#Long-term Complications
wellhealthhub · 11 months
Diabetes Medicine: An In-depth Guide to Managing Diabetes
Looking for detailed information on diabetes medicine? This extensive article covers all aspects of effective diabetes management, including a wide range of treatments and medications. Gain insights from experts and real-life experiences. Introduction: Recognizing the Vitality of Diabetes Medicine Diabetes, a pervasive chronic condition afflicting millions worldwide, arises from impaired blood…
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zecoritheweirdone · 2 months
wanna preface this by saying that i am. So normal. anyway i just spent the last week redrawing scenes from mystery skulls animated but as that hermitcraft au i posted about a couple times. you guys should watch msa it is. so so good.
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bunnieswithknives · 1 month
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The sillies!! Might gonna change Demon Laios' design later and I still need a name for whatever this AU is
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crimeronan · 1 year
been thinking about the rabies condition in writing lately, which is a GREAT post about stakes and characterization. basically exploring how if there's a 100% chance a character is doomed, then they can and will do extremely dangerous/damaging/contraindicated things for the slimmest hope of survival. which is one of my Favorite narrative devices
but while we're using health metaphors, i've been thinking about another somewhat complicated means of introducing character stakes, which i'm tentatively calling 'the autoimmune condition' for reasons that are. obvious
the premise itself is simple: the character has Something that they need to survive. they either can't live without this thing or they will lose something vital about themselves if they lose this thing. there is no replacement or alternative for the thing. what's most important are that the consequences for losing it are Extreme, rabies-condition-style
in the real life allegory, this is the immune system. which is great for being alive!
then the problem is introduced when this thing starts killing the character.
the character still needs it to live.
so: there is a 100% chance that you will die if you destroy the thing killing you. if you impair it through other means, there is a 100% chance of consequences, though the severity of those consequences is up to the author. (these are medication side effects in the real life allegory.)
if you do everything you're supposed to then you'll PROBABLY survive, but you're gonna have to play lifelong tug-of-war to balance everything, and you are often going to have to choose between two shitty options. bc there is no alternative.
this is a counterpart to the rabies condition in terms of stakes; with this condition, your character has to make complicated and difficult decisions about what they're sacrificing for their future. it's not the immediate life-and-death stakes of rabies, it's a slow decay instead.
what side effect consequences are they willing to take on?? and what are they NOT willing to take on?? where do their priorities lie in terms of symptom management?? what other solutions are they looking for?? what are they willing to sacrifice??
and perhaps most importantly: what exactly do they need to lose before they'll Accept the side effects / sacrifices that used to terrify them?? how high do the stakes need to be??
at what point is this character going to look back at the choices they've made up to this point, and realize that they no longer recognize themselves??
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presiding · 3 months
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humansider by @lapinneok
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fauvester · 8 months
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this actually lived in my head all night and i had to draw it out. theyre not related by blood but they for SURE marinated in garashir's vibes
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camgoloud · 2 days
he still has his tonsils. by the way if you even care
#sorry this is fucking UNINTELLIGIBLE but unfortunately i’m still on my bullshit about dr. daddyissues. yeah it’s gonna be all month#i am rotating episode 2.8 ‘the mistake’ in my head at breakneck speed. i am gnawing on it i want to swallow it#oh he’s such a lying liar who lies. charming little bastard. would rather die/lose his license than express one wholly unaffected emotion#‘he thinks not giving a crap makes him like house. like it’s something to aspire to’ quick question HOW serious do the daddy issues have to#be before you start latching on to fucking GREGORY HOUSE as a paternal figure and role model. really#even cameron is not down this bad. even WILSON is not down this bad.#the daddy issues of it all are very understandable though because even setting aside whatever went down back in childhood that shit his#father did to him in seasons 1-2 is SO messed up. jesus#imagine traveling all the way across the world to the hospital your son works in for a consult which confirms what you already knew: you’re#going to die of cancer in like 2 months. making a whole point out of stopping by to visit your son. not telling him what’s going on.#letting him spend a whole episode’s worth of time gradually coming to terms with his complicated feelings towards you (complicated on#account of a whole childhood of objectively awful parenting). the kid finally is able to try reaching back out to you. after YOU initiated#the contact in the first place. how do you react? well obviously by telling him ‘oh sorry i actually have to get in a taxi right now’ and#fucking back off to the other side of the world without giving him a chance to actually talk to you at all and resolve any of the emotions#you just dredged up. oh by the way you still haven’t fucking told him you’re about to die and in fact actively mislead him into thinking#he’s going to have the chance to try meeting with you again next time he visits your home country.#especially fucked up given that the whole reason it DID take your son so long to come around THIS time is that he feels like every time#he’s tried reaching out to you in the past you’ve just disappointed him by refusing to put in the effort to meet him there.#And Now Here We Are Again.#rowan what the FUCK is wrong with you. i want to dig you up and kill you again#house md#robert chase#caseyposting
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dennisboobs · 6 months
#the reason cisswap lesbian macden does nothing for me is bc i get my dose of lesbianism from canon charden <3#i say it (jokingly) all the time but i think if the sunny fandom was more open to charden y'all would have more fun#everything ppl do with macden to make it ~more fun~ is literally. already there with charden#macden is a lot of fun in its own way but if i want butch/femme lesbians i have charden already--#this is literally why i ship both. if i want to fuck around with gender i can throw charden together#if i want to fuck around with weird codependent loser roommates i can throw macden together#they have different dynamics and both bring different shit to the table#also idk such a massive part of dennis is his (often unapologetic but still stifled) more 'feminine' gender expression#so making him a cis woman who likes being feminine is like. yea. that sure is. cis woman dennis.#as someone who has an extremely complicated history w expressing femininity or anything that is even seen as being remotely femme#it doesn't grab me#the genderfuckery is not there#but TRANSBIAN CHARDEN???? YEAAAAAH#i think mac being so focused on upholding traditional mascilinity IS a very interesting dynamic to have next to. you know. dennis.#wheras charlie could not give less of a fuck#i think gender exploration with macden would take a completely different form but still be extremely interesting for both of them#but there's a lot less initial acceptance and a lot more hiding on den's part#especially if the two are in a relationship#because mac coming to terms with being gay took so long so dennis being at all feminine or even transfem is like#mac needs to do. more introspection#which is an entirely different set of issues to charden gender exploration where like#charlie being nonconforming. not shaving. not caring abt using she/her pronouns. being nontraditional in every way and not giving a fuck#would be absolutely fucking absurd to dennis who is very conformist after she comes out#and would probably be content to conform to whats expected of her as a woman with mac IF she did manage to come out at all#bc dennis would have to actually manage to come out. instead of hiding the fact she's trans > looking at carmen and the way mac treated her#i think both paths have additional challenges and that's. you know. whats interesting.#is cisswap den butchy? does she hide her masculine interests? is denise transmasc...??#cisswap mac being butch is like. you know. nonconforming so it doesn't quite do the same thing as canon mac either#mac being Traditional and catholic and having to push past homophobia (internalized and externalized) to be himself is. pretty huge#would cisswap mac be a tradwife. like. thats sort of the equivalent
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purple-worm · 2 years
Choi Do-il really said "you're financially illiterate because you've never had the privilege to live beyond supermarket reward points or learn anything that wasn't absolutely required for your family's survival and NOT because you aren't intelligent enough". and that was very sexy of him.
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qqueenofhades · 1 year
Also, just as an overall observation, I really can't help but wonder how much better things might be if we actually tried to teach kids about the complexities of the world, rather than "Protecting Them."
(But that's the one thing the right wing literally can't stand, so god forbid we do that.)
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b-blushes · 4 months
also i am going to the dr tomorrow so please can you send some spare good vibes my way if you have them thank you
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wellhealthhub · 11 months
Exploring the Enigmatic Realm of Type 4 Diabetes: Unraveling the Intricate Connection Between Diabetes and Brain Health
Discover the mysterious Type 4 Diabetes, an enigmatic and distinct form of diabetes that intertwines with the intricate workings of the brain. Uncover the multifaceted causes, intricate symptoms, cutting-edge treatment options, and innovative prevention strategies. Gain valuable insights into harmonizing blood glucose levels with cognitive health for optimal well-being. Delve into the depths of…
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hawnks · 7 months
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Crow has mommy issues AND a brother complex <3
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ovaruling · 8 months
been noticing painful swelling of my years-old abdominal surgical scar and more worrying webs of visibly dark blue electric-to-the-touch vessels across my butt on top of everything else. i’m so tired of never having healed from the cosmetic surgeries. i’m so tired of whipping myself for how stupid i was bc there’s simply nothing else to do and no one else to blame. i’m so tired of how this continues to cause pain and discomfort every day of my life. i’m so tired of wondering how much worse this will all get with aging and oxidization.
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pocket-size-cthulhu · 6 months
I'm constantly shocked by the disconnect between the patriarchal ideal of manhood vs what anyone interested in men actually wants in a man.
You see all these men online who are like "I make 6 figures. I'm 6 feet tall. I own a sports car. I go to the gym every day. But the only women who are interested in me are ugly. Nobody else will give me a chance. What am I doing wrong?"
Like how is it not common knowledge at this point that THE #1 THING YOU CAN DO to get women's attention if you're a man trying to date women is to genuinely like and respect women as people?
Get some women friends you care about that you're not trying to sleep with. It's a huge green flag. When you meet someone you're interested in, find out what she likes to do and learn a bit about it. Be interested in her.
Guys can literally be broke and plain and out of shape and drive a beater car, but if they're genuinely kind people with friendships, who have a couple hobbies and show interest in other people's hobbies, there will be women who are into them. Guaranteed. The only other thing is like some level of good grooming. Take showers, wear clean clothes, brush your hair. ✨ that's literally all ✨ I can't believe there are still guys out there who think they need to match the patriarchal ideal of manhood, an ideal that was constructed without the input of women, to get women's attention
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mod2amaryllis · 10 months
why am i sad :/ (works at the sad factory)
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