#Lil thing for destruction and math
scribe-of-hael · 9 months
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Look at him, the fuck even is he
Cute lil fucked up creature, GOD WHAT EVEN ARE YOU BRAINSTORM
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beanghostprincess · 7 months
I just saw a post about Buggy and Galdino being a rare pair despite the chemistry and had the wildest concept ever to formulate in my teeny lil peanut brain.
Buggy and Shanks? Yeah, it's complicated, but the answer to if they're together is neither yes nor no, just dreamy sighs (Shanks) and frantically cursing, blushing and rage (Buggy)
Buggy and Gaimon? Long distance situationship built on mutual respect, growing adoration, relatively chaste, all things considered.
Buggy and Galdino became an incidental ship during the Impel Down fiasco. They both would have eagerly and happily sold one another out for a corn chip, but eventually they build a really solid foundation and Buggy falls first buy Gal falls harder. Alvida is sipping her margarita, watching them sass-flirt each other and making disgusting goo-goo eyes. She's debating locking them in a room for them to either get right with their hearts or at the very least, give her a break.
Cross Guild happens, and Buggy is hurt by Galdino flocking back to Crocodile, yeah, but somehow he isn't surprised (self fulfilling destruction his beloved).
Hawkeye is the first to really look at Buggy - he's had to listen to Shanks wax poetic so often that he is still struggling to reconcile the Buggy-As-Described-By-Shanks with this Buggy before him. The math isn't mathing and he's wondering WHY. In doing so, he eventually starts clocking all these little things - Buggy dropping random, highly insightful and sharp comments that would solve a problem at hand succinctly and easily. Buggy is cautious, perhaps in some ways too much so, but he is also alarmingly good at resolving conflicts without... well, conflict. He's capable of manipulation tactics that most would find impossible without conquerors. Conquerors Haki which the clown most definitely does not have. He may... be understanding of where Shanks is coming from.
Crocodile and Daz, meanwhile, are slower to come around. Daz is stoic, uninterested, he does not care. Crocodile becomes... tolerant of Buggy, finding the idiot to be less of a nuisance than originally accounted for. Okay. Sure. Whatever. Then the boss man Notices some things. Galdino specifically. Mr 3 has always been rather mouthy, though much less to him than to his peers. But something about the ways Gal is interacting with the others speaks of more than idle proximity and general surliness. There's familiarity, a spark there, a thoughtlessness to the ways Galdino turns his back to them, trusting of all things. Then he catches a glimpse of Galdino and Buggy after dark, both tired and closer than most would be in that situation, curled together on a couch while Gal tries to convince Buggy to eat, and "no, baby blue, coffee does not count as food - no, I don't care about how many calories it has, you need something not-liquid, okay, damn-"
Buggy is... quiet when he's tired, Crocodile realizes. He takes away many thoughts and realization from viewing that interaction, but that is something that sticks out to him. The clown is so emotive and bombastic, pun unintended, but he... can be quiet.
He's... pretty, when he's quiet.
He swears he will take that thought to his grave.
Upon realizing though, suddenly it's like either the subtle PDA has skyrocketed or he's just hyperaware of it for what it is now. He sees the way Galdino's hand lingers on Buggy's shoulder; the way Buggy fiddles with his fingers before a wax-formed fidget toy is shuffled into his hands. He sees the smiles Gal shoot to Buggy, the quick flashes the clown shoots back in turn; he sees so much, and it's... not bad? But certainly not good.
Then he sees Mihawk slowly falling into the orbit as well. What? No, seriously, what the fuck?? Of all things, that is what sets his nerves on EDGE.
Daz, attuned to his boss as he always is, always will be, notices. He then turns to the source. Romance is not his thing, he is unapologetic about that. It serves no purpose and he himself is certain he is incapable of such feelings. He can identify it in others, obviously, a skill which he has honed in order to identify threats, allegiances, etc. He can see the veritable solar system this clown has amassed. He too can see how his employer is ferociously resisting the pull of it himself.
Daz doesn't get it, not really.
Daz does however get that the clown can, in fact, be rather cute and funny and witty. He also smells like vanilla, lavender, and the afterimage of the circus he so seems to adore. It shouldn't work. It works.
A blade man and an uncuttable man - truly the things they could get up to would be entertaining at the very least.
Crocodile and Mihawk, upon realizing DAZ HIT THAT BEFORE EITHER OF THEM (Croc's in denial still and Mihawk was going for the wine and dine gentlemanly thing with a strict schedule of expectation to allude to on his end for Optimal Performance), are absolutely FLABBERGASTED. Poor Galdino just has to awkwardly debate between patting their shoulders and trembling at the idea of initiating contact with two upset powerhouses. He settles for awkwardly going, "he... does this, sometimes? But he's insatiable, so really you'd be doing all of us a favor if you wanted to do anything too.... maybe.... pleasedon'tkillme-"
Just. Silly awkward hypersexual clown with his polycule having to trade off and also the sillies of Buggy attracting the most emotionally constipated men in the fucking Seas, nobody is straight or neurotypical, it should NOT work out and yet by the power of carnivals, balloon animals and the audacity of a koala on every drug imaginable, they make it work.
The government is having twelve attacks of a variety of natures with every tip about the clown having a new beau. "is he collecting them??? Making a harem armada????? How does that even work, there's so many - wait I don't wanna know-"
I think this might be the best thing I've ever read because ohmygod- Buggy just pulls literally every possible man. Can you even imagine the gossip nights he has with Alvida? That girl is so done with him and yet they still do these things together because he's the most fun around. Alvida doesn't even know how the hell he does these things. He doesn't even know either. You forgot to mention that he might pull literally everyone but he's the biggest failguy ever and if you ask him about his flirting tactics he won't know what to say.
And I agree completely tbh Buggy and Gal should be more of a popular ship. Despite all the scenes they have together I'm still amazed that they don't have many shippers (me included, I mean, you literally just opened my eyes right now).
This clown has the biggest and some-fucking-how most stable polycule in all seas. Everyone just keeps falling for him when they hated his guts at first and he doesn't even realize until they directly tell him because he just assumes everybody wants to kill him or use him or whatever- But suddenly he has a whole harem and he can't even believe it. You know who can't believe it? Alvida. Biggest Buggy supporter but also the biggest Buggy hater. MLM/WLW solidarity but she won't hesitate to also talk shit about him. How beautiful.
I think the marines have a bet going on tbh. Like a Bingo for Buggy's polycule. They just keep asking themselves who's gonna be next. That's what they do on their breaks.
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paingoes · 2 months
Destroyer - A Sentence of Sorts
(Content: mass death, alcohol, physical abuse, verbal abuse, guilt, self loathing, minor suicidal ideation, implied self harm)
Delta read the death toll again. 2,367 was the beginner estimate. There was not as much outcry as there was about Lemuria, nor was there the same circus of gore. The fact that it was an attack on Nezu did little to comfort him. He didn’t care for the nuances. In him there was an almost childlike sensibility. He diligently added the new deaths to his personal count. In his half-asleep state, what felt like the great tragedy was not the number itself, but the fact that it could never be reduced. It was the math he was fixated on. It wasn’t fair.
He realized quickly after re-entering the Empire portal that it had been bifurcated between the two sides of the war. He also realized, to his shock, that he’d been grouped into Nezu’s side. He’d actually forgotten that he’d stolen the laptop from one of Nezu’s people. They must have been either dead or on vacation; no one else was ever active on any of the accounts. He had to re-configure a lot of the settings and passwords to regain access to the portal, no doubt indicating a massive security crisis on their side. He scanned the bulletin they’d posted. Saber rattling. In memoriam.
Empire could not afford this war. They’d already stretched themselves thin across the different fronts, practically at the height of their expansionism when the Emperor had died. They faced opposition from a host of recognized nations, as well as a new crop of organized resistance groups that existed solely to topple the whole thing. Empire still wasn’t weak, not by any stretch of the imagination. Its power structure was decentralized enough to survive the past months without anyone at the helm. But Paris and Nezu forcing Empire in half threatened to break the entire web into a whole spectrum of disjointed pieces.
Delta paused. Did he want that? He thought of it as a kind of apocalypse scenario, but he supposed it was technically in alignment with his own goals. With the civil war raging, Empire was planting the seeds of its own demise. But they were just seeds.
He looked back at the death toll. There’d be hell to pay before it finally broke apart. 
He posted the next leak to a new thread, quickly shutting out of the tab before he had time to see anyone’s reaction. He updated semi-regularly now, attaching both current plans and declassifying older files from the early days of Empire. The latter was more for his own curiosity than anything else. To him, it felt like a small act. He was used to the light shows, bold acts of destruction and slaughter. Working with intel was so much subtler; it was hard to trace any development back to something he had released. All he had were suspicions, really. Suspicions and a few messages.
katkittykat: ok rlly can i ask where ur getting this shit
katkittykat: whos ur connection hehehe :3
ndhakdvsnnd: nobody and i dont know what youre talking about
katkittykat: its a lil late to play coy yknow
katkittykat: u dont have 2 b scared of me!!! i want to help u
ndhakdvsnnd: shut up
katkittykat: wtf!!! rude >:3
katkittykat: pretend that face is frowning but its still a cat
katkittykat: wait i got it
katkittykat: /ᐠoᆽoᐟ \╭∩╮
sunspot: Hey thanks again for the leak !! Im sorry about kitty actually im sorry about both of us
sunspot: We arent trying to push you into anything really we are just curious about you
sunspot: Sorry if its stressing you out i would probably be stressed out too in your situation 
ndhakdvsnnd: you dont know fuck about my situation
sunspot: Yeah thats true! But I know youve been helping us a lot and we are kind of worried about you 
ndhakdvsnnd: who is we why do you keep saying we
ndhakdvsnnd: yes you are stressing me the fuck out thanks for acknowledging that
ndhakdvsnnd: didnt you say you were going to stop prying id really appreciate it if you did
sunspot: Fair enough! I havent been that upfront with you either so I guess i am not in a position to be asking so much. If you want to know what is happening on our end i will tell you and maybe that will help?
ndhakdvsnnd: okay
ndhakdvsnnd: not now
sunspot: Talk later?
ndhakdvsnnd: i have to go 
sunspot: Okay be careful then! 
ndhakdvsnnd: thanks
Delta exited out. He got other messages - many, many others - but none as annoyingly persistent as those two. He didn’t know why he kept talking to them. When they answered, it was bad. When they didn’t, it was even worse. He stepped away from the computer, badly needing a break. He wouldn’t get it, of course, not for more than five minutes. He needed to go see Paris.
The bottle almost nailed him in the fucking head. Delta hissed, softly, his bright eyes flashing violently. 
“You’re late,” Paris let his head loll a little, a lazy smile quirking at his lips. Delta didn’t bother trying to defend himself. His vocal cords were still burnt out, rendering him mute for a time. He moved to the prince’s side, dropping into a kneel. Paris backhanded him before he’d even gotten all the way down. Eager today. Delta winced, immediately moving to touch the tender skin. He knew it had broken; Paris had blood on his ring. He grabbed Delta’s wrist before it could make contact and did not let go.
“Take your hair out,” He ordered. Oh. Delta had forgotten. Paris still didn’t let go of his wrist, so he had to remove the tie with one hand. He slipped it onto his wrist, letting his hair fall loosely down his back. 
“Let me see,” Paris said. Delta tilted his head a little, not understanding. After a minute, he offered Paris his other hand. Paris slid the hair tie off, doubling it over a few times to bind Delta’s wrists together. Delta let them fall in his lap. Not a particularly difficult restraint to get out of, but that didn’t matter. Delta knew better than to try it.
He didn’t understand why Paris had started calling him here again. Besides the little indiscretions with the laptop, he’d been on his best behavior. He had honestly been trying to make it easier on him, but it had no effect. Paris had been difficult before the accident. These days, he was impossible.
He was also tipsy, which was historically worse. Drunk enough to lose any inhibitions, but not drunk enough to let Delta get away with anything. It was a losing game. He was almost glad he couldn’t speak; at least he couldn’t say the wrong thing and send the prince off in a spiral. It was all too easy to do that now, but nobody paid for it the way Delta did.
“Why did you change?” 
That caught him off guard. Delta could’ve asked him the exact same thing, of course. But that wasn’t what bothered him. It was so unfair. Paris, who had all the social grace of a methed up honeybadger, could still read people without any apparent effort. Delta wilted a little bit under his gaze, a small pang of guilt striking him. He thought again about destroying the computer. He thought about it everyday. He bowed his head in apology. Not good enough, apparently. Paris kicked him onto his back. Unable to catch himself, he knocked his head into the carpet, wind knocked out from the blow. Paris had stood up.
“You think I can’t tell?” His voice was unsteady, pitchy, the way it had been ever since he got back. He was getting worked up, Delta could tell. He stifled a groan. This was going to be a long night.
“I was only out for a fucking month, what changed? Why is everyone acting like the show is over?”
Delta felt a sudden kick in his side. Paris gripped his collar. He was light; it was not hard to drag Delta off the ground, even unwillingly. Paris only did it half-way, throwing him back into the desk. Delta’s back slammed into it, again unable to catch himself. He bounced off it, back onto the ground. Slowly, he repositioned himself into a kneel, more muscle memory than conscious effort.
“You know all this could have been prevented if he just wrote a will. The old man thought he would never die. They pierced me right though the exact same place they got him, you know that? Just an inch from the heart. I didn’t ask for a civil war. It’s my birthright, I shouldn’t have to-“
Paris slapped him in the face, “Are you even listening? This is about you.”
Delta nodded, even though it clearly wasn’t. He knew Paris was just taking his anger out on him because he was there — because he couldn’t do anything about it. Delta accepted this with the kind of quiet resignation that only ever seemed to irritate the situation.
“Fucking stop!” The prince yelled. God, he was never happy. He circled behind Delta, landing a kick squarely on his shoulderblades. It sent him forward, onto his hands and knees. Before he could recover, Paris kicked him again in the side, with enough force that he fell flat onto the carpet. For some reason, the rug caught his eye. It was weaved of soft blue fiber. 
Delta thought of Lemuria — and of the ocean. Paris kicked him in the stomach, but he didn’t hear what he said. 2,367 dead, in addition to the 22,534 previous. They were all-star numbers. Paris knocked his leg out, forcing Delta flat on his back. He straddled his waist, which Delta admittedly found much harder to ignore. He winced as Paris’s hands wrapped around his throat, the one still too burnt for him to speak with. His collar gave off a little dryer spark; Paris cursed. Delta thought of all the lives he’d destroyed in the past months alone, the ones he’d never know, the count that would never go down. What kind of terror did they feel in their final moments? How badly did it burn? He didn’t fight as Paris beat him. Fair is fair. Even as the grip tightened, threatening to choke off his air, he didn’t resist it. It was right that he should die. It would be right if he died 25,000 times over.
Paris didn’t give him the satisfaction. His eyes had been burning above him, but they gradually turned to cinders, the pressure letting up. He didn’t look much calmer, but he did look exhausted. He was still injured. The beating might’ve taken more out of him than it did Delta. 
Delta couldn’t ask to be dismissed. He wouldn’t have. When Paris did throw him out, he felt a vague and numinous dissatisfaction. He was being punished for the wrong reasons. It wasn’t enough. In the hallway, he unbinded his own hands. He pulled the band back against his wrist, letting it snap hard against the skin. 
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bamboobrat · 1 year
succession s4 e2 recap: hitman santa claus and an audition tape from hell
time for this weeks recap, you guys! i'm going into gerri withdrawal, so this feels a bit like pulling teeth, but lets get into this trauma dump of an episode, shall we?
logan is apparently still in his feelings about last episode, but like any man of a certain age, he doesn't want to talk about it.
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what he wants to do: take away the kids' helicopter privileges and scrutinize a poor man writing an email.
the kids on the other hand are planning the future of their brand new, 10 billion dollar media empire.
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good thing they are really in touch with the people. as we all know, the american public is notoriously famous for being interested in foreign affairs.
it's also connor's rehearsal dinner and he voices his concern his sibs won't make it in the most boomer way possible.
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shiv's "taking calls and looking upset" plot line continues.
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we will get you that emmy, snookie.
tom's hogged all the good divorce lawyers in new york, similarly to what logan once did to caroline. a truly specific example of generational trauma or something.
logan is at ATN, just chillin' like a villain on the floor.
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tom reacts to the news as any employee would, knowing their boss is in the office:
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me running back from a one hour lunch after reading on slack that the boss is coming in.
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tbh i'd take shiv calling me a lil bitch boy any day.
my close captions did this, and i can't figure out if it's a mistake or tom fucking with greg craig.
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also, something tells me greg's sex tape does not have late night tv potential.
and now, for the main star of the show:
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kerry's audition tape.
turns out she wants to be a host at ATN. i think roman and kendall speaks for all of us when they say:
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never seen kendall so happy.
clearly, logan is the biggest anti-nepotism advocate out there, so he doesn't really want to have a say in what happens to kerry.
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calling cyd and tom geniuses, though... seems fishy. perhaps it is not professionalism that is driving him, after all. i guess we will never know.
shiv continues to rack up the largest phone bill ever by talking to sandi (or is it sandy? i care to little to look it up) about potentially asking mattson for more money.
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upside: more money. downside: he might just walk away from the table and they'll be stuck with a 10 billion dollar bill and a legacy media company where they focus on the very narrow topics of globan and extremely local.
personally, i don't even fully understand how the stock marked works, and even i can tell that this is a bad idea. but self-destructive people are going to self-destruct i guess.
speaking of:
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logan does a murdoch type speech on the top of printing paper and rips an ATN employee to shreds.
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if you ever went to j-school, you know this is the most horrifying scenario.
numbers? i'm a journalist, i can't do math.
logan also quotes a bit of daft punk:
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and is completely calm and collected the entire speech, as we have come to expect of logan.
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i truly believe logan and brian cox have morphed into one person during the four seasons of succession. i can't tell you why, but i also think this scene is proof.
also, logan is getting a BUNCH of screen time these first few episodes. could they pull the rug out from under us all and kill him off by episode 5? one can only hope.
the kiddos aren't allowed to take the company helicopter to connor and willa's rehearsal dinner and kendall is calm, cool and collected.
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it's certainly a long way away from him running after that town car during the first attempt at overthrowing logan in season one. how far he's come. i'd like some of whatever it is he is taking.
stewy and sandi show up to convince the sibs to renegotiate the price with mattson.
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i love stewy. i really do. but the show runners don't know how to use him properly anymore, i think. please, for the love of god, give the man some lavender. give him something more to do!
willa does what any young lesbian woman would do: ditch her own rehearsal dinner to have drinks with twenty of her closest friends.
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it's not like the bride is needed at that sort of event, anyway.
roman shares my coping mechanism when dealing with any sort of emotional turmoil:
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and so does connor, apparently:
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there's nothing chocolate and a good rendition of 'don't stop me now' can't fix.
the show runners _really_ want you to know mattson is swedish with the bilar and the julmust and being aggressive whilst also saying you're not being aggressive.
it's the scandi way.
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i feel represented.
the threat doesn't work on kendall, though. on the contrary, he's got kid brain and will do anything he is told not to do, so he goes back to back shiv on renegotiating the price. once again, roman is teamed up on, even though i stg he is the only one of the sibs making any sense lately.
this is connor's best attempt at being folksy:
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hoegaarden haters unite. i knew there was a reason i liked connor.
positive note: he finally gets his way and they go to karaoke. negative note: he contacts logan and it all ends in a confrontation that makes me want to set myself on fire:
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screaming, crying, throwing up.
we get another logan monologue of sorts, with certain interjections from the kids. potentially the first honest encounter this show has ever seen? i'm sick of brian cox face by now, so i couldn't be fucked to screengrab.
just have him die already. he's only there because he acknowledges that the kids have "got juice" and yet he calls them "not serious people".... i guess he is right, but i don't have to like it, okay!!!
roman comes crawling back and asks logan this:
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logan responds that he needs him and it's the only thing i think roman has ever wanted to hear and i'm going to go scream into a pillow now.
i guess this marks the end of the siblings teaming up (for now). rip.
i feel drained.
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gerri is still out in the cold in all the ways and is absolutely NOWHERE in this episode. i'm glad she too had the chance to smirk at kerry's audition tape, but it was with hugo.... cancels itself out.
that being said, i've seen the trailer for next week's episode, and i am ready to be hurt again.
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paperbaldi · 8 months
A description of Paper Baldi (note: I’m not good at writing characters so I would recommend not taking this seriously lolz). I did this for funzies
Paper Baldi is a math teacher from a school called “super schoolhouse”. He is a teacher who will always try to find a solution for everything, he thinks everything is possible to resolve, even his questionable math questions. no matter how difficult and crazy the situation is…he would try anything and try a solution!
Although, there’s a little lil problem. his school got corrupted, which he thinks is fine; Paper Baldi thinks he can fix it! but he also got corrupted..and the corruption has spread to the schoolhouse and the whole town and the whole world! People think it's his fault because he’s always creating things and messing around which causes a mess. Paper Baldi is known for that, that’s why parents don’t send their kids to his school because they think the kids would be reckless like Paper Baldi, which, is kind of silly because that's the only school that exists in the world
His reputation is now not very good-looking because of that, they think he did cause the disaster! People won’t believe him anymore, so he thought of an amazing idea, to prove he did not cause the corruption, Paper Baldi said he and the Principal would go to fix the problem and find a solution to it.
He’s thinks that his students and his family would disappear if he doesn't fix this, so both Baldi and the Principal and his students go on adventures to find solutions and save the world. I don’t think the adventures would be weird like the schoolhouse…right?
Full Name: Super “Paper” Baldi Baldimore
Short name: Paper Baldi
Others names: Mr.Baldimore
Gender/Sex: None
Job: math teacher and a fighter
Physical appearance:
Age: 29 ( always be 29)
Body build: more of an oval?
The shape of the face: egg-shaped
Eye color: despite having black eyes dots; if you look very close to his eyes you would see his bright blue eyes
Skin tone: yellow-ish
Hair color: orange
Hairstyle: bald
Usual fashion of dress: very basic
-Good personality traits: creative, courageous, excitability, talkativeness, cheerful, heroic, energetic, adventurous,
-Bad personality traits: self-centered, misguided, irrational, irascible, uncritical, destructive, ridiculous, extreme,
-Mood character is most often:: neutral, with a smiling face. Unusual smiling face
-Sense of humor: Awkward and situational
-Character’s greatest joy in life: the love of his life, Susan :)
-Traits: very confident of his creations and himself in general,
-Skills: he’s very flexible and strong, he can turn into origami, runs fast, has super hearing, has a lot of ideas (even if they are illogical), can make copies of himself,
-Flaws: horrible execution always, if he goes outside without sunscreen or a hat he would turn red, always messed up his creations somehow, he doesn’t think of the consequences, won’t think twice about doing certain actions (either good or bad), awkward conversation, talking a lot,
-Fears: being alone stuck in the game, losing his wife and son and his students,
-Likes: talking…A LOT; especially the things he’s passionate about, spending time with Susan, spending time with his son and his students doing fun activities,
-Dislikes: turning red, being mad, Filename2
-Character’s greatest fear: being alone
Why? He was alone with no one to talk to when he was stuck alone in the schoolhouse for a long time. That’s why he likes to talk too much whenever he meets someone.
-Biggest regret: bringing the students especially his son into the adventure and letting them fight
-Minor regret: angry talking with his students
-Biggest accomplishment: Be the best teacher
-Minor accomplishment: Have friends
-When he goes outside for a walk alone he likes to go to the lake and stare at the water, sometimes even touching the water. also hearing the sounds of the water. it’s like…reflecting on himself.
-Whenever he feels frustrated about something and he’s alone he sits somewhere and plunks the petals of a flower he stole (maybe eat some of them); if he has a sunflower he would eat seeds and then spit them out.
Other informations:
-He carries a journal whenever he goes if he doesn’t have someone to talk to, if he likes a place he visited he would describe it in the journal and maybe draw a doodle of a certain place he’s in. He also writes the things he has done in the day in the journal; even if it’s not important or exciting.
-Whenever he goes, if he finds objects that likes he would put them in his “adventure collection”. He likes to collect things, he even has a room for that.
-The most important person that he considered important is Susan, he would prefer to be stuck with her than exist stuck alone.
-Even if the hole on his body has cured overtime he likes the feeling of wearing clothes, also he feels weird if he walks around without his clothes, is like something is missing.
-He doesn’t have lips :( he just has a floating mouth. So if you kiss him you just. Basically kissing an egg?
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captain-lessship · 2 years
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You knew a lot about Jasper like how most couples would know a lot about each other. Jasper was one of the most loving people in your life and he made you feel so special: whether it was matching hoodies, coming up with the sweetest names for you and long walks in the woods.
The last addition was what got you thinking. Jasper was currently moving a fallen tree out of the hiking path. It wasn’t a small tree and  part of it had gotten lodged in between a rock. 
Normally, if you were alone, you would’ve simply either turned around or climbed over it. But being the ever caring person he was, Jasper insisted on clearing the tree. 
“Don’t hurt yourself!” You said, nibbling on a granola bar you’d brought. 
“Ah, it isn’t gonna hurt me.” His amber eyes stared at you, a smile coming to his face. 
Now you were sitting in your economics class, not thinking about the Stock Market. Instead, thoughts ran about how many trees he could lift? How hard could he hit something? How hard could something hit him? 
You sat to the right of Edward who, of course, heard it and decided to lean over and comment about it, “You know, he would test it if you asked.” He stated, matter-a-factly. 
“Really!” You jumped with joy, curiosity fueled, also catching a dirty look from your teacher.
Edward rolled his eyes playfully, “He’s madly in love and he trusts you just as much as us.”
You couldn’t help your face from peppering blotches that were a shade of pink as you looked back to your notebook. 
The bell rang and you rushed out the door to ask him.
At first he laughed. You were both sitting on your front porch, watching the rain drip from the roof. 
“You want to what?” He chuckled, bright white teeth flashing.
“I’m serious, Jasper!” You said, gently punching his shoulder.
He took that as an opportunity, “God! You’ve killed me! Killed me dead! Deader than dead!”  He flung his head back on the porch swing, eyes closed.
“Come on! I wanna know.” 
“Bleh,” he stuck his tongue out.
“Okay you,” you thought, “Possum.”
His eyes flung open, “Possum?”
“Yes yes, a possum. Now, can we please test your strength?” 
He sat back up now, bringing his arm around your shoulders, “Alright, we can. But you have to do something for me.”
You looked at him, “And that is?” 
“I need to borrow your math notes. They change it every year, I swear.” He huffed.
You laughed at him, “Haven’t you done these classes like twenty times?”
“Exactly dove,” he said nodding his head, “That’s how I know they’re changing everything!” 
It was decided you would test it at the Cullen’s house. It was away from anyone who could see and the view was incredible. 
“Sooo,” you said, looking at the arrange of items both he and you had collected. There were several old clay sculptures, the kind kids would paint, pieces of firewood, old furniture like a broken dresser, a table and a set of mis-matched chairs, “Which one do you wanna do first?” 
He looked, “Well first, you need to put on the gloves and goggles.” You rolled your eyes.
You put on a pair of chemistry goggles Emmett borrowed and forgot to return and a set of welding gloves you got from your mom��s garage.  You showed him your new outfit. 
“Aww, you’re adorable.” He said, smirking at you.
“I look like I am about to dissect a frog.” 
“The universal experience of a Biology class.” He joked, eyes now falling to the items. “How about we start small?” He walked to the pile of clay sculptures.
“Aww, that kinda feels wrong though. Not the kitten.” 
He scoffed, “You brought it.”
“Fine. Break it.” 
He closed his hand around it and with a loud crack, Mr. Whiskers Clay was no more.  He then picked up a piece of firewood, “After this, s’mores?” He asked, he knew of his partners love for their chocolate-marshmallow amalgamation.
“Yes! You know the way to my heart,” you poked. “Now break it!”
“You destructive lil thing.” He said, complying and breaking the piece of wood by holding the end of it, snapping like toothpick. 
This escalated til everything was broken except one chair, he looked at you, blonde hair framing his face. He smirked, “Hit me with it.”
“Are you sure?” You asked, you didn’t want to hurt him. Even though you had just seen him break a table beyond repair just by grabbing two of the legs and smashing it once against the ground. 
“Yeah! I’ve shown you what I got, what about you?” He said, walking closer. “I will be fine.” 
“I know you will be, but it’s not everyday that I hit someone with a chair.”
“It’s a great chance to start.”
You nodded as you walked to the chair and picked it by the back, you turned back to Jasper, who watched you with anticipation. 
“Okay, you’re gonna have to turn around.”
“Could you imagine hitting me with a chair and seeing my face while it hit me?” 
He thought for a moment, “Could I hit you with a chair?” He looked very inquisitive, he even went as far as to tap his chin.
You rolled your eyes, you lifted the chair and broke it over his head. He was stunned for a second but deep hearty laughter erupted from him, then from you.
But you were interrupted. 
“So what exactly did Jasper do?” 
You both jerked your heads to see his family, all varying looks of amusement or the holding back of laughter.
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capcavan · 1 year
AFTG tfc ch1 Re Read by cavan
(i do not remember any details so its almost like im reading it first time lmao) tumblr does not give me read more cut off option so deal with this i guess sorry #CavanrereadAFTG if you need to block it chapter 1 "She'd beat him to the hell and back if she saw him sitting around and mopping like that" is quite violent way to phrase "she woudl be displeased to see him .." so was neil casually beaten by his mom or we only on page 4 of neil backed up trauma management and im already thinking about scene where this boy will finally brek open and admit how much he wants normal life and not having to hide his emotions and you know live a little without this whole batman personal covering his face already hit by brain made connection about how exy is what took rikos life away from him and how it's the thing that kept neil alive through the worst of his here i am making it about this little cunt already but what else were you expecting of me?
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learning new things about English language always nice! neil "its cool my mom died i can finally stay in one place for a bit" how had this boy not murdered this woman himself is beyond me fr ,, please go away" neil wymack already adopted you just haven't got the adoption papers yet I wonder if Janie Smalls is taller than Andrew Minyard "her best friend found her bleeding out" okay but - who is Janie's best friend is it one of foxes? what if it's seth ? Makes sense for it to be seth nvm friend explained to me that potential recruit means she was not at palmetto at the time " Typical of a fox " see riko would make amazing fox that's boy self destructive af in all of my head cannons
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broadening my vocab nice nice Notorious for their tiny size i know it's bc there only 9 of them but i will stay believing it is bc everyone is short math time, had not seen kevin in 8 years neil is 18-19 now so he was 10 ok will remember Neil: i need to be very sneaky about my past wymack: do you need a pen? neil: i can't play for you because you signed kevin day wymack: ....... ??????? I LOVE HOW ANDREW WAY TO SAY HI IS FUCKING CRUSHING NEILS LUNGS AGAINST HIS SPINE ????? forgot how radioactive they are bc of how cute they are welp things align riko broke kevins hand andrew beat up neils internal organs for no reason at all! i love when all my ships are fucked up
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assailant here is the word i keep using but spelling "assultant" lmao , man im learning so much ,, Andrew was blamed for kevins recent transfer" - kandrew is strong with this one ppl in universe just assumed kevin fell in love on first sight and they ARE RIGHT
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i cant tell if im here to study cannon or english but like i know what those words mean but i don't know their definitions does that make sense? OH THIS IS SO CUTE I WILL DRAW THIS FUCK YES LETS GO he slammed motherfucker with his own racket dfghsdjfhgg Hernandez is literary the only normal person over the course of those 3 books andrew *assults someone as hello* wymack: Andrew's a bit raw on manners / my dude with this reading speed it will take me half year to go through those books but im having actually a lot of fun here neil: i already said i can not sign with you wymack:OK BUT YOU STILL NEED TO EXPLAIN WHY KEVIN DAY IS THE ISSUE HERE did kevin heard it lmoa i wonder if kevin heard the ,, do you need a pen - YoU sIgNeD KeViN DaY no wonder kevin was bitch to neil he thought the lil bitch hated him on the start lmao Andrew was only here because Kevin day never went anywhere alone here you go with your raven programming <3 YEARS SINCE THEY'D WATCHED NEIL'S FATHER CUT A SCREAMING MAN INTO HUNDRED BLOODY PIECES Kevin / Dark hair and green eyes, black number 2 neil saw that number and wanted to retch He and his adopted brother Riko Moriyama wrote the numbers one and two on their faces with markers, tracing them over and over anytime they started to fade. ok so were they drawing their own numbers? it sound like kevin was drawing his number too also this is the only mention i think of riko being reffered to as kevin,s brother in the books anyway I have case to make assuming kevin and riko were doing those numbers form young age pre 10 ... it just makes sense the system they use would be Arabic not roman i just can't imagine small kids knowing roman numbers when they were neglected in nest i think this is best case i can make for it. friend provided proof that in book the four tattoo neil get's is introduced as "4" so ok arabic canon moving on Riko nad Kevin were inducted to national court 1 year pre aftg story starts They were champions and neil was a jumble of lies and dead-ends on one hand it's funny how desperate they all are to sign neil on other hand i deeply believe they just see the desperation in his eyes, we know that neil wants it and those contact lenses do not hide it , they know that he wants to say yes, they are just confused about what the fuck makes him say no (kevin's bitchiness) or at least i would make this be the case if neil didn't just got assaulted and if they didn't literary phrased it as ,, we are not living without you signing this" like .. kidnapping with extra steps much ???? playing like he has everything to lose is not excuse for you all to harass this poor man like that OK HOLD ON A SECOND "He'd remember the scrimmage interrupted by that man's murder"
what man what murder the man nathan butchered for them? did nathan murdered someone during game?
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the moment kevin would start looking at him funny- he already is ngl im only on page 12 and i just hate neils mom i have no phrasing for it but the fact that every choice neil could make for his happiness is meet with ,, mom would be sooo mad" is really frustrating to read about... what is the point of even being alive for this boy fr???? i wonder if theres any specific place they would have been safe it? kind of would be fun to have au where neil and his mom go to japan and end up getting protection form yakuza F BOMB 1 F BOMB 2 COMBO fuck i love those characters so much okay like all of them It's about second chances, Neil. Second, third, fourth, whatever, as long as you get at least one more than what anyone else wanted to give you"
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David "idealistic idiot" Wymack wymacks sincerity is what lets foxes trust him , wymack is the first adult in their lives that understands Savge yank of her hands in his hair here we go fuck he has so much guilt over trying to live a little this is so un fair "I'm sorry"he gasped out between wet coughs. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry"
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satanfemme · 2 years
contemplating/venting about work under the cut
also. fuck my job for giving us such a low borderline-meaningless raise. I wanna know what kinda raise the CEO got this year. all the higher-ups are like "YAYYY!! you guys are making more now!!! isn't that so exciting ^_^!! see! we care about our employees!!" meanwhile it's still nowhere near enough to live on, all of my coworkers and I are poor as fuck, and the job is inherently emotionally/physically destructive. it's a sacrifice we all knowingly signed up for, but NOT for the "reward" of poverty. imho.
I have coworkers living with both a partner AND roommates just to afford one tiny apartment. one of my coworkers moved down the street from work to save on gas money (among other reasons). lots of us have side hustles, needless to say. whenever I mention having a whole studio apartment for myself, the first thing I'm always asked is "HOW?!?!?! how do u afford that?!?!?!" and of course the answer is "I don't, lol. nearly all of my paycheck goes towards it and then I take on debt to afford most other things". but I mean, look at that exchange, isn't that insane? an adult mentions to a co-worker that they're renting one (1) shitty room for themself and a dog to spend most of their time in, and the co-worker's immediate reaction is shock cause that's a fucking Luxury lifestyle? might as well say I own a yacht. but the reaction is literally rational and correct!!!!! it's so depressing. it's so so depressing that this is just reality. our CEO was making the equivalent of $80/hr last year. all the higher ups think we should be over the moon for $16/hour this coming year. what kind of raise did the CEO give themself? what will $16/hr cover a year from now really; in autumn 2023? cause in autumn 2022 it's already not covering much.
the deafening silence during our budget meeting, when all us wage employees were asked if we had any questions about the raise. we were previously told (tho, in no on-paper legally-binding way) it'd be to $17/hour. $17 was the Bare Minimum living wage for this area back in 2019. it's now 2022, and we were denied that wage. why? that's my question. but I didn't ask it either, obviously.
I know I'm not the only one feeling stuck and scared. every convo with my co-workers lately, no matter what topic it started with, has somehow turned itself into mutual grief of "I wish I weren't struggling to survive. I really like this job. there's no better animal welfare jobs in the area. this was my escape from a shitty animal welfare job. there's no guarantee that any other job, in any field, would let me be gay/trans/disabled/mentally ill/myself/etc the way I can here. many jobs would turn me away immediately. I feel overworked. I don't know how to afford things." ...and then I bring up the "CEO makes $80/hr" fact and lol. the unspoken tension that plain statement adds to the conversation.
I'd call myself a lil firestarter for it, but the info is public and easy to find. I'm surprised I'm the only one who did the math but I'm glad more people are becoming aware of it. the wage employees are the ones DOING the actual work here, u know? the paperwork, and blog posts, and emailing bestie PETA (ugh), and handshaking the governor (who's actively attempting to pass transphobic legislation but shhhhh) are all very important for the business the cause as well I'm sure, but an animal welfare org would not EXIST without the laborers who know how to, you know, care for the animals. even at the expense of ourselves and our safety.
oops idk, is this rant getting mean? the higher ups are always very nice to me, I'm being a lil mean. but I had to help give a co-worker first aid the other day, and when we were like "hey, you clearly broke something, you're covered in blood, you're fading in and out of consciousness, and we don't know how long you were out before you were able to call for help. let's drive you to a hospital now." they refused to go anywhere but an urgent care clinic cause, u know, money? and then I clocked out late cause we're so overworked we can't afford a single detour during our shift like that. (and can't clock out til all the work is done ^_^). so yeah if I'm coming off a lil bit like a mean commie rn maybe that experience is why. I wonder how often the CEO gets injured on the job? do u think the $80/hr is to cover all those dog bites they get on the daily ... in their personal office space nowhere near the animals?
idk if we're gonna unionize any time soon, but I know I'm not the only one feeling this way. maybe that's the silver lining. still, it doesn't stop the nightmarish elephant in the room either. anywaysssss that's my rant for the day thx
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cherry-blitzie · 2 years
Sometimes, I don’t feel like I’m an INFP, guys. I’m often described as blunt as hell, fiery, impulsive, aggressive (happens, ye :/ ), not sure if independent is appropriate but my dad once told me that he didn’t worry much about me bc I didn’t care about romance and stuff and considering my personality and little issue (I’m transgender, that’s not an issue at all) like I’m a tiny demon. And though I like the idea of having someone to share my life with, I don’t look forward to it bc I’m fine on my own, I don’t want to give up on my freedom and cut my metaphorical wings for anyone.
I can and will fight anyone steeping on my boundaries and I will fiercely protect my loved ones.
Have some examples of what makes me sometimes feel like I’m not an INFP, though I can see myself as an INFP:
• When I was 14, there was this kid in class who would always make sure I couldn’t take notes of what the teacher was saying, especially in math class bc I struggled a lot with math and this bitch knew that (yk it’s bad when kids think you can’t add two and two) and you have to know that even I had no idea I would do that until I saw the sharp end of my geometry compass stabbed in that mf’s arm.
• When I was 17, I got pissed so I set stuff on fire in front of the principal’s office door at school in FUCKING PUBLIC
• When I was about 16, a kid told me to stfu in German class while I was responding to the teacher bc she asked me a question, I grabbed my water bottle that was completely filled bc I hadn’t drank yet and smashed it on his stupid nose, serves him right
• When I was about 17, I grabbed my 10yo brother by the collar and threw him on the couch at home bc he was being a lil shit and that wasn’t the right time to upset me (that kid still remembers it and weirdly behaves when I scold him and he’s much taller and more muscular than me)
• When I was in high school, I would drive the principal crazy just for fun bc she hated my guts so I would give her an actual reason to do that
• Last year, I verbally fought a violent man without flinching an inch while knowing what I was risking but I didn’t care at all
• When I was about 7, my grandma used to tell me to eat my carrots (in France, we say that it makes you nice and makes your thighs pink but it depends on the area where you live bc my best friend was told that she would have a great eyesight bc « have you ever seen a rabbit wearing specs? ») and I told my grandmother that I’d rather be unpleasant than to eat my carrots
I’ve always been like this, straightforward, tactless, seen as mean, as stubborn as it’s humanly possible to be and rebellious with obvious authority issues and a concerning liking for destruction (I’ve always loved storms and the sound of thunder, that kind of things). It’s only recently that I’ve heard about how fiercely loyal I could be, for example. And I don’t see it, I just see an overprotective dumbass who’ll go through hell with and/or for his loved ones and stay until the bitter and bc I’m that kind of moron. But I’m also deeply honest and won’t go against who who I am and that lead to years of bullying and lots of anxiety nowadays.
Good thing I’m socially awkward irl, I’m telling you
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ok bhah ch1 reread thought dump lets goooo
@youngbloodbuzz  @romanitwontletmetagyouuuu??? thank u for writing this. in return I gift u this lightly unhinged commentary
oh the opening quote “Do you think it all meant nothing, all the longing? The longing for home?” violence
lmao ok I started this ages ago and then got distracted for a week because that’s just who I am as a person lets try that again
eddie n his glowing glasses nice we love a canon nod
ok I remember getting really emotional reading the chapter where Dani’s car died bc of what it represented to her n now I’m being reminded of it all again with the ‘poor little car’ comment oh dear we’re like 2 paragraphs in and I’m already compromised
the wavering reflection in the water in her hands..... Dani posessed by the ghost of comphet..... I am Drawing Conclusions
eddie “we can hang out more” dani “aha wouldn’t that be neat”
god the prom photo... remembering Dani’s meltdown at the prom bc she missed Jamie... I’m dying Jack I’m dying
lil palm kiss... I know u will not ever love hm that way Dani but fuck I’m a sucker for a palm kiss
lil nerd ass w her folder tabs I love her
god the tone of this is so comforting like I can just hang out n imagine each scene progressing so naturally. wish I did not have to suffer emotionally at the same time but at least it’s a smooth read
Dani feeling like an invader amongst all the physical representations of her relationship w eddie BABY U DON’T HAVE TO LIVE THIS WAY STOP LETTING OTHER PEOPLE INFLUENCE UR LIFE AND RUIN UR HAPPINESS
“Hannah Grose, seamlessly elegant” yes
Hannah: congrats on ur engagement. Dani, with tears in her eyes: thank
Dani relaxing when they’re talking about teaching pls I love her love for it so much
Dani at the blackboard with the “Miss, Ms?” confusion now I am thinking about the Ted Moseby professor/proffessor scene. HIMYM my beloved
mikeyyyy my boy
the image of Dani w chalk dust on her skirt is v endearing.
oooh the library trip gay foreshadowing yes
wait the silver stars on his backpack......... cup of stars crying time
Mikey correcting her on his name when she was the one to give him the nickname in the first place... feeling some kind of way
Dani fostering the talents she sees in her kids is so sweet and mikey shy lil math genuis is also so sweet pls i love this duo
i do wonder if part of her is like I know a Mikey Taylor but I literally refuse to believe it is the same one bc his sister broke my heart and we are absolutely not in the business of confronting hard feelings in this house!!
keys on a lanyard... ok lesbian
“You’re still here?” the love I have for canon lines being used when I can hear them being said in my head
awww bonding over Wonder Woman. cute!!!! When Dani becomes Mikey’s official second mum (everyone be quiet I am manifesting) my heart will explode
eddie ur really just gonna rock up and toot at her. jail for 1000 years
ooohhh Dani is Realising who the sister is. honey you got a big storm comin. oof (the ‘wonder woman punching stars out of her foes” to “dani feeling like she’s just recieved a blow to the ribs.” the cinnamontography). aw baby :(
“Jamie. Jamie, here. Jamie, home.” please i am thinking about her last letter and I am not strong enough
“Somehow Eddie didn’t notice.” sum up a relationship in a sentence
“Jamie would appear, as if summoned by the gravity of Dani’s pounding heart” fuck this hits on so many levels I need to go think about my life for 45mins
CARSON MY BOY. in his studded leather. a fashionable gay never loses.
I looove how soft n caring Dani n Carson are with each other thank gods she has him.
god this post is already so long n I’m only halfway through why do I have so many silly thoughts
god just the... expectations of affection from her by eddie w that placating cheek kiss she gives him is like... I cannot imagine Jamie ever asking that from her in the same way even when they are in a relationship!!! and it’s not even wrong of him to do that??? but it’s just a lot to think about the kind of person Dani makes herself to be to stay with him vs the kind of person Jamie lets her be by not expecting anything of her. they’re such opposites
dani not even feeling at home in her own (former) home pls when is she going to find a soft place to land (it’s also making me think v hard about the title like... the haunting of Dani and Jamie’s relationship (and what that represents for Dani) on Dani’s whole life and Jamie coming home and bringing that to Dani’s doorstep. resurecting a ghost so to speak........ too many homes to think about. I don’t know if I fully understand but I am Thinking)
dani and her inhaler... asthmatic bitches represent
oh my god not the box of memories. been trying to erase that from my own for weeks now let me live
ooh the line about her feeling like an archaeologist at the start of this section and then her ‘exhuming the past’ w the photos of her n Jamie i love a consistent narrative.
THE MIXTAPE. THE MIXTAPE. is there a playlist for this chapter I would like to take that aural journey
oh no i cannot remember where the flower comes from but aahhh this box of memories pain.
this description of carson in a tight white undershirt tucked into his jeans makes me think of freddie mercury. didn’t mean to make you cry etc
lmao Dani trying to get info from Judy abt Jamie in a roundabout way... international superspy she is not
Dani entirely uncomfy in church... i feel it. godd the repression of it all w the movie and the feelings and the Jamie-influence on the feelings my heart hurts.
God knowing how much Judy loves her but the weight of that love also stifling her... pain
they’ve really got her all shacked up w a house and a husband and a kid on the way can we let the girl be a lesbian in peace (also lowkey hoping Dani gets some time on her own at some point no Eddie no Jamie no weight of expectations pls she needs it we all need it)
the thread of Dani refusing to do things for herself in order to make other people happy throughout this entire piece hits so fucking close to home and is entirely heartbreaking to read thank you
Jamie: appears. Dani: every single emotion all at once
Judy and her girls back together is v sweet even if Dani is dying inside at it all
“Jamie only had eyes for Dani.” Again, sum up a relationship in a sentence.
What do you even say to a girl who *the sky goes dark as i attempt to even summarise a fraction of their relationship*. Apparently the answer is “Jamie. Hi.”
It’s ahh. fairly entertaining to be going through Dani’s emotional journey alongside her and knowing that Jamie is also Going Through It on some level but having 0 insights to it bc she keeps her emotions so in check.
oooh how much of a gut punch is this engagement revelation for Jamie??? like on some level I’m sure she always knew this was coming but I’m sure another part of her still desperately hoped one day Dani would choose her. god I would kill for Jamie’s POV in this scene
Jamie’s scarrrr. Literally Dani’s impact
oh fucking hell that moment of like... familiarity and almost a coming home for Dani when Judy is talking and she meets Jamie’s eyes... she really was entirely screwed from that moment on huh.
oof god this is a hell of an opening chapter lets see if my attention span will let me continue this journey (also @ myself reminder to read this all in chronological order one day for a real nice session of emotional destruction)
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creatingquirks · 4 years
omg hi!! i was wondering if i could get a quirk matchup? this is a really cool idea btw! here are my answers to some of your questions (and some extras because i’m... well, extra).
my astrology: cancer sun. virgo moon. libra rising. cancer mercury. cancer venus. pisces mars.
hobbies: watching tv. listening to music. hanging with friends. practicing makeup. online window shopping. making people laugh.
pet peeves: weirdly, i don’t think i have any specific pet peeves? i tend to get annoyed by everything. if i had to point out specific things that bothered me... maybe when people don’t listen to me or take in what i’m saying? i hate feeling ignored by people.
one thing i’m good at: making people laugh or expressing myself.
one thing i’m bad at: timing. i say things at the wrong time, always late or early, can’t tell time, whatever it may be. also terrible at math.
i’m an ambivert! i crave socializing, but i also love being cooped up at home.
it’s up to you if you would like to give me a quirk good in combat, i don’t really care! :)
mbti: isfp
enneagram: 4w5
enneagram tritype: 469
enneagram subtype: sx/so
character alignment: chaotic neutral
four temperaments: melancholic-sanguine
hogwarts house: slytherin
some significant personality traits: i’m very goofy, and never takes things seriously. extremely socially awkward. very open-minded and non-judgemental. i would say i’m friendly. hot-headed though, very short temper. can be co-dependent. shy. aggressive. flirty. overdramatic. very self-critical. i’m an ambivert. i can be obnoxious. appears very angsty. not very intelligent or bright, lacking common sense, book smarts & street smarts. can be impulsive. adventurous. clumsy. lazy.
some things i like: roller skating. photography. writing. car rides. smelling candles. rain. the beach. making new friends. aesthetic. practicing makeup. online window shopping. daydreaming. junk food. clowns. 80’s/90’s/y2k. emo rap. pop punk. classic rock. 80’s pop. hyperpop. adventures. clothes. making people laugh. astrology. personality typing. watching tv. tarot cards. horror movies. comedy movies. gothic stuff.
some things i don’t like, fear, hate: rude people. cruel people. any form of discrimination. country music. liars. spiders. bugs. ceiling fans. crowds. rejection. criticism. hacking. abandonment.
habits: biting nails. chewing inside of mouth. overeating. picking at eyebrows and eyelashes. scratching when nervous. playing with my hair. rocking back and forth. hard/excessive blinking. repeating phrases for fun.
dream job: psychologist. psych nurse. sober coach. mortician.
positive qualities: i’m a good listener. i’m able to make people laugh. i’m very honest.
negative qualities: i’m very temperamental. can be self-destructive. lacking intelligence.
talents: i’m good at listening, being expressive within my appearance, writing?
traits/qualities i admire in others: loyalty. honesty. adventurous. humorous. non-judgemental. friendly.
traits/qualities i avoid in others: rude. mean. cruel. judgmental and overly critical.
goals/aspirations: to gain confidence, be more spiritual, attend college, get a job, live on my own, overcome my personal and inner struggles, be more social.
love language: quality time or words of affirmation. i like to spend time with people i care about and i like when they reassure me that they care.
favorite color: black. blue. hot pink. neon green. dark green. purple.
favorite musicians: lil peep. eminem. nirvana. hole. type o negative. pierce the veil. falling in reverse. mother mother. mötley crüe. slipknot.
emoji’s to describe my aesthetic: 🤡💋💅🏻🦇🥀🪐🧃⚰️🚬⛓🔮🧸🛍💞🖤💒🏩📺🕯💎💉🩹🧺💌🎪🍓🍒🍷
fun facts: i have a dry sense of humor, like jokes that aren’t funny but the way i say it makes it funny. i dye my hair a lot it’s starting to thin. i live in sweatpants. i will like a song and listen to it for a week straight. i thought the first us president was george clooney. i can’t tell the difference between a nickel and a quarter. i once thought dinosaurs never existed. ran into a clothesline. fell into a river that went up to my neck because i thought it would only be ankle deep. i tried to explain a theory that technically if we emerge ourselves in the ocean, we physically become a part of the earth.
my appearance: i’m about 5’5. i’m chubby. i have split dyed, half black and half blue hair. shoulder length hair. i have brown eyes. i wear glasses. i have moles scattered in random places ( a lot taking place on my right cheek ). pale in the winter, olive skin tone in summer? rarely wears makeup but it’s dramatic when i do. rarely dresses up but it’s dramatic when i do. round face. usually wears sweatpants, pajama pants, tank tops, baggy ripped dirty shirts, slippers. hair is usually matted in a bun or down.
i hope all of this was useful! again, sorry for being very... extra 😅
Hi, hope you like this!
I give you..........
Quirk type: emmiter
Quirk summary: you The ability to stop molecules and restrict a substances movement. This also gives ability to generate ice, which is done by stopping the movement of water in the air. Using it on a person separates there mind form there physical senses because of the time gap inbetween them. And it also gives the ability to slow down many different types of attacks.
Drawbacks: the objects you inflict will eventually speed up again. And you can’t reverse the effects of your quirk, only time can.
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glacecakes · 4 years
Alchemy Lullaby (17/17)
Of all the changes that came with living in the castle, becoming a father was not one he anticipated. When Eugene encounters a small child suffering like he did, he gives them the opportunity to grow up the way he never did… helping them both heal. (AU where Varian is 4 and gets adopted by Eugene)
Varian reunites with his real family. Fred gets dunked on. Eugene and Rapunzel surprise each other.
WE ARE AT THE END OH MY GOD ;-; sorry this took so long I have not been vibing but yknow. It be like that. First off, a big thanks to everyone who has helped me on this crazy journey. The scar and 7K server being my serotonin machine (if you wanna join dm me), AJ and Gues for helping me with ideas, and of course Finn, my partner in crime, the platonic love of my life, without who this crazy mess would probably not have been completed. And of course, all of you who have commented and kudos'd and bookmarked. This fic just passed Only as Strong in hits and that totally blows my mind.
I have so many lil baby ideas that were either too short to go here, or happen after AL, or didn't go with the story flow that I want to write! I'm debating whether to do it like VVO where they're all in one fic or just spam the varian tag. As always please leave a comment if you enjoyed this, thank you so much! If you have any specific requests for baby oneshots I'm always open!
Ok ok enough rambling
The moonstone clattered to the ground, dull and quiet like any other rock.
For a few moments, no one spoke. The only sound was Quirin’s heavy breathing, exhausted, as he slumped over Ulla’s slowly cooling body.
“Well…” Eugene finally breathed. “That was… something.” The adrenaline finally began to wear off, replacing a feral desire to protect with burns and shaky hands. In his arms Varian doesn’t stir, the soft breath against his arm the only sign he’s still alive.
“Understatement of the fucking century,” Cassandra groans. The decay incantation settled deep into their bones, making every movement painful. The only one unaffected was Rapunzel, protected by the golden pulse in her chest. She moves her hand to reveal a golden stone, similar to the moonstone.
“Millennium ago, a phenomenal event had divided an ancient power in two. The Sundrop and Moondrop fell to Earth; two elements waiting to be reunited…” She glanced up at Quirin, confusion written all over her face.
Slowly, shakily, she stood up and stumbled over. This was the one time she wanted shoes, what with the blood pooling at her toes. The man at her feet said nothing, simply staring down at the body with empty eyes. She heard whispers of soft footsteps behind her, indicating Eugene had followed with Varian in tow.
Quirin’s mind was a whirlwind, chattering faster than he’d ever spoken. What ifs, curses, screams, but despite all that…
He didn’t feel guilty. Not in the slightest.
Was that wrong of him? He just killed the mother of his child, the only woman he ever loved, and he felt nothing. Well, he felt relief. But regret, guilt, sorrow? None. Was this fatherly protection? His devotion to his king? Did he fall out of love? Maybe it was a mix of three. But then again, the woman he fell in love with and the woman he just killed were two wildly different people. Had she always been crazy and he’d just been blind, or did the moonstone corrupt her from its place in her womb?
It seems parenthood can change you for better or worse.
The princess kneeled down next to him and laid a hand on his shoulder. When he glanced up she smiled briefly, before glancing down at her breast. “Is this…?”
“The sundrop,” Quirin breathed, awe-stricken. “But how?” He glanced down at the woman (corpse) at his feet, and then over to Eugene and Varian.
With a grunt, Rapunzel ripped it free from her body. It hummed faintly, bathing her in a golden glow that illuminated her hair back to blonde. How magnificent and haunting all at once; the source of her power that caused so much pain to her family, that caused her kidnapping… that caused her to meet the love of her life.
It would be so easy to simply… reclaim it. To reabsorb its magic and regain the power to heal. But when she glanced around, at the destruction caused by its counterpart…
“The only way to destroy the moonstone.” She said with an air of finality, clutching it tightly in her fist. “Is to reunite it with its equal.” Quirin nodded in agreement. It was kind of amusing, that the destruction of a cosmic entity was merely an afterthought in this scenario.
Just tying up loose ends.
In another reality, maybe Rapunzel and Eugene and Varian would have sought the moonstone out. Maybe they would have debated whether or not to reunite the stones, unsure of the damage it would cause to Rapunzel.
But maybe someone else would have stolen it, harnessed it, and caused even more suffering untold. To her, to her friends, to her family…
A moan came from Eugene’s arms as Varian squirmed. His eyes remained shut, but he reached out a tiny hand for his dad to grasp. Internally, Eugene gave a massive sigh of relief. He’d been so worried that his son was gone, that he wouldn’t wake up without the moonstone. If that had been the case… god, he didn’t know what he’d do. Well, actually, Eugene knew exactly what he’d do (that being to reinsert the moonstone), but whether or not Quirin would let him is a whole other story.
“Bluebird? Can you hear me?” He whispered, gently shaking the boy. It was weird to see him without his signature hair stripe, almost as weird as long-haired-brunette Rapunzel.
“Daddy… m’ tired,” Varian whined, curling into a warm chest and breathing in familiar cologne. He sighed, content. He would’ve fallen back asleep if not for Eugene gently rustling him.
“Sorry bud, I need you to wake up for a little bit,” he whispered, biting back a smile. With an overdramatic groan, Varian opened his eyes. It was a familiar routine. Almost as if they were back home and he was just waking Varian up for the day. “How do you feel? Does anything hurt?”
“My throat...” he was cut off by a weak cough.
“Aw bud, I’m sorry, we’ll get you checked out at home, ok?” At Varian’s nod Eugene let out a massive sigh of relief. “I think Rapunzel needs you for a second.” He raised his eyes up to his girlfriend, who was now trailing a finger down Varian’s cheek.
With a small smile, she helped Varian out of his dad’s arms and placed him onto the ground by her side. “Would you like to help me get rid of the rocks?” She asked, and he bit his thumb while nodding shyly. His eyes had trailed over to Quirin and… Rapunzel was quick to move her hair in the way. He didn’t need to see that.
With a heavy, shaking hand, Quirin’s gloved hand reached out for the moonstone. He hesitated briefly, anxiously. What if it was absorbed by him? No, he couldn’t falter. He’d waited this long, salvation was within reach!
He grasped it tight. It didn’t react. Perhaps it knew the sundrop was close? Or maybe it knew Quirin didn’t want to use it? Regardless, he didn’t question it. Shaking, he stood up to his full height and ambled over to mother and son. He and Varian locked eyes for a moment. The boy’s eyes were troubled, clouded with hazy fear, confusion, but also… acceptance?
Quirin smiled. He held the stone out. “Would you like to do the honors, young man?” He whispered.
“Um. Yea, ok.” Varian said and took it into his tiny hands. He was so small, what was dwarfed in Quirin’s hands required both of Varian’s to hold. He looked up at Rapunzel, who’s own stone began to flare with power as it sensed its other half.
Eugene placed a hand on each of their shoulders. “Are we sure this is a good idea?”
“Nope!” Cassandra snorted at the kid’s candor.
“But whatever happens…” Rapunzel said, “We’ll face it together, as a family.” She looked pointedly over at Cassandra, who rolled her eyes.
“Alright alright, I’m coming,” She said.
“Yes, Auntie Cassie, join us!” Eugene chimed, earning an elbow in the arm.
She stood on Rapunzel’s side, supporting her best friend as she held out the sundrop. Eugene readjusted so he was holding onto Varian from behind.
Quirin stood aside, finally content.
The stones touched.
Varian skipped down the hallway with Ruddiger and cart in tow. The raccoon reached his tiny hands out, determined to swipe an apple from a nearby display. Just a little closer…!
The raccoon blinked as the apple vanished. He could’ve sworn it was there just a second ago… confused beady eyes glanced up at his best friend, only to chitter in delight when he saw Varian had stolen it. The child took a bite before handing it to Ruddiger to finish.
“Excuse me!” Varian said to one of the maids (Faith? Felicity? Names are hard) “Have you seen mommy and Auntie Cassie?”
The maid giggled. “In her highness’s room, I believe.”
“Thank you miss!” He called. Faith shook her head, smiling. That boy was awful at sleight of hand, considering his father, but no one would care about a single apple.
Things had been pretty quiet since coming home, in all honesty. In Varian’s opinion, a bit boring even.
Well, the first few days home weren’t so quiet. Upon arriving at the palace all had been rushed to the infirmary, only to be let go with minor injuries. The only exception was Varian, who was confined to bed rest for a week. Getting poisoned half to death will do that to you.
He’d spent the week constantly in the presence of his family who rotated out. He’d wake up to Rapunzel’s soft voice with breakfast handmade by Lance, light exercise with Cassandra (that usually involved learning how to use a wooden sword). Then Arianna would come teach him something, either basic Coronian history or math. He’d nap with Ruddiger, and finally Eugene would spend the rest of the day with him, from dinner to bedtime. It was paradise to the little boy.
At some point during the week, Hugo came by with a get well soon gift. He’d gushed to Varian nonstop about all they’d done in school, how cool the castle was, and hey is that a raccoon?
Hugo’s mom (who apparently knew Ulla, judging by her crestfallen face upon hearing her fate) watched over the boys while the king and Quirin got chewed out. Less so Quirin, since he already made up for it by, y’know, killing his ex.
“Let me get this straight, you changed the law after my kidnapping so birth parents always have primary custody?” Rapunzel rubbed her temples, frustrated. Frederick, for his part, at least looked guilty.
“I wasn’t sure if you would’ve wanted to stay with whoever was raising you…!”
“I feel like any little girl who finds out they’re a long lost princess would rather live with her birth parents,” Eugene muttered.
“I was so worried about getting found out, that once it happened, I didn’t bother to actually look into it, I just… UGH! You should’ve at LEAST repealed it the second I came home!”
“I… forgot?”
In the end, it was agreed that the law not only hurt Varian, but dozens of other abandoned kids who could never be adopted now. Suffice to say, it did not survive the day. In fact, Rapunzel immediately got to work creating a service for saving abused kids, and appointed Eugene in charge.
“There’s no one here who could do better than you,” She said. “You suffered under our systems, and then saved our boy from the same fate. Twice. I trust that you’ll figure it out.”
Eugene smiled wetly, pressing his forehead to Rapunzel’s. “Sunshine, you’re going to be an amazing Queen, you know that?” He brushed a lock of hair out of her face. Now that her hair was breakable, she’d debated whether or not to cut it. Long hair was a part of her identity, after all, but without it’s magic she wasn’t sure it was worth the upkeep. In the end, she decided to cut it back, not as short as before, but rather a comfortable bob.
“And you’ll be amazing by my side.” She said, placing a kiss.
Eugene wasn’t the only one to get an upgrade. Apparently Cassandra and her dad working together on the breakout plan meant he got to see her in action, as well as her dedication to protecting the royal family. Now, she was officially a royal guard, training to replace her father someday.
Which meant Lance, as instructor, was her boss.
Eugene feared for his life.
Varian turned a corner before lifting Ruddiger out of the cart. He was getting heavy, and the cart couldn’t do stairs well on its own. Together they bounded up the steps into his mom’s room.
“Hi Mama!” he cheered, running into her embrace. She easily scooped him up and twirled him around, prompting delighted squeals. Ruddiger curled around Rapunzel’s neck, joining Pascal.
“How’s my baby boy today?” She chimed.
“I’m good! Miss grandma said to come here,” He had no clue what to call Arianna; between the queen insisted she be grandma, the king wanted her to be addressed by title, and Eugene calling her ma’am, it all jumbled up in his head.
“Yes, we need your help!” She said.
Cassandra grimaced. “You need his help, I want no part in this.”
“Aw, don’t be like that!”
“Listen, Raps, I adore you, but your taste in men is atrocious. And coming from me that’s a low blow.” She stuck her tongue out at the little one who let out a squawk of protest. With a wave, she left the room.
“What’s wrong with daddy!?” He cried after her, raising a fist. “Fight me!”
“Let’s not fight family, ok? Remember how well the last time turned out?” Rapunzel hissed between her teeth. Varian cocked his head, confused.
“But I won last time.”
Can’t argue with that.
“Speaking of that…” Rapunzel hummed, carrying Varian over to her walls. From floor to ceiling paint covered nearly every surface, detailing her life and all the people in it. Front and center was a portrait of their family. Varian was nestled in between his mom and dad, with a beaming smile. “I know you won our fight for Eugene’s love but, I still love him. You know that, yea?”
“Well…” Her eyes trailed over to another drawing, this one much smaller; that of her coronation, when she’d turned down his proposal.
It’d been about six months since that fateful day, six months that Varian has been with them. In that time Varian turned five. While they didn’t know his exact birthday, Quirin had been helpful in estimating around when Varian had been born, and they picked a random date around late March. It had been a pretty small party, what with everyone still reeling a bit. But it was nonetheless momentous for two reasons: one, Eugene’s gift to Varian had been his official adoption papers, and two, Rapunzel had decided she was ready to marry Eugene. Seeing her son so happy in the man’s arms… she wanted that. She wanted it forever.
Hence why she asked Varian to come see her.
“You know what marriage is, right bud?” At his confirmation, she continued. “Well, me and your dad aren’t married… but I want to change that. If we got married, I’d become your mom officially, like how Eugene adopted you. Do you… would you like that?”
Varian blinked a few times. The gears in his head whirred to life, slowly cranking out a response. Finally, his sky blue eyes lit up in understanding and happiness. Mama wanted to stay with him forever! He nodded so fast it hurt, and he had to stop after a few seconds.
“Thanks, baby,” Rapunzel said, overcome with joy. “Now, you can’t tell anyone about this, ok? I want it to be a surprise for daddy.”
“Can I tell Ruddiger…?”
“Yes, you can tell him.”
“What about Hugo?”
“I mean if you want…”
“Uncle Lance?”
“No, he’s terrible with secrets.”
Eugene hummed under his breath as he helped Varian get ready for the day. Both mother and son had been all giggly and whispery the day before; clearly they had a secret between them. “You gonna tell me what you and mom were talking about?”
Varian cocked his head in confusion. Oh gosh, it never got old, still just as cute as the first time!
“Last night,” Eugene clarified.
Varian gasped, covering his mouth. He shook his head in despair. Daddy didn’t like keeping secrets from him, he said it was good to tell the truth… but mommy asked him to keep it to himself! Would she be mad if he told him?
“Don’t wanna spill?” Eugene teased, chuckling. He helped Varian into his new shirt. He never did find out what happened to Varian’s sailor outfit, the one he wore when he was with Ulla, but when the house blew up there was no way it survived. Now Varian wore a dark purple school uniform, with white buttons and ascot. His shoes were shiny and black, the pristine boarding school kind. There was a hat that went with it but Varian never wore it for more than a few minutes.
Varian shook his head.
Eugene smirked. “Alright, how about I share a secret with you, hm? Maybe then you’ll tell me?” He took the silence as an invitation. “I’m gonna ask Rapunzel to marry me.” He almost said again, but Varian wasn’t there the first time, and he still wanted the kid to think positively of him. It felt nice to tell someone; he’d tell Lance but he was terrible with secrets.
Varian looked like he was gonna explode.
His dad burst out laughing. The kid’s cheeks were so puffed up you’d mistake him for a blowfish, and his face burned red. He opened his mouth, but bit down on his hand to muffle his words, and stomped his feet in frustration. Frustrated tears bubbled up and, had it not been for his dad’s calloused hands, would’ve fallen down.
“Oh, bud,” Eugene wheezed. “It’s ok, you don’t have to tell me, alright? But I wanted to tell you that. I was going to propose tonight.”
Tonight!? Rapunzel and he were planning for tonight too! He was gonna sing a song! At his distraught face, Eugene quickly backpedaled.
“Bluebird I still love you! I know you technically won that fight but I’m still gonna love her, but you’re still my little boy! Are you mad?”
“No!” Varian whined. He hated that he couldn’t tell him why he was upset! Daddy was so good at cheering him up.
Exasperated, Eugene picked his son up and left his bedroom for the day. “Well when you’re ready to tell me, you come get me, hm? No pouting.”
He pouted the rest of the day.
It sucked.
Eugene could tell it was stressing Varian just as much as it was stressing him, but because Varian refused to talk, it made the whole situation that much worse. He thought maybe he was just mad at him, but apparently he wouldn’t even talk to Lance! And he loved Lance!
Varian hated being quiet! He was the biggest chatterbox when he wanted to be! The last time he was this quiet towards his family was back when he first moved in. But still the boy held his tongue. If he didn’t, he might accidentally tell someone! And he couldn’t even tell Rapunzel or Cassie, since they were busy all day!
Maybe today’s just an off day, Eugene thought as Varian pushed his food around at dinner. He looked so miserable, like he was near tears, and it pulled at his heartstrings. Eventually Varian gave up on trying to eat, and that was Eugene’s cue for an early bedtime.
For his part, Varian didn’t really complain all that much. But then again, if he complained, he might slip up!
“Just double checking, bud.” Eugene said after he tucked the boy in. Varian’s little onesie was so precious, covered in clouds and a sun on his chest. “You’re not upset about me proposing to Rapunzel?”
In all honesty, he was more worried about nightmares. All of their hard work building up Varian’s confidence had crumbled like a stack of cards thanks to Ulla. He was wary of guards and staff, unsure if any of them would turn them back over for experiments.
Even though Eugene had explained to Varian that his momma could never hurt him again, that he was safe and no one would ever take him away from him, that really wasn’t true. For one, Rapunzel was living proof of that. But more importantly, Ulla’s claws dug deep into the boy’s mind, haunting his dreams. At least once a week, even now, Varian would wake with horrible screams and visions of electric chairs and amber formulas and rocks. He was bouncing back a lot faster than the first time around, but there was a reason he’d started looking around Corona for a child psychiatrist.
“No…” Varian sighed. He may be bummed about their plans, but if the end result was the same, he couldn’t really be too upset. Right? He picked at his sheets. “Just wanted to see mama…”
Eugene smiled sadly. “I’ll have her come see you after our date, ok?” With a kiss to the forehead, the father left the room.
Varian waited a few moments.
Then he slipped out of bed.
Regardless of whether or not his and Rapunzel’s plans were ruined, he’s not missing this proposal! Honestly he was a little offended Eugene didn’t ask him to help. He could’ve been like, “Will you be my mommy?”. But then again, Rapunzel already was his mommy. So maybe not those exact words.
Whatever! The point remained!
He peeked down the corner, where Eugene and Rapunzel were talking. Ruddiger’s tail swished in Varian’s face, making it impossible for him to make out what they were saying. But judging by the box Eugene hid behind his back, and the chest Rapunzel hid behind hers, it was something about a surprise on their date tonight.
Man, adults were weird. Why all the secrets and cryptic speech?
They walked side by side, neither looking at the gifts hidden away, nor at Varian trailing behind them like a lost puppy.
“I heard Varian was cranky today,” Rapunzel snickered at the face her boyfriend made in response. He looked like he’d swallowed a lemon. Which, to be fair, wasn’t too far off from his “smolder”. And he wondered why she didn’t fall for it.
“Yea, a bit,” he said. “He didn’t want to tell me what you two have been up to.” At this, she raised an eyebrow. In all honesty, she expected him to cave. Her sweet little boy kept it together! Well, maybe not emotionally. She’ll grab a cupcake for him later.
“Well, I think he’ll be in a much better mood tomorrow,” she hummed. “I was surprised you wanted to go on a boat ride instead of our other plan.”
“Yea well, I had an idea.”
“A good one?” She shrieked when he jokingly poked her stomach.
Varian followed them quietly, his padded footsies keeping him undetected. The night chill nipped at his cheeks, turning them red as an apple. But he didn’t care. He kept following until his parents approached a boat and rowed out a small ways. It was far enough that Varian probably couldn’t swim it, but he could still see them. The soft sound of waves filled his ears, the moon’s lullaby trying to soothe its kin. But Varian’s focus was solely on his family.  
“To think, about a year ago we were out here…” the princess glanced up at the starry sky. “And now…” She glanced over to see Eugene’s warm, loving smile.
“So, are we going to share gifts now or later?” Eugene joked. “It’s kinda funny, since today’s not really anything special, but we still got each other gifts.”
Rapunzel hummed, smiling. “This one isn’t just for you.” She glanced down at the box, an ornate, mahogany chest her mom gave her for the occasion. “It was supposed to be ready at Varian’s birthday but I figured I’d just give both of them to you.” Eugene’s smile turned even softer, if that was even possible. His heart was so warm, he half expected to burn from the inside out. The chest creaked open, and he gasped.
“Oh, blondie…”
There were two crowns sitting on plush blue velvet. Eugene’s was a dark silver, almost black under the moon’s shine. It had three prongs, not unlike Rapunzel’s tiara, though these were much pointier. Embedded on the middle prong was a gleaming violet stone, reflecting the color of Corona. Varian’s was relatively simple, more of a circlet. Also silver, it had the same loops as Rapunzel’s, with a myriad of blue stones instead of her red.
Eugene let out a shaky breath, almost nervous to touch them. “Rapunzel, these are…!” It felt almost wrong to have them. A year ago he’d tried to steal hers, and now he’s getting one of his own? But he couldn’t deny how much he wanted this. Not the crowns per say (well, that’s a lie; he may not be a thief anymore but he still loved the finer things in life) but to belong, to match with the loves of his life.
There was one nagging question though. “How’d you get your dad to agree?”
Rapunzel snorted. Around the same time she’d blown up at her dad, she’d found out about the nobility’s haggling in regards to him and Varian. “I told him we’d give him another grandkid.” Eugene choked on his own spit. “Uh, can we, um, raincheck on that? Varian’s already enough,” He wheezed. With his anxieties soothed, he reached out, fingers brushing against the cool metal. “I gotta say, these are pretty nice. Just big enough to not mess up my hair! Aw, blondie, you think of everything.” He struck a pose. “How do I look?”
“Like a king,” Rapunzel beamed. She reached into her pocket, ready to give him the other gift. “Speaking of king-”
“Hold that thought, it’s my turn!” Eugene said, holding up a finger. He missed his girlfriend’s pout.
Across the bay, Varian pouted as well. “This is boring,” he whined to Ruddiger.  
“So, speaking of kings,” Eugene said, and Rapunzel rolled her eyes fondly, but softened when Eugene’s face turned more serious. “I know the last time I asked was… less than perfect. And in the time since that… so much has happened,” that was an understatement, and they both knew it. “You asked me to wait, and I just want you to know that I am fully willing to wait still. But… I just wanted to… check in?” He opened the box to reveal a cupcake. But before Rapunzel could question it, Pascal grabbed the cherry, revealing a ring on top of the frosting. She gasped.
“Rapunzel… will you marry me?”
Her eyes brimmed with tears of joy. She sniffled, reaching into her pocket. “Only if you marry me,” she laughed, revealing the golden band she had. Eugene’s face lit up, and smiled harder than he ever had. The night was full of silence, just the two of them as they swapped bands.
Eugene burst into silent laughter, burrowing his face onto Rapunzel’s shoulder as his own shook with mirth. Honestly, he didn’t know why he expected any less. Of course Varian would try and follow them. His fiance (!!) grabbed the oars, rowing back to shore where their son bounced up and down with impatience.
The moment they stepped out onto the dock, they got an armful of child. “Oof!” Eugene wheezed. “I thought you went to bed, young man?”
Rapunzel hummed. “But didn’t your daddy put you to bed?”
“Uhuh. I just got up again.”
Eugene barked out a laugh, sweeping Varian up into his arms, much to the boy’s delight. He shrieked with joy, clutching his dad’s neck tight. Rapunzel couldn’t help but join in, wrapping both of them into a bear hug.
The small family’s laughter rang out into the night air, up towards the moon.
It shined just a bit brighter.
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This may or may not have been done after I binged multiple Portal and Portal 2 videos lol
The brothers with an MC that’s a roboticist... but their robots are all very creepy and annoying
This old man has no idea what that is but once MC explains it he’s quite impressed that his human is in such a skilled field
He takes that back after he sees some of their bots
“She’s friendly, just don’t give her any coffee!”
He’s terrified, why the everloving FUCK would MC build stuff like this
Lucifer gets teased by his brothers a lot
Of all the things in the world, this is what scares the mighty first born Avatar of Pride
If any of MC’s bots get too annoying, too destructive, or they just flat out bother him, Luci will not hesitate to destroy it and scold MC for their actions
Ok boomer
He thinks that’s freaking awesome
He convinces MC to make a bunch of tiny bots that have no purpose but to make screaming sounds and follow Lucifer everywhere
Cut to Mammon and MC running with their arms full of the screaming bots whilst Luci chases them
Mammon likes to try and help MC whenever they’re building a new bot by doing all the math calculations for them
He loves when MC praises how smart he is and thanks him for assisting them
“So, is there a reason you don’t give them full intelligence?”
“If I did that they’d kill everyone and then steal a rocket so they could take the moon hostage,”
“... lol ok”
“You build ROBOTS?!”
MC has to listen to him ramble about literally every anime he’s seen that has robots or androids or mecha bots that fight aliens for almost an hour
Levi gets a tad disappointed when he sees the bots don’t look like the badass superheros or the cute android girls from his animes
But he gets immediately excited again when MC makes a lil robot core that talks with Ruri’s voice
“MC, why does she kept talking about the mass destruction of the universe—?”
“No idea what you’re talking about,”
He hasn’t read many books on robotics but he is very interested in MC’s skills
Satan observes them as they build a bot, fascinated with their process and focus. He thinks it’s amazing MC is able to program their bots with free speech.
Until the end result
“Why won’t it shut up about going to space to eat moon rocks?!”
“Leave him alone he’s doing his best!”
Whenever he can, Satan attempts to educate MC’s bots so they’re less... well stupid.
And he fails
Asmo actually doesn’t care about the bots at first
And then he’s constantly finding the abominations in his room and his bathroom literally just staring at him
“MC!! Why do your infernal robots keep watching me?!”
“They think you’re pretty,”
Well now he likes them
Asmo uses the bots as an audience for when he’s trying on a bunch of clothes he just bought, like a mini fashion show!
He assumes their beeping and garbled speech is praise
MC doesn’t tell him the bots have cameras in their eyes
“Can you build a chef robot?”
“I dunno, let’s find out!”
Beel is SO HAPPY when MC makes a bot that specializes in cooking, he doesn’t even question why it has so many arms
The excitement is short lived when the bot goes crazy and destroys half the kitchen before tossing itself into that giant soup pot don’t worry the stove wasn’t on and it was empty
Beel and MC both get a very long scolding from Lucifer
He doesn’t mind though. The only chef Beel needs is his sweet human.
The first time he sees a robot, it’s just sitting by his face waiting for him when he wakes up from a nap, staring right at him
He calms down once MC explains
Belphie remembers seeing the start of robot technology at some point when he used to visit the human realm so he thinks it’s cool MC is smart enough to build their own bots
Oh, and the fact they freak Lucifer out so much?
Belphie lives for it
Sometimes he likes to snatch one or two of MC’s crazy scrapped bots and hide them in Lucifer’s bedroom or his study
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stringsxfate · 4 years
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* ✶ 「 lana condor, 24, female & she/her 」 welcome to the mortal realm, MIRANDA TIEN— though, the fates whisper that they could only be ARIADNE reincarnated. it seems in this life they’re instead known for being a BAKER. what a downgrade. nevertheless, mortality can be confusing, so it’s understandable they can be COURAGEOUS and TRUSTING, but also INSECURE and DESTRUCTIVE ; maybe that’s why they remind people of DRIVERS LICENCE by OLIVIA RODRIGO ? but not all history is washed away by time — just as the poets say, they still remind others of HALF SMILES WITH EYES FULL OF TEARS, MESSY KITCHENS FULL OF LAUGHTER, LATE NIGHT DRUNK TALKS IN BATHROOMS WITH STRANGERS. hopefully this life treats them a little better.
hello all i am back with new child, she’s a bit of a mess and doesn’t know what any of her emotions and feelings are but she’s working on it. and until then she makes a really good cupcake and loaf of bread.
tw: parental death, alcohol mentions
about / socials
Miranda liked to break her life down into sections. There was the before and and there was the during and there was the after. Everyone tells her she’s in the after now, that she’s made it through the hardest part, but it still feels like she’s in the middle, stuck in a never ending loop with only glimpses of the after. 
Miranda was born to Hien and Aida Tien, the youngest of four, she discovered very early in life that there was very little she couldn’t get away with. All high expectations were placed on her elder sister and brothers meaning Miranda had freedom to make as many mistakes as she wanted and run a little wild. Not that she did, but the option was always there, which was nice to know. When she looks back on her childhood it’s with warmth and joy. Family dinners where they would all laugh and her brother helping her with maths homework and long afternoons in the back kitchen decorating cakes with her dad. Her childhood is tinged in yellow and smells faintly like baking bread and spices and sounds like easy laughter in country songs. 
The diagnosis came two weeks after her sixteenth birthday. It’s sudden and unexpected and throws their family into chaos. Miranda feels her life slowly start to revolve around her dad's doctor's appointment and rushing to the bakery after school to help out. She does it willingly, gladly, happy to help in any way she can, to take a little of the stress off her parents' sagging shoulders and her siblings' stressed backs. 
She meets him when she’s seventeen and he’s twenty. Justin, who’s older and drives his dad's old car that he’d painted new and gives her flowers he’s stolen from neighbours gardens and showers her with pretty words that make her blush. He walks - staunters, really - into her life when she needs him most, when she needs someone most. Sweeps her off her feet and takes her on wild adventures through the city and convinces her to sneak out of her house late at night. When she’s with him, Miranda forgets all about hospital beds and medication littering their kitchen table and how her dad isn’t getting better. She tells him she loves him as they’re curled together on the back seat of his car and she believes him when he says it back. Kisses his collarbone and lets him kiss down her neck, saves every whispered compliment in her mind. 
Her dad's illness isn’t short and it isn’t pretty. Twenty rolls by with a shakily decorated cake and balloons in her favourite colours and everyone avoiding asking about college. She spends her little party holding Justin's hand and laughing with her dad and trying to memorise every little detail. He doesn’t see her turn twenty-one. 
He breaks up with her two days before the funeral. In a text. It’s a text she’ll always remember. Because it was two lines and he hadn’t even been bothered to fully type out the word ‘you’.
 ‘Can’t do this anymore. ur just too much right now and i dnt sign up for it.’ 
Very little makes sense in her life for the next few months. She wakes up, she gets dressed, she goes to the bakery, she mixes batter and decorates cakes, she hugs her mom and smiles with her sister, she goes home and sleeps. Trapped in a loop of the same things over and over and until it finally hits her what’s happened. 
Miranda doesn’t really remember turning twenty-one. She knows her friends take her out and tap glasses together as they do shots and her mom smiles at her fondly as she stumbles through the door later that night. Because all she can think about is how Justin had talked about how they’d spend her twentyfirst, all the plans and places they’d go, how he’d been excited, so she’d been excited. And how she’d spent most of it alone and that somehow, the pain of missing her dad had been overshadowed by someone else. It’s the first time she lets herself hate Justin and start to realise that all the pretty words and whispered promises hadn’t been true. 
Now she’s twenty-three and crawling her way out of the during with her nails still. She overhears her friends whispering worries about how she seems like a bystander to her own life. It knocks her back, hits her in the heart as she realises how true it is. So she starts to make an effort again. Starts to pick up the fallen bricks of her life and tries to rebuild. 
She starts with taking a more active role in the bakery, allowing her mom a chance to step back a little, to take more time for herself. It gives her something to focus on and pour her energy into and it’s just an added bonus that she finds the sounds of stand mixers soothing. Miranda’s first major change in the bakery was clearing out the space they’d used for storage, knocking down a wall and giving the place a small sitting area, effectively making it a cafe. 
She starts going out with her friends again, starts conversations first and brings up possible plans. She agrees to be set up on a date, and when it doesn’t go terribly she lets herself start looking to the future again. 
tl;dr : in summary, she had a very lovely childhood with two lovely parents and the regular amount of sibling drama. her dad got sick, she meets justin, her dad gets sicker, justin makes her feel special, her dad dies, justin ends it. it takes her nearly three years to realise that she never really dealt with her dad dying or her grief because of it, so now she’s in therapy and taken over running the family bakery by turning it into a lil cute cafe too. 
( miranda is very easy to get along with and will honestly talk to anyone because girl is way to trusting for her own good which is why she’s just gonna keep getting her heartbroken. she wants to see the best in people and will ignore all the red flags that pop up along the way, despite people's warnings. she’s actually really got her shit together when it comes to the business and networking and stuff, she’s just a hopeless mess when it comes to her emotions. )
headcanons / facts
she’s shockingly good at finding her way through mazes – hedge, corn or just drawn ones – she can find her way through in record time. whenever people ask her how she does it (if she’s cheating somehow), she simply shrugs and says ‘i just get a feeling about which way to go, so i go that way’. the same logic applies to detangling wires, especially headphones and messed up balls of wool. most of the time she doesn’t even realise she’s untangling something until it’s done and someones looking at her weird.
her parents bought their bakery when they first moved to the city and named it laurel leaf because the first time they met was when aida accidentally threw a laurel wreath at hien’s face. for the holidays the family always tried to decorate with laurel wreaths when they could, after hien died aida couldn’t face doing it for a long time. now that miranda has taken over the day to day running of the place she’s hung up a permanent laurel wreath above the door. 
because baking is basically her job she’s taken up knitting and running for hobbies. there’s a basket on the counter at the bakery of all the many, many hats she’s knitted free for anyone to take. she really hates running, but also knows it’s probably going to be good for her in the long run (ha!) so she just complains to whole time to her friends via text whenever she goes.
wanted connections 
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death-himself · 4 years
Hidden in Shadows—Remus’s Story (pt. 1)
Summary: What has Remus been doing all this time? And who let him take care of eldritch abomination children?
Word Count: 1,511
Warnings: Body Horror, Homelessness, Angst
Part 2 (AO3 Link)
Failure. What an absolute failure. The darkness wasn’t sure what to do with its creation anymore. Its creation, who had decided to go by the name “Virgil”—and what a human thing it was to want to go by such a name—was going against everything it had taught him to do. He was too weak to kill, too weak to take souls, too weak to do anything.
He acted too human.
It watched as the young monster hid in the corner of a human child’s room, bobbing his head back and forth as if listening to his own music, using a small scrap of paper and a pencil to doodle. It had been a year since the darkness had let him out of the shadows. A whole year had passed, and no souls had been taken.
No matter how much the darkness tried to guide its creation into doing what he was made for, nothing happened. He was a disgusting failure of a monster. So, something else would have to do. And so the darkness began the process all over again, feeding its hatred for humanity and desire for their destruction into a new being.
Another five year wait was ahead of it.
Remus huffed as he pulled his coat tighter around himself. Well, he had expected this to happen eventually. Granted, he had expected his mom to beat the shit out of him, but not actually kick him out. Didn’t know she would do both.
He didn’t really have any friends to turn to; he had met them all online and the closest, his boyfriend, lived a state away. He huddled down into an alleyway in a relatively safe part of town.
Where could he go? He remembered back when his dad was alive and still with his mom there was this uncle that mom had absolutely refused to let come over. Maybe Remus could try to find him?
He shook that thought out of his head immediately. If his uncle was anything like the rest of his family, he wouldn’t want Remus around, either.
He shrugged off his backpack, hid behind a dumpster, and pushed the bag under his head. Maybe he could start making his way to Emile tomorrow. Or at least call him and see if there was anything he could do.
With that thought in mind, he took a deep, steady breath, shut his eyes, and went to sleep.
Remus awoke to a sharp pain in his chest. He opened his mouth to yell, but nothing came out. He forced his eyes open, his vision blurry. What looked to be a ball of light was slowly emerging from his chest.
Remus turned his gaze up slightly to see a hand with needle-like fingers hovering above the ball. The hand was attached to a long, gangly limb, which was attached to a horrifically bony figure, which was attached to a face. The first thing Remus thought when he saw that face was Oh wow, that’s disgusting.
The left side of the creature’s face appeared to be rotting, skin torn up and seeming to bleed a black substance that dripped onto Remus’s shirt. Its eye sockets seemed to be completely hollow, with sadistic glowing toxic yellow irises coming from somewhere inside them. Its lips were split into an unnaturally wide grin that only seemed to grow wider as the glowing ball was pulled more and more out of his chest.
It was horrifying. Remus loved it. With whatever strength he had left in his body, he punched the creature in the rotting side of its face. It reeled back, howling in pain as black liquid fell from its eyes. The ball of light immediately went back into Remus’s chest, and his strength returned.
He leapt to his feet, watching as the creature continued to howl and cry. It was in pain. He noticed the shadows seem to pull closer to the creature and he quickly pulled out his flashlight, turning it on with even louder protests from the zombie-like thing.
“Go away!” It yelled. “Leave me alone!” The voice caused Remus to pause. Holy fuck it has the voice of a child. Remus looked over its body again. It looked like a five year old boy’s dead body had been pulled and stretched into a roughly five-foot tall thing.
He watched the shadows swirl unnaturally at the edge of his light. It wanted to get to the kid, maybe to heal him. But Remus had a bad feeling in his gut as he watched it; he could almost feel its ill-intent.
He kept the light on the kid as he pulled bandages from his bag, then cautiously walked over. The kid was still clearly in pain, maybe the rotting side of his face was a lot more sensitive than normal skin.
Realizing he’d need both hands, Remus put the end of the flashlight in his mouth and gently laid a hand on the kid’s shoulder.
The kid shrieked, smacking his hand away and curling in tighter around himself. “I’m not gonna punch you again, calm down!” With the flashlight in his mouth he was barely understandable, but he got the message across.
“Liar. Humans are liars.” The kid muttered.
“Well, can’t argue with that. Humans are pieces of shit, and I don’t wanna be one of those Not All Humans types of guys. We’re all pretty terrible.” He noticed none of what he said seemed to elicit a reaction from the kid. But, at least he wasn’t screaming anymore.
Remus sat behind the kid, taking the flashlight out of his mouth and tossing it between his hands. “I don’t think I’m the worst human. I mean, I can definitely list at least a hundred people worse than me. There’s Jared from my math class—it’s always a Jared—there’s Bryce, Lucas, those are just three examples and those are just people I know personally. Then there’s also some celebrities like—”
“Is there a point to what you’re saying?”
“No, not really. How’s your face feeling?” The kid looked over his shoulder at Remus, eying him for a moment before looking away.
“It still hurts.” Remus hummed, grabbing a bandaid. “Alrighty, then come here. I got just the thing.”
The kid hesitantly sat up and turned to Remus, looking him up and down cautiously, before creeping closer. Once the creature was close enough for Remus to treat, he took the bandaid and stuck it onto a healthy patch of skin, as close to the area he had punched as he could get. The kid blinked and skittered back in alarm.
“Presto changeo, and you’re healed!” The kid ran his fingers across the bandaid, eyebrows furrowed.
“Nah, it’s this thing called the placebo effect, works great on little kids. I didn’t punch you hard enough to cause any real damage so,” Remus shrugged, “a bandaid works just fine.” He wasn’t sure if the kid had any idea what the placebo effect was, but it seemed to be a decent enough explanation to him.
“...Thank you.” Remus hummed.
“You got any parents to take care of you?”
“Oh, that’s a no.” Remus went to lie down next to the dumpster, then pat the concrete next to him. “Go ahead and stay here. I’m sure whatever the hell those weird shadows you came out of are are bad news.”
“The darkness takes care of me! It’d never hurt me!”
“Well, then do whatever you want. I won’t stop you.” Remus turned to face away from the kid, closing his eyes and listening closely.
The kid looked into the darkest part of the alley, ready to allow the shadows to bring him home.
But that’s when he felt something angry and frustrated within the darkness. He gulped, slowly backing away towards the human he had just met. He gave himself only a moment to think, before lying down next to Remus and holding tightly onto the back of his shirt.
Remus smiled triumphantly to himself and turned around to look at the kid. “Guess you’re staying with me, then?” The kid clung onto Remus’s shirt, not meeting his eyes as he nodded.
Remus ruffled the kid’s hair. “Well, then it’s good to meet ya. I’m Remus. What’s your name?” The kid glanced up, confused. “Do you have a name?”
“I don’t think so.” Remus hummed in thought. “Mind if I give you a name?”
“I shall now call you...Ballsack.”
“Lil Shit?”
“I don’t like your names.”
“Alright, alright, fair enough. You can name yourself.” The kid went silent for a moment. Remus checked his phone, seeing just how late it was.
“Actually...let’s save that for tomorrow. Sleep on it, and all that.” He ruffled the kid’s hair again, closing his eyes. A few moments later he heard a quiet huff from the kid, and he closed his eyes as well.
Remus was now the father of a five year old demon thing at the age of fifteen. It was just like in his fanfiction.
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candlecat624 · 5 years
Some Good Omens OC art + a headcanon (in the form of a story because I didn’t know how else to explain it and a story seemed like fun)
(TD;LR is at the very end, just before the art also if there's any trigger warnings I need to add please don’t be afraid to let me know!)
“Hey Charlie,” Warlock piped up suddenly in their study session, putting his pencil down as he looked up at the demon sitting next to him. “What’s it like when an angel falls?”
Charlie paused for a second in thought. She decided that he would tell the 13-year old since he had been doing such a good job at his math homework thus far. She let out a breath, recalling the small fragments of the Revolution and The Great Fall all those years ago.
“As an angel, your fall is both graceful and destructive. But just for a split second, you belong to both sides. As half of your holy connection to God herself is burnt away and replaced with demonic ambition, there’s still half of you that’s connected to Her, making you half-demon and half-angel, even if it’s just for a moment. Any questions so far rascal?”
Warlock quickly shook his head yes as he asked another question, his eyes filled with curiosity and a smile as wide as can be. Charlie chuckled at the small-in-comparison-to-her boy’s enthusiasm.
“But what about your fall Cherry? I overheard you talking to Aziraphale and Crowley and Lizard about the 50s and you just had a full-on breakdown. I uh...”
Warlock rubbed his arm in embarrassment as he looked away, feeling Charlie’s gaze go from motherly to stone cold.
“The books in his bookshop were getting kinda boring so I crept down onto the staircase and uhh... eavesdropped a little bit. Maybe even watched a little.”
“Warlock we talked about this. I thought we agreed that if we got bored that we wouldn’t do things like eavesdrop on people, ok?”
Warlock nodded in shame, emitting a small ‘mhm’ as he did so.  
“Promise me you won’t do it again?” Charlie softly smiled, her rock hard stare softening as she presented her right pinky finger out to him, waiting for him to either accept or decline the pinky promise. His smile returned as he interlocked their pinkys, the two of them shaking their interlocked pinkies in one fluid motion, sealing the promise.
“That’s my boy. Now, where were we?” She smiled as she unlinked their pinkies and closed his math book, chucking it over her shoulder and across the room.
“The 50s.”
“Right. I stayed an angel during the revolution and only decided to go into the whole being a demon thing in the 50s. Long story shor-”
“Don't give me the short version!” Warlock quickly jumped in. “I want to hear every detail. If video games are any sign Hell is awesome as...Hell!”
Charlie giggled as she listened to the child talk. “Alright, alright. Just be warned it’s pretty longggg~” She dragged out the g emphasis her point. He groaned playfully, knowing all too well what long meant.
“Alright, alright. Give me the medium-length version.”
“Gotcha rascal”
Charlie ‘dramatically’ cleared her throat, showing the child she was going into nanny mode. “But first, we should probably get settled. It’s getting late and this is probably going to be more of an unsettling bedtime story than a videogame character’s backstory.“
Warlock quickly got up, his chair almost falling over as he started running excitedly to his room like a small child. Charlie followed shortly behind walking...but then the temptation of acting like a child overcame her and she took off her boots and she started running after him. By the time she got to Warlock’s room, he had tucked himself in bed and had been patiently waiting for her. Charlie arrived in her old nanny outfit thanks to a quick miracle. 
“Ta ta~” She did jazz hands as Warlock smiled. 
“Just like old times, Cherry.”
“Just like old times, rascal. So who’s ready for a story!”
Warlock’s right hand shot up as he excitedly smiled, his inner child showing. “Me! I do!”
Charlie chuckled as she walked over to the side of the bed and sat down, the old chair that Crowley and she used to share still in its original place. 
“Comfy?” Warlock nodded. Charlie smiled sweetly. “Good.”
“Now when I decided to become a demon, Crowley took my down into Hell. Because I was an angel, I couldn't go by myself. I didn’t have the demonic drive needed to go, but with Crowly I was able to enter the gates easily. When I got down there, I met up with Lord Beelzebub and the Dukes Hastur and Ligur.”
“Ligur was the one I insulted, right?”
“Yep! I’m still so proud of you for that. Back to the story, I met up with the three of them and Crowley helped me arrange monthly meetings with them so I could get some special injections of liquid Hellfire and some other stuff that I can’t remember. I still have a hole from where the needles were. Wanna see?”
“That's.. that's gross but hell yeah!”
Charlie took off her lil Mary Poppins cape thingy and rolled up her left dress shirt sleeve, showing a small hole in her arm. The edges of the circular hole were corroding and black, small black veins just under the skin around the hole. Warlock ‘awed at the hole, looking at it like it was a shiny new gaming console or something really interesting for a 13-year-old. 
“Can I touch it?”
“Uhhh...probably best not too.” She gently pokes the hole. “This bad boy can fit so much liquid hellfire in it.” There was a moment of intense staring and silence until the two started laughing. It took the pair a minute to calm down.
“Back to the story my dear,” she started to tuck him back into bed in an attempt to help calm him down to the point where she knew he would concentrate. She rolled her sleeve back down and put her cape thing back on. “So I got my injections in 3 years instead of 5 because I was a boss bitch and wanted my shit earlier. Anyway, I got all the injections and a few days after my transformation I went into Hell for my coronation ceremony where Lord Beelzebub sorted me into one of the seven circles of Hell, each one representing a different deadly sin.”
“Which one did you get sorted into? I can’t picture you like any of the sins, to be honest.” Warlock tried to think of which sin she would fit as for a moment, but his mind turned up blank. He had nothing. 
“I was sorted into Lust. My missions here on Earth were originally centered around tempting people into lustful acts. Especially just tempting priests about young girls though. Eugh. I hated those ones. But then I was set up with Crowley to look after the antichrist. You know the rest.”
Charlie looked over at the clock. The time displayed was 10:48pm. She looked over at Warlock who was readjusting his pillow so he would be able to hug it.
“Would you be comfortable with a kiss on the forehead? I know you’re older now but I think it’d be a nice nostalgia thing. No pressure though.”
Warlock smiled, the memories of his childhood flooding back to him all at once. “Yes please.”
She leaned down and gently kissed his forehead as she pulled the blankets up to his chin once he got comfortable. “Good night, my little destroyer of my heart.” She left the room, turning off the lights and gently shutting the door. She smiled, closing her eyes for a few moments as she remembered all the days she’d look after the young boy with her old friend Crowley.
Headcanon: If you were an angel who wanted to become a demon after the revolution you had to get a series of injections across a few years and get a coronation into a circle of hell.
also a lot of fluffy moments between 13yr Warlock and his second Nanny, Nanny Cherry (my OC :D)
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Charlie: It kinda feels like you’re chained to both sides when you can feel that you’re halfway down to Hell...Kinda glad you only go through it once
(Click for better quality :D)
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