happybird16 · 1 year
Do you guys think little Levi freaked out when he lost his first baby tooth? All the terrifying, disgusting strangers he meets day to day are usually missing several teeth, and the remainders are gross and rotten. But his mom has nice and pretty perfect pearly whites. She always nags him to brush his teeth before bed, but sometimes he’s lazy about it. And now one of his front teeth has fallen out. :( He doesn’t want to be like them; he wants to be like his mama.
He’s upset when he shows her the tooth, the tiny little white bone resting in the middle of his palm. There are tears in his eyes, and his lips are quivering because he thinks he failed her. The weight of his disappointment seems overwhelming, and he can’t help but feel like he let his mother down.
But Kuchel is just so happy, and her reaction is nothing like what he expected. Her smile is beautiful and radiant, lighting up the room as she gently takes the small tooth from his palm. She kneels down to his level, her eyes filled with warmth and understanding.
“Sweetheart,” she begins, her voice soft and comforting, “It’s just a baby tooth. It’s supposed to fall out. You’re growing up right before my eyes.” She caresses his cheek gently, wiping away a tear. “An adult tooth will grow to replace it soon enough, and you’ll have an even more beautiful smile.”
Levi’s heart swells with relief and love for his mother. He smiles, big and wide, the gap of his front tooth on full display, little fingers tugging on the fabric of her dress. “Not as beautiful as mama’s,” he says with pure admiration in his eyes.
Leaning forward, Kuchel nuzzles her nose against his, her laughter a soft chime. Her heart fills with warmth as she gazes into her son’s innocent eyes. “Oh, my sweet boy,” she replies, her voice tender, “You have the most precious smile in the world, you could outshine me anyday.”
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fandom-nursery · 7 months
Levi agere headcanons
Regresses young, usually around 0-4
He regresses almost as often as mammon but only if he is sure he won’t be interrupted 
Learned about it from the internet and was very excited to finally have a word for what was happening to him and an online community to share it with 
Like most things about himself he struggles not to feel self hate, shame, and insecurity about his regression which is unfortunate because he really enjoys it. Big Levi just gets too in his own head about it sometimes 
Owns a lot of games with easy modes or games aimed more towards children so he can still play when he’s little. Almost all his games have a save file on them that is only for little Levi to play on. 
Wants a caregiver so badly but actually asking someone to take care of him??? Way too scary 
He actually starts crying with happiness when you offer to be his caregiver 
Levi can be a little difficult to understand when he’s small. He tends to mumble, babble or speak into his hands/pillow or through his paci making him almost incomprehensible at times. 
Occasionally is completely nonverbal, especially when he’s feeling very tiny, and uses a little bit of sign language or just points to communicate 
Very clingy baby. Needs to have some part of you touching him or at least be able to see you at all times or he will cry. Has a bit of separation anxiety and has a hard time believing that you will always come back and that you leaving the room for a minute to grab something or just to go to the bathroom does not actually mean that you are going away forever and abandoning him 
Shy little one. Hides his face in his hands or against your shoulder whenever he feels embarrassed or scared. 
When he gets excited about something he is very enthusiastic and doesn't bother trying to mask or hide his stimming 
He is hard to put down for a nap but he can be coaxed to sleep with cuddles and a soothing anime OST playing in the background 
He loves to be carried and will wrap his entire body, tail included, around you when he’s small 
Speaking of his tail Levi is almost always in his demon form while regressed. It’s just easier for him and he likes that he can use his tail to express himself when he doesn't feel like talking 
As much as getting naked in front of someone else embarrasses him Levi loves to be in the water and can’t resist a good bath. His favorite game in the tub is pretending to be a huge sea monster and “sinking” his toy ships  
He loves to watch cartoons or have his favorite manga read to him. He has a huge list of shows for little Levi to choose from 
He’s not a very picky eater but he won’t eat what he has dubbed “normie foods” while little. What exactly counts as a “normie food” however is a mystery because his answer changes every time he regresses  
Prefers to have someone feed him his meals but always needs a snack container within reach while little
He has a lot of toys, most of which he purchased as either fidgets or as merch for one of his shows or games. His army of plushies is, quite frankly, getting a bit out of hand 
Glued to his paci and only ever takes it out to eat or when he really needs to be understood 
He does wear diapers pretty much every time he regresses but working up the courage to actually use them without feeling super bad about it afterwards is hard for him 
He has never willingly told anyone about his regression. You found out when you ran into him in the kitchen while he was regressed (he thought everyone was out of the house and wanted a snack) 
Mammon and Lucifer both found out about his regression through their own means (not knocking before entering, and screening packages brought to the house respectively) 
Big fan of cutesy nicknames like Guppy, princess, babydoll, or sweetheart
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vilegato · 6 months
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The dynamic between neo3 and cap
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beelsbignaturals · 1 year
Unhinged Dates with the Obey Me Cast.
AN: This was just a silly haha but I had way too much fun with it. It was supposed to be one line each...
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Leviathan takes you to go see a whale fall in person. He uses magic so you don't die, obvi, but come on guys!!! Whale fall!!!
Barbatos will take you back in time to witness some of his favorite historical events. You can have a picnic while watching Pompeii from a safe distance.
Satan takes you to a real murder mystery party. Someone sold their soul to him and it's time to collect. Why not make a date of it and kill the poor fool at their own party?
Asmodeus takes you out for the Elizabeth Bathory spa treatment. Virgin blood does wonders for your complexion!
Belphegor will pull a Freddy Kruger and take you with him to haunt some poor shmuck's dreams.
Lucifer is a classy guy. You can sip demonus while watching a Shakespeare reenactment of your choice. When a character dies, so does the actor! Don't worry, love. It's just the souls of the damned. Part of their punishment, y'know?
Beelzebub takes you to a restaurant that used to be all the rage before it was shut down just prior to the exchange program. But the locals kicked up such a fuss it reopened. Just... ignore the fact the menu looks like something the Sawyer family would be offering.
Mammon had a phase where he was really into jumping off of buildings. If you find old Devilgram pics of him divebombing the ground before flying off at the last minute and give your best puppy dog eyes, I'm sure Mammon would be delighted to hold you close as he indulges in an old pass time!
Diavolo will let you join while he sentences souls to damnation. As his future co-monarch, it's your right to learn about the ins and outs of the kingdom. You can even wear a crown made of bones if you want!
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l3viat8an · 1 year
*Games night in Levi’s room*
Mammon: Damn this game is crazy!
MC: Crazy?
MC & Levi:*In perfect sync* I was crazy once, they locked me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with with rats, and rats make me crazy, crazy? I was crazy once, they locked me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with with rats, and rats make me crazy, crazy?-
Mammon: What the fuck is wrong with you two????
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rainofthetwilight · 2 months
when you slow down this scene, there's a little detail that–while not really noticable–arin's reactions are a little later than the rest, and his facial expressions shift alot moreso than the others, showing how he's probably pretty unfocused
and with that detail, kai seems to be the one who's the most focused, as even nya and lloyd's expressions occasionally shift (lloyd being the most out of the three of them), while he stayed unchanged the entire time
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deathviaroses · 2 months
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you know Hange would—
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journey-to-the-attic · 4 months
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incredibly stupid comic idea that falls in the category of "came to me late at night and had to draw it as soon as possible"
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Having a particularly hard time accepting that he’s not real today
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acnologias-ass · 5 months
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Gajevy Week 2024 Day 2: Memento
I had no plans to draw anything for this day and then boom, four pages. :')
(please ignore for a moment that canonically dragon scales turn white when they fall off, I remembered halfway through 😂)
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leviismybby · 4 months
Modern!au Levi having your wedding date tattooed on the side of his neck in Latin. He also has a tattoo of your name on his lower abdomen right above his underwear line.
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leviraaaaaa · 11 months
𝘔𝘦𝘢𝘨𝘳𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘴𝘱𝘢𝘤𝘦 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘴𝘦𝘳𝘷𝘦𝘴 𝘶𝘴 𝘴𝘰 𝘸𝘦𝘭𝘭
𝘞𝘦 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘳𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘴, 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘴𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝘵e𝘭𝘭
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Levi let out a sigh of relief the moment your silhouette appeared through the shadows, tensed shoulders relaxing. He turned his head, all focus shifting instantly to you.
“You.” He exhaled, a hint of exasperation in his tone, indicating that the little time spent without your absence had not been very fun. “Where have you been?”
“Hi. Went to scout.” You answered, reaching the little campfire to stand beside Levi. All your friends sat circling it. Levi’s subtle, not very subtle eagerness at your arrival seemed to have triggered something, making the already guffawing crowd of people laugh even harder. Concluded with Levi’s sour face, it wasn’t very hard to guess what the subject of amusement must have been.
“Oh, are we bullying Levi again?” You beamed, nudging Levi’s leg with your foot, signaling him to give you space. “Scoot over. I want to join too.”
Levi shot a glare, but shifted to let you sit beside him. As another wave of laugher sparked through your friends, you plopped down on the grass, folding your legs. It was a chilly night, and everyone wanted to stay near the fire, therefore, the circle was so tightly formed around the fire, you could barely squeeze yourself between Levi and Nifa.
“Sit on my lap, why don’t you?” Levi grumbled, scowling and squirming a little at the close contact.
“What? It’s cold. And you’re warm.” You said as you sat down. “What are you so pissy for anyways?” You pressed yourself tighter, curling yourself up against him, uncaring of the poisonous gaze. You’ve learnt a long ago, half of Levi's words didn’t mean shit, that if he actually was uncomfortable, you wouldn’t even be here right now, he would’ve broken a bone or two. Levi’s personal space wasn’t something he let anyone come through, but you’ve been an exception for that for a long time.
And he was warm. A warmth that surprisingly only the cold, cold man was capable of.
And as always, the low protest died soon and he adjusted to let you lean against him.
“Hange.” He muttered, answering your previous question. “They’re trying to convince people to marry me.”
“Wonderful.” You grinned, “I volunteer.”
“I hate you.”
Cue for a very drunk Hange cracking up again, leading the others to join in. Even Erwin, ever regal and solemn, couldn’t seem to be able to hold the small smile from forming. With Hange’s contagious laughter and Levi’s scowl, it was impossible to.
“Oh why’d you let Hange drink again?” You laughed, watching them as Moblit struggled, trying to pry the bottle out of the section commander's grasp. “They're gonna be terrible to deal with tomorrow.”
“They insisted it was one sip.” Erwin said solemnly.
“Well, that sure seems like one sip.”
“But seriously though,” Nanaba piped in, shoulders still shaking with the waves of laughter. “Levi’s got all that spunk, but no bitches.”
“Stubborn shortie-” Hange's voice was cut of as they hiccupped
“Shut up. All of you. Please.” Levi sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “
“Point stands. In your mid-thirties, Levi. How long are you going to wait?”
“Why,” He huffed. “Are you people so insistent on analyzing my personal life every damn time? Do you not have anything better to do?”
“Only well wishers.” She gave him a smug smile. “That’s what friends do, they care for each other.”
“No. You just want to give me shit.”
“Well, that too.” She shrugged.
“Iffff—if anything,” Hange stumbled in, rubbing their eyes. She glanced at you pointedly. “You could at least date her. That’d be nice.”
“So I keep telling him.” You feigned a disappointed sigh.
“Don’t fucking egg them on.” He hissed, face heating up at the suggestion. How could they even think it’d work out? He thinks, against the thoughts tugging. Ridiculous. They were ridiculous. You were just as ridiculous. So what does he do with this ridiculous fucking feelin–
“Oh but look,” Hange leaned forward, squinting to watch the two of you, their glasses reflecting off the fire and casting shadows on their face. “ Do mine eyes deceive me or is Ackerman over there blushing?”
“No.” The denial was quick. A little too quick.
“I confirm.” Nanaba smirked. Miche grunted.
“Oh, Levi.” Erwin’s eyes glimmered amusement.
“I will hit you. Don’t even go there.”
The roar of laughter only grew louder.
And the night rolled on, the nonsense bickerings and banters continued. Friendly faces and friendly voices, joking and teasing and laughing without a care in the world. Bottles clinked, the firelight glinting on them. At one point, you and Hange started singing some stupid song you’ve heard in the fair, rocking back and forth with the music. And you weren’t certain, but you could swear there was a hint of melody even in the wind blowing by. And it was cold, but with Levi beside you, you were okay. But that was okay, it was okay. More than okay, really. The happiness was overwhelming.
“You know,” Hange called out suddenly. They had taken to fully sprawl out on the grass. They’d been quiet a while, and you had thought they must’ve passed out, but appears not.
Everyone turned to look at them.
“This is nice isn’t it?” They mumbled, blinking up to the sky. “I mean, sure, we might die tomorrow, but this is nice. I wouldn’t really mind dying.”
“You know, what would’ve been nice, Hange?” Nanaba said, watching Hange. And despite the words itself, she was smiling. “To not mention death.”
“I know but,” Hange sat up, grinning. “This is not too bad as a last night of your life right? I wouldn’t mind.”
And for a second, no one spoke. Perhaps, it was because all were drunk more or less but that hit harder in that moment. Unsaid words were spoken in silence, the wind carrying the oaths away. And even Levi’s eyes had softened.
Only Hange could say words like that with that face, you thought. You weren’t sad, not really. Because Hange was right. Being a scout meant learning to appreciate every breath you can take, and nights like this were as good as they’d come.
“Aww Hange.” You sighed, grinning back. “Cheesy much? You’re making Levi all squirmy.”
“No, I am not—” Levi’s protests were buried as the group jumped in yet again another session of Levi leg-pulling.
But despite it all, Levi thought.
Pissheads, all of them were. But nevertheless.
He watched you with the corner of his eyes, watching you as you laughed your head off to something Eld said, shoulders shaking, the firelight making your eyes glitter. And you were so close, so close, he could hardly breathe. And the urge to wrap an arm around you, to pull you closer. To feel you against him.Would that be so wrong of him? If he leaned close, would you pull away? But it’s okay, he thinks.
Hange was right.
It’s okay if he dies tomorrow. He wouldn’t really mind.
He didn’t really mind right now either.
He finds it strange that he didn’t really mind it. Any of it.
He didn’t mind Hange or Nanaba or any of them.
He didn’t mind your stupid little jokes, clearly made with the intention to piss him off. He didn’t really mind that you were so close. He didn’t mind that your head on his shoulder. He didn’t mind a lot of things that he thinks he would’ve minded if it was anyone else but you.
He doesn’t really know how it works. He doesn’t like thinking about the strange little feelings in his heart that tugged everytime you smiled, or the way his stomach tightened whenever you flirted with him so casually.
And maybe one day he’ll tell you. Maybe he won’t
Does it matter? Is it not enough to only have you alive and close?
He’s here now. With everyone and with you.
He’s home.
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layaart · 10 months
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I just think Levi's neat
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fjordline · 1 year
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rebouks · 3 months
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[cursing] Wren: You suck. Levi: I got distracted-.. you suck! Wren: Nu-uh. Robin: Penny? Levi: I said I’d meet her later. Robin: Oh, reaaaally? Levi: Shut up. Robin: I thought she annoyed you, anyway. Levi: Yeah, but-… [Robin flinched involuntarily as Byrd toppled off the fence and collided with the ground, landing on his wrist awkwardly] Robin: Shit. Levi: What? Wren: Ewww-.. is it broken, are you bleeding? Robin: Are you okay? Can you move it? Byrd: I don’t know-.. should I?! [All the colour promptly drained from Wren’s face at the sound of Byrd’s uncharacteristically shrill voice and the mere thought of his bones being in any other state that they ought to be. Luckily, she collided with Levi’s foot instead of the ground as she passed out] Robin: Jesus. Byrd: Oh my god-.. is she dead?! Levi: I think she just fainted again, dingus. Byrd: But-… Robin: She’s fine, are you fine? Byrd: Uhm… Levi: It’ll probably be fine. Robin: I dunno… Byrd: It’s f-fine, honestly! Wren: I’m not fine… Robin: Yeah, you are. Levi: Fancy taking a nap in the middle of a skatepark-.. how embarrassing. [Wren grumbled half-heartedly, far too dizzy to form a witty retort] Robin: We should probably go. Levi: Nah.. let’s go to the diner, we can eat n’ Frankie can get Byrd a bandage or something. He’ll be fine. Robin: Yeah, alright. Wren: I feel sick. Robin: You’ll feel better soon-.. c’mon, gimmie your board.
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l3viat8an · 1 year
sometimes i think abt what if pervy brothers + innocent mc that unintentionally does stuff that turns them on like bending over in front of them or eating a popsicle in a less than sfw way aaaa
Let’s be real almost anything you do is gonna turn these boys on- They are demons after all!
Like the first time they saw you eat a popsicles, everyone in the room popped a boner lol
The collective thought that, “It should be my cock in their mouth!” Running through the demons minds.
Thinking of how soft and warm your mouth would feel!
And imagining that bit of popsicle juice running down your chin was his cum~
Watching you lick ‘n suck the popsicle and how your tongue seemed to tease the ‘tip’ before sucking it into your mouth as far as it could go-
Do I even have to mention whenever you bend over, even just a little it has their minds running all over the place-
Thoughts of just how cute you’d look with your ass cheeks flushed red with his handprint, or just watching the fat jiggle when he’s pounding you from behind!!!
Hell even just watching movies with you is dangerous.
The little gasps of surprise you let out at certain parts, or when a jump scare actually catches you off guard and you bounce in place a bit-
It sends the demons minds all over the place~ ‘what sounds would you make when he’s inside you~? Would your gasps sound as pretty? What about your moans~’
Fuck they all wanna know so bad <3
And after your favorite demon (or more then one of them~) has gotten to fuck you and he knows exactly what you look ‘n sound like underneath him it only gets worse!!
Now whenever you bend over now he’ll slap your ass just to hear the little yelp you let out~ or even fuck you bent over right there if you’ll let him~
Then again on movies night, they’ll even fight over who you sit next to during movies or if you’re up for it who’s lap you’ll sit on~
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