sludge and nobody cares if you ship them. There are no humans and trolls: only slime constructs. Either everyone is related or none of them are. You can't have both.
In the end, none of this matters. The world would be a much happier place if we all collectively agreed to forget ectobiology's existence. If this ruffles your feathers, just block me. Don't come at me because I'll just ignore you.
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So Grandpa Harley had time-traveled forward to the future and into Sburb before returning to the past, living out his life on Earth, and dying. Fucking okay I guess!
At least this answers the question I had that yes, Mom Lalonde knew what she was doing before entering the game because Grandpa told her everything. Same with Bro and Dad, it seems.
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Ah yes, Dad x Mom. A relationship that ends nearly as soon as it begins. Let's put this right alongside the Exile love triangle and DaveTav in the "relationships that are teased but never manifest into anything meaningful" pile.
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"Ackshually, everyone was born from a vat of slime on a distant meteor and sent back to Earth to live out their lives!" - the ramblings of an utter lunatic.
Like god fucking forbid the kids be normal people placed in extraordinary circumstances.
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The babies all gravitate to the things they'll have a connection to in the future. Nanna gets her son's hat, Bro gets Cal, etc. Dave clings to Maplehoof, which doesn't seem like a clear connection. Except... that's Rose's horse, isn't it? Ohhh. It all makes sense now. 😏
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This exchange is a top 10 Karkat moment for sure.
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The supposed saviors that will revive the human race aren't even human, they're slime creatures! Beyond the fact that none of them are human, the Superman analogy falls flat because none of these kids are humanity's protectors. They're just following the whims of a game that ultimately does not give a fuck about any of them.
I need "JOHN EGBERT, YOU HAVE ASSASSINATED MY PATIENCE." emblazoned on a banner or something.
Also Karkat calls Superman a "Caucasian alien" and he also refers to a genie as an "Earth Arabian" in an earlier log.
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He really knows a lot about different human ethnic groups, for some reason.
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I think about "you always call jail the slammer when you are extra angry" on a somewhat regular basis.
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Sassacre is killed, but since he was a human, his death is inconsequential. Grandpa, a slime homunculus just like Nanna, is given new life, which is a cause for celebration. This whole sequence is quite morbid with Sassacre's bloody corpse just hanging out in the frame.
But wait, if Nanna and Grandpa are adopted siblings, and John and Jade are their "genetic children"... augh, never mind! This is what I mean when I say ectobiology produces all kinds of unfortunate relationships. I don't want to think about any of this pseudo-incest anymore. How are there people who make it their whole online careers to dissect this garbage so they can harass people about this shit? Don't they get tired? It's giving me a headache.
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Rose is even referred to as John's "daughter" in the title of this flash. I'm not just blowing smoke when I say that John is everyone dad. That's literally what just happened.
Now that we're finally done with this segment, I'll cap it off with this: Nothing of value was added with the inclusion of ectobiology. I know I've been throwing around the phrase "waste of time" in these posts, but this bit of worldbuilding is unequivocally, without a doubt, the biggest fucking waste of time in this entire comic.
Woof. Shall we move on?
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While Davesprite and Terezi sort of reconciled in their conversation and formed a bit of a bond, Dave doesn't receive her nearly as amicably. Why is she doing the "1S TH1S YOU" joke with Dave when that was a bit she did with Davesprite?
Oh right, because she thinks that same relationship will carry over to "real Dave". She sees them as the same person just like everyone else. Lovely.
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Dave thinks he can burn Terezi by repeatedly insulting her blindness, even though it's clear that it doesn't bother her at all. This is really weak, especially when compared to his log with Tavros where he forced Tavros to block him.
Terezi seems to have completely given up on John and now wants to be annoying and nasty to Dave instead. She has officially been downgraded from minor antagonist to obnoxious interloper.
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Tavros could only ever enjoy himself when he could escape to Prospit, be mobile, and most importantly fly. Nobody ever wants to talk about how Tavros has a lot of avoidance issues, how he always shrinks away from action and confrontation, and how he copes with adversity through escapism (both in a figurative sense through his interest in fantasy, and in a literal sense when he dreams on Prospit). A big part of his character comes from Peter Pan, the archetype of childlike escapism! IDK man, it sucks to see people reduce him to this lovable, pure-hearted woobie while ignoring the key part of his character.
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Just like with Davesprite, Terezi just needed to send the right drawing for Dave's opinion of her to flip. Fantastic conflict resolution right there.
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[S] Descend is the End of Act flash for Act 4. It might be the most ambitious flash up to this point. Lots of guest artists contributed here, and it's at this point where Homestuck really begins to feel like a much more collaborative project instead of solely Hussie's work. I don't mean to discredit the music team when I say that, because they've been around since the start, but this feels more substantial since Homestuck is a primarily visual work.
Anyway, Bro slices a meteor in half to save Dave's life, and later has his rocket board transport Dave into the game safely. Chalk that up to his list of noble deeds to try and balance out his dastardly ones.
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Jack fucks shit up indiscriminately, so why does he spare WV? Feels a little out of character for him.
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The brief Jack and Bro fight is pretty sweet. I'm not a shonen guy, but I'm getting that same sort of energy from this. Knowing that Bro probably knew all about the kinds of monsters he'd have to fight in Sburb, he has probably been training for something like this for most of his life. Had Jack not gotten god powers, Bro probably could've wasted him.
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I like to think that Rose's merging with her doomed self is what causes her to act so destructive and nihilistic from this point on. She wants to destroy the game that killed her.
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So okay... when Dave and Rose gave John their bunnies for his present, both of them clearly put a lot of thought in their gifts. Dave gifted him a piece of merch from his favorite movie. Rose restored an old heirloom using John's previous gift to her. Jade assembled "a fun and completely ridiculous thing" that has no sentimental meaning and only carries a vague sense of importance.
Does she just not know what he likes? This is less a gesture of friendship and more of her blindly fulfilling the whims of Sburb. I really struggle to see how Jade fits in this friend group dynamic. She's like the weird kid that the others let hang around out of pity.
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Waow! After all that buildup with the box mystery, the bunny and Jack are going to have a showdown! Finally we can see what all the fuss is about and why this bunny is so important.
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... Or Jack can just fly away and they never fight at all. Cool Hussie. It's so cool how you spent several pages devoted to this plot point only to let it fizzle out like this. Incredible writing.
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How much time do you think elapsed between Grandpa bringing Dream!Jade's corpse aboard his airship and gutting, cleaning, stuffing, and mounting her? He probably did it all after he flew off, but I like to imagine him doing this all before that while Mom and Dad just stood around awkwardly waiting for him to finish.
Act 4 had its ups and its downs. A lot of downs. The ups also felt a little bittersweet because for every intriguing story hook like the Exile love triangle, Dave's relationship with Tavros, Rose and her mother, or anything involving Davesprite and doomed Rose, they all amount to nothing in the grand scheme of things.
Homestuck truly is a collection of fun ideas all unfortunately cobbled together by someone who doesn't know how to properly execute them in a story. The colorful art and the kickass music can only serve to cover up the flaws so much before the veneer peels and you see the ugly cracks underneath. I wish we lived in a world where Andrew "writing is easy" Hussie had an editor to salvage the good stuff and throw shit like ectobiology into the garbage.
If it sounds like I'm wrapping things up, think again. This journey isn't over yet. It's time for Act 5! People like to joke about how you should skip all the way to that one, but after everything I've read so far... I wouldn't blame anyone if they did.
Read the next post here.
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slashthrashandcrash · 4 months
Okay, I had to go see what JedMEg was for myself and now I'm hooked. Can you talk more about them? Like does Meg ever find out the truth and how she reacts, for example?
I had to go digging for the last ask (here) about them just to remember where I left off in my insane ramblings lmao
So my original idea for this AU was that there is no fog, meaning once the Jed Olsen cover is purposely blown as per the lore, then it's totally game over, there's no Entity to whisk Danny away from the fall out. But that's part of the problem, isn't it? He's gone and gotten himself a little too attached to what was supposed to be a fake girlfriend, a girlfriend who's in love with a man that doesn't exist rather than the actor playing him.
Normally when he would snag himself a partner to accompany whatever persona he was putting on, Danny would kill them just before he skipped down. That satisfying moment of betrayal in their eyes, the soul crushing realization that everything was a facade, a convenience, that he never even liked them enough to give them a quick death no matter how many sweet "I love you"s he told them prior. As well as just another "fuck you" to the cops and community for how close under their noses he had been all along.
But he can't do that with Meg. He has no idea why, it was never this difficult before, but he's also never felt this way about any partner in general either. Fucking hell, he's really gone and gotten a crush on a pretty little redhead, huh? It doesn't matter, Jed Olsen was never someone who was meant to be around long term, and it's about high time he moves on since eyes are starting to shift towards him a bit. As much as it weirdly twists his heart to abandon Meg and leave her behind with the awful truth of who he really is to come out to the public afterwards, he knows it's for the best. Well...best for himself, anyways. And maybe for her, too, so that she's not entirely caught up in the shitstorm (of course, being the very public girlfriend of the now most wanted suspect in an ongoing murder case isn't going to be an easy ride...)
And Meg is beyond horrified to say the least. She still can't comprehend the entirety of the betrayal, that not only would her boyfriend leave her without a word, but that he would leave her because he was the very same murderer who had been harassing her for weeks! The one he was closely reporting on, the one whose ass Meg would try to kick every time he broke into her home, the one who used to threaten her "boyfriend" when they were in fact the same person. Everything she ever knew about him was a lie while she unfairly shared her whole heart to him. Not only that, but it's near impossible for her to try and imagine sweet, dorky, shy Jed being anything remotely close to a coldhearted killer. He couldn't even open a sauce jar half the time!! And you're telling her he can easily overpower multiple victims and haul their bodies around for sick poses???
Now Jed (?) is still out there, still on the loose, and Meg has no idea what to do. Reporters are hounding her for a statement. Police want to wring her dry for any clues or information that might help. People stare and spread rumors about just how "involved" she might have been from the start. And what if he decides to come back in the end, to tie up the loose end he left behind for whatever reason, is she even safe here anymore? Well, not for long, because that stupid ache in Danny's chest still hasn't subsided...it almost feels like it's gotten worse. It's not remorse or guilt, it's longing. He wants his bunny back, he liked how she felt sleeping in his bed and holding his hand and smiling so perfectly for a candid shot when she wasn't looking.
The dirty laundry has already been aired. They could start fresh, in theory. Whether she wanted to or not.
Although again, this was only the original idea I had when I first started making brainrot. There are so so so many new paths I've ended up concocting for them...if Meg found out Jed was a killer right before he left by catching him in the act or fitting in too many pieces herself...if Meg refused to believe Jed was the killer and was instead framed by Ghostface who she now has to hunt down for answers about Jed's real whereabouts...if they got taken into the fog shortly after that anyways per canon with Meg either not knowing or not believing that Jed is Danny/Ghostface while he keeps up the ruse to avoid her truly hating him (plus the outcome for when Meg does find out the truth while they're stuck in this hellhole)...if they were taken into the fog while he was still Jed and then him having to painfully confess why he was put into the killer camp and having to live with the heartbreak he's trapped her with...
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if-mirrormine · 11 months
mm cast interview
characters: grayson donohue, kennedy rose, alex colwell, kelsey montgomery, nora, callie, demetri renfied
words: 1969
**unedited//you guys ever watch kitchen nightmares?**
Hello and welcome to the very long-awaited character interview! I'm your host, Alli, and I have with me today the cast of Mirror Mine!
Kelsey: They know what's going on; let's speed this up a bit, shall we?
(Grayson nudges her and she rolls her eyes but holds her tongue.)
I suppose we should just jump into it! I'll start with Kelsey, since she seems to have volunteered herself. First question; what made you become a detective?
Kelsey: (shrug) Why does anyone? To help those unable to help themselves. To bring justice to those who need it most.
How noble of you! And what were your impressions of the other cast members?
Kelsey: (she tilts her head to the side and hums) Gray was still a rookie when I first met him; I thought he was a total idiot that couldn't tell his arse from his elbow. But he's since grown on me and (eye roll) is actually quite competent and good at his job.
Grayson: (grinning) Thanks, Kels.
Kelsey: Yeah, whatever. Nora, I adore; she made me feel warm and welcome immediately. And she makes the best ratatouille I've ever tasted. I don't interact a lot with Callie, but they seem alright. Alex is way too happy-go-lucky for my liking but to each their own. And I like Kennedy; she seems to be the only one with her head screwed on straight.
And what about Demetri?
Kelsey: (deadpan) I said all I have to say.
Well... alright then! My next question is for Nora; how did it feel to raise two children on your own? Is there anything you would've changed?
Nora: It wasn't easy... those first couple of years were especially difficult. It was like suddenly not having any legs to stand on, I lost my balance a couple of times. But I'm so proud of who they grew up to be and I wouldn't have changed anything. Well, (dark chuckle) except maybe having my husband around.
(Demetri shifts in his seat, his eyes on the floor.)
Is there a specific memory that you'd consider to be your favourite?
Nora: Oh, there are just so many... (pause) I think if I had to choose, it would be Callie's first Christmas. Demetri and I had decided to keep the celebration small instead of inviting our family over, so it was just the four of us. MC was so excited to help Cal unwrap their presents that they didn't even care about their own. We spent the day in our pyjamas, let the kids watch cartoons and play with their new toys... it was the perfect day.
Demetri, would you say that's your favourite memory too?
Demetri: Like Nora said, there are too many to choose from but... that was a really good one.
But it's not your favourite. (He shakes his head.) And if you had to choose?
Demetri: The day I married Nora.
(Nora looks away to the floor and chews on the inside of her cheek.)
Let's move on, shall we? Alex! What is it about Grayson that makes u tease him so much?
Alex: (grinning) He just makes it so easy. He's a walking treasure trove of material.
(Grayson crosses his arms over his chest and grumbles quietly to himself.)
Alex: See what I mean?
Why did you choose paediatric surgery?
Alex: Well, I like children and I like helping people; so, when I realised I could do both, it was an easy choice to make.
But surely that must make things worse when things go wrong?
Alex: (serious) Of course; it's always really difficult to lose a patient but I understand that sometimes there's simply nothing that can done, even if you've done everything in your power to make it not so. A lot of doctors struggle with blaming themselves when things go wrong and I used to too, but I've learned that I can't let myself get swept up in my grief or my next patient might suffer too.
I like that; I think that makes you a great doctor. Now on a lighter note: what made you like MC in high school?
Alex: (with a surprised laugh) Oh, I... don't actually know. I just remember thinking that I needed to talk to them and get to know them, you know? And after our first date, I just wanted more and more.
And how did it feel when you broke up the first time?
Alex: Oof, not great. I was an idiot to let them believe I didn't care for them as much I did - as much as I still do - and that's one of my biggest regrets. I was so relieved when they agreed to get back together; I'd felt like I'd been drowning without them but as soon as they were by my side, I could breathe again.
That's so romantic! I think my next few questions will be for Grayson!
Grayson: (with a nervous smile) I'm ready.
What was the hardest thing for you when MC disappeared?
Callie: (scoff) Jeez, Alli; don't hold back.
(Nora shushes Callie.)
Grayson: (after clearing his throat) You mean besides losing my best friend? I guess losing MC meant losing myself in a way. For so long I'd seen us as me and MC that when it was suddenly just me, I didn't really know how to act anymore. I don't think I'll ever be the same person I was ten years ago.
(Kelsey reaches out to rub his back and he gives her a tight-lipped smile.)
That must've been tough. We've talked quite a bit about the past and favourite memories; do you have one of the MC?
Grayson: My fourteenth birthday. I was supposed to spend it with my dad, but he had to work so MC did everything they could to cheer me up. I think about that day a lot whenever I need a smile.
And how did you realise that you were in love with them?
(He blinks in surprise but quickly regains his composure, his face red.)
Grayson: I guess when I started to look forward to seeing them every day. I'd wake up thinking about them, wondering what we'd do and talk about, and even if the day was objectively bad, I'd say it was good because I got to spend it with them.
I'll go easy on you for this last one: what's it like being a detective? Do you enjoy it as much as you think you would've enjoyed business?
Grayson: It's definitely... interesting. It's a lot more paperwork than I ever thought it would be, which is less than fun.
(Kelsey stifles a laugh and he cracks a smile at her reaction.)
Grayson: (cont.) But overall, I enjoy it; it's a lot different than business, that's for sure. As for whether I'd have enjoyed business more if I stayed... I'll never know for sure, but something tells me I made the right choice.
So mysterious... Let's pivot over to Kennedy!
Kennedy: (imitating Grayson) I'm ready.
(The cast laughs and Grayson does his best to hide a smile behind a look of annoyance.)
What made you choose teaching as a profession?
Kennedy: I always loved learning new things, no matter the subject so going to school every day was really exciting for me, unlike every other child alive, I'm sure. But one of the things that made it so great were the teachers who dedicated their lives to imparting their wisdom and knowledge. I wanted to have that same kind of impact.
And what do you like most about teaching?
Kennedy: Probably seeing that impact in action. (Smiling) So many students come in and out of my classroom and I love knowing that I had a hand, or even just a pinky finger, in getting them where they want to be in life.
On the subject of students... do you have a favourite?
Kennedy: (with a stifled laugh) What kind of teacher would I be if I answered that question?
So that's a 'yes'?
(She makes a gesture of sealing her lips.)
Okay, how about my next question; what do you look for in a partner?
(She thinks for a moment before nodding decisively)
Kennedy: All the usual things; patience, kindness, a sense of humour... someone who I can spend the whole day with without having to say a word in order to be comfortable or show my love for them. Someone I can trust wholeheartedly to catch me when I fall, to lead me when I can't see.
Do you think you've met such a person yet?
Kennedy: (with a wistful smile) Possibly.
Alright, don't tell me... I've got some questions for Callie.
Callie: Hit me.
What's your favourite thing on the menu at the restaurant?
Callie: That mom makes? I'd kill a man for her calzone. But if we're talking about my personally curated dessert menu; I simply can't choose, they're all perfect. (Beat) With that being said, I always recommend the beignets to anyone who'll listen.
Good to know... did you always want to be a pastry chef?
Callie: (shrug) Guess so. I did get forklift certified a couple years back but there's just something about baking that kept pulling me back.
Alex: I think the something you're looking for is that baked goods are delicious.
Callie: (nodding) That'll do it.
My next question is a bit of a hard hitter... what is one thing you've always wanted to say to MC but never did?
Callie: My favourite colour is sage green.
(Nora nudges them, giving them a meaning look and they roll their eyes before crossing their arms over their chest and looking at the floor.)
Callie: Fine, I guess... I don't want to you to hate me. I know I wasn't the best sibling to you, especially those few years before you disappeared, I wasn't very nice, but I didn't mean it. (They take a deep breath.) For a while I was jealous of you... you had more friends than I ever did, you were better at a lot of things than me, you knew dad a lot longer than me... I thought it was unfair, but it was even more unfair for me to take it out on you even though it wasn't your fault. Then you disappeared and I was just so angry at myself for wasting so much of our time together resenting you -
(They're cut off by a choked sob and Nora quickly wraps her arms around them.)
Callie: (crying) I'm sorry, MC; please don't hate me.
They don't hate you, Cal; I can promise you that. (Beat) To wrap everything up, my last few questions are for Demetri.
Demetri: This should be fun... let's hear it then.
First question: what is wrong with you?
(He snorts, hiding his laughter behind a fist.)
Demetri: How much time do you have?
Evidently, not enough... next question: why did you leave your family ten years ago?
Demetri: (with a sad smile) You know I can't answer that.
I had to ask. I suppose I'll settle for the next best thing: do you regret leaving?
Demetri: Yes, it was the worst decision I've ever had to make.
Knowing how everything turned out, would you do it again if given the choice?
(Nora watches him with tears in her eyes and he turns his head to look at her and Callie, an unreadable look on his face.)
Demetri: Yes. (He looks away and Nora squeezes her eyes shut causing tears to slip down her face.) There's nothing I'd change either.
Well; this has all been very... enlightening. Thank you so much for joining me today and thank you to everyone who sent in questions. Couldn't have done it without you! And now, as they say in the biz; it's Christmas, let's go home!
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mothhue · 5 months
ello! If it's ok i have a few questions to ask about ahuw if that's ok?
1: I'm curious how Vanessa's ice works considering this au is underwater, does she still have ice magic or has it been replaced with something else?
And 2: how does the tale of queen Vanessa play out? I know some AU's slightly change the events and with the possibility of ice being out of the equation how did Vanessa destroy the village?
I'm sorry if these questions seem odd I was hoping to make some fanart and I've had these questions in my head for awhile once again i hope I'm not annoying you with them and I wish you a nice day!
-your local socially anxious Subcon nerd
Hello! yes it's absolutely ok to ask me anything! (asks are always a delight to get, it makes me very happy to see people interested in my stuff!) And they're not odd or annoying at all, I get to ramble about Subcon now hehehe here we go
1: Well Vanessa's powers are the same as in she can freeze things and create ice. However it's a bit less intense as it's harder to completely freeze the entire body of water around you. It has much less effect than the base game, mostly just covering the surface of any structure she's touching/standing on with ice, and when the 'everyone dying' thing happens the only thing that actually gets covered in ice directly is the manor and the area around it.
2: Now you might be thinking if only the manor froze, how did everyone die? So first we're gonna have a brief fun science time :D
so here's the fun thing about freezing seawater: then it freezes, it releases salt particles to the water around it, which creates this extra salty, dense and absolutely freezing saline water. And when it interacts with nonfrozen, regular seawater it creates... you guessed it, more ice! (I'm not an expert on this stuff or anything though so take it with a grain of.....ʰᵉʰᵉʰᵉ salt) So what basically happened is that 1) the manor froze, 2) which made the entire area around it freezing saline water, 3) which met with the rest of subcon and dropped the temperature of it significantly along with creating a whole lot of ice everywhere. Which... probably wasn't the best thing for anyone living in it. I mean, imagine you're living your best life and all of a sudden the temperature just. DROPS. yeah I don't think your body is gonna react to that well (at the very least send you into cold shock), and I imagine it would be way worse for cold- blooded fishfolk.
other than that are changes not that important to the story (the prince's chains are different, stuff like that), aand that's about it! ty for asking and wishing me a nice day :D have a great one as well
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dead-lights · 3 months
deadcanons: the vatores (earlyish stuff)
I've been slowly typing up headcanons lately while I'm waiting on renders - I'll put them up as I finish them! These are my ramblings about what I think the vatores' early vampire years were like, starting a bit before Lilith turned and ending around when Caleb was a prime vampire. This is pretty long.
Caleb, Lily, and Lilith were born in Veronaville in the late 1930s/early 1940s, meaning they came of age as occults in the 1960s.
Lilith met Vlad shortly after her parents, along with Lily’s, died in a horrific car accident back in the good ol’ days before cars were required to have seat belts (which btw, in the US wasn't until 1968). He preyed on her grief and her fear of death and human weakness. At the time, Lily was lost in her own grief and Caleb was jealous of the attention Lilith was getting from Vlad.
While Vlad was absolutely manipulating Lilith, she did ask to be turned.
Caleb was super naive when Lilith first turned. He thought he’d be able to spend time with his sister as usual and didn’t recognize the danger in being the lone mortal barhopping with a bunch of unruly vampires. Lilith used to hang out with the Rebellious Vampires amongst others, soooooo...
Lilith told her new vampire friends that Caleb was off-limits. No feeding, no turning.
Caleb had fairly recently finished culinary school, and was working as a sous chef in an Italian restaurant. He was so stoked.
Though Lilith respected the fact that becoming a vampire would destroy Caleb’s life - you can be a vampire, you can be an Italian chef, but you definitely cannot be both - she quickly realized that she didn’t want to do the occult thing or live the immortal life without the people she loved. Shortly before Caleb was turned, he and Lilith talked it out and decided that he should become a spellcaster, with the hope that he could cure Lily with magic and make her a spellcaster too, and then they could all be immortal together. Miss Hell got to him before he could figure out where the portal was, and their relationship with Lily only got worse from there.
Miss Hell was turned a few years before Lilith was, but they became minor vampires at around the same time. They were rivals for Vlad’s approval, and he had fun playing them off each other. Very much a "Daddy loves ME best!!!" kinda dynamic.
Miss Hell is kind of a shitty vampire - like I get big Team Rocket vibes off of her. Caleb surpassed her within a few decades.
After some petty disagreement between Lilith and Miss Hell, Vlad suggested that turning Caleb would be a hilarious prank and a great way to get back at Lilith. Vlad wanted Caleb turned because it would give him an extra level of control over Lilith, but he didn’t want to do it himself because he thought (correctly) that Lilith would never forgive him, and might even leave the coven.
Caleb felt comfortable around his sister’s new vampire friends because he didn’t think any of them would go against Lilith’s order not to harm him. He didn’t realize that Miss Hell was more of a frenemy than a friend, so one night when she asked him if he’d like to find somewhere a little more private, he really didn’t think it’d be his blood getting sucked.
Lilith was not amused by Miss Hell’s “hilarious prank.” After she found Caleb and got him safely home, she stormed over to Vlad’s mansion and tried to beat Miss Hell to death with her bare hands in front of the entire coven. At this point, Lilith had started to develop supernatural strength, and she would’ve ripped Miss Hell’s shriveled heart right out of her chest if Vlad hadn’t called her off. Vlad was very impressed by Lilith’s ferocity. She gained his favor, but he lost her loyalty. Miss Hell wound up sidelined.
Caleb has always served as Lilith’s moral compass. She is aware that she is selfish and lacks empathy - she has trouble truly caring about anyone except Caleb and Lily - and she doesn’t like that about herself. She deeply loved and respected her parents and feels bad that she struggles to live by the values they taught her. Caleb, on the other hand, has their father’s compassion and patience (as well as his ambitious and materialistic traits), and she generally looks to him as the authority on what their parents would’ve wanted. After Caleb turned, he got fully caught up in the chaos and debauchery, turning his back on the person he was. Without Caleb to moderate her worst impulses, she fully embraced her darker side.
Caleb’s journey back to the light started when he developed his guilty drinker weakness as a minor vampire. I don’t see this as just switching on like it does in-game, but rather developing over time. He had trouble figuring out what was happening to him for a long time, and it’s not like Vlad had any advice for him beyond “stop being a goddamn baby.”
Caleb met Inna at a gala the Bloodvein coven was hosting when he was a minor vampire. Bloodvein, her owner at the time, had her mesmerized and was more or less showing her off like a trophy or pet (like this promotional render). Something about that made Caleb deeply uncomfortable, though he wasn’t entirely sure why.
At that point, Caleb was struggling to maintain his place in the coven - Vlad was increasingly disappointed in him and Caleb badly wanted to win back his approval, so he had the idea to pull a hilarious prank against Bloodvein for some perceived slight. He thought it would make him look cool in front of Vlad. At first he thought about drinking from Inna - feeding on another vampire’s thrall is an enormous mark of disrespect - but something about that made him feel deeply uncomfortable, so he decided to turn her instead, essentially doing to her what Miss Hell did to him. He still feels deeply conflicted about the whole thing - he legitimately was not trying to help her and he didn’t ask permission, and yet it ended up being the best thing that could’ve happened to her. They've remained friends, though he feels incredibly guilty when he's around her.
Lilith started coming back to herself when she realized just how miserable Caleb was. If feeding on humans made Caleb feel that bad, they must be doing something horrific, even if it didn’t feel that way to her. She started making plans to get her and Caleb out of the coven.
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belle--ofthebrawl · 5 months
Mushy May 2024 days 4 & 5: First Aid and Animals.
No animals are hurt, there is a therapy dog!
Not what I had in mind as the first installment of the Hell on Wheels Au, but I suppose it would be appropriate to call it an introductory crash course. Basically it's a human au where they're all into bikes and cars and rollerblades, with a little bit of mystery sprinkled in regarding the Emeritus family and the role they play in a predominantly Catholic town, led by the good (?) Father Defroque.
Rating: General with a blink and you'll miss it hanky code reference.
Word Count: 2.5k
Characters: Aurora, Aeon, Sunny, Aether, Dewdrop.
As always, thanks to @forlorn-crows for putting the event together and @askingforthesun for being interested in this au that I once thought would never make it out of my head. The worst injury I've ever suffered required a mere six stitches so if any description of the fracture and sprain and mild head injury is unrealistic, I apologize and blame it on the ghouls still being extraordinarily resilient even as humans.
“Rory!” Aeon yells as soon as she goes down, nearly crashing his own bike as he tries to stop in time. She's on the ground in a heap, all he can hear is the sick crack of her helmet when she fell. He shoves his bike to the side and off the trail as he rushes to her, heart pounding and palms sweaty under his fingerless gloves.
“God, fuck, Rory-” She's not moving. Is she unconscious or just unable to? His hands are shaking as he pats her over, takes her pulse, checks to see if the sprawl of her limbs is unnatural, if there's a bend where there shouldn't be. 
“Rory!” He repeats, heart pounding in his ears. Her helmet is still in one piece, no sign of cracking or damage so that means she's got to be okay, right? Why isn't she answering him? 
His first instinct is to lift her up under the arms, get her off the trail in case someone else came along but he freezes. Wasn't there something about not moving people after a bad fall? Something with their spine…what if he made it worse? What if his best friend was paralyzed because he tried to help her? And what if she was paralyzed already anyway? Dammit, why had he told her his first aid knowledge was good enough? There was a lot in her pack but the most he could do was clean up the scrapes and bandage them. Why isn't she waking up?
She groans quietly and he could cry with relief. 
“I'm calling for help.” He says, “Rory, I’m right here.” 
Her hand is moving feebly on the ground; he grabs it and squeezes it to let her know he won't leave. A futile gesture when he pulls out his phone and thumbs the pattern only to see the little exclamation mark that tells him there's no service. They're too deep in the trail.
“Oh fuck.” He mutters.
Aurora groans again, struggles out of Aeon's grip to pry her helmet off. Her dark hair is stuck to her flushed skin in sweaty clumps but there's no blood that he can see.
“Ow…” she hisses, touching her head gingerly. Aeon, a flash of an old first aid class coming back to him, turns on his flashlight, checks her pupils. They both react to the light, a good sign. She's looking around, brow furrowed. He can't tell if that's a good or bad sign.
“My bike…?” She asks, in typical Aurora fashion.
“Looks fine.” Aeon says after he checks over his shoulder for it. “What year is it?”
“I dunno, I’ve had it since I was little.” She answers and he frowns. “Oh, you mean this year. Right, concussion check.” She tells him, then says. “That's going on the channel.” She mumbles. “You got that footage, right?”
Her GoPro. It's still filming from its secure place, strapped around his neck. He could laugh. He could scream. After taking an awful fall like that, all she's thinking about is her vlogging channel?
“Can you stand up?” He asks, but she’s already trying, slowly working her way up to a sitting position.
“Feels great.” She wheezes, flopping back down with a wince. “Just gonna…take five.”
She reaches for her shoulder now, revealing a large and ugly scrape on her forearm, blood already coagulating into a filthy mixture with the dirt. That he can help with, as soon as he fetches the black cylinder strapped to the frame of Aurora's bike. Inside is anything he might need for this exact situation if he had the brains to use it but self deprecation isn't going to help Aurora. The wipes, the little ibuprofen packs and the gauze is what's going to help her right now. Any idiot could figure it out, he tells himself. 
Aurora grits her teeth at the sting of the wipes on her raw skin but bears it with patience as Aeon clumsily wraps her up. He tucks the ibuprofen under her tongue at her insistence; apparently it enters the bloodstream faster that way. He guesses it makes sense. Not like he hurts himself this regularly to know anything about the fine usages of painkillers. Still, he makes her swallow down some water so her mouth isn't too dry.
And then there isn't any more he can do. She can't even sit up without crying out in pain, clutching her side and even though she isn't saying anything, he's pretty sure there's something wrong with her ankle too. He saw the way she’d gotten tangled in the bike when she went down, an awful replay he can't shut off. He manages to coax her off the main trail, dragging under her arms while she kicks with her left foot to help. Props her up against a tree, gives her his snacks.
“Go.” Aurora says. “I promise I won't pass out.”
“If I meet up with anyone, I’ll have them get help and come straight back.” He promises. 
She tries to laugh and it hurts to see it. The sound of her coughing follows him as he picks up his bike and starts trekking back to the start. It takes him longer on foot but after seeing Rory crash like that, he's a bit wary of his own bike at the moment, his own skills too new to be tested and risk hurting himself. Only when he clears the jumping areas and sets down on the flat starting section of the trail does he get back on and peddle. From there it's easy and it isn't much longer until he's dismounting again, pulling off his helmet and checking his phone for service. The single bar he gets is almost taunting him. 
He's about to dial when a dog barks, then another. A cheerful voice cries out in return and from around the corner on the road comes the strangest sight he’s ever seen; a woman on rollerblades dressed like it's the 80’s being skated over the asphalt by a team of half a dozen mismatched dogs.
“Excuse me?!” Aeon calls out, abandoning his bike to break out in a jog. “Miss? Ma’am? Hello?”
“Stop!” The woman bellows joyously and somehow, each and every dog comes to a halt. Some sit, while others lay down and others still stand and guard the woman that serenely rollerblades through them like a sea of fur and slobber.
“Hey, honey.” She says with a bright grin. “What can Sunny do for you?”
“My friend, she's on the bike trail-” he starts. “Something went wrong on a jump and she crashed, she can't move, and I-”
“Breathe.” The woman says at the same time a cold, wet nose touches his overheated hand. He looks down into the friendly eyes of a golden retriever, who licks at his fingers. 
“Breathe,” the woman says again. Sunny. She introduced herself as Sunny. The golden retriever nudges his palm and he grabs hold of its fur. “You got someone who needs help, I can help.”
“I gotta get back to her.” He blurts out. “Please, an ambulance.”
“I know sweetie, I know.” All the exuberance from her expression is gone, but there's no worry in her eyes. Just determination and Aron trusts her immediately. She unclips a lead from her belt and passes to him.
“Let me take this crew back to my car while you take Sweetness there and get back to Aurora; she's an ex-therapy dog and knows her way around someone in pain.”
He thanks Sunny, watches her take off the way she came with her odd little crew and looks down at the dopey, panting grin of Sweetness the golden retriever staring back up at him.
“I didn't tell her who my friend was.” He says, befuddled. Sweetness just blinks and tries to check his pockets for treats.
She's coughing again when he gets back to her, setting his bike down and untying Sweetness' leash from it. For a dog going grey around the muzzle, the golden had kept up surprisingly well and it's with a tail waving like a flag that she beelines to Aurora, nudging her way under her arm and licks the dried tears off her face.
“Cinnamon?” Aurora asks, sounding confused. “How did you-”
“I met a woman on skates with a lot of dogs.” Aeon says, sitting down on her other side. “Do you two know each other?”
“Oh yeah.” Aurora says, kissing the dog’s head. “This is Little Miss Cinnamon Pooh Sweetness the 3rd. Her full name by the way, but everyone calls her Sweetness for short.”
“No.” Aeon says patiently. “The dog walker.”
“Oh, probably Sunshine. One of Mountain's friends. Good!” The exclamation sends her into another coughing fit that she tries to swallow down with water. “She's gonna get Aether, he volunteers at the free clinic.  Oh he's hot, you're gonna love him.”
“You have several debilitating injuries and all you can talk about is your damn influencer career and how hot some rando is.” He carefully ruffles her hair, avoiding the tender spot she touched earlier.  “One of these days, you’ll fall and get some sense knocked into you.”
“Til then, there's you.” She says, poking her tongue out with a wink. Aeon sighs loudly and scrubs at his face, staring up at the sky.
“Yeah.” He says. “I guess I can be your common sense.”
Aurora is right though. Aether is hot when he stumbles up on them, jogging at a neat pace with a whole-ass red paneled wagon stocked with supplies and Aeon isn't sure if laughing is appropriate. The way Sweetness bwoofs and wiggles away to try and herd Aether closer to Aurora doesn't help at all. He just scratches her absently, even feeds her a treat from his pocket. Good with dogs and good looking? 
“Aurora.” He says sternly, looking down at the both of them. Aeon thinks that if the guy wasn't trying to be professional, he’d probably say something like “not this shit again”.
“My knight in khaki armor.” She says dreamily.  “I think I cracked my rib again. And there's something with my ankle.”
“Again?!” Aeon says in disbelief. 
“Again.” Aether confirms, mouth in a firm line as he squints. Aurora dimples up at him, lifting her arms as gently as she can, making grabby hands.
“Uppies?” she asks sweetly. “C’mon, show off those muscles to my buddy here, Aeth.” 
Aether looks at Aeon, who sweats under the stony gaze. 
“Can you help?” He asks. “I’d like to get her in the wagon without too much jostling.”
He might not be a beefcake like this guy, but Aeon still considers himself decently strong. Plus, Rory weighs like, a buck fifteen soaking wet. It's clumsy but they manage, with Rory hissing and cussing the whole time but it just makes Aether smile, shockingly.  He surveys his grumpy passenger and nods.
“I would be more worried if she wasn't cursing us to hell and back.” Aether says, picking up the handle of the wagon. “This isn't going to be a smooth ride, but it's definitely not the worst situation you’ve been in.”
“We hoped she would grow out of it,” Aeon confides. Sweetness is carrying her own lead, leaving Aeon free to haul the two bikes. If Aether can pull Aurora, he can carry them bikes without complaining. Out loud, anyway. “But as you can probably see, her sense of self preservation is about as stunted as her height.”
“Boo, cheap shot!” Aurora says, sticking her tongue out at him. Aether chuckles, directing the wagon away from a stone jutting out of the ground.
“Learned that pretty quick after she moved in.” He says. “She sprained her wrist her first day in town at the skatepark.”
“Yeah, she sent me a picture of it.” 
“Not having fun until I draw blood.” Aurora sings, then quietly mutters ouch.
“Hang on, princess.” Aether says with a smile that makes Aeon's heart skip a beat. There's a flash of metal from a silver tooth. God, could he get any hotter? “We’ll getcha taken care of.”
Aether's ride isn't what Aeon is expecting. It's a bright red mini-van, handicap accessible that easily takes Aurora in her wagon. Aether fusses over her, making sure she's strapped in as best he can manage, directs Aeon to the passenger seat after loading the bikes in and doesn't even put the key in the ignition until everyone's seatbelt has clicked. Sweetness makes a space for herself under the wagon, thumping her tail when Aurora coos her name.
“Can you believe this guy won the demolition derby at the county fair last year?” Aurora teases from the back as they set off, just a hair over the speed limit.
“That was outside of working hours.” Aether says primly.
“Real mean at bumper cars too.”  Aurora says. “I mean, brutal.”
“I reiterate.” Aether says, clicking his blinker on a full six seconds before he switches lanes. “Outside work hours.”
They don't go to the hospital. Aether makes a face when Aeon questions him and chews his lip before answering.
“It's…” he starts, then sighs.
“I'm not fucking going there.” Aurora interjects. “Not after the horror stories I’ve heard from the others.”
“Horror stories?” Aeon asks. His mind immediately goes to ghosts walking the halls at night, doctors killing people for their organs, corpses rising from the morgue in the basement but the explanation as Aether puts it is rather boring.
“It's a Catholic based hospital.” He says. “Very Catholic.”
“Your suffering is a test from God type of Catholic.” Aurora scoffs. “Sure, the doctors are good but there's crucifixes and crosses everywhere, the nurses are nuns who were too mean for the parochial school and saying you don't want to be prayed over gets you marked as non-compliant in your file.”
“They can't do that.” Aeon says incredulously. 
“Privatized healthcare.” Aether mutters. “Thankfully, there's an anonymous donor who sponsored the opening of a free clinic in town. Not to brag, but we have just as good a team and equipment as the other guys.”
“If you say the hospital’s name you have to spit.” Aurora stage-whispers. 
“Gross.” Aeon replies, fascinated.
“The staff are better looking too.” Aurora says in a normal voice, making goo-goo eyes at the rearview mirror. “Delta still single?”
“And not looking to settle.” Aether says with a smile.
“Neither am I.” Aurora says with an equally crooked grin. Aeon fiddles with the window button and wonders if he’ll ever have a normal day in this new place. The rest of the drive is silent save for the classics station Aether flips on. At one point, they pull up at a four-way stop and get revved at by a motorcyclist who Aeon is pretty sure has the right of way.
“Thanks, Dew.” Aether calls as they drive past the biker. “See you tonight?”
The biker pulls a red and black striped handkerchief from their back pocket and waves, which is enough of an answer to make Aether laugh.
“I love how he just has that ready.” Aurora says. “Also, you should be ashamed of yourself, cruising for booty with an injured lady in your backseat.”
“You're no lady.” Aeon and Aether say at the same time.
“Owe me a coke.” Aeon says quickly and the way Aether chuckles  makes his heart do flippy things. Even if it's offset by Aurora gagging in the background.
Aurora's taken in by the aforementioned Delta, who doesn't react to her flirting save for a crinkling of their eyes behind the mask they wear.
"They have the technology." Aurora calls as she's wheeled through a set of swinging doors. "They can rebuild me!"
"She's something else." Aether says with a shake of his head. "I'm gonna call Sunny and let her know it's taken care of. Then I can get you signed up for a first aid course, if you're willing."
"Absolutely." Aeon says. He doesn't ever want to feel helpless again, doesn't want something worse to happen and not be ready to handle it. Aether slips behind Delta's desk and spends a few minutes typing.
"I can schedule you for a check-up as well, get you in the system. Why don't you take a seat in the waiting room over there? We got new magazines."
"That's really nice of you." Aeon says earnestly. "Thanks."
"My pleasure." Aether says sincerely. "It's what I do." Aeon takes a seat on a comfy pleather chair, Sweetness laying down beside him. He looks over the magazines, spends a few minutes reading an article about exotic trail reviews then gets too fidgety and turns on the television. It opens to a local news station, a pretty, immaculately made up reporter talking about local crime.
"-any information regarding the theft, please reach out to the sheriff or Father Defroque." She's saying. "Back to you, Brad."
"Robbery?" He asks Aether, who shrugs.
"Not like the money was going towards anything important." He says dismissively. "Don't trust the church, kid. Not in this town."
"Never have." Aeon says, gut squirming in suspicion at the way the priest currently being interviewed smiles. Something about him seems...too friendly. Too kind. Artificial. In comparison to Aether, the man is almost slimy. "Never will."
"Atta boy." Aether says and the tone of his voice almost makes Aeon blush.
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vioartemis · 2 years
We all go a little mad sometimes
(Amber Freeman x fem! Carpenter! Loomis! reader)
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Summary: Being Billy Loomis' daughter and having the opportunity to continue your father's legacy with your girlfriend is enough to make you happy, until you realize that means your sister will probably hate you a/n: There's no logic at some point don't question it please TvT and don't get me wrong, I really like Sam, but I had to be mean to her in this ;-; Request is here :)) Warnings: blood, injuries, death, slight angst (?) (English isn't my first language, I'm sorry if there are mistakes or if something doesn't make sense TvT)
•°¯`•• 3 years before Ghostface appears again (2019) ••´¯°•
Tonight was a date night at your girlfriend's house. She wanted to watch Stab again. Not that you didn't like the movie, but you wouldn't mind watching something else for once.
There was something that upset you for a week or so, and this movie only made things worse. You knew Amber was a huge fan of the Stab movies, and you couldn't help but think it had an influence on your relationship.
"Baby? Everything's okay?"
You looked up at your girlfriend.
"Yeah I was just... thinking"
You gave her a reassuring smile. You weren't sure she was all convinced, but she didn't investigate more and went back to watching the movie, playing with your hair softly.
You didn't say anything for an hour, before let it out without any warning.
"You're not dating me just because I'm Billy's daughter right?"
She seemed surprised by your question. You sat up, now facing her.
"What? Of course not! Why would you think that?"
"I don't know... it's just... you're so pretty and fun and smart and amazing and everyone likes you and you could pull every fucking person on earth but you're dating me... I don't understand how someone like you can be interested in someone like me"
She seemed even more shocked than before.
"Baby..." she took your hands "I don't care who your father is, I didn't even know when we started dating. I fell in love with a beautiful girl, the most beautiful girl I've ever met. You're so kind, generous, talented, and you don't even see it. But I do. I love you for who you are, and you're an amazing person"
With that, she placed a gentle kiss on your lips. You were relieved.
•°¯`•• 2022 ••´¯°•
This part of the plan was the one you hated the most, even though you didn't have to do much. Amber and Richie were taking care of everything, you just had to pretend you were with Amber all night long while she was attacking Tara. Your sister.
You loved Tara almost as much as you loved Amber. But you had to make Sam come back to Woodsboro in some way, and one of her sisters getting hurt was the best thing you came up with.
When Amber came back that night, the first thing you asked was if Tara was okay. Stupid question knowing your girlfriend stabbed her 6 times.
"She's alive, don't worry"
Killing her wasn't part of the plan, you made it very clear. You sighed in relief.
"And you? Are hurt?" you asked
"I'm fine, just got kicked in the head, nothing bad"
She smiled at you and wrapped her arms around your waist, pulling you closer to her.
"Everything's going to be okay baby, soon we'll leave Woodsboro and start a new life together..."
She kissed you lazily, her eyes fluttering shut as she fell asleep.
"Welcome to act 3"
This sentence marked the begging of the last part of your plan. After Amber shot Liv, you faked running away like the others, only to lock yourself in a broom closet and put on a Ghostface costume.
You had to bring Gale inside of the house while Amber and Richie took care of Sam and Sidney.
"Oh so there's two of you. Again."
You turn on your voice changer.
"Three actually. We had to bring something new to the franchise. This time you're not surviving the massacre Gale, the fans don't like heroes that always make it."
You grabbed her arm and pulled her up.
"Let's go. You wouldn't want to miss the big finale would you?"
"You know, that's usually when they take off their mask and show who they are while explaining their plan"
"Guess I'm different then"
You pushed her toward the house. Everyone should be in the kitchen by now.
As you entered the hall, you made eye contact with your girlfriend, giving her the signal.
"Speaking of surprises... We have one for you" she smirked at Sidney and Sam
You pushed Gale inside the room for Richie to grab her arm, before stepping in too, turning your voice changer off.
"There's three of you...? But Y/n and Tara are going to call the police and send you all to jail you sick fucks! If you think they're going let you get away with that you've gone mad! " Sam spat
"We all go a little mad sometimes" you said, taking the mask off, revealing yourself
The expression on your sister's face almost made you pity her. Almost.
"How did I do?" you asked your girlfriend, a smile on your face
"Nailed it baby"
She walked up to you and kissed you tenderly.
You turned around to face your older sister.
"You didn't think you could disappear for 5 whole years and come back as if nothing happened, did you?"
"I already told you I left because-"
"Because you're Billy Loomis' daughter and you wanted to protect us. I remember that. But guess what? I'm his daughter too! You didn't go that far in mom's diaries huh?"
"You've become exactly what I wanted to protect you from..."
"Sam Sam Sam... This has nothing to do with our dad. All of this is because of you. Because you left us alone with mom. She spent her time drinking to the point she passed out on the couch - when she was at home, which didn't happen that often. You left us alone. Do you have any idea how broken Tara was after you left? How broken I was? You were our model!"
You started to tear up. You had that on your heart for so many years, it felt good to let go.
Your girlfriend rubbed your arm, a worried expression on her face.
"You okay baby...?"
"Yeah, I'm... fine"
Richie and Amber explained their motive to the girls, before he sent her find Tara.
"She's not here!"
"What do you mean she's not here? She's can't have gone far!"
"I can't find her!"
Suddenly, you heard her scream. You got up immediately.
"You handle handle them?"
He gave you a "who do you think I am?" look. You didn't waste more time and ran to where you thought Amber was.
You found her on the floor, Tara on top of her, hitting her with her crutch. You grabbed her by the waist and pinned her to the floor, gently.
"Y/n...? You-"
Her eyes widen at the sight of the black robe you were wearing. She started to struggle against you.
"Tara- stop- please-"
You tried to keep her still. But to do so, you had you push on her abdomen. She hissed in pain. You didn't like hurting her. You felt really bad, and she should've see it in your eyes, because she stopped moving.
Amber went back into the kitchen, and you could hear her scream again. You gave a hesitant look to your sister, not sure she wouldn't move if you let go of her.
"Please don't do anything stupid... I don't want you to get hurt..."
You got up quickly and ran to the kitchen, where Gale and Sidney were fighting Amber. You stabbed Gale before she could see you and pushed her away from Amber. Her head hit the counter, and she fell on the floor.
You didn't have time to check if she was dead or not, due to your head being hit by a pan, hard. You fell on the floor and passed out almost immediately.
When you woke up, you found yourself in the back sit of Amber's car. You were alive, with a big headache, and next to you...
Her eyes were red. She cried.
"Baby? How do you feel?"
You turned to Amber, driving.
"Yeah... and you?"
"Couldn't be better! We made it baby!"
She had a wild smile on her face.
"And you...?" you asked your sister
"I lost a sister... and my friends..." she had tears in her eyes
You took her hand in yours.
"I'm... sorry... you think you can forgive me...?"
"... You're all I have left... and I love you... but... that might be hard..."
You were praying she would forgive you one day, and were decided do to all you could to make sure she would be happy in your new life.
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moonstarlupinsworld · 5 months
For her and the world [PT. 2]
Ms. Weems X Wednesday X Reader
(Platonic relationship)
TW: Aftermath of poisoning, mentions of death, hospital, past trauma. 
A/N: Can you believe it took me over a year to realize that meant "author notes? And I'm in Ravenclaw, imagine that! Anyway, I just want to say I've been working on this for a while but didn't know the right way to portray what I wanted, that's why it took so long, but it's finally here.
Summary: It’s been almost two days since Ms. Thornhill decided to attack. Nevermore was a mess, but the students stopped the fire before things got even worse. But Ms. Weems can’t feel that calmness, not with you still unconscious at the hospital, trying your best to stay alive. 
Whoever said that dying was a painless process clearly has lied. The excruciating pain and the burning sensation of your lungs not getting enough air accompanied you as your brain finally detached from anything that could connect it to consciousness. You’ve often tried to imagine this exact moment, especially when you lay in bed, motionless and simply thinking about existence. In your altered mind you thought it was quick, and that as soon as you closed your eyes you entered whatever the afterlife was like. 
The reality was you entered some sort of dream. A dream about your life… At least that part was right, your brain decided to show you all the good moments before shutting down forever. 
It didn’t take much for the first memory to enter, and it wasn't a good one. You were around five, sitting on the floor with your toys all around your bedroom. Everything was quiet, the cassette mom had left for you still playing in the background.
“Everything you care about will burn to the ground!” you heard someone say in the office, “and in the process, everyone you love will be lost too.”
It sounded like… No, he couldn’t be here, not after saying all those mean things to mom. So you ignored it, trying to find the doll you’d left somewhere so she could sit on the wooden train. 
The door barged open, and there he was. His pupils were dilated, and he was sweating, barely blinking like a deer caught in the headlight, he almost looked like a maniac. Before you could react, he rushed to you and grabbed you by the arm in a rough movement, forcing you to stand up. You started crying as he frantically packed many toys in a bag, moving around and grabbing random clothes from your closet, dragging you around. 
“We’ll go… safe, I’ll keep you safe”, he whispered, “your mom thinks this school is everything… She didn’t even want you in the first place… I locked her in the office, just to have more time”. 
You tried to scream, kick, get out of his forceful grip around your wrist, but you couldn’t. What was he doing to you? He promised never to use his powers on you, he pinky swore. 
It was even more stressful to re-watch it from the outside, knowing that you couldn’t help that little kid in front of you. 
Thankfully, Larissa had managed to break the door lock, and was quick to use her high heel to knock him out, a clean hit to the head was enough. 
“My sweet little child” she whispered, carrying you in her arms, trying to ease your shaky state “There, there… Mom’s here, darling… No one shall harm you again.”
Ever since then, you used that bedroom as an office for any teacher who might need it. You were moved to one of the other three rooms in the small apartment hidden behind her office. And your bedroom was just a playroom now since you hated sleeping on your own again. 
After that, all the memories went by quickly. You were around six when they found you covered in Larissa’s makeup, marker doodles all around your clothes, and your hairstyle with new bangs (made by yourself). You saw yourself with mom at her important meetings, taking notes in your notebook with colored pens. Dancing with her cassettes and different vinyls late at night, singing along. Cooking your favorite foods together…
 You were a straight A’s student, the pride of every academy you attended, and the perfect, shy kid who never created major chaos. Everyone around you would say how lucky Ms. Weems was to have you as her child.
And of course, how could you not be perfect? You’ve seen her cry, knowing how hard it was to achieve that. You’ve heard the comments people made about her and the school. You’ve seen how much it took her to be where she was. You had to make the path as easy as you could for her, so she didn’t have to worry with you. When you were old enough to enter Nevermore, the distance between you got wider. You found your friends and were not sleeping that often at her quarters anymore. Thankfully, she realized it before it was too late, and you started being close again. 
All this small presentation was coming to an end, and before you could feel it, the last slide came by. It was late at night, and you were back at her quarters, helping with emails she had to send. 
“Y/n/n?” Larissa asked, looking at you with a smile, which you half replied, not taking your eyes from the laptop, “I don’t know if I have ever said this out loud, but I have never felt luckier in my life”
“Really?” you asked, distracted, signing the last email and sending it, “Did the chief finally give up on the whole ‘mysterious creature thing’?”
She laughed before asking you to turn off the computer. You did so, and she grabbed your hand. Even if you were just looking, you could almost feel her warm, comforting touch. 
“I feel lucky because I got you, silly child” she replied, looking at you with proud eyes, “you are everything to me, and honestly I don’t think I would have been able to endure much of what I did without you… I’m so proud of you”...
Everything went dark and empty, and after being in some sort of shock, accepting your own death, you panicked. No, you didn’t want to die. Not like this. Not alone in the dark. You’ve sacrificed yourself for the better, and now you were whining like a child. Does that make you a weak person? Does that invalidate your sacrifice?
Darkness surrounded you no matter the direction you took. Running in circles, you tripped with your foot, falling face first to the ground. Tears streamed down your cheeks, your breathing shallow as you tried to find something to ground you. There was no light at the end of the tunnel, only silence. A silence so deep you could hear your breathing, you could listen to your thoughts clear like water. Nothing was real. What was going on?
Your senses, overwhelmed, begged for the torture to stop. There was no purpose in trying to stand up, so you curled up in a ball, hugging your knees and closing your eyes. Every time you were feeling down, scared, or sad, Larissa had been there for you. She was always there, holding your hand, stroking your hair to calm all your aches down. You felt like that helpless child you once were, trying to find her in this nightmare. 
“Y/N?” An echoed voice flew across the emptiness, “I’m back, all right? I won’t go away anymore, promise”.
Your eyes opened, searching for the source of the sound. It was only you, the ground, and the darkness… After brushing away the tears with a rough hand movement, you listened, staying still. 
“I spoke with the cops again… they say it might be better for us to hide after you get better, just in case” she whispered. You recognize that voice, vaguely. “Donovan said you were really brave back there… Of course you were, you always are…”
Where was she? Sitting up, you keep on trying to find the source of her voice. You are sure now, that’s mom. Her voice started cracking as she revealed all the things that had happened since the first attack, how she rushed to the hospital and almost lost you twice. How you were connected to a bunch of things and in a state of deep sleep (she feared to called it the real name just in case you could understand you wouldn’t get scared). The attack at midnight at Nevermore, how the students were forced to escape in a very short amount of time. Thankfully not many people were injured severely. 
The best part was that you were able to help after all. Thanks to the video, the police department had been on patrol nearby the school all evening, and reacted quickly when things went south.
After a brief pause, she spoke to you about… yourself. She missed your jokes, your smile, the interesting conversations you used to have during tea time, and the pictures saved in your shared album “Mom and me”. She felt guilty, ashamed of not being able to protect you and standing still as Ms. Thornhill stabbed you with the venom, her body only reacting as your knees buckled and you dropped to the ground half conscious.
“...But I don’t know why am I even talking about this… I think you are not able to hear me, darling” she said in a sad whisper, clearing her throat so her voice wouldn’t break again “I miss your voice, y/n/n… My sleepy kitten.”
But you were there! You could hear her loud and clear, why was she saying all of that? 
“Mom I’m right here, I can hear you!” You yelled, but no words left your mouth. Only a strained yell, making you sound like a squeaking mouse. “Mom I can hear you! Get me out of here, please!”
Standing up, you try to yell again, to make her notice you. How was she talking to you but you couldn’t see her? This was not funny, it was simply terrifying. You wanted to speak, to scream for help. After trying with no result for your voice to be heard, you started to give up… after what seemed like ages, you decided it was not worth it, curling up again. You started to feel sleepy. Was it possible to sleep in a dream? 
“Mom  I’m scared! Please…” you choke up on your tears, sobbing “ I want to wake up… help… please, someone help…”
After a long time (you didn’t know how much exactly) you woke up, still in that nightmare. Trapped inside your mind, what a fun experience! Groggily you stretched, your ears trying to seek for the known voice of Ms. Weems. 
But she was nowhere to be found, and instead you were left with another. After a few minutes of listening you realized who it was: Wednesday. 
“I thought you would be awake by now. After all, you have proven to be extremely strong Y/N” there was a small hint of a kind note in her voice, “Thank you for covering me during the personal investigations… I should have known that the outcome of everything would be bloody and disastrous.”
You smiled. After all you did, it seemed like  Wednesday and you were friends. You were glad her first year wasn’t as horrible as she had imagined. 
Someone knocked on the door before entering, greeting the raven-haired girl good morning. The first minutes an uncomfortable silence filled the room before Ms. Weems took lead of the conversation. 
“I’m glad to see you again, Ms. Addams” 
“I was only hoping to be able to say my farewells and thank them ” she explained “I won’t be able to see them until the next term of your torturous school begins”. 
Even if you were not able to see them, you could bet almost anything that comment made your mom smile. She was happy, even if she didn’t wished to admit it, that Wednesday had survived the whole term at the school. 
“I will be happy to see you again” Ms. Weems replied, before adding “And, Wednesday?”
She looked her in the eye, knowing what Larissa was about to do, but before trying to stop her, the principal continued. 
“Thank you. First, for saving my child… If you hadn’t took out the syringe before the entirety of the liquid was inside them… I don’t even wish to imagine what could have happened… And second, for saving Nevermore. You are an extraordinary, gifted, and intelligent girl… I am sure your mother will be proud”
This time, Wednesday stood still for a second, before thanking them with embarrassment and asking for her not to do that again in the foreseeable future. Ms. Weems choked out a laugh, trying still to understand what could be going inside the young girl’s brain. 
Wednesday searched in her pockets for something, and after a few seconds she took out a phone, handing it to Ms. Weems, who took it not fully understanding. With the faintest of blushes, she cleared her throat, looking at the principal. 
“I was wondering if Y/N has one of those things Enid seems to enjoy so much… So I could write to them, once they are awake… Insta-gram, I think” after a few seconds of silence, she added, like defending herself “I’m still getting used to having one of those.”
With a subtle nod, Ms. Weems searched for your profile, followed you on that phone and handed it back to the black-haired girl. She thanked her, said her farewells, and left. Larissa was quite amused at the ever so mysterious girl being more into social media, and how flustered she looked when admitting she knew nothing about those things. Even the one with the darkest hearth had a sweet inside, even if they don’t usually admit it, she thought. 
But after the minutes of amusement, the tears came back to her already red eyes. She had never seen more undone. Her always flawless hair was messy, half combed into a bun. Her face pale, dark circles fully visible under her tired eyes. Her hands were cold, but she rubbed them one against the other to warm them up. Yours were as cold as ice, she only wished for you to feel a bit warm. 
The nurse had come early in the morning and announced you were responding to the treatment, and changed your oxygen mask for a cannula. It was now up to you wheter you woke up in a few minutes or hours. That got Larissa’s hopes up, before realizing maybe you were not ready to wake up yet. 
She announced the good news, grabbing your hand and rubbing gentle circles on it. Trying to motivate you, she started thinking out loud places where you could hide. A few sobs were heard as she kept rambling, trying not to break down again in the sight of an unpredictable future.
This was enough right? You were making everyone so worried, and mom had stated the fact you needed to hide as soon as you were in good shape again. You had to try to wake up, for her. The world was no longer in danger. And even if it was, you didn’t think it mattered anymore. You tried to get control of your body… And then you felt it, a warm sensation around your hand. Slowly, you were beginning to feel again. 
“You see? I told you Wednesday wanted to be your friend. After all the mischiefs you conjured during the past months I woulnd’t expect anything else” She sighed, grabbing your hand, “could you please show me you are still in there, kitten?”
Just a sign. You could do that… How, you had no idea. After a few minutes of what you thought useless attempts, the darkness dissipated, leaving space for a very bright light. 
“I felt your hand moving, great job Y/N” she encouraged you, happy tears streaming down her face, “You can do it darling, just open your eyes.”
It took a lot out of you, but somehow you managed to escape your prison. Your eyes opened slowly, squinting a bit as you adjusted your vision to the bright room. Groaning, you started feeling your senses again. 
What happened? Where is this place? 
“...Mom?” you asked in a whisper, still lost and half-asleep. 
“I’m right here, sweetheart.” she reassured you, stroking your hair. “Welcome back, sleepy kitten.”
With a vague smile you simply let her stroke your hair as you finished understanding everything that was going on. Then, aware of your surroundings, you cleared your throat. Still, not a noise came out. 
“It will take some time, don’t worry” mom’s voice explained, “you just woke up from a really long nap, after all”. 
The first meal you had after being entirely on IV therapy was glory. It wasn’t much, true, but you felt like it been ages since you ate something. Your body was recuperating, and you had no major side effect, aside from the weakness and the fact you were not able to walk five steps without falling over. But it could be worse, right?
You wrote to Wednesday as soon as you were allowed to have your phone back, and it was so funny to see how many accidental typos she made, or how many times she would send weird stickers. After a few weeks you were given the all clear, finally ready to go to your new home. Where? That was gonna be fun to find out. Thankfully mom was able to infiltrate on her office, grabbing two bags full of clothes and other important stuff, so you were not able to miss any of your favorite stuff.
Your sacrifice was for her, and you were happy you took the risk, even if now you are weak and might need some aid when walking. The mystery was over, everything was good.
Things won’t last much like that, sure, but for now it was time to rest and see where destiny would take you.
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queenofdragons12 · 2 years
彡 𝐒𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐧 ׂׂૢ
paring: jake Sully x dragon/fem reader
warnings: slight smut, 17+ at most, minors dni, bad smut, flirty reader.
summary: you are haivng a small consert for the tribe and catch Jake's eyes. never once did you think one night could lead to this.
author's note: this is really bad bc its like my first smut fic on tumblir. I've made others but they're even worse. so fi you don't like it dont read. tell me if its good or bad.
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It was shocking for Jake to see a dragon sing., let alone someone of your size. Your wings were folded neatly, your head held high; no microphone like those singers on earth, but you were still singing, and the Na'vi around you played some instruments Jake had never seen.
But to be honest, he was already infuriated with you despite not knowing you. "who is she?" he asked Neytiri as the two sat down in the crowd a little away from the others as they could see you better. To that, you were hard to see. It's just that many Na'vi gathered there.-
"Y/N L/N, our best and only singer. Well, at least in reptile form. She s been here since we all formed, coming to this clan as hatching. Mother and father cared for her; she is our protector just as we are hers. You can say she is my spirit sister," Neytiri said and smiled once your gaze swepåt over to them.
You smiled back, revealing sharp white teeth and uncountably a pink tongue slithering out. Jake looked away for seconds except for the simple thing to have such an effect. Neytiri noticed and smirked.
She knew that today, you would be performing what your kind call a mating dance, meaning you are making small gestures into a dance having music to it. You had done it many times before, but never once did you touch any of the males around here.
But Neytiri knew that it would change with Jake. Soon enough, the song came to a drop, making you flare your wings, showing the wave pattering inside and the deeper color of your (s/c) scales.
Jake's jaws dropped, to be honest. He knew that dragons were known for their strong colors and attractive features but had never seen one, so he couldn't know if it was true.
"Just wait until she comes over," Neytiri whispered to him as the cue in the music began, and you started to slither your way over, singing still. Neytiri made the greeting gesture with her hand, and you dipped your head before snaking around jake, circling his tail and wrapping around his body like a snake.
You kept on singing but now had all the crowd turned attention to you two, and Jake got selections and hid his eyes away from the group. You noticed and flicked a wing to tell them off. After some minutes, they all moved out, leaving you and Jake alone.
The song had stopped, and now it was only the sounds of the forest and the breaths of you and Jake. You smiled at him sliding your tail down and up his chest and stomach "you're new," you said. It wasn't a question. It was a truth.
Jake nodded and gulped, being too stiff, not even answering. You chuckled under your breath, knowing that you had a certain way with men.
For even if you were a dragon, you knew how to flirt.
"cat's got your tongue, huh, Dreamwalker?" you clicked, a smirk growing on your lips, and when jake stole glances your way, it drove him near to mad.
He had just met you and still wanted you like nothing before. It made him frustrated, and you saw that. So you increased your actions, touching him with a claw and tracing the patterns on his body.
"I've never understood the way you've bonded with things. Connecting your braids and feeling the emotions of the animals. Wee dragons do things differently. Want me to show you, jake?" you asked, voice edged with a tone that jake could only describe as seductive.
How he loved it. He nodded, too weak to form words. You chuckled and moved closer to him, bringing your head close to his face -- so close that your lips nearly touched.
Jake felt his breath hitch as he stared at your big snout and then into your (e/c) glowing eyes. They were swirling with emotions he, too, felt and things he had never seen before.
You chuckled deeply, the sound vibrating your whole body and sending a shiver up jake's spine. You had that effect on him now, didnt you?
"you gotta speak up, blue boy," you said, your tail tightening aorund his waist and talon touching his jaw, forcing him gently to look into your eyes. to be that big, you were very gentle with touching him . he was still a stranger to you well halfway anyway.
Ever since you saw him when he came, you had slowly grown to like him. Of course, most knew the whole tribe did, and they tried getting you guys together, but the two of you were oblivious.
"wh-why did you choose me?" jake finally got out, and you were a bit surprised. You had yet to expect this question. Yes, why did you choose him? Bc he is new, and you were tired of the other males? or because he is blessed by ewya?
It was many possibilities. He just had to find the one he believed in. Then, finally, you told him, "you have to find out for yourself, baby boy. my heart chose you, and so did i." you said, nuding your nose under his chin and lifting his face.
Jake gasped when he felt your warm tongue slide over his throat and make him nearly buckle.
"so, jake, I barely touched you, and your pas out? Huh... Sky people are weaker than I thought" he knew you were just taunting him, but it made him angry. He gripped your tail and pinned his ears.
You saw this and raised a brow. But your flirting never ceased.
You had to get him to cross his own border. It would be fun to make him lose control. You really knew how bad it would be if he ever mated with you. or it would work. Maybe.
Jake, soon enough as you anticipated, lost control and kissed you. You giggled into his mouth but let him take control of this once.
And let us just say that the clan had problems sleeping that night.
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