#Lol gotcha on that last one didn't I?
bunnyreaper · 1 year
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𝖈𝖔𝖑𝖑𝖆𝖗𝖘 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖈𝖆𝖌𝖊𝖘
𝔞 𝔰𝔬𝔞𝔭 𝔪𝔞𝔠𝔱𝔞𝔳𝔦𝔰𝔥 𝔵 𝔯𝔢𝔞𝔡𝔢𝔯 𝔰𝔢𝔯𝔦𝔢𝔰
𝖕𝖙 2 — 𝖕𝖙 1 𝖍𝖊𝖗𝖊, 𝖕𝖙 3 𝖍𝖊𝖗𝖊
wc - 5.2k
warnings - 18+/nsfw, dom sub dynamic, smut, phone sex, wee bit of angst, brief mention of the word 'daddy'
notes - vibrating with both excitement and fear, but hoping y'all love this like you loved the last one!! also on ao3! ♥
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Johnny was right to send you to bed when he did because you're already struggling to get through the day, and on any less sleep, you might have fallen asleep at your desk. Clearly, you're terrible at making decisions for yourself, if that wasn't already evidenced by the nearly empty fridge accompanied by the pile of empty takeout containers.
It's not even the end of the workday yet, and you're beat—except staying up with Johnny was so worth it, getting to hear his voice and everything he said was complete bliss. You only wish he was here now, whispering in your ear and making your day go by quicker. Unfortunately, the sad reality is that beyond your good morning text, you haven't heard from him since, and you hate that you already feel like you're suffering from withdrawals. 
Again, that could be the lack of sleep, or adequate nutrition, or the fact that lately you haven't exactly been the most social person, and you've definitely been missing social contact. All of that missing need you just want to be filled by Johnny, Johnny, Johnny—his name like a chanted prayer in your mind. 
You at least have the sense of mind to focus when you need to, but at any idle moment, Johnny crawls back into your brain. Your mind drifts to wondering what he's up to, wondering where in the world they've shipped him off to this time—what timezone is he even in? What hemisphere? 
5 p.m. comes round sooner than you expect, and you find yourself logging off from your work laptop with a relieved sigh. You might be exhausted from lack of sleep, but Johnny's arrival in your life left you energised in a way you hadn't felt in so long. Every part of you hums with excitement, thinking about what the future might hold. 
You have to keep snapping yourself out of getting lost in the fantasy, even as you find yourself rereading through texts and committing Johnny's words to memory. The last time you did this still sticks in the back of your mind, still stings—someone who came into your life and was everything until they were nothing. Someone who said they could be trusted as they broke down your barriers. 
The aching loneliness was too much, so you'd run from it straight into something worse, not even realising how easily you fell into the trap. 
Your thoughts were spiraling, and you needed a distraction, so you put on the TV in the hopes of getting lost in the shitty reality dating show you've been watching lately. 
A few hours later, the buzz of your phone pulls you from the drama of the screen—your spirits soaring as you see the little icon you're rapidly growing attached to. 
Evening bonnie, hope you're not napping too close to bed time. 
hi!! no... for once, lol. how was your day? 
Long, but thoughts of you got me through ;) how was yours? 
The rapid responses mean your smile never has time to waver, as your eyes are glued to the screen watching as the messages are read, the app tells you he is typing and then another one of his messages appears. 
Your fingers fly across the keyboard as you eagerly respond.
somehow managed to not fall asleep at my desk, i would've napped but... 
didn't want to risk missing any messages from you. 
Johnny heart reacts to the message immediately. 
Mere seconds later, his face fills the screen once more, and your sheer excitement overtakes your nerves by far.
"Hi." You say shyly, as soon as you accept the call.
"Hi bonnie, gotcha on loudspeaker by the way." He greets you, his voice immediately sending warmth through you. 
You were rapidly growing obsessed with his terms of endearment, too. 
"Oh." You pause, suddenly self-conscious and hesitant. "Are you not alone?" Does anyone in his life even know you exist? You know you haven't really mentioned to your friends that you're 'dating' again.
"Definitely am, don't worry. Jus' need ma hands free." 
At that, your brow furrows, your voice filling with both mischief and disbelief. "What are you doing, Johnny?" 
He chuckles, before rustling some papers around. "Paperwork, nothing fun." 
Even hearing the word paperwork right now drains you, and can hear that Johnny isn't exactly pleased with the idea either. 
"Wishing I was under the desk again?" You ask, hoping your playful tone will make him smile. 
"Dinnae start." He groans. "What are you doing? Have you eaten?" 
"Not yet, I need to check my milk is still in date." You throw yourself off the sofa and make your way through to the kitchen—it's a good job Johnny actually poked you to eat. 
"Milk?" His voice is filled with confusion.
"For cereal." 
"I can feel your disapproval from here." You can practically sense him shaking his head disapprovingly too. 
"Good, I see how this gonae be." He sighs, the disappointment evident, along with that sense of control, guidance. 
It just makes you tingle.
"Yes, daddy?" You giggle audaciously like you know exactly what you're doing, and hope it has the effect you want it to.
Johnny chokes, and then growls... and then sighs. "Away n bile yer heid." He whispers, yet he sounds anything but angry, his voice thick with arousal as he undoubtedly fights all kinds of urges. 
You want to take that step with Johnny, to dirty talk with him now that you feel comfortable, but you suppose now isn't the time—after all, he is still working. 
"I'm being mean now, sorry." 
"A right brat." He growls playfully. "Do something for me, lass?" 
The shift in his tone and the previous conversation topic gives you a good guess at what's coming next. "Is it cooking a real meal?" You groan playing into the role.
Well, admittedly committing to self-care tasks like cooking isn't the easiest thing in the world, and having someone to guide you in that is... a turn-on. 
"Knew you were a smart girl." He purrs, and those words turn your brain and your body to mush. 
You have to stifle a whine from leaving you, as your face flushes furiously. Oh, how you wish you could hear that over and over again—in that voice, with that accent, whispered right in your ear as he—
"What you gonna cook?" He asks, interrupting your rapidly spiraling thoughts. 
Staring into the fridge is a depressing experience—the shelves are mostly bare and there's a faint smell of something off. "Ugh, I don't have a lot in, to be honest." 
"Logging onto the Tesco website now, or maybe meal delivery service..." He muses, and you can imagine the smirk on his lips.
"Johnny!" Your protest is weak, as the coddling and infantalisation make you feel something you probably shouldn't. 
He snickers at your tone, but he knows now that if things are to continue, he won't listen to your objections. "Jokin'... for now. Talk me through yer fridge, lass." 
"Do you cook?" You ask, wondering if he's going to magically talk you through a recipe with the condiments in your fridge and the dried pasta in the pantry. 
There's a beat of silence. "Not often." 
You're overcome with a fit of giggles and a wave of faux offense. "Then who are you to lecture me?" 
Johnny meets your exclamation with a series of tuts, which already quiet your discontent, but you find yourself ruined when his voice drops and he delivers his next few words. "What happened to 'Johnny knows best'?" 
Fuck him, using his powers for good—and you can already tell he's getting off on it too. Today, you won't indulge him by submissively repeating it back, since he's making you face the horror that is cooking.
"Fine." You sigh, looking for what items in the fridge that are actually still in date. You pull open a cupboard or two as well. "I have... hummus and celery and uh, supernoodles in the cupboard." 
"Better than cereal." He waits for your response that doesn't come, as you pout on the end of the phone, and then he plays his next move flawlessly.  "For me, bonnie girl?" 
The plea in his voice makes you melt, makes you want to do just about anything for him. 
"For you." You say with a smile, grabbing the packets of noodles and a saucepan. "Have you eaten?" 
"A have, chicken tikka masala." 
You sigh, knowing that if not for Johnny you could've ordered a nice Indian for yourself—you get to work on the noodles anyway. "Kinda jealous now, if I'm honest."
His laugh is short but earnest. "Same, haven't had beefy supernoodles in an age." 
"Yeah, I would hope they're feeding you actually decent, nutritious food over there." 
He huffs. "I would hope you're feeding yerself decent food, but here we are." That playful judgement is back, lacing his words and making you crave his approval. 
It's a startling thought, that here you are, only a few days in and needing his praise, his encouragement—you suppose it comes easy as it plays into both of your natural instincts—his to lead, yours to follow.
"Less sass, more... paperwork." You grumble playfully, trying to cover up the fact that, maybe, you like being teased by him. 
"Aye." He laughs, and you can briefly hear him scribbling in the silence.  
For a few moments, it's just the sound of him writing and you cooking, but the quiet feels comfortable rather than awkward—strangely routine and domestic after such a short space of time. 
Your mind wanders back to what the two of you had discussed last night, about his day later in the week. "Have you thought more about Friday?" 
There's a brief shuffle and the sound of the call changes as Johnny seems to take you off the loudspeaker and moves around. "Meetin' you?" 
"Yeah." There's a sense of nervousness within you, a fear he's going to suddenly decide that he doesn't want to see you after all, that he doesn't see this going anywhere. It's so soon, and yet the thought seems crushing. 
"Haven't thought of much else." His confession seems to settle your rapidly beating heart just a little, the sincerity in his voice making your stomach twist and turn. 
Maybe you shouldn't push it, but you want to meet him more than anything, so you can make the first step toward all of this becoming real. "Would you be up for coffee? I can come to you!" 
"About that..." His sigh is weary, and panic overtakes you as the silence stretches on. "Am leaving for a week or so." 
It's not a total rejection at least, but somehow it still stings, still settles heavy and unpleasant in your gut. "When?" 
"Tomorrow." He falls silent, waiting for you to say something, yet you don't know what words to even summon right now. "'m sorry, lass." 
You take a deep breath for a moment, collecting your thoughts as you stir your noodles and try to put everything you feel into some sort of coherent order. 
There's no logical reason to feel rejected, as it's not that he doesn't want the date, but that he can't. Perhaps it's that lingering thought that this kind of thing will be a frequent occurrence—it's just a small taste of what's to come. But wanting Johnny means handling this, like he deserves. 
You push through the discomfort and force yourself into a more positive mindset.
"But... after that? Or is this just because you hate coffee so much you're fleeing the country?" You laugh softly, hoping the joke will lighten the thick atmosphere. 
"Now, if you'd asked me out for tea..." He laughs in return, before turning serious. "But... when I'm back, I'd love to see you. Have ta, really. " 
"I'm glad." The beaming smile on your face is ridiculous, and you're so thankful he can't see you grinning like an idiot at his words. He has to meet you. 
With your cooking complete, you take the saucepan off the stove and pour the noodles into a bowl, grabbing it before returning to the comfort of the couch. "Okay, noodles done." 
"Wanna call me back once yer done, or?" 
Fuck, he's so considerate. 
You hum negatively as you start to blow on the noodles to cool them. "I'll eat on the phone if you don't mind the sound of me slurping." 
Johnny chuckles, before making a suggestive noise. 
"The noodles, Johnny." 
He coughs, covering more juvenile laughter. "Aye, the noodles, of course." 
"So... going anywhere fun?" You ask, referencing his upcoming deployment. 
"Classified, I'm afraid." He answers curtly, but you know it's nothing more than his duty. 
No questions about that, then, you suppose. It's going to be a strange thing to adjust to, but it's another thing that comes along with accepting Johnny into your life. You change your line of questioning, hopefully to something he can answer. "Are you... scared?" 
"No." He answers quickly and firmly, in a manner that suggests certainty rather than bravado. "Don't worry about me, hen." He rushes to add.
"Kinda hard not to, even if we only just met..." You sigh, but you suppose you have to trust Johnny's skills and training. "I imagine it only gets more intense from here." 
The admission feels like a swift kick to the stomach. 
"Yeah..." You hear a knock on the door from Johnny's end, and he swears colourfully under his breath. "Ach, can I call yer back?" 
It's almost cruel the way such timing drives the point home. 
"Sure, things to attend to?" You ask absentmindedly, not really expecting an answer. 
He sighs, before trying to turn his tone more positive. "Aye, but I'll catch you before bed, yeah?" 
"Yeah. Bye, Johnny." 
"Bye, lass." 
He ends the call, leaving you with your meal and your thoughts. 
Maybe you aren't strong enough to deal with this after all, you think, trying to settle the ugly, gnawing feeling inside you. It already hurts, but maybe that's because you're trying to hold so tight onto something intangible. Maybe if you and Johnny become something, mean something to each other, it'll all be easier to deal with. 
It's an hour or so later when you're tucked up in bed that Johnny's call lights up your phone. You pick it up instantly. 
"Hey, glad you haven't fallen asleep already." He chuckles, his voice softer than before. 
"Mmm, still hanging on." You mumble, cheek pressed into plushness and tiredness lingering at the back of your mind, as well as the mess of feelings that still simmers within you. 
"Cuddled up with the big B?" He asks, voice cheeky and charming. 
You can't help the soft giggle at the ridiculous nickname. "The big B?!"
"Barnaby!" He clarifies with a hearty laugh, not ashamed at all of his goofiness. 
"The big B! That's so silly" 
The laughs quiet, and another silence falls, but this time you feel the discomfort that comes with it. 
Johnny is the first to breach it, his tone tinged with worry. "How are yer?"
"I'm fine." You sigh, not wanting to elaborate and get yourself upset again. It's not far from the truth. Nothing has changed, but this is something you have to learn to sit with, have to make peace with for both of your sake. 
Johnny cuts right through the noise. "Yer seemed a little upset earlier. Wanna talk about it?" 
Communication—the key to any good relationship, an essential to any kinky one, and one thing you think you really kind of suck at. 
It's a simple sentence with a simple answer, and nothing about Johnny suggests that his reaction will be anything other than supportive—but it's not Johnny's voice that whispers cruel things in the back of your head. And for now, Johnny's influence is not enough to quiet the storm. 
The fear grips at your heart, stops your words right in your throat, but your mind wars between the ghosts of your past and the duty of your present and future. 
Johnny waits quietly, not pushing you for an answer or assuming how you feel, and that small act helps pull you out of the fog and helps you force yourself to speak. 
"Reality setting in, I guess." The words don't come easy at first, your throat tight—but once you start, the rest just seems to flow, taking the weight of your burdens with them. "Like, it's not too bad right now, it's just... knowing what's in store? Assuming we keep talking." 
The opportunity to really put your thoughts in order and get them out actually does help, surprisingly.
Johnny goes silent for a moment, considering your words before he speaks. "If you wanna stop—" 
"I don't." You feel bad for interrupting him, but you already know that's not what you want, even if he sees it as a kindness. "Like I said yesterday, I'm not faint-hearted... the intensity just took me by surprise. All of this has, really." 
"I'm with you there. Sat here thinking about how I'm gonna be thinking of anything else when I'm on the mission." He laughs softly, the sound laden with emotion. "Lt's gonna have my head." 
The gravity of his job sinks in now, with the realisation that he will be busy and focused, and rightfully so.
"Will you be able to get in touch while you're gone?" You ask, more for informational purposes, rather than being unable to last a week without hearing his voice. 
"Not a whole lot, no. Sometimes no' at all, but I'll let you know when I can." He states plainly, and the honesty is so refreshing. 
"I'll try not to bother you too much then." You giggle, though you don't really mean your words. He has his mission, and you have yours—stay strong while he's gone. 
He scoffs instantly. "You? A bother? Never." 
You hum, continuing with your playful statements. "You haven't seen me when I'm clingy." 
"A like clingy, am clingy too." 
Ugh, just when you think he can't be more perfect, he comes out with that. The sweet smile on your face is relentless, and you just know the same is true for him too. "Oh yeah? So you won't be complaining when we meet, and I just take a hold of your hand and don't let go." 
His barked laugh is so genuine that it makes your heart sing. "Bold of yer to assume I'd be letting you go, lass." 
The thought of even his hand in yours is enough to send you into a frenzy—a simple, delicate, and chaste act, yet you crave it like nothing else. When your date finally does come around, you'll be able to touch him and see him up close. You'll be able to hear that voice and those words up close and unrestrained by the slightly shitty quality of the phone call—and that is a little terrifying.  
"I guess waiting isn't a bad thing after all, maybe I'll be less nervous by then." Because right now you know you'd hesitate to reach out and touch him, would struggle looking him in the eye for too long. Maybe if you wait, the radiance that is Johnny's warmth will wear off, but somehow you doubt it. 
"Why ya nervous?" 
You almost snort at such an oblivious question from such a seemingly smart man. "Have you seen you?" Have you talked to you? Been on the end of your affections? Your mind pleads. 
"See this ugly mug every day." He grumbles, though you can still hear the smile. 
"You can't see, but I'm rolling my eyes." You giggle. "But what if I just... can't resist you? Jump you right then and there?" Your voice takes on a more teasing tone. 
"In public?" He tuts, slow and sexy, his voice dropping low. "Naughty girl." 
You straight up whimper. "Needy girl, for you." 
A growl leaves his throat, along with a whispered "Fuck." 
Arousal floods through you, overtakes you, as you feel your mind slipping to a space of deep-seated need, all for him. You feel on fire, your skin hypersensitive to the brush of the sheets, as your lower body hums and begs for attention. No longer can you hold yourself back from falling under his sexy spell. "Your groans, your voice, it all drives me crazy." 
The laugh that leaves him is weaker, choked with arousal. "All wet fer me, bonnie?" His voice, now a touched graveled, wraps so wonderfully around every word. 
"Soaked." You squirm in place, not even needing to feel to know just how dripping you are—every time he teases you, you practically gush. Your spare hand dives below the sheets, tracing ever so slightly over your stomach as it crawls lower. "Johnny?" 
"Yes, bonnie?" It sounds like his control is wavering too. 
"Please can I touch? I need it so bad." You whine and plead, surrendering yourself to Johnny's command. 
"You don't—" Another growl leaves his throat, you hear him shuffle and when his voice returns, he sounds even more aroused than before—sweet, gentle domination drips from his tone. "Touch yerself, go on." 
You comply immediately, your hand diving under your waistband and zeroing in on your swollen clit—relief floods you the second you make contact, your fingers rubbing delicate swirls on your soaked nub as gentle moans force themselves free. 
"Oh fuck." Johnny's breathing is ragged between his groans. "Gonna have tae join ya." 
"Fuckfuckfuck." Your eyes slip shut as you imagine him reaching down to free his aching cock, all for you. Your thoughts center on conjuring up an image of how long and thick you imagine him to be. "Is... is your cock as big as the rest of you?" 
You squeak out your words while you still have command over the English language.
"Guess you'll find out soon enough." He chuckles breathlessly, some of the words catching in his throat as he clearly works himself. "But I don't think you'll be disappointed. I know how tae take care of yer, know you're already desperate for me." 
Your circles quicken, his words sending pleasure coursing through you in a way that almost feels better than your touch. You fill the air with breathy moans. "Need you, Johnny." 
"Need you too, pet." He growls his words over the building slick sound.
"Oh fuck." Your reaction is instant, the word sending everything in your brain into overdrive. Pet. Pet. You almost cum right then and there, but his assault on your senses and sensibilities continues. 
"God, thinking about you on the end of a leash for me? So fuckin' hard thinking about it." His voice modulates between and whine and a growl, his need growing furiously. "I'd be so fuckin' lucky." 
You imagine the collar slipping around your neck, imagine Johnny clicking shut a lock and attaching a leash—pulling you to him just as he is now with every word. 
"I'd be the most loyal pet ever, I swear." You start to babble, unable to hold back any longer on the wave of submission that overtakes you. "I'll Wait for you to come home, naked and kneeling with my leash ready." 
"Jesus, fuck." Each grunt that leaves him makes you shiver. Each word like its own bolt of electricity straight from his body to yours. "Yeah, my good girl would be so lost without me." He says it with such certainty, speaking the truth to life. 
"I get separation anxiety like mad. I'll miss your touch, miss your smell, miss your taste—" You cut yourself off with a high-pitched whine, your fingers working you so fucking close to the edge.
"Don't worry, I'd fuck you so good before I go bonnie, fill yer up and leave you dripping with me." His groans are accompanied by more of those slick sounds. "Mark that pretty neck o' yours, too." 
"I'm... I'm not gonna last." You admit, holding back even now from cumming—you crave his permission. 
"Me either. Go on, moan for me, let me hear you." He urges you gently, even if his voice is filled with need. 
You let all your noises flow freely as you teeter toward the edge and desperately try to please him with the sounds you make. It's all too good, too much, too overwhelming. 
"Johnny, can I—" 
His demand is out of his mouth before you can even finish your sentence. "Cum fer me, bonnie. Go on." 
You cum with a strangled cry, flying over the edge right as Johnny demands it. The build-up of the past few days along with Johnny's noises has you shaking in ecstasy—ecstasy that's only prolonged when he cums too with a long, drawn-out groan.
After a moment, the only sound is both of your heavy breathing, as you come down from your high. 
"Oh my god." You sigh, a silly, blissed-out grin overtaking your features.
"You okay, sweet girl?" His voice returns to that sweetness you're coming to know and love.
You nod mindlessly, even though he can't see you. "Better than okay, are you?" 
He hums in affirmation, before his voice turns a touch serious. "You did so good. Just want tae make sure you're good, and a didn't go too far." 
"Hah, I mean, nowhere near too far." You admit shakily. 
"Am glad, it's only early days, though. That trust..." He hesitates. 
"... It takes a while, yeah." The post-orgasmic bliss coupled with the feeling of that trust taking root and growing. "I'm glad you understand." 
And he understands perfectly, as you never feel pushed or rushed, only pampered and adored. 
"Of course... it's special, for both of us." He admits, and you know you're on the same wavelength when it comes to the bond and relationship between dominant and submissive. 
"Mhmm." You hum dreamily, wholeheartedly agreeing and yet not able to summon up something profound. 
"Already sleepy?" His laughter is soft and sincere. 
"I'd get so much rest if every night was like this." 
"Even more so when I finally get to fuck ya, bonnie." He whispers so casually, yet even after your orgasm your clit still thrums with interest—God, he has such a hold on you.
"Yeah?" You sigh, dreaming of the day you'll get to experience it. 
The line falls silent, and you feel yourself fading. 
"I'm sorry, I'm so... sleepy." You whisper while you still have the chance. 
"It's okay, sweet girl, close yer eyes. Am right here." Johnny's sweet voice lulls you closer and closer, and your phone falls free from your hand to your pillow, resting there with Johnny just on the end of the line. 
"Goodnight Johnny." You mumble, before sleep finally takes you.
"Goodnight, Bonnie." His reply is soft, carrying you off to unconsciousness as he drifts off too.  
Johnny practically vibrates where he stands—wired beyond belief. Part of it is his usual pre-mission adrenaline, but the events of the past few days especially almost have him climbing the walls. His energy is frenetic as usual but with so much more—lust, yearning, withdrawal. 
It's only been a few hours since he ended the call after waking up before you, and yet he finds his thoughts unable to leave you, even as he finishes gearing up. You'd love to see him like this, and an idea strikes him.
He pulls out his phone, turns to the man beside him, and hopes he doesn't regret asking. Then again, some ribbing from the masked man would be nothing compared to the floored reaction he'd get from you.
"Ghost?" He asks, piercing the comfortable silence between the two of them. 
"What?" Ghost turns, eyeing Johnny and his hand holding his outstretched phone.
Johnny doesn't waver, sure in his request, and eager to see your response. "Take a picture of me, yeah?" 
"Girl back home?" Ghost asks, cutting straight to the point as he takes the phone. "Is this the first time she's seeing you? Cause you look fuckin' rough." 
"No." Johnny frowns, and worry washes over him. Surely Lt. is just messing him around—he knows she'll be happy to see him either way. 
Ghost pulls off a glove and navigates to the camera before stepping back and holding up the phone in Johnny's direction. He might be giving Johnny shit, but he at least takes the time to angle and position the frame in a way that compliments Johnny's stature. "She like the tac gear?" 
Johnny sighs, wishing this was over already. "Just take the picture, Ghost." 
"Say cheese." Ghost deadpans, and the softest of smiles graces Johnny's features—for her, not for him.
Johnny practically snatches the phone back from Ghost's hands, checking out the photo immediately. "Thanks." 
He pulls up their messages immediately, firing off the picture with a kissing face and a teasing message just for her. 
When he locks the phone and throws it in his bag, Ghost's eyes are fixed on him, his blackened eyes narrowed.
"Mind on the mission, yeah, Johnny?" 
Johnny nods, doing his best to push thoughts of her away for now, and letting his inner soldier take over. He'll be back to her before he knows it. "Aye, Lt." 
Days later, and after a successful first phase of the mission, Johnny stares down at his phone. The signal is nonexistent and won't return for a while, but he misses you, his mind is itching with his need for you. In this shitty safe house in the middle of nowhere, while someone else is on watch, there's very little to do, and truly nothing else he'd rather think about. 
He scrolls to the top of your messages, rereading each message and reliving each conversation, experiencing all over again how each message made him feel. 
Your sweet texts, your copious use of emojis, and your cute little selfies—it was all so intoxicating to him. For a man who was so used to maintaining focus, you were a fucking curveball. Something about you just sends his protective instincts into overdrive, makes unearned possessive tendrils curl up through him and around his heart—calls out to his guiding, dominant, caring side.
He has to constantly stamp down the thoughts inside that called out to him to find you, scoop you up, and take you home with him. Luckily for you both, Johnny is a patient man. He spends time out in the field waiting days for anything interesting to happen, he's spent years waiting for his pet, his girl to come along—and you're right there. He can wait a little longer. 
He holds down the record button, intent on recording a message for you, and begins whispering into the phone.
"Hi, been sat on my arse for far too long with nothing to do but think of you. Dinnae think I'll get signal anytime soon, but I 'spose it'll send at some point." He feels himself relax just a little as he falls into Johnny, the man—rather than Soap, the soldier.
"Been thinking about our first date, since you mentioned coffee. Kinda had a crazy idea actually, but I need your input. What about a cat café? Has to be one in that city o' yours, and I figure you must like kitties."
"Won't be long until you might be one for me... or a bunny... or a puppy." He interrupts himself with a sigh.
"Need tae stop those thoughts and quit while I'm ahead. Let me know, yeah? As soon as I get my leave, we'll set it up."
"Talk soon, bonnie." 
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im-ovulating · 1 year
(A/n: Disclaimer- I don't know French; I took Mandarin in high school instead lmao. I asked my sister who took it (she failed but google wasn't helping😂) and she said to default to the male version of ma chère/mon cher if the gender isn't stated, so blame her if it's wrong lol)
Word Count: 1,724
Summary- Everyone knows that some actions are just objectively more attractive than others. But which of these actions represent the brothers?
Warnings: Allusions to spicy moments in Mammon's, Asmo's and Belphegor's
Age Rating: Pg 13
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Obey Me Brothers x Things That Are Attractive
Lucifer as- Pulling you in by the waist:
"There you go. Just like that." Lucifer guides.
"I feel ridiculous," you say as you step to the side with your right foot and slide the left back into position.
He had taken it upon himself to teach you how to dance. Which, on the surface isn't bad in itself, but when you dig a little deeper and find the two left feet you were 'blessed' with, it becomes slightly more daunting.
"You don't look it," He assures you as he leads you through an improvised spin.
Coming back in, your hands find their place on his shoulders as you waltz around the empty ballroom. He dips you low, arm wrapping around your waist as he pulls you upright once more. Though, instead of resuming the steps, Lucifer keeps you in place; his arm tightening around you until what little space between you is gone.
Your hands are pinned against his chest as you look up to him. There's a look in his eyes that you can't quite decipher, and you don't know if you should try to.
"Despite your self-acclaimed 'two left feet', I think it's safe to say you have successfully learned the waltz." You can feel his minty breath fan your face with how close his is.
"What a shame," you tease. "Looks like you won't be needing to teach me anymore."
You earn a soft 'hah' as he leans impossibly closer with a smirk that shouldn't have you feeling the way you do. "On the contrary. You'll be learning the Salsa next."
Mammon as- Pinning your hands above your head:
"No!" You yell as you're knocked down.
"Gotcha!" Mammon cheers as he reaches for your phone.
He has you on the bed, legs on either side of you as he attempts to get rid of the picture of him sleeping.
"C'mon! You look so cute in it!" Your attempt to reason falls on deaf ears as he fails to snatch your phone again.
"I'm literally droolin' ya dummy!"
In a last-ditch attempt to preserve the photo, you stretch your arm above your head as his grapples you for it.
The end result is both your wrists in one of Mammon's hands as his other works on deleting the picture. He tosses the phone to the side once he's done.
"You learn your lesson yet? Don't mess with The Great Mammon!" He smirks down at you, chest heaving from exertion.
The sight of you pinned under him, hands held above your head as you look up at him has him gulping. His free hand comes up to grip the side of your jaw, tilting your head up just the slightest.
"I think I should make sure ya learned yer lesson~"
Leviathan as- Spinning hugs:
"Yes!" Leviathan cheers from beside you as the monster finally falls after what seems like hours.
He had called you to his room to help with a level of a new game he got. What he didn't tell you was that it was the final boss, and it was only a P1 game.
So, without any introduction or in-depth explanation you were thrust into an insanely difficult level. If you're being honest, you were kind of just spamming the controller and hoping for the best. What you didn't expect was actually making progress and killing the damned thing.
Levi jumps up as he celebrates. You can't help but laugh at his antics as you're pulled to join him. Deciding there's no harm -you're in his room with the door shut, who's gonna see?- you play along. Cheering and jumping alongside him.
You let out a yelp as he wraps his arms around your waist and lifts you up. Your yelp turns to laughter when he twirls you around before nuzzling into your neck.
"I can't believe you actually did it! I've been trying to beat that thing for days!" He's quick to pull you into a kiss, face bright red when you separate. Your foreheads rest together as any residual laughter fades.
Satan as- Lifting you to reach something:
"Satannnnnn!" You whine. "I need helppppp!"
You can hear his unamused sigh from a couple sections down.
"What could you possibly need help with? We're in the library for hell's sake..." His voice gets steadily closer as he makes his way to the bookshelf you're in front of.
He rounds the corner to see you on your tiptoes as you try to reach a book. You look to him for help but only receive a deadpan.
"Really?" He crosses his arms. "There is literally a step ladder 10 feet from you."
"Yeah, but now you're only 4 feet from me."
Satan turns to walk away but you're quick to grab his arm.
"Please? You and I both know that with my luck, I'll probably fall off the thing." You both know the only reason is because you want to annoy him.
"Not my problem." He starts to walk again, only this time you rush in front of him.
"But books read better when they're from you." You got a small huff of amusement so that's something.
"Do they now?" Wow, he's actually playing along.
"Yup," you nod as believable as you can.
There's a second of silence before he breaks. "Fine. Which one do you want?"
Dragging him over, you expect him to reach up and snag the title off of the shelf. What actually happens is that he places both hands on either side of your waist and lifts you until you're eye level with the book.
Shaking off the shock, you quickly grab it before he decides to drop you.
"Thanks," You mutter when he sets you down, face hot both with embarrassment and at the display of strength.
Satan simply hums in acknowledgment as he walks away, leaving you standing clutch your book to your chest.
Asmodeus as- Neck/jaw kisses:
"Darling~" Asmo drawls from his bed, head hanging off the side to look at you.
"Yes?" You sigh as he drones for your attention for the nth time.
You need to get this essay done before tomorrow, but the Avatar of lust doesn't want to make it that easy for you. When he had invited you to his room to 'study' you should have seen through the fib but you hadn't. So here you are, stuck trying to get work done with a perpetually horny demon vying for your attention.
"I'm bored, mon cher." He rolls off the bed and hangs himself on you, arms over your shoulders, chest against your back and chin resting on your shoulder.
"And I'm trying to finish this."
"C'mon..." His head lifts from its position to nuzzle into your neck. "You're not the least bit tempted to take even the smallest of breaks?"
His soft lips graze your skin with each syllable. A feather light, kiss presses itself against the column of your neck.
"Asmo, I really need to work on this..." Despite your words, your head still lilts to the side allowing him to trail his kisses up to your jaw.
"You know you want to~" Asmodeus chimes, voice sending vibrations through you. "Take a break." He presses another kiss to your jaw.
"Just for a few minutes..." Another kiss.
"Ugh." You move to save your progress. "Fine. 15 minutes and then I get back to work."
"That's all I need, my dear." You can hear the smirk.
Beelzebub as- Licking something off their finger:
"You can't eat that, yet!" You cackle as Beelzebub sticks his finger in the cake batter.
"But it looks good..." He's looking at you, finger still in the mixing bowl. You can't help the face you make when he says that. The sugar hasn't even been added yet, there's no way it would taste good.
You tell him so, only to receive silence as he takes his finger out and slowly moves it to his mouth.
"That's just going to taste like flour and eggs, Beel." You try to reason.
He looks you right in the eye as his lips close around his batter-covered digit. Beelzebub keeps looking at youas he sucks the liquid off his finger. With a *pop*, his finger comes out clean and it's all you can do to not grimace at what the taste must be.
"It's good." He says.
Beel dips his finger in the batter once more, only to hold it out to you. "Taste it."
The corners of your mouth pull down as you lean away. "I think I'm good, actually."
"Humor me?"
He's holding your gaze as he continues to offer the batter to you. Looking between his finger and face, you concede. He'll just keep trying until you taste it, so you say:
"Fine, but I'm not swallowing it."
With that you grab his wrist to stabilize as you tentatively lick at the batter. Surprisingly, it's not bad -Beel must have added the sugar when you weren't looking. Upon seeing your reaction, Beelzebub pushes his finger to your lips.
Deciding it's easier to just play along, you let the digit enter, maintaining eye contact. Your tongue swirls around the digit, getting all of the batter off.
With one final suck, he slides his finger out of your mouth, fingertip resting against your lip before dropping and pulling your bottom lip with it a bit as it goes.
The kitchen is silent as you hold his heavy gaze.
Belphegor as- Lazy morning make outs:
Your lips slot together slow and steady in the bath of golden light that is Belphegor's bed.
Both of you had just woken and, in an attempt to neither wake up or slip back into the sweet embrace of sleep (damned RAD classes...), you'd somehow found yourselves lip locked.
Your legs are tangled under the blankets as the two of you move in sync. Nothing else important enough to draw your attention away from the other.
His hand is in your hair, keeping you close as he bites on your bottom lip. The noise you let loose enough for him to make it his mission to drag more sweet sounds from you. Your own hands come up to push on Belphegor's chest to until he's lying on his back with you laying on top of him. His other arm slides up your back, a grunt leaving his lips when you roll your hips down.
A knock interrupts your moment.
"Get up. You're not going to be late again." Lucifer's voice is muffled by the door, but it doesn't lessen just how over everything he sounds.
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yuquinzel · 1 year
[ 8:37 pm ] — miya atsumu.
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the clock reads 8:37 pm, exactly 14 seconds to 38 and atsumu is painfully aware of each long, dragging and excruciatingly endless second because it's been exactly 4 hours, 19 minutes and 12 seconds since you left on him read.
he's currently laid on his bed, in his dimly lit room where the only source of illumination is the faint fluorescent glow of his mobile screen.
he's frowning, brows furrowed at the dull ‘seen 4hrs ago’ in anticipation because at any second now he'll see the ‘typing...’ indication and he doesn't wanna be late to reply.
atsumu is a fast and an energetic texter. he sends you at least 14 cat videos with the “ur the third one” message immediately after each. or he sends you those ‘ask your friend which hour of the day you are’ followed by a “you. blue hour” hopefully awaiting your reply because he needs to know if you think he's the golden hour or not.
y/n 🛐: you're definitely the golden hour then lol
the better twin: damn. didn't expect that.
he actually did. hoped for it in fact. he thinks about it for the next week.
you're not the type to leave people on seen for more than 5 minutes. at least not him. you reply as quick as you can with the same energy as him and have a habit of liking his rather funny texts from time to time.
so he's more confused than upset right now, thinking of all possible reasons you could've read his messages but were unable to reply. he hasn't seen you since last friday when you told him about a week long road trip with your family. his frown only deepens when the clock hits 8:40 and there's no sign of a reply from you.
he's beginning to type a quick “are u good?” when his screen flashes with a call. your contact name. the phone rings in atsumu's hand but his fingers are frozen.
you're calling him.
you don't like phone calls.
atsumu clears his throat because he doesn't want you to hear him squeal with excitement, but he's giggling and kicking his feet, running a hand over his heart and rubbing his eyes to make sure it really is you. he lets the phone ring for a mere seconds before picking it up, “oh hey” he hopes it's as casual as he thinks.
the moment he hears you speak from the other side, atsumu knows he has lost, “ATSUMU! I'm so sorry for leaving you on read. i was in the car and battery fucking died before i could reply and i lost my charger!” you're chasing after your own words, each cut by the next one.
“oh, nah that's fine. so ya found yer charger?” he groans internally at his words, but truthfully he doesn't know what to say.
of course you didn't willingly leave him on read. of course you're calling him now because you don't want him to think otherwise. of course your words are rushed, you've always been that way.
“oh, right yeah. i got home and charged it as soon as I could” you laugh with a newfound sense of relief.
atsumu blinks, “yer home already? weren'tcha coming this sunday??” he asks.
“ohh, no, we decided to come back earlier”
and the voice call ends, leaving you confused.
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it's 9:29 pm and there's a knocking at your door, hastened and impatient, the way you know someone always knocks.
“’tsumu? wait, why are you here at this hour?” you ask, wide eyes set on the setter in front of you panting like he ran a marathon.
“ya said you were back and ya must be tired so i gotcha ice cream—” he breathes out, gesturing to the bag in his hand, “—gee, coulda told me you were comin’ back today, when'd ya get here anyway? how was the trip? did ya take pictures?—”
“atsumu” you say softly, and he pauses, “breathe ”
atsumu lives about 45 minutes away, 15 if he takes the car but as he's panting right now, you know he's ran all the way here. and if he stopped by the convenience store down the street and still get here in time, you're sure he needs at least a minute to breathe.
he smiles one of his boyish, princely smiles, “also got that movie ya wanted ta watch”
“i thought you'd have watched it already?”
“wanted ta watch it with you” he's giggling with excitement you know he's trying to hide.
“okay” you laugh, grabbing his hand to pull him inside.
“okay” he repeats.
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© yuquinzel2023 [ plagiarism is a violation of moral rights ! ]
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allmyworth · 3 months
I was silenced by the last episode.
I was so caught off guard by the fact they killed Garumbang. I didn't expect death in something directed towards kids. But then again, many kids have experienced lost. Kuputeri crying over the general was another punch to the gut. Genuinely teared up. And Gempa kind of got his redemption so, that's nice lol
I'm gonna go on a small rant. (Not a bad one) Might not be organized, but who cares.
Despite the comics being more teen rated, I was kind of surprised by the darker themes of the animated version of BBBG Windara. And I'm happy about it. I'm so glad they didn't make light of anything that had happened in Windara, nor the death of General Karumbang. He's not coming back, no "Gotcha" moment. I love the effects of the death were red, mimicking blood. The way the scars on Reramos's face healed with that red effect.
Reramos was evil, through and through. I'm glad they were able to show that other than the things he had already done. To be able to show his greed for power right before people and not off screen. To show that he's willingness to do more for more.
If that's just Windara, I'm quite excited for Gentar's.
Don't even get me started on Beliung's appearance. I was skeptical, especially the design change. BUT GOD. IT WAS AMAZING. THE FIGHT???? OH MY GOD.
Gopal pointing out BBB Beliung became a butterfly was adorable. And when Beliung used Maripos's technique of illusion- THE SMILE HE GAVE???? THE "Peniru." UWAHHHHHHH.
Of course, we can't leave out BBB losing control of Beliung. The scenes they changed were EVERYTHING. Also, detail- When his eyes turned that bright colour along with his sclera, there were literally crack(?) like marks spreading out from his eyes to his actual face. It was so cool. The wing weapon was dead amazing.
At least we got to see him without his hat! I was worried they wouldn't remove it at all. Which, now that I think about it, is unlogical. With the storm surrounding the castle, it wouldn't make sense if he didn't lose his hat.
THE FLASHES OF RETAK'KA IN THE BACKGROUND? GOD, I WAS GRINNING NONSTOP. The amount of fics of Windara angst I could think of is legendary. Monsta fuels the writer in me each and every time.
Also, the way my jaw kind of DROPPED... WHEN KUPUTERI PUSHED BOBOIBOY OFF??? She planned it, of course. But that scene of BBB getting pummelled by rocks, losing his head piece, AUGRH.
I dig the way the butterfly board/weapon actually flapped while Beliung was in the air. Man's an actual butterfly and I'm here for it.
BBB wanting to give the tempest element back in the end was less emotional than I thought. But, I think General Karumbang was enough emotions, so I guess I'm not that upset by it. And we got a scene with the full 7, our beloveds. That's a good amount of happy chemicals for my brain.
If there's anything more I missed, I would love to hear someone point it out. I wanna show my appreciation for this silly little show. Changing my brain chemistry and whatnot, you know?
I hope BBB doesn't get time to heal before Gentar, that would be fun to watch.
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not-a-space-alien · 5 months
K&J x MMSS 4: Valen & Jim Part 5B
Part 5 of the "B side" universe for AU4. You can check chapter 4B for clarification on what this means if you're lost, lol.
K&J masterlist
MMSS masterlist
K&J x MMSS crossover masterlist
To be added to the taglist, contact @whumpsday
Warnings: Blood, aftermath of torture, suicide attempt
Jim comes down the next day with a light knock on the wall. "Valen? How're you doing?" He hopes Valen's healed some. That maybe the blood that's made him such a desirable victim finally did some good. "You sleep well?"
Valen pokes his head out from under the blanket sleepily.  He is starting to look a bit better.  He nods fuzzily, not coming out from his nest.
"Good, good. I'm real glad. Lookin' better, too. You'll be all better in no time. So, my sister and her friend are both coming over today to give you some more blood, do you remember them? From when you dropped me off?" Jim's hoping the fact that Valen knows they're hunters won't scare him, but he's met them before and they didn't hurt him, so hopefully it'll be okay.
Valen perks up.  More blood?  Truthfully, no, he doesn't remember them, but he's so excited about getting more blood.  He nods, eyes shining.  Yes, more blood, please.
"Great! How about in the meantime, you can grab a bath, and I'll bandage up whatever's still not feeling great. Liz is also gonna take all the silver shit and the outside lock off the door, so you won't have to worry about that while you're staying here. You wanna grab your other clothes and come upstairs? I already closed all the blinds and curtains last night." Jim informs him.
Valen is feeling so much more hopeful than last night.  He's rested, and fed--even if he probably shouldn't have done that part, and he has clothes, and oh, he gets to take a bath.  He still can't move very fast, but he excitedly gets up to follow Jim upstairs.
Jim makes sure to grab the writing things before leading Valen up to the bathroom. "Alright, here we are. I'm leaving your writing stuff right out here so you can grab it on your way out. Come out to the living room whenever you're done." He's so glad Valen seems to be in better spirits today.
Valen has a real bath, his first in years.  Not a freezing cold spraydown with a hose.  It's wonderful and warm, and he gets himself clean.  He's starting to let himself believe that maybe good things can happen to him again.  He washes his raw face and bloody, skinned wrists gently.
When he's done, he steps out of the tub and pats himself dry with the towel provided, then dresses himself.  They're his clothes.  It's grounding and humanizing in a way he hadn't thought of.  They're his clothes, from the before times, being given back to him, to pull him back up to earth.  These are Valen's clothes, and he's wearing them, so he must be Valen.
Valen combs his wet hair with his fingers, looking at himself in the mirror, and goes out into the living room.
"Looking awesome, bud. C'mon and let's get you wrapped up." Jim pats the couch, gauze already in hand. "Just your face and your wrists, or anything else too?"
Valen pats himself down, but they'd been leaving him fresh for his new warden, so his wrists and face are pretty much the only things that need to be wrapped up.  The only other thing that hurts currently is his stomach, still far too hungry to be comfortable, but even that's lessening.
Valen sits down on the couch, touching his face, his wrists, and then giving a thumbs up.  He wants to smile, but with the state of his face, that would probably just look worse, if anything.
"Gotcha." Jim gently bandages both, making sure to leave an opening for Valen's mouth so he can eat later. When was the last time Valen was touched gently? He knows how it feels to ache for the kind touch of another person. "Do you think you could handle a hug?" he asks when he's done, knowing it might be pushing it in his starved state.
Valen's watery eyes light up.  A hug, a hug, yes, yes, yes.  He wants one so bad.  He can't bite if he wants the muzzle to stay off, he has to not bite.  He vibrates on the couch, extending his arms feebly.  Yes, yes, please, hug, hug.
Jim is scared. Valen may mean well, but he's also a vampire, and being bitten on the wrist was bad enough. But he needs to give his guy a hug so bad. He reminds himself he can always push Valen away if he needs to, like he did yesterday. This isn't Kane. He's had 10 years to get over it, he should be better by now.
He enters Valen's arms, wrapping his own around his thin frame in a warm embrace. "I've got you. Everything's gonna be okay. Promise."
Thank you, thank you, thank you.  He leans into the hug, vibrating, excited.  Jim is so warm, and so welcoming, and so soft, and so vulnerable, and so, so, so delicious-smelling-
Before he even realizes what he's doing, he's bitten down in the crook of Jim's neck.  As soon as his mouth floods with the taste of blood once again, he remembers he has to not bite and pulls away, falling off the couch and to the floor, whining.
Jim freezes up and goes quiet again. It's on the wrong side, because he would never let anyone's face get close to his scar, and the fabric of his turtleneck wets with blood. He trembles and cries, sitting there on the couch completely tense, letting out soft sobs.
Valen sobs too.  I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.  Stupid, stupid, stupid.  He'd even fed already, yesterday, and he still hadn't been able to resist biting.  He's ruined it, and maybe he'll be punished, but even worse, he probably won't be hugged again.  He half-stumbles, half-crawls over to where the writing materials are and quickly scribbles out I'm sorry, and holds it up to Jim.  He stays on his knees, holding it in front of his face with trembling hands.
Jim takes a good minute to get to a state where he can respond. It helps that he was expecting this might be a possibility, it's not out of the blue like the first one. He took a risk and it failed.
He reminds himself he's okay. He's not very hurt. He's not food, Valen stopped, he's not being taken back. It was just a bite. He used to do this every day and it was worse, then.
He takes a deep breath and looks over to Valen, crying holding up a sign reading I'm sorry with shaking hands.
"It's- it's not your fault." Jim says quietly. "B-bad call. On me. I'm just gonna change shirts and take a breather real quick, okay?" He grabs the medical supplies he'd just used on Valen and scurries away to his bedroom.
Valen watches him go with despair.  Everything had been going so well.  Jim said it's not his fault, but his sister is coming over, and maybe she and her friend won't be so nonchalant.  And he wouldn't get any more hugs, now.
Still crying, he pulls the blanket off the back of the couch and pulls it over himself, curling up in a ball and hiding himself under a nearby chair.
Jim dresses the wound, changes his shirt, and tries his best to calm down. He returns downstairs about 10 minutes later, much more calm. He got bit and everything's still okay.
It's apparent that Valen has not spent their time apart calming down. Jim sits back on the couch. "Hey, you're okay, Valen. Everything's still okay. I'm not gonna hurt you. You can stay there if it makes you feel safer, but nothing bad's gonna happen if you come out. We're all good. More than good."
Valen peeks out from the blanket.  Jim looks okay.  He crawls over to the coffee table, taking his pencil in an unsteady hand and writing Thank you for the hug I hope we can hug again sometime when it's safe and then sliding it over to Jim.  He then crawls back under the chair, not panicking or trembling, but still feeling more secure balled up and tucked away
"Yeah. Yeah, man, just, I'm gonna need a little. You know what, though? Laken loves hugs. Maybe you can ask them for one after you feed from them." Jim suggests. "Sorry for freaking out. I've just got baggage about bites."
He smiles a little, remembering something. "You know, when you picked me up that day, I thought for a minute you were gonna make me your bloodbag. Y'know, before that was cleared up. And you know what I thought about it? Honest to god? 'Oh, this won't be so bad.' You were so nice that was what I thought about potentially being kidnapped a second time."
Valen lowers the blanket from his head, eyebrows raised.  Really?  Maybe Valen really had used to be a really nice person, one who could hug people without biting.  He mourns the loss, averting his eyes, keeping them on Jim's feet.
Valen hears them approaching before Jim does, two humans. There's a knock.
"That's gotta be them." Jim says as he gets up to answer the door. He makes sure the sun won't shine near Valen before opening it all the way.
After they all exchange greetings, Liz asks, "Where is he?"
"Hiding under the chair. He's real easily spooked. Be gentle with him." Jim says. "C'mon in. Valen, you wanna come out? Liz and Laken are gonna give you some blood."
Valen crawls out tentatively.  There being multiple humans in the room is scary, and he barely remembers these new ones.  He'd been scared of Jim before, but now that he's more scared of the newcomers, Jim feels very safe.  Valen kneels behind Jim's calves, poking his head out from behind the human to look at Liz and Laken.  But not making eye contact.  No, never eye contact.
"Hi, Valen." Liz says softly, heartbroken by the sight before her. Hunters did this. To Valen, of all vampires. The one who gave her her brother back. She speaks as if Valen will break if she talks too loudly. "I'm Liz, if you remember. It's nice to see you again. I wish it were under better circumstances. How are you feeling?"
"Sup." Laken adds with a friendly wave. "I'm Laken, Liz's hunting partner. You ready to get your blood on?"
Valen looks at Liz's hands, which is as close as he dares get to the face, and nods when she asks him how he's feeling.
You ready to get your blood on?  Why can't these humans just talk normally, so he doesn't have to anxiously second-guess what they mean?  Laken means they're going to feed him, right?  That's right, they'd said they were going to give him more blood, right?
He moves himself up into a crouching position, daring to look a little excited.
Wait, back up.  His sluggish brain hadn’t processed what they were saying.
A haze falls over Valen's brain as he looks at Laken again, processing what they’re saying.  Hunting partner, they'd said hunting partner, right?  Are...Are Liz and Laken vampire hunters?
Then he does remember that, fuzzily, that when he'd come to hand Jim off, Liz and Laken and two other vampire hunters had been there.  Hunters, hunters, hunters, that's right, they're hunters.
He drops back down onto all fours, cowering behind Jim and whining in fear.  Jim will protect him, right?  Jim said he wouldn't hurt him.
"Oh, hey, Valen, you're okay. You already knew that, you said you remembered them?" Jim says, confused.
Liz goes to step forward, but Laken grabs her hand and shakes their head. "Space."
Liz nods, staying where she is as she speaks to Valen. "We're not going to hurt you. You- I owe you everything, Valen. You gave me my family back. Plus, what those sorry excuses for hunters did would be fucked up either way. You're safe here."
"It's all good, man. You seemed pretty excited about blood, right? I'll go first." Laken offers, crouching and holding their arm out to Valen. "Don't even worry about it."
Is Laken telling him to bite them?  That can't be right.  They're hunters.  Hunters, hunters, hunters.  He tries to listen to what Liz is kindly saying about owing him, but it feels like he's scrambling to try and climb a slippery staircase to fight upstream and internalize what she's saying.  His eyes dilate with fear as Laken holds their arm out to him, and he shuffles backwards a little bit.
He gropes at the table for his notepad and pen, and he quickly scribbles out Biting is bad I won't bite again I'm sorry I won't bite again Im sorry I know better, underlining and circling words and phrases seemingly randomly to emphasize.
"No, Valen, it's okay. You've got permission this time, it's fine." Jim assures.
Liz puts 2 and 2 together from the this time, her eyebrows raising. "He bit you?"
"Yeah, it's not a big deal. He's trying his best." Jim smiles down at Valen. "No one's mad at you."
"Yeah, c'mon. I wouldn't pull the rug out from under you like that. You can go ahead." Laken encourages.
"It's allowed." Jim adds.
Valen presses himself into the wall away from Laken, shaking with terror, still looking at Liz, that surprised He bit you? still hanging threateningly in the air in his mind.
"Why don't you guys give us a minute? Maybe you can go work on the door?" Jim suggests.
"Alright." Liz agrees, looking at Valen sadly. "Whenever you're ready. None of us are gonna hurt you."
The two of them head to the basement to start removing all the silver from the door.
Jim crouches by Valen. "What do you want, bud? You're not a prisoner anymore, it's up to you now. How can we help?"
He fumbles with the pen, picks it back up, and writes.  Liz is angry at me for biting you?
"No, she's not angry. She was just surprised. She knows you didn't mean to. Do you want me to check?" Jim asks. He'd been lying about it being not a big deal, but he's sure Liz got the message: act like it's not a big deal. It was an accident, after all.
Valen shakes in a heap on the ground.�� No way, there's no way a hunter would see what Valen did to Jim, biting him so severely he almost fainted, and think it wasn't a big deal.  Why wouldn't Liz be angry?  She must be angry.  He's going to be punished, he always is.  He's going to fuck up badly enough to be sent back to that hell eventually, he knows he will, no, he already did, he's just waiting for them to realize, realize he deserves pain and pain and pain, never ending ever ever.
He grasps the notepad firmly and writes Please kill me, fat tears rolling down his cheeks and wetting the bandages.
Jim reads the note and gives a heavy exhale, sitting next to Valen so he's against the wall, too. "No, man. I'm not gonna kill you. You wanna die 'cause you're scared? Is that it?"
He whimpers and writes:  I can't take any more pain.
"No more pain. How about that? It's over. It's really, really over, I promise. I'm not gonna hurt you, Liz and Laken aren't either. All we wanna do is see you safe and healthy. No pain." Jim says.
Maybe Valen will believe this eventually, if Jim just repeats it enough, but he can't right now.  He just can't.  His imagination races.  He can picture so, so many ways this could go wrong.  He can't do this anymore.  He can't keep worrying and trying to figure out how to handle things, how to help himself.  Jim and Liz and Laken are telling him they're trying to help him, but all he can feel is the dread of being the center of attention of a group of humans, of hunters.  What hope does he have?
Jim's not going to kill him.  He has to do it himself.  He drags himself over to the chair he'd been hiding under before, wrapping his weak hands around the leg to try and snap it off to fashion a wooden stake, still weeping.
"Hey, fuck, nonono don't." Jim removes Valen's hands from the chair, holding them gently in his own. "How about this. Give it one month." By that time, Valen will have been back home in vampire territory for weeks. He'll probably feel a lot safer, and Jim won't be able to stop him anyway. "Can you do that, you think? Give life as a free man a shot for one month?"
Valen keeps his eyes on the wooden chair.  How does Jim expect him to believe he's a free man?  How does Jim expect him to believe he'll be able to last an entire month without pain, without messing up, without biting, without getting trapped back somewhere where he won't get this opportunity again?  He tries to go for the chair again, more feebly this time, knowing he can't really fight Jim off.  Why hadn't he just waited until later when he was alone and could get away with it?
"Valen, please." Jim doesn't let go of Valen's hands. "Just, just give it a shot. Please? I promise nothing bad's gonna happen. I won't let anyone hurt you, swear on my life. I know you've been through hell, but it's really, really over, I promise. I can't- you know I can't watch you every second, so just, please. It'll be okay, I'll make sure."
Valen shakes in Jim's hands, hanging his head and letting his hair fall in his face.
"I bet you'll feel a lot better with some food in you. It's not gonna fix everything, but everyone feels better after eating. Nothing bad happened to you when you bit me, right? And this is with permission. Or if you want, maybe they can get the blood in a cup or bowl or something for you? What sounds good?" Jim asks, releasing Valen's hands so he can write.
Valen wipes his eye, trying to make his swimming brain comprehend what Jim is saying.  A cup, a cup is good, yes.  This way he doesn't bite.  He writes down, Biting is bad.  A cup sounds good.
"Cup it is, then. You're gonna be just fine." Jim doesn't want to leave Valen alone after his very recent suicide attempt, so instead of going to get Liz and Laken, he calls out. "Hey guys! Valen's ready to eat!"
Laken appears out of the hall. "Alright! Order up."
"Can you try and get it in a cup for him? He's nervous about biting." Jim says.
"Sure thing." Laken gives Valen a thumbs-up.
Valen is starting to come down from the despair a little.  He's getting a thumbs-up.  That's good.  He gives a little whine and lowers himself down, his head on Jim's leg.
Jim cards a hand through Valen's hair while Laken goes to the kitchen. "You're okay. Everything's gonna be fine."
After about a minute, the smell of blood emanates from the kitchen.
Valen perks up at the smell, shaking like an excited dog.  He crawls forward, wringing his hands and leaning towards the kitchen door expectantly.
Jim follows behind him a bit nervously, but looks away from where Laken is draining blood into a mug.
Laken smiles. "Just got started getting this for you. If you changed your mind and wanna nibble, that's cool too." they say, letting their blood trickle into the mug.
Valen stays kneeling on the floor, clearly trying to wrangle the excitement off his face, trying not to hope, but he's aimlessly flapping his hands with excitement, trying to stay still, trying to stay on the floor and wait for Laken to bring it over, trying to control himself.
Laken keeps going until the cup's got a good amount in it, then slaps a large band-aid they had ready over their arm and brings the mug over. "Cuppa Laken, hope you enjoy." they say with a grin.
Valen stands and holds his hands out eagerly to take the cup from Laken as soon as it's within grabbing range, whining as he downs the cup.  He keeps it over his mouth as the remnants dribble down, then he eagerly lowers it down and swipes his finger on the inside of the cup to lick off the remaining blood.  He holds the cup when he's done, not daring to look at Laken, just looking down into the cup.
"Yay, I'm delicious." Laken says with a lighthearted laugh.
Jim rubs Valen's back. He's glad Valen is finally feeding, and that he doesn't have to be the one to provide it. Hopefully he'll be well again soon. "You feel a little better now? Still got a refill waiting, too."
Valen's gaze snaps back up, excitement returning, vibrating.  A refill, he gets a refill?
He looks to Laken, then to Jim, and accidentally makes eye contact, then whines and lowers his eyes back down to Jim's feet.
"I'll go get Liz." Laken says, patting Valen on the shoulder and heading off.
"You're doing great. See, this isn't so bad, right? Everything's okay now." Jim knows full well that everything doesn't just become okay after you escape. But it definitely gets a hell of a lot better.
Liz joins them. "Door's about halfway done. Stuff's easier to take off than to put on. Sorry if we scared you earlier, Valen."
Valen nods, eyes wide.  She's apologizing to him.  That seems wrong.  He should always be apologizing to everyone else ever, for existing.
Liz takes the mug, drains blood into it in a similar fashion, and hands it back. Jim is tenser this time. This entire feeding endeavor is a little much for him, but he doesn't want to leave Valen alone, since Valen seems comforted by his presence.
"Here you go. Hope this is enough." Liz says, pressing the mug back into his hands.
Valen squirms excitedly while Liz prepares the blood for him.  He downs the second mug the same way as the first, licking the inside clean.  He retrieves his writing utensils and writes Thank you, showing it to Liz and Laken.
"You're welcome." Liz says with a smile, while Laken gives a "No problem."
"You still want a hug?" Jim asks quietly. "I'm still uh, taking a break from 'em, but Liz and Laken would probably both be down."
Just as Valen had started to calm down again, his interest is once again piqued, giving an excited little jump, starting forward towards them then stepping back, rocking from foot to foot, nodding vigorously.
"Aw, c'mere!" Laken wraps their arms around him in a warm embrace. Liz laughs and joins in, giving him a group hug. Jim declines to join in, but he does ruffle Valen's hair.Valen starts crying again, and for the first time in forever, they're happy tears.  He holds the hug for an absurdly long time.  It's okay, he's okay, there are people who care about him and want him to feel okay and will hug him.  It's almost inconceivable.
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hitomisuzuya · 2 years
omg askbox is open again ^_^ as your local childe lover i would like just. anything with smut with him & childhood friend fem reader !!
- mielle
Childe x fem!reader. Smut.
a/n: Hello! Thank you for being patient. Anyways, I love writing Childe. He makes my brain go brrrrrr like Scara does lol. Here is the pitch and I hope you enjoy. Tagging @kichikichiko @xxventiswindblumexx
You had grown up together with Childe. You even travelled with him when he did stuff for the Fatui. He wanted it that way. He knew he was strong enough to always protect you, and you were more than happy to follow him.
Childe knew you had feelings for him, and he had feelings for you as well. He'd made it more than clear that he had feelings for you, but he has never opened the window to making anything official.
And that was purely because he likes seeing you get flustered if he sweet talked you. Who could blame him wanting to enjoy that as much as he possibly could?
But now he was getting impatient.
Childe was ready to stop playing this game with you.
Sparring was like foreplay to Childe. Having sparring matches with you was one of his favorite things to do with you.
You were so strong and used to way the moved. You never gave him an inch. The more you evaded, the more turned on he became. He also loves sweet talking you just to see you get flustered and make some kind of mistake, and give him a opening.
And today, Childe was laying on his charm extra think.
"Your hips had some extra sway that time. It was a nice view for me," he chuckled, watching you fumble a bit.
"Childe, please, you are making it hard to me to concentrate," you stammered, dancing away at the last minute from his grabby hands.
"What's wrong, girlie? You had so much pep in your step before. Does hearing my voice make you that flustered?" He countered, taunting you just to see you blush.
Your eyes widened when his bow dematerialized. "What's wrong? Are you tired? Our sparring matches usually last longer than this. I didn't hurt you on accident, did I? There isn't even a clear winner," you said, immediately concerned. But you were also suspicious. In a good way. In a way that made your heart pound.
Childe never dematerialized his weapon randomly. That showed how much he trusted you.
He continued to walk towards you. "Oh, but I already am the winner. I'm about to take the spar winning point."
"What do you mean?" You asked, starting to back up.
"The final point to be scored is you. I didn't think you were that dense. But it's cute, I like it."
"Do you even hear yourself, right now. You can't be being serious." You could barely hear yourself talk over the sound of your heart thudding in your chest.
"You were so disappointed when we stopped sparring. I am starting to think you want me to sweet talk to you when we spar." He came closer.
You could do nothing but stare at him, flabbergasted. You were already starting to feel wet when you were sparring with him. But now you felt wetter.
"You can barely hold it together." Childe came closer still.
You felt your back hit the wall.
"Gotcha, now you are all mine, girlie. I hope you are ready. Are you ready for me to fuck you like you always fantasized about?" Childe caged you against the wall with his hands on either side of her head.
Your cheeks had never felt so flushed. "How did you know I did that?" You asked, feeling breathless that he was this close to you in an intimate way.
"How could I not? I hear you when you think I am asleep and not around. I hear you every time. And I love the skirt are wearing by the way. It's always been my favorite one. You wore it for me didn't you?" Childe practically purred, pushing your skirt up.
Your body quivered with anticipation. "I thought you would like it," you said, butterflies fluttering through your stomach when you finally could bring your eyes to meet his.
Childe squeezed your thigh and pushed your panties aside. He was always one cut right to the case. You moaned when he pushed two fingers inside of you.
"You are already so wet for me," Childe marveled, hooking his fingers. "I don't even have to prepare you much."
You shook your head, moving your hips into his fingers. "Please Childe, just fuck me." You pleaded, squirming against him.
"Like I was ever going to deny you that," Childe boasted. You helped him peel your panties off.
He chuckled when you helped him take his cock out of his pants. "So needy, but I like that." Groping one of your breasts, he lifted you with to wrap your legs around him.
You gasped in pleasure when he pushed his cock inside of you all at once, hitting your sweet spot instantly. Your legs tightened around him, making him groan.
Childe drove himself home relentlessly, making a bulge appear in your stomach. He stared, transfixed at it while he admired how his cock pumped in and out of you.
Each thrust made you moan louder than the last time. Childe feed off of that, determined to make you cum stronger than you ever had before he claimed you.
More less, he was fucking you up the wall.
When he felt your walls start clamping around his cock, he kissed you, his tongue domineering in your mouth.
When he felt your release soaking his cock, your curling and writhing in pleasure, Childe opted to pull out instead, cumming in your skirt and your thighs. Another show of dominance.
You clung to him, panting in time with him. He nuzzled your neck before he set you down. "Don't worry, my girlie. I'll be sure to drag out the foreplay next time until you beg me to fuck you."
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carylerxsecretsanta · 9 months
Not Just a Trim
Written for: @madwomanlexie
Title: Not Just a Trim Author: @breb23 Rating: M  Summary: Part two of this series! Takes place a few years after season 11 (let's pretend everything is resolved in France and we are back home lol). There's some Christmas-y smut in this so proceed with caution hahaha. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas ❤️💚
She wakes to clanging downstairs, followed by a curse. Bright white light is seeping through the curtain and she can hear the muffled splat of wet snow against the window.
She slips into the wool socks Lydia had made for her last week as an early Christmas present. The previous year, Lydia had snuck a knitted hat under her door on Christmas Eve, too nervous to announce the present she had spent days making.
Carol ambles to the bathroom to get ready for the holiday, a small smile on her lips. 
She pads downstairs, still pajama clad, and sighs with contentment as warmth seeps into her bones.  She hears him in the kitchen and her heart swells as her family comes into view- Lydia stirring something sweet on the stove while Daryl rinses something in the sink with one arm, their little bundle in the other. 
Daryl and Aaron had found Cecilia on a stifling August day, between the border of Virginia and North Carolina. It was supposed to be a long supply run, at least a month. So when Carol saw their car pull back into Alexandria after just two weeks, her stomach filled with dread. Assuming the worst as she ran towards their car, her eyes raked over Daryl in the passenger seat, looking for signs of injury.
Instead she found him smiling back at her with pride and trepidation and love, so beautiful and unexpected that her breath was stolen away. He opened the car door and took her under his arm, her face tucked in his neck. It was a closeness he rarely displayed publicly, but at that moment  he didn't seem to care. 
"Missed you," he exhaled, his nose burrowed in her hair.  He kissed her then with a vigor she matched instantly, her hands moving to his shoulders. Her eyes flew open when she felt her, soft and warm. 
There, snuggled into Daryl's arm, was a sleeping baby whose lips squished into a purse and tongue sucked against the cool evening air, as if dreaming about milk. Carol hadn't had words yet, didn't know how to react or what this meant but she'd quickly brought them inside, pulling a soft blanket from the couch to wrap around the baby. Her hands had wrapped the bundle with muscle memory she didn't realize she still possessed. 
Daryl explained that her biological mother must have known she wasn't going to live and barricaded herself outside of the small mountainside cottage. Aaron took down her walker form while Daryl tore at the wooden planks, barging into her nursery moments later. Hands shaking, he had scooped up the screaming infant, her eyes tearless from dehydration.  Cecilia was painted above her crib in a pale yellow cursive. 
"Shhh, I gotcha, I gotcha," he had whispered, his eyes scanning the room for formula. In the end, Aaron had found a stockpile of what she would need in the closet of the nursery. They left a few hours after, heading straight back to Alexandria.
It'd been Carol's idea, after all, the same day they’d come back from the run. She knew it was an impossible idea- she and Daryl raising an infant after all they had lost. Yet, seeing Daryl whisper softly to her while peering up at Carol had taken away any question that this was his baby- no, this was their baby. 
"Morning!" Lydia smiles, her eyes sparkling with childlike glee. Carol blinks away the memory and takes Lydia into a warm hug, squeezing her with all of the love she could muster. 
"Good morning, sweetie," she says warmly, sniffing the pot of cinnamon sticks and cider. "Wassail?"
"I, uh, showed Lydia how to make it. Thought you might like to wake up to it like when you were younger. Dunno if we did the right-"
"You remembered," Carol whispers with a smile, blinking quickly to keep her tears at bay. "You always remember." 
She walks over to him now, nuzzling into his arms that wrap so naturally around her shoulders. She smooches Cecilia's warm cheek, and is rewarded with a gummy smile. 
"'Slept real good. Only had to feed her once during the night," Daryl smiled down at Carol, his eyes hidden behind the fringe of hair. Carol had briefly woken to the steady gulp and suck of Cecilia and fallen back asleep upon Daryl's gentle fingers on her back, stroking sleepily back and forth as he fed their baby. 
Carol brushes Daryl's hair away from his face, tutting her tongue. "You, sir, need a haircut. Lydia, can you watch Cece for a bit?" 
"Yeah, but don't be too long," Lydia grimaces with slight disgust in a way only a teenager can exude.
Carol chuckles and Daryl rolls his eyes, ducking his head while they make their way upstairs and into the bathroom. Carol grabbed the pair of scissors in the cabinet but was quickly spun around against the door, scissors clattering to the floor near Daryl's toes.
"Watch it, you could've lost a foot!" Carol cried out, but was quickly silenced by Daryl's lips against hers.
"Don't care," he mutters in her mouth, his tongue grazing her lip. He pushes her against the bathroom door, the taste of cinnamon and cider and Daryl intoxicating her. Her hips lift against his as he grazes his palms across her sides, over the flare of her hips and settling on her ass. He squeezes, his hot breath ticking the hollow space beneath her ear. She is putty against him as one hand trails down her thigh, closing around the back of her knee. He hitches her leg around his hip, and they both moan at the friction. Her hands slip under his shirt, blunt nails raising goosebumps in their wake. She runs her fingers through his chest hair and tugs. 
"Fuck, Carol," he growls, pushing away long enough to pull her plaid pajama pants to her ankles. Kicking off his own, they come together again, their kisses fighting for control. 
Daryl lifts her off the ground, setting her on the counter as her thighs bracket his hips. He grinds himself against her center, slippery with need.
"Daryl," she whispers as he positions himself against her. Her arms loop under his, hands grasping the angle of his shoulder blades. He's hard and taut where she's pliable as he enters her in one slow motion. 
"Mmmm?" He mumbles into her ear, nibbling light enough to earn a gasp from her. His thrusts are slow and deep, and he ignores her desperate attempts to move faster. His hands trail under her, lifting her against him and she moans at the subtle change in position.
She can feel a knot building deep in her as he takes control. He licks and sucks the web where her neck and shoulder meet, his tongue memorizing her with every stroke. She's heavy with need, clinging to him and he bites down on her neck and she feels herself begin to flutter around him, her body melting in his arms. He lifts his mouth from her shoulder just to muffle her cries with his lips, her mouth open and breathy against his. 
She feels him throb inside of her, her walls pulling him deeper and deeper until there's nowhere else to go. He makes no attempt to muffle his own moans, spilling himself deep inside her walls as he mutters her name like a prayer. 
Their heartbeats are racing against each other as he slumps over her, still cradling her body with one hand and his other underneath her. She is sated and sleepy, enjoying the quiet stillness of his company, no words needed to express their love. It's always been like that. 
He pulls away when she begins to tremble from the draft coming in through the bathroom window. He grabs a towel and lightly drags it across her skin, cleaning and then kissing her as he trails from her knees to her thighs, before lifting her pants back.
Pulling up his own, he reaches over and taps her lightly on the butt. "C'mon, lunch time," he smirks, a light blush on his cheeks.
"When did you become an ass man, Daryl?" she questions quietly, her eyebrow raised and lips pursed in a flirt as they walk down the stairs. 
His blush deepens, trailing down his neck. "Stop," he mutters, and she giggles in response. 
As they reach the kitchen, Carol lifts Cecilia into her arms, blowing raspberries into her daughter's onesie-clad tummy. Her belly laugh is contagious, and they all join her. The roast Daryl had caught the night before was almost ready, the aroma wafting in the kitchen as Daryl checks the meat. 
"Wait," Lydia gasps suddenly, peering down at Daryl. "She didn't even cut your hair!" She yells out in horror, and Carol laughs harder, her cheeks hurting from smiling so much. Lydia starts laughing despite herself. 
Daryl mumbles something about not having a scissors, ears pink with embarrassment, which just makes them laugh harder. Cecilia joins in, and Daryl can't help but chuckle at the ridiculousness of it all. Shaking his head, he stalks back over to Carol, grabbing her face dramatically as he kisses her, not caring anymore about the complaints from Lydia. 
"Merry Christmas, baby," he murmurs to Carol, his eyes shining with emotion. Her eyes mirror his, so thankful for the man in front of her.
"Merry Christmas, Pookie." 
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stillfrownyclownlol · 9 months
I spent like 4 hours watching Deadmeat last night sooooo more slasher au *gets stabbed right in the heart* ❤️
These are bit..."gorier" than usual lol (so I put it under the read more~), not that you guys can't handle some gore! *Points to Tyler* :) (did you guys see the uncensored version? Great stuff, I could imagine the practical effects they could use!)
-I think Ash and Aiden should play tag, aaaand I think Aiden loves the chase because the most dangerous (read: the most fun) hunt is with another human, aaaand I think he should just fucking tackle and pin her to the ground while Ash is screaming bloody murder in the woods :D
Aiden: Tag. You're It :)
Then she just caves his skull in with a rock cuz she's such a girl boss.
-Ooooh. And she should definitely try to crawl away while leaving a blood trail, and she can hear his footsteps behind her, and she's sooooo desperate to escape...and then Aiden grabs one of her braids like "Gotcha! :)"
So then Ash cuts her hair after that because character development and also that's traumatic as hell
-He has a smiley face mask because OF COURSE he does. How is Ash gonna explain that emojies trigger her? Beats me
-Aiden: I'd kill for you. PLEASE let me kill for you *Biggest eyes ever*
Ash: No!!! Wtf is wrong with you-?!
Aiden: Aw snap *kicks a corpse out of frame*
-Barron is an asshole counselor from a "rival camp" that was harassing Ash and her friends, and he's the first guy to disappear lmao (Aiden put him in a woodchipper :D)
-would probably let her live if she went on a date with him. Probably...
-I bet he'd have some terrible jigsaw type traps at his house because he's rich and bored and insane.
-Thinks it's cute when Ash is hitting him until he bleeds. "You're such a tease!"
-In general, Ash wonders what she did in her past life to deserve the most lethal stalker ever...sorry Ashlyn, you didn't do anything! Scream 1996 just altered my brain chemistry permanently :(
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gwyns · 2 months
the preview at the end of acofas told us it was nessian . the funniest thing is, sarah does think it’s obvious who is next. azriel had scenes with two different women in his bonus. one of them is hinted to be his mate. gee, it’s almost like she follows a pattern.
side note, I don’t care if it’s elucien or gwynriel next but she did end acofas similarly and it was obvious then, why are e/riels denying it now? it’s obvious who azriel’s story would be told with.
exactly this. the only reason there is still debate about who gets the next book is because sjm didn't straight up tell us after acosf's release. and they're acting like that's some gotcha?? they really are some of the dumbest people i've ever encountered lmfao
i'll be completely honest, after finishing acosf i was confused. sarah had said it'd be obvious by the time you finished the book and it so wasn't obvious to me lol. of course i have my opinions now but i think "obvious" to sjm is a bit different to a reader who has freshly finished the book. like that woman already knows, of course it's obvious to her. she's lowkey such a troll 😭
anyway it doesn't matter to me who is next either, since i'm super confident we already know the ships the last two novels will focus on, and that's why e/riels are so butthurt. i don't spend my time making troll blogs or going into tags of ships i supposedly hate and arguing all day. know why? because i'm comfortable in my opinion and that it'll end up being correct, they're not. they're insecure little losers who are desperately trying to portray the opposite
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gacha-incels · 4 months
Hi same video anon here
Yeah, so I watched the video and some things that made me go 🤨 was when the essayist talked about how the union wanted full control (which wasn't what their mission messages said; I interpreted it as "we want a position on the discussion table so that you have someone to keep you in check" )
That vellmori quit of her own accord (who's to say it wasn't a hostile work environment/ being pressured to quit?)
And also when he said that vellmori got a big severance pay. The only place I saw that (in English) was a Reddit comment.
A friend of mine contacted the essayist, asking to see his sources (as he said he got access to a big Google drive created by someone who was documenting the whole thing and creating a timeline; with 3rd party unaffiliated translator) and the essayist responded that the original creator didn't want to share the drive, but was willing to answer any questions regarding sources on their discord.
Thank you for highlighting other points that I haven't seen/forgot about.
thank you for taking one for the team and watching it lol. of course you have to go through multiple people just to maybe get a secondhand explanation of sources on any of this, right? classic. if you're making a video essay those sources should be linked directly somewhere so everyone can see them. this is one of many problems I have with videos like this, the viewers will just assume the information they're getting fed is correct, and for a lot of viewers it's also harder to understand where the creator is heavily editorializing what they're telling you, as is the case with this video. I don't have any problems posting direct information here (as in the last ask) and discussing it so we can all learn together.
this is also why posting the societal context is very important as a solid foundation, this way you can contextualize the information you're receiving as well. as I said before, you can get information like "it wasn't ruled as an unfair dismissal" or she "left on her own" and believe that's the end of the story, but knowing for instance: 1- that this happened in a country where violent misogyny and extreme antifeminism permeate every facet of society and 2- that the union said the legal standards for what constitutes unfair dismissal have not caught up with common sense, your reading of "it wasn't ruled as unfair dismissal" is going to completely change. there needs to be context like this explained any time someone brings that part up or else there can never be a full understanding of what happened. typically the people making and watching this kind of thing don't actually give a shit about what's going on, they are just looking to assuage their guilt over playing a video game. case in point, this person adding the severance pay to the video when that's never been confirmed. does he actually care? it's just used as some kind of gotcha. I'm not looking forward to the possibility of people linking this video when any discussion about PM pops up now
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vole-mon-amour · 5 months
chapter 67:
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those looks and smiles at each other. :')
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lmao. you tell them, Sebastian. a bit too late, but you just gotta tease your master, huh.
more reading under cut.
chapter 68:
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this is so CUTE. it's like they're home but this is even cuter somehow. the devil has to be a nanny to all of those kids & and it's cute not because of the kids, but because of the way Seb is drawn? his expression and the pose are doing something to me.
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these two, I swear.
chapter 69:
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honestly, what's with this? like, in the anime it makes zero sense. doesn't make much more sense in the manga, either.
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never thought i'd see Sebastian mad, annoyed, and tired because of some homework. dude, you're literally a demon. you were doing all of that at home with easy while also taking care of the staff. pull yourself together.
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that little left remark is hilarious and should've been in the show.
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Yeah... I would like to see his real teaching method, too. I can't unsee this in a sexual context. *Professor* Michaelis. The arched back, the position of the hand. The look from under his lashes. This moment in the anime should've been sluttier.
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"if you order me" so basically Seb wants to be his lap kitty on a short leash.
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Ciel is so smug & Seb just likes being ordered around and be his (and spend time with him).
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"give me written proof" now THAT makes sense. did I miss this or they didn't add this to the anime?
chapter 70:
what I don't understand is what's the point of being someone's fag? like, you're a butler in school where you still need to do your homework, go to classes, all of that? couldn't be me.
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this? is sexual(ized).
also, all those "pretty boys"? long(er) hair, feminine beauty. even the name, "Joanne". you're telling me that's a boy? there's a pattern, just like Ciel in a dress. Maurice, too. straight up a female.
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this is a cute moment tbh.
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this is so wholesome. a friend, almost. though yeah, in another situation i'd ship.
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The Husbands (TM) are regretting every second of this, lol.
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Soma literally said, "Hey! Get back here!" I feel bad for the elephant.
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"you bastard, I shouldn't have called you" "pretending not to know them" lmaoooo. #married
chapter 71:
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Soma, you're soooo sneaky. x) So adorable though.
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"I'm free!" lmaooo
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gotcha! asshole.
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oh, Ciel. x) if he was sleeping, he could've went to bed at least.
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I need this piece of shit to die immediately. where's Sebastian? jfc, that last one throws me back to when Ciel was raped.
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ugly ass bitch. you deserve this.
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Seb, you chose this. x)
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bomberqueen17 · 1 year
car shopping part 1
ok i had capslock on when i started typing this and i startled myself, lol. i am. a bit tired and punchy. BUT. All hail my lovely middle-little sister, who volunteered to come take me to car dealerships last night.
Here are my extremely scientific notes on how that went, so that I can narrow down my car choices for definitely for sure:
1) Honda: we went to a Honda dealership, and my mom has a CR-V which I've driven and it's... fine, so I tried the HR-V, which is smaller. The sales guy immediately without asking was like "here you want this one" and had me test-drive a used 2020 model-- low mileage, nice car, but used. "Won't be here in a couple days tho, act fast," he said, and gave me his card. I'd told him this was the very first car of my search and I wasn't in a hurry. He didn't show me anything new, or tell me about anything new, but did say there were often quite long waits for new cars. Gotcha. Like, I'm not mad, but I'm also not going to pay $23,9 for a three-year old car when the current year's model is $24k. You know? I don't care how long the warranty is.
2) Subaru: we went because it was right there. Wandered around the parking lot. Crosstreks look... lower now?? somehow?? than mine? Much lower, don't know why. Specs said same ground clearance but. I'd have to look up what the specs were in 2014. Sales guy came out, asked if we wanted to see anything. M-L said I should try the Forester, so I was like sure, why not; one of the farm workers has a 2020 Outback I figured I'd ask his opinion on, and actually the part time veg helper guy has a recent Outback too, so there's no shortage of those around. So I test-drove a Forester. And like. I hadn't even got out of the parking lot and the guy was like, all casual, "so how's the visibility," and I really looked around and was like holy shit okay i can see through time so I really liked it. It was a higher-end package (had a huge sunroof, i actually really liked that, i'm a shallow bitch i guess) and kept trying to nanny me about leaving the lane on the winding back road but the guy reached over and pressed the button that disables that and it stopped yelling at me, which was great. Anyway. I did not expect that. M-L and I theorized about what kind of guy I'd be to be a Forester guy. "A middle-aged wealthy lesbian with a lot of large dogs," M-L said, and I was immediately depressed to realize that only one of those things is actually applicable. I have no wife and no large dogs. These are major failings of my life. But. I mean. We don't always end up the person we thought we'd be when we were nineteen.
3) Then we got to the Ford dealership, and a guy named Joey was like "ay what's up," and i listed the cars I was interested in and he was like "i can't get those or those but I got Broncos, let's go see one" and walked incredibly fast out into the parking lot without looking like he was hurrying, seriously it was eerie how fast he walked while looking like he was just ambling, and he led us to a "cactus gray" Bronco Sport, said "you wanna try this one? aight hang on" and went back into the building. I was like uh sure, we poked around the parking lot, and then he came back, handed me the key, was like "yah you two go for it, you know the roads around here? yah go see if you like it, I'll be here til eight." and off we went, slightly bemused. But yes, we were quite near M-L's house so she led us around a winding path. The Bronco's hood takes up rather a lot of the view out of the windshield. I raised my seat, which helped slightly. I could not find the right edge of the car and kept straying over into the shoulder. It was so boxy. The visibility out of the windows wasn't fantastic. But it had a lot of zoom and handled all right. Not terrible. I'm not a Ford Bronco guy I don't think, but I liked the Ford dealership folks, they were funny.
The sales manager came out and talked to me briefly and was like "well i mean how many cars are you looking for" and i was like "i have a spreadsheet" and he was like "a what now" and i got my phone out and showed him the spreadsheet Dude made and he was like "your guy is something else" and i was like "i mean, he sure is", and I did feel better about not being a wealthy middle-aged lesbian with large dogs if this is what I have instead but like. I mean. The road not taken etc.
"take notes," M-L said as we got home (after i bought her a sushi dinner bc there was a place right by the dealership and also i wanted sushi), and i was like "yah ok" but this is my notes. i'm sure i'll be able to make sense of them later.
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tunabesimpin · 2 years
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Happy Halloween~! Well not yet, but still!! ^v^
| TWST Halloween Card GROOVY |
Jumpin on the Halloween train as a cheeseburger clown LOL and! This time I have lines written out below the cut >v<
summon: Honk honk! who ordered a cheeseburger with extra pickles?
Groovy: TBA!
Set home: Don't worry if you get scared! I'll be here to make you smile! ... You aren't scared of clowns right?
Home Idle: I want to hit up a haunted house, but last time I went I lost a shoe and had to run back in to get it…
Idle 2: I was supposed to match Octavinelle with a mummy outfit, but I managed to put my own costume together instead! Azul's not gonna be happy, but I'll make sure to change when Its my turn to work.
Idle 3: Come on! lets go visit the other dorms and spook some people!
Idle Groovy: TBA!
Home Login: Honk honk! Ahaha did i catch ya off guard? Wait I didn't? :(
Tap: This costume is pretty comfy, I had Rook help out with making it! Vil wasn't as excited...
Tap 2: Am I jingling too much? There's only one bell too... sorry!
Tap 3: Azul says I'm not scary enough, I wonder if I chase him around a bit if he will change his mind!
Tap 4: You like my burger pin? Why don't you take a closer look! water sprays out haha! I gotcha!
Tap 5: Are you trying to scare me? You'll have to be sneakier than that!
Tap Groovy: TBA!
Planning to make a Groovy version when October actually comes! ^v^ Mastermind Tuna has a great plan for it! Once it's ready I'll update this and link the Groovy in a new post >v6!
May your spooky month be fun!
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aswrittenbyaj · 1 year
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wednesday 100 x john wick
author's notes: going to try to do this challenge every wednesday. a drabble of exactly 100 words. good luck to me i guess lol.
credits & dedications: gif by: @dyavolvich challenge by: @100wednesday
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"please don't tell me you're going to die right here in this subway. that would really make this the worse fuckin' night of my life. though you don't look much better. what happened? wait, no, let me guess. d-i-y blood drive?"
for as corny of a joke it was, he chuckled out a coughing fit. if he was going to die here, at least he didn't have to hear another shitty one-liner. 
vision going black, he keeled over on the metal bench.
"shit." the last thing he felt were the stranger’s hands shifting his body. "hold on, john. i gotcha."
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shine-reblogs · 2 years
Errant Kingdom: thoughts about the Finale (spoiler alert: am disappointed)
Sorry for putting negative opininons in the tags, but I've seen it done before and I'm warning you to stop reading now if you don't wanna see it. That said, spoilers for everything ahead, read at your own risk.
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(I wanna complain in detail, so I'm gonna break every point down)
•Where's my Convergence
Up until the finale the game was hinting towards all three routes merging at the end. And then it just. didn't. This would've been okay if from the start Nomad/Knight/Ambassador were the three roles you could choose, and even if they were nods towards the other two, they didn't have any real weight on the story and who you chose was the only, well, Chosen One. But they didn't do that!! It's obvious all three routes are supposed to happen simultaneously!! Maja literally tells Knight they're not the only one marked, Raiden tells Ambassador if they know anything about Knight because Erik is worried about them (implying their being snatched by the gods), I'm pretty sure in Nomad x Erik he tells them they're not the one they were looking for/expecting (he was looking for Knight!). And then in the finale they forgot about the existence of the roles you didn't choose. What happened with the other two Chosen ones. I get it would've been difficult to orchestrate this, but if you build up expectations then you need to live up to them.
•Erik's Bloodline
Where the actual hell did that come from?! You can't just pull that kinda stuff out your arse at the end in a haha gotcha, if you wanted to go for that you should've left hints. And no, having him exiled on weird circumstances isn't a hint. I assumed their Majesties set up a trap for him because he was a good knight who cared about people and that doesn't bode well for you when you're doing things that will actively harm said people. And in this assumed scenario it makes sense they exiled him? They didn't need him dead, just out of any position that holds power. But with the actual reason? Him being the Chosen One the only who can defeat their plans and their god? Yeah, I'm not buying that they went "well maybe exile will be enough lol".
Plus, Erik being from a bloodline of kings and then becoming King it's. eh. Don't get me wrong I'm not mad that he is King, he would make an amazing one, but I kinda wish getting back his old life (now upgraded) wasn't the only way he can get his happy ever after. It would've been cool if they went for 'what happened was not your fault and you don't need to go back to your old life for happiness', but I understand that's a subjective thing.
•Sword for the Ambassador
This is how I dubbed the fact that no matter which role you take the Mythical Item To Defeat God is a sword. Even when you're an ambassador that (canonically) hasn't held a blade in their life and just barely gets the basics of how to hold a dagger before the final battle. Yeah, sure, just strap the thing to their back and sent them to battle, what could go wrong? The sword made sense for Knight, but I assumed the item would be different for every role tailored to each on'es skills.
•The Final Battle
It was kind of anticlimatic after all the build up of it being a battle between gods/gods' Chosen Ones. And in the end it's a man with a bloodline and magic sword, a Fake Chosen One, and a god that *checks notes* gets distracted by mages throwing debris at them. This is where convergence and magic items tailored to each role would've been awesome.
•Suddenly Important Triplets
Look. I'm not against having the triplets have an important role, but the last time they appeared was all the way back in the prologue, Ambassador route only, and they were presented as kind of shallow and dumb. And now they are the masters of secrets holding super important information? What?! If they wanted to go for this it should have been hinted so that, at least in hindsight, it makes sense.
Also, side note on the favours. They should be different for every role. Up until I caught up that the three routes were not hapenning simultaneosuly anymore I thought good lord why is everyone being asked for Erik's hair. But no. Not everyone. Just who you're playing as because the other two Chosen Ones are not that important anymore and hold no role in the story.
•Dialogue Recycling
I mean, in the end a lot of the other points are tied to this. They wrote one thing and made the bare necessary changes to make it for the three roles. And we've seen dialogue recycling before! Sometimes it's necessary! In ch5 we've seen some dialogue recycling, but it was less... obnoxious is not the word I'm looking for but it will have to do, and generally made more sense (there were a couple instances in the polyam options were the recycled dialogue implied you'd entered the romance from the wrong side, but I'm not here to critique ch5, let's stick to the finale). However, in the finale the dialogue recycling has been constant across all three roles. Not much to distinguish if you're playing as Knight, Ambassador, of Nomad from the events/dialogue except how people address you. Before every route was distinctly different.
•Loose Threads
It drives me nuts that we've had the finale without all questions being answered. What the fuck happened with the cultist at the forest, for once? It was given so much importance and then they were not to be seen or even mentioned again. And what about Callisto's hiring of Raiden? I'm okay with not knowing how she got the Guild's favour (I would be more okay if the sisters were introduced from the start as sneaky and secretive little bitches), but who is Rai murdering? He even mentions it's a job he would have gotten eventually and it feels wird af that you can't even guess about it?
•No Time for Love
This might be slightly more petty, but it is a big pet peeve of mine when once a romantic route is selected you actually have less romance/content with the LI instead of more. But it's only a natural outcome when you combine 'Where's my Convergence' and 'Dialogue Recycling'
•King, Queen, and Special Little Friend
More petty things, but why don't MC, Erik, and Maja rule as a throuple in the polyam routes? I could buy it that Nomad doesn't want to because they made it clear they do not want to live in court like that (and still Maja and Erik could pester them about it). But with Knight and Ambassador? If ruling by three isn't a concept yet then their new Majesties would certainly make it one.
•I Love You but I Love Heist More
Also a petty one, but it didn't feel right for Lucien to leave for the next heist when you just started your relationship with them. Lucien, who so romantically told you that being so ancient they count time not by the seasons but by the lives of those they love. But then they can't wait the blink of a human lifetime for the next heist? Or failing that take you with them? I get that in the polyam routes Raiden has to stay in Novus as the new Viper, and that MC would stay with him rather than leave too, but the monogamous route? Kinda unnecessary for MC to stay.
(And then again, if Lucien is so ancient what is a human lifetime to them? Heist is good and all but are you really telling me it's the only source of entertainment you get? My friend, I say this as someone who loves you: you need to get hobbies)
•Bad Ending
I could write a whole essay on this, but enough to say that the Bad Ending isn't bad as in tragic but bad as in nonsensical. Why can Novoth make you replace the god who marked you? Why does that make you forgive you about yourself, your friends, your lifes and experiences? Why does everything go to shit immediately after (the gods told that Novoth wanted a utopia eventually leading to ruin, not the apocalypse? But well, they made Novoth straight up evill instead of not understanding how humanity works which was a far more attractive idea, so yeah. I could make a whole other point about this, actually). Additionally, why do your friends give up immediately after and scatter? They had strong bonds tying them together before you came around!!
Also, if you change your mind last minute and switch to the Good End halfway through it is. the most. nonsensical thing. of all.
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And that has been all!! Thanks for coming to my TED talk. If you're still reading I commend your commitment.
I genuinely liked the game (still do, finale notwithstanding), the characters and overall game up until ch5 were amazing and it seemed like they were leading to an equally amazing finale. I was wrong. But I became attached to the LIs and my OCs, so I'll still be obsessed with this game for the foreseeable future.
All in all, bad canon exists so fanon can thrive, I guess, so I'll be working on my own fanfix for the finale because it deserved better.
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pzdragon666 · 8 months
Loud Night
-DramaKing onlines-
DramaKing: YOU GUYS!!!!
-CannibalHolocaust onlines-
CannibalHolocaust: its 5 in the morning... WHAT!?!?
DramaKing: can yall hear that?
CannibalHolocaust: hear what?
-Steve onlines-
Steve: I hear it! It sounds like metal clanking???
CannibalHolocaust: who the fuck wakes up at 5 in the morning???
Steve: Me and Megatron. Sometimes StarScream
CannibalHolocaust: bruh- Spiderlegs texted me asking what that sound is
DramaKing: add her to the chat!
Steve: you text Arachnid???
CannibalHolocaust: bro- WAIT!
-CannibalHolocaust adds Itsybitsyspider to the chat-
Itsybitsyspider: yall hear that right?
CannibalHolocaust: They're so fucking loud!!!
DramaKing: I KNOW RIGHT!?
Steve: It's too early for this shit!
Itsybitsyspider: Agreed
CannibalHolocaust: wanna deal with this in the morning?
Everyone: sure
-Itsybitsyspider, CannibalHolocaust, Steve, and DramaKing offline-
-6 hours later-
-DramaKing onlines-
DramaKing: Now we deal with this!
-CannibalHolocaust, Itsybitsyspider, and Steve online-
CannibalHolocaust: Bro- they were so loud!
DramaKing: I lost so much beauty sleep...
Steve: OK. Now what?
Itsybitsyspider: we gotta know where the sound came from!
DramaKing: Let's ask Soundwave
Steve: He's like right next to me and looking at the texts right now.
CannibalHolocaust: Fr?
Itsybitsyspider: lol, what he say?
Steve: he said it came from the north part of the ship.
CannibalHolocaust: But there's only like two living quarters over there, which are StarScream and... Megatron
DramaKing:...you don't think?
CannibalHolocaust: 100%
Steve: I'm terrified now.
Itsybitsyspider: I feel bad for StarScream.
CannibalHolocaust: bro- let's pray for him and his valve
DramaKing: Imma text him to be more quieter next time.
CannibalHolocaust: wait- it don't make sense
Itsybitsyspider: Wdym? How?
CannibalHolocaust: Soundwave said it came from the North part of the Nemesis right?
Steve: yh so?
CannibalHolocaust: How come I didn't hear it very clearly earlier today?
CannibalHolocaust: My quarters are near StarScream
Steve: Yo that makes sense
Itsybitsyspider: if it's not them then who?
CannibalHolocaust: How are we supposed to know?
Steve: Wait, KnockOut! You said you heard it near your quarters, right?
DramaKing: So?
Steve: Who's quarters are you close to?
DramaKing: Actually, Shockwave's lab is at the end of the hall near my quarters...
CannibalHolocaust: Holy frag! That fragging cyclops actually interfaced with someone???
Itsybitsyspider: Lol. Blackmail for later!
Steve: There's still one unanswered question
DramaKing: yh, who was he interfacing with?
CannibalHolocaust: who the fuck gives a slag?
Steve: Me cause I want to sleep and not hear moaning over the walls
CannibalHolocaust: Fair
Itsybitsyspider: think it was with some slutty vehicon drone?
Steve: excuse me? I have feelings here
CannibalHolocaust: you ain't a drone pal. You one of us :3
DramaKing: She spitting facts!!!
Steve: I'm touched :')
Itsybitsyspider: Has anyone seen StarScream?
CannibalHolocaust: not since last week
DramaKing: nah, imma check on him
Itsybitsyspider: anyway, how do we know who Shockwave interfaced with?
Steve: well, it's someone with a voice so count Soundwave out
CannibalHolocaust: Never mention Soundwave and Shockwave being together. EVER
Itsybitsyspider: she hates Shockwave
Steve: ah, gotcha
DramaKing: bro- Screamer is sick!
CannibalHolocaust: I told his aft to not fly in the rain
DramaKing: taking care of this dumbaft right now
Itsybitsyspider: sheesh
CannibalHolocaust: I think Shockwave interfaced with a vehicon or something
DramaKing: maybe...
Steve: Imma ask around
CannibalHolocaust: GL Steve
-Steve offlines-
Itsybitsyspider: welp, got shit to do so later guys.
CannibalHolocaust: bye glitch
-Itsybitsyspider offlines-
DramaKing: I'll never understand you guy's friendship
Steve: same
-CannibalHolocaust offlines-
Steve: I swear Illusion terrifies me
DramaKing: same
-CommanderHighheels onlines-
CommanderHighheels: I got tired of watching over KnockOut's shoulder
Steve: You alright Commander?
CommanderHighheels: Steve. You earned my respect. Call me StarScream or Star at this point
DramaKing: or Screamer
Steve: I don't think I'm there yet to call his that
CommanderHighheels: Damn right
DramaKing: Screamer scratched my paint-
CommanderHighheels: No regrets
Steve: DAMN!!!
CommanderHighheels: It's not that bad
Steve: Not that! I just saw Shockwave get thrown by Illusion
CommanderHighheels: ARE YOU SERIOUS!?!?!?
DramaKing: the only time she ever threw him was at a party
CommanderHighheels: like when they first met
DramaKing: DUDE SAY IT!!!
Steve: There's literally a group forming around them as they're kicking each other's aft
CommanderHighheels: BUT WHY ARE THEY FIGHTING!?
DramaKing: Imma get Megatron
CommanderHighheels: send pictures Steve
Steve: sending an iconic one that I got so lucky taking it
-Steve attached a photo of Shockwave on the floor about to get elbowed by a flying Illusion-
CommanderHighheels: that's gonna hurt in the morning
Imagine being WWE by a girl. Anyway, part two of this crazy chat's shenanigans. With special guest, Arachnid joining us! Now the mystery remains: who did Shockwave top? Find out in the next issue!!! @chamm0y
Part 1
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