#Liver health
fitgirlhappygirl · 9 months
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The difference in my face and neck from the age of 17 to 24… time flew by. I used to dream of being where I am now. 🥲🥹 grateful I never gave up!
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eatclean-bewhole · 1 year
Alcohol is an inflammatory shit storm to your brain, liver, gut, and body. It takes 72 hours to leave your system. During that time it crashes your dopamine, making you feel low. If you choose to drink, do it sparingly and follow it with plenty of water, green tea, high quality protein, lots of fruits & veggies, hydrating foods, healthy fats like nuts and seeds, and take a cold shower.
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blatantescapism · 9 months
I get a very small liver resection done tomorrow. Should be minor
I was planning to bring my finger-woven belt WIP with me as entertainment for the hospital stay, but my lovely spouse pointed out that attempting a complicated pattern while on the Strong Painkillers was perhaps unwise.
All of my WIPs have complicated patterns, though..,
Contemplating whether it’s worth starting a very boring scarf, just to have something to do.
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theholisticdoctors · 1 year
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Anti-Cancer Properties of Dandelion Root
Extracts from Dandelion Root have shown to have potent cancer-fighting potential in many types of cancer, including Liver, Colon, Stomach and Breast Cancer. Reduction in Inflammation and affects in tumor progression have also been observed with Dandelion Root.
Supplementing with ample amounts of the right Omega fatty acid and the right liver related Mineral can optimize Dandelion Root's therapeutic effect in helping to reverse disease patterns.
Contact your Holistic Physician today to see if Dandelion Root will help expedite Your Healing!
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todayhealthy042 · 10 months
12 Reasons to drink celery juice
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sandeepkaur10007 · 5 months
which fruits are bad for liver cirrhosis patient?
A diseased liver may cause any number of serious medical conditions. The liver is a vital system that helps remove waste material and chemicals from the body. A number of fruits are bad for the liver, particularly as participated in. The following ten fruits, if they participate, may cause harm to the liver:
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1. Grapefruit: Some drugs' the capacity for the liver to break down them could be damaged by chemicals generated by grapefruit. Alcohol development in the bloodstream can arise from this, which can cause harmful side effects.
2. Papaya: The high natural sugar level in papaya may prove difficult for the liver to digest, especially in people that have diabetes or liver damage.
3. Pineapple: a type of bro, a chemical found in pineapple fruit, can thin a person's blood to keep it from clots. People who use blood-thinning medications or have liver disease may be badly changed by that.
4. Mango: This fruit has a high glycemic index, which means it can quickly raise blood sugar values. This may stress the liver and cause symptoms.
5. Coconut: The high content of saturated oils in coconut might raise cholesterol and stress the liver. Obesity in coconut food can result in fatty liver disease.
6. Dates: Due to their high sugar content, dates can quickly raise blood sugar levels. This may strain the liver and cause obesity, both of which over time may result in liver damage.
7. Cherries: Due to their high level of sugar, cherries can be hard on the liver to handle, specifically for people who already have diabetes or liver disease
8. Persimmons: When consumed in excess, tannins from persimmons can be detrimental to the liver. Cirrhosis and liver damage may result from this.
9. Pomegranate: Compounds found in pomegranates can prevent the liver from effectively breaking down certain drugs. Drug collection in the circulatory system may result from this, which may have harmful side effects.
10. Watermelon: High in sugar, watermelon can be hard on the liver, especially for people with diabetes or liver disease. Consult a healthcare professional for personalized advice based on your specific health condition.  Wishing you a swift recovery. https://bit.ly/3O9IhoF
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Detox Drinks help to Cleanse Your Liver From Alcohol and keep your body nourishing from the inside. Detox drinks also help you protect yourself from many diseases and many you healthy.
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fitgirlhappygirl · 9 months
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The difference in my face within the last two months of focusing on my gut and liver health.. :) I’ve noticed an increase in energy, clear skin, my bloat has gone way down, I’m happier. My goal isn’t weight loss anymore 🥲 it’s to heal my body from the inside out! I wouldn’t give all the difference to supplements, but some things I included into my daily regime were:
•Chlorophyll water
•digestive enzymes
•green superfood powder
•fiber increase
•nutrient dense foods/quality, clean protein
•not skipping meals/depriving myself!!!
•organic milk thistle extract
•keeping up w my water intake
•walks around my neighborhood at least 4 days a week :)
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eatclean-bewhole · 9 months
Saturated fats are primarily animal-based fats (with the exception of some plants). Unlike healthy unsaturated fats that are liquid at room temperature, saturated fats are solid at room temperature. Saturated fats are the inflammatory fats, while unsaturated fats are anti-inflammatory. Regularly consuming saturated fats may raise cholesterol and increase risk of heart disease. It can also contribute to high blood sugar and fatty liver disease. If you consume it, it is recommended you do not exceed 13 grams/day. Lean towards your anti-inflammatory and brain health fats, the unsaturated fats.
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AVN Punarnavadi Kashayam 200ml 
Punarnava rejuvenates the system and has properties like immunomodulation, protection of the liver, anticancer activity, antidiabetic activity, anti-inflammation, and diuresis. Daru helps in reducing flatulence and aids in removing toxins from the gut.
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vuals · 13 days
Numerous studies have shown that turmeric, and its active compound curcumin, can have a positive impact on liver health. The liver, responsible for detoxification, nutrient metabolism, and countless other functions, can benefit from turmeric's anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
Read more.
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vonehospital · 17 days
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Concerned about liver health? This blog explores ways to prevent liver problems, manage Hepatitis, and find the best liver specialist in Indore. Learn valuable tips and access the care you.
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pharmanucleus1 · 1 month
Autoimmune Hepatitis Market: Transformative Treatments Await
Global Autoimmune Hepatitis Market, By Type (Type 1, Type 2), Treatment (Medications, Liver Transplant, Others), Diagnosis (Liver Biopsy, Blood Tests, Imaging Tests, Others), Route of Administration (Oral, Parenteral, Others), End-Users (Hospitals, Specialty Clinics, Homecare, Others), Distribution Channel (Hospital Pharmacy, Retail Pharmacy, Online Pharmacy, Others) – Industry Trends and Forecast to 2030
Market Overview
In recent years, the autoimmune hepatitis market is anticipated to grow rapidly during the forecast period. According to the 2019 study "Burden of Liver Diseases in the World," liver illness causes roughly 2 million fatalities worldwide, with 1 million deaths due to cirrhosis complications and 1 million deaths due to viral hepatitis and hepatocellular cancer. Cirrhosis is the 11th most prevalent cause of mortality globally, while liver cancer is the 16th most common cause of death. They are responsible for 3.5 percent of all deaths worldwide.
According to Pharmanucleus, the autoimmune hepatitis market was valued at USD 156.76 million in 2021 and is predicted to reach USD 210.61 million by 2030, showing a CAGR of 3.70% from 2023 to 2030. The Pharmanucleus team curated the market study, which contains extensive expert analysis, patient epidemiology, pipeline analysis, price analysis, and regulatory framework.
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Market Definition
Autoimmune hepatitis is an uncommon but fatal liver disease. When the body mistakes healthy tissue and cells for infectious tissue and cells, antibodies are created to target the healthy liver cells. Autoimmune hepatitis can develop quickly or gradually. The condition's aetiology is unknown, however it may be related to other systemic disorders or medication exposure in some situations. Autoimmune Hepatitis Market Dynamics
Increased incidence of autoimmune hepatitis
The rising prevalence of autoimmune hepatitis is a major contributor to the market's rapid expansion. Complications of such illnesses include swollen veins in the oesophagus, fluid accumulation in the abdomen, liver failure, and liver cancer.
Increasing healthcare infrastructure investment
Growing healthcare spending, which aids in infrastructure improvement, is another important aspect driving the autoimmune hepatitis market's growth rate.
The greater governmental and private-sector efforts to promote awareness of the would boost the autoimmune hepatitis market. Furthermore, people's changing lifestyles and high disposable income will drive the autoimmune hepatitis market upward. Furthermore, the expanding older population and an increase in medical tourism will accelerate the market's development pace.
Increase in the number of R&D activities      
Moreover, when R&D activity increases, so does the market. This will create new prospects for the autoimmune hepatitis industry to expand. Additionally, higher medication approvals and launches will drive market growth.
Furthermore, rising investments in the development of innovative technologies, as well as an increase in the number of emerging markets, will create further chances for the autoimmune hepatitis market to expand throughout the projected period..
On the other hand, the high cost of treatment will hamper the growth rate of the market. Lack of healthcare infrastructure in developing economies and low awareness of autoimmune hepatitis will pose major challenges to the market growth rate. Additionally, shortage of skilled professionals and missed diagnoses will further limit and hamper the growth rate of the market over the forecast period 2023-2030.
This report on the Autoimmune Hepatitis Market discusses recent new developments, trade regulations, import-export analysis, production analysis, value chain optimisation, share market analysis, the impact of national and localised market players, analyses opportunities in terms of emerging revenue pockets, market changes regulations, strategic analysis of market growth, market size, category market growth, niches and dominance of applications, product approvals, and p Contact Pharmanucleus for an Analyst Brief for more information on the Autoimmune Hepatitis industry; our experts will assist you in making an informed market choice to achieve market growth.
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Patient Epidemiology Analysis
Autoimmune hepatitis is an uncommon condition that affects four times as many women as males. Type 1 diabetes is the most common and affects most individuals. Type 2 diabetes is more frequent in young individuals and progresses faster. Every year, 1 to 2 new cases per 100,000 people are expected, for a total of around 24 cases per 100,000 people.
Furthermore, the Autoimmune Hepatitis Market offers in-depth market data for patient analysis, prognosis, and therapy. Prevalence, incidence, mortality, and adherence rates are among the statistical aspects evaluated in the study. Analyses of the direct or indirect influence of epidemiology on market growth are performed in order to develop a more robust cohort multivariate statistical model to forecast market growth during the boom era.
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Post COVID Impact
Since its emergence in December 2019, the COVID-19 virus has indeed had a profound impact on healthcare systems worldwide, which has affected various medical conditions, including autoimmune hepatitis. The declaration of the virus as a public health emergency by the World Health Organization (WHO) prompted healthcare systems to prioritize COVID-19-related treatments and control measures. As a result, specialist healthcare services for other conditions, including autoimmune hepatitis, have faced delays and disruptions.
The financial crisis caused by the pandemic has further compounded the challenges in healthcare systems, leading to resource constraints and reduced access to medical services. Patients with autoimmune hepatitis have faced difficulties in seeing their healthcare providers for various reasons. Some individuals have struggled to access doctors due to overwhelmed healthcare facilities or limited availability of appointments. Fear of contracting the virus has also deterred patients from seeking in-person consultations. Moreover, pandemic-related restrictions, such as lockdowns and travel limitations, have hindered the continuity of essential therapies and procedures for autoimmune hepatitis patients.
These circumstances have the potential to negatively impact the autoimmune hepatitis market in recent months. Reduced access to care, delayed diagnoses, and interruptions in treatment may result in suboptimal disease management, increased disease progression, and worsened patient outcomes. Additionally, the economic consequences of the pandemic may limit patients' ability to afford necessary medications and therapies, affecting market demand.
However, as the global healthcare system adapts and recovers from the pandemic, efforts are being made to address these challenges. Telemedicine and remote healthcare services have gained prominence, allowing patients to connect with their healthcare providers virtually. Gradual easing of pandemic restrictions and resumption of regular healthcare services are expected to alleviate some of the barriers faced by autoimmune hepatitis patients, helping to stabilize the market over time.
Global Autoimmune Hepatitis Market Scope
The market for autoimmune hepatitis is classified by type, therapy, diagnosis, method of administration, end-users, and distribution channel. The growth in these segments will assist you in analysing the growth sectors in industries and providing users with a beneficial market overview and industry insights to assist them in making strategic decisions for finding key market applications.
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gopalhospital · 1 month
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Symptoms of Fatty Liver Disease: Get expert care at the best multispecialty hospital in Ghaziabad. Early symptoms include fatigue, stomach pain and jaundice. Don't ignore the symptoms; Consult our experts for personalized treatment and care.
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healixhospitals24 · 2 months
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Learn to interpret your liver function test results with our comprehensive guide. Understand commonly used liver tests and their implications for your health.
Do Visit: https://www.healixhospitals.com/blogs/reading-and-interpreting-your-liver-function-test-a-guide-to-commonly-used-liver-tests
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vuals · 13 days
Some studies have suggested that moringa may have hepatoprotective properties, meaning it could help protect the liver from damage. These studies have investigated the effects of moringa leaf and seed extracts on liver health in animal models.
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