#Long Sleeved Rash Guards
valor-fightwear · 2 years
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Valor Geo Short Sleeve BJJ Rash Guard
Valor Geo Short Sleeve Rash Guard is made of a very comfortable and breathable material, with short sleeves and two large pockets. The Rash Guard features a white mat and dark base color, which makes it ideal for BJJ and MMA competitions.
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noisycowboyglitter · 2 months
Trump Fight Fight Fight: Long Sleeve Shirts for the Dedicated Supporter
The "Trump Fight Fight Fight Long Sleeve" is a politically-charged piece of apparel that encapsulates the combative and controversial nature of former President Donald Trump's political style. This long-sleeved shirt is designed for supporters who resonate with Trump's confrontational approach to politics and his often-repeated calls to action.
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The shirt typically features bold, eye-catching text proclaiming "FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT" in large, uppercase letters. These words might be arranged in a stacked format or spread across the chest area, possibly in a font reminiscent of Trump's campaign materials. The color scheme likely incorporates patriotic hues - red, white, and blue - to evoke a sense of American nationalism that's central to Trump's political brand.
Trump's name or likeness may also be prominently displayed on the shirt. This could be in the form of his signature hairstyle silhouette, a stylized portrait, or simply his surname in the recognizable font used in his campaign logos. The overall design aims to be bold and unapologetic, mirroring the personality traits that Trump's supporters often admire.
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The long-sleeve format of this shirt makes it suitable for cooler weather, allowing supporters to display their political allegiance year-round. The sleeves might feature additional design elements, such as stripes reminiscent of the American flag or repeated slogans running down the arms.
It's important to note that this type of apparel is inherently divisive. For Trump supporters, wearing this shirt is a way to proudly display their political beliefs and show ongoing support for the former president's confrontational style. They may see it as a call to action, encouraging like-minded individuals to continue "fighting" for their political ideals even when Trump is not in office.
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However, for those who oppose Trump's politics, such a shirt could be seen as provocative or offensive. The repeated use of "fight" could be interpreted as an incitement to conflict or a refusal to accept political outcomes, especially in light of controversies surrounding the 2020 election and the events of January 6th, 2021.
The "Trump Fight Fight Fight Long Sleeve" is more than just a piece of clothing; it's a statement piece that reflects the deep political divisions in contemporary American society. Wearers of this shirt are likely to attract attention, both positive and negative, depending on the political leanings of those around them.
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From a marketing perspective, this product caters to a specific demographic of passionate Trump supporters who want to continue showing their allegiance and maintain the energy of his political movement. It's part of a broader trend of political merchandise that has become increasingly popular and visible in recent years, turning everyday clothing items into walking billboards for political ideologies.
In essence, the "Trump Fight Fight Fight Long Sleeve" is a garment that embodies the confrontational, unyielding spirit that Trump cultivated during his political career. It serves as both a rallying cry for his supporters and a reflection of the intense polarization in current American politics.
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silvertailswimwear · 1 year
How Long Sleeve Swimwear Protects Your Skin From 6 Skin Problems?
One great way to avoid skin problem that occurs when you go to the beach is by rocking some stylish long sleeve swimwear. You might be thinking, "Long sleeves in the water? Seriously?" Absolutely! Let's dive into how long sleeve swimwear can save your skin from six common skin problems:
Sunburns: Women Rash Guard Swimwear acts as a shield against harmful UV rays, preventing those painful sunburns that can turn a vacation into a sunburn-recovery mission.
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UV Damage: Sun exposure over time can lead to premature aging, wrinkles, and dark spots. SPF Quick Drying Swimwear provides extra coverage from UV damage.
Skin Cancer: UV rays are a significant cause of skin cancer. Long sleeve swimwear reduces your risk of skin-related cancers. So, spend more time on the beach without any negative thoughts.
Rash and Irritation: For those with sensitive skin, prolonged exposure to saltwater or chlorine can lead to skin irritation. Women Rash Guard Swimwear acts as a barrier, preventing direct contact with these potential irritants.
Jellyfish Stings: The risk of jellyfish attraction become very high when you go to any uncharted beach. Silver Tail Swimwear protects your skin from these stings. It is a safety precaution you should take when going to any uncharted beach.
Bug Bites: If you're enjoying a swim near a beach with pesky bugs, long sleeves can help prevent those annoying bug bites. No need to worry about mosquitoes crashing your beach party! SPF Quick Drying Swimwear will also keep you protected from bug bites.
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lumenniveus · 11 months
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You bored of bikini tops too?
As a surfer bro who's getting roasted by the sun every summer I think it's criminal that only male sims get a long sleeved rash guard (if you own Island Living) so I made one for lady sims. It also doubles nicely as sportswear. Comes in 12 colors + 2 patterns
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This thing is lovingly hand painted. If you want to recolor it: export the white swatches and overlay your pattern or color over that. I'd love to see what you do with it ngl.
One last thing: the pattern freaked out when I put this on a male sim so it's locked for women only. You might also notice that the top flattens the chest a bit, just like the real life thing.
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auroraasterie · 3 months
my family went tubing down a river yesterday and there were quite a few teams/camps there so naturally I’m gonna make it about the foxes-
Dan is the one to suggest it for a team bonding activity, she’s shocked when everyone agrees
Abby brings multiple types of sunscreen and personally sprays every fox bc she knows they’ll start attacking each other with the spray
Renee buys her and Neil matching long sleeved orange rash guard tops
Wymack doesn’t let anyone get sticks (they’re used to push yourself off the bank/rocks) bc he knows there’ll be sword fights and someone will actually get hurt
Andrew hooks his and Neil’s tubes together bc he knows Neil’s hyper active ass will keep them on track and he can relax, he quickly unhooks Neil when him and Matt start splashing each other. He joins with Renee and Allison, they’re unbothered the rest of trip
Kevin tries to convince the foxes to do exercises in their tubes, Seth (he’s alive in my world) flips him (Andrew approves). Keven flips him in retaliation and they’re both stuck swimming after their tubes. Abby makes them hook their tubes together (like those get along shirts) Dan get put between them bc they start slap boxing each other, she holds their hands and they’re embarrassed
The foxes discover that Aaron is terrified of snakes when he goes under a branch where someone hung a fake snake, he leaps from his tube onto Nicky’s causing them both to flip
Neil gets put in timeout (hooked to Wymack’s tube) bc he started arguing with a random child
The twins and Seth still get burnt even with the sunblock, their stomachs/chests are RED
Dan takes so many pictures of her family, she’s never seen the twins smile/laugh so much
Abby makes them take a group photo at the end
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the-possum-writes · 1 year
Hi! I was meaning to request if you could write how would finn and princess bubblegum react if they found out there was a human princess around. Maybe she was adopted by the Queen and King from a small kingdom and kept her hidden for safety. I hope it's okay, and thank you for everything <3
Discovering a human Princess
❥Characters: Finn Mertens, Princess Bubblegum
❥Tags: SFW, Fem!reader, princess!reader, drabble, hcs
❥Synopsis: Bubblegum and Finn attempt to help a princess who they believe is inflicted with a curse but turns out she's actually a human being.
❥A/n: No prob! This is in the early seasons when humans are almost non existent and are considered extinct. Gonna take the same approach and write a small intro before seperating it into hcs for each character.
❥Taglist: @foxpearlwilder @watchingfromthefloorboards
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Finn isn't one to dwell too long about being part of an extinct species or he'll get soul searchy, but one day the topic came to mind when he was rummaging through a barrel filled with old toys, some were old and moldy while others were mostly intended for babies. "Did you use to have toys like these growing up?" Bubblegum asks him, rummaging through her own pile of things. Her investigations leaded them to the remains of a shopping mall, mainly in effort to find more information about old times.
"Not really? I always had Jake to play with, well, that and any cool stick that looked like a sword." Finn responds, with his fingertips touching an unfamiliar rubber plate which turned out to be a Frisbee, he didn't get the chance to check it out because  Bubblegum cries out when her pile starts jiggling and something starts crawling out of it, Bubblegum takes a step back while Finn jumps into action with his gold sword ready, but instead  of confronting monster he was met with a harpy pigeon. "Oh I must've fallen asleep again..." he rubs his round eyes with the tip of his gray wings. "You! You're struck with the land walker curse as well?" the pigeon directs his attention at Finn.
Finn took it like some sort of insult. "Curses shmurses!" he responds almost immediately.
"Yeah, Finn has been curse free ever since that one witch gave him a booty rash." Jake exclaims in his failed attempt to defend Finn.
The human boy lowers himself to Jake's height. "Duuude, you weren't supposed to tell anyone." he mumbles with pinkish face cheeks.
"What's the land walker curse?" Bubblegum focuses on the topic at hand, to which the pigeon harpy dwells further.
"Back at the harpy kingdom our rulers were blessed with two royal heirs many seasons ago, one prince with wings and talons and a princess who remains wingless. The king said his beloved daughter was cursed by a shaman to walk on land forever, never to soar the skies with her family nor her people. It's so tragic don't you think?" he pulls out a handkerchief to dramatically wipe his non existent tears.
Bubblegum remained skeptical with her arms crossed together as she mutters to herself. "There's gotta be a scientific reason for this, maybe a genetic mutation? Or someone cheated." her thinking gears started running inside her head, meanwhile Finn and Jake were, in their own words, sweating from their eyes.
"That's so sad! We have to help her somehow." Jake expresses sincerely, being someone that wears his emotions on his sleeve.
Bubblegum called her giant bird marrow so they could fly their way to the harpy kingdom with the pigeon harpy as a guide, the flight lasted a few minutes with their surroundings turning into cloudy skies and rocky mountainsides. Bubblegum hopped off Marrow without any issues but it's Finn and Jake who were feeling nauseas due to the kingdom’s necessary altitude.
"They royal family live thus way, follow me!" the pigeon says joyfully.
It took a while for the guards to allow these foreigners entry but with a bit of Jake's charismatic persuasion and Bubblegum's own royal status, they were able to get a council with the Harpy King and Queen, such royals would despise an abrupt meeting but once they saw Finn they immediately became started at the human boy, especially the king who became agitated in his mighty throne.
"Honey look, that one over there is just like our daughter!" the harpy queen tugs on her husband's sleeve.
"I can see it clear as day my dear, no need to shout." the king sighs as he calms down his wife, "How dare you remind me of my daughter's misfortune, I order the three of you to leave this instance." his booming voice echoes through the room with Finn being the first to speak up.
"What? But we came all this way to help your cursed princess."
The king ruffles up his feathers like a bird of prey attempting to scare off another predator, but it was nothing more than an act because he lowers himself to Finn's height and mutters. "No, you don't understand if my daughter see you she'll know we've been..."
"Dad? I heard a loud noise coming from outside, is everything alright?" a new voice let's itself known, the cursed princess herself. But rather than being some sort of flightless bird or lack any feathers, she's actually an ordinary human being, or at least as ordinary as one can be when you're part of a rare species. Her bare footsteps echo through the room between small gasps and low  murmurs as she makes eye contact with Finn, calmly walking past her father as she extends a hand to the young man, both intrigued but uncertain about talking to him.
"Are you're cursed as well?" she asks him to which Finn replies. "Not exactly." he looks at Jake and to the shocked King and queen, feeling like he's accidentally got himself wrapped in family drama.
❥It's amazing he was allowed to stay in the kingdom even after revealing the King's biggest secret. That he found and adopted a human child from the wilderness and raised her alongside his harpy son.
❥"I just wanted my citizens to accept you without judgment"
"It's okay dad, I know you meant well."
Finn is just standing there while you console your father who is crying more about the whole situation more than you are, turns out the guilt was eating him inside.
❥"How's your dad?" he asks while you walk alongside him, stepping over branches and loose feathers.
"He's kinda sensitive right now but I know he'll get through." your tone is calm and mellow. Which makes it hard for Finn to get a good read on you, even the most steady rivers have heavy currents underneath.
"And what about you? How are you taking this?" Finn asks carefully.
You exhale loudly through your nostrils, failing to hold back a laugh. "Suprisingly well? I mean, I always knew I was different to everyone in this kingdom." you stretched your arms out. "I just wished I would've meet you earlier, hang out and do... Whatever humans do." you wave a hand in the air.
❥Finn thought about it for a moment before remembering the item he found at the mall ruins, shrugging off his backpack to open it up and pull out a rubber disc. "What's that?" you raise your guard up at the unfamiliar item, but still eyeing it in curiosity.
"It's a frisbee! Just stay there and catch it when it comes to you." At the mention of this, Finn runs up a few feet away from you and throws the disc at you. Still being cautious of the item you stood rigid until it was right above your head, prompting you to jump an grab it, filling you with excitement like when you caught your first fish.
"I did it? I did it!"
"Good job!" Finn gives you the thumbs up.
"Now what do I do??"
"You throw it back!" Finn explains, doing a circular motion with his hand.
Of course you threw it with too much strength and it landed on a tree, you spew a few curses but Finn still gives you the thumbs up.
❥After an afternoon of playing with Finn, the two of you settle on a small water stream, looking at your reflection in the water as dubious thoughts invade you. "It had me thinking... If the Harpy family isn't my real family, then what happened to my human family?"
"They're still your family. Sure they might not physically be like you but they still raised you like their kid." Finn explained.
You press your lips together, still unsure how to feel about that.
"What about you Finn? Did you ever meet your human parents."
Finn looks down at the frisbee in his hands. "Nope,"
"And weren't you ever curious to find out who they are?"
"... Sometimes, but Joshua and Margaret were always there for me and never really drove me to find out."
❥You look back at the giant castle made of twigs and leafs, knowing full well your dad is probably still sniffling like he just watched a soap opera. The thought brought a smile to your face.
"I'm just happy to know I have you."
❥It was kinda awkward for her to stand there while this family drama came undone in front of her, but Bubblegum remained still and didn't disturb while the Harpy King cried his eyes out.
❥"I just wanted my citizens to accept you without judgment"
"It's okay dad, I know you meant well."
Bubblegum heard from across the hall, it isn't until you notice her did you approach her with an apologetic sigh.
❥"My apologies Princess Bubblegum you're still our guest, please, join me for a cup of tea." you bow slightly, keeping the manners you've been taught since forever.
❥"I hope the king is alright?" Bonnibel starts making small talk while you wait for the staff to bring your teapot.
"He's always been very sensitive, but I know he'll be alright." you shrug off with an uneasy smile.
Bubblegum takes note of this and holds the top of your hand in comfort.
"But will you be alright?"
You take a moment to cherish the hold and give her a comforting squeeze. "It won't be easy, but i'll be fine." you reassure her.
❥"It takes alot of strength to deal with newfound emotions, just by looking at you I know you'll make a great ruler someday." is the most she can muster up at the moment, since she can't fully relate to the situation you're going through. But still tries to get in your shoes.
❥Bubblegum removes her hands from you when the castle staff brings in your favorite tea set, relishing in the smell of fine herbs as you serve PB her cup.
"I don't think I'm eligible to rule, even before the reveal happened I am pretty sure my brother is the next heir to the throne." you confess.
"You can never know, I have an older brother too but he's okay doing his own thing."
"Oh really?" you reconsider, looking back at your sibling and his array of trophies on the high shelf, he always had the weird dream of becoming a professional baseball player so it's a possibility. "Then maybe it's not too bad of an idea. Though I would need to learn alot of new things about kingdom management." you chuckle, shaking your head at the thought.
❥"Hey, no need to get nervous I could help you...! If you like." Bubblegum offers.
You hum contently at the suggestion, raising your teacup to clink it with hers. "I would love that."
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lostsneeze · 8 months
In the banquet hall of a king who famously adores cats and lets dozens of them roam freely about the castle at all times, heedless of how many nobles and courtiers are allergic to them, we have…
👛 The proud noblewoman who simply refuses to sneeze at all more than a muffled stifle into one of her or her husband’s seemingly endless supply of handkerchiefs. No matter how desperately itchy her nose gets, any meaningful relief will have to wait until a moment in private. Similarly, no one at court will ever hear her blow her nose; even at its most runny and clogged she will make do with endlessly wiping it on her handkerchiefs or trying to appease it with the most mild, girlish, barely effective sniffles.
🏏 The tomboyish princess who resents all aspects of nobility and dreams of one day running away with the stablehand to live in a cottage by the distant sea. She boisterously exaggerates her hitching breaths before each sneeze and makes no effort whatsoever to cover them, often pausing afterwards to let a long drip hang audaciously from her nose for a full few seconds before wiping it on her sleeve or just snurfling it back.
⚔️ The stout royal guard stationed by the door, clad in half-armor even during this peaceful meal for the sake of presentation, who fumbles in his steel gauntlets whenever he wants to wipe his generously sized and continuously running nose. Periodically he will let out what by his standards at home is a politely contained sneeze, but in actuality is noticeably boisterous enough to be easily identified even among the clamor of the dining hall.
💎 The foppish young statesman who projects as much of himself as possible into social space under the pretense of polite reservation. Speaking stuffily through the lacily embroidered handkerchief he’s often brandishing daintily to hold underneath the wide nostrils of his nose, he will loudly announce his sneezes and apologize repeatedly for them, frequently with a whining excuse for his frequent interruptions about how he’s just so sneezy.
🛡️ The masc-presenting knight whose reaction isn’t actually all that severe, and so in its own way more annoying. Rarely sneezing, but often sniffling, their otherwise handsome features are constantly twisted with aggravation at a perpetual feeling like hair stuck to the edge of their nostrils, tickly enough to be noticeable and maybe hitch a breath or two but not reliably build into a release.
📜 The advisor whose ambitions and accomplishments drive her to a seat near the king, and therefore the highest concentration of cats, despite her absolutely debilitating allergies. By the end of the 3rd course she will have a completely plugged nose, swelling eyes, a rash creeping up all her exposed skin, and fits of sneezes counting a half-dozen or more. Nevertheless she persists, unwilling to miss any opportunity to be near the royalty during a potential moment of important discourse.
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mj-iza-writer · 10 months
Trigger Warning mentions of mental breakdowns that led to rash decisions. Possible suicide ideation. Reader beware.
"Oh, hello Whumpee, you're early", Caretaker looked up from some paperwork, "please come in."
"Is-is that okay Caretaker? I can come back", Whumpee looked down as they leaned on the doorframe.
"No, no, did your nurse or guard accompany you?", Caretaker looked around for them, "we can get started early."
"N-no sir", Whumpee sobbed and wiped their face with their sleeve.
"Hey, hey its okay. Here, come sit down, I can easily text them and let them know you're with me. You just can't leave them though, they're their for your safety", Caretaker quickly stood and walked over to Whumpee.
"Okay there, the text was received", Caretaker looked up at Whumpee, who now sat on the couch.
The phone vibrated, "they said you made them worry when you went missing, but they're glad you went to me. You seemed off after lunch."
Caretaker looked up again at Whumpee, "are you okay? Did something happen around lunch time that affected you?"
Whumpee looked down and nodded.
"Okay", Caretaker stood and pulled a chair closer to Whumpee, "let's start there."
"I feel like an abandoned building Caretaker", Whumpee looked up with new tears started to fall.
"Oh, can you elaborate for me", Caretaker started to take notes.
"During lunch, Nurse Hannah and George started to talk about the abandoned wing of the hospital being abandoned for so long, and it's now unusable. They said the hospital attempted to make use of it for so long, but nothing worked out. They had plans to tear it down and do something else with it", Whumpee was full on crying now.
"Yes the wing is part of the old hospital, and unfortunately has fallen into disrepair", Caretaker looked up from his notes, "how do you mean that you feel like an abandoned building though? Can you explain yourself, I'm interested in what your thought process is."
Whumpee squeezed their eyes tight hoping to squeeze out their tears.
"I once was a part of society, I was employed, I was useful", Whumpee almost seemed to plead as they spoke, "now I have to have a guard watch me, and have almost daily meetings with you so I don't... you know", Whumpee was getting to the point of frustration. "I feel like I'm now sitting empty, no longer of use, more than likely forgotten by those that knew me. There are a few people who still take care of it, that abandoned building, but they may grow tired of it, and come to the decision that it's of no use, it's too broken, and at one point they might walk away too. I'll be there abandoned, until I'm torn down or I fall apart myself. I feel like an abandoned building Caretaker."
Whumpee looked up to see Caretaker's expression. They had a feeling they had said too much, and George would have to watch them like a hawk... again.
"Caretaker I...", Whumpee looked down and wiped their eyes, "I'm sorry to have dumped that out on you, um, can we forget I said half of that at least... please."
"No", Caretaker continued to write, "give me one second while I finish writing, do you need some water? I just stalked the fridge."
Whumpee nodded and went to the fridge, "do you want one?"
"No thankyou, I appreciate that", Caretaker looked up, "do you feel better getting that off your chest?"
"Um a little, I'll see if I feel even better after I know what you'll do to me after this meeting", Whumpee sat back down.
"What do you mean?", Caretaker eyed them.
"George is probably going to have to watch me closer, right?", Whumpee questioned before taking a drink.
"Eh, not really. You can't leave your room like you did today though. That's the only thing", Caretaker looked back at the notes, "let's wait to talk about this until tomorrow, we can talk about some other things today, maybe some good things that happened, maybe that will help you feel better. I want to study these notes so I know what I can do to help you better with these feelings."
Whumpee nodded.
They talked for a while, and then Whumpee yawned.
"How about I get you back to your room? You can take a nap. You can easily tucker yourself out when you cry like that", Caretaker stood.
Whumpee nodded, "you're not mad at me, right?"
"No, of course not. I'm proud of you actually. You knew you didn't feel okay, and you seeked help. Then you opened up about your feelings. I only wish I could tell you the fix-all right now, but I've never heard it put this way before. I hope it's okay that we come back to it tomorrow."
Whumpee smiled tiredly, "yes Caretaker thats fine."
They started down the hall.
"The only thing is you leaving without George or Nurse Hannah. Next time, just let them know you need me or your doctor, and they will take you to us, no questions asked", Caretaker smiled.
"Yes sir, I'm sorry", Whumpee looked down the hall and saw George at the nurses station talking to Nurse Hannah.
Caretaker and Whumpee stopped at the station.
"There's our runaway", George announced, "please don't do that again, I almost ran the entire hospital looking for you."
"Go easy on them. They were having a hard time, and needed to talk to me. I've already told them", Caretaker sighed, "they're a bit tired, so they may take a nap."
"Was it something we said?", Nurse Hannah looked at Whumpee concerned.
"I'll tell you about what happened once Whumpee is comfortable", Caretaker looked at Whumpee, "they had an emotional day, so they are tired now."
Nurse Hannah came around the counter and followed Whumpee into their room, and started to help them into bed.
George watched from the doorway.
"Are you both mad at me?", Whumpee questioned as Hannah covered them up.
"No, we were concerned though", Nurse Hannah booped Whumpee's nose, "we are glad you made it back to your room."
George agreed.
Caretaker came back a bit later and peaked in at Whumpee.
George and Hannah were sitting inside the room, whispering to not wake up Whumpee, who was fast asleep.
"Pssst", Caretaker whispered, and motioned to them.
Caretaker had a nurse step in to watch Whumpee while he talked to George and Hannah.
"So your conversation about the abandoned hospital wing brought out some hard thoughts for Whumpee", Caretaker handed them the notes they had taken while talking to Whumpee, "though I appreciate that Whumpee was able to express this to me, and it will help them in the end, please I beg of you, we need to be careful with our conversations around Whumpee and other patients even."
They both read the notes.
"Oh poor Whumpee", Hannah sighed sadly.
"I didn't realize", George sighed, "I noticed they were different after lunch. Are they okay? Were you able to help them on this?"
"I told them I'd look into this tonight and bring them in tomorrow to talk about this", Caretaker reached for the notes, "I've never heard it put this way before, and I find it very interesting."
"It's too bad you can't take them into the abandoned wing or even find a way for that wing to be repurposed", Hannah thought out loud.
"That may be an idea, what is supposed to be there now?", Caretaker looked at George.
"I think they talked about a garden or something like that", George pulled out a paper and gave it to Caretaker, "yes this was the announcement."
Caretaker looked it over, "I wonder if I can get Whumpee in there, if it's safe enough."
"I can get you in. The guards still go down there for storage and breaks, we hide from staff down there", George chuckled.
"That explains where you guards disappear to", Caretaker sighed.
The next day George led Caretaker and Whumpee to the abandoned wing.
"Whumpee this is the abandoned wing you heard Nurse Hannah and I talk about. Pretty soon, this will be removed, and they'll have a garden built", George led them down the hall, "I read some of what you told Caretaker, just so I know what was going on. I'm sorry we made you upset. Just know though, although this area will be removed because of safety, the hospital has plans to make a new place for us to enjoy. A new garden will be put up right here."
"Really?", Whumpee looked down the halls, "it's sad in here."
"Yes Whumpee, and when it's up we can go out and explore it", Caretaker smiled, "unfortunately sometimes things lose their service. This wing was once used to house many people and help them. Unfortunately, when the hospital expanded, this wing became older and, in turn not usable anymore. The hospital is going to give it a new life so it can help people again in a new way."
Whumpee listened.
"Just like for you, you may not be able to go back to how your life once was, but this hospital is going to give you resources to help you. Whether you get to leave the hospital, or you live here for a while or for the rest of your life. Who knows. With those resources you might be able to do some great things you wouldn't have been able to do before your breakdown. Is this making sense?"
"Yes Caretaker", Whumpee wiped a tear and smiled, "thankyou."
"You're welcome", Caretaker smiled then looked at George, "thanks for bringing us down here, I think it helped me know what to say."
"I'm glad", George grinned, "Whumpee just know I'm on your side, as is Nurse Hannah, we won't abandon you. We are happy to take care of you and our other patients."
Whumpee nodded, and wiped another tear, "thankyou", they sobbed.
Taglist. As always please let me know if you want to be added or taken off of the list. It's not a problem at all. @villainsandheroes @the-beasts-have-arrived @sacredwrath @porschethemermaid @monarchthefirst @generic-whumperz @bloodyandfrightened @freefallingup13
Hey MJ here, um this one is one of those stories I wanted to cry while writing because Whumpee is me. I have abandonment issues, and these are real thoughts.
I was once talking to someone, about abandoned buildings. I love abandoned things so much. I can't even explain it. I was talking to someone once though, and they knew I had these issues. Then they asked me, "do you like abandoned things, because you see yourself in them?" To say I was dumbfounded is an understatement.
So I just wanted to be real with you. I am okay mentally just saw and abandoned building being tore down today and it triggered these memories and a story. So I hope you enjoyed, and if you have these issues to, they are hard, but we will make it through. You are loved, I promise. Signed, MJ
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blairamok · 2 years
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spirktober day 8— shore leave
[ID: An illustration of Kirk and Spock from Star Trek, laid out on blue and yellow, delta printed beach towels. Spock is wearing a black long sleeved rash guard and flamingo print swim shorts that reach his knees. One had lays on his stomach and the other rests beside him. Kirk is wearing red shorts that barely reach the middle of his thighs, and his head rests on his hands. Kirk also has visible residue of sunscreen on his face and chest and he is starting to develop a sun burn. They are both wearing sunglasses. /end ID]
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valor-fightwear · 2 years
Long Sleeved Rash Guards
The Valor Fightwear long-sleeved rashguards are made with a durable, moisture-wicking fabric to keep you dry and comfortable. You can wear these rashguards in any activity, including surfing, hiking, or even just hanging out on the beach.
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silens-oro · 2 years
Eye for an Eye III
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Aerraxys Inspiration - Credit: Henrique Dld on Reddit
Aemond Targaryen x F!Targaryen!Reader
Synopsis: Aemond has done the unthinkable and must deal with the consequences brought onto his family.
Note: All dialogue in italics is spoken in High Valyrian.
No "y/n" mentioned
Word Count: 3,673
Chapter Warning: Angst, comfort. General Warning: Targaryen brother/sister incestuous marriage, pregnancy, foeticide, murder, gore, torture.
AN: I've decided to extend this fic into a 4th part instead of ending it at 3. Thank you so much for the love and feedback this story has gotten. I appreciate each and every one of you! The final part will be spicy, so look out for that! As always, comments, messages, likes and reblogs are always welcomed and appreciated!
House of the Dragon requests are OPEN
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“Aemond…” The Dowager Queen spoke, eyes heavily suspicious of the chest that was carried in behind him and placed onto the end of the long council table. A smell immediately permeated the room, the source sitting on the table. Aemond stood just behind it, hands clasped behind his back. A lazy smirk was plastered on his lips as the entire council stood and moved away from the chest. “What is this?” Alicent placed the sleeve of her dress over her nose and mouth to try and lessen the stench.
“A gift to my dear sister during these trying times. It shall be leaving for Dragonstone shortly,” Otto was the first to move towards the chest, not away. He used the dagger at his hip to flip the unlocked latch up and opened the lid. 
Dry heaves and projectile vomiting could be heard throughout the room, along with Alicent’s gasps in horror of what lay within. Otto inspected the chest’s contents quickly before slamming the lid shut. 
“I should believe my sister and uncle would like their assassins returned,” Aemond explained. His gaze dared anyone to question him. “Though they will not be whole.”
"This is dark, even for you, brother," Aemond said lazily from his seat at the head of the table. A grin was on his lips, as disgusting as the scene in front of him was. "I applaud you,"
“We may be at war, boy, but we are not animals!” Otto shouted at Aemond, slamming his hand on the table. Aemond motioned for his guards to take the chest out of the room. “There is a council for a reason, Aemond! Actions cannot be taken without a majority agreeance and the King's final say!” 
“Am I to stand idly by with my son slain and my wife sitting on the precipice of death?” Aemond shouted, spittle flying onto the table before him. “I call for the head of the traitor Rhaenyra Targaryen, and her entire line. I will take them myself if need be, but she and her children will suffer terribly for this.” 
“I know that you are ripe with anger-” Alicent began walking around the chairs to her son.
“-You know not of which you speak, dear mother,” Aemond hissed, ripping the patch from his face. His words stopped her in her tracks. “I have been ripe with anger since the age of ten and it did not seem to bother this council -with your exception. Nor did it bother the former King any.” Aemond looked around the table at each face before him, lingering on his brother's tired yet focused eyes last. “Let it be known: I will flay every Black that crosses my path and set their hides to billow along the King’s Road.” 
“You killed her son,” Otto reminded with a twisted grimace. Aemond sent him a tight glare.  
“Mm…then I should’ve killed the welp long ago, it seems. It makes no difference when. The boy was destined to die by my hand.” Alicent continued her steps to Aemond and brought his hands into hers.
“We will defeat them, but cool heads are needed to prevail.” She spoke. “She is my daughter, just as she is your wife. This will not go without repercussion,” Alicent promised. 
“It is your rash temper that has gotten us to this point, Aemond.” The Hand spoke, leveling his grandson with a glare. “Listen to your mother for once.”
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Ser Rickard Thorne stood dutifully at the bottom step of the south staircase that led into the caverns that housed the most terrifying of creatures. No one would venture down here, not unless they had a death sentence, so he did not go any further with you. 
High pitched chittering could be heard of the younger dragons from higher up in the caverns and a low rumble could be felt through your feet. Snores that could only belong to Vhagar eased the tension in your heart. She dwelled far deeper into the darkness than even Aerraxys travelled.  
The flame of the torch you carried stilled in the pitch black. Venturing further, you turned down the upcoming cavern to your right.
“Aerraxys!” You called to the creature in High Valyrian, “Be calm,” A deep chittering was the response you got from the shadows. The ground shook from the creature’s mighty steps forwards. The gargantuan beast’s scales were a deep obsidian, giving it the perfect camouflage in the darkness, and under the cover of night. His bright auburn eyes, the eyes that had monitored your recovery though the window, reflected the light of your torch back to you as he leaned his head down.
The beast was not hatched from your crib as most dragons within the Targaryen line are. It was a fact that Aegon, once you were both old enough to tease, liked to throw in your face any chance he got. He would later do this with Aemond as well. His jesting, though it was deliberate, did not hurt you as much as it hurt Aemond. You would have a dragon, you knew that much. 
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The summer of your eighth year proved to be a summer of your will conquering over your stupidity. Your family had taken a few weeks away from the Red Keep, just as they did yearly, to stay on Dragonstone. The second your tiny foot had stepped out of the carriage, you knew in your heart that your companion would be there. A connection brewed in the salty air, like lightning from the Gods struck into your heart. 
If your mother knew where you were, she would’ve had you under lock and key for the rest of your days, never to see the light of day again. In retrospect, what you did was incredibly stupid, reckless even. Donning Aegon’s clothes -a black shirt, a pair of his trousers, a cape and a pair of his boots- you snuck past the guards in the cover of night. Sneaking through the Red Keep at all hours with your brothers gave you enough practice to make your way through the Keep at Dragonstone undetected.
Adrenaline vibrated through your body as you made it to the outside of the keep facing the mighty Dragonmont. Your eyes were on a swivel as you stepped into the sand towards the beach. Though Aegon was a year younger than you, his feet had grown at a much quicker rate than yours. His boots flopped with each step, kicking up sand, but you did not allow that to slow you down. 
The waves of the shore were deafening, the wind whipping your hair. Through all of this, you could still hear the flapping of wings overhead, the thunderous roar of a dragon echoing around you. Looking to the skies, you could only see a shadow, massive in its span and length, blacking out the stars above. 
Fear bled into your young heart as the shadow crept lower and lower until the beast landed on the opposite side of the beach. You stood your ground, knees shaking in terror. Make no mistake, fear is what kept you rooted to the sand, not bravery. 
The obsidian dragon crept forward, the leather of its folded wings flapped with the movement like unused sails of a ship. The ground shook with each step, sinking your brother’s boots further into the sand. With each step it took to you, you could see the vibrant purple flames that hid beneath the creature’s black scales, as well as the glowing coming from within its gaping maw. The moon’s glow gave the sharp, long rows of teeth a threatening glint.
The dragon stopped just before you, growling ferociously. Its hot breath was fiercer than the winds as its lips curled back. The mighty beast could swallow you in a single bite if it so chose to, of that you were astutely aware. The dragon tilted its head, observing your tiny body, wondering just what to do with you. Its glowing amber eyes watched your every breath as you stood before it, knees knocking together. The feeling you had when you stepped out of the carriage during your arrival had returned; a buzzing tendril worked its way through your veins, mixing with the adrenaline and fear. 
With every fibre of your being, you swallowed thickly and looked the dragon in its massive eye. A single word left your lips, causing the dragon to still, eyes turning to slits as it assessed you further: “Dohaerās,” 
Your voice was stronger than you had ever heard it in your life, unflinching, unwavering. The untamed beast brought its head as close to your face without touching you. Saliva dripped from its teeth onto your brother’s clothes and boots, the vibrations of its warning growl ricocheted through your bones. “Aerraxys,” You named it just as you had named the egg that never hatched, “Dohaerās!” You spoke louder, chin held higher. It would’ve been a magnificent sight, had anyone been around to see it. The dragon seemed to consider you for a few moments that seemed to stretch into hours, though it was mere minutes, before it lowered its head to the sand.
A breath you didn’t know you were holding exhaled from your lungs. Your eyes were as wide as the moon above at the sight before you. This dragon, Aerraxys the Night Terror as he would come to be known throughout history, had accepted you. Aerraxys’ eyes snapped open when your hand touched the scaly skin just above his mouth. 
This dragon, as you’d learn, had never taken a rider in its estimated 80 years until he accepted you. Every action would be new to him, just as it was to you. When you went to climb it that very night, you saw that he did not have a saddle. That thought alone was enough to entice you, as well as terrify you. An unridden dragon was unpredictable. An unridden dragon and an unseasoned rider? A disaster waiting to happen. Still, with the tenacity that only a child could possess, you climbed the beast with the help of the spikes that lined the creatures back and flank until you nestled yourself between two spikes along his spine to give you support along your back, as well as something to wrap your cloak, Aegon’s cloak, around to hold onto as a makeshift rein. 
Aerraxys turned his massive head to look at you before running down the beach without warning, his wings spread as ascended into the night sky. 
Your screams of terror and delight were heard over the entirety of Dragonstone, loud enough that they had awakened the occupants of the Keep, as well as alerted the Kingsguard. 
By the time you landed, your hair had crafted itself into a rat’s nest and you were missing a boot. The smile on your face nearly cracked your skull in half as you fell to the sand. Scrambling up, you bowed to the dragon, thanking it out of respect as it seemed like the thing to do. 
“I feel you,” You spoke through pants of air to the dragon in your native High Valyrian, a hand held to your heart then placed on the dragon’s jowl. Your name was called far in the distance of the Keep. You whipped your head around to see the guards scouring the perimeter. The castle became more illuminated as the seconds passed. Surely your entire family would be up by now. 
You fell to the sand with a startled yelp as Aerraxys pushed you forward with the tip of his snout. As you tried to gain your footing, he pushed you once more in the direction of the Keep. His snout nearly tossed you into the air as he assisted you up the steep dunes until you were on the main road just outside the gates of the Keep. 
As soon as you and the Night Terror were spotted, all Hell had broken loose. 
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The hot exhale from his snout was a true comfort, the air blowing your messy hair back. The purr Aerraxys let out when you brought a hand to the side of his face brought a small grin to your lips. This was the first time you had gotten to see your companion without a wall between you in weeks. You brought your other hand to rub under his jaw and rested your forehead again his jowl. 
Aerraxys’ origins were unknown, though the dragon keepers had theorized he was sired from Balerion the Black Dread’s lineage if the dragon’s size and coloring were to be taken into account. The dragon, even at that time of your discovery, had stood taller than Vermithor does presently at nearly one hundred years. Aerraxys was estimated to be around eighty years when you had bonded on the dunes of Dragonstone that summer nearly two decades ago. His size could not be compared to that of Vhagar, as there was no known living dragon as large as she, but he was next in line as far as size counted. Still quick and ready for flight, he still had many years left until he would begin to slow with age. 
“What say you to a ride, dear friend?” You spoke in your mother tongue as you placed the torch into a holder on the wall. Your voice was harsh, dry, as you hadn’t spoken more than a word at a time in days. The dragon stretched its mighty limbs, lowering itself so you could climb its flank just as you did so many years ago. The difference now was the intricately crafted saddle that was strapped to his back that was gifted to you upon your arrival back to the Red Keep that summer. 
It had been weeks since your attack. Weeks since your son was slain. Weeks since your eyes truly opened to see the scabbing scar at the top of your deflated abdomen. Future pregnancy was unlikely, the Maester had said. The damage done internally was far too great. 
Prince Aelon Targaryen’s ashes were placed into the Great Sept of Baelor mere days after you had opened your eyes. The funeral was private as was your wish, just your immediate family attending. The whole of King’s Landing, as well as the surrounding kingdoms had learned of the tragic events that took place. Your grandsire made sure to spin it in such a way so as to garner as much sympathy and take as much support away from Rhaenyra as he possibly could. If you could’ve snapped your grandsire’s neck with your bare hands at that very moment, you would have. 
Your son was dead before he could draw his first breath and your grandsire all but pounced on the opportunity in front of him. You looked him in the eyes as he spoke at that council meeting and knew then that Aerraxys would char the meat from his bones sooner rather than later. You’d make sure of it. Aemond had squeezed your leg in comfort from his seat to your left. Your time will come, he said without saying a single word.
As the days passed, the tendrils of madness had begun to seep into your mind. You were changed, this you knew. Sorrow, resentment, and wretched fury that only continued to grow filled your being at every waking moment. A truly dangerous combination of a woman scorned.
The torn and sore muscles of your abdomen screamed as you slowly pulled yourself up Aerraxys’ flank and to your saddle. The beast gave you a few moments to right yourself before he expertly traversed through the pitch black caverns beneath King’s Landing until he reached the opening within the cliffs above the shores on the eastern side of the city. Tears filled your eyes as you flew through the blue skies of King’s Landing. Aerraxys let out a mighty screech as he too felt the traumatic emotions that were barreling through you. 
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Aemond was waiting for you when you returned to the pits. As you crept out of the darkness with the torch in your hand, you encountered him in place of your newly appointed Knight. Aemond’s face was severe when he saw the struggle you tried to hide due to the pain in your belly from your overexertion. 
“You should be resting,” Aemond reprimanded with worry as he met you halfway. You tossed your torch into the water barrel at the mouth of the tunnel to extinguish the flame. The candles surrounding Balerion the Black Dread’s skull illuminated the room in an intimate glow, casting enough light for the both of you. Aemond was quick to brace you, kissing the crown of your head softly.
“Resting?” You replied with a scoff, pulling back to look at him. Aemond took a good look at you as he held you at arm’s length. Your violet eyes were bloodshot, rimmed in red and taupe shadows from countless sleepless nights. Your hair, once taken care of in intricate braids, was let loose to knot in the wind. Your lips were perpetually chapped, your skin just mildly more colorful than when he saw you laying on your deathbed. Your eyes were the most alarming thing to Aemond, though. More so, the hollow look they held. Aemond brought a calloused hand up to rest upon your cheek, his thumb rubbing just under your eye to try and comfort you. 
“You need your strength,” He pleaded softly, the pinched severity dropping from his features with a sigh. Aemond’s other hand came to rest gently upon your stomach as it once did, though he was mindful of the still healing wound. “Pushing yourself will not make this easier. You have not been cleared by the maesters to fly. I cannot lose you to recklessness. I’ve caused enough strife through my own for the both of us,” A heavy frown pulled at your features as you pushed his hands away and turned to look at the remains of Balerion. You did not catch the initial hurt that crossed Aemond’s features as you turned from him.
“A maester’s permission,” You spat. “I do not need a maester to tell me what I can and cannot do, Aemond. I do not need a maester to tell me to lay in bed, alone, to think of what has happened over! and over! and over! without mercy with my only thought a silent prayer for the Stranger to take me and spare me of the madness that grows within me!” You turned your head to Aemond with tears in your eyes and whispered, “You do not understand,”
“I do not understand?” He questions in the common tongue, “Weeks I have come to you, begging for your eyes to open. Weeks I have come to you, begging your forgiveness. Weeks I have come to you, begging you to speak so that I may hear your voice just once more in this wretched life. Weeks I have waited for you return to me, to know that you were still here. My heart aches for you!” He shouted in agony. The timbre of his voice as he shouted his confessions startled you.
“My heart bleeds,” He pounded against his chest with a fist, “for Aelon!” He took long strides over to grasp you by the shoulders. He held you so tightly you could not escape his grasp regardless of how much you fought against him.
“Do not think you are suffering alone,” He spat, though it was in pain and not malice. “Though I only carry the mental scars, I pray you never have to witness me as I have you, bleeding and broken upon your death bed, the Stranger creeping along the shadows! As I have witnessed my child shrouded upon the table of the Silent Sisters!” His voice was a desperate plea for you to hear as he tried to shake sense into you.
“What am I to do,” You started lowly, your voice gaining traction as you continued. “While this family does nothing?” You screamed in madness as you looked up at Aemond. Your words nearly mirrored those he spat at his grandsire during your initial recovery. Each word felt like an arrow to his chest, notched and let loose by his own hand. “Are we to wait until they strike again?” Aemond’s chest heaved, but his grasp did not wain as you struggled against him. “Wait until our nieces and nephews are slain too?” Aemond’s sharp eye narrowed as he backed you up until your back hit the stone wall roughly. He looked down at you as if you were a wild animal, ready to take a bite out of his throat at any moment. The rage you held, though not misplaced, was something Aemond had never witnessed from you. The thought made his chest tighten.
“If burning the entirety of Westros to the ground was the wise thing to do, it would have been done, dear wife!” His hand returned to your face, though it was not loving. Aemond’s rough grasp on your chin was demanding. He wanted you to listen whether you wanted to hear what he had to say or not. You trembled beneath his grasp, hands clinging to his jerkin with tight fists. “Had sieging upon Dragonstone been the wise thing to do, it would have been done!” Aemond’s face came within an inch of yours, “Do not think me weak or uncaring for not laying waste to the Seven Kingdoms because if I had the choice there would be nothing left to speak of!” His voice echoed off of the walls and down the caverns. 
You both stared at each other, chests panting, until your resolve finally crumbled. Your head dropped with a strangled sob and Aemond’s grip on you loosened to pull you to his chest. His hands buried themselves in your dirty hair as he held you with everything he had. Your arms wrapped around his chest, squeezing with all your might to let him know just how badly you were hurting. Both of his hands moved to cup your cheeks to pull you back just enough to see his face. Tear tracks reflected in the glowing light.
“They will pay dearly.” Aemond spoke softly, wiping the tears from your cheeks with his thumbs. “Through fire and blood, they will repay what they have taken. And then, we shall take more and more until there is nothing left of them. I promise you this, until my last breath, my love.” 
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Taglist: @wallacewillow02blog@strawbbyjamb@its-sam-allgood@krispold@multitargaryen
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eeclare · 8 months
I was at the beach today so here are some bobs burgers beach headcanons
Bob applies LAYERS of sunscreen to himself
It’s pretty gross looking, actually
To the point where even Linda is like “yikes” 😬
It’s fine though because at some point (always sooner than later) Louise WILL dump a pail of water in him
She says it’s for the prank but irl she just thinks that her dad slathered in sunscreen in public is of the utmost embarrassment
Gene and Tina wholeheartedly agree
Gene isn’t allowed to bring his keyboard to the beach anymore
There was an incident
But the family doesn’t talk about it so just drop it, okay?
So yeah
He brings a little radio instead
And Gene just plays the most unhinged shit
Drives Louise crazy (so she says)
Honestly, it bothers Tina even more bcs it makes her senses go brrrrrr in a bad way
she does NOT vibe with the gummy bear song
Gene wears a swim shirt/rash guard
And despite the fact that she hates it, Louise's swimsuit has one of those cute ruffled skirts attached to it
She's tried to cut it off but Linda ALWAYS sews it back on again
Linda brings wine coolers disguised inside her travel thermos (stanley knock off??)
But she has extras in the cooler
Obvi bobby brings his portable grill
his burger of the day is the "Beach Burger"
Just a reg burg except he arranges the sesame seeds into a sand dollar pattern
well, an attempted sand dollar pattern
tbh he gets through one burger bun and gives up
To make up for it he attempted to add fish sauce to the burger meat, but it's okay bcs Gene spit it at him and he got the message
Bob also wears a rash guard btw
Linda is a bikini lady; always red, always high waisted
Tina just sticks with the sexy one piece with the wonky stripe
Louise will always invite her friends along
and they always end up coming, much to bob's chagrin
Andy and Ollie let her bury them up to their necks in sand
Rudy (who not only wears a rash guard, but it's a long sleeved rash guard) just watches from a distance
He really does not like it when any parent gets him in trouble, let alone bob
Gene tans, he loves it
It's a lifestyle, not a skin colour
Linda is right behind him on that one
Tina spends most of her time collecting shells and cool rocks she finds
One time she found a heart-shaped stone and gave it to Jimmy jr
but he thought she was handing him a skipping stone so he chucked it right back into the water
(Zeke spent the rest of the day trying to find it, but it was gone forever)
Louise loves skipping rocks
but literally only because it means that she can throw rocks at people on purpose and say that she's just practicing
Bob ends up with wicked tan lines
Every time he takes off his shirt, for weeks afterwards Louise screams bloody murder
Louise can't really swim
she can pull off a mean doggy paddle but quite frankly she doesn't like getting her ears wet
Tina is the strongest swimmer of all of them
but even still, she mostly just sinks
Gene just floats
The kids are pretty sure they have never seen bob get in the water
Something that he denies, even though it's true
He can swim
He just chooses not to
Linda doesn't get in the water much anymore but she used to be an avid swimmer
She briefly got back into it during her syncro phase but after she embarrassed herself and her kids so it didn't last too long
but she does like to go to some sort of community centre pool sometimes just to swim a couple laps
when Linda's at the beach she, like Gene, spends most of her time tanning
where else do you think he got it from?
The only difference is that she makes Gene put at least a little sunblock on
While Linda herself does not put any on at all and gets horrifically burned
BUT its okay! Her skin eventually peels off into a nice, dark tan
bob is terrified of her getting skin cancer, and honestly, its a valid concern
One Linda brushes off, naturally
Tina and Louise LOVE the feeling of the hot sand on their feet
Louise loves the beach because she can comfortably go shoeless
Gene, however, wears his red sneakers
just without socks
stinky boy
Bob also wears a sunhat btw
It's linda's, but as if she uses it lolol
It makes him look classy
Louise WILL clown him for it tho
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ontologic-catgirl · 4 months
Finally worked up enough courage to go swimming without the whole rash guard long sleeves t-shirt so...
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theknightofivanhoe · 4 months
Strange Sight - A Hiccelsa Story pt 2. - A Dollop of Suncream with a side of Flirting
Here we are, the Hiccelsa part you've been waiting for. Where things get a little cheekier.
A crystal blue pool was waiting to be swum in as Hiccup sat on a deckchair squeezing a suncream bottle. His hair flapped faintly in the breeze and he only wore dark green swim shorts baring his lean, fit torso. Right now, Hiccup was gritting his teeth as the bottle shook in his tightening fingers. No cream came out onto the waiting palm of his other hand. True to the name Hiccup, nothing, not even something simple like rubbing in a little suncream, ever went as hoped.  Frustrated, he was too concentrated on squeezing the confounded bottle to notice the footsteps coming his way. Freezing up, his eyes zipped from his still-empty hand to someone in front of him wearing neat black pumps and a rich magenta floor-length gown. ‘Oh boy…’ ‘She’ was coming for a swim too! Part of Hiccup desperately wanted it, but his stomach started to twist, his heartbeat thumping through his ears.
“Hi, Hiccup. You looking forward to a little swim?” came Elsa’s ever-courteous voice, the voluminous gown lovingly draped over her body catching the brunette’s eye. “Oh, hey, Els - Elsa, morning.” he blurted when he had found his voice at last. His nerves getting the best of him, Hiccup ended up deciding to make himself scarce. “No cream coming out, what a shame. Don’t think I’ll be able to swim after all.” “Hold on, Hiccup, I’ll just be a second.” Elsa interrupted and before Hiccup could get up to leave, her hands undid the belt of her gown. As the magenta cloth sailed silently onto the flagstones, Hiccup gaped. His forest-green eyes widened and the inside of his half-open mouth dried up like a desert.
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He beheld naked, curvy, creamy legs, skimpy teal blue-green bikini panties, a lithe stomach and a rash guard top, also teal, printed with swirling patterns and long black sleeves elegantly hugging slim arms. Provence was already hot, but Hiccup’s cheeks and ears simply burned as his eyes trailed up. Further down, he could feel a tingling sensation. Elsa looked down at him with those ice-blue eyes, her gentle smile accentuated perfectly as ever by her lip rouge and her wintry-blond hair wreathed into the same bun from when they first met.
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Eyes locked on Elsa’s fantastically scantily-clad body, Hiccup just couldn’t move from where he sat. Then Elsa posed casually, resting a hand on her hip. “What d’you think? Like my bikini?” she asked cheerfully and winked. That was all it took for Hiccup. Cream sprayed out of the bottle past his hand and onto the flagstones. He mentally cursed his ever-lousy luck.
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But Elsa put a hand to her mouth and giggled. It was the most beautiful, melodic thing Hiccup had heard. “I’m sorry, let me get that for you.” she said hurriedly, quickly bending forward and scooping up the smear of cream. “No, no, don't bother, I’m sorry. I wasn't - I wasn't looking -” At last Hiccup had found his voice, yet he was shaking all over nervously. What didn't help was how Elsa squatted down, giving him a look at the way she flexed her thighs, or the less-than-innocent smirk she gave him. “Oh. Liked what you saw?” She had the cream in her hand and remained crouched down so she was eye level with the trembling young man. “Wha - what did I see? I - wait, what do I like?” Hiccup was a stuttering wreck. “I’m sorry, what were we saying again?…” he managed to get out of his mouth that was going like clockwork false teeth. “I was just asking; you like my bikini?” Elsa repeated, still smirking as she sensually slid her free hand down her exposed thigh.
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Hiccup’s brain seemed to need a reboot before he could form a coherent sentence. After one moment of quickly gathering his thoughts, he used the next to take in Elsa’s beauty. What really fascinated him was how the modesty of the sleeves and high collar of her rash vest contrasted with the naughtiness of her panties hugging her nether regions while flaunting her midriff and legs. “Your bikini’s…fit for a queen.” he murmured with a dreamy smile.
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Elsa giggled again. “Thanks...” she said sweetly, enjoying the way Hiccup’s eyes roamed over her. In return, her winter-coloured eyes discreetly flitted over his slightly hairy chest. “You don’t look so bad yourself.” she quipped.
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“Oh, now, come on, you embarrass me.” Hiccup chuckled, feeling his cheeks go beet red. “Seriously, you’ve got a pretty awesome body.” Elsa’s compliment was not without a blush of her own. “Says the lady who knows how to rock a bikini.” Hiccup playfully countered.
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This made Elsa giggle even more. It seemed the two had grown comfortable admiring one another's state of semi-dress. “So how’re you finding Provence?” Elsa inquired, reminding Hiccup that his eyes were still glued to her skin. “Pre -pretty...pretty awesome.” Hiccup stuttered, pulling his eyes to her face in an effort to make eye contact. “Does Toothless like it?” Elsa inquired. “Enough that he’s gonna be lounging in the shade for pretty much the whole day.” Hiccup replied with a roll of his eyes. “I don’t blame him.” Elsa agreed. “Well at least it leaves us some free time.” Hiccup noted in amusement.
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For a moment, they gazed at each other with what could possibly be a sense of longing. 
“Oh yes, suncream, well, here you...” Elsa, got up from her crouched position and raised the palm she had scooped up the lotion with, before she started to trail off. “...are.”
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Noticing the way she was apprehensively staring down at his chest, Hiccup’s ears burned once again. “What…?” “Would you like…?” Elsa offered, gesturing with her hand. Hiccup could hardly comprehend what god felt generous enough to bless him with such a prospect. A blond girl in a bikini giving his body a rub? By now his heartbeat was simply pumping through his ears. Eventually he steeled his nerves. “Sure.” “Yeah?” Elsa edged her hand closer, but she wanted reassurance.
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“Yeah.” Hiccup’s confidence rose and he gave Elsa a lopsided smirk, reclining onto the bench to give her a good look at those abs and that light chest hair. So Elsa, wide-eyed in awe, crouched beside him and reached. Her wispy fingers drew nearer, then stroked Hiccup’s chest. His breath hitched at Elsa’s touch. It wasn’t freezing cold, but cooled Hiccup’s skin like fresh water. When Elsa placed her palm flat against his skin, a wondrous feeling sparked through them both with the intensity of an electrical charge. As Elsa gently lathered the lotion, she breathed out in pure ecstasy just from trailing her hands along Hiccup’s rippling muscles and bristly hairs. Her eyes gleamed at how it made his skin glisten in the sun like butter. Hiccup just reclined on the bench, simply basking in Elsa’s rubs. In a half-hypnotic state, her hand travelled downwards. This made Hiccup stiffen and gasp. Elsa, gently smiling, caressed her fingers along his tight stomach, amplifying the heavenly sensation. “Yeah, baby…” he hoarsely intoned. This must be paradise.
Elsa swirled her hand around his belly button, finishing off what remained of the cream. “Anywhere else?” she asked, standing up. Hiccup still lay where he was, his smile now growing devious. “Oh, I think we're just getting started…” And he folded his hands behind his head.
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Elsa’s cheeks went pink and her mouth dropped open as she tried to process everything.
Carefully squeezing more lotion out of the tube, Elsa gestured for Hiccup to flip over. As he lay on his front, she sat on the bench next to him and simply massaged the cream into his back. The brunette closed his eyes, loving every minute of it. Elsa was truly enjoying the feel of her hands upon his neck and rangy arms. She did hesitate at his one leg, but Hiccup just nodded encouragingly and she slid her palms up and down his thigh and calf. Pure pleasure pulsated through the young woman at how the hairs across his leg were so coarse and prickly. When she had him sit up straight so she could do his face, it wasn't long before her eyes got lost in his, so full of wit and warmth. For a moment, her lips had come incredibly close to his, before she urgently turned away and stood up. “Thanks…” Hiccup said, a little suspicious at what just happened.
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“Hiccup?” Elsa piped up, becoming slightly shy as the young man looked up at her. “Would you like to do me? I - I mean, would you like to rub me - no - rub on my suncream?” Hiccup held in a laugh at how she stumbled with her words. “As you wish, your majesty.” he joked. Elsa frowned at him as she took his hand to carefully squirt on some cream. “First name terms, Hiccup.” She slid her dainty feet out of her pumps and lay face down on the bench with her chin resting over her folded arms.
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Hiccup found his eyes trailing down the fair skin of Elsa’s back to the teal bikini fabric barely concealing her round, plump bum. He heard another giggle from her. “Hiccup, are you staring at my boo-tiiieee?” she teased in a singsong voice, awakening him from his trance.
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“Sorry.” he gulped. Focusing, despite his ears feeling hot from how embarrassed he was, he gingerly lowered his palm onto her back. When his hand was upon her skin, Hiccup took a moment to relish the smooth, silky feel that was simply Elsa.
“Mmm…” Elsa moaned, closing her eyes like she was tasting hot chocolate. She could feel how rough those hands were from handling motorcycle machinery, having had their share of scars from accidents that had healed over time. His calloused palms and fingers tended to her with utmost care and loving attention. Hiccup loved how his slow, indolent rubs sent the girl humming in pleasure. Under his touch, her skin was like putty he could toy with. “Having fun, your majesty?” he asked smugly. “Oh, shut up and do my belly…” came a muffled reply, though he could hear the glee in Elsa’s voice.
When she turned herself so he could apply the next dab of cream, the brunette dragged his fingers along her abs like an artist at his very own passion project. Elsa happily watched him work, letting out tiny grunts and hums. “You treat your motorbikes this immaculately?” she inquired in a somewhat husky voice, her eyes becoming hooded not just from the heat. “That's the key to handling machinery, O queen…” Hiccup humorously told her with his smile widening, leaning closer into her face. “You tend to them…” His fingers continued to idly slide across her skin. “You lubricate them…” Squirting extra cream onto Elsa, he indulged her in more rubs so that her skin gleamed. Their breathing grew more audible as they looked into one another’s eyes. “And you...tune them.” Hiccup finished, wiggling his fingers along Elsa’s stomach. Elsa squealed, giggling and lightly flailing about.
Then Hiccup opened his mouth in mock surprise. “Don’t tell me her majesty is ticklish?” “Hiccup…” Elsa scolded him, laying her hands protectively over her stomach, but the attempt to fight down her grin was pretty much in vain. “Say your prayers, Elsa. It’s tickling time!” Hiccup taunted and he lunged, his hands skittering across her sides. Elsa squirmed on the bench, her shrieks of laughter and snorting growing more hysterical. She mentally cursed her bikini for leaving her so vulnerable to Hiccup’s mischievous assault, but there was no denying how much she loved this. The two went on wriggling and struggling as Hiccup continued to ticklishly torture Elsa, before he settled down and Elsa found the chance to catch her breath. It wasn’t long before she glanced to her right. There Hiccup lay, propped on his side and not even taking that goofy smile off his stubbly face, amusement dancing in his eyes. Feeling something, she looked down at how they both had a hand rested on each other’s side. Her legs had entangled themselves around his living and his prosthetic ones. Silence passed between Hiccup and Elsa as they tried to comprehend all this. Huddled together, his rounded nose some millimetres from her narrower, more pointed nose, forest green eyes reaching out to wintry blue eyes, both wide and glinting with indescribable emotion. The air was so thick with this alien feeling that neither seemed ready to make the next move.
“You’re enjoying this way too much, aren’t you?” Elsa asked in jest, making Hiccup chuckle. “Well aren’t you?” he asked back. She certainly didn’t look ready to object to how their hands stayed settled on their sides, nor how her legs stayed curled around his. Not when his touch was so gentle, nor when the hairs of his legs bristled up against her skin. The sincerity in Elsa’s smile drove away the awkward pangs that had previously risen up in Hiccup’s stomach minutes ago. 
More suncream was squirted out by Hiccup and applied to Elsa’s face. He traced her cheeks, nose and forehead, never once pressing too hard. It made Elsa relax and gaze at Hiccup more affectionately than possible. Hiccup wouldn’t question, while he daubed her face, why she couldn’t take her hand away from his stomach. Her fingers settled over his abs and belly button, the intimacy between the two soaring to unimaginable levels.  
“How’s that?” Hiccup asked, rubbing in one final layer of cream to the back of Elsa’s neck. “Just one more thing left…” the girl spoke up, rising off the bench. Hiccup sat up again ready for his next task. Suddenly the suncream bottle was handed back to him and he took it, looking up. “Well, attend to your queen.” Elsa commanded Hiccup and lifted her right leg. Time seemed to freeze for Hiccup. He was simply drawn to those curves, from Elsa’s sleek thigh to her foot that dipped its toes over the flagstones, as flawless as fine porcelain. Remembering the bottle in his hand, he glanced up at Elsa who smiled as she waited for him to obey her command. He squirted a dollop of cream onto his palm, then after placing the bottle on the bench, he reached with trembling hands. 
When his fingers made contact with Elsa’s calf, Hiccup found himself in a state of intoxication, sliding his palms along every centimetre and kneading every curve. It sent Elsa biting her lip as she gazed down at Hiccup appreciatively. She simply loved how he indulged her, rubbing the cream in reverently, treating the task as pure privilege. He lightly smiled up at her while his fingers trailed over her knee, then further and further up. As the young mechanic lathered her inner and outer thigh, Elsa quietly giggled in delight and waited until he had reached the very top. “Other one...” she requested, raising her left leg. Hiccup gladly squirted cream onto the calf, then resumed his massages. As always, his rough mechanics’ hands were delicate in how they brushed Elsa’s flesh. Wanting this to last forever, she closed her eyes and tilted her head back, her grin showing her pearly white teeth. While his hand snaked up the thigh, Hiccup sneakily reached his other down for the sole of the blond’s foot and tickled it. Elsa squeaked in another fit of laughter and Hiccup smirked up at her. Elsa smirked back at the young man ghosting his fingers across the waistband of her bikini bottoms. What was it about him that was truly brightening up an already bright and relaxing day, Elsa asked herself as she let him caress her thigh. What was it about him? 
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At last Hiccup stood up. “Okay, I think that’s you sorted.” he declared. Elsa gave him a grateful smile, when she instantly noticed how closely they stood in front of one another. They were utterly frozen in place by how Hiccup’s torso was only millimetres from Elsa’s stomach, skin on the verge of meeting skin. She slowly lifted her head and Hiccup considered asking if anything was the matter. “Hiccup…” Elsa started in a hushed voice, as though she was summoning up courage for something. “Can I…” She closed her eyes and moved her face forward a tiny bit, her lips lightly parting. Hiccup knew what she wanted. His cheeks did heat up, but this time his apprehension gave way to a welcoming smile. “Sure.” he agreed. Elsa's eyes reached into his. He gave a small gasp in surprise at her hand gently clasping his chin and she softly kissed him on the cheek. Motionless and stunned, Hiccup simply savoured her sweetly-scented lips touching his face. It only lasted for a split second when she pulled away. What he then noticed was her slightly cocky grin. “Alright, your majesty, I get you’ve put a spell on me.” Hiccup mock-chided her, folding his arms at her impish attitude.
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“Y’know it, tiger.” Elsa wittily replied with a raised finger before whirling round and swaggering off to the pool. Hiccup followed her, unable to resist glancing down at her impressive buttocks swaying under those panties as her feet glided across the stone flooring.
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‘I swear she does this on purpose…’ Hiccup thought, holding in a chuckle. 
Get ready for some Hiccelsa swimming shenanigans in the next chapter, readers.
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astridellejo · 3 months
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Summer Wardrobe
It's the first day of summer where I live, and Gabrielle, Mitsuki, and Jo are in their summer beach attire to celebrate.
[Image ID] Text at the top in yellow with a thick red outline reads: Summer Wardrobe
Gabrielle, on the left, has her red hair braided up Shadowheart style and she's wearing a green boyshort bikini. She holds a volleyball between her left arm and waist.
Mitsuki, in the center, holds her longboard surfboard behind her. She's wearing blue board shorts and a seafoam green long-sleeved rash guard with a Hokusai inspired wave printed on the front.
Jo, on the right, is covered almost completely in black, black thigh-high socks, black sarong wrap, black zip-neck tanktop, black arm-length gloves. Her head and shoulders are exposed, but she has the added protection of a black paper parasol she holds above her. She's also the only one of the three wearing sunglasses.
Text at the bottom is my signature. astridellejo 18160 [/Image ID]
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rockyouraby · 21 days
Find the Perfect Fit Trendy Kids Swimwear for Every Splash
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When it comes to making a splash this summer, finding the perfect kids swimwear is key to ensuring your little ones are comfortable, stylish, and ready for fun. Whether you're hitting the beach, the pool, or enjoying water play at home, our collection offers a wide range of options for boys, girls, and even the tiniest swimmers. In this guide, we’ll help you navigate the world of kids swimwear so you can find the perfect fit for your child’s needs.
Stylish and Practical Boys' Swimwear Sets
Our selection of boys swimwear sets is designed with both fashion and function in mind. Each set includes coordinating pieces that are perfect for a day at the beach or a pool party. With vibrant prints and durable materials, these sets ensure that your little boy looks great while staying protected from the sun. We offer a variety of styles in boys swimwear that range from classic trunks to rash guard sets, perfect for all kinds of water activities.
Trendy Girls' Swimwear for Every Occasion
For girls who love to make a statement, our girls swimwear collection offers a mix of playful patterns and vibrant colours. From ruffled bikinis to one-piece suits adorned with fun prints, there's something for every little fashionista. Our baby girl swimwear is equally adorable, with cute designs that ensure even the youngest swimmers can join in the fun. These pieces are not only stylish but also provide excellent coverage and comfort, making them ideal for all-day wear.
The Best Swimwear for Boys in Australia
If you’re searching for swimwear for boys that combines style, comfort, and durability, look no further. Our range of boy swimwear in Australia is crafted with high-quality materials that are built to last, even after many trips to the pool or beach. The collection includes a variety of styles, from classic swimwear boy trunks to long-sleeve rash guards that offer extra sun protection. Whether your boy is an avid swimmer or just loves to splash around, our best kids swimwear options will keep him looking cool and feeling great.
Baby Girls' Swimwear: Adorable and Protective
Our baby girls swimwear is designed with your little one’s comfort and safety in mind. Soft, stretchy fabrics ensure a snug yet comfortable fit, while the playful designs add an extra touch of cuteness. Whether you choose a full-coverage suit or a sweet two-piece, our baby girl swimwear provides ample protection from the sun’s harmful rays, making it perfect for your next family outing to the beach.
Why Choose Our Kids' Swimwear Australia?
We understand that when it comes to kids swimwear Australia, quality and design are equally important. That’s why we offer a range of swimwear that not only looks great but is also designed to withstand the rigours of active play. Our collection is made from durable, quick-drying fabrics that keep your child comfortable, whether they’re swimming, building sandcastles, or just enjoying the sun. With options for all ages, from babies to older children, you’re sure to find the perfect piece in our collection.
Shop the Best Kids' Swimwear Today
Ready to find the perfect kids' swimwear for your little one? Visit our kids' swimwear collection to explore the latest styles. Whether you’re looking for boys' swimwear sets, girls swimwear, or baby girls swimwear, we have something for every young swimmer. Don’t miss out on our best kids swimwear options – shop now and get your child ready for a summer full of fun and adventure!
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