#Age regressor leviathan
fandom-nursery · 7 months
Levi agere headcanons
Regresses young, usually around 0-4
He regresses almost as often as mammon but only if he is sure he won’t be interrupted 
Learned about it from the internet and was very excited to finally have a word for what was happening to him and an online community to share it with 
Like most things about himself he struggles not to feel self hate, shame, and insecurity about his regression which is unfortunate because he really enjoys it. Big Levi just gets too in his own head about it sometimes 
Owns a lot of games with easy modes or games aimed more towards children so he can still play when he’s little. Almost all his games have a save file on them that is only for little Levi to play on. 
Wants a caregiver so badly but actually asking someone to take care of him??? Way too scary 
He actually starts crying with happiness when you offer to be his caregiver 
Levi can be a little difficult to understand when he’s small. He tends to mumble, babble or speak into his hands/pillow or through his paci making him almost incomprehensible at times. 
Occasionally is completely nonverbal, especially when he’s feeling very tiny, and uses a little bit of sign language or just points to communicate 
Very clingy baby. Needs to have some part of you touching him or at least be able to see you at all times or he will cry. Has a bit of separation anxiety and has a hard time believing that you will always come back and that you leaving the room for a minute to grab something or just to go to the bathroom does not actually mean that you are going away forever and abandoning him 
Shy little one. Hides his face in his hands or against your shoulder whenever he feels embarrassed or scared. 
When he gets excited about something he is very enthusiastic and doesn't bother trying to mask or hide his stimming 
He is hard to put down for a nap but he can be coaxed to sleep with cuddles and a soothing anime OST playing in the background 
He loves to be carried and will wrap his entire body, tail included, around you when he’s small 
Speaking of his tail Levi is almost always in his demon form while regressed. It’s just easier for him and he likes that he can use his tail to express himself when he doesn't feel like talking 
As much as getting naked in front of someone else embarrasses him Levi loves to be in the water and can’t resist a good bath. His favorite game in the tub is pretending to be a huge sea monster and “sinking” his toy ships  
He loves to watch cartoons or have his favorite manga read to him. He has a huge list of shows for little Levi to choose from 
He’s not a very picky eater but he won’t eat what he has dubbed “normie foods” while little. What exactly counts as a “normie food” however is a mystery because his answer changes every time he regresses  
Prefers to have someone feed him his meals but always needs a snack container within reach while little
He has a lot of toys, most of which he purchased as either fidgets or as merch for one of his shows or games. His army of plushies is, quite frankly, getting a bit out of hand 
Glued to his paci and only ever takes it out to eat or when he really needs to be understood 
He does wear diapers pretty much every time he regresses but working up the courage to actually use them without feeling super bad about it afterwards is hard for him 
He has never willingly told anyone about his regression. You found out when you ran into him in the kitchen while he was regressed (he thought everyone was out of the house and wanted a snack) 
Mammon and Lucifer both found out about his regression through their own means (not knocking before entering, and screening packages brought to the house respectively) 
Big fan of cutesy nicknames like Guppy, princess, babydoll, or sweetheart
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babyminty · 1 year
Cg Lucifer/Littles Mammon & Leviathan
Leviathan hadn't come out of his room for the whole day. He had lost track of time, for he had regressed too young to comprehend the time passing. He was playing with a goldfish studfie, but he was growing lonely. Suddenly, there was a knick on the door. It opened, revealing an also regressed Mammon. Mammon walked up to Levi, who was in his bed. Mams joined him, snuggling up to him and falling asleep. Levi followed shortly after.
Once both had woken up, they found a tray with two plates of food on it. Their tummys grumbled in unison, and they ate and finished the food. Only after it was all gone did they actually wonder who put the food there. Levi spotted a piece of paper that was neatly folded up and unfolding it, he attempted to read it. Being so young, he couldn't make out the scribbles that seemed to litter the page. Mammon noticed this, taking it from him and reading it out loud.
"Hope you two enjoy the food, -Lucifer." He read. "Luci made da food?" Leviathan asked, struggling to say all the words. "I dink so." Mams replied. "Let's go thank him." He hauled Levi out the bed, through the halls and into their oldest brother's room. "Hi?" Mams called, though it sounded more like a question. Lucifer looked up from his paperwork, spotting his two younger brothers. "Anything you two need?" He asked them, noting the two were regressed.
"Um... well... we wan to thank you fo da food." Mammon thanked as Levi waddled over to Lucifer and hugged him. "I need to make sure all of you eat, don't I?" Lucifer answered Mammon. He called Mammon over, who joined the hug. "Gwoup hug!" Levi giggled happily. "Indeed." Lucifer said, smiling at his two brothers. As they all pulled away from the hug, Lucifer went to pull out a box that contained stuff for his brothers for when they regressed. Of course they already had their own stuff, but Lucifer was going to spoil them with even more.
Mams grabbed a bunny stuffie whilst Leviathan took a puppy one. The littles looked through the movies that were also in the box and all three of them made their way over to the couch and TV that were in Lucifer's room. Once a movie had started to play, Mams and Levi made their way over to Luci, snuggling up on the couch together, blanket draped over them all. As Levi and Mams claimed, the stuffies wanted to watch too, so their heads were peaking out of the blankets. The rest of the day was spent watching movies until Levi fell asleep and Mammon had too much energy to sit still, so he just ran around the room or coloured. His bunny did all of this with him, of course.
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chronicallyleggless · 2 months
The first boundary banners I’ve ever made!
Obey Me! brothers Blog protectors!
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0bviouslyem1ly · 9 months
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Caregiver Levi headcanons!
•He's heard about age regression on the internet before, and knows quite a bit about it.
•When he found out you were an age regressor, he thought even higher of you. He just thought it made you even more adorable, before the question came to him. Why do you regress?
•He seemed very interested in your regression, and why you were a little in the first place.
•The first time you regressed in front of him, it took him a while to notice. And when he did notice, and realized you were feeling small, he had no idea what to do. He panicked a bit, and tried to figure out what to do to make you feel happy and safe.
•He's a very shy and nervous caregiver, and is terrified of hurting or scaring you.
•He keeps you far away from his brothers, and never lets them near you when you're regressed.
•If your little age is old enough to play games, or you're able to play games when you're regressed, he'll teach you how to play many different games!
•He loves playing Roblox with you. There are so many games to play, and so many things to do. Some people think Roblox is cringe, but Levi really enjoys it.
•He absolutely loves watching anime with you. He makes sure it's a super kid friendly show, of course. He'd never want you to watch something that could potentially be upsetting.
•He really likes bath time. (If you're okay with him bathing you, being in by you, ect.) He loved playing with bubbles and bath toys. He'll put some bubbles on his chin like a beard to make you smile. ^^
•Most of the things he buys for you is blue or purple. A light blue onesie with sharks on it, purple cat paw print onesie, fuzzy blue socks, ect.
•He takes you to the aquarium and arcade a lot! He loves showing you all the different kinds of fish, and playing different games with you.
•He's a very sleepy and kind of lazy caregiver. Not lazy as in he doesn't do much with you, but lazy to where he loves cuddles and naps. He's constantly cuddling in bed with you, holding you close.
•He bought you one of those light up projector stuffed animals? I dunno what they're called, but they have little lights that project shapes and stuff onto your ceiling? Anyways, it's a little shark and has ocean life and fish light projector things. Lol, I hope that makes sense.
•If you like dress up or cosplay, he would be happy to dress up with you!
•He'll cosplay as your favorite character/s! No matter who it is, he'll do his best to cosplay them to make you happy.
•If you like nail polish, he's surprisingly good at painting and decorating your nails! He paints his own nails often, (Asmo taught him), and he would love to do yours too.
•If any of the others know about your regression, he seems to be a bit jealous. If you ever regress in front of his brothers, he seems to feel a bit left out. You're the only person who he truly loves and you seem to care about him a lot, so he gets a bit sad when you're with his brothers. He's very clingy towards you, and is worried about losing you.
•He bought you a goldfish (or a Beta fish) for your birthday <3
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kitsune-oji · 1 year
(Beelze-) Bubba
Repost of this little regression fic I wrote... Forever ago, I don't know when. Anyway, here you go
Beel & Regressor! Mc, minor Levi & Mc
Gn! Age Regressor! Mc (they/them)
Word count: 1'456
Warnings/Tags: Age Regression, Carer Beel, bit of babytalk, petname for Mc (cupcake)
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"-could fight them alone! You should know we'll always have your back. That's what friends are for! -"
The climax of the show peaked and Mc could see Levi leaning forward so much he almost fell over. Next to them, Beel was munching on the popcorn as slow as possible so Mc could steal some every now and then. It was delicious but they could only eat so much salty popcorn before they needed something to drink, so they longingly gazed over to the glass standing on the little coffee table.
It was too far away for them to grab without crawling off the sofa but their position was so comfortable right now! A pillow behind their back, blanket snuggled up and squished against Beel a bit, they continued to ponder if it was worth it to get the glass or not.
The demon next to them noticed the change in Mc's mood and saw them staring at the coffee table with such concentration that their face scrunched up a bit with a frown and pout. They looked like they were trying to move the glass of apple juice by pure willpower alone. It was quite cute and part of Beel wanted to see if they could actually manage to develop some type of telekinesis with enough time but quickly discarded that thought again. Right now, they needed to drink something.
With that, Beel put the almost empty bowl of popcorn to the side and crawled over to the glass. It was good that he had filled up before movie night so he wouldn't eat all the snacks without giving Mc a chance to get some too. It helped that he didn't feel as hungry with them around as well. Turning around, he handed the apple juice over to the human and took notice of how they gripped it with both hands.
You see, Mc had told the brothers about their age regression two weeks ago with the help of Asmodeus but they had yet to actually regress around any of them, at least as far as Beel knew. Truth was, they were still kind of scared. While the demons had taken well to the explanation, it was something different to actually witness someone regressing and Mc worried that they would find it weird or disgusting after all. If they rejected them while they were in such a vulnerable headspace they knew they wouldn't be able to handle it well.
They had talked about it in more depth with Beelzebub when he expressed interest, so he also knew of some of the signs to look out for which would signal that Mc was regressed or on their way to do so. Meanwhile, the human was overjoyed that they didn't have to leave their comfy nest and still get to quench their thirst. Starved of a caregiver's affection as they were, the simple gesture already tickled the switch to their tiny self and they could feel themself regressing. Sipping on the juice, they took utmost care not to spill anything but a sudden noise from the anime playing made them jump and spill over their hoodie.
It wasn't a lot, fortunately and since the blanket had slid down a bit when they sat up to drink, only the top had been in line of fire. Mc's mouth fell open and their eyes widened as they were looking down at their hoodie, their arms stretched out so they won't spill more. Slowly, they looked up at Beel and promptly shut their mouth before puffing up their cheeks. The expression caught Beel off guard and he couldn't help but laugh out loud.
Levi, who had been too absorbed in the happening on screen to pay them any mind till now, turned to them with a disgruntled look which quickly made way for amusement as well. Beel had quieted down quickly and took the glass from Mc's hands gently to put it back safely on the table. "Silly cupcake", he teased and asked just in case, "Is someone tiny?"
The human still frowned and narrowed their eyes at the glutton. "No!", they denied but their voice gave them away. It was a bit higher pitched and sounded like their tongue was too large or clumsy for their mouth to form clear words. Levi had turned back to the screen after sharing a look with Beel but not before saying," You so are though." His little brother would care for Mc this time so he wouldn't have to worry about that right now.
Not that he didn't want to care for them too but he felt way too insecure with all this still. What if he messed up somehow and Mc got hurt? What if he does something wrong? What should he even do? He'd probably have to talk to his human about that sometime but for now he was more content to just let his brothers take charge and see how they handled a regressed Mc. Thoughts of them maybe not even wanting someone like him to care for them often surfaced as well but he always tried to squish them back down and reassure himself that that wasn't the case. It was something he had discussed with Mc before and he knew he could go to them for reassurances as well and let out all his worries but not right now, while they were small.
So, he focused back on the anime they had been watching and glanced over to his brother and pact holder every now and then. Beel had opened his arms and beckoned Mc to let him carry them over to the bathroom, though not before he got some clothes from their closet. He had tried talking to them and only gotten short and clumsy responses, so he guessed they were around toddler age right now? When asking for their age, they had said "thish many" and held up two fingers.
Keeping this in mind, Beel stuffed a pair of training pants and comfy pj's under his arm while still carrying Mc on his hip. In the bathroom, he sat them on the toilet seat and asked them to raise their arms so he could take of their hoodie and put on the sleeping shirt. Even though he was making sure to always tell them what he was doing and changing their clothes as fast as possible, Beel could see them getting fussy.
Of course they wouldn't like being changed that much but it couldn't really be helped, though the pacifier helped a bit to calm them down. Once done, he peppered their face with kisses and delighted in the giggles it got him in return. "Hey, cupcake. Are you still thirsty?", he asked and opened his arms in response to their grabby hands, holding them close once more. "Uh huh", Mc answered, clinging to him like a koala bear. On the way out of the room however, they saw their stuffie lying on the bed and protested when they couldn't reach it. It was no trouble to get it and Mc happily squished it against themself.
So, they went over to the kitchen and Beel opened the cabinet they had reserved for Mc's baby stuff. He was about to take out a sippy cup when Mc started wriggling in his hold and he had to be careful not to drop them. With an admonishing tone, he tried to tell them off but was interrupted, "No that, wan this! This!"
The demon looked at what Mc was pointing to. It was a sippy cup like the one he wanted to take but the print was different, since had little giraffes on it. "Alright", he agreed easily enough and Mc stopped struggling at once. After filling the cup with apple juice, he handed it over to Mc who happily grabbed the handles and started suckling on the mouthpiece. Beel loved seeing them so happy.
Bouncing them a bit in his arms out of joy, he took them back to the couch. Levi had put on another anime which was more suited for a kid, rated pg 6 but Beel didn't think that would matter too much.
He sat down with Mc in his lap and petted their head gently. Seeing how their stuffie had fallen on their legs, he picked it up and made it look like it was talking to Mc. "Did you forget me?", he asked with an exaggerated voice, going for sad but funny. The little one gasped, almost threw the sippy cup to the side and hugged their stuffie veery tight to their chest. "No no noou!"
Beel chuckled a bit and hugged mc against his chest gently. He could get used to this.
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bolszaja-miedwedica · 6 months
-I'm genderfluid and audhd, borderline too (undiagnosed because the system sucks) and diagnosed schizophrenic
-godspoused! if you're anti fuck off
-I'm an age regressor but i curse a lot on this blog so age regressors feel free to follow my agere side blog @there-are-sharks-in-my-milk
-i don't discriminate anyone this is a safe space for minorities, poc, microlabels, systems, lgbt people, therians, everyone who is not a hateful jerk
-this blog is a mix of me posting about my deities, stray kids and other stuff i find interesting
-sometimes i vent make sure you're okay with it
blog rules are:
-if my practice looks different than yours and you don't like it you're free to unfollow
-if my vents annoy you and you feel the urge to tell me its my fault you're free to unfollow this is my shadow work free from censor space
-if you feel the need to tell me i seem psychotic you're free to fuck off
-don't fuckin curse me??? some of yall are not behaving and it's pissing me off
-other than that be kind and respectful to me and my friends
to interact with my blog make sure that you aren't:
racist, homophobic, terf, pedo, ableist, anti agere, a nsfw blog (it makes me uncomfortable), generally a hateful human
now the best part:
-Holy Mary
-Baba Jaga
working with:
Marzanna, Apollo, Dionysus, Hecate, Persephone, Asclepius, Hel, Anat, Death, Satan, Leszy, Cernunnos, Horned God, Helios, Venus, Freyja, Asmodeus, Baphomet archangel Jophiel, Thoth, Fenrir, Dantalion, Buer, Beelzebub, Mut, Bes, Bacchus, Kogkipr (an unknown deity), Proserpina, Cnabetius Mars, Tegid Foel, angel Sariel, Hermanubis, Amun, Deimos and Phobos, Kvasir, Wepwawet, The Dagda, Swarożyc, Lucifer, Begotho (unknown deity), Aphrodite Areia, Stracchus (unknown deity), Ruadan, Somnia, Kek, Cerberus, Hestia, Nyx, Cerridwen, the Morrigan, Parvati, Shiva, Krishna, Vishnu, RadhaRani, Lakshmi, archangel Gabriel, archangel Azrael, Nakir and Munkar, archangel Michael, archangel Israphil, Kiram and Katibun, Somnus, Loki, Mokosz, Allah, Brigid, Hermes, Shakti, Anubis, Weles, Baldur, Khnum, Poseidon, Amphitrite, Astaroth, Neith, Wenut, Ganesha, Perun, Khepri, Inanna, Dola/Niedola, Ariadne, Jaryło, Chors, Sleipnir, Zorza, Jormungandr, Odin, Czarnobóg, Blodeuwedd, Set, Mafdet, Idunn, Seshat, Dziewanna, Artemis, Arioch, Eros, Vesna, Selene, Luna, Leviathan, Behemoth, Nox, Mammon, Abaddon, Azazel, Kathos, Vesta, Sun, Moon, Minerva, Athena, Eosphorus, Stolas, Melinoe
spirits that i work with:
-Pahiri (a white dragon spirit)
-Nkfofa (the mermaid spirit guide)
-a fae
-Fienon (a rusałka)
-Mo Xasii (familiar nr 1)
-Hilkog (spirit guide)
-Kalina (a harpy)
-Zanota (a mermaid spirit guide nr 2)
-Gawoż (hydra, familiar nr 2)
- Kiityk (upiór spirit guide)
-Xyo (a red fire dragon)
-Bemamo (a dragon shark)
devoting to:
-King Hades
I'm not really a hellenic polytheist, nor a kemetic one, not really a slavic one as well although i am hyperfixated on slavic paganism, yes, and i do wanna work with more slavic deities in the future but I don't label myself as anything I'm just a witch and a pagan i celebrate the slavic holidays and my deities holidays because they're the closest to me. if i were to label myself i would use "rodzimowierca"? but I'm just a witch, and well apparently a medium now too so 😀 fun uhh
i do free readings too! 5 a day to not burn out so quick but i wanna get more skilled since divination is my favourite skill to get one just dm me tp ask if im open!
I'm planning to master:
-moon magic
-blood magic
-a crystal ball
-reading more books...
-my fuckin research motivation...
i can do:
-spells and shit
-tea blends i guess
-runes (both nordic and witch's runes)
sława! :]
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mamazsposts · 1 year
Heyy Babes
I'm going to be a blog for age regression fics, imagines, headcanons ects. I'm new to age regression but I'm learning fast and becoming an age regressor. 
please send some requests id be more then happy to take some <3
Who i'll write for 
Little!loki x cg!reader/ daddy!loki x little!reader 
Little!bucky barnes x cg!reader/ daddy!bucky x little!reader 
Little!Steve x cg!reader/ daddy!Steve x little!reader 
Little!stucky x cg!reader/ daddy!stucky x little!reader 
Little!Peter Parker x cg!reader 
Daddy!Tony Stark x little!reader 
Stranger things 
Little!Steve x cg!reader/ daddy!Steve x little!reader
Little!eddie x cg!reader/ daddy!eddie x little!reader 
Mommy!robin x little!reader 
Harry potter: 
Little!draco x cg!reader/ daddy!Draco x little!reader 
Obey me shall we date/onemaster to rule them all 
little!Lucifer x cg!mc/ daddy!lucifer x little!mc
little!Mammon x cg!mc/ daddy!mammon x little!mc  
little!Leviathan x cg!mc
little!Satan x cg!mc/ daddy!Satan x little!mc  
little!Asmodeus x cg!mc/ daddy!asmodeus x little!mc 
little!Beelzebub x cg!mc/ daddy!beelzebub x little!mc 
little!Belphegor x cg!reader/ daddy!belphegor x little!mc
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asmos-prettypet · 1 year
Contain +warning: Mentions a SFW ONLY (DO NOT SEXUALIZE THIS POST) caregiver age regression dynamic.
A/N: I was extremely tired while writing this, I am also not a great writer. These are my headcannons on how each of the brothers would react to MCs' age regression. These are all my headcannons. It's not proofread, + probably bad writing, plus my first post, lol
*MC struggles with age regression, but when they do show signs of sleeping into it, the boys are there to make MC as comfortable as possible*
-He is use to being in charge so taking care of MC isn't super difficult
-He enjoys the title of caregiver as opposed to other names
-Lucifer adores playing with MCs hair it relaxes him just being in the moment with MC
-Claims he doesn't but actually loves MCs favorite cartoon (he has a reputation to think of lmao)
-Will constantly reassure MC that they are amazing and that he loves them
-Insist he must be referred to as "King Mammon the great", but will melt at any title MC calls him
-Refers to MC as his favorite tiny human when they are regressed
-Mammon gets a little caught up and buys a bunch of regression gear the moment he find out (100% got in trouble with lucifer for it)
-Mammon loves cartoons on his own but watching them with MC makes him 10 times happier
-He feels safe to let himself relax completely while caring for MC
-Loves to play cars, or even dolls with MC as long as they're happy
-Keep like a million blankets of different textures and softness, as well as suffies to ensure MC is comfortable
-Plays "little kid" games with MC, typically easy going animal games and gets excited when MC points out their favorite animal
-Constantly panics that he doesn't have everything to properly care for MC
-Blushes to death when MC says they love him, and refers to him as the best caregiver ever
-Likes to snuggle with MC and watch cartoons together or slice of life anime
-Will keep helpful regression items in a special spot/storage so MC has everything they need
-Asmoeus definitely knew what regression was before MC told him about it, and loved the idea of being a caregiver
-Asmo definitely bought a few pacifiers in different styles in case MC was an age regressor
-Loves playing dress up with MC especially when they are regressed
-1000000% loves playing with dolls whether human or animal ones he loves the drama him and MC come up with
-Asmo loves to watch Disney movies with MC (Asmo has a soft spot for princess movies obviously lol)
-Asmo will also make sure all of MCs stuffies get a kiss goodnight and wishes them sweet dreams
-Asmo will also keep a cool nightlight just incase MC gets scared of the dark
-Asmo has no preferred nickname he enjoys both femme and masculine ones as long as MC feels comfortable

-Satan didn't understand Regression at first and was very confused by it but since it was MC he was willing to try it out
-1 million percent reads bedtime stories to MC with lots of big gestures and voices to make the story come to life
-He reads into they both fall asleep leaving the book on his chest while snuggling MC
-Satan buys children books of all kinds, mainly ones with pictures or kids first chapter books, which he keeps on a special self
-Definitely refers to MC as his little kitten viewing them as cute and soft as a kitten
-Beelzebub is use to caring for Belphegor so helping MC regression is not a problem for him
-Beel loves to make MC's comfort meals while making himself a portion too
-Will always try and make hot chocolate even if its just for himself
-Would offer to drink out of a sippy cup/bottle if it would make MC more comfortable regress in front of him
-He 100000% says here comes the airplane
-Beel loves to snuggle with MC especially if they regress close to bed time
-Beel will softly hum to himself when he thinks MC has fallen asleep to enjoy the moment
-Beel likes the title bubba
- Would honestly play any game MC wants out color with them although he will always bring it back to food
-Struggles a bit to get use to caring for MC, but tries his best for MC
-Keeps a blanket for MC that matches his own
-Loves when MC regresses near bedtime, means double the snuggles and the easier it is to fall asleep together
-Keeps small snacks like gummies near his bed for MC to snack on
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sheepthing · 2 months
decided to make some agere headcanons for obey me cause ive been obsessing over it for a lil bit ^_^ unfortunately ive only got enough motivation to do the three oldest demon brothers, so i might the others another time (also minor swear warning in levis, but its just one swear word)
Flip definitely, is mainly a caregiver but if he trusts someone than he’ll regress around them
He only takes care of his brothers and MC, is extremely unwilling to take care anyone else
When caregiving, hes strict but loving, but is very weak to puppy eyes
Tends to make sure the littles in his care follow something that at least resembles a schedule, but knowing his brothers theyll get off course some way or another
If he trusts the MC alot than theyll be his go-to caregiver, trusting them enough to go into littlespace
Has a big age range, regressing between 1-16
When in babyspace than Lucifer is v cuddly but also v clingy and fussy, will cling to his cg as much as he possibly can, he sleeps alot in this headspace so naps are frequent
In toddlerspace hes still v fussy, but he’ll also be v giggly at the same time, hes also pretty content just playing around w his toys n coloring
In his kid, preteen n teen space he tends to be more independent, tho depending on if hes at the younger end of his range than he might ask for help a tiny bit more often, but is overall pretty independent
He keeps his dark aesthetic in littlespace, wearing alot reds, grays n black, he might wear the occasional white or blue depending on the holiday or his mood
His favorite shows depend on old hes regressed to, if hes in babyspace n toddlerspace than he’ll enjoy shows such as Bluey, if hes in kidspace than Lucifer tends to watch shows such as Wild Kratts, preteenspace than That’s So Raven/Raven’s Home n than in teenspace he drifts towards horror-centric webshows such as Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared
His pronouns tend to change when regressed, going from he/him to she/him/bird
Baby regressor through n through
Regresses young, around 0-2 years
CLINGY, especially when it comes to Lucifer n the MC, he will cry if hes regressed n Luci or the MC cant care for him for whatever reason
Ironically doesnt enjoy caregiving, he already deals w chaotic younger brothers day to day, he doesnt wanna deal w them during what he considers his relaxation time
His aesthetic changes slightly, swapping the browns he usually wears for shades of orange, but other than that, his aesthetic stays relatively the same
Has ALOT of pacis, mostly given to him by Lucifer n the MC, his favorite one is this plain yellow paci w a single jewel in the middle
Tends to babble alot when regressed if hes not cranky, eating or tired/asleep
Pronouns also change when regressed, going from it/him to it/crow/gold
Watches those baby sensory videos
Ngl, I dont have many agere related Mammon hcs 😔😔
Flip, and is an older kid to preteen regressor, specifically to 8-13 n doesnt really have a preference for either
Tends to be a lil bit more willing to socialize when regressed, at least w his brothers, caregivers n other regressors
He tends to only let his brothers (w the exception of Mammon) n the MC take care of him when regressed tbh, anyone else n he’ll refuse to let them take care of him
Uses a paci cause of his oral fixation, but if hes in the mood to chew on something than he’ll use food to satisfy his fixation
Tends to hang around Mammon (likes having him watch him play) n Beel (likes to nap w him) the most, but doesnt mind hanging around Satan (who likes having Levi read some of his more kid friendly manga to him)
Likes painting his nails n drawing while regressed n will usually paint the other ‘s nails if they ask
Is a very awkward CG when not regressed n is playing the role of Big Brother, n usually enjoys having at least one other CG w him just in case he fucks up
If he ever gets comfortable n confident w his CG skills, than hes not afraid to whip out the things that he learned growing up while taking care of his younger brothers, especially if we’re talking about a particularly bratty Avatar of Wrath
Pronouns do change depending on if hes being a CG or is currently regressing
His preferred pronouns is normally he/him, but when regressed its he/sea n when hes being a CG its she/her
Doesnt mind being called Mama/Momma or Mommy when shes watching over littles, but it does embarrass her
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🌈hiya !! i’m billy/manny !🌈
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🌈this is my puppet nonhuman/agere blog !!
🌈here i’m gonna talk about being a puppet, my memories, alterhuman stuffs, being a syskid and look for other puppets too !! i also reblog a lot of agere stuffs !!
🌈i’m a puppet in a few different ways (as and alter and also in an alterhuman way), but this blog is specifically for where i’m a hand and rod puppet from an educational children’s show !! it doesn’t exist here at all, but that’s okay ! :] (i use otherkin terms and tags for it but i think of it more as just nonhuman since being an alter it’s kinda confusing !! but i dunno !!)
🌈my main blog is @rainbowbilly​ !! i don’t really post on there much, but you can follow it if you want !
🌈please interact if you’re any kind of puppet !! alterhuman (otherkin, fictionkin, nonhuman, etc), introject/fictive, or just a general puppet etc !! whatever type, whatever way !! (but i’m especially looking for other children’s show puppets !!)
🌈i’m usually more active in general on my personal website, but i don’t post about alterhuman stuffs there ! (at least not much !) 
🌈this blog is sfw (obviously !) and safe for age regressors or other syskids too !! i’ll probably post some edutainment stuff !! :D i reblog/post agere stuff too, what can you expect !! i’m a syskid and a puppet from a children’s show ! it’s what i do !! but please don’t get scared away if you’re not an agere blog !! don’t be afraid to say hi !!
🌈there’s more info about me under the “keep reading” part !! i wanted to keep this part short so it doesn’t take up much !! :] my dni is there too, please give that a read !!
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🌈 info about my memories ! 🌈
🌈a guide to my tags !🌈
🌈need me to tag some stuffs i post/reblog (a topic, media, etc) for you ? feel free to ask !! :]
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🌈basic stuffs about me !!🌈
🌈you wanna learn about little old me ?? golly !! well, let's get things started !!
🌈names i go by !!: billy, manny, toony/toonie, most source names are also fine but maybe ask first if i didn't list in here !! :]
🌈they/them only please !! :]
🌈as an alter i'm 8-12 years old !! :] our body is 16, though !!
🌈in general, i consider myself a human/puppet !! mostly a puppet, though ! like a 2:8 ratio !! :]
🌈i'm a system host, syskid and a splitroject !! (that means i'm an introject with more than one source !!) ( my source list is here !) if you’re a sourcemate, feel free to say hi !! our system is autistic and physically disabled :] we also have some other stuffs but we like to keep most stuffs private !! 🌈(we think we’re mid support needs but we dunno because the people that help us are really in denial about us needing much help because of our parents denying it and also our school is just bad towards disabled people and we don’t wanna use a wrong label if we’re not so if anyone who’s mid support needs can talk to us about it that’d be really really helpful thanks !!! :])
🌈i might talk about our psychosis a little, probably not, but if i do it’ll always be tagged so you don’t have to see it if you have it blocked !
🌈i'm nonbinary, aroace and greyaethsetic !!
🌈i think 'cringe culture' is dumb !! you should get to have fun and like things that people think are 'cringe-worthy' and talk and act how you want !! as long as you don't support anything bad you should just be allowed to have fun !!
🌈i talk silly and funny !! i like being expressive and energetic !!! and the way i talk changes sometimes !! just ignore it i'm just having fun !! :]
🌈i have some f/os, but i mostly have fictional bffs !! :D
🌈special interests !!: my main source (rainbow billy: the curse of the leviathan), puppets, stitch head, rubberhose cartoons, rainbows, mlp, vintage dolls, raggedy ann and andy, clowns, monsters, lucid dreams and dreaming and cosmonious high !!
🌈please don't interact: 
-if you see me in any of my sources in a sexual or romantic way 
-basic stuffs like if you're homophobic or transphobic or racist etc but i mean, come on, why would you guys WANNA interact with me ? haha !!
-if you post gore or really scary thingys on your blog without any warnings at all...(don't do that !!)
-if you judge people's triggers for being "weird"
-you post nsfw, untagged gore or untagged discourse/politics (i know discourse/politics sounds silly next to the other two, but it’s the main thing that makes me hate social media so much !! so much fighting...i like to not see it, thanks !! :])
-you’re pr0ship/pr0fic/c0mship/ant!-anti (or any other terms). i don’t harass anyone but i don’t feel comfy interacting with you guys, sorry !!
-if you’re r4dqueer/tr4ns-id/tr4ns-x (you guys really really scare me please go away :[)
-if you’re anti non-sexual/sfw age regression (kinda obvious, but just in case !) or anti objectum/posic
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babyminty · 11 months
Cgs Beel, Mams, Asmo/Littles Luci, Satan, Belphie, Levi pt.3
Part 1 Part 2
Leviathan had been feeling small for quite a while now and had been wandering the halls in search of at least one of his brothers when he bumped into Asmodeus. "Leviathan!" Asmo exclaimed in surprise. "What are you doing wandering around?"
"M small..." Leviathan mumbled out an answer, nearly too quiet for Asmo to hear. "Oh, well then, let's go to the living room. I think that is where most of our brothers are." Asmodeus said, and Levi nodded.
Just as they started to make their way to the living room, they were intercepted by Mammon. "Where're yall goin?" Mammon asked Levi. Levi had gone nearly nonverbal at this point, and Asmo noticed, so he answered Mammon instead.
"We were just going to the living room. I think that is where the others are, and Levi is currently regressed, so it could be fun for him to play with any of our other brothers that are small at the moment." Asmo explained. Mammon nodded in understanding. "Mind if I join ya?"
"Not at all." Asmo replied. The three of them started the walk to the living room, but Levi was struggling a bit, stumbling every few steps. The other two noticed, and before Asmo could do anything about it, Mammon had already picked Levi up.
When they got to the lounge, Asmo and Mammon were surprised to see that all their other brothers were regressed except for Beel. Yes, they expected for just one of them to be small as well as Levi at the moment, but not all of them.
Asmo entered the room, followed by Mammon, who was still holding Leviathan. All eyes turned to them, and before anyone said anything, Satan had already run up to Leviathan. "Are you also small? Do you wanna play with me and Belphie?" Satan asked. Levi shyly nodded his head as Mammon put him down, and Levi crawled to where Belphie was sitting and where Satan had already run off to again.
When he got there, Levi was handed a goldfish stuffie, and the three played together with their stuffies. Lucifer sat to the side, just watching them. His pacifier had fallen out of his mouth at some point, and he didn't bother to find it again. He just chewed on one of his stuffie's ears.
At some point, Belphie put his cow plush down for a second, and Lucifer picked it up. The next thing that happened was Belphie shouting at Lucifer to give it back, which caused Levi to start crying and Satan to try to de-escalate the situation, but Lucifer had already dropped the toy as well as his own and sprinted out of the room before the three caregivers even had the chance to process what was happening.
Belphie picked up his toy, hugging it to his chest as Satan calmed Levi down enough that he wasn't crying anymore. "What happened?" Beel asked the regressed demons. Satan, being the only one of the three mentally old enough to talk properly, answered him. "Luci took Belphie's cow, and Belphie shouted at him. Levi started crying, and Luci ran off." He explained. "I'll go find Lucifer." Mammon said before leaving.
When he did eventually find Lucifer, Lucifer was in a cupboard partly hidden by a shelf in one of the House of Lamentation's hallways. He was curled tightly into a ball, face pressed into his knees as sobs wracked his form. Mammon sat down just outside the cupboard. The door was open so he could see Lucifer, but he didn't come any closer as he didn't think Lucifer had noticed he was even there.
"Hey, Luci?" Mammon tried, but it got no reaction from Lucifer. This time, Mammon tried lightly tapping Lucifer's shoulder, which caused Lucifer to jerk up in surprise and quickly turn to face Manmon. "Luci, it's okay, you're okay." Mammin reassured him. Lucifer sniffled before flopping into Mammon's arms and holding on tight. Mammon just held him and started to gently rock him back and forth.
Once Lucifer's sobbs had been reduced to sniffles, Mammon stood up, holding Lucifer in his arms. "Mams? Where we goin?" Lucifer asked. "Back to the lounge." Came the reply. Lucifer stiffened. "Bu Belphie mad ats me." Lucifer protested.
"No he's not." Mammon told him. "And I'm sure he's sorry for shouting at you, but you shouldn't take other's toys with out permission." He added. Lucifer grumbled, but let Mammon carry him back to the living room.
When they got there, Mammon walked to the couch, sitting down and settling Lucifer onto his lap. Asmodeus gave Lucifer his black cat stuffie which Asmo had probably retrieved from the floor when Lucifer dropped it. Lucifer accepted it gratefully, and his fingers started to make their way towards his mouth before a pacifier was placed there instead, which he also accepted.
Lucifer tuned to press his face into Mammon's shoulder to get more comfortable, but before he could do that, he felt someone tap him on the back. Turning around, he saw Belphie, eyes trained to the ground shyly, and his cow plush clutched in his hands. "I'm sorry I shouted at you." Belphie apologized. "S okay. I sorry fo takin your toy." Lucifer accepted the apology, adding his own. Belphie nodded, accepting Lucifer's apology.
"Wanna come play with us?" Belphie questioned, gesturing to Satan, Leviathan and himself. Lucufer nodded, hopping off of Mammon's lap and sitting down with the rest of his regressed brothers to start playing. The four of them played for quite a while before they all started yawning, struggling to keep their eyes open.
The caregivers noticed this and walked over to them. "I think it is nap time for you lot." Beel said as he leaned down, scooping up Levi and Belphie, followed by Asmo picking up Satan and Mammon picking up Lucifer. None of them complained as they were carried to bed, stuffies in hand.
I wonder if anyone can guess who my favourite brother is? This is the last part, by the way
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0bviouslyem1ly · 10 months
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Age regressor Levi moodboard! 🦈💜
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lavenderberrycookie · 3 years
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Bathtime With CG! Leviathan
bath time can be a bit of a hassle cause you like to run around making him chase you
you usually give in after about four laps which is enough to make him a sweaty and gasping mess
once he’s got you and he’s collected himself he will toss you over his shoulder and bring you to the bathroom
“you’re not going anywhere you little troublemaker.”
sitting you on the counter he would get everything ready
pulling out the bubbles, bath bombs, and bath toys
he would turn around while you get undressed waiting for you to let him know when you’re ready
he would start with your hair giving you a soft massage and being really gentle in getting the suds not wanting to get it in your eyes
he would do your arms and legs but allow you to your parts yourself
he would wash your face because he likes looking at you so closely admiring you
he is so gentle as he cups your face washing it carefully
after he would wrap you in the fluffiest towel in a little burrito picking you up and bringing you to the bedroom
putting lotion on your skin he would massage you relaxing your muscles
then put you into your onesie for the night as he softly begins to comb out your hair
“look at my pretty little angel all clean and so sweet papa’s sweet little baby”
he says as peppers your face in kisses
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puppy-prince · 2 years
The Big Brothers with an Age Regressor
So I was tempted to do this and now I am, age regression stuff for fandoms i love.
The basic premise is reader is a (gender neutral) age regressor who regresses unintentionally around the brothers. It’s late so I only did he oldest brothers for now but I might do more.
He honestly probably doesn’t notice when you regress at first. After all mc is a tiny, fragile human in the devildom, constantly surrounded by demons.
So of course you’re going to be a little quiet in public, sticking close or even holding on to him or his brothers by a bit of fabric.
Then when he starts to know you more he takes notice of the soft look on your face, the slightest change in voice when you speak, even the way you move or carry yourself is all a bit different. More... childish, even a bit carefree as time goes on.
Your giggles are adorable and he can’t help but feel that old urge to nurture and guide Mc, like a guardian.
“Is there a particular reason you tend to act like a child?”
He doesn’t mean it as harsh but it might come out like that, blunt and to the point as ever.
When you admit you’re an age regression and explain it for him, it pleases him to know you feel comfortable enough around him that you’re unintentionally setting yourself up to be dependent on him, that you rely on him.
To say the least, he’s more protective of you whenever you’re out, just encase you begin to slip. Holding his hand is a must. You’ve almost stepped away and been lost in the crowd on a few occasions.
If he didn’t have to worry about your reputation and the image it would set for the both of you, he’d put one of those kiddy safety harnesses that go on like a backpack.
He might indulge you and buy some presents for you if you’re good, do all your work, and keep up a decent grade. But puppy dog eyes might work once or twice.
He will probably ask you to try and stay big when you’re with his other brothers, just so they don’t influence you. And when you’re around Diavolo because he wants to remain looking professional.
That goes out the door when you get tired one day while at the demon lord’s castle and he ends up carrying your tired, tiny self back to HOL propped up on his hip like a child. Barbatos definitely snagged a photo for him and Diavolo.
Will probably help change you if you need help, whether your tired or not. Straightening your clothes before school definitely becomes a habit of his.
Trust that this man will never know the difference between you in little space and you just kidding around. Even if you’re all dressed up in a onesie, he’s just going to join you and set up for a movie night.
He’ll unknowingly feed into your age regression. Do you babble? He thinks you’re making up a secret language to get past lucifer, he doesn’t understand it so far but he’s in. Stuffed animal hoard? Hell yeah, he understands a desire to collect things.
When he finally realizes is when he catches you sucking your thumb, or trying to shove something in your mouth that you shouldn’t be putting in there. Big brother mode activate, instantly pulls whatever it is out and reprimands you, “Oi, human, that’s bad for you.”
Big watery tears bubble up and he’s panicking, apologizing and soon he just wraps you up in his arms and rocks you. He’ll sing something nice that he used to sing to Beel and Belphie to calm them down.
Once you’re calm, he explains more gently why you shouldn’t stick stuff in your mouth and asks why if set you off so bad.
You explain and he doesn’t exactly understand but spends a few hours with you just looking at videos and asking you about the stuff you like.
“Whats a little age?” ... “Okay then whats your little age?”
surprisingly thorough with finding things that are good for you to use like adult pacifiers or teethers, even chewie jewelry so you have something a bit more “mature” even if it’s a bright piece of rubber(?) shaped like something thats not typical jewelry. It’s something you can wear outside of HOL at least.
Probably gets in trouble for buying some things for you with Levi’s account but will buy the stuff he can’t easily explain away himself if you haven’t told the others.
and oh does he hope you haven’t told them. In fact, don’t tell them. He is your caregiver now, and he will be the best damn caregiver ever. Even if he acts like he’s too tired to do something like play or pick you up, he’s so whipped for your sweet pout that he will.
And hell forbid anyone makes fun of you because you start slipping, papa Mammon is getting rid of them. He’s not the second brother for nothing, and he’s the fastest at that.
Now this ones a bit tricky, because there’s a lot of tropes about childish characters in anime but also he’s probably heard of age regression through anime, but some of those animes include full body transformations, which isn’t happening.
So he’s confused, but he’s paying attention. As an introvert he’s probably the first to notice a difference in your attitude, more attuned to other’s body language and just- you can’t tell me this dude doesn’t actively watch others out of anxiety anyways.
“You’re not like this in school or really around anyone else... Are you an age regressor, Mc?” “Oh! This is just like this anime I watched, ‘My sibling is a polite honors student until they come home and becomes a toddler with an insatiable urge for stuffies and world domination!’ You know, minus the world domination stuff.”
Doesn’t believe that you’re comfortable with him and thats why you regress. Nah, you’re probably stressed and upset having to deal with the otaku talk about anime.
He’s probably too embarrassed to buy you things himself, so he’ll let you add things to his cart on Akuzon and after making sure you don’t spend too much, order it for you. Then immediately becomes embarrassed when he accidentally opens it when it arrives.
Would make you things to hide your little stuff in. A waterbottle cover that has an extra zipper at the bottom to hide something small? Done. Want to turn a stuffie into a hiding place? He’s got zippers. Hidden pockets in any of your clothes to sneak a small friend? He’s got you.
If you really wanted, you could probably convince him to make you a custom onesie. You wont even have to convince him if its something anime related like Ruri-chan or Henry, he’s already planned it out and he’s going to have a matching one.
Not a responsible caregiver and never will be. 
You two will be playing video games all night, maybe you end up with a crick in your neck from sleeping in a random position, and he might have forgotten dinner and just gave you snacks from his gamer stash. 
Literally he’s more like the cool older brother, you both need help.
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littlebabydemonn · 2 years
Obey Me! Babes With Age Regressing MC
Originally written November 2021
Tumblr Remaster July 2022
This is written under the assumption that none of them regress themselves! The tumblr remaster has Lord Diavolo, Mephisto, Raphael, and Thirteen added
CW: mentions of impure regression
a little confused by your behavior
Satan has to explain it to him (bc he's read about it)
once he finally understands he's very much willing to act as a caregiver, if that's what you wish. If not he'll still adjust his behavior towards you accordingly
easily adjusts to your mental age
will listen to you go on about whatever it is you talk about when regressed
willing to cuddle and hug you as much as you want him to
would think it’s cute if you call him “Luci” while regressed but he won’t really have an issue with whatever you decide to call him
if your speaking is different while regressed he barely even notices (he raised 7 children Imao)
if you need help being coaxed into regression sometimes, he doesn’t mind it one bit.
handles impure regression quite well since (again) he has experience with seven baby siblings. Will be stubborn about helping you himself unless it’s very clear you need someone else
also has to have Satan explain it to him
he doesn't mind at all
Will be slightly butt hurt if you're a very independent age regressor, because he wants to take care of you (but he won't admit it)
loves it when you play together
if you ask him to read to you he'll be a bit hesitant since I imagine he doesn’t have the best time with it. Doesn’t even realize your regressed self won’t notice lol
loves the attention if you're especially clingy
prefers nicknames, probably smth like "Mon-Mon" or whatever your little brain comes up with
probably doesn’t really realize you need help being coaxed into regression if you do sometimes. He just naturally goes along with it if you initiate
impure regression kind of scares him, but he won’t abandon you. He’ll do whatever he can to calm you into a soothed regressed state, and if that means getting someone else to help so be it
already knows about it through the internet
gets nervous when you regress in front of him at first, because he doesn't know how to behave
very protective of you when you're small
he will fight a n y o n e who messes with you.
if you're cuddly, he is quick to make you comfortable in his lap. He loves snuggling you anyways (even if he’s nervous about it), but when you're regressing he doesn't want to mess something up
would 100% be jealous if you weren't wanting his attention (not surprising lol) but wouldn't want to scare you by getting outwardly upset
likes nicknames like "Bubba" and "Leviachan" (or "Leviatan" if you're super small)
coaxing you into regression if needed isn’t a problem for him! He’s had to take care of little siblings before after all
Impure regression kind of overwhelms him, but he does his best to focus on you and not his own anxieties. If he can’t calm you, he’ll find someone else you’re comfortable with while regressed. He doesn’t want you to be in pain, as jealous as he may be
has read about regression, so he's familiar with it
once he finds out you regress, he instantly searches more intensely for sources of information on it
will gladly be a caregiver if you wish, otherwise he'll simply enjoy your company while you're small
prefers you call him by his name (which probably just becomes "Tan-tan") but like Lucifer won’t fight any nicknames you give him
protectiveness skyrockets
if you need help getting into headspace, he is very good at it despite his very minimal experience with children
impure regression is not as difficult for him to help with as the others, and will waste no time getting who you need if it isn’t him.
he understands it's a coping mechanism and does whatever he can to ensure you feel safe with him while you regress
will happily be a caregiver if you wish
especially likes if you call him variations of "Mom" or variations of his name
he does get a bit sad if you're an independent age regressor bc he likes taking care of you
if your age regression makes speaking difficult he is probably the one who understands you best (besides Lucifer)
"Don't be a Grumpypants"
best one to play dress up with
no issues coaxing you into regression! He’s very good at it.
impure regression makes him scared, mostly because negative emotions are difficult for him to navigate himself. He’ll do whatever you need for comfort though, and won’t give up on helping you no matter how upset you are. Will be a bit sad if you want someone else, but he knows it’s nothing against him and will always get them for you.
"Oh, makes sense" (doesn’t elaborate)
if you're an independent age regressor he doesn't feel one way or the other about it
if you're clinger/touchier while regressed he doesn't mind
likes when you call him some form of his name like just "Beel" or "Bub" or "Bubba"
Will be a caregiver if you want but he's gonna ask a lot of questions at first. He wants to take good care of you!
probably takes a while to help you regress if you need it, just because he’s trying to understand how to best do so. Very attentive and good at it when he learns though
Impure regression isn’t too alarming for him since he asks a lot of questions in the first place. He’ll know what to do because you’ve talked about it in the past, and eventually figures out more ways to help as time goes on. If you need someone besides him though, he will take you to them instantly.
doesn't need much explanation
✨head pats✨ are his go to for affection when you're small
loves napping and cuddling with you anyways, but he loves different things about it when you're small.
thinks you’re really adorable when you regress
if you want him to be a caregiver he just accepts it immediately, otherwise he'll just watch out for you and respect boundaries
probably would prefer "Belphie" but anything you call him is fine!
if you need help regressing, he’ll try his best. If you’re comfortable with another person while regressed, he’ll see if they can help if what he tries won’t work
impure regression makes him nervous because he’s afraid it might be his fault, but he’s not going to tell you that. He’ll do his best to help, and if he can’t he’ll bring you to someone else you’re comfortable with (and hope they don’t blame him).
Lord Diavolo❣️
Humans have such fascinating coping mechanisms! (Doesn’t realize it’s not necessarily just something humans do)
his heart will melt at literally anything you decide is his name while you are regressed.
Loves to pick you up and squeeze you and hold you close (he probably already loves to anyways, but still)
will drop everything if you want to play. Work can wait
if you want him to be a caregiver, probably has to adjust to taking care of someone, considering he’s never had siblings or children around that depended on him. It’s a welcome adjustment!
probably very good at helping you regress due to his playful nature
Impure regression makes him a bit sad, but he does his best to help you out! Will get someone else if needed.
knows exactly what it is
instantly a new form of protective towards you whether you ask him to be a caregiver or not
"Baba" or "Toto" would probably be easiest for him to adjust to but anything is fine for you to call him by
very good at adjusting to your mental age
head pats head pats head pats
will literally carry you on his hip while he works if you're clingy while regressed
takes really good care of you. He’s attentive and nurturing by nature
coaxing you into regression is not difficult if you need him to. He knows exactly what to do for you at all times. In the very rare instance he doesn’t know what to do, he will ask if you need someone else
Impure regression is also something he can help you through accordingly, though he understands that it can be extremely difficult and you may not want him in that instance. If that is the case, he will find who you want. He cares about you very much and wants to ensure you’re properly taken care of
he will happily be a caregiver he wants to take care of youuuu! If that’s not what you want from him though he understands!
he'll want to sing to you all the time (even more than he did before) but he only knows religious songs really rip so if you hate that it'll be time to introduce him to new music
If you show him cocomelons or anything similar he would probably memorize as many of them as he could
"Sim-Sim" is probably the easiest for him to adjust to, but whatever works!
your mental age isn't too difficult for him to adjust to
will tell you mental age friendly versions of TSL and read you books appropriate for your regressed age as well
becomes very good at coaxing you into regression if you need it. His natural attentiveness and caring personality helps with it a lot.
Impure regression isn’t something he would be hindered by very much, so long as he’s the one you want in the moment. If you want someone else, he will waste no time getting them for you.
aware of it being a coping mechanism
no issue with being your caregiver if you wish, but frankly someone better make sure he isn't cooking for you
probably likes you calling him "Aba" or variations of his name, but he won’t argue with anything you decide to call him
probably uses magic to entertain you Imao
sometimes he'll just pick you up and squeeze you close.
procures whatever you need
helping you regress isn’t his forte, but he will do his best if you need him to.
Impure regression is a bit difficult for him to manage by himself, but he will do his best. If you need someone else he will not waste a moment getting them for you.
another one Satan is explaining things to
he is very uppity most of the time, but if you’re regressed there’s no way he’s going to be able to keep it up. He has a soft spot for kiddos
if you wish for him to be a caregiver, he will have to contain himself. Of course he’ll look after you!
likes hugging you and giving you forehead kisses
will not be picky about whatever you decide to call him while regressed.
at first helping you into regression is a bit difficult, but he becomes very good at it once he learns how to properly do so
impure regression is absolutely something he’d do his best to handle. His pride will make him frustrated if he can’t help or you want someone else, but he’ll always do what’s best for you
he doesn’t really bat an eye at it. He thinks it’s cute (doesn’t realize at first that your age regression is very likely not for a happy reason)
likes making you dress up outfits
he’s not very used to physical affection, so if you’re clingy it takes a while for him to not be shocked every time you hug him or something (though he’ll always reciprocate after the initial deer-in-headlights reaction)
very gentle despite his hit man background, which comes in handy for spending time with you.
a bit nervous about being a caregiver if you want, but he will!
goes along with whatever you call him while regressed. If it’s not his name or a variant of his name it might throw him off at first though, just because it’s new.
Helping you regress if it’s needed is a learning curve, but he’s good at it
impure regression makes him freeze at first, but he will do whatever you need him to, whether it’s bring you to someone else or something different
she doesn’t need much explanation
she’s still sassy, but tones it down. Will do her best to knock it off when you’re regressed if it upsets you a lot.
no qualms about taking care of you if you want her to
will give you little forehead kisses.
not picky about what you call her while you’re regressed
coaxing you into age regression is probably not her best area, but she does her best if you need it
impure regression isn’t too difficult for her to help you with. She knows how to comfort when it’s needed, and will not hesitate to bring you to someone else if you want her to
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sakura-chan-25 · 2 years
Obey Me! Agere Headcanons Part 1
Dateables Edition here
Brothers Edition:
Definitely takes care of Mammon when he regresses (like in this fic)
Probably of Levi, too (if Levi lets him)
Realizes immediately when his little one feels small
Strict Caregiver but a good one
Energetic & semi-verbal regressor
Doesn’t know how old he is during age regression
Sometimes regresses and doesn’t even notice
Play dates with Levi in Luci’s room
(Luci still needs to look after them even though his desk is a mountain of paperwork)
Sensitive baby
Doesn’t like loud noises nor bright lights
Rather runs around HoL than playing video games
Enjoys playing with Mammon and his other regressor brothers
Looks after Asmo when he regresses
Good night stories
Stories about cats
Facts about cats
Cat stuffies
If his little one wants to hear about other animals he probably wouldn’t be too happy
But obliges because he’s wrapped around their little finger
stutters when regressed
feels a bit bad
needs a lot of reassurance
When regressed they’ll run into Satan’s room all excited
Wants to hear all the stories Satan has
Energetic baby #2
Playing with Belphie and sometimes with Mammon and Levi, too
Gentle caregiver
Probably looks after Belphie if Beel is not home
Takes care of regressed Belphie and regressed Asmo if Satan can’t
Great at making sure his little one eats and drinks enough water throughout the day
Gives the best bear hugs
And the best piggyback rides
Loves blowing raspberries and hearing his little one laugh
Sleepy Regressor
Loves being carried around
Loves being fed
Cries if his cow print pillow isn’t next to him
Plop a paci into his mouth
He won’t let go of it anymore
Wants to play with Mammon, Asmo and Levi
Always ends up falling asleep halfway though
Becomes sad and will cry :(
Only Beel can calm him down
A/n: This is somehow a mix of how they are around each other and for the caregivers in the family there are headcanons with regressed reader/mc... Oh well ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I hope you enjoyed and have a good day/night! :D
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