#Liver function tests
gastroenterologist · 8 months
Meta Description: Learn about the common signs, diagnosis methods, available treatments, and the impact of fatty liver disease on life expectancy in this comprehensive guide.
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vaidyaslaboratory · 9 months
Liver Function Test: A Detailed Guide for Accurate Reports and Health Awareness
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Unlock insights into liver health with our comprehensive guide on liver function tests. Learn about their importance, common tests, result interpretation, and debunked myths. Discover why Dr. Vaidya’s Laboratory in Borivali offers the best, hassle-free liver function tests with free home blood sample collection services. Prioritize your well-being today!
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diseaseinfohub · 1 year
How are Gallstones Diagnosed?
Gallstones are diagnosed through various methods, including medical history assessment, physical examination, and diagnostic tests. A healthcare professional may inquire about symptoms, risk factors, and family history to evaluate the possibility of gallstones. Physical examination techniques, such as abdominal palpation, can help identify signs of tenderness or enlargement of the gallbladder. Diagnostic tests commonly used for gallstone diagnosis include ultrasound imaging, which provides a visual image of the gallbladder and any present stones, and blood tests to assess liver function and detect any associated complications. These diagnostic measures aid in accurately diagnosing gallstones and determining the appropriate course of treatment.
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general-sleepy · 2 months
Looks like my loser liver is staying intact. I have two small lesions on my liver--which is not as scary as it sounds! They're called hemangiomas and are basically clumps of blood vessels. As it is, considering that I have no symptoms and am otherwise in good health, they're nothing for me to be worried about.
But, at the same time, it's not a good idea to go cutting around them. And it also doesn't make my liver the best choice for the recipient.
Next step is to start the process of kidney donation. Which I'm cautiously optimistic about, because the scans didn't find anything wrong with those guys. I guess, in one way, it's selfishly good news, because kidney donation is significantly safer, but it's still a huge bummer. Ah, well. I'll just have to thinking about kidney puns instead of liver puns.
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quaalussy · 22 days
waiting for test results got me starting a house md rewatch
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sometimesraven · 25 days
the way they keep checking my thyroid and yet looking at my blood test results my thyroid is like the *only* part that's functioning perfectly fine
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shortansweet · 10 months
The way I can properly understand body check up reports after this sem is ✨
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bitchfitch · 1 year
few days ago I offhandedly mentioned having my medical disasters show up in a handful of specialty text books, but hindsight is 20/20 and one of those is Extremely funny.
Tldr my rheumatologist penned a chapter in a textbook with a name that could not fit in a tweet, in which he used my 'strange' case of fibromyalgia to show the variability of the condition in children. Or at least that what my mother said it said. I was like 10 and also blind, and so did not read that particular work myself.
The funny thing is that despite him diagnosing me with the condition the second time I saw him after juvenile arthritis was ruled out via bloodtest, I never had fibromyalgia.
He misdiagnosed me and missed the again, in hindsight, extremely obvious case of EDS. He was the one who originally noted I was bizarrely flexible and that it was strange that my wide spread debilitating pain Wasn't localized to my joints, as it normally is in both Fibromyalgia and Juvenile Arthritis. It also came with my retinas continuing to try to fall off, and frequent bouts of internal bleeding. He was also the one to prescribe physical therapy to treat the fact my legs bent wrong and could barely walk because of it. But nah, surely that was unrelated to the pain thing. Fibromyalgia. Slap it in a textbook and call it a day. Come back in a month for another fucking blood test.
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bihansthot · 1 year
Got great news today, my liver numbers went down 30 points putting it back into normal function. Still have an ultrasound for it Friday but it seems as though the numbers were just spiked by my cmv and with that getting better so is my liver. Kidney’s are stable too, so really pleased. Dua Sobek!
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thehealthofficers · 1 year
The liver is an important organ of the human body that plays out various basic capabilities like detoxification, digestion, and protein synthesis.
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curehealths · 1 year
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Liver Health Matters: Easy Ways to Prevent Liver Disease!
Hey Tumblr Fam,
By sleeping on the left side, the toxin in the body will get accumulated in the urinary tract overnight and will come out in the morning with urine, it will not cause liver disease.
Let's talk about liver health! Our liver works hard to detoxify our body, so let's take care of it with these simple tips to avoid liver disease:
Keep alcohol in check: Too much alcohol can harm our liver over time. Practice responsible drinking or consider cutting out alcohol to protect your liver.
Eat a nourishing diet: Opt for a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats to support liver health. Avoid processed foods and excessive sugar.
Stay hydrated: Hydration is key for liver function. Make sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day to keep your liver functioning optimally.
Move your body: Regular exercise can improve liver function by reducing fat buildup and promoting overall health. Find activities you enjoy and incorporate them into your routine.
Practice safe medication use: Some medications, even over-the-counter drugs, can be harmful to the liver if not used properly. Follow dosage instructions and consult with your healthcare provider.
Let's prioritize our liver health and take these simple steps to prevent liver disease. Remember, prevention is key! #LiverHealth #PreventionIsKey #HealthyLiverHealthyLife 🩸💚
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floatingwithlaura · 1 year
taking a concoction of pain meds and psych meds and bc to try and feel like a normal human being is getting tiring
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gaberoothekangaroo · 2 years
??????? excuse me???? are you asking me to collect my pee for a day so you can test how much copper is in it???? isnt the one cup enough???? why i gotta do it all day????? 24 ounces? 24 hours? what does 24 mean????
you bet your ass im asking about that at my appointment (unrelated). thats absolutely not something i want to do lmfao or really think is necessary. i think theres an easier test to do if youre trying to check my kidney function. yall already know im deficient in copper, why you gotta double check the levels for it in my pee?
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thisisthevoice · 2 years
the amount of just waiting around suffering you do when trying to get a medical condition figured out is so mentally taxing. just living with itching all over my skin with no identifiable cause. took an exam on friday and i did well on it but i also scratched my left arm red and then later, made my left middle finger bleed bc i was scratching so intensely
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quaalussy · 2 months
dawg whats even the point of having a primary care doc if theyre gonna run tests and then not look at them for over a week and ignore when u call and ask abt them & tell them that ur getting sicker and then end up having to pay an urgent care MORE MONEY just to look at the test results. stupid fucking fragmented healthcare system that doesnt work even if u play along w the game
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drpunitsingla · 25 days
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