#Livestream Recap
sentientstump · 6 months
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i just think that somsnosa
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ratatatastic · 3 months
hi 13 second clip that i will be obsessed with for years to come because mikksy and lombo are doing mikksy and lombo things in the bg as they usually do how are you doing
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theres something about mikksy looking over to his left and spacing out but when he sees long brown hair in his periphery he turns towards it, sees lombo struggling to pass off the cup and stares at him until lombo comes his way. the pining is palpable. i can feel it from here. he has the targetting program of a turret hes locking on.
also someone seems to either dropped a hat(?) or something of that nature because right as lombo steps forward to where mikksy is he bends down to get it but mikksy seeing him, also makes to reach for it but lombo seems to have it covered so he just bows like a chicken for a bit because his gentlemanly code intiated (rare sight) seeing a beautiful man bend down to retrieve an object...
Panthers Championship Parade | 6.30.24
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akkivee · 2 years
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all this kuukou FOOD—
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grapevin · 2 years
twitch just sent this out, really cool to see my growth
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also this shows who I've been watching, check them out if you have the opportunity
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kappy321 · 10 months
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Ayyyyy top 10% Paper Mario 64 & TTYD (and somehow Risk of Rain 2 LOL)! Thank you all for supporting me :) Let's make next year even better!
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zephiecttv · 2 years
Not a bad year, considering I am extremely limited on what I can stream on, and also what I am able to play.
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theendorisit · 4 months
apropos of nothing, I made Tape-E
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Who is Tape-E?
During one of the TMA livestreams (trying to remember which one), a fan question was asked ‘Is there a mascot (for the Archives or the show itself not sure)?’ One of the team suggested ‘Tape-y?’, to which everyone else responded with ‘Oh no!!’. So I thought, oh yes! So yeah, this is your fault 😘
What is Tape-E?
As Mr Bonzo is a parody of Mr Blobby, Tape-E is a parody of Clippy (these last two names rhyme).
Who is Clippy?
Clippy was a microsoft office assistant, introduced in 1997. He was a little virtual paperclip (officially called Clippit, but that name never caught on) who sat on the bottom right corner of the page, and was programmed to give advice in popup speech bubbles when certain actions were taken. For example, if you wrote out an address and ‘Dear’, Clippy would say ‘Looks like you’re writing a letter. Would you like help?’. The name Tape-E in the livestream seemed to be referring to Clippy, as there are many similarities in the behaviour of Clippy, and the actual tapes/ tape recorders in-universe:
always on by default
appears at inconvenient times
provides help you do not want
hated by (mostly) everyone
watching you with cold dead eyes
enjoyed by nostalgia and retro seekers
Why make Tape-E?
As I am of the same generation as some of the RQ peeps, I unironically loved Clippy and Mr Blobby as a child, and it gives me great joy to imagine, in the TMP universe, Sam getting a little pop up: ‘Looks like you’re trying to code a case file! Would you like some help with that?’ In our world this would be impossible - Windows NT (as the official name) was dropped in 1996, one year before Clippy was born, BUT there is voice recording on TMP’s ancient computers, so it’s not totally impossible! 😅😁
What are cassette tapes?
Just a little recap for those who didn’t grow up with tapes: Cassette Tapes contain information embedded in magnetic tape, wrapped around one spool and attached to a second spool. When played, the spools are turned by the machine and the magnetic tape is wound onto the other spool, the information read out through speakers as the magnetic tape moves through sensors. As the magnetic tape can contain different information depending on the direction of tape movement, you can flip the cassette tape over in the machine, and play the tape again, hearing another load of information. This concept is never utilised in the show, but it does mean that cassette tapes have A-sides, and B-sides (as Vinyl records do). Here, of course, this stands for Archivist-side, and Brutalpipemurder-side. On occasion, the magnetic tapes would become damaged, or bent, and could be pushed out of the cassette, causing a horrible noise, and terror to small children who were only trying to listen to their Just William tapes. When this happened, a pencil (or in my case, my little finger) could be jammed into the spiky spool ‘teeth’, to rewind the magnetic tape back into the cassette. Maybe that’s why the eyes are red? 🩸 I am very glad that the TMA tapes are magic, and record endlessly, never need flipping, and never get chewed up by the hungry machine.
Why is the name Tape-E?
Canon answer: the name stands for Tape-Eyes. Possibly Tape-Entity? Undecided.
Actual answer: Tape-y, Tapey and Tapie spellings look weird to me. I think Tape-E looks best.
Why a tape and not a tape recorder?
if you can crochet a tape recorder, you’re a genius and I love you.
What gender is Tape-E?
I might refer to Tape-E as male sometimes because that’s how people often referred to Clippy. But Tape-E is whatever gender Tape-E feels like being.
Why now?
Why not? also now is a good time because TMP episode 15 is an excellent episode
What’s going to happen to Tape-E?
I’m going to gift it to Jonny sometime, if we get more liveshows or book signings. It’s his fault this exists after all. Plus you can write whatever you like in the speech bubbles! Hopefully I can give it calmly? But maybe Tape-E will be yeeted in his general direction in a fit of ADHD-fuelled social anxiety. Only time will tell.
Tape-E is a pattern and design created entirely by myself. The inspiration and world building from whence it came, is entirely the genius of @jonnywaistcoat Jonny Sims, Rusty Quill @rqbossman and The Magnus Archives, which is a podcast distributed by Rusty Quill and licensed under a creative commons attribution, non-commercial share alike 4.0 international license.
Clippy was invented by Microsoft and Kevan Atteberry, who now illustrates children’s books.
Mr Blobby is an adorable abomination, created from a fevered mind.
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project-sekai-facts · 2 months
Project SEKAI: the Movie -Ruined SEKAI and the Miku Who Can't Sing- recap post
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The previously teased "new project" was officially announced earlier today! We're going to be getting a Project SEKAI movie, which is slated for release on January 17th, 2025!! The main poster can be seen above.
This post will be summarising what we know, and will be updated when more information is given.
As mentioned already, the movie will be released next January in cinemas in Japan. It will be animated by P.A.WORKS, who animated the Journery to Bloom shorts. The first trailer for the movie is embedded above. Clips from the movie will be shown in cinemas in Japan starting in August, and these will later be made available on Youtube.
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An international release was confirmed in the July Colorful Corner livestream, though no date has been given. It will be some point after the Japanese release.
A synopsis was also released, and a translated version can be found here. To summarise, Ichika meets a Miku she doesn't recognise, who appears to be rather sad and lonely. This Miku tells Ichika that there are people she wants to sing to, but she is unable to reach them, and she wants to get to know Ichika because she sees how Ichika is able to reach people's hearts with her singing.
Based on the costumes used in the movie being from before the 3rd anniversary, this movie is likely set then. However, it could be a noncanon original story (like the anthology manga) or it could be canon to the game and link up to the current story, and the outfits could be down to the fact that this movie would've gone into production long before the 3rd anniversary redesigns were created.
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A character sheet for the new Miku was also posted on the movie's website earlier today.
The movie will also feature new songs, though more information on these will be released at a later date.
The official website can be found here, and the official twitter account is @/pjsekai_movie.
The next load of information about the movie will be given during the 4th anniversary thanksgiving festival (unless the cinema clips make it first). There will be more information about the songs in December.
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vyorei · 9 months
Live coverage of the 11th of January 2024 is now closed.
Here is a recap of today's major events.
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It is 12am in Ireland now so I have to go to bed.
I'll be back to resume live updates on Sunday as I'm working, I'm gutted I can't watch the livestream tomorrow. It's at 10AM as far as I can remember. You can find it on YouTube, be sure to watch Apartheid Israel's predictable response and watch out for gore given they'll definitely play shock value.
For continuous updates while I'm gone, click the link below:
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cattimeswithjellie · 4 months
An Excerpt from Tango's 6/10 Livestream Recap
In case anyone is wondering why I think it's a good idea to recap livestreams, the following excerpt from the one I'm doing right now should explain it. This needs to be preserved for posterity.
2:15:10 Tango asks if Scar wants to do something dangerous. Scar immediately says yes. “Like really dangerous?” Tango presses. Scar nods. Tango tells Scar to follow him. He leads Scar over to the hole. Scar asks if this is where Decked Out 3 is. Tango confirms it totally is Decked Out 3. Scar looks down the hole and asks where it goes. Tango encourages him to drop down and Scar does, using his elytra for a soft fall down the two-wide hole. Tango follows, expecting Scar to have fallen into the void, but find him two blocks away in a two-deep hole in the bedrock. Tango tells him he missed. Scar gets himself out of the hole and immediately falls into another one. He climbs out, says “Jeez, there’s holes everywhere!” and instantly falls into the void hole. Tango cackles madly.
2:16:10 Tango freecams into the void and finds Scar rocketing around under the bedrock, calling for him and looking for the hole. Tango encourages him to “follow the sheep!” Scar makes several passes by the hole before managing to find it and shoot through it. Tango cheers and pops back into his body just in time for Scar to die of experiencing kinetic energy. Tango tries to figure out where Scar’s bits went. He uses freecam to search up to farm level, where he finds Skizzleman wandering around the edge of the hole. Chat informs him that Skizz (who is also streaming) has collected Scar’s things.
2:18:20 Tango flies up the shaft and finds some of Scar’s things at the top of the hole. He also finds Scar, who bounds over yelling “THIS IS A HELL-HOLE MURDER CHAMBER!” Tango compliments Scar on doing a great job getting out of the void. Apparently falling into the void resurrected all sorts of traumatic Season 8 memories of being thrown down the Boatem Hole. Skizz is nowhere to be seen at this point. Scar asks where the rest of his stuff is. Tango says he doesn’t know, but that he suspects there is someone else around here. Scar threatens to shove an askalottle in their face. He jumps back down to the hole and asks if he flew all the way up here, even as Skizz makes an appearance. He is wearing Scar’s hat and giggling.
2:19:10 Scar greets Skizz as “Skizzie-lizzie!” then asked Tango if he really flew all the way up that hole. Skizz thanks Scar, telling him that he has been streaming for seven seconds and he already has what might be the best blooper reel moment ever. He explains that he was sneaking up on Tango and happened to turn around just in time to see Scar for a tenth of a second before he exploded. Skizz returns Scar’s things to him, telling him that he made himself into a chest to collect Scar’s stuff for him. Scar, who is digging in his ender chest, suddenly realizes that he has found “The Flatulenster” who was making the fart noise earlier. Tango laughs. Scar confronts Skizz, who tells Scar to put his ender chest back on the ground and open it, then look for the “thank you” he owes Skizz. Tango points out that Skizz was not online when the fart occurred.
2:20:30 Scar thanks Skizz for saving his things and apologizes for fart-accusing him. Skizz doesn’t even know what Scar is talking about. Scar proceeds to tell Skizz the tragic tale of his visit to Tango where he just wanted to compliment some asskalottles and was accused of a fart he did not commit. Skizz commiserates, saying that the same thing happened the last time he streamed with Tango, and that he suspects it is Tango’s fault and/or imagination. Tango insists that his chat heard the fart too. ((The fart noise is audible on VOD review.)) Scar says they need Mrs. T to confirm that Tango is a fart-denyer.
2:21:50 Skizz is still wondering why Scar exploded. Tango explains it’s because he jumped down the hole. Scar leads Skizz over to the hole and encourages him to jump down, saying it’s fun. He tells Skizz that it is cool, and the reason that he died was because he came up too fast and had an accident. Skizz leans over the edge for a better look and Scar, in the least surprising act of Betrayal-By-Scar since The Lion King, kicks him down the hole. Skizz yells and begins attempting to rocket out of the hole with limited success. Scar insists he needs to go _down_ the hole, it’s super fun! Skizz manages to escape the hole and says no, because he doesn’t want to die. Tango and Scar assure him he won’t die (if he’s competent, Tango adds parenthetically.)
2:22:40 Resigned, Skizz asks if there’s a side he needs to jump down, then flings himself into the hole. He does a perfect full-send fall, right into the void, and falls out of the world. Tango shrieks in horrified delight. Scar calls down the hole that he feels bad now. In chat, False says “oof.” Tango demands to know why Skizz didn’t deploy his wings. “He would never have survived Boatem,” Scar observes dolefully.
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badboyhalo october 1st stream recap
okay okay quick recap for anyone who couldn't watch the stream/can't watch bad's vod (tw discussion of derealization, paranoia (being watched especially), hallucinations, bad having a BAD time, etc. if any of this stuff super bothers you then you may want to avoid badboyhalo's livestreams for the foreseeable future, he's a long-term storyteller)
Bad started off his stream with a black screen and white text.
"Welcome. Dear cucurucho, why are you in my [the text went offscreen] I just want to talk please come say hello I know your there cucurucho come come come out wherever you are cucuruchoooooooo CUCURUCHSOFIOOGI" [note: keysmash not exact]
When Bad turned his screen on, he was in dapper's room, rocking back and forth. he was calling for cucurucho and talking about it living in his house. He kept jumping at nothing. He spoke to the pictures of the kids as if they were real, and asked "richarlyson" if forever was the one in his house.
he didn't want to leave dapper's room because it was his 'safe room,' but he eventually did. His base is now covered in GIANT signs that have red text and cucurucho's model that say "NO FEDERATION ALLOWED" and "YOUR BEING WATCHED" and one more i can't remember. he put up cameras everywhere and said "Look! I have cameras! Now I know when someone comes in... and when someone leaves." which isn't super important but it was an awesome line
he ended up going to spawn to look for cucurucho, and it was full of scaffolding. bad didn't take this well. It's unclear if the scaffolding was part of his hallucinations or not, but he fixated on it 'being' cucurucho. He suspected forever, cellbit, and foolish were also cucurucho. He questioned what was and wasn't real- including himself.
Bad started SEEING cucurucho in the distance, watching him, before it would disappear again. When it came back, sometimes it was renamed. "ENJOY THE ISLAND" and ":)" were some of the renamings, and I cannot remember them all. Bad started out by chasing cucurucho, shouting at it and asking if it were various items/mobs. He saw two of them at once at once point and was lead up into slime's hold house, through flippa's room (where there was a single block of scaffolding), and then out off of jaiden's balcony.
As the chase went on Bad started to become more frightened. Cucurucho was flying. he started to lose sense of where he was (shown by the admins teleporting him around) and hallucinated a nether portal he threatened to go through.
At some point Bad questioned if Dapper was cucurucho, too.
Eventually Bad retreated to the wall to cower in a 1x1 hole that went beneath the wall. cucurucho broke several blocks in front of him and appeared, revving its chainsaw. when it disappeared again there was a hole broken into the floor that lead to a cave and LONG tunnels beneath the wall. the visual was terrifying i promise.
cucurucho chased bad through the tunnels. he was screaming “please please stop I’ll be good I promise please go away.” At one point cucurucho appeared behind bad with the name "Bad?Boy?Halo?" and bad freaked out about potentially being cucurucho.
cucurcucho chased bad through a cave system until two cucuruchos cornered him to blow bubbles. their names were "do you?" and "YES". bad ran from them and found some scaffolding loose on the ground, (which had been built up to lead him out of the cave), said "this is it, this is you" and threw into lava.
Bad warped back home, insisting, "You can't come here, you can't come here." He was calmer in his house, but then was hit by the blindness effect and started yelling about the signs and "NO FEDERATION ALLOWED." he sang a little song about it
short story short: cucurucho appeared in his house. he saw it behind a glass wall. he was furious and terrified and growling "you can't be in here." he ran into dapper's room, where it appeared AGAIN with the name "WITHOUT M***" (last few letters were in the wall lmao). bad started sprinting around his house trying to find a safe place. cucurucho chased him with a chainsaw down the aquarium hallway.
Two cucuruchos kept popping up and disappearing, both with different names each time. Bad asked them "who let you in my house?" and went through a series of names such as: foolish, forever, tina, cellbit, baghera, antoine, fit- and finally settled on Ron.
Bad went to go see Ron. The hallway was dark, and Ron's room was unlit. When Bad opened the door, Cucurucho, with the nametag "RON" above its head, looked back at him. Bad said, "I knew it. It was Ron. He let you in." A second Cucurucho appeared with the nametag "ALWAYSHERE."
Bad was given blindness again, and he started to laugh as a chainsaw whirred. We heard bubbles blowing. Then the screen faded entirely to black, and Bad said, "Come here, Ron. Come out, come out, wherever you are..."
We heard rapid damage sounds, and then the sound of eating.
(the END of his stream had black and white text "SEE You NeXt tIme :)" as an example. The other messages were classic streamer "thanks for watching" and "make sure to follow" messages with similar fucked up cases, but this was supposed to be a fast recap lmao)
TLDR: Bad's paranoia has increased to the point of hallucinations. He's now frightened of Cucurucho, and suspects that everyone on the island is/could be helping Cucurucho get into his base. He associates cucurucho with scaffolding now. He is NOT sound of mind. He ate Ron Lemons.
If I missed anything important, feel free to add on!
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Zenless Zone Zero Version 1.2 "Tour de Inferno" Special Program
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Dear Proxy, Zenless Zone Zero Version 1.2 "Tour de Inferno" Special Program will begin on September 13 at 19:30 (UTC+8).
Follow our official livestream channels:
YouTube >> https://www.youtube.com/@ZZZ_Official/
Twitch >> https://www.twitch.tv/zenlesszonezero
The Special Program will be broadcast live on our official channels. In this livestream, Caesar, Burnice, and our special host Bangboo, will all present the latest content for Version 1.2. During the livestream, as well as a redemption code, several lucky Proxies will also receive mystery gifts. Don’t miss out~
At the end of the Version 1.2 Special Program, the livestream will continue with a full recap of the Zenless Zone Zero special DJ performance at Creamfields 2024 music festival, as a thank-you for Proxies' support. Prepare your drinks and snacks and relax! See you on Friday!
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rwrbmovie · 6 months
re: the deadline contenders television event
Asides from digging into rwrb's emmy noms odds, I looked into the previous years' deadline contenders events to see what we can expect next weekend.
Taylor Zakhar Perez and Sarah Schecter are scheduled to attend and represent RWRB at Deadline’s Contenders Television, the event where stars and showrunners talk up their shows ahead of Emmy voting. The event kicks off Saturday, April 13 and runs through Sunday, April 14 at the Directors Guild of America in Los Angeles. There will also be a virtual livestream. Full details and an RSVP link can be found here. THE OFFICIAL EVENT WEBSITE
The event is a weekend-long, and Deadline publishes the schedule and lineup for each day on the first day of the event (Saturday). Taylor and Sarah will attend either Saturday or Sunday
Each show gets a panel. A clip will from the film will be shown (around 2 mins). Taylor and Sarah will be interviewed by a Deadline writer
Previous panels have lasted from 8-15 minutes
A video of the interview along with a recap will be published on Deadline's website after
Deadline posts coverage of the event on their website, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok using the hashtag #DeadlineContenders
Edited to add:
Participants will be grouped by their respective studios, and the studios are divided between the 2 days – so all of Prime's attending actors/producers will only be there for one day. Prime's roster for the event includes speakers from: RWRB, Expats, Fallout, Mr. & Mrs. Smith
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ofmdrecaps · 1 month
08/20-21/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Rhys Darby; Taika Waititi; Con O'Neill; Samson Kayo; Samba Schutte; Nathan Foad; Madeleine Sami; Guz Khan; Lindsey Cantrell Tim Heidecker; Articles; GalaxyConRaleigh Video; Fan Spotlight: Cast Cards; Never Left Podcast; Love Notes;
Hey crew, sorry I've been swamped with work/life again.. I swear I'll get back on track again one of these days. 8/22 will be up tonight or tomorrow.
== Rhys Darby ==
Reminder! Aug 28 is Rhys' episode of Expedition X!
Source: Moosh's Twitter
== Taika Waititi ==
Taika headed out of Italy!
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Source: Instagram
Taika's in A LOT of the new episodes of Time Bandits (the season finales!) You can check them out on Apple TV!
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Img Src: Collider Article
== Con O'Neill ==
Con's relaxing on vacation!
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Source: Con O'Neill's Instagram
== Samson Kayo ==
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Source: Samson Kayo's Instagram
== Samba Schutte ==
Advanced Chemistry is opening on September 12 and Samba has been kind enough to share lots of available links!
Laemmle Santa Monica
Wellington Delaware
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Source: Samba Schutte's Instagram
You can also checkout the official full trailer here!
== Nathan Foad ==
Voyage of the Damned -- narrated by our fabulous Nathan Foad is finally out in North America! You can access it here.
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Source: Audible.com
== Madeleine Sami ==
More of Mads and the Deadloch ladies out at the TV Week Logie Awards!
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Source: Madeleine Sami's Instagram
== Guz Khan ==
Just a side view of Guz
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Source: Guz Khan's Instagram
== Linds Cantrell ==
Linds was giving off some feels, her current project turned on OFMD for her!
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Source: Lindsey Cantrell's Instagram
== Tim Heidecker ==
Our beloved Doug NoLastName is going to be touring! For tickets checkout https://linktr.ee/tim.heidecker!
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Source: Tim Heidecker's Twitter
== Galaxy Con Raleigh Panel ==
Didn't get to go to GalaxyCon in Raleigh? Well you can access the OFMD Panel on Youtube! Sounds like the Livestream of San Jose will be up one of these days too!
Source: @JimJim531969
== Articles ==
Thank you @adoptourcrew for highlighting more articles!
== Fan Spotlight ==
= Cast Cards =
I am SO VERY behind on the cast cards from the lovely @melvisik who's been keeping them rolling! I'll try catch up on a bunch of them tonight!
First up is Abigail Swain, and Zhanda P., some of the Stunt performers / Action Talent! (According to ofmd-crew.com!)
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Next up is the fabulous Hilda Rasula, one of our Series Editors from Season 1!
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Next is another "civilian", Ellenette W.!
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And who could forget Jeffrey Kushon, one of our fantastic Set Decorators!
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Stacy Bisel was one of the Hair Co-Department Heads! Now this is super cool, @melvisik has given us some BTS to go along with some of the cast cards today! Check out her work with Buttons below!
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And who could forget One of Jackie's Husbands, Hayden Bryant! Lots of BTS pics below as well!
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Last tonight is a multi-job master Zak Enayat, who was workeding as both and actor and costumer according to ofmd-crew.com! You can see him working on the Calypso costume below!
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Source: @melvisik's Twitter
== Never Left Podcast ==
New episode of Never Left Podcast is out! The theme of this one is birds! Check out the latest on your favorite listening platforms here!
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Source: Never Left Podcast Instagram
== Love Notes ==
Hey lovelies! Do you know what time it is? It's time for you to take a second and remind yourself how frickn brilliant you are!
You just keep facing every day and keep going! EVERY SINGLE DAY! (Sure you might sleep in or something) but you still manage to face the day in whatever capacity you are able to (physically or mentally)!
It can be so very hard sometimes just to start your day-- but you're still doing it, no matter what you're facing!
I'm so proud of you for that, and you should be proud of yourself too! Even when things are tough, you're still doing little things, (or big things) to keep moving forward.
It might seem like something so small- but it means the world to people who love you, that you are still here and you are still with us. Remember that you are beautiful, and brilliant, and strong enough, even when you feel at your worst!
Love you crew <3 Rest up and keep on keep'n on!
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vse-kar-vem · 8 months
joker out cooking livestream recap:
-they cooked chicken in mustard or somethjng. potatoes are in it as well
-nace's government name is, in fact, nace ! bojan thought nace's grandmother calls him ignac but no
-bojan tries to transfer the potatoes into a bigger pan. which they cannot find. they do find ANOTHER pan (disgustingly unwashed)
-jan's parents are currently taking care of igor, who has everything he needs: food. a roof over his head. cuddles if he wants. jan is not worried
-we have a short discussion about dishwashing soap. they use the original green fairy brand soap which is nace's favourite. jan doesn't have a favourite. bojan claims that WASHING HIS HANDS WITH DISH SOAP IS WHAT KEEPS THEM SOFT ("i have baby hands") ??????? APPARENTLY?????
-then jan and nace walk around the house feeling up each other/every one else's hands. bojan's hands are confirmed the softest but it's concluded that his secret is not dish soap but being a singer and not an instrumentalist (or playing an instrument badly, his words not mine)
-throughout this entire livestream jure sharpens two knives. good for him, it's very impressive (he slices grapes! and lemons! truly a resourceful kitty)
-we learn that kris is not here because he's MODELLING???? HUH???? 🫢🫢🫢
-we get an update on kamila's flowers (withering on top of the fridge. 😞)
-the connection was SO BAD im not kidding, which was why we missed out on a lot of stuff ☹️☹️ they don't have wifi and are relying SOLEY on data
-their favourite british supermarket is aldi, because it's cheap and the quality is ok. obviously they diss british produce, which like fair enough
-they sing a little ditty about their current circumstances-- shit wifi, potato cooking, etc (ft. NACE'S SINGING VOICE!!) honestly it was highkey a banger
-they answer some questions ie. "drop hints" about the new song. we get 2 rhythms and one singular chord
-they decide do an mtv cribs (tiktok cribs) style house tour which would be GREAT if anything would load 😐😐 so we ended up with a very very cut-up fridge tour (they have at least 2-3 cartons of milk and slovenian sausage (?). also oyster sauce
-the stream REALLY starts lagging here (as if it wasn't already). ok me personally i only caught "-- doesn't want us to go in his room" (about jure or kris??) jan and nace consider going into bojan's. then extended lag on a very ominous staircase. no rooms seen by me at least 😞😞
-they come back down and answer more qs! that i don't remember! sorry this recap was for me and not you 😞
-oh yeah they get asked "who cleans the kitchen?" a beat. jan and nace both laugh "yeah, who cleans the kitchen??" i think that says a lot about this household
-they talk a bit more about the song-- will give you (uncle roger voice) eMoTionaL dAmAgE. that hurt my soul to write but at least i (cantonese) am allowed to do the accent, unlike SOMEONE ELSE ON THIS LIVESTREAM (thanks bojan. at least you were shit at it enough so that it came off just slightly interesting and not anything else)
-that's all i can remember!! bojan finishes cooking, jan and nace sign off to eat. prolonged minute of staring and waving at the camera. i notice they are both very beautiful men. end of stream !
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murky-tannin · 2 years
EyesAndEars lore collection
Collection of sources for myself and anyone looking to further their understanding of it all! 
For clarity, C!Martyn refers to the one from the Evolution/Life SMPs. 
Vtuber lore isn’t included in this post yet but will be eventually.
Some of the sources of info are already mentioned in other sources (such as the QnA livestream) but are included anyways for the convenience of time, or were added before a more broad source was available.  
Last updated sometime in early may 2023
Links to sources below
-Evo in general, but for a gist there exists a recap of most of it
-Martyn’s Third Life POV
-Martyn’s Last Life POV
-Martyn’s Limited Life POV 
-Why c!Martyn attacked c!Grian
-Life series shadow lore explanation stream 
-Limited Life and Watcher lore Q&A
-Clarification post livestream on Grian’s character
-Advent and if it’s canon to c!Martyn
-Unused potential Watcher and Listener skins
-Unused halloween watcher dialogue
-Did c!Martyn know about the Watchers communing with him?
-Are c!Martyn or c!Jimmy Listeners? Is anyone else we know of a Listener? 
-Who adjusts the time in Limited Life lore?
-The Watchers are still creating and in control of the death games post Last Life
-Why Watchers make the games and what happens to the memories of the players
-Why c!Grian was AFK in episode 3 of Limited Life
-What are SMPs like Rats or Empires to the lore
-Why do the Watchers speak in rhyme?
-Watcher diets and Grian characterization
-Listener feeding habits
-Are the Listeners “good”?
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