#Liver imaging
gastroenterologist · 8 months
Meta Description: Learn about the common signs, diagnosis methods, available treatments, and the impact of fatty liver disease on life expectancy in this comprehensive guide.
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bubblebaath · 7 months
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liver in the woods
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tuxedocatatonic · 28 days
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black-and-yellow · 6 months
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(minus grain)
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silvers-starrway · 8 months
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Whats up Sonshadilver nation, I love these guys so much.
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chiropteracupola · 7 months
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A strange dissection.
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batsinurbelfrey · 2 months
Yeah im Trans. As in someone suffering from unexplainable Transaminitis [cool freeze frame pose and credits roll]
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eddieydewr · 2 days
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this is mental illness.
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kiyosumi katou period headcanons
nsfw section contains dubcon
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very incorrectly mansplains menstruation to you
tells you to hold it in, does not initially believe you when you tell him otherwise. it’s only when he runs into katsumi and they start talking that he starts to understand. he’s still not fully convinced
fully believes you’re being dramatic over your period cramps, yet he caves like an overripe avocado when even slightly ill. you’ll have to get one of those period cramps simulators. it won’t change his mind, it’s just funny watching him curl up like a dehydrated leaf and howl
unsurprisingly, he’s the most unpleasant out of all the baki cast to be around when on your period
as soon as you start crying, he’s out the door. he’s an emotionally constipated sack of potatoes. picks you up your favorite snack while he’s out; he’s awkward, but he does care
both loves and hates how emotional you can be. doesn’t like if you cry or if you’re extra “bitchy”, but he does like if you’re extra touchy and needy (he is touch starved)
will take you joyriding on his motorcycle or to a rage room to let off steam
he’s stealing your soiled undergarments for…well you know what
this horny mf pesters you for period sex the entire week. does not know when to quit, you’ll cave eventually
will definitely try and convince you to do anal if you haven’t already
if you somehow trust this man enough to fall sleep around him, he’s burying his nose into your clothed cunt and taking a long, loud sniff. he likes that musky, slightly metallic smell. i warned you, he’s one nasty mf
slightly prefers period sex. mostly cause you’re already wet, so no need for foreplay. but he also just enjoys the sensation of your blood coating his dick.
also likes seeing his seed mix with your blood. he usually likes seeing his cum splattered on your skin, but he’s giving you all the creampies this week.
will smear his cum and your blood all over your thighs. might force you to clean his fingers after he’s done. he might also just clean them himself, but he’ll make a show out of it.
he won’t admit it, but he likes how you taste. secretly wants to steal all your pads/tampons so you’ll have no choice but to let him catch all your blood on his tongue.
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bpod-bpod · 9 months
Revelation Revolution
Whole-body positron emission tomography (PET) one hour after injection of radioactive glucose highlights rapidly metabolising tissue such as the liver metastases of a colorectal tumour seen here within the abdomen, along with normal accumulation of the tracer in the heart, bladder, kidneys and brain
Edward J Hoffman – born on this day, January 1st in 1942 – along with Michel Ter-Pogossian and Michael E. Phelps – developed the first human Positron Emission Tomography scanner in 1973
Movie adapted from PET scan GIF created by Jens Maus
Video in the Public Domain
You can also follow BPoD on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook
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honeysuckle-venom · 9 months
Got my MRI results back, it's not terrible I guess but it's also...not great. I'm pretty unhappy actually. I was really, really hoping for more shrinking. But while the giant one in the left lobe has shrunk a little bit more, the biggest one in the right lobe has grown! It's now 8.4 cm x 6.7 x 7.1 cm, when before it was only 7.6 x 6.1 x 6.4. I'm really devastated that one has grown, I don't exactly know what that means for me but it's not good! And I remembered that I have a LOT of tumors, like, a lot, because when I looked at the scans last year honestly my liver looked like it was more tumor than liver. But I had kind of convinced myself that maybe I was exaggerating that in my head and actually only had like 6 or 8? But the report says "The lesions are too numerous to count [much greater than 10]." So it was how I remembered it, lots and lots of large tumors everywhere. Bc technically anything greater than 5cm is fairly high risk/often operated on, and I have several that are bigger than 5cm. But they can't operate because there are too many and so it's pointless/they can't remove enough of the liver safely. And now some are growing and even if some are shrinking they aren't shrinking much. The overall impression was that this scan was "similar to prior." Which is better than significantly worse but I was really really hoping for better news. I'll have to set up an appointment with a hepatologist to really discuss the results but...at first glance this kind of sucks.
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princehendir · 1 year
Anyways R.I.P. Self-interest you would have loved the Prometheus myth
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mudsnapperqna · 1 year
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"For someone harboring an ex-toon, you're being awfully hypocritical with your treatment towards others. Might wanna change your tune about us hanging around..."
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"Hello Mundie, I been having suspicion about a certain toon by the name of U.N. Kani and I thought since you had an encounter with him befor calling him a "Toon" you might may have something of a lead."
[ @ask-ethan-bravecog ]
< = = ⚖ = = ⚖ = = ⚖ = = ⚖ = = ⚖ = = ⚖ = = ⚖ = = >
First, I will address you, grayface. You think I'm being a hypocrite for the sake of it? There's a REASON Velma is different and there is a REASON I have her in my care. She doesn't like to talk about it, especially not after what happened that one unfortunate time with Bumblebehr... recognizing an "old friend."
We did not take her. She came to us, because her "fellow Toons" that she was supposed to be able to trust, and who she spared the love in her heart to help, treated her HORRIBLY. They treated her like she was a Cog, a freak for being made of metal, asking her an unsettling number of times to harvest Suits for parts like they weren't asking her the equivalent of pawing through fresh offal. And still they were ungrateful for her help.
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Velma told me everything. Can you blame her!? And can you blame me for taking her in?! She looks up to me. I'm one of the only others of her kind, barring the fact I am a Cog and she... "wasn't." She's skilled in law and combat. She's a valuable asset to our team. And... there's more about why she's different from other Toons, but that's not for me to talk about, and I'm certain if you ask her, you'll be leaving this Lawfice with plenty of bitemarks.
…It'll be alright Velma. We don't have to talk about it.
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As for you, Ethan... Hello there. I haven't heard much from Allan's other family, if at all. Forgive us for the outburst, and also forgive me if I come off as unfamiliar, since... I am, to be frank.
Let's just say Kani and I have a history. And it is a history I do NOT care to bring up. If you truly, desperately NEED to know...? Don't trust that little freak if you know what's good for you.
That's a warning for you too, Velma.
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morguenecrosis · 8 months
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rollercoasterwords · 1 year
I know from ur post that u dont have any fancasts or celebreties for the marauders but im curious wheter u like any fanarts of them . If so do u have any favourites or any fav artist ? Or do u just use ur imagination ?
well my favorite fanartist is of course my beloved liv @theinvisiblemuseum (hi liv.....hello....) <3
also have 2 shout out @queerfeardear and @orangesandblues both of whom have made some truly lovely fanart for thtf that i absolutely love <3 <3
and in general there's definitely fanart that i see + like, but i don't necessarily picture any specific fanart rendition of characters when i'm reading. i just generally prefer to visualize characters myself!
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azumanga · 11 months
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